k | num | v's |
3dr:dormers | 1 | a.a (1), |
3dr:dormers:left | 1 | a (1), |
3dr:dormers:right | 1 | a (1), |
3dr:height1 | 99 | 0.5 (21), 1 (34), 1.5 (10), 2 (21), 2.5 (2), 3 (3), 4.5 (3), 5 (1), 6 (3), 8 (1), |
3dr:length1 | 10 | 1 (2), 1.5 (3), 2 (3), 2.5 (1), 3 (1), |
3dr:length2 | 1 | 1 (1), |
3dr:n | 1 | 2 (1), |
3dr:number | 1 | 3 (1), |
3dr:type | 122 | 7.3.2 (1), apse_gabled (1), cross_gabled (1), gabled (26), gambrel (6), hipped (5), onion (2), pyramidal (2), quadruple_saltbox (4), saltbox (1), side_hipped (3), skillion (70), |
3dshapes:note | 1 | Inconsistente topologie op bladgrens (1), |
4wd_only | 19 | recommended (10), yes (9), |
AMBIENTE | 1 | Terrestre (1), |
AND_a_nosr_p | 1 | 10014977 (1), |
AUTO_ID | 2 | 6989 (1), 7001 (1), |
BASE_LEGAL | 1 | DECRETO Nº 1430 (14/01/1987). GACETA OFICIAL Nº 33650 (02/02/1987) (1), |
BL_FUENTE | 1 | MARN (1), |
CEMT | 4 | VIb (4), |
CLASE_IUCN | 1 | II (1), |
CLC:ID | 1 | EU-260031 (1), |
CLC:code | 92 | 112 (17), 211 (22), 221 (3), 222 (3), 231 (18), 311 (13), 312 (4), 313 (3), 322 (3), 323 (1), 324 (1), 333 (1), 411 (2), 512 (1), |
CLC:code_06 | 1 | 313 (1), |
CLC:explanation | 16 | See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Romania_CLC_Import. (16), |
CLC:id | 81 | FR-102049 (1), FR-102257 (1), FR-102512 (2), FR-102723 (2), FR-102815 (1), FR-102866 (1), FR-102904 (1), FR-102953 (1), FR-106991 (1), FR-122068 (1), FR-125030 (1), FR-126977 (1), FR-128124 (1), FR-130532 (1), FR-131930 (1), FR-132646 (1), FR-14324 (1), FR-157365 (1), FR-157475 (1), FR-17147 (1), FR-17408 (1), FR-177261 (1), FR-177457 (1), FR-182172 (1), FR-182503 (2), FR-182871 (2), FR-197463 (1), FR-202674 (1), FR-215187 (1), FR-215758 (1), FR-227610 (1), FR-229843 (1), FR-23016 (1), FR-253612 (1), FR-253618 (1), FR-253629 (1), FR-255521 (1), FR-256837 (2), FR-257942 (1), FR-25823 (1), FR-261936 (1), FR-266376 (1), FR-3033 (1), FR-30361; FR-30143 (1), FR-31137 (1), FR-32195 (1), FR-32532 (1), FR-35944 (1), FR-40234 (1), FR-40691 (1), FR-44298 (1), FR-47589 (1), FR-49817 (1), FR-50087 (1), FR-53680 (2), FR-53882 (2), FR-53912 (1), FR-54715 (2), FR-55356 (2), FR-62377 (1), FR-74956 (2), FR-75411 (1), FR-79205 (4), FR-87441 (1), FR-88709 (1), FR-88838 (1), FR-97456 (1), HU-314 (1), |
CLC:natural | 1 | water (1), |
CLC:shapeId | 10 | 140750 (1), 140894 (1), 140899 (1), 182731 (1), 45206 (1), 7536 (1), 96070 (1), 96251 (1), 9739 (1), 9905 (1), |
CLC:surfaceoverlap | 1 | 0.0080373529 (1), |
CLC:year | 90 | 2006 (90), |
CLC_Novads | 1 | Bauskas (1), |
FAA:LFSN | 1 | 50036.*A (1), |
FECREACION | 1 | 01/14/1987 (1), |
FID_1 | 1 | 0 (1), |
