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fclass | 2 | tertiary (2), |
fdot:fihs | 20 | 103 (2), 105 (3), 106 (1), 114 (9), 153 (1), 408 (3), 519 (1), |
fdot:ref | 25 | CR 0361 (1), CR 209 (1), CR 305 (1), CR 39A (1), CR 424 (1), CR 484 (1), CR 486 (1), CR 490 (3), CR 490A (1), CR 491 (1), CR 509 (1), CR 574 (1), CR 610 (1), CR 634 (1), CR 765 (4), CR 768 (1), CR 778 (4), |
fdot:sis | 25 | emerging (6), emerging (connector) (1), yes (16), yes (connector) (2), |
fee | 3976 | 0.50€ (1), 1 ROL/h (1), 1 leu (1), 10 (1), 100 AMD (2), 10ron/day (1), 2 RON/h (1), 20 RON (1), 2000 Kip (1), 2ron/h (1), 2€ (1), 3 lei (2), 3ron/h (1), 50 (1), 50 Bani (1), 5ron/day (1), BCR (2), BRD (2), CEC (2), CEC Bank ATM (1), Da (2), Free for Kaufland shoppers (1), Have to learn in the school (1), LEI (1), Mo-Fr 8:00-12:00,14:00-19:00 (1), No fee! (1), Privat (1), Private (3), Schimb Valutar (1), Tent: 1-3person: 40lei, 4-6person: 60lei, >6person: 80lei; parking: car: 20lei, camper/bus: 50lei (1), Transilvania (2), UniCredit Bank (1), UniCredit Tiriac (1), Western Union (1), bcr (1), interval (2), no (2076), prepaid (1), unknown (1), varies (1), yes (1847), yes + charge = 2300 (2), € 1,30 (2), |
fee:conditional | 18 | no @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-16:00) (1), no @ (Mo-Sa 00:00-08:00,20:00-24:00; Su) (1), no @ (Mo-Sa 00:00-08:00,20:00-24:00; Su)parking=street_side (1), no @ (Mo-Sa 00:00-09:00,22:00-24:00; Su) (1), no @ (Mo-Sa 18:00-08:00;Su 00:00-13:00,18:00-24:00) (1), yes @ (17:00-07:00) (1), yes @ (20:00-08:00) (2), yes @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-23:00 AND stay > 6 minutes) (2), yes @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00) (7), yes @ students (1), |
fee:price | 3 | 3RON/ora (3), |
fee:source | 3 | https://application2.ibb.gov.tr/tulasim/ucrettarife.aspx (1), https://iett.istanbul/tr/main/pages/iett-toplu-ulasim-ucret-tarifesi/42 (2), |
fee:urinal | 1 | no (1), |
fee_zone | 1 | 63 (1), |
feeding:fodder | 14 | hay (14), |
feeding:for | 4 | game (4), |
feeding:type | 14 | manger (14), |
female | 57 | no (1), yes (56), |
fence | 7 | bars (1), railing (2), steel_pallisade (1), wall (1), yes (2), |
fence:material | 1 | metal_sheet (1), |
fence:usage | 1 | border_control (1), |
fence_type | 1708 | 1.5 (1), 2 (1), 22 (1), Fabrica_de_mezeluri_Reinert (1), balustrade (1), barbed_wire (13), bars (15), brick (11), cement_block (3), chain (17), chain_link (163), chain_linkqqqq (1), concerte (1), concrete (169), corrugated_metal (17), dry_rock (1), electric (6), eternit (1), glass (6), hedge (15), metal (519), metal_bars (21), metalq (1), net (1), panel (1), plate (2), pole (8), railing (282), railings (1), slatted (9), split_rail (2), stone (19), sârmă_ghimpată (1), wall (10), wire (71), wire_mesh (5), wood (309), wood_panel (1), wrought_iron (1), |
fenced | 4 | wall (1), yes (3), |
ferry | 179 | footway (1), no (6), primary (1), secondary (4), tertiary (2), yes (165), |
ferry:name | 1 | Oltişoru 2; Oltişoru 3; Poienari 2 (1), |
fhrs:id | 11 | 1207308 (1), 1260420 (1), 206065 (1), 206886 (1), 211528 (1), 363037 (1), 416936 (1), 663259 (1), 71141 (1), 8479 (1), 950783 (1), |
fias:code | 1 | 4504c6b3-f501-4f6b-949f-45704aa3ecdd (1), |
fid | 1530 | 1 (1), 10 (1), 100 (1), 1000 (1), 1001 (1), 1002 (1), 1003 (1), 1004 (1), 1005 (1), 1006 (1), 1007 (1), 1008 (1), 1009 (1), 101 (1), 1010 (1), 1011 (1), 1012 (1), 1013 (1), 1014 (1), 1015 (1), 1016 (1), 1017 (1), 1018 (1), 1019 (1), 102 (1), 1020 (1), 1021 (1), 1022 (1), 1023 (1), 1024 (1), 1025 (1), 1026 (1), 1027 (1), 1028 (1), 1029 (1), 103 (1), 1030 (1), 1031 (1), 1032 (1), 1033 (1), 1034 (1), 1035 (1), 1036 (1), 1037 (1), 1038 (1), 1039 (1), 104 (1), 1040 (1), 1041 (1), 1042 (1), 1043 (1), 1044 (1), 1045 (1), 1046 (1), 1047 (1), 1048 (1), 1049 (1), 105 (1), 1050 (1), 1051 (1), 1052 (1), 1053 (1), 1054 (1), 1055 (1), 1056 (1), 1057 (1), 1058 (1), 1059 (1), 106 (1), 1060 (1), 1061 (1), 1062 (1), 1063 (1), 1064 (1), 1065 (1), 1066 (1), 1067 (1), 1068 (1), 1069 (1), 107 (1), 1070 (1), 1071 (1), 1072 (1), 1073 (1), 1074 (1), 1075 (1), 1076 (1), 1077 (1), 1078 (1), 1079 (1), 108 (1), 1080 (1), 1081 (1), 1082 (1), 1083 (1), 1084 (1), 1085 (1), 1086 (1), 1087 (1), 1088 (1), 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676 (1), 677 (1), 678 (1), 679 (1), 68 (1), 680 (1), 681 (1), 682 (1), 683 (1), 684 (1), 685 (1), 686 (1), 687 (1), 688 (1), 689 (1), 69 (1), 690 (1), 691 (1), 692 (1), 693 (1), 694 (1), 695 (1), 696 (1), 697 (1), 698 (1), 699 (1), 7 (1), 70 (1), 700 (1), 701 (1), 702 (1), 703 (1), 704 (1), 