k | num | v's |
sac_scale | 430 | 1 (1), Mauthausen (1), demanding_alpine_hiking (2), demanding_mountain_hiking (6), hiking (376), mountain_hiking (44), |
salt | 971 | no (812), yes (159), |
sanitary_dump_station | 7 | no (4), yes (3), |
sauna | 5 | russian (1), yes (4), |
scenic | 32 | : 6 Hartmut Prochaska: 4 Minh Nguyen: 1 Ropino: 1 A Hall: 2 ')" onclick="ap(this)">yes (32), |
school | 3 | art (1), primary (2), |
school:FR | 5 | collège (1), maternelle (2), primaire (1), élémentaire (1), |
school:gender | 1 | mixed (1), |
school:selective | 1 | no (1), |
school:trust | 1 | no (1), |
scope | 5 | local (1), urban (4), |
scrub | 4 | seedling_trees (4), |
scuba_diving | 1 | training (1), |
scuba_diving:courses | 1 | yes (1), |
seamark:beacon_lateral:category | 2 | starboard (1), waterway_right (1), |
seamark:beacon_lateral:colour | 1 | green (1), |
seamark:beacon_lateral:shape | 2 | pole (1), tower (1), |
seamark:beacon_lateral:system | 1 | iala-a (1), |
seamark:beacon_special_purpose:category | 6 | leading (6), |
seamark:beacon_special_purpose:shape | 2 | cairn (2), |
seamark:berth:restriction | 29 | none (2), restricted_berthing (27), |
seamark:bridge:category | 6 | bascule (1), opening (4), opening;bascule (1), |
seamark:bridge:clearance_height_closed | 5 | 0.69 (1), 0.86 (1), 0.9 (1), 1.2 (1), 1.24 (1), |
seamark:bridge:clearance_width | 5 | 5.1 (4), 6 (1), |
seamark:buoy_cardinal:category | 45 | east (12), north (10), south (7), west (16), |
seamark:buoy_cardinal:colour | 45 | black;yellow (10), black;yellow;black (12), yellow;black (7), yellow;black;yellow (16), |
seamark:buoy_cardinal:colour_pattern | 45 | horizontal (45), |
seamark:buoy_cardinal:shape | 45 | conical (1), spar (44), |
seamark:buoy_isolated_danger:colour | 2 | black;red;black (2), |
seamark:buoy_isolated_danger:colour_pattern | 2 | horizontal (2), |
seamark:buoy_isolated_danger:shape | 2 | spar (2), |
seamark:buoy_lateral:category | 191 | port (93), starboard (98), |
seamark:buoy_lateral:colour | 193 | green (97), red (94), white (2), |
seamark:buoy_lateral:shape | 188 | pillar (11), spar (177), |
seamark:buoy_lateral:system | 191 | iala-a (191), |
seamark:buoy_safe_water:colour | 1 | red;white (1), |
seamark:buoy_safe_water:colour_pattern | 1 | vertical (1), |
seamark:buoy_safe_water:shape | 1 | spar (1), |
seamark:buoy_special_purpose:category | 5 | recreation_zone (5), |
seamark:buoy_special_purpose:colour | 9 | green (2), red (2), yellow (5), |
seamark:buoy_special_purpose:colour_pattern | 2 | vertical (2), |
seamark:buoy_special_purpose:shape | 11 | spar (6), spherical (5), |
seamark:cable_submarine:category | 1 | power;optical (1), |
seamark:harbour:category | 6 | fishing (1), marina (5), |
seamark:iho_int-1_type | 5 | N49 (5), |
seamark:iho_s-101 | 5 | HBRARE (5), |
seamark:information | 13 | Ice buoy (1), Visible on range line only. (1), http://structure.mil.ru/files/morf/military/files/NM_1347.PDF (10), operating by car (1), |
seamark:landmark:category | 1 | tower (1), |
seamark:landmark:function | 1 | communication (1), |
seamark:light:1:character | 1 | F (1), |
seamark:light:1:colour | 1 | green (1), |
seamark:light:1:group | 1 | Back (1), |
seamark:light:1:range | 1 | 2 (1), |
seamark:light:1:sector_end | 3 | 100 (1), 110 (1), 80 (1), |
seamark:light:1:sector_start | 3 | 300 (1), 305 (1), 355 (1), |
seamark:light:category | 27 | front (13), rear (13), upper (1), |
seamark:light:character | 73 | F (22), Fl (33), Iso (15), Q (2), Q+LFl (1), |
seamark:light:colour | 45 | green (26), red (15), white (4), |
seamark:light:group | 2 | 2 (1), 6 (1), |
seamark:light:height | 5 | 16 (1), 4 (1), 6 (2), 8 (1), |
seamark:light:period | 41 | (2)5 (1), 1.5 (2), 15 (1), 2 (2), 2(30) (1), 2.5 (1), 3 (28), 4 (2), 5 (2), 6 (1), |
seamark:light:range | 49 | 1 (4), 10 (2), 11 (2), 12 (2), 15 (1), 15/9 (1), 2 (12), 20 (1), 3 (5), 4 (3), 5 (3), 6 (2), 6.5 (2), 7 (3), 8 (3), 9 (3), |
seamark:light:reference | 5 | A 4622 (1), E 4092 (1), E 5652.6 (2), L 6768.1 (1), |
seamark:light:sequence | 1 | 0.3+(1.2) (1), |
seamark:name | 60 | 1 (1), 10 (1), 14 (1), 16 (1), 18 (1), 2 (1), 3 (2), 4 (1), 5 (2), 7 (1), 8 (2), Coudenbornbrug (1), Dambrug (1), Hautaniemi alempi (1), Hautaniemi ylempi (1), Hung Hom Landing Number 8 (1), Hölkönranta alempi (1), Hölkönranta ylempi (1), Ihalansaari (1), Kalvebrug (1), Kivijärven salmi 1 (1), Kivijärven salmi 2 (1), Kivijärven salmi 3 (1), Kivijärven salmi 4 (1), Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter (1), Kääntämänsaari (1), Nieuwe Overledebrug (1), Ormos Kiparissiou (1), Petkumer Bind (1), Rajaviitta 1 (1), Storozhenskiy Light (1), Terwestbrug (1), Urtonsaari alempi (1), Urtonsaari ylempi (1), Uukuniemen venereitti (1), Беломорский (1), Входной шлюза № 19 (1), Каботажный (1), Канальный № 1 (2), Канальный № 2 (2), Клименицкий (1), Лесоэкспортный (1), Монастырский (1), Нефтяной (1), Подходный к палам № 1 (2), Подходный к палам № 2 (1), Подходный к шлюзу № 19 (1), Пяллудский поворотный (1), Пяллудский № 1 северо-восточный (1), Северного мола (1), остров Самбалуда (1), остров Хекакоргский Стамин (1), острова Ромбаки (1), острова Сеннухм (1), |
seamark:name:ru | 7 | Жужмуйский (1), Малый Жужмуй (1), остров Луда-нахконица (1), остров Осинка (1), остров Ровняжий (1), острова Средние Луды (1), острова Топы (1), |
seamark:national_name | 3 | Стороженский маяк (1), 紅磡八號梯台 (1), 觀塘避風塘 (1), |
seamark:navigation_line:category | 12 | leading (12), |
seamark:navigation_line:name | 7 | Горелый (1), Керетский (1), Малоромбакский (1), Монастырский (1), Пяллудский № 2 западный (1), Рабочеостровкий № 1 (1), Разостровский (1), |
