k | num | v's |
sac_scale | 19 | demanding_mountain_hiking (2), hiking (11), mountain_hiking (6), |
salt | 2 | no (1), yes (1), |
scenic | 5 | : 3 ')" onclick="ap(this)">yes (5), |
school:de | 1 | Grundschule;Hauptschule;Realschule (1), |
scope | 1 | urban (1), |
seamark:anchorage:minimum_depth | 4 | 21 (1), 29 (1), 6 (1), 8,2 (1), |
seamark:anchorage:name | 71 | 1 (1), 10 (1), 11 (1), 12 (1), 13 (1), 14 (1), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 18 (1), 19 (1), 2 (1), 20 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), 6 (1), 7 (1), 8 (1), 9 (1), N 1 (3), N 10 (3), N 11 (2), N 12 (2), N 13 (2), N 171 А (1), N 171 Б (1), N 174 (1), N 174 А (1), N 2 (3), N 21 (1), N 231 (1), N 232 (1), N 233 (1), N 3 (3), N 4 (3), N 5 (3), N 6 (3), N 6а (1), N 7 (3), N 8 (3), N 9 (3), Восточная (1), Западная (1), перегрузка N 1 (1), перегрузка № 1 (1), перегрузка № 2 (1), № 349 (1), |
seamark:anchorage:surface | 1 | silt;pebbles (1), |
seamark:berth:minimum_depth | 24 | 21 (1), 3,14 (2), 3,2 (1), 3,86 (3), 4,3 (2), 4,4 (2), 4,7 (1), 4,8 (1), 5 (2), 6 (2), 6,8 (2), 7 (2), 8 (1), 9 (1), 9,75 (1), |
seamark:berth:name | 23 | N 1 (4), N 2 (3), N 3 (4), N 34 (1), N 35 (1), N 35А (1), N 4 (2), N 5 (2), N 6 (1), N 7 (1), Выносной одноточечный причал (ВОП) (1), Пассажирский причал (1), Угольный причал (1), |
seamark:berth:restriction | 29 | none (2), restricted_berthing (27), |
seamark:fairway:orientation | 1 | 134,7 (1), |
seamark:information | 6 | Pilots.Signal station. Radiobeacon. (1), Reserve light Fl.W. 12s 10M.Radiobeacon. (1), Reserve light L.Fl.W. 12s 7M. (1), Reserve light range 7M.Radiobeacon. (1), Seasonal.Reserve light range 8M.Radiobeacon. (1), Visible 190°-036°.Reserve light range 5M.Nautophone: 3 bl. ev. 30s. (1), |
seamark:light:1:category | 3 | lower (1), rear (1), upper (1), |
seamark:light:1:character | 14 | F (2), Fl (3), Iso (2), LFl (4), Oc (2), Q (1), |
seamark:light:1:colour | 14 | green (2), red (5), white (7), |
seamark:light:1:group | 1 | 2 (1), |
seamark:light:1:height | 4 | 24 (1), 31 (1), 80 (1), 85 (1), |
seamark:light:1:period | 11 | 12 (1), 3 (2), 30 (1), 4 (1), 5 (3), 6 (1), 7.5 (2), |
seamark:light:1:range | 12 | 10 (1), 12 (3), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 23 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), 8 (1), |
seamark:light:1:sector_end | 14 | 115.5 (1), 120 (1), 18 (1), 20 (1), 30 (1), 316 (1), 340 (2), 345 (1), 36 (1), 39.5 (1), 67 (1), 71 (1), 79 (1), |
seamark:light:1:sector_start | 14 | 105 (1), 112.5 (1), 125.5 (1), 138 (1), 155 (1), 190 (2), 198 (1), 201 (1), 220 (2), 240 (1), 263 (1), 63.5 (1), |
seamark:light:1:sequence | 3 | 0.7+(7.1),0.7+(21.5) (1), 3+(4.5) (1), 4.5+(7.5) (1), |
seamark:light:2:category | 1 | upper (1), |
seamark:light:2:character | 1 | Fl (1), |
seamark:light:2:colour | 1 | red (1), |
seamark:light:2:period | 1 | 3 (1), |
seamark:light:2:range | 1 | 12 (1), |
seamark:light:2:sequence | 1 | 1+(2) (1), |
seamark:light:category | 19 | front (1), lower (9), rear (1), upper (8), |
seamark:light:character | 24 | F (1), Fl (8), Iso (8), LFl (7), |
seamark:light:colour | 24 | green (5), red (5), white (14), |
seamark:light:group | 1 | 3 (1), |
seamark:light:height | 4 | 252 (1), 27 (1), 53 (1), 84 (1), |
seamark:light:period | 21 | 12 (1), 20 (1), 3 (6), 4 (2), 5 (1), 6 (5), 7.5 (5), |
