k | num | v's |
sac_scale | 15 | hiking (8), mountain_hiking (7), |
salt | 10 | no (9), yes (1), |
scenic | 2 | yes (2), |
school | 3 | yes (3), |
school:de | 2 | Gymnasium (1), Realschule Plus (1), |
scope | 1 | urban (1), |
scrub | 3 | seedling_trees (3), |
seamark:anchorage:maximum_depth | 4 | 12 (1), 14.4 (1), 18.2 (1), 20.0 (1), |
seamark:anchorage:minimum_depth | 4 | 17.6 (1), 17.8 (1), 4 (1), 5.8 (1), |
seamark:berth:minimum_depth | 12 | 10.0 (2), 11.35 (1), 11.85 (1), 12.25 (1), 15.2 (2), 3.86 (3), 7.05 (1), 9.0 (1), |
seamark:berth:name | 12 | 1 (2), 2 (2), 3 (2), 4 (1), 5 (1), 6 (1), Выносное причальное устройство башенного типа у мыса Каменный (1), Технологический причал № 1 (1), Технологический причал № 2 (1), |
seamark:light:character | 4 | Fl (4), |
seamark:light:colour | 2 | green (1), white (1), |
seamark:light:height | 2 | 36 (1), 68 (1), |
seamark:light:period | 4 | 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), 8 (1), |
seamark:light:range | 5 | 10 (1), 18 (1), 6 (1), 7 (1), 8.6 (1), |
seamark:light:sequence | 1 | 0.5+(2.5) (1), |
seamark:name | 11 | 1 (1), 2 (2), 2A Для судов подходящих с севера (1), 2B Для судов подходящих с юго-востока (1), Mys Povorotnyy (1), Каменный-Южный (1), Карантинная (1), Подходной канал (1), Сабетта (2), |
seamark:recommended_track:orientation | 8 | 187.9 (2), 197.7 (1), 199.9 (1), 207.7 (1), 218.3 (2), 226.6 (1), |
seamark:type | 39 | anchorage (6), berth (11), fairway (1), harbour (2), hulk (1), light_major (4), light_minor (1), pilot_boarding (1), radar_reflector (1), recommended_track (8), rescue_station (1), restricted_area (1), wreck (1), |
seasonal | 46 | no (1), summer (1), wet_season (1), winter (8), yes (35), |
seats | 8 | 12 (2), 14 (1), 32 (1), 4 (3), 6 (1), |
second_hand | 1 | yes (1), |
section | 2 | Belgium (1), middle (1), |
segment | 4 | yes (4), |
segregated | 23 | no (18), yes (5), |
self_service | 3 | no (1), only (1), yes (1), |
sensor:position | 1 | yes (1), |
service | 2005 | alley (33), blue (1), busway (1), city (2), commuter (3), country (1), crossover (16), dealer (1), drive-through (3), driveway (246), high_speed (9), long_distance (6), national (4), night (12), parking_aisle (340), regional (31), repair (1), siding (655), slipway (4), spur (469), urban (4), yard (163), |
service:copy | 1 | yes (1), |
service:press | 1 | yes (1), |
service:print | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:tyres | 4 | yes (4), |
share_taxi | 3 | yes (3), |
shelter | 198 | no (22), open (1), yes (175), |
shelter_type | 32 | basic_hut (2), gazebo (4), picnic_shelter (2), public_transport (24), |
ship | 10 | no (7), yes (3), |
