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inscription706"DLSMHSI is undergoing some adjustments on its property affected by the road expansion. We are doing our share to assist with our City Mayor and City Government for the convenience of all concerned. Thank you." (1), "I Love Daet" (1), "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7 KJV (1), "The Golden Blood"|Behold the modern day heroes|dressed in white; in camouflage; in all colours;braving against the unseen enemy;|saving the lives of humanity.|RGD (1), "Welcome to Tuaño Subdivision" (1), #DumaGetMe|Dumaguete|Philippines (1), 1. Agoo Eco-Fun World is open from 5:00 AM to 6:30 PM only. | 2. All persons roaming around the Eco-Park beyong 6:30 PM shall be apprehended | 3. Overnight stay, camping and vehicle racing are strictly prohibited. | 4. Dispose garbage and waste properly (2), 30000 Volts to Catbalogan Proper (note Capacity) other Lines will be going straight to Wright & East Samar (1), 50 years bridge (1), A Post with Transformer and Electric meter (1), A post where electric meter is attached and beside on it there is a water meter (1), A public-private partnership park's rejuvenation project initiated by the City Government of Baguio and its volunteer partner Tiong San. (1), ANDRES BONIFACIO AMA NG KATIPUNAN (1), AVE MARIA (2), Additional cubic (1), Agoo Town Square (1), Agusan Dr. Jose Rizal (1), AllHome (1), Ambanaw Paoay 1st Peak 1,788 masl 3.6 km (1), Ang Sepoy at Maglalatik (1), Anselmo Mazon Blvd (1), Aran Caves (1), Area I|Purok 18 Irisan Barangay|House numers|001 - 018B (1), ArmyNavy (1), As an institution, the Baguio Apaches has been recognized by the Centennial Commission for its role in making Baguio City what it is now (1), Asian Highway inspected UNESCAP (1), Asian Highway inspection UNESCAP (1), Atmospheric Concrete Water Tank (1), BBM East Poblacion to Manaba (BBM #53) (1), BBM located in Purok 7. Skeptron 1973 delta gamma monument (sponsored) (1), BBM-24 Pb-11-0045 - Brgy. Poblacion - Brgy. San Agustin - Municipality of Santa Maria (1), BFAR keep out (2), BMX Trike Low Kalawanging Ride (naiiba pero with LTFRB).....Cadillac with Pascual (1), BSRR1|2019 (1), Babaou Maison Surréaliste|[1942-1946]|República Estudantil do Escritor|Ruben A (1), Bangan's Dome (1), Barangay Cauayan (1), Barangay Maharlika|Nayong Lourdes II (1), Barangay Maharlika|North Diamond Subdivision I (1), Behold Bohol (1), BendCheckOne (1), BendCheckTwo (1), Bike Lane Ends (1), Boundary Between Mas-in and San Vicente (1), Boundary Of Silang & Tagaytay (1), Boundary RM Tan and Nueva Sociedad (Purok-5) (1), Boundary between Brgy. San Jose and Brgy. Bayog (1), Boundary between Lao and Jaica Lao (1), Boundary between Lao and Liloan (1), Boundary between Lao and San Juan (1), Boundary between Manlilinao, Guintigian, and Monterico (1), Boundary between Mas-in and Green Valley (1), Boundary between Monterico to Brgy. Sanvicente (1), Boundary between Nueva Sociedad and RM Tan (1), Boundary between Purok-6 and Purok-7 Monterico (1), Boundary between RM Tan and Leondoni (1), Boundary between Sabang Bao and RM Tan (1), Boundary between, Lao,Margen, and Libertad (1), Boundary from Leodoni (1), Boundary from Monterico to Kanang Kananga (1), Boundary from Sabang-bao between Brgy. Labrador (1), Boundary from the river (1), Brgy. 3, Sipalay City (1), Brgy. Camindangan, Sipalay City (2), Brgy. Mas-in Ormoc City (1), Brown Coarse Sand, River (1), Built by Luis Perez Samanillo based on the architectural design of Andres Luna de San Pedro, 1928. Awarded the most beautiful office building by the city government of Manila, 1928. Acquired by First United Building Corporation, 1968. One of the remaining (1), Built in 1925 (1), Butterfly Sanctuary (1), CAMP JOHN HAY - The Forest Bathing Trail (1), CIENEGA HORSE BYPASS TRAIL 266 ↑;WAGON TRAIL 228 → (1), Cargo and Trailer Trucks (1), Catbalogan Proper sub-Station (1), Caution! Landslide prone area (1), Check if Needed for replacement (1), Checked foundations of this power tower, just one feature not seen (1), China-Philippines Friendship Park (1), City Camp Central Barangay|Jessie Salvador M.Bandiola|Punong Barangay|No Parking (1), City Engineering Office (CEO) (1), City of Imus: Flag Capital (1), City of San Fernando Pampanga Home of the Giant Lanterns (1), Class No 1936; Camp Henry T. Allen; Reserve Service School (1), Cliff, very High Elevation Roads or Community Risk Reduction Experimental Lines (1), Collecting Water discharge per second for hydro power (1), Corner Purok- 2 and Purok-3 (1), Crash site of the Mt. Pinatubo plane, where Pres. Ramon Magsaysay and several others died. (1), Crossing Licuma (1), Cuyo (1), Danao-Tuburan-Carmen Boundary (1), Dating Kinatatayuan ng Constabulary School. (Ngayo y Philippine Military Academy) (1), Davao City BBM 160 Pb-11-000013-C Brgy Biao Guianga (1), Day (6:30 AM to 4:30 P.M.) Electric Supply (1), December 16, 1919 - October 23, 2003 (1), Declared a Heritage House by the National Historical Institute 06 October 2005 (1), Department of Information and Communications Technology | Regional Cluster Office | Luzon Cluster 1 (1), Discharge X-Cubic plus this Flow (1), Discharge Y Cubic plus this flow (1), Discharge at x cubic (1), Discharge plus X cubic to Second (Turbines) (1), Discharge y cubic (1), Distance before Cliff (Rocks) (1), Dito sa #72 Azcarraga, Tondo, Maynila, itinatag ang K.K.K.N.M.A.N.B. ni Andres Bonifacio kasama sina Ladislao Diwa, Teodoro Plata, Deodato Arellano, Valentin Diaz, at Jose Dizon, 7 Hulyo, 1892. (1), Dito sa Bayan ng Imus, Kabite inilagak ang mga labi ni Flaviano Yengko, ipinangank sa Tundo, Maynila, noong ika-22 ng Disyembre, 1874, anak ng mag-asawang Basilio Yengko at Maria Abad ng Imus, Kabite. Heneral ng himagsikan at bayani ng Labanan sa Salitran (1), Dominican Mirador Welcome (1), Don Domingo Macaraeg Sr. St. (1), Don Marcelo I. Balolong Sr. Avenue (2), Don Quintin Paredes Ancestral House (1), Dormitory now Dormy (means moving to higher Lands, these place is formerly low swamp lands) now DORMIE (1), Dr. José Rizal (1), Earth Movement Study (6), El pueblo a sus héroes (1), Electric Float, Near Brim Wireless Short Wave Radio Signals to Pump for Shutting Down Electric Pump in San Andreas, estimated near brim Pump Max Head Water Elevation (1), Electric Meter, (1), Electronic GEODETIC Reference USB... (1), Elevation acceptable, sub-station lines (1), Elevation lower than Macagtas Dam as to the vacuum on pipes will always be present...pareho han pagipis han gas can ngan gas can (1), Elevation too Low with that Voltage..risky (1), Erected on this site and the scene of the inauguration of the First Philippine Assembly was burned November 16, 1943. This new building was erected and inaugurated April 11, 1947 (1), FIRST move/step before the wirings (1), Farm Elevation (1), Father of the Philippine Army (1), Filter Maintenance (Change of Filter Sand) (1), First Two Steel Beam Replacement, one lane traffic to mid Column (1), Flavor Graveyard (1), Food Fun Faith Felllowship Family|Baguio 1939|Baguio Apaches Inc| Since 1939 (1), For Cemetery Expansion (1), GandaTrafficEnforcementOffice (1), Gobyernong tapat angat buhay lahat (1), Golden Gate (1), Grotto (1), HAPIsabela (1), Hazard near River side (1), Hen. Paulino Santos (1890-1945) (1), Here on the 10th of March, 1945 the 41st Division, U.S. Army under the command of Maj. Gen. Jens A. Doe landed in order to liberate the City of Zamboanga from the Japanese Forces. Liberation completed on the 12th of March, 1945. (1), Higher Elevation and Near Surface Water Source, Elevation Higher more water to pump smoothly and easy, electricity savings (1), Highway Boundary Negros Oriental 2nd District Negros Occidental 3rd District (1), Historical Site, Arteche Park (1), I Love Liliw (1), I love Batuang (1), I ♥ Banga (1), I ♥ Puerto Galera (1), I ♥ San Juan City (1), I ♥ San Nicolas (1), I ❤️ Siquijor (1), ILOMOCA (1), IN MEMORIAM September 2, 2016 Jay S. Adremesin Maria Luz P. Arellano Vicenta D. Asperin and baby Mercy C. Basilisco Eufemia R. Biscocho Kristia Gaile R. Bisnon Rogelio D. Cagantas, Jr. Kristelle N. Decolongon Denial Josh V. Larida Melanie Faith V. Larida (1), IN MEMORIAM Las Diaconisas De La IFI San Pablo Laguna Alos Martires Dela Patria (1), Igorot Heroes Hall (1), Igorot Throne Room (1), Important Cultural Property declared by National Museum of the Philippines. (1), In case of earthquake, go to high ground or inland (1), In honor of those who fought to liberate our country in World War II May their gallantry and heroism serve as inspiration to those in whose care rests the welfare of our beloved country. (1), In this area, the 40th Infantry Division, 8th U.S. Army under Major General Rapp Brush and the Filipino Force under Colonel Macario Peralta, Jr. met them and jointly started operations for the Liberation of Panay Island in World War 2. (1), Input Voltage from Sub-Station (Constant not Variable) (1), Ipinatayo na yari sa kahoy. Ipinaayos ni Simplicio Jugo Vidal, unang gobernador ng Capiz, 1901–1903. Dulot ng malakas na bagyo, muling ipinaayos na yari sa kongkreto sa panunungkulan ni Gob. Jose Cortez Altavas, at natapos 1911. Idinagdag ang ikatlong pal (1), Is this like the Sea? at that distance tastes salty?? (1), Isla de Pitogo (1), It was an old market before it was converted into the new Pandacan Fire Station (1), Itinayo ni Luis Perez Samanillo ayon sa disenyo ni Andres Luna de San Pedro, 1928. Binigyang parangal ng pamahalaang lungsod ng Maynila bilang pinakamagandang gusaling pang-opisina, 1928. Binili ng First United Building Corporation, 1968. Isa sa mga nanan (1), Johnbee Village (1), Jollibee Drive-Thru (1), June 19.1861|Dec. 30.1896 (1), Justinville Brgy. Panapaan VII (1), K 0065 (1), K 0066 (1), K 18 (1), K | 1182 (1), K | 12 (2), K | 80 | SJ | 10 (1), K0003 (1), K0005 (1), K0007 (2), K0009 (1), K0010 (1), K0074|L24 (1), K1 (4), K1/D27 (1), K1000|M3 (1), K10|QC (1), K11|QC (1), K12 (2), K12|QC (1), K14 (2), K1511 (2), K15|M2 (1), K15|QC (1), K16 (1), K1|IC1 (1), K1|O10 (1), K2+ (1), K2/O9 (1), K20 (1), K24 (2), K25 (2), K26 (2), K27 (1), K28 (1), K3 (3), K3|P8 (2), K4|IC4 (1), K5 (1), K680 (1), K690 (1), K691 (1), K769|G5 (1), K7|C5 (1), K8 (2), K9 (5), K9|QC (2), KM 248 (1), KM 260 TAW 1 AMB 5 (1), KM 261 TWG 2 AMB 4 (1), KM 276 (1), KM 277 (1), KM 278 (1), KM 45 (1), KM 5 (1), KM 65|LC 0|I 15 (1), KM0 (1), KM025 (2), KM0261 (1), KM1094 (1), KM1107 (1), KM1108 (1), KM1179 (1), KM3 (1), KM6 (1), KM742+995.45 (1), KM|555 (1), KM|898 (1), Kabataan panahon na upang tumindig! (1), Kalanggaman Island (1), Kaya natin ito!;Pagmamahal sa bayan;Kulay rosas na kinabukasan para sa atin at sa ating mga anak at apo;Pamumunong tapat;Para sa aming kinabukasan (1), Kilometer 13 (2), Kilometer 21 (1), Kilometer 23 (1), Kilometer 44 (1), Kilometer 984 (1), Krus na Ligas (1), Kulay rosas ang bukas (2), K| 194 (1), K|0015 (1), K|0016 (1), K|0016|+576 (2), K|0016|QC (1), K|0017|QC (1), K|0022| (1), K|0022|QC (1), K|0023 (1), K|0029 (2), K|0343|D|1 (1), K|1000 (1), K|1001 (1), K|1003 (1), K|103 (1), K|106 (1), K|1083 (1), K|10|QC (1), K|11 (2), K|1125 (1), K|1142 (1), K|1145 (1), K|1180 (1), K|1183 (1), K|1186 (1), K|1187 (1), K|11|QC (1), K|12 (1), K|12|QC (1), K|13|QC (2), K|14 (2), K|14|A|3 (1), K|14|QC (4), K|14|QC|1 (1), K|15 (2), K|15|QC|2 (1), K|16 (2), K|16|M|3 (1), K|17 (5), K|17|P|9 (1), K|18 (4), K|19 (6), K|197 (1), K|2 (2), K|20 (2), K|202 (1), K|21 (1), K|210 (1), K|215 (1), K|222 (1), K|237 (1), K|238 (1), K|242 (1), K|243 (1), K|247 (1), K|297 (1), K|3 (2), K|357 (1), K|358 (1), K|36 (1), K|4 (3), K|49 (1), K|60 (1), K|61 (2), K|64 (1), K|642 (1), K|65 (2), K|66 (1), K|679 (1), K|681 (1), K|69 (1), K|70 (1), K|719 (1), K|720 (1), K|723 (1), K|724 (1), K|732 (1), K|733 (1), K|764 (1), K|765|SJ|5 (1), K|785 (1), K|786 (1), K|8 (1), K|832 (1), K|84 (1), K|883 (1), K|884 (1), K|889 (1), K|890 (1), K|891 (1), K|892 (1), K|893 (1), K|897 (1), K|8|L|3 (1), K|92 (1), K|93 (1), L 0072 (1), Lahat kasama (1), Lang Dulay (August 3, 1928 - April 30, 2015) was a Filipino traditional weaver who was a recipient of the National Living Treasures Award. She is credited with preserving T'boli tradition of weaving T'nalak, a dyed fabric made from refined abaca fiber (2), Leaving the purok-6 to San jose Songahid boundary (1), Leni 2022 (1), Leon Kilat (1), Let women lead (1), Let's be Leni like (1), List of Brgy. Officials and Name of the Brgy. (1), Loading and unloading area for PWD & Senior Citizen only (1), Los Baños @ 400 / The Special Science And Nature City 1615-2015 (1), Los Baños Special Science and Nature City (1), Lourdes (1), Mabuhay (1), Maharlika Trunk Road, Asian Highway Primary Road (1), Manulife (1), Marikeños for Leni (1), Marilyn's Nook (1), Mas radikal magmahal (1), Mausoleo de Los XIX Martires de Aklan. Fusilados en Kalibo, Capiz El 23 de Marso de 1897 Erigido por Suscripcion Popular Bajo Los Auspicios de la Tribu No. 9 de los Red Rovers of the World Roman Aguirre, Tomas Briones, Valeriano Dalida, Domingo dela Cruz, (1), Maximum Lowest Possible Elevation than the Turbine (1), Medal of Valor, Battle of Marawi (1), Metal Cable Splicing should be done at the Tower, if Possible since we are on Pin and Anchor the othr name of Splicing which is locked at the Joints on Anchorage Tower (1), Mieszkańcom Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego wyrażającym swoją solidarność z Węgierską Rewolucją i walką o wolność 1956 roku. (1), Mt. Langit2x Peak (1), Muntinlupa Centennial: Isang Siglo ng Lakas, Talino at Buhay (1), NORGE KROKFJELLET / SUOMI MUOTKAVAARA / РОССИЯ МУОТКАВААРА (1), Naguilian Town Plaza (1), National Historic Landmark PD 260 (NHI 1973, 1974 and April 26 1991) (1), Navotas City Terminal (1), No loading & Unloading No Waiting (1), No other single group of young Filipino citizens has a greater opportunity for national service than now falls to the members of this class. President Manuel L Quezon. (1), No texting while driving|Drive safely & arrive home alive (1), Noong Mayo 10, 1897, sa pook na itong tinatawag na Nagpatong, malapit sa Bundok Buntis, Maragondon, ang Supremo Andres Bonifacio at ang kanyang kapatid na si Procopio ay binaril alinsunod sa pasiya ng hukumang militar ng Pamahalaang Mapanghimagsik. (1), North Diamond Subdivision (1), Omnia In Bonum (1), On this point of Siargao Island, stands this Historical Land mark to engrave into memory the most daring sacrifice of love of country by a man FLORENTINO DAS, a Filipino - born Hawaiian, from Allen, Samar, After so many long years stay in Hawaii, DAS in h (1), On this spot in 1900, the historical treaty of people between American Military troops headed by Captain Norton and the Filipino Revolutionary in Aklan headed by General Anamias Diokno, Chiefly mediated by Honorable Simeon Mobo Reyes, son of Lezo.... (1), One of the Source of Potable Water Possible Ton-Ok, surveying Water Volume per second (1), One of the four Baroque Churches of the Philippines inscribed in 1993 on the World Heritage List pursuant to the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The Church of San Agustin possesses exceptional (1), P.K 1997 (1), Padyak, and then the POLICE works now has Work (1), Pag-asa (1), Pagadian City - Marawi City Direction Sign (UPS 1935) (1), Palamig ka muna;Gobyernong tapat, angat buhay lahat (1), Palokka (2), Pambansang Dambana ng Birhen hg Fatima (1), Panapaan 1, Bacoor City, Cavite (1), Panapaan 2, Bacoor City, Cavite (1), Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange;The first integrated and intermodal transport terminal in the Philippines;Inaugurated by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte;Republic of the Philippines;1 Kennedy road, Barangay Tambo;Parañaque City;05 November 2018 (1), Phi Omega National Service Fraternity & Society (1), Phi Omega National Service Fraternity & Society Park - Adopt a Park Project MOA with CEPMO (1), Plaza Homes Subdivision, Aguinaldo Highway, Anabu 2-A, Imus, Cavite (1), Please be informed that hunting of birds and wild animals including the collection, gathering and transporting of wild plants are strictly prohibited and penalized with a fine and imprisonment under R.A. No. 9147 (1), Pontificia et Regalis Universitas Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Manilana MDCXI. Contemplari et Contemplata aliis Tradere. In Veritate fideles. In Labore proficientes. In Caritate divites. (1), Proposed Site for Tertiary School, Residential Lots, New Cemetery (1), Public-Private Mix, DOTS|This is a smoke free hospital|Animal Bite Treatment Center (1), Purok 18 Pathway Hand Railing (33m long) (1), Purok 2 and 3 Boundary Monument in Brgy. Manaba, Garcia Hernandez (1), Purok 27 1/2 Shed Date 9-30-18 P.RK. LEADER Canor Agsiweng (1), Purok 6|Barangay Saint Joseph Village|Sinagued Compound (1), Purok Lower Kasang (1), Purok- 5 and Purok - 6 Boundary (1), Purok-2 to Putok-1 Boundary (1), Purok-3 Boundary Between Ormoc and Matag-ob (1), Purok-4 Boundary (1), Purok-5 Boundary to Purok-6 Crossroads (1), Purok-6 Boundary from Bayog to R.M. Tan riverside (1), REDUCE|SPEED (2), ROTARY INTERNATIONAL ROTARY CLUB MUNTINLUPA CENTENNIAL (1), Red Horse Beer (1), Rehab on this Site (1), Reminder - this is a sanctuary (1), Robinson's (1), Rocky Mountain Adventure (1), Rosas ang kulay ng bukas (1), Rozpoczęty bunkier (1), S&R Membership Shopping (1), SHARE THE ROAD (6), SLOW DOWN (2), SLOW DOWN, Blind curve, accident prone area (2), Sa gobyernong tapat ang umaga ay sasarap;Thirsty for change;Tik-tilaok (1), Sa ngalan ng Republika ng Pilipinas at masang Pilipino, isinagawa ang pagtatag nitong lapida sa pinakamababaw na parte ng Phiilppine Rise na siyang patunay ng ating pagmamay-ari at responsibilidad na pangalagaan ang pinakamalawak na dagat ng Pilipinas. (1), Sa pook na ito ipinasiya ng K.K.K.N.M.A.N.B. ang paghihimagsik noong ika-23 ng Agosto ng 1896 (1), Sa pook na ito namatay si Teodora Alonzo, ina ni Jose Rizal, noong 16 Agosto 1911. (1), Sa simbahang ito inordenan at unang nagmisa. Isinilang sa Madrid, Espanya, noong Pebrero 14, 1900. Naging Kataas-taasang Obispo ng Iglesia Filipina Independiente at masugid na tagapagtaguyod ng Kilusang Ekumenismo sa Pilipinas. Namatay noong Oktubre 10, 1 (1), Sagay City BRDY. - 14.9 KMS ahead (1), San Fabian Church (1), San Isidro i ampo mo kami (1), San Mateo (1), Screwed to Rocks, Overhead, notice delivery trucks, vertical clearance be observe (1), Sea Level Water...why wide (1), Second replica of the Statue of Liberty, built in the 1990s to replace the original from the 1980s, which was built for the original statue's centennial. It is 25 feet tall and made of wood, metal, and fiberglass. (1), Seen and or not Seen the Pipe, I have seen the Pipe but not that large diameter for the Community, over design (1), Share the road (1), Shrine that commemorates the triumph of local residents of Barangay Vivo from the Spanish Colonizers. (1), Si Teodora Alonzo, Ina ni Rizal, ay namatay noong ika-16 ng Agosto ng 1911 sa isang bahay na nakatayo sa pook na ito (ngayo'y Blg. 476-478) at ari ni Gng. Luisa Lichuaco (1), Slow Down Sharp Curve Ahead (2), Slow down. Accident prone (1), Slow down. Accident prone area. (1), Slow down|Depressed Area|Spillway (1), Spanish Era Church Building (1), Subasta de las tierras comunales del Pueblo de Carmona, año 1857 (1), Summer Capital City of Baguio (1), Surveying for Elevation (1), Surveying for HELIPAD NGCP Maintenance (1), Surveying for means of SAMELCO Electric Pole for concrete foundation and ways of carrying the metal or wood electric poles and wires too (1), THE 4-WAY TEST of things we think, say or do|1. Is it the truth?|2. Is it fair to all concerned?|3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?|4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?