k | num | v's |
cables | 187 | 1 (7), 3 (134), 6 (45), 9 (1), |
cafe | 1 | time-cafe (1), |
camera:direction | 4 | 0 (2), 200 (1), 225 (1), |
camera:mount | 1 | pole (1), |
camera:type | 6 | fixed (6), |
capacity | 17 | 1 (2), 10 (5), 10 tents (1), 1100 (1), 14 (1), 15 (1), 194 (1), 2 (1), 280 (1), 5 (1), 50 (1), 75 (1), |
capital | 2 | 4 (1), 8 (1), |
capital_city | 1 | Ottawa (1), |
cargo | 9 | container (1), passengers (2), passengers;vehicle (5), vehicles (1), |
carriage | 3 | no (3), |
carriageway | 1 | single (1), |
carriageway_ref | 21 | A (2), B (5), Li (4), Re (4), a (3), b (1), c (2), |
cash_in | 2 | yes (2), |
castle_type | 2 | defensive (1), fortress (1), |
ccc | 3 | cyclinglane (2), cyclingpath (1), |
census:population | 3 | 2015 (1), 2855;2006 (1), 977;2006 (1), |
change:lanes | 5 | no (3), yes|not_right|no (1), yes|not_right|not_left|yes (1), |
change:lanes:backward | 1 | no (1), |
change:lanes:forward | 1 | no|no (1), |
changing_table | 6 | no (6), |
charge | 5 | 12 EUR (1), 20 GEL per room (1), 7000 VND (3), |
check_date | 33 | 2019-11-09 (2), 2019-12-08 (2), 2021-09-04 (1), 2022-07-21 (2), 2022-08-05 (6), 2022-08-08 (12), 2023-01-13 (1), 2023-03-03 (5), 2023-03-18 (1), 2023-04-09 (1), |
check_date:opening_hours | 4 | 2021-09-10 (2), 2023-02-28 (1), 2023-04-10 (1), |
check_date:surface | 1 | 2023-04-08 (1), |
circuits | 91 | 1 (69), 2 (21), 3 (1), |
city_limit | 4 | begin (2), end (2), |
class:bicycle:mtb | 1 | 2 (1), |
clc:code | 1 | 313 (1), |
cliff | 2 | no (2), |
closed_loop | 1 | yes (1), |
clothes | 6 | men (1), underwear (1), wedding (1), women (2), women;Женская (1), |
club | 6 | ethnic (6), |
colour | 191 | #000000 (4), #000066 (1), #0000cf (1), #003399 (5), #0072CE (1), #0075a1 (35), #0080ff (2), #008be0 (1), #009140 (4), #00AFCB (1), #00ee00 (1), #011633 (2), #0198E1 (3), #0696d7 (4), #06A7C3 (1), #20abc1 (1), #231F20 (2), #4C4B9E (2), #4ba2d6 (1), #530228 (5), #5D1D81 (2), #5c3e26 (6), #61d6f7 (1), #7000CC (2), #75c695 (1), #76C5F0 (2), #77216f (5), #806a3b (2), #81ae0e (1), #8d5e2a (1), #93d50a (2), #962E33 (2), #9b5ba5 (2), #D93930 (3), #E88B30 (4), #EAF04E (1), #F37021 (1), #FBB525 (2), #FF88AA (2), #FFCC00 (9), #FFD700 (7), #a31984 (2), #c50e1f (1), #cc0000 (1), #cc99ff (2), #cc9c54 (2), #d07c32 (2), #e55c00 (5), #ee0064 (2), #f1e800 (2), #f58220 (3), #ff0000 (2), #ff99ff (1), #ffff00 (8), black (1), blue (1), darkblue (3), gold (5), green (9), orange (1), red (3), |
colour:arrow | 7 | black (2), white (5), |
colour:back | 16 | green (5), white (8), yellow (3), |
colour:text | 10 | black (5), white (5), |
comment | 16 | Abends/Sonntags als Taxibus (1), Identique à la ligne 6254, ressemble à un doublon mais existe réellement. Horaires, fréquences et services à bord probablement différents (2), Pas d'arrêt sur Sète et Agde, via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Pas d'arrêt sur Sète et Agde, via Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), Réseau TGV constaté en octobre 2020, via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Réseau TGV constaté en octobre 2020, via Montpellier Sud de France (ligne LGV) (1), South Ossetia has not been granted an official ISO-3166-1 code, but OS seems to be de-facto standard. (1), Variante de la ligne 6821 avec arrêts supplémentaire à Sète et Agde (1), Variante de la ligne 6823 sans faire d'arrêt à Sète et Agde (1), Variante de la ligne 6871 via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (1), Variante de la ligne 6873 via Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), Variante via Montpellier Saint-Roch (ligne conventionnelle) (2), Variante via Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), Variante via Nîmes-Pont-du-Gard et Montpellier-Sud-de-France (ligne LGV) (1), |