shop | 2171 | alcohol (85), baby_goods (4), bakery (21), beauty (28), beverages (5), bicycle (4), bookmaker (1), books (10), boutique (2), butcher (30), cannabis (1), car (11), car_parts (52), : 1 SCHLUMPFs: 1 ceekay80: 1 RonMaka: 1 ГСТО: 1 ForstEK: 1 Venograd: 1 Lexxen: 1 Sergey Devetyarov: 4 Zverik: 1 desk77: 8 acsd: 1 Takuto: 1 Азат 098509: 1 dez: 3 Константин Гам: 1 Александр Д: 1 Stalker61: 18 Telnar: 3 VitMar: 1 KirillSEVER: 1 Роман Коваль: 1 Tagir Zagizullin: 1 Миша Окотетто: 1 iWowik: 1 pta43: 1 semyon: 1 Stroger: 3 X3M_tar_gz: 1 Дмитрий_: 1 Drollton: 1 фанис гайсин: 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">car_repair (66), chemist (14), clothes (66), coffee (1), computer (8), confectionery (19), convenience (515), copyshop (2), cosmetics (18), curtain (2), department_store (27), doityourself (29), dry_cleaning (6), e-cigarette (9), electrical (3), electronics (45), erotic (3), fabric (7), farm (26), fishing (3), florist (37), funeral_directors (3), furniture (34), garden_centre (1), gift (7), greengrocer (22), hairdresser (42), hardware (62), hearing_aids (1), houseware (8), ice_cream (10), interior_decoration (1), jewelry (31), kiosk (14), kitchen (3), laundry (7), lighting (2), mall (93), massage (1), mobile_phone (86), money_lender (7), motorcycle (3), music (2), newsagent (2), no (3), nuts (1), optician (7), outdoor (9), outpost (109), paint (1), pastry (3), pawnbroker (1), perfumery (2), pet (15), photo (4), power_tools (2), religion (1), seafood (6), shoe_repair (2), shoes (12), sports (12), stationery (14), supermarket (205), tailor (2), tattoo (1), tea (1), telecommunication (1), ticket (12), tobacco (1), toys (17), travel_agency (5), tyres (8), variety_store (12), wholesale (1), wine (4), yes (95), |
short_name | 28 | AT 04 VA (1), BSEC (1), CEP (1), CVS (1), NATO (1), S.D. (1), TER AuRA (1), USA (1), VRS (1), ГБУЗ ЯНАО Губкинская городская больница (1), ЗВО (1), Коми (1), ЛПУ ООО ГДУ (1), МБОУ СОШ №9 г. Новый Уренгой (1), МФЦ (4), РФ (1), СФО (1), УКЗ ООО ГДУ (1), УКиСР ООО ГДУ (1), Уч. комбинат ГДН (1), ФКУ ИК-8 (1), ЦВО (1), ЦГМ (1), ЦДНВ (1), ЦНК (1), |
short_name:ar | 1 | الناتو (1), |
short_name:az | 1 | ABŞ (1), |
short_name:be | 4 | ЗША (1), Паўночна-Заходняя ФА (1), Сібірская ФА (1), Уральская ФА (1), |
short_name:bg | 4 | НАТО (1), ОЧИС (1), САЩ (1), ЦГМ (1), |
short_name:cs | 1 | Spojené státy (1), |
short_name:de | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:en | 3 | NATO (1), SUMC (1), USA (1), |
short_name:es | 2 | EE.UU. (1), OTAN (1), |
short_name:fr | 2 | OTAN (1), É.-U. (1), |
short_name:fy | 1 | NAFO (1), |
short_name:it | 1 | OTAN (1), |
short_name:ko | 1 | 미국 (1), |
short_name:lt | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:lv | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:mk | 1 | НАТО (1), |
short_name:mo | 2 | OCEMN (1), СУА (1), |
short_name:nl | 2 | NAVO (1), VS (1), |
short_name:pl | 2 | NATO (1), USA (1), |
short_name:ro | 1 | OCEMN (1), |
short_name:ru | 5 | РФ (1), США (1), Северо-Западный ФО (1), Сибирский ФО (1), Уральский ФО (1), |
short_name:sr | 1 | САД (1), |
short_name:sr-Latn | 1 | SAD (1), |
short_name:sv | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:tr | 3 | ABD (1), KEİ (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:uk | 4 | НАТО (1), Північно-Західний ФО (1), Сибірський ФО (1), Уральський ФО (1), |
short_name:vi | 1 | Mỹ (1), |
short_name:zh | 2 | 北約 / 北约 (1), 美国/美國 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hans | 2 | 北约 (1), 美国 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hant | 2 | 北約 (1), 美國 (1), |