705 (1), 706 (1), 707 (1), 708 (1), 709 (1), 71 (1), 710 (1), 711 (1), 712 (1), 713 (1), 714 (1), 715 (1), 716 (1), 717 (1), 718 (1), 719 (1), 72 (1), 720 (1), 721 (1), 722 (1), 723 (1), 724 (1), 725 (1), 726 (1), 727 (1), 728 (1), 729 (1), 73 (1), 730 (1), 731 (1), 732 (1), 733 (1), 734 (1), 735 (1), 736 (1), 737 (1), 738 (1), 739 (1), 74 (1), 740 (1), 741 (1), 742 (1), 743 (1), 744 (1), 745 (1), 746 (1), 747 (1), 748 (1), 749 (1), 75 (1), 750 (1), 751 (1), 752 (1), 753 (1), 754 (1), 755 (1), 756 (1), 757 (1), 758 (1), 759 (1), 76 (1), 760 (1), 761 (1), 762 (1), 763 (1), 764 (1), 765 (1), 766 (1), 767 (1), 768 (1), 769 (1), 77 (1), 770 (1), 771 (1), 772 (1), 773 (1), 774 (1), 775 (1), 776 (1), 777 (1), 778 (1), 779 (1), 78 (1), 780 (1), 781 (1), 782 (1), 783 (1), 784 (1), 785 (1), 786 (1), 787 (1), 788 (1), 789 (1), 79 (1), 790 (1), 791 (1), 792 (1), 793 (1), 794 (1), 795 (1), 796 (1), 797 (1), 798 (1), 799 (1), 8 (1), 80 (1), 800 (1), 801 (1), 802 (1), 803 (1), 804 (1), 805 (1), 806 (1), 807 (1), 808 (1), 809 (1), 81 (1), 810 (1), 811 (1), 812 (1), 813 (1), 814 (1), 815 (1), 816 (1), 817 (1), 818 (1), 819 (1), 82 (1), 820 (1), 821 (1), 822 (1), 823 (1), 824 (1), 825 (1), 826 (1), 827 (1), 828 (1), 829 (1), 83 (1), 830 (1), 831 (1), 832 (1), 833 (1), 834 (1), 835 (1), 836 (1), 837 (1), 838 (1), 839 (1), 84 (1), 840 (1), 841 (1), 842 (1), 843 (1), 844 (1), 845 (1), 846 (1), 847 (1), 848 (1), 849 (1), 85 (1), 850 (1), 851 (1), 852 (1), 853 (1), 854 (1), 855 (1), 856 (1), 857 (1), 858 (1), 859 (1), 86 (1), 860 (1), 861 (1), 862 (1), 863 (1), 864 (1), 865 (1), 866 (1), 867 (1), 868 (1), 869 (1), 87 (1), 870 (1), 871 (1), 872 (1), 873 (1), 874 (1), 875 (1), 876 (1), 877 (1), 878 (1), 879 (1), 88 (1), 880 (1), 881 (1), 882 (1), 883 (1), 884 (1), 885 (1), 886 (1), 887 (1), 888 (1), 889 (1), 89 (1), 890 (1), 891 (1), 892 (1), 893 (1), 894 (1), 895 (1), 896 (1), 897 (1), 898 (1), 899 (1), 9 (1), 90 (1), 900 (1), 901 (1), 902 (1), 903 (1), 904 (1), 905 (1), 906 (1), 907 (1), 908 (1), 909 (1), 91 (1), 910 (1), 911 (1), 912 (1), 913 (1), 914 (1), 915 (1), 916 (1), 917 (1), 918 (1), 919 (1), 92 (1), 920 (1), 921 (1), 922 (1), 923 (1), 924 (1), 925 (1), 926 (1), 927 (1), 928 (1), 929 (1), 93 (1), 930 (1), 931 (1), 932 (1), 933 (1), 934 (1), 935 (1), 936 (1), 937 (1), 938 (1), 939 (1), 94 (1), 940 (1), 941 (1), 942 (1), 943 (1), 944 (1), 945 (1), 946 (1), 947 (1), 948 (1), 949 (1), 95 (1), 950 (1), 951 (1), 952 (1), 953 (1), 954 (1), 955 (1), 956 (1), 957 (1), 958 (1), 959 (1), 96 (1), 960 (1), 961 (1), 962 (1), 963 (1), 964 (1), 965 (1), 966 (1), 967 (1), 968 (1), 969 (1), 97 (1), 970 (1), 971 (1), 972 (1), 973 (1), 974 (1), 975 (1), 976 (1), 977 (1), 978 (1), 979 (1), 98 (1), 980 (1), 981 (1), 982 (1), 983 (1), 984 (1), 985 (1), 986 (1), 987 (1), 988 (1), 989 (1), 99 (1), 990 (1), 991 (1), 992 (1), 993 (1), 994 (1), 995 (1), 996 (1), 997 (1), 998 (1), 999 (1), |
field | 3 | yes (3), |
filter | 10 | 1.00000000000e+000 (10), |
fire_hydrant.source:count | 1 | 1 (1), |
fire_hydrant:awwa_class | 24 | A (6), B (18), |
fire_hydrant:diameter | 3594 | 100 (3527), 120 (1), 125 (1), 150 (29), 160 (1), 200 (5), 250 (1), 300 (2), 4" (1), 400 (1), 80 (20), К-200 (2), К-225 (1), К-600 (1), Т-325 (1), |
fire_hydrant:housenumber | 5 | 13 (1), 49 (1), 5 (1), 80 (1), 82 (1), |
fire_hydrant:position | 4251 | green (470), lane (54), null (3497), parking_lot (6), pedestrian_area (1), sidewalk (223), |
fire_hydrant:pressure | 3504 | 0 (1), null (3497), yes (6), |
fire_hydrant:signage | 7 | missing (6), plate (1), |
fire_hydrant:street | 5 | Александра Невского (1), Комсомольская улица (1), Молодежная улица (2), Речной проезд (1), |
fire_hydrant:type | 4711 | pillar (4422), underground (289), |
fire_operator | 5 | 71 ПСЧ (5), |
fire_sprinkler | 1 | yes (1), |
fireplace | 31 | Pompieri Carei (1), no (12), yes (18), |
fishing | 593 | customers (1), fee (3), members_only (1), no (13), permissive (7), permit (2), private (527), public (1), yes (38), |
fitness_station | 29 | balance_beam (1), box (3), fitness_station (6), push-up (1), reverse_butterfly (1), yes (17), |