communication:antenna | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:radio | 1 | yes (1), |
communication:television | 1 | yes (1), |
community | 1 | monks (1), |
community_centre:for | 1 | child (1), |
complete | 4 | no (3), yes (1), |
condition | 22 | deficient (1), fair (11), good (9), intolerable (1), |
construction | 54 | abandoned (2), apartments (35), mosque (1), motorway (6), primary (5), primary_link (3), residential (1), tertiary (1), |
construction:addr:housenumber | 3 | 29 к2 (1), 29 к6 (1), 29 к7 (1), |
construction:addr:street | 3 | улица Хадарцева (3), |
construction:railway:etcs | 6 | 2 (6), |
construction_end_expected | 1 | 2016-11-04 (1), |
contact:email | 140 | 102037@cinnabon.me (1), 102351@cinnabon.me (1), 103080@cinnabon.me (1), 105023@megagroup.com.ru (1), 24@mvideo.ru (4), 8800@volhovez.natm.ru (2), As.galuaev@cdek.ru (2), Entry.store1340@metro-cc.ru (1), FeedBack@burgerking.ru (1), Help@gloria-jeans.ru (2), I.Belharoyev@cdek.ru (1), Israilov.ML@dns-shop.ru (1), Khubecov.RT@dns-shop.ru (1), Masalcev.MV@dns-shop.ru (1), Oms.Osetiya@kapmed.ru (6), Ten.ss@dns-shop.ru (1), Tochiev.RM@dns-shop.ru (1), Vladikavkaz-fr@pecom.ru (2), a.cokov@mail.samoletplus.ru (1), b.tachiev@cdek.ru (1), baicaeva.r@dns-shop.ru (1), consul.mfa-rso@yandex.ru (1), contact@yves-rocher.ru (2), customer@eldorado.ru (3), dtv.vlz@glavdostavka.ru (1), fatima.cickieva@maximumtest.ru (1), franch.chicken@gmail.com (1), i.belharoyev@cdek.ru (6), info@bsec-organization.org (1), info@eapteka.ru (1), info@invitro.ru (7), info@labnet.clinic (1), info@ligastavok.ru (16), info@psbank.ru (1), info@skladlekarstv.ru (10), info@triya.ru (1), info@vtb.ru (1), ingos@ingos.ru (1), l.cirihova@cdek.ru (1), mag441@220-volt.ru (1), mail@tepleko.ru (1), medvedko.sa@dns-shop.ru (2), muslimmutsolgov@mail.ru (1), n.bitarov@cdek.ru (1), online@khlh.ru (1), post@acko.ru (1), sale@vardex.ru (2), shop@beeline.ru (32), spb-gallery@mixit.ru (1), sweet_home_mebel@mail.ru (1), triya15@inbox.ru (1), vladikavkaz@fmarconi.ru (1), vladikavkaz@mrtexpert.ru (1), vlk_alania@rnd.lazurit.com (1), vopros@5ka.ru (1), welcome@pochtabank.ru (1), yum-press@spncomms.com (1), |
contact:facebook | 32 | https://fb.com/Beelinerus (4), https://fb.com/euroset (1), https://fb.com/magnitcosmetic (1), https://fb.com/mts (1), https://fb.com/sberbank (1), https://fb.com/zolushkanews (1), https://www.facebook.com/ACKO.OFFICIAL (1), https://www.facebook.com/GlavDostavka/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/VTB.BankofMoscow (2), https://www.facebook.com/VillaKazbegiHotel/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/cinnabon.russia (3), https://www.facebook.com/dnsshop (1), https://www.facebook.com/kapmed.ru/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/kdllaboratory (1), https://www.facebook.com/kfcrussia (1), https://www.facebook.com/letoile.ru (1), https://www.facebook.com/likevolt (1), https://www.facebook.com/mvideo.ru (2), https://www.facebook.com/nalog.ru (1), https://www.facebook.com/pecom.ru (1), https://www.facebook.com/pochtabank (1), https://www.facebook.com/pyaterochka (1), https://www.facebook.com/vardexRU (2), https://www.facebook.com/vtbgroup (1), |
contact:fax | 1 | +90 212 229 63 36 (1), |