shoulder | 24 | both (2), no (19), right (3), |
side_road | 2 | double (2), |
sidewalk | 95 | both (38), left (6), no (18), none (6), right (14), separate (13), |
sidewalk:both | 7 | no (2), separate (5), |
sidewalk:both:surface | 13 | asphalt (6), paving_stones (7), |
sidewalk:left | 15 | no (8), separate (5), yes (2), |
sidewalk:left:surface | 4 | asphalt (2), paving_stones (2), |
sidewalk:right | 13 | no (3), separate (8), yes (2), |
sidewalk:right:surface | 2 | asphalt (2), |
siren:purpose | 1 | civil_defense (1), |
siren:type | 1 | electronic (1), |
ski | 3 | designated (1), no (2), |
smoking | 26 | isolated (1), no (9), outside (15), yes (1), |
smoothness | 199 | bad (22), excellent (34), good (40), horrible (25), intermediate (25), off_road_wheels (1), very_bad (46), very_horrible (6), |
smoothness:date | 2 | 2020-10-14 (2), |
snowmobile | 4 | no (2), yes (2), |
snowplowing | 1 | yes (1), |
social_facility | 6 | dairy_kitchen (1), group_home (3), nursing_home (1), shelter (1), |
social_facility:for | 3 | orphan (2), refugee (1), |
socket:type2 | 2 | 2 (2), |
socket:type2:output | 2 | 22 kW (2), |
source:addr | 118 | EMUiA (dopiewo.e-mapa.net) (1), EMUiA (grodziskwielkopolski.e-mapa.net) (1), bialapodlaska.e-mapa.net (1), cuzk:ruian (74), grodziskwielkopolski.e-mapa.net (1), gugik.gov.pl (4), mbialapodlaska.e-mapa.net (2), mdabrowagornicza.e-mapa.net (1), minvskaddress 2021-10 (1), minvskaddress 2023-04 (6), mszana.e-mapa.net (1), survey (3), ЕГРН (22), |
source:boundary | 4 | nls_os_6inch_1842-82 (4), |
source:date | 88 | 2004-07-01 (28), 2004-07-25 (2), 2004-08-12 (1), 2009/07/21 (1), 2014-03-24 (1), 2018-07-03 (35), 2018-07-18 (13), 2020-08-31 (1), 2023-02-28 (6), |
source:ele | 3 | IGN RGEALTI 2022-12-20 (Lidar) (1), gpx (2), |
source:geometry | 23 | Esri World Imagery (2), HiRes aerial imagery 2009 (1), Maxar (2023); OpenTopoMap; SAGECAN (1994); INE (2011); IGVSB; Esri; Bing (3), PSMA_Admin_Boundaries (1), bing 2023 (11), geoportal.gov.pl:ortofoto (1), strava-heatmap (4), |
source:geometry:date | 36 | 2008-09-10 (6), 2010-05-31 (1), 2010-12-06 (1), 2011-11-02 (7), 2012-04-06 (6), 2013-11-19 (1), 2014-09-08 (1), 2015-03-09 (1), 2017-09-08 (2), 2017-11-10 (3), 2018-04-18 (2), 2019-04-30 (1), 2019-09-30 (1), 2021-03-11 (1), 2021-05-19 (1), 2021-11-04 (1), |
source:geometry:ref | 36 | Gba/263862 (1), Gba/381359 (1), Gba/51197 (1), Gbg/2041185 (1), Gbg/2419342 (1), Gbg/2420947 (1), Gbg/3398117 (1), Gbg/3398452 (1), Gbg/3398616 (1), Gbg/3399981 (1), Gbg/3407604 (1), Gbg/3407687 (1), Gbg/3504732 (1), Gbg/3504733 (1), Gbg/3504874 (1), Gbg/3505004 (1), Gbg/3505005 (1), Gbg/3505019 (1), Gbg/3505020 (1), Gbg/3505244 (1), Gbg/3505311 (1), Gbg/4430561 (1), Gbg/5830347 (1), Gbg/6054533 (1), Gbg/6055114 (1), Gbg/6291107 (1), Gbg/6675321 (1), Gbg/6808341 (1), Gbg/6904941 (1), Gbg/6943285 (1), Gbg/799456 (1), Gbg/799457 (1), Gbg/800396 (1), Gbg/800398 (1), Gbg/800401 (1), Gbg/800822 (1), |
source:heritage | 1 | Ministère de la Culture - 06/2019 (1), |
source:hgv:national_network | 6 | Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: (6), |
