maaamet:ETAK3568451 (1), 588061 (1), 593408 (1),
magic_wand16yes (16),
maintenance15good (1), gritting (10), salting (4),
male4no (1), yes (3),
man_made9756adit (1), antenna (13), beacon (1), breakwater (16), bridge (45), bunker_silo (58), cairn (34), chiller (5), chimney (268), clearcut (525), column (6), communications_tower (9), compressor (1), container_terminal (2), cooling_tower (9), crane (51), cross (1), cutline (3087), dyke (1), embankment (16), flagpole (3), flare (26), gantry_crane (1), gas_well (54), gasometer (69), insect_hotel (1), lighthouse (1), manhole (2), mast (109), mineshaft (1), monitoring_station (14), oil_gas_separator (1), oil_tank (2), petroleum_well (57), : 1
AndreyGeograf: 29
Anastasiya_19_02: 1
Sizars221231: 2
keder: 6
Mir76: 1
afnn: 2
Daniil Musatov: 14
soundprod: 4
yachtsworld: 1
Roman_148-92: 1
woy_cb: 1
wolfgang8741: 1
Nker: 2
mosstreet: 5
TeraByte: 4
uks: 1
Alex Kushnaryov: 1
iWowik: 1
BSV9: 1
Old-Kpok: 1
freeExec: 1
snovvfall: 13
Дымков Артём Денисович: 4
Serguei Dukachev: 1
retriever: 8
User1 - Lightcyphers: 1
sportyAT: 1
season3: 2
CartoDog: 3
BatsmanMapsman: 126
Semaa1: 6
Slava4774: 1
Hadramaut: 1
TsangpoGorge: 1
Tineretului: 32
DaleOfAire: 22
ArchesPark: 4
Chusovaya: 13
AyersRock: 2
Baraboo1: 7
LakeBled: 40
Piedmont22: 9
Sodermalm: 2
Wynwood: 13
Silver_Lake: 2
Transoxiana: 2
')" onclick="ap(this)">pier (1115)
, pipeline (758), planter (2), proposed (1), pumping_station (3), reservoir_covered (3), scene (1), silo (129), spoil_heap (2), storage_tank (1317), street_cabinet (9), surveillance (48), survey_point (15), tailings_pond (1), tank (6), telescope (6), tower (784), utility_pole (126), wastewater_plant (44), water_tank (4), water_tap (31), water_tower (406), water_well (45), water_works (23), watermill (3), : 3
Alecfar: 7
lime_cartographer: 1
MooveR: 1
VlIvYur: 2
mosstreet: 2
Old-Kpok: 2
parukhin: 1
pwr^2: 1
Павел_Сасово: 9
retriever: 10
Семён Семёнов: 1
Георгий Гришин: 2
')" onclick="ap(this)">works (49)
, yes (334), Водопад Экса (1),
manhole6drain (1), water (1), yes (4),
manufacturer1SolarEdge, Hitachi (1),
map_size1city (1),
map_type2scheme (1), : 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">yes (1)
mapillary161175970466218534 (1), 176089028282058 (1), 211444693877513 (1), 223310286231587 (1), 287360653553163 (1), 294657198998123 (1), 318125103030201 (1), 4257991047623262 (1), 470420097560958 (1), 499900191197794 (1), 499926321146484 (1), 526075332135704 (1), 788856415151145 (2), 953203978818470 (1), snPrnPHAJqog36QSG5wal4 (1),
mapillary:image1382414780334556 (1),
mapillary:map_feature11099409420596247 (1),
maritime17yes (17),