contact:instagram | 33 | alaniya_horses (2), boomerang_hotel_vld (1), graf.kazbegi (1), http://instagram.com/sberbank (1), http://instagram.com/vardex_ru (2), https://instagram.com/EUROSET_RU (1), https://instagram.com/cinnabon_russia (3), https://www.instagram.com/220volt.ru/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/acko_official/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/apteka.vld/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/asik_dolls (1), https://www.instagram.com/bankvtb (2), https://www.instagram.com/berdinberg_restaurant/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/chicago_grillbar/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/glavdostavka_ru/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/imperial_hotel_vladikavkaz/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/kdl.ru (1), https://www.instagram.com/kfcrussia (1), https://www.instagram.com/knigi_vladikavkaz/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/letoile_official (1), https://www.instagram.com/magnitcosmetic/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/mvideo_ru/ (2), https://www.instagram.com/pecom.ru/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/pochtabank (1), https://www.instagram.com/podarki_magazin/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/tsvetnye_oblaka_ketimar/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/zolushkanews/ (1), |
contact:livejournal | 1 | http://letoile-ru.livejournal.com (1), |
contact:ok | 14 | https://ok.ru/kapmed (6), https://ok.ru/kfcrussia (1), https://ok.ru/letoileru (1), https://ok.ru/mts (1), https://ok.ru/mvideo (2), https://ok.ru/pochtabank (1), https://ok.ru/vtb (2), |
contact:phone | 287 | +43 5574 9000 (1), +7 (8672) 700-300 (1), +7 495 1086078;+7 928 7486266 (1), +7 495 5445000 (1), +7 495 7873333;+7 800 3330303 (1), +7 800 1000000 (1), +7 800 1000006 (1), +7 800 1000911 (4), +7 800 1008102;+7 867 3824275 (1), +7 800 2002326 (2), +7 800 2003630 (7), +7 800 2004666;+7 969 8110707;6149 (1), +7 800 2004666;1039 (1), +7 800 2007799 (1), +7 800 2009977 (2), +7 800 2220888 (12), +7 800 2222734 (1), +7 800 2347000 (35), +7 800 2500890 (47), +7 800 2502525 (3), +7 800 3014767 (3), +7 800 3330535;+7 867 2289023 (1), +7 800 3339220;+7 928 7486266 (1), +7 800 3500018 (1), +7 800 5050125 ext. 1820 (1), +7 800 5050125 ext. 1847 (1), +7 800 5058282 (2), +7 800 5500770 (1), +7 800 5554455 (16), +7 800 5555505 (1), +7 800 5555585 (9), +7 800 5558333 (1), +7 800 6001100;+7 867 2700616;+7 867 2700659 (1), +7 800 6002025 (1), +7 800 6007775 (4), +7 800 6009404;+7 919 4262142 (1), +7 800 7000099;+7 867 2722401 (1), +7 800 7000611 (32), +7 800 7000999 (3), +7 800 7001077 (12), +7 800 7001077;+7 867 2408000 (1), +7 800 7004666 (1), +7 800 7006040 (1), +7 800 7007711 (1), +7 800 7707888 (1), +7 800 7707999 (9), +7 867 2250872 (1), +7 867 2333012 (2), +7 867 2333541;+7 962 4433032 (1), +7 867 2333933 (1), +7 867 2400030 (1), +7 867 2548067 (1), +7 867 2548384 (1), +7 867 2600071;+7 968 0461000 (1), +7 867 2617333 (1), +7 867 2707325 (1), +7 867 2707541 (1), +7 867 2999667 (1), +7 867 3636947 (1), +7 8672 545554 (1), +7 8672 547474 (1), +7 900 3359495 (1), +7 906 0066727 (1), +7 906 4716031;+7 962 4510309 (1), +7 918 7084291 (1), +7 918 8251229 (1), +7 918 8262588 (1), +7 918 8279424 (1), +7 918 8293199 (1), +7 918 8353039 (1), +7 928 0089113;+7 928 9180665 (1), +7 928 0667700 (2), +7 928 0770707 (1), +7 928 0985972 (1), +7 928 3073333 (10), +7 928 4844990 (1), +7 928 4854333;+7 928 6865444 (1), +7 928 4931122 (1), +7 928 6960333;+7 962 6431099 (1), +7 960 2226727 (1), +7 962 7484545 (1), +7 963 3762859 (1), +7 963 3764007 (1), +7 963 3764601 (1), +7 965 0613948 (1), +7 988 8706272 (1), +7 989 0408144 (1), +7 989 1308144 (1), +7 989 1328695 (1), +70000000000 (1), +90 212 229 63 30;+90 212 229 63 35 (1), |
contact:tumblr | 1 | https://kfcrussia.tumblr.com (1), |
