k | num | v's |
cable_number | 1 | 2 (1), |
cables | 864 | 1 (9), 3 (443), 3;3 (2), 4 (2), 6 (405), 8 (2), 9 (1), |
cadastre:utilization | 35 | автозаправочная станция (1), для ведения садоводства (6), для завершения строительства холодного склада металлопроката (1), для садоводства (1), для эксплуатации автосервиса с административно-бытовым помещением, кафе, складов и домика лв-56 (1), для эксплуатации здания склада (1), для эксплуатации здания склада с пристроем (1), для эксплуатации здания склада хранения кислородных баллонов (1), для эксплуатации корпусного цеха, электроцеха с аккумуляторной, производственного здания, центрального цеха судоремонта (2), для эксплуатации объектов водного транспорта и искусственно созданных внутренних водных путей (1), для эксплуатации промышленного объекта (1), для эксплуатации существующего железнодорожного пути (1), для эксплуатации существующего здания гаража (1), для эксплуатации существующего здания склада (1), для эксплуатации существующего индивидуального жилого дома со служебно-хозяйственными строениями (1), для эксплуатации существующего магазина (1), для эксплуатации существующего склада (1), для эксплуатации существующей погрузочно-разгрузочной площадки, пилорамы и открытого складирования (1), для эксплуатации цеха судостроения (1), под бытовое помещение (1), под погрузочно-разгрузочную площадку и площадку для склада длительного хранения (1), под производственную площадку для переработки пиловочника (1), под эксплуатацию индивидуального жилого дома со служебно-хозяйственными строениями (1), под эксплуатацию существующего жилого помещения (2), под эксплуатацию существующего индивидуального жилого дома со служебно-хозяйственными строениями (2), под эксплуатацию существующей базы материально-технического обеспечения (1), под эксплуатацию существующих нежилых зданий (1), |
cai_scale | 6 | E (6), |
camera:direction | 12 | 120 (1), 220 (2), 260 (1), 280 (2), 300 (1), 40 (2), 70 (2), 90 (1), |
camera:mount | 11 | roof (1), traffic_signals (9), wall (1), |
camera:type | 14 | dome (1), fixed (13), |
camp_site | 2 | basic (1), reception (1), |
canal | 12 | qanat (12), |
canoe | 14 | no (8), permissive (4), put_in (1), yes (1), |
canvec:UUID | 1 | 00d551835b984553b7bb71459e4d44ad (1), |
capacity | 166 | 0 (1), 1 (26), 10 (27), 100 (5), 12 (2), 13 (1), 15 (5), 150 (2), 2 (12), 20 (8), 200 (2), 250 (1), 3 (7), 30 (12), 300 (3), 397 (1), 4 (4), 40 (5), 5 (13), 50 (7), 500 (1), 55 (1), 6 (4), 60 (3), 69 (1), 7 (2), 8 (7), 80 (3), |
capacity:disabled | 23 | 0 (1), 1 (10), 10 (1), 2 (2), 20 (1), 3 (2), 4 (1), no (4), yes (1), |
capacity:parent | 3 | no (3), |
capacity:women | 3 | no (3), |
capital | 10 | 4 (4), 8 (5), 9 (1), |
capital_city | 2 | Dublin (1), Pretoria;Bloemfontein;Cape Town (1), |
capital_city:administrative | 1 | Pretoria (1), |
capital_city:judicial | 1 | Bloemfontein (1), |
capital_city:legislative | 1 | Cape Town (1), |
caravans | 2 | no (2), |
cargo | 17 | passengers (9), passengers;vehicle (8), |
carriage | 5 | no (5), |
carriageway_ref | 9 | Li (1), Re (7), d (1), |
cash_in | 5 | yes (5), |
castle_type | 1 | defensive (1), |
cemetery | 3 | grave (3), |
census:population | 5 | 1198;2006 (1), 2333;2006 (1), 2640;2021 (1), 375;2006 (1), 7455;2006 (1), |
centre_turn_lane | 1 | yes (1), |
change:lanes | 8 | not_right|not_left (2), no|no (1), no|not_left|yes (1), yes|not_right|yes|yes (1), yes|yes|no_right|no (1), yes|yes|not_right|yes|yes (1), |not_right| (1), |
change:lanes:backward | 3 | no (3), |
change:lanes:forward | 3 | no (3), |
changing_table | 168 | no (167), yes (1), |
charge | 7 | 1,5 $ (1), 10 RUB (1), 10$ (1), 100 (1), 2 $ (1), 2.00 CNY (1), 60 руб. (1), |
check_date | 111 | 2019-12-15 (2), 2020-04-13 (2), 2022-02-14 (4), 2022-08-01 (1), 2022-08-13 (1), 2022-08-15 (1), 2022-10-14 (1), 2022-11-10 (5), 2022-12-07 (1), 2022-12-14 (2), 2022-12-31 (5), 2023-01-08 (3), 2023-01-10 (1), 2023-01-12 (2), 2023-01-30 (3), 2023-02-06 (1), 2023-02-07 (1), 2023-02-18 (1), 2023-02-22 (2), 2023-02-28 (1), 2023-03-03 (8), 2023-03-08 (3), 2023-03-10 (1), 2023-03-25 (2), 2023-03-30 (1), 2023-03-31 (3), 2023-04-03 (2), 2023-04-05 (5), 2023-04-06 (3), 2023-04-07 (4), 2023-04-08 (3), 2023-04-10 (17), 2023-04-11 (13), 2023-04-13 (1), 2023-04-15 (4), 2023-04-16 (1), |
check_date:bench | 1 | 2023-03-09 (1), |
check_date:crossing | 3 | 2021-03-19 (1), 2022-12-06 (1), 2023-01-26 (1), |
check_date:currency:XBT | 1 | 2023-03-03 (1), |
check_date:cycleway | 3 | 2022-01-07 (1), 2022-12-10 (1), 2023-02-16 (1), |
check_date:opening_hours | 6 | 2021-06-23 (1), 2021-08-13 (1), 2021-09-25 (2), 2023-03-25 (1), 2023-04-17 (1), |
check_date:osmc:status | 1 | 2023-02-05 (1), |
check_date:ramp | 1 | 2023-03-07 (1), |
check_date:recycling | 2 | 2023-03-11 (1), 2023-04-05 (1), |
check_date:shelter | 13 | 2021-03-29 (1), 2021-08-09 (1), 2021-09-22 (4), 2021-09-23 (1), 2021-12-30 (2), 2023-02-05 (1), 2023-03-07 (1), 2023-03-09 (2), |
check_date:surface | 5 | 2021-06-27 (1), 2021-11-03 (1), 2021-11-10 (1), 2021-12-25 (1), 2023-03-05 (1), |
check_date:tactile_paving | 2 | 2022-11-05 (1), 2023-04-15 (1), |
check_date:whole_relation | 2 | 2020-04-05 (2), |
checked | 6 | 2014-01-12/seichter (1), 2014/01/05 wambacher (1), 2014/01/06 Streckenkundler (1), 2014/01/06 streckenkundler (1), 2014/01/08 streckenkundler (1), 2020-10-30 (1), |
checked_by | 40 | Bobropiton (40), |
cinema:3D | 1 | yes (1), |
circuits | 704 | 1 (373), 1;1 (2), 2 (321), 3 (8), |
circuits:design | 3 | 2 (3), |
circumference | 3 | 0.40 (1), 1.5 m (2), |
city:left | 19 | Ancona (1), Barletta (2), Carovigno (1), Duino Aurisina / Devin - Nabrežina (3), Grado (1), Lesina (1), Lignano Sabbiadoro (1), Montesilvano (1), Muggia / Milje (1), Otranto (1), Peschici (1), Staranzano (1), Termoli (1), Trieste / Trst (1), Venezia (1), Vieste (1), |
class:bicycle | 6 | -2 (4), 2 (2), |
class:bicycle:roadcycling | 4 | 1 (3), 2 (1), |
class:bicycle:touring | 1 | 3 (1), |
clc:code | 1 | 243 (1), |
cliff | 9 | no (3), yes (6), |