|ROTARY CLUB OF BAGUIO SOUTH|Meets ever Fridays @ 7:30 P.M. (1), TNHS (1), Tabuelan (1), Tagalag (1), Tahanan ni Mabini (1), Tamaraw FX Zuekara (1), Temple of Kabunyan (1), Temporary BACMAN Lines (1), Tension Point (1), Tension point (1), Tension point also, but Cable is Continous (1), The Copper City with the Heart of Gold wall paint (1), The King's Comfort Room (1), The Rizal Shrine at Burnham Park was renovated by RCBC and YGC, and was officially turned over on December 18, 2008 to the City Government of Baguio represented by Honorable Mayor Reinaldo A. Bautista, Jr. by RCBC President Lorenzo V. Tan. (1), The best man for the job is a woman (1), The park feature the the Chinese pirate Limahong battling the local hero Don Galo during the Limahong's invasions of Manila in late 1500's #grabPH #mapPH #osmgeoweek #SDFs #openstreetmap (1), The upside down tree|My Roots are above and my Trunk is below|I survived the odds (1), There is no Boundary Stone but it is said to be the boundary between the two barangays (1), This marker embodies the true meaning of brotherhood. It transcends geographical boundaries of friendship between nations and people who have the purest intention to uplift the well-being of those who have less in life. (1), This way to Mount Kalugong Cultural Village (1), Tia Maria Townhouse Village (1), To (1), Ton-Ok Falls Area from Google Maps (1), Torre de' Busi ai suoi Caduti (1), Tower of Gatan (1), True leaders shoe up|Doon tayo sa may resibo (1), Tunay at pangmatagalang pagbabago (1), UNESCAP Proposal, 70 AH 26 not sure with the 70 either than the 1 the Trunk Asian (Silk) Highway (1), UV (utility vans) Terminal (1), United Bagobo Organization of Davao 1983 (1), Vacuum Type Water Supply (Catarman etc Alike) (1), Valley Lowest point (1), WARNING Flood Prone Area (1), WARNING PAKDAAR | Accident Prone Area (1), WELCOME MUNICIPALITY OF SAN LUIS (1), WELCOME ENCANTO MABUHAY (1), Wattage (1), We adore you, o Christ and we praise you|because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.|Lord Jesus, the dark night of death has enfulged you. (1), Welcome (37), Welcome CITY OF SANTA ROSA Lion City of South Luzon (1), Welcome 1st Reyville Subdivision Habay II (1), Welcome 2 Tagaytay (1), Welcome Anabu 1A (1), Welcome Anabu II-B (2), Welcome Barangay Imelda (1), Welcome Barangay Panapaan VI (1), Welcome Cowboys Cowgirls (1), Welcome DT Agustin Village (1), Welcome Dimasalang Subd. (1), Welcome Lourdes Grotto (1), Welcome Meadowood Executive Village Panapaan VIII (1), Welcome Medicion 1st (1), Welcome Mount Bidawan & Ave Maria Shrine (1), Welcome New Imus Village Anabu I-D (1), Welcome Nueva Sociedad Signage (1), Welcome Purok 14 - Lower (1), Welcome SMBNI Barangay 178 San Isidro Purok 2 (1), Welcome Sector 1 (1), Welcome Sector II (1), Welcome Sitio Cuenca Norte (1), Welcome Umali Kayo Mount Tayawan Agri-Tourist Park (1), Welcome Upper Dagsian Brgy (1), Welcome to Bani (1), Welcome to Barangay Bangkal (2), Welcome to Barangay Consolacion (1), Welcome to Barangay Libsong West (1), Welcome to Barangay Pantal (1), Welcome to Barangay San Augustin (1), Welcome to Barangay San Carlos (1), Welcome to Barangay San Isidro (2), Welcome to Barangay San Joaquin Norte (1), Welcome to Barangay Santa Ana Sector I (1), Welcome to Barangay Tanglag (1), Welcome to Bay Bay Sur (1), Welcome to Benguet Province;Come again to Benguet Province (1), Welcome to Bolasi White Beach (1), Welcome to Brgy Ferdinand (1), Welcome to Cadiz City (1), Welcome to Camp 1 (1), Welcome to Camp 3 (2), Welcome to Imus Cavite (1), Welcome to Kitma Village, Bakakeng Central (1), Welcome to Liliw (1), Welcome to Malaybalay City (1), Welcome to Minalin (1), Welcome to Mount Yangbew (1), Welcome to Mount Yangbew Barangy Tawang (2), Welcome to Pangascasan (1), Welcome to Robes III (1), Welcome to Santo Rosario (1), Welcome to Santo Tomas Proper (1), Welcome to Sarangani (2), Welcome to Sector 3 (1), Welcome to Sector 3 Santa Rita Norte (1), Welcome to Sector 4 (1), Welcome to Sector 5 (1), Welcome to Sector I (1), Welcome to Siquijor (1), Welcome to Sitio Dalicno (1), Welcome to Sitio Ducot (1), Welcome to Sitio Piket (1), Welcome to Tuba / Agoo (1), Welcome to Victoria (1), Welcome to the Islamic City of Marawi (1), Welcome to|Camp 7|Serving the children of the world (2), Welcome to|Purok 16, 17 (1), Welcome: Palma Urbano Barangay (1), Welcome|Area 3|Alley 2 (1), Welcome|Brgy Al-Alinao Sur|Naguilian La Union (1), Welcome|Brookspoint|Purok 07|House # 206 - 256 (1), Welcome|East Modern Site Barangay|"moving towards a life of ease, comfort & peace" (1), Welcome|Imelda Village Barangay (1), Welcome|Landing Shrine of Nuestra Sra Virgen del Mar Cautiva|Barraca Sto Tomas La Union (1), Welcome|Purok 1 (1), Welcome|Purok 18|Irisan, Baguio City|"It takes deep commitment to change|a deeper commitment to grow." (2), Welcome|Purok 4|Lower Brookside (1), Welcome|Purok 5|Barangay Brookside (1), Welcome|Saint Joseph Village Barangay|(Polo Field - Navy Base) (1), What if we make a Vaporizer here for the plants, water from that Quarried Hole...??? Sulfur in Gas form? like Volcanoes.. but note this is from under earth surface Sulfur... (1), Where four barangay meets and its boundary (1), Where is the Hydro Electric Facility? (1), You are now entering AGOO TOWN PROPER - SLOW DOWN - THICKLY POPULATED AREA (1), Zero Triangular Force at Elevation Natural Ground (1), add Metal Tensioner with respect to tringle Force of Design Delivery trucks..Side Sheet Piles must piled to the depth by 45 degrees triangle Force from the Road Surface (1), basta Alvin (1), check Sag, if sagged apply more tension to cables (1), checking foundations (2), dawna_leśniczówka (1), elevation 100 meters and above (1), from SAMELCO 2 (Bulk/Volume Buying) (1), hello autocepticons agriculture green yuto.NG (1), i assumed this area as Valley, my knowledge on the term VALLEy is a Flat Surface on top of Mountains, Mountain Ranges, (1), i ♥ balo-i (1), land Changes maybe with the Foundation, fence move (1), meet some mosque man here, east to the Land Transport Terminal (1), no exit (1), sit here and fell the tree shadow with gentle wind, yahoooo, thanks to the folk i talked to (1), why Landing..answer slope.. (1), yes (1), ЈОСИФУ ПАНЧИЋУ 1814-1888 БЕОГРАДСКА ОПШТИНА (1), Україна Пам'ятка архітектури Кам'яниця Гренсівська 1668р. 18ст. 19ст. Охоронний №326/38 Охороняється державою. Пошкодження карається законом (1), Україна Пам'ятка архітектури Кам'яниця Роттендорфівська 17ст.-1781р. Охоронний №326/40 Охороняється державою. Пошкодження карається законом (1), Україна Пам'ятка архітектури Кам'яниця Седмирадських 17ст.-1770р. Охоронний №326/39 Охороняється державою. Пошкодження карається законом (1), 南海鎖鑰 太平島 (1), 甫山 嘉慶歲次戊寅年桐月吉旦 顯妣甲必丹娘微沓吳氏之城 孝男... 同立 孝女... (1),
inscription:18It has contributed a gamut of public servants such as a Senator, Speaker of the House, Congressmen, Mayors, Vice Mayors, City Councilors, War Heroes, (1), Monsieur François MITTERRAND Président de la République a dévoilé cette oeuvre du sculpteur ARMAN le 19 août 1994 à l'occasion du 50ème anniversaire du soulévement de la Préfecture de Police de Paris. (1), PFC Ernesto Bitonggol Bueno Jr. May 10 1983; PFC John S Pistola Jul 31 1985; PFC Benjamin Cataoid Seguin Oct 15 1987; PAT Jaime Estioco Misanes Jr. Jul 14 1987; PAT Alfredo Guiao Aromin Jr. Jan 25 1993 (1), Rotary Club Baguio Summer Capital, District 3790 Philippines - Friendship Philippines and Japan (1), Salvador Aroede|Jose G Abrinica|Isodro Q Adlarte|Francisco S Aquilar|Vicente O Albarillo|Proceso E Algala|Manuel F Alcantara|Esteban A Alcazar|Ramon B Aldea|Blas Alejandre|Pedro C Alejadrino|Ficrencio G Alejandro|Celedonia A Ancheta (1), The|only bright light are the tender love of your mother, the faithfulness of John, and the friendship of joseph of arimathea|and a few others. You are laid in the tomb like a precious| (1), To our forefathers who created the beautiful Baguio, and to the proud citizens who today work to preserve and enhance this City, this park is dedicated. (1), otherwise known as the Wildlife Act of the Philippines (1),
inscription:26.... in a chest. Like a seed hidden in the soil|....Hope to our burials (1), City Government of Baguio|by:|Honorable Benjamin B. Magalong|City Mayor|Tiong San|by:|Ms. Imelda Tan Lao Ms. Elena Tan Lao (1), Military and Police Officers, NBI agents, Presidential Assistants, Judges, Prosecutors and City Hall staffers. (1), Mosieur Charles PASQUA étant Ministre d'État, Ministre de l'Intérieur et de l'Aménagement du Territoire Monsieur Philippe MESTRE étant Ministre des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre (1), P01 Armando Zapra Cayabyab Nov 28, 1994; SP02 Alexander Vidal Terminez Jul 25, 1998; P02 Arsenio Ignas Osorio Jun 16 1999; P02 Antonio Mana-A Botigan May 9, 2002 (1), Restituto T Aquino|Acapito F Aranas|Pablo V Arevalo|Juan E Aprovo|Jose V Arvisu|Ricoberto Atienza|Santiago F Balagot|Jose V Banzon|Carmelo V Barbero|Jorge Barrencoa|Gregorio D Bejasa|Tomas C Benitez|Jose A Bernales|Voleriano A Boroa (1),
inscription:33Felipe Buencamano|Aurelio S Bueno|Teodoro R Buhain|Amado F Cabal|Florentino P Cabrera|Lorenzo B Cammins|Eulocio C Cancio|Ignacio Capiliur|Porfirio P Carandang|Priscilo V Cardenas|Sixto U Carlos|Jose S Dastillo (1), In the fields of Education, Medicine, Engineering, Clergy, Media, Business, Airlines and other endeavours, the leaders in these industries were at one time or another active Braves of the Apache Nation. (1), Monsieur Jacques CHIRAC étant Maire de Paris Monsieur Philippe MASSONI étant Préfet de Police (1),
inscription:42Dedicated to the Apache Elder Braves, Past Chiefs and all Braves. (1), Fred R Castro|Conrado de Castro|Onofre M Casopang (1),
inscription:51The spirit lives on... (1),
inscription:backward4K089|T21 (1), K103|N1 (1), K1512|T14 (1), K|914|M|29 (1),
inscription:en3In behalf of the Republic of the Philippines and its people, a marker was place at the shallowest point of the Philippine Rise as an evidence of our possession and sovereignty of the vast Philippines Sea. (1), Saint Isidore pray for us (1), To the greater glory of God (1),
inscription:es2Dr. José Rizal (1), San Isidro ruega por nosotros (1),
inscription:forward5K089|N10 (1), K103|P1 (1), K1509|DC2 (1), K1512|DC1 (1), K|914|B|6 (1),
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interpolation10even (4), odd (6),
intersection1no (1),
interval647- (1), 00:07:30 (3), 00:08 (3), 00:10 (4), 00:10-00:15 (2), 00:10:00 (3), 00:10;00:15 @ (03:15-04:10) (1), 00:10;00:15 @ (03:30-4:50) (1), 00:11:00 (1), 00:15 (6), 00:15-00:20 (2), 00:15:00 (1), 00:16 (1), 00:20 (14), 00:20-00:30 (1), 00:20:00 (5), 00:29 (1), 00:30 (17), 00:30:00 (13), 00:35:00 (1), 00:40 (2), 00:45-00:50 (2), 00:45:00 (1), 00:50 (2), 00:59 (1), 01:00 (55), 01:00:00 (23), 01:10 (2), 01:20 (2), 01:25 (1), 01:30 (3), 01:30:00 (1), 01:45 (1), 01:53 (1), 02:00 (44), 02:10 (1), 02:13 (1), 02:20 (1), 02:25 (1), 02:30 (1), 02:45 (1), 03:00 (1), 03:22 (1), 03:30 (3), 04:00 (7), 04:05:00 (1), 05:00 (3), 06:00 (3), 06:05:00 (1), 06:10 (1), 06:20 (1), 07:00 (1), 07:25 (1), 07:30 (1), 08:00 (1), 08:25 (1), 09:00:00 (2), 0:30:00 (2), 10 (32), 10:05:00 (1), 10:30 (1), 12 (3), 12 / 15 min (1), 120 (19), 12:00 (1), 12:30 (2), 13:00 (2), 13:30 (1), 14:40 (1), 15 (21), 15:30 (1), 17:00 (1), 18 (1), 18:30 (1), 19:00 (1), 1:05 (1), 1:19 (1), 1:30 (2), 20 (21), 20:00 (8), 22:00 (1), 24:00 (113), 24:00:00 (3), 24:50 (1), 25 (1), 27:00 (2), 28:00 (1), 3 (2), 30 (51), 30:00 (1), 32 (2), 360 (2), 3:00:00 (1), 40 (1), 45 (7), 5 (2), 6 (3), 60 (65), 8 (2), 8 / 13 min (1), daily (3),
interval:conditional6300:10 @ (Mo-Fr 05:55-08:35); 00:20 @ (Sa 06:34 - 07:54); 01:00 @ (Sa-Su,PH 07:54 - 19:54) (1), 00:15 @ (06:08-07:08,16:05-19:05); 00:13 @ (07:08-07:21,13:21-13:34; SH 07:08-07:21); 00:17 @ (13:34-13:51; SH off); 00:14 @ (15:51-16:05); 00:23 @ (19:05-19:28); 01:00 @ (19:28-20:28) (1), 00:15 @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-07:15; Mo-Fr 14:15-14:30; Mo-Fr 15:10-15:40); 00:20 @ (PH 06:00-21:20); 00:25 @ (21:20-21:45); 00:30 @ (21:45-23:45) (1), 00:19 @ (14:09-14:28,16:09-16:28,18:09-18:28); 01:00 @ (13:09-14:09); 01:01 @ (15:08-16:09,17:08-18:09); 00:20 @ (19:08-19:28); 00:58 @ (19:28-20:26) (1), 00:20 @ (Mo-Fr 04:57-00:31); 01:00 @ (Sa 06:34-00:31); 01:00 @ (Dec 28-31 06:34-00:31); 01:00 @ (Mar 29-31 06:34-00:31); 01:00 @ (May 14 06:34-00:31); 01:00 @ (Su 06:34-00:31); 01:00 @ (PH 06:34-00:31); 01:00 @ (Dec 24 06:34-00:31) (1), 00:20 @ (Mo-Fr 05:25-24:00); 01:00 @ (Sa 6:02-24:00); 01:00 @ (Dec 28-31 6:02-24:00); 01:00 @ (Mar 29-31 6:02-24:00); 01:00 @ (May 14 6:02-24:00); 01:00 @ (Su 6:02-24:00); 01:00 @ (PH 6:02-24:00); 01:00 @ (Dec 24 6:02-24:00) (1), 00:20 @ (Mo-Fr 07:25-07:45) (1), 00:20 @ (Mo-Fr 12:35-17:15, PH,Sa,Su 19:55-20:15) (1), 00:20 @ (Mo-Fr 14:40-15:40); 00:20 @ (Mo-Fr 06:40-07:00; SH off) (1), 00:20 @ (Sa 10:39-19:19, Su,PH 10:59-19:19) (1), 00:20 @ (Sa 11:05-20:05, Su,PH 11:01-19:21) (1), 00:21 @ (Sa-Su 06:00-23:35) (1), 00:22 @ (05:38-06:00) (1), 00:23 @ (05:42-06:05); 00:32 @ (06:05-06:37); 00:21 @ (06:56-07:17); 00:42 @ (07:17-07:59) (1), 00:25 @ (Mo-Fr 04:55-05:55); 00:20 @ (Sa 05:20-05:55) (1), 00:27 @ (Mo-Fr 06:19-06:46; Dec 24,Dec 31 off); 00:29 @ (Mo-Fr 18:54-19:23; Dec 24,Dec 31 off); 00:25 @ (Sa 19:59-20:24); 00:32 @ (Dec 24,Dec 31 07:56-08:28, Sa 07:56-08:28); 00:31 @ (Dec 24,Dec 31 08:28-08:59, Sa 08:28-08:59) (1), 00:30 @ (05:46-06:16); 00:28 @ (06:16-06:44); 00:11 @(06:44-06:55); 00:08 @ (07:36-07:44); 00:20 @ (PH,Su 19:48-20:08) (1), 00:30 @ (07:43-16:13); 00:31 @ (05:00-05:31); 00:16 @ (05:46-06:02,18:58-19:14); 00:13 @ (06:02-06:15); 00:14 @ (06:15-06:29,07:29-07:43); 00:19 @ (19:14-19:33); 00:27 @ (19:33-20:00); 00:06 @ (SH 06:59-07:05); 00:09 @ (SH 07:05-07:14) (1), 00:30 @ (Mo-Fr 05:31-20:47, Sa 08:16-19:18; Dec 24,Dec 31 08:16-15:16; PH,Su 06:01-07:01); 00:15 @ (Mo-Fr 20:47-21:01; PH off); 00:20 @ (PH,Su 18:48-19:08; Dec 24,Dec 31 off); 00:40 @ (PH,Su 14:08-14:48,16:08-16:48,18:08-18:48) (1), 00:30 @ (Mo-Su 05:30-06:30, 18:15-23:38) (1), 00:30 @ (Mo-Su 05:30-07:30, 18:15-23:38) (1), 00:30:00 @ (Mo-Fr 05:23-08:53) (1), 00:30:00 @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:30) (1), 00:45:00 @ (Mo-Fr 06:15-09:00); 01:00:00 @ (Mo-Fr 17:40-19:30); 01:00 @ (Sa 08:00-09:00); 01:00 @ (Sa 15:30-19:30) (1), 00:50 @ (07:53-08:43); 01:02 @ (11:43-12:45); 02:00 @ (12:45-18:45); 01:08 @ (18:45-19:53) (1), 00:57 @ (Mo-Fr 20:34-21:31; Dec 24,Dec 31 off, PH off); 00:59 @ (PH,Su 08:31-09:30); 00:58 @ (PH,Su 12:30-13:28); 02:00 @ (PH,Su 13:38-17:38) (1), 01:00 @ (Dec 24,Dec 31 15:26-16:26; PH,Su 08:16-12:16); 02:00 @ (PH,Su 13:28-17:28) (1), 01:00 @ (PH,Mo-Su 22:15-23:15) (1), 01:00:00 @ (Mo-Fr 17:56-22:59; Sa,Su,PH) (1), 01:00:00 @(Su,PH) (1), 01:10 @ (Mo-Su 09:25-11:24); 03:20 @ (Mo-Su 10:35-14:44); 02:30 @ (Mo-Su 13:55-17:14); 50 @ (Mo-Su 17:15-20:24, 19:35-21:14); 02:20 @ (Mo-Su 16:25-18:04); 01:40 @ (Mo-Su 20:25-22:54) (1), 01:10:00 @ (Mo-Fr 05:45-06:55); 01:00:00 @ (Mo-Fr 18:15-20:15); 01:00 @ (Sa 07:45-09:45); 01:00 @ (Sa 15:15-20:15) (1), 01:30 @ (Mo-Su 05:16-07:58, 07:56-10:38); 01:20 @ (Mo-Su 09:26-11:58, 16:46-19:18); 01:00 @ (Mo-Su 15:46-17:58) (1), 01:32 @ (SH 14:46-16:18); 01:39@ (14:46-16:25; SH off); 01:30 @ (SH 16:18-17:48); 01:23 @ (16:25-17:48; SH off) (1), 01:40 @ (Mo-Su 06:42-09:34); 01:20 @ (Mo-Su 09:32-12:24, 15:02-17:34, 18:22-20:54); 01:50 @ (Mo-Su 13:12-16:14); 50 @ (Mo-Su 12:22-14:24, 16:22-18:24) (1), 01:48 @ (07:02-08:50) (1), 02:15 @ (Sa, Dec 24,Dec 31 08:58-11:13) (1), 03:00 @ (Mo-Fr 05:29-08:29) (1), 03:00 @ (Mo-Fr 05:40-08:40) (1), 04:00 @ (Mo-Su 9:46-13:36); 02:40 @ (Mo-Su 12:46-16:16); 50 @ (Mo-Su 15:26-17:06,18:36-20:16); 01:40 @ (Mo-Su 16:16-19:26, 19:26-21:56) (1), 04:13 @ (Sa 09:55-14:08; PH off); 03:48 @ (PH,Su 10:20-14:08); 02:40 @ (PH,Sa,Su 14:08-16:48) (1), 04:59 @ (PH,Su 16:56-21:55); 01:55 @ (PH,Su 21:55-23:50); 08:52 @ (Sa, Dec24,Dec 31 06:48-15;40; PH off); 06:00 @ (Sa, Dec 31 15:40-21:50; PH off) (1), 05:31 @ (Mo-Fr 08:13-13:44; PH,SH off); 04:31 @ (SH Mo-Fr 08:13-12:44; PH, Dec 24,Dec 31 off) (1), 120 @ (Mo-Fr 20:08-22:46; Sa 16:08-18:46; PH,Su 12:08-18:46) (1), 120 @ (PH,Su 11:08-17:48) (1), 120 @ (Sa 06:12-08:27) (1), 120 @ (Sa 16:07-18:46; PH,Su 12:07-18:46) (1), 120 @ (Sa 16:56-19:46; PH,Su 10:56-19:46) (1), 1:21 @ (Mo-Fr 13:11-15:57) (1), 24:00 @ (SH 00:00-24:00) (1), 24:00 @ (SH Mo-Fr, Sa) (1), 2:15 @ Sa 06:00-17:00 (1), 30 @ (21:00-24:00) (2), 30 @ (Mo-Fr 20:40-23:10; Sa 05:05-07:35,14:10-23:40; Su,PH 12:40-18:40); 60 @ (Su,PH 06:40-12:40,18:40-22:40) (1), 30 @ (Su); 30 @ (Mo-Sa 06:00-07:00); 30 @ (Sa 07:00-08:00) (1), 30 @ 18:00-24:00; 30 @ PH,Sa-Su (1), 31 @ (Mo-Fr 08:03-08:34; Dec 24,Dec 31 08:01-08:32, Sa 08:01-08:32); 28 @ (Mo-Fr 08:34-09:02; Dec 24,Dec 31 off); 32 @ (Mo-Fr 19:32-20:04; PH off); 29 @ (Dec 24,Dec 31 08:32-09:01, Sa 08:32-09:01); 02:00 @ (PH,Su 14:28-18:28); 01:00 @ (PH,Su 18:28-19:28) (1), 45 @ 18:50-19:35; 60 @ PH,Sa-Su; 60 @ Mo-Fr 19:35-24:00 (1), 60 @ (Mo-Fr 05:54-08:46) (1), 60 @ (Mo-Fr 06:01-07:46; SH Mo-Fr 06:01-07:46) (1), 60 @ (Su); 30 @ (Sa 06:10-8:28) (1), 7 @ (Sa-Su 06:00-24:00); 15 @ (Mo-Su 00:00-01:30) (1),
interval:evening28- (5), 0 (1), 00:15:00 (3), 10 (1), 15 (5), 20 (3), 30 (8), 60 (2),
interval:holiday260 (2),
interval:midday810 (1), 20 (7),
interval:night420 (2), 30 (2),
interval:note22 Züge im 2h-Takt am späten Nachmittag bzw. abends (1), daily (1),
interval:peak230 (1), 00:05:00 (1), 00:06:00 (2), 15 (2), 20 (3), 30 (5), 5 (4), 6 (4), 7 (1),
interval:saturday710 (2), 15 (2), 30 (3),
interval:saturday:night130 (1),
interval:sunday15- (1), 00:10:00 (2), 00:15:00 (1), 11 (1), 15 (2), 20 (3), 30 (3), 60 (2),
interval:sunday:night130 (1),
interval:weekend19- (4), 0 (1), 10 (1), 120 (2), 20 (1), 30 (4), 60 (3), 7 (1), 8 (2),
interval:weekend:night120 (1),
iof2open_land (2),
irrigated10no (4), yes (6),
irrigation1381no (1), pivot (6), y (14), yes (1360),
is_capital3country (3),