seamark:light:range | 21 | 10 (3), 11 (1), 12 (3), 13 (2), 14 (3), 16 (1), 17 (2), 2 (1), 20 (1), 22 (1), 23 (1), 3 (1), 9 (1), |
seamark:light:reference | 36 | M 7626 (1), M 7630 (1), M 7634 (1), M 7640 (1), M 7642 (1), M 7643 (1), M 7650 (1), M 7651 (1), M 7652 (1), M 7653 (1), M 7653.2 (1), M 7654 (1), M 7660 (1), M 7675 (1), M 7676 (1), M 7676.5 (1), M 7677 (1), M 7677.1 (1), M 7677.5 (1), M 7677.51 (1), M 7678 (1), M 7685 (1), M 7685.1 (1), M 7685.2 (1), M 7686 (1), M 7686.1 (1), M 7982 (1), M 7982.1 (1), M 7982.11 (1), M 7982.2 (1), M 7982.3 (1), M 7982.31 (1), M 7982.35 (1), M 7982.351 (1), M 7982.4 (1), M 8007 (1), |
seamark:light:sequence | 3 | 2+(1)+2+(1)+2+(12) (1), 3+(4.5) (1), 4.5+(7.5) (1), |
seamark:name | 31 | Bukhta Nel′ma (1), Hung Hom Landing Number 8 (1), Muchkye (1), Mys Burnyy (1), Mys Dzhaore N (1), Mys Dzhaore S. (1), Mys Innokentiya (1), Mys Khoy (1), Mys Khuzi (1), Mys Klykova (1), Mys Krasnyy Partizan (1), Mys Krestovozdvizhenskiy (1), Mys Lazareva (1), Mys Marekan (1), Mys Milyutina (1), Mys Neprimetnyy (1), Mys Orlova (1), Mys Putyatina (1), Mys Tkhadgou (1), Mys Uanga (1), Mys Uarke (1), Mys Yuzhnyy (1), Mys Zolotoy (1), Ostrov Observatorii (1), Pogibi Common rear (1), Pogibi N (1), Prichal No.3 (1), Vanina (2), А (1), Б (1), |
seamark:national_name | 1 | 紅磡八號梯台 (1), |
seamark:navigation_line:orientation | 3 | 100,1 (1), 44,1 (1), 66,2 (1), |
seamark:recommended_track:name | 1 | Подходной канал (1), |
seamark:recommended_track:orientation | 2 | 100,1 (1), 44,1 (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:category | 1 | deviation_range (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:minimum_depth | 1 | 14,4 (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:name | 17 | Район N 15 А (1), Район N 175 (1), Район N 69 А (1), Район N 69 Г (1), Район № 71 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 1 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 2 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 3 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 35 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 36 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 37 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 38 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 4 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 41 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 42 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 45 (1), Рыбопромысловый участок N 5 (1), |
seamark:rock:water_level | 1 | covers (1), |
seamark:shoreline_construction:category | 18 | rip_rap (1), sea_wall (17), |
seamark:type | 237 | anchorage (72), berth (52), bier (1), buoy_lateral (1), fairway (5), light_major (12), light_minor (29), navigation_line (4), pilot_boarding (12), pipeline_submarine (1), precautionary_area (1), recommended_track (4), restricted_area (18), rock (1), shoreline_construction (18), wreck (6), |
seasonal | 33 | no (1), summer (1), yes (31), |
seats | 1 | 4 (1), |
seats:separated | 1 | no (1), |
second_hand | 1 | no (1), |
section | 5 | France (1), India (2), Russia East (1), east (1), |
section_ref | 1 | 11 (1), |
segregated | 14 | no (14), |
self_service | 7 | no (4), yes (3), |