fixme | 6564 | # levels needs verifying (3), + Zusatzanzeiger Zs? (2), 0 or 1 stars? (1), 1 (6), 2 Zs Anzeiger noch nicht vollständig erfasst (4), 235 is duplicated, please check on site (1), 88a does not exist. From 2020 there is a route 88 (1), ? 22605 (1), ?? (1), A lot of nodes are in the wrong order, second bus route mapped sorry. (1), Abends Route über Randersacker (1), Add all stops to this route (1), Add feature (1), Add my name (9), Add short runs to Guisley/Horsforth. Only runs full route Leeds to Otley Mon-Sat evening and Sundays. (1), Add short runs to Yeadon (1), Add stops (1), Add stops and platforms (2), Added temporarily in order to split the track removed for construction and mark the one inside Bod station as normal; location likely not accurate due to a train being in the satelite image used (1), Address is approximated (2), Adresa muzeului este de fapt adresa localitati, trebuie cautat manual unde este adresa corecta (172), Adresa muzeului este de fapt adresa strazi, trebuie cautat manual unde este adresa corecta (39), Adresse (3), Ajouter les omnibus Grenoble<>St André, les services Chambéry<>Lyon et Chambéry<>Bourgoin, puis le service d'autocar de soirée. (1), Ajustar as bordas e inserir ilhas dentro do multipoligono (1), Alternative names: Abbortjørna [NVE], Abbortjønna [vann 443048] (1), Alternative names: Biehkanjávrrit [vann 686099], Øvre Biehkanjávri [vann 411046] (1), Alternative names: Gærnætjørna [NVE], Gærnætjønna [tjern 321878] (1), Alternative names: Höyhenjärvi Fjørvatnet [NVE], Fjørvatnet - Bajjeeannu;Buhcajávri - Höyhenjärvi [innsjø 868044] (1), Alternative names: Höyhenjärvi Fjørvatnet [NVE], Vaggatem - Vagatamjávri - Vââggtemjäuʹrr - Vouvatusjärvi [innsjø 807719] (1), Alternative names: Sagdamman [NVE], Øvre Sagdam [tjern 532345] (1), Alternative names: Sandneslangvatnet [NVE], Sandneslangvatnet - Važžejávri [vann 262169], Važželuoppal [vann 625135] (1), Alternative names: Steintjørna [NVE], Steintjønna [tjern 626233] (1), Alternative names: Store Holmvatn [NVE], Holmvatn;Store Holmvatnet - Gálašanjávri - Saarijärvi [vann 504131] (1), Alternative names: Svanetjørna [NVE], Svanetjønna [tjern 746116] (1), Alternative names: Svanevatn [NVE], Loken [vann 579251], Svanevatn - Čoalbmejávri - Salmijärvi [lon 868916] (1), Alternative names: Tørrfurutjørna [NVE], Tørrfurutjønna [tjern 139786] (1), Alternative names: Vuosttamusjavri [NVE], Førstevatn - Vuosttamušjávri [vann 80831] (1), Ange typ av farthinder (2), Approximate location (1), Approximate location, according to documentation (În zona hotelului IBIS, în perimetrul str. Mircea cel Bătrân, Ecaterina Varga, Negru Vodă, Dragoş Vodă). Please move if you know the correct location. (1), Approximate route, needs survey (1), Approximative location (10), Arrêt pas encore mis en service. (1), Arrêts Venoix et Galliéni (1), Asumed this is a residence, not an office (1), At least a part of this road is a track - please resurvey (1), Aufteilung in Hin- und Rückroute (1), Aus Karl-Kaufmann-Weg hervorgegangen. Verlauf stellenweise verändert. Bislang zwischen Ahrbrück und Buschhoven überprüft. Bitte weitere Änderungen eintragen, wer welche findet. (1), Based on Bing, does not appear on newer images. Moved? (1), Based on Google street view (1), Based on a single track, please resurvey (1), Bei https://www.osterode.de/regional/touren/radfernweg-weser-harz-heide-radweg-912000034-21351.html?titel=Radfernweg%3A+Weser-Harz-Heide+Radweg gibt es eine abweichende Routenbeschreibung. Welche entspricht der Ausschilderung? (1), Bing Imagery covered by clouds (1), Bing pictures are not great here. (1), Bing's satellite pictures are cloudy (updpate required one day) (1), Bitte die Route vor Ort prüfen und entsprechend dem neuen Verlauf anpassen. (1), Bloc 4 and 5 might be reversed. Please change if you know for sure (2), Bornheim Mitte: Halteposition prüfen; Bockenheimer Warte: erste Bedienung Halteposition prüfen (1), Boundary defined by remote survey and surrounding managed forest, may not be the definitive skiing area and may exclude some off-piste areas. (1), Buildings connected in error (1), CLC (1), Camping ? (1), Cannot identify all destinations from the openstreetcam photo. need local knowledge (2), Check alignment when areal imagery next updates. Estimated from survey October 2022. (2), Check classification (1), Check closing hours (1), Check if this is the actual building. (1), Check if this path still exists (1), Check it, please: is here a swimmng pool?, a "népi-feredő"? (1), Check lanes. (1), Check name (photo blured) (1), Check opening hours (1), Check the name (3), Circuit, towers & conductors decommissioned on the north side of the Danube at 45.278072°, 28.510486°. The relationship should be removed as it erroneously indicates circuit continuity to Vulcanesti (Moldova) via 750kV. (2), Circuit, towers & conductors decommissioned on the north side of the Danube at 45.278072°, 28.510486°. The relationship should be removed as it erroneously indicates circuit continuity to Vulcanesti (Moldova) via 750kV.
