k | num | v's |
maaamet:ETAK | 1 | 34652 (1), |
magic_wand | 8 | yes (8), |
male | 5 | no (1), yes (4), |
man_made | 5432 | antenna (94), breakwater (1), bridge (13), bunker_silo (65), chiller (3), chimney (193), clear_cut (4), clearcut (1), clumber (1), communications_tower (1), cooling (9), crane (18), cross (4), cutline (1765), embankment (47), flagpole (9), frost_fan (3), gasometer (33), manhole (7), mast (60), mineshaft (1), monitoring_station (3), petroleum_well (5), pier (46), pipeline (237), pumping_station (11), pumpjack (1), reservoir_covered (18), silo (169), spoil_heap (2), spotlight (2), storage_tank (154), street_cabinet (1), surveillance (14), survey_point (2), tower (353), tunnel (2), utility_pole (145), wastewater_plant (24), water_tank (1), water_tap (42), water_tower (1767), water_well (36), water_works (14), works (51), |
managed | 1 | no (1), |
manhole | 5 | sewer (3), water (2), |
map_size | 1 | park (1), |
map_type | 1 | yes (1), |
mapillary | 8 | 1761952003991488 (1), 178079877540817 (1), 199564828650568 (1), 500782864442395 (1), 503240647544545 (1), 514525809964976 (1), 797703787816235 (1), 854718075119821 (1), |
marker | 1 | rock (1), |
massgis:ARTICLE97 | 1 | 9 (1), |
massgis:ASSESS_ACR | 1 | 0.00000000 (1), |
massgis:ASSESS_BLK | 1 | 032 (1), |
massgis:ASSESS_LOT | 1 | 01 (1), |
massgis:ASSESS_MAP | 1 | 64 (1), |
massgis:ATT_DATE | 1 | 1997/09/19 (1), |
massgis:BASE_MAP | 1 | 207-X (1), |
massgis:COMMENTS | 1 | FROM CITY GIS COV (1), |
massgis:DCAM_ID | 1 | 0 (1), |
massgis:DEED_ACRES | 1 | 0.00000000 (1), |
massgis:EOEAINVOLV | 1 | 0 (1), |
massgis:FEESYM | 1 | M (1), |
massgis:FEE_OWNER | 1 | City of Newton (1), |
massgis:FY_FUNDING | 1 | 0 (1), |
massgis:LEV_PROT | 1 | P (1), |
massgis:MANAGER | 1 | City of Newton Parks and Recreation Department (1), |
massgis:MANAGR_ABR | 1 | M207PR (1), |
massgis:MANAGR_TYP | 1 | M (1), |
massgis:OS_DEED_BO | 1 | 0 (1), |
massgis:OS_DEED_PA | 1 | 0 (1), |
massgis:OS_ID | 1 | 207-229 (1), |
massgis:OWNER_ABRV | 1 | M207 (1), |
massgis:OWNER_TYPE | 1 | M (1), |
massgis:POLY_ID | 1 | 229 (1), |
massgis:PRIM_PURP | 1 | R (1), |
massgis:PUB_ACCESS | 1 | Y (1), |
massgis:SOURCE_MAP | 1 | 1 (1), |
massgis:TOWN_ID | 1 | 207 (1), |
massgis:way_id | 45 | 106739 (1), 108304 (1), 115787 (1), 115872 (1), 115945 (2), 121775 (1), 122259 (1), 123614 (1), 123855 (1), 125371 (1), 128674 (1), 139369 (1), 139855 (1), 144929 (1), 147893 (1), 148579 (3), 149220 (1), 150014 (1), 151816 (1), 155487 (1), 157963 (2), 163400 (1), 166852 (1), 170417 (1), 172173 (2), 174 (1), 184701 (1), 185587 (1), 189 (1), 190770 (1), 191276 (1), 194877 (1), 198857 (1), 201690 (2), 206898 (1), 210756 (1), 214222 (1), 88 (1), 96 (1), |
material | 1547 | brick (2), concrete (565), earth (2), granite (1), metal (64), reinforced_concrete (160), rock (1), steel (611), stone (6), wood (135), |
max_age | 3 | 12 (2), 16 (1), |
maxaxleload | 2 | 3 (1), 6 (1), |
maxheight | 30 | 2 (1), 2.5 m (1), 3 (5), 3.8 (1), 4 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.5 (10), 4.8 (1), default (4), none (4), |
maxheight:physical | 1 | 3.8 (1), |
maxlength | 3 | 30' (1), 33' (2), |
maxspeed | 3945 | 10 (12), 10 mph (3), 100 (2), 110 (312), 12 (7), 120 (3), 15 (14), 15 mph (7), 20 (115), 20 mph (6), 20; 40; 20; 40 (1), 220 (1), 25 mph (19), 3 (1), 30 (283), 30 mph (25), 320 (2), 35 mph (19), 360 (1), 40 (183), 40 mph (15), 45 mph (16), 5 (19), 50 (140), 50 mph (8), 55 mph (9), 60 (745), 60 mph (8), 65 mph (22), 70 (30), 70 mph (3), 75 mph (1), 79 mph (7), 80 (26), 80 mph (1), 90 (330), 90 mph (3), FR:walk (1), RO:urban (1), RU:living_street (81), RU:rural (464), RU:urban (996), signals (1), unposted (2), |
maxspeed:advisory | 6 | 30 mph (1), 50 (1), 70 (4), |
maxspeed:backward | 25 | 20 (4), 30 (1), 40 (9), 50 (4), 70 (3), RU:rural (2), RU:urban (2), |