service | 8404 | aircraft_control (1), alley (1705), car_repair (1), commuter (3), crossover (74), dealer (1), drive-through (14), driveway (3237), emergency_access (3), glass (1), high_speed (4), irrigation (4), long_distance (31), national (1), night (7), oil (1), parking_aisle (569), parts (4), parts;repair;tyres (1), regional (8), siding (1566), spur (932), tourism (1), tyres_repair (3), weekend (1), yard (230), переулок (1), |
service:bicycle:diy | 1 | yes (1), |
service:bicycle:repair | 3 | yes (3), |
service:bicycle:retail | 3 | yes (3), |
service:vehicle:air_conditioning | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:body_repair | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:car_repair | 5 | yes (5), |
service:vehicle:diagnostics | 5 | yes (5), |
service:vehicle:oil_change | 4 | yes (4), |
service:vehicle:repair | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:repairs | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:tyres | 45 | yes (45), |
service_times | 9 | 7:30am and 9:30am (1), Mo 14:15 (1), Mo 17:15 (1), Mo,We,Th 07:18 (1), Mo,We,Th 08:40 (1), Mo,We,Th 10:20 (1), Mo,We,Th 11:47 (1), Mo-Fr 12:30 (1), Su 09:00 (1), |
share_taxi | 11 | yes (11), |
shelter | 317 | no (89), yes (228), |
shelter_type | 17 | gazebo (6), public_transport (7), shopping_cart (3), wildlife_hide (1), |
ship | 36 | no (36), |
shop | 4542 | alcohol (268), antiques (1), appliance (1), baby_goods (10), bag (2), bakery (57), bathroom_furnishing (4), beauty (35), bed (6), beverages (8), bicycle (9), bookmaker (2), books (25), boutique (18), brewing_supplies (1), butcher (30), car (78), car_parts (111), car_repair (257), car_repair;tyres (1), chemist (27), chocolate (1), clothes (238), coffee (1), coffee;tea (1), computer (26), confectionery (11), convenience (928), copyshop (12), cosmetics (74), craft (1), curtain (5), dairy (8), deli (1), department_store (34), doityourself (95), doors (7), dry_cleaning (3), e-cigarette (9), electrical (6), electronics (84), erotic (3), fabric (18), farm (13), fishing (2), fishmonger (1), flooring (3), florist (54), food (1), funeral_directors (16), furniture (104), garden_centre (20), garden_furniture (2), gas (1), general (1), gift (13), glaziery (1), greengrocer (22), grocery (1), guns (1), hairdresser (129), hardware (153), health_food (1), herbalist (1), hifi (10), houseware (19), hunting (5), insurance (1), interior_decoration (3), jewelry (32), kiosk (200), kitchen (1), lamps (1), laundry (7), lighting (2), mall (86), mall;supermarket;electronics (1), massage (4), medical_supply (1), military_surplus (1), mobile_phone (211), money_lender (24), motorcycle (6), music (2), musical_instrument (2), newsagent (8), newspapers (1), no (8), nutrition_supplements (1), optician (14), outdoor (27), outpost (101), paint (2), party (2), pastry (1), pawnbroker (8), perfumery (1), pet (33), photo (7), photo_studio (8), printer_cartridges (1), pyrotechnics (1), radiotechnics (1), seafood (9), second_hand (1), service (1), shoe_repair (15), shoes (69), shoes;clothes (1), sports (22), stationery (26), supermarket (308), tailor (11), tattoo (1), ticket (15), tobacco (2), tools (1), toys (33), trade (13), travel_agency (11), tyres (18), variety_store (15), video (6), watches (3), weapons (1), wholesale (1), window_blind (1), wine (4), wood (1), yes (52), |
shop_1 | 3 | clothes (2), dairy (1), |