Removing voltage from line. (2), Clasificare exacta a statiunii (1), Columbuksen pysäkki (1), Complete the full line to Dambovita river. (1), Confirm Bakewell Square stand (2), Confirm route and stops in Ashford - timetable suggests village is served at new road bus stop. But NAPTAN only shows this stop northbound - traveline shows it serving Ashford arms instead. Survey required. (2), Confirm route between Anchor Inn and Bradwell - traveline shows no stops but seems very unlikley. No mention of limted stop in timetable. (1), Confirm routing at Bridgehouses roundabout (2), Confirm this. (1), Connect missing stops in Harxheim and Lörzweiler. (1), Consider names: Bøttemyra - Eabbarašjeaggi [myr 564014], Marjajänkä [myr 835364] (1), Consider names: Gaivomyra [myr 79903], Sametimyra - Sámetjeaggi - Samettijängät [myr 443899] (1), Consider names: Nedre Sagdam [tjern 108353], Sagdamman [tjern 747816] (1), Consider names: Stormyra - Stuorrajeaggi [myr 201009], Lastajeaggi [myr 957527] (1), Consider names: Suovkajeaggi [myr 80030], Skihpárjeaggi [myr 504028] (1), Consider names: Tommamyra [myr 18010], Kildemyra - Kaltiojänkä [myr 503003], Gjøkbuktmyra [myr 868028], Nilamyra - Niilanjänkä [myr 79036], Nyrudmyra [myr 261039] (1), Consider names: Uvdujeaggi [myr 443022], Piekanajänkä [myr 168307], Aksojänkä [myr 653287] (1), Consider names: Vestmyra - Västäjänkä [myr 168319], Ferdesmyra - Fárrenjeaggi [myr 382006] (1), Consider names: Ytre Skoltemyran - Venhenjänkä [myr 47588], Indremyra [myr 443103], Ytremyra [myr 625091], Skoltevollmyra;Indre Skoltemyran - Venheenkenttäaapa [myr 565189] (1), Consider names: Ødemyra - Evettijänkä [myr 261116], Saarimaajänkä [myr 686102], Kirkkokivijänkä [myr 382125] (1), Continue (6), Continue and fix it's path. (1), Continue route (5), Continue towards Zetea (1), Continue! (1), Continues (1), Continues through Lillträsket (1), Continues to Manjärv (1), Corporate Center or Columbia Mall Circle? (1), Correct Romanian name required (1), Correct layout of park alleys needed (1), Correct location (1), Could just be something agricultural... (1), Could use verification and better conflation. (2), Couldn't find the exact location but should be around here. (1), Crossing highway & coastline (4), Crossover placed based on picture taken at the place at a previous time because the sattelite imagery was unclear. Additional check is needed to ensure the location is accurate. (1), Csíkszereda-Szécsenyben valahol (1), Das einsame Stück am Ende ist unklar, ob es gelöscht werden muss oder die sehr große Lücke zu schließen. (1), Das ist das Regionalpark Südwest Wegenetz bzw Regionalpark Routennetz Südlich des Mains. siehe auch Regionalparkseite. Relation hat Stand 07-2022 allerdings diverse Fehler. einiges korrigiert, aber im Raum Rüsselsheim noch viel falsch. (1), De actualizat delimitare administrativa exacta la granita cu cea a Iasiului. (1), Dead-end tower? (1), Der Verlauf im Raum Siegen ist veraltet. Bitte reparieren (1), Derby end incomplete (1), Det er ikke færdig endnu. Broer mangler f. eks. (1), Did not know exact location but should be around here. (1), Die Passage der Fußgängerzone am Ludwigsplatz in Straubing ist geschätzt, da nicht klar ist, ob diese mit Fahrrad passiert werden darf. (1), Die Route weicht vielfach von der bei https://regio.outdooractive.com/oar-oberlausitz/de/tour/radfahren/froschradweg-paradies-nicht-nur-fuer-froesche/ bereitgestellten gpx-Datei ab. Die Route sollte den örtlichen Wegweisungen folgen. (1), Die ausgeschilderten Radwege, die hier erfasst sind, werden in keiner App angezeigt. Eine Lösung ist ein Ansatz, der von einigen Mappern (zum Beispiel in Bielefeld) umgesetzt wird. Siehe https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_feature/basic_network (1), Do poprawy jak będą lepsze zdjęcia - zrobione na maxar (1), Do these buildings have addr:street = Strada Sanzienelor or Strada Magnoliel. Need street level imagery or local knowledge (12), Does it really exist? (1), Does it really merge into the main track? Can't find this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGN-U6n2PJQ (1), Does the bus use Tennyson Road or Whitehouse Road? and does it stops at Whitehouse Lane/Whitehouse Road? (1), Does this road exist? Please resurvey. (1), Does this road exist? There is a path from 47.20188,25.19744 heading east, but I didn't see a road there. (5), Does this road have a (signed) name? #surveyme (1), Doesn't seem to be correct location (1), Draft geometry as per Maxar imagery (1), Draw properly when available on aerial photo (1), Drawn approximately (1), Drumul e mai mult o potecă, poate fi oricând măturat de aluviuni sau acoperit de vegetație (2), Dual Carraigeway (1), Duplicated highway here with relation (1), Eerste deel Centraal-Zuidplein lijkt te missen. (1), Eigenlijk zouden de kleinere delen (o.a. Blauwe Beugel en Kleine Poel) ook onder Westeinder Plassen moeten vallen. Het grote water zou dan Grote Poel genoemd kunnen worden. (1), El municipio de Neuquén anula las concesiones de Autobuses Neuquén y Pehuenche en la ciudad desde Enero de 2023. Definir operador. (14), Endas norra änden av stigen är uppmätt med GPS, var den slurar söderut är okänt. (1), Ennek a tónak a helyére épült a kék tetejű épület? (1), Es könnte nicht schaden, diese Route in einzelne Abschnitte zu unterteilen. (1), Exact Location ?? (1), Exact location and shape? (1), Exact location? (2), Exact track of the cycleway is unknown (1), Exactly where is the east end? (1), Exactly where is the north end? verify west end of north section (1), Extrapolation: Fahrweg Kinderspital → Theater überprüfen (8 min Fahrzeit ohne Haltestellen) (1), Ez lenne a betlehem, amit a készítők írnak? http://vandoriskola.hu/hu/kirandulasok-taborok/taborok/furdoepito-kalakak/2006-kalaka-csiksomlyon (1), Ez lenne a kb egy négyzetméteres négyzet alakú fűzfás lábáztató? (1), FInd the exact location. (1), Fahrplan überprüfen (1), Fahrtverlauf zwischen Stöcken und Vahrenheider Markt fehlt noch. Außerdem Haltepositionen insgesamt. (1), Fahrtweg und Bushaltestellen an der Schule in Hohn und am ZOB in Kropp überprüfen (1), Fahrtweg und Bushaltestellen an der Schule in Hohn überprüfen (1), Fahrweg anhand der Haltestellen geschätzt, z.T. fehlende Haltestellen (2), Falta de Mataró a Premià i de Badalona a Barcelona . Les hores no inclouen la part que falta afegir (1), Falta ruta de vuelta y las paradas estan puestas coincidiendo con el recorrido que ya existia. Hay que comprobar que sea correcto (1), Faltan paradas (1), Feature includes runway-taxiway-apron geometries (1), Find complete route (2), Find exact location. (14), Find exact position per Norwegian/Russsian governments. Verify ref number. (3), Find the exact location. (15), Finish the water course to Bârzava. (1), Fix position (2), Flow direction is unknown (1), Folgende Haltestellen fehlen: Wingerd. Wendeschleife, Westhausen, Westhsn. Oberdorf, Heiligenstadt Ibergstr. (2), Folgende Haltestellen fehlen: Wingerd. Wendeschleife, Westhausen, Westhsn. Oberdorf, Heiligenstadt Ibergstr., Wingrd. Friedhof (1), Formally had non-name Assisted Living Facility. Probably is one here with a real name (1), GPX needed, actual is very poor (2), GPX stopa z cykloportálu nefunguje. Táto cesta bola mapovaná pomocou podkladových fotiek. (1), GPX-needed (2), Genaue Haltestelle Mössingen Busbahnhof überprüfen (1), Genaue Position (1), Geometry does not match imagery (Bing) (1), Geometry estimated (1), Ghiroda (1), Gleisbelegung in Töss unklar (2), Good shape? (1), Grob nach Maxar eingezeichnet. (2), H-Stellen ergänzen (1), Haltestelle Dresdener Straße fehlt (1), Haltestelle Eresried fehlt noch (1), Haltestelle Großhöhenrain, Fa. Höhenrainer fehlt noch (1), Haltestelle In der Pfarrtanne hinzufügen (1), Haltestelle Karstadt wird angesagt und angezeigt, findet sich aber nicht im Linienplan (1), Haltestelle Technische Hochschule (Bus nicht Tram) fehlt (1), Haltestelle fehlt: Ebendorf, Mühlenfeld (1), Haltestelle fehlt: Niederndodeleben, Bahnhof (2), Haltestellen Albertus-Magnus-Straße, Hucknger Markt, Am Biegerhof, Petersstraße, Rheinstahl, Heiligenbaumstraße, Molbergstraße, Am Kiekenbusch fehlen (1), Haltestellen entlang des Fahrweges (1), Haltestellen fehlen (1), Haltestellen fehlen noch (1), Haltestellen fehlen. (2), Haltestellen fehlen: Schönbrunnerhäuser Abzw. Kichl, Neuraimundsreut, Vorderfirmiansreut (2), Haltestellen und ev. Haltepositionen nachtragen (2), Haltestellen unvollständig (1), Has this been closed? (1), Helyét pontosítani! (1), Here is a cillage name coltani (1), Hier verschwindet das Regen/Schmelzwasser in einem Ablauf (Gitter) und geht unterirdisch weiter, wahrscheinlich landet es dann im Tollensesee oder im Ölmühlenbach. - Gibt es für diese Stelle einen Tag? (1), Honesdale www.northernfield.info/Documents/doc06/145%20ICC%20195%201928%20DH%20Honsedale%20Br%20Abandonment.pdf 175%20ICC%20385%201931%20DH%20Honesdale%20Abandonment.pdf 175%20ICC%20745%201931%20Jefferson%20RR%20(Erie)%20Honsedale.pdf Archibald-Brunswick (1), House layout is correct? (1), How to solve this situation building inside building? (1), I am a cemetery or something else ? (1), I am not 100% sure if the name is correct... only about 70%. (1), I can't remember if this is a wayside cross or a memorial. Please resurvey. (1), I do not believe there is a car entrance here. This needs to be checked on site (1), I don't know what is the needed tag for an abandoned factory. (1), I know that the island kept shifting and growing over the years; but the line looks weird: it looks correct from Bing aerial images, but not from Maxar or Esri. I don't know which is correct (newer). (1), I recorded 2.3 as max. height, which one is correct ? (1), I rekon there's a stream in here... (1), I think this is the correct building (1), I'm unsure about the name (3), Identified on VMD diffs (1), Imagery shows ordinary cars on this road, smoothness values are totally inappropriate. should probably be intermediate or better (1), Importer le contour précis depuis le cadastre lorsqu'il y sera répertorié (1), Improve precision on curving paths (16), Improve precision on rough north / west boundary (16), In Abschnitte 12 und 13 aufteilen (1), In PTv2 umwandeln und from/to angeben; Stimmt network? (1), In einzelne Etappen aufteilen. Die Relation ist sehr groß und deshalb schwierig zu bearbeiten. (1), In this area there actually are some residential buildings, some fields, and an aquapark. There is an industrial area which is marked separately. I'm not sure about all the buildings, but the ones along the Sportului street are definitely not industrial. (1), Incomplete (1), Incomplete river path (1), Is "Клисура" the right streetname for this building? (1), Is Ion Creangă correct name for this street? (1), Is it a house or a building? (1), Is it secondary this part of road?? (1), Is it still there? Did not find in 2019. (1), Is route in Lancaster via Caton Road (as currently mapped) or Bulk Road? Unfortunatly can't remember. (1), Is that right? (1), Is the dutch name "Oegolnaja Boechta" correct? (1), Is the south end well-defined? (1), Is the symbol yellow? Does the route start/end in Praid/Atid or at the intersection with the main routes? (1), Is the whole road abandoned, or only the southern part? Please resurvey. (1), Is this buildig really a place_of_worship? (1), Is this closed now? (1), Is this partially signed north-south? If so where does it change? (1), Is this path still relevant? From aerial iamgery the area looks changed (1), Is this still here? Their website says they are on Str. Cardinal Iuliu Hossu now. (1), Is this still in service? (1), Is this still one way? #surveyme (1), Is this still used as the station building? (1), Is this the correct location?
https://www.kas.de/ro/web/rumaenien/contact shows a different address (Strada Franzelarilor 5, Sector 2)... (1), Isn't it supervised by the switchman? (1), It's a petrol station but I can't find the correct tag ATM :-) (1), It's a weighbirdge, coundn't find the correct tag (1), It's official name is New Europe Bridge. Vidin-Calafat is the informal name. (1), July 2020 many parts of the NCN were removed. Including many on-road parts of route 1. These sections need to be removed from this relation and added to new suitable LCN relations (1), Kantenhöhe noch taggen als height=* (1), Kápolnává átalakított ház (1), L G2O (1), La numeración de salida en enlaces ha sido actualizada y debe corregirse (1), Lage? Fahrplanaushang? (1), Last stop is missing. (1), Linha incompleta no troço entre Moura e Amareleja (1), Linienverlauf bitte vervollständigen (1), Linienverlauf nicht so in Saarbahn-Karte eingetragen, aber erscheint wegen Zeiten plausibel (1), Linienverlauf unvollständig (1), Location ? (4), Location not exact; it is in this cluster of houses (1), Location to improve (1), Locație incertă, a se verifica cu surse locale sigure (1), Looked it up on Street View and the name is bona fide. (1), Looks liek a bar on Street View. (1), Lusroute om nieuwe tunnel klopt waarschijnlijk niet. (1), Lücke in Biel; Nutzung von Autostrassen (Jura, BE Oberland) korrekt? Die Nutzung von Autostrassen im Berner Oberland ist korrekt. (1), Manque l'arrêt "Route de Vals";Ininéraire à vérifier dans Aubenas (4), Manque l'arrêt "Route de Vals";Ininéraire à vérifier dans Aubenas; Position de l'Arrêt "Langogne Centre" à vérifier (3), Manque le dernier arrêt "La Souche - Place". Position des autres arrêts à vérifier (1), Manque le premier arrêt "La Souche - Place". Position des autres arrêts à vérifier (2), Manque les arrêts "Crt Lamades" et "Route de Vals";Ininéraire à vérifier dans Aubenas (2), Manque les arrêts "Crt Lamades" et "Route de Vals";Je ne sais pas lequel des arrêts "Meyras - Centre" est celui désservi;Ininéraire à vérifier dans Aubenas (2), Manually edited based on landsat but need double check. Please change the tags accordingly. Thank you. (1), Manually edited. Please change the tags