k | num | v's |
cabines | 1 | yes (1), |
cabins | 3 | no (1), yes (2), |
cable | 4 | marker (4), |
cable_number | 1 | 4 (1), |
cables | 16772 | 1 (56), 10 (2), 12 (3), 16 (1), 2 (29), 23 (1), 2;1 (1), 3 (12052), 3;1 (6), 3;3 (135), 3x2;2 (10), 4 (23), 5 (4), 6 (4409), 6+1 (2), 6;1 (28), 6;3;3 (2), 8 (1), 9 (6), Dworzec Centralny (1), |
cables:design | 9 | 6 (9), |
cadastre:utilization | 233 | для ведения личного подсобного хозяйства и торговой деятельности (1), для ведения лпх (5), для иных целей (2), для культурно-бытовой деятельности (1), для не сельскохозяйственного использования (3), для не сельскохозяйственного назначения (3), для несельскохозяйственного использования (2), для несельскохозяйственного назначения (4), для производствееной деятельности (1), для производственного назначения (1), для производственной деятельности (17), для производственной деятельнрости (1), для производственных целей (1), для размещения административного здания государственного учреждения "инспекция министерства российской федерации по налогам и сборам по г.донецку ростовской области" (1), для размещения административных зданий и производственных помещений (1), для размещения адмнистративного здания дфноу"институт управления,бизнеса и права" (1), для размещения детского сада № 6 (1), для размещения детского сада №4 (1), для размещения дк"шахтер" (1), для размещения дома-интерната для престарелых и инвалидов (1), для размещения историко-краеведческого музея (1), для размещения многоквартирного жилого дома (4), для размещения нежилого здания администрации г.донецка (1), для размещения нежилого здания(бывшая химчистки) (1), для размещения нежилого помещения (1), для размещения объектов автомобильного транспорта (под автобазой) (1), для размещения основной промплощадки. (1), для размещения поликлиники № 1 (1), для размещения производственных зданий (2), для размещения промышленного производства (1), для размещения профилактория (1), для размещения сош № 12 (2), для размещения сош № 20 (1), для размещения сош № 4 (1), для размещения сош № 8 (1), для размещения стадиона (1), для размещения стоянки личного транспорта (1), для размещения торгового предприятия зао"торговый дом" и служб донецкого отделения № 7749 ак сберегательного банка рф(оао) (1), для размещения торгового центра (1), для размещения торговых объектов (1), для размещения транспортного цеха (1), для размещения учебно-производственного-бытового комплекса (1), для размещения учебно-производственного-бытового комплекса гоу нпо профессиональное училище № 48 ростовской области (1), для размещения цгб (2), для строительства многоэтажного жилого дома (1), для строительства салона красоты с магазином (1), для строительства храма (1), для торговой деятельности (3), для торговой деятельности, общественного питания и бытового обслуживания (1), для учебно-воспитательной деятельности (1), для эксплуатации административного здания донецкого народного суда (1), земли под административно-управленческими и общественными объектами (2), земли под домами индивидуальной жилой застройки (14), земли под жилыми домами (1), земли под объектами промышленности (1), земли под объектами торговли, общественного питания и бытового обслуживания (1), земли под постройками (1), земли учреждений и организаций народного образования (1), многоквартирный жилой дом (6), не сельско-хозяйственного назначения (1), не сельскохозяйственного назначения (3), несельскохозяйственного назначения (1), под размещение промышленного предприятия (1), под административным зданием (1), под жилую застройку малоэтажную (3), под жилую застройку малоэтажную с встроенным нежилым помещением (1), под жилую застройку многоэтажную (11), под жилую застройку многоэтажную со встроенным нежилым помещением магазина "плутон" (1), под жилую застройку многоэтажную со встроенным помещением (1), под жилую застройку многоэтажную со встроенными нежилыми помещениями (5), под жилую застройку многоэтажную со встроенными нежилыми помещениями муп "дпок" (1), под жилую застройку многоэтажную,встроенное помещение магазин "алекс-авто" занимает 0,98%площади или 8,81 кв.м (2), под жилую застройку среднеэтажную (33), под жилую застройку среднеэтажную со встроенными нежилыми помещениями (1), под жилую застройку среднеэтажную со встроенными нежилыми помещениями. (1), под зданием котельной (1), под многоквартирный жилой дом (4), под многоквартирным двухэтажным жилым домом (1), под многоквартирным жилым домом (18), под нежилым зданием (1), под объектами здравоохранения (1), под объектами учреждений (1), под объектом культурно-бытового назначения (1), под объекты инженерного оборудования теплоснабжения (1), под объекты коммунального хозяйства (1), под производственные здания (1), под промышленное предприятие оао"дм-м" - основная промплощадка (3), под промышленные предприятия:размещение здания, находящегося в долевой собственности волкова г.в.(25,1%),волковой в.р.(58,4%),погосяна а.г.(16,5%) (1), под размещение здания "клуб игровых автоматов" (1), под размещение многоквартирного жилого дома (1), под размещение производственной базы (2), под размещение промышленного предприятия (7), под размещение учебных и производственных зданий (1), под строительство аквапарка ооо "водолей" (2), под строящимся зданием (1), производственная деятельность (1), |
cadavre | 1 | yes (1), |
cafe | 22 | board_game (1), cafeteria (2), internet_cafe (1), time-cafe (6), time_cafe (2), yes (10), |
cai_scale | 35 | E (20), EE (6), EEA:D (3), EEA:MD (1), EEA:PD (1), T (4), |
cai_scale:mtb | 2 | MC (2), |
cai_scale:mtb:uphill | 2 | MC (2), |
callable | 1 | no (1), |
camera:angle | 20 | 0 (1), 15 (9), 45 (10), |
camera:direction | 556 | -10 (1), -100 (3), -120 (1), -136 (1), -14 (1), -30 (1), -37 (1), -40 (1), -43 (1), -45 (1), -50 (1), -80 (1), -9 (1), -90 (1), -98 (1), 0 (36), 1 (2), 10 (8), 100 (11), 105 (1), 106 (1), 110 (6), 113 (1), 115 (2), 118 (1), 120 (11), 125 (1), 130 (5), 135 (5), 138 (2), 14 (1), 140 (5), 140;248;320 (1), 143 (1), 145 (3), 146 (1), 15 (4), 150 (8), 151 (1), 153 (1), 155 (1), 157 (1), 158 (2), 160 (12), 161 (1), 165 (2), 168 (3), 169 (1), 170 (3), 172;352 (1), 173;353 (1), 174;348 (1), 174;354 (1), 175 (3), 18 (1), 180 (28), 183 (2), 187 (1), 190 (4), 190;10 (1), 195 (3), 198 (1), 199 (1), 200 (16), 206 (1), 208 (1), 21 (1), 210 (5), 215 (2), 220 (10), 225 (2), 230 (8), 232 (1), 235 (1), 236 (1), 240 (9), 242 (1), 244 (1), 245 (2), 247 (1), 25 (2), 250 (6), 26 (2), 260 (6), 263 (1), 27 (1), 270 (29), 273 (3), 275 (1), 28 (2), 280 (6), 288 (2), 290 (4), 293 (1), 295 (2), 30 (5), 300 (13), 303 (1), 305 (1), 306 (1), 310 (4), 314 (2), 315 (1), 320 (5), 325 (1), 326 (1), 328 (1), 330 (7), 331 (1), 334 (1), 335 (1), 340 (10), 341 (1), 345 (2), 347 (1), 348 (2), 349 (1), 35 (1), 350 (2), 355 (3), 358 (1), 36 (1), 360 (1), 360° (2), 38 (1), 39 (1), 40 (2), 40;220 (1), 45 (19), 5 (2), 50 (5), 55 (2), 59 (2), 60 (5), 65;245 (2), 67 (2), 68;254 (1), 68;256 (1), 6;275 (1), 70 (5), 70;195;290;330 (1), 72 (1), 73 (1), 7;187 (1), 80 (5), 85 (2), 85;265 (1), 86 (1), 9 (1), 90 (40), 93 (3), 95 (2), 96;186 (1), 9;186 (1), E (2), N (2), NE (4), NW (3), SE (7), SW (2), W (1), backward (1), both (4), forward (1), |
camera:mount | 573 | building (15), ceiling (36), gantry (12), pole (252), post (1), roof (15), street_lamp (43), street_lights (1), traffic_signals (1), wall (197), |
camera:recording | 2 | yes (2), |
camera:repair | 1 | yes (1), |
camera:type | 789 | dome (60), fixed (685), panning (44), |
camp_site | 23 | basic (9), deluxe (6), standard (8), |
camp_type | 5 | informal (4), wildcamp (1), |
camping | 4 | dispersed (1), no (3), |
camping:rental | 1 | yes (1), |
canal | 33 | qanat (33), |
canoe | 164 | no (119), put_in (1), yes (44), |
canoe_rental | 8 | yes (8), |
canvec:CODE | 32 | 1240022 (2), 1460040 (1), 1470171 (1), 1480052 (1), 1480272 (3), 1760011 (24), |
canvec:CODE:1580010 | 1 | 080 (1), |
canvec:ROADCLASS | 24 | Collector (1), Local/Street (23), |
canvec:STRUCTYPE | 24 | None (24), |
canvec:UUID | 28 | 11CF41F88F3CE5F4E0409C8467120387 (1), 11CF4384D551E5F4E0409C8467120387 (1), 3123047171a64c0b8fa38dbdb97c7365 (1), 326da87669f14126a6bb1dd51c57ae8f (1), 412b5532091a4599a9ac3f283fa7d838 (2), 4ca1d5cf3bd74b27a707b4186d366a71;e267cd8b5ac742fa83005fdf069d896b (1), 5ca68beea457420b887bca381f946429 (1), 661be08347e742acbce195b9eaa36d67; 80b28b3548c1408cbc8fab4589eb639a; 74a70f60629147efa0ada8f2436789da; 986c833ccb6842a4aecc1b9e58f55ce0 (1), 6713a6f33e654aa3aa482852fdf937db; 5642fd08285d4ee4b926ffdf79770646; 9dd931300d4a4b988600b8066a0a5792 (1), 6ba81d98d35f41c38d801498acdfc7f0;cfe2ace5370a4d90b7b2dd9502a5dd0d;1cb9c869b838403aa9263c17e3945f85;2a7046752dcf4a2ea55a93942ea265bd;06e5d267bf204f93baeb9e80545b9a27;b9b711c84b5d4b5a9abb5c5efed40e72;6fb47d2078de4a4088dbde3046e7e015;eb0597c75cdc4512b (1), 73c2684a10054ed1aa78700087876970 (1), 798b36fc27184fb1936bdade6c784628 (1), 8097723b1b0142cbb9fa59813b145615 (1), 8f24602305e7411da9ffea25172fb664;ee2e6e975095440480a16218462f4bc7 (1), 8f8ce5bebe1345408705ffb77b4f2307 (1), a27120e5b72642dd945da41da38cc312 (1), abf4f5196a1346608303db0de7990b3b (1), b6e237a874db43ff84801b825f1e6d25 (1), ba8aad0772684664b912a77d56558346 (1), bd8fb702f5f042e29dbf152c339ea803 (1), c18203de6f4e41e8a5e245bd26a7ac5b (2), c4f88f00a6e04a96be6dc90d50f66a77 (1), d659c40e26704eec83c1791491465104;d8edf6ab0a7d4b539d2eb4d84789cb7d;53b0932342b149e596df3c97d509354a;561fe862d4b14ff39a3e2e3551022f53 (1), e1407158766b48d98302de60c9df445e (1), e93224aefb3f4657a5c492e2c8c3df9a (1), f8a4f8032f8d498b893497101e6d89ab (1), |
cap:colour | 59 | black (2), blue (1), gray (2), red (54), |
capacity | 13101 | 0 (12), 1 (4671), 1.1 (29), 10 (575), 100 (159), 1000 (36), 10000 (7), 1002 (1), 101 (2), 1010 (1), 102 (4), 1020 (2), 1024 (1), 103 (3), 1030 (1), 104 (3), 105 (3), 1050 (6), 1052 (1), 106 (2), 1061 (1), 107 (2), 1070 (1), 1076 (2), 108 (9), 1080 (3), 1085 (1), 1089 (1), 109 (1), 1095 (1), 1098 (1), 11 (31), 110 (31), 1100 (17), 1104 (2), 111 (1), 1110 (1), 1119 (1), 112 (1), 1120 (1), 1125 (2), 1126 (4), 1127 (1), 113+48 (1), 1130 (1), 1137 (2), 114 (1), 1145 (1), 115 (6), 1150 (2), 1155 (2), 116 (1), 1160 (1), 1170 (6), 1171 (1), 1176 (43), 1180 (1), 1189 (1), 12 (108), 120 (83), 1200 (29), 1214 (1), 122 (1), 1222 (1), 1225 (1), 123 (2), 1236 (1), 1240 (1), 125 (6), 1250 (4), 126 (4), 1266 (1), 1267 (1), 1275 (1), 1280 (1), 1284 (1), 129 (1), 1296 (9), 1296 (licensed: 1110) (1), 13 (26), 130 (19), 1300 (4), 131 (1), 132 (7), 1320 (6), 132500t (1), 133 (3), 134 (1), 135 (4), 1350 (3), 136 (1), 1360 (1), 1362 (1), 137 (2), 138 (2), 1384 (1), 139 (1), 14 (37), 140 (29), 1400 (1), 142 (1), 143 (2), 1435 (1), 144 (2), 145 (3), 1450 (1), 1456 (1), 146 (1), 1468 (1), 148 (1), 1490 (1), 1496 (2), 15 (167), 150 (101), 1500 (12), 152 (2), 1530 (1), 1532 (1), 154 (1), 1540 (1), 155 (4), 1550 (1), 1556 (1), 156 (4), 1560 (2), 1568 (12), 157 (1), 158 (2), 1582 (1), 1598 (1), 16 (33), 160 (54), 1600 (1), 16000t (1), 161 (3), 162 (13), 163 (2), 164 (5), 1646 (1), 165 (1), 1653 (1), 167 (1), 168 (2), 17 (13), 170 (11), 1726 (1), 1728 (2), 174 (3), 175 (3), 1764 (1), 177 (2), 178 (1), 18 (21), 180 (51), 181 (1), 182 (3), 183000t (1), 184 (2), 185 (1), 186 (6), 187 (2), 189 (4), 19 (13), 190 (9), 191 (2), 192 (77), 193 (1), 194 (6), 195 (3), 196 (11), 197 (2), 198 (11), 199 (1), 2 (435), 2,7 mln m3 (1), 20 (228), 200 (104), 200 и более (1), 200 і більше (1), 2000 (6), 20000 m3 (8), 2001 (1), 201 (1), 202 (2), 204 (2), 205 (4), 207 (2), 208 (1), 21 (12), 210 (13), 213 (1), 215 (7), 216 (2), 218 (2), 219 (2), 22 (17), 220 (34), 22000t (1), 222 (2), 224 (6), 225 (7), 228 (2), 23 (10), 230 (10), 232 (2), 2325 (1), 234 (1), 235 (5), 236 (2), 237 (2), 238 (1), 239 (1), 2393 (1), 24 (13), 240 (28), 243 (2), 244 (2), 245 (1), 246 (2), 247 (1), 248 (2), 25 (37), 250 (72), 2500 (1), 251 (1), 253 (3), 254 (2), 255 (2), 256 (1), 26 (3), 260 (17), 264 (17), 265 (1), 266 (1), 267 (1), 268 (1), 27 (5), 270 (12), 274 (1), 275 (4), 276 (2), 28 (11), 280 (21), 281 (1), 284 (2), 287 (1), 289 (1), 29 (2), 290 (4), 292 (1), 296 (1), 297 (1), 298 (2), 3 (502), 30 (120), 300 (93), 3000 (2), 303 (1), 305 (2), 306 (11), 307 (1), 309 (1), 31 (4), 310 (5), 311 (1), 312 (1), 313 (1), 314 (1), 315 (1), 316 (1), 319 (2), 32 (16), 320 (165), 3201 (1), 321 (2), 324 (1), 325 (2), 326 (1), 328 (1), 33 (5), 330 (19), 332 (2), 336 (1), 337 (1), 338 (1), 34 (4), 340 (15), 3400 (1), 345 (3), 346 (1), 348 (1), 35 (17), 350 (57), 354 (1), 355 (3), 356 (2), 36 (6), 360 (51), 3601 (1), 364 (1), 365 (4), 366 (6), 368 (1), 37 (5), 370 (4), 371 (1), 375 (1), 38 (3), 380 (9), 387 (1), 389 (1), 39 (4), 390 (5), 391 (1), 392 (19), 395 (1), 396 (3), 399 (1), 4 (576), 4-5 (1), 4.4B m3/y (3), 40 (63), 400 (53), 4000 (1), 401 (1), 402 (1), 404 (1), 406 (2), 41 (1), 41000t (1), 413 (1), 415 (1), 417 (1), 419 (1), 42 (4), 420 (17), 424 (1), 425 (4), 427 (1), 429 (1), 43 (1), 430 (2), 432 (1), 434 (1), 435 (2), 438 (1), 439 (1), 44 (5), 440 (5), 444 (1), 447 (1), 45 (9), 450 (55), 4500 (6), 45000t (1), 451 (1), 453 (1), 455 (3), 456 (1), 459 (1), 46 (3), 460 (22), 464 (22), 465 (1), 467 (1), 47 (3), 470 (1), 475 (3), 48 (2), 480 (23), 485 (3), 489 (4), 49 (3), 490 (5), 492 (1), 494 (1), 495 (1), 5 (799), 5 фур (1), 50 (182), 50+ (1), 500 (53), 5000 (61), 50000t (1), 501 (1), 504 (1), 508 (1), 51 (1), 510 (3), 512 (1), 514 (1), 515 (1), 52 (4), 520 (19), 52187 (1), 523 (1), 524 (1), 525 (3), 528 (1), 529 (1), 53 (1), 530 (9), 532 (1), 535 (2), 536 (3), 5361 (1), 538 (1), 54 (3), 540 (11), 541 (1), 549 (1), 55 (6), 550 (18), 551 (1), 555 (2), 557 (1), 56 (1), 560 (34), 563 (1), 568 (1), 570 (2), 571 (1), 574 (1), 575 (1), 576 (1), 577 (1), 580 (4), 585 (1), 590 (3), 599 (1), 6 (479), 6,7 mln m3 (1), 6-8 (1), 60 (32), 600 (44), 607 (1), 608 (1), 61 (5), 611 (1), 62 (3), 620 (7), 623 (2), 624 (22), 625 (2), 626 (1), 63 (2), 630 (10), 64 (3), 640 (39), 6400t (2), 642 (1), 646 (2), 65 (8), 650 (18), 656 (1), 660 (9), 664 (1), 67 (1), 670 (4), 68 (2), 680 (2), 685 (1), 689 (7), 690 (2), 692 (1), 694 (1), 696 (2), 698 (1), 7 (185), 70 (16), 700 (31), 70000t (1), 702 (1), 708 (1), 710 (3), 715 (1), 72 (5), 720 (13), 723 (1), 73 (2), 730 (1), 740 (2), 745 (1), 75 (5), 750 (14), 752 (2), 753 (1), 756 (1), 760 (2), 768 (1), 77 (2), 78 (1), 780 (7), 784 (6), 79 (1), 790 (1), 795 (1), 798 (1), 8 (259), 80 (36), 800 (31), 8000 (3), 80000 t (2), 804 (1), 810 (2), 82 (3), 820 (3), 823 (1), 825 (1), 83 (2), 830 (1), 832 (1), 834 (1), 84 (3), 840 (7), 844 (1), 847 (1), 85 (4), 850 (9), 86 (1), 860 (1), 864 (5), 866 (1), 87 (1), 870 (3), 871 (1), 875 (1), 880 (3), 882 (1), 89 (1), 890 (1), 9 (75), 90 (21), 900 (27), 9000 (2), 901 (1), 905 (1), 910 (1), 917 (1), 920 (6), 921 (1), 923 (1), 93 (2), 930 (1), 936 (1), 938 (1), 94 (1), 940 (2), 945 (1), 95 (3), 950 (6), 96 (5), 960 (36), 962 (2), 964 (8), 967 (1), 97 (1), 977 (1), 980 (4), 985 (4), 986 (1), 99 (6), 990 (4), >0,5 (2), q (1), ~100 (1), ~40 (1), парник (1), |
capacity:cabins | 1 | 60 (1), |
capacity:caravans | 4 | 0 (1), 10 (1), 2 (1), 5 (1), |
capacity:cargo_bike | 2 | 1 (2), |
capacity:description | 2 | 15 Standardfahrräder + 1 Lastenpedelec (1), 26 schwere Standardfahrräder + 1 Lastenpedelec (1), |
capacity:disabled | 352 | 0 (75), 1 (59), 10 (9), 15 (2), 2 (45), 20 (2), 29 (1), 3 (23), 30 (1), 31 (1), 4 (17), 40 (1), 5 (9), 50 (1), 6 (8), 7 (3), 70 (1), 8 (1), 9 (3), no (48), unknown (5), yes (37), |
capacity:hgv | 3 | 2 (1), yes (2), |
capacity:locker | 1 | 2 (1), |
capacity:long | 1 | yes (1), |
capacity:parent | 45 | no (40), unknown (3), yes (2), |
capacity:persons | 9 | 0 (1), 1 (1), 10 (1), 20 (1), 30 (1), 5 (1), 50 (1), 6 (1), 9 (1), |
capacity:pitches | 1 | 241 (1), |
capacity:shower | 1 | 2 (1), |
capacity:tents | 17 | 1 (1), 10 (2), 14 (1), 15 (1), 2 (3), 3 (1), 4 (2), 5 (3), 6 (2), 7 (1), |
capacity:women | 45 | no (43), unknown (1), yes (1), |
capital | 138 | 3 (1), 3;4 (1), 4 (43), 5 (7), 6 (14), 7 (11), 8 (58), yes (3), |
capital:INSEE | 1 | bassin de vie (1), |
capital_city | 10 | Bratislava (1), Buenos Aires (1), Chișinău (1), Dublin (1), Managua (1), Manila (1), Ottawa (1), Pretoria;Bloemfontein;Cape Town (2), Tiraspol (1), |
capital_city:administrative | 1 | Pretoria (1), |
capital_city:judicial | 1 | Bloemfontein (1), |
capital_city:legislative | 1 | Cape Town (1), |
car | 14 | no (10), yes (4), |
car:bodywork | 1 | yes (1), |
car:rental | 1 | no (1), |
car:repair | 1 | no (1), |
car:sales | 1 | yes (1), |
car:tyres | 4 | yes (4), |
car_parts | 4 | audio (1), battery (2), sound (1), |
car_repair | 5 | truck (1), tyres (4), |
car_service | 1 | breakdown (1), |
car_sharing | 1 | yes (1), |
car_wash | 2 | yes (2), |
caravan | 8 | yes (8), |
caravans | 18 | no (4), yes (14), |
cardinal | 1 | eastbound (1), |
cargo | 133 | bulk (1), container (2), general (2), liquid_bulk (1), passengers (94), passengers,vehicle (2), passengers;bicycle (2), passengers;vehicle (28), vehicle (1), |
cargo:passengers | 1 | yes (1), |
cargo:vehicle | 1 | yes (1), |
carpenter | 1 | cabinetmaker (1), |
carpet | 1 | yes (1), |
carriage | 81 | destination (25), no (48), yes (8), |
carriage:backward | 7 | delivery (7), |
carriage:forward | 2 | delivery (2), |
carriageway | 5 | dual (3), single (2), |
carriageway_ref | 366 | A (38), B (40), H (2), J (1), K (3), L (6), Li (86), M (3), Re (105), a (14), b (21), c (15), d (16), f (2), g (2), m (2), n (3), p (2), q (1), w (2), y (2), |
carriageway_ref:left | 1 | a (1), |
carriageway_ref:right | 1 | b (1), |
cars | 2 | yes (2), |
cash_in | 863 | no (449), yes (414), |
cash_out | 10 | no (5), yes (5), |
cash_withdrawal | 8 | no (7), yes (1), |
cash_withdrawal:fee | 1 | yes (1), |
castle_type | 126 | defensive (20), fortification (1), fortress (34), hillfort (1), kremlin (1), manor (16), palace (41), stately (12), |
castle_type:de | 1 | schloss (1), |
categorie_piscicole | 6 | 2 (6), |
categories_and_functionality_lands | 3 | землі державної власності (запасу) (3), |
category | 117 | Car Rental (1), school (1), Земли поселений (земли населенных пунктов) (112), Земли сельскохозяйственного назначения (2), ремонт, сервис, запчасти, шины (1), |
catmp-RoadID | 1196 | 1 (1), 100 (3), 101 (4), 102 (4), 103 (10), 105 (15), 106 (3), 107 (5), 108 (1), 11 (5), 110 (1), 111 (3), 112 (1), 115 (8), 116 (3), 117 (4), 118 (3), 119 (3), 12 (1), 120 (2), 122 (1), 1230 (1), 124 (4), 125;519 (11), 127 (1), 128 (2), 13 (2), 130 (3), 131 (15), 136 (1), 142 (19), 143 (14), 156 (20), 157 (2), 158 (8), 159 (3), 15;79 (8), 16 (7), 160 (2), 161 (1), 162 (2), 164 (1), 165 (2), 166 (1), 169 (4), 1723 (1), 173 (2), 174 (2), 175 (1), 177 (1), 178 (1), 179 (1), 18 (1), 181 (1), 182 (1), 183 (1), 184 (1), 185 (1), 186 (1), 187 (1), 188 (1), 189 (2), 19 (3), 190 (1), 191 (1), 192 (1), 193 (1), 194 (1), 195 (1), 196 (1), 197 (1), 198 (2), 199 (1), 2 (1), 200 (1), 201 (1), 202 (3), 203 (1), 204 (1), 205 (1), 206 (1), 207 (1), 208 (1), 20;78 (6), 21 (3), 210 (1), 211 (1), 212 (1), 213 (1), 214 (1), 215 (1), 216 (1), 217 (1), 218 (2), 219 (1), 2190 (1), 220 (1), 221 (1), 222 (1), 223 (1), 224 (1), 225 (1), 226 (1), 228 (1), 229 (1), 23 (3), 230 (3), 232 (1), 233 (1), 234 (1), 235 (1), 236 (2), 237 (1), 238 (1), 239 (1), 240 (1), 241 (1), 242 (1), 243;99 (1), 244 (1), 245 (1), 246 (1), 247 (1), 248 (1), 249 (1), 250 (1), 251 (1), 253 (1), 254 (1), 255 (1), 256 (1), 257 (1), 258 (1), 26 (3), 260 (2), 261 (2), 262 (1), 264 (2), 265 (2), 266 (1), 267 (2), 268 (1), 269 (2), 270 (1), 271 (1), 272 (1), 273 (1), 274 (1), 275 (1), 276 (1), 277 (2), 278 (1), 279 (1), 28 (8), 280 (2), 281 (2), 282 (1), 283 (1), 284 (1), 285 (2), 286 (1), 287 (1), 288 (1), 289 (1), 29 (2), 290 (1), 291 (1), 292 (2), 293 (1), 294 (1), 295 (1), 296 (2), 297 (1), 299 (1), 300 (1), 301 (1), 302 (1), 303 (3), 306 (4), 307 (9), 312 (1), 314 (1), 315 (1), 316 (1), 317 (1), 318 (1), 319 (7), 32 (3), 320 (1), 321 (2), 322 (1), 323 (1), 325 (1), 327 (1), 328 (2), 329 (1), 33 (1), 330 (1), 331 (1), 332 (2), 333 (1), 334 (1), 335 (2), 336 (1), 337 (1), 338 (1), 339 (1), 34 (1), 340 (1), 341 (1), 342 (1), 343 (2), 344 (1), 345 (1), 346 (1), 347 (1), 348 (2), 349 (1), 35 (6), 350 (3), 351 (1), 352 (2), 353 (1), 354 (1), 356 (2), 357 (1), 360 (1), 361 (2), 362 (2), 363 (1), 364 (1), 366 (1), 367 (1), 369 (1), 370 (1), 371 (1), 372 (2), 373 (1), 375 (1), 376 (2), 378 (3), 379 (1), 38 (1), 380 (3), 383 (2), 385 (1), 386 (1), 387 (1), 388 (3), 389 (1), 390 (5), 392 (1), 393 (1), 394 (1), 395 (1), 396 (1), 397 (1), 398 (1), 399 (2), 4 (1), 40 (2), 400 (1), 401 (2), 402 (2), 403 (1), 404 (1), 405 (1), 406 (2), 407 (1), 408 (1), 409 (4), 41 (1), 410 (2), 411 (1), 412 (1), 413 (2), 414 (2), 415;550;551;552 (3), 420 (2), 422 (2), 423 (8), 424 (2), 425 (2), 426 (2), 427 (11), 428 (1), 430 (3), 431 (2), 432 (5), 433 (10), 434 (2), 435 (1), 436 (1), 437 (7), 439 (1), 44 (2), 440 (1), 441 (1), 442 (5), 443 (1), 444 (1), 445 (1), 446 (1), 447 (1), 448 (2), 449 (1), 45 (1), 450 (1), 451 (1), 452 (1), 453 (1), 456 (1), 457 (1), 458 (1), 459 (3), 46 (3), 460 (2), 461 (1), 462 (1), 463 (1), 465 (1), 466 (1), 467 (2), 468 (1), 469 (1), 47 (1), 470 (1), 471 (2), 472 (1), 475 (1), 476 (1), 477 (1), 478 (2), 479 (1), 48 (1), 481 (1), 482 (1), 483 (1), 484 (1), 485 (1), 486 (1), 487 (1), 488 (1), 489 (1), 49 (1), 490 (1), 491 (1), 492 (1), 493 (1), 497 (1), 498 (2), 50 (1), 500 (1), 503 (3), 504 (2), 508 (1), 509 (2), 51 (1), 510 (1), 511 (1), 512 (1), 513 (1), 514 (1), 515 (2), 52 (3), 520 (15), 53 (3), 534 (33), 537 (3), 538 (4), 54 (3), 544 (1), 545;704;545;704;704 (2), 545;704;704 (1), 546 (4), 549 (2), 55 (4), 553 (2), 554 (10), 557 (4), 558 (1), 561 (1), 564 (5), 565 (1), 566 (2), 567 (3), 568 (1), 569 (3), 57 (4), 571 (8), 573 (8), 576 (1), 577 (1), 578 (2), 579 (1), 580 (4), 581 (1), 582 (1), 583 (2), 584 (1), 585 (1), 586 (5), 587 (3), 589 (9), 59 (5), 591 (1), 593 (2), 595 (1), 596 (1), 597 (1), 598 (1), 599 (6), 6 (1), 600 (3), 603 (2), 604 (2), 605 (1), 61 (3), 613 (2), 615;646 (5), 616 (1), 618 (1), 62 (2), 620 (1), 621 (2), 622 (3), 623 (1), 624 (1), 627 (5), 628 (17), 629 (5), 63 (6), 632 (1), 633 (1), 634 (3), 635 (3), 636 (1), 638 (2), 639 (3), 64 (11), 640 (1), 641 (1), 642 (1), 643 (1), 644 (1), 645 (1), 647 (1), 648 (1), 649 (1), 65 (1), 651 (1), 652 (1), 653 (1), 654 (1), 657 (1), 658 (1), 659 (1), 66 (8), 660 (1), 661 (1), 662 (1), 665 (8), 668 (2), 669 (1), 671 (1), 676 (3), 678 (3), 683 (1), 685 (19), 687 (4), 689 (7), 691 (5), 693 (15), 695 (2), 696 (2), 697 (2), 699;700 (2), 70 (1), 702 (1), 703 (1), 704 (25), 706 (1), 707 (1), 708 (1), 709 (1), 710 (1), 711 (1), 712 (1), 714 (1), 715 (5), 717 (3), 718 (3), 719 (3), 72 (1), 76 (6), 8 (1), 81 (12), 82 (1), 83 (2), 84 (6), 85 (8), 86 (1), 88 (6), 9 (1), 90 (8), 91 (2), 93 (1), 94 (4), 95 (1), 96 (1), 97 (1), 98 (2), |
cave | 2 | grotto (2), |
cave:depth | 3 | 1 (1), 195 (1), 6 (1), |
cave:length | 2 | 16 (1), 5 (1), |
cave:ref | 3 | 703-2 (1), 704-2 (1), 704-5 (1), |
ccc | 20 | cyclinglane (2), cyclingpath (1), cyclingroute (6), cylinglane (10), cylingpath (1), |
cellar:type | 1 | rock (1), |
cellar:use | 2 | unknown (1), wine (1), |
cemetery | 1077 | abandoned (1), grave (279), pet (1), sector (785), war_cemetery (7), yes (2), Старий Михайлівський Цвинтар (2), |
cemetery:historic | 1 | yes (1), |
census:population | 9 | 1012;2006 (1), 1054;2006 (1), 1186;2006 (1), 14966;2006 (1), 248637;2006 (1), 251;2006 (1), 368;2006 (1), 53777;2006 (1), 737;2006 (1), |
centre_turn_lane | 27 | yes (27), |
certified | 1 | yes (1), |
cg_ref | 2 | RO-NE (1), RO-NV (1), |
change | 9 | no (8), yes (1), |
change:backward | 18 | no (17), not_right (1), |
change:forward | 19 | no (19), |
change:lanes | 109 | no (3), none|no|no (1), not_left|yes (4), no|no (65), no|not_left (1), no|not_left|yes (1), no|not_left|yes|not_right|not_left|yes|yes (1), no|no|no (8), no|no|not_left (1), no|no|not_left|yes (3), no|no|no|no (4), no|no|no|no|no (1), no|yes|yes|yes (1), only_right|yes|no (1), yes|no (1), yes|not_left (1), yes|not_right|no (1), yes|not_right|not_left|yes (2), yes|not_right|no|not_left|not_right|no (1), yes|yes (1), yes|yes|none|none (2), yes|yes|not_left|yes (1), yes|yes|not_right|no (2), yes|yes|yes (1), yes|yes|yes|not_right|no (1), |
change:lanes:backward | 275 | no (17), not_left (4), not_left|not_right (1), not_left|not_right|no (2), not_left|yes (222), not_left|yes|yes (14), not_right (2), no|no (7), no|not_left|yes (2), no|no|no (1), no|yes (1), yes (1), yes|no|yes (1), |
change:lanes:forward | 290 | no (30), not_left|no (1), not_left|not_right (1), not_left|not_right|no (1), not_left|yes (212), not_left|yes|yes (9), not_right|no (3), no|no (14), no|not_left|yes (1), no|no|no (5), no|only_left|no (1), yes|yes (9), yes|yes|not_right (2), yes|yes|yes|yes|yes (1), |
changing_table | 472 | no (439), yes (33), |
changing_table:fee | 5 | no (5), |
changing_table:location | 4 | female_toilet (1), unisex_toilet (3), |
chapel | 1 | yes (1), |
charge | 358 | $1.50 (1), $4.25 (1), $6.7 (1), 0 (1), 0,5₴ (1), 0.9 (1), 0UAH @ 0-1.5h;15UAH @ 1.5+h (1), 1 BGN/hour (3), 1 EUR (1), 1 UAH, 2 UAH, 5 UAH, 10 UAH, 20 UAH (1), 1 UAH/L (1), 1 год 30 грн. (1), 1 грн (5), 1,2,5,10,20,50 UAN (1), 1,30 EUR (1), 1,50 (1), 1.00 CNY (3), 1.20 EUR (1), 1.30 EUR (16), 1.32 UAH (2), 1.37 UAH (6), 1.5 EUR (4), 1.50 CNY (1), 1.50 PEN (6), 1.50 USD (3), 1.50UAH / 1L (1), 10 PHP (1), 10 PLN (1), 10 RUB (1), 10 UAH (8), 10 UAH/hour (1), 10 uah (1), 10 uah/24h (1), 10 грн (3), 10 грн час (1), 10 грн./год (1), 10 грн/год (1), 100 RUB (1), 100 UAH (4), 100 UAH / longe (1), 100 UAH / lounger (1), 100 UAH /lounger (3), 100 UAH/day (1), 100 UAH/hour (2), 100 рублей в час (1), 1000UAH/month (1), 10zł/h;15zł/2h (1), 11 PHP (1), 110 грн (1), 1100 UAH (1), 12 Грн (8), 120RUB (1), 13 uah (1), 130 UAH/hour (1), 14 грн./день (1), 15 EUR/car (1), 15 RUB (4), 15 UAH (4), 15 UAH per hour, 100 UAH per day (2), 15 UAH per hour, 150 UAH per day (1), 15 UAH per hour, 80 UAH per day (3), 15 uah (1), 15 uah/24h (1), 15 ₽ (1), 150 UAH/hour;250 UAH/day;5000 UAH/month (1), 150 грн/год сауна, 290 грн/год баня (1), 15zł/30min (1), 15zł/os (1), 160-660 UAH/hr (1), 17 PHP (1), 1UAH / 1L (1), 2 USD (1), 2 грн (2), 2.00 CNY (19), 2.00 USD (5), 2.25 USD (6), 2.3 GBP (2), 2.50 PEN (1), 20 PLN (1), 20 PLN/day (2), 20 RUB (2), 20 UAH (2), 20 UAH per hour, 160 UAH per day (1), 20 UAH/hour (3), 20 UAH/hr, 50 UAH/12 hr (2), 20 Грн (7), 20 грн (1), 20.00 RUB (4), 200 PHP (1), 200 RUB (1), 200 грн. (1), 200 рублей в день, но уехать до 18 часов (1), 200₽/hour (1), 20uah (1), 20грн сутки(04/2022) (1), 24 RUB (5), 24 UAH - 1 L (1), 25 RUB (1), 25 UAH (3), 25 грн/доба (2), 25 рублей (1), 250 uhy (1), 25грн (1), 3 UAH (5), 3 UAH/kWt (1), 3 grv (1), 3.00 (1), 3.00 MXN (2), 3.60 Euro (1), 30 UAH (5), 30 UAH per hour (2), 30 UAH/day (3), 30 Грн (2), 30 грн/сутки (1), 300 RUB for 1 person and 150 RUB for 1 car (sept. 2021) (1), 300 UAH (1), 300 XOF (2), 300 грн (1), 300 руб. (1), 300 рублей день (1), 30грн. (1), 33.80BRL/motorcar;0.00BRL/motorcycle;33.80BRL/hgv/axle (1), 35 UAH (1), 35 UAH/day (2), 35 UAH/hour (4), 350р (1), 3€ (1), 4 UAH (1), 4 UAH/hour (1), 4 uah (1), 4.00 UAH (17), 4.99 грн / кВт.ч (1), 40 UAH (3), 40 UAH per hour (1), 400 RUB for 1 person and 150 rub for 1 car (summer 2021) (1), 5 UAH (9), 5 грн (1), 5.5 грн / кВт.ч (1), 50 (2), 50 RUB (1), 50 UAH (6), 50 USD (1), 50 uah (2), 50 ГРН (1), 50 грн (3), 50.00 RUB (2), 500 (2), 500 usd (1), 500 рублей за весь день (1), 500 ₽ (1), 500р (1), 5₴ (2), 60 RUB (1), 60 UAH (1), 600 UAH (1), 600₽/1st day;500₽/2nd day;300₽/day (1), 6zł/os.;9zł/2os. (1), 70 грн (1), 700 грн (1), 7000 VND (9), 80 UAH (2), 80 UAH/day (1), 8000 VND (1), 9 (1), 9 UAH/kWh DC, 5.60 UAH/kWh AC (1), 900uah\month (1), From 60 UAH (1), One time visit: Adults - 250 hryvnia, Kids - 150 hryvnia (1), UAH (1), ~ 4 USD (100 гр) (1), ¥5 (1), метан - 17,50 RUB (1), |
charge:conditional | 2 | 1.6 GBP (if under 16 years old) (2), |
charge:electric_vehicle | 1 | NOK 77 (1), |
charge:motorcar | 3 | 18 PLN / day (1), 20 PLN / day (1), NOK 153 (1), |
charge:motorcycle | 1 | NOK 56 (1), |
charge:uk | 2 | 20 грн/год, 50 грн/12 год (2), |
charge:url | 1 | https://www.isleroyale.com/schedules-and-fares.html (1), |
charging_station:output | 2 | 22 kW (1), 50 kW (1), |
chchsid | 1 | 150 (1), |
check:note:de | 1 | Bitte die Lage des Gefahrenbereichs entsprechend der aktuellen Situation ändern und nicht löschen! (1), |
check:note:en | 1 | please, change location of danger area according to actual situation, not delete it (1), |
check:note:ru | 1 | пожалуйста, изменяйте положение опасной зоны в соответствии с текущей обстановкой, не удаляйте её (1), |
check:note:uk | 1 | будь ласка, змінюйте положення небезпечної зони відповідно до поточного стану, не видаляйте її (1), |
check_data | 1 | 2019-07-06 (1), |
check_date | 4733 | 03.10.2019 (1), 05.05.2016 (1), 05.11.2021 (2), 05/2022 (1), 06.06.2022 (3), 08.01.2021 (1), 10.09.2021 (1), 12.03.2022 (1), 13.06.2020 (1), 17.09.19 (1), 20-10-2020 (1), 2012_02_05 (12), 2015 (1), 2015-03-18 (1), 2015-07-31 (1), 2015-08-01 (1), 2015-09-13 (19), 2015-11-27 (1), 2016-09-21 (2), 2016-12-25 (5), 2017-05-06 (1), 2017-06-01 (1), 2017-06-06 (1), 2017-07-06 (1), 2017-09-10 (2), 2017-11-03 (1), 2017-11-06 (1), 2017-11-13 (1), 2017-12-01 (1), 2017-12-10 (15), 20171106 (1), 2018-02-01 (1), 2018-02-27 (6), 2018-03-02 (2), 2018-03-05 (5), 2018-05-29 (2), 2019-01-04 (2), 2019-01-05 (2), 2019-02-26 (1), 2019-03-03 (10), 2019-03-10 (1), 2019-06-04 (1), 2019-06-22 (1), 2019-06-27 (3), 2019-06-29 (1), 2019-07-02 (1), 2019-07-04 (1), 2019-07-06 (3), 2019-07-08 (9), 2019-08-17 (2), 2019-11-06 (2), 2019-11-17 (1), 2019-11-26 (1), 2019-12-05 (1), 2019-12-25 (1), 2020-01-04 (2), 2020-01-21 (1), 2020-02-01 (1), 2020-02-09 (1), 2020-03-01 (2), 2020-03-12 (1), 2020-03-14 (1), 2020-03-22 (1), 2020-04-18 (2), 2020-04-19 (4), 2020-04-25 (1), 2020-04-29 (1), 2020-04-30 (3), 2020-05-30 (1), 2020-06-21 (1), 2020-06-27 (1), 2020-07-10 (4), 2020-07-27 (1), 2020-08 (1), 2020-08-11 (1), 2020-08-23 (1), 2020-09-05 (1), 2020-09-13 (1), 2020-09-21 (1), 2020-09-23 (1), 2020-09-29 (1), 2020-10-15 (1), 2020-11-03 (3), 2020-11-21 (1), 2020-11-22 (1), 2020-11-30 (2), 2020-12-10 (1), 2020-12-15 (2), 2020-12-22 (1), 2020-12-28 (2), 2020-12-30 (20), 2020-12-31 (8), 2021-01-02 (5), 2021-01-03 (15), 2021-01-05 (4), 2021-01-06 (1), 2021-01-07 (1), 2021-01-08 (1), 2021-01-09 (4), 2021-01-10 (3), 2021-01-11 (4), 2021-01-13 (4), 2021-01-21 (87), 2021-01-23 (2), 2021-01-24 (3), 2021-01-25 (1), 2021-01-27 (1), 2021-01-28 (15), 2021-01-29 (1), 2021-01-30 (2), 2021-02-01 (2), 2021-02-02 (3), 2021-02-03 (32), 2021-02-09 (1), 2021-02-11 (2), 2021-02-15 (1), 2021-02-16 (3), 2021-02-20 (1), 2021-02-21 (1), 2021-02-22 (1), 2021-02-26 (2), 2021-03-01 (1), 2021-03-08 (2), 2021-03-11 (1), 2021-03-13 (3), 2021-03-14 (7), 2021-03-15 (20), 2021-03-16 (31), 2021-03-17 (2), 2021-03-20 (1), 2021-03-21 (2), 2021-03-22 (1), 2021-03-25 (1), 2021-03-26 (2), 2021-03-27 (18), 2021-03-28 (1), 2021-04-01 (4), 2021-04-02 (15), 2021-04-04 (1), 2021-04-06 (5), 2021-04-08 (3), 2021-04-09 (4), 2021-04-10 (3), 2021-04-11 (16), 2021-04-12 (2), 2021-04-15 (1), 2021-04-16 (2), 2021-04-17 (4), 2021-04-18 (2), 2021-04-19 (8), 2021-04-20 (4), 2021-04-23 (3), 2021-04-24 (3), 2021-04-25 (11), 2021-04-26 (1), 2021-04-28 (5), 2021-04-29 (1), 2021-04-30 (6), 2021-05-01 (15), 2021-05-02 (9), 2021-05-04 (13), 2021-05-05 (13), 2021-05-06 (4), 2021-05-07 (1), 2021-05-08 (1), 2021-05-09 (2), 2021-05-11 (2), 2021-05-12 (4), 2021-05-14 (2), 2021-05-18 (3), 2021-05-19 (4), 2021-05-20 (5), 2021-05-21 (1), 2021-05-22 (2), 2021-05-23 (10), 2021-05-24 (1), 2021-05-25 (2), 2021-05-26 (18), 2021-05-27 (2), 2021-05-28 (3), 2021-05-30 (2), 2021-06-02 (8), 2021-06-05 (3), 2021-06-07 (9), 2021-06-10 (10), 2021-06-12 (2), 2021-06-13 (2), 2021-06-14 (10), 2021-06-16 (1), 2021-06-17 (1), 2021-06-19 (11), 2021-06-20 (13), 2021-06-21 (1), 2021-06-22 (1), 2021-06-23 (1), 2021-06-26 (2), 2021-06-27 (5), 2021-06-28 (9), 2021-07-01 (1), 2021-07-02 (2), 2021-07-03 (1), 2021-07-04 (1), 2021-07-05 (1), 2021-07-06 (3), 2021-07-07 (1), 2021-07-08 (1), 2021-07-09 (3), 2021-07-11 (1), 2021-07-12 (1), 2021-07-13 (5), 2021-07-16 (1), 2021-07-17 (7), 2021-07-18 (2), 2021-07-19 (1), 2021-07-21 (3), 2021-07-22 (1), 2021-07-23 (2), 2021-07-24 (2), 2021-07-27 (6), 2021-07-28 (2), 2021-07-31 (1), 2021-08-01 (3), 2021-08-02 (1), 2021-08-03 (1), 2021-08-04 (1), 2021-08-05 (16), 2021-08-06 (11), 2021-08-08 (3), 2021-08-09 (2), 2021-08-10 (1), 2021-08-11 (1), 2021-08-14 (1), 2021-08-15 (7), 2021-08-16 (9), 2021-08-17 (1), 2021-08-19 (3), 2021-08-21 (2), 2021-08-22 (9), 2021-08-23 (1), 2021-08-24 (6), 2021-08-25 (46), 2021-08-27 (11), 2021-08-28 (6), 2021-08-29 (1), 2021-08-30 (5), 2021-08-31 (1), 2021-09-01 (2), 2021-09-03 (1), 2021-09-04 (6), 2021-09-05 (2), 2021-09-07 (8), 2021-09-09 (1), 2021-09-10 (6), 2021-09-11 (6), 2021-09-12 (3), 2021-09-13 (2), 2021-09-14 (4), 2021-09-15 (1), 2021-09-16 (1), 2021-09-18 (1), 2021-09-19 (1), 2021-09-23 (8), 2021-09-24 (3), 2021-09-25 (8), 2021-09-26 (4), 2021-09-27 (5), 2021-09-29 (2), 2021-10-01 (1), 2021-10-02 (4), 2021-10-07 (1), 2021-10-08 (1), 2021-10-11 (5), 2021-10-12 (2), 2021-10-13 (5), 2021-10-15 (1), 2021-10-16 (3), 2021-10-17 (3), 2021-10-19 (3), 2021-10-20 (11), 2021-10-21 (4), 2021-10-22 (5), 2021-10-23 (1), 2021-10-24 (2), 2021-10-27 (2), 2021-10-30 (5), 2021-10-31 (13), 2021-11-01 (1), 2021-11-02 (1), 2021-11-03 (1), 2021-11-04 (3), 2021-11-06 (1), 2021-11-08 (1), 2021-11-09 (2), 2021-11-10 (1), 2021-11-11 (1), 2021-11-12 (1), 2021-11-13 (13), 2021-11-18 (2), 2021-11-20 (3), 2021-11-21 (3), 2021-11-22 (3), 2021-11-25 (4), 2021-11-28 (1), 2021-12 (1), 2021-12-02 (1), 2021-12-04 (1), 2021-12-05 (1), 2021-12-06 (1), 2021-12-10 (2), 2021-12-11 (1), 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2022-04-11 (8), 2022-04-12 (1), 2022-04-14 (1), 2022-04-15 (2), 2022-04-16 (1), 2022-04-20 (1), 2022-04-22 (2), 2022-04-23 (1), 2022-04-25 (1), 2022-04-26 (1), 2022-04-27 (1), 2022-04-28 (17), 2022-04-29 (1), 2022-04-30 (2), 2022-05 (1), 2022-05-01 (1), 2022-05-02 (2), 2022-05-03 (3), 2022-05-04 (2), 2022-05-05 (13), 2022-05-06 (2), 2022-05-07 (1), 2022-05-08 (13), 2022-05-09 (7), 2022-05-11 (16), 2022-05-12 (8), 2022-05-13 (6), 2022-05-14 (7), 2022-05-15 (9), 2022-05-16 (4), 2022-05-17 (4), 2022-05-18 (3), 2022-05-19 (4), 2022-05-22 (3), 2022-05-23 (1), 2022-05-25 (19), 2022-05-26 (1), 2022-05-27 (2), 2022-05-28 (4), 2022-05-29 (4), 2022-05-30 (1), 2022-05-31 (1), 2022-06-01 (1), 2022-06-02 (4), 2022-06-03 (3), 2022-06-05 (4), 2022-06-07 (5), 2022-06-09 (1), 2022-06-10 (1), 2022-06-11 (1), 2022-06-12 (1), 2022-06-13 (1), 2022-06-14 (7), 2022-06-15 (1), 2022-06-17 (3), 2022-06-18 (3), 2022-06-20 (1), 2022-06-23 (2), 2022-06-24 (1), 2022-06-25 (15), 2022-06-26 (3), 2022-06-27 (2), 2022-06-30 (6), 2022-07-01 (3), 2022-07-02 (9), 2022-07-04 (39), 2022-07-05 (2), 2022-07-06 (4), 2022-07-08 (1), 2022-07-09 (1), 2022-07-11 (4), 2022-07-12 (5), 2022-07-14 (2), 2022-07-16 (1), 2022-07-17 (1), 2022-07-18 (1), 2022-07-19 (27), 2022-07-20 (34), 2022-07-21 (18), 2022-07-22 (27), 2022-07-23 (13), 2022-07-24 (3), 2022-07-25 (74), 2022-07-26 (1), 2022-07-28 (19), 2022-07-29 (28), 2022-07-30 (3), 2022-07-31 (2), 2022-08-01 (4), 2022-08-02 (10), 2022-08-03 (1), 2022-08-04 (3), 2022-08-05 (3), 2022-08-06 (2), 2022-08-07 (3), 2022-08-08 (8), 2022-08-12 (5), 2022-08-13 (1), 2022-08-14 (5), 2022-08-15 (5), 2022-08-16 (5), 2022-08-17 (2), 2022-08-18 (1), 2022-08-20 (1), 2022-08-21 (1), 2022-08-24 (2), 2022-08-25 (2), 2022-08-27 (1), 2022-09-01 (2), 2022-09-02 (23), 2022-09-03 (2), 2022-09-04 (3), 2022-09-05 (3), 2022-09-06 (9), 2022-09-07 (2), 2022-09-08 (8), 2022-09-10 (1), 2022-09-11 (1), 2022-09-13 (1), 2022-09-14 (9), 2022-09-16 (1), 2022-09-17 (1), 2022-09-22 (2), 2022-09-23 (10), 2022-09-24 (6), 2022-09-25 (1), 2022-09-26 (1), 2022-09-27 (22), 2022-09-28 (1), 2022-09-29 (1), 2022-09-30 (1), 2022-10-01 (5), 2022-10-02 (2), 2022-10-03 (7), 2022-10-04 (1), 2022-10-05 (5), 2022-10-06 (3), 2022-10-07 (11), 2022-10-09 (1), 2022-10-11 (4), 2022-10-14 (2), 2022-10-15 (3), 2022-10-16 (10), 2022-10-18 (2), 2022-10-19 (9), 2022-10-20 (1), 2022-10-21 (3), 2022-10-22 (5), 2022-10-24 (10), 2022-10-25 (3), 2022-10-26 (1), 2022-10-28 (2), 2022-10-29 (5), 2022-10-30 (3), 2022-10-31 (1), 2022-11-01 (3), 2022-11-04 (2), 2022-11-05 (26), 2022-11-06 (2), 2022-11-07 (1), 2022-11-08 (1), 2022-11-10 (10), 2022-11-11 (2), 2022-11-12 (1), 2022-11-13 (1), 2022-11-16 (1), 2022-11-18 (1), 2022-11-19 (1), 2022-11-21 (23), 2022-11-22 (2), 2022-11-23 (12), 2022-11-24 (2), 2022-11-27 (11), 2022-11-29 (1), 2022-11-30 (1), 2022-12 (14), 2022-12-01 (2), 2022-12-02 (1), 2022-12-03 (7), 2022-12-04 (13), 2022-12-06 (1), 2022-12-08 (1), 2022-12-09 (1), 2022-12-10 (11), 2022-12-11 (8), 2022-12-12 (5), 2022-12-13 (2), 2022-12-14 (10), 2022-12-15 (3), 2022-12-17 (2), 2022-12-19 (4), 2022-12-21 (1), 2022-12-22 (1), 2022-12-24 (6), 2022-12-25 (10), 2022-12-26 (1), 2022-12-28 (22), 2022-12-29 (13), 2022-12-31 (21), 2022-17-09 (2), 2022‑05‑27 (1), 2023 (1), 2023-01-01 (37), 2023-01-02 (2), 2023-01-03 (3), 2023-01-04 (2), 2023-01-05 (65), 2023-01-07 (16), 2023-01-08 (13), 2023-01-09 (15), 2023-01-10 (3), 2023-01-11 (10), 2023-01-12 (15), 2023-01-13 (5), 2023-01-14 (2), 2023-01-15 (8), 2023-01-16 (1), 2023-01-18 (2), 2023-01-19 (1), 2023-01-20 (2), 2023-01-21 (2), 2023-01-22 (3), 2023-01-23 (3), 2023-01-24 (1), 2023-01-25 (1), 2023-01-27 (11), 2023-01-28 (7), 2023-01-29 (11), 2023-01-30 (5), 2023-01-31 (4), 2023-02 (2), 2023-02-01 (2), 2023-02-02 (17), 2023-02-03 (20), 2023-02-04 (14), 2023-02-05 (55), 2023-02-06 (24), 2023-02-07 (19), 2023-02-08 (39), 2023-02-09 (29), 2023-02-10 (15), 2023-02-11 (7), 2023-02-12 (19), 2023-02-13 (3), 2023-02-14 (2), 2023-02-15 (4), 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check_date:opening_hours | 653 | 2020-08-04 (3), 2020-10-13 (1), 2020-11-11 (1), 2020-11-14 (1), 2020-11-15 (1), 2020-11-16 (1), 2020-11-17 (2), 2020-11-18 (1), 2020-11-22 (5), 2020-11-25 (2), 2020-11-27 (1), 2020-11-30 (1), 2020-12-05 (1), 2020-12-12 (1), 2020-12-13 (3), 2020-12-15 (2), 2020-12-31 (2), 2021-01-03 (2), 2021-01-05 (2), 2021-01-06 (1), 2021-01-08 (1), 2021-01-28 (3), 2021-01-29 (1), 2021-01-30 (1), 2021-01-31 (6), 2021-02-02 (5), 2021-02-23 (1), 2021-03-13 (1), 2021-03-14 (1), 2021-03-15 (2), 2021-03-17 (1), 2021-03-25 (3), 2021-03-26 (2), 2021-03-27 (5), 2021-03-28 (1), 2021-03-31 (1), 2021-04-01 (1), 2021-04-03 (1), 2021-04-09 (1), 2021-04-15 (2), 2021-04-24 (1), 2021-04-28 (1), 2021-04-29 (1), 2021-04-30 (1), 2021-05-03 (1), 2021-05-04 (2), 2021-05-06 (4), 2021-05-18 (2), 2021-05-26 (1), 2021-05-27 (2), 2021-05-30 (1), 2021-06-01 (1), 2021-06-06 (1), 2021-06-07 (2), 2021-06-10 (2), 2021-06-14 (1), 2021-06-16 (2), 2021-06-18 (2), 2021-06-19 (1), 2021-06-22 (2), 2021-06-23 (1), 2021-06-26 (2), 2021-06-28 (1), 2021-07-03 (1), 2021-07-06 (1), 2021-07-08 (2), 2021-07-09 (1), 2021-07-10 (1), 2021-07-12 (1), 2021-07-13 (1), 2021-07-20 (1), 2021-07-21 (3), 2021-07-23 (2), 2021-07-24 (1), 2021-07-25 (1), 2021-07-27 (1), 2021-07-28 (1), 2021-07-29 (1), 2021-07-30 (1), 2021-08-03 (2), 2021-08-08 (1), 2021-08-12 (1), 2021-08-16 (2), 2021-08-18 (2), 2021-08-19 (1), 2021-08-21 (1), 2021-08-23 (3), 2021-08-26 (4), 2021-08-27 (1), 2021-08-29 (2), 2021-09-03 (1), 2021-09-04 (1), 2021-09-05 (7), 2021-09-07 (3), 2021-09-09 (1), 2021-09-10 (2), 2021-09-12 (1), 2021-09-15 (1), 2021-09-17 (1), 2021-09-20 (2), 2021-09-28 (1), 2021-09-29 (2), 2021-10-03 (5), 2021-10-04 (2), 2021-10-06 (4), 2021-10-07 (2), 2021-10-08 (4), 2021-10-11 (1), 2021-10-12 (2), 2021-10-13 (2), 2021-10-15 (5), 2021-10-17 (4), 2021-10-18 (1), 2021-10-19 (7), 2021-10-21 (1), 2021-10-24 (5), 2021-10-26 (1), 2021-10-28 (1), 2021-10-31 (1), 2021-11-01 (2), 2021-11-07 (1), 2021-11-08 (3), 2021-11-12 (2), 2021-11-13 (4), 2021-11-14 (1), 2021-11-18 (5), 2021-11-22 (1), 2021-11-27 (4), 2021-11-28 (5), 2021-11-29 (1), 2021-12-02 (1), 2021-12-04 (5), 2021-12-06 (4), 2021-12-07 (2), 2021-12-09 (1), 2021-12-10 (1), 2021-12-12 (1), 2021-12-25 (1), 2021-12-28 (1), 2021-12-29 (1), 2022-01-07 (1), 2022-01-13 (4), 2022-01-17 (1), 2022-01-26 (3), 2022-01-27 (2), 2022-01-28 (14), 2022-01-29 (4), 2022-01-30 (4), 2022-02-05 (1), 2022-02-09 (2), 2022-02-10 (1), 2022-02-11 (4), 2022-02-14 (1), 2022-02-15 (1), 2022-02-16 (8), 2022-02-17 (2), 2022-02-18 (4), 2022-02-19 (1), 2022-02-20 (1), 2022-02-22 (1), 2022-02-28 (1), 2022-03-14 (1), 2022-03-15 (1), 2022-03-17 (2), 2022-03-18 (1), 2022-04-08 (1), 2022-04-11 (1), 2022-04-17 (2), 2022-04-19 (2), 2022-04-22 (1), 2022-04-27 (1), 2022-04-29 (1), 2022-04-30 (1), 2022-05-02 (2), 2022-05-03 (2), 2022-05-04 (2), 2022-05-05 (2), 2022-05-09 (2), 2022-05-10 (1), 2022-05-13 (3), 2022-05-14 (3), 2022-05-15 (3), 2022-05-17 (2), 2022-05-22 (2), 2022-05-25 (1), 2022-05-26 (1), 2022-05-28 (4), 2022-05-29 (2), 2022-05-30 (1), 2022-06-03 (3), 2022-06-04 (1), 2022-06-05 (5), 2022-06-10 (2), 2022-06-11 (2), 2022-06-12 (1), 2022-06-14 (1), 2022-06-18 (1), 2022-06-22 (7), 2022-06-25 (2), 2022-06-28 (1), 2022-06-29 (1), 2022-06-30 (2), 2022-07-09 (1), 2022-07-10 (1), 2022-07-12 (2), 2022-07-15 (2), 2022-07-17 (1), 2022-07-18 (1), 2022-07-20 (1), 2022-07-27 (1), 2022-07-28 (2), 2022-08-02 (1), 2022-08-04 (2), 2022-08-14 (1), 2022-08-15 (3), 2022-08-16 (1), 2022-08-23 (1), 2022-08-25 (2), 2022-08-29 (1), 2022-09-10 (1), 2022-09-14 (1), 2022-09-17 (1), 2022-09-20 (1), 2022-10-01 (2), 2022-10-07 (3), 2022-10-08 (2), 2022-10-09 (2), 2022-10-17 (4), 2022-10-18 (3), 2022-10-19 (1), 2022-10-24 (2), 2022-10-25 (1), 2022-10-26 (1), 2022-10-28 (3), 2022-10-29 (9), 2022-11-01 (3), 2022-11-02 (2), 2022-11-04 (3), 2022-11-05 (21), 2022-11-06 (21), 2022-11-09 (3), 2022-11-11 (2), 2022-11-13 (2), 2022-11-14 (15), 2022-11-17 (1), 2022-11-18 (3), 2022-11-25 (1), 2022-11-26 (2), 2022-11-27 (1), 2022-12-04 (14), 2022-12-07 (3), 2022-12-14 (1), 2022-12-20 (1), 2022-12-27 (1), 2022-12-28 (10), 2022‑05‑27 (1), 2023-01-04 (3), 2023-01-05 (1), 2023-01-12 (3), 2023-01-14 (1), 2023-01-21 (1), 2023-01-27 (1), 2023-02-02 (1), 2023-02-05 (1), 2023-02-08 (1), 2023-02-09 (1), 2023-02-10 (1), 2023-02-11 (3), 2023-02-13 (1), 2023-02-14 (4), 2023-02-16 (3), 2023-02-18 (1), 2023-02-25 (8), 2023-02-26 (1), 2023-02-27 (2), 2023-03-01 (1), 2023-03-02 (1), 2023-03-03 (2), 2023-03-05 (1), 2023-03-11 (1), 2023-03-13 (1), 2023-03-18 (1), 2023-03-22 (1), 2023-03-29 (3), 2023-03-30 (2), 2023-03-31 (2), 2023-04-02 (1), 2023-04-04 (1), 2023-04-06 (7), 2023-04-10 (8), 2023-04-11 (2), 2023-04-12 (1), 2023-04-15 (2), |
check_date:osmc:status | 5 | 2023-01-29 (1), 2023-03-11 (1), 2023-04-01 (1), 2023-04-07 (1), 2023-04-15 (1), |
check_date:ramp | 24 | 2021-01-30 (2), 2021-02-16 (1), 2021-03-13 (1), 2021-03-17 (1), 2021-03-24 (1), 2021-04-29 (1), 2021-05-26 (1), 2021-07-04 (1), 2021-07-11 (1), 2021-07-16 (1), 2021-09-07 (1), 2021-10-28 (1), 2021-11-03 (1), 2021-12-25 (1), 2022-02-10 (1), 2022-04-07 (1), 2022-06-03 (1), 2022-07-13 (1), 2022-08-12 (1), 2022-12-04 (1), 2022-12-18 (2), 2023-01-16 (1), |
check_date:recycling | 7 | 2021-08-24 (1), 2022-07-02 (1), 2022-12-25 (1), 2023-01-11 (1), 2023-04-05 (1), 2023-04-13 (2), |
check_date:segregated | 1 | 2020-12-13 (1), |
check_date:shelter | 166 | 2020-12-25 (1), 2021-01-02 (1), 2021-01-07 (1), 2021-03-29 (1), 2021-03-31 (3), 2021-04-15 (1), 2021-06-17 (2), 2021-06-27 (1), 2021-07-10 (1), 2021-07-24 (1), 2021-08-07 (1), 2021-08-12 (1), 2021-08-16 (1), 2021-08-22 (2), 2021-08-24 (2), 2021-08-25 (7), 2021-08-27 (2), 2021-09-03 (3), 2021-09-10 (3), 2021-09-16 (1), 2021-10-03 (2), 2021-10-09 (1), 2021-10-10 (1), 2021-10-23 (4), 2021-10-24 (2), 2021-11-21 (1), 2021-11-25 (3), 2021-12-19 (1), 2022-01-22 (2), 2022-01-29 (2), 2022-02-02 (3), 2022-02-03 (15), 2022-02-05 (1), 2022-03-26 (1), 2022-04-28 (1), 2022-05-09 (1), 2022-05-29 (9), 2022-06-04 (3), 2022-06-07 (1), 2022-06-10 (1), 2022-06-18 (1), 2022-06-23 (1), 2022-06-25 (1), 2022-07-04 (1), 2022-07-15 (2), 2022-07-18 (1), 2022-07-21 (1), 2022-07-27 (3), 2022-08-04 (1), 2022-08-06 (2), 2022-08-15 (12), 2022-08-19 (1), 2022-08-25 (6), 2022-09-03 (3), 2022-09-11 (1), 2022-09-12 (1), 2022-09-24 (1), 2022-10-02 (2), 2022-10-05 (1), 2022-10-15 (2), 2022-10-19 (1), 2022-10-24 (1), 2022-11-03 (1), 2022-11-04 (1), 2022-11-13 (2), 2022-11-25 (2), 2022-12-14 (1), 2022-12-28 (1), 2023-01-04 (1), 2023-01-24 (1), 2023-02-05 (3), 2023-02-08 (1), 2023-02-11 (1), 2023-02-12 (1), 2023-02-14 (1), 2023-02-24 (1), 2023-03-04 (1), 2023-03-08 (2), 2023-03-10 (1), 2023-03-21 (1), 2023-03-30 (2), 2023-04-02 (1), 2023-04-04 (1), 2023-04-14 (1), 2023-04-17 (1), |
check_date:sidewalk | 2 | 2022-11-28 (1), 2023-03-04 (1), |
check_date:sidewalk:surface | 1 | 2022-11-04 (1), |
check_date:smoothness | 13 | 2022-05-09 (2), 2022-06-18 (2), 2022-06-19 (1), 2022-07-11 (1), 2022-07-12 (1), 2022-09-08 (1), 2022-10-02 (1), 2022-12-30 (1), 2023-02-08 (1), 2023-03-22 (1), 2023-03-29 (1), |