short_name | 44 | ANWR (1), BSEC (1), Bio21 (1), EU Member States / États membres de l'UE / EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), HITA (1), Light 9 (1), NATO (1), Nvt. (1), PNM Estuaire de la Gironde et Mer des Pertuis (1), Qc (1), SFS Wendlingen-Ulm (2), USA (1), Unimelb (1), W 3rd Ave (1), W 5th Ave (1), ZDS Sud-Ouest (1), АТБ (2), АмГПГУ (1), БАМ (1), ВВО (1), ДВГАФК (1), ДВГМУ (1), ДВГУПС (1), ДВИ РАНХиГС (1), ДФО (1), ИК-1 (2), ИК-3 (1), ИК-5 (1), МГРЭС (1), РФ (1), ТОГУ (1), УБРиР (1), ХГАЭП (1), ХГИИК (1), 京抚线 (1), 京昆线 (1), 四排乡 (1), 東海北陸道 (1), 长深高速 (1), 饶盖线 (1), 黑 (1), |
short_name:ab | 1 | ЧЖР (1), |
short_name:ang | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:ar | 1 | الناتو (1), |
short_name:av | 1 | ЧХЖ (1), |
short_name:az | 2 | ABŞ (1), ÇXR (1), |
short_name:ba | 1 | ҠХР (1), |
short_name:bat-smg | 1 | Kėnėjės LR (1), |
short_name:be | 3 | Далёкаўсходняя ФА (1), ЗША (1), КНР (1), |
short_name:bg | 3 | НАТО (1), ОЧИС (1), САЩ (1), |
short_name:bjn | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:ce | 1 | ЦХР (1), |
short_name:ceb | 1 | RPT (1), |
short_name:cs | 2 | Spojené státy (1), ČLR (1), |
short_name:cv | 1 | КХР (1), |
short_name:cy | 1 | GPT (1), |
short_name:de | 2 | EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:dty | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:en | 8 | BAM (1), Changshen Expressway (1), EU Member States (1), NATO (1), Nvt. (1), PRC (1), Que. (1), USA (1), |
short_name:es | 3 | EE.UU. (1), Estados miembros de la UE (1), OTAN (1), |
short_name:et | 1 | Hiina RV (1), |
short_name:fr | 6 | Nt (1), OTAN (1), Qc (1), RPC (1), É.-U. (1), États membres de l'UE (1), |
short_name:fy | 1 | NAFO (1), |
short_name:ga | 1 | DPS (1), |
short_name:hy | 1 | ՉԺՀ (1), |
short_name:id | 1 | RRT (1), |
short_name:ilo | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:it | 1 | OTAN (1), |
short_name:jv | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:ko | 1 | 미국 (1), |
short_name:krc | 1 | КъХР (1), |
short_name:lt | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:lv | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:min | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:mk | 2 | НАТО (1), НР Кина (1), |
short_name:ml | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:mo | 2 | OCEMN (1), СУА (1), |
short_name:ms | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:mt | 1 | RPĊ (1), |
short_name:mwl | 1 | RPC (1), |
short_name:nan | 1 | Tiong-kok (1), |
short_name:nan-HJ | 1 | 中国 (1), |
short_name:nan-POJ | 1 | Tiong-kok (1), |
short_name:nan-TL | 1 | Tiong-kok (1), |
short_name:ne | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:nl | 3 | EU-lidstaten (1), NAVO (1), VS (1), |
short_name:pl | 4 | ChRL (1), NATO (1), Państwa Członkowskie UE (1), USA (1), |
short_name:pt | 1 | RPC (1), |
short_name:ro | 1 | OCEMN (1), |
short_name:ru | 6 | БАМ (1), Дальневосточный ФО (1), КНР (1), РФ (1), США (1), УБРиР (1), |
short_name:sco | 1 | FRC (1), |
short_name:sl | 1 | LRK (1), |
short_name:sr | 2 | НРК (1), САД (1), |
short_name:sr-Latn | 1 | SAD (1), |
short_name:su | 1 | RRT (1), |
short_name:sv | 2 | EU-länderna (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:szl | 1 | CHLR (1), |
short_name:tg | 1 | ҶХЧ (1), |
short_name:tk | 1 | HHR (1), |
short_name:tr | 4 | ABD (1), KEİ (1), NATO (1), ÇHC (1), |
short_name:tt | 1 | КХҖ (1), |
short_name:uk | 3 | Далекосхідний ФО (1), НАТО (1), Список країн ЄС (1), |
short_name:uz | 1 | XXR (1), |
short_name:vec | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:vi | 1 | Mỹ (1), |