contact:twitter | 23 | http://twitter.com/sberbank/ (1), https://twitter.com/Beeline_RUS (6), https://twitter.com/VTB_BM (2), https://twitter.com/Vardexru (2), https://twitter.com/dnsshop (1), https://twitter.com/euroset_company (1), https://twitter.com/kfcrussia (1), https://twitter.com/letoile_ru (1), https://twitter.com/likevolt (1), https://twitter.com/mvideo (2), https://twitter.com/nalog__ru (1), https://twitter.com/pochtabank (1), https://twitter.com/ru_mts (2), https://twitter.com/vtb (1), |
contact:vk | 51 | alaniya_horses (2), hotel_boomerang (1), http://vk.com/beeline (6), http://vk.com/likevolt (1), http://vk.com/sberbank (1), http://vk.com/vardex_ru (2), https://vk.com/cinnabon_rus (3), https://vk.com/club155179822 (1), https://vk.com/club19098821 (1), https://vk.com/dnsstore (1), https://vk.com/euroset_club (1), https://vk.com/glav_dostavka (1), https://vk.com/id297666728 (1), https://vk.com/invitro (6), https://vk.com/kapmed (6), https://vk.com/kdllab (1), https://vk.com/kfcrussia (1), https://vk.com/leroymerlinvladikavkaz (1), https://vk.com/letoile_official (1), https://vk.com/magnitcosmetic (1), https://vk.com/mts (2), https://vk.com/mvideo (2), https://vk.com/nalog__ru (1), https://vk.com/pecom (1), https://vk.com/pochtabank (1), https://vk.com/vladkniga (1), https://vk.com/vtb24 (1), https://vk.com/vtb_bm (2), https://vk.com/zolushkaretail (1), |
contact:webcam | 3 | https://customs.gov.ru/sktu/webcams/scrin/scrin.jpg (3), |
contact:website | 315 | http://dns-shop.ru/ (2), http://easyway.ru/ (1), http://koyroi.com/ (1), http://maximumtest.ru/ (1), http://rgs.ru (1), http://russianpost.ru/ (1), http://technopoint.ru/ (1), http://www.bsec-organization.org/ (1), http://www.magnit-info.ru (4), https://585zolotoy.ru (9), https://5ka.ru (1), https://alania.mts.ru (19), https://alania.mts.ru/ (3), https://anvayacove.com/ (1), https://aryahome.ru/ (1), https://beeline.ru (1), https://burgerkingrus.ru/ (1), https://cdek.ru/ (1), https://chechnya.beeline.ru (3), https://chechnya.mts.ru/ (3), https://cinnabonrussia.com/ (4), https://dyatkovo.ru/ (2), https://fmarconi.ru/ (1), https://glav-dostavka.ru/ (1), https://ingushetiya.beeline.ru (5), https://ingushetiya.beeline.ru/ (2), https://inkphy.com/syndicate_vld (1), https://kannam.ru/ (1), https://kapmed.ru/ (6), https://kdl.ru/ (1), https://kluchevoy-moment.ru/ (1), https://labnet.clinic/ru/ (1), https://labquest.ru/ (3), https://lazurit.com/ (2), https://lukoil.ru/ (4), https://magas.220-volt.ru/ (1), https://magas.mts.ru (1), https://magas.mts.ru/ (21), https://mixit.ru/ (1), https://mvideo.ru (1), https://mvideo.ru/ (3), https://myfasol.ru (12), https://nazran.beeline.ru (8), https://online.metro-cc.ru (1), https://pecom.ru/ (1), https://psbank.ru/ (1), https://rosgranstroy.ru/checkpoints/the-list-of-checkpoints/477/ (2), https://s-parfum.ru/ (1), https://samoletplus.ru (1), https://severnaya-osetiya.beeline.ru (1), https://severnaya-osetiya.beeline.ru/ (1), https://skladlekarstv.ru/ (10), https://sovcombank.ru/ (1), https://tepleko.ru/ (1), https://vardex.ru/ (2), https://vkz.mrtexpert.ru/ (1), https://vladikavkaz.beeline.ru (6), https://vladikavkaz.beeline.ru/ (5), https://vladikavkaz.leroymerlin.ru/ (1), https://volhovec.ru/ (2), https://www.220-volt.ru/ (1), https://www.acko.ru/ (1), https://www.bm.ru (2), https://www.cdek.ru/ (11), https://www.dns-shop.ru (2), https://www.dns-shop.ru/ (6), https://www.eapteka.ru/ (1), https://www.eldorado.ru/ (3), https://www.gloria-jeans.ru/ (2), https://www.ingos.ru/ (1), https://www.invitro.ru/ (7), https://www.kfc.ru (1), https://www.kuchenland.ru/ (1), https://www.letoile.ru (1), https://www.ligastavok.ru/ (16), https://www.lusio.ru/ (1), https://www.nalog.ru (1), https://www.ozon.ru/ (35), https://www.pochta.ru (24), https://www.pochtabank.ru (1), https://www.rgs.ru/ (2), https://www.svyaznoy.ru/ (12), https://www.triya.ru (1), https://www.triya.ru/ (2), https://www.vtb.ru (1), https://www.yves-rocher.ru/ (2), |