massgis:way_id12010 (1), 106964 (1), 107161 (1), 108699 (1), 112450 (1), 112865 (1), 113203 (1), 113225 (1), 114229 (1), 115272 (1), 115816 (1), 116771 (1), 117455 (1), 118132 (1), 120451 (1), 121 (14), 121136 (1), 122 (1), 124348 (1), 124356 (1), 126903 (1), 128840 (1), 131296 (1), 132363 (3), 132769 (1), 133090 (2), 134077 (1), 134383 (1), 135554 (1), 136 (1), 138803 (3), 139137 (1), 139810 (1), 139871 (1), 142769 (1), 144248 (1), 145265 (1), 146425 (1), 146612 (1), 148643 (1), 150176 (1), 150382 (1), 152681 (2), 155253 (1), 156058 (1), 157154 (1), 158528 (1), 159516 (1), 160985 (1), 162022 (1), 162815 (1), 163488 (1), 165 (1), 165274 (1), 165936 (1), 166401 (2), 167317 (1), 168573 (1), 169974 (1), 171053 (1), 171629 (1), 172082 (1), 175516 (1), 175566 (1), 176077 (1), 179713 (1), 180055 (1), 183917 (1), 184917 (1), 187843 (1), 188850 (1), 189364 (1), 191953 (1), 193576 (1), 194224 (1), 196781 (1), 197569 (1), 198352 (2), 198595 (1), 198769 (1), 199166 (1), 199560 (1), 200452 (1), 201073 (1), 204380 (1), 205217 (1), 207209 (1), 208957 (1), 209757 (1), 211924 (2), 215068 (1), 215069 (1), 215086 (1), 253 (1), 310 (1), 59 (1), 66 (1), 74 (1),
material1151brick (7), bronze (4), concrete (50), earth (2), granite (2), limerock (2), marble (5), metal (641), sand (2), soil (2), steel (79), stone (8), wood (347),
max_age112 (1),
maxaxleload910 (1), 11.5 (7), 2.0 (1),
maxheight1280.5 (1), 14'3" (1), 16'4" (1), 2 (1), 3 (2), 3.28 (1), 3.5 (2), 3.9 (2), 4 (3), 4.3 (3), 5 (24), 60 (1), below_default (54), default (30), none (2),
maxheight:signed7no (7),
maxheight_referencelevel1278 (1),
maxlength215.00 (1), 3 (1),
maxlength:hgv112 (1),
maxspeed791110 (17), 10 mph (11), 100 (55), 110 (1), 120 (3), 130 (5), 140 (3), 15 (54), 15 mph (1), 160 (3), : 1
@rtek: 1
Всехпослав: 5
taenur: 7
FvGordon: 1
lime_cartographer: 1
SteflerVIP: 45
Noro Hibu: 1
userega: 3
Lynx1971: 1
Байкальский Покой: 2
afnn: 2
myklementyev: 1
soundprod: 2
Estrel_Krasnodar: 1
wolfui: 1
Владимир К: 13
Ivan38: 1
esaulenka: 1
Natalia18: 1
mosstreet: 5
Takuto: 1
Kostik: 1
Vladimir Syroezhkin: 1
korobkov: 37
trolleway: 1
Stalker61: 1
z-n: 1
TeraByte: 4
kad-jam: 1
uks: 4
sashazykov: 1
elpata33: 2
Jekader: 1
iWowik: 46
Sasha_SH: 1
NetWormKido: 6
Prohor: 1
toyotagps: 3
Cd_spb: 1
TaxinEvgenyi: 3
pwr^2: 1
MauroL: 1
d-travel: 3
fims7: 1
Niknaimen: 5
dudnickiy: 2
Modest7: 1
denis tomilov: 13
MaksimTo: 14
SergBess: 1
Yanair: 1
davosm-stras: 2
pfg21: 1
Evgrev: 2
RiverBearings: 1
JimGr: 1
Freem: 1
Admasawi: 14
Verdoox: 43
Semaa1: 129
GazEddyr: 3
Slava4774: 26
Baikal38: 7
Denis Shelihov: 10
fiver7000: 1
BigPastaDinner: 1
Burricane: 4
')" onclick="ap(this)">20 (1693)
, 20 mph (45), 25 mph (143), 30 (450), 30 mph (102), 35 mph (65), : 1
MenKauRa: 7
lime_cartographer: 1
south ural: 3
Sizars221231: 3
Department of Municipalities and Transport Abu_Dhabi: 2
Vas111: 3
SteflerVIP: 3
DorithEliabu_ImportAccount: 1
АртёмКа: 1
GullibleMappazo: 2
Семен Ромашка: 3
Jorisbo: 1
Mir76: 1
afnn: 5
mircozorzo: 2
Netzach: 1
soundprod: 13
Z440: 1
TagaSanPedroAko: 1
Владимир К: 12
penguin_the_dawn: 1
FriGor_sp: 1
luiswoo: 1
Mateusz Konieczny - bot account: 3
esaulenka: 4
Natalia18: 1
Cascafico: 1
mosstreet: 4
Kostik: 2
Anton Skolznev: 2
korobkov: 40
SkArCh: 1
TeraByte: 2
Sowa1980: 1
KonTur: 1
uks: 4
iWowik: 8
Andreyanblch: 1
DmitryZXC: 1
NetWormKido: 6
parukhin: 1
toyotagps: 3
pwr^2: 10
Дымков Артём Денисович: 4
Niknaimen: 2
qiriner: 1
retriever: 8
denis tomilov: 2
MaksimTo: 2
Zozo9084: 1
Gassol: 1
Almorca: 1
pfg21: 5
Corsa5: 1
RiverBearings: 1
JimGr: 3
riiga: 1