closed | 1 | YES (1), |
closest_town | 12 | Bodaybo (1), Bratsk (1), Erbogachen (1), Irkutsk (2), Kazachinsk (1), Kirensk (1), Mama (urban-type settlement) (1), Perevoz (2), Ust-Kut (1), Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky (1), |
clothes | 21 | children (4), children;babies;fashion;costumes (1), hats (1), oversize;hats;children;denim;maternity;swimwear;babies;women;leather;costumes;fur;fashion;motorcycle;men;suits;traditional;underwear;wedding;workwear;sports;schoolwear (1), sports (1), underwear (3), wedding (3), women (1), women;men (1), women;men;children (1), women;men;fur (2), workwear; medical clothing (2), |
club | 16 | computer (1), motorcycle (1), sport (11), yes (3), |
collection | 1 | Groene Hart (1), |
collection_times | 2 | Mo-Fr 14:00; Sa 10:00 (1), Mo-Fr 16:30, Sa 12:15 (1), |
colour | 733 | #000000 (2), #000066 (1), #000099 (3), #0000FF (2), #0000ff (1), #003366 (5), #003399 (11), #00408B (1), #0044BB (2), #00465A (7), #004F9E (6), #005262 (11), #00632E (1), #0065FF (2), #006633 (3), #006D8F (1), #006F45 (1), #0072CE (2), #007fae (1), #00893E (6), #0089CF (2), #008b5a (2), #0090ca (1), #009169 (1), #0099ff (3), #009fe3 (1), #00A16A (2), #00A9B5 (2), #00AAA5 (1), #00a4b2 (2), #018A47 (2), #0198E1 (1), #039fe0 (1), #0690D0 (3), #0696d7 (6), #0EB0EB (1), #0c294f (2), #0d4d93 (1), #10a855 (30), #13235B (2), #1775b1 (1), #191970 (2), #1A335C (1), #1a962b (2), #1ac7ff (2), #1ea146 (2), #20abc1 (1), #24538F (3), #288067 (5), #2C9CD1 (3), #2e3192 (1), #313188 (1), #31A836 (1), #333333 (4), #3371A5 (1), #339E94 (4), #359ede (2), #36b8d8 (2), #371D81 (2), #38A962 (2), #39bf22 (1), #42826c (1), #476bb2 (2), #499e3a (1), #4BC7DF (2), #4c677a (1), #4e243e (1), #50509B (2), #51ae31 (2), #5A7D1B (4), #5CC0C5 (2), #5F4B3F (1), #622181 (2), #6240A6 (2), #640e3d (1), #64832A (1), #66c4dc (1), #687362 (1), #6BCCE7 (44), #6E4C1E (1), #6F2282 (2), #71BF44 (2), #743688 (2), #76489c (1), #77216f (5), #77B337 (2), #77c581 (1), #786855 (1), #794489 (11), #7BC345 (1), #7C53AF (3), #7D282C (2), #7D2F92 (2), #7e7940 (3), #7fcc28 (3), #800080 (2), #80FF00 (1), #816da6 (2), #854119 (3), #8899AA (2), #8A1002 (1), #8c6e66 (1), #8d6538 (2), #9073ab (4), #913b85 (2), #93d50a (2), #9748a4 (3), #97BF0D (1), #98CC67 (3), #990066 (2), #991199 (2), #995511 (1), #996daa (2), #99def9 (1), #9B0600 (3), #9BA9B4 (6), #9ECE4D (2), #9abad5 (2), #9c1116 (6), #9cc31c (2), #9d762c (2), #9e003c (1), #A17800 (2), #B94E9A (1), #BA65A5 (6), #BB0022 (2), #BFA635 (3), #C0087F (3), #C3A658 (2), #C800A1 (1), #C9A3CD (2), #D45E9F (3), #DB2F36 (1), #DD052B (2), #E3051C (1), #E63143 (1), #E7961D (1), #E82E8A (1), #E9619E (1), #EA7600 (3), #ED222E (1), #F0BE11 (1), #F0E68C (1), #F0E91E (1), #F173AC (1), #F280A4 (6), #F39200 (11), #F39400 (2), #F3C727 (6), #F4D950 (3), #F772DB (3), #FCCD51 (2), #FF0000 (4), #FF0047 (3), #FF821D (2), #FFA21D (2), #FFBF00 (4), #FFCC00 (27), #FFD425 (2), #FFD444 (1), #FFDD00 (12), #a0006e (2), #a31984 (2), #a3429b (2), #a3d71d (6), #a50f5b (2), #ad680a (2), #ae3722 (2), #b63f82 (4), #bab62f (2), #c5c6c6 (2), #d0108c (1), #d3007b (4), #d80128 (2), #e31837 (1), #e55c00 (1), #e5e6ea (1), #ec7394 (1), #ed1c24 (3), #f0ae84 (6), #f1e800 (1), #f36717 (2), #f39200 (2), #f68712 (2), #f6951d (8), #f79050 (3), #f94076 (4), #fbbf15 (1), #fdc14d (5), #fedb00 (1), #ff0000 (2), #ff00ff (1), #ff5a00 (2), #ff8c00 (1), #ff9931 (3), #fff000 (1), #ffff00 (8), black (12), black:yellow:white (1), blue (35), brown (4), cornsilk (1), darkblue (2), gray (4), green (29), grey (2), orange (2), pink (3), purple (1), red (28), red/white (3), violet (1), white (24), white-red (2), yellow (3), |
colour:arrow | 5 | white (5), |
colour:back | 5 | blue (4), green (1), |
colour:source | 4 | Liniennetzplan SPNV Sachsen (4), |
colour:text | 7 | #000000 (1), #FFFFFF (1), white (5), |
colour_name | 2 | Orchid (2), |
comment | 11 | Einige Fahrten nur bis Elsdorf Busbf (1), Leicht abweichend von den Geodaten ist die Grenze entlang der bayerisch-hessischen Grenze mit den administrativen Grenzen gleichgesetzt. (1), Schleifenfahrt ohne Gegenrichtung (1), groen palen markeren de paden waar je mag lopen (ongemarkeerde paden zijn verboden toegang) en vormen route met tussenverbindingen, deel van "knooppunten" is genummerd, maar geen doorverwijzingen; houdt het midden tussen lwn en rwn (1), in work (3), netwerk als laatste in regio ingevoerd daardoor verschillende (inconsistente) namen van netwerken op palen, toekenning palen aan netwerk adhv gemeentegrenzen (1), offizielle Bezeichnung seitens Stadt Lugau, keine Nummer im sächsischen Radverkehrskonzept (1), part of the outer, MP "Thu Bon" (1), дорога переходит в тропу (1), |
commissioning_date | 13 | 1955 (1), 1966 (1), 2015 (1), 2016 (6), 2017 (4), |
communication:2G | 3 | yes (3), |
communication:3G | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:4G+ | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:dvb-t2 | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:gsm | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:gsm1800 | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:lte | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:microwave | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:mobile_phone | 31 | yes (31), |
communication:radio | 3 | http://energyirkutsk.ru/ (1), yes (2), |
communication:satellite | 5 | yes (5), |
communication:television | 2 | yes (2), |
communication:umts | 2 | yes (2), |
community_centre | 1 | multigeneration (1), |
community_centre:for | 1 | multigeneration (1), |
complete | 6 | yes (6), |
completion_of_construction_date | 26 | 1920 (1), 1952 (1), 1956 (1), 1958 (2), 1964 (2), 1965 (3), 1967 (1), 1975 (1), 1980 (2), 1986 (1), 1993 (2), 2005 (1), 2011 (1), 2013 (2), 2015 (1), 2016 (4), |
compressed_air | 1 | no (1), |
condition | 105 | deficient (11), fair (49), good (36), intolerable (9), |