contact:whatsapp | 2 | +79890382861 (2), |
contact:youtube | 11 | http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnLPlH6bk0KDSSUVB8iseOg (1), http://www.youtube.com/sberbank (1), https://www.youtube.com/KFCRussia (1), https://www.youtube.com/c/DNSSHOPvideo (1), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_EeAOvG7ApV5Af_XFrCgg (1), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkB-vf454lND1P-YzE_Z_PQ (1), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2NW4p10fwTar-zqw7mUIw (1), https://www.youtube.com/user/EurosetCompany (1), https://www.youtube.com/user/vtbgroup (1), https://www.youtube.com/vtbgroup (2), |
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country_code_fips | 1 | CA (1), |
covered | 134 | no (109), yes (25), |
craft | 14 | brewery (1), caterer (1), distillery (1), doll (1), electrician (4), electronics_repair (3), metal_construction (1), sawmill (1), stonemason (1), |
crop | 1 | wheat (1), |
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crossing:barrier | 8 | half (2), no (3), yes (3), |
crossing:bell | 6 | yes (6), |
crossing:island | 148 | no (142), yes (6), |
crossing:light | 5 | yes (5), |
crossing:markings | 14 | dashes (1), no (3), yes (9), zebra (1), |
crossing:signals | 2 | no (2), |
crossing_ref | 22 | zebra (22), |
cruising:conditional | 2 | no @ (22:00-05:00) (2), |
cuisine | 75 | american (1), american;burger (1), american;burger;chicken;friture (1), belgian (1), burger (4), burger;pizza (1), cake (2), chicken (2), chinese (1), coffee_shop (9), fish;kebab;italian_pizza;georgian;local (1), georgian (7), georgian;breakfast;international (1), georgian;kebab;local (1), german;bavarian (1), ice_cream (1), italian (1), italian_pizza;savory_pancakes;chicken;pancake;fish_and_chips;sandwich;coffee_shop;ice_cream;local;tea;friture;pizza;japanese;burger;cake;sushi;international (1), japanese;italian;coffee_shop (1), kebab (2), kebab;barbecue;chicken (1), local;georgian (1), pasta;italian;pizza;seafood;italian_pizza;mediterranean;coffee_shop (1), pasta;pizza;pancake;friture;chicken;grill;breakfast;coffee_shop;seafood;savory_pancakes;fine_dining;fish_and_chips;crepe (1), pizza (5), pizza,_pasta,_coffe (1), pizza;burger;american (1), regional (14), regional;georgian (1), regional;kebab (1), regional;russian;european;asian (1), shawarma (1), shawarma;grill (1), steak_house (1), tea (1), turkish (2), uzbek (1), |
currency | 3 | EUR (2), RUB (1), |
currency:AMD | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:EUR | 3 | yes (3), |
currency:GEL | 2 | yes (2), |
currency:RUB | 4 | yes (4), |
currency:USD | 3 | yes (3), |
cycle_barrier | 1 | double (1), |
cycle_barrier:installation | 1 | openable (1), |
cycle_network | 15 | EuroVelo (5), GB:London Cycle Network (4), GB:London Cycleways (2), SachsenNetz Rad (1), UK:National Cycle Network (1), US:MI:Royal Oak (1), US:WA (1), |
cycleway | 148 | asl (1), crossing (13), lane (18), no (103), opposite (1), opposite_lane (1), shared_lane (7), track (4), |
cycleway:both | 63 | lane (4), no (56), shared_lane (1), track (2), |
cycleway:both:lane | 4 | advisory (1), exclusive (3), |
cycleway:left | 11 | lane (8), no (3), |
cycleway:left:lane | 5 | advisory (3), exclusive (2), |
cycleway:left:oneway | 3 | -1 (1), yes (2), |
cycleway:left:width | 1 | 1.25 (1), |
cycleway:right | 29 | lane (9), no (16), shared_lane (3), shoulder (1), |
cycleway:right:buffer | 1 | no (1), |
cycleway:right:lane | 4 | advisory (3), exclusive (1), |
cycleway:right:oneway | 3 | -1 (3), |
cycleway:surface | 2 | paving_stones (2), |