short_name:zh | 2 | 北約 / 北约 (1), 美国/美國 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hans | 2 | 北约 (1), 美国 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hant | 3 | 北約 (1), 美國 (1), 饒蓋線 (1), |
shortest_name | 2 | 3 Av (1), 5 Av (1), |
shoulder | 31 | both (1), no (29), yes (1), |
shoulder:right | 1 | yes (1), |
side | 8 | right (8), |
sides | 5 | 1 (1), 2 (4), |
sidewalk | 303 | both (88), left (22), no (113), none (4), right (32), separate (44), |
sidewalk:both | 11 | separate (11), |
sidewalk:both:surface | 8 | asphalt (1), paving_stones (6), sett (1), |
sidewalk:left | 17 | no (7), separate (3), yes (7), |
sidewalk:left:surface | 7 | asphalt (3), concrete:lanes (1), paving_stones (3), |
sidewalk:right | 17 | no (2), separate (14), yes (1), |
sidewalk:right:bicycle | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk:right:segregated | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk:right:surface | 11 | asphalt (1), clinker_plates (1), paving_stones (8), sett (1), |
sidewalk:right:surface:paving:stones:width | 1 | 0.24 (1), |
sidewalk:right:surface:paving_stones:shape | 1 | square (1), |
signed_direction | 1 | yes (1), |
siren:purpose | 1 | civil_defense (1), |
siren:type | 1 | electronic (1), |
site | 2 | stop_area (1), university (1), |
site_ownership | 1 | federal (1), |
site_type | 2 | necropolis (2), |
ski | 84 | no (18), yes (66), |
smoking | 26 | isolated (1), no (18), outside (5), yes (2), |
smoothness | 1146 | bad (414), excellent (39), good (199), horrible (147), impassable (67), intermediate (62), very_bad (150), very_horrible (68), |
snowmobile | 81 | designated (1), no (17), yes (63), |
snowplowing | 2 | yes (2), |
snowplowing:category | 2 | 3 (1), first (1), |
social_facility | 43 | assisted_living (1), childrens_centre (1), group_home (37), nursing_home (1), outreach (2), shelter (1), |
social_facility:for | 28 | child (2), disabled (1), juvenile (2), orphan (17), senior (6), |
sorting_name:en | 1 | Sea of Japan (1), |
sorting_name:ja | 1 | 朝鮮東海 (1), |
sorting_name:ko | 1 | 조선동해 (1), |
sorting_name:ko-Hani | 1 | 朝鮮東海 (1), |
sostoyanie | 30 | исправен (30), |
source:HFCS | 21 | District of Columbia (DC GIS) (21), |
source:Texas_Trunk_System | 2 | Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan 2035 http://www.txdot.gov/txdot_library/publications/transportation_plan.htm (2), |
source:addr | 165 | EMUiA (dopiewo.e-mapa.net) (1), gugik.gov.pl (1), minvskaddress 2023-03 (161), minvskaddress 2023-04 (2), |
source:alt_name | 1 | TIGER (1), |
source:boundary | 4 | nls_os_6inch_1842-82 (4), |
source:construction | 2 | http://ddot.dc.gov/DC/DDOT/Projects+and+Planning/Capital+Infrastructure+Projects/View+All/Adams+Morgan+Streetscape+Project (2), |
source:date | 73 | 2/25/2013 (9), 2009 (2), 2011-06 (6), 2014-05-07 (1), 2014-08-15 (1), 2014..2015 (1), 2023-01-09 (48), 2023-01-26 (2), 2023-02-07 (1), January 2013 (2), |
source:ele | 559 | MDT5 (6), gpx (553), |
source:entity | 2 | Gbg (2), |
source:euro_const | 1 | https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000037102048 (1), |
source:geo | 5 | опорные точки по генштабу (2), опорные точки по генштабу, местами по пятикилометровке (1), опорные точки по генштабу, примерно (2), |