check_date:surface | 385 | 2020-11-02 (1), 2020-11-08 (2), 2020-11-10 (1), 2020-11-14 (4), 2020-11-22 (1), 2020-11-28 (1), 2020-12-13 (1), 2020-12-30 (1), 2021-01-09 (3), 2021-01-10 (1), 2021-01-23 (1), 2021-01-29 (1), 2021-03-15 (5), 2021-03-28 (6), 2021-04-06 (1), 2021-04-19 (11), 2021-04-21 (2), 2021-04-23 (1), 2021-04-24 (1), 2021-04-25 (4), 2021-04-28 (1), 2021-04-29 (3), 2021-05-01 (1), 2021-05-02 (1), 2021-05-04 (1), 2021-05-08 (1), 2021-05-14 (1), 2021-05-16 (1), 2021-05-17 (2), 2021-05-18 (2), 2021-05-20 (1), 2021-05-22 (1), 2021-05-23 (5), 2021-05-28 (1), 2021-05-30 (3), 2021-05-31 (2), 2021-06-04 (2), 2021-06-05 (2), 2021-06-07 (1), 2021-06-09 (1), 2021-06-10 (3), 2021-06-13 (1), 2021-06-17 (5), 2021-06-21 (4), 2021-06-25 (11), 2021-07-03 (1), 2021-07-09 (1), 2021-07-15 (3), 2021-07-25 (2), 2021-07-26 (1), 2021-07-27 (2), 2021-08-01 (1), 2021-08-03 (2), 2021-08-05 (2), 2021-08-06 (1), 2021-08-07 (1), 2021-08-08 (1), 2021-08-14 (1), 2021-08-19 (1), 2021-08-22 (2), 2021-08-23 (2), 2021-09-07 (4), 2021-09-08 (2), 2021-09-15 (1), 2021-10-03 (2), 2021-10-05 (1), 2021-10-13 (1), 2021-10-15 (1), 2021-10-19 (2), 2021-10-20 (1), 2021-10-22 (3), 2021-10-24 (4), 2021-10-25 (2), 2021-10-27 (23), 2021-10-30 (1), 2021-11-03 (3), 2021-11-05 (22), 2021-11-22 (1), 2021-12-03 (1), 2021-12-10 (1), 2021-12-11 (3), 2021-12-21 (1), 2021-12-22 (3), 2021-12-25 (3), 2022-01-11 (1), 2022-01-24 (1), 2022-01-30 (1), 2022-04-03 (1), 2022-04-07 (3), 2022-04-11 (1), 2022-04-13 (1), 2022-04-14 (1), 2022-04-15 (2), 2022-04-17 (1), 2022-04-18 (1), 2022-04-20 (1), 2022-05-03 (4), 2022-05-04 (2), 2022-05-06 (2), 2022-05-08 (2), 2022-05-09 (1), 2022-05-10 (2), 2022-05-11 (1), 2022-05-28 (1), 2022-06-18 (2), 2022-06-24 (1), 2022-06-25 (1), 2022-06-26 (2), 2022-07-07 (1), 2022-07-16 (2), 2022-07-18 (1), 2022-07-29 (1), 2022-08-15 (1), 2022-08-21 (1), 2022-09-02 (7), 2022-09-08 (5), 2022-09-11 (1), 2022-09-13 (2), 2022-09-16 (1), 2022-09-23 (2), 2022-09-30 (1), 2022-10-02 (5), 2022-10-07 (2), 2022-10-19 (9), 2022-10-22 (2), 2022-10-24 (2), 2022-10-25 (1), 2022-10-30 (1), 2022-10-31 (1), 2022-11-04 (15), 2022-11-10 (1), 2022-11-12 (1), 2022-11-13 (7), 2022-11-14 (1), 2022-11-17 (1), 2022-11-21 (1), 2022-11-23 (1), 2022-11-25 (1), 2022-12-26 (1), 2022-12-31 (1), 2023-01-02 (2), 2023-01-03 (1), 2023-01-12 (1), 2023-01-15 (2), 2023-01-19 (1), 2023-01-25 (1), 2023-01-30 (5), 2023-01-31 (1), 2023-02-01 (1), 2023-02-02 (1), 2023-02-04 (1), 2023-02-07 (1), 2023-02-10 (7), 2023-02-12 (2), 2023-02-14 (1), 2023-02-15 (2), 2023-02-17 (2), 2023-02-19 (2), 2023-02-20 (2), 2023-02-21 (2), 2023-02-27 (1), 2023-03-02 (1), 2023-03-05 (1), 2023-03-09 (1), 2023-03-14 (2), 2023-03-17 (1), 2023-03-19 (1), 2023-03-21 (1), 2023-03-25 (1), 2023-03-30 (1), 2023-04-09 (1), 2023-04-10 (1), 2023-04-15 (1), 2023-04-16 (1), |
check_date:tactile_paving | 14 | 2022-02-14 (1), 2022-10-08 (1), 2022-11-23 (1), 2022-12-30 (1), 2023-01-08 (1), 2023-02-19 (1), 2023-02-20 (1), 2023-02-25 (2), 2023-03-01 (1), 2023-03-28 (1), 2023-04-01 (1), 2023-04-17 (2), |
check_date:tracktype | 6 | 2021-02-01 (1), 2021-04-10 (2), 2021-04-22 (1), 2021-04-24 (2), |
check_date:traffic_signals:sound | 4 | 2021-05-27 (1), 2021-07-24 (1), 2021-11-20 (2), |
check_date:wheelchair | 3 | 2021-10-20 (1), 2022-03-06 (2), |
checked | 23 | 2014-01-06 wambacher (2), 2014-01-08/seichter (2), 2014-01-11/seichter (1), 2014-01-12/seichter (3), 2014/01/05 wambacher (1), 2014/01/06 Streckenkundler (1), 2014/01/06 streckenkundler (4), 2014/01/08 streckenkundler (2), 2014/01/09 streckenkundler (1), 2014/01/13 wambacher (1), 2014/01/14 wambacher (2), 2019-08-25 (3), |
checked_by | 219 | Bobropiton (219), |
checked_date | 1 | 2020-04-09 (1), |
checkpoint | 9 | hiking (6), national border (2), security (1), |
checkpoint:type | 6 | stamp (6), |
chemist | 1 | parfum (1), |
chicago:building_id | 2 | 370582 (2), |
chief | 1 | Лисенко Світлана Семенівна (1), |
church | 1 | yes (1), |
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cigarette | 1 | yes (1), |
cinema | 1 | screen (1), |
cinema:3D | 14 | no (2), yes (12), |
circuits | 14388 | 1 (10159), 1/3 (9), 1;1 (133), 1;2 (1), 2 (4070), 3 (9), 4 (7), |
circuits:design | 31 | 2 (31), |
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city | 3 | Зміїнець (1), Луцьк (1), с,Поляна (1), |
city:left | 74 | Ancona (21), Bari (1), Barletta (2), Botricello (1), Brindisi (1), Carovigno (1), Castione Andevenno (2), Crotone (1), Duino Aurisina / Devin - Nabrežina (3), Falconara Marittima (1), Gagliano del Capo (1), Grado (1), Lesina (1), Lignano Sabbiadoro (1), Lizzano (3), Marano Lagunare (1), Molfetta (1), Montesilvano (1), Muggia / Milje (1), Numana (4), Otranto (1), Pedara (1), Peschici (1), Pisticci (1), San Michele al Tagliamento (1), Sirolo (12), Staranzano (1), Taranto (1), Termoli (1), Trieste / Trst (1), Venezia (2), Vieste (1), Villa San Giovanni (1), |
city:right | 3 | Nicolosi (1), Sondrio (2), |
city_id | 1546 | 500046 (1), 500062 (1), 500101 (1), 500127 (1), 500135 (1), 500160 (1), 500194 (1), 500232 (1), 500283 (1), 500305 (1), 500321 (1), 500356 (1), 500364 (1), 500381 (1), 500411 (1), 500429 (1), 500437 (1), 500453 (1), 500461 (1), 500500 (1), 500518 (1), 500542 (1), 500569 (1), 500577 (1), 500585 (1), 500593 (1), 500607 (1), 500631 (1), 500658 (1), 500682 (1), 500691 (1), 500712 (1), 500721 (1), 500739 (1), 500755 (1), 500780 (1), 500828 (1), 500844 (1), 500887 (1), 500895 (1), 500909 (1), 500925 (1), 500933 (1), 500941 (1), 500968 (1), 500976 (1), 500984 (1), 500992 (1), 501018 (1), 501026 (1), 501034 (1), 501042 (1), 501069 (1), 501085 (1), 501123 (1), 501140 (1), 501158 (1), 501166 (1), 501174 (1), 501182 (1), 501239 (1), 501247 (1), 501263 (1), 501280 (1), 501301 (1), 501328 (1), 501352 (1), 501361 (1), 501387 (1), 501417 (1), 501433 (1), 501468 (1), 501492 (1), 501506 (1), 501522 (1), 501549 (1), 501557 (1), 501581 (1), 501590 (1), 501603 (1), 501620 (1), 501638 (1), 501654 (1), 501662 (1), 501671 (1), 501689 (1), 501697 (1), 501701 (1), 501719 (1), 501727 (1), 501760 (1), 501824 (1), 501832 (1), 501867 (1), 501883 (1), 501891 (1), 501905 (1), 501921 (1), 501930 (1), 501956 (1), 501964 (1), 501981 (1), 501999 (1), 502006 (1), 502014 (1), 502049 (1), 502065 (1), 502090 (1), 502111 (1), 502120 (1), 502162 (1), 502171 (1), 502197 (1), 502227 (1), 502243 (1), 502260 (1), 502286 (1), 502294 (1), 502332 (1), 502341 (1), 502359 (1), 502367 (1), 502375 (1), 502383 (1), 502421 (1), 502448 (1), 502464 (1), 502472 (1), 502481 (1), 502499 (1), 502502 (1), 502511 (1), 502537 (1), 502570 (1), 502596 (1), 502618 (1), 502626 (1), 502634 (1), 502651 (1), 502677 (1), 502693 (1), 502707 (1), 502715 (1), 502723 (1), 502740 (1), 502758 (1), 502782 (1), 502791 (1), 502812 (1), 502821 (1), 502847 (1), 502871 (1), 502898 (1), 502910 (1), 502952 (1), 502961 (1), 502979 (1), 502987 (1), 502995 (1), 503002 (1), 503011 (1), 503029 (1), 503045 (1), 503053 (1), 503061 (1), 503070 (1), 503088 (1), 503096 (1), 503100 (1), 503118 (1), 503134 (1), 503151 (1), 503169 (1), 503177 (1), 503185 (1), 503193 (1), 503207 (1), 503215 (1), 503231 (1), 503240 (1), 503258 (1), 503274 (1), 503282 (1), 503291 (1), 503312 (1), 503321 (1), 503347 (1), 503380 (1), 503398 (1), 503401 (1), 503436 (1), 503461 (1), 503487 (1), 503495 (1), 503525 (1), 503533 (1), 503541 (1), 503550 (1), 503568 (1), 503584 (1), 503592 (1), 503614 (1), 503665 (1), 503673 (1), 503690 (1), 503703 (1), 503711 (1), 503720 (1), 503762 (1), 503771 (1), 503789 (1), 503797 (1), 503819 (1), 503835 (1), 503843 (1), 503860 (1), 503878 (1), 503924 (1), 503959 (1), 503967 (1), 503975 (1), 504009 (1), 504017 (1), 504050 (1), 504076 (1), 504084 (1), 504106 (1), 504114 (1), 504122 (1), 504149 (1), 504165 (1), 504190 (1), 504211 (1), 504220 (1), 504254 (1), 504262 (1), 504271 (1), 504327 (1), 504335 (1), 504351 (1), 504360 (1), 504378 (1), 504394 (1), 504459 (1), 504475 (1), 504513 (1), 504521 (1), 504548 (1), 504564 (1), 504572 (1), 504581 (1), 504611 (1), 504629 (1), 504653 (1), 504734 (1), 504742 (1), 504769 (1), 504793 (1), 504815 (1), 504823 (1), 504858 (1), 504874 (1), 504891 (1), 504912 (1), 504947 (1), 504963 (1), 504998 (1), 505129 (1), 505137 (1), 505153 (1), 505170 (1), 505226 (1), 505234 (1), 505251 (1), 505277 (1), 505340 (1), 505374 (1), 505382 (1), 505421 (1), 505439 (1), 505447 (1), 505455 (1), 505498 (1), 505536 (1), 505561 (1), 505617 (1), 505641 (1), 505676 (1), 505706 (1), 505722 (1), 505749 (1), 505757 (1), 505765 (1), 505803 (1), 505820 (1), 505919 (1), 505935 (1), 506001 (1), 506061 (1), 506109 (1), 506125 (1), 506141 (1), 506150 (1), 506184 (1), 506249 (1), 506265 (1), 506281 (1), 506290 (1), 506311 (1), 506346 (1), 506401 (1), 506419 (1), 506478 (1), 506508 (1), 506516 (1), 506567 (1), 506613 (1), 506745 (1), 506796 (1), 506800 (1), 506818 (1), 506826 (1), 506842 (1), 506869 (1), 506893 (1), 506915 (1), 506931 (1), 506940 (1), 506966 (1), 507008 (1), 507032 (1), 507041 (1), 507059 (1), 507067 (1), 507121 (1), 507130 (1), 507156 (1), 507211 (1), 507229 (1), 507253 (1), 507296 (1), 507318 (1), 507326 (1), 507342 (1), 507351 (1), 507369 (1), 507385 (1), 507393 (1), 507415 (1), 507431 (1), 507440 (1), 507466 (1), 507482 (1), 507521 (1), 507539 (1), 507555 (1), 507563 (1), 507571 (1), 507601 (1), 507661 (1), 507679 (1), 507687 (1), 507725 (1), 507741 (1), 507768 (1), 507776 (1), 507792 (1), 507806 (1), 507857 (1), 507865 (1), 507873 (1), 507946 (1), 508055 (1), 508063 (1), 508080 (1), 508110 (1), 508179 (1), 508187 (1), 508209 (1), 508217 (1), 508225 (1), 508233 (1), 508268 (1), 508284 (1), 508322 (1), 508438 (1), 508446 (1), 508454 (1), 508462 (1), 508497 (1), 508527 (1), 508543 (1), 508578 (1), 508586 (1), 508594 (1), 508608 (1), 508616 (1), 508624 (1), 508632 (1), 508641 (1), 508659 (1), 508667 (1), 508675 (1), 508691 (1), 508705 (1), 508713 (1), 508721 (1), 508730 (1), 508748 (1), 508756 (1), 508764 (1), 508772 (1), 508799 (1), 508837 (1), 508845 (1), 508853 (1), 508861 (1), 508888 (1), 508900 (1), 508926 (1), 508934 (1), 508942 (1), 508985 (1), 509027 (1), 509035 (1), 509043 (1), 509051 (1), 509060 (1), 509094 (1), 509132 (1), 509183 (1), 509248 (1), 509256 (1), 509299 (1), 509361 (1), 509370 (1), 509400 (1), 509485 (1), 509493 (1), 509507 (1), 509515 (1), 509540 (1), 509582 (1), 509604 (1), 509639 (1), 509663 (1), 509671 (1), 509795 (1), 509868 (1), 509876 (1), 509949 (1), 509957 (1), 509965 (1), 509981 (1), 509990 (1), 510025 (1), 510041 (1), 510106 (1), 510114 (1), 510165 (1), 510173 (1), 510190 (1), 510238 (1), 510262 (1), 510271 (1), 510301 (1), 510319 (1), 510408 (1), 510416 (1), 510459 (1), 510513 (1), 510581 (1), 510599 (1), 510602 (1), 510611 (1), 510653 (1), 510670 (1), 510688 (1), 510700 (1), 510726 (1), 510734 (1), 510742 (1), 510793 (1), 510840 (1), 510904 (1), 510912 (1), 510955 (1), 510963 (1), 510971 (1), 510998 (1), 511013 (1), 511048 (1), 511064 (1), 511099 (1), 511111 (1), 511129 (1), 511137 (1), 511145 (1), 511153 (1), 511170 (1), 511188 (1), 511196 (1), 511200 (1), 511218 (1), 511226 (1), 511234 (1), 511251 (1), 511277 (1), 511315 (1), 511331 (1), 511340 (1), 511358 (1), 511374 (1), 511391 (1), 511404 (1), 511421 (1), 511439 (1), 511463 (1), 511471 (1), 511498 (1), 511501 (1), 511510 (1), 511552 (1), 511561 (1), 511579 (1), 511595 (1), 511609 (1), 511617 (1), 511625 (1), 511641 (1), 511668 (1), 511684 (1), 511714 (1), 511722 (1), 511731 (1), 511749 (1), 511757 (1), 511773 (1), 511781 (1), 511790 (1), 511803 (1), 511820 (1), 511854 (1), 511871 (1), 511889 (1), 511897 (1), 511901 (1), 511943 (1), 511978 (1), 512001 (1), 512010 (1), 512036 (1), 512109 (1), 512117 (1), 512141 (1), 512168 (1), 512206 (1), 512222 (1), 512290 (1), 512311 (1), 512338 (1), 512354 (1), 512427 (1), 512460 (1), 512524 (1), 512567 (1), 512605 (1), 512613 (1), 512621 (1), 512681 (1), 512729 (1), 512818 (1), 512915 (1), 512940 (1), 513016 (1), 513083 (1), 513091 (1), 513245 (1), 513300 (1), 513385 (1), 513440 (1), 513466 (1), 513563 (1), 513687 (1), 513784 (1), 513806 (1), 513822 (1), 513857 (1), 513881 (1), 513903 (1), 513938 (1), 513962 (1), 513971 (1), 514004 (1), 514039 (1), 514080 (1), 514179 (1), 514225 (1), 514268 (1), 514331 (1), 514349 (1), 514357 (1), 514519 (1), 514535 (1), 514543 (1), 514578 (1), 514586 (1), 514594 (1), 514608 (1), 514616 (1), 514624 (1), 514632 (1), 514641 (1), 514659 (1), 514675 (1), 514683 (1), 514691 (1), 514713 (1), 514721 (1), 514730 (1), 514781 (1), 514837 (1), 514845 (1), 514853 (1), 514861 (1), 514870 (1), 514888 (1), 514896 (1), 514918 (1), 514926 (1), 514934 (1), 514942 (1), 514951 (1), 514969 (1), 514977 (1), 514985 (1), 514993 (1), 515001 (1), 515019 (1), 515035 (1), 515043 (1), 515051 (1), 515094 (1), 515116 (1), 515132 (1), 515141 (1), 515159 (1), 515167 (1), 515175 (1), 515183 (1), 515272 (1), 515281 (1), 515311 (1), 515337 (1), 515353 (1), 515361 (1), 515370 (1), 515388 (1), 515396 (1), 515442 (1), 515451 (1), 515469 (1), 515493 (1), 515507 (1), 515515 (1), 515523 (1), 515531 (1), 515540 (1), 515574 (1), 515591 (1), 515604 (1), 515612 (1), 515621 (1), 515639 (1), 515647 (1), 515655 (1), 515663 (1), 515671 (1), 515680 (1), 515698 (1), 515701 (1), 515728 (1), 515736 (1), 515744 (1), 515761 (1), 515779 (1), 515809 (1), 515817 (1), 515833 (1), 515841 (1), 515850 (1), 515876 (1), 515892 (1), 515906 (1), 515922 (1), 515949 (1), 515957 (1), 515973 (1), 515990 (1), 516007 (1), 516015 (1), 516023 (1), 516031 (1), 516058 (1), 516066 (1), 516074 (1), 516082 (1), 516091 (1), 516104 (1), 516139 (1), 516147 (1), 516163 (1), 516171 (1), 516198 (1), 516210 (1), 516228 (1), 516236 (1), 516252 (1), 516261 (1), 516279 (1), 516287 (1), 516309 (1), 516376 (1), 516392 (1), 516406 (1), 516414 (1), 516422 (1), 516431 (1), 516457 (1), 516465 (1), 516473 (1), 516503 (1), 516511 (1), 516520 (1), 516538 (1), 516546 (1), 516562 (1), 516571 (1), 516589 (1), 516601 (1), 516627 (1), 516651 (1), 516708 (1), 516724 (1), 516741 (1), 516805 (1), 516813 (1), 516821 (1), 516872 (1), 516881 (1), 516937 (1), 516945 (1), 516953 (1), 516988 (1), 516996 (1), 517062 (1), 517071 (1), 517089 (1), 517097 (1), 517119 (1), 517160 (1), 517178 (1), 517194 (1), 517216 (1), 517232 (1), 517241 (1), 517267 (1), 517283 (1), 517305 (1), 517330 (1), 517356 (1), 517364 (1), 517399 (1), 517402 (1), 517429 (1), 517470 (1), 517496 (1), 517682 (1), 517704 (1), 517879 (1), 517917 (1), 517933 (1), 518077 (1), 518166 (1), 518174 (1), 518191 (1), 518204 (1), 518212 (1), 518239 (1), 518247 (1), 518255 (1), 518263 (1), 518271 (1), 518301 (1), 518310 (1), 518336 (1), 518344 (1), 518352 (1), 518361 (1), 518379 (1), 518387 (1), 518417 (1), 518433 (1), 518450 (1), 518468 (1), 518476 (1), 518492 (1), 518514 (1), 518549 (1), 518557 (1), 518565 (1), 518573 (1), 518590 (1), 518603 (1), 518611 (1), 518620 (1), 518646 (1), 518654 (1), 518671 (1), 518697 (1), 518735 (1), 518743 (1), 518751 (1), 518760 (1), 518794 (1), 518808 (1), 518816 (1), 518832 (1), 518841 (1), 518883 (1), 518891 (1), 518905 (1), 518921 (1), 518956 (1), 518964 (1), 518972 (1), 518981 (1), 518999 (1), 519006 (1), 519049 (1), 519057 (1), 519073 (1), 519090 (1), 519103 (1), 519154 (1), 519162 (1), 519197 (1), 519201 (1), 519219 (1), 519227 (1), 519278 (1), 519286 (1), 519294 (1), 519308 (1), 519316 (1), 519324 (1), 519332 (1), 519341 (1), 519359 (1), 519375 (1), 519383 (1), 519391 (1), 519405 (1), 519430 (1), 519448 (1), 519456 (1), 519464 (1), 519472 (1), 519481 (1), 519499 (1), 519529 (1), 519537 (1), 519545 (1), 519553 (1), 519561 (1), 519570 (1), 519588 (1), 519596 (1), 519618 (1), 519626 (1), 519634 (1), 519677 (1), 519685 (1), 519693 (1), 519707 (1), 519731 (1), 519740 (1), 519766 (1), 519791 (1), 519821 (1), 519839 (1), 519847 (1), 519855 (1), 519863 (1), 519871 (1), 519901 (1), 519910 (1), 519944 (1), 519979 (1), 519987 (1), 519995 (1), 520004 (1), 520021 (1), 520055 (1), 520080 (1), 520098 (1), 520110 (1), 520128 (1), 520136 (1), 520152 (1), 520179 (1), 520187 (1), 520195 (1), 520217 (1), 520284 (1), 520314 (1), 520322 (1), 520349 (1), 520365 (1), 520381 (1), 520390 (1), 520438 (1), 520446 (1), 520471 (1), 520489 (1), 520519 (1), 520535 (1), 520551 (1), 520578 (1), 520616 (1), 520632 (1), 520659 (1), 520667 (1), 520705 (1), 520721 (1), 520730 (1), 520748 (1), 520764 (1), 520781 (1), 520802 (1), 520845 (1), 520853 (1), 520870 (1), 520918 (1), 520934 (1), 520942 (1), 520951 (1), 521001 (1), 521019 (1), 521051 (1), 521973 (1), 522279 (1), 522287 (1), 522309 (1), 522317 (1), 522325 (1), 522341 (1), 522350 (1), 522457 (1), 522473 (1), 522490 (1), 522503 (1), 522520 (1), 522538 (1), 522554 (1), 522597 (1), 522601 (1), 522627 (1), 522643 (1), 522660 (1), 522678 (1), 522716 (1), 522724 (1), 522791 (1), 522821 (1), 522830 (1), 522848 (1), 522856 (1), 522872 (1), 522899 (1), 522911 (1), 522929 (1), 522937 (1), 522953 (1), 522961 (1), 522970 (1), 522996 (1), 523011 (1), 523020 (1), 523038 (1), 523046 (1), 523054 (1), 523089 (1), 523101 (1), 523143 (1), 523160 (1), 523178 (1), 523267 (1), 523291 (1), 523313 (1), 523321 (1), 523330 (1), 523348 (1), 523402 (1), 523411 (1), 523429 (1), 523470 (1), 523488 (1), 523500 (1), 523518 (1), 523526 (1), 523542 (1), 523569 (1), 523577 (1), 523585 (1), 523607 (1), 523615 (1), 523631 (1), 523658 (1), 523674 (1), 523682 (1), 523712 (1), 523721 (1), 523739 (1), 523747 (1), 523763 (1), 523801 (1), 523828 (1), 523836 (1), 523844 (1), 523852 (1), 523879 (1), 523887 (1), 523925 (1), 523933 (1), 523950 (1), 523976 (1), 523984 (1), 523992 (1), 524000 (1), 524018 (1), 524026 (1), 524034 (1), 524042 (1), 524051 (1), 524069 (1), 524077 (1), 524085 (1), 524093 (1), 524115 (1), 524123 (1), 524131 (1), 524174 (1), 524204 (1), 524221 (1), 524247 (1), 524271 (1), 524310 (1), 524328 (1), 524336 (1), 524344 (1), 524379 (1), 524409 (1), 524417 (1), 524425 (1), 524441 (1), 524450 (1), 524468 (1), 524492 (1), 524514 (1), 524522 (1), 524531 (1), 524549 (1), 524565 (1), 524573 (1), 524581 (1), 524603 (1), 524611 (1), 524620 (1), 524646 (1), 524662 (1), 524671 (1), 524689 (1), 524697 (1), 524701 (1), 524786 (1), 524794 (1), 524816 (1), 524824 (1), 524832 (1), 524867 (1), 524875 (1), 524905 (1), 524948 (1), 524956 (1), 524964 (1), 524999 (1), 525006 (1), 525014 (1), 525049 (1), 525057 (1), 525065 (1), 525081 (1), 525090 (1), 525103 (1), 525111 (1), 525138 (1), 525146 (1), 525154 (1), 525162 (1), 525171 (1), 525197 (1), 525219 (1), 525243 (1), 525251 (1), 525260 (1), 525278 (1), 525308 (1), 525316 (1), 525341 (1), 525359 (1), 525367 (1), 525375 (1), 525405 (1), 525413 (1), 525421 (1), 525430 (1), 525456 (1), 525472 (1), 525502 (1), 525511 (1), 525529 (1), 525537 (1), 525570 (1), 525596 (1), 525600 (1), 525618 (1), 525626 (1), 525634 (1), 525642 (1), 525693 (1), 525707 (1), 525715 (1), 525758 (1), 525766 (1), 525774 (1), 525791 (1), 525812 (1), 525847 (1), 525855 (1), 525863 (1), 525898 (1), 525901 (1), 525936 (1), 525952 (1), 525961 (1), 525987 (1), 526002 (1), 526011 (1), 526037 (1), 526053 (1), 526061 (1), 526070 (1), 526088 (1), 526096 (1), 526126 (1), 526134 (1), 526151 (1), 526193 (1), 526207 (1), 526215 (1), 526223 (1), 526240 (1), 526266 (1), 526282 (1), 526304 (1), 526312 (1), 526339 (1), 526355 (1), 526371 (1), 526380 (1), 526398 (1), 526401 (1), 526428 (1), 526436 (1), 526461 (1), 526487 (1), 526495 (1), 526509 (1), 526525 (1), 526533 (1), 526541 (1), 526550 (1), 526568 (1), 526576 (1), 526584 (1), 526592 (1), 526606 (1), 526631 (1), 526649 (1), 526657 (1), 526665 (1), 526673 (1), 526690 (1), 526703 (1), 526711 (1), 526746 (1), 526754 (1), 526771 (1), 526789 (1), 526797 (1), 526801 (1), 526819 (1), 526827 (1), 526835 (1), 526843 (1), 526851 (1), 526860 (1), 526878 (1), 526886 (1), 526894 (1), 526908 (1), 526916 (1), 526924 (1), 526932 (1), 526959 (1), 526975 (1), 527041 (1), 527050 (1), 527068 (1), 527084 (1), 527092 (1), 527106 (1), 527122 (1), 527157 (1), 527165 (1), 527173 (1), 527190 (1), 527203 (1), 527220 (1), 527238 (1), 527246 (1), 527254 (1), 527271 (1), 527297 (1), 527343 (1), 527351 (1), 527378 (1), 527386 (1), 527394 (1), 527424 (1), 527441 (1), 527459 (1), 527505 (1), 527513 (1), 527521 (1), 527530 (1), 527548 (1), 527572 (1), 527581 (1), 527599 (1), 527611 (1), 527629 (1), 527637 (1), 527653 (1), 527661 (1), 527688 (1), 527718 (1), 527726 (1), 527734 (1), 527742 (1), 527751 (1), 527777 (1), 527793 (1), 527807 (1), 527840 (1), 527858 (1), 527866 (1), 527874 (1), 527891 (1), 527904 (1), 527939 (1), 527955 (1), 527963 (1), 528013 (1), 528021 (1), 528048 (1), 528056 (1), 528064 (1), 528072 (1), 528099 (1), 528102 (1), 528137 (1), 528145 (1), 528170 (1), 528188 (1), 528226 (1), 528277 (1), 528285 (1), 528293 (1), 528307 (1), 528323 (1), 528331 (1), 528391 (1), 528404 (1), 528447 (1), 528471 (1), 528510 (1), 528544 (1), 528579 (1), 528668 (1), 528684 (1), 528692 (1), 528706 (1), 528714 (1), 528722 (1), 528773 (1), 528811 (1), 528919 (1), 528960 (1), 528978 (1), 528986 (1), 528994 (1), 529010 (1), 529036 (1), 529061 (1), 529079 (1), 529087 (1), 529095 (1), 529125 (1), 529133 (1), 529184 (1), 529206 (1), 529214 (1), 529222 (1), 529257 (1), 529273 (1), 529281 (1), 542652 (1), 542695 (1), 542709 (1), 542717 (1), 542733 (1), 542741 (1), 542792 (1), 542873 (1), 542881 (1), 542954 (1), 542962 (1), 543004 (1), 543039 (1), 543055 (1), 543063 (1), 543101 (1), 543136 (1), 543144 (1), 543152 (1), 543161 (1), 543179 (1), 543187 (1), 543195 (1), 543209 (1), 543225 (1), 543241 (1), 543250 (1), 543268 (1), 543276 (1), 543284 (1), 543292 (1), 543306 (1), 543331 (1), 543357 (1), 543365 (1), 543373 (1), 543381 (1), 543390 (1), 543403 (1), 543411 (1), 543420 (1), 543438 (1), 543454 (1), 543462 (1), 543471 (1), 543489 (1), 543501 (1), 543527 (1), 543551 (1), 543578 (1), 543586 (1), 543594 (1), 543616 (1), 543624 (1), 543632 (1), 543641 (1), 543659 (1), 543667 (1), 543683 (1), 543691 (1), 543705 (1), 543713 (1), 543721 (1), 543730 (1), 543829 (1), 543853 (1), 543888 (1), 543896 (1), 543900 (1), 543993 (1), 544051 (1), 544060 (1), 544086 (1), 544141 (1), 544175 (1), 544205 (1), 544213 (1), 544230 (1), 545589 (1), 555487 (1), 555495 (1), 555517 (1), 555568 (1), 555576 (1), 555606 (1), 555649 (1), 555665 (1), 555673 (1), 555720 (1), 555754 (1), 555789 (1), 555843 (1), 555860 (1), 555878 (1), 555886 (1), 555908 (1), 555916 (1), 555932 (1), 555959 (1), 555991 (1), 556025 (1), 556050 (1), 556122 (1), 556131 (1), 556149 (1), 556157 (1), 556165 (1), 556173 (1), 556220 (1), 556238 (1), 556262 (1), 556271 (1), 556297 (1), 556327 (1), 556351 (1), 556416 (1), 556424 (1), 556475 (1), 556491 (1), 556513 (1), 556521 (1), 556530 (1), 556556 (1), 556564 (1), 556572 (1), 556581 (1), 556599 (1), 556611 (1), 556653 (1), 556661 (1), 556670 (1), 556688 (1), 556696 (1), 556785 (1), 556807 (1), 556823 (1), 557269 (1), 557293 (1), 557307 (1), 557323 (1), 557340 (1), 557358 (1), 557447 (1), 557501 (1), 557561 (1), 557609 (1), 557625 (1), 557692 (1), 557706 (1), 557714 (1), 557757 (1), 557765 (1), 557790 (1), 557820 (1), 557889 (1), 557901 (1), 557919 (1), 557927 (1), 557960 (1), 558168 (1), 558192 (1), 558206 (1), 558214 (1), 558222 (1), 558273 (1), 558320 (1), 558338 (1), 558354 (1), 558397 (1), 559547 (1), 559610 (1), 559644 (1), 559890 (1), 559938 (1), 559989 (1), 560022 (1), 560049 (1), 560065 (1), 560103 (1), 560154 (1), 580244 (1), 580317 (1), 580384 (1), 580449 (1), 580546 (1), 580554 (1), 580597 (1), 580601 (1), 580813 (1), 580864 (1), 580899 (1), 580911 (1), 580953 (1), 581020 (1), 581097 (1), 581135 (1), 581160 (1), 581241 (1), 581305 (1), 581399 (1), 581488 (1), 581623 (1), 581640 (1), 581674 (1), 581747 (1), 581895 (1), 582361 (1), 582638 (1), |
city_limit | 48 | begin (24), both (6), end (18), |
city_limit:backward | 1 | begin (1), |
city_limit:forward | 1 | end (1), |
city_served | 2 | Singapore (1), Tallinn (1), |
city_type | 52 | county_city (47), region_city (4), remote_place (1), |
claimed_by | 2 | RU (1), UA (1), |
claimed_by:country1 | 1 | Russia (1), |
claimed_by:country1:code | 1 | RU (1), |
claimed_by:country2 | 1 | Ukraine (1), |
claimed_by:country2:code | 1 | UA (1), |
class | 2 | cap (1), gas link (1), |
class:bicycle | 101 | -1 (23), -2 (41), -3 (4), 1 (24), 2 (8), 3 (1), |
class:bicycle:commute | 3 | 1 (2), 3 (1), |
class:bicycle:mtb | 21 | -1 (1), -3 (3), 1 (15), 2 (2), |
class:bicycle:mtb:technical | 7 | -2 (1), 2 (3), 3 (3), |
class:bicycle:non_experienced | 6 | -3 (6), |
class:bicycle:roadcycling | 2 | 2 (2), |
class:bicycle:touring | 2 | 1 (1), 3 (1), |
class:justification | 1 | HFCS Major Arterial (Rural) (1), |
class_id | 1 | 103 (1), |
clay | 1 | yes (1), |
clc:code | 21 | 121 (1), 211 (3), 243 (2), 311 (1), 312 (6), 313 (3), 324 (3), 3241 (1), 412 (1), |
clc:id | 7 | 16576 (1), 20490 (1), 20909 (1), 25781 (1), 26142 (1), 31727 (1), 4033 (1), |
clc:year | 7 | 2006 (7), |
cliff | 19 | gully (6), no (5), scarp (7), yes (1), |
climbing | 19 | bouldering (1), crag (4), down (4), route (1), route_bottom (1), route_top (1), sector (1), toprope=yes (1), up (4), yes (1), |
climbing:boulder | 2 | yes (2), |
climbing:grade:uiaa | 1 | 4 to 8- (1), |
climbing:quality | 1 | solid (1), |
climbing:rock | 5 | granite (2), limestone (3), |
climbing:sport | 1 | yes (1), |
clinic | 3 | amenity (1), clinic (1), public (1), |
clinical | 1 | healhcare (1), |
clopin:id | 5 | ifw0008 (5), |
clopin:note | 5 | Walton-on-Thames to New Malden (5), |
clopin:route | 5 | train (5), |
closed | 97 | TWY 1 (1), looks like it (1), probably (1), yes (94), |
closed:aeroway | 5 | taxiway (5), |
closed:amenity | 7 | bank (2), cafe (3), clinic (1), pharmacy (1), |
closed:shop | 4 | books (1), chemist (1), convenience (1), furniture (1), |
closed_loop | 2 | yes (2), |
closest_town | 25 | Chernihiv (1), Dnipro (1), Donetsk (1), Gilze-Rijen (1), Hlukhiv (1), Horodnia (1), Horodok (1), Ivano-Frankivsk (1), Kiev (1), Kyiv (1), Luhansk (1), Maastricht (1), Mukachevo (1), Pryluky (1), Pyriatyn (1), Simferopol (2), Sumy (1), Surat Thani (1), Tulcea (1), Winona, Minnesota (1), Zaporizhia (1), Конотоп (1), Миколаїв (1), Одеса (1), |
closing_date | 1 | 2023-03-12 (1), |
clothes | 1040 | accessories (1), babies (4), babies;children (2), babies;children;men;outdoor;underwear;women (1), babies;children;men;schoolwear;sports;underwear;women (1), butik (1), children (124), children;babies (2), children;babies;fashion (1), children;fashion;men;traditional;women (1), children;men;women (2), children;schoolwear (1), children;sports (1), children;women;men (6), children;women;men;sports;babies;underwear (1), children;women;men;underwear;babies (1), costumes (2), denim (13), denim;hats;men;sports;women (1), denim;men;women (12), denim;women;men;underwear;workwear;sports (1), fashion (5), fashion;women (1), fur (16), fur;leather (2), fur;women (1), hats (6), jeans (3), leather (7), leather;fur (2), lingerie (21), luxury (1), maternity (4), medical (1), men (53), men; women (1), men;suits (4), men;underwear;women (1), men;wedding;suits (1), men;women (9), men;women;children (4), men;women;sports (1), military (6), military_clothing;military_shoes;men;women (1), only (4), outdoor (2), outerwear (2), oversize (4), scarf (1), second-hand (1), second_hand (2), secondhand (2), shoes (2), ski (1), socks (1), sport (2), sports (80), sports;fashion;men;women (1), sports;lingerie (1), suits (14), suits;men (1), techwear (1), tights (1), traditional (5), underwear (214), underwear;lingerie (1), underwear;lingerie;women (1), underwear;men;sports;workwear;yes;denim;unisexs (1), underwear;women (10), wedding (81), women (181), women; underwear (1), women;children (3), women;children;men (5), women;children;men;sports;workwear (1), women;children;men;underwear;sports;fashion;second_hand;yes;wedding;suits;workwear;hats;lingerie;denim;babies;unisexs;fur (1), women;children;sports;fashion;hats;leather;unisexs;men;underwear (1), women;children;underwear;men (1), women;fashion (3), women;fashion;party (1), women;fur;men;leather (1), women;maternity (1), women;men (22), women;men;avant-garde;local_brand;natural_fabrics;italian_cottons (1), women;men;children (14), women;men;children;babies;underwear;lingerie;fashion (1), women;men;children;sports (1), women;men;children;sports;workwear (1), women;men;children;underwear;sports (1), women;men;children;unisex (1), women;men;fashion (1), women;men;fur (1), women;men;sports (1), women;men;sports;children (2), women;men;sports;unisexs (2), women;underwear (11), women;underwear;men (1), women;underwear;sports;обувь;женская_обувь;спортивная_обувь;женская_одежда;верхняя_одежда (1), workwear (3), workwear;men (1), yes (8), |
clothes:babies | 1 | yes (1), |
clothes:children | 2 | yes (2), |
clothes:men | 3 | yes (3), |
clothes:military | 1 | yes (1), |
clothes:rental | 1 | yes (1), |
clothes:repair | 1 | yes (1), |
clothes:suits | 1 | yes (1), |
clothes:women | 2 | yes (2), |
clothes_dryer | 2 | t-post (2), |
club | 437 | amateur_radio (2), art (5), aviation (1), bicycle (1), board_games (4), boxing (1), chess (5), computer (2), culture (13), dance (1), doityourself (5), ethnic (1), fan (1), for_kids (1), freemasonry (1), game (8), history (1), horse_riding (2), hunting (1), motorcycle (2), music (1), nature (3), religion (1), sailing (1), scout (1), social (17), sport (185), theatre (4), tourism (3), ultralight_aviation (1), veterans (2), yachting (1), yes (157), youth (1), youth_movement (1), |
coach | 16 | yes (16), |
coach:lanes:conditional | 1 | designated|yes|yes|yes @ (Mo-Sa 07:00-10:00, 16:00-19:00; PH off) (1), |
coastline | 2 | cliff (1), yes (1), |
coastline:survey_quality | 1 | complete (1), |
coat_of_arms | 2 | File:Coat of arms of Europe.svg (1), File:Seal of ASEAN.svg (1), |
cocktails | 3 | no (2), yes (1), |
code | 5 | ADA00000 (1), ADA84006 (1), AHA22806 (1), BHF20200061 (1), F32A202 (1), |
codul_entității_muzeale | 30 | 5.1230001201E10 (1), 5.1310005501E10 (1), 5.1620000132E10 (1), 5.1620000133E10 (1), 5.1620000153E10 (1), 5.1620000172E10 (1), 5.203000001E9 (1), 6.9685001E7 (1), 650680.0 (1), 651010.0 (1), 6946900.0 (1), 6960200.0 (1), 6962501.0 (1), 6962509.0 (1), 6962510.0 (1), 6975400.0 (1), 6975508.0 (1), 7.0E7 (1), 7012700.0 (1), 7012800.0 (1), 7012900.0 (1), 7051500.0 (1), 7051501.0 (1), 7069900.0 (1), 7140010.0 (1), 7140020.0 (1), 7140030.0 (1), 7169200.0 (1), 7169210.0 (1), 950515.0 (1), |
coffee | 11 | organic (1), yes (10), |
collapsed | 221 | no (5), yes (216), |
collection | 14 | boundary (1), freight_corridor (2), low_emission_zone (1), protected_area (1), street (9), |
collection_times | 332 | 07:30-20:00 (1), 08:00 (2), 08:00 - 19:00 (1), 09:00-18:00 (1), 09:00-20:00 (1), 09:30-19:30 (1), 11:00 (2), 11:15,17:30 (1), 11:50 (1), 12:00 (4), 12:30,19:00 (1), 12:30-13:00,16:30-17:00 (1), 13:00 (2), 14:00 (1), 15:00 (1), 16:00 (1), 16:30 (1), 17:00 (5), 17:30; Sa 17:00 (1), 18:00 (7), 7:30-20:00 (2), 8:00 - 14:00 (1), 8:00 - 17:00 (1), 8:00-15:30 (1), 8:00-17:00 (2), 9:00 - 17:30 (1), 9:00 - 18:00 (1), 9:00-18:00 (1), 9:00-19:00 (4), Mo (1), Mo 08:37; Tu 10:14; We 12:10; Th-Sa 10:14; Su off (1), Mo 09:02, Tu 10:37, We 12:17, Th-Sa 10:37 (1), Mo,We,Fr 12:10 (1), Mo,We,Fr 13:00 (1), Mo,We,Fr 14:00 (1), Mo-Fr 01:00 (1), Mo-Fr 06:00-14:00; Th off; Sa,Su 08:00-13:00 (1), Mo-Fr 07:00-18:30; Sa 07:00-15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 07:45-18:00; Sa 07:45-15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 08:00-15:00; Sa 08:00-12:00 (1), Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 (2), Mo-Fr 08:30 (1), Mo-Fr 08:30,17:00 (1), Mo-Fr 09:00 (1), Mo-Fr 09:00, Sa 07:00 (3), Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 (12), Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00; Su off (1), Mo-Fr 09:15 (1), Mo-Fr 10:00 (2), Mo-Fr 10:00-17:00; Sa-Su off (1), Mo-Fr 10:30 (1), Mo-Fr 11:00 (8), Mo-Fr 11:30 (1), Mo-Fr 11:30; Sa 10:00 (1), Mo-Fr 12:00 (1), Mo-Fr 12:00; Sa 10:30 (1), Mo-Fr 12:00; Sa 11:00 (1), Mo-Fr 12:30 (2), Mo-Fr 12:50 (1), Mo-Fr 13:00 (8), Mo-Fr 13:00; Sa 10:00 (1), Mo-Fr 13:00; Sa 12:00 (1), Mo-Fr 13:30 (4), Mo-Fr 13:30,17:30; Sa 12:30 (1), Mo-Fr 13:45; Sa 12:30 (1), Mo-Fr 14:00 (3), Mo-Fr 14:00; Sa 10:00 (1), Mo-Fr 14:00; Sa 10:30 (1), Mo-Fr 14:00; Sa 12:00 (1), Mo-Fr 14:00; Sa 13:00 (2), Mo-Fr 14:45; Sa 11:00 (1), Mo-Fr 15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 15:00; Sa 13:00 (2), Mo-Fr 15:00; Sa 14:00 (1), Mo-Fr 15:21; Sa 14:21 (1), Mo-Fr 15:26; Sa 14:26 (1), Mo-Fr 15:30 (2), Mo-Fr 15:30; Sa 14:00 (1), Mo-Fr 15:32; Sa 14:32 (1), Mo-Fr 16:00 (2), Mo-Fr 16:00, Sa 08:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 10:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 12:00 (2), Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 14:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:06; Sa 15:06 (1), Mo-Fr 16:25; Sa 15:25 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30, Sa 10:30 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30, Sa 11:30 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30, Sa 12:15 (2), Mo-Fr 16:30, Sa 14:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30; Sa 09:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30; Sa 10:30 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30; Sa 12:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30; Sa 14:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:31;Sa 15:31 (1), Mo-Fr 16:35; Sa 15:35 (1), Mo-Fr 16:36; Sa 15:36 (1), Mo-Fr 16:43; Sa 15:43 (1), Mo-Fr 16:45; Sa 12:30 (1), Mo-Fr 16:46; Sa 15:46 (1), Mo-Fr 16:48; Sa 16:42 (1), Mo-Fr 16:53; Sa 15:53 (1), Mo-Fr 16:57; Sa 15:57 (1), Mo-Fr 16:59; Sa 15:59 (1), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 11:00 (1), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 12:00 (2), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 14:00 (7), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 15:30 (3), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 16:00 (2), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 18:30 (1), Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa-Su 11:00 (1), Mo-Fr 17:04; Sa 16:04 (1), Mo-Fr 17:06; Sa 16:06 (1), Mo-Fr 17:10 (1), Mo-Fr 17:15,20:15; Sa 12:00; Su 20:15 (1), Mo-Fr 17:19; Sa 16:19 (1), Mo-Fr 17:20; Sa 14:30 (3), Mo-Fr 17:23; Sa 16:23 (1), Mo-Fr 17:28; Sa 16:28 (1), Mo-Fr 17:30,18:30; Sa 11:30 (1), Mo-Fr 17:30; Sa 11:15 (1), Mo-Fr 17:30; Sa 15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 17:30; Sa 16:30 (1), Mo-Fr 17:31; Sa 17:28 (1), Mo-Fr 17:32; Sa 17:32 (1), Mo-Fr 17:34; Sa 16:34 (1), Mo-Fr 17:34;Sa 17:31 (1), Mo-Fr 17:40 (1), Mo-Fr 17:41; Sa 17:38 (1), Mo-Fr 17:46; Sa 17:41 (1), Mo-Fr 18:00 (1), Mo-Fr 18:00; Sa 15:00 (1), Mo-Fr 18:00; Sa 16:30 (1), Mo-Fr 19:00; Sa 16:00 (1), Mo-Sa 07:23 (1), Mo-Sa 08:00 (2), Mo-Sa 08:30 (2), Mo-Sa 09:00 (4), Mo-Sa 10:00 (1), Mo-Sa 10:30 (1), Mo-Sa 11:00 (4), Mo-Sa 12:00 (4), Mo-Sa 13:00 (29), Mo-Sa 13:00; Su 12:00 (1), Mo-Sa 13:00; Su off; PH off (1), Mo-Sa 13:00; Su,PH off (1), Mo-Sa 13:30 (2), Mo-Sa 14:00 (9), Mo-Sa 14:00,18:00,20:00, Su,PH 14:00,17:00 (1), Mo-Sa 14:30 (3), Mo-Sa 15:00 (17), Mo-Sa 15:30 (1), Mo-Sa 15:44 (1), Mo-Sa 15:46 (1), Mo-Sa 15:55 (1), Mo-Sa 16:00 (2), Mo-Sa 16:16 (1), Mo-Sa 16:17 (1), Mo-Sa 16:35 (1), Mo-Sa 16:50 (1), Mo-Sa 16:55 (1), Mo-Sa 16:58 (1), Mo-Sa 17:00 (1), Mo-Sa 17:10 (1), Mo-Sa 17:14 (1), Mo-Sa 17:17 (1), Mo-Sa 17:35 (1), Mo-Su 10:30 (1), Mo-Su 13:00 (1), Mo-Su 13:00; Su off; PH off (1), Mo-Su 15:00 (1), Mo-Su 17:00 (1), Mo-Th 17:14; Fr 17:38; Sa 16:19 (1), Mo-Tu,Th-Sa 08:00; We 07:50; Su off (1), Sa 8:30-12:00, Fr 8:30-12:00 (1), Tu,Th,Fr,Sa 08:30-12:00; Mo,We,Su off (1), Tu-Sa 08:00-17:00 (1), Tu-Sa 09:00 (1), Tu-Sa 12:00 (1), Tu-Sa 8:00 (1), week 02-52 08:00-20:00; week 02-52 Tu,Th,Sa off; week 01-53 Tu-Sa 08:00-20:00; week 01-53 We,Fr off; PH off (2), Ежедневно (1), Каждый вечер около 23:00 (1), до 16-00 (1), ежедневно 23:00 (1), каждая среда (1), четверг (1), |
collection_times:signed | 3 | no (3), |
colonnade:left | 1 | open (1), |
colonnade:right | 3 | open (3), |
colour | 12893 | # (2), #000 (13), #000000 (95), #000066 (2), #000080 (1), #00008B (1), #000099 (3), #0000FF (53), #0000cd (1), #0000ff (71), #001D00 (1), #003273 (3), #003366 (5), #003399 (61), #0033cc (1), #003570 (3), #00365f (2), #003828 (4), #003E7E (4), #004080 (2), #00441b (2), #0044BB (6), #00465A (36), #00469B (4), #004A8F (1), #004F9E (1), #004F9F (1), #004e5c (1), #004e96 (2), #004f9f (1), #005081 (2), #0050FF (1), #005262 (465), #005555 (2), #005568 (2), #0055C8 (1), #0055c8 (2), #0059aa (1), #005DA3 (4), #005DA8 (2), #005F33 (1), #005b35 (2), #005c6e (2), #005daa (4), #005eab (2), #005fa1 (3), #006030 (6), #00629f (2), #00632E (3), #006400 (1), #006434 (2), #00643C (2), #006531 (3), #0065FF (2), #006600 (1), #006633 (4), #006699 (1), #0066CC (2), #0066b3 (2), #0066ff (3), #0067B1 (2), #0067ae (2), #00688B (16), #0068B2 (3), #0068B3 (2), #0069B4 (2), #0069b4 (6), #006CB7 (4), #006DB5 (2), #006DB8 (1), #006F45 (1), #006b56 (1), #006d9e (5), #006da3 (2), #006f9e (6), #0070A8 (1), #007135 (1), #0071BB (4), #0071bc (1), #0072CE (30), #007517 (1), #0075a1 (47), #00763C (1), #007663 (2), #007732 (3), #00775A (1), #0077BA (2), #0077be (1), #0077c1 (3), #00793e (5), #00795D (2), #0079c2 (11), #007AC9 (25), #007BC1 (3), #007CB1 (12), #007FBE (2), #007a59 (2), #007b3b (2), #007bff (1), #008000 (17), #008080 (2), #0080C7 (1), #008100 (1), #008228 (2), #00824E (1), #008260 (2), #0082C2 (5), #0083ca (2), #00844A (2), #00853f (2), #008596 (1), #0086C6 (2), #008741 (2), #008800 (2), #00893f (1), #0089CF (2), #008ACE (2), #008B00 (1), #008B5A (1), #008BC5 (2), #008BD2 (5), #008D3E (2), #008ECF (3), #008ac5 (2), #008b5a (3), #008b70 (5), #008bd2 (7), #008be0 (17), #008ed4 (1), #0090ca (2), #00923f (1), #00924d (1), #0092CB (3), #0092d8 (2), #0093B3 (1), #0094D6 (1), #0095DA (1), #0095da (3), #00963F (1), #009640 (5), #009832 (1), #00983c (2), #00984a (1), #009870 (3), #0098D4 (2), #009933 (7), #0099AA (7), #0099DD (1), #0099FF (8), #0099dc (3), #0099ff (9), #009ADF (1), #009CDD (6), #009CE1 (2), #009D8B (2), #009ad5 (2), #009ad7 (1), #009ba4 (3), #009ee0 (1), #009ee1 (3), #009ee3 (8), #009fe3 (7), #00A0E3 (5), #00A13A (6), #00A1DA (8), #00A3E0 (1), #00A54F (6), #00A650 (2), #00A7FF (2), #00A94E (1), #00A988 (2), #00AAA5 (1), #00ABA8 (2), #00ABBD (2), #00AC6C (2), #00ACA9 (2), #00AD70 (1), #00ADEF (2), #00AEDC (6), #00AEEF (3), #00AFCB (1), #00B1B1 (1), #00B6F0 (2), #00B6F1 (2), #00B7CE (11), #00B8E4 (2), #00BFF3 (4), #00BFFF (4), #00C55E (1), #00CFE3 (1), #00F (15), #00FF00 (5), #00FF01 (1), #00FF73 (4), #00FFFF (7), #00a54f (1), #00a644 (2), #00a6d8 (1), #00a757 (2), #00a75c (5), #00a94e (3), #00aab0 (1), #00adef (3), #00aeef (11), #00b0a4 (2), #00b1b1 (3), #00b1eb (2), #00b2b0 (1), #00b2ee (6), #00b75d (1), #00b8cf (3), #00b8ea (1), #00ccff (4), #00ced1 (2), #00ee00 (2), #00f200 (1), #00fff0 (1), #011633 (6), #013970 (1), #018A47 (4), #0198E1 (16), #019f02 (1), #01ad4e (2), #02428E (2), #025aaa (4), #025bbf (1), #0275A4 (3), #0275bc (1), #028241 (1), #0293d1 (1), #02b5dd (1), #034DA1 (4), #0363ff (1), #036ebc (1), #0377ae (1), #039fe0 (10), #03a15e (1), #045CAA (1), #0473b9 (2), #0487CA (2), #048D35 (2), #0492D2 (1), #0554ba (2), #055FAA (2), #0572bc (1), #0578bd (1), #061E5C (1), #0645A2 (2), #06560f (1), #0690D0 (5), #069456 (1), #0696d7 (21), #076a6c (1), #0866A9 (3), #0868b3 (6), #0894d4 (2), #08954C (2), #08a856 (1), #09426a (1), #094fa3 (3), #096fbc (1), #0975b8 (2), #097969 (2), #099144 (2), #09BE13 (1), #0A6835 (1), #0A9B86 (2), #0B74B7 (1), #0BBBEF (1), #0D7B48 (2), #0E7135 (3), #0EB0EB (2), #0F14F5 (14), #0a493e (1), #0b74b7 (1), #0b904b (2), #0bbbef (1), #0c294f (6), #0c4796 (2), #0cae2f (5), #0d4d93 (1), #0d9bd7 (2), #0e88d3 (3), #0e8ece (8), #0f218b (2), #0f3f93 (3), #0f6255 (1), #0fb48e (2), #101010 (1), #1078be (4), #10929F (2), #10a855 (137), #10b14b (1), #1154a0 (3), #1199DD (5), #11ff00 (1), #123274 (2), #125CAA (1), #125e1d (1), #12d379 (1), #13007C (5), #13447E (1), #137e48 (1), #13A538 (2), #13B5EB (3), #13a538 (3), #143582 (5), #144069 (2), #144C77 (1), #147668 (17), #14893B (1), #14a3de (15), #159646 (1), #159dd9 (4), #15A3C9 (2), #164194 (1), #1695CA (1), #169FDB (1), #16c1f3 (17), #1775b1 (3), #178067 (1), #178C34 (1), #185a82 (1), #1887c9 (2), #18C5F4 (2), #191970 (3), #193476 (5), #193628 (2), #19486c (4), #1961ac (1), #19A6FF (1), #1A1A18 (1), #1AA048 (1), #1AA8BE (4), #1AC7FF (3), #1C9FDA (8), #1D3F72 (1), #1E1E1E (3), #1E498C (1), #1EA339 (1), #1EB9E5 (2), #1F1010 (1), #1F9ACF (2), #1FAD4F (6), #1FBCE1 (40), #1a962b (8), #1ac7ff (2), #1b5620 (3), #1e352b (2), #1ea146 (2), #1f3bff (37), #1f4e69 (1), #1f6834 (4), #1f76c0 (1), #1f8751 (3), #202020 (2), #204291 (2), #20B14A (1), #20abc1 (9), #20b14a (2), #221e72 (4), #222244 (1), #22323f (3), #224aa0 (3), #227503 (1), #229922 (4), #229FE3 (2), #22b24c (1), #231F20 (9), #231f20 (2), #235a69 (2), #23A638 (1), #24ff3a (3), #25bcad (1), #262626 (1), #269900 (2), #2699D1 (3), #26a269 (1), #27348B (5), #2743A0 (1), #2782c5 (5), #283678 (3), #284696 (3), #286AB7 (2), #288067 (6), #288ACC (1), #29ab4a (2), #2A2A28 (2), #2ABDED (3), #2B5F8D (1), #2B8BA1 (3), #2C9CD1 (3), #2E7F16 (26), #2E9028 (1), #2a0909 (5), #2a89ca (1), #2b3180 (2), #2ba117 (2), #2d9b54 (2), #2da6dd (2), #2e3cff (1), #2ea4d1 (3), #2f0091 (1), #303192 (1), #303888 (1), #306196 (5), #30682D (1), #30c5f3 (2), #312f9a (2), #31864e (5), #322E71 (1), #32366d (2), #329932 (3), #329FC7 (4), #32cd32 (1), #330000 (2), #333333 (4), #333366 (2), #333399 (8), #3347a3 (3), #336633 (1), #339900 (3), #3399FF (7), #339E94 (6), #33BA99 (2), #33CC33 (2), #33FF33 (2), #33b76c (1), #33baab (2), #33cc99 (1), #33d47f (2), #340909 (2), #3445C6 (2), #359ede (3), #35A9E1 (1), #35ab52 (5), #35ccf5 (3), #36A4C1 (1), #36CAEC (1), #36a9e1 (1), #36af3d (8), #36b8d8 (4), #371D81 (8), #3853a4 (2), #38647d (3), #3872C2 (1), #38A962 (1), #38CC25 (5), #38a628 (3), #3974b9 (1), #3E3C47 (1), #3E53AD (1), #3E5BA3 (2), #3EBCED (1), #3F2682 (1), #3F3 (27), #3FBFAA (5), #3ab54a (2), #3d419a (3), #3d8ac2 (18), #3e1d47 (2), #3ea67b (2), #3eba7f (4), #408040 (1), #408080 (1), #408927 (3), #40c1ea (2), #415db4 (2), #41B23B (2), #41C8F4 (1), #41bfef (3), #42816b (3), #42C8F4 (2), #42c7f1 (2), #43A833 (3), #43c5b5 (2), #444411 (1), #44a09b (2), #44aa42 (5), #45484A (22), #45A12B (2), #46739f (1), #46826E (3), #4682B4 (1), #476bb2 (2), #48B4CA (2), #48BCBC (2), #495DA4 (1), #499C75 (2), #499e3a (1), #49DDFF (5), #49bcff (1), #4A3D8E (6), #4AB747 (39), #4ABFAD (3), #4B628B (1), #4C1A1B (1), #4C4B9E (3), #4C610A (1), #4C8B33 (7), #4CB847 (1), #4D1F1C (1), #4D3C71 (1), #4D499D (2), #4D90CD (1), #4D9DD9 (3), #4E2B7B (4), #4E53AB (2), #4F3893 (4), #4ac8ef (3), #4b4848 (2), #4ca5d7 (2), #4d499d (4), #4dbe63 (3), #4ea74b (4), #50509B (3), #50bbb4 (2), #51AE31 (10), #51a76d (2), #521717 (6), #52433d (1), #5294D0 (3), #52AD32 (1), #52B447 (2), #52ae32 (1), #52d3f7 (6), #530228 (5), #539cba (5), #53AEDC (1), #542801 (2), #545656 (1), #5489c7 (2), #54BA51 (4), #554596 (4), #5599FF (2), #55A66F (1), #56AF31 (2), #56C9EA (1), #56a03d (2), #57E0F9 (1), #57F20D (1), #582C81 (3), #5892a7 (2), #58AC25 (7), #58D3F7 (3), #59546D (1), #595B62 (13), #59FF00 (2), #5A7D1B (4), #5AA3D9 (5), #5AC5C2 (2), #5BA3D8 (3), #5BB343 (2), #5C2D91 (1), #5C4D41 (2), #5CC0C5 (2), #5CDA21 (1), #5D5910 (2), #5DC3AD (1), #5F4B3F (2), #5F9937 (2), #5a256f (3), #5a4090 (2), #5ac3d6 (2), #5bc109 (18), #5bc5f2 (4), #5c2b02 (2), #5c3e26 (9), #5c4f4d (2), #5c599d (3), #5cc497 (4), #5d6079 (4), #5d97ce (3), #5db54f (4), #5e210e (30), #5eb200 (1), #5f3535 (1), #607b31 (1), #60BB47 (2), #61c2d8 (2), #621215 (6), #622181 (1), #623F1E (2), #625faa (1), #62BB93 (2), #62C4DD (1), #640e3d (1), #642b28 (1), #646363 (7), #64832A (1), #64A12B (3), #64B33B (2), #652D91 (1), #65350B (2), #65B949 (5), #6600CC (1), #66183D (2), #662200 (1), #662C91 (1), #666666 (6), #666833 (4), #668425 (4), #66999b (1), #66B332 (2), #66CD00 (1), #66CEF6 (1), #66FF00 (2), #66FFFF (2), #680068 (1), #682684 (2), #68b7ec (1), #6AD1E3 (1), #6BCCE7 (28), #6CBB93 (3), #6DBF4A (1), #6E4C1E (1), #6E6E6E (4), #6E87CD (2), #6EC1B6 (1), #6FDAF8 (1), #6FF (7), #6d1f80 (1), #6d2190 (6), #6dc02e (3), #6e6e00 (1), #6e6e6e (5), #6ec5eb (3), #6f2f26 (1), #6f58a0 (1), #6f6352 (2), #6f9ed4 (1), #7000CC (7), #702283 (2), #70628f (1), #706F6F (1), #7070BA (1), #70b442 (3), #70b782 (5), #718085 (2), #71CC98 (5), #71bf44 (2), #729B2D (2), #739ecc (4), #743688 (2), #74df00 (1), #751617 (4), #760658 (1), #76232f (2), #76408C (2), #76489c (2), #764F2B (1), #76C5F0 (3), #76EE00 (1), #76b82a (2), #76c9b6 (1), #771133 (9), #77216f (5), #77389F (2), #774819 (1), #777AB5 (2), #77C695 (3), #77b127 (1), #77bea7 (3), #783896 (3), #78b833 (4), #78ccc9 (10), #794489 (13), #797d2f (1), #797e6f (4), #7986c2 (3), #799A27 (1), #79BC43 (2), #79bb92 (2), #7B6CAC (1), #7B6DAC (3), #7C51A1 (1), #7D282C (3), #7D4896 (6), #7DD4F7 (1), #7EC0EE (6), #7F4B2B (3), #7FC3D8 (1), #7b7979 (1), #7baa1f (3), #7c3519 (3), #7d2527 (6), #7d2f92 (3), #7e7940 (6), #7f5a4b (2), #7f7fff (8), #7fcb9c (2), #7fcc28 (3), #800000 (6), #80004D (2), #800080 (3), #806232 (1), #806a3b (3), #8070B7 (1), #808080 (12), #808F64 (2), #80FF00 (2), #80cc28 (2), #80cde9 (1), #812A91 (2), #8144a3 (3), #814897 (3), #816da6 (2), #8186c0 (2), #820165 (11), #822522 (2), #823f00 (11), #824888 (4), #8342A2 (4), #8397B1 (3), #83c491 (2), #841D81 (3), #842C29 (1), #8477b1 (2), #84C326 (9), #84cac6 (2), #854119 (3), #859220 (1), #861F1F (3), #862996 (1), #8638B0 (2), #867b9d (1), #868f89 (1), #86d3de (2), #87D3DF (3), #87c440 (2), #87c979 (2), #87ceeb (2), #885CA0 (1), #888888 (14), #8888FF (1), #8899AA (4), #88D3DF (1), #88aca0 (4), #8968CD (2), #897AB7 (3), #89A54E (1), #89CCCF (4), #89c194 (3), #89c2c9 (2), #89cbbe (1), #89ccc6 (4), #8A3434 (1), #8A6DB0 (2), #8AFA4D (3), #8B0A50 (1), #8B1C16 (2), #8BB4E2 (1), #8BC63F (2), #8C0052 (6), #8C8C8C (3), #8CC552 (6), #8CC849 (1), #8D004C (2), #8DBE23 (8), #8DC63F (3), #8DD7F7 (2), #8E1B50 (11), #8EC87A (2), #8F007C (2), #8F84BE (4), #8FBE00 (1), #8FBF00 (2), #8ac644 (8), #8acb87 (2), #8b004f (2), #8ba715 (1), #8cca87 (1), #8cdc32 (3), #8d6538 (2), #8d78f4 (1), #8dc04c (2), #8dc63f (5), #8e4b34 (2), #8ea48a (3), #8ec047 (2), #8ef2fd (2), #902a8f (2), #913b85 (2), #91AE8F (4), #91BEE7 (2), #91d562 (6), #92004c (3), #922898 (3), #9256A3 (1), #92C139 (2), #92b4af (3), #93117e (1), #9313ba (5), #931a7f (1), #9320A3 (2), #9370db (2), #938C42 (1), #93C355 (1), #93D5DA (4), #93d50a (18), #9400d3 (2), #945ea4 (3), #947139 (1), #947e62 (3), #94c11a (6), #94c356 (15), #951B81 (1), #951b81 (2), #951d5c (4), #95276E (42), #957f5b (2), #95C11F (1), #95C44B (1), #95ad99 (1), #95c11f (2), #96313b (1), #96368B (21), #964C29 (3), #964c29 (9), #96689f (5), #9748a4 (3), #975f44 (2), #978585 (3), #98012D (2), #98027e (13), #981568 (3), #98CC67 (3), #990033 (1), #990066 (13), #9900FF (2), #991199 (3), #991A99 (2), #991f44 (3), #9932CC (8), #993300 (10), #994D9D (9), #995511 (7), #996633 (1), #996daa (3), #99CC00 (1), #99CCFF (5), #99ccff (1), #99def9 (2), #9A0459 (2), #9A836C (1), #9A9A4F (1), #9ACA3C (6), #9B0600 (7), #9B6018 (3), #9B9399 (3), #9B95BB (26), #9B993B (5), #9C94C6 (1), #9D9D9D (5), #9E50AE (5), #9ECD58 (1), #9ED2C2 (1), #9F4C37 (1), #9F8C17 (4), #9FCA66 (3), #9a9b9f (3), #9ad2ae (1), #9b5ba5 (8), #9c1116 (6), #9d1380 (6), #9d762c (2), #9dc44d (2), #9e003c (1), #9e1981 (1), #9f184c (5), #9f9393 (1), #A04040 (1), #A04491 (3), #A0670F (2), #A0AAAF (2), #A11881 (2), #A18500 (1), #A18AC0 (3), #A21318 (4), #A26581 (1), #A2B5DB (5), #A3A3A5 (1), #A4897A (1), #A50344 (1), #A52A2A (3), #A56C01 (1), #A5A158 (2), #A6703E (7), #A67CB0 (4), #A6CE39 (12), #A7358B (1), #A778AE (2), #A90C39 (1), #AA4643 (2), #AA468C (2), #AACCEE (4), #AD1380 (1), #AD182F (2), #AECB37 (1), #AF7B06 (1), #AFCA36 (3), #AFE0EE (1), #B0CB1F (2), #B1601F (2), #B1D355 (1), #B22C2B (1), #B291FF (2), #B2A2C7 (1), #B2CD27 (1), #B30095 (1), #B30437 (4), #B3072D (2), #B35408 (1), #B3EE3A (8), #B40936 (2), #B4591F (2), #B5BB3F (3), #B5D885 (2), #B64E97 (2), #B6A897 (3), #B72791 (3), #B72841 (2), #B94E9A (1), #B94EA7 (3), #BA55D3 (3), #BA67A6 (3), #BAC219 (2), #BB0022 (4), #BB185F (1), #BB1E10 (5), #BB4A9B (2), #BB4A9D (3), #BBDD00 (7), #BCB5D7 (1), #BDA2D8 (2), #BE418D (1), #BED62F (1), #BF1729 (2), #BF6092 (2), #BFD630 (2), #C09276 (1), #C09F65 (7), #C14635 (1), #C16C18 (2), #C19831 (3), #C23E96 (1), #C24F97 (2), #C36939 (1), #C3986A (2), #C41039 (1), #C5000A (1), #C52720 (2), #C5AA77 (5), #C5D878 (2), #C5F041 (1), #C6098D (1), #C6692e (2), #C74747 (3), #C7695C (1), #C79227 (2), #C7956C (2), #C7B2D5 (6), #C80000 (6), #C8A06E (3), #C8B18B (1), #C95789 (2), #C9A3CD (3), #CA2030 (1), #CA9475 (4), #CACE2C (2), #CB686B (3), #CBCC2D (2), #CC0000 (3), #CC0044 (3), #CC071E (6), #CC6600 (11), #CC9900 (2), #CCB2D1 (1), #CD1432 (2), #CD5C5C (1), #CD853F (41), #CEC92A (6), #D10019 (1), #D1257E (2), #D2DB4A (1), #D31B15 (2), #D38449 (2), #D3A170 (1), #D3D325 (3), #D4127B (1), #D45D32 (6), #D474AE (2), #D4DB4A (4), #D4DF22 (2), #D51317 (4), #D64D93 (1), #D67E67 (1), #D6A0D6 (2), #D6AD5B (5), #D6B003 (5), #D72732 (1), #D7C82D (2), #D80D8C (3), #D9261C (1), #D93930 (3), #D99594 (4), #D9D9FF (36), #DA0070 (4), #DA6EAB (4), #DB711D (1), #DBCD00 (2), #DC006B (4), #DC143C (4), #DC532A (2), #DC652C (2), #DD0077 (12), #DD052B (3), #DD9CDF (2), #DE5C1D (1), #DEA9C5 (1), #E00A7A (4), #E02840 (2), #E0B03A (3), #E2368C (4), #E25231 (4), #E2661D (1), #E27F38 (3), #E30513 (8), #E3051C (1), #E30613 (4), #E30714 (2), #E31E27 (4), #E3B32A (2), #E3E5E0 (3), #E40010 (1), #E4003A (3), #E43C2E (3), #E46809 (1), #E5007E (1), #E51919 (6), #E6302E (2), #E6418E (1), #E66432 (8), #E6E6E6 (1), #E6F06A (4), #E70000 (3), #E70095 (2), #E73089 (2), #E75294 (4), #E75B3F (1), #E76B5B (1), #E7961D (1), #E7ADCF (1), #E8001B (2), #E82E8A (1), #E8308C (5), #E8378D (3), #E85595 (5), #E87308 (2), #E88B30 (4), #E8C31B (2), #E8D309 (2), #E92D8B (2), #E9619E (1), #EA2423 (2), #EA5297 (2), #EA7600 (3), #EAC616 (1), #EAF04E (2), #EB1325 (3), #EB880E (1), #EBC66C (3), #EC008C (2), #EC008D (3), #EC2426 (1), #EC6607 (1), #ED028C (12), #ED145B (1), #ED1B2F (1), #ED1C24 (2), #ED1C25 (1), #ED1C29 (4), #ED1C2A (1), #ED222E (39), #ED3896 (2), #ED6EA7 (4), #ED7807 (6), #ED8C01 (3), #EDA5B4 (1), #EDEFF0 (2), #EE1B29 (1), #EE1D23 (1), #EE2222 (1), #EE293D (1), #EE3030 (2), #EE549F (2), #EE5A95 (1), #EE7D00 (2), #EE8822 (4), #EEBE92 (1), #EEC900 (3), #EF2E32 (2), #EF3744 (21), #EF3F30 (1), #EF4D44 (2), #EF7B10 (2), #EF7C00 (2), #EF7D00 (3), #EF85B4 (1), #EFA8C0 (6), #EFB9CE (4), #F00 (10), #F06060 (1), #F07A28 (1), #F07E12 (1), #F0804F (2), #F08319 (1), #F0AA20 (3), #F0D49D (1), #F0E68C (1), #F0E91E (1), #F16122 (1), #F173AC (23), #F24CAF (1), #F25721 (3), #F27F0C (3), #F28B52 (2), #F28D01 (3), #F28E42 (2), #F29326 (3), #F29DC3 (3), #F2BF26 (2), #F2D020 (1), #F37021 (2), #F37B24 (11), #F38BB1 (2), #F39100 (3), #F39200 (39), #F393BC (1), #F39400 (2), #F3A4BA (2), #F3C300 (4), #F466BA (2), #F4731C (3), #F496AB (2), #F4A3C8 (8), #F4BC18 (2), #F57215 (2), #F5821F (4), #F58220 (1), #F58345 (2), #F59C00 (1), #F59E00 (2), #F59EB3 (4), #F59FB8 (2), #F5E20A (1), #F67C13 (1), #F68020 (4), #F68B1F (2), #F6A22E (1), #F6A31A (1), #F6ADCC (2), #F6AF8E (1), #F6C8FB (4), #F772DB (3), #F78A18 (4), #F78F1E (2), #F78F4B (1), #F7931D (2), #F79328 (2), #F7941D (1), #F7FF3C (2), #F83C5A (1), #F89A8D (3), #F8B322 (2), #F9A23C (3), #F9B000 (5), #FAC92A (3), #FACF20 (6), #FADD05 (3), #FB0091 (6), #FBA91A (1), #FBB416 (1), #FBB525 (2), #FBBF15 (2), #FBE143 (14), #FCC300 (5), #FCCA06 (1), #FCCD51 (17), #FCD739 (2), #FDC300 (3), #FE642E (3), #FEB811 (4), #FEB8FA (2), #FECC00 (2), #FECD07 (1), #FECE00 (1), #FED300 (2), #FEDD03 (2), #FF0 (28), #FF0000 (48), #FF0001 (1), #FF0080 (2), #FF00FF (7), #FF1400 (1), #FF3A2E (3), #FF5900 (2), #FF6319 (6), #FF6464 (1), #FF6500 (1), #FF65CC (1), #FF6600 (2), #FF671B (9), #FF671F (1), #FF7D24 (3), #FF7E00 (3), #FF7F00 (1), #FF8000 (3), #FF82B4 (2), #FF88AA (4), #FF8C00 (1), #FF9200 (1), #FF9730 (7), #FF9933 (4), #FF9C53 (1), #FFA21D (2), #FFA34C (2), #FFA500 (2), #FFA54F (2), #FFB530 (1), #FFB531 (2), #FFB900 (1), #FFBF00 (9), #FFC904 (1), #FFCC00 (120), #FFCC11 (7), #FFCCFF (2), #FFCD02 (8), #FFCE10 (1), #FFD036 (2), #FFD100 (2), #FFD11C (1), #FFD214 (1), #FFD301 (2), #FFD700 (5), #FFDC01 (4), #FFDC1C (1), #FFDD00 (5), #FFDF00 (1), #FFED00 (3), #FFFF00 (27), #FFFF99 (17), #FFFFCC (4), #FFFFFF (9), #a0006e (6), #a01080 (3), #a0a0a0 (3), #a0c01b (1), #a166aa (1), #a25ab4 (5), #a2a0a0 (1), #a2bd31 (28), #a2d9f7 (2), #a31984 (13), #a3429b (10), #a3d71d (6), #a5c715 (1), #a84d97 (1), #a8916a (1), #a8c65c (3), #ab3a8d (3), #abca97 (1), #acbb71 (1), #adc228 (1), #adcb57 (3), #ae346f (2), #ae3722 (7), #af5936 (4), #b12a93 (2), #b1c903 (4), #b3dc18 (2), #b400be (2), #b42222 (1), #b60f80 (2), #b63f82 (4), #b68f58 (1), #b7282e (11), #b74425 (2), #b7b8dd (1), #b86a3a (2), #ba499b (1), #bab62f (2), #bb33ff (1), #bb7530 (2), #bcb5da (2), #be1136 (4), #be7b5b (3), #bfbfbf (1), #bfc7ba (1), #bfd5ea (1), 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(1), #feffd9 (7), #ff0000 (63), #ff0050 (2), #ff00ff (2), #ff0417 (2), #ff1400 (2), #ff1493 (2), #ff2222 (1), #ff3818 (3), #ff5a00 (6), #ff601f (1), #ff6f3d (1), #ff7917 (4), #ff7a00 (15), #ff7d24 (1), #ff7e00 (1), #ff8000 (4), #ff82b4 (4), #ff8c00 (2), #ff9430 (3), #ff9931 (3), #ff99ff (1), #ffa200 (1), #ffa500 (1), #ffbe00 (5), #ffbe2e (3), #ffc219 (2), #ffcb11 (2), #ffcc00 (37), #ffcc29 (4), #ffcd02 (1), #ffce1e (2), #ffd002 (7), #ffd500 (2), #ffd700 (6), #ffd800 (1), #ffdd00 (2), #ffe08a (1), #ffe400 (1), #ffe8c2 (2), #ffed00 (2), #fff042 (2), #fff100 (7), #fff45e (1), #fff685 (1), #ffff00 (173), #ffffff (73), * (1), 666666 (2), 7A6232 (1), 8cdc32 (1), Chartreuse (1), Claret (1), Dark Red (1), DarkBlue (3), DarkRed (1), DeepPink (1), Green (1), Indigo (2), LightGreen (2), LightSeaGreen (7), Paars-Wit (1), Red (4), Salmon (1), SlateBlue (1), Tomato (1), Turquoise (2), aqua (11), beige (4), black (248), black/yellow (1), black:yellow:white (1), blue (399), blue/yellow (14), 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comment | 1404 | "industrial=lime" tag is removed because this plane doesn't produce lime anymore (1), 2015 en 2019 geen verbodsborden, maar weg loopt wel over de percelen van de woningen, dus mogelijk geen openbare weg in zin van de Wegenwet (dus access=permissive ipv yes) (1), 61 (1), 95 (1), Alter Wegverlauf durch Neubau "Am Funkturm - Würzburg" nicht mehr vorhanden. Neue Ausschilderung. (1), An Schultagen (1), Auf den MVV-integrierten Teilstrecken werden MVV-Fahrausweise anerkannt. Im Bus werden jedoch nur Fahrausweise der RVO verkauft. (6), Bis Aufhausen im VVS, danach im DING-Verbund (1), Deel van traject niet geopend in broedseizoen 15 maart-15 juni; zie voor omleiding Romeinse Limespad 03a (1), Der Link wurde mit einer Wegweisung versehen (Platten auf der Fahrbahn) und weitgehend einheitlich gestalet (eine begleitende Baumreihe mit Pappeln und gemeinsame Elemente am Weg (alle aus Beton und in Form eines C)) (1), Drogowskaz na szlaku czerwonym: przeł. 1275 1h15, Ustrzyki Górne 3h30, przeł. Bukowska 1h, Wołosate 3h. (1), Drogowskaz na szlaku czerwonym: przeł. Bukowska 1h30, Halicz 30 min, Ustrzyki Górne 3h, przeł. 1275 45min, przeł. 1160 30min (1), Einige Fahrten nur ab Elsdorf Busbf (1), Einige Fahrten nur bis Elsdorf Busbf (1), Entirely in Georgia, afaik not signposted (1), Holzkirchen - Bayrischzell nicht im MVV-Tarif (2), Holzkirchen - Tegernsee nicht im MVV-Tarif (1), I love OSM :) It allows to map everything! (1), Identique à la ligne 6254, ressemble à un doublon mais existe réellement. Horaires, fréquences et services à bord probablement différents (2), James surveyed the section of this trail east of Oak Grove and combined it with the original Tiger import (1), Je Stunde einmal (2), KGA-16307 (1), KGA-18015 (1), KGA-18126 (1), KGA-19040 (1), KGA-28121 (1), KGA-28305 (1), KGA-28D06 (1), KGA-29016 (1), KGA-KUYUALAN (1), KGB-18020 (1), KGB-28317 (1), KGC-16318 (1), KGC-16338 (1), KGC-17104 (1), KGC-19002 (1), KGC-19003 (1), KGC-28115 (1), KGC-28176 (1), KGC-28179 (1), KGC-28196 (1), KGC-28311 (1), KGC-29007 (1), KGC-KHACHAMA (1), KGC-KOZTEKNE (1), KGC-SOKUZCHO (1), KGE-07205 (1), KGE-17216 (1), KGX-16300 (1), KGX-16325 (1), KGX-17105 (1), KGX-17118 (1), KGX-17205 (1), KGX-17209 (1), KGX-17224 (1), KGX-17225 (1), KGX-17332 (1), KGX-17336 (1), KGX-18051 (1), KGX-18152 (1), KGX-19001 (1), KGX-28103 (1), KGX-28119 (1), KGX-28120 (1), KGX-28133 (1), KGX-28164 (1), KGX-28170 (1), KGX-28194 (1), KGX-28197 (1), KGX-28198 (1), KGX-29020 (1), KGX-BUZINOVF (1), KGX-CHAKHYL2 (1), KGX-DELIKUYU (1), KGX-FEZLAAKM (1), KGX-KAVAKA1 (1), KGX-TAUKHUYU (1), KGX-TEKNE3 (1), KGX-UCHKUYU1 (1), KMA-17235 (1), KMC-07247 (1), KMC-28147 (1), KMC-28302 (1), KMC-MEZARLYK (1), KME-28130 (1), KMX-07243 (1), KMX-07244 (1), KMX-07245 (1), KMX-07246 (1), KMX-16333 (1), KMX-16340 (1), KMX-17001 (1), KMX-17002 (1), KMX-17103 (1), KMX-17116 (1), KMX-17141 (1), KMX-17200 (1), KMX-17201 (1), KMX-17222 (1), KMX-18013 (1), KMX-18022 (1), KMX-18034 (1), KMX-18036 (1), KMX-18044 (1), KMX-18045 (1), KMX-18100 (1), KMX-18101 (1), KMX-18116 (1), KMX-19007 (1), KMX-19008 (1), KMX-19025 (1), KMX-19026 (1), KMX-28105 (1), KMX-28107 (1), KMX-28116 (1), KMX-28117 (1), KMX-28118 (1), KMX-28122 (1), KMX-28125 (1), KMX-28129 (1), KMX-28145 (1), KMX-28149 (1), KMX-28150 (1), KMX-28151 (1), KMX-28152 (1), KMX-28153 (1), KMX-28156 (1), KMX-28158 (1), KMX-28161 (1), KMX-28219 (1), KMX-28304 (1), KMX-28306 (1), KMX-28314 (1), KMX-28326 (1), KMX-28338 (1), KMX-29004 (1), KMX-29109 (1), KMX-KARAKUYU (1), KMX-SABEKUYU (1), Kreuzstraße - Rosenheim nicht im MVV-Tarif (2), Linienführung Frechen wie Bus 965 (1), Manually edited from CLC data. (1), N400+ maar volgens PVVP een GOW en ook geheel zo uitgevoerd én met nummer bewegwijzerd (2), Named after Sam Baldock. (1), Ne s'arrête pas sur Agen et Béziers, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (1), Ne s'arrête pas sur Arles et Sète, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (1), Ne s'arrête pas sur Arles, Sète et Agen, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (1), Ne s'arrête pas sur Arles, Sète et Marmande, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (2), Ne s'arrête pas sur Béziers et Marmande, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (3), Ne s'arrête pas sur Marmande et Sète, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (1), Ne s'arrête pas sur Marmande, Sète et Arles, les voies plus éloignées de ces gares sont préférées (4), Nur Mo-Fr einmal morgens und nachmittags (1), Nur Mo-Fr morgens (1), Nur Montag-Freitag, eine Fahrt Abends (1), Nur Montag-Freitag, zwei Fahrten (1), Nur am Wochenende (1), Pas d'arrêt sur Sète et Agde, via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Pas d'arrêt sur Sète et Agde, via Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), Poradie podľa č. trate (1), RWN-bordje in het veld wijst naar zuidelijke track ingetekend, maar die loopt dood in akker, feitelijk loopt de route over deze noordelijk gelegen weg (1), Reverted city name to Latin script in accordance with local official name (1), Ringverkehr über Roitzheim, Stotzheim, Niederkastenholz, Kirchheim, Flamersheim, Palmersheim, Kuchenheim, Weidesheim, Kleinbüllesheim, Großbüllesheim, Wüschheim (1), Ringverkehr über Roitzheim, Stotzheim, Niederkastenholz, Kirchheim, Steinbachtalsperre, Flamersheim, Palmersheim, Kuchenheim, Weidesheim, Kleinbüllesheim, Großbüllesheim, Wüschheim (1), Ringverkehr über Wüschheim, Großbüllesheim, Kleinbüllesheim, Weidesheim, Kuchenheim, Palmersheim, Flamersheim, Kirchheim, Niederkastenholz, Stotzheim, Roitzheim (1), Ringverkehr über Wüschheim, Großbüllesheim, Kleinbüllesheim, Weidesheim, Kuchenheim, Palmersheim, Flamersheim, Kirchheim, Steinbachtalsperre, Niederkastenholz, Stotzheim, Roitzheim (1), Route slecht aangegeven. Stickers en bordjes ontbreken. (2), Rundkurs (1), Rundkurs, nur eine Richtung (1), Réseau TGV constaté en octobre 2020, via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Réseau TGV constaté en octobre 2020, via Montpellier Sud de France (ligne LGV) (1), Rückfahrt nach Schulende (1), SGA-07207 (1), SGA-07231 (1), SGA-16310 (1), SGA-16316 (1), SGA-16330 (1), SGA-16332 (1), SGA-16336 (1), SGA-16343 (1), SGA-17000 (1), SGA-17106 (1), SGA-17108 (1), SGA-17112 (1), SGA-17139 (1), SGA-17208 (1), SGA-17302 (1), SGA-17305 (1), SGA-17306 (1), SGA-17333 (1), SGA-17343 (1), SGA-17348 (1), SGA-17349 (1), SGA-18021 (1), SGA-18029 (1), SGA-18040 (1), SGA-18041 (1), SGA-18103 (1), SGA-18113 (1), SGA-18151 (1), SGA-18221 (1), SGA-28106 (1), SGA-28126 (1), SGA-28159 (1), SGA-28171 (1), SGA-28174 (1), SGA-29014 (1), SGA-29017 (1), SGA-29025 (1), SGA-AFENIZ (1), SGA-AIDIMITR (1), SGA-AILYANCH (1), SGA-ALACHUK (1), SGA-ALIMKOBA (1), SGA-AMITCHOK (1), SGA-ANCHAPI (1), SGA-ASHACHE2 (1), SGA-ASHADAKI (1), SGA-AZMENYN1 (1), SGA-AZMENYN2 (1), SGA-BOGAZTEK (1), SGA-BUNUKUCH (1), SGA-BURCHUCH (1), SGA-CHATALKH (1), SGA-CHESMEBA (1), SGA-CHUKHUR2 (1), SGA-DARKHAC1 (1), SGA-DORTKHUR (1), SGA-DZHAMIUZ (1), SGA-DZHURLAN (1), SGA-EGIZCHOK (1), SGA-EKITEKNE (1), SGA-ESKIYURT (1), SGA-FILINCHO (1), SGA-FUNTUKCH (1), SGA-GROTENOV (1), SGA-KALAMIR3 (1), SGA-KAMBAL1 (1), SGA-KERECHLE (1), SGA-KHANCHOK (1), SGA-KIZILALA (1), SGA-KOTLA (1), SGA-KOZMYIDE (1), SGA-KOZSU (1), SGA-KUKUBA (1), SGA-KURLYUK1 (1), SGA-KURLYUK3 (1), SGA-KURLYUK4 (1), SGA-MASKINCH (1), SGA-MEZARCH1 (1), SGA-MEZARCH3 (1), SGA-MK48 (1), SGA-MK52 (1), SGA-NEFAN I (1), SGA-ODZHANCH (1), SGA-OLENY (1), SGA-PANDAZI (1), SGA-PIONER (1), SGA-PODTISOM (1), SGA-SALKHYNC (1), SGA-SERNALEV (1), SGA-SERNAPRA (1), SGA-STARYMON (1), SGA-TARASOVS (1), SGA-TARLYKH (1), SGA-TASCHOKR (1), SGA-TASHGOL (1), SGA-TATARSA (1), SGA-TSELEBNY (1), SGA-TUARKHO1 (1), SGA-TYULLYU1 (1), SGA-UCHTESHI (1), SGA-VERESIN1 (1), SGA-VERSA (1), SGA-YALAUCHE (1), SGA-YUBILEIN (1), SGA-YURIYATR (1), SGA-YURKAII (1), SGA-ZAMANA (1), SGB-07214 (1), SGB-16329 (1), SGB-17107 (1), SGB-17206 (1), SGB-17304 (1), SGB-17314 (1), SGB-17315 (1), SGB-17325 (1), SGB-17337 (1), SGB-17352 (1), SGB-18005 (1), SGB-18018 (1), SGB-18033 (1), SGB-18039 (1), SGB-18042 (1), SGB-18107 (1), SGB-18117 (1), SGB-18135 (1), SGB-18137 (1), SGB-18138 (1), SGB-18140 (1), SGB-18145 (1), SGB-18150 (1), SGB-28104 (1), SGB-28160 (1), SGB-28165 (1), SGB-28189 (1), SGB-28318 (1), SGB-28321 (1), SGB-28328 (1), SGB-29001 (1), SGB-29006 (1), SGB-29011 (1), SGB-29018 (1), SGB-29021 (1), SGB-29041 (1), SGB-ARABSKY (1), SGB-AZISCHOK (1), SGB-BAKHKYA1 (1), SGB-BALCHOK1 (1), SGB-BESHTEK3 (1), SGB-BOKHLUD1 (1), SGB-BOKHLUD2 (1), SGB-CHAMNYK2 (1), SGB-DERENKO2 (1), SGB-DERENKO3 (1), SGB-DZHILKIC (1), SGB-ENDEKCHO (1), SGB-ENISALA2 (1), SGB-ESHILCH1 (1), SGB-FRENK (1), SGB-GAMBICH (1), SGB-GAZYMANS (1), SGB-KALYAVA1 (1), SGB-KARAGAC2 (1), SGB-KARAGACH (1), SGB-KHATMERT (1), SGB-KOZCHOKR (1), SGB-KUCHUKC1 (1), SGB-KUCHUZE2 (1), SGB-PARACHID (1), SGB-SASYKHSU (1), SGB-SAZCHOKR (1), SGB-SAZHINCH (1), SGB-SCHANCHO (1), SGB-SREDNYFO (1), SGB-SULUKHO2 (1), SGB-TEKNE1 (1), SGB-TYRKHAL2 (1), SGB-UMETINCH (1), SGB-VEIRATCH (1), SGB-YUKETEP3 (1), SGB-YUKETEP4 (1), SGB-YURVATA2 (1), SGB-YUSUFCHO (1), SGC-17006 (1), SGC-17203 (1), SGC-18010 (1), SGC-18011 (1), SGC-18016 (1), SGC-28301 (1), SGC-28324 (1), SGC-28325 (1), SGC-29118 (1), SGC-ALIAKHAI (1), SGC-ALIAZBAR (1), SGC-KARAGAC1 (1), SGC-KRUSHINO (1), SGC-MESODIGO (1), SGC-SUKHOIFO (1), SGC-SUUKSU (1), SGC-TAMURLY1 (1), SGC-VRISI (1), SGD-17218 (1), SGD-KHALILAM (1), SGE-28335 (1), SGE-FASBURLA (1), SGE-KUCHUKU1 (1), SGE-KUCHUKU2 (1), SGE-OBRUCHEV (1), SGE-TASHCHOK (1), SGE-TESHIKCH (1), SGX-07201 (1), SGX-07204 (1), SGX-07216 (1), SGX-07230 (1), SGX-16303 (1), SGX-16306 (1), SGX-16309 (1), SGX-16322 (1), SGX-16328 (1), SGX-17003 (1), SGX-17022 (1), SGX-17100 (1), SGX-17101 (1), SGX-17102 (1), SGX-17110 (1), SGX-17114 (1), SGX-17204 (1), SGX-17210 (1), SGX-17211 (1), SGX-17212 (1), SGX-17213 (1), SGX-17300 (1), SGX-17301 (1), SGX-17310 (1), SGX-17317 (1), SGX-17320 (1), SGX-17321 (1), SGX-17322 (1), SGX-17324 (1), SGX-17328 (1), SGX-17330 (1), SGX-17335 (1), SGX-17338 (1), SGX-17339 (1), SGX-17342 (1), SGX-17344 (1), SGX-17345 (1), SGX-17346 (1), SGX-17347 (1), SGX-17350 (1), SGX-18000 (1), SGX-18003 (1), SGX-18004 (1), SGX-18006 (1), SGX-18007 (1), SGX-18008 (1), SGX-18009 (1), SGX-18012 (1), SGX-18017 (1), SGX-18019 (1), SGX-18026 (1), SGX-18027 (1), SGX-18028 (1), SGX-18030 (1), SGX-18032 (1), SGX-18035 (1), SGX-18038 (1), SGX-18043 (1), SGX-18046 (1), SGX-18047 (1), SGX-18048 (1), SGX-18052 (1), SGX-18110 (1), SGX-18112 (1), SGX-18124 (1), SGX-18127 (1), SGX-18128 (1), SGX-18131 (1), SGX-18132 (1), SGX-18133 (1), SGX-18136 (1), SGX-18139 (1), SGX-18143 (2), SGX-18144 (1), SGX-18147 (1), SGX-18153 (1), SGX-18154 (1), SGX-18155 (1), SGX-18235 (1), SGX-19010 (1), SGX-19015 (1), SGX-19016 (1), SGX-19018 (1), SGX-19019 (1), SGX-19020 (1), SGX-19023 (1), SGX-19030 (1), SGX-19032 (1), SGX-19034 (1), SGX-28100 (1), SGX-28108 (1), SGX-28111 (1), SGX-28114 (1), SGX-28123 (1), SGX-28124 (1), SGX-28127 (1), SGX-28128 (1), SGX-28131 (1), SGX-28132 (1), SGX-28134 (1), SGX-28141 (1), SGX-28143 (1), SGX-28146 (1), SGX-28157 (1), SGX-28163 (1), SGX-28166 (1), SGX-28167 (1), SGX-28168 (1), SGX-28172 (1), SGX-28173 (1), SGX-28175 (1), SGX-28177 (1), SGX-28181 (1), SGX-28182 (1), SGX-28184 (1), SGX-28185 (1), SGX-28190 (1), SGX-28195 (1), SGX-28199 (1), SGX-28300 (1), SGX-28303 (2), SGX-28309 (1), SGX-28315 (1), SGX-28327 (1), SGX-28330 (1), SGX-28331 (1), SGX-28332 (1), SGX-28333 (1), SGX-28334 (1), SGX-28337 (1), SGX-28339 (1), SGX-28341 (1), SGX-28342 (1), SGX-28343 (1), SGX-28D00 (1), SGX-28D01 (1), SGX-28D02 (1), SGX-28D03 (1), SGX-28D04 (1), SGX-29000 (1), SGX-29008 (1), SGX-29009 (1), SGX-29012 (1), SGX-29013 (1), SGX-29019 (1), SGX-29022 (1), SGX-29024 (1), SGX-29026 (1), SGX-29029 (1), SGX-29112 (1), SGX-29200 (1), SGX-29D05 (1), SGX-ADZHIBRA (1), SGX-AIKOSTAN (1), SGX-AITODOR (1), SGX-AKCHOKR2 (1), SGX-ALANTAZC (1), SGX-ALCHAKCH (1), SGX-ASHAGAKO (1), SGX-AYUTYSHE (1), SGX-BAIMURZA (1), SGX-BAISU (1), SGX-BAKHKYA2 (1), SGX-BATKAK (1), SGX-BEINCHOK (1), SGX-BESHKUB1 (1), SGX-BESHKUB2 (1), SGX-BESHTEK2 (1), SGX-BESHTEKN (1), SGX-BICHINNY (1), SGX-BIKECHES (1), SGX-BILDRANC (1), SGX-BIYUKISA (1), SGX-BORCHOKR (1), SGX-BOZANACH (1), SGX-CHASTKAN (1), SGX-CHESHME2 (1), SGX-CHOKSU (1), SGX-CHUGUNCH (1), SGX-DAUTNUS (1), SGX-DEDENYTE (1), SGX-DOBURDZH (1), SGX-DZHEVATK (1), SGX-DZHUNDZ1 (1), SGX-DZHUNDZ2 (1), SGX-EFURGON (1), SGX-EGERLYK1 (1), SGX-EGERLYK2 (1), SGX-EISATYLG (1), SGX-EISATYNC (1), SGX-EKITEREK (1), SGX-EKSIBIRT (1), SGX-EMULAKHA (1), SGX-ESHILCH2 (1), SGX-ESHILCH3 (1), SGX-FUNDUKBU (1), SGX-GOLINCHO (1), SGX-ILKACHOK (1), SGX-IVANKOSH (1), SGX-KALYAVA3 (1), SGX-KAMBAL2 (1), SGX-KAMPACHO (1), SGX-KARACHOK (1), SGX-KARAGAC2 (1), SGX-KARAGACH (1), SGX-KARLYIC1 (1), SGX-KARLYIC2 (1), SGX-KAVAKA2 (1), SGX-KAYAARAS (1), SGX-KECHKANY (1), SGX-KERCH (1), SGX-KEREZDER (1), SGX-KHAINAKC (1), SGX-KHILIKOP (1), SGX-KHURNYN (1), SGX-KIZYLCHO (1), SGX-KIZYLKHA (2), SGX-KOKTEKN1 (1), SGX-KOLEMIKO (1), SGX-KORYTA (1), SGX-KREZAGAC (1), SGX-KUCHUZE3 (1), SGX-KUFOLTR1 (1), SGX-KUFOLTR2 (1), SGX-LAGOUNCH (1), SGX-LEZER (1), SGX-MEZARCH2 (1), SGX-MK29 (1), SGX-MOKRYGRO (1), SGX-NADEZHDY (1), SGX-NIZHNYBA (1), SGX-OSMANEFE (1), SGX-PARTIZAN (1), SGX-PELETLIK (1), SGX-PICHENAI (1), SGX-PICHIKA2 (1), SGX-PURDALY1 (1), SGX-RYBATSKY (1), SGX-SALKINCH (1), SGX-SALMACHO (1), SGX-SARAMANC (1), SGX-SARYCHOK (1), SGX-SCHANCHO (1), SGX-SEKIANYP (1), SGX-SOKUR (1), SGX-SOLDATS1 (1), SGX-SOLDATS2 (1), SGX-SUUKSU3 (1), SGX-SUUKSU4 (1), SGX-SUUKSU6 (1), SGX-TALCHESH (1), SGX-TAMURLY2 (1), SGX-TAMURLY3 (1), SGX-TASHAZBA (1), SGX-TATARCHO (1), SGX-TEKNE2 (1), SGX-TEKNE5 (1), SGX-TOPALMA1 (1), SGX-TUARKHO2 (1), SGX-TUZLUSU1 (1), SGX-URANUS (1), SGX-VERKHNY2 (1), SGX-VORON (1), SGX-VOROVSKO (1), SGX-VRIS (1), SGX-YUKETEP2 (1), SGX-YUKETEP5 (1), SGX-YURT (1), SGX-YURVATA1 (1), SGX-ZHURLANC (1), SMA-CHURUKSU (1), SMA-VTOROIFO (1), SMB-17207 (1), SMB-17219 (1), SMB-18108 (1), SMB-19014 (1), SMC-18025 (1), SMC-28148 (1), SMC-KAMGACHO (1), SMD-ADZHISU (1), SME-29104 (1), SME-BESHTEK4 (1), SME-BESHTEK5 (1), SME-NADEZHD1 (1), SMX-07203 (1), SMX-16301 (1), SMX-16302 (1), SMX-16304 (1), SMX-16305 (1), SMX-16312 (1), SMX-16319 (1), SMX-16320 (1), SMX-16321 (1), SMX-16335 (1), SMX-17004 (1), SMX-17014 (1), SMX-17109 (1), SMX-17117 (1), SMX-17303 (1), SMX-17307 (1), SMX-17308 (1), SMX-17309 (1), SMX-17311 (1), SMX-17312 (1), SMX-17313 (1), SMX-17319 (1), SMX-17323 (1), SMX-17326 (1), SMX-17329 (1), SMX-17340 (1), SMX-18014 (1), SMX-18023 (1), SMX-18024 (1), SMX-18037 (1), SMX-18102 (1), SMX-18104 (1), SMX-18105 (1), SMX-18106 (1), SMX-18109 (1), SMX-18114 (1), SMX-18115 (1), SMX-18118 (1), SMX-18119 (1), SMX-18120 (1), SMX-18121 (1), SMX-18122 (1), SMX-18123 (1), SMX-18125 (1), SMX-18129 (1), SMX-18130 (1), SMX-18141 (1), SMX-18142 (1), SMX-18146 (1), SMX-18148 (1), SMX-18149 (1), SMX-18218 (1), SMX-19004 (1), SMX-19006 (1), SMX-19011 (1), SMX-19012 (1), SMX-19013 (1), SMX-19017 (1), SMX-19031 (1), SMX-28000 (1), SMX-28109 (1), SMX-28110 (1), SMX-28112 (1), SMX-28113 (1), SMX-28120 (1), SMX-28135 (1), SMX-28136 (1), SMX-28139 (1), SMX-28140 (1), SMX-28142 (1), SMX-28144 (1), SMX-28154 (1), SMX-28162 (1), SMX-28169 (1), SMX-28178 (1), SMX-28183 (1), SMX-28186 (1), SMX-28187 (1), SMX-28191 (1), SMX-28192 (1), SMX-28308 (1), SMX-28312 (1), SMX-28316 (1), SMX-28319 (1), SMX-28329 (1), SMX-28340 (1), SMX-29002 (1), SMX-29003 (1), SMX-29023 (1), SMX-29047 (1), SMX-29100 (1), SMX-29106 (1), SMX-29107 (1), SMX-29108 (1), SMX-29113 (1), SMX-29114 (1), SMX-29115 (1), SMX-29116 (1), SMX-29117 (1), SMX-29119 (1), SMX-29121 (1), SMX-29122 (1), SMX-29133 (1), SMX-29139 (1), SMX-AKCHOKRA (1), SMX-AKUNARIY (1), SMX-ASHACHE1 (1), SMX-ASHAGAKE (1), SMX-BALABANS (1), SMX-BESHTEKN (1), SMX-BIKCHOKR (1), SMX-CHAKYCHC (1), SMX-CHESHMED (1), SMX-CHINDZHE (1), SMX-DUMUSKHO (1), SMX-EDIEAPAN (1), SMX-FULUNYNC (1), SMX-GADZHIA1 (1), SMX-GADZHIA2 (1), SMX-KANCHOKR (1), SMX-KARAKUML (1), SMX-KEMCHEK (1), SMX-KHARACHI (1), SMX-KIKHYRNA (1), SMX-KOBACHOK (1), SMX-KOKTEKN2 (1), SMX-KOPSUCHE (1), SMX-KRINICHK (1), SMX-KUCHUKC2 (1), SMX-KUFLYUNY (1), SMX-KUKUMAN (1), SMX-KURUCHLI (1), SMX-KUSHALAN (1), SMX-MAVLYACH (1), SMX-MURZACHO (1), SMX-NADEZHD2 (1), SMX-NASTYRAK (1), SMX-PERELESK (1), SMX-PUGACHA3 (1), SMX-PURDALY2 (1), SMX-PURDALYM (1), SMX-SEVDACHO (1), SMX-SUGUTDER (1), SMX-TIKORLER (1), SMX-UCHKOSHC (1), SMX-ULAUZYN1 (1), SMX-ULAUZYN2 (1), SMX-UZENBASH (1), SMX-YANSU (1), SMX-YUKHARYC (1), SMX-YUVEZAGA (1), Schleifenfahrt ohne Gegenrichtung (1), Schulverkehr in Sankt Augustin. (1), Sonntags als Taxibus (4), This area is a result of an automated import and areas have been tagged as industrial because retail ones are less in number;if you know this area is a retail one, please change the tags. (1), This area is a result of an automated import, but it cannot tell if it is an industrial or retail area; all such areas have been tagged as industrial because retail ones are less in number; if you know this area is a retail one, please change the tags. (54), This area is a result of an automated import, but it cannot tell if it is an industrial or retail area;all such areas have been tagged as industrial because retail ones are less in number;if you know this area is a retail one, please change the tags. (7), This area was a result of an automated import, but it could not tell if it is an industrial or retail area;all such areas have been tagged as industrial because retail ones are less in number;if you know this area is a retail one, please change the tags. (1), This is a comlete Example post_code (1), This is a complete adress Index example (3), This is a good alternative to Douglas Ave for cyclists (1), This relation has reached more than 2000 members and should be split in parts using a superroute as master. (1), VGA-07202 (1), VGA-07206 (1), VGA-16317 (1), VGA-16323 (1), VGA-16324 (1), VGA-16326 (1), VGA-16327 (1), VGA-17334 (1), VGA-18134 (1), VGA-28138 (1), VGA-EKONOMI1 (1), VGA-KOINCHES (1), VGB-28102 (1), VGB-28323 (1), VGC-16334 (1), VGX-07200 (1), VGX-16337 (1), VGX-18050 (1), VGX-28137 (1), VGX-28336 (1), VGX-29027 (1), VGX-BALCHOK2 (1), VGX-YUSUPOVS (1), VMA-29103 (1), Variante avec arrêt à toutes les gares (1), Variante de la ligne 6821 avec arrêts supplémentaire à Sète et Agde (1), Variante de la ligne 6823 sans faire d'arrêt à Sète et Agde (1), Variante de la ligne 6871 via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Variante de la ligne 6873 via Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), Variante via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (2), Variante via Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), Water bodies, green areas and sport facilities need to be manually edited from CLC data. Please edit them according to the field reality. Thank you. (46), Zusätzliche Variante am Wochende (1), Zwei Varianten (1), Zwischen Ingolstadt und Neustadt(Donau) VGI-Gebiet, zwischen Regensburg und Münchsmünster RVV-Gebiet. (9), Zwischen Klenau und Stadelham(MVV-Grenze) gilt der RVO-Tarif (3), Zwischen Schiltberg und Oberdorf(MVV-Grenze) gilt der RVO-Tarif (3), address is verified (2013.05.23) (22), address is verified (2013.05.27) (30), address is verified (2013.05.28) (19), address is verified (2013.05.30) (25), address is verified (2013.05.31) (14), address is verified (2013.06.02) (45), address is verified (2013.06.03) (3), address is verified (2013.06.09) (23), address is verified (2013.06.11) (22), address is verified by POI (2013.05.29) (9), address is verified by POI (2013.05.30) (13), address is verified by POI (2013.05.31) (2), administrative (1), based on recomanded track (seamark) (1), bridge was 2015 probably newly built (1), classificada cfe plano diretor (8), cliff is probably only to the north, a single way. (1), continuous ordered sequence of ways. spurs and alternatives in sub-relation (1), cycleway is not a part of the road on this side, separated cycle/foot path goes behind the mound (1), de nummers op de palen bevatten voorloop-[0]-en, dus graag niet verwijderen (1), fixme: перепроверить адрес еще раз (1), groen palen markeren de paden waar je mag lopen (ongemarkeerde paden zijn verboden toegang) en vormen route met tussenverbindingen, deel van "knooppunten" is genummerd, maar geen doorverwijzingen; houdt het midden tussen lwn en rwn (1), hourly to Hastings / Ore (1), http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Milano/Trasporti_pubblici (14), https://youtu.be/QIfxI2BRLQY?t=34s (1), hält nicht in Fulda und Hanau (1), in work (2), it is possible to drive on the concrete plates, but there is a significant slope down to the water (1), marked east to west only (1), more mtb than bicycle. (1), name tag to description (1), netwerk als laatste in regio ingevoerd daardoor verschillende (inconsistente) namen van netwerken op palen, toekenning palen aan netwerk adhv gemeentegrenzen (1), no helipad, but open areas nearby (1), old main road (4), part of the outer, MP "Thu Bon" (1), post_code lines, not connect with lines and points! (1), previous track deleted by error !!! remade this track on 11/04/2010 (1), route is verlegd: niet langer via vlonder onder A4 maar viaduct over de A4 langs N206 (1), some of this looks to be used for logging? If so then landuse=forest, produce=timber would be better. (1), symbol currently not used in some countries, but the relation is not historic (1), to check (2), unmaintained (1), Єдиний будинок у с. Тисовець з постійними мешканцями. Люди прописані до Козівської сільради (1), Вкусная родниковая вода (1), Вкусно и не дорого (1), Вообще-то этот родник называется "МулИнский". Название родника очень старое, ещё дореволюционное. У жителей Верхоречья даже есть такая песня: "... На Якимовой пасла, А в МулИнском воду пИла...". Верхоречье не выселялось после войны, многие семьи там живут (1), Все там знаю её как "свинячу", но маловероятно, чтобы она носила такое название официально. (1), Выяснить настоящее название (1), Відреставровано після вибуху газу (1), Где-то тут были ступеньки... (1), Го́род — давньоруська назва середньовічного укріплення або поселення, огородженого муром. (1), Горенка - жилой сектор (1), Горенка - промзона (1), ДА, ЭТО МЕТАЛЛУРГОВ 90! СМЕШНО. (1), ДА, ЭТО СТРОИТЕЛЕЙ 110! ТОЧНО! (1), Два дома с табличкой 23 по ул. Добронравова (2), Дом по БАХЧИВАНДЖИ, а не Громовой!!! (1), Есть игровая комната для детей (1), З 24 жовтня 2012 року не працює. (1), Заброшенноый недострой (1), Заброшенный древний колодец (1), Здесь по идее должен быть мост или брод или что-то в этом роде (1), Змінено стан дорожнього покриття на bad по причині його жахливого стану (станом на 09.2017) (1), Львівська майстерня шоколаду закрита. Видно, що всередені ремонтують приміщення. (2020-10-06) (1), Магазин керамики (1), На Клочкiв (1), На доме висит табличка 21. Очень странно! (1), Надгробная плита (1), Надо по GPS посмотреть, как там дорожка идёт. Я её нарисовал почти что наугад. (1), Надо уточнить местоположение. Я помню что на перекрестке и что именно с этой стороны. Но где именно? (1), Надо уточнить точное название (и дрегие данные) памятника, количество и местоположение скамеек (1), Не могу по спутниковым снимкам точно определить есть тут дорога или нет. (1), Не перепутал ли я кондитерскую и хозяйственный местами? (2), Не путайте с Богаз-Таш-Хобах (2), Не уверен, есть ли здесь дорога (1), Не уверен, как правильно это обозначить? amenity=cafe или amenity=coworking_space? Это одновременно и тайм-кафе и коворкинг (ненавижу англицизмы) (1), Незаконний видобуток піску (1), Неясно в точности, что это - видно только, что что-то круглое и стационарное (1), Нові та вживані велосипеди (1), Обрыв обозначен почти наугад, нужно снять координаты (1), Остановка 46, 50, 540, 222 и других автобусов и маршрутных такси (1), Ось станции (1), Первоначально участок обозначен "landuse:allotments". Но с виду участок выглядит как "обжытый". А здания похожи на жилые дома, а не на сараи. Поэтому выбран тег "landuse:residential" (1), По идее тут должен быть мост или брод или ещё что-то в этом роде (1), По идее, дороге незачем кончаться здесь - вероятно, она продолжается куда-нибудь в лесу (1), По состоянию на 03.09.22 источник демонтирован. (2), Пожалуйста перед тем как править эту точку, прочтите обсуждение здесь https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/56707710 (2), Провалился асяфальт. Объехать можно только заехав на тротуар через бардюр. (1), С мостом - это чья-то ошибка. Шел там лично - никаких мостов. Исправил (2), Санаторий Меллас (2), Старый колодец с ржавым ведром. Но если вам срочно понадобится вода, можно попробовать её здесь набрать (1), ТР-3;ТР-4 (1), Там в этом месте надстройка, в полтора-два раза повышающая высоту. Не знаю, как обозначить (1), Тропа существует!!! (1), Тут где-то должен быть знак "Ладан", но я его что-то не вижу на спутниковых фотографиях (1), Удостовериться в номере дома (1), Удостовериться в номере дома. (5), Уточнить адрес. Я ориентировался по банкомату, это не слишком надёжно. (1), Уточнить название. "Лiсна" чi "Лiсова", "вулиця Лiсна" чi "Лiсна вулиця" (1), Уточнить назначение и типы строений на базаре (1), Уточнить номер дома, могу ошибаться, точно знаю только 73й (1), Уточнить форму здания. По-моему, оно не круглое. (1), Церква юридично греко-католицька, фактично - православна Київського патріархату (1), Часто открытый шлагбаум (1), Что здесь? (1), Школа іноземних мов (1), Этот адрес - 100% ТОЧНЫЙ! (10), Я не уверен в существовании именно этого участка линии - сам я ам не был, а на снимке не видно (1), Я помню, что КАК-ТО там дороги соединяются. Но не помню, так ли именно или как иначе. (1), Я помню, что тут есть въезд на территорию, но не помню, как конкретно он сделан (1), аллея (1), гостиничный комплекс Таврия, ресторан, банкомат (1), дорога прохідна у суху пору (1), е могу по спутниковым снимкам понять, есть здесь дорога или нет. (1), забор Арбузова (1), заросшая тропа (1), именно Vero Vero два раза (1), колишня будівля супермаркету "Рукавичка", переїхали в торговий центр "Пустомити" (1), летнее кафе - павильон демонтируется на зиму (1), міст не придатний для проїзду важких автомобілів та автобусів (1), міст не придатний та проїзду важкого транспорту та автобусів (1), на колесах возможен только спуск (2), на лінії був тег name=Вільшана (5), на честь українського письменника Панаса Мирного (1), перейменування на честь польського письменника Юзефа Ігнаці Крашевського, який проживав на території Старокостянтинівщини (1), скорость ограничена знаком (6), сосновая роща (1), старая заросшая тропа (1), тут сначала были магазины, потом церковь - неизвестно, что там сейчас. (1), |
comment:2 | 2 | New route from 2013 Mar 16, tram runs only from Bicocca M5 to Cinisello Balsamo during the day. The old route (from piazzale Lagosta) is served during night only (after approximately 22:00) (1), This route from piazzale Lagosta to Cinisello Balsamo is served only late at night (after approximately 24:00) (1), |
comment:de | 1 | In Fürstenberg(Havel) geht die Route tatsächlich in beiden Fahrtrichtungen durch die Pfarrstraße Richtung Süden (zwischen Markt und Bahnhofstraße) (1), |
comment:en | 1 | road closed untill 2013-11-20 (1), |
comments | 1 | частково маркована жовтим стежка з долини Медвідського до полонини (1), |
commercial | 5 | dealer (1), vehicle_depot (1), warehouse (1), yes (2), |
common_name | 1 | Wheel of Liverpool (1), |
communication | 109 | in Flöha keine Markierung, sonst z.T. mangelhaft (1), line (19), mast (1), mobile_phone (19), pole (58), radio (1), tv (1), yes (6), АТС-34 (1), Закрите акціонерне товариство "Київстар Дж.Ес.Ем." (1), приватне акціонерне товариство "МТС Україна" (1), |
communication:2G | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:3G | 5 | yes (5), |
communication:4.5G | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:4G | 4 | yes (4), |
communication:4G+ | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:5g | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:DVB-T2 | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:am | 3 | yes (3), |
communication:amateur_radio:callsign | 2 | SP8KAF (1), UU4JKU (1), |
communication:amateur_radio:repeater | 3 | UR0NUA (1), UR0NVA (1), yes (1), |
communication:amateur_radio:repeater:ctcss | 2 | 85.4 Hz (1), 88.5 (1), |
communication:amateur_radio:repeater:frequency_out | 3 | 145600000 (1), 431.150 MHz (1), 439325000 (1), |
communication:amateur_radio:repeater:power | 2 | 15 (2), |
communication:amateur_radio:repeater:shift | 3 | +7.6 MHz (1), -600000 (1), -7600000 (1), |
communication:antenna | 5 | yes (5), |
communication:bos | 4 | no (1), yes (3), |
communication:broadcast | 20 | yes (20), |
communication:cdma | 10 | yes (10), |
communication:controlling | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:drink | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:dvb-t2 | 50 | yes (50), |
communication:fixed_wireless | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:fm | 45 | yes (45), |
communication:gsm | 4132 | yes (4132), |
communication:gsm-r | 13 | no (1), yes (12), |
communication:gsrm | 3 | yes (3), |
communication:internet | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:lte | 5063 | yes (5063), |
communication:lte+ | 3 | yes (3), |
communication:microwave | 13 | no (2), yes (11), |
communication:military | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:mobile | 38 | yes (38), |
communication:mobile_phone | 6712 | * (1), 057 712 0265 (1), gsm (29), gsm,hspa,lte (4), gsm,umts (9), gsm; (2), gsm;lte (1), gsm;lte;umts (3), gsm;umts (10), gsm;umts;lte (11), lte (19), lte;umts (1), no (2), umts (3), umts;lte (2), yes (6609), yes;gsm;umts;lte (2), yes;lte (1), yes;umts (1), yes;umts;lte (1), |
communication:radio | 108 | am (1), fm (10), no (2), unknown (1), yes (94), |
communication:relais | 25 | yes (25), |
communication:satellite | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:television | 147 | dvb-t (2), no (1), yes (144), |
communication:type | 1 | mobile_phone (1), |
communication:umts | 1694 | yes (1694), |
communication:urmts | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:wifi | 3 | yes (3), |
communication:wimax | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:Круп’ярська | 2 | yes (2), |
communication_mobile:phone | 1 | yes (1), |
communications_transponder:service | 1 | CDMA800 (1), |
community | 6 | monks (3), nuns (3), |
community:gender | 68 | female (31), male (36), mixed (1), |
community_centre | 156 | club_home (7), community_hall (5), cultural_centre (22), events_venue (5), family_centre (1), for=multigeneration (1), parish_hall (4), senior_centre (1), village_hall (79), youth_centre (31), |
community_centre:for | 79 | child (19), child;juvenile (2), children (1), family (2), juvenile (25), lgbtq (1), multigeneration (22), officer (2), religious (1), senior (1), student (1), tourists (1), youth (1), |
community_safety_zone | 4 | yes (4), |
company | 37 | aerospace (1), building (1), construction (1), distribution (2), insurance (1), logistics (1), office (1), property_maintenance (1), software (1), software_development (22), temporary_work_agency (1), translation (1), transport (2), transportation (1), |
compartment:NE | 1 | 6 (1), |
compartment:NW | 4 | 115/127 (1), 13/3 (2), 14 (1), |
compartment:SE | 3 | 12/1 (2), 7 (1), |
compartment:SW | 1 | 15 (1), |
compartment_post | 6 | yes (6), |
compensator | 10 | filter (9), series_reactor (1), |
complementary | 5 | distance (1), length (2), priority_road_direction (2), |
complete | 280 | no (109), proposed (2), recommended (1), yes (168), |
complete:guideposts | 1 | no (1), |
complete:trail | 1 | yes (1), |
compressed_air | 92 | no (28), yes (64), |
compressed_air:opening_hours | 6 | 24/7 (6), |
computer:parts | 3 | no (1), yes (2), |
computer:repair | 11 | yes (11), |
computer:sales | 2 | no (2), |
computer:type | 1 | laptop (1), |
concentration_camp | 1 | nazism (1), |
concrete | 8 | plates (8), |
condition | 1337 | Aug, 2019 (1), bad (10), can be deep mud (1), closed (1), deficient (181), extinct (1), fair (646), fair;good (1), good (439), intolerable (38), none (1), not working (2), not_working (3), poor (11), yes (1), |
condo | 2 | yes (2), |
conductors | 2 | 1 x 2450 mm2 ACSR (1), 2 X 600 mm2 ACSR per pole (1), |
confirmed | 1 | no (1), |
conjectural | 4 | yes (4), |
connectivity | 139 | 1:(1),(2),3 (1), 1:(1),2 (11), 1:(1),2,(3) (1), 1:(1),2|2:2 (1), 1:(1),2|2:3 (4), 1:(1)|2:2 (3), 1:1 (28), 1:1,(2) (15), 1:1,2 (2), 1:1,2,3,4 (1), 1:1,2,3,4|2:1,2,3,4 (1), 1:1,2|2:3 (2), 1:1|2:(2) (1), 1:1|2:1 (1), 1:1|2:2 (15), 1:1|2:2,3,4 (1), 1:1|2:2|3:3 (4), 1:2 (7), 1:2|2:3|3:4 (1), 2:(1),2|3:3|4:4 (1), 2:1 (12), 2:1,2 (2), 2:1,2,3|3:1,2,3 (1), 2:1,2|3:1,2 (1), 2:1,2|3:2 (2), 2:1|3:1|4:1 (1), 2:1|3:2 (4), 2:2 (3), 3:1 (4), 3:1,2 (2), 3:1|4:2 (1), 4:1 (2), 4:1,2 (2), 4:1,2,3 (1), |
constructed | 1 | 1900 (1), |
construction | 2919 | * (1), 1886 (1), allotment_house (39), apartments (291), apartmentsm (1), appartment (1), appartments (6), barn (1), bridge (8), building (41), bus_station (1), cafe (1), cathedral (2), church (18), cinema (1), commercial (23), construction (2), convent (1), cycleway (18), detached (214), dormitory (6), escape (1), fire_station (2), footpath (2), footway (34), garage (4), garages (6), goverment (1), government (1), grass (1), hospital (8), hotel (2), house (292), hut (5), industrial (10), kerb (15), kindergarten (3), mall (1), minaret (1), mineshaft (1), minor (41), mixed (1), mosque (1), motorway (25), motorway_link (26), no (1), office (6), office;public;mall (1), park (2), parking (4), path (5), pedestrian (4), place_of_worship (6), power (3), powerline (2), primary (182), primary_link (68), proposed (1), public (5), rail (8), railway (1), religous (1), reservoir (1), residential (387), residentialь (1), rest_area (1), retail (21), runway (1), school (10), secondary (77), secondary_link (14), semidetached_house (2), service (71), shop (1), skatepark (1), sports_centre (4), station (1), steps (9), street (1), subway (12), supermarket (1), swimming_pool (1), synagogue (1), temple (4), tertiary (106), tertiary_link (4), track (6), tram (16), trunk (241), trunk_link (64), unclassified (30), university (1), warehouse (6), widening (3), yes (357), yesй (1), yesь (1), |
construction:amenity | 5 | drinking_water (1), fast_food (1), pharmacy (2), townhall (1), |
construction:barrier | 3 | border_control (1), guard_rail (1), jersey_barrier (1), |
construction:building | 17 | apartments (2), church (2), garages (2), house (7), yes (4), |
construction:contact:email | 1 | admin@apteka911.com.ua (1), |
construction:contact:facebook | 1 | https://www.facebook.com/apteki911 (1), |
construction:contact:phone | 1 | +380 800 505 911 (1), |
construction:contact:website | 1 | https://apteka911.ua/ (1), |
construction:contact:youtube | 1 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgft8X02aVC-B8WwpKiFEIg (1), |
construction:electrified | 14 | contact_line (14), |
construction:entrance | 1 | main (1), |
construction:floors | 1 | 11 (1), |
construction:frequency | 13 | 50 (12), 60 (1), |
construction:healthcare | 2 | pharmacy (2), |
construction:highway | 3 | footway (1), secondary (2), |
construction:leisure | 4 | sport (2), sports_centre (2), |
construction:man_made | 1 | bridge (1), |
construction:name | 1 | Аптека оптових ц.. (1), |
construction:opening_hours | 1 | Mo-Su 08:00-21:00 (1), |
construction:operator | 1 | ФАРМАЦІЯ КІРОВОГРАДЩИНИ ТОВ (1), |
construction:plant:source | 1 | nuclear (1), |
construction:power | 2 | plant (2), |
construction:railway | 2 | rail (2), |
construction:railway:etcs | 32 | 1 (1), 2 (16), 3 (15), |
construction:type | 2 | renovation (1), restoration (1), |
construction:voltage | 13 | 25000 (13), |
