k | num | v's |
cables | 312 | 3 (267), 6 (45), |
camera:type | 1 | fixed (1), |
canal | 50 | irrigation (50), |
capacity | 29 | 1 (14), 10 (1), 11 (1), 25 (1), 3 (2), 30 (1), 4 (2), 5 (3), 50 (1), 6 (1), 8 (2), |
capital | 4 | 10 (1), 4 (1), 8 (1), yes (1), |
capital_city | 2 | Dublin (1), Ottawa (1), |
car | 1 | no (1), |
carbonized | 1 | yes (1), |
carriageway_ref | 51 | A (17), B (12), EN (2), J (1), Li (8), Re (6), SE (2), WS (2), a (1), |
cash_in | 2 | no (1), yes (1), |
category | 1 | Земли поселений (земли населенных пунктов) (1), |
cg_ref | 2 | RO-C (1), RO-NV (1), |
change:lanes | 7 | no|no (4), no|not_left|not_right (1), yes|not_right|no (2), |
changing_table | 3 | no (3), |
charge | 4 | 1.30 EUR (2), 1.50 CNY (1), 200 PHP (1), |
charge:hgv | 1 | 38 NOK (1), |
charge:motorcar | 1 | 23 NOK (1), |
check_date | 23 | 2022-03-28 (1), 2022-07-18 (7), 2023-01-05 (1), 2023-01-10 (2), 2023-01-11 (3), 2023-02-17 (2), 2023-03-08 (2), 2023-03-14 (1), 2023-03-16 (1), 2023-04-06 (1), 2023-04-09 (1), 30.12.2022 (1), |
check_date:crossing | 8 | 2022-11-09 (2), 2022-11-23 (2), 2023-02-05 (1), 2023-02-10 (3), |
check_date:cycleway | 1 | 2021-05-19 (1), |
check_date:opening_hours | 1 | 2023-03-22 (1), |
check_date:surface | 1 | 2022-02-08 (1), |
check_date:tactile_paving | 2 | 2023-01-09 (1), 2023-03-04 (1), |
check_date:traffic_signals:vibration | 1 | 2022-11-03 (1), |
checked | 1 | 2014-01-12/seichter (1), |
chilled | 1 | yes (1), |
circuits | 293 | 1 (248), 2 (45), |
circuits:design | 1 | 2 (1), |
city | 39 | Ики-Бурул (38), Ут Сала (1), |
class:bicycle | 3 | -2 (2), 1 (1), |
closed | 1 | yes (1), |
closest_town | 1 | Elista (1), |
clothes | 7 | children (1), underwear (2), wedding (4), |
club | 16 | culture (1), sport (11), yes (4), |
code | 1 | BHA42500121 (1), |
collection_times | 1 | Mo-Fr 17:15; Sa 11:45 (1), |
colour | 288 | #003399 (4), #005262 (3), #005588 (2), #0072CE (1), #00868B (1), #0086CB (1), #009EE0 (1), #00A1AB (1), #0198E1 (1), #045487 (1), #0AA896 (1), #10a855 (1), #144C77 (1), #1FBCE1 (7), #1a962b (4), #20abc1 (1), #231f20 (1), #23408F (1), #25beb1 (2), #274ca1 (1), #371D81 (5), #393185 (1), #4AB747 (2), #4B933F (2), #4E2B7B (2), #4ea74b (3), #52d3f7 (3), #56AEB0 (1), #5C4D41 (2), #5d365c (1), #642b28 (1), #827e7c (2), #88c946 (2), #8A603B (2), #8EC87A (2), #8d6538 (1), #913b85 (2), #938C42 (2), #93d50a (3), #964c29 (4), #965340 (2), #991199 (1), #99CA7B (2), #99CC00 (1), #99ccff (2), #9E8976 (2), #9FC536 (2), #B7DDD2 (26), #B94F84 (1), #BAD05A (2), #BB4A9B (1), #BBDD00 (2), #C09F65 (2), #C14635 (6), #C5AA77 (2), #CD853F (2), #CEC92A (1), #D10019 (1), #D42130 (1), #D52130 (1), #DA0070 (3), #DB711D (1), #DC143C (1), #DC532A (2), #DEA9C5 (2), #DFB03A (1), #E01021 (10), #E0B03A (2), #E2661D (2), #EAAE29 (2), #ED028C (7), #ED1C2A (1), #EF3744 (4), #F0E68C (1), #F0E91E (2), #F173AC (8), #F59EB3 (2), #FFB530 (1), #a0006e (1), #a70529 (4), #ae3722 (2), #ba499b (1), #c9d469 (1), #e52c1a (4), #ec0975 (1), #ed018c (1), #ee652d (3), #fbbe76 (1), #ff0000 (1), #ff82b4 (1), #ffa300 (1), 666666 (2), black (10), blue (4), brown (5), green (6), olive (4), orange (1), red (36), white-red (3), yellow (2), yellow-red (2), |