source:geometry | 18 | Bing aerial imagery (4), DCS NSW Imagery (3), Esri World Imagery (4), Maxar (2023); OpenTopoMap; SAGECAN (1994); INE (2011); IGVSB; Esri; Bing (3), Ortho HR IGN (2), USGS 3D Elevation Program (1), bing (1), |
source:geometry:date | 4 | 2010-01-11 (1), 2016-02-03 (2), 2018-07-05 (1), |
source:geometry:ref | 4 | Gbg/2277292 (1), Gbg/5462480 (1), Gbg/5462702 (1), Gbg/5464073 (1), |
source:heritage | 1 | data.gouv.fr, Ministère de la Culture - 2016 (1), |
source:hgv | 2 | MassGIS (2), |
source:hgv:national_network | 13 | Caltrans http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/ (1), Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: (9), Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: http://www.gomdot.com/Divisions/IntermodalPlanning/Resources/Maps/pdf/FA%20Primary%20System%20of%201988.pdf (3), |
source:hgv:state_network | 4 | NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/about/rules/pdf/chapter32truckaccess.pdf (4), |
source:ja | 4 | 国土数値情報(森林地域データ)平成18年 国土交通省 (4), |
source:lcn | 1 | District of Columbia (DC GIS) (1), |
source:maxaxleload | 1 | Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury i Budownictwa z dnia 21 kwietnia 2017 r (1), |
source:maxspeed | 51 | AT:zone (1), DE:rural (1), DE:urban (11), DE:zone30 (1), FDOT "Maximum Speed Limits" GIS data, updated August 27, 2011: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/statistics/gis/roaddata.shtm (1), FR:motorway (1), IT:motorway (3), IT:urban (6), LT:rural (2), NL:urban (1), NL:zone30 (1), PL:urban (1), Stats19 (1), massgis (1), sign (19), |
source:maxspeed:backward:mapillary | 1 | ocoC6wcfnfq31VXOWKkjyw (1), |
source:maxspeed:mapillary | 1 | 1pxbPZssOQRj4ps6k6bOig (1), |
source:name | 92 | 1917 Moody's Manual: http://books.google.com/books?id=Q1NNAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1389 (1), DCN (1965) (1), DCN (1970) (2), DCS NSW Base Map (3), GNS (6), INE (2014); IGVSB (5), LPI NSW Base Map (1), Lei 10.292/01 (1), Lei 11620 (2), Nomenclátor Geográfico de Municipios y Entidades de Población (6), OS_OpenData_Locator (1), Vicmap.Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (1), ZBGIS (1), gvr (57), notes in GPX (1), services.land.vic.gov.au (3), |
source:name:br | 6 | ofis publik ar brezhoneg (4), proper translation (2), |
source:name:oc | 8 | Lo Congrès (1), ieo-bdtopoc (7), |
source:note | 1 | Согласно источнику, южная граница проходит как-то очень странно и включает 2/3 Корейского пролива. В итоге южная граница проведена условно. (1), |
source:note:name | 1 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_European_Union (1), |
source:old_ref | 3 | 1951 map http://mapmaker.rutgers.edu/Ocean/OldOceanCounty.html (labeled 1971) (3), |
source:old_ref:fap | 7 | ODOT http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Planning/TechServ/prod_services/Pages/RI06.aspx http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ContractAdmin/Contracts/Pages/NHS-FAP.aspx (7), |
source:oneway | 1 | survey (1), |
source:opening_hours | 1 | website (1), |
source:population | 22 | INE (2014) (4), INSEE 2014 (1), INSEE 2022 (4), IRS (1), census.gov (1), http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2016/bul_dr/mun_obr2016.rar (1), https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest.html (3), https://www.cso.ie/en/csolatestnews/pressreleases/2022pressreleases/pressstatementcensusofpopulation2022-preliminaryresults/ (1), https://www.insee.fr/en/statistiques/serie/000436387#Tableau (1), ФСГС (5), |