construction_contract_name | 2 | Chiswick to Langley Special Road (2), |
construction_date | 34 | 1715 (1), 1721 (1), 1760 (1), 1901 (1), 1917 (1), 1946 (1), 1985 (1), 2009 (1), 2021 (21), 2022 (5), |
construction_end_expected | 12 | 2025 (12), |
construction_start_expected | 12 | 2021 (12), |
construction_year | 149 | 1900 (1), 1904 (1), 1912 (1), 1954 (1), 1955-1960 (1), 1956 (2), 1957 (4), 1958 (2), 1959 (1), 1960 (7), 1961 (3), 1962 (3), 1963 (1), 1964 (6), 1965 (2), 1965-1970 (1), 1966 (2), 1967 (4), 1968 (4), 1970 (4), 1970-1980 (3), 1971 (1), 1972 (3), 1973 (11), 1975 (3), 1976 (7), 1977 (2), 1978 (7), 1979 (3), 1980 (6), 1980s (1), 1982 (8), 1983 (2), 1984 (2), 1985 (3), 1986 (2), 1987 (1), 1988 (2), 1989 (4), 1990 (4), 1991 (4), 1992 (1), 1993 (1), 1994 (3), 1995 (1), 1996 (1), 2001 (1), 2005 (2), 2006 (1), 2007 (1), 2008 (2), 2017 (1), 2019 (1), 2021 (3), |
consulate | 56 | consular_office (2), consulate_general (19), honorary_consul (29), residence (1), yes (5), |
consulting | 3 | building;rent;special_equipment (1), informatica;informatics;automazione_industriale;industrial_automation;industrial_engineering;ingegneria_industriale;system_integrator;sistema_integrato (1), marketing;research (1), |
contact | 1 | вул. Сліпинки, с. Забрідь, Хустський р-н., Закарпатська обл., 90428 (1), |
contact:behance | 1 | https://www.behance.net/TeplyyDesign (1), |
contact:city | 14 | Augsburg (1), Barr (1), Châteaubourg (1), Coudekerque-Branche (1), Fontaine-lès-Dijon (1), Gennevilliers (1), Lyon 6eme Arrondissement (1), Palaiseau (1), Romainville (1), Saint-Contest (1), Toulouse (1), Troyes (1), Trélazé (1), Київ (1), |
contact:country | 1 | DE (1), |
contact:email | 11549 | 01992831@mail.gov.ua (1), 022218@belblank.by (1), 022413@belblank.by (1), 04396437@mail.gov.ua (1), 067048@mail.ru (1), 06_21@zt.npu.gov.ua (1), 10-shkola@mail.ru (1), 108soloway@gmail.com (1), 12738@mail.ru (1), 12skvira_1zosh@ukr.net (1), 12volt@gmail.com (1), 13skvira_2zosh@ukr.net (1), 14skvira_3zosh@ukr.net (1), 1580@lutskrada.gov.ua (1), 15dprch[at]vl.dsns.gov.ua (1), 15skvira_nvk@ukr.net (1), 16skvira_5zosh@ukr.net (1), 1708pizza@gmail.com (1), 17skvira_litcey@ukr.net (1), 18dprch@lv.dsns.gou.ua (1), 24751001@mail.gov.ua (1), 24@mvideo.ru (2), 275@5element.by (1), 2kmp_uoz_lviv@ukr.net (1), 305@volsz.gov.ua (1), 38053515@mail.gov.ua (1), 38053572@mail.gov.ua (1), 4kmp_uoz_lviv@ukr.net (1), 5mpsk414@gmail.com (1), 5sevgimnasia@bk.ru (1), 79379842221@yandex.ru (1), 8800@etm.ru (1), 8800@volhovez.natm.ru (3), 97veselka@gmail.com (1), A.Zhdanov@cdek.ru (1), A.Zubov@cdek.ru (2), Berezna_shkola@ukr.net (1), BerezovskayaAI@ugsk.ru (1), Chernaya-Ogneva@cdek.ru (1), Chumak.natalia.85@gmail.com (1), DNZSonechko28@ukr.net (1), DobraZOSCH@yandex.ru (1), Dorohynychiscool[at]gmail.com (1), Dovshan.YuA@dns-shop.ru (1), EgradkovkaSh@i.ua (1), Ekstr_medic@i.ua (1), Evpatoriya-fr@pecom.ru (1), F401@pinkrabbit.ru (1), F402@pinkrabbit.ru (1), F404@pinkrabbit.ru (1), F405@pinkrabbit.ru (1), FeedBack@burgerking.ru (1), Help@gloria-jeans.ru (3), Ilichev.s@cdek.ru (1), Info.lviv@humana.com.ua (6), KGBSMP@gmail.com (1), Kerch-fr@pecom.ru (1), Kharkov60@flagman.kiev.ua (1), Khorolskiy.s@dns-shop.ru (1), Kobelev.A@dns-shop.ru (1), Komanchero.Lviv@gmail.com (1), Korytnuciadnz@gmail.com (1), Krem_licey4@mail.ru (1), Kremenchug59kassa@flagman.kiev.ua (1), LenSchool1-3@ukr.net (1), Lskif@ukr.net (1), Lys_school1@ukr.net (1), M.Vanushenkov@cdek.ru (1), N.Kaliuzhnaia@cdek.ru (1), ND-school@i.ua (1), Nehaivskazos@gmail.com (1), Novapraga8@gmail.com (1), OCZ.94@ukr.net (1), OVasiuchkov@ispf.gov.ua (1), P-bridNVO@ukr.net (1), Palitra11@ukr.net (1), Prist64@gmail.com (1), Pritulenko.AV@dns-shop.ru (1), Rehagen@Rudolf-Ballin-Stiftung.de (1), RybtsovaOV@ugsk.ru (1), S.Miroshnichenko@cdek.ru (1), S.Shinkarenko@cdek.ru (1), SM@svhotel.com.ua (1), Samoylenko.a@dns-shop.ru (1), School2@email.ua (1), Sev_college@i.ua (1), Shapka.kp@dns-shop.ru (1), Sheps.AV@dns-shop.ru (1), Sinyavskiy.AS@dns-shop.ru (1), Smila_drujba1@ukr.net (1), Svitanok32@gmail.com (1), Ukraine@amacoint.com (14), VV.Viktorov@cdek.ru (1), Vlasenko.d@cdek.ru (1), Xram.Rizdva.Bogorodytsi@gmail.com (1), a.dikov@cdek.ru (1), a.dyman@cdek.ru (2), a.gaynetdinov@cdek.ru (1), a.gotovchits@cdek.ru (1), a.iliv@cdek.ru (1), a.kapustin@cdek.ru (1), a.korolev@cdek.ru (4), a.kurnosov@cdek.ru (1), a.lutikov@cdek.ru (3), a.manukyan@cdek.ru (8), a.rossohina@cdek.ru (1), a.umerov@cdek.ru (5), a.zabelin@cdek.ru (1), a_kohut@mail.ru (1), aa.panchenko@cdek.ru (1), aallm2009@gmail.com (1), abris-ua@ukr.net (1), academy@citrus.com.ua (6), accueil@landes.cci.fr (1), adams.sergio@gmail.com (1), 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(1), filvarok11cartel@gmail.com (1), filvarok2cartel@gmail.com (1), flagman.kamenskoe@gmail.com (1), flannel.ua@gmail.com (1), forest-song@i.ua (1), fortlock.lviv@gmail.com (1), fortuna-d@online.ua (1), fotka108@ukr.net (1), franch.chicken@gmail.com (2), furmanivcascholl@ukr.net (1), g.shmatula@cdek.ru (3), g21@service.dp.ua (1), gabordayka@gmail.com (1), galaganovka@ukr.net (1), galina_rotaru@mail.ru (1), gasthof-buchl@t-online.de (1), gastronomwinebar@gmail.com (1), gasynec@ukr.net (1), gazeta-vs@i.ua (1), gd.odesp@gmail.com (1), gen.snegur@cdek.ru (1), general@kbuapa.kharkov.ua (1), georgiakiew@gmail.com (1), germestraid@gmail.com (1), ghostlviv@yahoo.com (1), gimnaziya@i.ua (1), gimro@op.pl (1), girkapolonka.azpsm@i.ua (1), girkapolonka@gmail.com (1), gladko.liliya@ukr.net (1), glubokoe1@ukr.net (1), glvr@belgdbol.ru (1), gniazdko.hrubieszow@gmail.com (1), gols@kledu.vn.ua (1), gomel@asoba.by (3), gorod_nvk.67@ukr.net (1), goroo@zp.ukrtel.net (1), gostiservicemanager@gmail.com (1), 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29 1447000 (10), +375 29 1793011 (1), +375 29 3032908 (1), +375 29 3168958 (1), +375 29 3373300;+375 29 3401397 (1), +375 29 3373300;+375 29 3885427 (1), +375 29 3373300;+375 29 6482836 (1), +375 29 3373300;+375 44 5022286 (1), +375 29 5624698 (1), +375 29 5888033 (1), +375 29 6336468;+375 33 6669702 (1), +375 29 6543653 (1), +375 29 6576595 (1), +375 29 7003729 (1), +375 29 7483086 (1), +375 29 7532575;+375 29 8001421;+375 29 9308640 (1), +375 29 8205974 (1), +375 29 8226105 (1), +375 29 9171750;+375 33 3590178 (1), +375 33 3728232 (1), +375 33 6563369 (1), +375 44 5000171;+375 44 5000172 (1), +375 44 5001199 (5), +375 44 5111045;+375 44 5111600 (1), +375 44 5624088 (1), +375 44 5708610 (3), +375 44 5919412;+375 44 5919464 (1), +375 44 5960658 (1), +375 44 7766922 (1), +375 44 7769513 (1), +375 44 7818236 (1), +375 44 7858172 (1), +375 44 7888880 (7), +375(02346) 33086 (1), +375(1631) 5-61-69 (1), +375(1652) 2-17-40;+375(1652) 2-48-92 (1), +375(212) 58-95-73 , +375(212) 58-92-62 (1), +375(29) 797-44-44 (1), +375-234-74-22-71 (1), +38 (056) 720-92-77; +38 (056) 720-92-78 (1), +38 050 0383184 (1), +38 06556 20939 (1), +38 06556 23059 (1), +38 06556 23225 (1), +38 06556 23820 (1), +38 06556 23896 (1), +38 06556 24362 (2), +38 06556 24584 (1), +38 06556 24836 (1), +38 06556 24942 (1), +38 06556 24995 (1), +38 06556 25072 (1), +38 06556 25105 (1), +38 06556 25231 (1), +38 06556 25260 (1), +38 06556 25631 (1), +38 06556 25942 (1), +38 06556 62999 (1), +38 06556 94960 (1), +38 06556 95209 (1), +38 066 2837026 (1), +38 067 520 57 07 (1), +38 095 39 811 20, +38 093 69 89 706 (1), +38-06565-2-16-17 (1), +38-06565-2-55-61;+38-06565-2-13-11;+38-06565-2-68-07 (1), +380 (67) 223 3096; +380 (332) 24 2217 (1), +380 31 229 2711 (1), +380 31 434 2330 (1), +380 312 23 5362 (1), +380 312 24 2332 (1), +380 312 42 3966 (1), +380 312 42 4027 (1), +380 312 42 4032 (1), +380 312 42 4038 (1), +380 312 42 4049 (1), +380 312 42 4077 (1), +380 312 42 4079 (1), +380 312 42 4080 (1), +380 312 42 4150 (1), +380 312 42 8080;+380 95 100 0043;+380 50 100 5900 (1), +380 312 42 9001 (1), +380 312 42 9998 (1), +380 312 44 0404 (1), +380 312 44 2006 (1), +380 312 44 7574 (1), +380 312 61 2707 (1), +380 312 61 3321 (1), +380 312 61 3322;+380 312 63 0544 (1), +380 312 61 3468 (1), +380 312 61 3495 (1), +380 312 61 3856 (1), +380 312 61 4152 (1), +380 312 61 4214;+380 312 61 5254 (1), +380 312 61 4359 (1), +380 312 61 6307 (1), +380 312 61 6981 (1), +380 312 61 7101 (1), +380 312 63 0398 (1), +380 312 63 7300 (1), +380 312 63 9316 (1), +380 312 63 9885 (1), +380 312 64 0606;+380 68 744 0400;+380 95 926 3000;+380 50 744 0040 (1), +380 312 64 1503 (1), +380 312 64 2572 (1), +380 312 64 3524 (1), +380 312 64 4428;+380 312 61 4470 (1), +380 312 66 1026 (1), +380 312 66 2180 (1), +380 312 66 2257 (1), +380 312 66 4125 (1), +380 312 66 5108 (1), +380 312 66 7150 (1), +380 312 66 8455 (1), +380 312 66 8479 (1), +380 312 66 9453 (1), +380 312 67 1467 (1), +380 312 67 2595 (1), +380 312 67 2697 (1), +380 312 67 3101 (1), +380 312 67 9164 (1), +380 312 71 1462 (1), +380 312 72 4142 (1), +380 312 73 5300 (1), +380 3122 22 543 (1), +380 3122 23 549;+380 3122 20 610 (1), +380 3122 23 982 (1), +380 3122 24 529 (1), +380 3122 25 425 (1), +380 3122 28 510;+380 3122 28 669 (1), +380 3122 28 534;+380 3122 28 565 (1), +380 3122 30 314 (1), +380 3122 32 332 (1), +380 3122 33 049 (1), +380 3122 33 565 (1), +380 3122 34 007 (1), +380 3122 34 067;+380 312 61 3916;+380 3122 35 172 (1), +380 3131 21 355 (1), +380 3131 21 571 (1), +380 3131 22 302;+380 3131 22 479;+380 3131 22 566 (1), +380 3131 22 409 (1), +380 3131 22 481;+380 3131 37 081;+380 99 530 0085 (1), +380 3131 23 277 (1), +380 3131 31 298;+380 3131 55 046 (1), +380 3131 31 332 (1), +380 3131 31 334 (1), +380 3131 31 400 (1), +380 3131 31 710 (1), +380 3131 31 850 (1), +380 3131 35 222 (1), +380 3131 38 030 (1), +380 3131 38 062 (1), +380 3131 38 080 (1), +380 3131 43 033;+380 50 166 0814 (1), +380 3131 44 596 (1), +380 3131 50 025 (1), +380 3131 51 964;+380 3131 51 663 (1), +380 3131 53 732 (1), +380 3131 53 995 (1), +380 3131 54 495 (2), +380 3131 54 674 (1), +380 3131 56 555 (1), +380 3131 57 315 (1), +380 3131 57 982 (1), +380 3131 65 266 (1), +380 3132 43 222 (1), +380 3133 35 343 (1), +380 3134 21 252 (1), +380 3134 21 254 (1), +380 3135 37 227 (1), +380 3141 22 154 (1), +380 3141 23 210 (1), +380 3141 42 827 (1), +380 3141 42 990 (1), +380 3141 49 357 (1), +380 3141 71 292 (1), +380 3142 25 091 (1), +380 3142 42 344 (1), +380 3142 44 122 (1), +380 3142 50 800 (1), +380 3142 51 420 (1), +380 3142 53 403 (1), +380 3142 54 006 (1), +380 3143 21 103 (1), +380 3143 21 194 (1), +380 3143 23 580 (1), +380 3143 61 333 (1), +380 3144 71 281 (1), +380 3144 77 234 (1), +380 3145 21 478 (1), +380 3145 21 661 (1), +380 3146 21 261 (1), +380 3146 22 288 (1), +380 32 221 1040 (1), +380 32 221 3752 (1), +380 32 225 5084;+380 66 600 2655 (1), +380 32 225 5652 (1), +380 32 227 5711;+380 67 673 4917 (1), +380 32 227 5713;+380 67 672 5542 (1), +380 32 227 8209 (1), +380 32 227 8210 (1), +380 32 227 9533 (1), +380 32 229 9015 (1), +380 32 232 2227 (1), +380 32 235 6060;+380 97 645 4952 (1), +380 32 235 6415 (1), +380 32 235 6917 (1), +380 32 236 7260;+380 67 327 4342 (1), +380 32 237 6202 (2), +380 32 239 4102 (1), +380 32 241 6321 (1), +380 32 242 1288 (1), +380 32 242 2161 (1), +380 32 243 1408 (1), +380 32 244 0744 (2), +380 32 244 1617;+380 96 783 3772 (1), +380 32 244 1925 (1), +380 32 244 9359 (1), +380 32 245 2036;+380 32 295 8812 (1), +380 32 252 0080 (1), +380 32 254 6755 (1), +380 32 254 6767 (1), +380 32 255 0032 (1), +380 32 255 3250 (1), +380 32 255 5142 (1), +380 32 261 4121 (1), +380 32 261 4454 (1), +380 32 263 4192 (1), +380 32 263 6055 (1), +380 32 267 5183 (1), +380 32 270 3479 (1), +380 32 270 7063 (1), +380 32 271 2105 (1), +380 32 275 1915 (1), +380 32 275 4036;+380 97 903 9083 (1), +380 32 275 8052;+380 32 276 6209 (1), +380 32 276 4679 (1), +380 32 294 8715;+380 67 374 9336 (1), +380 32 295 5555 (1), +380 32 295 8809 (1), +380 32 295 8841;+380 67 524 2004;+380 93 855 2641 (1), +380 32 297 0625 (1), +380 32 297 3526 (1), +380 32 297 6070 (1), +380 32 297 6893 (2), +380 322 21 3778 (1), +380 322 22 1895 (1), +380 322 22 2692 (1), +380 322 22 3481 (1), +380 322 22 3482 (1), +380 322 22 3656 (1), +380 322 22 3797 (1), +380 322 22 7438 (1), +380 322 22 8507 (1), +380 322 22 9506 (1), +380 322 27 3601 (1), +380 322 31 6734 (1), +380 322 31 7693;+380 322 31 9261 (1), +380 322 32 7940;+380 50 339 7323 (1), +380 322 32 7942;+380 50 468 8087 (1), +380 322 32 7977;+380 93 127 4283 (1), +380 322 32 8240 (1), +380 322 32 9402;+380 95 282 0343 (1), +380 322 328 357;+380 66 540 0094 (1), +380 322 33 0245 (1), +380 322 33 4073 (1), +380 322 34 0006 (1), +380 322 34 0176 (1), +380 322 34 3046 (1), +380 322 35 5021;+380 322 45 5205 (1), +380 322 35 8901 (1), +380 322 36 7101 (1), +380 322 37 0085 (1), +380 322 37 0432 (1), +380 322 37 0596 (1), +380 322 37 1396 (1), +380 322 37 3306 (1), +380 322 38 0423;+380 63 279 7779 (1), +380 322 38 4261 (1), +380 322 38 6431 (1), +380 322 40 0440;+380 322 45 5205 (1), +380 322 41 8121 (1), +380 322 42 0162;+380 67 390 4745;+380 68 986 6730 (1), +380 322 42 1881 (1), +380 322 42 2338 (1), +380 322 42 8230 (1), +380 322 43 4153 (1), +380 322 44 2418 (1), +380 322 44 5398;+380 322 45 5205 (1), +380 322 44 8390 (1), +380 322 45 0840 (1), +380 322 45 1917 (1), +380 322 45 2810;+380 322 45 2811 (1), +380 322 45 5205;+380 322 45 8780 (1), +380 322 45 5205;+380 322 61 1260 (1), +380 322 45 5205;+380 3222 10 140 (1), +380 322 45 8136 (1), +380 322 46 2028;+380 322 46 2029 (1), +380 322 47 1037 (1), +380 322 51 2899 (1), +380 322 52 7013 (1), +380 322 52 7590 (1), +380 322 53 0254 (1), +380 322 54 6402 (1), +380 322 55 4114 (1), +380 322 55 6084 (1), +380 322 60 0369 (1), +380 322 60 1497 (1), +380 322 61 4065 (1), +380 322 61 6003 (1), +380 322 62 1900 (1), +380 322 63 0106 (1), +380 322 63 1544 (1), +380 322 63 9135 (1), +380 322 67 4591 (1), +380 322 71 5255 (1), +380 322 75 0436 (1), +380 322 75 3366 (1), +380 322 75 5020 (1), +380 322 75 7132 (1), +380 322 75 9335 (1), +380 322 90 1911 (1), +380 322 92 0878 (1), +380 322 93 0108 (1), +380 322 93 8988 (1), +380 322 94 8502 (1), +380 322 95 1632 (1), +380 322 95 6240;+380 50 468 8085 (1), +380 322 95 6767 (1), +380 322 955 937;+380 322 955 938 (1), +380 322 97 1563 (1), +380 322 98 7352 (1), +380 322 98 9400;+380 95 271 3585 (1), +380 3222 10 064 (1), +380 3222 34 228 (1), +380 3222 35 140 (1), +380 3222 73 959 (1), +380 3222 95 210 (1), +380 3222 95 371 (1), +380 3222 95 874 (1), +380 3222 95 881 (1), +380 3222 95 897 (1), +380 3222 95 899 (1), +380 3222 95 902 (1), +380 3222 95 906 (1), +380 3223 27 707 (1), +380 3234 38 097 (1), +380 3234 41 421 (1), +380 3236 20 475 (1), +380 3236 60 687;+380 95 239 0546 (1), +380 3239 32 110 (1), +380 3241 51 693 (1), +380 3244 24 290 (1), +380 3244 35 401 (1), +380 3245 42 563 (1), +380 3245 52 260 (1), +380 3245 70 601 (1), +380 3245 72 136;+380 95 284 1062 (1), +380 3245 92 700 (1), +380 3249 38 476 (1), +380 3249 41 259;+380 50 417 8018 (1), +380 3249 46 330 (1), +380 3251 42 559;+380 67 679 5021 (1), +380 3252 22 447 (1), +380 3259 21 814 (1), +380 3259 70 022 (1), +380 3259 77 600 (1), +380 3260 60 550 (1), +380 3263 55 110 (1), +380 3264 48 313 (1), +380 3265 43 483 (1), +380 3265 56 687 (1), +380 3265 57 312;+380 98 416 4720 (1), +380 332 20 0702 (1), +380 332 20 0707 (10), +380 332 23 0221 (1), +380 332 23 1122 (1), +380 332 23 1170 (1), +380 332 23 1211 (1), +380 332 23 1483 (1), +380 332 23 2054 (1), +380 332 23 2433 (1), +380 332 23 2514 (1), +380 332 23 4225 (1), +380 332 23 4441 (1), +380 332 23 6386 (1), +380 332 24 0040 (1), +380 332 24 0070 (1), +380 332 24 0560;+380 95 617 9934;+380 98 603 0915 (1), +380 332 24 1167 (2), +380 332 24 1180 (1), +380 332 24 1498 (1), +380 332 24 2297 (1), +380 332 24 2497;+380 332 75 7961;+380 332 24 1261 (1), +380 332 24 3094 (1), +380 332 24 3585 (1), +380 332 24 4444 (1), +380 332 24 5872 (1), +380 332 24 6436 (1), +380 332 24 7090 (1), +380 332 24 8192 (1), +380 332 24 9393 (1), +380 332 25 0347 (1), +380 332 25 1125 (1), +380 332 25 1280 (1), +380 332 25 1301 (3), +380 332 25 1361 (1), +380 332 25 2297 (1), +380 332 25 2501 (1), +380 332 25 3682 (1), +380 332 25 3720 (1), +380 332 25 3747 (1), +380 332 25 5016 (1), +380 332 25 5170;+380 332 25 4204 (1), +380 332 25 5402 (1), +380 332 25 5555 (2), +380 332 25 6401 (1), +380 332 25 7003 (1), +380 332 25 7310 (1), +380 332 25 7923 (1), +380 332 25 9487 (1), +380 332 25 9983 (1), +380 332 26 0551 (1), +380 332 26 0695 (1), +380 332 26 0992 (1), +380 332 26 1538 (1), +380 332 26 1540 (1), +380 332 26 1690 (1), +380 332 26 2591 (1), +380 332 26 2692 (1), +380 332 26 3419 (1), +380 332 26 3461 (1), +380 332 26 4570 (1), +380 332 26 5706 (1), +380 332 27 7277;+380 97 447 7277 (1), +380 332 28 0197 (1), +380 332 28 0410;+380 332 28 3368 (1), +380 332 28 0730 (1), +380 332 28 0774 (1), +380 332 28 1000 (3), +380 332 28 1288 (1), +380 332 28 2006;+380 332 28 2007;+380 332 28 2018;+380 332 28 2033 (1), +380 332 28 2173;+380 63 119 4967 (1), +380 332 28 2363 (1), +380 332 28 3500 (1), +380 332 28 6532 (1), +380 332 28 7866 (1), +380 332 29 1550;+380 99 637 1358 (1), +380 332 29 1661 (1), +380 332 29 5971 (1), +380 332 29 7041 (1), +380 332 70 0488 (1), +380 332 70 1111 (1), +380 332 70 1112 (1), +380 332 70 1138 (1), +380 332 70 1216 (1), +380 332 70 1383 (1), +380 332 70 1777 (1), +380 332 70 9375 (1), +380 332 71 0243 (1), +380 332 71 0276 (1), +380 332 71 0659 (1), +380 332 71 0782 (1), +380 332 71 0885 (1), +380 332 71 2633;+380 50 150 4505 (1), +380 332 71 2842 (1), +380 332 71 3771 (2), +380 332 71 3941;+380 66 089 9899 (1), +380 332 71 5168 (1), +380 332 71 5354 (1), +380 332 71 6772 (1), +380 332 71 7109 (1), +380 332 71 8525 (1), +380 332 71 8562 (1), +380 332 71 9017 (1), +380 332 71 9058 (1), +380 332 71 9559;+380 332 71 9802 (1), +380 332 72 0054 (1), +380 332 72 0357;+380 3322 44 452 (1), +380 332 72 1215 (1), +380 332 72 1449;+380 95 425 4267 (1), +380 332 72 1763 (1), +380 332 72 2558 (1), +380 332 72 2682 (1), +380 332 72 3026 (1), +380 332 72 3070 (1), +380 332 72 3353;+380 50 215 4156 (1), +380 332 72 3655 (1), +380 332 72 3683 (2), +380 332 72 3885 (1), +380 332 72 4110 (1), +380 332 72 4492 (1), +380 332 72 5014 (1), +380 332 72 5049 (1), +380 332 72 6262 (1), +380 332 72 6709;+380 99 341 5747 (1), +380 332 72 7302 (1), +380 332 72 8172 (1), +380 332 72 9349 (1), +380 332 73 5107 (1), +380 332 73 8225 (1), +380 332 74 0031 (1), +380 332 74 0165 (1), +380 332 74 1100 (1), +380 332 74 2123 (1), +380 332 74 2244 (1), +380 332 74 2888 (1), +380 332 74 9025 (1), +380 332 74 9119 (1), +380 332 74 9355 (1), +380 332 75 0200 (1), +380 332 75 0283 (1), +380 332 75 0391 (1), +380 332 75 0501 (1), +380 332 75 1004 (1), +380 332 75 1237 (1), +380 332 75 3647 (1), +380 332 75 3775 (1), +380 332 75 7485;+380 332 72 9080 (1), +380 332 75 7524 (1), +380 332 75 7651 (1), +380 332 75 7780 (1), +380 332 75 7999 (1), +380 332 75 8409 (1), +380 332 756 021 (1), +380 332 76 0898 (1), +380 332 76 6245 (1), +380 332 76 9014 (1), +380 332 77 0018 (1), +380 332 77 0106 (1), +380 332 77 0158 (1), +380 332 77 0223 (2), +380 332 77 0317 (1), +380 332 77 0558 (1), +380 332 77 0635 (1), +380 332 77 0645 (1), +380 332 77 0784 (1), +380 332 77 1719 (1), +380 332 77 3683 (1), +380 332 77 4324 (1), +380 332 77 4416 (1), +380 332 77 6500 (1), +380 332 77 6550 (1), +380 332 77 6570 (1), +380 332 77 7101 (1), +380 332 77 7190 (1), +380 332 77 7786 (1), +380 332 77 7888 (1), +380 332 78 0333 (1), +380 332 78 0567 (1), +380 332 78 0861 (1), +380 332 78 2190 (1), +380 332 78 2221 (1), +380 332 78 2818 (1), +380 332 78 3220;+380 95 510 1919 (1), +380 332 78 5120 (1), +380 332 78 5517 (1), +380 332 78 5625 (1), +380 332 78 5880 (1), +380 332 78 6368 (1), +380 332 78 6667 (1), +380 332 78 7371 (1), +380 332 78 7488 (1), +380 332 78 7740 (1), +380 332 78 7750 (1), +380 332 78 8900 (1), +380 332 78 9012 (1), +380 332 78 9640 (1), +380 332 78 9925;+380 332 78 9926;+380 332 78 9927;+380 332 78 9928;+380 332 78 9929 (1), +380 332 79 7560 (1), +380 332 79 7748 (1), +380 332 79 7960 (1), +380 3322 06 206 (1), +380 3322 31 031 (1), +380 3322 32 451 (1), +380 3322 33 820;+380 93 387 4980 (1), +380 3322 50 591 (1), +380 3322 51 301 (1), +380 3322 56 193 (1), +380 3322 57 283 (1), +380 3322 59 694 (1), +380 3322 60 629 (1), +380 3322 60 980 (1), +380 3322 61 496 (1), +380 3322 62 580 (1), +380 3322 64 996 (1), +380 3322 81 808 (1), +380 3322 83 070 (1), +380 3322 84 000 (1), +380 3322 84 222 (1), +380 332749041 (1), +380 3342 20 852 (1), +380 3342 21 683 (1), +380 3342 22 603 (1), +380 3342 23 374 (1), +380 3342 23 402 (1), +380 3342 23 564 (1), +380 3342 23 614 (1), +380 3342 23 847 (1), +380 3342 24 413 (1), +380 3342 27 367 (1), +380 3342 34 066 (1), +380 3342 38 400 (1), +380 3342 38 804 (1), +380 3342 90 148 (1), +380 3342 93 310 (1), +380 3344 22 694 (1), +380 3344 22 746 (1), +380 3344 31 626 (1), +380 3344 31 968 (1), +380 3344 32 354 (1), +380 3344 32 409 (1), +380 3344 32 473 (1), +380 3344 32 564 (1), +380 3344 34 937 (1), +380 3344 34 982 (1), +380 3344 36 682 (1), +380 3344 40 776 (1), +380 3344 40 786 (1), +380 3344 46 406 (1), +380 3344 49 017 (1), +380 3344 49 067 (1), +380 3344 49 242 (1), +380 3346 21 374 (1), +380 3352 50 491 (1), +380 3352 71 018 (1), +380 3352 71 024 (1), +380 3352 71 031 (1), +380 3352 71 942 (1), +380 3352 71 943 (1), +380 3352 90 224 (1), +380 3355 95 546 (1), +380 3357 23 268 (1), +380 3357 23 795 (1), +380 3365 40 102 (1), +380 3365 40 236 (1), +380 3368 21 338 (1), +380 3368 21 479 (1), +380 3374 21 048 (1), +380 3374 21 099;+380 3374 22 269 (1), +380 3374 21 124 (1), +380 3374 21 144;+380 3374 21 873 (1), +380 3374 21 158 (1), +380 3374 21 174 (1), +380 3374 21 240 (1), +380 3374 21 295 (1), +380 3374 21 334 (1), +380 3374 21 356 (1), +380 3374 21 359 (1), +380 3374 21 359;+380 3374 30 029 (1), +380 3374 21 377 (1), +380 3374 21 395 (1), +380 3374 21 421 (1), +380 3374 21 459 (1), +380 3374 21 496 (1), +380 3374 21 499;+380 3374 21 362 (1), +380 3374 21 524 (1), +380 3374 21 616;+380 3374 30 269 (1), +380 3374 21 783 (1), +380 3374 21 801 (1), +380 3374 21 864 (1), +380 3374 21 866 (1), +380 3374 21 986 (1), +380 3374 21 989 (1), +380 3374 22 379 (1), +380 3374 30 077;+380 3374 30 100 (1), +380 3374 30 132 (2), +380 3374 30 134 (1), +380 3374 30 137 (2), +380 3374 30 260 (1), +380 3374 93 119 (1), +380 3374 93 357 (1), +380 3374 93 540 (1), +380 3374 94 540 (1), +380 3374 96 368 (1), +380 3374 96 526 (1), +380 3377 23 871 (1), +380 3379 21 145 (1), +380 3379 21 257;+380 3379 21 841 (1), +380 3379 95 177 (1), +380 3379 95 247 (1), +380 3379 95 346 (1), +380 3379 98 051 (1), +380 342 22 5605 (1), +380 342 50 2022 (1), +380 342 50 4906 (1), +380 342 52 2257 (1), +380 342 54 4302 (1), +380 342 55 2904 (1), +380 342 59 1342 (1), +380 342 59 5100;+380 67 828 5500 (1), +380 342 71 0002 (1), +380 342 71 0018 (1), +380 342 71 0042 (1), +380 342 71 0058 (1), +380 342 71 0064 (1), +380 342 71 1711 (1), +380 342 71 8602;+380 342 71 8603 (1), +380 342 72 1485 (1), +380 342 75 0202 (1), +380 342 75 3369 (1), +380 342 77 3474 (1), +380 342 77 5662 (1), +380 342 78 6832;+380 342 74 6035 (1), +380 342 79 2785 (1), +380 3433 24 854 (1), +380 3433 47 312 (1), +380 3433 62 147 (1), +380 3445 53 173 (1), +380 3472 61 992 (1), +380 3472 63 317 (1), +380 3474 22 000 (1), +380 3474 30 382 (1), +380 3474 38 235 (1), +380 3474 39 210 (1), +380 3474 46 216 (1), +380 3474 46 547 (1), +380 3474 46 765 (1), +380 3475 25 459 (1), +380 35 403 1333 (1), +380 352 29 4263 (1), +380 352 42 5816 (1), +380 352 43 3861 (1), +380 352 43 5679 (1), +380 352 47 7914 (1), +380 352 56 1223 (1), +380 352 56 1264 (1), +380 352 56 1605 (1), +380 352 56 1617 (1), +380 3540 31 198;+380 3540 31 280 (1), +380 3540 31 283 (1), +380 3540 31 352 (1), +380 3540 34 621 (1), +380 3540 41 140 (1), +380 3540 41 440 (1), +380 3544 24 471 (1), +380 3544 33 007;+380 3544 33 144;+380 3544 33 066;+380 67 403 4661 (1), +380 3544 33 092;+380 96 382 2757 (1), +380 3554 21 564 (1), +380 3554 21 835 (1), +380 3554 23 155 (1), +380 3555 22 425 (1), +380 362 42 0230 (1), +380 362 42 0462 (1), +380 362 42 0718 (1), +380 362 42 0726 (1), +380 362 46 0253 (1), +380 362 62 3252 (1), +380 362 63 3031;+380 93 387 4962 (1), +380 362 64 2720 (1), +380 362 67 0696 (1), +380 3622 41 188 (1), +380 3622 68 875 (1), +380 3633 42 084 (1), +380 3636 21 130 (1), +380 3636 22 830 (1), +380 3636 24 112 (1), +380 3636 24 400 (1), +380 3636 25 043 (1), +380 3653 34 852;+380 67 407 6867;+380 50 360 1598 (1), +380 3655 94 231 (1), +380 372 50 8655 (1), +380 372 52 2830 (1), +380 372 58 3110 (1), +380 372 58 3191 (1), +380 372 58 6624;+380 93 387 4991 (1), +380 372 58 7672 (1), +380 372 93 1385 (1), +380 372 93 1845 (1), +380 3735 24 465 (1), +380 382 61 8540;+380 99 708 8410 (1), +380 382 61 9961 (1), +380 382 65 0096 (1), +380 382 72 4772;+380 93 387 4984 (1), +380 382 73 5066 (2), +380 382 73 5069 (1), +380 382 73 5072 (1), +380 382 73 5080 (1), +380 382 73 5094 (1), +380 382 73 5108 (1), +380 382 73 5119 (1), +380 382 73 5131 (1), +380 382 73 5133 (1), +380 382 73 5134 (1), +380 382 74 3311;+380 382 74 3366;+380 382 74 3377;+380 382 74 3399;+380 67 243 8105 (1), +380 382 78 9828 (1), +380 3840 40 803 (1), +380 3842 72 449 (1), +380 3842 90 146 (1), +380 3842 90 296 (1), +380 3849 34 719 (1), +380 412 42 1943 (1), +380 412 42 2269 (1), +380 412 48 6247 (1), +380 412 51 2480;+380 44 222 9451 (1), +380 412 51 2530 (1), +380 412 55 8015 (1), +380 412 55 8129 (1), +380 412 55 8312 (1), +380 4130 95 234 (1), +380 4135 21 137 (1), +380 4136 21 745 (1), +380 4136 21 851 (1), +380 4138 31 293 (1), +380 4138 31 496 (1), +380 4138 97 640 (1), +380 4141 38 050 (1), +380 4141 38 343;+380 4141 38 700 (1), +380 4141 55 217 (1), +380 4142 32 271 (1), +380 4142 42 380 (1), +380 4142 42 502 (1), +380 4142 42 524 (1), +380 4142 43 020 (1), +380 4142 49 471 (1), +380 4142 50 571 (1), +380 4142 66 410 (1), +380 4142 96 171 (1), +380 4142 96 271 (1), +380 4142 96 551 (1), +380 4143 42 420;+380 67 454 4037 (1), +380 4143 42 635 (1), +380 4144 43 030;+380 4144 42 386 (1), +380 4144 43 438;+380 68 319 8606 (1), +380 4144 71 110 (1), +380 4144 78 445;+380 96 890 5348 (1), +380 4145 44 260 (1), +380 4149 42 559 (1), +380 4161 91 582 (1), +380 4161 93 610 (1), +380 432 50 7684 (1), +380 432 55 4609 (1), +380 432 55 5588 (1), +380 432 56 2388 (1), +380 432 60 4960 (1), +380 432 60 5025 (1), +380 432 60 5309 (1), +380 432 60 5393 (1), +380 432 60 5398 (1), +380 432 60 5408 (1), +380 432 60 5426 (1), +380 432 61 7384 (1), +380 432 66 0942 (1), +380 4343 69 884 (1), +380 4355 28 301 (1), +380 44 200 0650 (1), +380 44 200 1887 (1), +380 44 200 9664 (1), +380 44 201 1617 (1), +380 44 205 3520 (1), +380 44 206 0296 (1), +380 44 206 0671 (1), +380 44 206 4374 (1), +380 44 206 5346 (1), 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9451;+380 4595 69 525 (1), +380 44 223 2223;+380 44 330 0828 (1), +380 44 223 2223;+380 57 760 4550 (1), +380 44 223 7165;+380 93 743 7833 (1), +380 44 223 7780 (1), +380 44 223 9095 (1), +380 44 223 9441 (1), +380 44 224 5004;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 224 5200 (1), +380 44 225 0404;+380 48 735 8129 (1), +380 44 225 0404;+380 93 360 6507 (1), +380 44 225 1218 (1), +380 44 225 2290;+380 44 225 2291 (1), +380 44 225 2544;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 225 3327;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 225 5688;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 227 2643 (1), +380 44 227 4763 (1), +380 44 227 7345 (1), +380 44 227 7771;+380 97 227 7771;+380 99 227 7771 (1), +380 44 228 1837;+380 97 656 8662 (1), +380 44 228 2545 (1), +380 44 228 3228 (1), +380 44 228 5109;+380 68 057 1877 (1), +380 44 228 9519 (1), +380 44 229 8407 (1), +380 44 229 9772 (1), +380 44 230 2000 (1), +380 44 233 6379;+380 44 503 7030 (1), +380 44 233 7008 (1), +380 44 233 7080;+380 44 503 7030 (1), +380 44 234 2765 (1), +380 44 234 4334;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 234 7235 (1), +380 44 235 5544;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 235 6102 (1), +380 44 235 7518 (1), +380 44 237 0194;+380 44 237 0195 (1), +380 44 237 0372;+380 44 503 7030 (1), +380 44 237 0397;+380 44 237 0398 (1), +380 44 237 0420;+380 44 237 0421 (1), +380 44 237 0689;+380 44 503 7030 (1), +380 44 237 0781;+380 44 237 0782 (1), +380 44 237 0811;+380 44 237 0812 (1), +380 44 237 1967;+380 44 237 1968 (1), +380 44 237 2160;+380 44 503 7030 (1), +380 44 237 2170;+380 44 503 7030 (1), +380 44 237 6989;+380 44 237 6990 (1), +380 44 237 7974 (1), +380 44 238 2032 (1), +380 44 239 1493 (1), +380 44 239 9387 (1), +380 44 242 3342 (1), +380 44 242 3607 (1), +380 44 246 3759 (1), +380 44 248 7556;+380 67 977 6059;+380 73 118 4559 (1), +380 44 248 9728 (1), +380 44 249 0429;+380 44 249 0764 (1), +380 44 250 2444;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 253 0304 (1), +380 44 253 0355 (1), +380 44 253 4243 (1), +380 44 253 7070;+380 68 871 3545 (1), +380 44 253 9276 (1), +380 44 254 2199 (1), +380 44 254 2474 (1), +380 44 254 3694 (1), +380 44 256 0679 (1), +380 44 258 7217;+380 99 023 0804 (1), +380 44 259 7533 (1), +380 44 266 7166;+380 44 526 6047 (1), +380 44 272 0556 (1), +380 44 272 4659 (1), +380 44 272 6800 (1), +380 44 275 6775 (1), +380 44 276 0480 (1), +380 44 276 7639 (1), +380 44 277 6571 (1), +380 44 279 0962;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 279 3505 (1), +380 44 279 4542 (1), +380 44 280 6689 (1), +380 44 280 8350 (1), +380 44 281 6200 (1), +380 44 284 7337 (1), +380 44 285 2169 (1), +380 44 285 9452 (1), +380 44 286 3816 (1), +380 44 287 0111 (1), +380 44 287 1360;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 287 3372 (1), +380 44 287 6038 (1), +380 44 287 6478 (1), +380 44 287 7707;+380 68 287 7707 (1), +380 44 288 0390 (1), +380 44 288 0391 (1), +380 44 289 1999;+380 95 425 0435 (1), +380 44 289 6699 (1), +380 44 290 2998 (1), +380 44 290 9045 (57), +380 44 290 9329 (1), +380 44 292 0292 (1), +380 44 292 0586 (1), +380 44 292 2686 (1), +380 44 295 3489 (1), +380 44 298 0265 (1), +380 44 298 0266 (1), +380 44 298 0268 (1), +380 44 298 0269 (1), +380 44 298 0271 (1), +380 44 298 0272 (1), +380 44 298 0819 (1), +380 44 298 1978;+380 44 338 1010 (1), +380 44 298 8290 (44), +380 44 299 7999;+380 67 220 3603 (9), +380 44 300 0330 (1), +380 44 300 0346;+380 44 300 0347 (1), +380 44 300 0351;+380 44 300 0352 (1), +380 44 300 0361;+380 44 300 0362 (1), +380 44 300 0550 (1), +380 44 300 2282;+380 63 065 0604 (1), +380 44 300 2282;+380 67 263 0936 (1), +380 44 321 0976 (1), +380 44 330 0843 (1), +380 44 330 0846 (1), +380 44 331 5010 (1), +380 44 333 4333 (1), +380 44 334 4080 (1), +380 44 334 4293 (1), +380 44 334 5103 (1), +380 44 337 1416 (1), +380 44 337 3128 (1), +380 44 337 7177 (1), +380 44 338 0725;+380 68 444 3825 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 44 486 6336 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 44 500 0210 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 44 500 4494 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 44 502 5303 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 44 570 7073 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 44 591 3767 (1), +380 44 338 1010;+380 99 761 5723 (1), +380 44 338 4229;+380 68 968 6992 (1), +380 44 344 1373 (2), +380 44 351 1828 (1), +380 44 353 5350;+380 68 761 7171 (1), +380 44 353 5350;+380 98 974 8636 (1), +380 44 353 9996 (1), +380 44 360 4472 (1), +380 44 360 8680 (1), +380 44 361 2270 (1), +380 44 362 3352 (1), +380 44 363 9348 (1), +380 44 364 1301;+380 44 364 3011 (1), +380 44 364 2414 (1), +380 44 364 2496 (1), +380 44 364 4061 (1), +380 44 364 4583 (1), +380 44 364 4808 (1), +380 44 364 4991 (1), +380 44 364 5520;+380 44 364 5521 (1), +380 44 364 6002 (1), +380 44 364 6232 (1), +380 44 364 6233 (1), +380 44 364 8193 (1), +380 44 364 8194 (1), +380 44 366 8602 (1), +380 44 369 3899;+380 68 613 8309 (1), +380 44 369 3899;+380 97 656 7333 (1), +380 44 371 1979 (1), +380 44 371 7975 (1), +380 44 374 0340;+380 44 374 0334 (1), +380 44 374 0927 (1), +380 44 374 1132 (1), +380 44 374 1201 (1), +380 44 374 1224 (1), +380 44 383 2924 (1), +380 44 383 4377 (1), +380 44 383 7822 (1), +380 44 383 8361 (1), +380 44 383 8644;+380 44 456 6767 (1), +380 44 383 8850 (1), +380 44 384 3384;+380 50 144 4310 (1), +380 44 384 4133 (1), +380 44 389 0900 (1), +380 44 390 0081 (1), +380 44 390 2793 (1), +380 44 390 3273;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 44 390 3782 (1), +380 44 390 6226 (1), +380 44 390 6271 (1), +380 44 390 6297;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 44 390 6396 (1), +380 44 390 6740 (1), +380 44 390 6848 (1), +380 44 390 8501 (1), +380 44 390 8616 (1), +380 44 390 8722 (1), +380 44 390 8745 (1), +380 44 390 8988 (1), +380 44 390 9144 (2), +380 44 390 9164 (1), +380 44 390 9660 (1), +380 44 390 9674 (1), +380 44 390 9767 (1), +380 44 390 9786 (1), +380 44 390 9796 (1), +380 44 390 9856 (1), +380 44 390 9861 (1), +380 44 390 9862 (1), +380 44 390 9874 (1), +380 44 390 9894 (1), +380 44 390 9956 (1), +380 44 391 0084 (1), +380 44 391 0112 (1), +380 44 391 0146 (1), +380 44 391 0149 (1), +380 44 391 0824 (1), +380 44 392 2922 (1), +380 44 392 3393 (1), +380 44 393 0000;+380 50 393 0000;+380 96 393 0000 (3), +380 44 393 0206 (1), +380 44 393 1903 (1), +380 44 394 9455 (1), +380 44 400 2107 (1), +380 44 403 3265 (1), +380 44 403 8667 (1), +380 44 404 2304 (1), +380 44 404 5955 (1), +380 44 407 1117 (1), +380 44 407 9240 (2), +380 44 408 0555 (1), +380 44 408 3502 (1), +380 44 408 5900 (1), +380 44 408 7427 (1), +380 44 417 1675 (1), +380 44 417 4558 (1), +380 44 417 5331 (1), +380 44 418 7607 (1), +380 44 419 8430 (1), +380 44 422 0953 (1), +380 44 425 4156;+380 44 425 1170 (1), +380 44 430 3464 (1), +380 44 450 1438 (1), +380 44 451 5664 (1), +380 44 452 2417;+380 44 452 2414 (1), +380 44 453 3656 (1), +380 44 453 4144 (1), +380 44 455 3719 (1), +380 44 455 3737 (1), +380 44 455 5594 (1), +380 44 455 5753 (1), +380 44 456 0041 (1), +380 44 456 0126;+380 97 847 7076;+380 99 208 7004 (1), +380 44 456 1303 (1), +380 44 456 2021 (1), +380 44 456 3302 (1), +380 44 456 7270 (1), +380 44 456 9185 (1), +380 44 456 9884 (1), +380 44 458 3279 (1), +380 44 458 6868;+380 67 434 0538;+380 44 458 6060 (1), +380 44 461 9330 (1), +380 44 461 9911 (1), +380 44 464 2021 (1), +380 44 465 7149 (1), +380 44 482 0781 (1), +380 44 483 1596 (1), +380 44 484 1676 (1), +380 44 485 1093;+380 44 485 1094;+380 44 485 1092 (1), +380 44 486 3203 (1), +380 44 486 8729 (1), +380 44 486 9984 (1), +380 44 488 0072 (1), +380 44 489 8434 (1), +380 44 489 8477 (1), +380 44 489 9214 (1), +380 44 490 0500 (2), +380 44 490 1644 (1), +380 44 490 1670 (1), +380 44 490 1744 (1), +380 44 490 2600 (1), +380 44 490 7781;+380 800 302 230 (1), +380 44 492 0558 (1), +380 44 492 3484 (1), +380 44 493 9393 (1), +380 44 494 0101 (610), +380 44 494 0101;+380 612 28 0736 (1), +380 44 494 0102 (1), +380 44 494 0103 (1), +380 44 494 0104 (1), +380 44 494 0105 (1), +380 44 494 0106 (1), +380 44 494 0107 (1), +380 44 494 0109 (1), +380 44 494 0111 (1), +380 44 494 0115 (1), +380 44 494 0116 (1), +380 44 494 0117 (1), +380 44 494 0124 (1), +380 44 494 0126 (1), +380 44 495 0095;+380 93 170 7869 (9), 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(1), +380 44 517 4501 (1), +380 44 518 7668 (3), +380 44 518 9797 (1), +380 44 519 6827 (1), +380 44 520 2608 (1), +380 44 521 3509 (1), +380 44 521 3598 (1), +380 44 522 3944;+380 44 522 3932 (1), +380 44 522 8291 (1), +380 44 522 9053;+380 44 529 7672 (1), +380 44 528 4007;+380 67 384 3010;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 44 528 5060 (1), +380 44 531 9556;+380 44 531 9559 (1), +380 44 535 0077 (1), +380 44 536 9320 (1), +380 44 536 9360 (1), +380 44 537 7597 (1), +380 44 539 0352 (1), +380 44 541 1145 (1), +380 44 542 7707 (1), +380 44 543 8634 (1), +380 44 545 3529 (1), +380 44 545 6312 (1), +380 44 558 5489 (1), +380 44 561 2747 (1), +380 44 566 5879 (1), +380 44 566 6922 (1), +380 44 568 6081 (1), +380 44 574 4129 (1), +380 44 575 8861 (1), +380 44 581 5315 (1), +380 44 585 0550 (1), +380 44 585 1034 (2), +380 44 585 2455 (1), +380 44 585 4535;+380 95 007 4535;+380 67 007 4535 (1), +380 44 590 0675;+380 44 590 0690 (919), +380 44 590 0675;+380 44 590 0690;+380 800 505 800 (5), +380 44 590 5831 (1), +380 44 591 3718 (1), +380 44 591 3720 (1), +380 44 591 3839 (1), +380 44 592 8994 (1), +380 44 593 1655 (1), +380 44 593 1662 (1), +380 44 593 1663 (1), +380 44 593 1664 (1), +380 44 593 3846 (1), +380 44 593 9575 (1), +380 44 594 5502 (1), +380 44 594 6841 (1), +380 44 594 8989 (1), +380 44 594 9771 (1), +380 44 594 9778 (1), +380 44 594 9779 (1), +380 44 594 9780 (1), +380 44 594 9781 (1), +380 44 594 9783 (1), +380 44 594 9784 (1), +380 44 594 9785 (1), +380 44 594 9786 (1), +380 44 599 0257 (1), +380 44 599 8599 (1), +380 44 599 9903 (1), +380 45 685 2632 (1), +380 45 695 1587 (1), +380 456 39 0165;+380 456 34 2512 (1), +380 4563 10 090 (1), +380 4563 55 675;+380 4563 58 885;+380 50 355 3151 (1), +380 4563 92 010;+380 63 555 2010 (1), +380 4563 94 460 (1), +380 4565 65 069 (1), +380 4568 51 470 (1), +380 4568 51 488;+380 4568 51 536 (1), +380 4568 51 749 (1), +380 4568 51 789 (1), +380 4568 54 424 (1), +380 4571 92 345;+380 67 532 6016 (1), +380 4572 64 406;+380 4572 64 416 (1), +380 4573 21 445 (1), +380 4579 21 011 (1), +380 4579 21 759 (1), +380 4579 30 303 (1), +380 4594 24 417 (1), +380 4594 25 285 (1), +380 4594 42 020;+380 67 324 5573 (1), +380 4594 44 027;+380 4594 44 028 (1), +380 4594 57 441 (1), +380 4594 91 206 (1), +380 4594 91 217 (1), +380 4594 91 224 (1), +380 4595 62 150 (1), +380 4595 98 113 (1), +380 4596 26 868 (1), +380 4596 91 011 (1), +380 4597 63 539 (1), +380 462 60 4142 (1), +380 462 61 6129 (1), +380 462 61 6159 (1), +380 462 61 6192 (1), +380 462 65 1350;+380 462 72 7058 (1), +380 462 65 3265 (1), +380 462 67 1913;+380 462 67 0112 (1), +380 462 67 1918 (1), +380 462 67 5280 (1), +380 462 67 6935 (1), +380 462 67 7075 (1), +380 462 68 9515 (1), +380 462 77 2380 (1), +380 4622 31 316 (1), +380 4627 72 375 (1), +380 4631 65 515 (1), +380 4631 65 732 (1), +380 4631 68 138 (1), +380 4631 71 857;+380 95 271 3211 (1), +380 4632 39 238 (1), +380 4635 34 743 (1), +380 4635 45 213 (1), +380 4635 46 510 (1), +380 4635 47 425 (1), +380 4635 49 430 (1), +380 4637 60 360 (1), +380 4637 63 834 (1), +380 4637 66 266 (1), +380 4637 71 491 (1), +380 4641 21 809;+380 4641 21 129 (1), +380 4641 21 892 (1), +380 4644 25 151 (1), +380 4644 25 170 (1), +380 4644 25 251 (1), +380 4646 41 722 (1), +380 4653 21 481 (1), +380 4653 21 616;+380 4653 21 454 (1), +380 4653 21 690 (1), +380 4656 24 574 (1), +380 4656 28 524 (1), +380 4658 38 630 (1), +380 47 412 1487 (1), +380 472 36 0795;+380 67 473 9189;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 472 38 3663 (1), +380 472 45 8376 (1), +380 472 50 0158 (1), +380 472 543 497;+380 63 329 9580 (1), +380 472 59 0107 (1), +380 472 59 0144 (1), +380 472 59 0155 (1), +380 472 59 0199 (1), +380 4730 93 281;+380 4730 93 325 (1), +380 4730 93 627 (1), +380 4731 30 197 (1), +380 4733 24 437 (1), +380 4733 40 527 (1), +380 4733 41 083 (1), +380 4733 42 259 (1), +380 4733 42 517 (1), +380 4733 52 642 (1), +380 4735 92 614 (1), +380 4737 29 216 (1), +380 4737 52 126 (1), +380 4740 21 420 (1), +380 4740 21 943 (1), +380 4740 22 422 (1), +380 4744 58 543 (1), +380 4749 62 352;+380 4749 62 080 (1), +380 4749 62 393 (1), +380 48 417 5266 (1), +380 48 703 9033 (1), +380 48 705 3021 (1), +380 48 705 7818;+380 48 705 7819 (1), +380 48 705 7833;+380 50 442 3810 (1), +380 48 710 5230;+380 50 382 3936 (1), +380 48 711 5341;+380 48 788 6369 (1), +380 48 712 0317;+380 48 788 6349 (1), +380 48 714 2730 (1), +380 48 714 4989;+380 48 788 6348 (1), +380 48 717 1611 (1), +380 48 717 1678 (1), +380 48 717 4244 (1), +380 48 719 2728 (1), +380 48 721 1277;+380 48 784 8685 (1), +380 48 721 6559 (1), +380 48 722 3714 (1), +380 48 723 1012 (1), +380 48 723 7212 (1), +380 48 725 0530 (1), +380 48 726 0048 (1), +380 48 726 1418 (1), +380 48 726 3619 (1), +380 48 726 6965 (1), +380 48 728 0552;+380 93 387 4972 (1), +380 48 728 1092;+380 48 784 8685 (1), +380 48 728 1860 (1), +380 48 728 9307 (1), +380 48 728 9648;+380 93 387 4970 (1), +380 48 729 7739 (1), +380 48 731 2000 (1), +380 48 732 2133 (1), +380 48 734 0276 (1), +380 48 734 0282 (1), +380 48 734 0286 (1), +380 48 734 0291 (1), +380 48 734 0293 (1), +380 48 734 0413 (1), +380 48 734 0429 (1), +380 48 734 0482 (1), +380 48 734 0554 (1), +380 48 734 0689 (1), +380 48 734 0691 (1), +380 48 734 0896 (1), +380 48 734 1005 (1), +380 48 734 8743 (1), +380 48 734 8746 (1), +380 48 734 8760 (1), +380 48 734 8762 (1), +380 48 737 3927;+380 93 387 4896 (1), +380 48 738 4858;+380 95 080 7659 (1), +380 48 738 4890 (1), +380 48 740 4720;+380 48 740 4726 (1), +380 48 744 2127 (1), +380 48 744 3330 (1), +380 48 746 5405 (1), +380 48 746 7545;+380 48 784 8685 (1), +380 48 749 2109 (1), +380 48 750 2181;+380 48 784 8685 (1), +380 48 752 3533 (1), +380 48 753 0004 (1), +380 48 753 1141 (1), +380 48 753 2505 (1), +380 48 755 7833 (1), +380 48 758 2095 (1), +380 48 758 5303;+380 48 784 8685 (1), +380 48 758 5634 (1), +380 48 763 8686 (1), +380 48 765 0600 (1), +380 48 766 7138;+380 48 784 8685 (1), +380 48 769 0457 (1), +380 48 776 1270 (1), +380 48 777 7877;+380 93 387 4973 (1), +380 48 784 7450 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 48 785 3642 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 48 788 6354 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 48 788 6368 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 48 788 7709 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 48 788 8034 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 482 34 6693 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 482 37 4947 (1), +380 48 784 8685;+380 4868 25 036 (1), +380 48 787 2040 (1), +380 48 788 6347;+380 482 34 8074 (1), +380 48 796 5042 (1), +380 48 796 5213 (1), +380 48 796 5224;+380 50 442 3843 (1), +380 48 797 2310;+380 48 797 2311 (1), +380 482 30 7500;+380 95 530 7500;+380 96 630 7500 (5), +380 482 30 8560 (1), +380 482 307 500;+380 95 530 7500;+380 96 630 7500 (1), +380 482 32 9107;+380 95 287 8217 (1), +380 482 33 7278;+380 93 387 4971 (1), +380 482 36 3931 (1), +380 482 39 2670;+380 482 39 2678 (1), +380 482 39 2773;+380 95 287 8218 (1), +380 4841 20 580 (1), +380 4841 48 280 (1), +380 4841 72 266 (1), +380 4841 78 291 (1), +380 4842 30266;+380 96 339 8022 (1), +380 4849 48 160 (1), +380 4849 48 255 (1), +380 4849 48 419 (1), +380 4849 60 036;+380 96 648 8483 (1), +380 4849 63 815 (1), +380 4849 65 412 (1), +380 4849 78 287 (1), +380 4862 25 822 (1), +380 4865 31 305 (1), +380 4865 31 328 (1), +380 4865 31 352 (1), +380 4865 31 385 (1), +380 4868 25 707 (1), +380 4868 50 606 (1), +380 50 011 4762 (1), +380 50 011 9881 (1), +380 50 012 2562 (1), +380 50 012 2740 (1), +380 50 014 2284 (1), +380 50 014 4092 (1), +380 50 017 2162 (1), +380 50 019 4460 (1), +380 50 020 3977;+380 50 571 7419 (1), +380 50 021 2281 (2), +380 50 026 9177 (1), +380 50 027 0220 (1), +380 50 028 5360;+380 67 382 7748 (1), +380 50 028 5680;+380 67 382 8414 (1), +380 50 028 6759;+380 97 598 0521 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 492 9702 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 492 9703 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 492 9704 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 492 9779 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 492 9797 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 495 9706 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 495 9707 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 499 0212 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 499 0892 (1), +380 50 030 4050;+380 50 499 9210 (1), +380 50 032 6040 (1), +380 50 067 7078;+380 96 433 6332 (1), +380 50 070 5231 (1), +380 50 071 8105 (1), +380 50 073 2934;+380 66 211 3344;+380 68 211 3344 (1), +380 50 080 0600;+380 50 402 8015 (1), +380 50 082 7836 (1), +380 50 100 2590 (1), +380 50 103 0830 (1), +380 50 130 1331 (1), +380 50 130 5037;+380 522 36 1007 (1), +380 50 134 9366 (1), +380 50 136 1444 (1), +380 50 138 4266 (1), +380 50 139 5097 (1), +380 50 143 3757 (1), +380 50 151 0120;+380 522 33 7550 (1), +380 50 151 6015;+380 96 822 0815 (1), +380 50 168 2019 (1), +380 50 172 7461;+380 67 506 1840 (1), +380 50 184 6328 (3), +380 50 194 4363 (1), +380 50 195 2474 (1), +380 50 200 5553;+380 95 268 0442 (1), +380 50 200 5571 (1), +380 50 200 7244 (1), +380 50 203 0330 (1), +380 50 212 5672 (1), +380 50 251 6670 (1), +380 50 282 1211;+380 6264 42 464 (2), +380 50 282 7828 (1), +380 50 290 1590 (1), +380 50 300 8158 (1), +380 50 302 7212 (1), +380 50 303 3949;+380 50 308 8857 (1), +380 50 304 3140 (1), +380 50 305 1010 (1), +380 50 305 6415 (1), +380 50 307 0570;+380 50 477 7820 (1), +380 