source:hgv:state_network | 4 | NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/about/rules/pdf/chapter32truckaccess.pdf (4), |
source:id | 2 | 2754iii Chorrera - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X27543 (1984) (2), |
source:imagery | 2 | Bing & Maxar Sat Imagery as of 2023 (2), |
source:ja | 7 | 国土数値情報(森林地域データ)平成18年 国土交通省 (7), |
source:maxgcweight | 1 | http://www.torun.pl/pl/miasto/uklad-drogowy/ograniczenia-w-ruchu-tir-ow (1), |
source:maxgcweight:url | 1 | http://www.mzd.torun.pl/pliki/18_ton.jpg.pdf (1), |
source:maxspeed | 50 | AT:urban (1), DE:urban (4), DE:zone (1), DE:zone30 (7), DE:zone:30 (3), DK:urban (1), ES:urban (1), FDOT "Maximum Speed Limits" GIS data, updated August 27, 2011: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/statistics/gis/roaddata.shtm (1), IT:urban (2), LT:urban (1), https://www.plk-sa.pl/files/public/user_upload/pdf/Reg_przydzielania_tras/Regulamin_2019_2020/02.07.2019/N_ZAL_2.1A_20192020.pdf (1), sign (25), signals (2), |
source:name | 79 | Collins 1936 (1), DCN (1970) (1), DCN (1974) (1), DCN (1976) (1), GNS (2), IBGE (2), INE (2014); IGVSB (10), OS Locator (1), OS_OpenData_Locator (1), OS_OpenData_StreetView (1), Sign on the bridge of the DN5C crossing the river (1), TIGER2012 (1), Vicmap.Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (1), bing (1), gvr (50), photograph (1), signs (1), survey (2), |
source:name:br | 3 | ofis publik ar brezhoneg (2), proper translation (1), |
source:name:oc | 31 | ieo-bdtopoc (31), |
source:name:sv | 1 | Digiroad.fi (1), |
source:outline | 1 | Bing Aerial Imagery (1), |
source:overtaking | 2 | continuous double centre line (2), |
source:population | 25 | Census (10), INE (2014) (9), PSA Census August 2015 (1), Statistics NZ via Wikipedia (1), census.gov (1), http://www.pref.okayama.jp/soshiki/15/ (2), stat.tj (1), |
source:position | 9295 | Bing (4934), Bing Imagery (1094), Digital Globe Standard Imagery for openstreetmap (2), Digital Globe Standard Imagery in osm (1), DigitalGlobe Standard (63), DigitalGlobe Standard Imagery (1), ESRIWorld (17), IRS (15), Landsat (1604), MapBox (551), MapQuest (18), Sentinel-2 (990), bing 2009-06-20 (0,0) (4), maxar (1), |
source:ref | 40 | #ŻółtaNaklejkaPLK (33), 9/112951 (1), INTT (2011) (4), Vialidad (2), |
source:short_name | 1 | Associated Press (1), |
source:stream | 2 | OS Opendata Streetview (2), |
source:tracer | 9342 | RiverTrace (60), scanaerial (9282), |
source:url | 464 | http://adm.yanao.ru/466/ (183), http://gis-lab.info/qa/rusbounds-rosreestr.html (225), http://www.admhmao.ru/economic/stroit/schema/shema2.htm (35), http://www.admhmao.ru/wps/portal/hmao/ob_okruge/mo/belojarskij/material/ (3), http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000028658380 (2), https://disk.yandex.ru/d/McBgrlXWBK9rfw (1), https://docs.cntd.ru/document/424064294 (2), https://docs.cntd.ru/document/429019798 (1), https://dprr.yanao.ru/documents/active/25655/ (1), https://maps.lib.utexas.edu/maps/topo/nicaragua/ (2), https://njt.hu/jogszabaly/2010-184-00-00.15 (2), https://njt.hu/jogszabaly/2016-134-20-22.20 (2), https://njt.hu/jogszabaly/2020-429-20-22.6 (1), https://tass.ru/ekonomika/10211623 (1), https://www.yanao.ru/upload/uf/864/Nadimskiy.doc (1), https://www.yanao.ru/upload/uf/ed1/Kunovatskiy.doc (1), https://yadi.sk/i/0ZWOcHT8RAE__g (1), |