seamark:navigation_line:orientation | 9 | 106.6 (1), 192.2 (1), 234.8 (1), 261.2 (1), 40.2 (1), 63.8 (1), 67.6 (1), 77.3 (1), 93.5 (1), |
seamark:notice:category | 5 | no_entry (1), no_wash (2), speed_limit (2), |
seamark:notice:function | 7 | prohibition (3), regulation (4), |
seamark:notice:impact | 1 | downstream (1), |
seamark:notice:information | 2 | 9 (2), |
seamark:notice:status | 1 | illuminated (1), |
seamark:notice:system | 7 | cevni (7), |
seamark:obstruction:category | 1 | foul_area (1), |
seamark:obstruction:water_level | 1 | submerged (1), |
seamark:period_end | 1 | 20330729 (1), |
seamark:period_start | 1 | 20130729 (1), |
seamark:recommended_track:category | 6 | no_fixed_marks (6), |
seamark:recommended_track:minimum_depth | 153 | 1.2 (48), 1.5 (105), |
seamark:recommended_track:orientation | 8 | 117.9 (1), 2.6 (1), 204.8 (1), 216.6 (1), 28 (1), 55.6 (1), 69.8 (1), 80.6 (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:category | 4 | fish_sanctuary (1), military (1), nature_reserve (1), swimming (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:restriction | 2 | no_entry (1), no_entry;no_fishing (1), |
seamark:rock:water_level | 360 | awash (19), covers (334), dry (1), submerged (6), |
seamark:shoreline_construction:category | 18 | rip_rap (1), sea_wall (17), |
seamark:small_craft_facility:category | 4 | boat_hoist (1), slipway (3), |
seamark:status | 5 | extinguished (4), temporary (1), |
seamark:topmark:colour | 236 | black (47), green (95), red (89), yellow (5), |
seamark:topmark:shape | 239 | 2 cones base together (12), 2 cones down (7), 2 cones point together (16), 2 cones up (10), 2 spheres (2), cone, point up (96), cylinder (89), sphere (2), x-shape (5), |
seamark:type | 1006 | beacon_cardinal (2), beacon_lateral (2), beacon_special_purpose (8), berth (36), bier (1), bridge (6), buoy_cardinal (45), buoy_isolated_danger (2), buoy_lateral (197), buoy_safe_water (1), buoy_special_purpose (14), cable_submarine (10), gate (6), harbour (7), harbour_limit (5), hulk (3), landmark (9), light_major (19), light_minor (37), mooring (1), navigation_line (20), notice (7), obstruction (1), pile (4), pilot_boarding (2), recommended_track (166), restricted_area (3), rock (359), shoreline_construction (18), small_craft_facility (5), wreck (10), |
seamark:wreck:category | 4 | hull_showing (2), hull_visible (2), |
seasonal | 7303 | autumn/winter/spring (1), no (75), spring (1), spring-autumn (1), spring/summer/autumn (1), summer (3), wet_season (1), winter (9), yes (7211), |
seats | 89 | 2 (13), 3 (38), 4 (34), 5 (2), 6 (1), 8 (1), |
seats:separated | 1 | no (1), |
second_hand | 17 | no (1), only (9), yes (7), |
section | 20 | 05 (1), Austria (1), Austria (middle) (1), Baltic states and Russia west (1), E 60 France (east) (1), E 60 Switzerland (1), France (1), France (north-south) (1), Germany (middle-south) (1), Germany (south-north) (1), Greece (1), Japan (2), Nederland (4), Switzerland (1), United Kingdom (1), middle (1), |
section_name | 1 | Кривой (1), |
section_ref | 17 | 00 (1), 01 (2), 02 (1), 04 (4), 05 (1), 06 (2), 08 (1), 09 (1), 18 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1), G (1), |
segment | 9 | yes (9), |
segregated | 401 | no (371), yes (30), |
self_service | 23 | no (6), partially (2), yes (15), |
sense | 1 | retour (1), |
separation:left | 1 | separation_kerb (1), |
service | 6906 | Aeroport Terminal T1 (1), Linz Volksgartenstraße (1), WI (1), alley (1026), bus (2), busway (1), car (2), car_shuttle (1), city (19), commuter (28), country (4), crossover (134), dealer;parts;repair (1), drive-through (25), driveway (2533), emergency_access (11), high_speed (20), international (10), laneway (1), long_distance (81), national (1), night (37), park_and_ride (2), parking_aisle (620), parts (7), primary (1), regional (26), repair (3), repair;tyres (1), school (3), siding (834), slipway (6), spur (1104), tyres (25), urban (1), water_power (1), weekend (1), wheel_repair (4), yard (327), |
service:bicycle:rental | 1 | yes (1), |
service:bicycle:repair | 1 | yes (1), |
service:bicycle:retail | 2 | yes (2), |
service:vehicle:car_repair | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:diagnostics | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:new_car_sales | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:oil_change | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:tyres | 14 | yes (14), |
service_period | 1 | normal (1), |
service_times | 11 | Mo 14:15 (1), Mo 17:15 (1), Mo,We,Th 07:18 (1), Mo,We,Th 08:40 (1), Mo,We,Th 10:20 (1), Mo,We,Th 11:47 (1), Mo-Fr 12:30 (1), Mo-Su 08:45-20:45 (1), Mo-Su 09:00-20:00; PH open (1), Su 10:00 (2), |
sett:style | 5 | portuguese (5), |
share_taxi | 66 | yes (66), |
share_taxi:opening_hours | 1 | Mo-Fr 8:00-17:45 (1), |
share_taxi:phone | 2 | +49 251 694-5000 (1), +49 2543 7377 (1), |
sheet | 1 | 03A (1), |
sheetno | 1 | 2687 03A (1), |
shelter | 1354 | no (804), yes (550), |
shelter_type | 253 | basic_hut (21), gazebo (11), lean_to (130), picnic_shelter (39), public_transport (35), tent (1), weather_shelter (16), |
ship | 46 | delivery (1), no (45), |
ship:type | 1 | ferry (1), |
shooting | 1 | biathlon (1), |