50 307 4290 (1), +380 50 307 7170 (1), +380 50 307 7330;+380 50 477 7820 (1), +380 50 307 7510;+380 50 308 8857 (1), +380 50 307 7558 (1), +380 50 307 9222;+380 50 325 1504;+380 50 407 5714 (1), +380 50 307 9227 (1), +380 50 308 8857;+380 50 404 2133 (1), +380 50 309 2366 (1), +380 50 309 2452 (1), +380 50 309 3558 (1), +380 50 309 5595 (1), +380 50 309 7651;+380 50 309 7651 (1), +380 50 310 7178;+380 67 414 1149 (1), +380 50 311 0233 (1), +380 50 311 9417;+380 67 310 6838 (16), +380 50 313 9711 (1), +380 50 314 0023;+380 50 358 0280 (1), +380 50 315 3261 (1), +380 50 315 5844 (1), +380 50 317 8817 (1), +380 50 318 1585;+380 66 520 0919 (1), +380 50 320 0450 (1), +380 50 322 8722 (1), +380 50 323 4856 (2), +380 50 323 7445 (1), +380 50 323 8017 (1), +380 50 323 8041 (1), +380 50 323 8218 (1), +380 50 323 8223 (1), +380 50 323 8227 (1), +380 50 323 8231 (1), +380 50 323 8236 (1), +380 50 323 8247 (1), +380 50 323 9130 (1), +380 50 323 9247 (1), +380 50 324 0542 (1), +380 50 324 2253 (1), +380 50 324 4293;+380 50 463 0614 (1), +380 50 324 4610 (1), +380 50 325 1556 (1), +380 50 325 2049 (1), +380 50 325 2630 (1), +380 50 325 6537 (1), +380 50 325 9256 (1), +380 50 326 1254 (1), +380 50 326 2167 (1), +380 50 326 2179 (1), +380 50 326 2181 (1), +380 50 326 2183 (1), +380 50 326 2187 (1), +380 50 326 2189 (1), +380 50 326 2235 (1), +380 50 326 2243 (1), +380 50 326 2245 (1), +380 50 326 2271 (1), +380 50 326 2276 (1), +380 50 326 2279 (1), +380 50 326 2284 (1), +380 50 326 2289 (1), +380 50 326 2292 (1), +380 50 326 2297 (1), +380 50 326 2301 (1), +380 50 326 2302 (1), +380 50 326 2305 (1), +380 50 326 2312 (1), +380 50 326 2315 (1), +380 50 326 2316 (1), +380 50 326 2318 (1), +380 50 326 2325 (1), +380 50 326 2360 (1), +380 50 326 2362 (1), +380 50 326 2363 (1), +380 50 326 2377 (1), +380 50 326 2378 (1), +380 50 326 2382 (1), +380 50 326 2385 (1), +380 50 326 2389 (1), +380 50 326 2391 (1), +380 50 326 2394 (1), +380 50 326 2395 (1), +380 50 326 2427 (1), +380 50 326 2453 (1), +380 50 326 2457 (1), +380 50 326 2458 (1), +380 50 326 2496 (1), +380 50 326 2502 (1), +380 50 326 2503 (1), +380 50 326 2506 (1), +380 50 326 2527 (1), +380 50 326 7269 (1), +380 50 326 7271 (1), +380 50 327 1106 (1), +380 50 332 5012 (1), +380 50 332 5013 (1), +380 50 332 5018 (1), +380 50 332 5021 (1), +380 50 332 5026 (1), +380 50 332 5031 (1), +380 50 332 5056 (1), +380 50 332 5057 (1), +380 50 332 5058 (1), +380 50 332 5062 (1), +380 50 333 2452 (1), +380 50 333 2514 (1), +380 50 333 2884 (1), +380 50 333 2899 (1), +380 50 333 4021 (1), +380 50 333 4227 (1), +380 50 333 4270 (1), +380 50 333 4535 (1), +380 50 334 5224 (1), +380 50 334 9552 (1), +380 50 335 7205 (1), +380 50 336 8335 (1), +380 50 337 9221 (1), +380 50 338 0137 (1), +380 50 338 5859;+380 67 230 0874 (1), +380 50 339 3843 (1), +380 50 339 8809 (1), +380 50 341 0637 (1), +380 50 342 3832 (1), +380 50 343 7134;+380 50 770 7366 (1), +380 50 343 7145;+380 66 330 2826 (1), +380 50 347 0987 (1), +380 50 347 3286 (1), +380 50 347 3695 (1), +380 50 347 8655 (1), +380 50 348 6941 (1), +380 50 358 4822 (1), +380 50 359 7246 (1), +380 50 360 9701;+380 50 477 7975 (1), +380 50 363 0674 (1), +380 50 363 0768 (1), +380 50 364 0572 (1), +380 50 364 0705 (1), +380 50 364 5584 (1), +380 50 366 1717 (1), +380 50 370 3863 (1), +380 50 371 0440 (1), +380 50 371 0908 (1), +380 50 371 3833 (1), +380 50 371 6996 (1), +380 50 371 9977 (1), +380 50 373 3342;+380 67 628 8729 (1), +380 50 373 9654 (1), +380 50 378 0339;+380 73 007 4007;+380 50 378 5557;+380 332 26 0649 (1), +380 50 378 2362;(67) 313-24-03;(32) 244-43-68 (1), +380 50 378 6038 (1), +380 50 378 6938 (1), +380 50 378 8502 (1), +380 50 378 9526 (1), +380 50 379 2110 (1), +380 50 380 8730 (1), +380 50 382 4154 (1), +380 50 383 5922 (1), +380 50 383 9667 (1), +380 50 383 9687 (1), +380 50 385 8283 (1), +380 50 389 0718 (1), +380 50 393 1414 (1), +380 50 396 0804 (1), +380 50 398 9045 (1), +380 50 398 9104 (1), +380 50 400 2259 (1), +380 50 401 5049 (1), +380 50 401 5076 (1), +380 50 402 0311 (1), +380 50 402 3657 (1), +380 50 402 3730 (1), +380 50 402 3767 (1), +380 50 403 3907 (1), +380 50 404 2072 (1), +380 50 404 2253 (1), +380 50 404 3172 (1), +380 50 404 7779 (1), +380 50 405 5521 (1), +380 50 405 9558 (1), +380 50 407 0907 (1), +380 50 407 0908 (1), +380 50 407 0929 (1), +380 50 407 0939 (1), +380 50 407 7554 (1), +380 50 409 7510 (1), +380 50 410 9667;+380 50 417 6917;+380 50 422 3684 (1), +380 50 411 2234 (1), +380 50 411 2262 (1), +380 50 411 2271 (1), +380 50 414 4521 (1), +380 50 414 5981;+380 67 414 1089 (1), +380 50 417 7363 (1), +380 50 419 3297;+380 95 282 7938 (1), +380 50 420 7730 (1), +380 50 420 7772 (1), +380 50 420 7774 (1), +380 50 422 9048 (1), +380 50 423 3615 (1), +380 50 423 9964 (1), +380 50 423 9973 (1), +380 50 424 0208 (3), +380 50 425 3466 (1), +380 50 425 5988 (1), +380 50 425 8871 (1), +380 50 430 2826;+380 67 670 2510 (1), +380 50 430 5385 (1), +380 50 430 6033;(67) 340-22-67;(32) 235-41-60 (1), +380 50 430 6354 (1), +380 50 430 8783 (1), +380 50 432 7707 (2), +380 50 434 8909;+380 67 672 5197 (1), +380 50 435 7793 (1), +380 50 435 8396 (1), +380 50 438 3317 (1), +380 50 439 8698 (1), +380 50 441 3707 (1), +380 50 441 3805 (1), +380 50 441 5815 (1), +380 50 442 3800 (1), +380 50 442 3807 (1), +380 50 442 3814 (1), +380 50 442 3827 (1), +380 50 442 3834 (1), +380 50 442 3837 (1), +380 50 442 3869;+380 57 758 1134 (1), +380 50 442 3871 (1), +380 50 443 6661 (1), +380 50 443 8852 (1), +380 50 445 3002 (1), +380 50 445 3005 (1), +380 50 445 3007 (1), +380 50 445 3073 (1), +380 50 445 3112 (1), +380 50 445 5205 (1), +380 50 445 5242;+380 44 521 4110 (1), +380 50 448 6721 (1), +380 50 450 4290 (1), +380 50 450 4757 (1), +380 50 450 5552;+380 50 477 7506 (1), +380 50 461 1031 (1), +380 50 461 1189 (1), +380 50 461 1241 (1), +380 50 461 1314 (1), +380 50 461 1322 (1), +380 50 461 2254 (1), +380 50 461 5016 (1), +380 50 461 7604;+380 57 766 6030 (1), +380 50 461 9214 (1), +380 50 461 9217 (1), +380 50 462 9958 (1), +380 50 463 6187 (1), +380 50 463 8136 (1), +380 50 463 8144 (1), +380 50 470 0710 (1), +380 50 472 1670 (1), +380 50 474 1007 (1), +380 50 475 6465 (3), +380 50 476 1452 (1), +380 50 476 2379 (1), +380 50 477 7499 (1), +380 50 477 7508 (1), +380 50 477 7802 (1), +380 50 477 7803 (1), +380 50 477 7806 (1), +380 50 477 7873 (1), +380 50 486 8941 (1), +380 50 487 3705 (1), +380 50 488 8710 (1), +380 50 490 2339;+380 67 766 7259 (1), +380 50 490 6121 (1), +380 50 490 7712 (1), +380 50 495 7346 (1), +380 50 500 3080 (1), +380 50 505 0122 (1), +380 50 505 0132 (1), +380 50 505 0144 (1), +380 50 505 0146 (1), +380 50 505 0147 (1), +380 50 506 3088 (1), +380 50 509 8033 (1), +380 50 516 5004 (1), +380 50 519 5071;+380 50 592 4558 (1), +380 50 523 4613 (1), +380 50 527 9900 (1), +380 50 537 8887 (1), +380 50 545 0739 (1), +380 50 551 1007;+380 67 199 0029;+380 66 573 1242 (1), +380 50 551 3727 (1), +380 50 555 3788 (1), +380 50 556 4599 (1), +380 50 590 0002 (1), +380 50 594 6368;+380 63 762 1116 (1), +380 50 600 4002 (1), +380 50 602 4783;+380 86 174 4561 (1), +380 50 604 6434 (1), +380 50 609 5189 (1), +380 50 623 1048 (1), +380 50 625 7905 (1), +380 50 626 4477;+380 95 493 5794 (1), +380 50 646 1775 (1), +380 50 660 9131 (1), +380 50 662 9000 (1), +380 50 663 4792 (1), +380 50 665 3070 (1), +380 50 668 3001 (1), +380 50 682 0816 (1), +380 50 686 5955 (2), +380 50 691 6972 (1), +380 50 694 0303;+380 67 395 0303 (1), +380 50 700 0115 (1), +380 50 700 8444 (1), +380 50 705 4604;+380 552 45 4291 (1), +380 50 709 6257 (1), +380 50 714 4848 (2), +380 50 721 0048 (1), +380 50 734 3931;+380 98 511 8499 (1), +380 50 737 4479;+380 50 737 4479 (1), +380 50 746 6118 (1), +380 50 755 8275;+380 66 330 7536 (1), +380 50 758 3867;+380 66 820 2341 (1), +380 50 760 9863 (2), +380 50 764 2024 (1), +380 50 779 7752 (1), +380 50 789 0900;+380 67 314 2171 (1), +380 50 805 0903 (1), +380 50 832 6400 (1), +380 50 846 7712 (1), +380 50 857 6250;+380 96 590 1232 (1), +380 50 870 7887 (1), +380 50 880 2555 (1), +380 50 880 6642 (1), +380 50 883 4205 (1), +380 50 907 0000 (1), +380 50 909 0066 (1), +380 50 933 0811 (1), +380 50 938 0074 (1), +380 50 945 6955;+380 6264 88 403 (1), +380 50 957 6890 (1), +380 50 958 4080 (1), +380 50 960 0514;+380 6236 39 399;+380 6236 32 958 (1), +380 50 960 7808 (1), +380 50 964 4513 (1), +380 50 965 3325;+7 978 1047771 (1), +380 50 979 0665 (1), +380 50 979 4697 (1), +380 50 980 6567 (1), +380 50 995 9392;+380 67 568 6519 (1), +380 501304739 (1), +380 512 30 4142 (1), +380 512 47 6272;+380 66 137 6423 (1), +380 512 53 2017 (1), +380 512 58 1562 (1), +380 512 58 2743 (1), +380 512 67 0708 (1), +380 512 70 1216 (2), +380 512 70 1445 (1), +380 512 70 1456 (1), +380 512 70 1700 (1), +380 512 76 6186 (1), +380 512 76 6538 (1), +380 512 76 6551 (1), +380 512 76 9919 (1), +380 5134 33 013 (1), +380 5136 22 123;+380 5136 25 185 (1), +380 5152 96 336 (1), +380 5162 31 248 (1), +380 5162 31252;+380 66 065 0484 (1), +380 522 22 1479 (1), +380 522 22 2865 (1), +380 522 22 4796;+380 522 24 1203;+380 522 24 1206;+380 522 22 1557;+380 522 22 7886 (1), +380 522 22 5698;+380 50 186 0801 (1), +380 522 24 1203;+380 522 36 2236 (1), +380 522 24 2000 (1), +380 522 24 4989;+380 93 387 4992 (1), +380 522 24 8859 (1), +380 522 24 9482 (1), +380 522 24 9751 (1), +380 522 27 0805 (1), +380 522 27 4104 (1), +380 522 27 4563 (1), +380 522 30 5003 (1), +380 522 30 5152 (1), +380 522 30 5336 (1), +380 522 30 5341 (1), +380 522 30 5345 (1), +380 522 30 5349 (1), +380 522 30 5352 (1), +380 522 31 2505 (1), +380 522 31 4634 (1), +380 522 31 5466 (1), +380 522 32 0387;+380 522 32 1626 (1), +380 522 32 2067 (1), +380 522 32 2381 (1), +380 522 32 2981 (2), +380 522 32 3067;+380 66 034 8632 (1), +380 522 33 2050 (1), +380 522 33 3574;+380 99 964 7672 (1), +380 522 33 7265 (1), +380 522 33 9500 (1), +380 522 34 1144 (1), +380 522 34 1213 (1), +380 522 34 5770 (1), +380 522 35 1730 (1), +380 522 36 8689 (1), +380 522 36 9119 (1), +380 522 37 0169 (1), +380 522 37 0875 (1), +380 522 37 1031;+380 522 37 1178 (1), +380 522 37 1166 (2), +380 522 37 4984 (1), +380 522 37 8586 (1), +380 522 55 3727 (1), +380 522 55 5533 (1), +380 522 55 5796 (1), +380 522 55 7310 (1), +380 522 56 1208 (1), +380 522 56 1259 (1), +380 522 56 3711 (1), +380 522 56 7408 (1), +380 522 56 7451 (1), +380 5233 21 749 (1), +380 5233 21 847 (1), +380 5233 22 110 (1), +380 5233 22 270 (1), +380 5233 23 292 (1), +380 5233 31 130 (1), +380 5233 32 582 (1), +380 5233 43 231 (1), +380 5233 43 242 (1), +380 5233 49 216 (1), +380 5233 49 245 (1), +380 5233 49 514 (1), +380 5233 62 398;+380 5233 23 281 (1), +380 5233 62 479 (1), +380 5233 63 723 (1), +380 5233 71 132 (1), +380 5233 71 400 (1), +380 5233 71 420 (1), +380 5233 73 002 (1), +380 5233 73 110 (1), +380 5233 73 117 (1), +380 5233 73 181 (1), +380 5233 73 244 (1), +380 5233 74 016;+380 5233 23 855 (1), +380 5235 61 830 (1), +380 5235 62 322 (1), +380 5235 63 486;+380 5235 63 474 (1), +380 5235 65 738 (1), +380 5235 66 142 (1), +380 5235 77 830 (1), +380 5236 20 621 (1), +380 5236 20 841 (1), +380 5236 21 622 (1), +380 5236 22 637;+380 5236 22 619 (1), +380 5236 22 724 (1), +380 5236 22 837 (1), +380 5236 22 992 (2), +380 5236 24 206;+380 5236 22 415 (1), +380 5236 24 251 (1), +380 5236 26 449;+380 5236 23 682 (1), +380 5236 27 617 (1), +380 5236 27 824 (1), +380 5236 42 757 (1), +380 5236 52 500;+380 5236 53 160 (1), +380 5236 52 627 (1), +380 5236 70 079 (1), +380 5236 71 695;+380 5236 71 696 (1), +380 5236 72 511;+380 5236 72 104 (1), +380 5236 72 723;+380 5236 72 823 (1), +380 5238 20 369 (1), +380 5238 22 179 (1), +380 5238 22 505 (1), +380 5238 22 515 (1), +380 5238 95 345 (1), +380 5238 95 735 (1), +380 5238 96 310 (2), +380 5239 41 140 (1), +380 5239 41 392 (1), +380 5241 20 331 (1), +380 5241 21 098 (1), +380 5241 93 224 (1), +380 5242 32 110 (1), +380 5242 32 280 (1), +380 5242 32 621 (1), +380 5242 32 739 (1), +380 5242 32 784 (1), +380 5242 32 818 (2), +380 5242 32 818;+380 5242 32 818 (12), +380 5242 33 088 (1), +380 5242 63 503 (1), +380 5242 71 340 (1), +380 5242 90 340 (1), +380 5242 94 340 (1), +380 5242 96 340 (1), +380 5251 22 044;+380 5251 50 310 (1), +380 5251 22 150 (1), +380 5253 25 575 (1), +380 5253 27 120 (1), +380 5253 51 298 (1), +380 5253 51 350 (1), +380 5253 51 401 (1), +380 5253 51 474 (1), +380 5253 51 949 (1), +380 5253 55 130;+380 5253 55 590 (1), +380 5253 55 230 (1), +380 5254 35 140;+380 68 353 9672 (1), +380 5255 22 138;+380 5255 21 379 (1), +380 5259 27 130 (1), +380 532 50 9517 (1), +380 532 51 7911 (1), +380 532 56 2366 (1), +380 532 60 8981 (1), +380 5326 02 101;+380 93 387 4937 (1), +380 5326 11 590;+380 5326 11 690 (1), +380 5326 25 203 (2), +380 5326 25 376 (1), +380 5326 26 132 (1), +380 5326 26 139 (1), +380 5326 26 152 (1), +380 5326 26 154 (1), +380 5326 48 394 (1), +380 5342 97 384 (1), +380 5348 25 951 (1), +380 5354 20 597;+380 66 702 6405 (1), +380 5355 51 257 (1), +380 536 62 3048 (1), +380 536 62 4442 (1), +380 536 63 6141 (1), +380 536 65 3536 (1), +380 536 72 2401;+380 536 72 2400 (1), +380 536 72 8838;+380 536 72 8580 (1), +380 536 74 2289 (1), +380 536 74 5990;+380 536 74 7203 (1), +380 536 75 0056 (1), +380 536 77 3073 (1), +380 536 77 3487 (1), +380 536 77 4388 (1), +380 536 77 6836 (1), +380 536 79 3060 (1), +380 536 79 8714 (1), +380 5361 77 888 (1), +380 5366 21 398 (1), +380 5366 22 228 (1), +380 5366 24 411 (1), +380 5366 33 157;+380 5366 36 034 (1), +380 5366 35 119 (1), +380 5366 36 196 (1), +380 5366 40 353 (1), +380 5366 40 561 (1), +380 5366 41 368;+380 5366 41 511 (1), +380 5366 42 222;+380 5366 40 260 (1), +380 5366 51 614;+380 5366 53 340 (1), +380 5366 53 301 (2), +380 5366 53 613 (1), +380 5366 53 882;+380 5366 53 884 (1), +380 5366 53 977 (1), +380 5367 41 155 (1), +380 5367 57 002 (1), +380 5367 77 657 (1), +380 5367 78941;+380 5367 78965 (1), +380 542 33 2022;+380 95 240 0828 (1), +380 542 33 5356 (1), +380 542 33 7101 (1), +380 542 36 5077 (1), +380 542 36 5083 (1), +380 542 61 5324 (1), +380 542 66 0944 (1), +380 542 66 0945 (1), +380 542 70 2006 (1), +380 542 70 2008 (1), +380 542 70 2089 (1), +380 542 70 2550 (1), +380 542 70 2552 (1), +380 5446 33 887 (1), +380 5447 63 048 (1), +380 5448 51 316 (1), +380 5449 72 535 (1), +380 5458 51 642 (1), +380 552 26 3030;+380 93 387 4968 (1), +380 552 31 0703 (1), +380 552 31 4399 (1), +380 552 39 0114 (1), +380 552 41 1857 (1), +380 552 41 2925;+380 95 070 6768 (1), +380 552 42 3241 (1), +380 552 42 4060 (1), +380 552 42 9718 (1), +380 552 44 8500 (1), +380 552 45 3275 (1), +380 552 45 3789 (1), +380 552 45 4637;+380 99 778 5052 (1), +380 552 47 0136;+380 99 754 5099 (1), +380 552 49 6930 (1), +380 552 49 8288 (1), +380 552 70 1227 (1), +380 552 70 1249 (1), +380 552 70 1273 (1), +380 552 70 1282 (1), +380 552 70 1341 (1), +380 5522 41 296 (1), +380 5533 38 226 (1), +380 5534 32137;+380 68 643 3079 (1), +380 5536 20758;+380 95 020 0983 (1), +380 5536 29 133 (1), +380 5536 66 602 (1), +380 5537 50 524;+380 66 238 9434 (1), +380 5546 40 249 (1), +380 5546 40 367 (1), +380 5546 41 219 (1), +380 5546 51 633 (1), +380 5546 52 534 (1), +380 5546 53 597 (1), +380 5548 50 641 (1), +380 5549 38 079 (1), +380 5549 39 245 (1), +380 5549 73 117;+380 5549 74 478 (1), +380 5549 73 245 (1), +380 5549 73 458 (1), +380 56 370 3836;+380 93 387 4922 (1), +380 56 370 5831 (1), +380 56 372 3886 (1), +380 56 404 0990 (1), +380 56 404 2733 (8), +380 56 409 6585 (1), +380 56 409 6795 (1), +380 56 409 8034 (1), +380 56 656 1517; +380 56 656 1518 (1), +380 56 669 6195 (1), +380 56 712 6092 (1), +380 56 720 6801;+380 56 720 6802 (1), +380 56 722 1456 (1), +380 56 731 9427;+380 67 638 3121 (1), +380 56 732 0788;+380 56 732 0789 (1), +380 56 732 4135;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 733 9507;+380 93 387 4927 (1), +380 56 736 3030 (1), +380 56 753 4151 (1), +380 56 753 5918 (1), +380 56 760 5313 (1), +380 56 785 3550 (1), +380 56 790 0132 (1), +380 56 790 0231 (1), +380 56 790 0381;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 0452 (1), +380 56 790 0985 (1), +380 56 790 0987 (1), +380 56 790 1285 (1), +380 56 790 1286 (1), +380 56 790 1293 (1), +380 56 790 1866;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 1951;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 1959 (1), +380 56 790 2047 (1), +380 56 790 2090 (1), +380 56 790 2289 (1), +380 56 790 2338 (1), +380 56 790 2557;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 2579 (1), +380 56 790 2604;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 2609 (1), +380 56 790 2612;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 2618 (1), +380 56 790 2643 (1), +380 56 790 2653;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 2668 (1), +380 56 790 2673 (1), +380 56 790 2688;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 2699;+380 800 307 080 (1), +380 56 790 2932 (1), +380 56 790 3034;+380 56 790 3035 (1), +380 56 790 3824 (1), +380 56 790 5072 (1), +380 56 790 5674 (1), +380 56 794 0322;+380 67 638 3121 (1), +380 56 797 6230 (1), +380 56 797 6233;+380 56 797 6234 (1), +380 562 32 5223;+380 56 374 1291 (1), +380 562 33 4331 (1), +380 562 33 7525 (1), +380 562 34 2433 (1), +380 562 35 2958 (1), +380 562 36 6262;+380 93 387 4919 (1), +380 5633 51 523 (1), +380 564 04 2733 (1), +380 564 09 4343 (1), +380 564 40 3873 (1), +380 564 43 0197 (1), +380 564 43 0809 (1), +380 564 62 2622 (1), +380 564 66 4256 (1), +380 564 70 1310 (1), +380 564 90 2119 (1), +380 564 90 2756 (1), +380 564 92 8846;+380 67 990 7461 (1), +380 564 99 0027 (1), +380 564 99 0083 (1), +380 564 99 0092 (1), +380 564 99 0103 (1), +380 564 99 0113 (1), +380 564 99 0114 (1), +380 564 99 0116 (1), +380 564 99 0119 (1), +380 564 99 0121 (1), +380 564 99 0142 (1), +380 564 99 0153 (1), +380 564 99 0159 (1), +380 564 99 0171 (1), +380 564 99 1506 (1), +380 5650 25 884 (1), +380 5650 28 663 (1), +380 5656 57 378 (1), +380 5658 32 745;+380 5658 32 753 (1), +380 5663 47 218 (1), +380 5666 30 406 (1), +380 5666 30 417 (1), +380 5666 30 431 (1), +380 5666 75 790 (1), +380 5666 81 787 (1), +380 5667 42 366 (1), +380 5667 61 782 (1), +380 569 38 0274 (1), +380 569 58 4926 (1), +380 5693 59 330 (1), +380 5695 84 309 (1), +380 5695 84 315 (1), +380 5695 85 136 (1), +380 57 343 2233 (1), +380 57 362 0313;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 364 1996;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 370 6012;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 372 6252;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 397 1196 (1), +380 57 475 4988 (1), +380 57 700 2650;+380 63 353 3376;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 57 700 3625;+380 96 279 6275 (1), +380 57 700 7080;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 704 0653;+380 57 704 0062;+380 67 243 8158;+380 57 758 0888 (1), +380 57 706 0293;+380 63 353 3367;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 57 712 0505;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 712 5289 (1), +380 57 713 4455;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 714 4210 (1), +380 57 714 9690 (1), +380 57 717 8070;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 717 8071;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 721 2761;+380 57 721 2766;+380 57 721 2767 (1), +380 57 725 1926 (1), +380 57 727 0307;+380 57 751 7024;+380 96 047 2282;+380 99 021 6675 (1), +380 57 727 1303 (1), +380 57 728 0186 (1), +380 57 728 0216 (1), +380 57 728 0258 (1), +380 57 728 0293 (1), +380 57 728 0351 (1), +380 57 728 0358 (1), +380 57 728 0367 (1), +380 57 728 0371 (1), +380 57 728 0377 (1), +380 57 728 0417 (1), +380 57 728 0425 (1), +380 57 728 0434 (1), +380 57 728 0497 (1), +380 57 728 0529 (1), +380 57 728 0561 (1), +380 57 728 0583 (2), +380 57 728 0585 (1), +380 57 728 0601;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 728 0620 (1), +380 57 728 0697 (1), +380 57 728 0713 (1), +380 57 728 0763 (1), +380 57 728 0781 (1), +380 57 728 0784 (1), +380 57 728 1350 (1), +380 57 728 1716 (1), +380 57 728 2498;+380 95 287 8389 (1), +380 57 731 5985 (1), +380 57 732 0012;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 732 0177 (1), +380 57 740 7496 (1), +380 57 742 2070 (1), +380 57 742 2666;+380 99 770 8060;+380 97 709 9292 (1), +380 57 742 7537 (1), +380 57 747 0903 (1), +380 57 750 9666 (1), +380 57 756 1444 (1), +380 57 756 2408 (1), +380 57 758 0303;+380 57 760 4856 (1), +380 57 758 1007 (1), +380 57 758 1010;+380 800 300 353 (1), +380 57 758 1017 (1), +380 57 758 1022 (1), +380 57 758 1033;+380 800 300 353 (1), +380 57 760 1747 (1), +380 57 760 2177;+380 57 760 2178 (1), +380 57 760 2187 (1), +380 57 760 2370 (1), +380 57 760 2812 (1), +380 57 760 2898 (1), +380 57 760 4510 (1), +380 57 760 4519 (1), +380 57 760 4527 (1), +380 57 760 4856;+380 57 773 2962 (1), +380 57 760 4856;+380 572 64 2886 (1), +380 57 760 4856;+380 5746 40 126 (1), +380 57 766 0349 (1), +380 57 766 0370 (1), +380 57 766 4565 (1), +380 57 766 7604;+380 57 766 7603 (1), +380 57 766 7610 (1), +380 57 773 2658 (1), +380 57 781 5225;+380 57 764 8982;+380 63 418 2584;+380 50 688 3330 (1), +380 57 782 2325;+380 67 977 6059;+380 73 002 5093 (1), +380 57 783 8924 (1), +380 57 784 0515;+380 63 108 6176;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 572 52 1153 (1), +380 5746 30 173 (1), +380 5746 93 311 (1), +380 5746 93 446 (1), +380 5753 65 131 (1), +380 5763 31 133 (1), +380 59 438 9739 (2), +380 61 233 3679;+380 61 223 6602;+380 61 233 6332 (1), +380 61 236 6480 (1), +380 61 239 9001;+380 61 239 9002;+380 50 029 2811 (1), +380 61 537 7989 (1), +380 612 14 1014 (6), +380 612 20 1861;+380 612 20 1862 (1), +380 612 20 9955 (1), +380 612 21 0924 (1), +380 612 22 0408;+380 93 387 4930 (1), +380 612 28 0118 (1), +380 612 28 0481 (1), +380 612 28 0511 (1), +380 612 28 0531 (1), +380 612 28 0557 (1), +380 612 28 0558 (1), +380 612 28 0585 (1), +380 612 28 0586 (1), +380 612 28 0620 (1), +380 612 28 0631 (1), +380 612 28 0651 (1), +380 612 28 0681 (1), +380 612 28 0736 (1), +380 612 28 0763 (1), +380 612 28 0868 (1), +380 612 36 1672 (1), +380 612 36 9016 (1), +380 612 63 2552 (1), +380 6137 72 680;+380 67 400 8498 (1), +380 6137 73 510;+380 67 548 3944 (1), +380 6139 40 300 (1), +380 6140 91 920;+380 67 548 3870 (1), +380 6140 95 125;+380 67 548 3871 (1), +380 6147 21 169 (1), +380 6153 22 059 (1), +380 6153 22 101 (1), +380 6153 22 159 (1), +380 6153 22 382 (1), +380 6153 22 719 (1), +380 6153 22 959 (1), +380 6153 27 098 (1), +380 6153 29 909 (1), +380 6153 34 022 (1), +380 6153 35 669 (1), +380 6153 35 690 (1), +380 6153 37 241 (1), +380 6153 37 271 (1), +380 6153 41 427 (1), +380 6153 41 448 (1), +380 6153 41 753 (1), +380 6153 41 790 (1), +380 6153 42 659 (1), +380 6153 43 353 (1), +380 6153 46 541 (1), +380 6153 47 103;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 6153 47 167;+380 6153 71 234 (1), +380 6153 50 523 (1), +380 6153 55 650 (1), +380 6153 64 480 (1), +380 6153 77 454 (1), +380 6153 78 332 (1), +380 6153 92 125 (1), +380 6153 94 230;+380 67 442 5662 (1), +380 6153 98 172 (1), +380 6153 98 230;+380 67 442 5665 (1), +380 6153 99 191;+380 67 442 5765 (1), +380 6175 75969;+380 68 937 1997;+380 98 039 2262 (1), +380 6178 20 009 (1), +380 6178 20 054 (1), +380 6178 20 163 (1), +380 6178 21 072 (1), +380 6178 21 272 (1), +380 6178 21 315 (1), +380 6178 21 346 (1), +380 6178 21 373 (1), +380 6178 21 452 (1), +380 6178 21 654 (1), +380 6178 21 772 (1), +380 6178 22 056 (1), +380 6178 22 118 (1), +380 6178 22 190 (1), +380 6178 22 238 (1), +380 6178 22 281 (1), +380 6178 22 428 (1), +380 6178 22 468 (1), +380 6178 22 478 (1), +380 6178 22 492 (1), +380 6178 22 509 (1), +380 6178 23 007 (1), +380 6178 23 189 (1), +380 6178 23 354 (1), +380 6178 23 390 (1), +380 6178 23 745 (1), +380 6178 23 770 (1), +380 6178 31 189 (1), +380 6178 43 751 (1), +380 6178 43 940 (1), +380 6178 45 155 (1), +380 6178 45 601 (1), +380 6178 46 130 (1), +380 6178 64 136 (1), +380 619 42 3266 (1), +380 619 45 0100 (1), +380 62 203 3569;+380 62 340 1743 (1), +380 62 252 4432 (1), +380 62 253 3529 (1), +380 62 257 3292 (1), +380 62 266 7072 (1), +380 62 344 1119 (1), +380 62 348 7716;+380 62 349 5680;+380 50 037 8970 (1), +380 62 348 9716;+380 62 348 9732 (1), +380 62 381 1338;+380 99 056 5155 (1), +380 62 381 6960 (1), +380 62 385 3777;+380 95 730 0473 (1), +380 62 385 8428 (1), +380 62 945 2510 (12), +380 62 947 1011 (1), +380 62 953 4499 (1), +380 622 10 2102 (1), +380 622 10 2326 (1), +380 622 10 2481 (1), +380 622 10 2488 (1), +380 622 10 3600 (1), +380 622 10 3605 (1), +380 622 10 3608 (1), +380 622 10 3625 (1), +380 622 10 3628 (1), +380 622 10 3634 (1), +380 622 10 3637 (1), +380 623 00 8997 (1), +380 623 05 0695 (1), +380 623 08 3739 (1), +380 623 21 4132 (1), +380 623 35 8015 (1), +380 623 36 7919 (29), +380 6232 64 410 (1), +380 6232 64 590;+380 50 215 1530 (1), +380 6235 21 213 (1), +380 6236 33 854;+380 6236 34 833 (1), +380 6236 34 414 (1), +380 6236 42 075 (1), +380 6236 72 511 (1), +380 6237 62 379 (1), +380 624 52 4334 (1), +380 624 52 7770 (1), +380 624 52 9322 (1), +380 624 55 2000 (1), +380 624 55 2690 (1), +380 624 55 9337 (1), +380 624 56 0420 (1), +380 624 56 2525 (1), +380 624 56 3347 (1), +380 624 56 3763 (1), +380 6242 21 040 (1), +380 6242 22 024 (1), +380 6242 33 666 (1), +380 6242 41 364 (1), +380 6242 42 451 (1), +380 6242 43 019 (1), +380 6242 47 277 (1), +380 6242 48 561 (1), +380 6242 48 891 (1), +380 6242 66 060 (1), +380 6242 66 574 (1), +380 6242 66 689 (1), +380 6242 74 367 (1), +380 6247 33 045 (1), +380 6261 27 070 (1), +380 6261 41 768 (1), +380 6262 34 220;+380 95 518 2054;+380 95 343 1218 (1), +380 6262 40 070 (1), +380 6262 42 077 (1), +380 6262 53 305 (1), +380 6264 12 060 (1), +380 6264 12 488 (1), +380 6264 14 614 (1), +380 6264 14 741 (1), +380 6264 15 344 (1), +380 6264 18 900 (1), +380 6264 30 180;+380 6264 14 651 (1), +380 6264 30 261;+380 6264 30 270 (1), +380 6264 35 061;+380 6264 30 249;+380 6264 31 143 (1), +380 6264 40 880;+380 50 851 2303;+380 96 042 9303 (1), +380 6264 40 888 (1), +380 6264 43 494 (1), +380 6264 43 868 (1), +380 6264 44 230 (1), +380 6264 54 241 (1), +380 6264 54 595 (1), +380 6264 55 011 (1), +380 6264 55 723 (1), +380 6264 58 586;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 6264 59 451;+380 6264 77 003 (1), +380 6264 60 397 (1), +380 6264 60 523 (1), +380 6264 61 345 (1), +380 6264 62 576;+380 95 452 8711 (1), +380 6264 62 897;+380 6264 62 899 (1), +380 6264 62 906 (1), +380 6264 62 914 (1), +380 6264 63 139 (1), +380 6264 64 069;+380 50 993 4228 (1), +380 6264 64 828 (1), +380 6264 65 542 (1), +380 6264 66 569 (1), +380 6264 66 812;+380 6264 67 336 (1), +380 6264 69 141 (1), +380 6264 70 190 (1), +380 6264 70 252 (1), +380 6264 70 282;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 6264 71 025;+380 6264 77 260 (1), +380 6264 71 588;+380 6264 73 104 (1), +380 6264 72 380 (1), +380 6264 72 528;+380 6264 74 283 (1), +380 6264 74 080 (1), +380 6264 74 285 (1), +380 6264 74 330 (1), +380 6264 77 232;+380 6264 77 062 (1), +380 6264 86 048 (1), +380 6264 87 548 (1), +380 6264 88 000;+380 6264 64 069;+380 99 496 6812 (1), +380 6264 88 008 (1), +380 6264 88 118 (1), +380 6264 90 572 (1), +380 6266 21 128 (1), +380 6266 21 165;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 6267 47 727;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 6273 65 458 (1), +380 6274 23 780 (1), +380 6274 72 019 (1), +380 6274 72 564 (1), +380 6277 28 240 (1), +380 629 22 1081 (1), +380 629 22 1241 (1), +380 629 22 2508 (1), +380 629 22 3068 (1), +380 629 24 1320 (1), +380 629 24 1338 (1), +380 629 24 9666 (1), +380 629 33 2402 (1), +380 629 33 2482 (1), +380 629 33 3102 (1), +380 629 33 3496 (1), +380 629 33 6285 (1), +380 629 34 1280 (1), +380 629 34 7576 (1), +380 629 34 8044 (1), +380 629 37 2164 (1), +380 629 37 4599 (1), +380 629 37 4999 (1), +380 629 37 8113 (1), +380 629 38 1334 (1), +380 629 38 2134 (1), +380 629 38 7084 (1), +380 629 40 5535;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 629 40 7377;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 629 41 8546 (1), +380 629 45 2510 (1), +380 629 47 3569 (1), +380 629 50 2495 (1), +380 629 51 1030 (1), +380 629 51 1399 (1), +380 629 51 2069 (1), +380 629 51 3018 (1), +380 629 51 4314 (1), +380 629 51 4883 (1), +380 629 51 5821 (1), +380 629 53 2709;+380 67 620 2532 (1), +380 629 53 8051 (1), +380 629 58 2547 (1), +380 629 58 2591 (1), +380 629 58 3897 (1), +380 629 58 3999 (1), +380 629 59 5004 (2), +380 6297 24 370 (1), +380 6297 24 494 (1), +380 63 022 9818 (1), +380 63 030 2252 (1), +380 63 103 9660 (1), +380 63 111 1132 (1), +380 63 123 8800 (5), +380 63 124 8458 (1), +380 63 142 4015 (1), +380 63 174 2366 (1), +380 63 182 4691 (1), +380 63 190 2522 (1), +380 63 200 7628 (1), +380 63 206 9779 (1), +380 63 214 4551 (1), +380 63 214 4900 (1), +380 63 244 6036 (1), +380 63 250 9695;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 63 252 3551 (1), +380 63 258 0395;+380 93 288 6937 (1), +380 63 264 1122;+380 67 264 1122;+380 99 264 1122 (241), +380 63 264 1122;+380 67 264 1268;+380 99 264 1268 (7), +380 63 270 0739 (2), +380 63 299 2133 (1), +380 63 299 9732 (1), +380 63 302 1771 (1), +380 63 304 0160 (1), +380 63 308 8406 (1), +380 63 322 1223 (1), +380 63 327 3426 (1), +380 63 341 5602 (2), +380 63 342 9767 (1), +380 63 352 8018 (1), +380 63 353 3391;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 63 358 4729 (1), +380 63 358 4892 (1), +380 63 358 4902 (1), +380 63 358 4907 (1), +380 63 358 5073 (1), +380 63 362 8662 (1), +380 63 363 6583 (1), +380 63 367 7418 (1), +380 63 393 3331 (1), +380 63 404 3233 (1), +380 63 408 4828 (1), +380 63 416 8517 (1), +380 63 437 2029 (1), +380 63 437 4696 (1), +380 63 440 2044 (1), +380 63 450 3327;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 63 455 5660;+380 98 273 0110 (1), +380 63 455 7550 (1), +380 63 456 8445 (1), +380 63 464 8558 (1), +380 63 471 5886 (1), +380 63 472 0168 (2), +380 63 506 1775 (1), +380 63 507 9157 (1), +380 63 508 6951 (1), +380 63 518 3951 (1), +380 63 530 9896 (1), +380 63 535 7441 (1), +380 63 537 5533;+380 97 010 4010 (1), +380 63 537 8307 (1), +380 63 586 9848 (1), +380 63 605 8358 (1), +380 63 612 8919 (1), +380 63 617 5418 (1), +380 63 618 6050 (1), +380 63 625 5500;+380 67 140 0880 (1), +380 63 648 1993 (1), +380 63 649 3370 (1), +380 63 651 2318;+380 98 013 0730 (1), +380 63 655 9837 (1), +380 63 661 0063 (1), +380 63 673 4899 (1), +380 63 679 2846 (1), +380 63 682 2344 (1), +380 63 685 1427;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 63 689 4064 (1), +380 63 699 9558 (1), +380 63 700 0399 (2), +380 63 700 0422 (1), +380 63 700 0437 (1), +380 63 700 5581 (1), +380 63 700 5587 (1), +380 63 700 5593 (1), +380 63 700 5596 (1), +380 63 715 2773 (1), +380 63 716 2774 (1), +380 63 719 8705 (1), +380 63 732 7895 (1), +380 63 750 5694 (1), +380 63 758 4760 (1), +380 63 764 4867 (1), +380 63 765 9403 (1), +380 63 770 0957 (1), +380 63 793 6110 (1), +380 63 800 0838 (1), +380 63 800 9828 (1), +380 63 828 0001 (1), +380 63 828 8466 (1), +380 63 834 4977 (1), +380 63 837 7300 (1), +380 63 839 9322 (1), +380 63 839 9511 (1), +380 63 849 6181 (1), +380 63 875 0898 (1), +380 63 875 6873 (1), +380 63 881 6771 (1), +380 63 941 1465;+380 96 554 5597 (1), +380 63 960 8357 (2), +380 63 965 8823 (1), +380 63 973 7126 (1), +380 642 73 1880 (9), +380 642 98 0017 (3), +380 642 98 0036 (1), +380 642 98 0041 (1), +380 6436 14 015 (1), +380 6445 94 456 (1), +380 6445 94 774 (1), +380 645 70 2677 (1), +380 645 70 2783 (1), +380 645 70 2794 (1), +380 645 70 3014 (1), +380 645 70 3575 (1), +380 645 70 4087 (1), +380 645 70 4571 (1), +380 645 70 4607 (1), +380 645 70 5085 (1), +380 6451 45 591 (1), +380 6451 70 454 (1), +380 6451 70 560 (1), +380 6451 72 578 (1), +380 6451 72 650;+380 6451 72 760 (1), +380 6451 73 421 (1), +380 6451 73 554 (1), +380 6451 75 389 (1), +380 6452 23 045 (1), +380 6452 25 140 (1), +380 6452 25 353 (1), +380 6452 25 779 (1), +380 6452 27 061 (1), +380 6452 27 671 (1), +380 6452 27 785 (1), +380 6452 28 001 (1), +380 6452 28 074 (1), +380 6452 28 490 (1), +380 6452 28 525 (1), +380 6452 28 610 (1), +380 6452 28 789;+380 6452 28 790 (1), +380 6452 31 315 (1), +380 6452 31 331 (1), +380 6452 32 394 (1), +380 6452 33 053;+380 6452 34 232 (1), +380 6452 33 203;+380 6452 33 051 (1), +380 6452 33 691 (1), +380 6452 34 168 (1), +380 6452 34 188 (1), +380 6452 34 265 (1), +380 6452 37 118 (1), +380 6452 40 101 (1), +380 6452 40 185;+380 6452 40 467;+380 6452 40 187 (1), +380 6452 40 254 (1), +380 6452 40 477 (1), +380 6452 41 112;+380 645 70 2626 (1), +380 6452 41 307;+380 645 70 8304;+380 95 357 9768 (1), +380 6452 41 350 (1), +380 6452 41 385 (1), +380 6452 41 579 (1), +380 6452 42 222 (1), +380 6452 42 315 (1), +380 6452 42 458 (1), +380 6452 42 493 (1), +380 6452 42 586 (1), +380 6452 43 137 (1), +380 6452 43 376 (1), +380 6452 43 420;+380 6452 41 368 (1), +380 6452 43 431 (1), +380 6452 43 531 (1), +380 6452 44 130;+380 95 234 5737 (1), +380 6452 44 190 (1), +380 6452 44 291 (1), +380 6452 44 337 (1), +380 6452 44 426 (1), +380 6452 44 447 (1), +380 6452 44 955 (1), +380 6452 45 051 (1), +380 6452 45 053 (1), +380 6452 48 012 (1), +380 6452 50 811;+380 6452 50 812 (1), +380 6452 52 102 (1), +380 6452 53 355 (1), +380 6452 54 240 (1), +380 6452 54 881;+380 6452 27 234 (1), +380 6452 69 073 (1), +380 6452 90 601 (1), +380 6452 90 909 (1), +380 6452 90 988;+380 6452 90 777 (1), +380 6452 97 412 (1), +380 6453 78 312 (1), +380 6454 21 321 (1), +380 6454 21 857 (1), +380 6454 22 164 (1), +380 6454 22 761 (1), +380 6454 31 305 (1), +380 6454 31 956 (1), +380 6461 22 265 (1), +380 6464 92 380 (1), +380 6466 92 000 (1), +380 66 000 0240;+380 99 565 1232 (1), +380 66 000 1510 (1), +380 66 000 8123 (1), +380 66 010 7943;+380 68 907 4237 (1), +380 66 016 0699 (1), +380 66 025 6037 (1), +380 66 026 0718;+380 98 929 3400 (1), +380 66 028 4699 (1), +380 66 033 3723;+380 68 170 3102 (1), +380 66 055 5888 (1), +380 66 056 9485;+380 66 748 2423 (1), +380 66 064 0290 (1), +380 66 071 4087 (3), +380 66 071 4492 (1), +380 66 079 0971 (1), +380 66 085 9575 (1), +380 66 086 8639 (1), +380 66 086 8643 (1), +380 66 104 0404 (1), +380 66 107 9700 (1), +380 66 116 4312;+380 67 312 4467 (1), +380 66 120 3081 (1), +380 66 122 2522 (1), +380 66 123 4481 (1), +380 66 123 4785 (1), +380 66 123 4807 (1), +380 66 123 4825 (1), +380 66 123 4850 (1), +380 66 123 4852 (1), +380 66 123 4878 (1), +380 66 124 0014 (1), +380 66 124 0021 (1), +380 66 124 0051 (1), +380 66 124 0059 (1), +380 66 124 0083 (1), +380 66 124 0084 (1), +380 66 124 0091 (1), +380 66 124 0118 (1), +380 66 124 0126 (1), +380 66 124 2788 (1), +380 66 124 6922 (1), +380 66 124 6988 (1), +380 66 124 9216 (1), +380 66 124 9282 (1), +380 66 124 9389 (1), +380 66 124 9439 (1), +380 66 130 6535 (1), +380 66 150 3817 (1), +380 66 158 0333 (1), +380 66 160 7530;+380 97 184 5101 (1), +380 66 164 1410 (1), +380 66 178 8008 (1), +380 66 181 9087 (1), +380 66 188 8777;+380 68 188 8777 (1), +380 66 191 2855;+380 96 613 8766 (1), +380 66 191 3161;+380 96 613 7007 (1), +380 66 192 5634 (1), +380 66 196 8490;+380 67 520 2767 (1), +380 66 206 1699 (1), +380 66 219 6570 (1), +380 66 252 4346 (1), +380 66 260 8635 (1), +380 66 289 2208 (1), +380 66 295 1091 (1), +380 66 312 0594 (1), +380 66 317 2019 (1), +380 66 342 9363;+380 66 718 3753 (1), +380 66 351 4669 (1), +380 66 353 1016 (1), +380 66 358 7711 (1), +380 66 364 5582 (1), +380 66 368 4900 (1), +380 66 369 8911 (1), +380 66 381 6808;+380 98 463 8107 (18), +380 66 406 7525 (1), +380 66 435 6432;+380 68 331 3668 (1), +380 66 444 7220 (1), +380 66 482 2761 (1), +380 66 503 0570;+380 97 733 1160 (1), +380 66 505 3787 (1), +380 66 510 2145;+380 67 899 1159 (1), +380 66 511 8580 (1), +380 66 521 1699 (1), +380 66 526 6403 (1), +380 66 528 3036 (1), +380 66 553 5545;+380 93 553 5545;+380 96 553 5545 (1), +380 66 559 5010 (1), +380 66 559 6770 (1), +380 66 569 7571 (1), +380 66 594 3070;+380 98 569 6109 (1), +380 66 598 6256 (1), +380 66 605 5434 (1), +380 66 609 2115 (1), +380 66 655 5773 (1), +380 66 659 8469 (1), +380 66 666 2778 (1), +380 66 678 4629;+380 68 827 8074 (1), +380 66 686 1215;+380 67 977 6059 (1), +380 66 704 2341 (1), +380 66 738 8521 (1), +380 66 744 4264 (1), +380 66 750 9708 (1), +380 66 755 0757 (1), +380 66 773 0183 (1), +380 66 780 1858 (1), +380 66 785 2413 (1), +380 66 816 2595 (1), +380 66 831 1847 (1), +380 66 851 3225 (1), +380 66 853 9315 (1), +380 66 856 1032 (1), +380 66 859 6910 (2), +380 66 890 3513 (1), +380 66 893 7067 (1), +380 66 895 6595 (1), +380 66 898 7738 (1), +380 66 903 6059 (1), +380 66 909 0495 (1), +380 66 922 8978 (1), +380 66 940 2429 (1), +380 66 941 5777 (2), +380 66 951 6366;+380 50 706 5809 (1), +380 66 964 3657;+380 96 873 7130 (1), +380 67 000 1148 (1), +380 67 005 6693 (1), +380 67 005 6891 (1), +380 67 005 6979 (1), +380 67 005 7074 (1), +380 67 005 7121 (1), +380 67 005 7154 (1), +380 67 005 7165 (1), +380 67 005 7185 (1), +380 67 005 7190 (1), +380 67 005 7302 (1), +380 67 005 7486 (1), +380 67 005 7646 (1), +380 67 005 7924 (1), +380 67 005 7929 (1), +380 67 005 7939 (1), +380 67 006 0106 (1), +380 67 006 9077 (1), +380 67 009 4114 (1), +380 67 009 6000;+380 99 009 6000;+380 44 221 1107;+380 67 611 8868 (1), +380 67 010 9100 (1), +380 67 011 2202 (2), +380 67 011 9113 (1), +380 67 102 1390 (1), +380 67 105 6898 (1), +380 67 113 3633;+380 66 408 2789 (1), +380 67 115 2508 (1), +380 67 119 1199;+380 66 888 5665;+380 332 28 2940 (1), +380 67 126 3613 (1), +380 67 130 0645 (1), +380 67 130 9736;+380 95 590 1346 (1), +380 67 141 5147 (1), +380 67 145 3611 (1), +380 67 151 0191;+380 67 489 1882 (1), +380 67 151 0740;+380 67 517 2216 (1), +380 67 151 2578;+380 67 556 2432 (1), +380 67 151 2630;+380 67 518 0071 (1), +380 67 156 5214;+380 67 484 7180 (1), +380 67 157 7004 (1), +380 67 157 7476 (1), +380 67 157 8955 (1), +380 67 157 8971 (1), +380 67 157 9001 (1), +380 67 157 9012 (2), +380 67 157 9032 (1), +380 67 157 9040 (1), +380 67 157 9041 (1), +380 67 157 9050 (1), +380 67 157 9052 (1), +380 67 157 9061 (1), +380 67 157 9065 (1), +380 67 157 9066 (1), +380 67 157 9095 (1), +380 67 157 9097 (1), +380 67 157 9103 (1), +380 67 157 9160 (1), +380 67 157 9180 (1), +380 67 157 9187 (1), +380 67 157 9223 (1), +380 67 157 9241 (1), +380 67 157 9242 (1), +380 67 169 0033 (1), +380 67 170 1888;+380 93 170 1888;+380 99 170 1888 (37), +380 67 174 1360 (1), +380 67 180 5911;+380 95 807 1629;+380 5536 93 396;+380 5536 93 178;+380 5536 93 193 (1), +380 67 180 7268;+380 66 668 2882;+380 3434 23 106 (1), +380 67 192 52 08; +380 93 171 34 81; +380 50 317 70 73 (1), +380 67 208 3250 (1), +380 67 208 5783 (1), +380 67 212 7976 (1), +380 67 218 8416 (1), +380 67 220 0035 (1), +380 67 220 0217 (1), +380 67 222 5696;+380 67 888 4005 (24), +380 67 223 2123 (1), +380 67 223 2611 (1), +380 67 223 3592 (1), +380 67 223 5251 (1), +380 67 223 8855 (1), +380 67 224 0055 (1), +380 67 226 7058 (1), +380 67 226 7169 (1), +380 67 226 7171 (1), +380 67 226 7264 (1), +380 67 230 1568 (1), +380 67 230 2554 (1), +380 67 238 8167 (2), +380 67 238 8314 (1), +380 67 238 8495 (2), +380 67 238 8559 (1), +380 67 238 8748 (1), +380 67 238 8870 (1), +380 67 238 9084 (1), +380 67 238 9258 (1), +380 67 240 5922 (1), +380 67 244 1256 (1), +380 67 246 8243 (1), +380 67 246 8718 (1), +380 67 247 1131 (1), +380 67 247 1378 (1), +380 67 247 1393 (1), +380 67 247 1394 (1), +380 67 247 1698 (1), +380 67 248 0429 (1), +380 67 248 0857 (2), +380 67 248 0891 (1), +380 67 248 0939 (1), +380 67 248 0978 (1), +380 67 248 1011 (1), +380 67 248 1014 (1), +380 67 248 1039 (1), +380 67 248 1082 (2), +380 67 248 1085 (1), +380 67 248 1091 (1), +380 67 248 1094 (1), +380 67 248 1095 (1), +380 67 248 1547 (1), +380 67 248 1597 (1), +380 67 248 1598 (1), +380 67 248 1599 (1), +380 67 248 1603 (1), +380 67 248 1625 (1), +380 67 248 1632 (1), +380 67 248 1638 (1), +380 67 248 1647 (1), +380 67 248 1669 (1), +380 67 248 1673 (1), +380 67 248 1687 (2), +380 67 248 1749 (1), +380 67 248 5232 (1), +380 67 248 5325 (2), +380 67 248 5863 (1), +380 67 248 6049 (1), +380 67 248 6147 (1), +380 67 248 6156 (1), +380 67 248 6174 (1), +380 67 248 6220 (1), +380 67 248 6251 (1), +380 67 248 6342 (1), +380 67 248 6389 (1), +380 67 249 3262;+380 73 259 7059 (1), +380 67 253 5374 (1), +380 67 261 4419 (1), +380 67 263 6327 (1), +380 67 264 1122 (10), +380 67 265 1806 (1), +380 67 266 0011 (1), +380 67 266 3825 (1), +380 67 266 9102 (1), +380 67 269 3385 (1), +380 67 269 4552 (1), +380 67 273 0103 (1), +380 67 284 2630 (1), +380 67 298 4048 (1), +380 67 303 5012 (1), +380 67 303 5016 (1), +380 67 303 5043 (2), +380 67 304 5362 (1), +380 67 307 2499 (1), +380 67 310 1222 (1), +380 67 310 3183 (1), +380 67 310 3433 (1), +380 67 312 5516 (1), +380 67 312 9296 (1), +380 67 314 1002 (1), +380 67 314 3535 (1), +380 67 314 6512 (1), +380 67 314 8557 (1), +380 67 316 0302 (1), +380 67 322 3749 (1), +380 67 325 2227 (1), +380 67 327 8644 (1), +380 67 327 8713 (1), +380 67 327 8721 (1), +380 67 327 8722;+380 96 640 4169 (1), +380 67 327 8723 (1), +380 67 327 8737 (1), +380 67 327 8835 (1), +380 67 327 8837 (1), +380 67 327 8842 (1), +380 67 328 8147 (1), +380 67 332 1412 (1), +380 67 332 5455 (1), +380 67 333 2100 (1), +380 67 334 0960 (1), +380 67 334 1513 (1), +380 67 334 2212 (1), +380 67 334 2245 (1), +380 67 336 6615 (1), +380 67 340 4323;+380 99 373 3245 (1), +380 67 340 6677 (1), +380 67 347 7571 (1), +380 67 350 1188 (1), +380 67 350 3388 (1), +380 67 350 4411 (1), +380 67 350 5788 (2), +380 67 350 6600 (1), +380 67 350 6611 (1), +380 67 350 6677 (1), +380 67 350 6688 (1), +380 67 350 8844 (1), +380 67 350 9911 (1), +380 67 350 9922 (1), +380 67 350 9933 (1), +380 67 350 9944 (1), +380 67 350 9966 (1), +380 67 353 4423 (1), +380 67 353 5525 (1), +380 67 357 4207;+380 99 728 4752 (1), +380 67 360 0853 (1), +380 67 361 1271 (1), +380 67 361 6630 (1), +380 67 370 0471 (1), +380 67 370 5046 (1), +380 67 370 5308 (1), +380 67 371 0355 (1), +380 67 372 7464 (1), +380 67 373 1154 (1), +380 67 373 3881 (1), +380 67 373 4124 (1), +380 67 373 4151 (1), +380 67 373 5593 (1), +380 67 373 6424 (1), +380 67 374 1723;+380 50 335 0478;+380 44 344 7350 (1), +380 67 374 2006 (1), +380 67 374 3655 (1), +380 67 374 4945 (1), +380 67 374 4961 (1), +380 67 374 4964 (1), +380 67 374 4988 (2), +380 67 374 5023 (1), +380 67 374 5034 (1), +380 67 374 8903 (1), +380 67 376 5044 (1), +380 67 376 5059 (1), +380 67 376 5084 (1), +380 67 376 5085 (1), +380 67 376 5121 (1), +380 67 376 7045 (1), +380 67 382 7971 (1), +380 67 385 2705 (1), +380 67 385 2713 (1), +380 67 385 6885 (1), +380 67 390 3844 (2), +380 67 390 6135 (1), +380 67 390 6717 (1), +380 67 390 7883 (1), +380 67 390 8060 (1), +380 67 390 8359 (1), +380 67 390 8506 (1), +380 67 390 8550 (1), +380 67 390 8628 (1), +380 67 390 8826 (1), +380 67 390 8851 (1), +380 67 390 9562 (1), +380 67 390 9826 (1), +380 67 391 0151 (1), +380 67 391 0278 (1), +380 67 391 0517 (1), +380 67 391 0686 (1), +380 67 391 0943 (1), +380 67 391 2044 (1), +380 67 398 9308 (1), +380 67 399 0905 (2), +380 67 399 5581 (1), +380 67 400 5730 (1), +380 67 403 7296 (1), +380 67 406 0502 (1), +380 67 406 3494 (1), +380 67 406 4966;+380 96 975 1573 (1), +380 67 407 0494;+380 44 287 6180 (1), +380 67 411 8788 (1), +380 67 411 9244 (1), +380 67 411 9266 (1), +380 67 411 9339 (1), +380 67 411 9622 (1), +380 67 414 1088;+380 67 414 1094 (1), +380 67 414 1093;+380 67 414 1233 (1), +380 67 414 1131;+380 67 414 1140 (1), +380 67 414 1136 (1), +380 67 414 1236 (1), +380 67 414 1253 (1), +380 67 414 1255 (1), +380 67 414 1260 (1), +380 67 414 1270 (1), +380 67 414 5001 (1), +380 67 414 5002 (1), +380 67 414 5003 (1), +380 67 414 5004 (1), +380 67 414 5006 (1), +380 67 414 5007 (1), +380 67 414 5008 (1), +380 67 414 5009 (1), +380 67 414 5010 (1), +380 67 414 5011 (1), +380 67 414 5012 (1), +380 67 414 5013 (1), +380 67 414 5014 (1), +380 67 414 5016 (1), +380 67 414 5017 (1), +380 67 414 5018 (1), +380 67 414 5019 (1), +380 67 414 5020 (1), +380 67 414 5021 (1), +380 67 414 5022 (1), +380 67 414 5023 (1), +380 67 414 5024 (1), +380 67 414 5025 (1), +380 67 414 5026 (1), +380 67 414 5027 (1), +380 67 414 5028 (1), +380 67 414 5029 (1), +380 67 414 5030 (1), +380 67 414 5031 (1), +380 67 414 5032 (1), +380 67 414 5033 (1), +380 67 414 5034 (1), +380 67 414 5035 (1), +380 67 414 5036 (1), +380 67 414 5037 (1), +380 67 414 5040 (1), +380 67 414 5041 (1), +380 67 414 5042 (1), +380 67 414 5043 (1), +380 67 414 5044 (1), +380 67 414 5045 (1), +380 67 414 5046 (1), +380 67 414 5047 (1), +380 67 414 5049 (1), +380 67 414 5050 (1), +380 67 414 5053 (1), +380 67 414 5054 (1), +380 67 414 5055 (2), +380 67 414 5056 (1), +380 67 414 5057 (1), +380 67 414 5058 (1), +380 67 414 5059 (1), +380 67 414 5060 (1), +380 67 414 5061 (1), +380 67 414 5070 (1), +380 67 414 5071 (1), +380 67 414 