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service:bicycle:mtb1yes (1),
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service:vehicle:car_repair4yes (4),
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short_name:af1ZAR (1),
short_name:ar1الناتو (1),
short_name:az1ABŞ (1),
short_name:be6ЗША (1), ПАР (1), Паўночна-Заходняя ФА (1), Прыволжская ФА (1), РП (1), Уральская ФА (1),
short_name:bg5Иберия (1), НАТО (1), ОЧИС (1), РЮА (1), САЩ (1),
short_name:cs2Jadran (1), Spojené státy (1),
short_name:cv1КАР (1),
short_name:de2EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), NATO (1),
short_name:en7EU Member States (1), Kitaibaraki-Daigo Line (1), NATO (1), Nvt. (1), Que. (1), RSA (1), USA (1),
short_name:es3EE.UU. (1), Estados miembros de la UE (1), OTAN (1),
short_name:fr6Nt (1), OTAN (1), Qc (1), RSA (1), É.-U. (1), États membres de l'UE (1),
short_name:fy1NAFO (1),
short_name:hu1Ibéria (1),
short_name:it1OTAN (1),
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short_name:lv1NATO (1),
short_name:mdf1ЛАР (1),
short_name:mk1НАТО (1),
short_name:mn1ӨАБНУ (1),
short_name:mo2OCEMN (1), СУА (1),
short_name:nl3EU-lidstaten (1), NAVO (1), VS (1),
short_name:os1ХАР (1),
short_name:pl4NATO (1), Państwa Członkowskie UE (1), RPA (1), USA (1),
short_name:ro1OCEMN (1),
short_name:ru8Приволжский ФО (1), РФ (1), США (1), Северо-Западный ФО (1), УБРиР (1), Уральский ФО (1), Центральный ФО (1), ЮАР (1),
short_name:sah1САР (1),
short_name:sl2Ibêrija (1), JAR (1),
short_name:sr1САД (1),
short_name:sr-Latn1SAD (1),
short_name:sv2EU-länderna (1), NATO (1),
short_name:ta1பிரித்தானியா (1),
short_name:tk1GAR (1),
short_name:tr3ABD (1), KEİ (1), NATO (1),
short_name:tt2Иберия (1), КАҖ (1),
short_name:uk7Долинська ЗОШ (1), НАТО (1), ПАР (1), Приволзький ФА (1), Північно-Західний ФО (1), Список країн ЄС (1), Уральський ФО (1),
short_name:uz1JAR (1),
short_name:vi1Mỹ (1),
short_name:zh3北約 / 北约 (1), 維港 (1), 美国/美國 (1),
short_name:zh-Hans2北约 (1), 美国 (1),
short_name:zh-Hant2北約 (1), 美國 (1),
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side10both (1), right (9),
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sidewalk:both22no (6), separate (15), yes (1),
sidewalk:both:surface47asphalt (23), concrete:plates (2), paving_stones (19), sett (3),
sidewalk:left94no (68), separate (22), yes (4),
sidewalk:left:bicycle2yes (2),
sidewalk:left:foot2designated (2),
sidewalk:left:surface6asphalt (5), paving_stones (1),
sidewalk:left:traffic_sign2DE:239,1022-10 (2),
sidewalk:right88no (18), separate (68), yes (2),
sidewalk:right:surface14asphalt (3), concrete:plates (2), grass (1), paving_stones (8),
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ski94designated (20), no (2), yes (72),
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smoothness785bad (144), excellent (124), good (199), horrible (54), impassable (2), intermediate (134), very_bad (98), very_horrible (30),
smoothness:date62019-06-13 (1), 2019-07-01 (1), 2020-08 (1), 2022-04-29 (3),
snowmobile59designated (8), no (30), permissive (1), yes (20),
snowplowing1yes (1),
social_facility32care_home (1), dairy_kitchen (2), group_home (22), nursing_home (3), outreach (3), shelter (1),
social_facility:for27child (4), disabled (1), diseased (1), drug_addicted (2), homeless (1), juvenile (1), mental_health (2), orphan (4), senior (11),
sorting_name1Kinských (1),
sorting_name:en1Sea of Japan (1),
sorting_name:ja1朝鮮東海 (1),
sorting_name:ko1조선동해 (1),
sorting_name:ko-Hani1朝鮮東海 (1),
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source:access_control1MDSHA Highway Location Reference (1),