shop | 4007 | agrarian (1), alcohol (125), anime (1), antiques (2), appliance (1), atelier (1), baby_goods (13), bag (2), bakery (76), bathroom_furnishing (1), beauty (41), bed (11), beverages (10), bicycle (10), boat (1), books (24), boutique (11), butcher (39), canoe_hire (1), car (68), car_parts (77), car_repair (149), carpet (1), charity (3), chemist (35), clothes (185), clothes;shoes (1), coffee (2), computer (20), confectionery (5), convenience (927), copyshop (16), cosmetics (30), craft (5), curtain (3), dairy (19), department_store (25), detached (1), doityourself (73), doityourself;hardware;trade (3), doors (5), dry_cleaning (6), e-cigarette (2), electrical (1), electronics (59), erotic (2), fabric (14), farm (5), fashion_accessories (3), fireplace (1), fishing (12), fishmonger (2), flooring (1), florist (62), frame (17), frozen_food (4), funeral_directors (19), furniture (68), games (1), garden_centre (21), garden_centre;hardware (1), gas (3), general (1), gift (82), glaziery (2), greengrocer (31), grocery (1), hairdresser (121), hairdresser;beauty (1), hardware (91), health_food (1), herbalist (1), hifi (4), honey (1), houseware (8), hunting (2), interior_decoration (2), jewelry (27), kiosk (125), kitchenware (2), laundry (13), leather (2), lighting (1), locksmith (1), mall (59), massage (2), medical_supply (6), medical_supply;convenience (1), military_surplus (1), mobile_phone (99), money_lender (22), motorcycle (3), motorcycle;bicycle (1), motorcycle_repair (1), music (3), musical_instrument (1), newsagent (7), no (5), nutrition_supplements (3), optician (25), outdoor (16), outpost (145), paint (1), party (1), pastry (4), pawnbroker (4), perfumery (5), pet (20), pet_grooming (1), photo (5), photo_studio (1), power_tools (1), printer_ink (1), pyrotechnics (4), radiotechnics (3), religion (7), rental (2), repair (1), seafood (35), second_hand (7), sewing (5), shoe_repair (8), shoes (27), sports (15), stationery (22), supermarket (329), tailor (18), tattoo (2), tea (1), telecommunication (1), ticket (32), tobacco (20), toys (27), trade (6), travel_agency (24), tyres (8), vacant (4), variety_store (30), video (1), video_games (1), watches (2), water (2), weapons (1), wholesale (2), wine (1), yes (67), |
short_name | 189 | 2nd Street (1), ASEAN (1), Ave 51 (1), B.C.S. (1), BCN (3), BOAK (1), BSEC (1), Benetton (1), Besraya (1), Bs. As. (1), C&O Canal Towpath (1), C2C (2), CA (1), CAT (1), CEIP Gran Capitán (1), CTA (1), E7 (1), EU Member States / États membres de l'UE / EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), FBI CJIS (1), Fiwa (1), Jalapa (1), Kneževi Vinogradi (1), Kormilo (1), LHS (2), Maluku (1), Marietta Street (1), Mass Pike (1), N.L. (1), N.S. (1), NATO (1), NIK Szczecin (1), North Street SE (1), Nvt. (1), OG (1), OKT (1), OÖVV (1), Parc Livradois-Forez (1), Popovac (1), Qc (1), RFW BS-LG (1), RP (1), Rambla Catalunya (1), SAR (1), SMA (1), SR 70 (2), San José (1), Sydney (1), Sydney CBD (1), TER AuRA (1), TW (1), Tiburon (1), Tjörn express (2), UK (1), VOR (1), VRS (1), Varaždin – Dalj (1), Via Giovanni Ventitreesimo (3), WACR (1), zachodniopomorskie (1), БСМП (1), Бавариус (1), Белорусская АЭС - Минск-Северная (1), Военкомат Прионежского района (1), ГНК (1), ДК (1), ДК Машиностроитель (1), ДРБ (2), ДРСУ (1), ЗВО (1), ИВПС (1), Инканто (1), К&Б (1), КГПА (1), КЛВТ "Онего" (1), КРИУЭП (1), Ладожские шхеры (1), МБОУ ДО «ЦДО» (1), МБУ «КЦСОН» (1), МИФНС № 10 по РК (1), МКА (1), МКБ (3), МКОУ ООШ п. Шальский (1), МОУ СОШ №1 (1), МФЦ (2), МФЦН (1), ПСК (1), ПТГХ (1), ПетрГУ (1), Поликлинника ДРБ (2), Психдиспансер (1), РФ (1), Райвоенкомат (1), Райпо (1), Роскомнадзор (1), Росстат (1), СОШ №2 (1), ТИЦ "Соловки" (1), УФАС по РК (1), УФРС по РК (1), Укса (52), Управление Роспотребнадзора по Республике Карелия (1), ФГБОУ КИППКК АПК (1), ФНС России (1), ФОК (1), ФСС РФ по РК (1), ЦВР (1), ЦМР (1), ЦРР Д/с №24 Лучик (1), ЦРР Д/с №24 Улыбка (1), ЦСК (1), ЦФО (1), ЮПЗ (1), 京新高速 (1), 京环线 (1), 山陽道 (1), 广南线 (1), 江华县 (1), 湘 (1), 滨榆线 (1), 皖 (1), 直快 (1), 維港 (1), 银昆高速 (2), 顺丰 (1), |
short_name:ab | 1 | ЧЖР (1), |
short_name:ang | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:ar | 6 | آسيان (1), إتنا (1), الناتو (1), خراسان رضوي (1), راين (1), وادي عارة (1), |
short_name:arz | 1 | آسيان (1), |
short_name:as | 1 | এচিয়েন (1), |
short_name:av | 1 | ЧХЖ (1), |
short_name:az | 1 | ÇXR (1), |
short_name:azb | 1 | آسهآن (1), |
short_name:ba | 2 | АСЕАН (1), ҠХР (1), |
short_name:bat-smg | 1 | Kėnėjės LR (1), |
short_name:be | 6 | АСЕАН (1), ЕС (1), КНР (1), Паўночна-Заходняя ФА (1), РП (1), ФРГ (1), |
short_name:be-tarask | 1 | АДПУА (1), |
short_name:bg | 5 | АСЕАН (1), ЕС (1), Иберия (1), НАТО (1), ОЧИС (1), |
short_name:bh | 1 | आसियान (1), |
short_name:bjn | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:bn | 1 | আসিয়ান (1), |
short_name:ca | 1 | Baixa Califònia (1), |
short_name:ce | 2 | АСЕАН (1), ЦХР (1), |
short_name:ceb | 1 | RPT (1), |
short_name:ckb | 1 | ئاسێئان (1), |
short_name:cs | 5 | EU (1), Jadran (1), Karélie (1), Solovky (1), ČLR (1), |
short_name:cv | 1 | КХР (1), |
short_name:cy | 1 | GPT (1), |
short_name:da | 1 | EU (1), |
short_name:de | 4 | EU (1), EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), Ladoga-Schären (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:dty | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:el | 3 | ΕΕ (1), ΕΧΝΑ (1), ΗΒ (1), |
short_name:en | 15 | ASEAN (1), EU (1), EU Member States (1), KarRC RAS (1), Lagoda Skerries (1), Moluccas (1), N.S. (1), NATO (1), Nvt. (1), PRC (1), Que. (1), TW (1), Tiburon (1), White Sea Canal (2), |
short_name:eo | 2 | ASOAN (1), EU (1), |
short_name:es | 5 | Estados miembros de la UE (1), Molucas (1), OTAN (1), Tiburón (1), UE (1), |
short_name:et | 2 | EL (1), Hiina RV (1), |
short_name:fa | 1 | آسهآن (1), |
short_name:fi | 1 | EU (1), |
short_name:fr | 10 | ANASE (1), N.-É. (1), Nt (1), OTAN (1), Qc (1), RPC (1), RU (1), Tiburon (1), UE (1), États membres de l'UE (1), |