source:width | 4 | ARCore (4), |
source:zoomlevel | 9283 | 10 (355), 11 (2990), 12 (1722), 13 (1427), 14 (793), 15 (1363), 16 (380), 17 (162), 18 (32), 19 (3), 9 (56), |
source_date | 1 | 2023-04-15 (1), |
source_ref | 95 | http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-A13.html (7), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-W05.html (52), http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/GSI_KIBAN (26), http://www.linz.govt.nz/topography/topo-maps/ (5), https://energybase.ru/substation/PS_220_kV_Olenya (1), https://npgallery.nps.gov/AssetDetail/NRIS/13000695 (3), www.rgc.cd (1), |
species | 7 | Acer negundo (1), Fraxinus americana (1), Pinus banksiana (1), Thuja occidentalis (1), Tilia americana (1), Ulmus americana (2), |
species:en | 7 | American Elm (2), Basswood (1), Eastern White Cedar (1), Jack Pine (1), Manitoba Maple (1), White Ash (1), |
sport | 306 | 10pin (1), athletics (5), baseball (4), basketball (28), basketball;athletics;volleyball;tennis (1), basketball;soccer (2), basketball;soccer;volleyball;table_tennis (1), basketball;swimming;running;soccer;ice_hockey (1), beachvolleyball (1), bicycle;ice_skating (1), billiards (2), boxing;karate (1), chess (1), climbing (1), equestrian (1), fitness (8), fitness;basketball (1), fitness;swimming;table_tennis;gymnastics;volleyball (1), free_flying (1), hockey (2), hockey;soccer (1), ice_hockey (18), ice_skating (1), judo (1), karate;boxing (1), karting (2), motocross (1), multi (103), multi;fitness (1), paintball (1), pickleball (1), running (5), shooting (4), skateboard (3), skating (2), skiing (2), soccer (63), soccer;basketball (5), soccer;ice_hockey (2), swimming (10), tennis (8), volleyball (2), yoga (1), Лыжная_трасса_(500м.;1000м;1500;2000м.;2500м.;5000м.;7000м. (1), теннис;бассейн (1), тренажерный_зал_занятия_отделений_«тяжелая_атлетика»;«тхэквондо»;«бокс» (2), |
sports | 1 | yoga (1), |
ssr:stedsnr | 208 | 104516 (1), 104830 (1), 104849 (1), 105265 (1), 105377 (1), 105390 (1), 105400 (1), 105441 (1), 105471 (1), 105477 (1), 105779 (1), 105987 (1), 110712 (1), 154030 (1), 154032 (1), 154077 (1), 154099 (1), 154360 (1), 164856 (1), 165326 (1), 165347 (1), 165405 (1), 165806 (1), 165947 (1), 170688 (1), 170693 (1), 170905 (1), 182446 (1), 182449 (1), 214099 (1), 215320 (1), 225444 (1), 226294 (1), 226427 (1), 226461 (1), 226462 (1), 226464 (1), 226486 (1), 226537 (1), 226820 (1), 226843 (1), 232112 (1), 243162 (1), 243442 (1), 275077 (1), 275242 (1), 275758 (1), 286276 (1), 287285 (1), 287307 (1), 287378 (1), 287476 (1), 292690 (1), 293839 (1), 304044 (1), 32013 (1), 32139 (1), 336030 (1), 336178 (1), 346220 (1), 347344 (1), 347391 (1), 347447 (1), 347452 (1), 347719 (1), 347789 (1), 347792 (1), 352675 (1), 380692 (1), 408324 (1), 408428 (1), 408473 (1), 408518 (1), 408791 (1), 408825 (1), 409869 (1), 413894 (1), 