colour:arrow | 11 | black (4), white (7), |
colour:back | 11 | #93d50a (2), blue (3), brown (1), green (1), white (2), yellow (2), |
colour:text | 11 | black (4), white (7), |
comment | 9 | "GR" is a trademark of FFRP. Do not display "GR" name on maps unless authorized. (2), On onramps signposts road dominantly signposted as National Highway M1. Please verify whether the road signposts/shileds were recently changed. Once they change all the way network can easly be removed. (3), This relation has reached more than 2000 members and should be split in parts using a superroute as master. (1), groen palen markeren de paden waar je mag lopen (ongemarkeerde paden zijn verboden toegang) en vormen route met tussenverbindingen, deel van "knooppunten" is genummerd, maar geen doorverwijzingen; houdt het midden tussen lwn en rwn (1), netwerk als laatste in regio ingevoerd daardoor verschillende (inconsistente) namen van netwerken op palen, toekenning palen aan netwerk adhv gemeentegrenzen (1), páramo (1), |
communication:mobile_phone | 26 | yes (26), |
communication:radio | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:television | 4 | yes (4), |
complete | 4 | no (1), yes (3), |
compressed_air | 5 | yes (5), |
condition | 13 | deficient (3), fair (3), good (5), intolerable (2), |
conjectural | 1 | yes (1), |
construction | 9 | house (1), motorway_link (1), platform (1), rail (1), residential (1), secondary (1), semidetached_house (2), unclassified (1), |
construction:departures_board | 1 | timetable (1), |
construction:highway | 1 | motorway_link (1), |
construction:surface | 1 | paving_stones (1), |
construction_contract_name | 3 | Chiswick to Langley Special Road (3), |
contact:email | 29 | Elista-fr@pecom.ru (2), Help@gloria-jeans.ru (1), b2b@onepricecoffee.com (1), bitstopsteklo@yandex.ru (1), doele.elt@glavdostavka.ru (1), franch.chicken@gmail.com (1), hotline@belwest.com (1), info@bsec-organization.org (1), info@invitro.ru (2), info@kfz-kahnert.de (1), infolife@kaplife.ru (3), ingos@ingos.ru (1), limesstrasse@aalen.de (1), s.erdni-goryaeva@cdek.ru (2), sale@kapitalnik.ru (1), shop@beeline.ru (7), trailer.werder@gmx.de (1), vopros@5ka.ru (1), |
contact:facebook | 5 | https://www.facebook.com/GlavDostavka/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/aptekivita (1), https://www.facebook.com/cinnabon.russia (1), https://www.facebook.com/krasnoe.beloe (1), https://www.facebook.com/pyaterochka (1), |
contact:fax | 1 | +90 212 229 63 36 (1), |
contact:instagram | 5 | https://instagram.com/cinnabon_russia (1), https://www.instagram.com/glavdostavka_ru/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/krasnoebeloe (1), https://www.instagram.com/lowzabistro/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/vita_express/ (1), |
contact:mobile | 1 | +49 172 314 87 85 (1), |