FIXME | 31 | Genaue Route und stop_position in Bischoffingen klären. (6), Map x DB inconsistency (1), Passierbarkeit überprüfen (1), Where is the signed west end? (1), continue (1), is this the 736? (1), recheck correct stop_position at Bahnhof Untermünstertal (1), recheck correct stop_position at Münstertal Bahnhof and Wiedener Eck (1), recheck correct stop_position at Münstertal Bahnhof. (15), verify details (1), verify route at Cranberry Plaza (1), yes (1), |
FIXME:name | 1 | verify (is it on any signs?) (1), |
Full_Plus_Code | 10 | 6F8WX26R+XR2V (1), 6F8WX27Q+FVM5 (1), 6F8WX27R+9RGX (1), 6F8WX28Q+MWP2 (1), 6F8WX29V+263P (1), 6F8WX29V+M939 (1), 6F8WX29V+PCC8 (1), 6F8WX2CR+8CX3 (1), 6F8WX2PH+W95R (1), 6F8WX2QH+FQHM (1), |
GNS:dsg_code | 3 | SEA (1), STM (1), WAD (1), |
GNS:dsg_name | 1 | wadi (1), |
GNS:id | 3 | -1506417 (1), -2866632 (1), -3099727 (1), |
HE_ref | 2 | 1000464 (1), 1047285 (1), |
HFCS | 25 | Major Arterial (Rural) (1), Major Collector (3), Minor Arterial (1), Principal Arterial (1), Principal Arterial - Other (6), Rural Local (1), Urban Collector (5), Urban Minor Arterial (5), Urban Principal Arterial - Other (2), |
HU:ed_direction | 1 | forward (1), |
IBGE:CD_ADMINIS | 1 | estadual (1), |
IBGE:GEOCODIGO | 16 | 2911006 (1), 29136065000 (1), 29136065500 (1), 2925931 (1), 2927804 (1), 2929370 (1), 29293701500 (1), 4113304 (1), 420014 (1), 420017 (1), 4203808 (1), 4205 (1), 4206 (1), 4210704 (1), 4213609 (1), 4218301 (1), |
ISO3166-1 | 20 | AT (1), CA (1), CL (1), CN (1), DE (1), ES (1), FR (1), GB (1), HR (1), IR (1), KZ (1), LT (1), PL (1), PT (1), RU (1), SA (1), TR (1), UA (1), UZ (1), VE (1), |
ISO3166-1:alpha2 | 20 | AT (1), CA (1), CL (1), CN (1), DE (1), ES (1), FR (1), GB (1), HR (1), IR (1), KZ (1), LT (1), PL (1), PT (1), RU (1), SA (1), TR (1), UA (1), UZ (1), VE (1), |
ISO3166-1:alpha3 | 20 | AUT (1), CAN (1), CHL (1), CHN (1), DEU (1), ESP (1), FRA (1), GBR (1), HRV (1), IRN (1), KAZ (1), LTU (1), POL (1), PRT (1), RUS (1), SAU (1), TUR (1), UKR (1), UZB (1), VEN (1), |
ISO3166-1:numeric | 20 | 040 (1), 124 (1), 152 (1), 156 (1), 191 (1), 250 (1), 276 (1), 364 (1), 398 (1), 440 (1), 616 (1), 620 (1), 643 (1), 682 (1), 724 (1), 792 (1), 804 (1), 826 (1), 860 (1), 862 (1), |
