farmland2field (2),
fax35+380 522 22 0609 (1), +380 522 22 3444 (1), +380 522 22 5470 (2), +380 522 22 5978 (1), +380 522 22 6615;+380 522 22 1414 (1), +380 522 22 8584 (1), +380 522 24 0991 (1), +380 522 24 1211 (1), +380 522 24 1377 (1), +380 522 24 1874 (1), +380 522 24 5978 (1), +380 522 24 6336 (1), +380 522 24 8544 (1), +380 522 24 8634 (1), +380 522 240 805 (1), +380 522 30 1520 (1), +380 522 30 4774 (1), +380 522 31 5418 (1), +380 522 31 9946 (1), +380 522 32 0575 (1), +380 522 32 1007 (1), +380 522 33 1545 (1), +380 522 33 8980 (1), +380 522 35 7743;+380 522 35 7741 (1), +380 522 36 1231 (1), +380 522 37 3328 (1), +380 522 39 5391 (1), +380 522 55 5500 (1), +380 522 55 5501 (1), +380 522 56 7380 (1), +380 522 59 5000;+380 50 767 0001;+380 67 522 8200 (1), +380 5236 29 778 (1), +380 5258 53 975 (1), +49 8061 5591 (1),
fee128no (85), yes (43),
female4yes (4),
fence_type86barbed_wire (28), bars (1), chain_link (1), concrete (12), metal (24), metal_bars (1), split_rail (5), wire (6), wood (8),
ferry3yes (3),
ferry:cable1yes (1),
fhrs:id1297020 (1),
field13no (10), yes (3),
fire_hydrant:diameter2100 (1), 150 (1),
fire_hydrant:position1lane (1),
fire_hydrant:type19underground (19),
fireplace5no (1), yes (4),
fishing2private (1), yes (1),
fitness_station1horizontal_bar (1),
fixme98Alternative names: Čoarveluobbalat [NVE], Hornvatna - Čoarveluobbalat [vann 625910], Trillingvatnet [vann 686751] (1), Fahrtweg und Bushaltestellen an der Schule in Hohn und am ZOB in Kropp überprüfen (1), Fahrtweg und Bushaltestellen an der Schule in Hohn überprüfen (1), Please check direction (-0.7m elevation) (1), Routenführung prüfen (1), Sorry it ends, but there's too much cloud on the arial image. (1), Wendefahrt Niendorf Pamirstraße recherchieren und nachtragen (1), add bus stops (1), add missing bus stops (6), add stops (2), addr=? (1), assumed closed, basing upon satellite inagery. Local confirmation very welcome. (1), check location (1), continue (13), crossing (1), define type (24), difficul understanding (1), fehlende Haltestelle Stockelsdorf Gemeinschaftsschule (1), fehlende Haltestellen Stockelsdorf Gemeinschaftsschule, Ahrensbök Heckkaten (1), hgv=yes? destination? (2), how does it turn around at the west end? (2), move registered status to specific buildings if known (1), pls add name & other details (1), position estimated (1), position_estimated (1), resurvey (4), retrace (1), still there? (1), verify details (1), verify direction of loop on River Road (1), verify inbound on Merrimack Street (1), verify route in Harrisburg (1), verify that inbound/outbound splits happen on weekdays too (1), Выставити точне місцезнаходження (1), Добавить остановочные позиции и заменить ими станции, обновить информацию, добавить обратный маршрут. (1), Можливо положення вказано не точно (1), Номер будинку (1), Потрібно уточнити за цю ділянку ріки чи це Гнилий Товмач чи просто струмок. У вікіпедіі початок річки між селами Кримки та Лебедин (1), Потрібно уточнити розміщення (1), Такого провулка не знайдено (1), Уточнити назву (1), Уточнити назву (імовірно Омельничок або Калебердя́нський Омельник) (1), Якесь село (1), перевірити номер дому. Інформація з Прозоро каже прор номер 132 ( (1), уточнить статус этого полотна (7), школа в полі? (1),
flag9 (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1),
flag:type1national (1),
flood_prone1yes (1),