contact:ok | 2 | https://ok.ru/krasnoebeloe (1), https://ok.ru/pyaterochka (1), |
contact:phone | 109 | + 49 2504 2923 (1), +34 933007849 (1), +49 33207 79 16 15 (1), +5553999977329 (1), +7 (905) 409-79-85 (1), +7 495 0153150 (1), +7 800 1000006 (1), +7 800 1000911 (9), +7 800 1007755 (1), +7 800 1008063;+7 847 4123259 (1), +7 800 1008063;+7 937 5479514 (1), +7 800 1009229;+7 937 4695700 (1), +7 800 2003097 (1), +7 800 2003630 (2), +7 800 2006886 (3), +7 800 2009977 (1), +7 800 2013612 (4), +7 800 2220888 (3), +7 800 2347000 (29), +7 800 2500890 (5), +7 800 5058282 (1), +7 800 5555505 (1), +7 800 5555585 (4), +7 800 6001100;+7 961 3974212 (1), +7 800 6002025 (1), +7 800 6007000 (4), +7 800 7000611 (7), +7 800 7001077 (4), +7 800 7550003 (4), +7 800 7707999 (4), +7 847 2233789 (1), +7 847 2250800 (2), +7 8512 484933 (1), +7 906 1765217 (1), +7 927 2839090;+7 960 8979410 (1), +7 934 8881175 (1), +7 937 1901250 (1), +7 961 3956949 (1), +90 212 229 63 30;+90 212 229 63 35 (1), |
contact:telegram | 1 | +7 922 7033000 (1), |
contact:viber | 1 | +7 922 7033000 (1), |
contact:vk | 7 | https://vk.com/aptekivita (1), https://vk.com/cinnabon_rus (1), https://vk.com/glav_dostavka (1), https://vk.com/invitro (2), https://vk.com/krasnoebeloe (1), https://vk.com/pyaterochka_shop (1), |
contact:website | 112 | http://easyway.ru/ (1), http://selozavetnoe.ru (1), http://www.bsec-organization.org/ (1), http://www.magnit-info.ru (4), https://585zolotoy.ru (4), https://5ka.ru (1), https://astrakhan.mts.ru/ (1), https://astrakhanskaya-obl.beeline.ru (1), https://auto.lukoil.ru (4), https://belwest.ru/ (1), https://cinnabonrussia.com/ (1), https://elista.bitstop.ru/ (1), https://elista.mts.ru (1), https://elista.mts.ru/ (1), https://gbusonro.rnd.socinfo.ru/ (1), https://glav-dostavka.ru/ (1), https://kalmykiya.beeline.ru (5), https://kannam.ru/ (1), https://kapitalnik.ru/ (1), https://kaplife.ru (3), https://kluchevoy-moment.ru/ (1), https://krasnoeibeloe.ru (1), https://lukoil.ru/ (5), https://myfasol.ru (4), https://nfapteka.ru/ (2), https://onepricecoffee.com/ (1), https://pecom.ru/ (1), https://pokupochka.ru/ (4), https://rnd.mts.ru/ (1), https://rosgranstroy.ru/checkpoints/the-list-of-checkpoints/289/ (1), https://sovcombank.ru/ (1), https://stavropol.mts.ru/ (1), https://stavropolskiy-kr.beeline.ru (1), https://vitaexpress.ru/ (4), https://www.cdek.ru/ (2), https://www.dns-shop.ru/ (4), https://www.gloria-jeans.ru/ (1), https://www.ingos.ru/ (1), https://www.invitro.ru/ (2), https://www.limesstrasse.de/ (1), https://www.mtpo.ru/ (1), https://www.ozon.ru (6), https://www.ozon.ru/ (23), https://www.rgs.ru/ (1), https://www.svyaznoy.ru (1), https://www.svyaznoy.ru/ (2), https://www.trailer-werder.com/ (1), https://www.triya.ru/ (1), https://zapovednik-chernyezemli.ru (1), www.kfz-kahnert.de (1), |
contact:whatsapp | 1 | +7 922 7033000 (1), |
converted_by | 7 | Track2osm (7), |
couchette | 2 | yes (2), |
council_name | 1 | Chelmsford City Council (1), |
council_style | 1 | city (1), |