426185 (1), 43849 (1), 43883 (1), 44450 (1), 44823 (1), 44991 (1), 457028 (1), 457037 (1), 468482 (1), 468772 (1), 469367 (1), 469400 (1), 469465 (1), 469498 (1), 474103 (1), 475137 (1), 475826 (1), 485370 (1), 485435 (1), 486111 (1), 49151 (1), 49434 (1), 49877 (1), 501634 (1), 518041 (1), 518048 (1), 518091 (1), 528461 (1), 528868 (1), 528932 (1), 529349 (1), 529353 (1), 529422 (1), 529467 (1), 529654 (1), 529790 (1), 529806 (1), 529820 (1), 529822 (1), 529918 (1), 535098 (1), 535117 (1), 546591 (1), 589460 (1), 589959 (1), 590260 (1), 590308 (1), 590352 (1), 590382 (1), 590433 (1), 590476 (1), 590509 (1), 590513 (1), 590815 (1), 595383 (1), 595669 (1), 596130 (1), 596649 (1), 61034 (1), 639044 (1), 639194 (1), 650201 (1), 650218 (1), 650253 (1), 650429 (1), 650432 (1), 656381 (1), 700063 (1), 700174 (1), 710840 (1), 711284 (1), 711300 (1), 711449 (1), 711804 (1), 711812 (1), 711830 (1), 712326 (1), 712346 (1), 728407 (1), 733432 (1), 760057 (1), 760095 (1), 760155 (1), 760174 (1), 760786 (1), 761030 (1), 771216 (1), 771435 (1), 772470 (1), 772473 (1), 772479 (1), 772503 (1), 772777 (1), 772800 (1), 777867 (1), 778143 (1), 789450 (1), 790167 (1), 821079 (1), 821083 (1), 833464 (1), 833465 (1), 833811 (1), 850360 (1), 850401 (1), 882144 (1), 894307 (1), 894333 (1), 894484 (1), 894803 (1), 894841 (1), 894932 (1), 899124 (1), 899906 (1), 93024 (1), 93038 (1), 93146 (1), 93149 (1), 93155 (1), 943058 (1), 943756 (1), 953240 (1), 953545 (1), 953854 (1), 953855 (1), 954385 (1), 954418 (1), 954487 (1), 954833 (1), 960110 (1), 960805 (1), |
stairs | 1 | yes (1), |
stars | 4 | 3 (3), 4 (1), |
start_date | 155 | 1839 (12), 1840 (20), 1845 (2), 1847 (3), 1852 (1), 1883-07-11 (1), 1888 (2), 1902 (1), 1918 (1), 1941 (1), 1971 (1), 1975 (2), 1981-08-08 (1), 1982-01-06 (1), 1985-04-29 (1), 1986-07-30 (1), 1986-12-24 (1), 1987 (2), 1987-03-10 (1), 1987-08-28 (1), 1988 (1), 1989 (10), 1990 (2), 1991 (1), 1992 (2), 1993-05-11 (1), 1993-05-30 (1), 1994 (1), 1995 (3), 2000 (2), 2000.12.01 (1), 2003-8-2 (1), 2007 (1), 2008 (2), 2010 (1), 2011-09-07 (1), 2013 (2), 2014 (2), 2014-01-01 (1), 2015-03 (2), 2016 (3), 2017 (4), 2017-02-06 (1), 2017-11-08 (1), 2018 (3), 2018-03-25 (17), 2018-07-22 (2), 2019 (4), 2019-10-07 (1), 2020 (4), 2020-05-01 (1), 2020-08-03 (1), 2020-10-31 (1), 2021 (4), 2021-02-28 (1), 2022 (6), 2022-12-11 (4), 2023-01-01 (1), Неизвестно (1), проектируемая (1), |
state | 16 | alternate (6), connection (3), disused (1), inuse (1), proposed (5), |
station | 5 | light_rail (3), subway (1), train (1), |
status | 40 | озеро (2), протока (13), река (25), |
stay | 1 | 30+ (1), |
step_count | 4 | 15 (1), 4 (2), 6 (1), |
stile | 1 | stepover (1), |
stop | 70 | all (34), minor (36), |
street_cabinet | 2 | power (2), |
stroller | 6 | yes (6), |
structure | 488 | lattice (371), solid (117), |
structure_gauge | 1 | GC (1), |
subject:wikidata | 4 | Q1394 (2), Q15069581 (1), Q4312478 (1), |
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survey_point:zh | 1 | 陸檢水準點 (1), |
swimming_pool | 1 | Плавательный (1), |
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