is_in2727166 Zone 15;Manila (1), 184 Zone 16;Manila (1), 383 Zone 39;Manila (1), 432;Sampaloc;Manila (1), 608 (1), 638;San Miguel;Manila (1), 642 Zone 66;Quiapo;Manila (1), 646/647 Zone 67;Manila (1), 684, Zone 74;Paco;Manila (1), 701, Zone 77;Malate;Manila (1), 733, Zone 80;Malate;Manila (1), 750, Zone 80;Malate;Manila (1), 794, Zone 87;Paco;Manila (1), 822, Zone 89;Paco;Manila (1), 83-A, Burayan;Tacloban (1), 833;Pandacan;Manila (1), 895, Zone 99;Santa Ana;Manila City (1), ;Manila (1), ;Sultan Naga Dimapora (1), A. Ricardo;Bagac (1), Abangay;Dingle (1), Abgao;Maasin (1), Abo-abo;Espanola (1), Abulalas;Hagonoy (2), Acedera;Bobon (1), Aclan;Nasipit (2), Addition Hills;Mandaluyong (1), Addition Hills;San Juan (1), Addition Hills;San Juan City;Metro Manila;Philippines (1), Addition Hills;San Juan, Metro Manila (1), Afga;Sibagat (1), Aganan;Pavia (2), Agban;Baras (1), Agboy Sur;Leon (1), Agboy;Leon (1), Agdao District (2), Agkawayan;Looc (1), Agnocnoc;Ferrol (1), Aguisan;Himamayland (1), Agusan;Cagayan de Oro (2), Akle;San Ildefonso (1), Alab Oriente (1), Alabang Town Center (2), Alag;Baco (1), Alang-Alang;Ramon Magsaysay (1), Albano;Dingras (1), Alga;Catarman (1), Alijis;Bacolod (1), Alimodias;Miagao (1), Almanza Uno;Las Piñas (1), Almeida;Luna (1), Alo-o;Umingan (1), Amambucale, Marabut, Samar (1), Ambago;Butuan City (1), Amerang;Cabatuan (1), Amoslog;Placer (1), Amparo;Macrohon (1), Ampid 1;San Mateo (1), Ampid;San Mateo, Rizal (1), Amtsbezirk Burgdorf,Bern;Berne,Schweiz,Europe (1), Amungan;Iba (1), Anahaw;Labo (1), Anas;Valencia (2), Anchorage, AK (1), Andabuen;Benito Soliven (1), Anhawon;Panay (1), Anislag;Maribojoc (1), Anito;Mambajao (1), Antipolo (17), Anyatam;San Ildefonso (3), Apache, AZ (1), Apad;Jomalig (1), Apalit;Pampanga;Philippines (1), Apenburg-Winterfeld,Altmarkkreis Salzwedel,Sachsen-Anhalt,Bundesrepublik Deutschland,Europe (1), Apo-apo;Cabangan (1), Aporawan;Aborlan (1), Arado;Palo (1), Aras-asan;Hamtic (1), Armado;Abra De Ilog (1), Armado;Mamburao (1), Armstrong,Pennsylvania,Pa.,PA,USA (1), Asinan Poblacion;Subic (1), Asisig;San Enrique (1), Assumption (1), Atilano Ricardo;Bagac (1), Atka Bay,Antarctica (1), Atlag;Malolos (3), Auckland (1), Aurenina Village;Parañaque (1), Azagra;San Fernando (1), BF International Village;Las Piñas (1), Baan;Butuan (1), Babangonan;Victoria (1), Bacalan;Sebaste (1), Bacong-bacong;Gasan (1), Bacong;Babatngon (1), Bacoor, Cavite (1), Baculod;Ilagan (1), Bacungan;Puerto Princesa (2), Bad-as;Placer (1), Badiangon;Hinunangan (1), Baesa;Quezon City (15), Bag-ong Lungsod;Tandag (1), Bagac (1), Bagacay;Pototan (1), Bagacay;San Miguel (1), Bagacay;Tacloban (2), Bagahanglad;San Jacinto (1), Bagatayam;Sogod (1), Bagbag;Quezon City (6), Baggao;Cagayan;Philippines (1), Bagong Lipunan ng Crame;Quezon City (1), Bagong SIlangan;Quezon City (1), Bagong Silang;Barangay 176;Caloocan (1), Bagong Silang;Mandaluyong (1), Bagong Silang;Quezon City (1), Bagong Silangan;Quezon City (20), Bagroy;Binalbagan (2), Bagting;Dapitan City (1), Baguingin;Tigbauan (1), Bagumbayan Sur;Naga (1), Bagumbayan-Ilahas;Alimodian (1), Bagumbayan;Legazpi (2), Bagumbayan;Pilar;Bohol;Philippines (1), Bagumbayan;Roxas (2), Bagumbayan;Taguig (1), Bagumbayan;Tanauan (1), Bahay Pare;Meycauayan (3), Bahay Toro;Quezon City (4), Bajada (2), Bakir;Bagabag (1), Balabag;Pavia;Iloilo (1), Balagtas;Batangas (1), Balanga (16), Balatas;Naga (1), Balatong;Laoag City (1), Balbagon;Mambajao (1), Baldoza;Lapaz (1), Baliangao;Misamis Occidental (1), Balic;Cabatuan (1), Balili;Iba (1), Balimbingan;Labangan (1), Balintawak;Lipa (1), Balitang;Boljoon (1), Baloganon;Masinloc (1), Balongating;Guipos (2), Baluan (1), Balumbato;Quezon City (1), Balungay;Alabat (1), Balut (1), Balzain;Tuguegarao City (1), Bambang;Taguig (1), Banaba;San Mateo (7), Banaba;San Mateo, Rizal (1), Banago;Bacolod (1), Banaoang;Bagac (1), Banawang;Bagac (1), Bancalaan;Balabac (1), Bancasi;Butuan (1), Banga Ⅰ;Plaridel (1), Banga-an;Sultan Naga Dimaporo (1), Bangan-Oda;Agno (2), Bangantalinga;Iba (1), Bangkal (10), Bangkerohan;Catarman N. Samar (1), Bangkerohan;Ipil (1), Bangkulasi;Navotas (1), Bangon;Odiongan (1), Bani;Rosario (2), Banigan;Liloy (1), Banilad (1), Banilad,Cebu,Philippines (2), Banilad; Cebu; Philippines (1), Banilad;Cebu City;Philippines (1), Bankerohan (1), Bantayan;Dumaguete City (1), Bantayan;Kabankalan City (1), Bantog, Stio Aragaag;Asingan (1), Banza, Butuan, Agusan del Norte, PH (1), Baracayo (1), Baragay 282;Barangay 287;San Nicolas;Bindondo;Manila (1), Barangay 101;Manila (2), Barangay 12 San Isidro; Laoag (1), Barangay 129;Manila (1), Barangay 12;Barangay 13;Laoag (1), Barangay 159;Caloocan City (1), Barangay 160;Caloocan (1), Barangay 166;Caloocan (2), Barangay 167;Caloocan (6), Barangay 169;Llano;Caloocan (1), Barangay 170;Deparo;Caloocan (1), Barangay 175;Caloocan (1), Barangay 175;Camarin;Caloocan (6), Barangay 177;Caloocan (3), Barangay 179;Caloocan (1), Barangay 180;Caloocan (2), Barangay 181;Caloocan (1), Barangay 182;Caloocan (2), Barangay 185;Caloocan City (2), Barangay 187;Caloocan (1), Barangay 18;Legazpi City (1), Barangay 275;San Nicolas;Manila (1), Barangay 282;Bindondo;Manila (1), Barangay 292;Manila (1), Barangay 33;Caloocan (1), Barangay 384;Manila (1), Barangay 3;Romblon (1), Barangay 420;Sampaloc;Manila (1), Barangay 46;Pasay (1), Barangay 51;Pasay (1), Barangay 662, Zone 71;Manila (1), Barangay 671;Paco;Manila (1), Barangay 789;Manila (1), Barangay 800;Malate;Manila (1), Barangay 848;Zone 92;Manila (1), Barangay 87;Malabon (1), Barangay 891;Barangay 894;Manila City (1), Barangay 93;Manila (1), Barangay Dimaluna (2), Barangay Uno;Santa Maria (1), Barangay № 156;Pasay City (1), Barangay № 1;Bais (1), Barangay № 23;Gingoog (1), Barangay Ⅰ;Daet (1), Barangay Ⅰ;Himamaylan (1), Barangay Ⅰ;Himamaylan City (1), Barangay Ⅱ;Daet (1), Barangka Ibaba;Mandaluyong (1), Barangka Ilaya;Mandaluyong (1), Barangobong;Tayug (1), Barong-barong;Brooke's Point (1), Barotuan;El Nido (1), Barurao Ⅰ;Lebak (1), Barurao Ⅱ;Lebak (1), Barutuan;El Nido, Palawan (2), Baruya (1), Baruyen;Bangui (1), Basak;Talakag (1), Basiao;Ivisan (1), Basilan (1), Basud;San Isidro (1), Batangan;Bulalacao (1), Batasan Hills;Quezon City (17), Bato;Borongan (1), Bato;Sagay City (1), Batuan (2), Batuan;Pototan (1), Bautzen,Dresden,Sachsen,Bundesrepublik Deutschland,Europe (1), Bauyan;Sulta Naga Dimaporo (1), Bawo;Sogod;Cebu (1), Bawod;San Isidro (1), Bayag Sur;Leon (2), Bayanihan;Gapan (1), Bayugan 3;Rosario (2), Bañadero;Mobo (1), Benoni;Mahinog (1), Berinayan;Laurel (1), Berks,Pennsylvania,Pa.,PA,USA (1), Berong;Quezon (1), Besao (14), Besigan;Cagayan de Oro (1), Bgy. Sta. Lucia;Puerto Princesa (1), Biasong;Talisay (2), Biayon;Sergio Osmeña, Sr. (1), Bical;Munoz (1), Bignay;Valenzuela (2), Bila (1), Binabag;Bogo City (1), Binacag;Banna (1), Binahaan;Pagbilao (1), Binanuahan;Bato (1), Bingawan;Lambunao (1), Binitayan;Daraga (1), Bintuan;Coron (1), Binuangan Barangay;Isabela City (1), Binucayan;Loreto (4), Binudac;Culion (1), Binukawan;Bagac (1), Binuntucan;Pontevedra;Capiz (3), Bislig;Tanauan (1), Bitadton Norte;Culasi (1), Bitadton;Culasi (1), Bitas;Cabanatuan City (1), Bito-on;Jaro (1), Bito-on;Jaro;Iloilo (1), Bitoon;Jaro (1), Bo-oy;Tagbilaran (2), Bo. Pampanga (2), Boblaran;Arteche (1), Bobo-bono;Bataraza (1), Bocohan;Lucena City (1), Bodega;Floridablanca (1), Bohol, Philippines (1), Bolisong;Kinoguitan (1), Bolo Bolo;El Salvador (1), Boloc-boloc;Poblacion;Mambajao (3), Bolong;Zamboanga City (1), Bongao;Tawi-Tawi (1), Bongon;Tabuelan (1), Bongtud;Tandag (1), Bonifacio;Surigao City (1), Bonot;Legazpi City (1), Bonuan Gueset;Dagupan City (1), Botocan;Quezon City (2), Botolan (1), Boundary Poblacion & Tandayag;Amlan (1), Boundary;Sapang Dalaga (1), Boundary;Tubigon (1), Brgy Cabitaugan Cawag, Subic Zambales (1), Brgy. Bagumbayan (1), Brgy. Poblacion № 1;Real, Quezon (1), Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo City (1), British Columbia (2), Buboy;Magdalena (4), Buboy;Pagsanjan (6), Bucao;Botolan (1), Bucloc (3), Buenavista;Jaro (2), Buenavista;Magdalena (1), Buenavista;Padre Burgos (1), Bueno;Mangatarem (1), Bug-ang;Sagay (1), Bug-ang;Toboso (1), Buga;Libon (1), Bugayong;Binalonan (1), Bugnay;Jordan (1), Bugo;Cagayan de Oro (2), Buhangin (4), Buhangin;Baler (1), Buhatan;Sorsogon City (1), Buhay;Siniloan (1), Buhilit;Tarlac (1), Bukal;Jomalig (2), Bula;Mambusao (1), Bulacao;Talisay (2), Bulanos;Narvacan (1), Buli;Pinamalayan (1), Bulua;Cagayan De Oro (1), Bunawan;Calamba (1), Bunga;Don Salvador Benedicto (1), Buntatala (1), Buntay;Tanauan (2), Buntis;Pantabangan (1), Buntun;Tuguegarao City (1), Buso-buso;Lavigan;Governor Generoso (1), Buswang New;Kalibo (1), Buting;Pasig (2), Buting;Pateros (1), Cabacungan (1), Cabadiangan;Himamaylan (1), Cabalagnan;Nueva Valencia (2), Cabanban;Magdalena (3), Cabanban;Pagsanjan (25), Cabantian (1), Cabasi;Guimbal (1), Cabatoan;Palapag (1), Cabay;Balangkayan (1), Cabcaben;Mariveles (2), Cabilauan;New Lucena (1), Cabog-cabog;Balanga (1), Cabug;Bacolod City (1), Cabug;Medina (1), Cabugao;Bato (1), Cabugao;Coron (1), Cabugao;Panay,Capiz (1), Cabulay;Santiago (2), Cadayonan;Pantar (1), Cadiz (1), Cadre;Balanga (1), Caduawan;Tabogon;Cebu (1), Cagamutan Norte;Leganes (1), Cagayan de Oro;Misamis Oriental (2), Cagbang;Oton (1), Caingin;Iloilo City (2), Cainta;Rizal (2), Calabuanan;Baler (1), Calacas;Siayan (1), Calagbangan;Sipocot (1), Calaitan;Bayugan (1), Calajunan, Mandurriao - Pakiad, Oton;Mandurriao/Oton (1), Calajunan;Oton (1), Calanasan (1), Calanggaman;Ubay (1), Calasaguen;Brooke’s Point (1), Calategas;Narra (2), Calauag;Naga (1), Calayo;Nasugbu (1), Cali;Dumangas (1), Calian;Lilo-an (1), Caliban;Murcia (2), Calicanto, Batangas City (1), Calindagan;Dumaguete City (1), Calinog;Calinog (1), Calitan;Panay (1), Callios;Santa Cruz (1), Calog;Concepcion (1), Caloocan (4), Calunasan;Calape (1), Calzada;Taguig (1), Camarin;Caloocan (1), Camayaan;Cortes (1), Cambajao;Cajidiocan (1), Cambitala;Pantabangan (1), Camella North Springville;Molino Ⅲ;Bacoor (3), Cameroun (1), Camiling (1), Camingawan;Kabankalan City (1), Camiri;San Enrique (1), Camotes (3), Camp № 1;Tuba (1), Campalanas;Lazi (1), Campo Islam;Zamboanga City (1), Campong;Pantar (1), Canamucan;Compostela (1), Cancohoy;Del Carmen (1), Canding;Maasin;San ClementeTarlac (1), Canduyucan;San Sebastian (1), Caningay;Candoni (1), Canlalay;Biñan (1), Canlawis;Pintuyan (1), Canlupao;Tomas Oppus (1), Canmanila;Basey (1), Canomantag;Barugo (1), Cansaga;Consolacion;Cebu (1), Cantacoyan;Tabuelan (1), Cantam-is;Loon (1), Canubay;Oroquieta City (1), Canumay;Malitbog (1), Capaclan;Romblon (1), Capacuhan;Calbayog (1), Capayang;Mogpog (1), Carael;Botolan (1), Caraycaray;San Miguel (1), Carcar (1), Caridad Sur;Matalom (1), Carillo;Hagonoy;Bulacan (1), Caritan;Tuguegarao City (1), Carmarthenshire,Wales,UK (1), Carmen, Davao Del Norte (1), Carmen;Cagayan de Oro (2), Casapa;Calbayog (1), Casinglot;Tagoloan (2), Catablan;Urdaneta (1), Catalunan Grande (2), Catalunan Pequeño (2), Cataning;Balanga (4), Catarman;Liloan (2), Catmon Daan;Catmon (1), Catmon;Malabon (2), Catmon;Tabango (1), Cavite South District (1), Cawacat;Bulalacao (1), Cayponse;Balayan (1), Cayubog, Paoay, Ilocos Norte (1), Cebu, Philippines (3), Cental;Ajuy (1), Central Phase 2;Molino Ⅲ;Bacoor (1), Centro Napu;Tudela (2), Centro Norte;Culasi (2), Centro Norte;Pandan (1), Centro Oriental;Polangui (1), Centro Ⅰ;Orani (1), Cerritos Terraces;Camella Homes Daang Hari;Molino IV;Bacoor (1), Cigaras;Magdalena (1), Ciudad Real;San Jose Del Monte (1), Clark Freeport Zone (1), Cocob;Gutalac (1), Cogon Pardo:Cebu City (1), Cogon;Gubat (1), Cogon;Prieto Diaz (1), Cogon;Tuburan;Cebu (1), Coliling;San Carlos City (1), Colongolo;Surallah (2), Colupan;Sinacaban (1), Combado (1), Combado;Maasin (1), Cometa;Quezon (1), Commonwealth;Quezon City (8), Concepcion Grande;Naga (6), Concepcion Pequeña;Naga (1), Concepcion:Naga (3), Concepcion;Lubao (2), Concepcion;Malabon (1), Concepcion;Valencia (1), Consuelo;Cantilan (1), Coquitlam,British Columbia (3), Cornwall, England, UK (1), Coron, Palawan, PH (1), Cota Na Daco;Gubat (1), Cotcot;Lilo-an (1), Cruzada;Legazpi (1), Culaman;Jose Abad Santos (1), Culasi (1), Culasi;Roxas (1), Culiat;Quezon City (3), Cumba;Lipa (1), Cupang;Antipolo (7), Cupang;Balanga (1), Curva (1), Cut-Cut 1st;Capas (2), Cutcutan;Valencia (1), Cuyambay;Rizal (1), Cuyapa;Gabaldon (1), Daanbantayan (4), Daanglungsod;Katipunan (1), Daanlungsod;Bato (1), Dacutan;Dumangas (1), Dacuton;Dumarao (1), Daga;Cadiz (2), Dagbasan:Mabinay (1), Daguioman (4), Daguit;Labo (1), Dagum;Calbayog (1), Dakit;San Francisco (1), Dakit;Sogod;Cebu (1), Dalandanan;Valenzuela (1), Dalisay;Aloran (1), Damayan;Quezon City (1), Damosa Gateway (1), Dampalit;Malabon (2), Dampay;Iba (1), Dancar;Danao (1), Dao-an;San Miguel (1), Dapdap;Alangalang (1), Datag;Larena (1), Davao del Sur (1), Dawatan;San Enrique (1), Dawis;Bayawan (1), Dawis;Tandag (1), Dayangdang;Naga City (2), Dayao;Mandaon (1), Decalachao, Busuanga, Palawan, PH (18), Del Carmen;Sagnay (1), Del Monte;Talacogon (4), Del Pilar;Castillejos (1), Dela Paz;Pasig (1), Delusom;Leon B. Postigo (1), Deparo;Caloocan (1), Desamparados;Jaro;Iloilo (1), Dinaga;Naga (1), Dinahican;Infanta;Quezon (1), Diocese of Imus (5), Dioyo;Sapang Dalaga (1), Dipaculao (1), Dirita;San Antonio (1), Disakan;Manukan (1), District 5;Barugo (1), District Iii;Babatngon (1), District № 1;Babatngon (1), Divisoria;Cawayan (1), Divisoria;Zamboanga (2), Diwa;Layang;Pilar (1), Diwa;Pilar (1), Dohinob Dacu;Roxas (1), Dohinob Diut;Roxas (1), Dolores (3), Dolores;City Of San Fernando (1), Dolores;San Fernando (2), Dolores;Taytay;Rizal (1), Domoit;Lucena (1), Don Bosco;Parañaque (1), Don Domingo Maddela;Bayombong (1), Don Mariano;Lupon;Davao del Norte;Philippines (1), Douglas Lake,British Columbia (3), Dugo-an;Dumanjug (1), Dulapo;Oroquieta City (1), Dulong;Libertad (1), Dumingag (1), Dumoy (1), Dungsol;Pototan (1), Dupac;Asingan (2), Duran;Dumalag (2), Düdingen,Bezirk Sense,Fribourg;Freiburg,Schweiz;Suisse;Switzerland;CH,Europe (1), Dąbrowa Górnicza, gmina Miasto Dąbrowa Górnicza, powiat dąbrowa górnicza, województwo śląskie, Poland (1), Eastern Cape, South Africa (1), Eastville Filinvest, Cainta, Rizal (2), Eislingen/Fils (2), El Paso, TX (1), Elvita;Narra (1), Ermita;Pasil;Suba;Duljo-Fatima;Cebu (1), Esperanza;Culasi (1), Essex, England, UK (1), Estanza;Legazpi (1), Everly Hills Subdivision (1), Executive 2 Annex;Molino Ⅳ;Bacoor (1), Fairview;Quezon City (1), Fatima;Liloy (1), Felsted (1), Feucht (2), Fortune;Marikina (3), Foz;Dingras (1), Fribourg;Freiburg,District de la Sarine;Bezirk Saane,Fribourg;Freiburg,Fribourg,Schweiz,Europe (2), Gabi;Cordova;Cebu (5), Gabriela Silang;Diffun (2), Gana;Caba (1), Gango;Jomalig (2), Gatas;Kalawit (1), General T. De Leon;Valenzuela (3), General T. de Leon;Valenzuela (3), Gerongan;Lemery (1), Geroskipou (1), Gescher,Kreis Borken,Regierungsbezirk Münster,Nordrhein-Westfalen,Bundesrepublik Deutschland,Europe (1), Gibon;Nabas (1), Gimangpang;Initao (2), Gimaylan;Libertad (1), Ginatilan (1), Glenside,South Australia,Australia (1), Gmunden,Gmunden,Oberösterreich,Österreich, Europe (1), Gogon;Virac (1), Golden Acres;Talon Uno;Las Piñas (1), Goleo;Sindangan (1), Gonzales;Umingan (1), Graceville;San Jose Del Monte (6), Graceville;San Jose del Monte (1), Grand Forks,British Columbia (1), Greater Lagro;Quezon City (1), Guadalupe Nuevo;Makati City (1), Guadalupe;Cebu (1), Guadalupe;Coron (1), Guimbal;Compostela (1), Guinhawa;Quezon (1), Guinsay;Danao City (1), Guiuan (1), Guiwan;Zamboanga City (1), Guiwan;Zamboanga Del Sur (1), Guiwanon;Baclayon (1), Gulod;Quezon City (3), Gusa;Cagayan de Oro (2), Guyong;Santa Maria (1), Habay;San Francisco (1), Hacienda Maria;San Isidro (1), Had. Maria;San Isidro (2), Hagan;Bongabong (1), Hagonoy;Taguig (2), Halayhayin;Siniloan (1), Hanawan;Ocampo (1), Hawkes Bay, North Island, New Zealand (1), Hañib;Basco (1), Hibaiyo;Guihulngan (1), Himamaylan City (1), Hinaplanon;Iligan (2), Hipona;Pontevedra (1), Holy Spirit;Quezon City (3), Hotel Elena (1), Hubangon;Mahinog (2), Hulo;Mandaluyong (1), Hải Phòng,Vietnam (1), Iba;Basey (1), Ibayo Tipas;Ligid Tipas;Taguig (1), Ibayo Tipas;Taguig (1), Ibayo;Balanga (1), Ichon;Macrohon (1), Igang;Nueva Valencia (1), Igbaras;Iloilo (1), Igcawayan;San Lorenzo (1), Igdanlog;T. Fornier (1), Igpaho;Tubungan (3), Igpit;Opol (2), Igtambo;San Miguel (1), Igtuble;Tubungan (1), Ilaud;Inambacan (1), Ilawod Proper;Mambusao (1), Ilaya;Dapitan City (1), Ili Norte;San Juan (1), Imba;Caluya (1), Imelda;Villanueva (1), Importante;Tibiao (1), Inabuan;San Francisco (1), Inaquigan;Bingawan (1), Inarawan;Antipolo (3), Indiana,Pennsylvania,Pa.,PA,USA (1), Iniguihan;Tomas Oppus (1), Initao (1), Inocencio;Trece Martirez (4), Inogbong;Bataraza (1), Ipil;Magdiwang (1), Ipil;Ormoc City (2), Iponan;Cagayan de Oro (2), Iraq , جمهورية العراق (1), Iraray;Espanola (1), Irasan;Roxas (1), Irawan;Puerto Princesa (4), Iriron;Calintaan (1), Iron,Missouri,Mo.,MO,USA (1), Isabela;Basilan (1), Isian;Leon (1), Isumbo;Espanola (1), Iwahig;Puerto Princesa (1), Jagupit;Santiago (1), Jalaud Norte;Zarraga (1), Jalaud;Barotac Nuevo (1), Jaliobong;Kitcharao (1), Jamorawon;Milagros (2), Jampason;Initao (1), Jaro;Iloilo (2), Jaro;Iloilo City;Philippines (1), Jelicuon Montinola;Cabatuan (1), Jilocon;San Jose (1), Jolongajog;Pontevedra;Capiz (1), Jose Abad Santos, Catarman, Northern Samar (1), Josefina (1), Jovellar;Igbaras (1), Juangon;Malitbog (1), Jubay;Liloan (1), Jyväskylä;Finland (2), Kabulakan;Santa Catalina (1), Kalawaan;Pasig (1), Kalawag № 2;Isulan (1), Kaligayan;Quezon City (13), Kamuning;Quezon City (1), Karangalan Village;Manggahan:Pasig (1), Karuhatan;Valenzuela (1), Katagahan-Tamisu;Bais (1), Katuparan;Hagonoy;Taguig (1), Kauswagan, Cabuan;Guinsiliban (1), Kayapa;Bakun (1), Kayhakat;Santa Maria (1), Kaypian;San Jose Del Monte (3), Kaypian;San Jose del Monte (6), Kayumanggi;Lipa (6), Kayvaluganan;Basco (1), Kent, England, UK (1), Kingking;Pantukan (2), Kipit;Labason (1), La Paz (1), La Perla;Lao-ang (1), Laak;Compostela Valley (1), Laaw;Borbon;Cebu (1), Labnig;Talacogon (1), Labo;Aloran (1), Labogon,Mandaue,Cebu,Philippines (1), Lagtang;Talisay;Cebu;Philippines (1), Lahug;Cebu;Philippines (1), Lal-lo (5), Lalao;Malabuyoc (1), Lamac;Consolacion (3), Lamao;Limay (1), Lamoro;El Nido, Palawan (2), Lanag;Leon (1), Lanang (8), Landa;Tagaloan (1), Landy;Sta. Cruz (1), Langatian;Roxas (1), Langogan;Puerto Princesa (1), Lantangan;Pontevedra,Capiz (1), Lanutan;Miag-ao (1), Laon;Mogpog (1), Lapinig;Balingoan (1), Las Piñas (5), Lawa;Meycauayan (3), Lawan;Alcantara (1), Lawigan;Catarman (2), Lawis;Bo-oy;Tagbilaran (1), Lawis;Candelaria (1), Lawis;Inabanga (1), Layugan;Pagsanjan (2), Legaspi;Alegria (1), Legayada;Lambunao (1), Legazpi (1), Lemery;Calatrava (1), Lerma;Naga (1), Liangan;Bacolod (2), Libaong (1), Liboron;Calape (1), Liboton;Naga (3), Libtong;Tagudin (1), Lico-lico;Siaton (1), Lictin;San Andres (1), Licuan-Baay (1), Liebschützberg (1), Lilo-an;Cebu (2), Limon Norte;Looc (2), Limon Sur;Looc (1), Limpapa;Zamboanga City (1), Lina-on;Kabankalan (1), Linatiran;Panay (1), Lingayao;Las Nieves (1), Lingayon;Alang-Alang (1), Lipa;Batangas (1), Lipakan;Salug (1), Lipata;Surigao City (1), Lipay;Santa Cruz (1), Lipras;Manukan (1), Lisap;Bongabong (2), Little Baguio;San Fernando (1), Lizada (2), Loboc-Lapuz;Iloilo (1), Loboc;La Paz (1), Loma de Gato;Marilao (17), Loma de Gato;Meycauayan (1), Longos;Cabangan (1), Loob;Mataasnakahoy (1), Looc;Catarman (1), Looc;Nasugbu (1), Look;Tomas Oppus (1), Loon,Bohol,Philippines (1), Lope De Vega (1), Loreto,Dinagat Islands,Philippines (1), Los Angeles;Butuan (2), : 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">Loudoun,Virginia,Va.,VA,USA (1)