maxspeed:conditional | 2 | 30 @ (22:00-06:00) (1), 50 @ (22:00-06:00; Su; PH) (1), |
maxspeed:designed | 1 | 400 (1), |
maxspeed:forward | 26 | 20 (5), 30 (1), 40 (6), 50 (2), 70 (1), RU:rural (6), RU:urban (5), |
maxspeed:freight | 4 | 55 mph (1), 60 mph (3), |
maxspeed:goods | 85 | 110 (85), |
maxspeed:hgv | 1 | 55 mph (1), |
maxspeed:motorcar | 85 | 110 (85), |
maxspeed:practical | 746 | 10 (4), 10;nighttime:60 (1), 110 (310), 115 (199), 15 (2), 160 (23), 20 (32), 20 km/h (1), 25;nighttime:60 (2), 30 (29), 40 (6), 40;nighttime:60 (4), 45 (4), 5 (3), 50 (4), 50 km/h (1), 55 (2), 60 (24), 70 (11), 80 (10), 90 (1), 95 (73), |
maxspeed:trailer | 1 | 55 mph (1), |
maxspeed:type | 40 | AT:urban (3), CZ:zone30 (9), DE:urban (4), DE:zone30 (7), DE:zone50 (1), GB:nsl_restricted (1), GB:nsl_single (1), HU:urban (3), RO:urban (3), sign (8), |
maxspeed:variable | 324 | environment (2), yes (322), |
maxspeed:zone | 9 | 30 (9), |
maxstay | 2 | 1 day (2), |
maxweight | 18 | 0.1 (1), 0.2 (1), 10 (1), 15 (1), 20 (12), 22 (1), 7 (1), |
maxweight:signed | 5 | no (5), |
maxwidth | 6 | 1 (2), 2 (3), 4 (1), |
maxwidth:physical | 1 | 2 (1), |
mdt_base_route | 3 | P-1 (1), P-33 (1), S-251 (1), |
meadow | 20 | pasture (20), |
medical_system:western | 4 | yes (4), |
megalith_type | 1 | gallery_grave (1), |
memorial | 112 | aircraft (1), bust (13), plaque (11), statue (24), stele (3), stolperstein (1), stone (22), vehicle (1), war_memorial (35), yes (1), |
memorial:subject | 24 | Александр Александрович Вермишев (1), Александр Сергеевич Пушкин (2), Василий Филиппович Маргелов (1), Владимир Ильич Ленин (5), Гавриил Степанович Разенков (1), Георгий Валентинович Плеханов (1), Иван Алексеевич Бунин (3), Иван Христофорович Багранян (1), Михаил Андреевич Милорадович (1), Михаил Михайлович Пришвин (1), Михаил Сергеевич Соломенцев (1), Николай Николаевич Жуков (1), Сергей Александрович Есенин (1), Сергей Алексеевич Чаплыгин (1), Тихон Николаевич Хренников (1), Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин (1), Юрий Владимирович Долгоруков (1), |
metre_load | 3 | 6.4 (3), |
mhs:inscription_date | 1 | 1922-03-18 (1), |
microbrewery | 3 | no (1), yes (2), |
microcar | 1 | no (1), |
milepost:county | 7 | 0.27 (7), |
military | 16 | airfield (2), checkpoint (6), office (3), range (1), training_area (1), yes (3), |
min_age | 5 | 1 (1), 21 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), |
min_height | 16 | 2 (1), 2.5 (2), 22 (4), 24 (1), 25 (1), 4 (1), 7 (1), 7.5 (5), |
minspeed | 1 | 60 (1), |
mobile | 1 | +79056852250 (1), |
modifier | 4 | Business (3), Future (1), |
mofa | 10 | designated (4), no (4), yes (2), |
monitoring_station | 3 | radar (3), |
mooring | 1 | yes (1), |
moped | 11 | designated (3), no (6), yes (2), |
motor_vehicle | 386 | agricultural (2), designated (1), destination (5), no (149), permissive (2), private (59), yes (168), |
motorboat | 3 | no (2), yes (1), |
motorcar | 86 | destination (4), no (15), official (1), permissive (9), private (21), yes (36), |
motorcycle | 75 | no (19), permissive (2), private (18), yes (36), |
motorcycle:clothes | 1 | yes (1), |
motorcycle:parts | 1 | yes (1), |
motorcycle:rental | 1 | yes (1), |
motorcycle:repair | 1 | yes (1), |
motorcycle:sales | 1 | yes (1), |
motorroad | 472 | yes (472), |
motorway_link:name | 1 | Rampe 2 (1), |
mountain_pass | 1 | yes (1), |
mphp:name | 2 | Dopływ spod Łubnian (2), |
ms_fis_id | 8 | 1451 (1), 1452 (1), 5081 (1), 5082 (1), 5202 (1), 5491 (1), 5492 (1), 5651 (1), |
mtb:scale | 23 | 0 (12), 1 (2), 2 (6), 3 (1), 5 (2), |
mtb:scale:apm | 2 | 278 (1), 315 (1), |
mtb:scale:imba | 6 | 0 (1), 2 (5), |
mtb:scale:uphill | 2 | 0 (1), 4 (1), |
mtb:type | 1 | allmountain (1), |
museum | 4 | art (1), history (3), |