3dr:type42.0 (1), 2.4 (1), 9.0 (2),
4wd_only1yes (1),
ALAND120748 (1),
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AND_a_nosr_r115062117 (1),
AREAID1110232368134 (1),
AUTO_ID17320 (1),
AWATER10 (1),
CEMT6IV (1), VIb (5),
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CLC:id31FR-102742 (1), FR-115425 (1), FR-172046 (1), FR-21487 (1), FR-222065 (1), FR-23084 (1), FR-23289 (3), FR-23496 (3), FR-235061 (1), FR-23644 (1), FR-253433 (1), FR-253436 (1), FR-256837 (2), FR-257942 (1), FR-261677 (1), FR-27694 (2), FR-28041 (1), FR-30669 (1), FR-31170 (1), FR-3204 (1), FR-42925 (1), FR-47015 (1), FR-49627 (2), FR-80426 (1),
CLC:shapeId5104033 (1), 138349 (1), 1763 (1), EU-1420218 (1), EU-1696712 (1),
CLC:waterway1riverbank (1),
CLC:year272006 (27),
COUNTYFP1005 (1),
FIXME17Halteposition Laßbergstraße und Kirchzarten Schulzentrum überprüfen. (7), Halteposition Laßbergstraße überprüfen. (3), Halteposition Laßbergstraße, Kirchzarten Schulzentrum und Oberried Kindergarten überprüfen. (1), Incomplete; under construction. From Gilroy northwards this must have actual HSR infrastructure (tracks), not simply included Coast and Peninsula Subdivision segments. (1), Verlauf in Kirchzarten sowie Halteposition Laßbergstraße, Kirchzarten Grundschule und Bahnhof überprüfen. (3), : 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">name? (1)
, verify south end (1),
GNS:dsg_string1populated place (1),
GNS:id1402170 (1),
HFCS55Collector (8), Major Collector (3), Minor Arterial (13), Minor Collector (2), Principal Arterial (9), Principal Arterial - Other (2), Principal Arterial - Other Freeways & Expressways (1), Rural Minor Collector (1), Urban Collector (4), Urban Minor Arterial (3), Urban Principal Arterial (5), Urban Principal Arterial - Other (4),
HU:ed_direction1backward (1),
IBGE:CD_ADMINIS2estadual (1), federal (1),
IBGE:GEOCODIGO91303957 (1), 130395705 (1), 1304302 (1), 130430205 (1), 4115507 (1), 42 (1), 4204 (1), 43 (1), 4306 (1),
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ISO3166-1:alpha29AR (1), BR (1), GB (1), GR (1), IE (1), PH (1), RU (1), VE (1), ZA (1),
ISO3166-1:alpha39ARG (1), BRA (1), GBR (1), GRC (1), IRL (1), PHL (1), RUS (1), VEN (1), ZAF (1),
ISO3166-1:numeric9032 (1), 076 (1), 300 (1), 372 (1), 608 (1), 643 (1), 710 (1), 826 (1), 862 (1),
ISO3166-228AR-B (1), BR-RS (1), BR-SC (1), DK-83 (1), DK-85 (1), GB-ENG (1), GB-GLS (1), GR-H (1), IE-U (2), KR-29 (1), LS-E (1), LS-F (1), PH-03 (1), RU-KHM (1), RU-KO (1), RU-KYA (1), RU-OMS (1), RU-RYA (1), RU-SVE (1), RU-TOM (1), RU-TYU (1), RU-YAN (1), VE-H (1), VE-J (1), VN-51 (1), VN-55 (1), VN-59 (1),
KSJ2:BDC806 (1), 12 (7),
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KSJ2:DFC81 (8),
KSJ2:DFC_label8森林地域 (8),
KSJ2:PRC801 (8),
KSJ2:PRC_label8北海道 (8),
KSJ2:forest_id8BF01_14327 (1), BF01_31429 (7),
LINZ:dataset5mainland (5),
LINZ:layer5coastline (5),
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MCC1268 (1),
MCM1477 (1),
MNC101 (1),
MTFCC1K2564 (1),
Men2process (2),
NHD:ComID16112783006 (1), 112783008 (1), 112783050 (2), 120000092 (2), 120006769 (1), 130986015 (1), 131000107 (1), 142741325 (1), 142753900 (1), 142753933 (1), 142753967 (1), 149086911 (1), 155755182 (1), 4482285 (1),
NHD:Elevation10.00000000000 (1),
NHD:FCode1633600 (2), 39004 (8), 46006 (6),
NHD:FDate131999/07/14 (1), 2003/12/02 (4), 2004/03/16 (1), 2004/12/13 (2), 2005/11/10 (3), 2008/09/10 (1), 2009/01/15 (1),
NHD:FTYPE13CanalDitch (2), LakePond (8), StreamRiver (3),
NHD:FType3StreamRiver (3),
NHD:Permanent_14482285 (1),
NHD:ReachCode1102040201000848 (1), 03040101014275 (1), 03040101014276 (1), 03040101014295 (2), 03050105009991 (1), 03050105010019 (1), 03050105010048 (1), 3050105000593 (1), 6010108007788 (1), 6010108011165 (1),
NHD:Resolution1Medium (1),
NHD:way_id3130986015 (1), 131000107 (1), 142741325 (1),
NHS58Interstate (1), STRAHNET (2), : 1
RpalmerAC: 4
ZeLonewolf: 1
pluton_od: 1
westsider28: 1
StackKorora: 3
bspecht: 1
Stretch Longfellow: 1
torapa: 1
jmchatton: 1
Peter Newman: 1
FluffyProtoNix: 4
bradylee: 2
KenBaird01: 4
BubbaJuice: 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">yes (55)
NJDOT_SRI500000020 (1), 00000035Z (2), 00000070 (1), 13181304 (1),
STATEFP106 (1),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class25Area (2), Point (1), Road (8), Segment (14),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Direction12both (5), negative (4), positive (3),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion258.00 (9), 9.00 (16),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode2512 (1), 32077 (1), 39049 (1), 4411 (1), 44505 (1), 45730 (1), 50191 (1), 50193 (1), 50245 (1), 50287 (2), 50326 (1), 54913 (2), 54960 (1), 7190 (2), 8485 (1), 8521 (1), 8566 (1), 8775 (2), 8785 (1), 8899 (1), 9463 (1),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:NextLocationCode1530556 (1), 31581 (1), 32078 (1), 39050 (1), 54914 (2), 7191 (2), 8486 (1), 8522 (1), 8567 (1), 8776 (2), 8786 (1), 8900 (1),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:PrevLocationCode1131517 (1), 35164 (1), 39048 (1), 54856 (1), 54912 (2), 7189 (2), 8484 (1), 8565 (1), 8898 (1),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:TypeName2order 1 segment (2),
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:TypeName:loc2Segment 1. Ordnung (2),
Tiger:MTFCC1K2564 (1),
US:MD:sha_ref1IS 95 (1),
VRS:gemeinde1SANKT AUGUSTIN (1),
VRS:ortsteil1Buisdorf (1),
VRS:ref155671 (1),
WDPA1165460 (1),
Орсахтур3Лорсяхылтур (2), Хулюмъятур (1),
ثبت مکان-نوری109221594650 (1),
другие | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | z |