short_name:fy | 1 | NAFO (1), |
short_name:ga | 2 | AE (1), DPS (1), |
short_name:gl | 1 | ANSA (1), |
short_name:hif | 1 | ASEAN (1), |
short_name:hr | 1 | EU (1), |
short_name:hu | 2 | EU (1), Ibéria (1), |
short_name:hy | 1 | ՉԺՀ (1), |
short_name:id | 2 | Perbara (1), RRT (1), |
short_name:ilo | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:it | 2 | OTAN (1), UE (1), |
short_name:jv | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:kk | 1 | AСЕАН (1), |
short_name:km | 1 | អាស៊ាន (1), |
short_name:krc | 1 | КъХР (1), |
short_name:ky | 1 | АСЕАН (1), |
short_name:lb | 1 | EU (1), |
short_name:li | 1 | EU (1), |
short_name:lo | 1 | ອາຊຽນ (1), |
short_name:lt | 2 | ES (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:lv | 2 | ES (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:map-bms | 1 | PERBARA (1), |
short_name:mi | 1 | KŪ (1), |
short_name:min | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:mk | 2 | НАТО (1), НР Кина (1), |
short_name:ml | 2 | PRC (1), ആസിയാന് (1), |
short_name:mn | 1 | АСЕАН (1), |
short_name:mo | 1 | OCEMN (1), |
short_name:mr | 1 | आसियान (1), |
short_name:ms | 1 | RRC (1), |
short_name:mt | 2 | RPĊ (1), UE (1), |
short_name:mwl | 2 | ANSEA (1), RPC (1), |
short_name:my | 1 | အာဆီယံ (1), |
short_name:mzn | 1 | آسِئان (1), |
short_name:nan | 1 | Tiong-kok (1), |
short_name:nan-HJ | 1 | 中国 (1), |
short_name:nan-POJ | 1 | Tiong-kok (1), |
short_name:nan-TL | 1 | Tiong-kok (1), |
short_name:ne | 2 | PRC (1), आसियान (1), |
short_name:new | 1 | आसियान (1), |
short_name:nl | 4 | EU (1), EU-lidstaten (1), NAVO (1), VK (1), |
short_name:os | 1 | АСЕАН (1), |
short_name:pa | 1 | ਆਸੀਆਨ (1), |
short_name:pcd | 2 | RU (1), UU (1), |
short_name:pl | 4 | ChRL (1), NATO (1), Państwa Członkowskie UE (1), UE (1), |
short_name:pnb | 1 | آسیان (1), |
short_name:pt | 2 | RPC (1), UE (1), |
short_name:ro | 2 | OCEMN (1), UE (1), |
short_name:ru | 8 | ЕС (1), КНР (1), КарНЦ РАН (1), Ладожские шхеры (1), РФ (1), Северо-Западный ФО (1), ФРГ (1), Центральный ФО (1), |
short_name:sco | 2 | ASEAN (1), FRC (1), |
short_name:si | 1 | ආසියාන් (1), |
short_name:sk | 1 | EÚ (1), |
short_name:sl | 3 | EU (1), Ibêrija (1), LRK (1), |
short_name:sr | 1 | НРК (1), |
short_name:su | 1 | RRT (1), |
short_name:sv | 3 | EU (1), EU-länderna (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:szl | 1 | CHLR (1), |
short_name:ta | 2 | ஆசியான் (1), பிரித்தானியா (1), |
short_name:tg | 1 | ҶХЧ (1), |
short_name:th | 1 | อาเซียน (1), |
short_name:tk | 1 | HHR (1), |
short_name:tr | 4 | AB (1), KEİ (1), NATO (1), ÇHC (1), |
short_name:tt | 3 | ACEAN (1), Иберия (1), КХҖ (1), |
short_name:uk | 5 | ЄС (1), АСЕАН (1), НАТО (1), Північно-Західний ФО (1), Список країн ЄС (1), |
short_name:ur | 1 | آسیان (1), |
short_name:uz | 1 | XXR (1), |
short_name:vec | 1 | PRC (1), |
short_name:vls | 2 | EU (1), VK (1), |
short_name:vo | 1 | Britän (1), |
short_name:wa | 2 | RU (1), UU (1), |
short_name:wuu | 1 | 亚细安 (1), |
short_name:zea | 1 | EU (1), |
short_name:zh | 4 | 东盟 (1), 北約 / 北约 (1), 台 (1), 維港 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hans | 1 | 北约 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hant | 2 | 北約 (1), 東協 (1), |
short_protection_title | 9 | FFH-Gebiet (6), LSG (2), NSG (1), |
shoulder | 187 | both (14), no (139), right (27), yes (7), |
shoulder:right | 2 | yes (2), |
shower | 8 | no (4), yes (4), |
shrubbery:density | 6 | dense (1), medium (3), sparse (2), |
side | 8 | left (2), right (6), |
side_road | 4 | double (1), yes (3), |
sides | 3 | 1 (1), 2 (2), |
sidewalk | 1626 | both (643), left (113), no (404), none (85), right (214), separate (167), |
sidewalk:both | 93 | no (2), separate (90), yes (1), |
sidewalk:both:bicycle | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk:both:surface | 99 | asphalt (27), concrete (2), paving_stones (68), sett (2), |
sidewalk:both:wheelchair | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk:both:width | 3 | 1.5 (1), 1.75 (1), 2.0 (1), |
sidewalk:foot | 1 | designated (1), |
sidewalk:left | 142 | no (93), separate (37), yes (12), |
sidewalk:left:surface | 28 | asphalt (13), paving_stones (15), |
sidewalk:left:width | 1 | 1.0 (1), |
sidewalk:right | 122 | no (29), separate (82), yes (11), |
sidewalk:right:bicycle | 5 | yes (5), |
sidewalk:right:foot | 2 | designated (2), |
sidewalk:right:oneway | 2 | no (1), yes (1), |
sidewalk:right:segregated | 1 | no (1), |
sidewalk:right:surface | 42 | asphalt (10), paving_stones (30), sett (2), |
sidewalk:right:traffic_sign | 2 | DE:239,1022-10 (1), DE:239;DE:1022-10 (1), |
sidewalk:right:width | 2 | 1.2 (1), 1.5 (1), |
signed_direction | 11 | yes (11), |
significance | 1 | regional (1), |
siren:model | 1 | Modulator 2008 (1), |
siren:purpose | 5 | civil_defense (4), tornado (1), |
siren:type | 4 | electronic (4), |
site | 14 | college (2), company_offices (1), hospital (1), kindergarden (1), parking (1), piste (1), school (4), services (1), venue (1), wind_farm (1), |
site_type | 29 | cairn (1), city (1), fortification (1), holy_well (1), megalith (2), settlement (7), trap_pit (15), tumulus (1), |
ski | 173 | no (32), yes (141), |
sloped_curb | 4 | yes (4), |
slow_moving | 1 | lane (1), |
small_dog | 1 | shared (1), |
smoking | 85 | dedicated (1), isolated (3), no (34), outside (24), separated (2), yes (21), |
smoothness | 3016 | bad (579), excellent (429), fine (5), good (527), horrible (187), impassable (246), intermediate (314), very_bad (321), very_good (40), very_horrible (368), |
smoothness:date | 2 | 2020-06-21 (1), 2023-01-15 (1), |
snowmobile | 539 | designated (12), no (52), permissive (257), yes (218), |