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source:addr:date51995-01-01 (1), 2008-07-07 (2), 2021-06-07 (1), 2022-10-17 (1),
source:addr:postcode2code-point_open (2),
source:alt_name1Isle of Man Government Planning Applications (1),
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source:date2531975-07-01 (1), 2005 (1), 2009 (4), 2009-07-19 (1), 2011-06 (3), 2012 (1), 2013 (4), 2013-09-08 (1), 2014-03-24 (5), 2014-09-07 (2), 2014..2015 (4), 2015-03-31 (3), 2015-11-29 (1), 2016-12-31 (1), 2017-03-16 (1), 2017-07-31 (1), 2018 (33), 2020 (26), 2020-07-15 (1), 2021 (2), 2022 (1), 2023-02-22 (3), 2023-03-13 (143), 2023-03-26 (9), 30 08 13 (1), (5),
source:destination2mapillary (1), survey (1),
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source:euro_const1 (1),
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source:hgv40Dallas City Code section 28-71 (4), MassGIS (33), NCDOT (1), PennDOT (2),
source:hgv:national_network17KYTC (3), NJDOT (3), Title 23: Highways Part 658 (9), Title 23: Highways Part 658 and document from NDOT listing the FAP routes (1), Title%2023:%20Highways%20Part%20658%20 (1),
source:hgv:state_network32Caltrans (2), KYTC (1), NJDOT (24), NYSDOT (5),
source:highway9GADOT State Functional Classification 2018 (5), GADOT-FHWA-Functional Highway Classification System (3), (1),
source:id592654i Cosigüina - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X26541 (1984) (2), 2654ii Estero Padre Ramos - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X26542 (1961) (21), 2655ii Potosí - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X26552 (1972) (1), 2754iii Chorrera - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X27543 (1984) (21), 2754iv Estero Real - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X27544 (1961) (8), 6657645 (1), 6825097 (1), 6848947 (1), 6889048 (2), USGS OpenTopo map indicated on each segment (1),
source:imagery54Bing & Maxar Sat Imagery as of 2023 (52), Maxar & Bing Sat Imagery as of 2022 (2),
source:ja10国土数値情報(森林地域データ)平成18年 国土交通省 (10),
source:junction:ref4Mapillary (2023-02-20) (4),
source:landuse1Sentinel 2 imagery 2021 (1),
source:lit4 (4),
source:location1lpi_imagery (1),
source:maxaxleload2Dz.U. 2011 nr 222 poz. 1321 Art. 2 pkt. 11 (2),
source:maxspeed39225 in Nowata City unless otherwise posted. (26), 45 MPH in Noble County unless otherwise posted (2), 45 in Muskogee County unless otherwise posted. (1), 45 in Noble County unless otherwise posted. (4), 45 in Nowata County unless otherwise posted. (9), AT:rural (1), AT:urban (6), AT:zone:30 (1), AU:urban (1), Amtrak ETT 2010-01-18 (18), BE-BRU:urban (5), BE:F99c (1), BE:zone50 (4), BG:motorway (4), BOVP arrêté n° 2021P110904 (1), CZ:rural (1), CZ:urban (1), California vehicle code 22352 (1), Conrail ETT 2013-07-01 (2), DE:bicycle_road (1), DE:motorway (1), DE:rural (1), DE:urban (16), DE:urban;sign (1), DE:zone (1), DE:zone30 (19), DE:zone:30 (4), DK:rural (1), DK:urban (19), EE:rural (1), ES:urban (3), ES:zone30 (1), FDOT "Maximum Speed Limits" GIS data, updated August 27, 2011: (31), FR:motorway (14), FR:rural (2), FR:urban (12), FR:zone30 (2), HU:zone:30 (1), IT:urban (3), NL:zone30 (1), NZ:urban (6), PL:motorway (2), PL:rural (1), PL:urban (4), PL:zone30 (1), SK:motorway (3), Speed limit 30 in Perry unless otherwise posted. (10), Speed limit 45 unless otherwise posted in Muskogee County (1), UK:nsl_dual (2), US:TX:urban (1), Unless otherwise posted, speed limit is 35 MPH in Hughes County. (3), implicit (60), massgis (27), sign (41), survey 2014-06-28 (1), survey 2015-02-22 (1), survey 2015-03-01 (1), survey 2015-07-19 (2), survey;image (1),
source:maxspeed:conditional1sign (1),
source:maxspeed:forward1FR:urban (1),