Verdoox: 1
Semaa1: 32
GazEddyr: 5
FS Patagonia: 1
Slava4774: 1
Denis Shelihov: 3
Burricane: 5
Cumin_bean: 2
')" onclick="ap(this)">40 (866)
, : 1
radmouni: 1
kallurid: 1
Paxton T: 2
Beef Taquitos: 2
TerraTexGeo: 1
PeterCooperJr: 1
Andrew Matheny: 17
Belseybob: 1
Firefishy: 2
1T-money: 5
Yury Yatsynovich: 2
aqalieh: 1
aweech: 1
FluffyProtoNix: 2
arkdatta: 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">40 mph (57)
, 40;20 (1), 45 MPH (1), 45 mph (43), 5 (11), 50 (358), 50 mph (15), 55 mph (29), 56 (143), : 4
AleVak: 3
Didz: 1
Быстринское МО: 1
Saiv46: 13
Msmsnik: 2
FvGordon: 2
JinshaRiver: 1
MenKauRa: 2
south ural: 14
Vas111: 7
Henksbg61: 1
Алексей08071983: 8
SteflerVIP: 98
Администрация МО Новонукутское: 8
Jan927: 2
Zenfiric: 1
ZuidWestDrenthe: 1
OSMCowboy: 1
jeroenrozema74: 1
Семен Ромашка: 3
Laiwer: 5
yagunin: 1
Mir76: 3
afnn: 13
Фраер Гоша: 1
Daniil Musatov: 1
soundprod: 63
vetash: 1
FERINA365: 1
TagaSanPedroAko: 2
st222222: 8
Владимир К: 43
NonStop50000: 1
b_m_w_: 2
Ivan38: 8
Mateusz Konieczny - bot account: 16
jmsbert: 1
NKA: 2
PeeWee32: 2
bastaes: 1
mosstreet: 7
sprinkmeier: 1
staf: 1
kashcheeva: 1
Kostik: 2
Vladimir Syroezhkin: 4
MmichaelDr: 1
korobkov: 339
trolleway: 24
Stalker61: 7
SkArCh: 1
z-n: 3
TeraByte: 19
Vorsath: 1
KonTur: 1
Ugh Tory: 5
kaartenliefhebber: 4
uks: 19
r0di: 1
ratrun: 1
Jekader: 2
iWowik: 24
Old-Kpok: 2
HoldBike: 2
SilkBlue: 1
NetWormKido: 46
emvee: 3
toyotagps: 23
A67-A67: 10
pwr^2: 23
Дымков Артём Денисович: 1
Alexheel: 1
Timmy_Tesseract: 1
oleinap: 4
d-travel: 3
fims7: 3
Tarmofolk: 1
dudnickiy: 4
qiriner: 4
watelo: 1
retriever: 7
Xyberion: 1
Mrtapok111: 1
denis tomilov: 2
MaksimTo: 3
Mchl: 4
Zozo9084: 1
mrpulley: 17
Емельянов Дмитрий С: 3
alex_konstantino: 5
ImSuperMan: 1
Ольга Лавр: 1
HeyItsAdam: 1
kitrok: 2
МСК: 24
osmenl: 3
YuryRtyP: 2
User1 - Lightcyphers: 8
User2 - Lightcyphers: 1
RiverBearings: 1
JimGr: 4
Som: 13
Freem: 1
GeoidDude: 1
Frutiger: 1
Admasawi: 2
Стив: 1
Verdoox: 41
Semaa1: 450
GazEddyr: 49
Slava4774: 131
melbournefan: 1
Baikal38: 5
Denis Shelihov: 4
CartoKees: 1
Burricane: 26
FarmFreshMaps: 2
Cumin_bean: 2
ZinaidaZ: 2
TheTreeofPasts: 2
aDSAT: 7
')" onclick="ap(this)">60 (2177)
, 60 mph (21), 65 mph (13), 7 (1), 70 (123), 70 mph (13), 72 (1), 79 mph (3), 8 (29), 80 (95), 80 mph (2), 90 (283), 95 (2), RO:trunk (1), RO:urban (1), RU:rural (632), RU:urban (325), none (10), signals (4),
maxspeed:advisory6920 (3), 25 mph (2), 30 (1), 30 mph (1), 40 (34), 45 mph (1), 50 (1), 50 mph (4), 60 (20), 70 (1), 90 (1),
maxspeed:backward17100 (3), 40 (7), 50 (1), 60 (2), 70 (2), 80 (1), RU:urban (1),
maxspeed:bus270 (2),
maxspeed:conditional14120 @ (06:00-20:00) (5), 130 @ (19:00-06:00) (4), 20 mph @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:25,14:00-16:25; PH off; SH off) (3), 30 @ (06:00-18:00) (2),
maxspeed:forward26100 (1), 40 (14), 50 (2), 60 (1), 70 (3), 80 (1), 90 (1), RU:urban (3),
maxspeed:freight640 mph (1), 45 mph (2), 70 mph (3),
maxspeed:hgv250 (1), 55 mph (1),
maxspeed:hgv:conditional290 @ (weight<=3.5); 70 @ (weight>3.5) (1), 90 @ (weight<=3.5);70 @ (weight>3.5) (1),