accordingly. Thank you. (1), Map buildings (1), Map houses (2), Mark correct course in locality. (3), Mark the exact location. (1), Mark the whole area of the park. (1), May be tracks/paths, but are not well visible or aligned, please remap them after a survey (4), Maybe closed, see on facebook (1), Mehrere Routen; aufteilen (1), Mehrere Routen; aufteilen und Master dazu. (1), Mi is ez az épület valójában? Esőbeálló? Buszmegálló volt? Forrásépület? Vizelde? (1), Might be a weir or dam (1), Mofafreigabe wie am anderen Ende? (1), Move this address note to the exact location here on this street. (1), Move this to its exact location on this street. (4), Multiple tracks overlaying each other. delete all but one (1), Name ? (1), Name not complete ... (1), Name? (1), Nederlandse deel van de in België opgeheven LF6. Is deze route ook in Nederland opgeheven. (1), Need a ref, but is not finished (2), Need exact location and access path (1), Need gpx traces (3), Need maxweight (5), Need ref (1), Need ref, no official one (9), Need the last section up to Piatra Goala (1), Need verification (1), Needs a physical pitch inspection :-) (1), Needs continuation east and west (1), Needs extending even further. Direstion of flow may be incorrect... (1), Needs more precise alignment (1), Needs name information (4), Needs name tag. Local informaiton required - no OSC / Mapilary in the area (3), Needs survey. I think it exists. (1), Needs verification (1), Nem biztos, hogy méterre pontos (1), Nem biztos, hogy méterre pontos. (5), Nm biztos, hogy méterre pontos. (1), No complited (1), None of the imagery shows this as a building. (1), Not clear (1), Not enough ground level imagery. More destination_sign relations needed in this itersection. (1), Not exact location; about 5 minutes from Șaua Pelegii (1), Not properly aligned; individual mapping of landuse=grass would probably be better (1), Not sure I've identified this correctly (1), Not sure about the number in the name: II or III? (1), Not sure if this ran in 2020. May have been replaced by the No24 Sibden<>Esplanade service? (1), Not sure what's happened here with the river (1), Not very sure of this is a proper canal, and what happens with that path. (1), Nr. 4 is duplicated (1), Nr. 8 is duplicated? (1), Number 10 (1), On aerial images appear no drain (over the roads and houses) (9), Only includes "east track" please complete with entire track (west, too) to fill out this route=railway relation (1), Only the Dublin Airport to Heuston direction is included in this relation (1), Outdated (1), Outline very rough (1), P&R Metzange (1), Partial route (1), Path continues (1), Piirrettävä Malminkartanoon saakka (Neulastie) (2), Piirrä Kannelmäkeen saakka, tarkista pysäkit (2), Piirrä Pohjois-Haagaan saakka, tarkista pysäkit (2), Please add missing stops. (1), Please check direction (-0.1m elevation) (1), Please check direction (-0.2m elevation) (1), Please check direction (-0.9m elevation) (1), Please check direction (-1.3m elevation) (1), Please check direction (-1.4m elevation) (1), Please check direction (-1.6m elevation) (1), Please check direction (-1.7m elevation) (1), Please check direction (0.3m elevation) (1), Please check direction (1.3m elevation) (1), Please check direction (1.4m elevation) (1), Please check direction (1.5m elevation) (2), Please check exact position (1), Please check the correctness of the Intrepid-Independence forward / backward role tags here; best is field check or signs. There may be other missing role tags on other oneway segments. (1), Please check, if its halal. (1), Please check/sort/add/delete stops. (2), Please continue (4), Please continue road (1), Please continue trail in the forest. (3), Please continue. Blues Cross mark. (1), Please continue. The path was blocked by a temporary fence when I was mapping. (1), Please do not change unless you have a very accurate GPS track. Hills and mountains disturb and distort the recording of any route. I do all my best with the available information. Thank you! (8), Please fix if "memorial" is not the correct type (1), Please survey and fix (1), Please survey and fix; surveyed only inside the city; rest is placed according to description (3), Please verify if alt_name(s) are valid. (1), Please verify the connectivity of the road (1), Please verify. (1), Please, add 16 bus route, 190 microbus routes and D trolleybus route. (1), Poista osuus Myyrmäki-Varisto (2), Position (1), Position appoximative (4), Position de l'Arrêt "Langogne Centre" à vérifier (2), Position geschätzt (2), Position nicht genau (1), Position; which building is 17B? (1), Possible islet (1), Presume roads connect here as Bing shows. (1), Previosly mapped as overlapping DC204/DJ764K, this probably is not the case. I think it's route is on the east side of the river (1), Prima curte dupa Clinica Stanca, ap. 10 (1), Problem here with edition, help (1), R ATM (1), Real location ? (14), Real location ?> (3), Relations around Karlsplatz need to be fixed! (1), Resurvey (1), Resurvey the whole service area (2), Retourner sur place pour voir si l'ancien chemin de fer et toujours présent + ajuster les tags end_date=* electrified=no... (1), River area should exclude tidal wetlands (1), Road Shape (1), Road has been widened and realigned - needs update. (1), Road layout (1), Route incomplete (2), Route ist vor Ort nicht ausgeschildert - Bitte in einzelne Netzwerkelemente zwischen den MTB-Knotenpunkten aufteilen (1), Route needs to be extended on the northern end (1), Route via nieuwe Hoeksveer dient geverifieerd te worden. (1), Route will be replaced after 23 July 2016. See http://ptv.vic.gov.au/projects/network-changes-for-the-new-year/plenty-valley/ for more information. (1), Routenverlauf Niederndodeleben -> Eichenbarleben nicht bekannt (1), Routenverlauf in Magdeburg überprüfen (1), Routenverlauf nicht exakt, Haltestellen fehlen. (4), Routing through Sheboygan appears to be wrong see: https://www.mapillary.com/app/?pKey=4222140091149555&focus=photo (1), Ruta trazada según localidades de paso indicadas en la Wikipedia. Las vías intermedias no han sido comprobadas. Pendiente trazar ruta completa. (1), Rutten behöver verifieras då vissa hållplatser flyttats vid ombyggnation (1), Salon de cosmetica, nu doar "Hairdresser" (1), Same route as D1 in Germay (id:9.890.960). Merge? (1), Same route as EV12 in Germay (id:918027). Merge? (1), Santuhal is part of Deva (1), Service has not run since 2020, cancelled due to Covid + low passenger numbers. (1), Set exact coordinates. (1), Set proper shape after the deforestation. (1), Set the exact location. (3), Shape estimated. Correct shape, when a new orthophoto is published (1), Shape estimated. Correct shape, when a new orthophoto is published. (4), Shape of this house is correct? (1), Should landuse be industrial or marketplace? (1), Snap to road (1), Sollte in Superroute mit den TMC-Segmenten als Mitglieder umgewandelt werden (1), Some stops may be missing.