construction | 331 | abandoned_pit (1), apartments (10), building (1), commercial (2), industrial (6), military (1), minor (1), motorway_link (1), pedestrian (1), platform (1), primary (5), primary_link (6), rail (75), residential (132), secondary (7), secondary_link (3), service (3), tertiary (1), trunk (17), trunk_link (18), yes (39), |
construction:electrified | 1 | contact_line (1), |
construction:frequency | 1 | 50 (1), |
construction:railway:etcs | 1 | platform (1), |
construction:voltage | 1 | 25000 (1), |
contact:email | 646 | 102109@cinnabon.me (1), 19angarsk87@mail.ru (1), 2033344@mail.ru (3), 205920@mail.ru (1), 24@mvideo.ru (8), 2719447@rambler.ru (1), 2barashka@food38.ru (1), 38as@inbox.ru (1), 5-star@bk.ru (1), 550343@bk.ru (1), 6018@cinnabon.me (1), 626927@mail.ru (1), 680-986@mail.ru (1), 738073@brigadir38.ru (1), 743555@mail.ru (1), 79025600648@yandex.ru (1), 8800@volhovez.natm.ru (2), Belevichalina@mail.ru (1), Bratsk-fr@pecom.ru (1), Buraeva.a@cdek.ru (2), Danilov.if@dns-shop.ru (1), E.Arthukhova@cdek.ru (1), FeedBack@burgerking.ru (7), Help@gloria-jeans.ru (12), Ignaeva.OV@dns-shop.ru (1), Kad.master@mail.ru (1), Kalinin.a@dns-shop.ru (1), Kozlov.AA1@dns-shop.ru (1), KuznecovaIV@ugsk.ru (1), KuznetsovaAS@ugsk.ru (1), Lapekon_lab@mail.ru (1), Nikolay.razum@gmail.com (1), Office_Irkutsk@absolutins.ru (1), Rezonans.38@yandex.ru (1), Semyonov.EN@dns-shop.ru (1), Shop.IRK@technopoint.ru (2), ShopAdmin.Irkutsk.Megahome@dns-shop.ru (1), Tema_2005_88@list.ru (1), Yashcenko@khabtt.ru (1), Zhidovkin.IM@dns-shop.ru (1), a.preyn@cdek.ru (1), a.ratushin@cdek.ru (1), a.schipets@cdek.ru (2), ac.smoll.irk@re-store.ru (1), academy_irk@aravia-prof.ru (1), ads.logistika@mail.ru (1), aelight@mail.ru (1), af200774@mail.ru (1), akcent0138@gmail.com (1), akcent@baikalit-skc.com (1), akkum38@mail.ru (1), aktivplus2006@yandex.ru (1), aleksahdra.madalieva.90@mail.ru (1), alekseyneft@mail.ru (1), alenika.cymki@mail.ru (1), alexx_lav@mail.ru (1), alice.land38@mail.ru (1), alikhanovaks2016@mail.ru (1), am.petrov@cdek.ru (1), anflagman2013@mail.ru (1), angarsk@fin-partners.ru (1), angarsk@kannam.ru (1), angarsk@pecom.ru (1), angarsk@premierklinika.ru (1), animaldoc38@yandex.ru (1), annatrufanova89@mail.ru (1), ano.inpc@yandex.ru (1), antikor38@yandex.ru (1), arbat.otel@bk.ru (1), arnaso@bk.ru (1), arsenal@irkutsk.ru (1), ask_doc@mail.ru (1), askona_orbita_bratsk@brg.com.ru (1), atlet-magazin@mail.ru (1), autism@rassvet-apc.ru (1), avto-alfa38@mail.ru (1), avto-salon@internet.ru (1), avtomoikaelegansce@yandex.ru (1), avtoshintorg@list.ru (1), baikalparadise@mail.ru (1), bank@ubrr.ru (1), bd.irkutsk@gmail.com (1), belevichalina053@gmail.com (1), boroviksa@mail.ru (1), bratsk1.office@voxelpro.ru (1), bratsk@avtomotiv.ru (1), bratsk@chistiylist.com (1), bratsk@ds-com.ru (1), bratsk@expert-cleaning.com (1), bratskvape@mail.ru (1), bron@kupecheskyhotel.ru (1), bron@snowgoose.ru (1), buddhatown_massage@mail.ru (1), burzunova@mail.ru (1), bz741961@gmail.com (1), centr_rvd@mail.ru (1), centrpolairk2@gmail.com (1), chernenko_o@list.ru (1), cipollinoirk@yandex.ru (1), client@russianpost.ru (3), club@ralf.ru (1), cm@1cm.ru (1), cnt-sayansk@mail.ru (1), codedavi@mail.ru (1), coffee.sun@mail.ru (2), consgroup38@yandex.ru (1), contact@cblab.tech (1), contact@yves-rocher.ru (7), copyfox38@yandex.ru (1), cordiantirk@gmail.com (1), ctc@irkctc.ru (1), customer@eldorado.ru (13), customer_service_ru@swarovski.com (1), cyberbaza38@yandex.ru (1), d.gorianskii@cdek.ru (1), d.petrov@cdek.ru (8), da@sibsprint.ru (1), davita.online@gmail.com (4), dekasport38@mail.ru (1), dentainfo@bk.ru (1), dezmaks_irk@mail.ru (1), doktorvet38@mail.ru (1), dorjjji38@gmail.com (1), dreams.technology@bk.ru (1), e-commerce@sportmaster.ru (2), e.mironova@cdek.ru (8), e.shestakov@cdek.ru (2), e.skalatskaya@cdek.ru (1), e1987s@yandex.ru (1), element.of.smoke@gmail.com (1), element@ulh.ru (1), emilyaahmedova@mail.ru (1), encastrojeriz@hotmail.com (1), entry.store1083@metro-cc.ru (1), epldiamond.irkutsk@gmail.com (1), ermakov.av@dns-shop.ru (2), etl@mirmebely.ru (1), evadagroup@yandex.ru (1), events@postbahnhof.com (1), feedback@kanzler-style.ru (1), festkit38@gmail.com (1), firstclub@eastland.ru (1), fishka-bratsk@bk.ru (1), flax-110@yandex.ru (1), forestz@yandex.ru (1), foto-irkutsk2@mail.ru (1), franch.chicken@gmail.com (2), fruttosmile@mail.ru (1), gangairk@mail.ru (1), gln.yil@glavdostavka.ru (1), goza_irk@mail.ru (1), green.hotel@inbox.ru (1), groovy.irkutsk@gmail.com (1), heathcote-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au (1), heathcotee-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au (1), help@angarsk.ertelecom.ru (1), help@irkutsk.ertelecom.ru (8), help@rocket.ozon.ru (1), horeca@33pingvina.ru (3), hotel@istok38.ru (1), hotel_luxe@mail.ru (1), hotline@belwest.com (3), hotline@coffee-like.com (22), idillia_rest@mail.ru (1), ifs@bcs.ru (1), iglef@mail.ru (1), iiv280473@mail.ru (1), imcv@mail.ru (1), inbox@izpn.ru (1), info.brt@glavdostavka.ru (1), info@38ht.ru (1), info@absolutbank.ru (1), info@baiteks.ru (1), info@bsec-organization.org (1), info@carbiz.ru (1), info@decor-dome.ru (1), info@djo-djo.ru (1), info@eapteka.ru (2), info@ecco-ros.ru (1), info@empireofsteaks.ru (1), info@europart.ru (1), info@evrochehol.ru (1), info@fox-pizza.ru (1), info@fregat-hotel.com (1), info@gm38.ru (1), info@hi-link.ru (1), info@invitro.ru (17), info@irkat.ru (1), info@kantine.at (1), info@lenta.com (2), info@ligastavok.ru (3), info@loverepublic.ru (3), info@magniti.ge (1), info@marmalato.com (2), info@mkb.ru (1), info@molecule.ru (1), info@moy-ka.ru (1), info@petstore.ru (1), info@psbank.ru (19), info@rosuvelirtorg.ru (1), info@sberleasing.ru (1), info@sindbad-tour.ru (1), info@stirka.online (1), info@stofilter.ru (4), info@stroika.pro (6), info@vashinvestor.ru (1), info@vedon.ru (1), info@virtech.ru (1), info@voxelpro.ru (1), info@vtb.ru (9), info@zvezdahotel.ru (1), infolife@kaplife.ru (2), ingos@ingos.ru (4), int-irk@mail.ru (1), integra_irk@mail.ru (1), ira.rudnikova@mail.ru (1), irc.mfc@mrtexpert.ru (1), irk-finexpert@yandex.ru (1), irk-info.irk-info@okmarket.ru (1), irk9@mgp.ru (1), irk@avenuerent.ru (1), irk@cookn.run (1), irk@doc-laser.ru (1), irk_do02@irk.mtsbank.ru (1), irk_irkutsky@lazurit-sibir.ru (3), irk_moskva_kuhni@lazurit-sibir.ru (1), irkavtogaz@mail.ru (1), irkdeti@mail.ru (1), irktc@mail.ru (1), irkutsk-tena@mirbeer.ru (1), irkutsk1@nsk.etm.ru (1), irkutsk2@upravdom.com (1), irkutsk@deltaleasing.ru (1), irkutsk@edostavka.ru (1), irkutsk@exist.ru (1), 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(1), maska_aifon@mail.ru (1), maximum.sfo@gmail.com (1), mayakhotel@baikal-visa.ru (1), mebel@baikalit-skc.com (1), mi.mkvartal.irk@inventive.ru (1), mihalichenko94@mail.ru (1), milady-company@mail.ru (2), mint-38@yandex.ru (1), misswangrest@gmail.com (1), mk@mir-kubikov.ru (1), moknos_bratsk@mail.ru (1), molchanova@mfstyle.ru (1), mongol@kochevnik-nomads.ru (1), mr.vape.shop@yandex.ru (1), mr@eco-goodwin.ru (1), myparfumer38@yandex.ru (1), na.volne.dety@yandex.ru (1), nalenina.m@yandex.ru (1), natasikapo@gmail.com (1), needdosecoffee@gmail.com (1), nikteam254@yandex.ru (1), novomed-irk@yandex.ru (1), o.boteva@cdek.ru (1), o.dugarov@gmail.com (1), office@biketov-bus.ru (1), office@sbtex.ru (1), office@sclassic.ru (2), office@wissol.ge (1), officege@rompetrol.com (1), oil@ynp.ru (1), olafajewerly@gmail.com (1), oleynikmv@mail.ru (1), olimpiada_hotel@mail.ru (1), online@khlh.ru (2), ooomorfey@yandex.ru (1), oper@irk.mtsbank.ru (1), operaclinic@mail.ru (1), origami-garderob@yandex.ru (1), osminozhcka@yandex.ru (1), otzyv@happylook.ru (6), palma735@mail.ru (1), panzabota@yandex.ru (1), papozogla68@mail.ru (1), parosigara@mail.ru (5), pinchrest@mail.ru (1), plitka.litkina@mail.ru (1), poedem_poedim@bk.ru (1), pomestie@inbox.ru (1), principbobrova@gmail.com (1), privilege@henderson.ru (2), puangara@mail.ru (1), quick-step.irk@mail.ru (1), raduga_zhelany38@mail.ru (1), reklama@liniilubvi.ru (3), renome2014@bk.ru (1), repmvbyrjkz@mail.ru (1), rest_ieroglif@bk.ru (1), restaurant@dorniermuseum.de (1), restoran@europehotel.ru (1), rider-velo@mail.ru (1), rikoshet-plus@yandex.ru (1), rima.martirosyan.81@mail.ru (1), romashka_bratsk@list.ru (1), rustorg38@gmail.com (1), s.skazhutin@mail.samoletplus.ru (1), sale@abolengo.ru (1), sale@irk-altera.ru (1), sale@us38.ru (1), sales@acgprof.ru (1), sales@rashel.org (1), sales@wildberries.ru (1), saloncvetovrascvet@yandex.ru (1), salvia.stom@mail.ru (1), samsung.mkvartal.irk@galaxystore.ru (1), samsung.silvermoll.irk@galaxystore.ru (1), sapunova1985@mail.ru (1), sb.silverm.irkutsk@street-beat.ru (1), school4_sayansk@list.ru (1), sdatchiko@mail.ru (1), sdelaemirk@gmail.com (1), seyora@bk.ru (1), shop.ang@technopoint.ru (1), shop@beeline.ru (37), shtorkinairk@mail.ru (1), sklarovd190@gmail.com (1), slobodapivo@bk.ru (1), smartur_sto@mail.ru (1), sodeystviaengara@gmail.com (1), sol@kerama.irk.ru (1), sosedi38irk@mail.ru (1), spb-gallery@mixit.ru (3), spektra@mail.ru (1), spektrplus38@mail.ru (1), sportvek38@yandex.ru (1), staff-abc@yandex.ru (1), stasshumeykin@gmail.com (1), sti402irk@gmail.com (1), sto.stolica@mail.ru (1), superiorqq@inbox.ru (1), support@boobl-goom.ru (1), sushi_holl@mail.ru (1), svetsol77@gmail.com (1), t.vyazheva@cdek.ru (1), tarko_ferma@list.ru (1), tayshet@avtomotiv.ru (1), tdadel@mail.ru (1), tdrostok@mail.ru (1), titanauto38@yandex.ru (1), tok1972@mail.ru (1), top.virazh@mail.ru (1), tora-88@mail.ru (1), trofey38@mai.ru (1), tstaroverova81@gmail.com (1), tyreplusbratsk@mail.ru (1), 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contact:facebook | 144 | BirkdaleGolfClub (1), https://facebook.com/RompetrolGeorgiaLtd (1), https://facebook.com/magniti.ge (1), https://facebook.com/ugoria24/ (2), https://m.facebook.com/aptekaotsklada/ (25), https://www.facebook.com/3tosyo (1), https://www.facebook.com/Eldorado.Stores (1), https://www.facebook.com/GlavDostavka/ (4), https://www.facebook.com/HENDERSONclub/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/Hendersonclub/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/PensionFondRF (1), https://www.facebook.com/PostbahnhofEvent/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/QiwiRussia (6), https://www.facebook.com/apteka366 (1), https://www.facebook.com/atb.su (38), https://www.facebook.com/belwest.shoes/ (3), https://www.facebook.com/cinnabon.russia (2), https://www.facebook.com/dnsshop (9), https://www.facebook.com/eccoru (1), https://www.facebook.com/happylook.ru/ (5), https://www.facebook.com/kuchenland.ru (1), https://www.facebook.com/laveriespiripontaine (1), https://www.facebook.com/lentacom (2), https://www.facebook.com/mikros.ru/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/mod.mil.rus (2), https://www.facebook.com/mts (1), https://www.facebook.com/mvideo.ru (6), https://www.facebook.com/people/Optique-Laget/100054236390662 (1), https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057506470984 (1), https://www.facebook.com/ruspost (4), https://www.facebook.com/sberbank (2), https://www.facebook.com/soglasie.sk (3), https://www.facebook.com/vtbgroup (9), https://www.facebook.com/wbbot (1), likeaqueenblog (2), nyugatev (1), rideSMARTbus (1), |
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contact:linkedin | 1 | https://linkedin.com/company/magniti (1), |
contact:livejournal | 1 | http://pensionnij-fond.livejournal.com (1), |