source:maxspeed:mapillary1-BbaxK3sXY1UPfwyGvn6lw;M45r7K_JM9SZHTkYQmf48g (1),
source:maxweight1sign (1),
source:mdds:PLCN1CensusIndia2011 (DH_2011_2007_PART_A_DCHB_SAHIBGANJ) (1),
source:name62Census2011 (DH_2011_2007_PART_A_DCHB_SAHIBGANJ) (1), DCN (1965) (1), DCN (1970) (1), DCS NSW Base Map (12), GIS Directorate of Central Informatics Organization Bahrain ( (1), IBGE (1), INE (2014); IGVSB (6), Mairie d'Orange 2022 (3), Mountainbikeland Schweiz (2), Nomenclátor Geográfico de Municipios y Entidades de Población (3), OS OpenData Locator (1), OSM US TIGER 2012 ROADS OVERLAY (1), OS_OpenData_Locator (1), Orange County plat book/page 1/29: Orlando Area Executive Center Unit One (1), (1), ZBGIS (2), address (1), cadastre-dgi-fr source : Direction Générale des Finances Publiques - Cadastre. Mise à jour : 2014 (2), dictaphone (3), (1), (3), (2), (1), (1), registered building (1), (1), sign (1), sign at entrance (1), survey (5), voice (1),
source:name:br17ofis publik ar brezhoneg (11), proper translation (6),
source:name:br:date22016-01 (2),
source:name:ga2J.O'D A16 (2),
source:name:oc40Lo Congrès (1), ieo-bdtopoc (39),
source:network1Florida Greenways & Trails System Plan (October 17, 2012) (1),
source:note5 (2), (2), Согласно источнику, южная граница проходит как-то очень странно и включает 2/3 Корейского пролива. В итоге южная граница проведена условно. (1),
source:note:name1 (1),
source:old_ref21947 and 1951 maps (2),
source:outline3Bing (1), NRW ALKIS (2),
source:pkey51346 (1), 1428 (1), 2262 (1), 321 (1), 3343 (1),
source:population67Bevölkerungsstatistik des Landkreises Fulda, abgerufen im September 2015 (1), CensusIndia2011 (DH_2011_2007_PART_A_DCHB_SAHIBGANJ) (1), DZS 2021 (5), INE (2014) (6), INSEE 2014 (1), INSEE 2022 (3), Statistics NZ 2019 (2), US Census (1), (1), (39), 2010-08-10 (1), (1), (1), (1), Белстат (3),
source:position10ESRIWorld (1), Mapillary 2020-08-14 (5), Sentinel-2 (1), bs-hessen (1), cuzk:km (1), (1),
source:postal_code26Isle of Man Government Land Registry Land Transactions (11), Isle of Man Government Planning Applications (14), La Poste - 12/2014 (1),
source:proposed:lanes2Metroplan Orlando TIP (2013-2017, revised January 30, 2013)/LRTP (2030, revised February 13, 2013) (2),
source:ref409/101102 (2), 9224002 (2), CCPRO 2014 (2), CCPRO 2015 (1), INTT (2011) (3), LTFRB MC 2020-026 (2), LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2020-019 (4), LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2022-067 (1), LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2022-074 (1), OS OpenData StreetView (1), Tanroads (1), Vialidad (3), (7), rsd_cr (6), (4),
source:ref:20201LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2020-019 (1),
source:reg_ref4ΦΕΚ Α 47/8.2.1956 (4),
source:ro8Agenţia Europeană de Mediu, CORINE Land Cover, 2006 (7), Agenția Europeană de Mediu, CORINE Land Cover, 2006 (1),
source:short_name1Associated Press (1),
source:surface2Esri World Imagery (2),
source:tracer2scanaerial (2),
source:type1CZ:urban (1), (1),
source:url285 (164), (49), (7), (1), (2), (9), (1), (21), (22), (9),
source:voltage1estimation (1),
source:width19ARCore (14), estimated from Esri World Imagery (Clarity) Beta (3), estimated from Maxar Premium Imagery (2),
source:zoomlevel215 (2),
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source_ref32AM909_DSCN1945 (1), AM909_DSCN2193 (1), AM909_DSCU4923 (1), AM909_DSCX0644;AM909_DSCX0645;AM909_DSCX0646 (1), (10), (1), (4), (2), (9), (1), (1),
source_ref:maxspeed1AM909_DSCX0634 (1),
species2Guayabito limón (1), Hevea Brasiliensis (1),
species:ru1Тополь (1),