snowplowing | 278 | no (25), sometimes (2), yes (251), |
snr:ref | 1 | I-2 (1), |
social_facility | 18 | ambulatory_care (1), group_home (10), nursing_home (4), outreach (2), social_club (1), |
social_facility:for | 16 | child (1), drug_addicted (1), juvenile (1), orphan (4), senior (8), underprivileged (1), |
socket:chademo | 2 | 1 (2), |
socket:schuko | 1 | 8 (1), |
socket:type1_cable | 1 | 1 (1), |
socket:type1_combo | 1 | 1 (1), |
socket:type1_combo:current | 1 | 125 A (1), |
socket:type1_combo:output | 1 | 50 kW (1), |
socket:type1_combo:voltage | 1 | 400 V (1), |
socket:type2 | 2 | 1 (1), 2 (1), |
socket:type2:current | 1 | 12 (1), |
socket:type2:output | 1 | 8.3kW (1), |
socket:type2:voltage | 1 | 400 (1), |
socket:type2_combo | 1 | 1 (1), |
solitary | 2 | yes (2), |
sorting_name:cs | 1 | Aiči (1), |
sorting_name:en | 1 | Sea of Japan (1), |
sorting_name:ja | 1 | 朝鮮東海 (1), |
sorting_name:ko | 1 | 조선동해 (1), |
sorting_name:ko-Hani | 1 | 朝鮮東海 (1), |
sorting_name:ru | 1 | Хонсю остров (1), |
source2 | 4 | forest, split from 477332136 (3), irs (1), |
source:1 | 1 | http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2005/20050653 (1), |
source:2 | 1 | http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2009/20091349 (1), |
source:3 | 1 | http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2014/20140060 (1), |
source:CEMT | 3 | Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 7 maja 2002 r. w sprawie klasyfikacji śródlądowych dróg wodnych. (3), |
source:CEMT:url | 3 | http://www.dziennikustaw.gov.pl/du/2002/695/D2002077069501.pdf (3), |
source:HFCS | 63 | District of Columbia (DC GIS) (58), GADOT State Functional Classification 2018 (5), |
source:ISO3166-1 | 1 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120616044022/http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166-faqs/iso_3166_faqs_specific.htm (1), |
source:Texas_Trunk_System | 6 | Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan 2035 http://www.txdot.gov/txdot_library/publications/transportation_plan.htm (6), |
source:abandoned:bridge:date | 1 | 2020-08-01 (1), |
source:access_control | 9 | MDSHA Highway Location Reference http://www.roads.maryland.gov/pages/hlr.aspx?PageId=832 (9), |
source:addr | 266 | EMUiA (dopiewo.e-mapa.net) (1), EMUiA (emuia.geoportal.gov.pl) (3), EMUiA (glogowmalopolski.e-mapa.net) (1), FHRS Open Data (3), Isle of Man Government Land Registry Land Transactions (4), Maa-amet 2012 (1), Maa-amet 2023 (4), Yanosik (2), approximation (2), cuzk:ruian (39), e-mapa.net (1), emuia.gugik.gov.pl (10), geoportal (1), grajewo.e-mapa.net (5), grodziskmazowiecki.e-mapa.net (3), gugik.gov.pl (132), iMPA / EMUiA (frysztak.e-mapa.net) (1), lesznowola.e-mapa.net (1), marki.e-mapa.net (1), minvskaddress 2020-12 (1), minvskaddress 2022-11 (2), minvskaddress 2023-01 (13), minvskaddress 2023-02 (9), minvskaddress 2023-03 (12), minvskaddress 2023-04 (1), mzamosc.e-mapa.net (6), raszyn.e-mapa.net (1), stargard.e-mapa.net (4), tolkmicko.e-mapa.net (1), trzebownisko.e-mapa.net (1), |
source:addr:postcode | 5 | Isle of Man Government Land Registry Land Transactions (3), Isle of Man Government Planning Applications (2), |
source:address | 2 | local knowledge (2), |
source:alt_name | 3 | Isle of Man Government 1:25000 map (2007) (1), Isle of Man Government Planning Applications (1), signpost (1), |
source:alt_name:en | 2 | sign (2), |
source:bicycle | 19 | MDSHA http://www.marylandroads.com/index.aspx?Pageid=596 (15), guess (3), survey (1), |
source:boundary | 4 | nls_os_6inch_1842-82 (4), |
source:bridge | 1 | bing_imagery_0.06m_200801;CDOT (1), |
source:building | 22 | aerial imagery; Ortofotomozaika SR (22), |
source:building:levels | 11 | guess (10), http://e-school.karelia.ru/pit/s02/Pages/Default.aspx (1), |
source:coastline | 1 | bing (1), |
source:colour | 1 | https://www.nederlandfietsland.nl/uploads/Toolkitmap/LFP_Colourguide_Waterlinieroute.pdf (1), |
source:cycleway | 1 | survey (1), |
source:cycleway:width | 3 | ARCore (3), |
source:damage | 1 | survey (1), |
source:date | 541 | 1973-01-01 (10), 1973-07-01 (1), 1984-07-01 (139), 1986-07-01 (1), 1991-07-01 (2), 1993-07-23 (9), 1994-08-01 (1), 1998-07-01 (5), 2/25/2013 (16), 20/3/2010 (1), 2008 (1), 2009 (5), 2009-07-04 (158), 2009-07-19 (4), 2010-08-17 (1), 2011 (1), 2011-06 (20), 2013-11-26 (7), 2013-12-20 (1), 2014 (3), 2014-02-11 (2), 2014-03-24 (5), 2014-08-09 (1), 2014..2015 (6), 2015 (6), 2016 (2), 2016-05-31 (1), 2017-03-14 (1), 2017-07-23 (1), 2018 (28), 2018-04-16 (1), 2018-11-30 (1), 2018/10/15 (1), 2019 (5), 2019-07-16 (1), 2019-10-15 (1), 2021 (25), 2021-11-10 (1), 2022 (12), 2022-10-01 (19), 2022-10-11 (23), 2023-01-20 (1), 2023-01-29 (3), 2023-02-05 (3), 2023-03-23 (3), 2023-04-12 (1), 5/11/2010 (1), |
source:description | 1 | http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1459 (1), |
source:designation | 1 | oxfordshire_county_council_prow_gis_data (1), |
source:destination | 12 | OpenStreetCam (3), http://autobahn-bilder.de (1), http://www.autobahn-bilder.de (4), mapillary (4), |
source:disused:route | 1 | https://www.buseireann.ie/service_updates.php?id=3826&month=Jan (1), |
source:duration | 1 | average (1), |
source:ele | 24 | MDT5 (19), gps (2), gpx (3), |
source:en | 2 | National-Land Numerical Information (Forest) 2006, MLIT Japan (2), |
source:geo | 3 | 15-километровая зона — на глаз, в Печенгском районе — генштаб и OSM, в Терском районе всё неточно, т.к. нет данных (1), координаты опорных точек примерно по картам генштаба (1), координаты опорных точек примерно по картам генштаба и OSM (1), |