foot464designated (7), no (27), permissive (1), private (3), use_sidepath (2), yes (424),
foot:conditional10no @ (Nov 15-May 15) (10),
footway1131crossing (389), sidewalk (742),
ford126yes (126),
format1squared_stone (1),
forms_of_land_ownership1державна (1),
fountain3drinking (2), splash_pad (1),
frequency7390 (24), 16.7;50 (1), 50 (713), 60 (1),
from9541-е отделение учхоз "Кубань" (1), 13 Oak Court (1), Abzweig MAN (1), Ajruport (4), Albatross Way (1), Aldi Store (2), Alec Hunter School (2), Alienor Avenue (1), Allectus Way, Witham (8), Amancaes (Rimac) (1), Amelsbüren, Bahnhof (1), Amelsbüren, Süd (1), An der Lagerschanze (1), Angamos (Miraflores) (1), Angel Court (1), Anger (1), Anglia Ruskin University (1), Ardleigh Church (1), Arlington Way, Queens Park, Billericay (1), Arnhem, Centraal Station (2), Arnhem, De Zeis (2), Arnhem, Gelredome (1), Arnhem, Presikhaaf/Cannenburglaan (2), Asda Store, South Woodham Ferrers (1), Ashingdon School (1), Attersee (1), Atzmännig, Schutt (2), Audi (1), Audley End Railway Station (3), Bad Belzig, Am Betriebshof (1), Bad Schwartau (ZOB) (1), Bad Schwartau ZOB (2), Bad Schwartau/ZOB (2), Bad Vöslau Bahnhof (4), Bahnhof Ingolstadt Audi (6), Barkingside Tesco (1), Basildon Bus Station (4), Basildon Hospital (2), Bate-Dudley Drive, Bradwell on Sea (1), Bateman Road, Brightlingsea (1), Bay View (1), Bay View, St Lawrence (1), Benfleet Railway Station (1), Berchtesgaden Bahnhof (1), Berlin ZOB (1), Berndorf Gymnasium (1), Berndorf Margaretenplatz (1), Birżebbuġa (1), Birżebbuġa Marconi (1), Bishop's Stortford High School (1), Blackburn railway station (1), Braintree Railway Station (2), Brassie Wood South (5), Brento (1), Brentwood Railway Station (14), Brentwood Sainsburys (1), Brighton Road (1), Brisbane City (1), Britton Way (1), Bulford Lane (1), Burgdorf, Baderkamp (1), Bus Depot (3), Bus Terminus, Blackmore (3), Busbahnhof (1), Campanhã (1), Chelles - Gournay RER (1), Chelmsford Bus Station (10), Chichester Road, Southend (4), Church Langley Tesco Store (3), Church, Bures (2), Cliffs Pavilion, Westcliff (1), Coach Station, Stansted (3), Coach and Horses, Wicken Bonhunt (1), Colchester Railway Station (1), Collingwood Road (4), Columbine Centre, Walton-on-the-Naze (1), Common Hill (1), Constance Close, Witham (1), Cortana Transit Center (1), Courtsend Road (1), Creek Road (1), Czeladź Kombatantów (1), Deanery Gardens (4), Delbrück (1), Delbrück Boke Grundschule (1), Diepenbenden (6), Dingstede (1), Dorset Road South, Maldon (3), Dover Arena and Outdoor Pool (1), Dover Transportation Center (4), Drummer St Bus Station, Cambridge (5), Duiven, Centerpoort Noord (1), Eagle Way (2), Eagle Way, Brentwood (2), Eagle Way, Warley (1), East Street, Rochford (1), Edegem Universitair Ziekenhuis Perron 4 (1), Eijsden, Station (1), El Sol (Barranco) (1), Elm Tree Avenue, Frinton (1), Erfde Dorfplatz (1), Europark (3), Ffm Konstablerwache (1), Flughafen Terminal 1 (2), Four Releet (1), Frankfurt Südbahnhof (1), Frinton Rail Gates, Frinton-on-Sea (1), Ganderkesee (1), Ganderkesee, Bahnhof (3), Gievenbeck, Dieckmannstraße (1), Grays Bus Station (3), Grenoble - Presqu'ïle (1), Gries - Piaz (1), Grillenweg (1), Groß Parin (1), Großrußbach Hauptstraße (1), Hamburg ZOB (1), Hamdorf Westerende (1), Handorf, Kaserne (1), Harlow Bus Station (41), Harlow Town Railway Station (12), Harwich Bus Station (7), Harwich