species:wikidata63Q121439 (1), Q124410 (1), Q130933 (1), Q131564 (1), Q132922 (1), Q137528 (1), Q14334 (1), Q148628 (1), Q165974 (1), Q168976 (1), Q170177 (1), Q17592 (1), Q177856 (1), Q179225 (1), Q179863 (1), Q184751 (1), Q187024 (1), Q189868 (1), Q190516 (1), Q191781 (1), Q1988192 (1), Q199427 (1), Q2169710 (1), Q220248 (1), Q232906 (1), Q25384 (1), Q25402 (1), Q25432 (1), Q25438 (1), Q25769 (1), Q26423 (1), Q269896 (1), Q27452479 (1), Q285648 (1), Q2934 (2), Q33609 (1), Q34706 (1), Q35694 (1), Q36341 (1), Q3736439 (1), Q39624 (1), Q40994 (1), Q41050 (1), Q41181 (1), Q42699 (1), Q4388 (1), Q466597 (1), Q516612 (1), Q61865 (1), Q628239 (1), Q643101 (1), Q69581 (1), Q741524 (1), Q767508 (1), Q775569 (1), Q780 (1), Q7966 (1), Q80174 (1), Q80952 (1), Q82738 (1), Q848706 (1), Q93208 (1),
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Русский драматический театр Удмуртии: 1
Artyomka: 2
5th element: 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">2011 (5)
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subject:wikipedia6ru:Высоцкий, Владимир Семёнович (1), ru:Дурова, Надежда Андреевна (1), ru:Киров, Сергей Миронович (1), ru:Менделеев, Дмитрий Иванович (1), ru:Пальшина-Придатко, Антонина Тихоновна (1), ru:Ушков, Пётр Капитонович (1),
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switch27circuit_breaker (21), disconnector (5), earthing (1),
symbol145019 on white red flags (1), 303, 305, 306 (1), A tree and then a mirror image of a tree below it (3), Ammonit auf blauem Grund (1), Blaue Raute auf weißem Grund (1), Blauer Balken auf weißem Grund (1), Blue Tag with Yellow Tower (1), Blue mountains with Hebridean Way in words (1), Blue plate with yellow bicycle and small yellow square (1), Gelber Balken auf weißem Grund (1), Gelbes EU-Schiffchen auf blauem Grund (1), Grüne 13 auf gelbem Grund (1), Halb schwarze, halb rote Raute auf weißem Grund (1), M (1), Marguerite (2), Regenbogen über den Fluß (1), Rote Raute auf gelbem Grund (1), Roter Punkt (1), Rotes Rad auf weißem Grund (1), Torre Gialla (1), W im Kreis (1), Weiße Schilder mit schwarzem Rad, bei dem das Hinterrad blau gefüllt ist (1), Weißes V und weiße Krone auf blauem Grund (1), blauer Punkt auf weißem Rechteck (1), blue (2), blue bar on white rectangle with 17 (1), blue bar on white rectangle with 5 (1), blue bar on white rectangle with white number (1), blue circle with yellow dot in the middle (1), de.sgv.x.7 (2), gelber, waagerechter Balken (1), green bar on white rectangle (1), grüne Schilder mit Fahrradsymbol (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (2), (1), (1), (1), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (2), (2), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), major (1), muschel blau (1), orange (1), red bar on left, white bar on right with number 17 (1), red bar on white rectangle (1), red circle with white dot in the middle and arabic number 1 at the right bottom side (1), red paint (1), red-white-red stripes with the text "DOL" or red-white stripes (2), rot-weiß-rot 01 (1), stilisiertes weißes N auf rotem Grund (1), weisse 84 auf grünem Viereck (1), weißes "D" auf schwarzem Grund (1), weißes W auf blauem Grund, drei Punkte über dem W (1), white red (1), white strip on top of red strip (1), yellow-white-red vertical bars (1),
symbol:de5Blauer Balken auf weißem Rechteck mit 17 (1), Blauer Balken auf weißem Rechteck mit 5 (1), Blauer Balken auf weißem Rechteck mit weißer Zahl (1), Grüner Balken auf weißem Rechteck (1), roter Balken auf weißem Rechteck (1),
symbol:hu1KOO (1),
symbol:it2019 su bandierina bianca e rossa (1), segnavia bianco e rosso (1),
другие | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z |