source:geometry | 371 | ACTmapi Imagery 2018 (1), Aerial photogrammetry (2), Bing (288), Bing 2012 (1), Bing aerial imagery (3), Census2011 map (pdf/png) (2), EGiB (4), Esri World Imagery (3), Esri World Imagery (Clarity) Beta (1), GPS, February 2017 (1), GPS, March 2020 (3), GRB (1), Maps4BW, LGL, www.lgl-bw.de (13), Maxar (2023); OpenTopoMap; SAGECAN (1996); INE (2011); IGVSB; Esri; Bing (16), Maxar Premium Imagery (3), NSW LPI Base Map (5), National Land Survey of Finland / Ortophoto (2), Ortofotomozaika SR (1), PNOA (1), Strava Global Heatmap (2), VicMap ParkRes (1), Vicmap.Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (1), Virginia Imagery Service (1), bing (1), extrapolation (1), geoportal.gov.pl:ortofoto (1), maps4bw (LGL, www.lgl-be.de); Mapbox Satellite (7), services.land.vic.gov.au (4), strava-heatmap (1), |
source:geometry:date | 163 | 2006-01-19 (4), 2009-02-03 (11), 2009-02-18 (19), 2009-06-05 (1), 2009-09-11 (1), 2009-11-17 (6), 2011-03-11 (1), 2012-04-11 (3), 2013 (2), 2013-02-20 (1), 2013-03-06 (2), 2013-05-08 (3), 2014-03-13 (1), 2014-08-14 (2), 2015-02-18 (4), 2015-07-01 (1), 2016-04-20 (28), 2016-06-09 (3), 2016-07-11 (2), 2016-07-19 (25), 2016-07-22 (2), 2016-11-22 (1), 2017 (1), 2017-05-29 (4), 2017-07-19 (1), 2017-08-02 (5), 2017-09-25 (6), 2018-05-14 (1), 2018-06-20 (1), 2018-06-29 (1), 2018-07-05 (2), 2018-07-09 (1), 2019-03-07 (3), 2019-03-14 (1), 2019-07-04 (1), 2019-09-27 (1), 2020-02-24 (1), 2020-03-16 (1), 2020-06-02 (1), 2020-07-02 (2), 2021-01-21 (1), 2021-04-19 (1), 2021-04-26 (2), 2021-09-16 (1), 2021-10-27 (1), |
source:geometry:ref | 169 | Gba/164169 (1), Gba/164256 (1), Gba/164257 (1), Gba/164325 (1), Gba/165285 (1), Gba/369808 (1), Gba/382286 (1), Gba/520005 (1), Gba/593010 (1), Gba/599955 (1), Gbg/1130736 (1), Gbg/1130737 (1), Gbg/1131465 (1), Gbg/1131603 (1), Gbg/1131638 (1), Gbg/1131639 (1), Gbg/1131685 (1), Gbg/1131896 (1), Gbg/1132007 (1), Gbg/1132125 (1), Gbg/1132126 (1), Gbg/1132320 (1), Gbg/1132359 (1), Gbg/1258605 (1), Gbg/1258611 (1), Gbg/1260440 (1), Gbg/2264537 (1), Gbg/2264559 (1), Gbg/2264560 (1), Gbg/2264561 (1), Gbg/2265074 (1), Gbg/2265472 (1), Gbg/2265473 (1), Gbg/2265474 (1), Gbg/2265476 (1), Gbg/2265480 (1), Gbg/2265481 (1), Gbg/2265485 (1), Gbg/2265486 (1), Gbg/2265488 (1), Gbg/2265490 (1), Gbg/2265491 (1), Gbg/2265493 (1), Gbg/2265496 (1), Gbg/2265497 (1), Gbg/2265505 (1), Gbg/2265506 (1), Gbg/2265540 (1), Gbg/2265541 (1), Gbg/2265542 (1), Gbg/2265543 (1), Gbg/2265544 (1), Gbg/2265545 (1), Gbg/2265548 (1), Gbg/2265550 (1), Gbg/2265554 (1), Gbg/2265558 (1), Gbg/2265565 (1), Gbg/2265567 (1), Gbg/2265568 (1), Gbg/2265631 (1), Gbg/2265644 (1), Gbg/2265645 (1), Gbg/2265669 (1), Gbg/2266228 (1), Gbg/2266229 (1), Gbg/2266230 (1), Gbg/2266328 (1), Gbg/2273692 (1), Gbg/2274796 (1), Gbg/2274840 (1), Gbg/2274885 (1), Gbg/2274912 (1), Gbg/2693867 (1), Gbg/314062 (1), Gbg/320326 (1), Gbg/320327 (1), Gbg/320330 (1), Gbg/3398284 (1), Gbg/3402952 (1), Gbg/3405297 (1), Gbg/4136754 (1), Gbg/4170005 (1), Gbg/4173104 (1), Gbg/4361686 (1), Gbg/4362259 (1), Gbg/4362299 (1), Gbg/4827268 (1), Gbg/5044572 (1), Gbg/5045518 (1), Gbg/5045519 (1), Gbg/5045600 (1), Gbg/5045729 (1), Gbg/5046173 (1), Gbg/5047823 (1), Gbg/5556726 (1), Gbg/5556727 (1), Gbg/5558206 (1), Gbg/5625927 (1), Gbg/5628073 (1), Gbg/5628320 (1), Gbg/5648487 (1), Gbg/5648612 (1), Gbg/5738909 (1), Gbg/6016606 (1), Gbg/6017275 (1), Gbg/6040845 (1), Gbg/6064994 (1), Gbg/6065010 (1), Gbg/6065291 (1), Gbg/6329524 (1), Gbg/6381012 (1), Gbg/6384245 (1), Gbg/6391800 (1), Gbg/6584482 (1), Gbg/6585740 (1), Gbg/6587165 (1), Gbg/6636823 (1), Gbg/6751962 (1), Gbg/6753703 (1), Gbg/6806969 (1), Gbg/6815598 (1), Gbg/6815613 (1), Gbg/6815800 (1), Gbg/6941069 (1), Gbg/6990136 (1), Gbg/7023503 (1), Picc/1027443 (1), Picc/106512 (1), Picc/1388967 (1), Picc/1637355 (1), Picc/1858994 (1), Picc/1943913 (1), Picc/1978028 (1), Picc/1995263 (1), Picc/2237210 (1), Picc/2365885 (1), Picc/237643 (1), Picc/2434256 (1), Picc/2434490 (1), Picc/2445195 (1), Picc/2452904 (1), Picc/2549145 (1), Picc/2626557 (1), Picc/2718298 (1), Picc/2753338 (1), Picc/2839752 (1), Picc/2900166 (1), Picc/3099592 (1), Picc/3169580 (1), Picc/3219452 (1), Picc/3330109 (1), Picc/3360393 (1), Picc/3685843 (1), Picc/3744073 (1), Picc/3745454 (1), Picc/69147 (1), Picc/845983 (1), Picc/861596 (1), Picc/923570 (1), Urbis/7915457 (1), Urbis/7915725 (1), Urbis/7916263 (1), Urbis/7918385 (1), Urbis/7918411 (1), Urbis/7919305 (1), Urbis/7919637 (1), missing (2), |
source:geometry:version | 7 | 6 (7), |
source:gps_trace | 1 | http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/logictheo/traces/805868;http://ia360704.us.archive.org/3/items/GpsTracesAndWaypointsForLibreMapCollaborationProjectsLogictheo/20100829_bus_route_most_of_5_oasth.gpx.7z (1), |
source:haiti | 1 | CNIGS and CartONG (1), |
source:heritage | 2 | Ministère de la Culture - 06/2019 (1), data.gouv.fr, Ministère de la Culture - 2016 (1), |
source:hgv | 49 | MassGIS (47), NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/refdata/traffic_orders/access/rt1_9.shtm (2), |
source:hgv:national_network | 94 | CDOT "Highway Data Explorer" (1), Caltrans http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/ (6), Caltrans%20http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/ (2), KYTC http://transportation.ky.gov/Planning/Documents/NTN_Road_Listing.pdf (1), NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/about/rules/pdf/chapter32truckaccess.pdf (7), Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: (74), Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: and document from AHTD listing the FAP routes (2), Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: http://www.gomdot.com/Divisions/IntermodalPlanning/Resources/Maps/pdf/FA%20Primary%20System%20of%201988.pdf (1), |