Not sure about start hour. End hour may be 22:00 actually. (1), Some stops may be missing. Also the road is not correct (it's just the reflected version of the Masis-Yerevan 456 bus).
Not sure about start hour. End hour may be 22:00 actually. (1), Starting location? (1), Still a lot of clearcuts to be added (1), Stop in Blois missing. (1), Stop in Bregenz (Austria) missing. (1), Stop used in Castle Gate? (1), Strada B*****y? (1), Strada Mihai Viteazu (1), Straight line, does not look like a path. (1), Streckenführung in Osterspai prüfen/Streckenführung um Hammerstein prüfen (1), Streckenverlauf bei B63a (1), Structure of the house is correct? (1), Structure of the house? (2), Survey what this street has been signed as (1), Symbol can be seen near the ski installation and on the road leading to the ski slope, no idea where it's going and what is it's path after it diverges from the ski slope (1), Symbol can be seen on power poles, no idea what is it's final destination and it's exact way (1), THERE IS A CLOUD ON THE AERIAL IMAGE AN SO IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO TRACE IT (2), Tag? Piles of stone locally known as "Grohote", the entire area is known as "La Grohote" (1), Tagged as outdoor_education_centre based on https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2016-January/018318.html - please fix if you have a better idea (1), Temporary destination_sign relation (2), Tervezett repülőtér. A taggelésében jól jeleztem hogy csak tervezett? (1), That artwork really exist?
Check it, please. (1), The (natural) west end of the lake should be clearly defined. I would suggest that the lake begins at the meeting point between the Somes river and the channel, but I don't know exactly what's going on there. Thank you. (1), The Stena Freight webpage indicates this service goes from VT4 (previously OSM showed it as using the IoM Steam Packet terminal, which seems unlikely) - should be checked (1), The end of the route is Pipas peak (climbing area) (1), The house number is correct? (3), The line looks right in Maxar Imagery, but is offset in Esri and Bing. (1), The line was drawn using the ridge as a guide. Must update it using a GPS track. (1), The location is incorrect, it's between the two "Coralilor" Bus Stop / Platforms, however I don't have enough experience moving things around the map so I'll let someone else do the change. (1), The majority of this land is indeed farmland, but some areas along the northern edge is actually woodland (not actual forest, mainly bushes). (1), The pedestrian crossing of the side road here may be either via a speed table or a "Copenhagen Crossing" (not checked when imported) #tflcid #surveyme (1), The shape of this building is wrong, (1), The stream crosses the road randomly. (3), The track was recorded with GPS but it may not follow the real path. (1), There is no any cameras neither speed nor surveillance on mapillary images from summer 2020. Need to be checked. (1), There seems to be several route variants to this ref that should also be added tiny.cc/karttapalvelu_seutu (1), There's a new building now, which is not visible on imagery, yet (1), These cycleways might legally be oneway (1), This area is either industrial or retail, but CLC does not provide more info; please change the tags accordingly. Thank you. (2071), This area is either industrial or retail, but CLC does not provide more info;please change the tags accordingly. Thank you. (10), This area was automatically imported, but it has to be manually edited. Please change the tags accordingly. Thank you. (997), This area was automatically imported, edited, but Probably should be broken into several parts. (1), This building should be retraced when higher-quality aerial imagery becomes available. (1), This building should be retraced when higher-quality imagery becomes available. (1), This does not seem to still be a road; in particular I don't see a designated way to cross the railway (1), This feels like it goes somewhere but I can’t find the trail at all (1), This is a building with a hole in the middle! (1), This is a map location but there is no longer any population. How should this be designated? (1), This is partially one way (8), This is the exact location and shape of this building/place? (1), This island exists in Bing imagery, but Esri doesn't show anything, Mapbox shows two islands, but more towards the shore, and Maxar shows one island towards the shore. As the Delta is changing rapidly, the newest images are best. (1), This may no longer be here, since municipal services are now provided at the Primaria Municipiului Turda building in the center. (1), This obsolete Route23 remains after revising 22 and 24. If it is unlikely that 23 will be reinstated, then please delete this relation. (2), This point doesn’t seem like it belongs here. (1), This really does not look like a bridge on Bing, other imagery have too many trees. Needs ground verification. (1), This road shouldn't be of type "residential"? It's a residential area served by this road. (10), This route is NOT part of the USBR system as of July 2019. State bicycle route 35 is labled on Georgia DOT planning maps with a footnote that this route is not ideal for cycling. (1), This route it's aproximate and not calibrated using SF plans. (5), This section of road may not exist. Not visible through trees. (2), This should be a path. Way made by dirt (2), This should be a train platform but none of the pics make it clear. (1), This stream flows into Valea Caselor stream with is missing (1), This street is now with asphalt and cycleway, but I didn't check more than first 30 meters (6), This whole thing needs to be re-routed (1), To be continued after Cabana Făget (1), Totallift Service (1), Umring See muss überarbeitet werden (1), Unklarer Halt Roding Sparkasse (1), Unklarer Halt Roding Sparkasse, + Busbahnhof Schorndorfer Straße (1), Unklarer Halt Roding Sparkasse, + Busbahnhof Schorndorfer Straße, Cham Floßhafen (1), Unknown classification (1), Unknown locomotive model (1), Unknown private bus station (1), Unknown signal name (1), Unsure of address (1), Unvollständig! Weder Düsseldorf noch Berlin sind enthalten. (1), Update siruta data: municipality name has been changed to "Comuna Petreu" and it's admin centre changed (2), Update siruta data: municipality name has been changed to "Comuna Saniob" and it's admin centre changed (2), Update to new route, then reactive https://www.skyss.no/Rutetider-og-kart1/rutetilbod_25mai/?fane=5&anchor=tab_5_linje_12_oasen_terminal___smiberget___montana (2), Valóban bicikliút? Amennyiben átadásra és kijelölésre kerül, úgy a megfelelő paraméterek beállítandóak. Nyomvonala pontosítandó! (1), Varianten fehlen. (3), Verificar localização (1), Verificar plataformas (2), Verify and complete on the spot (1), Verify location (2), Verify name (1), Verify name, otherwise remove (2), Verify speed limits against NG911 dataset (4), Verify what type of barrier there is (if there is any) (1), Verify whether Stânceni/Gödemesterháza really belongs here (1), Verify. This is probably tourism=guesthouse and not tourism=hostel (1), Verlauf in Freiburg Wiehre-Süd/Haslach-Schildacker überprüfen. Gibt es die Variante entlang der Lörracher Straße noch? (1), Very distorted aerial images, I was guided by the local borders. Please do not change!! (1), Very rough. Split me up more! (1), Viele Haltestellen fehlen. (1), Voltage (1), Vérifier l'itinéraire (1), Warsaw-Trespol missing (1), Way 842033562 ist eine TREPPE (und nicht in der Quelle verzeichnet); Wege 331983733/816732070 sind Fußweg (1), Wege (und Stops) von Zwiesel bis Grafenau fehlen. (1), Welcher Haltepunkt Oderstraße wird angefahren? (1), What is the correct name for this section of road? It looks like it should be part of Lynn Road but the tiger base name is Waters Road (1), What is the exact shape and location of this fence? (1), What is the exact shape and location of this house? (3), What is the exact shape? (1), What is the exact shape?