5074 (1), +380 67 414 5075 (1), +380 67 414 5076 (1), +380 67 414 5150 (1), +380 67 414 5151 (1), +380 67 414 5152 (1), +380 67 414 5153 (1), +380 67 414 5154 (1), +380 67 414 5155 (1), +380 67 414 5156 (1), +380 67 414 5158 (1), +380 67 414 5159 (1), +380 67 414 5161 (1), +380 67 414 5190 (1), +380 67 414 5191 (1), +380 67 414 5192 (1), +380 67 414 5194 (1), +380 67 414 5195 (1), +380 67 414 5202 (1), +380 67 414 5220 (2), +380 67 414 5221 (1), +380 67 414 5223 (1), +380 67 414 5224 (1), +380 67 414 5225 (1), +380 67 414 5226 (1), +380 67 414 5227 (1), +380 67 414 5228 (1), +380 67 414 5229 (1), +380 67 414 5230 (1), +380 67 414 5231 (1), +380 67 414 5232 (1), +380 67 414 5233 (1), +380 67 414 5234 (1), +380 67 414 5235 (1), +380 67 414 5236 (1), +380 67 414 5237 (1), +380 67 414 5238 (1), +380 67 414 5239 (1), +380 67 414 5241 (1), +380 67 414 5242 (1), +380 67 414 5243 (1), +380 67 414 5244 (1), +380 67 414 5245 (1), +380 67 414 5246 (1), +380 67 414 5247 (1), +380 67 414 5248 (1), +380 67 414 5253 (1), +380 67 414 5254 (1), +380 67 414 5255 (1), +380 67 414 5257 (1), +380 67 414 5290 (1), +380 67 414 5291 (1), +380 67 414 5293 (1), +380 67 414 5304 (1), +380 67 414 5330 (1), +380 67 414 5331 (1), +380 67 414 5332 (1), +380 67 414 5334 (1), +380 67 414 5336 (1), +380 67 414 5337 (1), +380 67 414 5339 (1), +380 67 414 5340 (1), +380 67 414 5360 (1), +380 67 414 5361 (1), +380 67 414 5362 (1), +380 67 414 5372 (1), +380 67 414 5373 (1), +380 67 414 5390 (1), +380 67 414 5391 (1), +380 67 414 5397 (1), +380 67 414 5398 (1), +380 67 414 5406 (1), +380 67 414 5407 (1), +380 67 414 5430 (1), +380 67 414 5431 (1), +380 67 414 5432 (1), +380 67 414 5435 (1), +380 67 414 5436 (1), +380 67 414 5437 (1), +380 67 414 5438 (1), +380 67 414 5439 (1), +380 67 414 5475 (1), +380 67 414 5476 (1), +380 67 414 5501 (1), +380 67 414 5502 (1), +380 67 414 5530 (1), +380 67 414 5532 (1), +380 67 414 5534 (1), +380 67 414 5537 (1), +380 67 414 5538 (1), +380 67 414 5539 (2), +380 67 414 5540 (1), +380 67 414 5541 (1), +380 67 414 5546 (1), +380 67 414 5548 (1), +380 67 414 5549 (1), +380 67 414 5563 (1), +380 67 414 5590 (1), +380 67 414 5591 (1), +380 67 414 5592 (1), +380 67 414 5594 (1), +380 67 414 5595 (1), +380 67 414 5596 (1), +380 67 414 5597 (1), +380 67 414 5598 (1), +380 67 414 5600 (1), +380 67 414 5601 (1), +380 67 414 5620 (1), +380 67 414 5621 (1), +380 67 414 5622 (1), +380 67 414 5623 (1), +380 67 414 5624 (1), +380 67 414 5625 (1), +380 67 414 5626 (1), +380 67 414 5627 (1), +380 67 414 5628 (1), +380 67 414 5629 (1), +380 67 414 5630 (1), +380 67 414 5631 (1), +380 67 414 5632 (1), +380 67 414 5633 (1), +380 67 414 5635 (1), +380 67 414 5636 (1), +380 67 414 5637 (1), +380 67 414 5638 (1), +380 67 414 5639 (1), +380 67 414 5680 (1), +380 67 414 5681 (1), +380 67 414 5684 (1), +380 67 414 5686 (1), +380 67 414 5687 (1), +380 67 414 5710 (1), +380 67 414 5711 (1), +380 67 414 5712 (1), +380 67 414 5713 (1), +380 67 414 5714 (1), +380 67 414 5715 (1), +380 67 414 5717 (1), +380 67 414 5740 (1), +380 67 414 5741 (1), +380 67 414 5743 (1), +380 67 414 5744 (1), +380 67 414 5746 (1), +380 67 414 5747 (1), +380 67 414 5748 (1), +380 67 414 5770 (1), +380 67 414 5771 (1), +380 67 414 5772 (1), +380 67 414 5773 (1), +380 67 414 5774 (2), +380 67 414 5775 (2), +380 67 414 5776 (1), +380 67 414 5780 (1), +380 67 414 5781 (1), +380 67 414 5782 (1), +380 67 414 5783 (1), +380 67 414 5800 (1), +380 67 414 5802 (1), +380 67 414 5803 (1), +380 67 414 5805 (1), +380 67 414 5806 (1), +380 67 414 5807 (1), +380 67 414 5808 (1), +380 67 414 5809 (1), +380 67 414 5810 (1), +380 67 414 5811 (1), +380 67 414 5812 (1), +380 67 414 5813 (1), +380 67 414 5814 (1), +380 67 414 5815 (1), +380 67 414 5816 (1), +380 67 414 5860 (1), +380 67 414 5863 (1), +380 67 414 5864 (1), +380 67 414 5880 (1), +380 67 414 5881 (1), +380 67 414 5882 (1), +380 67 414 5883 (1), +380 67 414 5884 (1), +380 67 414 5885 (1), +380 67 414 5886 (1), +380 67 414 5887 (1), +380 67 414 5891 (1), +380 67 414 5892 (1), +380 67 414 5910 (1), +380 67 414 5911 (1), +380 67 414 5913 (1), +380 67 414 5914 (1), +380 67 414 5915 (1), +380 67 414 5916 (1), +380 67 414 5917 (1), +380 67 414 5918 (1), +380 67 414 5920 (1), +380 67 414 5921 (1), +380 67 414 5922 (1), +380 67 414 5923 (1), +380 67 414 5940 (1), +380 67 414 5941 (1), +380 67 414 5945 (1), +380 67 414 5946 (1), +380 67 414 5970 (1), +380 67 414 5971 (1), +380 67 414 5977 (1), +380 67 420 4534;+380 66 631 2321 (1), +380 67 428 9685 (1), +380 67 428 9689 (1), +380 67 428 9706 (1), +380 67 429 0370 (1), +380 67 429 0385 (1), +380 67 429 0435 (1), +380 67 429 0437 (1), +380 67 429 0438 (1), +380 67 429 0491 (1), +380 67 429 0514 (1), +380 67 429 0527 (1), +380 67 432 7707 (1), +380 67 435 1478 (1), +380 67 440 7405 (1), +380 67 441 0052 (1), +380 67 442 0909 (1), +380 67 446 9002 (1), +380 67 447 0479 (1), +380 67 447 0899 (2), +380 67 447 1022 (1), +380 67 448 4800 (1), +380 67 448 7770 (1), +380 67 448 9407 (1), +380 67 455 8466 (1), +380 67 464 7437 (1), +380 67 464 7442 (1), +380 67 464 7446 (1), +380 67 470 2929 (1), +380 67 473 4830 (1), +380 67 476 5824;+380 97 265 7034 (1), +380 67 478 2828 (1), +380 67 480 6896 (1), +380 67 481 0822;+380 50 884 1217 (1), +380 67 485 1811 (1), +380 67 487 0497;+380 522 37 9152 (1), +380 67 489 1632 (1), +380 67 500 0386 (1), +380 67 500 0738 (1), +380 67 500 0762 (1), +380 67 500 0829 (1), +380 67 500 0863 (1), +380 67 500 0982 (1), +380 67 500 1218 (1), +380 67 500 1421 (1), +380 67 500 5151 (2), +380 67 500 5178 (1), +380 67 500 6602 (1), +380 67 500 6687 (1), +380 67 501 0141 (1), +380 67 501 5120 (1), +380 67 501 7815 (1), +380 67 502 2534 (1), +380 67 502 2821 (1), +380 67 502 4382 (1), +380 67 502 4496 (1), +380 67 503 1030 (1), +380 67 504 3983 (1), +380 67 516 7059;+380 67 556 8275 (1), +380 67 517 2269 (1), +380 67 517 4124 (1), +380 67 518 1954 (1), +380 67 519 1296 (1), +380 67 520 2480 (1), +380 67 520 8726 (1), +380 67 520 9850 (1), +380 67 521 6072 (1), +380 67 523 4997 (1), +380 67 530 3574 (1), +380 67 530 3602 (1), +380 67 538 8289 (1), +380 67 543 7353 (1), +380 67 545 1741 (1), +380 67 548 4066 (1), +380 67 552 4544 (1), +380 67 552 5199 (1), +380 67 556 9859 (1), +380 67 559 3633 (1), +380 67 559 8491 (1), +380 67 559 8527 (1), +380 67 559 9588 (1), +380 67 563 3513 (1), +380 67 564 8999;+380 564 26 6545 (1), +380 67 565 7437 (1), +380 67 565 7640 (1), +380 67 565 8148 (1), +380 67 569 6393 (1), +380 67 572 6140 (2), +380 67 573 9002 (1), +380 67 576 4620 (1), +380 67 577 7260 (1), +380 67 591 2880 (1), +380 67 592 8327 (1), +380 67 592 9397 (1), +380 67 592 9635 (1), +380 67 600 1600 (1), +380 67 608 3511 (1), +380 67 608 3563 (1), +380 67 610 4629 (1), +380 67 611 5025 (1), +380 67 612 0395 (1), +380 67 612 2030 (1), +380 67 612 8731 (1), +380 67 613 9701 (1), +380 67 613 9812 (1), +380 67 616 4678 (1), +380 67 617 0807 (1), +380 67 617 1007 (1), +380 67 617 1015 (1), +380 67 617 1084 (1), +380 67 617 1763 (1), +380 67 617 2144 (1), +380 67 617 2326 (1), +380 67 617 2538 (1), +380 67 617 3364 (1), +380 67 617 3594 (1), +380 67 617 3596 (1), +380 67 617 3598 (1), +380 67 617 3600 (1), +380 67 617 3614 (1), +380 67 617 8144 (1), +380 67 617 8145 (1), +380 67 617 8219 (1), +380 67 618 6922 (1), +380 67 618 6925 (1), +380 67 619 3787 (1), +380 67 619 6272 (1), +380 67 619 9861 (1), +380 67 620 2532 (2), +380 67 620 6200 (1), +380 67 622 2461 (1), +380 67 622 2704 (1), +380 67 622 3141 (1), +380 67 623 3019 (1), +380 67 623 3029 (1), +380 67 623 3032 (1), +380 67 623 3034 (1), +380 67 623 9565 (1), +380 67 624 1803 (1), +380 67 624 2477 (1), +380 67 624 3583 (1), +380 67 626 0409 (1), +380 67 626 0606 (2), +380 67 628 8732 (1), +380 67 628 8744 (1), +380 67 632 3238 (1), +380 67 632 5634 (1), +380 67 632 7299 (1), +380 67 637 1222 (1), +380 67 638 3121 (25), +380 67 642 7774 (1), +380 67 644 4933 (1), +380 67 644 4990 (1), +380 67 650 1660 (1), +380 67 650 2141 (1), +380 67 650 2900 (1), +380 67 650 4230 (1), +380 67 653 3686 (1), +380 67 653 3706 (1), +380 67 660 2481 (1), +380 67 670 1287 (1), +380 67 670 1506 (1), +380 67 670 1665 (1), +380 67 670 3857 (1), +380 67 670 4188 (1), +380 67 670 4435 (1), +380 67 670 4993 (1), +380 67 670 5906 (1), +380 67 670 5993 (1), +380 67 670 6106 (1), +380 67 670 6858 (1), +380 67 670 6926 (1), +380 67 670 7392 (1), +380 67 670 8065 (1), +380 67 670 8317 (1), +380 67 670 8603 (1), +380 67 671 2510 (1), +380 67 672 6972 (1), +380 67 673 2040 (1), +380 67 675 8660 (1), +380 67 675 8661 (1), +380 67 676 3924 (1), +380 67 676 3928 (1), +380 67 676 5885 (1), +380 67 676 6006 (1), +380 67 679 1461 (1), +380 67 679 7522 (1), +380 67 679 7727 (1), +380 67 679 7811 (1), +380 67 679 7822 (1), +380 67 685 6720 (1), +380 67 688 3395 (1), +380 67 688 4622 (1), +380 67 688 9466 (1), +380 67 688 9496 (1), +380 67 688 9511 (1), +380 67 690 2030 (1), +380 67 692 6349 (1), +380 67 694 6564 (1), +380 67 694 6993 (1), +380 67 694 7042 (1), +380 67 694 7160 (1), +380 67 694 7180 (1), +380 67 694 7219 (1), +380 67 694 7286 (1), +380 67 694 7301 (1), +380 67 694 7310 (1), +380 67 694 7329 (1), +380 67 694 7343 (1), +380 67 694 7348 (1), +380 67 694 7425 (1), +380 67 694 7427 (1), +380 67 694 7442 (1), +380 67 694 7493 (1), +380 67 694 7520 (1), +380 67 694 7541 (1), +380 67 694 7546 (1), +380 67 694 7560 (2), +380 67 694 7573 (1), +380 67 694 7603 (1), +380 67 694 7618 (1), +380 67 694 7640 (1), +380 67 694 7646 (1), +380 67 694 7660 (1), +380 67 694 7665 (1), +380 67 694 7712 (1), +380 67 694 9060 (1), +380 67 694 9061 (1), +380 67 694 9064 (2), +380 67 694 9065 (1), +380 67 694 9068 (1), +380 67 694 9070 (1), +380 67 694 9071 (1), +380 67 694 9072 (1), +380 67 694 9073 (1), +380 67 694 9074 (1), +380 67 700 0258 (1), +380 67 700 0296 (1), +380 67 700 0348 (1), +380 67 700 0351 (1), +380 67 700 0369 (1), +380 67 700 0382 (1), +380 67 700 0384 (1), +380 67 700 0459 (2), +380 67 700 0542 (1), +380 67 700 0582 (1), +380 67 700 0698 (1), +380 67 700 0832 (1), +380 67 700 0859 (1), +380 67 707 0070 (1), +380 67 711 0496 (1), +380 67 720 2905 (1), +380 67 723 0301;+380 67 974 8022 (1), +380 67 734 5346 (1), +380 67 750 7509;+380 57 752 7019 (1), +380 67 753 1660;+380 67 753 5179 (1), +380 67 759 9878 (1), +380 67 765 4580 (1), +380 67 766 1027 (1), +380 67 767 7799 (1), +380 67 775 2753 (1), +380 67 777 2760 (1), +380 67 777 5300 (1), +380 67 777 7856 (2), +380 67 779 0606 (1), +380 67 799 7925 (1), +380 67 813 7095 (1), +380 67 816 3524 (1), +380 67 817 8105 (1), +380 67 820 3834 (1), +380 67 823 9246 (1), +380 67 834 0255 (1), +380 67 845 7566 (1), +380 67 861 6142 (1), +380 67 868 1860 (1), +380 67 874 2035 (1), +380 67 875 3506 (1), +380 67 875 3509 (1), +380 67 875 4444 (1), +380 67 886 9338;+380 95 760 4043 (1), +380 67 888 4005 (58), +380 67 888 5878 (1), +380 67 888 6282 (1), +380 67 890 0631 (1), +380 67 890 0673 (1), +380 67 890 0817 (2), +380 67 890 1066 (1), +380 67 890 1072 (1), +380 67 890 1077 (1), +380 67 890 1083 (1), +380 67 890 1094 (1), +380 67 890 1109 (1), +380 67 890 1113 (1), +380 67 890 1120 (1), +380 67 890 1121 (1), +380 67 890 1130 (1), +380 67 890 1134 (1), +380 67 890 3373 (1), +380 67 890 3436 (1), +380 67 890 3442 (1), +380 67 890 3453 (1), +380 67 890 3462 (1), +380 67 890 3463 (1), +380 67 890 3475 (1), +380 67 890 3484 (1), +380 67 890 3490 (1), +380 67 890 3498 (1), +380 67 890 3501 (1), +380 67 890 3505 (1), +380 67 890 3509 (1), +380 67 890 3522 (1), +380 67 890 3531 (1), +380 67 890 3533 (1), +380 67 890 3570 (1), +380 67 899 0806 (1), +380 67 907 3355 (1), +380 67 909 8836 (1), +380 67 916 9154 (1), +380 67 941 4001 (1), +380 67 959 3727 (1), +380 67 961 3711 (1), +380 67 963 8208 (1), +380 67 968 7333 (1), +380 67 976 0066 (1), +380 67 977 6059;+380 73 118 4553 (1), +380 67 977 6059;+380 73 259 8159 (1), +380 67 982 3453 (1), +380 67 987 5404 (1), +380 67 989 7275 (1), +380 67 989 9370 (2), +380 67 999 2777;+380 96 355 1255 (1), +380 68 000 2100 (1), +380 68 007 2488 (1), +380 68 011 0677 (1), +380 68 011 4800 (1), +380 68 027 7222 (1), +380 68 072 8303 (1), +380 68 087 5555 (1), +380 68 092 4021 (1), +380 68 096 9170 (1), +380 68 117 5501 (1), +380 68 121 2200 (1), +380 68 121 5206 (1), +380 68 122 9292 (1), +380 68 1234-861 (1), +380 68 151 0000 (1), +380 68 156 9795 (1), +380 68 168 0000 (1), +380 68 168 9168;+380 63 168 9168 (1), +380 68 180 0826 (1), +380 68 186 8668 (1), +380 68 191 8320 (1), +380 68 233 7979 (1), +380 68 235 5008 (1), +380 68 244 4947 (1), +380 68 246 7158 (1), +380 68 253 8500 (1), +380 68 263 8129 (1), +380 68 265 6788 (1), +380 68 275 9512 (1), +380 68 285 8581 (1), +380 68 296 5454 (1), +380 68 298 6890 (1), +380 68 299 0989 (2), +380 68 299 2525 (1), +380 68 299 8603 (1), +380 68 299 8617 (1), +380 68 299 8691 (1), +380 68 300 3606 (1), +380 68 306 1313 (1), +380 68 309 2843 (1), +380 68 309 4515 (1), +380 68 341 4871 (1), +380 68 351 6021 (1), +380 68 352 9264 (1), +380 68 352 9874 (1), +380 68 360 7380 (1), +380 68 371 0894;+380 95 542 4925 (1), +380 68 371 7543 (1), +380 68 379 3838 (1), +380 68 379 9548 (1), +380 68 400 3020 (1), +380 68 410 0717 (1), +380 68 411 6396 (1), +380 68 434 6100 (1), +380 68 457 0630 (1), +380 68 462 5504 (1), +380 68 465 7652 (1), +380 68 469 3665 (1), +380 68 482 7274 (1), +380 68 505 1622 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 228 7208 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6709 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6711 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6712 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6713 (2), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6715 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6718 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6719 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6721 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6722 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6794 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6795 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6797 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6798 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6799 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6804 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6806 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6926 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6930 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6931 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6933 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6934 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6935 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6936 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6939 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6940 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 6941 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 7207 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 7210 (1), +380 68 519 8686;+380 93 288 7212 (1), +380 68 524 4005 (1), +380 68 525 9009 (1), +380 68 526 5616 (1), +380 68 538 2614 (1), +380 68 540 2040 (1), +380 68 540 8725;+380 99 269 7895 (1), +380 68 542 3405;+380 98 300 3004 (1), +380 68 554 9472 (1), +380 68 577 2526 (1), +380 68 583 7050 (1), +380 68 594 9212 (1), +380 68 598 1288 (1), +380 68 598 7332 (1), +380 68 603 3333 (1), +380 68 630 2030 (1), +380 68 637 6107 (1), +380 68 651 0436 (1), +380 68 668 6513 (1), +380 68 675 2434 (1), +380 68 676 8059 (1), +380 68 698 8151;+380 95 775 4699 (1), +380 68 709 9933 (1), +380 68 711 5251 (1), +380 68 714 4244 (1), +380 68 722 0077 (1), +380 68 722 8688 (1), +380 68 725 3057 (1), +380 68 749 7085 (1), +380 68 755 1703 (1), +380 68 758 1829;+380 93 387 4877 (1), +380 68 761 7171 (1), +380 68 767 0177 (1), +380 68 792 8076;+380 99 297 1257 (1), +380 68 838 2825 (1), +380 68 842 9922 (1), +380 68 852 1610 (1), +380 68 855 3925 (1), +380 68 868 2020 (1), +380 68 869 7692;+380 97 113 7639;+380 99 364 5081 (1), +380 68 869 7763 (1), +380 68 869 8151 (1), +380 68 873 5131 (1), +380 68 882 0588 (1), +380 68 885 1178;+380 97 921 1535 (1), +380 68 885 4246 (1), +380 68 888 5988 (1), +380 68 888 7349 (1), +380 68 901 5919 (1), +380 68 905 5512;+380 50 368 2356 (1), +380 68 917 8915 (1), +380 68 920 2674;+380 57 731 8482 (1), +380 68 923 2938 (1), +380 68 929 4652;+380 66 202 5075 (1), +380 68 946 0653 (1), +380 68 947 4786 (1), +380 68 947 7212 (1), +380 68 965 0496 (1), +380 68 965 0645 (1), +380 68 965 1153 (1), +380 68 965 1186 (1), +380 68 965 1380 (1), +380 68 965 1815 (1), +380 68 965 2551 (1), +380 68 965 3079 (1), +380 68 965 6578 (1), +380 68 984 0230 (1), +380 68 984 0623 (1), +380 68 995 9020 (1), +380 68 999 9999 (1), +380 73 026 2514 (1), +380 73 032 1708 (1), +380 73 036 1708 (1), +380 73 070 1766 (1), +380 73 074 5700 (1), +380 73 100 9227 (1), +380 73 130 3205;+380 99 550 2398 (1), +380 73 171 3167 (1), +380 73 171 3646 (1), +380 73 259 2662 (1), +380 73 267 2112 (1), +380 73 267 2332 (1), +380 73 267 2882 (1), +380 73 267 7033 (1), +380 73 267 7044 (1), +380 73 267 7055 (1), +380 73 267 7099 (1), +380 73 305 7205 (1), +380 73 321 7755 (1), +380 73 400 3912 (1), +380 73 429 4027 (1), +380 73 441 4955 (1), +380 73 452 6180;+380 50 448 5078;+380 67 329 8670 (1), +380 73 476 9784 (1), +380 73 482 8665 (1), +380 73 733 0020 (1), +380 73 737 6060 (1), +380 73 911 1911 (1), +380 80 050 3680 (1), +380 80 050 5077 (9), +380 800 205 205 (1), +380 800 208 969;+380 44 391 1097 (1), +380 800 210 092 (2), +380 800 301 230 (314), +380 800 301 707 (306), +380 800 303 777 (1), +380 800 330 333 (1), +380 93 004 0909 (1), +380 93 015 1496 (1), +380 93 047 7780 (1), +380 93 054 7029 (1), +380 93 056 5656 (1), +380 93 057 8973 (1), +380 93 086 4132 (1), +380 93 088 7525 (1), +380 93 093 5260 (1), +380 93 093 5261 (1), +380 93 105 1535 (1), +380 93 106 1771 (1), +380 93 106 2882 (1), +380 93 112 3861 (1), +380 93 114 1487 (1), +380 93 129 8248 (1), +380 93 130 3330 (1), +380 93 132 0117 (1), +380 93 150 0700 (1), +380 93 150 3072 (1), +380 93 153 2127 (1), +380 93 157 7757 (1), +380 93 170 2444 (1), +380 93 180 1176 (1), +380 93 180 1185 (1), +380 93 180 1186 (1), +380 93 180 1276 (1), +380 93 180 3726 (1), +380 93 180 3731 (1), 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6574 (1), +380 93 919 6858 (1), +380 9350 44 070 (1), +380 94 921 9902 (1), +380 94 924 7924 (1), +380 94 924 7927 (1), +380 94 932 5424 (1), +380 95 000 8636 (1), +380 95 009 2090 (1), +380 95 016 9570 (1), +380 95 020 2820;+380 98 166 2820 (1), +380 95 020 3545 (1), +380 95 021 0359 (1), +380 95 049 0264;+380 97 045 4251 (1), +380 95 073 0985 (2), +380 95 074 0596 (1), +380 95 080 7654 (1), +380 95 093 5260 (1), +380 95 096 5120 (1), +380 95 096 7750 (1), +380 95 109 9000 (1), +380 95 115 5817 (1), +380 95 127 0000;+380 96 127 0000;+380 93 127 0000 (1), +380 95 131 1471;+380 99 350 4373 (1), +380 95 134 9590 (1), +380 95 141 1389 (1), +380 95 149 8555 (1), +380 95 152 4993;+380 67 521 2259 (1), +380 95 182 3446 (1), +380 95 197 5727;+380 98 763 6959 (1), +380 95 209 0257 (1), +380 95 209 1423 (1), +380 95 212 6200 (1), +380 95 220 0018 (1), +380 95 235 7504;+380 6244 41 068 (1), +380 95 240 8003;+380 98 240 8003;+380 73 240 8003 (1), +380 95 244 7872 (1), +380 95 252 6111 (1), +380 95 253 4356;+380 95 808 1220;+380 96 029 7798;+380 97 341 5082 (1), +380 95 257 2832 (1), +380 95 271 7890 (1), +380 95 274 2342;+380 99 339 1906 (1), +380 95 276 1071 (1), +380 95 276 1074 (1), +380 95 276 1081 (1), +380 95 281 6592 (1), +380 95 281 6639;+380 95 281 6656 (1), +380 95 282 0322 (1), +380 95 282 3088 (1), +380 95 284 0233 (1), +380 95 285 8966 (1), +380 95 286 1867 (1), +380 95 287 8297 (1), +380 95 287 8349 (1), +380 95 287 8399 (1), +380 95 288 0941 (1), +380 95 288 6448 (1), +380 95 291 9308 (1), +380 95 295 3493 (1), +380 95 295 3570 (1), +380 95 304 9703 (1), +380 95 314 8824 (1), +380 95 317 3617 (1), +380 95 324 7154 (1), +380 95 341 9141;+380 95 336 3963 (1), +380 95 341 9951;+380 4637 33 252 (1), +380 95 345 6483 (1), +380 95 351 4930 (1), +380 95 356 1011 (1), +380 95 380 7979 (2), +380 95 427 3057 (1), +380 95 427 6978 (1), +380 95 437 1071;+380 98 909 2198 (1), +380 95 438 4040;+380 67 342 9969 (1), +380 95 441 6474 (1), +380 95 443 5109 (1), +380 95 449 4346 (1), +380 95 461 2134 (1), +380 95 491 9202;+380 93 830 5033 (1), +380 95 500 8838 (1), +380 95 503 2992 (1), +380 95 515 5532 (1), +380 95 578 8835 (1), +380 95 580 0911;+380 95 880 0911 (1), +380 95 600 6034 (1), +380 95 604 7410 (1), +380 95 609 5838;+380 97 114 5250 (1), +380 95 618 2302;+380 97 996 1017 (1), +380 95 620 5319 (1), +380 95 625 5875 (1), +380 95 655 1001 (1), +380 95 655 8606 (1), +380 95 659 7257 (1), +380 95 660 3177 (1), +380 95 697 3158 (1), +380 95 700 8088 (1), +380 95 710 5433 (1), +380 95 757 8675;+380 97 268 9773 (1), +380 95 763 4484 (1), +380 95 768 7033 (1), +380 95 775 3562 (1), +380 95 785 9535 (2), +380 95 790 2850 (1), +380 95 803 5053 (1), +380 95 815 0704 (1), +380 95 821 6465;+380 97 210 4649 (1), +380 95 838 5132 (1), +380 95 854 1478 (1), +380 95 858 2739 (1), +380 95 872 2253 (1), +380 95 876 7607;+380 98 001 0877 (1), +380 95 883 8285 (1), +380 95 885 8117 (1), +380 95 889 9191 (1), +380 95 901 0578 (1), +380 95 915 8684;+380 95 916 1062 (1), +380 95 918 9013 (1), +380 95 928 3962 (1), +380 95 932 8455 (1), +380 95 933 8008;+380 95 933 8008;+380 67 933 8088 (1), +380 95 949 4150 (1), +380 96 010 0603 (1), +380 96 011 4457 (1), +380 96 016 5270 (1), +380 96 030 2010 (1), +380 96 036 5074;+380 93 962 7300 (1), +380 96 055 6156 (1), +380 96 061 3868 (1), +380 96 065 3788 (1), +380 96 105 0381 (1), +380 96 105 0441 (1), +380 96 109 5452 (1), +380 96 123 4575 (1), +380 96 136 7819 (1), +380 96 138 0272 (1), +380 96 145 9692 (1), +380 96 151 3922 (1), +380 96 156 3695;+380 63 866 2581;+380 67 312 4336 (2), +380 96 162 7786 (1), +380 96 196 6905 (1), +380 96 202 3024 (1), +380 96 205 1959 (1), +380 96 263 1885;+38067-10-82-400 (1), +380 96 289 3466 (1), +380 96 316 2718 (1), +380 96 339 3342 (1), +380 96 355 1030;+380 67 985 4883 (1), +380 96 370 0245 (1), +380 96 395 7161 (1), +380 96 407 2161 (1), +380 96 409 1818 (1), +380 96 422 7022 (1), +380 96 430 7297 (1), +380 96 444 9254 (1), +380 96 452 1849 (1), +380 96 457 6613 (1), +380 96 474 8862 (1), +380 96 492 0436 (1), +380 96 493 1100 (1), +380 96 494 6146 (1), +380 96 495 0844 (1), +380 96 505 5053 (1), +380 96 521 7952 (1), +380 96 524 7004 (1), +380 96 541 9702 (1), +380 96 597 7287 (1), +380 96 602 3032 (1), +380 96 605 7116 (1), +380 96 620 9385 (1), +380 96 621 9759 (1), +380 96 649 4064 (1), +380 96 650 2491 (1), +380 96 651 5181 (1), +380 96 655 4672;+380 99 219 9327 (1), +380 96 665 3922 (1), +380 96 677 1025 (1), +380 96 688 9595 (1), +380 96 689 1351 (1), +380 96 690 7020 (1), +380 96 700 7717 (1), +380 96 720 0171 (1), +380 96 812 8226;+380 99 686 0567 (1), +380 96 826 1295 (1), +380 96 826 2060 (1), +380 96 826 6561 (1), +380 96 832 4836 (1), +380 96 836 0259 (1), +380 96 852 5568 (1), +380 96 874 0962 (1), +380 96 921 7054 (1), +380 96 925 1343;+380 67 312 3616 (1), +380 96 978 3565 (1), +380 96 989 9307 (1), +380 97 020 2700;+380 95 440 4393;+380 50 746 6170 (1), +380 97 070 1102;+380 35 403 1380 (1), +380 97 070 2200 (1), +380 97 071 0007 (1), +380 97 072 4877 (2), +380 97 075 3844 (1), +380 97 075 3876 (1), +380 97 075 4577 (1), +380 97 075 5042 (1), +380 97 081 7651 (1), +380 97 097 7321 (1), +380 97 098 0002 (1), +380 97 114 0204 (1), +380 97 117 7779 (1), +380 97 126 9910 (1), +380 97 127 0560 (1), +380 97 132 0854 (1), +380 97 148 6617 (1), +380 97 154 8476 (1), +380 97 158 2737 (2), +380 97 161 6933 (1), +380 97 173 3712 (1), +380 97 177 5100 (1), +380 97 188 8645 (1), +380 97 216 1496 (1), +380 97 218 8430 (1), +380 97 227 0292;+380 66 382 0906 (1), +380 97 247 2426 (1), +380 97 249 0689 (1), +380 97 266 1814 (1), +380 97 286 0426 (1), +380 97 297 5900 (1), +380 97 347 5375 (1), +380 97 355 2320 (1), +380 97 365 2828 (1), +380 97 371 9977 (1), +380 97 376 0484 (1), +380 97 389 5466 (1), +380 97 389 8037 (1), +380 97 391 1255 (1), +380 97 407 7197 (1), +380 97 410 7103 (1), +380 97 428 5788 (1), +380 97 430 0608 (1), +380 97 443 3799 (1), +380 97 457 8190 (1), +380 97 463 9519 (1), +380 97 465 3412 (1), +380 97 469 4069 (1), +380 97 470 3734 (1), +380 97 472 9917 (1), +380 97 476 6472 (1), +380 97 478 2601;+380 97 948 7979 (1), +380 97 517 0170 (1), +380 97 518 3325 (1), +380 97 518 6139 (1), +380 97 518 6213 (1), +380 97 519 2656 (1), +380 97 531 0404;+380 96 726 2659 (1), +380 97 535 7777 (4), +380 97 542 1440 (1), +380 97 561 9363 (1), +380 97 569 0055 (1), +380 97 569 2960 (1), +380 97 579 7772 (1), +380 97 580 2469 (1), +380 97 580 6673 (2), +380 97 585 9194 (1), +380 97 588 3355 (1), +380 97 617 3925 (1), +380 97 619 0987 (1), +380 97 619 3774 (1), +380 97 626 2372 (1), +380 97 626 2549 (1), +380 97 629 8853 (1), +380 97 630 4974 (1), +380 97 654 5117 (1), +380 97 662 4046 (1), +380 97 665 1824;+380 98 886 4128 (1), +380 97 665 7667 (1), +380 97 674 5023 (1), +380 97 677 4792 (1), +380 97 701 1512 (1), +380 97 701 4510 (1), +380 97 717 6830 (1), +380 97 736 0098 (1), +380 97 741 8400 (1), +380 97 758 2602 (1), +380 97 777 3700 (1), +380 97 782 5954 (1), +380 97 784 5774 (1), +380 97 793 0003 (1), +380 97 822 1813 (1), +380 97 822 9381 (2), +380 97 860 6562 (1), +380 97 866 9580 (1), +380 97 870 4258 (1), +380 97 870 4475 (1), +380 97 875 1897 (1), +380 97 897 4100 (1), +380 97 907 8108 (1), +380 97 923 8289 (1), +380 97 937 0357 (1), +380 97 945 2727 (1), +380 97 947 5901 (1), +380 97 953 0716 (1), +380 97 990 3009 (1), +380 97 990 8640 (1), +380 97 991 6254 (1), +380 97 991 6726 (1), +380 97 991 7006 (1), +380 97 991 7692 (1), +380 98 011 5654 (1), +380 98 011 5657 (1), +380 98 011 5658 (1), +380 98 023 3244 (1), +380 98 035 9418 (1), +380 98 040 2210 (1), +380 98 047 1465 (1), +380 98 051 0101 (1), +380 98 054 3983 (1), +380 98 085 0443 (1), +380 98 087 7412 (1), +380 98 095 8129 (1), +380 98 098 6221 (1), +380 98 100 5856 (1), +380 98 108 5121 (1), +380 98 108 6239 (1), +380 98 108 7700 (2), +380 98 111 3680 (1), +380 98 131 7670 (1), +380 98 165 0221 (1), +380 98 165 0232 (1), +380 98 170 7171 (1), +380 98 181 3040 (1), +380 98 181 4090 (1), +380 98 182 8188 (1), 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(1), +380 98 964 0665 (1), +380 98 970 0970 (1), +380 98 991 1199 (1), +380 98 997 7123 (1), +380 99 000 7737 (1), +380 99 001 9900 (1), +380 99 005 0973 (1), +380 99 005 3726 (1), +380 99 005 5898 (1), +380 99 015 0452 (1), +380 99 017 3428 (1), +380 99 035 1533;+380 50 584 7494 (1), +380 99 039 3852;+380 66 952 9373 (1), +380 99 040 8400 (1), +380 99 042 5206 (1), +380 99 050 7070 (1), +380 99 063 9989 (33), +380 99 079 8881 (1), +380 99 088 8031 (1), +380 99 096 5949 (1), +380 99 100 0025 (1), +380 99 105 2757 (1), +380 99 123 3866 (1), +380 99 124 4446 (3), +380 99 128 7207 (1), +380 99 132 9386 (1), +380 99 167 0838;+380 97 971 1927 (1), +380 99 184 7677 (1), +380 99 199 3402 (1), +380 99 211 5914 (1), +380 99 222 1645;+380 50 385 5738;+380 68 203 3703 (1), +380 99 228 7887;+380 67 342 9969 (1), +380 99 237 8814 (1), +380 99 270 3176 (1), +380 99 292 7344 (1), +380 99 309 3639 (1), +380 99 311 6530 (1), +380 99 318 8143 (1), +380 99 341 9339 (1), +380 99 346 6959 (1), +380 99 349 3256 (4), +380 99 352 0012;+380 99 352 0012;+380 97 107 7701;+380 97 107 7701 (1), +380 99 358 8806 (1), +380 99 363 0920 (1), +380 99 371 5222 (1), +380 99 384 7336;+380 93 784 0129;+380 48 701 5333 (1), +380 99 391 1370 (1), +380 99 405 2626 (1), +380 99 432 7535 (1), +380 99 436 4613 (1), +380 99 437 8889 (1), +380 99 446 8646;+380 67 177 0277 (1), +380 99 448 3890 (1), +380 99 449 0187 (1), +380 99 452 2388 (1), +380 99 493 9319 (1), +380 99 496 1784 (1), +380 99 496 1851 (1), +380 99 496 1938 (1), +380 99 508 5488 (1), +380 99 520 2127;+380 99 520 2131 (1), +380 99 523 4446 (1), +380 99 523 7676 (1), +380 99 555 9935 (1), +380 99 610 0311 (1), +380 99 610 0597 (1), +380 99 616 1422 (1), +380 99 616 2883 (1), +380 99 627 3522 (1), +380 99 643 6842;+380 96 641 4108 (1), +380 99 668 0397 (1), +380 99 671 1157 (1), +380 99 671 2669 (1), +380 99 672 7722 (1), +380 99 702 3604 (1), +380 99 710 9059 (1), +380 99 714 6441 (1), +380 99 716 9560 (1), +380 99 729 4039 (1), +380 99 746 0440 (1), +380 99 760 9311 (1), +380 99 770 7003 (1), +380 99 775 2277 (1), +380 99 778 4231 (1), +380 99 791 8879 (1), +380 99 794 3789;+380 50 984 5058 (1), +380 99 796 1028 (1), +380 99 900 4401 (1), +380 99 903 0310;+380 6452 40 194 (1), +380 99 913 1881 (1), +380 99 924 8492 (1), +380 99 930 5242 (1), +380 99 954 8738 (2), +380-32-264-98-78 (1), +380502281155;+380 73 432 4232;+380 68 228 1155 (1), +380507031781 (1), +380513432036 (1), +380513432631 (1), +380664543750 (1), +380671558861 (1), +380678947036 (1), +380685892435 (2), +380688083700 (1), +380800307117 (1), +380932886748 (1), +380965482929 (1), +380969332525 (1), +380973474737 (1), +38098-209-88-97 (1), +380987702077 (1), +380997587533;+30685797478 (1), +380999603098 (1), +40 240 506600 (1), +40 240 541201 (1), +40 262 316.848 (1), +40 275 193139 (1), +40 372 707 535 (1), +40 372 784 843 (1), +40 720 032 566;+40 720 032 570 (1), +40 721 291 608 (1), +40 723 228756 (1), +40 723 664 405;+40 723 665 200 (1), +40 723 664 837;+40 723 665 408 (1), +40 723 814 145 (1), +40 724 363 834;+40 735 005 250 (1), +40 724 578 059;+40 724 578 067;+40 744 354 556 (1), +40 725 050 608 (1), +40 725 059 727;+40 730 770 869;+40 730 770 878 (1), +40 725 205 160;+40 725 801 606;+40 737 007 933 (1), +40 725 205 177;+40 799 005 437;+40 799 005 438 (1), +40 725 401 013 (1), +40 725 401 181 (1), +40 725 440 915;+40 737 007 968 (1), +40 728 600 389;+40 728 729 217;+40 728 729 219 (1), +40 729 998 447 (1), +40 730 770 187;+40 730 770 189;+40 730 770 511 (1), +40 730 770 188;+40 730 770 190;+40 730 770 533 (1), +40 736 805 568;+40 737 007 910;+40 738 099 418 (1), +40 737 025 274;+40 737 025 289 (1), +40 737 507683 (1), +40 738 006 706;+40 738 018 600;+40 799 910 382 (1), +40 738 018 459;+40 738 018 479;+40 738 018 697 (1), +40 738 743 896;+40 738 749 527 (1), +40 738 749 536;+40 738 749 550 (1), +40 738 883 331;+40 738 883 345 (1), +40 740 150 697 (2), +40 740 319 003; +40 748 485 678 (1), +40 741 018 212 (1), +40 741 036 308 (1), +40 741 042 771;+40 741 800 770;+40 753 153 016 (1), +40 742 199 608;+40 742 281 401 (1), +40 744 517 129 (2), +40 744 568144 (2), +40 746 061323 (1), +40 747 029 610 (1), +40 747 297 954;+40 747 297 963 (1), +40 748 181 902;+40 748 181 903 (1), +40 748 201 577;+40 748 204 025 (1), +40 749 021 340;+40 749 025 110 (1), +40 751 033 334;+40 751 065 144 (1), +40 751 043 883;+40 751 176 136 (1), +40 752 234 478;+40 752 281 005 (1), +40 752 250 183;+40 752 268 649 (1), +40 756 078316 (1), +40 756 090 717;+40 756 725 731 (1), +40 756 101 074;+40 756 730 065 (1), +40 756 418265 (1), +40 758 117 683 (1), +40 758 117 684 (1), +40 758 240 087 (1), +40 786 401 088 (15), +40 787 436146 (1), +40 799 001 421;+40 799 001 422;+40 799 513 163 (1), +40 799 106 886;+40 799 106 908;+40 799 602 827 (1), +40 799 114 589;+40 799 114 599 (1), +40 799 307 526;+40 799 307 556;+40 799 905 385 (1), +40 799 314 792;+40 799 314 793;+40 799 608 051 (1), +40 799 732 503;+40 799 732 504 (1), +40 799 910 301;+40 799 910 321 (1), +40 799 910 309;+40 799 910 329 (1), +40 799 975 047;+40 799 975 239 (1), +40 800 080 008 (1), +421 2 3247 3601 (1), +421 23 247 3602 (1), +421 56 632 1563 (1), +421 56 632 1864 (1), +421 56 638 3170 (1), +421 56 649 4231 (1), +421 56 652 2510 (1), +421 56 659 0219 (1), +421 905 223 435 (1), +421 911 787 003 (1), +421 911 928 626 (1), +43 1 5057175 (1), +43 1 5965173 (1), +43 5262 65975 (1), +43 5574 9000 (2), +43 676 545 01 09 (1), +43 732 680386 (1), +43 732 773373 (1), +43512561616 (1), +43662435927 (1), +44 20 8478 0510 (1), +48 13 461 06 04;+48 661 466 380 (1), +48 13 461 06 70 (1), +48 13 4684618 (1), +48 133075094 (1), +48 134601008 (1), +48 134610025 (2), +48 134610048 (1), +48 134610300 (1), +48 134611104 (7), +48 134611306 (4), +48 134611421 (2), +48 134611447 (5), +48 134611605 (4), +48 134612313 (1), +48 134613960 (1), +48 134619227 (2), +48 134927787 (1), +48 16 631 01 15 (1), +48 16 671 6481 (1), +48 16 671 6919 (1), +48 16 671 7727 (1), +48 166283006 (1), +48 166283066 (1), +48 166283158 (1), +48 166283328 (1), +48 166283666 (1), +48 166313015 (2), +48 166313103 (1), +48 166313407 (1), +48 166326154 (3), +48 166327007 (1), +48 166710170 (1), +48 166710570 (1), +48 166711911 (2), +48 166714037 (2), +48 166714202 (1), +48 166715229 (1), +48 166715385 (1), +48 166715394 (1), +48 166719251 (2), +48 166719534 (2), +48 166719829 (4), +48 166720216 (1), +48 166720397 (2), +48 166751833 (1), +48 166759908 (1), +48 166780924 (1), +48 166786207 (1), +48 166788696 (1), +48 500134714 (1), +48 510 353 106 (1), +48 519 075 826 (1), +48 601079770 (1), +48 609374150 (1), +48 609613609 (1), +48 662238726 (1), +48 693045151 (1), +48 696 402 562 (1), +48 698 578 213 (1), +48 724484402 (1), +48 731012210 (1), +48 783048783 (2), +48 825661012 (2), +48 825661033 (4), +48 825661052 (1), +48 825661402 (1), +48 825665203 (1), +48 825668015 (1), +48 825668065 (1), +48 825686036 (1), +48 825722068 (1), +48 825915019 (1), +48 825915028 (1), +48 825915236 (3), +48 825916129 (1), +48 825916734 (2), +48 84 534 11 74 (1), +48 84 644 76 00 (1), +48 84 696 26 88 (1), +48 84 696 29 38 (1), +48 84 697 08 74 (1), +48 846510241 (1), +48 846515331 (3), +48 846516007 (1), +48 846516014 (1), +48 846519058 (2), +48 846519703 (2), +48 846519815 (2), +48 846531661 (1), +48 846532447 (1), +48 846614026 (1), +48 846616042 (1), +48 846616053 (3), +48 846616218 (1), +48 846617020 (1), +48 846617177 (1), +48 846617327 (1), +48 846911002 (2), +48 846911003 (1), +48 846911040 (1), +48 846911161 (2), +48 846918202 (1), +48 846941501 (1), +48 846951768 (2), +48 846962074 (1), +48 846962455 (2), +48 846962524 (2), +48 846962541 (1), +48 846962907 (1), +48 846962986 (4), +48 846963129 (1), +48 846963322 (1), +48 846963338 (6), +48 846963660 (1), +48 846963817 (1), +48 846964595 (1), +48 846973204 (2), +48 846981489 (1), +48 846991353 (2), +48 973915355 (1), +48606251654 (1), +48668875599 (1), +49 (0)375 216283 (1), +49 (0)375 4279595 (1), +49 (0)375 528048 (1), +49 172 4507279 (1), +49 201 8845218 (1), +49 201 94628-835 (1), +49 221 29965197 (1), +49 2302 290 (1), +49 2302/2790699 (1), +49 234 17216 (1), +49 30 25488999 (1), +49 30 297 43333 (2), +49 30 515310 (1), +49 30 68237018 (1), +49 33207 79 16 15 (1), +49 361 562 6705 (1), +49 361 602 77862 (1), +49 361 663 45870 (1), +49 3663 405 00 (1), +49 39820 304 40 (1), +49 3991 611540 (1), +49 40 378 220 (1), +49 40 38 900 30 (1), +49 40 530033-0 (1), +49 40 80783845 (1), +49 40 8836481611 (1), +49 4124 2430 (1), +49 4131 60-1302 (1), +49 431 160 1210 (1), +49 4404 92120 (1), +49 4462 55 11 (1), +49 4462 92 25 20 (1), +49 4682 92 20 (1), +49 5251 60 3685 (1), +49 5433379860 (1), +49 5541 75313 (1), +49 591 9153390 (1), +49 631 3605555 (1), +49 631 93633 (1), +49 6652 99223-0 (1), +49 7034 21237 (1), +49 7131 9735010 (1), +49 7142 916 6695 (1), +49 7151 609 808 (1), +49 721 697776 (1), +49 721 94317222 (1), +49 7344 64 44 (1), +49 7933 336 (1), +49 8324 892 000 (1), +49 841 37070-0 (1), +49 921 79297-0 (1), +49 931 42590 (1), +49 951 91775842 (1), +49 9842 - 648 (1), +49-7251-98895 (1), +49-89-555255 (1), +49-89-74419662 (1), +4930254010 (1), +49338413878810 (1), +4968944994 (1), +54 9 341 671-0351 (1), +5553999977329 (1), +61 2 9365 9699 (1), +61 2 9638 2813 (1), +61 2 9687 0377 (1), +6221 7262991 (1), +7 (36560) 2-31-47 (1), +7 (472) 227-16-00 (1), +7 (472) 227-62-25 (1), +7 (472) 227-88-48 (1), +7 (472) 235-36-35 (1), +7 (4722) 26-26-61 (1), +7 (4722) 27-33-51 (1), +7 (4722) 31-31-42 (1), +7 (4722) 31-78-26 (1), +7 (4722) 77-00-27 (1), +7 (800) 100-66-57 (1), +7 (800) 770-79-99 (1), +7 (869) 263-42-00 (1), +7 (978) 816 48-73 (1), +7 (978) 843-53-43 (1), +7 (978) 869-84-78 (1), +7 (978)802-79-78 (1), +7 -978-2700138 (1), +7 341 2908292;+7 800 3334130 (4), +7 342 4332787 (1), +7 343 2877798 (1), +7 343 2904820 (1), +7 365 2669223;+7 495 1097788-900 (1), +7 365 2690330 (1), +7 365 2777359 ext. 0131 (1), +7 365 2777359 ext. 0276 (1), +7 365 2777359 ext. 0279 (1), +7 365 2777359-0250 (1), +7 365 2777359-0321 (1), +7 365 2788209;+7 800 7751771;+7 978 0643727;+7 978 0954088 (1), +7 365 2788381 (1), +7 365 2788383 (1), +7 365 2799788;+7 495 9705555 (1), +7 365 4773757 (1), +7 365 4777075 (1), +7 3652 275382 (1), +7 3652 485236;+7 3652 480539;+7 978 7013413 (1), +7 3652 504208 (1), +7 3654 240144, +7 3654 240204, +7 3654 240139 (1), +7 3654 263461 (1), +7 3654 263601 (1), +7 3654 721230 (1), +7 36562 24790 (1), +7 36562 38352 (1), +7 36563 23445 (1), +7 36563 27491 (1), +7 385 2239000;+7 964 0879000 (1), +7 385 2501421 (1), +7 3852 337688 (1), +7 391 2040803 (1), +7 391 2070092 (1), +7 421 2454541 (1), +7 423 2025593 (1), +7 423 4328585;+7 800 2004575;+7 800 3504202;4202 (2), +7 423 5123726;+7 800 2004575;+7 800 3504202;4202 (1), +7 423 7592818;+7 800 2004575;+7 800 3504202;4202 (1), +7 471 2580085;+7 800 2222734 (1), +7 472 2201785;+7 905 6766304 (1), +7 472 2202866;+7 472 2202867 (1), +7 472 2202914;+7 905 6744349 (1), +7 472 2205051 (1), +7 472 2207611;+7 800 1000911 (1), +7 472 2207613;+7 800 1000911 (1), +7 472 2217072;+7 800 1000911 (1), +7 472 2218199;+7 800 3335775 (1), +7 472 2218222;+7 472 2218223;+7 472 2218224;+7 800 7751771 (1), +7 472 2218370;+7 920 5803434 (1), +7 472 2231235;+7 472 2231236;+7 472 2365700;+7 495 2329977;+7 495 9563151;+7 910 7415700 (1), +7 472 2231325 (1), +7 472 2240000 (1), +7 472 2257054;+7 991 4052370 (1), +7 472 2257165 (1), +7 472 2270248;+7 472 2270274 (1), +7 472 2289014;+7 495 1059410;+7 800 7000088 (1), +7 472 2289055 (1), +7 472 2289076 (1), +7 472 2289088 (1), +7 472 2289133;+7 903 8852580 (1), +7 472 2310639;+7 800 1008063 (1), +7 472 2311222 (1), +7 472 2317157 (1), +7 472 2321107;+7 800 1009229 (1), +7 472 2326643;+7 472 2326985 (1), +7 472 2334331;+7 472 2732260;+7 800 2504949 (1), +7 472 2353665 (1), +7 472 2353824;+7 495 6412525;+7 800 4442525 (1), +7 472 2360220;+7 800 3339220 (1), +7 472 2365313;+7 800 2506168;+7 910 7415313 (1), +7 472 237-54-50;+7 920 201-84-84 (1), +7 472 2370071;+7 910 7370071 (1), +7 472 2380545;+7 800 6001100 (1), +7 472 2380820;+7 800 2002783 (1), +7 472 240-21-14; +7 800 333-92-20 (1), +7 472 2400102;+7 472 2400103;+7 903 8552715 (1), +7 472 2400806 (1), +7 472 2402078 (1), +7 472 2402182;+7 495 1086078 (1), +7 472 2402280 (1), +7 472 2402639;+7 800 3330535 (1), +7 472 2402640;+7 800 2004666;1110 (1), +7 472 2411623;+7 950 7144399 (1), +7 472 2412295;+7 800 1008063 (1), +7 472 2420024 (1), +7 472 2421062 (1), +7 472 2421391 ext. 0255 (1), +7 472 2421391-0289 (1), +7 472 2429008 (1), +7 472 2429213;+7 904 0936107 (1), +7 472 2501510;+7 800 5054338;+7 937 0025572 (1), +7 472 2516295 (1), +7 472 2526800;+7 800 1009229 (1), +7 472 2587009;+7 800 7008828 (1), +7 472 2599643 (1), +7 472 2599878 (1), +7 472 2760259;+7 472 2760364;+7 472 2760365 (1), +7 472 2777731 (1), +7 472 2789290 (1), +7 472 2789293 (1), +7 472 2789390-5088 (1), +7 472 2789390-5301 (1), +7 472 2789390-5326 (1), +7 472 2789390-5343 (1), +7 472 2789390-5349 (1), +7 472 2789390-5367 (1), +7 472 2789390-5395 (1), +7 472 2789390-5482 (1), +7 472 2789390-5754 (1), +7 472 2789400;+7 800 7001077 (1), +7 472 2789440;+7 800 2000981 (1), +7 472 4833194 (1), +7 472 6135011 (1), +7 472 6145073;+7 472 6146498 (1), +7 4722 219090 (1), +7 4722 228227;+7 4722 228227;+7 4722 7320-65;+7 800 1007474;+7 495 7400074 (1), +7 4722 229425 (1), +7 4722 231777 (1), +7 4722 268496 (1), +7 4722 274361 (1), +7 4722 276423;+7 4722 273944 (1), +7 4722 321676 (1), +7 4722 329689;+7 4722 589855;+7 4722 356146 (1), +7 4722 336699 (1), +7 4722 589667 (1), +7 473 2331934;+7 800 3333737-2963 (1), +7 483 4721694;+7 483 4722675 (1), +7 483 4921346 (1), +7 483 5321653;+7 483 5321702 (1), +7 491 2771967;+7 993 9098889 (1), +7 495 0853150 (1), +7 495 1390200 (4), +7 495 2329977;+7 495 9563151;+7 869 2456410;+7 978 0192888;+7 978 7637383 (1), +7 495 2587200;+7 800 7001020 (1), +7 495 5445000 (1), +7 495 6519252 (2), +7 495 6600550;+7 978 9172069 (1), +7 495 6600550;+7 978 9366820 (1), +7 495 6628888;+7 800 2009555 (1), +7 495 7755032 ext. 522292;+7 800 5507878 (1), +7 495 7873333;+7 800 3330303 (17), +7 495 7888878 (3), +7 499 0093553 (15), +7 499 3500148 (1), +7 800 1000000 (3), +7 800 1000006 (9), +7 800 1000200 (1), +7 800 1000911 (19), +7 800 1000911;+7 912 8003597;+7 982 3433195 (1), +7 800 1003200;+7 800 7009310 (1), +7 800 1005033 (4), +7 800 1006657 (36), +7 800 1006868;+7 909 2001078;+7 909 2001082;+7 909 2001083 (1), +7 800 1007474; +7 495 7400074 (2), +7 800 1007505 (4), +7 800 1008063;+7 904 0829199 (1), +7 800 2000000 (10), +7 800 2000900 (1), +7 800 2001011 (2), +7 800 2001327;+7 910 2266013 (1), +7 800 2001327;+7 920 5849159 (1), +7 800 2003097 (1), +7 800 2003630 (12), +7 800 2004550 (1), +7 800 2004666;+7 978 0172299;1026 (1), +7 800 2004666;+7 978 5199009;1021 (1), +7 800 2005888 (15), +7 800 2005888+78692537168 (1), +7 800 2005888;+7 8692 544819 (1), +7 800 2005888;+73652443948 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692401598 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692401696 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692401730 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692416780 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692420075 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692420384 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692429747 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692430382 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692431232 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692480285 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692482831 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692484710 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692533065 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692537051 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692537992 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692540061 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692544711 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692550006 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692570122 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692630363 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692631991 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692634158 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692637424 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692639082 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692650017 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692656320 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692710016 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692716216 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692723411 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692727825 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692735613 (1), +7 800 2005888;+78692735616 (1), +7 800 2006886 (1), +7 800 2007799 (5), +7 800 2009002 (3), +7 800 2009977 (2), +7 800 2220888 (10), +7 800 2222734;+7 978 5123742 (1), +7 800 2222734;+7 978 5758242 (1), +7 800 2347000 (278), +7 800 2500690 (2), +7 800 2500890 (39), +7 800 2501405;+7 800 2500405 (1), +7 800 2502332;+7 910 3296576 (1), +7 800 2502332;+7 980 3289886 (1), +7 800 2502332;+7 980 3788287 (1), +7 800 2502332;+7 980 3788382 (1), +7 800 2502332;+7 980 3788387 (1), +7 800 2502332;+7 980 3788408 (1), +7 800 2502525 (7), +7 800 2506168 (1), +7 800 2509860 (1), +7 800 3014767 (5), +7 800 3017755 (17), +7 800 3025880;+7 918 6702481 (1), +7 800 3330201 (1), +7 800 3331631 (4), +7 800 3337711-xxxx (1), +7 800 3339220;+7 978 0882824 (1), +7 800 3339220;+7 978 9407111 (1), +7 800 5000320;+7 365 2777285 (2), +7 800 5058282 (3), +7 800 5115585;+7 978 6902680 (1), +7 800 5115585;+7 978 6902681 (1), +7 800 5115585;+7 978 6902682 (1), +7 800 5115585;+7 978 6902683 (1), +7 800 5115585;+7 978 6902684 (1), +7 800 5115585;+7 978 6902685 (1), 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7751107;+7 869 2221006;+7 978 0677535 (1), +7 800 7751107;+7 978 7874237 (1), +7 800 7753553 (2), +7 800 7777771 (3), +7 812 3295050 (1), +7 812 3856470 (1), +7 818 4590058 (1), +7 841 2241761 (1), +7 846 2051022 (1), +7 846 2053500 (1), +7 846 2110169;+7 987 9556169 (1), +7 846 2110521-03;+7 846 9957510;+7 846 9970757 (1), +7 846 2140491;+7 927 0022701 (1), +7 846 2150131 (1), +7 848 2284808;+7 987 9600080 (1), +7 848 2378700;+7 903 3305005;+7 927 7706161 (1), +7 848 2557713;+7 848 2559000 (1), +7 851 2296129;+7 851 2298787;+7 967 8296129 (1), +7 851 2480807;+7 851 