, Lower Disakan;Manukan (1), Loyola Heights;Quezon City (1), Loñgos;Kalayaan (1), Lubigan;San Jose (1), Lubo;Sogod;Cebu (1), Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines (1), Lumbad;Dingras (1), Luna;Cadiz (1), Luna;La Union (1), Lunas;Looc (1), Lunotan;Gingoog City (1), Lupig;Santa Rita (1), Lupon;Davao Oriental (1), Lusong;San Agustin (1), Luy-a;Aroroy (2), Luyang;Carmen (1), M.J. Santos;Butuan (1), Maa (4), Maac;Guinsiliban (1), Maanas;Medina (1), Maasim;San Rafael (2), Maasin;Aborlan (1), Maasin;Brooke's Point (1), Mabalodbalod;Tigaon (1), Mabilo;Kalibo (1), Mabini (2), Mabolo;Valenzuela (1), Macaas;Tubigon (1), Macabug;Ormoc (1), Macagtas;Catarman (1), Mackinac,Michigan,Mich.,MI,USA (1), Madalag;Alcantara (1), Madaymen;Kibungan (1), Mag-Ata;Tomas Oppus (1), Mag-alambac;Dalaguete (1), Magapa;Janiuay (1), Magaud;Loreto (1), Magpet (13), Magsa-ubay;Daanbantayan (1), Magsaysay;Bagamanoc (1), Magsaysay;Sta. Rita (1), Magta-on;Mapanas (1), Magtalisay;Balud;San Fernando;Cebu;Central Visayas;Philippines (1), Magting;Mambajao (1), Mahabang Parang;Angono (2), Mahayahay;Iligan (2), Mainit;Perez (1), Makati;Metro Manila;Luzon;Philippines (1), Mala Salug;Sapad (1), Malabuhan;Siaton (1), Malacampa;Camiling (1), Malag-it;Pontevedra (1), Malaga;Calbayog (1), Malakdang;Sabtang (2), Malamig;Bustos (2), Malatap;Labo (1), Malatgao;Narra (2), Malaya;Pililla (1), Malayu-An;Ajuy (1), Maligaya;Bahay Toro;Quezon City (1), Maligaya;Mariveles (1), Malihud;Bataraza (1), Malinta;Masbate (1), Malis;Brooke's Point (1), Malubi;Aroroy (1), Mambajao;Maasin (1), Mamberanan;Bingawan (1), Mambog;Botolan (1), Mambog;Oton (1), Man-up;Altavas (1), Manalongon;Santa Catalina (1), Manalongon;Sta. Catalina (1), Manawan;Jose Dalman (1), Manay (1), Manaybanay;Mapanas (3), Mandaluyong;Metro Manila (1), Mandiclum;Caramoan (1), Mandurriao;Iloilo City (1), Mandurriao;Iloilo City;Philippines (1), Mangato East;Laoag City (1), Manggahan;Pasig (1), Manggalang Bantilan;Sariaya (1), Mangingisda;Puerto Princesa (1), Mangiskis;Gingoog City (1), Manicahan;Zamboanga City (2), Manicla;San Jose City (1), Manil;Leon B. Postigo (1), Manila (2), Manila, Philippines (1), Maninang;Sapi-an (1), Maningding-Ventinilla;Sta Barbara (1), Manlabong;Prieto Diaz (2), Manlipac;Bais (1), Mansaya;La Paz (1), Mantuyop;Siaton (1), Manudoc;Napsan;Puerto Princesa (1), Manukan West;Manukan (1), Manunca;Santa Rita (1), Manuyo Dos;Las Piñas (3), Mapaya;San Jose (1), Marabut (1), Marangas;Bataraza (1), Maravilla;Tabuelan (2), Maresco Ville 2;Sabang;Pagsanjan (11), Marikina Heights;Marikina (1), Marikina;Metro Manila (1), Marilao (1), Marinawa;Bato (1), Marufinas;Puerto Princesa (3), Marulas;Valenzuela (2), Masagaosao;Kawayan (1), Masantol (1), Masi;Santa Teresita (1), Masimag;Don Carlos (1), Maslog;Danao City (1), Mat-i;Claveria (1), Matab-ang;Talisay (2), Matag-ob;Janiuay (1), Matandang Balara;Quezon City (4), Matara District; Southern Province;Sri Lanka (1), Matarik;Barangay 175;Caloocan (1), Matina (2), Matina Aplaya (2), Matinau (1), Maug;Prosperidad (1), Maulawin;Pagsanjan (1), Mauritius (1), Mayamot;Antipolo (3), Mayana;Jagna (1), Mayanga Island (1), Maytalang Ⅰ;Primera Parang;Lumban (1), Maño (1), Medellin (1), Medina;San Carlos City (1), Mendiola;Siniloan (1), Merville Country Club (1), Merville Park Subdivision (2), Meyto;Calumpit (1), Mialen;Clarin (2), Milanid;Leon B. Postigo (1), Minabel;Calayan (1), Minang;Roxas (1), Minapasok;Calatrava (1), Mindoro (1), Miniloc;El Nido;Palawan (3), Miputak;Dipolog City (1), Moalong;Loon (2), Mohon;Sogod;Cebu (2), Molave (1), Molina;Tubungan (1), Molino III;Bacoor (3), Molino IV;Bacoor (2), Molino Ⅲ;Bacoor (3), Molino Ⅳ;Bacoor (2), Molino Ⅶ;Bacoor (2), Molos;Tampilisan (1), Molum;Lapuyan (1), Monroe,Michigan,Mich.,MI,USA (1), Montaneza;Malabuyoc (1), Montible;Puerto Princesa (2), Moonwalk:Parañaque (2), Motibot;Jose Dalman (1), Motorpool;Tubod (1), Mulawin;Orani (1), Muntinlupa (1), Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, Philippines (5), Murtha;San Jose (1), Muñoz;Siayan;Zamboanga del Norte;Philippines (1), NCR (1), Nabao;Cabanatuan City (1), Nabitasan;Leganes (1), Nabuhay;Uson (1), Nabunturan;Compostela Valley (1), Naga City Subdivision;Triangulo (4), Nagbalaye;Santa Catalina (2), Nagbalayong;Morong (6), Nagbunga;Castillejos (2), Naghalin;Catmon (1), Nagkaisang Nayon;Quezon City (12), Nagtinig ;Taytay (1), Naluoyan;Sapao;Dumangas (1), Namaltugan;Calanasan (2), Nanding Lopez;Dumangas (1), Nangka;Marikina (6), Nanguma;Mabitac (1), Napindan;Taguig (2), Napsan;Puerto Princesa (1), Napsan;Puerto Princesa City (1), Narvacan (1), Nasisi;Ligao City (1), Naslo;Pototan (1), Nasugbu (1), Natatas;Tanauan (1), Natipuan, Nasugbu, Batangas (1), Naungon;Ormoc (6), Nauring;Pandan (2), Navalan;Tukuran (1), Navotas (2), New Corella (1), New Era;Quezon City (1), New Ibajay;El Nido, Palawan (1), New Unidos;Midsalip (1), New Westminster,British Columbia (1), Ngan;Compostela Valley (1), Niagara,New York,N.Y.,NY,USA (1), Nicanor Zabala;Roxas (1), Nicosia (2), Nogpo;Libon (1), North Bay Boulevard South;Navotas (1), North Cotabato (3), North Lamidan;Don Marcelino (1), North Signal Village;Taguig (1), Northern America (1), Novaliches (1), Novaliches;Quezon City (3), Nueva Viscaya;Kasibu;Didipio (1), Nunucan;Iligan (1), Obat;Santa Catalina (1), Obrero (1), Obrero;Calbayog (2), Ocayan;Bataraza (1), Oconto,Wisconsin,Wis.,WI,USA (1), Old Cabalan;Olongapo (1), Old Poblacion;Escalante;Negros Occidental (2), Old Zañiga;Mandaluyong (1), Olingan;Dipolog City (1), Olivo;Tabuelan (1), Olo;Siquijor (1), Olongapo (1), Oman , عُمان (19), Opias;Tayabas (1), Oranbo;Pasig (2), Ortigas Avenue;Pasig (1), Ospital;Aloran (1), Oyungan;Miag-ao (1), Ozamis City (1), P.D. Monfort;Dumangas (1), PA (4), Pacalundo;Balo-i (1), Pacuan;Maasin (1), Pag-asa;Bansud (1), Pag-asa;Quezon City (1), Pag-asa;Sablayan (1), Pagala;Baliuag (1), Pagalanggang;Dinalupihan (1), Pagatban;Bayawan City (1), Pagina;Jagna (2), Paglaom;Dumalinao (1), Pagsawitan;Sta. Cruz (1), Pagsulhugon;Sta Rita (1), Pahanocoy;Bacolod (2), Pahanocoy;Bacolod City (1), Pahonocoy;Bacolod (1), Paitan;Bayombong (1), Paitan;Sual (1), Pajac;Lapulapu (2), Palawan (1), Palawan,Philippines (1), Palcarangan;Lubao (1), Palhi;Baybay (1), Palilan;Jimenez (1), Palili;Midsalip (2), Palina;Pugo (1), Palingon;Taguig (2), Palma;Basista (1), Palta;Virac (1), Pamatawan;Subic (1), Pambilan;Alabat (1), Pampanga (12), Pamplona;Las Piñas (2), Pamucutan, Zamboanga City, PH (1), Panacan (4), Panacan;Davao City (1), Panagan;Tigaon (1), Panalipan;Catmon (1), Panalsalan;Plaridel (3), Panan;Botolan (1), Panas;Tomas Oppus (1), Panay (1), Pandac;Pavia (1), Pandayan;Meycauayan (1), Pangalalan;Sindangan (2), Pangayawan;Gitagum (1), Pangi;Valencia;Negros Oriental;Philippines (1), Pangobilian;Brooke's Point (1), Pantad;Dumalinao (1), Pantingan;Pilar (2), Pantukan;Compostela Valley (1), Paphos (1), Paracelis (9), Paraiso (1), Paraiso;San Miguel (1), Parang - Sto.Tomas;Sarrat (1), Parañaque (3), Pardo (1), Parkgate Road, Wallington, Greater London, UK (1), Parola;Cordoba (1), Parola;Tondo;Manila (1), Parulan;Plaridel (1), Parulan;Plaridel-Pulilan (1), Pasadeña;El Nido, Palawan (1), Pasadeña;San Juan City (1), Pasay, Metro Manila, Philippines (1), PasayCity, Metro Manila, Philippines (1), Pasong Putik;Quezon City (7), Pasong Tamo;Quezon City (22), Passi;Iloilo;Western Visayas (1), Pateng;Gonzaga (1), Patrocinio;Claveria (1), Patutong Malaki North;Tagaytay (1), Pawili;Bula (1), Payapay;Basey (1), Payasan;Lianga (1), Payatas;Quezon City (6), Peñafrancia;Naga (1), Peñafrancia;Naga City (1), Philippines, Aklan Province, Ibajay (1), Philippines, Aklan Province, Ibajay (6), Philippines, Aklan Province, Makato (2), Philippines, Aklan Province, Makoto (4), Philippines, Aklan Province, Tangalan (3), Philippines, Albay Province (1), Philippines, Metro Manila, Pasay City (1), Philippines, Sorsorgon Province, Pilar (1), Philippines;Pangasinan;Alaminos;Lucap (1), Piacan;Sirawai (1), Piao;Roxas (1), Pili;San Fernando (1), Pili;Sapad (2), Pilis-hegység (1), Pima,Arizona,Ariz.,AZ,USA (1), Pinagbuhatan;Pasig (9), Pinagsama;Taguig (2), Pinal,Arizona,Ariz.,AZ,USA (1), Pines;Oroquieta City (1), Pinquian;Pasong Tamo;Quezon City (1), Pisa (1), Pitogo;Babatngon (1), Pitogo;Consolacion (1), Pitogo;Consolacion, Cebu (1), Plainview;Mandaluyong (1), Platero;Biñan (1), Plaza Aldea;Tanay (1), Poblacion (2), Poblacion 1;Pagsanjan (1), Poblacion 1;Tagbilaran (1), Poblacion Bacungan;Leon B. Postigo (1), Poblacion East;Candoni (1), Poblacion Iv;Victoria (1), Poblacion Kibawe;Kibawe (1), Poblacion Manukan West;Manukan (1), Poblacion Muslim;Titay (1), Poblacion North;Munoz (2), Poblacion North;Polanco (3), Poblacion Romblon;Romblon (1), Poblacion Sinacaban;Sinacaban (2), Poblacion South;Oton (1), Poblacion Sur;Batuan;Bohol (1), Poblacion Tabuc;Pontevedra (1), Poblacion West;Balo-i (1), Poblacion Ⅱ;Remedios T. Romualdez (1), Poblacion;Abra De Ilog (1), Poblacion;Aguilar (1), Poblacion;Alimodian (1), Poblacion;Balasan (1), Poblacion;Balete (1), Poblacion;Bani (3), Poblacion;Barangay 6;Tanuan (2), Poblacion;Binuangan (1), Poblacion;Boljoon (1), Poblacion;Buguias (1), Poblacion;Calatrava (1), Poblacion;Castilla (1), Poblacion;Catarman (2), Poblacion;Cavinti (1), Poblacion;Cortes (1), Poblacion;Daanbantayan (1), Poblacion;Danao City (1), Poblacion;Dauis (3), Poblacion;Dumalinao (1), Poblacion;Ferrol (2), Poblacion;Ginatilan (1), Poblacion;Gitagum (1), Poblacion;Guihulngan (1), Poblacion;Guinsiliban (1), Poblacion;Initao (2), Poblacion;Inopacan (1), Poblacion;Jordan (1), Poblacion;Jose Dalman (1), Poblacion;Kauswagan (1), Poblacion;Kidapawan (1), Poblacion;Kitcharao (2), Poblacion;Leon (1), Poblacion;Lianga (1), Poblacion;Libertad (1), Poblacion;Lila (1), Poblacion;Limay (1), Poblacion;Looc (1), Poblacion;Loreto (5), Poblacion;Magdiwang (1), Poblacion;Maigo (1), Poblacion;Makato (1), Poblacion;Malalag (2), Poblacion;Mambajao (1), Poblacion;Mambusao (1), Poblacion;Manticao (2), Poblacion;Manukan (1), Poblacion;Mariveles (1), Poblacion;Medina (1), Poblacion;Naawan (2), Poblacion;Nueva Valencia (1), Poblacion;Panganiban (1), Poblacion;Pateros (1), Poblacion;Pilar (1), Poblacion;Ramon Magsaysay;Zamboanga del Sur (1), Poblacion;Romblon (1), Poblacion;Roxas (1), Poblacion;Salay (1), Poblacion;Salug (1), Poblacion;San Carlos City (1), Poblacion;San Fernando (1), Poblacion;San Pablo (1), Poblacion;Santa Catalina (1), Poblacion;Sebaste (1), Poblacion;Silay (1), Poblacion;Siocon (1), Poblacion;Sogod;Cebu (7), Poblacion;Sultan Naga Dimaporo (1), Poblacion;Tabango (1), Poblacion;Tabuelan (1), Poblacion;Tagoloan (1), Poblacion;Talisay (2), Poblacion;Tangalan (1), Poblacion;Tigbauan (1), Poblacion;Trinidad (2), Poblacion;Valencia (1), Poblacion;Villanueva (2), Poblasion-cambansag;San Isidro (1), Polandoc;Leon B. Postigo (1), Polomolok (1), Pooc;Talisay (1), Pook;Trece Martirez (1), Port Barton;San Vicente (1), Port Coquitlam,British Columbia (1), Port Huron, MI (1), Poso;Daram (1), Potpotan Island;Maglalambay;Busuanga;Palawan (4), Powys (1), Poypoy;Calintaan (2), President Roxas;Lapuz Sur (1), Project 6;Quezon City (1), Prosperidad;San Carlos City (1), Puerto Galera (1), Pulang Lupa Dos;Las Piñas (6), Pulo-Maestra Vita;Oton (1), Pulong Santa Cruz;Santa Rosa (5), Punang;Española (1), Punong;Bato (1), Punta Blanca;Manukan (1), Punta Cruz;Maribojoc (1), Punta Tabuc;Roxas (1), Puntod;Lopez Jaena (1), Purok 37, Upper Malagamot, Panacan (1), Purok 5;Camatin;Andap;New Bataan (1), Purok 8;Menville;Palingon;Taguig (1), Purok 9, Bugac Maa (1), Purok Matahimik (1), Putic;Dumarao (1), Putik;Zamboanga (1), Putik;Zamboanga City (1), Queborac;Naga (2), Queen's Row Central;Bacoor (1), Quezon (4), Quezon City (3), Quintin Salas;Iloilo (1), Québec,Canada (2), Ramon Magsaysay;Quezon City (1), Regency Park,South Australia,Australia (1), Renfrewshire (1), Rio Tuba;Bataraza (1), Risinghurst (1), Riverside;Bilar;Bohol (1), Rizal (2), Rizal Ⅱ;Babatngon (1), Rizal;Caramoran (1), Rizal;Monreal (1), Rizal;Pontevedra,Capiz (1), Rizal;Surigao City (1), Rolling Hills;San Rafael;Rodriguez;Rizal (1), Root;Dingras (1), Rosario;Mangghan;Pasig (1), Rosario;Pasig (5), Rosario;Tandag (1), Royal Estate;Bulihan;Malolos (5), Rubio;Galimuyod (1), Runruno Quezon (1), Rustan's (1), Saarijärvi, Finland (1), Saavedra;Moalboal (1), Sabanagan;Calanasan (1), Sabang Suribao;Borongan (1), Sabang;Baliuag (1), Sabang;Lavezares (1), Sabang;Magdalena (2), Sabang;Pagsanjan (5), Sabang;San Ricardo (1), Sabang;Surigao City (1), Sabloyon;Caramoran (1), Sabud;Loreto (1), Sagasa;Balilihan (1), Sagasan;San Pablo (1), Sagay;Borbon;Cebu (3), Sahud-ulan;Tanza (1), Salakot;San Miguel (1), Salasad;Magdalena (1), Salawao, Barangay Sto. Nino (1), Salaza;Palauig (1), Sallapadan (1), Salvacion;Abuyog;Leyte (1), Salvacion;Caramoan (1), Samaná (1), Samar (1), Sambag;Jaro (1), Sambiray;Malay (1), Sampaloc (4), Sampaloc;Manila (2), Sampaloc;Tanay, Rizal (1), Sampalucan;Pagsanjan (1), Sampid Uno;San Mateo;Rizal (1), San Agustin;Iba (1), San Agustin;Iriga City (1), San Agustin;Libon (1), San Agustin;Naga (1), San Agustin;Quezon City (7), San Andres;Cainta (1), San Andres;Malvar;Batangas (1), San Antonio;Ajuy (1), San Antonio;Alangalang (1), San Antonio;Oton (2), San Antonio;Parañaque (17), San Antonio;San Ricardo (1), San Bartolome;Quezon City (10), San Carlos;Tabaco City (1), San Clemente (1), San Dionisio;Parañaque (1), San Felipe;Naga (8), San Fernando;Malvar;Batangas (1), San Fernando;Pampanga (1), San Fernando;Sto. Domingo (2), San Francisco;Guinobatan (1), San Francisco;Iriga City (1), San Isidro (7), San Isidro;Angono (11), San Isidro;Castilla (1), San Isidro;General Santos (2), San Isidro;Lilo-an (1), San Isidro;Loreto (1), San Isidro;Luna (1), San Isidro;Mariveles (1), San Isidro;Narra (3), San Isidro;Parañaque (9), San Isidro;Pili (1), San Isidro;Prieto Diaz (1), San Isidro;San Fernado;Pampanga (1), San Isidro;Toboso (2), San Joaquin;Macrohon (1), San Joaquin;Pasig (1), San Jose (1), San Jose Apunan;Lubao (1), San Jose Gumi;Lubao (1), San Jose Gusu;Zamboanga (1), San Jose Gusu;Zamboanga City (1), San Jose del Monte (1), San Jose, Arevalo - Sooc Mandurriao;Arevalo (1), San Jose, Lubigan Tarlac (1), San Jose;Bacacay (1), San Jose;Bani (1), San Jose;Concepcion (1), San Jose;Dingle (1), San Jose;Hagonoy (1), San Jose;La Libertad (1), San Jose;Malaybalay (2), San Jose;Malilipot (1), San Jose;Pili (7), San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines (1), San Juan;Barotac Viejo (1), San Juan;Cainta (1), San Juan;Cainta;Rizal (1), San Juan;Concepcion (1), San Juan;La Union;Luzon;Philippines (1), San Juan;Mandaon (1), San Juan;Sergio Osmeña, Sr. (1), San Juan;Sta. Fe (1), San Lorenzo;Baras (1), San Lorenzo;San Jose (1), San Luis (1), San Luis Obispo,California,Calif.,CA,USA (1), San Luis;Guinayangan (1), San Marcos;Placer (1), San Mariano;Loreto (3), San Mateo;Butuan City (2), San Matias;Lubao (5), San Matias;Sto. Tomas (1), San Miguel B;Maragondon (1), San Miguel;Bacong (1), San Miguel;Jordan;Guimaras (1), San Miguel;Magalang (1), San Miguel;San Simon (1), San Miguel;Sogod (2), San Miguel;Taguig (4), San Nicolas;Don Carlos (1), San Nicolas;Iriga (2), San Pascual;Talavera (1), San Pedro;Polanco (1), San Rafael; Busuanga; Palawan; Philippines (6), San Rafael;Cabangan (1), San Rafael;Miag-ao (1), San Ricardo;Talavera (1), San Roque (1), San Roque;Iligan (1), San Roque;Lilo-an (1), San Roque;Magalang (1), San Roque;Mahinog (1), San Roque;Nueva Valencia (1), San Salvador;Prosperidad (1), San Vicente;Bamban (1), San Vicente;Ivana (1), San Vicente;Lilo-an (2), San Vicente;Liloan;Cebu (1), San Vicente;Loreto (2), San Vicente;Orion (1), San Vicente;Prosperidad (1), San Vicente;San Pedro (1), San Vicente;Santa Maria (1), Sangandaan;Quezon City (3), Sanito;Ipil (2), Santa (1), Santa Ana;Pateros (8), Santa Clara;Batangas (1), Santa Cruz (1), Santa Cruz; (1), Santa Cruz;Baliuag (1), Santa Cruz;Magalang (2), Santa Cruz;Santa Maria (1), Santa Cruz;Sogod (1), Santa Cruz;Tagoloan (1), Santa Filomena;Iligan (4), Santa Lucia;Quezon City (3), Santa Maria (1), Santa Maria;Laguna (1), Santa Maria;Zamboanga (2), Santa Mesa;Manila;Metro Manila;Philippines (1), Santa Mesa;Manila;NCR;Philippines (1), Santa Monica;Quezon City (5), Santa Potenciana;Mapanas (1), Santa Rita;Cabangan (1), Santa Rosa;Bayombong (1), Santa Rosa;Tabango (1), Santa Teresita;Malilipot (1), Santiago,Cape Verde (1), Santo Angel Sur;Poblacion Ⅱ;Santa Cruz (1), Santo Domingo;Angeles City (1), Santo Domingo;Mexico (1), Santo Domingo;Nueva Valencia (1), Santo Niño (1), Santo Niño;Biñan (2), Santo Niño;Butuan (1), Santo Niño;Loreto (1), Santo Niño;Matalom (1), Santo Rosario Kanluran;Pateros (1), Santo Rosario Silangan;Pateros (2), Santo Tomas;Loreto (1), Santolan'Pasig (1), Sapa Anding;Ramon Magsaysay;Zamboanga Sibugay (2), Sapang Bato;Cabangan (2), Sapao;Dumangas (2), Saravia (1), Saraza;Brooke's Point (3), Sasa (3), Sauyo;Quezon City (16), Sawa;Basey (1), Sea Side;Isabela (1), Semut;Akbar;Basilan Island (1), Siare;Sindangan (1), Siari;Sindangan (1), Siayan;Zamboanga del Norte;Philippines (1), Siayan;Zamboanga del Sur;Philippines (1), Sibaguan;Sagnay (2), Sibaltan;El Nido, Palawan (3), Sibulan, Negros Oriental, PH (1), Sico;Lipa (3), Silum;Magdiwang (1), Simora;Lao-ang (1), Simsiman;Calinog (1), Sinakan;Sabtang (2), Sinakayanan;Catigbian (1), Singcang-Airport;Bacolod City (1), Singcang;Bacolod (2), Sinonoc;Sinacaban (1), Sitio Libo;Talisay;Cebu;Central Visayas (1), Sitio Maysawa;Cuyambay;Tanay;Rizal;Philippines (1), Siwalo;Maasin (1), So-oc;Arevalo;Iloilo (1), Solinog;Calamba (1), Somerset, England, UK (1), South Cotabato (2), South Daang Hari;Taguig (2), Southwark, London (1), Springville Executive 1;Molino Ⅲ;Bacoor (1), Springville Gardens 3;Molino Ⅲ;Bacoor (2), Springville Gardens 4;Molino Ⅲ (1), Sual, Pangasinan (2), Suarez;Iligan (1), Subangdako;Mandaue City (1), Subic Zambales (1), Subic;Baliuag (1), Sucat;Muntinlupa (2), Suclaran;San Lorenzo (1), Suliban;Baliuag (1), Sultan Kudarat (1), Sulvec;Narvacan (2), Sum-ag;Bacolod (2), Sumaliring;Siaton (1), Sumbiling;Bataraza (1), Sun Valley;Parañaque (1), Sun-ok;Ubay (1), Susuba;Capas (1), Suyo;Dingras (1), Tabing Ilog;Marilao (1), Tablon;Cagayan de Oro (2), Taboc;Borongan (1), Taboc;Hindang (2), Taboc;Juban (1), Tabon;Kawit (1), Tabuc-Tubig;Dumaguete City (1), Tabuc;Mobo (1), Tabucan;Barotac Nuevo (2), Tabucan;Dumangas (1), Tabucan;Iloilo (1), Tabuk Suba;Iloilo City (1), Tabunan;Cebu (1), Tabuyoc;Urdaneta City (1), Tacas-Ungka Jaro;Jaro (1), Tacloban;Leyte (1), Tacras;Narra (1), Tadian (7), Tadok;Abuyog;Leyte;Philippines (1), Taft;Taft (1), Tagabebe;Governor Generoso (1), Taganito;Claver (1), Tagbongabong;Placer (1), Taglibas;Tungawan (1), Tago-tago;Cagwait (1), Tagpos:Binangonan (2), Tagudin (1), Taguibo;Mati (2), Taguibo;Mati;Davao del Norte;Philippines (1), Taguig (3), Takay;Sogod;Cebu (1), Tala;Caloocan (1), Tala;Orani (1), Talaba;Sapi-An (1), Talaban;Himamaylan City (1), Talacu-An & Anonang;Leon (1), Talahiron;Kibawe (1), Talamban, Cebu, Philippines (1), Talamban;Cebu; Philippines (1), Talamban;Cebu;Philippines (1), Talanay;Batasan Hills;Quezon City (1), Talic;Oroquieta City (1), Talipapa;Caloocan (1), Talipapa;Quezon City (5), Talisay;Bontoc (1), Talisay;Lipa (1), Talisay;Santa Fe (1), Talo-ot;Argao (1), Talolong;Lopez (1), Talon Uno;Las Piñas (1), Tamangi;San Dionisio (1), Tambagan;Medina (1), Tamban;Maasin (1), Tambangan;Medina (1), Tambo Uno (2), Tambobo;Bocaue (1), Tamil;Jose Dalman (1), Tamisu;Bais City (1), Tampac;Aguilar (1), Tampoong;Sogod (2), Tandang Kutyo;Tanay, Rizal (1), Tandang Sora;Quezon City (25), Tangal (1), Tanglad;Santa Maria;Davao Oriental (1), Tangub City (1), Tangub;Bacolod (1), Tanjung Bidara, Masjid Tanah, Melaka, Malaysia (1), Tanqui;San Fernando City (1), Taon-Taon;Inopacan (1), Tapayas;Balatan (1), Tapon;Dumanjug (2), Tapulao;Orani (1), Tarabucan;Calbayog (1), Tarlac City (1), Tawagan;Pagadian (1), Tayabo;San Jose City (1), Tayamaan;Mamburao (1), Taytay (4), Taytay;Danao (1), Taytay;Danao City (1), Taytay;Rizal (3), Taytayan;Bogo City (2), Tañong;Malabon (1), Teniente Benito;Tubungan (1), Tibag- Poblacion;Baliuag-Bustos (1), Tibagon;Pantukan (1), Tibiao;Altavas (1), Tickwas;Guipos (1), Tigbanuang;Tungawan (1), Tigdok;Tudela (1), Tignoan;Real (2), Tilik;Lubang (1), Timalan Balsahan;Naic (2), Timalan;Naic (1), Timamana;Tubod (1), Tinajeros;Malabon (1), Tinampaan;Cadiz City (1), Tipolo;Plaridel (2), Tiris;Gubat (1), Tomas Cabili;Iligan (2), Tondo (4), Tondo;Manila (1), Tongohin;Infanta;Quezon (1), Topland (2), Town Proper;Guimbal (1), Trento (1), Trinidad Homes (1), Trinidad;Surigao City (1), Tubigan;Initao (1), Tubigdanao;San Jose (1), Tubo (6), Tubtub;Brooke's Point (1), Tubungan (1), Tugas;Tabango (1), Tugaya;Valencia;Bukidnon (1), Tugbo;Masbate (1), Tuguis;Looc (1), Tuktukan;Taguig (2), Tulay;Odiongan (1), Tulong;Urdaneta (1), Tumaga;Zamboanga (3), Tumana;Marikina (4), Tumingad;Odiongan (1), Tunga-Tunga;Maasin (1), Tunga-Tunga;Maasin City (1), Tunghaan;Minglanilla (5), Tupsan;Mambajao (1), Turac;San Carlos City (1), Turkey, Antalya, Kas (1), U. P. Campus;Quezon City (7), USA, California (2), USA, Indiana (1), USA, Wisconsin (1), USA;AZ;Arizona;Maricopa;Phoenix (8), Uacon;Candelaria (1), Ubay (2), Ugong;Pasig (2), Ugong;Valenzuela (13), Ulay;Vallehermoso (1), Uling;Naga (1), Ulingan;Banawang;Bagac (1), Ulingao;San Rafael (2), Umabay Exterior;Mobo (1), Ungka Ii;Pavia (1), Ungka Ⅱ;Pavia (1), Unsayawon;Causwagan;Talacogon (1), Upper Dela Paz;Cortes (1), Upper Inuman;Sindangan (1), Upper Inuman;Sindangan;Zamboanga del Norte (1), Upper Lux;Gutalac (2), Upper Pulacan;Labangan (1), Upper Sang-an;Labangan (1), Usab;Masbate (1), Ususan;Taguig (1), Uvoy;Mahatao (1), Valdefuente;Cabanatuan City (1), Valencia;Quezon City (1), Van Buren,Michigan,Mich.,MI,USA (1), Vermillion, IN (1), Vicariate of Saint John the Evangelist (3), Viente Reales;Valenzuela (2), Villa Aglipay;San Jose (1), Villa Consuelo;Naval (2), Villa Kananga;Butuan (1), Villadolid;Loboc;Bohol (1), Villalimpia;Loay (2), Violanta;Loreto (1), Vitalez;Parañaque (1), Wakas;Pilar (1), Waloe;Loreto (2), Warrick, IN (1), Washington, IN (1), Wawa;Bayambang (1), Wawa;Orion;Bataan;Philippines (2), Welfareville Compound;Addition Hills;Mandaluyong (3), West Dirita;San Antonio (1), Western Bicutan;Taguig City (1), Wexford,Michigan,Mich.,MI,USA (1), Yamot;Candelaria (1), Yati;Lilo-an (4), Yati;Liloan (2), Zamboanga del Sur (1), Zamboanga del sur;Mahayag;Tuburan (1), Zaragosa;Matalom (1), Zone 10 (1), Zone 3;Bito-on;Jaro;Iloilo (1), Zone 4;Agusan;Cagayan de Oro (1), Zone 5;Poblacion;Talisay City (4), Zone 96 (4), Zone I;Mayorga (1), Zone III (3), gmina Ełk, powiat ełcki, województwo warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland (1), jacob;Naga City (1), kerala;india (1), lanang (1), Челарево (2),