Where is exactly? (5), What river is this?/ Ce rau e asta? (2), What's with the two routes near Jackson? (1), Where are the signed north and south ends? (1), Where is it exactly? What is the correct shape? (1), Where is the exact location of this pond? (1), Where is the exact position of this building?
What is the exact shape of this building? (1), Where is the signed east end? (1), Where is the signed west end? (1), Where is the tower relocated? Need newer imagery (2), Which one is the real Butler Lane? (1), Which way shoudl the arrows point? (1), Why are there signs for 45 (rather than 210) on North Houston/Victory? Where is the signed south end? Check southbound route at Winton. Check both directions at University/Amesbury. Check route near I-635. (1), Zorilor (1), Zwischen Westheim und Hohentrudingen ist die Route zweifach unterbrochen und aus dem Satellitenbild auch nicht rekonstruierbar (2018-09-02) (1), [opening_hours=???] + [bicycle=no] for Construction Period (1), abgezeichnet - vor ort per überprüfen und details eintragen (1), access:condition (1), add detail at Puente Hills Mall; verify I-10 (1), add house number (1), add me to ROUTE Dj201 (3), add missing bus stops (11), add missing bus stops, fix oneway (1), add missing bus stops; verify route around Royal Melbourne Hospital & Melbourne University (1), add missing bus stops; verify ways around Dandenong Station (2), add missing stops + think south end goes further (1), add more accurate info about animal (species) (1), add name (9), add name on bridges (6), add proper tag (2), add proper tags (2), add proper tags, trasee = R473 (1), add proper tags: Dimensions = 360m x 60m x 13m, Gantry Cranes = 1 x 1,000 t, Jib Cranes = 2 x 50 t, 2 x 15 t, Utilities = Electric Power, CO2, O2, LPG, Compressed Air (1), add proper tags: complex studențesc = ”Târgușor Copou„ (1), add separated HOT lanes, adjust lane count (5), add stops;parts missing;line incorrect (it's going from Norddeich/Emden to Koblenz/Trier) (1), add tag (1), add tags (2), additional details needed (1), addr:street ? (1), address (14), adicionar nome/denominação religiona e detalhes. (1), adjust building to satview (1), adjust shape (1), aligment (3), analfabetii care nu stiu sa abrevieze sa ne explice si noua ce inseamna "bnd albs" (1), another-street-near-by-has-this-name (6), anque l'arrêt "Route de Vals";Ininéraire à vérifier dans Aubenas; Position de l'Arrêt "Langogne Centre" à vérifier (1), area has been remodelled. This stop no longer exists: Services need moving (1), area is changing, as the A10 motorway is partially built over the lake; needs to be adapted once construction is finished (1), bad quality contour (1), best estimate (1), better name needed (1), bing satelite pictures are cloudy (1), boundary (1), boundary data verification ongoing (1), boundary seems like it needs to be refined (1), budynek? (1), building:level:0 = commercial, building:level:1,2,3,4 = apartments (3), change color to see (2), change landuse=residential when construction is finished (1), check (9), check connection (2), check exact location on street (1), check hotel (1), check if still present (1), check if this is the correct location on the base (1), check lanes (4), check location (1), check location and more info on the ground (6), check name (3), check name and route (1), check north end (1), check of month boundaries for opening_hours are correct (1), check on the ground (1), check position and seperation from cycleway (2), check position and seperation from footway (3), check signage at west end of NM 118, west of Palomas (1), check table (1), check tagging (1), check the confusion between Cronkdarragh Farm, as noted on 1:25k map, and Balladoole Farm as noted in registered building docs (1), check type (1), check way (2), check/adjust position and/or merge with existing stop if exists (1), check_position (1), church shape (1), church? (1), clearly it goes further but it's lost in the trees (1), clouds (1), coastline (1), confecții sau cofetărie? (1), confirm if this exists (1), confirm road name (1), confusing PH in opening_hours (1), connection not visible on aerial imagery (1), contents=Oil????? (5), continue (382), continue "from" (1), continue both ways (east end from Transcindrel may not be accurate) (1), continue north (1), continue road (1), continue route (1), continue south (1), continue to next named guidepost towards Churzloch (1), continue to next named guidepost towards Roches (1), continue/connect (1), continue; verify route in northern Kansas (1), continue? (5), continues (4), continuous (2), contour (4), contour&position (1), contour;name (1), corect ref ? (3), correct landuse (1), correct position (1), correct the exact location (1), could also be a track (2), could be dunes or raised_beach (7), culvert inferred, need better imagery or ground check (1), de completat (30), de completat pana la varful domogled (2), de completat spre Izvoul Munk (1), de completat spre Izvourul Jelarau (1), de completat spre platoul coronini (1), de continuat/corectat, sageata arata directia gresita, traseul trebuie sa fie in stanga peste telejenel (1), de verficat in teren (1), delete if no longer active (1), denomination-is-missing;maybe-disused (1), denomination; name (1), destination (2), detatch from railways (1), direction (2), disused? (1), do any trips use I-210? (1), do buses turn off at Leeds? (1), do i exist ? do i work ? (3), do normal inbound trips use Burmont-Dennison-Shadeland? outbound this is a special variant (1), does it still exist? no longer visible in newer aerial imagery (1), does this ever use the HOV lanes? verify inbound route at Westwood (1), double check is required for the name of this street (1), ebenfalls hier: Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V.: Adoptions- und Pflegekinderdienst, Westfälische Pflegefamilien, Beratungsstelle BELLADONNA, Schwangerschaftsberatung, Trennungs- und Scheidungsberatung (1), electricity pylon? (1), exact limits (2), exact limits in the north (1), exact limits of monastery (1), exact limits? (2), exact location (5), exact location ? (1), exact location TBD (46), exact location? (7), exact location?? (2), exact location??? (1), exact position (18), exact position ? (1), exact position? (1), exact route is needed (1), exact size and position (1), exact stops in Harbacher Straße (1), extrapolated (1), falta paragem/troço inicial (1), faltan paradas (1), fehlende Haltestellen Preetz Hohenkamp, Schlesen Altenheim und Schönberg Eichkamp recherchieren und nachtragen (1), fence incomplete (3), find the good name for that (1), finish trace, check type (1), fix alignment (2), fix it but don't delete it (1), |