source:hgv:state_network | 43 | Caltrans http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/ (2), KYTC http://transportation.ky.gov/Planning/Documents/NTN_Road_Listing.pdf (1), NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/about/rules/pdf/chapter32truckaccess.pdf (36), : 1 nName716: 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">NYSDOT https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/oom/transportation-systems/repository/2010%20trk%20access%20bk.pdf (4), |
source:highway | 14 | GADOT State Functional Classification 2018 (5), GVVP Asten 2006 (5), gps;uhul:ortofoto (1), schema_br2013 (2), uhul:ortofoto (1), |
source:highway:name | 3 | cuzk:ruian (3), |
source:highway_classification | 1 | unclassified,Bing looks narrow (1), |
source:id | 12 | 2855ii San José de Achuapa - USGS OpenTopo Map No E751X28552 (1984) (1), 2855iii Somotillo - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X28553 (1984) (2), 2855iv Cinco Pinos - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X28554 (1984) (3), 2855iv Cinco Pinos OpenTopo Nicaragua 1:50k (1), 2957i Jalapa - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X29571 (1965) (1), 2957iii San Fernando - USGS OpenTopo no E751X29573 (1965) (2), 3354ii El Tortugero - USGS OpenTopo map no E751X33542 (1966) (1), USGS OpenTopo map indicated on each segment (1), |
source:image | 2 | Yahoo (2), |
source:imagery | 13 | Bing & Maxar Sat Imagery as of 2022 (3), Bing & Maxar Sat Imagery as of 2023 (3), Bing and Maxar Sat Imagery as of 2023 (2), Maxar & Bing Sat Imagery 2022 (1), Maxar & Bing Sat Imagery as of 2022 (4), |
source:ja | 17 | 国土数値情報(森林地域データ)平成18年 国土交通省 (15), 国土画像情報オルソ化空中写真国土交通省 (1), 国土画像情報(オルソ化空中写真)国土計画局 (1), |
source:lake | 1 | Review by So9q using LM Topographic Map (1), |
source:lanes | 4 | Bing (2), usgs_imagery_2007 (2), |
source:lcn | 9 | District of Columbia (DC GIS) (9), |
source:leaf_type | 253 | survey (253), |
source:lit | 30 | P161-0815 (1), http://www.autobahn-bilder.de (29), |
source:loc_name | 2 | Old Kilkenny Review 1990 p. 704 (1), http://ratsinfo.aachen.de/bi/vo020.asp?VOLFDNR=9349 (1), |
source:location | 6 | LPI Admin Boundaries Feb 2016. Simplified ways JOSM 3m. (1), bing (2), gps (2), nearmap (1), |
source:maxaxleload | 3 | Dz.U. 2011 nr 222 poz. 1321 Art. 2 pkt. 11 (3), |
source:maxheight | 2 | sign (1), sign at Beaconsfield Street;Horsley Road;Henry Lawson Drive (1), |
source:maxspeed | 1365 | 25 MPH in the City of Enid unless otherwise posted, Enid city code 6-5-1-B. (4), 35 in Lincoln County unless otherwise posted. (1), 45 MPH in Garfield County unless otherwise posted (4), 50 (1), AT:motorway (5), AT:rural (13), AT:urban (46), AT:zone (1), AT:zone40 (7), AT:zone:30 (7), Amtrak ETT 2010-01-18 (6), BE-BRU:urban (1), BE-VLG:rural (2), BE:living_street (2), BE:motorway (2), BMO arrêté n°2010 - 031 (4), BMO arrêté n°2014 P 0194 (1), Bing (2), CH:urban (1), CZ:rural (5), Conrail ETT 2013-07-01 (2), Conrail ETT 2013-10-17 (2), DE.urban (1), DE:bicycle_road (4), DE:motorway (21), DE:rural (10), DE:urban (51), DE:zone30 (38), DE:zone:20 (1), DE:zone:30 (3), DK:rural (3), DK:urban (16), DK:zone:40 (2), Delaware State Law (speed restriction in residential areas) (1), ES:urban (1), FDOT "Maximum Speed Limits" GIS data, updated August 27, 2011: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/statistics/gis/roaddata.shtm (21), FDOT%20%22Maximum%20Speed%20Limits%22%20GIS%20data,%20updated%20August%2027,%202011:%20http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/statistics/gis/roaddata.shtm (1), FR:living_street (1), FR:motorway (2), FR:rural (5), FR:urban (17), FR:zone30 (13), GB:nsl_dual (2), GB:nsl_single (11), GB:urban (27), HU:living_street (2), HU:rural (4), HU:urban (10), IT:motorway (6), IT:urban (10), LT:urban (3), Mapillary (1), NL:rural (5), NL:urban (2), NL:zone30 (10), NL:zone60 (3), NZ:urban (1), PL:rural (3), PL:trunk (1), PL:urban (11), PL:zone20 (2), PL:zone30 (1), RU:urban (2), SI:urban (5), SI:zone:30 (5), SK:urban (2), Speed limit 45 MPH in Grant County unless otherwise posted. (2), Stats19 (22), THE EALING (20MPH SPEED LIMIT) (NO. 1) EXPERIMENTAL TRAFFIC ORDER 2016 (1), UK:nsl_dual (18), UK:nsl_single (1), Verkeersbesluit Staatscourant 25-1-2013 (4), bing (8), bulk set on the whole town, please fix as surveyed (86), bulk set, please fix as surveyed (53), bulk set, please fix if appropriate (39), default residential speed limit in Australia (2), https://vtrans.vermont.gov/sites/aot/files/planning/documents/Vermont%20Rail%20Plan%205-20-2021%20Final.pdf (1), https://www.plk-sa.pl/files/public/user_upload/pdf/Reg_przydzielania_tras/Regulamin_2019_2020/02.07.2019/N_ZAL_2.1A_20192020.pdf (2), implicit (370), markings (1), massgis (59), practical (1), sign (216), survey (7), survey (GPS-Messung auf zwei unbehindert fahrenden Intercity-Zügen) (1), survey 2014-06-14 (2), survey 2015-07-02 (1), survey;image (1), urban (3), zone (3), zone30 (1), |
source:maxspeed:advisory | 1 | sign (1), |
source:maxspeed:backward | 4 | PL:rural (1), PL:urban (1), sign (2), |
source:maxspeed:forward | 2 | PL:rural (1), sign (1), |
source:maxweightrating:hgv | 2 | HU:zone:12 (2), |
source:mdds:PLCN | 2 | CensusIndia2011 (DH_2011_2007_PART_A_DCHB_SAHIBGANJ) (2), |