ISO3166-2 | 72 | AT-4 (1), BO-C (1), BO-P (1), CA-NU (1), CL-AR (1), CL-LI (1), CL-LR (1), CN-HN (1), DE-BY (1), DE-HE (1), ES-CM (1), ES-GU (1), FR-12 (1), FR-30 (1), FR-K (1), FR-N (1), FR-OCC (1), GB-CON (1), GB-ENG (1), GB-GLS (1), HR-14 (1), IR-09 (1), IR-11 (1), IR-14 (1), KG-C (1), KM-A (1), LB-AK (1), LB-BH (1), LS-A (1), LS-F (1), LT-43 (1), LT-44 (1), LT-SA (1), PL-12 (1), PL-32 (1), PT-01 (1), PT-06 (1), PT-10 (1), RU-BA (1), RU-CHE (1), RU-KGN (1), RU-KHM (1), RU-KO (1), RU-PER (1), RU-SVE (1), RU-TYU (1), SA-09 (1), TR-08 (1), TR-53 (1), UA-05 (1), UA-30 (1), UZ-AN (1), UZ-NW (1), UZ-SA (1), VE-B (1), VE-D (1), VE-G (1), VE-H (1), VE-I (1), VE-J (1), VE-K (1), VE-N (1), VE-U (1), VE-Y (1), VN-47 (1), VN-49 (1), VN-55 (1), VN-59 (1), VN-SG (1), ZA-FS (1), ZA-GP (1), ZA-LP (1), |
KKR:code | 1 | VEE1154200 (1), |
KSJ2:AAC | 2 | 20215 (1), 34368,34369 (1), |
KSJ2:AAC_label | 2 | 広島県*,広島県* (1), 長野県塩尻市 (1), |
KSJ2:BDC | 5 | 00 (5), |
KSJ2:DFC | 5 | 3 (5), |
KSJ2:DFC_label | 5 | 地域森林計画対象民有林 (5), |
KSJ2:HOW | 1 | 520 (1), |
KSJ2:LDM | 1 | 0 (1), |
KSJ2:LIN | 14 | 宮津線 (2), 宮福線 (9), 智頭線 (2), 甘木線 (1), |
KSJ2:PRC | 5 | 26 (5), |
KSJ2:PRC_label | 5 | 京都府 (5), |
KSJ2:STN | 1 | 苔縄 (1), |
KSJ2:forest_id | 5 | BF01_00739 (1), BF01_00798 (2), BF01_00874 (1), BF01_01181 (1), |
LINZ:dataset | 11 | mainland (11), |
LINZ:layer | 11 | coastline (5), mud_poly (1), native_poly (3), scrub_poly (2), |
LINZ:source_version | 11 | 2012-06-06 (11), |
MCM | 1 | 477 (1), |
NHD:ComID | 22 | 109986912 (1), 109987138 (1), 120000092 (2), 131001295 (1), 133401145 (1), 133403774 (2), 145333131 (1), 151002540 (1), 155544900 (1), 155755182 (10), 49086210 (1), |
NHD:Elevation | 1 | 209 (1), |
NHD:FCode | 23 | 33600 (2), 39009 (1), 43612 (1), 46003 (1), 46006 (18), |
NHD:FDate | 17 | 2003/11/05 (1), 2004/12/13 (2), 2005/03/30 (2), 2006/02/04 (1), 2007/05/12 (1), 2009/01/15 (10), |
NHD:FTYPE | 17 | CanalDitch (2), Reservoir (1), StreamRiver (14), |
NHD:FType | 5 | StreamRiver (5), |
NHD:RESOLUTION | 21 | High (21), |
NHD:ReachCode | 7 | 07080103002541 (1), 07120004001719 (1), 3030004000726 (1), 3040105000616 (1), 5050001000651 (1), 6010108000647 (1), 7080105001089 (1), |
NHD:way_id | 5 | 131001295 (1), 133401145 (1), 139615116 (1), 151002540 (1), 49086210 (1), |
NHS | 38 | STRAHNET (5), STRAHNET (connector) (1), yes (32), |
NOMBRE | 1 | San Esteban (José Miguel Sanz) (1), |
STIF:zone | 1 | 5 (1), |
Shape_Leng | 6 | 3.44049679422e+002 (1), 7.61606630341e+001;8.07672255996e+001;1.77885647140e+002;8.14025250069e+001;7.93595922419e+001;1.55940107578e+002;7.79215321286e+001;7.98020916316e+001;7.49163647450e+001 (1), 7.79541941055e+001;8.37419022926e+001;7.54774504556e+001;8.16002525360e+001;8.50123430611e+001;4.66315040517e+002 (2), 7.96903508854e+001;8.69983202806e+001;3.15614895571e+002;7.85159466114e+001;7.36261451852e+001;8.22076690152e+001;7.94315798389e+001;8.42081009172e+001;7.69396282335e+001;2.13269638124e+002 (1), 8.08223936691e+001;8.33346822637e+001;7.82391142932e+001;9.14202918149e+001;3.24517574627e+002;7.81232123754e+001;6.64709560939e+001;7.83955351452e+001;7.69381149589e+001;7.89151325986e+001;7.22404840201e+001;8.22208511411e+001;1.57007999815e+001 (1), |