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2486828 (2), +7 395 2436423 (1), +7 395 2436457 (1), +7 395 2436461 (1), +7 395 2436467 (1), +7 395 2436474 (1), +7 395 2436479 (1), +7 395 2436502 (1), +7 395 2436507 (1), +7 395 2436508 (1), +7 395 2436856 (1), +7 395 2436927 (1), +7 395 2438098;+7 395 5608155 (1), +7 395 2438633;+7 902 5778018;+7 964 3500888;+7 964 3576576 (1), +7 395 2446745 (1), +7 395 2455038;+7 924 6055038 (1), +7 395 2456123;+7 924 5333123;+7 924 8396123;+7 929 4326123 (1), +7 395 2460240 (1), +7 395 2469929 (1), +7 395 2479117 (1), +7 395 2480078 (1), +7 395 2480440;+7 395 2789186;+7 950 1121122 (1), +7 395 2480547;+7 995 3388414 (1), +7 395 2481270 ext. 0139 (1), +7 395 2481270 ext. 0140 (1), +7 395 2481270 ext. 0141 (1), +7 395 2481270 ext. 0142 (1), +7 395 2481270 ext. 0214 (1), +7 395 2481270-0295 (1), +7 395 2481446 (1), +7 395 2481527 (1), +7 395 2481690 (1), +7 395 2482248;+7 800 3337000 (7), +7 395 2482708 (2), +7 395 2483068 (1), +7 395 2483073 (1), +7 395 2483438;+7 800 3337000 (1), +7 395 2484443 (1), +7 395 2484868;+7 964 1245051 (1), +7 395 2485206 (1), +7 395 2485207 (1), +7 395 2485777-2;+7 395 2605060;+7 902 5105060 (1), +7 395 2486008 (1), +7 395 2486084;+7 952 6240342 (1), +7 395 2486540;+7 495 6412525;+7 800 4442525 (1), +7 395 2486867 (1), +7 395 2486897 (1), +7 395 2486897;+7 914 0045174 (2), +7 395 2487512;+7 800 1009229 (1), +7 395 2487757 (1), +7 395 2487770;+7 395 2500350;+7 924 6071857 (1), +7 395 2488021 (1), +7 395 2488061;+7 395 2488063;+7 395 2488065;+7 395 2488067;+7 924 2912391 (1), +7 395 2488205 (1), +7 395 2488269 (1), +7 395 2488507;+7 495 1059410;+7 800 7000088 (1), +7 395 2488519 (1), +7 395 2488566;+7 964 7399566 (1), +7 395 2488590;+7 495 1059449 (1), +7 395 2488889 (1), +7 395 2498488;+7 924 8208788 (1), +7 395 2500011;+7 950 0975665;+7 950 0995445 (1), +7 395 2500055 (1), +7 395 2500065 (1), +7 395 2500102 (1), +7 395 2500131;+7 950 1323390 (1), +7 395 2500166;+7 964 7398387 (1), +7 395 2500355;+7 800 2004575;+7 800 3504202;4202 (2), +7 395 2500457;+7 902 5117057 (1), +7 395 2500541;+7 800 7005703;+7 903 7954505 (1), +7 395 2500557 (1), +7 395 2500575;+7 395 2600575;+7 952 6313575 (1), +7 395 2500733 (1), +7 395 2500736 (1), +7 395 2500770;+7 924 8224232 (1), +7 395 2500831;+7 395 2500832 (1), +7 395 2500888 (1), +7 395 2500917 (1), +7 395 2500977 (1), +7 395 2503612;+7 800 3330535 (1), +7 395 2503613;+7 800 5056398;+7 924 8282208 (1), +7 395 2504090 (1), +7 395 2504203;+7 914 8995787 (1), +7 395 2518435 (1), +7 395 2526515;+7 950 0813030 (1), +7 395 2532366;+7 952 6200884 (1), +7 395 2535050 (1), +7 395 2540000;+7 395 2541987;+7 924 5400015 (1), +7 395 2546011;+7 800 7770616 (1), +7 395 2550002;+7 395 5663396 (1), +7 395 2559255 (1), +7 395 2559595 (1), +7 395 2560082;+7 395 2663290-2;+7 964 3523624 (1), +7 395 2578282;+7 395 2578707 (1), +7 395 2584949 (1), +7 395 2588633 (1), +7 395 2588722 (1), +7 395 2599539;+7 901 6717624;+7 902 5667691 (1), +7 395 2602482;+7 902 5102482 (1), +7 395 2606266 (2), +7 395 2608709;+7 902 5108709;+7 908 6520563 (1), +7 395 2610041;+7 901 6548908 (1), +7 395 2611226;+7 395 2992595 (1), +7 395 2613925 (1), +7 395 2618280;+7 902 1718280 (1), +7 395 2622044;+7 952 6112044;+7 964 6511045 (1), +7 395 2622244;+7 964 2257799 (1), +7 395 2624005;+7 901 6407814 (1), +7 395 2627905;+7 950 0847905 (1), +7 395 2640005;+7 950 0818333 (1), +7 395 2650613;+7 902 1718017 (1), +7 395 2654638;+7 950 1124653 (1), +7 395 2654789 (1), +7 395 2654874;+7 902 7625334 (1), +7 395 2656560;+7 902 5493392 (1), +7 395 2659639;+7 902 5159639 (1), +7 395 2660249;+7 952 6181777 (1), +7 395 2662258-1;+7 395 2667760;+7 395 2669940 (1), +7 395 2662273;+7 952 6335577 (1), +7 395 2664545;+7 395 2704017 (1), +7 395 2664686;+7 914 0143215;+7 950 1071372 (1), +7 395 2666658;+7 924 6055551 (1), +7 395 2668841 (1), +7 395 2669221 (1), +7 395 2669795;+7 395 2969795 (1), +7 395 2672838 (1), +7 395 2676202 (1), +7 395 2679536;+7 395 2950999 (1), +7 395 2679944;+7 908 7759574 (1), +7 395 2680025;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569 (1), +7 395 2681799 (1), +7 395 2684085;+7 395 2684185;+7 395 2684385;+7 800 5054485 (1), +7 395 2686789;+7 902 5102928 (1), +7 395 2701837;+7 395 2701838;+7 395 2701839;+7 983 2433507 (1), +7 395 2705050;+7 395 2705055;+7 902 5118378 (1), +7 395 2705705;+7 395 2999009;+7 914 8999009 (1), +7 395 2706488;+7 800 7005127 (1), +7 395 2707404 (1), +7 395 2707547;+7 901 6409588 (1), +7 395 2707557 (1), +7 395 2709777 (1), +7 395 2717902;+7 950 0948229 (1), +7 395 2717969;+7 395 2717999 (1), +7 395 2720049;+7 902 1750049;+7 908 6668700;+7 914 9488040 (1), +7 395 2720841;+7 950 0820688 (1), +7 395 2722509 (1), +7 395 2724821;+7 395 2744808 (1), +7 395 2725145;+7 952 6181145 (1), +7 395 2725195;+7 950 0657037 (1), +7 395 2726299;+7 950 0811577 (1), +7 395 2727150;+7 901 6417150 (1), +7 395 2727919;+7 901 6417919 (1), +7 395 2728656;+7 914 9173286 (1), +7 395 2730303;+7 902 5105960 (1), +7 395 2737776;+7 902 7637776 (1), +7 395 2738073;+7 395 5661413 (1), +7 395 2739911;+7 902 5685869;+7 902 7639911 (1), +7 395 2740017 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 901 6331441 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 901 6670700 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 901 6677077;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 902 1750627 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 902 5164033 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 908 7772517 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 908 7781144;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 914 9477431 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 950 0604422 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 950 0831441;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 950 0903344 (1), +7 395 2740637;+7 950 1137227;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 2740648;+7 902 5600648 (1), +7 395 2742299;+7 904 1229912 (1), +7 395 2742438;+7 908 6682438;+7 914 8901802 (1), +7 395 2743555;+7 904 1196652 (1), +7 395 2743832;+7 902 5603832 (1), +7 395 2745966;+7 950 0533060;+7 950 0838966 (1), +7 395 2746343 (1), +7 395 2746381;+7 950 1286381 (1), +7 395 2747033 (1), +7 395 2750200;+7 395 2750850 (1), +7 395 2754868;+7 904 1324868;+7 924 5477117 (1), +7 395 2758080 (1), +7 395 2759090;+7 902 5119090 (1), +7 395 2763813 (1), +7 395 2767677;+7 901 6317635;+7 901 6317677 (1), +7 395 2781244;+7 800 3335775 (2), +7 395 2782315;+7 800 2503233 (1), +7 395 2782596;+7 800 7003110 (1), +7 395 2784116;+7 800 2503233 (1), +7 395 2784400;+7 800 2500008 (1), +7 395 2784500;+7 800 