counselling | 1 | yes (1), |
country_code_fips | 2 | CA (1), EI (1), |
couplings | 4 | 1 (4), |
covered | 73 | no (61), yes (12), |
craft | 22 | electrician (1), electronics_repair (9), glaziery (1), photographer (1), plumber (1), shoemaker (1), window_construction (2), yes (6), |
crop | 32 | cereal (17), forage (4), grape (9), mixed (1), rice (1), |
crossing | 626 | marked (237), no (5), pedestrian_signals (1), traffic_signals (176), traffic_signals;marked (1), uncontrolled (115), unmarked (84), zebra (7), |
crossing:activation | 1 | automatic (1), |
crossing:barrier | 13 | half (1), no (12), |
crossing:bell | 8 | no (3), yes (5), |
crossing:island | 59 | no (52), yes (7), |
crossing:light | 8 | no (1), yes (7), |
crossing:markings | 52 | ladder (1), lines (7), no (16), surface (2), yes (12), zebra (13), zebra;dots (1), |
crossing_ref | 10 | puffin (1), toucan (1), zebra (8), |
cuisine | 28 | american;burger;bar&grill (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;vegetarian (1), burger (1), chicken (1), chinese (1), coffee_shop (2), indonesian (1), international (3), italian (1), italian_pizza;friture;sushi;grill;local (2), japanese (2), kalmyk (1), oriental (1), pizza (5), regional (1), wings (1), Калмыцкая_кухня (1), домашняя (1), калмыцкая_кухня (1), |
culture | 1 | library (1), |
culvert | 1 | yes (1), |
currency | 3 | EUR (2), RUB (1), |
currency:RUB | 3 | yes (3), |
cutline | 1 | firebreak (1), |
cutting | 5 | yes (5), |
cycle_barrier | 1 | double (1), |
cycle_barrier:installation | 1 | fixed (1), |
cycle_highway | 2 | yes (2), |
cycle_network | 25 | DE:BW:RadNETZ (1), ES:Camino (1), EuroVelo (5), FR:69 (1), FR:73 (1), FR:74 (1), GB:London Cycle Network (1), GB:London Cycleways (3), Tübinger Umwelten (1), UK:National Cycle Network (3), US (2), US:NY (1), US:NY:NYC (1), US:US (2), http://www.bicitalia.org/it/ (1), |
cyclestreet | 2 | yes (2), |
cycleway | 75 | crossing (1), lane (18), no (27), opposite (5), proposed (1), shared_lane (10), shoulder (2), track (11), |
cycleway:both | 146 | lane (15), no (125), separate (1), shared_lane (2), shoulder (1), track (2), |
cycleway:both:buffer | 2 | no (2), |
cycleway:both:lane | 15 | advisory (10), exclusive (4), pictogram (1), |
cycleway:lane | 2 | advisory (1), exclusive (1), |
cycleway:left | 41 | lane (16), no (12), separate (3), shoulder (9), track (1), |
cycleway:left:lane | 1 | exclusive (1), |
cycleway:left:oneway | 4 | -1 (1), no (1), yes (2), |
cycleway:left:surface | 1 | asphalt (1), |
cycleway:left:width | 2 | 1.75 (1), 2 (1), |
cycleway:right | 59 | lane (10), no (28), separate (5), share_busway (2), shared_lane (2), track (12), |
cycleway:right:buffer | 2 | no (2), |
cycleway:right:lane | 9 | advisory (5), exclusive (4), |
cycleway:right:surface | 2 | paving_stones (2), |
cycleway:right:traffic_sign | 1 | DE:237 (1), |
cycleway:right:width | 1 | 1.75 (1), |
cycleway:separation:left | 1 | solid_line (1), |
cycleway:surface | 3 | asphalt (2), paving_stones:30 (1), |