Source | 12 | Bing (12), |
TIPO | 1 | Parque Nacional (1), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class | 36 | Area (13), Point (9), Road (6), Segment (8), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Direction | 15 | both (6), negative (4), positive (5), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion | 36 | 12.0 (2), 8.00 (17), 9.00 (17), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode | 36 | 1 (1), 11530 (1), 2 (1), 23858 (1), 261 (1), 264 (1), 285 (1), 293 (1), 31844 (1), 3325 (1), 36767 (1), 40195 (1), 42615 (1), 44226 (1), 45470 (2), 45472 (1), 50027 (1), 50246 (1), 50349 (1), 50362 (1), 50383 (1), 51433 (1), 59666 (1), 599 (1), 6002 (1), 7190 (2), 8 (1), 8521 (1), 8552 (1), 8874 (1), 8977 (1), 9 (1), 9089 (1), 9584 (1), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:NextLocationCode | 14 | 11395 (1), 11531 (1), 22735 (1), 24509 (1), 42601 (1), 45469 (2), 45471 (1), 51452 (1), 7191 (2), 8522 (1), 8978 (1), 9090 (1), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:PrevLocationCode | 16 | 11202 (1), 11394 (1), 11529 (1), 24508 (1), 31641 (1), 33062 (1), 35164 (1), 36952 (1), 39444 (1), 45471 (2), 45473 (1), 7189 (2), 8873 (1), 9844 (1), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:TypeName | 2 | order 1 segment (2), |
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:TypeName:loc | 2 | Segment 1. Ordnung (2), |
VRS:gemeinde | 6 | BERG (AW) (1), KÖLN (1), MECHERNICH (1), SANKT AUGUSTIN (1), SOLINGEN (2), |
VRS:name | 2 | Bergheim (1), Weiden Zentrum (1), |
VRS:ortsteil | 6 | Aufderhöhe (1), Bergheim (1), Buisdorf (1), Höhscheid (1), Vellen (1), Weiden (1), |
VRS:ref | 6 | 13780 (1), 55671 (1), 75632 (1), 93384 (1), 93590 (1), 98634 (1), |
WDPA_ID:ref | 8 | 555520900 (1), 555520903 (1), 555521014 (1), 555521015 (1), 555521018 (1), 555521233 (1), 555521306 (1), 555537678 (1), |
_Acres_ | 1 | 40.29812931980 (1), |
_Area_ | 1 | 163080.74344900000 (1), |
_CLASS2_ | 1 | EAS (1), |
_CLASS_ | 1 | Conservation Easement (1), |
_Hectares_ | 1 | 16.30807434490 (1), |
_ID_ | 2 | EU-198064 (2), |
_Perimeter_ | 1 | 2028.26046518000 (1), |
_Shape_Area_ | 2 | 1174660.80229000002 (2), |
_Shape_Leng_ | 2 | 8224.67032587000 (2), |
_area_ha_ | 2 | 117.46608022900 (2), |
_code_06_ | 2 | 312 (2), |
敷地内通路 | 1 | スロープあり、段差なし (1), |
障害者用トイレ | 1 | yes (1), |
駐車場 | 1 | yes (1), |
駐車場その他 | 1 | 障害者用5台 (1), |