7001077 (1), +7 395 2787910;+7 800 6009404 (3), +7 395 2792222 (1), +7 395 2796408;+7 993 9400037 (1), +7 395 2797000;+7 395 2797001 (1), +7 395 2798551;+7 395 2798552;+7 800 2000180 (1), +7 395 2798820 (1), +7 395 2799050 (1), +7 395 2799227 (2), +7 395 2799918;+7 800 7751771 (1), +7 395 2930085;+7 964 2180058;+7 964 2180059;+7 964 2180085 (1), +7 395 2930222;+7 964 2180222 (1), +7 395 2931538;+7 964 2181538 (1), +7 395 2931640;+7 964 3500001 (1), +7 395 2931919;+7 964 2181919;+7 964 3524242 (1), +7 395 2932322;+7 395 5687887;+7 964 2182322 (1), +7 395 2933303;+7 914 9334449 (1), +7 395 2935593;+7 964 5475593 (1), +7 395 2940003 (1), +7 395 2950252;+7 914 9205289;+7 914 9277477 (1), +7 395 2955222;+7 950 1312464 (1), +7 395 2959673;+7 914 9545595 (1), +7 395 2960909;+7 914 8711421;+7 914 9260909 (1), +7 395 2965540;+7 914 9265540 (1), +7 395 2966633;+7 914 9266633 (1), +7 395 2970555;+7 902 1728286 (1), +7 395 2986184;+7 914 8986184 (1), +7 395 2995711 (1), +7 395 2999278 (1), +7 395 3060626 (1), +7 395 3200187 (1), +7 395 3210526;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569 (2), +7 395 3210706 (1), +7 395 3216126;+7 800 7770616 (1), +7 395 3216880 (1), +7 395 3258399;+7 395 3258555 (1), +7 395 3271711 (1), +7 395 3274719;+7 395 3274759 (1), +7 395 3284249 (1), +7 395 3293159;+7 902 1793159 (1), +7 395 3303330;+7 902 1799444;+7 924 8249394 (1), +7 395 3320007;+7 800 7008828 (1), +7 395 3343434;+7 800 6001100 (1), +7 395 3348050 (1), +7 395 3378888 (1), +7 395 3384238;+7 964 3529238 (1), +7 395 3385633 (1), +7 395 3409020;+7 395 3409048;+7 395 3409075 (1), +7 395 3414817;+7 395 3417332 (1), +7 395 3415255;+7 902 7670608 (1), +7 395 3420060 (1), +7 395 3455289;+7 395 3455777 (1), +7 395 3460519;+7 395 3461153 (1), +7 395 3481491;+7 983 4656156 (1), +7 395 3481919 (1), +7 395 3482069;+7 914 0082069;+7 914 9324385;+7 983 4465475 (1), +7 395 3483585;+7 914 0083585 (1), +7 395 3490080 (1), +7 395 3490232;+7 800 3330535 (1), +7 395 3490259;+7 800 3029229 (1), +7 395 3561719;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569 (1), +7 395 4330815;+7 950 1114113 (1), +7 395 4336006;+7 800 3337000 (1), +7 395 4338338 (1), +7 395 4654606;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569 (1), +7 395 5062106;+7 800 2004575;+7 800 3504202;4202 (2), +7 395 5352909;+7 395 5352807 (1), +7 395 5353811;+7 395 5353813;+7 395 5353814;+7 395 5353815;+7 395 5350114 (1), +7 395 5370040;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569 (1), +7 395 5500701;+7 800 7005127 (1), +7 395 5507101;+7 800 2500025 (1), +7 395 5507110;+7 800 2500025 (1), +7 395 5507333;+7 952 6247333 (1), +7 395 5528241;+7 395 5650000;+7 983 4127888;+7 984 2717888 (1), +7 395 5530777 (1), +7 395 5539086;+7 902 5467990 (1), +7 395 5581585;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569 (2), +7 395 5581585;+7 423 2242124;+7 800 5555569;+7 908 6681585 (1), +7 395 5581701;+7 395 5632253;+7 902 5682253 (1), +7 395 5586486 (1), +7 395 5586999 (1), +7 395 5608855;+7 800 7770616 (1), +7 395 5645625;+7 964 3530625 (1), +7 395 5651886;+7 395 5672671 (1), +7 395 5661050;+7 800 2004575;+7 800 3504202;4202 (2), +7 395 5661230 (1), +7 395 5661401 (1), +7 395 5661771 (1), +7 395 5671060;+7 950 1208989 (1), +7 395 5683388;+7 902 7683388 (1), +7 395 5740637;+7 901 6630300;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 5740637;+7 902 5614830;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 5740637;+7 952 6353373;+7 952 6370637 (1), +7 395 6551007;+7 395 6552002 (1), +7 395 6721195 (1), +7 395 6843288;+7 395 6843688 (1), +7 3952 343895 (1), +7 3952 386510 (1), +7 39535 22241 (1), +7 39541 31805 (1), +7 39552 22192 (1), +7 411 2318830 (1), +7 495 2587200;+7 800 7001020 (1), +7 495 5005550 (2), +7 495 5445000 (7), +7 495 7774888;+7 495 7974242;+7 800 1004888;+7 800 7755152 (1), +7 495 7777171;+7 800 2002005 (1), +7 495 7777771 (1), +7 495 7873333;+7 800 3330303 (19), +7 495 7888878 (5), +7 499 0093553 (3), +7 800 1000000 (2), +7 800 1000006 (59), +7 800 1000200 (1), +7 800 1005033 (3), +7 800 1005544 (1), +7 800 1007505 (1), +7 800 1012150;+7 964 6510022 (1), +7 800 2001327 (1), +7 800 2001327;+7 902 5150206 (1), +7 800 2001327;+7 924 7063806 (1), +7 800 2003630 (17), +7 800 2004666;1067 (1), +7 800 2004666;1242 (1), +7 800 2005888 (1), +7 800 2006886 (1), +7 800 2007799 (9), +7 800 2009977 (3), +7 800 2220888 (59), +7 800 2222022 (1), +7 800 2340044;+7 914 8904422 (1), +7 800 2340044;+7 914 9167070 (1), +7 800 2340044;+7 983 2434400 (1), +7 800 2340044;+7 983 4624220 (1), +7 800 2346600 (1), +7 800 2347000 (176), +7 800 2500025 (1), +7 800 2500025;+7 800 2500025 ext. 4159 (1), +7 800 2500025;+7 800 2500025 ext. 4208 (1), +7 800 2500025;+7 901 6608188 (1), +7 800 2500025;+7 904 1102519 (1), +7 800 2500025;+7 950 1193614 (1), +7 800 2500520 (2), +7 800 2500890 (79), +7 800 2502443 (1), +7 800 2502525 (13), +7 800 3014767 (2), +7 800 3015373 (1), +7 800 3024470 (2), +7 800 3500769 (1), +7 800 3503187;+7 924 7139655 (1), +7 800 3508391 (1), +7 800 5058282 (12), +7 800 5500033;+7 958 8509262 (1), +7 800 5505728 (1), +7 800 5554455 (3), +7 800 5555550 (3), +7 800 5555585 (16), +7 800 5555777 (1), +7 800 6000001 (1), +7 800 6001100;+7 904 1242600 (1), +7 800 6001100;+7 983 2400083 (1), +7 800 6002025;+7 904 1421188 (1), +7 800 6002665 (1), +7 800 6007000 (9), +7 800 6007000;+7 846 9763624 (1), +7 800 6007775 (8), +7 800 6009404;+7 964 7555513 (2), +7 800 7000099 (1), +7 800 7000611 (37), +7 800 7001077 (45), +7 800 7004040 (3), +7 800 7004111 (2), +7 800 7004666 (8), +7 800 7007711 (2), +7 800 7077759 (6), +7 800 7707888 (8), +7 800 7707999 (39), +7 800 7750880 (1), +7 800 7758080;+7 800 7758888 (17), +7 800 7758888 (34), +7 800 7770616 (2), +7 800 7777771 (1), +7 901 6324815 (1), +7 901 6338103 (1), +7 901 6401518 (1), +7 901 6601518 (1), +7 901 6663916 (1), +7 901 6701011 (1), +7 901 6728888 (1), +7 901 6743286 (1), +7 902 1777400;+7 902 1777800 (1), +7 902 1797691;+7 902 5105887 (1), +7 902 5105704 (1), +7 