2480902;+7 851 2999185 (1), +7 8552 324400 (1), +7 861 2026462 (1), +7 861 2682653;+7 988 4039202 (1), +7 861 4800000 (3), +7 861 4833614 (1), +7 861 4851812 (1), +7 861 4858137 (1), +7 861 5135962 (1), +7 86151 35636 (1), +7 86151 35666 (1), +7 86151 35702 (1), +7 86151 35716 (1), +7 86151 35746 (1), +7 863 2098745 (1), +7 863 2853638 (1), +7 863 3090290-5710 (1), +7 863 3090290-5779 (1), +7 863 6158029 (1), +7 863 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8727842 (1), +7 913 0293189 (1), +7 915 5220649 (1), +7 915 5631722 (1), +7 915 5632544 (2), +7 915 5670003 (1), +7 915 5739838 (1), +7 915 9015901 (1), +7 916 6099282 (1), +7 917 0770296 (1), +7 917 0770739 (1), +7 917 0772852 (1), +7 917 0773806 (1), +7 917 0773843 (1), +7 917 0773844 (1), +7 917 0773851 (1), +7 917 0773931 (1), +7 917 0774735 (1), +7 917 0774982 (1), +7 917 0775004 (1), +7 917 0775028 (1), +7 918 0255333 (1), +7 918 0282333 (1), +7 918 4256050 (1), +7 918 4634982 (1), +7 918 4857263 (1), +7 918 5242060 (1), +7 918 6702481 (2), +7 919 1905850 (1), +7 919 2200000; +7 4722 225252; +7 4722 360200 (1), +7 919 8705151 (1), +7 919 9538278 (1), +7 920 5511491 (1), +7 920 5654516 (1), +7 920 5718598 (1), +7 920 5803434 (1), +7 920 8592525 (1), +7 921 6437425;+7 911 9357408 (1), +7 922 5188232 (1), +7 923 1070922 (1), +7 926 9524722 (1), +7 927 4721446 (1), +7 927 5696444 (1), +7 927 7132966;+7 927 7133322 (1), +7 927 9902020 (1), +7 928 6054103 (1), +7 928 7660894 (1), +7 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(1), +7 978 831-56-52; +7 978 002-70-30 (1), +7 978 8312932 (1), +7 978 8317281 (1), +7 978 8330497 (1), +7 978 8358575 (1), +7 978 8360905 (1), +7 978 8385425 (1), +7 978 8575468 (1), +7 978 863-55-28 (1), +7 978 8662202 (1), +7 978 8700780 (1), +7 978 8752272 (1), +7 978 8780779 (2), +7 978 8889728 (1), +7 978 9002358 (1), +7 978 9007500 (1), +7 978 9011515 (1), +7 978 9011616 (1), +7 978 9033555 (1), +7 978 9033777;+7 978 9033888 (1), +7 978 9165111 (1), +7 978 9177007 (1), +7 978 9187220 (1), +7 978 922-99-00 (1), +7 978 9242400 (1), +7 978 9249024 (1), +7 978 9502400 (1), +7 978 9531505 (1), +7 978 9676767 (1), +7 978 9808927 (1), +7 978 995-55-55 (2), +7 978 9955555 (1), +7 980 2504530 (1), +7 980 3284094 (1), +7 980 3740390 (1), +7 980 3742253 (1), +7 981 2996070 (1), +7 983 1801838 (1), +7 986 9423525 (1), +7 988 5649092 (1), +7 989 2329875 (1), +7 989 2997099 (1), +7 989 2997199 (1), +7 989 7677458 (1), +7 991 3800446 (1), +7 993 0346426 (1), +7 993 4249704 (1), +7 995 6215214 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http://gora.if.ua/ru/kontakty/ (1), http://gorkiy.org/ (5), http://gorlovka.dn.ua/ (1), http://greenboxes.ru/ (1), http://gs.sev.sudrf.ru/ (1), http://gymnasium.uz.ua/ (1), http://gymnasium152.edu.kh.ua/ (1), http://gymnasium178.edu.kh.ua/ (1), http://harvest-clothing.com.ua (1), http://health.mvs.gov.ua/page-42.html (1), http://hleb-tokmaka.com.ua/index.html (1), http://hmelirest.com.ua (1), http://hostelone.info (1), http://hotelfantasy.org (1), http://hramperekop.org.ua/ (1), http://hsc.gov.ua (1), http://humana.com.ua/ (2), http://hvl.org.ua/ (1), http://ieu.cfuv.ru (1), http://ifaidscenter.org.ua (1), http://ifmuds.if.ua (1), http://iful.at.ua/ (1), http://igmof.org.ua (1), http://ijtravel.com.ua (1), http://indigo-gymnasium.tilda.ws/ (1), http://instagram.com/greenwood_complex (1), http://ioch.kiev.ua (1), http://ipme.kiev.ua/ (1), http://iprkyiv.com/ (1), http://isaccea.ro/ (1), http://ito.gov.ua (1), http://jinsovik.ua (2), http://jk-kyrylivskyy.com.ua/ (1), http://jojo.shop.ua (1), http://kamemv.com.ua (1), http://kamzosh.at.ua/ (1), http://kapkanshop.com (1), http://kaprem.com.ua/ (1), http://kariersliva.com.ua/ (1), http://karlskogabio.nu/ (1), http://karz6.com.ua (1), http://kckba.com.ua (1), http://kcpto47.at.ua/ (1), http://kdak.com.ua/ (1), http://kedrolavka.com (1), http://keltic-yard.com (1), http://keramoizol.hol.es (1), http://kfv.if.ua/ (1), http://khustpharm.com.ua (1), http://kibit.ua (1), http://kidparade.com.ua/ (1), http://kiev.georgia.com.ua (1), http://kievzelenbud.com/ (1), http://kino42.cc/ (1), http://kintaro.com.ua/ (1), http://kitz.nau.edu.ua/ (1), http://klosterruine.berlin/ (1), http://kmmk.net.ua/ (1), http://kmnvk.org.ua/ (1), http://kmpnl2.kiev.ua/ (1), http://kneu.edu.ua/ (1), http://knukim.edu.ua (1), http://ko.isuo.org/schools/view/id/22364 (1), http://kobrin.brest-region.gov.by/ (1), http://kol2.com.ua (1), http://kolbasyev.kiev.ua (1), http://kolcovo.krymschool.ru (1), http://kolcse.lutheran.hu/ (1), http://kolesa.lutsk.ua/ (1), http://kolodkoart.com/ (40), http://komsomolska.ucoz.ua/ (1), http://komu.at.ua/ (1), http://koniukhy-lyceum.volyn.sch.in.ua (1), http://konkurentov.net.ua/ (1), http://koop-yakor.ru/ (1), http://koptd.com.ua (1), http://korytnytsia-gimnaz.volyn.sch.in.ua (1), http://kosenkov.info/?page_id=2 (1), http://kosino.com.ua/ (1), http://kosmo.ua/ua/pharmacies/ (1), http://kostiantynivka-nvo1.zp.sch.in.ua/ (1), http://kostyantynivka.selo.org.ua/ (1), http://kovcheg-ua.org/ (1), http://kozlovskyi-center.com.ua (1), http://kr-san-int10.at.ua/ (1), http://kramatorsk-school26.edukit.dn.ua/ (1), http://kramatorsk-school30.edukit.dn.ua/ (1), http://kramatorsk-school35.dn.sch.in.ua/ (1), http://kramatorsk-school4.edukit.dn.ua/ (1), http://kramschool2.klasna.com/ (1), http://kramschool23.at.ua/ (1), http://kramschool25.donetskedu.com/ (1), http://kramschool28.ru/ (1), http://kramschool6.edukit.dn.ua/ (1), http://kramschool9.ucoz.ua/ (1), http://krasmuvh.ucoz.ru/ (2), http://krasnogvardiyske.16mb.com/ (1), http://kravchienko99.wix.com/bitok (1), http://krayina.com/ (1), http://krem-rada.at.ua/ (1), http://kremen-school3.ucoz.ru/ (1), http://kremleshoz.at.ua/ (1), http://kremprofi.at.ua/ (1), http://kreschatic.kiev.ua/ (1), http://krliman.gov.ua/uk (1), http://krmz.kiev.ua/ (1), http://kug.org.ua/ (1), http://kukiit.ru/ (1), http://kuznechik2.klasna.com/ (1), http://kv-ua.net (1), http://kv2.com.ua/ (1), http://kvl.mil.gov.ua/ (1), http://kvpmy.vizitmir.com/ (1), http://kvppu.com (1), http://kvpuzt17.wixsite.com/kvpuzt (1), http://kzek.kiev.ua/ (1), http://kzs.com.ua/ (1), http://lastivka.klasna.com/ (1), http://lcci.lg.ua/ (1), http://lcrl.com.ua/ (1), http://leader-snack.com.ua/ua/ (1), http://lediestetik.ua (1), http://legalaid.gov.ua (1), http://lekfarm.com/ (1), http://lemeschivschool.ucoz.ua (1), http://lemonde.com.ua/ (1), http://lga.court.gov.ua/sud1290/gssgss/ (1), http://lgpk.by/ (1), http://lgt.ucoz.ua (1), http://library.sumdu.edu.ua/ (1), http://linggymn.at.ua/ (1), http://liptsy.ru/ (1), http://lis.gov.ua/ (1), http://lispi.lg.ua/ (1), http://lisugol.com/ (1), http://literaturemuseum.ru/ (1), http://litomore.com.ua/hotels/Carolino-mini-hotel (1), http://litsey.sd.ua/ (1), http://liubymivka-zosh1.ks.sch.in.ua/ (1), http://livadiya-hospital.ru/ (1), http://livadiya-hospital.ru/podrazdeleniya/poliklinika-3 (1), http://ljubsch.klasna.com/uk/site/index.html (1), http://loccitane.ua (1), http://loga.gov.ua/ (1), http://lokachi-licey.net.ua (2), http://lombardik.com.ua/ (3), http://lpsl.ucoz.ua/ (1), http://ltbjeans.com.ua (1), http://lubymivsk2.edu.ks.ua/ (1), http://luchiano.ua/ (1), http://lug.gp.gov.ua (1), http://lug.hsc.gov.ua/ (2), http://lugjust.gov.ua (1), http://lukas.ua (1), http://lukoil.by/ru/ForMotorists/PetrolStation?type=gasStation&id=8797 (1), http://lurenet.lg.ua/ (1), http://lutsk-dnz41.volyn.sch.in.ua (1), http://lutsk-zdo8.volyn.sch.in.ua/ (1), http://lv.sfs.gov.ua/okremi-storinki/mitni-punkti/99675.html (1), http://lyceum11.at.ua/ (1), http://lyslicey.ck.ua/ (1), http://magnus.ua/ (1), http://magura-info.com/ (1), http://malahyt.com.ua/ (1), http://malepolisja.in.ua/ (1), http://mamamanana.com.ua/ (1), http://mardmitr.klasna.com (1), http://marganets-gumanitarna.edukit.dp.ua/ (1), http://marschool2.klasna.com/uk/site/contacts.html (1), http://maslivka.klasna.com/ (1), http://maugli.kiev.ua/ (1), http://maup.com.ua/ (1), http://mbzpto.org.ua (1), http://mc-alternativa.com.ua (1), http://mdc-diabetes.com.ua/ (1), http://mdkl.lviv.ua/ (1), http://mdou42.beluo31.ru (1), http://mds-i.webs.com (1), http://meatshop.com.ua (1), http://med-service.com.ua/ (1), http://medbrat.in.ua/ (1), http://medgorodok.org.ua (1), http://medinstitut.kiev.ua/ (1), http://medlabtest.ua (1), http://mel-sch25.ucoz.net/ (1), http://melekino.jimdo.com (1), http://melgym19.wixsite.com/ (1), http://melitopol-dnz41.edukit.zp.ua/ (1), http://melznz4.ucoz.ru/ (1), http://mercurekyiv.ua/en (1), http://meteolutsk.net.ua/ (1), http://mexanik.uz.ua/ (1), http://mezirichi2.ucoz.com/ (1), http://mgb.gospmr.org (1), http://mikki.ua (1), http://mikolayovka.dnepredu.com/ (1), http://mikomed.com.ua (1), http://mil.ru (1), http://mintrud.donland.ru/ (1), http://minzdrav.gov.by/dlya-belorusskikh-grazhdan/vaktsinatsiya/ (16), http://miyastore.com.ua (1), http://molokoferma.com.ua (52), http://molokoferma.com.ua/ (10), http://morshyn-cerkva.com.ua (1), http://mos-crimea.ru (1), http://mou6.ru (1), http://movlenchik.ucoz.ru/ (1), http://moyo.ua/ (1), http://mrt-center.com.ua/ (1), http://mtpl.at.ua (1), http://mukach-shkola11.zakosvita.com.ua (1), http://mukachevo-school2.edukit.uz.ua/ (1), http://mukachevo-school7.edukit.uz.ua/ (1), http://mukrayrada.org.ua/ (1), http://munkachiart.in.ua/golovnadxh.html (1), http://museum.gorlovka.me/ (1), http://museumlit.org.ua/ (1), http://muzsalyiiskola.at.ua (1), http://mvpbu28.dn.ua/ (1), http://mvpy.ucoz.ua (1), http://mykhaylivka-tsarych.edukit.dp.ua/ (1), http://myliv.edu.ks.ua/ (1), http://myschool1.klasna.com/ (1), http://myspace.in.ua (1), http://nadra.com.ua/ (1), http://nash-budynok.com (1), http://nashsevds5.edusev.ru/ (1), http://nativity-theotokos.kiev.ua/ (1), http://nd.school.org.ua/ (1), http://ndekc.volyn.ua/ (1), http://ndruk.kiev.ua (1), http://newboxingstudio.com (1), http://nikolaevkaschool.klasna.com/ (1), http://nivki.orthodoxy.ru (1), http://nivkicity.kiev.ua (1), http://nizhyn-ugcc.org.ua/ (1), http://nobel.geos.ua/ (1), http://novaclinic.com.ua (1), http://novaposhta.ua (2443), http://novoaleksandrivka-nov.edukit.kherson.ua./ (1), http://novogrudok.grodno-region.by/ (2), http://novokairi.pp.ua/ (1), http://novschool13.klasna.com/uk/site/our-school.html (1), http://npbp.by/ (1), http://nrcrm.gov.ua/ (1), http://nspstubienko.edupage.org (1), http://nvimu.com.ua/ (1), http://nvk16.com.ua/ (1), http://nvk39.kiev.ua (1), http://nvo109.dnepredu.com/ (1), http://nz.ua/school/wall?id=15276 (1), http://oberig.ua/ (1), http://obucn.org.ua (1), http://ocemarket.com.ua (1), http://okeyburger.com/ (1), http://okil.org.ua/ (1), http://okko.ua (1), http://olha-church.org.ua/web/ (1), http://omnicdek.com/ (2), http://omnomnom.lviv.ua (1), http://oneprice.com.ua (2), http://ordovka2011.klasna.com/ (1), http://orghim.ua (2), http://orientir.ucoz.ua/ (1), http://orlypark.com.ua (2), http://oschadnybank.com/ (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/ (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3374979 (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3375063 (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3375066 (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3375069 (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3375070 (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3375071 (1), http://oschadnybank.com/ua/branches_atms/branches/?ELEMENT_ID=3379884 (1), http://ozerna-school.at.ua/ (1), http://p2ustrzyki.szkolnastrona.pl/index.php (1), http://p3hrubieszow.szkolnastrona.pl/ (1), http://padiun.net/ (1), http://parallel.ua/ (1), http://pb.ua (6), http://pek.nau.edu.ua/ (1), http://pensiuneadrumulteilor.ro/ (1), http://perchini.ru/ (1), http://perlina.dnepredu.com/ (1), http://perlinamelitopolsk.wixsite.com/perlina (1), http://pershetravnya.klasna.com/ (1), http://perspektiva-house.com (1), http://petrapavla.org.ua/ (1), http://pfrangepan.com.ua (1), http://pharmacy.kiev.ua (1), http://philarmonia.uz.ua/ (1), http://pidgirci.org/ (1), http://pivdeniy.com.ua (1), http://platescups.com.ua/ (1), http://pokrov-kievmon.church.ua/ (1), http://pokrovska.at.ua (1), http://polarisatv.com.ua/ (1), http://polikom-tov.com.ua/ (1), http://pomichna-school2.edukit.kr.ua/ (1), http://popovo.edukit.uz.ua/uk/ (1), http://poputchik.ua (1), http://postirai.ru/ (1), 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contents | 7 | fuel (7), |
contractor | 40 | ATE Bus (5), Autobetrieb Stadel-Neerach (4), Busbetriebe Bamert (6), Eurobus (1), Ryffel (5), Schneider Linienbus (15), Steiger Getränkehandel und Postautobetrieb (1), Voegtlin-Meyer (3), |
contributor | 1 | waypoints.ph - eppgarcia (1), |
contributor:ph | 1 | JVAM (1), |
control | 18 | manual (4), manual_locked (14), |
controlled_by:country | 1 | Russia (1), |
controlled_by:country:code | 1 | RU (1), |
converted_by | 11 | mikes (11), |
conveying | 97 | backward (1), forward (17), no (13), reversible (1), yes (65), |
cooking | 2 | yes (2), |
cooling:method | 11 | mechanical_draft (8), natural_draft (3), |
copy_facility | 1 | yes (1), |
copyright | 5 | OpenAddresses (5), |
couchette | 12 | yes (12), |
council_name | 5 | Chelmsford City Council (1), Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (1), Cornwall Council (1), Leicestershire County Council (1), Oadby and Wigston Borough Council (1), |
council_name:en | 1 | Western Isles Council (1), |
council_name:kw | 1 | Konsel Kernow (1), |
council_style | 1 | city (1), |
counselling | 1 | yes (1), |
counselling_type | 4 | education (4), |
counselling_type:antenatal | 3 | yes (3), |
counselling_type:sexual | 3 | yes (3), |
count | 84 | 1 (2), 2 (81), 3 (1), |
countdown_timer:pedestrians | 1 | yes (1), |
countdown_timer:vehicles | 2 | yes (2), |
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country_code | 2 | gb (2), |
country_code_fips | 10 | AR (1), CA (1), EI (1), HU (1), SF (2), UK (3), UP (1), |
country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2 | 3 | PH (1), UA (1), ZA (1), |
county | 1 | Keweenaw (1), |
couplings | 190 | 0 (2), 1 (37), 2 (144), 3 (6), К-100 (1), |
couplings:diameters | 11 | 75 (3), 75,110 (1), 75,75 (1), 80 (1), B; B (1), B;B (2), C;C;B (1), DN 80 (1), |
couplings:type | 9 | 75,75 (2), B;B (1), Storz (5), US-Standard (1), |
cover | 1 | yes (1), |
covered | 10973 | Underground (1), arcade (38), booth (13), building_arcade (1), building_passage (1), colonnade (25), crossing (3), no (3263), partial (1), roof (2), school (1), tartan (1), yes (7622), Садова вулиця (1), |
cow | 1 | yes (1), |
craft | 4172 | Wind_instrument (1), agricultural_engines (29), appliance (1), atelier (2), automation (2), bakery (28), beekeeper (126), beer (1), blacksmith (43), boatbuilder (8), bookbinder (5), brewery (75), builder (3), butcher (1), car_repair (1), carpenter (50), carpenter;cabinetmaker (1), caterer (22), cheese_dairy (1), chimney_sweeper (11), clockmaker (40), clothier (1), computer (7), computer; mobile_phone (1), computer;mobile_phone (2), computer_repair (2), computers (1), confectionery (59), curtain (1), dairy (1), designer (1), distillery (9), doityourself (1), door_construction (2), dressmaker (93), elecronics_repair (2), electrician (87), electrician;plumber;hvac (1), electronic (3), electronics (14), electronics_repair (412), electronics_repair,computer,phone,photo,video (2), electronix (1), event_agency (1), floorer (2), fridge (1), furniture (1), gardener (18), gasrigger (1), glass (1), glaziery (58), goldsmith (1), grinding_mill (8), haberdashery (1), handicraft (29), handicraft; dressmaker (1), headphones (1), hose_workshop (1), hvac (106), information_electronics (3), instrument_repair (1), insulation (17), insulation;hvac (1), jeweller (36), joiner (6), key_cutter (118), key_cutter; shoemaker (2), keys (1), knife_sharpener (1), leather (3), leather;tailor (1), locksmith (18), metal_construction (67), metal_construction;window_construction (1), metal_plating (1), mobile_phone (7), musical_instrument (2), oil_mill (5), optician (13), painter (7), parquet_layer (7), paver (1), photo_camera (1), photo_studio (3), photographer (158), photographic_laboratory (58), plasterer (2), plumber (45), plumber;hvac (5), pottery (11), print_shop (3), printer (4), printing (1), prosthesis (1), refrigerator (1), repair (5), roofer (28), saddler (2), satellite_tv (1), sawmill (479), sawmill;carpenter (1), scaffolder (37), sculptor (7), sharpener (1), sharpening (1), shoe_repair (7), shoemaker (709), shoemaker;key_cutter (2), shoes (1), signmaker (2), stamp (1), stonemason (54), sun_protection (2), tailor (347), tailor;dressmaker (1), technic_repair (1), tiler (7), tinsmith (9), turner (1), tv_repair (1), upholsterer (37), watch_repair,key_cutter (1), watchmaker (43), welder (1), window_blind (1), window_construction (249), window_construction;door_construction (1), window_construction;doors (1), winery (23), yes (111), |
craft_1 | 3 | caterer (1), doors (1), keymaker (1), |
crane | 2 | portal_crane (2), |
crane:mobile | 239 | no (5), rail (229), work_site (5), |
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crane:type | 534 | floor-mounted_crane (22), gantry_crane (98), portal_crane (350), rail (1), shiploader (8), tower_crane (3), travel_lift (51), Тельфер (1), |
crop | 4071 | Lavender;Лаванда (1), Strawberry,_Cherry, (1), apple (1), apple;cabbage (1), beekeeping_products (2), beet (1), berries (2), berry_plants (3), cereal (158), cereal;barley (1), cereal;wheat (4), chicken (1), coffee (1), corn (116), corn;cereal (3), corn;cereal;forage;vegetable;vegetables (1), corn;grass;field_cropland;vegetable (1), corn;grass;vegetables (1), corn;sugarcane;yes (1), corn;vegetable;lavender;soy (1), cow (1), exotic (1), field (1), field_cropland (469), flowers (1), flowers;rose (2), forage (3), grain (1), grains (1), grape (2726), grape;apple (1), grass (28), grass;cereal;field_cropland;vegetable (1), grass;corn;cereal;field_cropland;vegetable (1), grass;field_cropland;vegetable (1), grass;grape (1), grass;vegetable;vegetables;corn (1), hay (1), honey (1), hop (36), horse (1), lavanda (1), lavender (11), market_gardening (3), milk (2), mixed (2), native_pasture (2), no (5), onion (1), ostrich_farm (1), palm_fruit (1), poppy (2), potato (1), pulm (1), rape (1), rice (224), rice;Rosa_Anschütz_Rigid_(Kobosil_44_Rush_Mix) (4), rice;grass;corn (1), sheep (1), soy (2), strawberry (4), sugarcane (3), sunflower (6), sunflower;maize (1), sunflower_seeds (10), sunflower_seeds;rapeseed;soy (1), szőlő;grape (1), vegetable (22), vegetable;corn_and_vegetable (1), vegetables (11), wheat (90), wheat;barley;rape;maize (23), wheat;corn;soy (1), wheat;подсолнечник (1), yes (35), Велика_рогата_худоба (1), МТФ (1), Пшеница (1), СТФ (1), Ягоди (3), голубика (1), животные (1), клубника (3), марихуана;коноплі;опійний_мак (1), норки,_писці,_фредки,_чорнобурки_та_інші. (1), устрицы,_мидии (1), |
cross | 5 | yes (5), |
crossing | 71835 | bridge (9), controlled (5), footway (4), island;traffic_signals (1), level_crossing (1), marked (20397), marked;uncontrolled (2), no (343), ozznakowane (1), pavement (1), pedestrian_signals (118), pedestrian_signals2 (2), pelican (7), primary (1), puffin;traffic_signals (1), secondary (2), toucan (2), tr (1), traffic_lights (13), traffic_signals (12046), traffic_signals;island (11), traffic_signals;marked (21), traffic_signals;uncontrolled (1), traffic_signalsіss (1), tunnel (2), uncontrolled (20133), uncontrolled;marked (31), uncontrolled;unmarked (1), unknown (21), unmarked (11697), unmarked;marked (2), unmarked;uncontrolled (1), y_junction (4), yes (14), ze (2), zebra (6927), zebra;marked (4), zebra;traffic_signals (1), zebra;uncontrolled (1), мостовый_переход (1), переход_со_светофором (1), пешеходный_переход_зебра (1), |
crossing:activation | 27 | automatic (14), local (10), remote (3), |
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crossing:bell | 1241 | no (371), yes (870), |
crossing:bicycle | 2 | no (1), yes (1), |
crossing:bollard | 1 | no (1), |
crossing:buffer_marking | 4 | both (1), left (3), |
crossing:chicane | 12 | no (7), yes (5), |
crossing:foot | 2 | no (1), yes (1), |
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crossing:kerb_extension | 7 | both (7), |
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crossing:on_demand | 6 | no (6), |
crossing:saltire | 71 | no (8), yes (63), |
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crossing:supervision | 243 | automatic (3), no (124), yes (116), |
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cruising:conditional | 23 | no @ (22:00-05:00) (23), |
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csp:unitcode | 2 | 214 (1), 534 (1), |
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asian;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;grill;heuriger;pancake;russian (1), asian;international;korean (1), asian;italian;italian_pizza;pizza;sushi (1), asian;japanese (1), asian;korean (1), asian;local (2), asian;mexican (1), asian;noodle (1), asian;pancake;chicken;burger;grill;breakfast;italian;spanish;chinese;korean;coffee_shop;malagasy;pasta;pizza;donut;sausage;sushi;hot_dog (1), asian;seafood (1), asian;steak_house;sushi;ukrainian (1), asian;sushi (12), asian;sushi;japanese (1), asian;sushi;ramen;japanese (1), asian;sushi;thai (1), asian;thai (1), asian;thai;friture;burger;coffee_shop;seafood (1), asian;thai;japanese (1), asian;thai;vietnamese;japanese (1), asian;turkish;sashlik;international;regional (1), austrian;diner;fine_dining;hotdog;kebab;lebanese (1), azerbaijan (3), azerbaijan;ukrainian (1), azerbaijani (1), bagel (1), bagel;cake;donut;pasta;pizza;sandwich;bakey (1), bagel;coffee_shop (2), bagel;coffee_shop;deli (1), bagel;coffee_shop;ice_cream;local;sandwich;breakfast (1), bagel;coffee_shop;sandwich (1), bagel;ice_cream;tea;cake;coffee_shop;dessert;sandwiches (1), bagel;pancake (1), bagel;pancake;ice_cream;breakfast (1), bagel;regional;grill;ice_cream;pizza;local (1), bakery (3), bakery;coffee_shop (2), balkan (4), balkan;barbecue;coffee_shop;ethiopian;italian_pizza;japanese (1), bar&grill (3), bar&grill;grill (1), barbecue (25), barbecue;beef_bowl;breakfast;burger;chicken;coffee_shop;diner;fish_and_chips;hot_dog;kebab;pizza;russian;tea (1), barbecue;beef_bowl;breakfast;buschenschank;chicken;coffee_shop;friture (1), barbecue;beef_bowl;cake;chicken;coffee_shop (1), barbecue;breakfast;burger;chicken;coffee_shop;diner;fine_dining (1), barbecue;breakfast;cake;chicken;coffee_shop;deli;burger;sandwich (1), barbecue;breakfast;german;grill;seafood (1), barbecue;burger;international;pasta;pizza (1), barbecue;chicken;burger;grill;georgian;breakfast;kebab;cake;coffee_shop;local;savory_pancakes;pizza;steak_house (1), barbecue;chicken;burger;pancake;kebab;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop;grill;ice_cream (1), barbecue;chicken;coffee_shop;friture;georgian;grill;kebab (1), barbecue;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;local;pizza;russian;seafood (1), barbecue;coffee_shop;friture;grill;ice_cream;local (1), barbecue;coffee_shop;grill (1), barbecue;coffee_shop;grill;ice_cream;international;local;pancake (1), barbecue;fish;international;italian;pasta;pizza;sushi (2), barbecue;grill (3), barbecue;grill;breakfast;coffee_shop;savory_pancakes;regional;fish_and_chips (1), barbecue;grill;italian (1), barbecue;grill;kebab (1), barbecue;grill;local;regional (1), barbecue;italian;italian_pizza;cake;pasta;pizza (1), barbecue;kebab;asian (1), barbecue;meat;шашлик;тандир;fast-food;cue_sports;більярд;billiard;pool (1), barbecue;pancake;chicken;georgian;breakfast;coffee_shop;local;pasta (1), barbecue;pizza;sushi (1), barbecue;regional (1), barbecue;regional;kebab (2), barbecue;regional;steak_house;beef_bowl;international;grill;local (1), barbecue;steak_house;chicken (1), barbecue;steak_house;steak (1), barbecue;tea;chicken;friture;burger;international;coffee_shop;local (1), barbeque (1), bavarian (1), bavarian;barbecue;chicken;grill;kebab;coffee_shop;pizza (1), bavarian;friture;sausage (1), bavarian;german;grill (1), bbq (1), bbq;dessert;salads (1), beef_bowl;breakfast;chicken;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;friture;grill (1), beef_bowl;breakfast;chicken;coffee_shop;local;mediterranean;oriental (1), beef_bowl;breakfast;coffee_shop;georgian;grill;kebab;local (1), beef_bowl;chinese;coffee_shop;japanese;soba;sushi (1), beef_bowl;chinese;coffee_shop;soba;sushi (2), beef_bowl;coffee_shop;curry;fish_and_chips;georgian (1), beef_bowl;coffee_shop;local;regional;tea (1), beef_bowl;fine_dining;grill;ice_cream;sushi;coffee_shop;asian (1), beer (2), bistro (2), breakfast (6), breakfast;barbecue;local;coffee_shop (1), breakfast;burger;bagel;coffee_shop;local;pizza (1), breakfast;burger;cake;chicken;coffee_shop;crepe (1), breakfast;burger;cake;coffee_shop;hotdog;ice_cream (1), breakfast;burger;crepe;fish_and_chips;pasta;pizza;seafood (1), breakfast;buschenschank;chicken;deli;fish;fish_and_chips;grill (1), breakfast;buschenschank;grill;local;pizza (1), breakfast;cake;coffee_shop (3), breakfast;cake;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), breakfast;cake;coffee_shop;pancake;sandwich (2), breakfast;cake;coffee_shop;tea (1), breakfast;cake;seafood;coffee_shop;pasta;russian;buschenschank;pizza;fish_and_chips (1), breakfast;chicken (1), breakfast;chicken;coffee_shop;crepe;donut;fish_and_chips (1), breakfast;chicken;diner;regional;tea (1), breakfast;chicken;international;local;seafood;thai (1), breakfast;coffee_shop (4), breakfast;coffee_shop;diner (2), breakfast;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;local;oriental;pasta;seafood (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;grill;ice_cream;local;pizza (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;hotdog;ice_cream;sandwich (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;ice_cream;friture (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;international;japanese;sushi;tea (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;italian;italian_pizza;pasta;pizza (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;local (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;local;beef_bowl;russian;pancake;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;local;russian;sushi;tea (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;sandwich (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;sandwich;tea (1), breakfast;crepe;savory_pancakes;local;coffee_shop;steak_house;russian;buschenschank;pancake;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), breakfast;french (1), breakfast;grill;chicken;barbecue;friture;coffee_shop (1), breakfast;grill;local;oriental (1), breakfast;grill;seafood;coffee_shop;friture;local;pasta;russian;fish_and_chips (1), breakfast;grill;tea;coffee_shop;friture;american;fish_and_chips;chicken;barbecue (1), breakfast;heuriger (1), breakfast;ice_cream;cake;local;coffee_shop;pizza;chicken (1), breakfast;ice_cream;coffee_shop;local;seafood;fine_dining;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;steak_house;sushi;sandwich;crepe;hot_dog;japanese (1), breakfast;international (2), breakfast;italian;italian_pizza;coffee_shop (1), breakfast;local;grill (1), breakfast;pancake (1), breakfast;pizza;local;international;pancake;cake;coffee_shop;ukrainian (1), breakfast;regional (1), breakfast;russian;international;tea;coffee_shop (1), breakfast;steak_house (1), breakfast;tea (1), breakfast;tea;georgian;coffee_shop;local;pasta;chicken (1), bubble_tea (1), bulgarian (3), burger (284), burger;american (3), burger;american;breakfast;international;coffee_shop (1), burger;american;fries (1), burger;american;grill;bavarian;german (1), burger;american;pizza (1), burger;american;regional;international;chicken;friture (1), burger;american;steak_house (1), burger;asian;steak_house (1), burger;bagel;cake;sandwich (1), burger;bagel;coffee_shop;cake;sandwich (1), burger;barbecue;grill (1), burger;breakfast;coffee_shop;pasta (1), burger;breakfast;grill;coffee_shop;beef_bowl;noodles;bagel;russian;pancake;kebab (1), burger;breakfast;hot_dog;grill;ice_cream;shawarma (1), burger;breakfast;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), burger;chicken (2), burger;chicken;barbecue;oriental;coffee_shop;pizza (1), burger;chicken;coffee_shop;pizza (1), burger;chicken;hot_dog;japanese;pizza;sandwich;seafood (1), burger;chicken;hotdog;pizza;sandwich;sushi (1), burger;chicken;pizza;fish_and_chips;beer;coffee;lanch (1), burger;chicken;sandwich (2), burger;chinese (1), burger;coffee_shop (5), burger;coffee_shop;american (1), burger;coffee_shop;friture;grill (1), burger;coffee_shop;hot_dog (1), burger;coffee_shop;hotdog;italian_pizza;pizza;sandwich;tea (1), burger;coffee_shop;hotdog;pancake;tea (1), burger;coffee_shop;ice_cream;international;pasta;pizza;polish (1), burger;coffee_shop;international (1), burger;coffee_shop;international;japanese;pizza;seafood (1), burger;coffee_shop;italian;italian_pizza;local;pasta;pizza (1), burger;coffee_shop;pizza (2), burger;coffee_shop;regional (1), burger;coffee_shop;regional;pizza;donut;hot_dog (1), burger;coffee_shop;sandwich (5), burger;coffee_shop;sandwich;chicken (1), burger;coffee_shop;sandwich;hot_dog (1), burger;coffee_shop;sandwich;kebab (2), burger;coffee_shop;sandwich;regional;ice_cream (1), burger;coffee_shop;sandwich;sushi;ice_cream;шаурма (1), burger;european;pasta;dessert;grill;bar&grill;salads;ice_cream;chicken;cake;coffee;cafe (1), burger;fast_food;hot_dog;coffee (1), burger;fish;sandwich;sushi;cake;pasta;russian;pancake;diner;chicken (1), burger;fish_and_chips (1), burger;fish_and_chips;local;seafood;steak_house (1), burger;french (1), burger;friture (2), burger;friture;italian;japanese;pizza;sushi (1), burger;greek (1), burger;grill (1), burger;grill;bavarian;irish;friture;coffee_shop;steak_house;american;german (1), burger;grill;chicken;coffee_shop (1), burger;grill;chicken;seafood;barbecue;friture (1), burger;grill;coffee_shop (1), burger;grill;coffee_shop;friture;steak_house;american;chicken;barbecue (1), burger;grill;crepe;coffee_shop;beef_bowl;pancake;chicken;curry;sushi;tea;friture;deli;barbecue;sandwich;ice_cream;cake;bagel;russian;donut;buschenschank;pizza;fish_and_chips;breakfast;sausage;local (1), burger;grill;local;american;russian;pizza;chicken (1), burger;grill;mexican (1), burger;hot_dog (4), burger;hot_dog;coffee_shop (1), burger;hot_dog;diner;kebab;coffee_shop (2), burger;hot_dog;fast_food (1), burger;hot_dog;friture;sandwich (1), burger;hotdog;breakfast;ice_cream;tea;coffee_shop;bagel;donut;buschenschank;pizza;deli (1), burger;hotdog;oriental;sandwich (1), burger;hotdog;regional;russian (1), burger;hotdog;tea;local;coffee_shop (1), burger;ice_cream;coffee_shop (7), burger;ice_cream;grill;cake;coffee_shop;russian;pizza;fish_and_chips;chicken;italian_pizza;breakfast;savory_pancakes;local (1), burger;international;breakfast;grill;coffee_shop;friture;steak_house;pasta;fish_and_chips;chicken;barbecue (1), burger;international;grill;coffee_shop;steak_house;beef_bowl;pasta;russian;buschenschank;pizza;fish_and_chips;italian_pizza;oriental;breakfast;sushi;tea;seafood;local;japanese;fine_dining;italian (1), burger;international;ice_cream;friture;japanese;italian;chicken;italian_pizza;pizza (1), burger;international;pancake;coffee_shop (1), burger;italian;coffee_shop (1), burger;italian;hotdog;french;georgian (1), burger;italian;mediterranean (1), burger;italian;panini (1), burger;italian;sandwich;japanese;french;steak_house (1), burger;japanese;regional (1), burger;kebab (2), burger;kebab;asian (1), burger;kebab;hot_dog (1), burger;kebab;tacos (1), burger;local;chicken (1), burger;local;pizza (1), burger;oriental;sandwich;regional;grill (1), burger;pancake;coffee_shop;pizza (1), burger;panini (1), burger;pasta (1), burger;pasta;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), burger;pasta;breakfast;sushi;pizza (1), burger;pasta;local;coffee_shop;breakfast;pizza (1), burger;pasta;rice;salads (1), burger;pizza (5), burger;pizza;asian (1), burger;pizza;coffee_shop;chicken;sandwich;ice_cream;barbecue (1), burger;pizza;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), burger;pizza;coffee_shop;sandwich;american;regional (1), burger;pizza;fish_and_chips (1), burger;pizza;italian;sushi;barbecue (1), burger;pizza;pasta;italian;steak_house (1), burger;pizza;regional (4), burger;pizza;regional;steak_house;seafood;fish_and_chips (1), burger;pizza;sushi (2), burger;potato;dessert;coffee (1), burger;regional (2), burger;regional;breakfast;coffee_shop;local (1), burger;regional;breakfast;russian;fish_and_chips (1), burger;regional;breakfast;seafood;local;coffee_shop;american;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), burger;regional;coffee_shop;kebab (1), burger;regional;fish (1), burger;regional;international;italian;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), burger;regional;international;sushi;ice_cream;grill;local;coffee_shop;pancake;pizza (1), burger;regional;pizza;coffee_shop (1), burger;regional;steak_house (1), burger;regional;steak_house;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), burger;sandwich (3), burger;sandwich;breakfast;grill;tea;coffee_shop;friture;pasta;pizza;chicken (1), burger;sandwich;coffee_shop;kebab (1), burger;sandwich;grill;cake;coffee_shop;steak_house;beef_bowl;pasta;greek;fish_and_chips;chicken;oriental;french;sushi;tea;mediterranean;friture;japanese;fine_dining;deli;barbecue (1), burger;sandwich;grill;sausage;local;coffee_shop (1), burger;sandwich;hot_dog (1), burger;sandwich;hot_dog;ice_cream;tea;cake;coffee_shop;bagel;donut (1), burger;sandwich;hotdog;pizza;kebab (1), burger;sandwich;ice_cream;tea;coffee_shop (1), burger;sandwich;international;chicken;fish_and_chips (1), burger;sandwich;international;ice_cream;coffee_shop;bagel;pancake;chicken;italian_pizza;breakfast;savory_pancakes;seafood;local;friture;american;italian (1), burger;sandwich;international;sushi;coffee_shop;asian;japanese;pasta (1), burger;sandwich;kebab (2), burger;sandwich;kebab;coffee_shop (1), burger;sandwich;pasta;pancake;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), burger;sandwich;sushi;coffee_shop;pasta;pizza (1), burger;sausage (1), burger;steak_house (1), burger;steak_house;international;grill;fish_and_chips;local (1), burger;sushi (1), burger;sushi;chicken (3), burger;sushi;grill;coffee_shop;friture;japanese;pasta;pizza;chicken (1), burger;sushi;mexican (1), burger;sushi;pizza;coffee_shop (1), burger;tea;breakfast (1), burger;wings;chicken;sushi (1), burger;закуски;regional (1), buschenschank (5), buschenschank;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), buschenschank;local;coffee_shop;tea;ice_cream;breakfast (1), buschenschank;russian (1), cafe (4), cake (25), cake;bagel;coffee_shop (1), cake;bagel;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), cake;burger;grill;noodles;pasta;coffee_shop;chicken;sandwich;russian;regional;hotdog;local;barbecue;bagel (1), cake;burger;grill;sushi;italian_pizza;american;pizza;japanese;barbecue;chinese;asian (1), cake;chicken;coffee_shop;diner;fish_and_chips;georgian;pizza (1), cake;coffee_shop (39), cake;coffee_shop;deli (1), cake;coffee_shop;deli;fine_dining;fish;grill;ice_cream (1), cake;coffee_shop;donut (1), cake;coffee_shop;donut;hotdog;sandwich (1), cake;coffee_shop;hotdog (1), cake;coffee_shop;hotdog;tea;sandwich (1), cake;coffee_shop;ice_cream (11), cake;coffee_shop;ice_cream;sandwich (1), cake;coffee_shop;ice_cream;tea (2), cake;coffee_shop;italian_pizza;sushi (1), cake;coffee_shop;local (1), cake;coffee_shop;sandwich (7), cake;coffee_shop;sandwich;tea (1), cake;coffee_shop;tea (2), cake;coffee_shop;tea;pizza (1), cake;coffee_shop;tea;vegan (1), cake;coffee_shop;vegan (1), cake;donut;coffee_shop (1), cake;friture;italian_pizza;kebab;sushi (1), cake;ice_cream (2), cake;ice_cream;breakfast;burger;bagel;pancake;local;donut;sandwich;hot_dog;tea (1), cake;ice_cream;coffee_shop (4), cake;international;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), cake;local;coffee_shop (1), cake;local;coffee_shop;breakfast;regional;polish (1), cake;local;sandwich;tea (1), cake;pizza (1), cake;russian (1), cake;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), cake;tea;coffee_shop (3), cake;tea;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), canadian (1), canadian;snackbar (1), caribbean (2), caucasian (9), caucasian;meat;salad;dessert;bread;local;regional;ukrainian;steak_house (1), caucaz (1), cheburek (3), cheburek;meat_pastry (1), chebureks (1), chiburekki (1), chicken (76), chicken;barbecue;friture (1), chicken;burger;asian;oriental;american;curry;italian_pizza;pancake;italian;vietnamese;coffee_shop;ice_cream;local;pizza;international;bagel;indian;grill;georgian (1), chicken;burger;kebab;sandwich;coffee_shop;grill (1), chicken;buschenschank;regional;breakfast;local;tea;coffee_shop;ukrainian;bistro (1), chicken;caribbean;regional;local (1), chicken;curry;ice_cream;chinese;cake;coffee_shop;seafood;ramen;beef_bowl;soba;fish_and_chips;russian;sushi;tea;japanese (1), chicken;friture (1), chicken;friture;barbecue;grill;italian_pizza;coffee_shop;noodles (1), chicken;friture;grill;mediterranean;pizza (1), chicken;friture;kebab (1), chicken;grill (1), chicken;hot_dog;shawarma (1), chicken;kebab (1), chicken;local;coffee_shop;friture (1), chicken;oriental;breakfast;persian;ice_cream;kebab;coffee_shop;local;russian;fish;sausage;steak_house;sandwich;turkish;tea (1), chicken;pancake (1), chicken;pancake;local;coffee_shop (1), chicken;pizza;friture;burger;russian;regional;pasta;fish_and_chips;breakfast;coffee_shop;local (1), chicken;pizza;regional (1), chicken;portuguese (1), chicken;regional;coffee_shop;grill (1), chicken;regional;fish_and_chips;pancake;buschenschank;coffee_shop;local (1), chicken;russian;coffee_shop (1), chicken;russian;oriental;grill;local (1), chicken;shawarm (1), chicken;steak_house;burger;grill;friture;seafood;american;breakfast (1), chicken;tea;friture;coffee_shop (1), chinese (45), chinese;asian (2), chinese;burger;noodles;sushi;pizza;coffee_shop (1), chinese;chicken;friture;asian (1), chinese;coffee_shop;ice_cream;pasta;pizza;sushi (1), chinese;japanese (1), chinese;japanese;pizza;sushi (1), chinese;japanese;soba;pizza;sushi;udon (1), chinese;japanese;sushi;thai (1), chinese;korean;international;italian (1), chinese;noodles;pasta;oriental;beef_bowl;sushi;italian;thai;soba (1), chinese;pizza;sushi (1), chinese;sushi;japanese;asian (1), chocolate (3), chocolate;coffee;tea;cake (1), chocolate;coffee_shop (1), cocktails (1), coffee (27), coffee&sweet_shop (1), coffee;burger;fries (1), coffee;chocolate (2), coffee;chocolate;ice_cream (1), coffee;dessert;coffee_shop;snacks;pastry;bakery;tea;drinks (1), coffee;hot_dog (1), coffee;regional (1), coffee;tea (5), coffee;tea;sandwich (1), coffee;tea;sandwiches (1), coffee_chocolate_shop (1), coffee_shop (1092), coffee_shop,_coffee (1), coffee_shop;bagel (1), coffee_shop;bakery (2), coffee_shop;balkan (1), coffee_shop;breakfast (3), coffee_shop;breakfast;grill (1), coffee_shop;breakfast;local (1), coffee_shop;burger (3), coffee_shop;burger;coctail (1), coffee_shop;burger;regional (1), coffee_shop;burger;sandwich;dessert (1), coffee_shop;burger;sushi;pizza;regional (1), coffee_shop;buschenschank;breakfast;pizza (1), coffee_shop;cafe;chocolate;coffee (1), coffee_shop;cafe;coffee (1), coffee_shop;cake (9), coffee_shop;cake;beer;soup;friture;local;regional (1), coffee_shop;cake;breakfast (1), coffee_shop;cake;dessert (1), coffee_shop;cake;ice_cream (27), coffee_shop;cake;ice_cream;regional (1), coffee_shop;chocolate (1), coffee_shop;coffee (3), coffee_shop;coffee;cafe (1), coffee_shop;coffee;chocolate (3), coffee_shop;coffee;coffee_to_go;кофе_с_собой;кофейня (1), coffee_shop;coffee;cookies;tea;dessert (1), coffee_shop;coffee;dessert (1), coffee_shop;coffee;dessert;bakery;cake (1), coffee_shop;coffee;tea;dessert;sandwich (1), coffee_shop;coffee_to_go (1), coffee_shop;deli;cake;bagel (1), coffee_shop;dessert (14), coffee_shop;dessert;breakfast (1), coffee_shop;dessert;french;cake (1), coffee_shop;donut (2), coffee_shop;donut;bakery (1), coffee_shop;donut;hot_dog (1), coffee_shop;donut;local;pizza;tea (1), coffee_shop;donut;tea (1), coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;breakfast;pasta (1), coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;grill;local;tea (1), coffee_shop;german;pizza;pasta;mediterranean;steak_house;sushi;japanese;asian;bavarian (1), coffee_shop;grill (1), coffee_shop;grill;burger;american (1), coffee_shop;grill;international;kebab;local;regional (1), coffee_shop;hot_dog (5), coffee_shop;hot_dog;dessert (1), coffee_shop;hot_dog;tea (1), coffee_shop;hot_dogs (1), coffee_shop;hotdog (1), coffee_shop;hotdog;sandwich (1), coffee_shop;ice_cream (13), coffee_shop;ice_cream;dessert;regional;chocolate (1), coffee_shop;ice_cream;pancake;bagel (1), coffee_shop;ice_cream;pizza (1), coffee_shop;ice_cream;regional (1), coffee_shop;ice_cream;sandwich (2), coffee_shop;ice_cream;tea (1), coffee_shop;international (2), coffee_shop;italian;dessert (1), coffee_shop;italian;pizza;pancake (1), coffee_shop;italian_pizza (2), coffee_shop;japanese;pizza;thai (1), coffee_shop;japanese;sushi (1), coffee_shop;juice (1), coffee_shop;juice;chicken;salad;dessert;chocolate (1), coffee_shop;kebab;hot_dog (1), coffee_shop;kebab;local;oriental;regional;russian (1), coffee_shop;local (4), coffee_shop;local;regional (1), coffee_shop;local;sausage (1), coffee_shop;local;seafood;pasta;pizza;sushi;breakfast;grill (1), coffee_shop;local;sushi (1), coffee_shop;meat_bar (1), coffee_shop;noodles;ice_cream;bagel (1), coffee_shop;oriental (1), coffee_shop;pancake;ice_cream;sandwich;breakfast (1), coffee_shop;pankcake;cake;chocolate;dessert;breakfast;bakery;international;burger;italian (1), coffee_shop;pasta;pizza;fish_and_chips;beef_bowl;sandwich;french;tea;savory_pancakes;italian_pizza;italian;breakfast;chicken;friture (1), coffee_shop;pizza (6), coffee_shop;pizza;fish_and_chips (1), coffee_shop;pizza;sushi (1), coffee_shop;regional (9), coffee_shop;regional;dessert (1), coffee_shop;sandwich (16), coffee_shop;sandwich;breakfast (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;coctail;milkshake;ice_cream (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;ice_cream (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;ice_cream;juice (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;regional (3), coffee_shop;sandwich;salad (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;tea (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;waffle;croissant (1), coffee_shop;seafood;russian;steak_house;barbecue;chicken;grill;deli (1), coffee_shop;sushi (2), coffee_shop;sushi;pizza (2), coffee_shop;sushi;ukrainian (1), coffee_shop;tea (5), coffee_shop;tea;arab;balkan;georgian;turkish (1), coffee_shop;tea;dessert (1), coffee_shop;tea;ice_cream (1), coffee_shop;teahouse (1), coffee_shop;ukrainian;cake (1), coffee_shop;восточные_сладости;рахат_лукум;орехи;сухофрукты (1), confectionery;pastry-shop;sweet-shop (1), crepe (5), crepe;cake;breakfast;ice_cream (1), crepe;fish;local;regional (1), crepe;pancake (1), crepe;russian (4), crepe;sausage (1), crimean (1), crimean;turkish (1), crimean_tatar (1), curry;indian (1), czech (3), czech;german (1), deli (3), deli;fine_dining (1), deli;seafood;friture;ramen;sandwich;coffee_shop;grill;ice_cream;local (1), dessert (5), dessert;coffee_shop (1), diner (1), diner;burger;pizza;chicken;japanese;steak_house (1), diner;coffee_shop;local;regional (1), diner;regional (1), doner (9), donut (11), donut;breakfast;local;coffee_shop (1), donut;burger;hot_dog;coffee_shop;pancake (1), donut;coffee (1), donut;coffee_shop (1), donut;shawarma (2), dutch (1), east (1), eastern (2), eastern;_asiane;_uropean;_japanese (1), empanada;russian (1), ethiopian (1), european (27), european,_italian (2), european,_ukrainian (1), european,_ukrainian,_japanese (1), european,pizza, винная коллекция (1), european,ukrainian (1), european;barbecue (2), european;breakfast (1), european;italian (1), european;italian;pasta;pizza (1), european;japanese (3), european;local (1), european;regional (1), european;ukrainian (1), european;ukrainian;burger (1), european;ukrainian;italian;georgian;pizza (1), european;wine;french (1), european;итальянская;десерты (1), european;рыбный_ресторан (1), fast food soviet (1), fast_food (10), fast_food;coffee (1), fine_dining (5), fine_dining;chicken (1), fine_dining;coffee_shop;breakfast;local (1), fish (11), fish;chinese;ramen;sushi;asian (1), fish;coffee_shop (1), fish;fish_and_chips;seafood (1), fish;local;regional;seafood (1), fish;mediterranean;seafood (1), fish;regional (1), fish;regional;ice_cream;grill;coffee_shop;friture;pasta;fish_and_chips;chicken;italian_pizza;barbecue (1), fish;russian;international;pizza;seafood;local (1), fish;seafood (4), fish_and_chips (9), fish_and_chips;russian (2), fish_and_chips;sandwich;international;regional;coffee_shop (1), folk (1), fondue (1), french (21), french;coffee_shop (1), french;georgian;greek;italian;spanish (1), french;italian (1), french;japan (1), french;local;tea;coffee_shop;friture (1), french;sandwich;pasta;coffee_shop;cake;breakfast;pizza (1), french;talian;american;seafood (1), fried_food (1), friture;burger;steak_house;international;grill (1), friture;chicken;curry;grill;breakfast;italian;ice_cream;cake;coffee_shop;local;seafood;pasta;fish_and_chips;steak_house;sushi;french;tea (1), friture;chicken;grill;international;local;seafood;german (1), friture;chicken;grill;italian;pasta;russian;fish;steak_house;international;fusion;coffee (1), friture;japanese;asian;sushi (1), friture;local (1), friture;regional;oriental;buschenschank (1), frozen_yogurt (1), fusion (1), georgean (2), georgian (190), georgian;breakfast;kebab;regional;local (1), georgian;chicken;local;pizza;fish_and_chips (1), georgian;greek;russian (1), georgian;grill;burger;noodles;deli;coffee_shop;pancake;ice_cream;seafood;international;local;pizza;russian;regional;chicken;hot_dog (1), georgian;italian (1), georgian;italian;international;local;regional (1), georgian;italian;pizza (1), georgian;local (1), georgian;regional (2), georgian;russian (1), georgian;russian;barbecue (1), georgian;steak;grill;soup;hotpot (1), georgian;ukrainian (1), german (9), german; ukrainian (1), german;american;italian_pizza;italian (1), german;burger (1), german;french (1), german;international (1), german;international;italian;deli (1), german;sausage (1), greek (11), greek;local (1), greek;moroccan;mediterranean (1), grill (14), grill;american;friture;chicken;burger;oriental;italian;italian_pizza;coffee_shop;pasta;seafood;pizza;fine_dining;sushi;japanese (1), grill;buschenschank;coffee_shop;local;russian;tea (1), grill;cake;heuriger;buschenschank;pancake;chicken;curry;bagel;breakfast;coffee_shop;pasta;pizza;donut;regional;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;fish;sausage;mediterranean;steak_house;sushi;sandwich;crepe (1), grill;coffee_shop;regional;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;steak_house (1), grill;coffee_shop;seafood;savory_pancakes;pasta;pizza;russian;breakfast (1), grill;fish;seafood (1), grill;georgian (1), grill;georgian;deli;sushi;pizza;burger (1), grill;international;fish;russian (1), grill;international;japanese;sushi (1), grill;international;local (1), grill;italian_pizza;japanese (1), grill;italian_pizza;pasta;regional;seafood (1), grill;local (3), grill;local;regional;beef_bowl;chicken (1), grill;local;regional;seafood (1), grill;mediterranean;steak_house (1), grill;pizza (2), grill;polish;burger (1), grill;seafood (1), grill;sushi;local;seafood;regional;russian (1), grill;tea;coffee_shop;friture;donut;fish_and_chips;barbecue (1), grill;tea;kebab;barbecue;local;coffee_shop (1), gyros (1), heuriger (5), heuriger;burger;sandwich (1), heuriger;coffee_shop (1), heuriger;ice_cream;grill;local;coffee_shop;friture;balkan;pizza;barbecue (1), heuriger;local;regional;russian;tapas (1), heuriger;sandwich;burger (1), hot_dog (27), hot_dog;burger (7), hot_dog;coffee_shop (3), hot_dog;coffee_shop;cake (1), hot_dog;kebab (2), hot_dog;popcorn;dessert (1), hot_dog;sandwich;donut;coffee_shop (1), hotdog;coffee_shop (1), hotdog;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), hotdog;pizza (1), hotdog;russian;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), hotdog;tea;coffee_shop;bagel;regional (1), hungarian (2), hungarian;pizza (1), hungarian;ukrainian (1), ice_cream (34), ice_cream,_cofee (1), ice_cream;bubble_tea (1), ice_cream;burger (1), ice_cream;coffee_shop (4), ice_cream;coffee_shop;sandwich (1), ice_cream;coffee_shop;sandwich;hotdog;tea (1), ice_cream;coffee_shop;tea (1), ice_cream;grill;coffee_shop;friture;steak_house;fish_and_chips;chicken;barbecue (1), ice_cream;grill;georgian;coffee_shop;pasta;greek;russian;donut;pancake;chicken;oriental;breakfast;tea;seafood;local;friture;italian;kebab (1), ice_cream;pizza (1), indian (20), indian;savory_pancakes;oriental;deli;cake;international;local;pizza;regional;fine_dining;russian (1), indian;vegeterian (1), international (149), international;breakfast (2), international;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), international;chicken;coffee_shop;russian;friture;regional;sushi (1), international;coffee_shop (2), international;coffee_shop;local (2), international;ice_cream (1), international;italian (3), international;italian;italian_pizza;pasta;sushi;japanese;coffee_shop;pizza;beef_bowl;sandwich (1), international;italian;pizza (1), international;italian;russian (1), international;italian;seafood;japanese (1), international;local (1), international;local;coffee_shop (1), international;local;noodles;regional;ice_cream;italian_pizza;pizza (1), international;local;pasta;regional (1), international;local;russian;coffee_shop;grill;regional (1), international;pizza (1), international;pizza;sushi (1), international;regional (1), international;regional;pizza;sandwich (1), international;regional;tapas (1), international;seafood;pizza;regional;sushi (1), international;spanish (1), international;sushi (1), international;sushi;grill;tea;coffee_shop;friture;pancake;deli;chicken;barbecue (1), irish (3), italian (204), italian;american;coffee_shop;pancake;ice_cream;international;local;pizza;chicken (1), italian;american;russian (1), italian;asian;coffee_shop;chicken;seafood;pizza;fish;steak_house;sushi;pasta;diner;tea (1), italian;breakfast;burger;pancake;sushi;tea (1), italian;chinese (1), italian;chinese;asian;ramen;udon;sushi (1), italian;chinese;pizza;sushi (1), italian;coffee_shop;pizza;ice_cream;international (1), italian;coffee_shop;pizza;international (1), italian;fish_and_chips (1), italian;french (2), italian;french;seafood;ice_cream;steak_house;international (1), italian;fusion (1), italian;georgian;coffee_shop (1), italian;georgian;russian (1), italian;german;regional;japanese;french (1), italian;grill;chicken;italian_pizza;barbecue (1), italian;hungarian;pastry;chocolate (1), italian;international (2), italian;international;grill;local (1), italian;italian_pizza (4), italian;italian_pizza;cake;chicken;grill;breakfast;coffee_shop;international;pasta;pizza;russian;sushi;japanese (1), italian;italian_pizza;coffee_shop;pasta;pizza;sandwich;burger (1), italian;italian_pizza;pasta;local;seafood;breakfast (1), italian;italian_pizza;pizza (1), italian;japan (1), italian;japanese (9), italian;japanese;european;russian (1), italian;japanese;international;ice_cream;friture;pizza (1), italian;japanese;pizza (2), italian;local (1), italian;local;coffee_shop (1), italian;local;pizza (1), italian;local;pizza;asian (1), italian;local;pizza;regional (1), italian;mexican (1), italian;pizza (9), italian;pizza;burger (1), italian;pizza;burger;regional;kebab;japanese;sandwich;sushi (1), italian;pizza;french (1), italian;pizza;grill (1), italian;pizza;italian_pizza (1), italian;pizza;pasta (1), italian;pizza;pasta;salad;steak;dessert (1), italian;pizza;regional (1), italian;pizza;regional;coffee_shop;chicken (1), italian;pizza;seafood;asian (1), italian;pizza;seafood;sushi (1), italian;regional (1), italian;regional;kebab (1), italian;regional;mexican (1), italian;regional;pizza;international (1), italian;regional;russian (1), italian;russian (3), italian;sushi;cake;italian_pizza;coffee_shop (1), italian;sushi;grill;italian_pizza (1), italian;thai;latin_american (1), italian_pizza (29), italian_pizza;american;international;coffee_shop;local (1), italian_pizza;bagel;grill (1), italian_pizza;breakfast (1), italian_pizza;burger;cake;coffee_shop (1), italian_pizza;coffee_shop;pancake;ice_cream;local;russian;friture (1), italian_pizza;grill;coffee_shop;cake;pancake;ice_cream;russian (1), italian_pizza;grill;italian (1), italian_pizza;ice_cream;coffee_shop;international;seafood;pasta;pizza;fine_dining;russian;fish_and_chips;sushi;japanese (1), italian_pizza;international;local (1), italian_pizza;italian (13), italian_pizza;italian;sushi (1), italian_pizza;japanese;pizza (1), italian_pizza;japanese;russian;deli (1), italian_pizza;japanese;tea;sushi;regional;pizza;pasta;coffee_shop (1), italian_pizza;mediterranean;chicken;steak_house;pasta;sushi;american;grill;georgian (1), italian_pizza;pizza (6), italian_pizza;seafood;chicken;fish_and_chips;american;italian;sandwich;coffee_shop;friture;burger;pasta;breakfast;grill (1), italian_pizza;seafood;chicken;russian;beef_bowl;fish_and_chips;coffee_shop;barbecue;tea;friture;burger;steak_house;kebab;breakfast;international;grill (1), italian_pizza;seafood;chicken;russian;beef_bowl;fish_and_chips;sausage;sandwich;thai;heuriger;curry;coffee_shop;ice_cream;local;mediterranean;pizza;burger;steak_house;cake;pasta;donut;grill (1), italian_pizza;seafood;chicken;russian;regional;noodles;asian;beef_bowl;pancake;fish_and_chips;italian;coffee_shop;ice_cream;local;pizza;friture;pasta;sushi;kebab;international;grill;georgian (1), italian_pizza;sushi (1), italian_pizza;sushi;burger (1), japanese (111), japanese, test 2 (1), japanese,_vietnamese,_thai,_indian,_european (1), japanese;american (1), japanese;american;european (1), japanese;asian (3), japanese;asian;chinese;thai;chicken;sushi;seafood (1), japanese;asian;sushi (2), japanese;beef_bowl;chinese;oriental;noodles;sushi;asian (1), japanese;burger (1), japanese;burger;american (1), japanese;chinese (1), japanese;chinese;asian;seafood;sushi;grill (1), japanese;chinese;ramen;sushi;asian (1), japanese;chinese;soba;beef_bowl;sushi (1), japanese;international (2), japanese;italian (2), japanese;italian;asian (1), japanese;italian;international (2), japanese;italian;pizza (1), japanese;italian_pizza;pizza;sushi (1), japanese;mediterranean;seafood;russian;pizza;international;cake;italian;italian_pizza;breakfast;grill (1), japanese;mexican;chinese;sushi;wok (1), japanese;noodle (1), japanese;pasta;italian_pizza;asian (1), japanese;pasta;pizza;ramen;sushi (1), japanese;pasta;sushi;pizza;tea;mediterranean (1), japanese;pizza (2), japanese;pizza;sushi (1), japanese;pizza;sushi;international (1), japanese;regional (1), japanese;regional;italian_pizza;local (1), japanese;sushi (13), japanese;sushi;pizza;italian_pizza (1), japanese;sushi;udon;ramen (1), japanese;tea;thai;sushi;pizza;coffee_shop;ice_cream;italian (1), japanese;thai;chinese (1), japanese;thai;sushi (1), japanese;western (15), japanese;Суші (1), jewesh (1), jewish (3), juice (2), juice;burger;coffee_shop;pizza (1), kebab (251), kebab,_chiken (1), kebab;american;pizza;burger (1), kebab;barbecue;coffee_shop;grill (1), kebab;barbecue;grill (1), kebab;barbecue;pizza;local (1), kebab;burger (2), kebab;burger;coffee_shop (1), kebab;burger;hot_dog (1), kebab;burger;кофе (1), kebab;chicken (1), kebab;chicken;greek;turkish;mediterranean;international;regional (1), kebab;chicken;shawarma (1), kebab;coffee (1), kebab;frytki (1), kebab;georgian (1), kebab;georgian;hotdog (1), kebab;grill (1), kebab;grill;oriental;barbecue;mediterranean (1), kebab;local;russian;coffee_shop;grill;fish_and_chips;breakfast (1), kebab;pizza (1), kebab;regional (2), kebab;shawarma (1), kebab;turkish (1), kebab;turkish;burger (1), kebab;грузинская_кухня (1), korean (3), korean;salads (1), langos (1), lebanese (6), lebanese;burger;gyros;sandwich;kebab (1), local (84), local;Italian (1), local;bagel;coffee_shop;cake;pancake;ice_cream;regional;breakfast;tea (1), local;barbecue;grill;hungarian;pizza;steak_house;coffee_shop (1), local;bistro (1), local;coffee_shop (3), local;coffee_shop;bagel;regional;breakfast;pancake (1), local;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;ice_cream;donut;pancake (1), local;coffee_shop;regional;pizza (1), local;diner (1), local;friture (1), local;georgian (1), local;grill;international (1), local;hotdog;tea;coffee_shop (1), local;international (1), local;international;pancake;coffee_shop;deli;italian (1), local;italian (1), local;pasta;pizza (1), local;pizza;regional (1), local;pizza;sushi (1), local;regional (2), local;regional;fish;mediterranean (1), local;regional;ukrainian (1), local;regional;ukrainian;bistro;tea;coffee;sandwich;fish;meat (1), local;sandwich (1), local;savory_pancakes;pasta;tea;coffee_shop (1), local;tea;coffee_shop;ice_cream;donut;pancake (1), local;ukrainian (1), local;ukrainian;hungarian (2), meat (2), meat;burger;fish;steak_house (1), meat;fish_and_chips;fish;steak_house;soup;salads;seafood (1), meat_and_bear (1), meat_steak,_fish,_coffe,grill (1), medieval (1), mediterranean (5), mediterranean;greek (1), mediterranean;regional;fine_dining;pizza;pasta (1), mexican (13), mici (1), middle_eastern (1), middle_eastern, arab (1), mixed (1), moldavian (1), moldovan (1), national (2), noodle (6), organic (1), oriental (33), oriental;breakfast;asian;japanese;beef_bowl;chinese;noodles;peruvian;fish_and_chips;indian;curry;thai (1), oriental;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), oriental;breakfast;coffee_shop;asian;american;italian_pizza;vietnamese (1), oriental;breakfast;grill;coffee_shop;asian;friture;chicken;barbecue (1), oriental;breakfast;grill;tea;coffee_shop;beef_bowl;russian;fish_and_chips;kebab (1), oriental;breakfast;kebab;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;crepe;tea;barbecue;pancake (1), oriental;breakfast;russian (1), oriental;chicken;georgian (1), oriental;chicken;international;local (1), oriental;coffee_shop;local (1), oriental;georgian;barbecue (1), oriental;grill;barbecue;georgian;local (1), oriental;grill;kebab;georgian;barbecue;asian (1), oriental;international;chicken;arab;kebab;friture;asian (1), oriental;kebab;grill;shawarma (1), oriental;local (1), oriental;local;regional (2), oriental;regional;russian;turkish (1), oriental;russian (2), oriental;russian;international;breakfast (1), oriental;savory_pancakes;seafood;local;pancake;pizza;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), oriental;sushi (1), other (1), pancake (8), pancake; ice_cream (1), pancake;bagel;ice_cream (1), pancake;friture;chicken;breakfast;cake;coffee_shop;local (1), pancake;local;international;breakfast (1), pancake;pasta;pizza;polish;savory_pancakes;regional;local (2), pasta (3), pasta;breakfast;grill;diner;seafood;kebab;italian_pizza (1), pasta;breakfast;italian;coffee_shop (1), pasta;breakfast;pizza;grill;seafood;kebab;local (1), pasta;coffee_shop;pizza (1), pasta;international (1), pasta;italian;breakfast;grill;fish_and_chips;local;coffee_shop (1), pasta;italian;coffee_shop;italian_pizza;pizza (1), pasta;italian;ice_cream;pizza;tea;italian_pizza;coffee_shop (1), pasta;italian;pizza (1), pasta;italian;pizza;burger (1), pasta;italian;pizza;coffee_shop (1), pasta;italian_pizza (1), pasta;pizza (2), pasta;pizza;sushi (4), pasta;salads;soup;dessert;wine (1), pasta;sandwich;breakfast;cake;coffee_shop (1), pasta;seafood;soba;vegetarian (1), pasta;soup;salad;sandwich (1), pasta;sushi;pizza;cake;coffee_shop (1), pasta;sushi;salads;international (1), persian (1), pie (5), pizza (966), pizza, sushi (2), pizza,_european,_international,_ukrainian (1), pizza,sushi (1), pizza/italy (1), pizza; regional (1), pizza;american (1), pizza;bakery (2), pizza;breakfast;italian;italian_pizza;coffee_shop;seafood;japanese (1), pizza;breakfast;lunch;dessert;ukrainian (1), pizza;burger (13), pizza;burger;coffee_shop;breakfast;sandwich;fish_and_chips;chicken;sushi;ice_cream;seafood (1), pizza;burger;coffee_shop;ice_cream;sushi;greek;regional;fish_and_chips (1), pizza;burger;coffee_shop;international;ice_cream (1), pizza;burger;coffee_shop;italian (1), pizza;burger;coffee_shop;sandwich (1), pizza;burger;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), pizza;burger;italian (2), pizza;burger;italian;chicken;ice_cream;american;steak;pasta;dessert;cake;cafe;coffee;barbecue;grill;fish (1), pizza;burger;italian;japanese;coffee_shop;chicken;sushi (1), pizza;burger;italian;sandwich (1), pizza;burger;italian;sushi;seafood;steak_house (1), pizza;burger;kebab;sushi (1), pizza;burger;regional (2), pizza;burger;sandwich (1), pizza;burger;sandwich;coffee_shop;ice_cream;international;fish_and_chips (1), pizza;burger;sandwich;fast_food (1), pizza;burger;sushi (1), pizza;burger;sushi;pasta (1), pizza;burger;sushi;salad;coffee;tea (1), pizza;burger;шашлык;шаурма;hot_dog (1), pizza;chicken (1), pizza;chicken;arab;local;coffee_shop;friture (1), pizza;chicken;coffee_shop;barbecue (1), pizza;chinese;japanese;sushi;burger;ramen (1), pizza;coffee (1), pizza;coffee_shop (7), pizza;coffee_shop;burger (1), pizza;coffee_shop;burger;chinese;chicken;regional (1), pizza;coffee_shop;french (1), pizza;coffee_shop;ice_cream;barbecue (1), pizza;coffee_shop;international;regional (1), pizza;coffee_shop;italian (2), pizza;coffee_shop;sandwich (2), pizza;coffee_shop;sandwich;burger;ice_cream (1), pizza;dessert (1), pizza;fish_and_chips (1), pizza;grill (2), pizza;grill;regional;european (1), pizza;ice_cream (1), pizza;ice_cream;fish_and_chips (1), pizza;ice_cream;fish_and_chips;fish;diner;coffee_shop;chicken;russian (1), pizza;ice_cream;italian_pizza;local;coffee_shop (1), pizza;international (1), pizza;italian (12), pizza;italian;burger;regional;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), pizza;italian;chicken;sushi;ice_cream;international (1), pizza;italian;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), pizza;italian;coffee_shop;ice_cream;chicken (1), pizza;italian;japanese;seafood;international;sushi;american (1), pizza;italian;japanese;sushi;steak_house (1), pizza;italian;pasta (1), pizza;italian;regional (1), pizza;italian;seafood;pasta (1), pizza;italian;sushi (1), pizza;japanese (3), pizza;japanese;asian;sushi;seafood;thai;shish-kebab;italian;chicken (1), pizza;japanese;barbecue (1), pizza;japanese;ice_cream (1), pizza;japanese;sushi (1), pizza;japanese;sushi;seafood (1), pizza;kebab (1), pizza;kebab;dessert (1), pizza;local (2), pizza;local;coffee_shop;grill;bagel (1), pizza;mexican;american;japanese (1), pizza;regional (16), pizza;regional;american (1), pizza;regional;barbecue (1), pizza;regional;breakfast (1), pizza;regional;burger;coffee_shop;sandwich;ice_cream;fish_and_chips;greek (1), pizza;regional;coffee_shop (1), pizza;regional;coffee_shop;burger;kebab (1), pizza;regional;coffee_shop;international (1), pizza;regional;italian (1), pizza;regional;italian;kebab;ice_cream;coffee_shop;international (1), pizza;regional;kebab;pancake (2), pizza;regional;mediterranean (1), pizza;regional;pasta;savory_pancakes;pancake;local;burger;sushi;polish;russian;japanese (1), pizza;regional;sandwich (1), pizza;russian (1), pizza;russian;coffee_shop (1), pizza;russian;local;waffle;coffee;european (1), pizza;russian;pasta;beef_bowl;fish_and_chips;breakfast (1), pizza;salad;dessert;ice_cream (1), pizza;sandwich;coffee_shop (1), pizza;sandwich;japanese (1), pizza;sandwich;shawarma;burger;dumpling;салаты (1), pizza;seafood;coffee_shop (1), pizza;soup;coffee (1), pizza;sushi (56), pizza;sushi;asian;italian (1), pizza;sushi;burger;hot_dog;friture (1), pizza;sushi;coffee_shop (1), pizza;sushi;european (1), pizza;sushi;european;burger;salads;juice (1), pizza;sushi;fast_food (1), pizza;sushi;international (1), pizza;sushi;italian (1), pizza;sushi;japanese (1), pizza;sushi;japanese;european (1), pizza;sushi;regional (1), pizza;sushi;thai (1), poke (1), poke;asian (1), polish (5), polish;local (2), polish;regional (1), polish;regional;fine_dining (1), portuguese (1), potato (4), potato;hotdog;doner;kebab (1), pub;pizza (1), ramen (5), regional (967), regional;Ukrainian (1), regional;american;barbecue;chicken;burger;grill;breakfast;italian;coffee_shop;international;seafood;fish_and_chips;steak_house (1), regional;american;burger (1), regional;asian (1), regional;breakfast (2), regional;breakfast;crepe;tea;local;coffee_shop;pancake;buschenschank;russian;pizza;chicken (1), regional;breakfast;grill;georgian;local;coffee_shop;russian;buschenschank;pancake;chicken;barbecue (1), regional;breakfast;grill;local;coffee_shop;russian;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), regional;breakfast;grill;tea;seafood;local;coffee_shop;beef_bowl;pasta;pizza;fish_and_chips;chicken;kebab (1), regional;breakfast;international (1), regional;breakfast;international;cake (1), regional;breakfast;mediterranean (1), regional;breakfast;pancake;chicken;local;coffee_shop (1), regional;breakfast;seafood;local;russian;pancake;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), regional;burger (3), regional;burger;chicken (1), regional;burger;coffee_shop;ice_cream;chicken;fish_and_chips (1), regional;burger;russian;salad;seafood (1), regional;buschenschank;russian;coffee_shop;local (1), regional;cake;beef_bowl;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), regional;caucasian (1), regional;chicken (1), regional;coffee_shop (9), regional;coffee_shop;barbecue;fish_and_chips (1), regional;coffee_shop;breakfast (1), regional;coffee_shop;ice_cream;international (1), regional;coffee_shop;ice_cream;steak_house;barbecue (1), regional;coffee_shop;international (1), regional;coffee_shop;steak_house;barbecue (1), regional;dessert (1), regional;european (1), regional;european;fast_food (1), regional;european;ukrainian (1), regional;fine_dining (1), regional;fish_and_chips;local (1), regional;fish_and_chips;pizza;international (1), regional;georgian (2), regional;german (1), regional;greek;local (1), regional;grill;coffee_shop;steak_house;beef_bowl;pasta;russian;pizza;fish_and_chips;chicken;fish;breakfast;sushi;seafood;local;friture (1), regional;grill;local;buschenschank (1), regional;hungarian (2), regional;hungarian;local (1), regional;ice_cream;grill;crepe;cake;coffee_shop;beef_bowl;pasta;noodles;greek;russian;donut;pancake;fish_and_chips;chicken;oriental;breakfast;savory_pancakes;tea;seafood;local;american;italian;kebab (1), regional;ice_cream;pizza;local;coffee_shop (1), regional;international (7), regional;international;breakfast;grill;local;beef_bowl;russian;buschenschank;chicken (1), regional;international;breakfast;tea;seafood;local;coffee_shop;friture;beef_bowl;russian;pancake;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), regional;international;coffee_shop (1), regional;international;grill;fish_and_chips;local;coffee_shop (1), regional;international;ice_cream;grill;cake;coffee_shop;greek;bagel;noodles;pancake;chicken;fish_and_chips;breakfast;tea;seafood;italian;barbecue (1), regional;international;pizza (1), regional;international;shish-kebab;картошка_фри (1), regional;italian (3), regional;italian;burger;chicken;sushi;salad;dessert (1), regional;italian;coffee;ice_cream (1), regional;italian;dessert;salad;pizza;chicken;pasta;fish (1), regional;italian;japanese (1), regional;italian;steak_house;barbecue;kebab;international (1), regional;italian_pizza (1), regional;japanese;american (1), regional;kebab (2), regional;kebab;barbecue (1), regional;kebab;turkish;asian (1), regional;local (7), regional;local;coffee_shop (1), regional;local;grill (1), regional;moldovan;russian (3), regional;oriental (1), regional;pancake;breakfast;international;fish_and_chips (1), regional;pancake;chicken;cake;local (1), regional;pancake;ice_cream;coffee_shop;local (1), regional;pancake;local;coffee_shop (1), regional;pancake;sushi;polish;coffee_shop (1), regional;pasta;local;steak_house;sushi;japanese (1), regional;pizza (13), regional;pizza;burger (1), regional;pizza;grill;local;coffee_shop (1), regional;pizza;italian;international;seafood (1), regional;pizza;sushi;italian (1), regional;pizza;ukrainian;international;breakfast;cake;coffee (1), regional;polish (1), regional;romanian (1), regional;russian (3), regional;russian;burger;grill (1), regional;russian;grill;local (1), regional;russian;local (1), regional;russian;moldovan (1), regional;salad (1), regional;sandwich;savory_pancakes;local;coffee_shop;grill;chicken (1), regional;sandwich;sushi;sausage;local;steak_house;russian;pizza (1), regional;seafood (1), regional;seafood;steak_house (1), regional;shish-kebab;ice_cream (1), regional;steak_house (2), regional;steak_house;ukrainian (1), regional;sushi;cake;coffee_shop;pizza;chicken (1), regional;sushi;turkish (1), regional;tea;local (1), regional;ukrainian (17), regional;ukrainian;russian (1), regional;українська;pizza (1), regional_and_international (1), restaurant (1), rolls;sushi (1), russian (45), russian;breakfast (1), russian;breakfast;local;coffee_shop (1), russian;breakfast;tea;local;coffee_shop (1), russian;coffee_shop (1), russian;coffee_shop;breakfast (1), russian;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;breakfast (1), russian;coffee_shop;hotdog;tea (1), russian;fast_food (1), russian;grill;regional;seafood;breakfast;international;kebab;local;coffee_shop;barbecue (1), russian;international;barbecue;georgian (1), russian;japanese (1), russian;japanese;sushi;fish_and_chips;beef_bowl;pasta;pizza;seafood;coffee_shop;cake;breakfast;grill;burger;chicken (1), russian;local (2), russian;mediterranean;seafood;italian (1), russian;oriental;breakfast;international (1), russian;pancake;seafood;fish_and_chips;local;ice_cream;breakfast (1), russian;pizza (2), russian;regional (1), russian;sandwich;fish_and_chips;pizza;seafood;coffee_shop;breakfast;burger;chicken (1), russian;seafood (1), russian;seafood;chicken;friture;burger;grill;breakfast;coffee_shop;international;pasta;regional (1), russian;sushi;pizza;cake;local (1), russian;tea (1), salad (2), sandwich (50), sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop;chicken (1), sandwich;breakfast;hotdog;grill;tea;coffee_shop;tapas (1), sandwich;breakfast;ice_cream;tea;sausage;friture;coffee_shop;pizza;diner;kebab (1), sandwich;burger (1), sandwich;burger;coffee_shop;fish_and_chips;ice_cream (1), sandwich;burger;coffee_shop;ice_cream;regional;potato;sausage;hot_dog (1), sandwich;burger;coffee_shop;kebab (1), sandwich;burger;shawarma;cocktail (1), sandwich;burger;sushi;dessert (1), sandwich;cake;bagel;coffee_shop (1), sandwich;cake;coffee (1), sandwich;cake;tea;coffee_shop (1), sandwich;chicken (1), sandwich;coffee_shop (5), sandwich;coffee_shop;cake (1), sandwich;coffee_shop;local (1), sandwich;hot_dog;breakfast;ice_cream;sausage;coffee_shop;noodles;pizza;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), sandwich;ice_cream;coffee_shop (2), sandwich;ice_cream;coffee_shop;dessert;hot_dog;cake;pancakes (1), sandwich;ice_cream;fish_and_chips (1), sandwich;international;burger (1), sandwich;international;kebab;coffee_shop (1), sandwich;italian;regional;chicken;international (1), sandwich;kebab (1), sandwich;regional;grill;hungarian;local (1), sandwich;regional;hot_dog;grill;sausage;local;coffee_shop;russian;fish_and_chips;chicken (1), sandwich;regional;international;grill;ice_cream;crepe;cake;coffee_shop;buschenschank;pancake;russian;fish_and_chips;chicken;breakfast;tea;friture (1), sandwich;regional;international;ice_cream;grill;georgian;coffee_shop;steak_house;noodles;bagel;russian;pancake;pizza;chicken;fish_and_chips;breakfast;friture;local;deli;polish;barbecue (1), sandwich;russian;hotdog;local (1), sandwich;steak_house (1), sandwich;steak_house;sushi;pasta;local;coffee_shop;grill;burger (1), sandwich;sushi (1), sandwich;tea;cake;coffee_shop (1), sandwich;tea;coffee_shop;friture;american;donut;chicken (1), sausage (6), sausage;hot_dog;burger;tea;sandwich;pizza (1), sausage;regional;grill (1), sausage;regional;local (1), sausage;steak_house;russian;sandwich;pizza;local;tea;crepe (1), savory_pancakes;pancake;breakfast (1), savory_pancakes;regional;pancake (1), seafood (38), seafood;burger;chicken (1), seafood;chicken;pizza;friture;bavarian;fish_and_chips;sandwich;coffee_shop (1), seafood;chicken;russian;fish_and_chips;argentinian;italian;coffee_shop;local;barbecue;friture;burger;steak_house;pasta;grill (1), seafood;coffee_shop (1), seafood;european;sushi (1), seafood;fine_dining;georgian;coffee_shop (1), seafood;fish (1), seafood;fish;oysters (1), seafood;fish;sushi (1), seafood;local (1), seafood;local;regional;mediterranean;international (1), seafood;noodles;pancake;sausage;coffee_shop;ice_cream;local;deli;barbecue;tea;burger;pasta;international;breakfast;bagel;grill;Ukrainian (1), seafood;pizza;sushi;italian (1), seafood;regional (1), seafood;turkish (1), shawarm (1), shawarma (22), shawarma;burger (1), shawarma;burger;kebab (2), shawarma;burger;sandwich (1), shawarma;burger;sushi;pizza;chicken (1), shawarma;cheburek (1), shawarma;doner;burger;hot_dog (1), shawarma;hot_dog;coffee_shop;tea (1), shawarma;kebab (2), shawarma;kebab;uzbek;falafel;fast_food (1), shawarma;pancakes (1), shawarma;pizza;burger;kebab (1), shawarma;суп;кофе;пиво;сидр (1), shish-kebab (1), slow_food;swabian;regional (1), soup (1), spanish (3), steak;american (1), steak_house (31), steak_house;american;sushi;grill;mexican (1), steak_house;barbecue;pizza (1), steak_house;beef_bowl;grill;chicken;barbecue (1), steak_house;burger;american;pizza;chicken;barbecue;coffee_shop (1), steak_house;burger;american;sandwich;breakfast;pancake;diner (1), steak_house;burger;chicken (1), steak_house;burger;coffee_shop;grill;donut (1), steak_house;burger;grill;barbecue;chicken;friture;coffee_shop (1), steak_house;coffee_shop;grill;bavarian;fish_and_chips;seafood (1), steak_house;georgian;barbecue (1), steak_house;grill;chicken;barbecue;friture (1), steak_house;international (1), steak_house;international;kebab (1), steak_house;sandwich;fine_dining;ice_cream;grill;kebab (1), sushi (218), sushi,pizza (1), sushi;american (1), sushi;coffee_shop;international (1), sushi;fish_and_chips (1), sushi;fish_and_chips;pizza (1), sushi;hot_dog (1), sushi;ice_cream;coffee_shop;friture;local;pasta;pizza (1), sushi;italian (1), sushi;japanese (9), sushi;japanese;coffee_shop;breakfast (1), sushi;japanese;pizza;italian (1), sushi;noodle;salads (1), sushi;pasta;coffee_shop;chinese;italian_pizza (1), sushi;pizza (18), sushi;pizza;cake;italian_pizza;mexican (1), sushi;pizza;deli;local;coffee_shop (1), sushi;pizza;drinks (1), sushi;pizza;japanese (2), sushi;rolls (1), sushi;soba;beef_bowl;coffee_shop;chinese (1), sushi;soba;coffee_shop;chinese;japanese (1), sushi;steak_house;regional;pasta;local (1), sushi;wok;pizza (1), sushi;морепродукты (1), tatar (2), tea (15), tea;barbecue;russian;burger;hotdog;cake;kebab;international;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), tea;burger;hotdog;donut;sandwich;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), tea;cake;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), tea;cake;coffee_shop (7), tea;cake;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), tea;cake;pancake;ice_cream (1), tea;chicken;burger;russian;steak_house;hotdog;sausage;sandwich;coffee_shop (1), tea;coffee_shop (11), tea;coffee_shop;cake (1), tea;coffee_shop;donut (1), tea;coffee_shop;ice_cream;bagel (1), tea;coffee_shop;ice_cream;breakfast (1), tea;coffee_shop;pizza (2), tea;coffee_shop;кофейня;кофе_с_собой;coffee_to_go (1), tea;georgian (1), tea;ice_cream;coffee_shop (1), tea;kebab;coffee_shop;grill;ice_cream (1), tea;local (1), tea;pizza (1), tea;russian;coffee_shop;sushi;fish_and_chips;pizza (1), tea;sandwich;bagel;coffee_shop (1), tea;sandwich;cake;coffee_shop (1), tea;sandwich;coffee_shop (3), tea;sandwich;kebab;international;diner;coffee_shop;asian;arab (1), tea;tea_shop (1), teahouse;moroccan (1), tex-mex (2), thai (10), thai;asian (1), thai;japanese (1), thai;ramen (1), thai;regional (1), traditional (3), traditional;romanian (1), turkish (31), turkish;dessert (1), turkish;local (1), turkish;oriental;kebab;grill (1), ukrainian (51), ukrainian,_european (1), ukrainian,_polish,_europinian (1), ukrainian;carpathians;traditional (1), ukrainian;european (4), ukrainian;georgian (1), ukrainian;pizza;kebab (1), ukrainian;regional (4), ukrainian;regional;pizza;european (1), ukrainian;western (16), uzbek (5), uzbek,_european (1), vegan;vegetarian;vietnamese (1), vegetarian (1), vietnamese (13), vietnamese;tatar (1), vine (1), waffle (3), waffle;pancake;burger (1), western (1), western;japanese (6), wings (1), zapiekanki (1), Азербаджанская (1), Азербайджанская_кухня (1), Горячие_блюда,_гарниры,_закуски,_салаты,_кампот (1), Грузинская (1), Европейская;Пиццерия (1), Заказная (1), Кавказкая, украинская (1), Кальянная,_Ресторан_средиземноморской кухни (1), Пиво;Хот-доги;Бургеры;Напитки;Пончики (1), Суші (1), Татарская (1), Тотр;Мороженое (1), Харчевня (1), баланда (1), блинная (1), восточная;european (1), вірменська кухня (1), грузинська;kebab;regional (1), грузинська_кухня (1), гуцульська (1), кава,_чай,_коктейлі,_десерти,_закуски (1), кавказька (1), кондитерская (1), морская_кухня;seafood;fast_food;breakfast;burger;sandwich (1), пиво,_напої,_до_чаю_та_до_пива_:) (1), піта;хумус (1), разливное_пиво (1), сандвич,кофе,пиво,фирменные,лимонады_и_чаи (1), скандинавська (1), східна (1), татарская (1), татарская_кухня (1), украинская (2), украинская;regional (1), чебуреки;беляши;пиво (1), шашлык;шаурма;кебаб (1), інді-книгарня (1), |
cuisine_1 | 6 | burger (2), local (1), pizza (2), seafood (1), |
cuisine_2 | 1 | regional (1), |
culture | 5 | library (4), studio (1), |
culvert | 2 | yes (2), |
currency | 16 | BRL (1), EUR (8), GBP (1), MDL (1), PLN (1), PRB (1), RUB (1), XAF (2), |
currency:AMD | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:AUD | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:BOB | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:BYN | 6 | yes (6), |
currency:CAD | 7 | yes (7), |
currency:CHF | 10 | yes (10), |
currency:CZK | 6 | yes (6), |
currency:DASH | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:ETH | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:EUR | 214 | no (10), yes (204), |
currency:GBP | 71 | yes (71), |
currency:HUF | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:JPY | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:LTC | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:MDL | 3 | yes (3), |
currency:PHP | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:PLN | 79 | yes (79), |
currency:PRB | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:RON | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:RUB | 182 | yes (182), |
currency:TRX | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:UAH | 2734 | only (1), yes (2733), |
currency:UAN | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:USD | 213 | no (8), yes (205), |
currency:USDT | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:XBT | 5 | no (1), yes (4), |
currency:XLT | 1 | COPK;SVLT (1), |
currency:XMR | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:XRP | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:fiat | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:others | 19 | no (5), yes (14), |
currency:prb | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:грн | 3 | yes (3), |
curve_geometry | 1 | yes (1), |
curves | 3 | serpentine (3), |
cutline | 4804 | border (135), firebreak (1079), loggingmachine (51), logway (12), pipeline (9), piste (1), power_line (1), powerline (1), section (3515), |
cutting | 659 | both (9), hollow_way (2), left (3), no (33), right (10), track (1), yes (601), |
cxx:code | 4 | 57330600 (1), 57330610 (1), 57340610 (1), 57340620 (1), |
cxx:id | 4 | 33504 (1), 33505 (1), 33577 (1), 33578 (1), |
cycle_barrier | 22 | double (17), single (4), triple (1), |
cycle_barrier:installation | 20 | fixed (15), openable (3), removable (2), |
cycle_highway | 10 | yes (10), |
cycle_network | 367 | AT:Linz:Hauptrouten (1), AT:Steyr:Hauptrouten (2), AT:Vienna:Basisrouten (2), AT:Vienna:Erweitertes_Grundnetz (1), AT:Vienna:Grundnetz (1), AU:NSW:shoulder (3), BE-VLG:cycle_highway (5), BE-VLG:icoonroutes (5), BE:VL (4), BE:WA (1), Bicitalia (5), Bielefeld (1), Bike Waiheke (1), CA:QC:RV (1), CCC (1), DE:BW:BB (1), DE:BW:KA;DE:BW:RA (1), DE:BW:KAR (1), DE:BW:RA (4), DE:BW:RadNETZ (4), DE:BY:NBW (1), Dahme-Spreewald (1), ES:Camino (1), ES:Vías Verdes (1), EuroVelo (53), FR:67 (1), FR:73 (4), Fietsnet Nieuwegein (2), GB:London Cycle Network (23), GB:London Cycleways (20), GB:London Streetspace (1), GB:Southmpton:SCN (1), IS:Lykilleiðir_á_Höfuðborgarsvæðinu (1), ISL (1), Iron_Belle_Trail (1), Knotenpunktnetz Barnim (3), Knotenpunktnetz Landkreis Oberhavel (4), Knotenpunktnetz Landkreis Prignitz (2), Knotenpunktwegweisung Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald (1), Knotenpunktwegweisung Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz (1), Knotenpunktwegweisung Oberhavel (1), Landkreis Ammerland (1), Liečivé singletracky (1), MTB Netwerk Noord-Beveland (1), Mafra Cyclin (3), Moravské vinařské stezky (3), Nga_Haerenga_The_New_Zealand_Cycling_Trail (1), Oldenburger Münsterland (1), Provinz_Bozen (1), Radnetz Deutschland (1), Radrouten Wiesbaden (2), Radrouten_Südwest (2), Radverkehrsnetz_Schleswig_Holstein (1), SE:Trafikverket (3), SachsenNetz Rad (1), Supercykelstier (1), Tübinger Umwelten (2), UK:National Cycle Network (25), US (14), : 1 SimMoonXP: 1 aweech: 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">US:ACA (4), US:AL (6), US:AL:Huntsville (3), US:AR:Fayetteville (4), US:CA (2), US:CO:Longmont (1), US:GA (8), US:KY (1), US:MD:MC (1), US:MI:Oak Park (1), US:MI:Royal Oak (1), US:NC (1), US:NJ (2), US:NM (1), US:NY (5), US:NY:NYC (9), US:OH (3), US:PA (6), US:SC (1), US:TN (5), US:TX:Dallas (13), US:US (31), US:US:Interstate (1), US:USA (4), US:WA (1), US:WA:Kent_Valley_Loop_Trails (3), US:WA:King (1), US:WA:Kitsap (1), US:WI:Fitchburg (1), Voies Lyonnaises (1), Wiesmoor (1), Xarxa ciclista de la Terra Alta (1), de:by (2), lcn (3), srfn_gent (1), Національний_парк_"Кременецькі_гори" (4), |
cyclestreet | 48 | yes (48), |
cyclestreets_id | 1 | 55730 (1), |
cycleway | 4910 | asl (28), both (1), buffered_lane (2), crossing (205), lane (847), link (2), : 1 voltairovicz: 5 el_emka: 1 cermino: 1 Pikachu25: 2 Helmchen42: 1 nfomin14: 1 darkonus - bot account: 113 Bolt058: 1 EvanE: 21 SafetyIng: 11 LukeSRLA: 1 1gorok: 3 Cristian Gober (Comune di Vallelaghi): 2 doppel-b: 4 mbudde: 1 JeroenHoek: 2 skimua: 1 VictorIE: 6 olehz: 9 Maturi0n: 9 Bobropiton: 2 skfd: 2 pss34: 1 mamanakis: 5 MrPaschenko: 5 elendow: 10 anonymous88: 3 maraf24: 1 OlDer: 2 Sergey82K: 1 Buraddo: 1 schoschi: 2 jeka p: 1 pluton_od: 391 mike140: 6 Mr_67: 12 dima_ua: 2 Thunder08: 1 tf66: 1 Ruben Van de Velde: 2 papamat15: 2 marcis60: 7 gektor1488: 3 destnk: 1 fluffy_unicorn: 2 eumiro: 4 hvictor: 1 StackKorora: 1 neviksasha: 7 Rubenke: 1 YarNik: 1 AlexRiabtsev: 3 Вальдимар: 1 opendcc: 1 Meijinaerum: 1 CRCulver: 5 Approksimator: 1 flohoff: 3 Langlaeufer: 8 PeeWee32: 2 _sev: 1 DeemaUA: 3 KKS: 1 Artur Wierniewski: 21 augxcgrwxo: 3 matvey_kiev_ua: 140 1T-money: 2 emailer: 1 algot: 3 MishaLazv: 1 al007: 1 Павел Тимофеев: 2 joel56dt: 1 Владимiръ Великий: 2 _sevbot: 3 danvyr: 6 arichnad: 1 slightlywired: 2 VARVAR8: 2 painkill: 4 vovanet: 2 Kalepom: 3 LateNightTone: 2 Kioska Journo: 1 Stereo: 2 ferrozer: 3 dval: 8 Anton Shevchuk: 1 alan1209: 1 Serhii Levchyk: 11 Andrei Fabrov: 1 Tungmar: 8 masteravs: 3 englu: 6 dudka: 5 jano1982: 1 Faller Gyula: 1 as4tik: 1 plitsch: 1 Svetlana Polischuk: 1 hertipau: 1 andreiSk: 1 MetaMorpheus: 1 ratrun: 1 iWowik: 135 lyctkel: 1 keepcalmandmapon: 1 DoctorMappinSniff: 2 IrNazarenko: 1 Максим Студенець: 1 FlawOfAverages: 1 chabe01: 1 CodyTH53: 1 emvee: 4 novoetaxi: 1 Nathan_A_RF: 2 teologovsan: 2 master_raster: 4 Balarnarnanas: 34 GerdP: 3 SIA325: 1 B_KSL: 1 K2_UNDERGROUND: 4 Dominic Z: 3 SviVas: 1 Vadim_Sichkaruk: 2 Thibault Rommel: 1 sevar7867: 1 DanielFrechen: 1 z-yurets: 30 Poliakoff Mykhailo: 21 mueschel: 1 Sendavo: 1 JIFFNET: 1 Kovoschiz: 1 benjamintchik: 1 Andrew Serge: 5 frosm: 8 rockwheels: 1 kulyk: 1 Xyberion: 2 Pitartal: 1 geomaniX: 1 deindsin: 1 CurlingMan13: 1 iONiX: 3 Limonadik_XT: 3 rayleigh1: 4 SteMue: 1 Kovirii: 1 nw520: 3 DnaX: 1 Władysław Komorek: 2 Iain I: 2 trofimich: 3 marc__marc: 5 Viterall: 1 heliocrap: 1 pelekPL: 1 bdzik: 27 User1 - Lightcyphers: 12 serges: 4 matema: 1 Denisov21: 3 Ogmios: 1 Discostu36: 2 Li-H: 1 aweech: 5 E de Wit: 2 yahgooglegan: 1 zancloud: 4 divaddivag: 1 O_Tkachenko: 2 anstosa: 2 shargat: 6 osmdk: 7 PulisakZ: 1 yurmax: 1 НВА: 2 ~Jhellico: 7 chris_debian: 1 geogidon: 1 StijnRR: 1 Heinz_V: 14 Roolet: 4 Andrej S: 2 Tilia_J: 1 Edelsalami: 3 shogun: 1 rumbrummer: 1 andygol: 5 Kastchei: 1 Phnoggie: 1 taxxxi: 2 Прѣстарелый Кіевлянинъ: 1 padvinder: 1 trainbird1: 12 n_e_7019: 4 ')" onclick="ap(this)">no (3174), none (2), on_street (7), opposite (80), opposite_lane (10), opposite_track (4), proposed (1), segregated (2), separate (35), share_busway (47), shared (9), shared_lane (240), shoulder (14), sidepath (6), sidewalk (4), soft_lane (1), track (181), unmarked_lane (2), yes (6), |
cycleway:backward | 1 | share_busway (1), |
cycleway:bicycle | 7 | designated (5), yes (2), |
cycleway:both | 3721 | lane (207), no (3332), separate (48), share_busway (2), shared (4), shared_lane (63), shoulder (7), track (33), yes (25), |
cycleway:both:bicycle | 1 | yes (1), |
cycleway:both:buffer | 55 | no (47), yes (8), |
cycleway:both:conditional | 1 | lane (1), |
cycleway:both:lane | 168 | advisory (78), exclusive (48), pictogram (42), |
cycleway:both:segregated | 6 | no (4), yes (2), |
cycleway:both:surface | 6 | asphalt (2), paving_stones (4), |
cycleway:both:traffic_sign | 1 | DE:237 (1), |
cycleway:both:width | 1 | 1 (1), |
cycleway:buffer | 4 | 3' (1), no (1), yes (2), |
cycleway:crossing:markings | 6 | dots (3), dots:bicolor (2), shared_lane (1), |
cycleway:est_width | 2 | 1.75 (1), 2.5 (1), |
cycleway:foot | 1 | designated (1), |
cycleway:lane | 20 | advisory (10), exclusive (10), |
cycleway:lanes:forward | 2 | no|lane|no (1), no|yes|no (1), |
cycleway:left | 965 | lane (257), no (355), opposite (13), opposite_lane (19), opposite_share_busway (2), opposite_track (1), separate (78), share_busway (46), shared (1), shared_lane (39), shoulder (6), soft_lane (1), track (145), use_sidewalk (1), yes (1), |
cycleway:left:bicycle | 8 | designated (6), yes (2), |
cycleway:left:buffer | 7 | no (2), yes (5), |
cycleway:left:est_width | 1 | 1.25 (1), |
cycleway:left:foot | 3 | designated (2), yes (1), |
cycleway:left:lane | 74 | advisory (14), exclusive (36), pictogram (23), shoulder (1), |
cycleway:left:lane:conditional | 1 | advisory @ (Mo-Fr 16:30-18:30) (1), |
cycleway:left:mofa | 1 | yes (1), |
cycleway:left:oneway | 44 | -1 (18), no (11), yes (15), |
cycleway:left:segregated | 12 | no (12), |
cycleway:left:smoothness | 20 | asphalt (1), excellent (14), good (5), |
cycleway:left:surface | 26 | asphalt (26), |
cycleway:left:surface:colour | 1 | green (1), |
cycleway:left:traffic_sign | 2 | DE:237 (1), DE:237,1022-11 (1), |
cycleway:left:traffic_sign:backward | 1 | DE:340 (1), |
cycleway:left:width | 10 | 1.25 (4), 1.28 (1), 1.75 (1), 6' (4), |
cycleway:right | 1961 | buffered_lane (1), lane (639), no (737), opposite (1), opposite_lane (1), separate (173), share_busway (154), shared_lane (61), shoulder (30), soft_lane (3), track (160), yes (1), |
cycleway:right:bicycle | 16 | designated (15), yes (1), |
cycleway:right:buffer | 68 | no (57), yes (11), |
cycleway:right:colour | 3 | red (3), |
cycleway:right:conditional | 2 | lane @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00) (1), no @ (Mo-Fr 19:00-06:00; Sa-Su) (1), |
cycleway:right:foot | 8 | designated (4), yes (4), |
cycleway:right:lane | 143 | advisory (49), exclusive (71), pictogram (23), |
cycleway:right:lane:conditional | 2 | advisory @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00) (2), |
cycleway:right:motorcycle | 2 | no (2), |
cycleway:right:oneway | 43 | -1 (4), no (25), yes (14), |
cycleway:right:segregated | 22 | no (19), yes (3), |
cycleway:right:separation:left | 2 | bollard (1), vertical_panel (1), |
cycleway:right:smoothness | 24 | excellent (16), good (5), intermediate (3), |
cycleway:right:surface | 37 | asphalt (25), good (1), paving_stones (11), |
cycleway:right:surface:colour | 2 | red (2), |
cycleway:right:temporary | 2 | yes (2), |
cycleway:right:traffic_sign | 15 | DE:1022-10 (1), DE:237 (4), DE:237,1026-32 (1), DE:241 (2), none (7), |
cycleway:right:traffic_sign:forward | 1 | DE:340 (1), |
cycleway:right:width | 18 | 1 (2), 1.2 (3), 1.25 (2), 1.4 (2), 1.5 (1), 1.75 (1), 2.60 (1), 6' (6), |
cycleway:segregated | 1 | yes (1), |
cycleway:smoothness | 1 | intermediate (1), |
cycleway:surface | 205 | asphalt (158), concrete (2), paving_stones (40), paving_stones:30 (2), paving_stones;asphalt;fine_gravel (1), sand (1), sett (1), |
cycleway:surface:color | 2 | grey (1), red (1), |
cycleway:surface:colour | 1 | red (1), |
cycleway:traffic_sign | 3 | DE:239;1022-10 (2), DE:241 (1), |
cycleway:width | 24 | 0.9 (1), 1 (3), 1.2 (1), 1.20 (1), 1.25 (2), 1.5 (3), 1.50 (1), 2 (2), 2.2 (2), 2.4 (3), 4 (1), 4.5' (1), 6' (2), 7' (1), |
cycling_width | 14 | mean (8), narrow (1), narrow;mean (1), wide (4), |