is_in:archipelago73Alif Dhaalu (1), Laamu (1), Luzon (20), Mindanao (31), Seenu (1), Shaviyani (3), Visayas (16),
is_in:barangay148019-B (9), 19-B Garcia Heights (1), 21-C;22-C (2), 23-C Darussalam (1), 6-A Saint Jude (4), 74-A Matina Crossing (8), 74-A Matina Crossing;76-A Bucana (1), 76-A Bucana (6), 8-A (9), A. O. Floirendo (2), Acacia (11), Adecor (1), Alambre (2), Alejal (4), Alfonso Angliongto Sr. (7), Amor Cruz (1), Andap (23), Angalan (3), Anonang (2), Aplaya (3), Apokon (2), Astorga (4), Baganihan (4), Bago Aplaya (2), Bago Gallera (30), Bago Oshiro (8), Baguio Proper (5), Bagumbayan (2), Balbagon (2), Balet (1), Balingaeng (5), Baliok (8), Banbanon (3), Bangkas Heights (5), Bantol (1), Barangay 19-B (1), Barangay 8-A (1), Barayong (2), Basag (1), Batangan;Poblacion (1), Batasan (8), Bato (4), Bato;Marapangi (1), Batong Buhay (1), Bawani (2), Biaan (2), Biao Escuela (4), Biao Guianga (1), Biao Joaquin (6), Binancian (4), Binaton (7), Bincungan (2), Binugao (6), Bobon (2), Bollukan (1), Bucana (1), Buenavista (1), Buhangin Proper (12), Bulihan (1), Bunawan Proper (15), Buri (2), Buyu-an (1), Cabantian (11), Cabantian;Tigatto (1), Cabaywa (3), Cacao (3), Calaitan (1), Calinan Poblacion (14), Calinan Poblacion;Riverside (1), Cambanogoy (3), Canitoan (1), Cannery Site (10), Carillo (1), Catalunan Grande (54), Catalunan Pequeño (12), Catigan (2), Cawag (1), Central;Saoquigue (1), Cogon (3), Cogon Bacaca (1), Communal (7), Concepcion (4), Conel (3), Consolacion (3), Coronon (3), Crossing Bayabas (3), Cruz (1), Cugman (2), Culianan (3), Dacudao (10), Dahican (1), Dalagdag (7), Daliao (4), Daliaon (2), Dapco (3), Darong (10), Datu Abdul Dadia (6), Del Monte (6), Dologon (2), Dominga (4), Dujali (1), Dumalaguing (1), Dumoy (8), El Katipunan (3), Fatima (13), Gambodes (1), Gatungan (1), Golden Valley (3), Governor Paciano Bangoy (2), Governor Paciano Bangoy;Barangay 20-B (1), Guadalupe (1), Gumalang (13), Gumitan (1), Gupitan (45), Hagonoy Crossing (1), Harada Butai (1), Igangon (1), Igpit (2), Ilang (5), Inawayan (7), Inayangan (13), Inayupan (1), Indangan (26), Indangan;Cabantian (1), Ising (1), J. P. Laurel (4), Jose P. Laurel (1), Jose Rizal (2), Kahusayan (1), Kaligutan (5), Kapatagan (15), Kaputian (1), Katangawan (1), Katipunan (7), Kauswagan (1), Kiagot (1), Kibongcog (1), Kibuaya (6), Kilagding (1), Kilate (1), Kinabalan (2), Kinamayan (2), Kiotoy (5), Kuhon Lennuh (1), La Fortuna (1), La Libertad (2), La Paz (4), Lacson (1), Lamanan (1), Lamcaliaf (5), Landan (1), Langkila-an (2), Lanuro (1), Lasang (15), Leon Garcia Sr. (1), Libasan (3), Libertad (1), Libuton (1), Limba-an (1), Linda (3), Lizada (19), Longanapan (3), Lorega (4), Los Amigos (12), Lubogan (12), Lumiad (3), Luya (1), Ma-a (24), Ma-a;Bucana;Matina Crossing (1), Mabolo (2), Mabuhay (1), Maduao (3), Mahayag (10), Malabog (9), Malagos (1), Malagos;Wines (1), Malamba (10), Malasila (1), Malibago (1), Malinawon (2), Mamacao (1), Man-Uling (1), Managa (3), Manalipa (1), Manambulan (8), Mancarago (2), Mandug (5), Mandug;Waan (1), Mandulog (3), Mangagoy (7), Mankilam (2), Marapangi (3), Marilog Proper (12), Matina Pangi (10), Matina Pangi;Ma-a (1), Matti (3), Matutungan (5), Megkawayan (1), Mileb (1), Mintal (9), Mintal;Bago Oshiro (1), Mipangi (1), Molopolo (1), Mudiang (8), Mudiang;Indangan (1), Mudiang;Panacan (1), Mulig (7), Nanga;Buyu-an (1), Nanyo (8), New Bantayan (3), New Carmen (2), New Cebu (1), New Katipunan (2), New Valencia (1), New Visayas (1), Nuevo Iloco (2), Olandang (4), Olandang;Dulawan (1), Old Bulatukan (1), Olympog (3), Ompao (1), Paciano Bangoy (2), Pagatpat (1), Palacapao (1), Palili (1), Panacan (9), Pancol (3), Pandaitan (1), Pandan (1), Pandapan (1), Paquibato Proper (6), Paradise Embac (4), Pasonanca (1), Patag (1), Patrocenio (1), Poblacion (61), Poblacion Ilawod;Man-it (1), Poblacion Uno (3), Polo (2), Pualas;Pinpin (1), Quezon (1), Rafael Castillo (3), Rafael Castillo;San Antonio (1), Riverside (5), Rizal (4), Roxas (3), Sacub (2), Sagayen (4), Salaysay (3), Salvacion (5), Sampaguita (3), San Agustin (1), San Francisco (1), San Isidro (5), San Jose (9), San Juan (2), San Miguel (6), San Nicolas (5), San Pedro (10), San Remegio (3), San Roque (4), San Vicente (1), Santa Ana (1), Santa Cruz (1), Santa Maria (5), Santo Niño (18), Saosao (2), Sasa (7), Sebac (1), Sibulan (4), Sinaragan (1), Sinawilan (1), Sinobong (5), Sinuda (3), Sirawan (8), Sonlon (5), Soong (2), Southern Davao (4), Suawan (2), Suawon (1), Subasta (8), Sumalili (1), Sumimao (5), Taba (1), Tabon (2), Tacunan (23), Tagakpan (1), Tagbaobo (1), Tagluno (3), Tagpopongan (1), Talandang (7), Talas (4), Talomo Proper (42), Talomo River (3), Tamugan (4), Tanwalang (4), Tapak (1), Tawantawan (1), Tibal-og (2), Tibolo (2), Tibungco (18), Tibungol (2), Tigatto (10), Tiguman (1), Tiling (2), Tomoaong (1), Toril Proper (1), Toril Proper;Daliao (1), Towak (2), Tres de Mayo (1), Tubod (2), Tuboran (1), Tuganay (1), Tugbok (1), Tugbok Proper (22), Tungkalan (4), Ula (3), Upper Licanan (7), Waan (1), Wangan (21), Wilfredo C. Aquino (2), Wines (10), Yumbing (1), Zone I (4), Zone III (4), Zone IV (5),
is_in:city74648205 (1), ? (1), Abulug (20), Alabel (2), Alcantara (3), Allen (1), Aloran (1), Anao (6), Angat (14), Angeles (16), Angono (32), Antipolo (176), Argao (1), Asin (1), Asuncion (2), Bacolod (186), Bacolod CIty (1), Bacolod City (14), Bacoor (1), Bago (13), Bagong Silangan;Quezon City (2), Baguio (92), Bagumbayan (2), Bais (35), Balagtas (bigaa) (1), Balanga (11), Balatong (1), Baler (12), Baliuag (5), Baliwag (1), Banaue (13), Banaybanay (4), Banilad (1), Batangas (9), Batangas City (6), Bayawan (37), Baybay (3), Bayugan (37), Binalbagan (15), Binangonan (16), Bislig (28), Biñan (10), Bocaue (8), Bogo (40), Borbon (10), Borongan (24), Buenavista (1), Bulacan (1), Bustos (11), Butuan (69), Butuan City (2), CIty of Talisay (1), Cabadbaran (28), Cabanatuan (292), Cabanatuan City (41), Cabatuan (1), Cabuyao (11), Cadiz (10), Cagayan De Oro (21), Cagayan de Oro (35), Cagayan de Oro City (2), Cainta (29), Calamba (68), Calapan (2), Calasiao (22), Calatrava (2), Calbayog (60), Calbayog City (5), Caloocan (80), Caloocan City (5), Candon (6), Canlaon (13), Capas (2), Caraga (1), Caramoan (3), Carcar (17), Cardona (8), Carles (1), Carmen (7), Carmona (2), Catarman (3), Catbalogan (77), Catmon (3), Cauayan (4), Cavite City (1), Cebu (23), Cebu City (43), Cebu City;Mandaue (2), Chartered City of Dapitan (1), City of Cadiz (1), City of Kabankalan (30), City of Manila (1), City of SIlay (1), City of Silay (8), City of Talisay (48), City to Silay (1), Claver (10), Claveria (1), Compostela (2), Concepcion (3), Coron (2), Cotabato (10), Cotabato City (7), Daanbantayan (6), Daet (1), Dagupan (8), Danao (26), Danao City (2), Dapitan (59), Daraga (2), Dasmarinas (2), Dasmariñas (45), Davao (1), Davao City (1426), Diatagon (1), Digos (88), Digos City (2), Dinalupihan (1), Dingalan (2), Dipolog (23), Dolores (1), Dulag (2), Dumaguete (64), Dąbrowa Górnicza (3), Escalante (3), Floridablanca (10), Fontana (1), Gabaldon (3), Galați (1), Gandara (2), Gapan (15), Gapan City (10), Gen. Trias (1), General Nakar (5), General Santos (50), General Santos City (1), General Trias (16), Gerona (3), Gingoog (32), Guiguinto (2), Guihulngan (34), Guinobatan (2), Hagonoy (13), Himamaylan (17), Hinatuan (1), Ilagan (7), Iligan (73), Iloilo (28), Iloilo City (7), Imus (17), Infanta (1), Infanta Quezon (1), Iriga (7), Isabela (8), Island Garden City of Samal (49), Kabankalan (34), Kalibo (1), Kalookan (33), Kawit (1), Kidapawan (47), Kidapawan City (3), Koronadal (9), La Carlota (14), La Castellana (3), La Trinidad (2), Labangan (1), Lambajon (1), Lamitan (1), Laoag (16), Lapu-Lapu (34), Lapu-lapu (8), Las Piñas (14), Legaspi (1), Legaspi City (3), Legazpi (11), Lianga (1), Libon (1), Ligao (1), Lipa (43), Lipa City (2), Loreto (1), Lucena (59), Luisiana (1), Lupon (6), Lutayan (2), Maasim (2), Maasin (19), Mabalacat (7), Mabini (1), Mabitac (1), Magdiwang (1), Magsaysay (4), Makati (29), Malabon (74), Malabon City (1), Malapatan (3), Malasiqui (72), Malaybalay (117), Malolos (13), Malunggay (1), Malungon (1), Manapla (12), Mandaluyong (14), Mandaue (11), Manila (64), Marawi (6), Marikina (23), Marilao (8), Mariveles (1), Masantol (2), Masbate (7), Matanao (1), Mati (73), Medellin (3), Mendez (3), Mexico (1), Meycauayan (9), Meycauyan (1), Milagros (1), Moncada (2), Morong (8), Muntinlupa (27), Muntinlupa, PH (2), Muñoz (12), Nabas (2), Naga (39), Naic (2), Nasugbu (6), Navotas (29), New Bataan (5), Norala (1), Norzagaray (1), Obando (7), Odiongan (3), Olongapo (13), Olongapo City (9), Orani (2), Ormoc (14), Ormoc City (2), Oroquieta (22), Ozamis City (2), Ozamiz (26), Padada (2), Paete (4), Pagadian (20), Pagudpud (11), Palo (1), Pamplona (18), Panabo (123), Pandi (5), Pangil (1), Paniqui (2), Pantukan (1), Paoay (2), Parañaque (33), Pasay (57), Pasig (53), Passi (57), Passi City (1), Pateros (6), Pavia (1), Pergamino (2), Phoenix (8), Pililla (3), Plaridel (6), Pomona (1), Prosperidad (2), Puerto Princesa (67), Puerto Princesa City (1), Pulilan (3), Pura (5), Puso (1), Quezon City (72), Ramos (1), Rizal (1), Rodriguez (4), Roma (1), Romblon (6), Rosales (3), Roxas (6), Roxas City (7), Sablayan (22), Sagay (23), Samal (20), San Carlos (108), San Carlos City (2), San Fernando (24), San Francisco (1), San Isidro (6), San Jose (9), San Jose City (1), San Jose Del Monte (4), San Jose del Monte (10), San Juan (30), San Leonardo (9), San Mateo (3), San Pablo (90), San Pascual (3), San Pedro (6), San Rafael (1), San Remigio (1), Sansha (2), Santa Cruz (2), Santa Ignacia (1), Santa Maria (30), Santa Rosa (11), Santiago (12), Santo Tomas (6), Sariaya (2), Science City of Muñoz (1), Sibiu (4), Silay (14), Siniloan (3), Sogod (4), Sorsogon (10), Sta Rosa (2), Suarez (1), Subic (1), Surigao (7), Surigao City (19), Taal (1), Tabaco (2), Tabogon (13), Tabuk (3), Tacloban (63), Tacloban City (6), Tacurong (12), Tagaytay (7), Tagaytay City (1), Tagbilaran (8), Tagbilaran City (2), Tagbina (1), Tagkawayan (4), Taguig (63), Tagum (46), Talamban (2), Talisay (35), Tanauan (53), Tanay (30), Tandag (15), Tangub (9), Tanjay (25), Tarlac (26), Tarlac City (6), Tayabas (12), Taytay (92), Teresa (11), Tiaong (1), Toledo (44), Toledo City (1), Trece Martires (1), Tuba (1), Tuguegarao (3), Tulcea (1), Urbiztondo (1), Urdaneta (20), Valencia (45), Valenzuela (133), Victoria (10), Vigan (15), Zamboaga City (3), Zamboanga (14), Zamboanga City (101), ity of Kabankalan (1), obando (1),
is_in:continent68Africa (6), Asia (31), Europe (25), Oceania (2), South America (4),
is_in:country216Argentina (1), Armenia (2), Azerbaijan (2), Belarus (1), Brasil (1), Brazil (4), British Virgin Islands (1), Cameroun (1), Cape Verde (1), China (2), Colombia (7), Dominican Republic (1), France (1), Hungary (5), India (2), Iran (3), Japan (2), Kazakhstan (2), Kyrgyzstan (3), Mauritius (1), Myanmar (1), New Zealand (1), Nigeria (3), PH (1), Pakistan (1), Philippines (71), Poland (4), Romania (4), Russia (5), South Africa (1), Sri Lanka (1), Turkmenistan (1), UK (1), USA (11), United States (1), United States of America (8), Uzbekistan (1), Vietnam (6), disputed territory (51),
is_in:country_code85AM (2), AZ (2), BY (1), CM (1), CN (1), CV (1), DO (1), FI (1), GB (1), HU (5), IE (2), IR (3), JP (2), KG (3), KZ (2), LK (1), MM (1), MU (1), NZ (1), PH (6), PK (1), PL (4), RO (4), RU (4), TM (1), UA (1), US (11), USA (8), UZ (1), VN (11), ZA (1),
is_in:county31Bajeng (1), Cañar (2), Devon (2), Essex (1), Jackson (1), Maricopa (8), Philippines (1), Port Louis District (1), Rensselaer (1), Santa Clara (1), Saratoga (1), Sibiu (4), Sucumbíos (1), powiat dąbrowa górnicza (1), powiat ełcki (1), powiat grójecki (1), powiat hajnowski (1), powiat kościerski (1), powiat sokołowski (1),
is_in:department1Moungo (1),
is_in:district1379Agdao (30), Agdao;Poblacion (1), Amontoc (1), Aporawan (1), Babak (20), Bacon (1), Bagtas (1), Baguio (40), Baloganon (1), Balok (1), Balucuc (1), Baluno (2), Bangilo (3), Bantayan (4), Barangay 14 (1), Barangay 185 (1), Barotuan (2), Baruyen (2), Benigno Aquino, Jr. (1), Buhangin (126), Bunawan (102), Bunawan;Buhangin (1), Cabacao (1), Calinan (115), Camingawan (2), Carabalan (2), Catablan (1), Cawag (2), Curuan (1), Dicayas (1), Don Perfecto (1), Fianza (1), Guadalupe (1), Hagpa (1), Iboton (1), Jacob (1), Jardin (1), John Bosco (2), Kaputian (15), Katilingban (1), Laoag (1), Legarda Uno (1), Liboton (3), Limonan (1), Limpapa (1), Linabu (1), Lubigan (1), Maa (2), Macaboboni (1), Malagana (1), Malayu-an (1), Malis (1), Mambog (1), Mandih (1), Manga (1), Manicahan (1), Manila de Bugabus (1), Marilog (58), Matara District (1), Mawal (1), Melville (1), Mountain View (1), New Dagupan (1), Nian (1), Nicanor Zabala (1), Nong-nong (1), Oquendo (2), Pandanan (1), Paquibato (61), Pasadeña (1), Peñafrancia (1), Poblacion (125), Poblacion Southeast Zone (1), Pogon-Aniat (1), Prosperidad (2), Quezon (3), Rio Tuba (1), Rizal (7), Sacritan (1), Salaza (3), Salogon (1), Samal (17), Samal District (2), San Agustin (1), San Bartolome (1), San Felipe (8), San Jose (1), San Pablo (1), Sandoval (1), Santa Teresa (2), Santo Niño (1), Sasaba (1), Seres (1), Sitog (1), Tabaliza (1), Tabayo (1), Tagoc (1), Talomo (234), Talotu-an (1), Taltal (2), Tapia (1), Teneguiban (2), Tinaplan (1), Toril (138), Tugbok (169),
is_in:hamlet25Abagatanen (1), Agman (1), Andap (1), Bais (1), Balisong (1), Causlan (1), Cogcoga (2), Cudada (1), Daan (1), Guadalupe (2), Lusbak (1), Mabuhay (1), Magcaseville (4), Mala (1), Momo (1), Pasay (1), San Isidro (1), Sibato (1), Tablon (1), Tagumpay (1),
is_in:health_level64Mweso (1), Pinga (1), Tshopo (2),
is_in:island143Ambulong Island (3), Awasan (1), Basilan (2), Bilangbilangan Island (2), Bongo (7), Boracay (29), Butan Island (1), Cabilao (5), Calituban Island (1), Camiguin Island (1), Caponayan (2), Capual (2), Cataban Island (1), Cebu (1), Delian (2), Fulin (1), Guinahuan (1), Hinatuan (1), Honshu (1), Ilin (2), Isla Verde (4), Johnson Island (1), Lamingao (1), Langil Island (1), Malapascua (1), Malocaboc Island (1), Manicani Island (2), Moamboc (1), Nagubat Island (1), Nocnocan Island (1), Olango Island (8), Panay Island (1), Pangangan (8), Panglao Island (1), Sag Island (1), Samal (41), San Miguel Island (1), Siargao (1), Simara Island (1),
is_in:islet1Arangasa Islands (1),
is_in:iso_3166_211PH-ALB (1), US:AL (1), US:CA (4), US:IN (1), US:MN (2), US:OK (1), US:WI (1),
is_in:left2City of Vaughan (2),
is_in:municipality1230Akbar (2), Al-Barka (1), Alabel (2), Aloran (13), Arakan (3), Asuncion (28), Aurora (7), Bacungan (2), Baganga (11), Baliangao (4), Balingasag (1), Balingoan (4), Balo-i (1), Bamban (1), Banaybanay (3), Banga (1), Bansalan (37), Basud (1), Bayog (1), Binuangan (2), Bongabong (7), Bonifacio (2), Bontoc (2), Boston (1), Braulio E. Dujali (3), Bubong (2), Buenavista (12), Cagwait (2), Calamba (7), Candaba (1), Cantilan (2), Caraga (1), Carmen (13), Cateel (6), Catmon (1), Cauayan (4), City of Phoenix (8), Clarin (9), Claveria (3), Compostela (2), Concepcion (5), Consolacion (1), Cortes (2), Dapa (3), Datu Paglas (7), Datu Piang (2), Dinas (7), Don Carlos (3), Don Marcelino (4), Don Victoriano Chiongbian (5), Dumalinao (5), Esperanza (2), General Luna (1), Gitagum (1), Godod (3), Guimbal;Tigbauan (1), Guinayangan (7), Guinsiliban (3), Guipos (6), Gutalac (11), Hadji Mohammad Ajul (3), Hagonoy (13), Hamtic (1), Impasugong (2), Initao (3), Ipil (1), Jasaan (1), Javier (1), Jimenez (6), Jose Dalman (4), Josefina (1), Kabacan (1), Kabankalan (1), Kalawit (4), Kalayaan (6), Kapalong (49), Kapatagan (1), Katipunan (4), Kibawe (4), Kiblawan (5), Kinoguitan (1), Kitaotao (11), La Trinidad (1), Laak (35), Labangan (4), Labason (2), Laguindingan (2), Lapuyan (1), Lebak (1), Lemery (1), Leon B. Postigo (1), Lianga (3), Libertad (3), Libona (2), Liloy (4), Lingig (1), Lopez Jaena (8), Loreto (6), Lugait (1), Lupao (1), Lupon (1), M'lang (2), Mabini (7), Maco (4), Magallanes (2), Magsaysay (29), Mahinog (6), Makilala (11), Malalag (2), Malangas (1), Malita (3), Malolos (2), Malungon (1), Mamasapano (1), Mambajao (19), Manay (4), Manticao (1), Manukan (3), Maragusan (6), Maramag (2), Margosatubig (1), Mariveles (3), Matalam (3), Matalom (1), Matanao (40), Mawab (26), Medina (8), Midsalip (2), Midsayap (6), Midsayap;Datu Piang (1), Molave (5), Monkayo (9), Montevista (3), Morong (1), Mutia (2), Naawan (2), Nabunturan (55), New Bataan (25), New Corella (25), Omar (2), Opol (1), Padada (2), Panaon (4), Pantao Ragat (2), Pantukan (8), Parang (1), Piagapo (1), Pikit (1), Pinan (1), Plaridel (7), Polanco (8), Polomolok (21), Pres. Carlos P. Garcia (1), President Carlos P. Garcia (1), President Manuel A. Roxas (6), Prosperidad (1), Quezon (5), Ramon Magsaysay (7), Rizal (5), Sablayan (1), Saguiaran (2), Salay (2), Salug (3), San Fernando (4), San Isidro (9), San Jorge (3), San Luis (33), San Pablo (4), San Remigio (2), Santa Cruz (42), Santa Elena (1), Santa Josefa (1), Santa Maria (10), Santiago (2), Santo Tomas (17), Sapang Dalaga (8), Sergio Osmeña Sr. (6), Siayan (2), Sibagat (1), Sibuco (8), Sibunag (11), Sibutad (1), Sinacaban (14), Sindangan (11), Siocon (5), Sirawai (2), Socorro (2), Sugbongcogon (2), Sulop (13), Surallah (1), T'Boli (1), Tabuan-Lasa (1), Tagoloan (4), Talacogon (1), Talaingod (7), Talakag (2), Tambulig (1), Tampilisan (4), Tanauan (1), Tarragona (5), Taytay (3), Tigbauan (1), Titay (2), Trento (14), Tubajon (1), Tubod (1), Tudela (17), Tungawan (2), Tupi (1), Veruela (28), Villanueva (1), gmina Bielany (1), gmina Chynów (1), gmina Czyże (1), gmina Ełk (1), gmina Miasto Dąbrowa Górnicza (1), gmina Nowa Karczma (1), Արթիկի համայնք (1),
is_in:neighbourhood67Bagong Sikat (1), Bantal (1), Baud (1), Bayan-bayanan (1), Bocboc East (1), Camp John Hay (1), Campajong (1), El Rio Vista (3), Filloville (2), Fort Bonifacio (1), Goldenville 1 (13), Hupac (1), Jacob (1), Kayamanan C (1), Lomeda (2), Magtaya (1), Maia Alta (6), Managobsob (1), Manat (1), Mangagahan 1 (1), Masagana (2), Ninety Sixth (1), Northridge (1), Poblacion del Sur (1), Puerto Rivas Itaas (1), Purok 1 (2), Purok 2 (4), Purok 3 (1), Purok 4 (1), Purok 5 (2), Purok 7 (1), Robinsons Highlands (1), Rose (1), San Gabriel (1), San Jose (1), San Vicente Ferrer (1), Sitio 2 (2), Ubongan Dacu (1), Upper Casili (1),
is_in:ocean4Atlantic (1), Atlantic Ocean (1), Pacific (1), Pacific Ocean (1),
is_in:place23Bahay Toro (1), Bajumpadan (1), Balili (1), Brgy. Dolores (2), Brgy. San Juan (1), Cambuhat (1), Dela Paz Prope, SitioKkuro (1), Dela Paz Proper,Sitio Kuro (1), Muzon (1), Pinagbuhatan (3), Pulo (5), Pulo Diezmo (1), Santa Maria (1), Tabok (1), Welfareville Compound (2),
is_in:postcode34023 (2), 6537 (1),