maxspeed:practical1540 (6), 60 (3), 70 (6),
maxspeed:source3DE:urban (2), default residential speed limit in Australia (1),
maxspeed:trailer355 mph (1), 70 (2),
maxspeed:type170AT:rural (1), AT:urban (1), AT:zone40 (1), AU:urban (1), CZ:urban (1), CZ:zone30 (1), DE:rural (1), DE:urban (9), DE:zone30 (40), GB:nsl_dual (2), GB:nsl_single (3), GB:zone20 (1), NL:urban (1), NL:zone60 (1), NO:urban (4), SK:urban (8), sign (94),
maxspeed:type:backward1sign (1),
maxspeed:type:forward1SK:rural (1),
maxspeed:variable5yes (5),
maxstay26 (1), 8 (1),
maxweight1412.5 (2), 19 (2), 2.8 (1), 3.5 (2), 60 (1), 64 (1), 7.5 (5),
maxweight:conditional212 @ (22:00-06:00) (1), none @ delivery (1),
maxweight:signed9no (9),
maxweightrating:hgv107.5 (10),
maxwidth82 (3), 2.5 (3), 3 (2),
mdt_base_route1P-23 (1),
meadow13agricultural (11), meadow_orchard (1), transitional (1),
medical_system:western4yes (4),
memorial64bust (5), obelisk (2), plaque (8), sculpture (2), statue (21), stele (6), stone (3), tank (1), war_memorial (13), yes (3),
memorial:subject10Валериан Владимирович Куйбышев (1), Василий Филиппович Маргелов (1), Владимир Ильич Ленин (3), Владимир Семёнович Высоцкий (1), Георгий Константинович Жуков (1), Даниил Евдокимович Зверев (1), Максим Горький (1), Нестор Каландаришвили (1),
memorial:subject:wikidata1Q117717372 (1),
metre_load16.4 (1),
microcar3no (3),
military33airfield (1), checkpoint (12), danger_area (5), nuclear_explosion_site (2), office (9), range (3), training_area (1),
mimics1pine (1),
min_age31 (1), 1+ (1), 18 (1),
mine1Мраморный (1),
mobile2+421 908 432 704 (1), +79086407803 (1),
modifier2Business (2),
mofa81designated (13), no (16), use_sidepath (42), yes (10),
mofa:forward2use_sidepath (2),
monastery:type1obelisk (1),
monitoring:gps1yes (1),
monitoring:weather7yes (7),
monitoring_station6radar (6),
mooring7ferry (1), yes (6),
moped81designated (13), no (25), use_sidepath (38), yes (5),
moped:forward2use_sidepath (2),
motor_vehicle477agricultural (4), agricultural;forestry;destination (1), bus (2), delivery (3), designated (11), destination (9), forestry (1), no (167), opening_hours=(May 20-Oct 29 sunrise-sunset) (1), permissive (4), permit (2), private (89), yes (183),
motor_vehicle:lanes2no|| (1), no||| (1),
motorboat14no (9), permissive (4), yes (1),
motorcar2284designated (1), destination (1), no (21), private (23), yes (2238),
motorcycle178designated (1), no (12), private (1), yes (164),
motorcycle:clothes2yes (2),
motorcycle:parts2yes (2),
motorcycle:rental1yes (1),
motorcycle:repair1yes (1),
motorcycle:sales1yes (1),
motorroad89no (23), yes (66),
mountain_pass532yes (532),
ms_fis_id41452 (1), 5491 (1), 5651 (1), 5881 (1),
mtb3no (1), yes (2),
mtb:scale260 (11), 1 (9), 1+ (1), 2 (1), 3 (3), 5 (1),
mtb:scale:apm2- (1), 163 (1),
mtb:scale:imba80 (1), 1 (4), 2 (3),
mtb:scale:uphill120 (8), 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (2),
mtb:type4allmountain (1), crosscountry (2), downhill (1),
multipolygon1inner (1),
museum2history (1), person (1),
другие | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z |