source:position | 9044 | Bing (475), Bing Imagery (1078), Hansen GFC2014 treecover2000 (4217), Hansen_GFC-2015-v1.3_treecover2000 (6), Landsat (5), Landsat Imagery (127), Maxar Premium (301), Sentinel-2 (2835), |
source:prow_ref | 1 | hertfordshire_county_council_prow_gis_data (1), |
source:ref | 9 | 8/36507 (1), 9/101102 (1), INTT (2011) (2), local knowledge (3), rsd_cr (1), sign at jct R448 (1), |
source:sidewalk | 1 | survey;bing (1), |
source:sport | 1 | survey (1), |
source:stream | 2 | OS Opendata Streetview (2), |
source:tracer | 9044 | scanaerial (9044), |
source:traffic_regulation_order | 1 | https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/media-library/documents/environment-and-planning/countryside-access-and-management/rights-of-way/ptros/ardeley-10-24-cottered-20-34-47-great-munden-28-59-back-lane-boats.pdf (1), |
source:url | 473 | http://gis-lab.info/qa/rusbounds-rosreestr.html (233), http://gis-lab.info/qa/vmap0-settl-rus.html (137), http://maps.rosreestr.ru (2), http://www.sakha.gov.ru/node/17610 (97), https://empowerla.org/city-map/ (1), https://goo.gl/NvKtfa (3), |
source:width | 17 | ARCore (17), |
source:zoomlevel | 9044 | 11 (2), 12 (4252), 13 (445), 14 (455), 15 (2663), 16 (1144), 17 (76), 18 (7), |
source_ref | 221 | AM909_DSCX8201 (1), AM909_DSCX8201;AM909_DSCY1137 (1), AM909_DSCY1131;06071-F06;1167-23;1167-25 (1), AM909_DSCY1136 (1), GPS (2), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-A13.html (4), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-N03.html (186), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-W05.html (18), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-W09.html (3), http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/GSI_KIBAN (1), http://www.nanrayon.ru/files/architecture/terplan/lidoga/2_map_lidoga_genplan.jpg (2), https://catalog.archives.gov/id/117691847 (1), |
species | 1 | Fraxinus mandshurica (1), |
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sqkm | 1 | 978000 (1), |
stars | 2 | 3 (1), 4.0 (1), |
start_date | 196 | 03.08.2018 (1), 1306 (1), 1833 (1), 1858-06-12 (1), 1879 (1), 1894 (1), 1899 (1), 1907 (1), 1910-04-01 (1), 1912 (1), 1932 (1), 1935 (1), 1938 (1), 1939 (1), 1948 (1), 1950 (2), 1951 (2), 1952 (1), 1953 (3), 1953-12 (1), 1954 (4), 1954-09-28 (1), 1955 (2), 1956 (1), 1958 (1), 1959 (1), 1959-06-18 (1), 1960 (3), 1961 (3), 1961-10-05 (1), 1962 (1), 1963 (2), 1963-10-03 (2), 1964 (5), 1965 (12), 1966 (5), 1967 (5), 1968 (4), 1969 (7), 1970 (11), 1971 (7), 1972 (2), 1973 (4), 1975 (1), 1976 (1), 1977 (2), 1979-04-26 (1), 1980-10-23 (1), 1980s (4), 1981-06-11 (1), 1982-01-05 (1), 1983-10-13 (2), 1984-04-26 (1), 1985-11 (1), 1987-07-17 (2), 1987-08-12 (1), 1987-09-09 (1), 1987-11-20 (1), 1988 (1), 1988-01-06 (1), 1988-12-30 (1), 1990 (1), 1990-09-10 (1), 1994-05-25 (1), 1997-02-13 (1), 1997-02-21 (1), 1997-11-18 (1), 1999-01-05 (1), 1999-09-28 (1), 2000 (1), 2000-04-23 (1), 2001 (1), 2007-12-15 (1), 2011-08 (1), 2011-08-18 (1), 2011-11-03 (1), 2011-12-06 (22), 2013-10-23 (1), 2013-12-30 (1), 2014-09-29 (2), 2015 (2), 2016-01-01 (1), 2016-07-18 (1), 2018 (2), 2019-01-01 (1), 2020 (1), 2021 (3), 2021-05 (1), 2022 (1), 2022-04-04 (1), 2022-10-01 (2), 2022-11-30 (1), 2022-12-11 (3), 24.10.2013 г. (1), before 2008 (1), |
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