902 5106960 (1), +7 902 5108426 (1), +7 902 5139707;+7 904 1298039 (1), +7 902 5151280 (1), +7 902 5160986 (1), +7 902 5446326 (1), +7 902 5459447 (1), +7 902 5600077 (1), +7 902 5600910 (1), +7 902 5607143 (1), +7 902 5608005 (1), +7 902 5670390 (1), +7 902 5673628;+7 950 0597941 (1), +7 902 5677492 (1), +7 902 5774864 (1), +7 902 7608833 (1), +7 902 7634717;+7 914 8952322 (1), +7 902 7654057 (1), +7 902 7665633;+7 964 6511122 (1), +7 902 7673592 (1), +7 902 7673723;+7 914 9483937 (1), +7 902 7674700 (1), +7 904 1153400 (1), +7 904 1214455 (1), +7 904 1227157 (1), +7 904 1254934;+7 904 1292153 (1), +7 904 1264491 (1), +7 904 1268080;+7 950 0647772 (1), +7 904 1301518 (1), +7 904 1314149 (1), +7 904 1352280;+7 952 6388035 (1), +7 904 1377945 (1), +7 904 1385597 (1), +7 904 1400220 (1), +7 904 1400433;+7 908 6551828 (1), +7 904 1403994 (1), +7 904 1444632 (1), +7 904 1460202 (1), +7 904 1499692;+7 952 6100666;+7 964 2666100 (1), +7 904 1555600 (1), +7 904 1559501 (1), +7 908 6411518 (1), +7 908 6416000 (1), +7 908 6451456;+7 983 2420250 (1), +7 908 6459064;+7 983 4138750 (1), +7 908 6485332 (1), +7 908 6507999;+7 914 9086599;+7 964 8208939 (1), +7 908 6511518 (1), +7 908 6563620;+7 952 6236675 (1), +7 908 6657486 (1), +7 908 7705655 (1), +7 908 7729207 (1), +7 908 7731582 (1), +7 908 7739697;+7 964 2222707 (1), +7 908 7768888;+7 924 6336666 (1), +7 908 7795246;+7 952 6299942 (1), +7 913 2399947 (1), +7 913 9102090 (1), +7 914 0001036 (1), +7 914 0002674 (1), +7 914 0006354 (1), +7 914 0012000 (1), +7 914 0017000 (1), +7 914 0023000 (1), +7 914 0027557 (1), +7 914 0039000 (1), +7 914 0100561 (1), +7 914 0145596 (1), +7 914 1296603;+7 914 4943823 (1), +7 914 8700093 (1), +7 914 8710916;+7 914 8959665 (1), +7 914 8751787 (1), +7 914 8758687 (1), +7 914 8759387 (1), +7 914 8769387 (1), +7 914 8771784 (1), +7 914 8785110 (1), +7 914 8800162 (1), +7 914 8800163 (1), +7 914 8801004;+7 924 8244412 (1), +7 914 8801035 (1), +7 914 8806000 (1), +7 914 8836010 (1), +7 914 8846288 (1), +7 914 8903000 (1), +7 914 8906000 (1), +7 914 8907000 (1), +7 914 8950069;+7 999 6436135 (1), +7 914 8951251 (1), +7 914 8953585 (1), +7 914 8993364 (1), +7 914 9028754 (1), +7 914 9150009 (1), +7 914 9204025 (1), +7 914 9245059 (1), +7 914 9246742;+7 950 1052494;+7 964 8189393 (1), +7 914 9260666 (1), +7 914 9268787 (1), +7 914 9311881 (1), +7 914 9337840 (1), +7 914 9407371 (1), +7 914 9430496 (1), +7 914 9458885 (1), +7 914 9548423 (1), +7 914 9597141 (1), +7 915 6180565 (1), +7 915 9201789 (1), +7 924 2929284 (1), +7 924 2930468 (1), +7 924 2939795;+7 924 5374085;+7 996 9550037 (1), +7 924 5314401 (1), +7 924 5314421 (1), +7 924 5314432 (1), +7 924 5361010 (1), +7 924 5444110 (1), +7 924 5460136 (1), +7 924 5463797 (1), +7 924 5466610 (1), +7 924 5466618 (1), +7 924 5466621 (1), +7 924 5494443 (1), +7 924 5494828 (1), +7 924 6041224 (1), +7 924 6087109 (1), +7 924 6110311;+7 950 0765003 (1), +7 924 6135354 (1), +7 924 6204078;+7 952 6248128 (1), +7 924 6220909 (1), +7 924 6233588;+7 950 0525454 (1), +7 924 6250999;+7 999 6865902 (1), +7 924 6357900 (1), +7 924 6380266;+7 950 0638863 (1), +7 924 7000030 (1), +7 924 7041111 (1), +7 924 7061446 (1), +7 924 7143004 (1), +7 924 8228274 (1), +7 924 8303050 (1), +7 924 8397471 (1), +7 924 9900164 (1), +7 924 9930933 (1), +7 924 9988099 (1), +7 926 2035547 (1), +7 939 7940309 (1), +7 939 7940451 (1), +7 939 7941711 (1), +7 939 7943733 (1), +7 939 7944525 (1), +7 939 7944535 (1), +7 939 7953583 (5), +7 950 0515454 (1), +7 950 0600605 (1), +7 950 0610362 (1), +7 950 0631392 (1), +7 950 0661518 (1), +7 950 0684737 (1), +7 950 0700840 (1), +7 950 0772255 (1), +7 950 0802131 (1), +7 950 0822929 (1), +7 950 0856122;+7 995 0460016 (1), +7 950 0886565 (1), +7 950 0991518 (1), +7 950 1065757 (1), +7 950 1082382 (1), +7 950 1086999 (1), +7 950 1115755 (1), +7 950 1122811 (1), +7 950 1282990 (1), +7 950 1321764 (1), +7 950 1383444 (1), +7 950 1486888 (1), +7 951 5077043 (1), +7 951 6180565 (1), +7 952 6104927;+7 964 2199949 (1), +7 952 6274666 (1), +7 952 6283164;+7 964 5447188 (1), +7 958 5137149;+7 800 1000000 (1), +7 958 8502491 (1), +7 958 8504177 (1), +7 958 8505213 (1), +7 958 8505313 (1), +7 958 8505430 (1), +7 958 8505510 (1), +7 958 8505595 (1), +7 958 8509224 (1), +7 958 8509226 (1), +7 958 8509236 (1), +7 958 8509238 (1), +7 958 8509241 (1), +7 958 8509243 (1), +7 958 8509244 (1), +7 958 8509246 (1), +7 958 8509250 (1), +7 958 8509251 (1), +7 958 8509253 (1), +7 958 8509254 (1), +7 958 8509256 (1), +7 958 8509259 (1), +7 958 8509261 (1), +7 958 8509263 (1), +7 958 8509265 (1), +7 958 8509266 (1), +7 958 8509267 (1), +7 958 8509268 (1), +7 958 8509270 (1), +7 958 8509274 (1), +7 958 8509276 (1), +7 958 8509277 (1), +7 958 8509278 (1), +7 958 8509282 (1), +7 958 8509283 (1), +7 958 8509284 (1), +7 958 8509285 (1), +7 958 8509287 (1), +7 958 8509289 (1), +7 958 8509291 (1), +7 958 8509292 (1), +7 958 8509293 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country | 2 | MN (1), US (1), |
country_code_fips | 3 | EI (1), HU (1), SF (1), |
country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2 | 1 | ZA (1), |
covered | 363 | no (143), partial (1), yes (219), |
craft | 339 | beekeeper (2), blacksmith (2), boatbuilder (1), brewery (2), carpenter (1), ceiling (3), confectionery (2), dressmaker (1), : 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">electrician (1), electronics_repair (20), fishcooking (1), glaziery (2), jeweller (1), locksmith (1), metal_construction (1), : 1 Sever74: 1 UnitedArt: 1 Z440: 1 Daldek: 1 parukhin: 1 Som: 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">photographer (9), photographic_laboratory (3), plumber (1), pottery (2), printer (1), rigger (1), sawmill (267), scaffolder (1), shoemaker (5), shoes (1), tailor (4), : 1 Semaa1: 2 ')" onclick="ap(this)">yes (3), |
crane:mobile | 10 | rail (10), |
crane:type | 23 | gantry_crane (22), portal_crane (1), |
crop | 38 | cereal (12), flowers;grass;vegetable (1), grape (3), grass (11), rice (6), spruce (2), wheat (3), |