Road Hail & Ride, Mistley (1), Haverhill Bus Station (5), Havixbeck, Baumberge Sporthalle (1), Head Street, Colchester (3), Heath Road Turn (1), Heilshoop, Alte Schule (1), Hernstein Ortsmitte (1), Herschelstraße (2), Heuston Station (1), Heygate Avenue, Southend (5), High School, East Bergholt (1), High Street, Brentwood (8), High Street, Colchester (2), High Street, Rayleigh (1), High Street, Saffron Walden (1), High Street, West Mersea (6), Highwood Square (3), Hill Farm (1), Hillcrest Road (1), Hochschulstadtteil (1), Hopland (1), Hoykenkamp (1), Hundszell (3), Hyrylä (2), Häger, Bahnhof (1), Hässleholm (1), Il-Gudja (1), Innerberg Gasthaus Mühle (1), Interchange, Bishops Stortford (6), Ismaning (S) (1), Ix-Xgħajra (2), Ix-Xgħajra Wignacourt (1), Iż-Żejtun (1), Iż-Żejtun Diacono (1), JF Academy (1), Jackson Road, Clacton (2), Jump Street, Colchester (5), Jyväskylä Keskusta 6 (2), Karlskron (1), Keene Hall (4), Kennedy Center (5), Kent Elms Corner North (1), Kerava (1), Kilternan (1), Kinderhaus, Von-Humboldt-Straße (1), Kirchhatten (4), Klein Wesenberg Sportplatz (1), Knoglersfreude (1), L-Imqabba (2), La Cisterna (1), LaSalle / Argyle (1), Lakeside Bus Station (1), Langen Bahnhof (2), Lavender Drive, Southminster (1), Le Verdon, Pointe de Grave (2), Leeds (1), Leigh Drive, Elsenham (1), Lennestadt-Grevenbrück Bahnhof (2), Lilac Mall (1), Little Pynchons (4), Llíria (1), Lobede (1), Loiano (1), Los Angeles (1), Loughton Station (2), Lowell Regional Voke Tech (1), Lower Plume School (1), Lymington Avenue Church (2), Lübeck Citti-Park Herrenholz (1), Lübeck Eichholz (1), Lübeck Gleisdreieck (1), Lübeck Hauptbahnhof (1), Lübeck Moorgarten (1), Lübeck Oberbüssauer Weg (2), Lübeck Sereetzer Weg (1), Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof (5), Lübeck, ZOB/Hauptbahnhof (1), Mall of Louisiana (1), Malzéville (1), Malzéville Margeville (1), Malzéville Pixerécourt (1), Manningtree Railway Station (2), Manor Street (3), Manor Street, Braintree (2), Margraten, Weg naar Reijmerstok (1), Marsaskala (2), Marsaskala Bianco (1), Marítim - Serrería (1), Memorial, Clare (1), Mežciems (2), Mheer, Kerk (1), Middle Brighton railway station (1), Millers Barn, Jaywick (3), Milowice Pętla (1), Monks Lane, Dedham (1), Morrisons Wycke Hill (1), Mörfelden Bahnhof (1), München ZOB (1), Münster, Hauptbahnhof (4), Münster, MCC Halle Münsterland (1), NW 7th Ave/NW 12th St (1), Nancy Gare (1), Neu-Isenburg Bahnhof Ostseite (2), New Hall (2), Niendorf Schwimmhalle (1), Norman Way Schools, Colchester (2), Nunspeet, Station (1), Oakleigh railway station (1), Oaks Mall (1), Offenbach Marktplatz (2), Offenthal Bahnhof (1), Old Cattle Market Bus Station, Ipswich (4), Old Harlow Post Office (3), Oldenburg ZOB (1), Osborne Street, Colchester (12), Osby (2), Osiedle Zamkowe Pętla (1), Osterlinde, Kaninchenberg (1), Otzenhausen Einkaufszentrum (1), Parkway (1), Passo della Scoffera (1), Pier Avenue, Clacton (27), Pier Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea (2), Pilsen, CAN Husova (1), Piura (Miraflores) (1), Plantation Road (1), Plaza de Maipú (1), Plzeň, CAN Husova (1), Plön ZOB (1), Polderstad (1), Police Lodge (6), Pompey Parc Eiffel;Pompey Fonds de Lavaux (1), Porters Close (3), Pottenstein Fabriksgasse (1), Primstal Hinter Krähenbusch (1), Puttgarden (1), Puttgarden, Fährhafen (4), Queen's Hospital (2), Ramsey School, Halstead (14), Rapperswil SG, Bahnhof (1), Rayleigh Railway Station (12), Redwood Close, Witham (9), Reitz Union (2), Retail Market, Chelmsford (1), Rethorn (1), Rethorn, Endhaltestelle (1), Rigby Avenue, Mistley (2), Robjohns Road South, Chelmsford (2), Roche Avenue, Rochford (2), Rosa Parks Downtown Station (2), Roxel, Hallenbad (3), Rybnik Dworzec Autobusowy (2), Rybnik Paruszowiec-Piaski Przemysłowa (1), Rybnik Północ Kąpielisko Ruda (1), Rybnik Śródmieście Chrobrego (1), Rye Farm, Dedham (3), Rüti ZH, Bahnhof (3), S Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (4), SZ-AG Walzwerk III-Ost (2), SZ-AG, Hauptverwaltung (2), SZ-Fredenberg, Bosch (1), SZ-Fredenberg, Eissporthalle (1), SZ-Fredenberg, Schule (2), SZ-Lebenstedt, An der Windmühle (1), SZ-Lebenstedt, Bahnhof (4), SZ-Lebenstedt, Goethestraße (2), SZ-Lebenstedt, Kranichdamm (1), SZ-Lebenstedt, Lutherkirche (1), SZ-Lesse, Ortsbruch (1), SZ-Lichtenberg, Prunzelberg (3), Sainsbury's, Bishops Stortford (1), Sainsburys Store, Stanway (1), Sainsburys, Haverhill (1), Saint-Egrève - Gare (1), Saint-Egrève - Pont de Vence (1), Saint-Laurent (rue Brébion) (1), Salzachsee (1), San Ġiljan (1), Sandkrug (3), Sankt Mauritz, Danziger Freiheit (1), Sankt Mauritz, Tannenhof (1), Santa Barbara (1), School, South Woodham Ferrers (1), School. Ashingdon (1), Schruns Zamang Bahn (1), Schönau am Königssee, Busparkplatz (1), Sella della Giassina (1), Selmsdorf Gewerbegebiet An der Trave (2), Sereetz/Am Rugenberg (2), Shands (1), Shoebury Asda (2), Shoeburyness East Beach (3), Shop and Save (2), Shopping Village (1), Sibbhult (1), Sitzerath Markt (1), Sitzerath, Markt (4), Small Copper (1), Soames Mead, Stondons Green (3), Southend Hospital South (1), Southend Travel Centre (13), Southland Shopping Centre (1), Sprakel, Bahnhof (1), St Helen's School, Brentwood (1), St. Emmeram (2), St. Michael's, Braintree (1), Stansted Airport Coach Station (10), Stanwell Street, Colchester (9), Station Angrignon (2), Station Côte-Vertu (Gohier / Édouard-Laurin) (1), Station LaSalle (1), Station Lionel-Groulx (1), Station McGill (Union / De Maisonneuve) (1), Station Road (2), Station Street, Saffron Walden (1), Station Vendôme (1), Stephensonstraße (1), Stocksee, Am Dorfplatz (1), Stour Valley Community School (3), Studentenstadt (1), Sudbury Industrial Estate (1), Sundern, Die Fabrik (2), Tendring College, Thorpe-le-Soken (1), Tesco East Store (1), Tesco Store (2), Tesco Store, Great Dunmow (1), Tesco Store, Maldon (1), Tesco Store, Saffron Walden (3), The Anchor, Hullbridge (3), The Black Boy, Weeley (2), The Broadway (1), The George, Colchester (1), The Green, Great Yeldham (2), The Marlborough Head, Dedham (1), The Naze, Walton (6), The Plough and Sail, Paglesham (2), The Queens Head, West Bergholt (2), The Renown, Shoeburyness (5), The Rose & Crown (1), The Rose, Peldon (1), The Ship, Great Holland (1), The Spa, Hockley (7), The Square and Compasses, Fuller Street (1), The Swans, Wickford (3), The Talbot, North Weald (2), The Weir, Rayleigh (1), Timmendorfer Strand, Rodenbergstraße (1), Torcy RER (1), Trittau, Vorburg (1), Two Brewers, Ongar (2), Ulm, Eberhard-Finckh-Straße (1), Unterföhring, Siedlerstraße (2), Urnenfelderstraße (6), Vespucio Norte (1), Vicente Valdés (1), Victoria Place, Brightlingsea (4), Victoria Street, Braintree (2), Viehhausen Schule (1), Village Square (1), Vineyards (1), Visalia (1), Voreppe - Gare SNCF (1), Vöcklamart Lokalbf (1), Walserfeld Schule (1), Walthamstow Bus Station (1), Walton Church (1), Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre (1), Werder (Havel), Bahnhof (1), Wesloer Brücke (2), West Lawn (3), Westall Station (1), White Horse Avenue (1), Whittingham Avenue (1), Wijnegem WSC Zuid (1), Wildeshausen, 5Elements (1), Witham Railway Station (2), Wivenhoe Railway Station (2), Wolbeck, Am Tiergarten (2), Wolbeck, Juffernkamp (2), ZOB (2), Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof (ZOB) (1), Zevenaar, Tol (2), Zevenaar, Ziekenhuis Hoofdingang (1), Église de Gournay (1), Автовокзал "Южный" (2), Автошлях H-09 (1), Аэропорт (1), Бальнеолечебница (4), Бориспіль (1), Валерия Гассия (2), Глинськ (1), Городская психиатрическая больница (1), Д/С Зялёны Луг-7 (1), ДС Дражня (1), Долинська (1), Домбайская улица (1), ЖК Инсити (1), ЖК Трилогия (1), Жадова (1), Железнодороржный вокзал "Краснодар-1" (1), Залізничний вокзал (1), Знам'янка (1), Київ (1), Київ-Пасажирський (2), Компаніївка (1), Кременчуцька ГЕС (8), Ладижинська ТЕС (1), М-30 (1), Маріуполь (1), Миколаїв-Вантажний (1), Миколаїв-Пасажирський (1), М’ясокомбінат (1), Одеса, автовокзал (1), ПС "Дніпровська-750" (2), ПС "Кварцит-330" (5), ПС "Рудна-330" (5), ПС "Українка-330" (1), Палиш (1), Поселок имени Демьяна Бедного (1), Проспект Промисловий (1), Пушкове (1), Південноукраїнська АЕС (1), Р-10 (2), СОШ №66 (1), Старомостова площа (1), Стрий (1), Т-12-17 (1), Т-24-01 (1), Тимошівка (1), УМ-3 (2), Улица 40-летия ВЛКСМ (3), УрФУ (Уральский федеральный университет) (1), Фастів 1 (1), Харків-Пасажирський (1), Херсон (1), Цветной проезд (1), Шарташ (2), Юбилейный микрорайон (1), Южно-Українська АЕС (7), ж/д вокзал Краснодар-1 (2), микрорайон "Губернский" (1), микрорайон Гидростроителей, улица Благоева (1), пос. Краснодарский (1), сквер Дубинский (1), улица 1 Мая (1), улица Академика Королёва (1), улица Благоева (1), улица Петра Метальникова (1), улица Твардовского (3), улица имени Невкипелова (1), 十四張 (1), 貨櫃碼頭 Container Port (1), 雙城 (1),
from:en1Container Port (1),
from:zh1貨櫃碼頭 (1),
frontage_road1yes (1),
fuel5coal (4), lpg=yes (1),
fuel:1_257no (7),
fuel:1_507no (7),
fuel:GTL_diesel8no (7), yes (1),
fuel:HGV_diesel3no (1), yes (2),
fuel:biodiesel7no (7),
fuel:cng20no (10), yes (10),
fuel:coal1yes (1),
fuel:diesel55no (1), yes (54),
fuel:e107no (6), yes (1),
fuel:e856no (6),
fuel:electricity1yes (1),
fuel:gas1yes (1),
fuel:lpg41driveway (1), yes (40),
fuel:octane_1009no (9),
fuel:octane_8010no (8), yes (2),
fuel:octane_9112no (7), yes (5),
fuel:octane_9248no (1), yes (47),
fuel:octane_9553no (1), yes (52),
fuel:octane_95_euro1yes (1),
fuel:octane_988no (7), yes (1),
full_name8Hohokam Pottery land graphic and desert landscaping (1), ДП «Кіровоградський КХП № 2» Державного комітету України з державного матеріального резерву ДП ДАК «Хліб України» (1), Комунальний заклад "Кіровоградський обласний центр туризму, краєзнавства та екскурсій учнівської молоді" (1), Комунальний заклад "Навчально-виховне об"єднання І-ІІІ ступенів "Науковий ліцей Міської ради міста Кропивницького Кіровоградської області" (1), Магазин спортивних товарів «Вища Ліга» (1), Олександрвський район електричних мереж (1), ПС Іскра 35/10кВ (1), Первый Украинский Международный Банк (1),
другие | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | z |