source:name | 1654 | 1917 Moody's Manual: http://books.google.com/books?id=Q1NNAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1389 (2), 1920 State Board of Taxes and Assessment report: http://books.google.com/books?id=LV1LAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA147 (1), 2006 survey (1), BON nº182 - 14 de septiembre de 2012 (8), Bing (1), Canvec (1), Census2011 (DH_2011_2007_PART_A_DCHB_SAHIBGANJ) (2), Collins 1936 (1), Corine Land Cover 2006 version 15 (4), DCN (1963) (1), DCN (1973) (12), GIS Directorate of Central Informatics Organization Bahrain (www.bahrainlocator.gov.bh) (4), GNS (3), Guide des rues de la Ville de Sherbrooke (février 2015) (1), IBGE (3), INE (2014); IGVSB (11), ITO_Analysis (2), Kosmosnimki (16), Kosmosnimki IRS (14), Main Roads Western Australia (1), NSW LPI Base Map (6), Nomenclátor Geográfico de Municipios y Entidades de Población (20), OS OpenData StreetView (1), OS sheet 98,1852 (1), OS_OpenData_Locator (23), OS_OpenData_OS_Locator (2), OS_OpenData_StreetView (7), OS_OpenData_Streetview (3), OS_Opendata_Streetview (1), Oregon SB987, 2011. (4), Personal knowledge + Wikipedia (1), SAGECAN (1991) (3), Scanex IRS (Kosmosnimki) (2), Schild, das sich zumindest bis vor ein paar Jahren (ca. 2000 bis 2012) an diesem Weg befand (1), Sign (3), Signage via Bing StreetSide and county GIS agree (2), Verkeersbesluit Staatscourant 25-1-2013 (3), Vicmap Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (1), Vicmap.Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (2), Wikipedia (1), Yahoo sat (1), ZBGIS (2), access_sign (1), autotravel.ru (1), basemap.at (1), bdgex/teogc/100/ctm (2), bing (1), dictaphone (1), haiti-tlm-50 (1), http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/cntry_files.html,www.statistics.sk (1387), http://pgo-npa.ru/download?id=7177 (2), http://priozersk.lenobl.ru/news?id=13928 (1), https://www.sos.ok.gov/documents/legislation/53rd/2012/2R/HB/3108.pdf (2), knowledge (2), landsat (2), local knowledge (5), mapillary (1), minvskaddress (1), note (1), nwb (1), photo (1), photograph (3), services.land.vic.gov.au (6), signpost (33), signs (1), survey (5), voice (1), wikipedia (1), www.ssj.sk (1), Генеральный план (1), Публичная Кадастровая Карта (6), Публичная кадастровая карта (3), |
source:name:br | 47 | ofis publik ar brezhoneg (20), proper translation (27), |
source:name:br:date | 1 | 2016-03-22 (1), |
source:name:fi | 27 | Finnish old map (Taloudellinen kartta) Lehti IV:10 Imatra (7), Finnish old map 4112 - 6770/6800-30°-420/60 Imatra (1), Finnish old map 4112 12 - (Pitäjän Kartta) Lehti 679/445 Rautjärvi (1), Finnish old map 4112 12 - (Pitäjän Kartta) Lehti 679/445 Rautjärvi (6), Finnish old map 4114 - 6770/6800-30°-460/500 Hiitola (2), https://www.karjalankartat.fi/?language=fi&E=4490649.346855029&N=6781123.7953151995&scale=29999.999999999993&base=OpenLayers.Layer.WMS_2 (1), https://www.karjalankartat.fi/?language=fi&E=4502916.305508846&N=6771234.557599603&scale=5000&base=OpenLayers.Layer.WMS_4 (1), https://www.karjalankartat.fi/?language=fi&E=4505266.68618427&N=6773098.105204347&scale=29999.999999999993&base=OpenLayers.Layer.WMS_2 (2), https://www.karjalankartat.fi/?language=fi&E=4505314.119136104&N=6795290.638879201&scale=5000&base=OpenLayers.Layer.WMS_4 (1), https://www.karjalankartat.fi/?language=fi&E=4514125.797711113&N=6797187.347577239&scale=5000&base=OpenLayers.Layer.WMS_4 (1), https://www.karjalankartat.fi/?language=fi&E=4514321.589272052&N=6797001.25739995&scale=2000&base=OpenLayers.Layer.WMS_4 (1), www.karjalankartat.fi (3), |
source:name:oc | 21 | Lo Congrès (3), ieo-bdtopoc (18), |
source:name:sv | 4 | Digiroad.fi (4), |
source:name:uk | 1 | https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Коулун (1), |
source:network | 2 | Florida Greenways & Trails System Plan (October 17, 2012) http://www.dep.state.fl.us/gwt/quick_links/fgtc/council.htm (2), |
source:noname | 1 | NWB (1), |
source:note | 12 | Forstmarkierung Gemeide Karlsbad (1), Forstmarkierungen Gemeide Karlsbad (1), TN Application for USBR No. 23 on 9/9/2013 has the southbound route. The northbound route differs due to a few one-way streets in downtown Nashville. Thus, the TN DOT's routesheet was used when the route doesn't make sense because of one-way streets. (1), https://consultations.southwark.gov.uk/environment-leisure/barryroad/supporting_documents/BarryRoad20mph_V7.pdf (1), https://meinfernbus.de/unser-angebot/linien/044.html (1), https://meinfernbus.de/unser-angebot/linien/075.html (1), https://www.ztm.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci/zmiana-numeracji-poznanskich-linii-autobusowych-od-stycznia-2019r (2), survey (2), Согласно источнику, южная граница проходит как-то очень странно и включает 2/3 Корейского пролива. В итоге южная граница проведена условно. (1), позиция по GPS (1), |
source:note:name | 2 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_European_Union (2), |
source:official_name | 9 | BAG (2), NWB (7), |
source:offset | 8 | 13.14;-1.19 (8), |
source:old_name | 7 | 1859 old map (2), History of Newburyport, Mass: 1764-1905, Volume 1, Page 353 (1), Seminole County plat book/page 8/5: Blue Berry Hill (1), historical (3), |
source:old_name:1970 | 5 | New Haven Region Timetable No. 2, January 18, 1970 (5), |
source:old_ref | 3 | 1951 map http://mapmaker.rutgers.edu/Ocean/OldOceanCounty.html (labeled 1971) (1), 1951 map http://mapmaker.rutgers.edu/UNION_COUNTY/OldUnion.html (2), |
source:old_ref:fap | 17 | ODOT http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Planning/TechServ/prod_services/Pages/RI06.aspx http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ContractAdmin/Contracts/Pages/NHS-FAP.aspx (17), |
source:oneway | 1 | ACTmapi Imagery 2018 (1), |
sourc |