crossing | 3589 | island (1), : 6 Денис191190: 1 DrSegatron: 1 ChromePinko: 2 totoroot: 9 Glitch-Hunter: 1 JBS21: 1 pika_sky: 1 Nik Kras: 24 @rtek: 3 Всехпослав: 8 ssummoner1: 2 taenur: 59 Đuro Jiří: 4 AndreyGeograf: 19 duckman56: 9 @markelrivera: 1 AleVak: 6 stars135790: 1 Eichehome: 1 Saiv46: 21 CM_Maps: 2 andrewpmk: 6 Sizars221231: 4 rmdlv: 1 sanchi: 5 End0fLine: 2 SteflerVIP: 6 sulriograndense: 8 GullibleMappazo: 2 Celso Azevedo: 3 Laiwer: 7 Mir76: 11 soundprod: 13 Владимир К: 6 PeterCooperJr: 1 paulusss: 1 Andrew Matheny: 5 Cascafico: 1 mosstreet: 6 VARVAR8: 1 z-n: 1 TeraByte: 55 Ugh Tory: 12 Jekader: 1 Seat Ibiza: 2 HoldBike: 25 Andreyanblch: 24 NetWormKido: 2 toyotagps: 1 Carto'Cité: 4 Алексей Чубуков: 2 Дымков Артём Денисович: 4 ChernCenter: 1 ClementH44: 1 syntex: 1 alex_konstantino: 16 PbIXTOP: 3 kapazao: 1 Corsa5: 27 User1 - Lightcyphers: 5 User4 - Lightcyphers: 1 JimGr: 12 Som: 4 aweech: 2 Nikita Novert: 2 airon90: 2 Semaa1: 748 GazEddyr: 7 Slava4774: 7 robotstefan: 2 Emmanuel-201901: 1 Edelsalami: 1 streetuser: 1 TheTreeofPasts: 5 ')" onclick="ap(this)">marked (1297), no (3), traffic_signals (710), uncontrolled (933), unmarked (469), zebra (176), |
crossing:activation | 6 | automatic (6), |
crossing:barrier | 45 | double_half (1), full (2), half (9), no (24), yes (9), |
crossing:bell | 24 | no (3), yes (21), |
crossing:island | 227 | no (206), yes (21), |
crossing:light | 25 | no (3), yes (22), |
crossing:markings | 203 | dashes (5), ladder (1), lines (11), no (78), surface (1), yes (21), zebra (76), zebra:bicolour (10), |
crossing:markings:colour | 1 | white (1), |
crossing:saltire | 17 | yes (17), |
crossing_ref | 110 | pegasus (2), pelican (2), toucan (3), zebra (103), |
cuisine | 244 | Mongolian (1), Traditional Siberian (1), american (2), american;burger;international;seafood;pasta;mediterranean;steak_house (1), asian (14), asian;breakfast;local (1), asian;chinese;japanese;korean (1), asian;chinese;japanese;korean;thai (2), asian;grill (1), barbecue (1), bubble_tea (1), burger (9), burger;oriental (1), burger;sandwich (1), cake (1), cake;coffee_shop (3), cake;russian;breakfast (1), chicken (4), chinese (9), chinese;japanese (1), coffee_shop (35), coffee_shop;tea (1), deli (1), dessert (1), east (1), fine_dining;heuriger;russian;tapas (1), fish;seafood (1), georgian (3), german (2), grill (1), ice_cream (3), international (6), international;grill;crepe;georgian;asian;coffee_shop;persian;steak_house;beef_bowl;korean;russian;arab;fish_and_chips;chicken;oriental;breakfast;sausage;seafood;local;chinese;kebab;barbecue (1), italian (4), italian;pizza;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), japanese (4), japanese,_chinese (1), japanese;italian (1), kebab (6), local (6), oriental;pizza;russian (1), oriental;russian (1), : 1 Saiv46: 1 Afanasovich: 1 Daniil Musatov: 1 wheelmap_visitor: 1 TeraByte: 1 HoldBike: 1 pwr^2: 3 ')" onclick="ap(this)">pizza (13), pizza;sandwich;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), pizza;shawarma (1), pizza;soba;sushi (1), regional (40), regional;breakfast;tea;local;friture;russian;buschenschank;deli;diner (1), regional;russian (1), russian (17), russian; (1), russian;local (3), russian;pancake (1), sandwich (10), seafood;regional (1), special_food (1), sushi (4), sushi;pizza (1), sushi;sausage;coffee_shop;steak_house;pasta;russian;deli;german;fish_and_chips (1), tex-mex (1), turkish (1), ukrainian (1), Бурятская (1), авторская;сибирская;дальневосточная;вегетарианская;веганская (1), пивной_клуб_ресторан (1), пивной_ресторан (1), шашлык;шаурма;кебаб (1), |
culvert | 2 | yes (2), |
currency | 4 | BRL (1), EUR (2), RUB (1), |
currency:PHP | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:RMB | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:RUB | 4 | yes (4), |
currency:XBT | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:others | 1 | yes (1), |
cutline | 18 | firebreak (2), loggingmachine (7), section (9), |
cutting | 32 | left (1), no (2), yes (29), |
cycle_barrier | 1 | double (1), |
cycle_barrier:installation | 1 | removable (1), |
cycle_highway | 1 | yes (1), |
cycle_network | 44 | BE:WA (1), ES:AMB (2), EuroVelo (11), EuroVelo du zéro (1), GB:London Cycle Network (2), GB:London Cycleways (2), GB:London Streetspace (1), GB:Southmpton:SCN (1), Landkreis Ammerland (1), UK:National Cycle Network (2), US:ACA (1), US:MI:Ferndale (1), US:NY:Troy (1), US:TX:Dallas (11), US:US (4), US:USA (1), US:WI:Milwaukee:OLT (1), |
cyclestreet | 2 | yes (2), |
cycleway | 126 | asl (3), crossing (4), lane (35), no (59), opposite (5), opposite_lane (3), separate (5), shared_lane (4), track (5), use_sidepath (3), |
cycleway:both | 197 | lane (8), no (181), separate (6), shared_lane (2), |
cycleway:both:buffer | 1 | no (1), |
cycleway:both:lane | 7 | advisory (4), exclusive (2), pictogram (1), |
cycleway:lane | 3 | advisory (3), |
cycleway:left | 31 | lane (9), no (8), opposite_lane (2), separate (1), share_busway (2), shared_lane (2), shoulder (1), track (6), |
cycleway:left:bicycle | 3 | designated (3), |
cycleway:left:buffer | 1 | yes (1), |
cycleway:left:lane | 2 | exclusive (2), |
cycleway:left:oneway | 7 | -1 (5), no (2), |
cycleway:left:segregated | 2 | yes (2), |
cycleway:left:surface | 1 | paving_stones (1), |
cycleway:left:traffic_sign | 2 | DE:241 (2), |
cycleway:left:width | 2 | 0.9 (1), 1 (1), |
cycleway:right | 92 | lane (31), no (41), separate (3), share_busway (2), shared_lane (1), track (14), |
cycleway:right:bicycle | 1 | designated (1), |
cycleway:right:buffer | 4 | no (3), yes (1), |
cycleway:right:foot | 1 | designated (1), |
cycleway:right:lane | 5 | advisory (2), exclusive (3), |
cycleway:right:oneway | 1 | yes (1), |
cycleway:right:segregated | 2 | no (2), |
cycleway:right:surface | 3 | paving_stones (3), |
cycleway:right:traffic_sign | 2 | DE:240 (1), none (1), |
cycleway:right:width | 3 | 1 (1), 1.2 (1), 1.20 (1), |
cycleway:surface | 2 | asphalt (2), |