is_in:province3583Agusan del Norte (14), Agusan del Sur (26), Aklan (17), Albay (70), Albay;Sorsogon (1), Antique (19), Apayao (1), Aurora (8), BC (2), Basilan (20), Bataan (21), Batanes (1), Batangas (320), Benguet (18), Bilar (1), Biliran (8), Bohol (28), Bukidnon (192), Bulacan (7), Cagayan (91), Camarines Norte (14), Camarines Sur (36), Camiguin (7), Capiz (20), Catanduanes (274), Cavite (17), Cebu (89), Compostella Valley (1), Cotabato (55), Davao De Oro (1), Davao Occidental (8), Davao Oriental (16), Davao de Oro (24), Davao del Norte (57), Davao del Sur (257), Dinagat Islands (4), Eastern Samar (27), Guimaras (5), Ifugao (9), Ilocos Norte (27), Ilocos Sur (31), Iloilo (59), Isabela (9), Kalinga (3), La Union (17), Laguna (15), Lanao del Norte (24), Lanao del Sur (43), Leyte (81), Maguindanao (2), Maguindanao del Norte (14), Maguindanao del Sur (24), Marinduque (6), Masbate (57), Misamis Occidental (20), Misamis Oriental (31), Mountain Province (30), Negros Occidental (29), Negros Oriental (34), North Cotabato (68), Northern Samar (36), Nueva Ecija (40), Nueva Viscaya (1), Nueva Vizcaya (2), Occidental Mindoro (103), Oriental Mindoro (14), Palawan (45), Pampanga (24), Pangasinan (122), QC (4), Quezon (66), Rizal (76), Romblon (36), Samar (51), Sarangani (19), Sorsogon (166), South Cotabato (10), Southern Leyte (21), Southern Province (1), Sultan Kudarat (27), Sulu (28), Surigao Del Norte (8), Surigao Del Sur (1), Surigao del Norte (32), Surigao del Sur (23), Tarlac (61), Tawi-Tawi (62), Tayabas (1), Western Samar (2), Zambales (14), Zamboanga Sibugay (23), Zamboanga del Norte (26), Zamboanga del Sur (23), województwo mazowieckie (2), województwo podlaskie (1), województwo pomorskie (1), województwo śląskie (1),
is_in:province_code9AGS (2), CEB (6), PLW (1),
is_in:purok17Abaca (1), Panipasan (1), Purok 1-B (1), Purok 10-A (2), Purok 16 (2), Purok 4 (1), Purok 5 Santo Niño (1), Purok 6 (1), Purok 7-B (1), Purok 8 (2), Purok 8 San Miguel (2), Trencera (2),
is_in:quarter1089Abgao (1), Addition Hills (1), Aflek (2), Afus (2), Aguinaldo (2), Ala-uli (3), Alegria (6), Alitap (1), Aluyon (1), Amabel (1), Amas (2), Amontay (1), Ampongol (1), Amsipit (2), Angas (1), Anibongon (1), Anislag (4), Anitap (1), Anticala (1), Antonino (1), Apolonio Samson (1), Aragon (1), Aribungos (1), Aroganga (1), Aslum (1), Ata-atahon (1), Awa (3), Awao (7), Babuyan (1), Bacungan (2), Badas (1), Bago Saka (3), Bagong Silangan (1), Bagumbayan (1), Bai Sarafinang (4), Balabag (1), Balagunan (1), Balansay (2), Baliango (1), Baluan (4), Balut (4), Balutakay (2), Banahaw (1), Banali (1), Bandila (1), Banga (3), Bangkal (12), Banlag (3), Bannawag (1), Baobaoan (1), Baon (2), Barangay 35 (1), Barayong (1), Basag (9), Basak (1), Bata (1), Batawan (1), Batobalani (1), Baviera (1), Bayanihan (1), Bel-Air (1), Bi-ao (4), Biga (1), Binasbas (1), Binondo (1), Bitaogan (1), Biwang (1), Bobon (4), Bonbon (2), Bongabong (2), Bongon (2), Buan (1), Bucana (4), Budbud (4), Buenaflores (1), Buenavista (1), Bug-ang (2), Burnham-Legarda (1), Buso (2), Butanguiad (1), Cabacungan (3), Cabadiangan (1), Cabagayan (1), Cabalawan (3), Cabatuan (1), Cabatuhan (1), Cabay-angan (4), Caglanipao Sur (1), Cagsiay Ⅲ (1), Calasaguen (1), Calatrava (1), Calawis (4), Caloc-an (1), Calubihan (1), Camantangan (1), Cambagang (1), Cambaleon (1), Cambayobo (1), Camflora (1), Camingawan (1), Campawan (1), Campo Uno (1), Can-Cal-Lan (3), Can-aponte (1), Can-untog (1), Canaway (3), Canciledes (1), Canidkid (1), Canipaan (1), Canmanila (1), Canmoros (2), Canmucat (1), Cansuso (1), Capilan (4), Caponayan (1), Capungagan (4), Carabalan (6), Casili (4), Casoon (1), Castilla (1), Catitipan (2), Cauayanan (1), Cawa-Cawa (1), Cayambanan (1), Celestino Villacin (1), Centrala (2), Ciudades (4), Colonia Divina (2), Commonwealth (1), Concepcion (3), Conel (1), Consing (1), Crossing (1), Cruz (1), Cupang (2), Curva (1), Cuyambay (2), Dabiak (1), Dagohoy (1), Dahican (2), Dakit (1), Dale (1), Dalig (1), Daluga (1), Damakling (2), Damolog (1), Danleg (1), Danlig (1), Darugao (1), Datalblao (1), Datu Intan (1), Davao Riverfront Corporate City (2), Dawan (2), Del Pilar (2), Demoloc (1), Denlag (1), Desawo (1), Dolores (1), Dominican Mirador (1), Don Mariano Marcos (2), Don Martin Marundan (2), Don Salvador Lopez, Sr. (2), Don Sergio Osmeña (1), Doña Telesfora (2), Dungon (1), East Baluarte (2), El Nonok (1), Enclaro (3), Escuela (3), Esperanza (1), Estaca (1), Estefania (3), Fatima (1), Felis (1), Galas (1), Gapok (2), Gasi (1), Gatuslao (1), General Climaco (1), General Luna (1), Germinal (1), Gibraltar (1), Ginatilan (1), Glamang (2), Greenfield (1), Guadalupe (4), Guimbala-on (3), Guinabsan (2), Guinciaman (1), Guinpana-an (1), Handumanan (2), Hanginan (1), Hilamonan (2), Hillside (1), Hinab-ongan (1), Hinalaan (1), Hulo (2), Humilog (2), Huyon-uyon (1), Ibabang Palale (1), Ibona (1), Igot (1), Il Papa (1), Ilian (1), Ilihan (2), Ilomavis (2), Inagawa Sub-colony (1), Inagawan Sub-colony (1), Inamlan (1), Inapoy (1), Iponan (1), J.P. Laurel (1), Jagobiao (1), Jagupit (2), Johndorf Communities (3), Jonobjonob (2), Jubas (1), Kabulacan (1), Kagitingan (1), Kahayag (4), Kalanawi Ⅱ (1), Kalandagan (2), Kalanganan Ⅱ (3), Kalawag 2 (1), Kalubakis (1), Kalumboyan (1), Kamanga (2), Kampoot (1), Kapatan (1), Kauswagan (3), Kematu (6), Keytodac (1), Kibudtungan (2), Kilada (2), Kimarayag (3), Kinabalan (1), Kinablangan (1), Kinam (1), Kinayao (1), Kingking (3), Koronadal Proper (2), La Fortuna (2), La Union (4), Labangal (1), Labog (1), Lacdayan (1), Laconon (10), Lagtang (1), Lagubang (2), Laguilayan (2), Laguimit (1), Lahi (1), Lakas (1), Lalong (1), Lambajon (1), Lambog (1), Lamfugon (2), Lamingao (1), Landan (3), Langcataon (2), Lanton (1), Lapinigan (1), Lara (1), Larap (1), Las Arenas (1), Latud (1), Lavigan (1), Lawaan Ⅲ (1), Lawigan (2), Libjo (1), Licos (1), Ligas 1 (1), Liliongan (4), Limbaan (1), Limulan (2), Linao (2), Lindogon (1), Lingayao (2), Locotan (6), Lomuyon (1), Looc (3), Lower Lumutan (1), Lower Mahayag (3), Lower Olave (1), Luac (1), Lucatan (2), Lucnab (5), Lumabag (3), Lumakil (1), Lumatil (1), Lumutan (1), Lun Masla (1), Lupang Arenda (1), Lutay (2), Luzon (1), Maan (7), Mabantao (2), Mabuhay (3), Mabunao (1), Macagahay (1), Macambol (1), Macebolig (2), Macopa (1), Maganda (1), Magangit (2), Magballo (2), Magdug (1), Magnaga (3), Magongbong (1), Magsaysay (4), Maguling (1), Mahabang Lalim (1), Mahan-ub (2), Mahayahay (3), Mailum (2), Makinabang (1), Malabago (1), Malagamot (2), Malandag (2), Malapad (1), Malaya (1), Maligo (4), Malinao (1), Mambalot (1), Man-od (2), Mana (1), Managa (2), Manat (2), Manaybanay (1), Mancares (1), Mandu-ao (1), Manga (1), Manila de Bugabus (1), Manili (1), Manlilinab (1), Manuel Roxas (1), Maparat (1), Mapulang Lupa (1), Maravilla (1), Marayag (3), Maria Cristina (1), Masiag (1), Mate (2), Matiao (3), Mayamot (1), Mayaon (2), Maybancal (1), McKinley (2), Mercedes (1), Minapasuk (4), Mindupok (2), Moloy (2), Mongokayo (3), Montesuerte (1), Monteverde (1), Montilla (1), Nangan (2), Napnapan (9), Narra (1), Ned (6), New Alegria (1), New Bantangan (1), New Clarin (1), New Cortez (2), New Dumangas (4), New Isabela (2), New Loon (1), New Lucban (1), New Taokanga (1), New Visayas (3), Nomoh (1), Nueva Era (1), Nuevo Iloco (3), Numo (2), Obial (1), Ogao (1), Old Macopa (5), Old San Agustin (1), Olympog (1), Oringao (2), Orong (1), Osmeña (2), PInugay (1), Pag-asa (4), Pag-laum (1), Pagsangahan (4), Paitan (1), Palampas (5), Palkan (1), Palma Gil (1), Pampang (5), Panag (1), Panalingaan (1), Panansalan (2), Pangaleon (1), Pangdan (1), Pangibiran (1), Pangobilian (3), Panoloon (1), Pantaron (1), Panuntungan (3), Pao (1), Paraiso (4), Pasian (1), Patag (2), Patnanungan Sur (1), Payatas;Quezon City (1), Payauan (2), Perez (1), Pichon (3), Pidtiguian (1), Pigcawaran (1), Pinamanculan (2), Pinanag-an (1), Pinaod (1), Pindasan (1), Pinggot (2), Pinsao Proper (1), Pintong Bukawe (1), Pinugay (3), Piso Proper (2), Plaza Aldea (1), Pobalcion (1), Poblacion (30), Poblacion West (1), Poblacion Ⅰ (2), Polo (1), Poloy-poloy (1), Poog (2), Proper (2), Puan (4), Puey (1), Punang (1), Punong (1), Puray (2), Putat (1), Puting Bato (2), Quintin Remo (3), Quisol (1), Ragandang (2), Rangayen (1), Riverside (1), Rizal (2), Robles (1), Rosal (1), Rubber (1), Sabanal (1), Sainz (3), Salacafe (5), Salaysay (5), Salingcomot (1), Salumping (2), Salvacion (5), Samareñana (1), Sampao (2), San Alfonso (1), San Andres (4), San Antonio (5), San Domingo (1), San Fermin (2), San Francisco B (2), San Ignacio (2), San Isidro (7), San Jose (20), San Juan (3), San Juan Nepomuceno (4), San Luis (1), San Martin de Porres (1), San Mateo (1), San Miguel (1), San Pablo (3), San Pedro (4), San Rafael (2), San Roque (6), San Vicente (4), Sangay (5), Sanghay (1), Santa Catalina Sur (1), Santa Ines (3), Santa Maria (2), Santa Teresita (2), Santander (1), Santiago (2), Santo Cristo (1), Santo Niño (13), Santo Rosario (3), Santol (2), Santolan (1), Sapa (1), Sapang Maisac (4), Sapu Masla (1), Sarayan (2), Sarong (1), Saypon (1), Semong (1), Sergio Osmeña (1), Shrine Hills (1), Sibucao (1), Sibulan (1), Silway 7 (1), Silway 8 (1), Simbalan (1), Sinapulan (1), Sinawal (2), Somogo (1), Sowangan (2), Spring (1), Sua (2), Sua-on (2), Sumilil (2), T'bolok (1), Taba-ao (1), Tabang (1), Tabawan (1), Tabayag (1), Tabok (1), Tabon (1), Tabu (4), Tabugoc (1), Tabugon (3), Tabunan (3), Tag-ugpo (2), Tagab-iran (1), Tagaytay (1), Tagbinonga (1), Taguitic (2), Taguranao (2), Talacdan (2), Talavera (1), Talian (1), Talisay (1), Tambacan (1), Tambak (1), Tamban (1), Tambilil (1), Tambongon (3), Tamisan (2), Tamontaka Ⅳ (1), Tanatanaon (2), Tandang Kutyo (4), Tandang Sora (2), Taocanga (1), Taytayan (1), Templanza (1), Tenani (1), Tibanban (2), Tiblawan (1), Tiglawigan (4), Tinagacan (1), Tinaungan (1), Tinoto (2), Tipas (1), Tomoaong (1), Toril (1), Towak (1), Toytoy (1), Trinidad (1), Tugar (1), Tulalian (2), Ubat (3), Ulas (8), Umiray (2), Upper Bicutan (1), Upper Klinan (1), Upper Labay (3), Upper Lumabat (1), Upper Malagamot (3), Upper Piedad (2), Upper Quezon Hill (2), V.F. Gustilo (2), Victoria Village (1), Villa Cananga (1), Villa San Isidro (2), Villa Teresita (1), Villamor (1), Villegas (1), Yubo (2), Zone 1 (1), Zone Ⅲ (1), residential (1), school (2),
is_in:region495BARMM (46), Bicol Region (5), Bulacan (47), CALABARZON (5), Caraga (5), Cavite (2), Central Luzon (1), Central Visayas (4), Cordillera Administrative Region (6), Davao Region (5), Eastern Visayas (6), Gowa (1), Laguna (6), Litoral (1), MIMAROPA (3), Manila (2), Metro Manila (31), NCR (88), National Capital Region (2), Ncr (181), Northern Mindanao (5), Region 3 (3), Region VII (2), Rizal (10), SOCCSKSARGEN (6), Saarland (3), Sardegna (1), Surigao del Sur (1), Western Visayas (11), Zamboanga Peninsula (3), bulacan (1), Самарская область (1), Շիրակի մարզ (1),
is_in:right2City of Vaughan (2),
is_in:sitio37Agsam (1), Bangonay (1), Basak (1), Biernisan (1), Boston (1), Cabagtukan (1), Cavarizan (1), Crossing Malabog (2), Cutson (1), Dugayan (4), Durian (4), Fatima (1), Guadalupe (1), Landing (2), Lomlom (1), Manaklay (1), Marahan (4), Musuan (1), Nalom (1), Quinokol (1), Rizal (3), Sitio 3 (1), Tungcaling (1), Uraya (1),
is_in:state5831AL (3), AR (9), AR;TX (2), AS (1), AZ (5), Abra (42), Agusan Del Sur (4), Agusan del Norte (6), Agusan del Sur (17), Aklan (65), Alabama (1), Albay (54), Antique (61), Arizona (8), Aurora (20), BC (1), Baganga (1), Basilan (89), Bataan (26), Batanes (15), Batanes (Batan Island) (1), Batangas (66), Batangas, Cavite (1), Benguet (48), Biliran (7), Bohol (87), Boundaries of Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales (1), Bukidnon (70), Bulacan (66), Butuan (1), CA (4), CO (3), Cagayan (176), Cagayan (Calayan Island) (2), California (3), Camarines Norte (33), Camarines Norte; Camarines Sur (1), Camarines Sur (82), Camiguin (4), Capiz (29), Catanduanes (34), Cavite (30), Cañar (2), Cebu (50), Cotabato (4), DC;MD (1), DC;MD;VA (1), DE (1), Davao Occidental (2), Davao Oriental (38), Davao de Oro (2), Davao del Norte (17), Davao del Sur (40), Dinagat Islands (1), Eastern Cape (1), Eastern Samar (67), FL (7), Florida (5), GA (4), Guimaras (30), HR (2), Hainan (2), IA (6), ID (4), IL (8), IN (4), IN;MI (1), Ifugao (30), Ifugao; Benguet (1), Ilocos Norte (46), Ilocos Sur (28), Iloilo (187), Indiana (1), Isabela (30), JH (1), JK (1), KA (1), KS (3), KS;MO (1), KY (2), Kalinga-Apayao (52), Khánh Hòa (1), LA (11), LA;AR (2), La Union (7), Laguna (52), Laguna, Batangas (1), Laguna, Quezon (1), Lanao (21), Lanao del Norte (27), Lanao del Sur (31), Leyte (136), MA (5), MD (3), ME (2), MI (4), MN (6), MO (1), MS (1), MS;LA;AR (1), MT (8), Maguindanao (39), Marinduque (10), Masbate (99), Michigan (1), Mindoro Occidental (49), Mindoro Oriental (42), Minnesota (2), Misamis Occidental (6), Misamis Oriental (24), Mountain Province (10), NC (1), NC;VA (1), ND (3), NE (1), NJ (3), NM (1), NV (1), NV;CA (1), NY (8), Nariño (2), Negos Occidental (1), Negros Occidental (129), Negros Oriental (12), North Cotabato (23), Northern Samar (74), Nueva Ecija (106), Nueva Viscaya (1), Nueva Vizcaya (22), OH (6), OK (7), OR (15), OR;WA (1), Occidental Mindoro (13), Oklahoma (1), Oriental Mindoro (7), PA (1), PB (3), Palawan (578), Pampanga (3), Pangasinan (174), Province of Tawi-Tawi (1), Provincia de Cañar (1), Provincia de Sucumbíos (2), Provincia del Guayas (1), QC (4), Quezon (82), Quezon, Laguna (1), Quirino (7), RI;MA (1), Rizal (321), Romblon (33), SC (2), SD (1), Samar (135), Sarangani (38), Sorsogon (48), South Cotabato (2), Southern Leyte (61), Sulawesi Selatan (1), Sultan Kudarat (9), Sulu (312), Surigao Del Norte (1), Surigao Del Sur (1), Surigao del Norte (524), Surigao del Sur (55), TN (1), TX (11), Talaingod (1), Tarlac (7), Tawi-Tawi (222), Tolima (1), UT (1), VA (12), WA (3), WB (1), WI (16), WI;MI (1), WI;MN (1), WY (2), WY;MT (1), Wisconsin (2), Zambales (93), Zamboanga del Norte (22), Zamboanga del Sur (121), Đắk Nông (2), 関東 (Kanto Region) (1),
is_in:state_code24AZ (8), CA (7), FL (1), IN (1), MI (1), MN (2), NW (1), OK (1), WI (2),
is_in:street1Rizal Avenue (1),
is_in:suburb83Bajada (3), Balintawak (3), Barangay 37 (1), Ermita (1), Jaro (14), La Paz (2), Lanang (1), Malate (6), Mandurriao (2), Matina (1), Molo (6), Pandacan (2), Poblacion (4), Port Area (1), Quiapo (5), Sampaloc (1), Santa Ana (2), Tondo (26), Villa de Arevalo (2),
is_in:town13186? (135), Aborlan (18), Abra de Ilog (83), Abucay (1), Abuyog (14), Aglipay (2), Agno (7), Agoncillo (22), Agoo (4), Aguilar (4), Aguinaldo (2), Agutaya (2), Ajuy (4), Al-Barka (1), Alabat (1), Alabel (35), Alamada (28), Alaminos (17), Alangalang (4), Albuera (1), Albuquerque (1), Alcala (24), Alcantara (8), Alcoy (8), Alegria (27), Aleosan (5), Alfonso (2), Alfonso Lista (5), Aliaga (6), Alicia (37), Alilem (2), Alimodian (12), Alitagtag (15), Allacapan (20), Allen (8), Almagro (7), Aloguinsan (17), Aloran (13), Altavas (2), Alubijid (4), Amai Manabilang (2), Ambaguio (1), Amlan (8), Ampatuan (4), Amulung (8), Anao (8), Anda (2), Angono (17), Anilao (1), Anini-Y (1), Anini-y (6), Antequera (1), Antipas (27), Antipolo (4), Apalit (5), Aparri (5), Araceli (2), Arakan (62), Argao (56), Aringay (2), Aritao (1), Aroroy (33), Arteche (9), Asingan (5), Asipulo (1), Asturias (4), Asuncion (17), Atimonan (11), Atok (3), Aurora (11), Ayungon (24), Baao (1), Babatngon (10), Bacacay (2), Bacarra (1), Baclayon (2), Bacnotan (7), Baco (4), Bacolod (5), Bacolor (6), Bacong (25), Bacoor (1), Bacuag (17), Bacungan (3), Bad-as (1), Badian (29), Badiangan (4), Badoc (1), Bagabag (5), Bagac (4), Bagamanoc (17), Baganga (18), Bagumbayan (30), Bakun (2), Balabac (6), Balagtas (16), Balamban (10), Balangiga (4), Balangkayan (8), Balaoan (5), Balasan (1), Balatan (1), Balayan (3), Baler (2), Balete (15), Baliangao (1), Baliaug (1), Balilihan (7), Balindong (1), Balingasag (9), Balingoan (1), Baliuag (4), Baliwag (2), Ballesteros (5), Balo-i (13), Baloi (4), Balungao (3), Banate (1), Banaue (7), Banaybanay (14), Banayoyo (3), Banga (15), Bangar (4), Bangui (2), Banguingui (6), Bani (3), Banisilan (25), Banna (1), Bansalan (5), Bansud (1), Bantay (11), Bantayan (11), Baras (34), Barbaza (5), Barcelona (8), Barili (43), Barira (1), Barotac Nuevo (2), Barotac Viejo (1), Baroy (1), Barugo (7), Basay (10), Basey (32), Basilisa (1), Basista (7), Basud (4), Batad (2), Batan (4), Batangas (1), Bataraza (25), Bato (40), Batuan (1), Bauan (7), Bauang (3), Bauko (15), Baungon (18), Bautista (6), Bay (15), Bayabas (1), Bayambang (6), Baybay (1), Baybay City (1), Bayombong (5), Bayugan (2), Belison (2), Benedicto (1), Benito Soliven (2), Besao (6), Bien Unido (3), Bilar (4), Binalbagan (31), Binalonan (16), Binangonan (40), Bindoy (22), Bingawan (1), Biri (4), Bislig (13), Bitoon (1), Boac (6), Bobon (11), Bocaue (2), Bokod (1), Bolinao (9), Boljoon (12), Bongabon (15), Bongabong (4), Bongao (5), Bonifacio (7), Bontoc (10), Borbon (4), Boston (12), Botolan (17), Braulio E. Dujali (7), Brooke's Point (3), Brooke's Point (23), Bubong (1), Buenavista (61), Bugallon (2), Bugasong (6), Buguey (13), Buguias (4), Buhi (3), Bula (4), Bulalacao (2), Bulan (38), Buldon (1), Buluan (7), Bulusan (12), Bunawan (8), Burauen (73), Burdeos (16), Burdeos;Panukulan (1), Burgos (23), Buruanga (1), Bustos (2), Busuanga (10), Butig (3), Butuan (1), Buug (2), Caba (1), Cabangan (8), Cabanglasan (45), Cabarroguis (3), Cabatuan (12), Cabiao (5), Cabugao (18), Cabuyao (1), Cadiz (1), Cagayancillo (1), Cagdianao (4), Cagwait (2), Cainta (21), Cajidiocan (2), Calaca (7), Calamaniugan (2), Calamba (4), Calanasan (5), Calape (19), Calasiao (1), Calatagan (2), Calatrava (27), Calauag (39), Calauan (16), Calbiga (8), Calbigay (1), Calinog (11), Calintaan (7), Calubian (12), Calumpit (6), Caluya (2), Camalaniugan (3), Camaligan (3), Camiling (6), Can-avid (12), Canaman (3), Candaba (8), Candelaria (17), Candijay (7), Candon (1), Candoni (13), Cansumbol (1), Cantilan (1), Caoayan (3), Capalonga (7), Capas (5), Capoocan (1), Capul (5), Caraga (24), Caramoan (16), Caramoran (25), Cardona (16), Carigara (2), Carles (8), Carmen (93), Carranglan (1), Carrascal (7), Casiguran (5), Castilla (28), Castillejos (8), Catanauan (12), Catarman (40), Cateel (13), Catigbian (6), Catmon (9), Catubig (29), Cauayan (10), Cavinti (9), Cawayan (5), Cervantes (6), Clarin (13), Claver (6), Claveria (57), Columbia (1), Columbio (34), Compostela (36), Concepcion (24), Consolacion (19), Corcuera (15), Cordon (2), Cordova (11), Coron (23), Cortes (16), Cuartero (4), Cuenca (24), Culaba (2), Culasi (21), Culion (16), Currimao (2), Cuyapo (51), Cuyo (8), Daanbantayan (2), Daet (4), Dagami (5), Dagohoy (6), Dalaguete (35), Damulog (19), Danao (12), Dangcagan (13), Dao (4), Daraga (8), Daram (8), Dasol (2), Datu Abdullah Sangki (1), Datu Anggal Midtimbang (2), Datu Blah T. Sinsuat (8), Datu Odin Sinsuat (3), Datu Paglas (1), Dauin (24), Dauis (1), Del Carmen (3), Del Gallego (29), Delfin Albano (21), Diffun (5), Dila (1), Dimataling (2), Dimiao (4), Dinagat (1), Dinalungan (3), Dinalupihan (4), Dinas (4), Dingalan (13), Dingle (1), Dingras (15), Dipaculao (2), Diplahan (2), Divalacan (1), Dolores (40), Don Carlos (29), Don Marcelino (21), Don Victoriano Chiongbian (9), Donsol (40), Doña Remedios Trinidad (4), Duero (14), Dueñas (2), Dulag (32), Dumalinao (9), Dumangas (4), Dumanjug (37), Dumaran (16), Dumarao (6), Dumingag (28), Dupax Del Norte (1), Dupax del Norte (8), Dupax del Sur (1), Dąbrowa Górnicza (1), Echague (6), El Nido (15), Enrile (4), Enrique B. Magalona (5), Esperanza (94), Estancia (1), Famy (1), Ferrol (1), Floridablanca (5), Gabaldon (10), Gainza (2), Galimuyod (3), Gallego (1), Gamay (15), Gamu (7), Gandara (19), Garchitorena (1), Garcia Hernandez (10), Gasan (2), Gattaran (27), Gen Mamerto Natividad (16), Gen. S. K. Pendatun (1), General Luna (5), General MacArthur (8), General Mamerto Natividad (4), General Nakar (27), General Trias (1), Gerona (10), Getafe (2), Gigaquit (10), Gigmoto (9), Ginatilan (15), Giporlos (10), Gitagum (8), Glan (23), Gloria (13), Goa (1), Godod (2), Gonzaga (16), Governor Generoso (37), Gregorio del Pilar (7), Guagua (9), Gubat (6), Guiguinto (7), Guimba (7), Guimbal (5), Guinayangan (14), Guindulman (2), Guinobatan (4), Guinsiliban (2), Guipos (8), Guiuan (7), Gumaca (9), Gutalac (2), Hadji Mohammad Ajul (1), Hadji Muhtamad (3), Hagonoy (48), Hamtic (1), Hermosa (1), Hernani (5), Hilongos (5), Hinabangan (6), Hinatuan (17), Hindang (2), Hingyon (3), Hinigaran (10), Hinunangan (17), Hinundayan (1), Iba (13), Ibaan (1), Ibajay (10), Igbaras (7), Ilagan (7), Ilog (7), Imelda (1), Impasug-ong (2), Impasugong (42), Impasungong (1), Imus (1), Inabanga (22), Infanta (19), Initao (1), Inopacan (1), Irosin (16), Isabel (6), Isabela (25), Isulan (20), Itogon (68), Ivisan (1), Jabonga (4), Jaen (2), Jagna (4), Jala-jala (1), Jalajala (10), Jamindan (3), Janiuay (10), Jaro (17), Javier (6), Jetafe (6), Jiabong (13), Jimalalud (28), Jimenez (5), Jipapad (10), Jomalig (2), Jones (1), Jordan (3), Jose Abad Santos (30), Jose Dalman (1), Jose Panganiban (11), Josefina (5), Jovellar (7), Juban (10), Julita (28), Kabacan (11), Kabugao (1), Kadingilan (24), Kalamansig (14), Kalawit (7), Kalayaan (8), Kalibo (4), Kalilangan (19), Kananga (8), Kapai (2), Kapalong (20), Kapangan (5), Kapatagan (7), Kasibu (3), Katipunan (19), Kauswagan (6), Kawit (1), Kayapa (4), Kiamba (22), Kiangan (1), Kibawe (23), Kiblawan (34), Kinoguitan (2), Kitaotao (54), Kitcharao (13), Kolambugan (1), La Castellana (13), La Libertad (33), La Paz (25), La Trinidad (25), Laak (59), Labangan (11), Labason (3), Labo (25), Labrador (2), Lacub (3), Lagangilang (1), Lagawe (6), Lagonglong (7), Laguinbanua (1), Laguindigan (1), Laguindingan (8), Laguna (7), Lake Sebu (19), Lakewood (3), Lal-Lo (2), Lal-lo (7), Lala (11), Lambayong (37), Lambunao (9), Lamut (1), Languyan (10), Lantapan (10), Lantawan (1), Lanuza (2), Lao-ang (1), Laoac (1), Laoang (47), Lapinig (8), Lapuyan (6), Larena (22), Las Navas (31), Las Nieves (14), Lasam (31), Laua-an (1), Laur (10), Laurel (23), Lavezares (7), Lazi (18), Lebak (48), Leganes (3), Lemery (47), Leon (6), Leon B. Postigo (2), Leyte (5), Lezo (1), Lian (1), Lianga (4), Libacao (4), Libagon (2), Libertad (1), Libjo (6), Libmanan (7), Libon (6), Libona (20), Libungan (7), Licab (4), Licuan-Baay (2), Lidlidda (6), Liliw (4), Lilo-an (2), Liloan (7), Liloy (5), Limasawa (1), Limay (4), Linamon (2), Linapacan (3), Lingayen (5), Lingig (9), Lipa (3), Llanera (2), Llorente (12), Loay (4), Lobo (9), Loboc (2), Looc (7), Loon (10), Lope de Vega (15), Lopez (52), Lopez Jaena (7), Loreto (34), Los Baños (1), Lubang (1), Lubao (12), Lucban (21), Lugait (6), Luisiana (3), Lumban (3), Luna (10), Lupao (1), Lupi (4), Lupon (16), Lutayan (16), Luuk (1), M'lang (2), M'lang (8), Ma-ayon (8), Maasim (12), Maasin (4), Mabinay (32), Mabini (17), Mabitac (5), Mabuhay (4), Macabebe (11), Macalelon (10), Macarthur (1), Maco (31), Maconacon (1), Macrohon (2), Madalag (4), Madrid (2), Magalang (32), Magallanes (18), Magdalena (3), Magdiwang (2), Magpet (26), Magsaysay (19), Magsingal (11), Mahaplag (21), Mahayag (14), Mahinog (1), Maigo (1), Mainit (10), Maitum (22), Majayjay (30), Makato (3), Makilala (85), Malabang (13), Malabuyoc (14), Malalag (17), Malangas (24), Malapatan (13), Malay (31), Malibcong (8), Malilipot (3), Malinao (10), Malita (54), Malitbog (31), Malolos (2), Malungon (39), Malvar (11), Mambajao (3), Mamburao (108), Mambusao (4), Manabo (1), Manaoag (3), Manaog (1), Manapla (3), Manay (28), Mandaon (1), Mandurriao (18), Mangaldan (3), Mangatarem (14), Mangudadatu (6), Manjuyod (27), Manjuyud (1), Manolo Fortich (32), Mansalay (1), Mapanas (10), Mapandan (3), Marabut (1), Maragondon (2), Maragusan (21), Maramag (33), Marantao (1), Marcos (6), Margosatubig (18), Maria (22), Maribojoc (6), Marihatag (3), Marilao (3), Mariveles (3), Masantol (2), Masinloc (18), Maslog (5), Mataasnakahoy (18), Matag-ob (1), Matalam (47), Matalom (9), Matanao (9), Matnog (37), Matuguinao (4), Matungao (7), Mauban (22), Mawab (9), Maydolong (11), Mayorga (6), Mayoyao (2), Medellin (5), Medina (4), Mercdes (4), Mercedes (9), Merida (13), Mexico (25), Miagao (1), Midsalip (31), Midsayap (3), Milagros (9), Minalabac (1), Minalin (4), Minglanilla (22), Moalboal (16), Mobo (6), Mogpog (8), Moises Padilla (16), Molave (9), Moncada (2), Mondragon (10), Monkayo (26), Montevista (28), Morong (11), Motiong (19), Mulanay (3), Mulondo (1), Munai (9), Murcia (6), Mutia (1), Muzon (1), Naawan (3), Nabas (6), Nabua (2), Nabunturan (8), Naga (11), Nagbukel (1), Nagcarlan (3), Nagtipunan (1), Naguilian (16), Naguillan (1), Naic (12), Narra (29), Narvacan (25), Nasipit (9), Nasugbu (19), Natividad (1), Natonin (11), Naujan (2), Naval (22), Nawaan (1), New Bataan (47), New Corella (5), New Dagupan (1), New Lucena (2), New Washington (4), Norala (13), Northern Kabuntalan (1), Norzagaray (2), Nueva Era (1), Nueva Valencia (5), Numancia (8), Nunungan (4), Oas (2), Ocampo (2), Odiongan (4), Olutanga (19), Opol (3), Orani (5), Oras (11), Orion (3), Ormoc City (67), Oslob (22), Oton (2), Padada (23), Padre Burgos (3), Paete (2), Pagagawan (1), Pagalungan (2), Pagbilao (1), Paglat (15), Pagsanghan (1), Pagsanjan (10), Pagudpud (4), Pakil (3), Palanan (34), Palanas (1), Palapag (21), Palauig (7), Palayan City (11), Palimbang (14), Palo (8), Palompon (2), Paluan (3), Pambujan (7), Pamplona (16), Panabo (1), Panay (2), Pandag (3), Pandan (37), Panganiban (12), Pangantucan (27), Pangil (2), Panglao (14), Pangutaran (4), Paniqui (5), Panitan (1), Pantabangan (7), Pantao Ragat (10), Pantar (12), Pantukan (32), Panukulan (12), Paoay (13), Paracale (5), Paracelis (6), Paranas (18), Parang (9), Pasacao (7), Pastrana (3), Pata (1), Pateros (11), Patnanungan (8), Patnongon (2), Pavia (4), Payao (4), Penablanca (2), Perez (8), Peñablanca (3), Piat (3), Piddig (11), Pigkawayan (7), Pikit (4), Pila (17), Pilar (47), Pili (7), Pililla (8), Pinabacdao (15), Pinamalayan (10), Pinamungajan (26), Pinili (10), Pintuyan (1), Pio Duran (35), Pio V. Corpuz (4), Pitogo (3), Piñan (6), Placer (13), Plaridel (12), Poblacion (1), Pola (3), Polanco (11), Polangui (8), Polillo (20), Polomolok (42), Pontevedra (13), Poona Piagapo (3), Porac (8), Poro (15), Pototan (6), Pozorrubio (5), Pozzorubio (1), Pres. Carlos P. Garcia (1), Presentacion (2), President Carlos P. Garcia (6), President Manuel A. Roxas (3), President Quirino (26), President Roxas (32), Prieto Diaz (11), Prosperidad (14), Pualas (1), Puerto Galera (5), Puerto Princesa (3), Pugo (2), Pulupandan (4), Pura (3), Quezon (60), Quinapondan (7), Quirino (3), Rajah Buayan (2), Ramon (2), Ramon Magsaysay (16), Ramos (1), Rapu-rapu (20), Real (13), Reina Mercedes (3), Reina Mercedez (1), Remedios T. Romualdez (6), Rizal (40), Rodriguez (20), Romblon (9), Ronda (14), Rosales (11), Rosario (30), Roseller Lim (3), Roxas (13), Roxas City (1), Sabang (2), Sabangan (1), Sablan (32), Sablayan (11), Sagada (2), Sagay (1), Sagbayan (6), Saguday (2), Sagñay (2), Saint Bernard (3), Salay (3), Salcedo (44), Sallapadan (1), Salug (1), Salvador Benedicto (1), Samal (2), Samboan (15), Sampaloc (9), San Agustin (7), San Andres (39), San Antonio (17), San Benito (3), San Carlos (2), San Clemente (6), San Dionisio (3), San Emilio (9), San Enrique (12), San Esteban (4), San Fabian (3), San Fernando (136), San Francisco (32), San Gabriel (9), San Idelfonso (1), San Ildefonso (13), San Isidro (44), San Jacinto (6), San Joaquin (1), San Jorge (9), San Jose (61), San Jose de Buan (8), San Juan (43), San Julian (1), San Lorenzo (1), San Lorenzo Ruiz (9), San Luis (41), San Manuel (8), San Marcelino (3), San Mariano (6), San Mateo (20), San Miguel (100), San Narciso (3), San Nicolas (21), San Pablo (5), San Pascual (6), San Policarpio (1), San Policarpo (3), San Quintin (2), San Rafael (20), San Ramon (3), San Remigio (11), San Ricardo (2), San Roque (12), San Sebastian (2), San Simon (1), San Teodoro (16), San Vicente (16), Sanchez Mira (23), Santa (9), Santa Ana (11), Santa Barbara (1), Santa Catalina (30), Santa Cruz (86), Santa Elena (4), Santa Fe (26), Santa Josefa (41), Santa Lucia (10), Santa Magdalena (1), Santa Margarita (9), Santa Maria (78), Santa Monica (1), Santa Praxedes (10), Santa Rita (28), Santa Rosa (1), Santa Teresita (13), Santander (11), Santiago (14), Santo Domingo (13), Santo Niño (21), Santo Tomas (95), Santol (6), Sapa-Sapa (1), Sapa-sapa (6), Sapad (13), Sapang Dalaga (7), Sapi-an (1), Sapian (2), Sara (7), Sarangani (16), Sariaya (21), Sarrat (6), Sasmuan (3), Sebaste (1), Sen. Ninoy Aquino (1), Senator Ninoy Aquino (28), Sergio Osmena Sr. (4), Sergio Osmeña Sr (1), Sergio Osmeña Sr. (2), Sevilla (2), Shariff Aguak (1), Siaton (33), Siayan (2), Sibagat (5), Sibalom (7), Sibonga (31), Sibuco (5), Sibugan (2), Sibulan (20), Sibutad (13), Sibutu (1), Sierra Bullones (10), Sigay (5), Sigma (5), Silago (1), Silang (2), Silvino Lobos (26), Simunul (3), Sinacaban (7), Sinait (4), Sindangan (8), Siniloan (3), Siocon (5), Sipocot (3), Siquijor (42), Sirawai (1), Sison (6), Sitangkai (5), Socorro (5), Sofronio Espanola (2), Sofronio Española (6), Sogod (26), Solana (8), Solano (1), Solsona (1), Sominot (22), Sorsogon City (1), South Ubian (26), South Upi (1), Sta Maria (5), Sta. Maria (2), Sto Nino (1), Sual (2), Subic (10), Sudipen (15), Sugbongcogon (2), Sugpon (1), Sulat (9), Sulop (24), Sultan Kudarat (6), Sultan Naga Dimaporo (9), Sultan Sa Barongis (1), Sumilao (12), Surallah (19), Surigao City (1), Suyo (6), T';boli (1), T'Boli (12), T'boli (61), Taal (34), Tabango (5), Tabina (6), Tabogon (11), Tabontabon (6), Tabuan-Lasa (4), Tabuelan (15), Tadian (1), Taft (8), Tagana-an (7), Tagapul-an (12), Tagbina (3), Tagkawayan (12), Tago (17), Tagoloan (14), Tagoloan Ii (1), Tagudin (18), Talacogon (11), Talaingod (117), Talakag (40), Talalora (9), Talarora (1), Talavera (18), Talayan (5), Talibon (11), Talisay (16), Talisayan (3), Talusan (4), Tambulig (1), Tampakan (8), Tamparan (3), Tampilisan (2), Tanauan (6), Tanay (24), Tandubas (4), Tangalan (4), Tantangan (11), Tanza (7), Tapaz (5), Tarangnan (7), Tarragona (9), Tayabas (5), Tayasan (28), Taysan (11), Taytay (123), Tayug (1), Teresa (3), Ternate (1), Tiaong (23), Tibiao (4), Tigaon (2), Tigbao (1), Tigbauan (12), Timamana (1), Tinambac (5), Tineg (1), Tingloy (15), Tipo-Tipo (2), Titay (6), Tobias Fornier (2), Toboso (12), Toledo City (2), Tolosa (1), Tomas Oppus (8), Torrijos (6), Trento (10), Trinidad (14), Tuba (13), Tubajon (2), Tubao (2), Tubay (5), Tubigon (20), Tublay (8), Tubod (12), Tubungan (14), Tuburan (25), Tudela (13), Tudella (1), Tukuran (2), Tulunan (29), Tumauini (3), Tungawan (3), Tupi (11), Turtle Islands (1), Tuy (3), Ubay (13), Umingan (11), Ungkaya Pukan (2), Unisan (4), Upi (6), Urbiztondo (11), Uson (2), Valencia (74), Valladolid (9), Vallehermoso (15), Veruela (12), Victoria (23), Viga (20), Villaba (4), Villanueva (3), Villareal (23), Villasis (4), Villaverde (5), Vintar (6), Virac (57), Wao (3), Zamboanguita (10), Zaragosa (3), Zaragoza (5), Zarraga (2), Zumarraga (1),
is_in:village467023-C (1), 76-A Bucana (2), ? (253), Abad Santos (1), Abangan Sur (1), Abatan (4), Abiang (3), Abilan (1), Abogado (1), Abong (1), Abuno (1), Abuyogon (1), Acacia (2), Addition Hills (4), Adorable (1), Adtuyon (3), Afga (1), Aflek (1), Ag-agrao (1), Agawa (1), Agay-ayan (1), Aglayan (2), Aguinaldo (3), Alambre (2), Alangilan (2), Alapang (5), Alasaging (1), Alegria (1), Alejal (1), Alejos (1), Alfonso (1), Alfonso Angliongto Sr. (5), Alfonso Tabora (1), Algeciras (1), Alianza (1), Alimodias (1), Alimono (1), Alimsog (1), Alno (13), Alubijid (1), Alucao (1), Aluling (1), Amas (1), Ambassador (3), Ambiong (7), Ambulong (1), Amgaleyguey (2), Amlimay (1), Amontoc (2), Amot (1), Ampawid (1), Ampucao (8), Amungan (3), Anao (1), Andap (1), Angalan (12), Angandog (1), Angas (5), Angeles (1), Angga-an (4), Ani-e (1), Anislag (1), Anitap (1), Anitapan (2), Anitong (1), Antipolo (1), Antipolo del Sur (1), Apanangon (1), Apo Island (1), Apo Macote (2), Apoc-apoc (1), Apopong (1), Ara-al (1), Aragon (1), Araibo (2), Aramaywan (1), Aranguren (1), Arasasan (1), Arebasore (1), Argawanon (1), Armado (7), Armenia (1), Arpili (1), Asbang (1), Aslum (1), Assumption (4), Astorga (3), Atabay (1), Atan-Awe (7), Atlag (1), Atop-atop (1), Atotes (1), Aundano (1), Aurora (2), Awao (12), Awasian (1), Aya (2), Ayala (2), Ayungon (1), Azagra (1), Babag (2), Babuyan (1), Bacong (1), Bacungan (1), Bacusanon (1), Badas (1), Badiangon (2), Badtasan (1), Baganihan (5), Bagasbas (1), Bagay (1), Bago (2), Bago Gallera (2), Bago Oshiro (3), Bagolatao (1), Bagonawa (1), Bagong Silang (4), Bagong Silang 1 (1), Bagong Silang II (1), Bagongbayan (1), Bagongon (1), Bagroy (1), Bagtic (3), Baguio Proper (1), Bagumbayan (2), Bahi-an (1), Bahong (5), Bajumpandan (1), Bal-ason (1), Balabag (8), Balansay (18), Balante (2), Balao (6), Balaoa (1), Balayang (1), Balaytigue (5), Balaytigue & Natipuan (1), Balibago (2), Balicua (1), Balili (11), Balingaeng (1), Balingasag (1), Balinsasayao (3), Balintawak (1), Balintonga (1), Balisong (1), Balite (2), Baliti (1), Baliw (2), Balligui (1), Balnasan (2), Baloganon (1), Balogo (2), Balongating (2), Baluan (1), Balubal (1), Balucuc (1), Balugo (1), Balutakay (1), Bamban (1), Bambang (1), Banago (3), Banali (1), Banate (1), Banawe (1), Banaybanay (1), Banban (1), Bancaan (2), Bancal Pugad (3), Bancalaan (1), Bancao-Bancao (1), Banga (1), Bangantalinga (1), Bangayan (2), Bangbang (1), Banglasan (1), Bango (1), Bangon (1), Bani (3), Banilad (1), Banlag (3), Banlic (1), Banonong (1), Banquero (1), Banquerohan (2), Bantacan (16), Bantay (2), Bantayan (3), Bantigue (1), Bantog (1), Bantol (6), Banuang Daan (1), Banwague (1), Bao (5), Baracatan (9), Barangay 10 & 11 (1), Barangay 2 (1), Barangay 31 (2), Barangay 4 (1), Barangay 584 (1), Barangay 8 (1), Barangay II (1), Barangay Ⅰ (1), Barangay Ⅴ (3), Barangca (1), Barangobong (4), Baras (1), Barigon (1), Barong-barong (1), Barra (3), Baruyen (2), Basak (5), Base Camp (1), Basiao (1), Basiawan (1), Basil (1), Bata (1), Batangan (1), Batangbatang (1), Batasan (3), Batayan (1), Batbatan (10), Batiawan (1), Bato (5), Batomelong (1), Batong Malake (1), Batotuling (1), Batuan (2), Baua (1), Bauang (1), Bauhugan (1), Baviera (1), Bawani (1), Bayabas (35), Bayabason (1), Bayanga (1), Bayanihan (2), Bayaoas (2), Baybay (2), Baylanan (1), Bayo (2), Bayog (1), Beckel (12), Behia (1), Benliw (1), Benoligan (1), Bentangan (1), Bershiba (1), Betag (4), Bi-ao (1), Biangan (1), Biao Escuela (1), Biao Guianga (7), Bibiclat (6), Bical (1), Biga (1), Bigaan (4), Bil-isan (2), Bilucao (1), Binalbagan (2), Binancian (2), Binaritan (1), Binaton (3), Bineng (3), Binga (1), Binicalan (7), Binobohan (1), Binoongan (1), Binucayan (2), Binuclutan (1), Bitan-agan (1), Bitaogan (2), Bitas (1), Bitaugan East (1), Bitnong (1), Bitoon (1), Biyong (1), Blancia (1), Blingkong (2), Blumentritt (1), Boa (1), Bobona-on (1), Bobongon (2), Bocacliw (4), Bocboc (1), Boctol (1), Bodega (1), Bogo (1), Bogo Calabat (1), Bohe Tambak (1), Bolebak (1), Bolinawan (3), Bolonay (2), Bolong (5), Bolton (1), Bonawon (4), Bonbonon (1), Bongalonan (1), Bonifacio (1), Bontongon (2), Brgy 11 (2), Brgy 12 (2), Brgy 14 (2), Brgy 15 (2), Brgy 17 (4), Brgy 18 (3), Brgy 19 (2), Brgy 2 (4), Brgy 20 (4), Brgy 21 (3), Brgy 22 (1), Brgy 23 (4), Brgy 25 (2), Brgy 26 (3), Brgy 27 (4), Brgy 28 (5), Brgy 29 (3), Brgy 3 (8), Brgy 30 (6), Brgy 31 (3), Brgy 32 (4), Brgy 33 (4), Brgy 34 (3), Brgy 35 (7), Brgy 36 (5), Brgy 37 (2), Brgy 38 (3), Brgy 39 (2), Brgy 40 (2), Brgy 5 (2), Brgy 6 (5), Brgy 7 (3), Brgy 8 (1), Brookside (2), Bual (1), Bualan (1), Buan (1), Buanoy (1), Buaya (2), Buayan (2), Buca (1), Bucalan (1), Bucana (2), Bucandala 4 (1), Bucao (1), Buda (2), Budlasan (5), Bued (4), Buena Vista (1), Buenaflor (2), Buenavista (4), Bug-ang (1), Bug-ot (1), Buga (1), Bugaan West (1), Bugay (1), Bugcaon (3), Bugo (2), Bugsuk (1), Bugsukan (1), Buhangin (1), Buhatan (2), Buhay (1), Buhian (1), Buhisan (2), Bukal (2), Bukay-eel (1), Bulacan (1), Bulado (2), Bulak (1), Bulalaan (1), Buli (1), Bulihan (2), Buliran (1), Bunawan (1), Bunga (3), Bungtod (1), Burgos (8), Buringal (1), Burlas (1), Burnay (2), Buru-un (1), Busaon (1), Busay (2), Busdak (1), Busdi (2), Buso-buso (1), Busogon (1), Butag (1), Butong (1), Butril (1), Buyacaoan (1), C-Handumanan (1), Caasinan (1), Caayunan (1), Cabacao (16), Cabadiangan (5), Cabalantian (1), Cabalaunan (1), Cabalayongan (1), Caballero (1), Cabangahan (3), Cabangila (1), Cabantian (23), Cabantian;Buhangin (1), Cabaon-an (1), Cabaruan (5), Cabawan (1), Cabayugan (3), Cabcabon (1), Cabetican (1), Cabigaan (1), Cabileo (2), Cabiten (1), Cabittaogan (1), Cabladan (1), Cabugao (2), Cabugo (1), Cabuling (4), Cabuloan (1), Cabulohan (1), Caburacanan (1), Caburan Big (1), Cacao (1), Cadalian (2), Cadi-an (1), Cadilang (1), Cagdiano (1), Cagmanaba (1), Caguisan (1), Caguray (1), Cahian (1), Cahil (1), Caingin (1), Caisang (1), Cal-olango (1), Calaburnay (2), Calagbangan (1), Calamba (1), Calantac (1), Calantas (1), Calaparan (1), Calascagas (1), Calasuche (1), Calategas (2), Calero (1), Calidngan (2), Calinan Poblacion (2), Calindagan (1), Calintaan (1), Callawa (6), Calpi (1), Calulut (1), Calumbaya (1), Calumpang (6), Camagong (2), Camaligan (1), Camalobalo (1), Camam-onan (1), Camaman-an (2), Camanjac (1), Camansi (4), Cambagahan (4), Cambajao (1), Cambang-ug (2), Cambarus (1), Cambuyo (1), Camp 3 (6), Camp 4 (2), Camp 7 (2), Campalanas (1), Campo (4), Campo Santiago (1), Camputhaw (1), Camuning (4), Camutan (4), Can-Ayan (1), Can-asujan (2), Can-ayan (8), Can-untog (1), Canangaan (8), Canarvacanan (2), Canaway (1), Canaynayan (1), Canbanua (1), Cancohoy (1), Candabong (1), Candana-ay (1), Candiis (1), Canggohob (1), Canibungan Proper (1), Caningay (1), Canitoan (1), Canjulao (3), Canlandog (2), Canlargo (1), Canlumampao (1), Canocotan (1), Cansuje (1), Cansumalig (1), Cantabaco (1), Cantugas (2), Caoayan (1), Capacuhan (2), Capas (1), Capayahan (1), Capihan (1), Capinonan (1), Capitan Claudio (2), Capiñahan (1), Capla (1), Caponga (1), Cappissayan Norte (1), Carael (1), Carmen (5), Carol-an (1), Carolina (1), Carre (1), Casala (1), Casala-an (2), Casian (1), Casiguran (1), Casili (1), Casinsin (1), Casisang (5), Casoon (10), Catalunan Grande (8), Catalunan Pequeño (7), Catengan (2), Caticlan (1), Caticugan (1), Catigan (10), Catmon (1), Catolohan (2), Catumbalon (1), Cauayanan (1), Caurasan (2), Causwagan (1), Cawag (1), Cawayan (1), Cawit (1), Cay Pombo (1), Cañang (1), Cebulano (4), Central (3), Cheey (1), Christiannuevo (1), Cocok-Cabitan (1), Cogon (2), Cogonon (6), Colalo (1), Colambutan Bajo (1), Coliling (2), Colonsabak (1), Colosas (5), Comillas North (4), Communal (3), Concepcion (8), Concepecion (1), Congan (1), Consolacion (1), Conversion (2), Corocawayan (1), Coronon (1), Cosina (2), Cotmo (1), Crossing Palkan (1), Cruz (6), Cuayan (2), Cugman (1), Culasian (1), Cumadcad (1), Cumba (1), Curry (1), Cuya (1), Daan Suyan (1), Daclan (1), Dacsol (1), Dacudao (1), Dado (3), Dagang (1), Dagat Kidavao (1), Dagohoy (21), Daguitan (1), Dagumbaan (5), Dahican (1), Dahile (1), Dajay (1), Daladap (1), Dalag Lumot (5), Dalagdag (1), Dalaon (1), Daliaon Plantation (4), Dalicanan (3), Dalingap (1), Dalingding (1), Dalipuga (6), Dalirig (1), Dallag (2), Dalupirip (12), Dalwangan (2), Damalusay (1), Damortis (1), Dampigan (1), Danao (2), Danatag (1), Danawan (1), Danlag (3), Danlog (1), Dao (2), Dao-an (1), Dapdap (1), Dapdapan (1), Daraga (1), Daraitan (3), Daro (2), Darumawang Ilaya (1), Datagan (1), Datal Anggas (5), Datal Blao (3), Datal Bob (2), Datal Dlanag (1), Datalbukay (2), Datu Abdul Dadia (1), Datu Agod (2), Datu Dani (1), Datu Danwata (1), Datu Davao (1), Datu Indang (1), Datu Intan (1), Datu Ladayon (3), Datu Salumay (6), Dau (1), Dauis (1), Dawa-Dawa (1), Dawan (1), Dawis (2), Day-asan (2), Daykitin (1), Del Monte (3), Del Pilar (4), Del Remigio (1), Dela Paz Pulot Itaas (1), Delabayan (1), Delapa (1), Demoloc (2), Denigpi-an (2), Diatagon (3), Dicayas (2), Digkilaan (5), Digongan (5), Dimasalang Sur (1), Dimayon (1), Dinas (1), Dirdirig (1), Dirita-Baloguen (1), Disulap (1), Dita (2), Ditucalan (1), Diwan (4), Dobdob (3), Dogongan (1), Dologon (1), Dolores (20), Dominga (4), Dominorog (3), Domolok (5), Don Alejandro (3), Don Andres Soriano (1), Don Enrique Lopez (1), Don Jose (2), Don Juan (2), Don Manuel (1), Don Mariano Marcos (1), Don Martin Marundan (1), Don Panaca (2), Don Ricardo Macias (1), Don Salvador Benedicto (1), Donghol (1), Dontulan (1), Doongan Ilaya (1), Dos Hermanos (4), Doña Carmen (1), Doña Josefa (1), Doña Pulqueria (1), Dugsangon (1), Dulag (2), Dullan Norte (1), Dulong (1), Dulumbayan (1), Dumalaguing (7), Dumalan (1), Dumatang (1), Dumoy (2), Dungeg (2), Durian (4), East Dirita (1), East Modern Site (6), Eday (1), Eden (6), El Nonok (1), Embarcadero (2), Enclaro (1), Enrique Villanueva (2), Ermita (1), España (1), Esperanza (2), Estrella Village (2), Eureka (1), Evangelista (1), Exciban (1), Fabrica (2), Fatima (5), Felis (1), Fili (1), Florida (2), Fort Bonifacio (6), Freedom (1), Fundado (1), Gabaldon (1), Gabriela Silang (2), Galoc (1), Galutan (1), Gambang (7), Ganatan (1), Gandawan (1), Gandingan (1), Gasweling (1), Gatas (1), Gaudencio Antonio (2), Gawisan (1), Gaya-gaya (1), Gemat-y (1), Gemumua Agahon (1), General Climaco (1), General T. de Leon (1), Giligaon (1), Golden Valley (2), Goma (4), Granada (1), Greater Lagro (1), Greenfield (2), Guadalupe (12), Guba (2), Gueguesangen (1), Guerrero (1), Guia (1), Guibonon (1), Guihean (1), Guihing (1), Guilang-Guilang (2), Guilang-guilang (1), Guinabot (1), Guincalaban (1), Guindapunan (1), Guinpana-an (2), Guintorilan (1), Guiteb (7), Gumagamot (1), Gumalang (1), Gumatdang (6), Gupitan (3), Guribang (1), Gñaran (2), Haba (1), Hagdang Bato Itaas (1), Hagpa (3), Halang (2), Halapitan (7), Halayhayin (2), Hamorawon (1), Hampipila (2), Happy Hollow (5), Harigue (1), Hibagwan (1), Hibaiyo (2), Hilabaan (1), Hilaitan (1), Hilusig (2), Himamara (1), Himaya (1), Hinabatan (1), Hinakpan (1), Hinaplanan (1), Holy Cross (1), Hugon Rosales (1), Humayhumay (1), Iba (3), Igat Island (1), Igpaho (2), Igpit (1), Ihan (1), Ilang (1), Ilaya (1), Ilian (1), Ilijan (1), Ilomavis (1), Ilwas (1), Imbatug (1), Imbayao (3), Imelda (3), Imelda Village (1), Impalutao (2), Inagawan Sub-Colony (1), Inagongan (1), Inapoy (2), Inasakan (1), Inayagan (2), Inclanay (1), Indahag (1), Indalasa (1), Indangan (1), Indulang (1), Inuntan (1), Iponan (1), Irasan (2), Isugod (2), JPA Subdivision (2), Jaena Sur (1), Jaliobong (1), Jalung (3), Jantianon (1), Jomgao (2), Jorge L Araneta (1), Jose Ancheta (1), Junob (2), Kabacsanan (2), Kabagan (1), Kabalantian (3), Kabasagan (1), Kabayunan (1), Kablon (1), Kabulacan (1), Kahapunan (1), Kahayag (1), Kahayagan (1), Kahusayan (2), Kalabuan (2), Kalabugao (6), Kalagangan (8), Kalaklan (3), Kalamansig (1), Kalamongog (1), Kalamtukan (1), Kalanawi Ⅰ (1), Kalanawi Ⅱ (1), Kalangahan (1), Kalasungay (3), Kalawakan (1), Kalbay (1), Kalugmanan (1), Kalumboyan (3), Kalunasan (1), Kamanga (1), Kamputhaw (1), Kapalangan (4), Kapatagan (17), Kapingkong (2), Kapitolyo (1), Kapoc (1), Kasambagan (1), Kasapa I (2), Kasapa II (3), Kasilak (3), Kasuga (2), Katilingban (1), Katipunan (3), Katualan (1), Katubao (2), Kauswagan (4), Kawasan (2), Kawayan (2), Kayaga (2), Kayan West (1), Kaytitinga III (1), Keytodac (2), Kiabo (1), Kiambing (1), Kiaring (4), Kibaghot (1), Kibalabag (3), Kibanban (1), Kibatang (1), Kibenton (1), Kibia (1), Kidawa (1), Kihan (1), Kikilo (1), Kiliog (2), Kimlawis (2), Kinablangan (5), Kinalaglagan (1), Kinangan (1), Kingking (2), Kinilis (1), Kiobog (1), Kipaducan (1), Kipit (1), Kisek (1), Kisolon (1), Kisulad (1), Kisupaan (2), Kita-Kita (3), Kitacubong (1), Kitubod (1), Kiyaab (3), Kulaman Valley (1), Kulasihan (1), Kuya (4), La Fortuna (2), La Libertad (2), La Paz (1), La Roxas (1), La Union (2), Labangon (1), Labit Proper (1), Labnig (3), Labuin (1), Lacaron (2), Lacson (7), Ladgaron (1), Lag-it (1), Lagan (1), Lagawa (1), Lagay (1), Lagtang (1), Lagtangon (1), Laguilayan (1), Laguitas (3), Lagumit (1), Lahug (1), Lais (2), Lake Seloton (1), Laker (1), Lamacan (1), Lamalama (1), Lamanan (12), Lamba (1), Lambagan (1), Lambangan (2), Lambingi (1), Lambontong (2), Lamcade (1), Lamdalag (1), Lamhaku (1), Lamian (2), Lampanusan (1), Lampasan (1), Lamsalome (1), Lanang (1), Lanao (1), Lanao Kuran (2), Lanca (3), Langon (1), Langtud (1), Langub (2), Languyin (1), Lantad (1), Lantangan (1), Lantian (1), Lapak (1), Larrazabal (4), Lasak (2), Lauis (1), Laungcupang (1), Laurel (2), Lavigan (3), Lawa (1), Lawaan (1), Lawang Bato (1), Lawigan (2), Lawit (1), Laylaya (1), Legaspi (1), Lelemaan (1), Lemsnolon (1), Lengigon (1), Leondoni (1), Leong (1), Lepanto (2), Li-loan (7), Libaong (4), Libas (4), Libay-libay (2), Libertad (7), Libertad Alto (1), Libertad Bajo (2), Liberty (1), Libhu (1), Libon (1), Libongao (1), Lilingayon (3), Limbo (1), Liminangcong (1), Limot (1), Linabo (3), Linantuyan (2), Linawan (1), Lingayao (1), Lipata (1), Lirongan (2), Lison Valley (1), Little Baguio (6), Lo-oc (1), Loakan Liwanag (1), Loakan Proper (1), Locuban (1), Lomuyon (4), Longanapan (1), Longos (1), Lonoy (1), Looc (1), Loong Elementary School (1), Loquilo (1), Los Amigos (7), Lourdes (3), Lower Bautista (1), Lower Becerril (1), Lower Jaasan (1), Lower Katipunan (1), Lower Libas (1), Lower Limonzo (1), Lower Panaga (1), Luac (1), Luayon (2), Lubas (6), Lucsoon (4), Lumang Bayan (12), Lumapao (1), Lumbia (2), Lumbocan (3), Lumbog (1), Lumiad (7), Lumil (1), Lumintao (1), Luna (2), Lunas (1), Lungib (1), Lungog (2), Lunocan (2), Lunotan (2), Luyo (1), Luz (1), M.L. Quezon (1), Ma-a (7), Ma-a;Langub (1), Maambong (1), Maanas (1), Maasin (1), Mabalodbalod (1), Mabanglit (1), Mabaus (1), Mabayuan (1), Mabigo (1), Mabilo Ⅱ (1), Mabinay (2), Mabini (5), Mabuhay (9), Mabunao (1), Macabenban (1), Macabenga (1), Macabud (1), Macabugos (2), Macaguiling (2), Macalaya (1), Macambol (2), Macapari (1), Macasandig (1), Macasendeg (1), Macatingog (1), Macebolig (1), Macnit (1), Macogon (1), Mactan (1), Madalag (1), Madanding (2), Madridejos (1), Magallanes (3), Magangit (4), Magara (1), Magcagong (1), Magcum (1), Magkalungay (1), Magkiangkang (1), Maglinao (2), Magon (1), Magpanambo (3), Magroyong (1), Magsaysay (28), Magtaking (2), Magtanggol (1), Magtangtang (1), Magticol (1), Magtuod (4), Magugpo North (1), Maguid (1), Maguiling (1), Maguinda (1), Magupising (1), Magwawa (2), Mahaba (1), Mahabang Parang (2), Maharlika (1), Mahayag (4), Mahoncog (2), Maibu (1), Mailag (1), Mainit (6), Makat (1), Malabiga (1), Malabog (27), Malabugas (1), Malaca (2), Malagasang Ⅰ-G (1), Malagos (2), Malaguicay (1), Malaguinabot (1), Malaiba (1), Malajog (1), Malalan (2), Malamba (14), Malamodao (1), Malandag (1), Malanday (1), Malangag (1), Malanog (1), Malapay (1), Malasila (1), Malatab (1), Malating (1), Malativas (5), Malaunay (1), Malawig (1), Malaya (1), Malhacan (1), Malibago (1), Malibatuan (3), Maliclico (3), Maligaya (5), Malihud (2), Malim (1), Malinao (12), Malinawon (1), Malitlit (1), Maliwalu (1), Maluay (1), Malubog (1), Maluid (2), Maluko (2), Malungon Gamay (1), Mamacao (1), Mamangon (2), Mambog (2), Mambool (3), Mambuaya (1), Mampurog (1), Man-atong (2), Man-it (2), Man-uling (1), Managa (2), Managok (1), Manalog (1), Manambulan (2), Manatad (1), Manay (3), Mandahican (2), Mandalagan (8), Mandalupang (1), Mandiclum (1), Mandug (6), Mandulog (3), Manga (2), Mangagayad (1), Mangalcal (2), Mangelen (1), Mangga (1), Manggayad (11), Mangilala (1), Manglicmot (1), Mangoto (1), Manguisoc (2), Mani-ak (1), Manicahan (1), Manicla (1), Manila de Bugabus (1), Manili (1), Maningcao (1), Maninihon (2), Manlapay (1), Manlayag (1), Manlilinab (1), Manlipac (1), Manoligao (1), Mansablay (3), Mansagomayon (1), Mantalogon (1), Mantalongon (1), Mantibugao (2), Manuel Guianga (17), Manurigao (5), Manuto (1), Mapawa (1), Mapayag (1), Mapisla (1), Mapula (9), Mapulang Lupa (1), Mapulo (1), Mapulot (1), Maputi (2), Maragang (1), Maragol (1), Maragñi (4), Marayag (1), Maraymaray (1), Marbel (1), Marcelina (1), Marguez (1), Maria Cristina (1), Maribago (1), Maribojoc (1), Marilog Proper (26), Marmol (1), Mascap (1), Masiag (4), Maslabeng (1), Masulog (3), Mat-i (3), Matab-ang (3), Matacon (1), Matacong (3), Matagdungan (1), Matangad (2), Matarinao (2), Matawe (1), Matibuey (2), Matin-ao (5), Matina Aplaya (1), Matina Biao (1), Matina Crossing (1), Matindeg (3), Matue-Butarag (1), Matupe (4), Maulong (1), Mauswagon (1), Mayabon (3), Mayamot (1), Mayana (2), Mayaposi (2), Maybancal (1), Maybula (1), Mayo (2), Maysua (2), Medellin (4), Media Once (1), Megkawayan (9), Mendis (1), Meocan (1), Mesolong (1), Mialen (1), Miasong (3), Miglamin (4), Milagrosa (1), Minalwang (5), Minamaing (2), Minanga (1), Minapan (1), Mindulao (1), Mintabon (1), Mintal (2), Mobod (2), Molobolo (1), Molocaboc (1), Mompolia (1), Monamon Sur (5), Mongocayo (1), Monlaque (1), Monte Claro (1), Monte Dujali (1), Montesuerte (1), Moog (1), Moriones (1), Mount Ararat (1), Mount Carmel (2), Mount Data (2), Mudiang (1), Muladbucad Grande (1), Mulig (3), Murallon (2), Murtha (2), Musuan (1), Na-alad (1), Nablangbulod (1), Nabuad (1), Naci (1), Nagbalaye (2), Nagbinlod (2), Nagbo-alao (1), Nagbunga (1), Nagmisahan (7), Nahapay (5), Nalibunan (1), Nalundan (6), Nalus (2), Namnam (1), Nangalao (1), Nangka (5), Nanyo (1), Napacao (1), Napalico (2), Napindan (1), Napnapan (1), Napo (3), Napsan (2), Narra (1), Nasalaan (2), Natimonan (1), Natipuan (2), Natubleng (2), Natubo (1), Natumolan (1), Naugsol (2), Navitas (1), Ned (14), New Aklan (1), New Betlehem (1), New Bugasong (1), New Calinog (1), New Cebu (1), New Cebulan (1), New Culasi (1), New Cuyapo (1), New Dagupan (1), New Esperanza (1), New Lambunao (1), New Maug (1), New Natividad (1), New Panay (2), New Taokanga (4), New Tubigon (1), New Valencia (1), New Visayas (1), Ngan (3), Nicanor Zabala (1), Ninoy Aquino (2), Nituan (1), Nogpo (1), Noli (1), North Lamidan (1), North Lamitan (3), North Poblacion (1), Novallas (2), Novele (1), Nuangan (1), Nueva Vista (1), Nuevo Iloco (1), Nug-as (1), Nursery (1), Obat (1), Obo-ob (1), Obong (1), Okiot (3), Old Bulatukan (4), Old Damulog (1), Old Manunca (1), Old Poblacion (1), Olingan (2), Omagling (1), Omonay (3), Oringon (1), Orong (1), Otucan Sur (1), Owas (1), P.M. Sobrecarey (2), Pa-o (1), Padre Zamora (1), Pag-Asa (3), Pag-asa (3), Pagangan (1), Pagatban (1), Pagkilatan (1), Paglaum (1), Pagsabangan (2), Pagsang-an (1), Pagsangahan (1), Paitan (1), Pajac (1), Pajo (1), Pakigne (1), Pal-ew (5), Palabucan (1), Palagay (1), Palanginan (2), Palavilla (1), Palayog (1), Palilan (2), Palitod (1), Palkan (1), Palma Gil (26), Palma-Perez (1), Palumbe (1), Palusapis (1), Pamantolon (1), Pamatawan (1), Pambuhan (1), Pamibian (1), Pamplona Tress (1), Pamucutan (1), Panacan (7), Panacan;Communal (1), Panag (3), Panala-an (2), Panalawan (1), Panan (2), Panaquiao (1), Panaytayon (1), Panciao (1), Pandaitan (2), Pandan (2), Pandan-pandan (2), Panganan (3), Pangian (3), Pangyan (6), Pangyasan (1), Panipiason (1), Panipuan (1), Panlayahan (1), Pantay (1), Pao-o (1), Paoay (1), Papaac (1), Papaya (3), Paquibato Proper (2), Paradise (5), Paraiso (3), Parasan (2), Parel (1), Pasonanca (1), Patag (1), Patoc-ao (3), Patong (1), Patpat (1), Patrocinio (1), Patuco (1), Payak (2), Payao (2), Payapag (3), Payeo (1), Payompon (8), Pañalum (7), Perfecto (1), Pesa (1), Petianan (1), Peñafrancia (1), Pianing (1), Piape (2), Piapi (1), Pias (1), Pichon (8), Pico (8), Pilapila (1), Pilar (5), Pili (1), Pimbalayan (2), Pinagdanlayan (1), Pinagsama (1), Pinaguinpinan (1), Pinalpalan (2), Pinamasagan (6), Pinamasingan (1), Pinamono-an (2), Pinayag (2), Pindugangan (1), Pines (1), Pinguiaman (1), Pinocawan (1), Pinol (1), Pinugay (1), Pio Cruzcosa (1), Pipian (1), Piraka (1), Pisaan (1), Piña Este (1), Poblacion (75), Poblacion Ilaya (1), Poblacion Ⅳ (1), Pocopoco (1), Polahongon (6), Polayagan (1), Polo (1), Pongol (2), Pooc Occidental (1), Pooc Oriental (1), Poog (1), Popoyon (1), Porac (1), Post Proper Southside (1), Prinza (3), Puan (1), Pudoc (1), Puelay (3), Puertobellow (1), Puey (1), Puga-an (5), Puguis (2), Puhagan (1), Pula (2), Pulangbato (2), Pulo (1), Pulong Balon (1), Pulong Gubat (1), Punang (1), Pungtod (1), Punong (1), Punta 1 (1), Puntalinao (2), Puntod (1), Purikay (1), Purisima (3), Purok Ⅲ (1), Puso (1), Pusok (1), Putat (1), Puting Bato (2), Putlongcam (1), Quezon (2), Quezon, Jr. (1), Quintin Remo (1), Quipot (1), Ragan Sur (1), Ragundungan (1), Ransohan (1), Rapuli (2), Realica Village (3), Refaro (1), Riverside (4), Rizal (2), Rizon (1), Roberto Sales Benedicto (1), Robles (1), Rogongon (4), Rosario (1), Ruparan (2), Sab-ahan (5), Saba-ahan (1), Sabang (2), Sabatan (1), Sablayan (1), Sabud (4), Saclayan (1), Sacramento Valley (1), Saga-sa (1), Sagasa (1), Sagasan (1), Sagbayan (2), Sagrada (1), Saint Peter (2), Saksak (2), Salabaca (4), Salag (1), Salam (1), Salama (1), Salaman (1), Salangsang (2), Salapawan (4), Salasang (3), Salawag (14), Salawagan (1), Salaysay (8), Saliao (1), Salimbalan (1), Sallab (2), Salngan (1), Salogon (1), Saloy (3), Salug (2), Salumping (1), Salvacion (3), Sambagon (1), Sambang (1), Sambulawan (1), Sampad (1), Sampagar (3), Sampaguita (1), Sampaloc (4), Sampaloc 2 (2), Sampiano (1), San Agustin (5), San Andres (1), San Antonio (16), San Bartolome (1), San Cristobal (1), San Felipe Central (2), San Fermic (2), San Fernando (1), San Francisco (17), San Francisco de Asia (1), San Ignacio (1), San Isidro (34), San Jacinto (1), San Joaquin (2), San Jose (43), San Jose Gumi (1), San Juan (9), San Lorenzo Ruiz (1), San Luis (11), San Marcos (4), San Mariano (1), San Martin (1), San Mateo (1), San Matias (3), San Miguel (18), San Nicolas (3), San Nicolas 2 (4), San Pablo (8), San Pedro (13), San Pedro II (2), San Perfecto (1), San Rafael (5), San Ramon East (1), San Ricardo (1), San Roque (17), San Roque Arbol (1), San Vicente (27), San Vicente Ferrer (3), San Vicente Grande (1), San Vicente Kanluran (1), San Vicente West (1), San Ysiro (3), Sandulot (3), Sangay (1), Santa Ana (6), Santa Clara (2), Santa Cruz (13), Santa Cruz Nuevo (3), Santa Cruz Viejo (1), Santa Elena (1), Santa Emilia (1), Santa Fe (1), Santa Filomena (3), Santa Ines (2), Santa Lourdes (2), Santa Lucia (7), Santa Maria (4), Santa Maria Norte (4), Santa Monica (1), Santa Rita (4), Santa Teresa 2nd (3), Santa Teresita (1), Santa Ursula (1), Santiago (2), Santo Cristo (1), Santo Domingo (4), Santo Niño (49), Santo Niño Ilaya (1), Santo Rosario (2), Santo Tomas (4), Santol (1), Sapang Ama (1), Sapang Bato (1), Sapang Maisac (2), Sapangbato (1), Sapangdaku (2), Sarayan (1), Sasa (7), Sayon (4), Sebaca (1), Seguil (1), Sewahon 1 (1), Sewod (1), Shilan (9), Si-it (2), Sianib (1), Sibago (1), Sibaguan (2), Sibajay (2), Sibaltan (1), Sibolo (1), Sibsib (1), Sibucao (1), Sibulan (19), Sicayab (2), Sicpao (1), Siguel (1), Sikatuna (2), Silae (1), Silangang Mayao (1), Silo-o (1), Simala (6), Simasay (1), Simaya (2), Sinanglanan (3), Sinapulan (1), Sinawal (1), Sinawilan (4), Sindalan (3), Sindaton (1), Singaran (1), Singat (1), Sinolon (1), Sinonoc (1), Sinoron (1), Sinubung (1), Sinuda (12), Sinunoc (1), Sinuza (1), Siocon (1), Sirao (1), Sirawan (1), Sirib (12), Situbo (1), Sobrecarey (1), Solib (2), Somosa (1), Songco (1), Soom (1), Soong (1), South Daanghari (1), South Sepaka (1), Sta. Ana (1), Sta. Maria (6), Sto. Niño (1), Sua-on (1), Suarez (1), Suawan (9), Subasta (1), Sudapin (1), Sudlon (1), Sugal (1), Sulipan (1), Sumabnit (3), Sumadat (1), Sumbakil (1), Sumile (1), Sumili (1), Sumpong (1), Sura (1), Surok (1), Suyo (1), Tabangao Aplaya (1), Tabayag (1), Taberna (1), Tablon (1), Tablu (1), Tabok (1), Tabon (1), Tabuan (2), Tabuc Suba (1), Tabugon (3), Tabungao (1), Tabunok (1), Taclobo (1), Tacunan (3), Tacupis (1), Tadiangan (1), Tagabakid (1), Tagabase (1), Tagabuli (2), Tagakpan (12), Taganak Poblacion (1), Taganito (1), Tagapo (2), Tagba-o (1), Tagbac (1), Tagbalogo (1), Tagboa (1), Tagburos (1), Taglatawan (2), Tagoc (1), Tagpangi (1), Tagpo (1), Tagpore (2), Tagtagumbao (6), Tagubong (2), Tagugpo (1), Taguilon (1), Tagukon (1), Tagurano (2), Talabaan (13), Talaga (1), Talagutong (1), Talahib Pandayan (1), Talahiron (1), Talalak (4), Talandang (4), Talauguis (1), Talavera (1), Taligaman (2), Talima (1), Talinga-Bakkao (1), Talingting (1), Talisay (1), Talisayan (1), Talolora (1), Talomo Proper (8), Talomo River (4), Taloy Norte (1), Taltal (2), Talufo (1), Tamadang (1), Tamayong (6), Tambacan (2), Tambagan (1), Tamban (2), Tambangan (1), Tambilil (2), Tamboan (1), Tamboboan (1), Tambobong (16), Tambongon (1), Tambulan (1), Tamis (1), Tamlangon (1), Tamorong (1), Tampac (1), Tamugan (14), Tan-awan (2), Tananzang (1), Tandang Sora (1), Tangaoan (1), Tangkalan (12), Tangkulan (2), Tanglad (1), Tapak (8), Tapanayan (1), Tapaz (5), Taposo (2), Tara (8), Tarece (1), Tartaria (2), Tatabunan (1), Taugtog (3), Tawagan (1), Tawagan Sur (1), Tawala (2), Tawan-Tawan (13), Tawang (8), Tawas (3), Tawog (1), Tayabo (2), Tayak (2), Tayaman (2), Tayawan (2), Taysan (1), Tayuman (1), Tejero (1), Telafas (2), Telbang (1), Teniapan (1), Thailand (1), Tiaong (1), Tibag (3), Tibagon (1), Tiblac (1), Tibsoc (1), Tibuloy (3), Tibungco (1), Tical (1), Tickwas (2), Ticulon (1), Tigatto (3), Tigbanuang (1), Tigmanocan (2), Tignapoloan (2), Tiguha (1), Tiguib (1), Timalan (9), Timalan Balsahan (1), Tinabanan (1), Tinago (1), Tinalmud Viejo (1), Tinaogan (1), Tinaungan (1), Tiniwisan (1), Tinongan (1), Tinongdan (1), Tinoto (1), Tinubdan (2), Tipan (1), Tipanoy (5), Titulok (1), Tobgon (1), Toledo (2), Tolosa (2), Tolotolo (3), Tomado (1), Tomana East (2), Tongantongan (1), Toyungan (1), Tran (3), Tres de Mayo (1), Trinidad (4), Tual (1), Tubajon (1), Tubalan (2), Tubaon (1), Tubigon (1), Tubod (6), Tuburan (2), Tuel (2), Tugbok Proper (4), Tugop (1), Tulay na Lupa (1), Tulungatung (1), Tumiao (1), Tungao (1), Tunghaan (5), Tungkalan (1), Tupsan Pequeño (1), Turod (1), Uba (1), Ubaldo D. Laya (1), Ubaldo Laya (1), Ucab (2), Ud-udiao (2), Udalo (12), Ula (8), Ulay (2), Uling (1), Umangan (4), Umiray (11), Union (2), Upig (1), Upper Bala (1), Upper Becerril (1), Upper Boay (1), Upper Dimaya (1), Upper Licanan (1), Upper Limonzo (1), Upper Pulacan (2), Usmad (1), VF Gustilo (1), Valencia (2), Valladolid (1), Victoria (3), Victory (1), Viga (1), Villa Calixto Sudiacal (1), Villa Paz (1), Villaflor (1), Villamonte (1), Villamor (1), Villarcayo (1), Virac (7), Visayan (1), Visayan Village (1), Vista Villa (1), Vito (2), Waan (1), Wadya (1), Waloe (2), Wangan (1), Waterfall (1), Wawa (9), West Balabag (30), West Dalurong (1), West Darulong (1), White Kulaman (3), Wines (1), Yubo (1), Yupisan (2), Zabali (1), Zamboanguita (1), Zillovia (1), Zone II (2),
is_in:zip5271000 (7), 1100 (1), 1200 (13), 1300 (49), 1400 (44), 1407 (1), 1440 (71), 1441 (10), 1444 (14), 1470 (56), 1485 (27), 1500 (4), 1550 (6), 1600 (23), 1620 (3), 1630 (45), 1700 (1), 1740 (2), 1770 (27), 1800 (21), 1930 (1), 1940 (3), 1980 (1), 2514 (8), 2705 (3), 3000 (2), 3005 (3), 3006 (5), 3014 (2), 3016 (1), 3017 (7), 3018 (11), 3019 (6), 3020 (14), 3021 (10), 3023 (4), 3318 (1), 4110 (1), 4306 (3), 5037 (10), 5039 (1), 8000 (1), 8006 (4),
is_in_postal_code137217 (1),
is_sidepath5yes (5),
is_sidepath:of7Nobelstraße (1), secondary (6),
is_sidepath:of:name6Karl-Marx-Straße (1), Müggelseedamm (5),
isced:field13 (1),
isced:level442810 (668), 0,1,2,3,4,5 (1), 0-1 (13677), 0-1;2 (1), 0-2 (178), 0-3 (384), 0-3s1 (1), 0-4 (5), 0-5 (10), 0-6 (8), 0-8 (3), 01 (1), 01- (1), 0;1 (61), 0;1;2 (5), 0;1;2;3 (4), 0;2 (1), 1 (21308), 1-2 (8), 1-3 (2), 1;2 (1), 1;2;0 (1), 1;2;3 (5), 1;5 (1), 2 (1872), 2,3 (1), 2-3 (5719), 2-4 (2), 2-6 (1), 2/3/4 (1), 2;3 (28), 2;3;4;5;6 (1), 3 (138), 3,4,5 (1), 3-4 (7), 3-5 (3), 3-6 (4), 3;4 (3), 3;5-6 (1), 4 (80), 4-5 (3), 4-8 (1), 4;5;6 (1), 5 (63), 5-6 (7), 5;6 (1), 6 (6), 6/7/8 (1), 7 (1),
isced:level:199715/6 (1),
island4yes (4),
it:fvg:regional_catalog:corsi_acqua:bacino3Rosandra (3),
it:fvg:regional_catalog:corsi_acqua:caratteristica3Superficiale (3),
it:fvg:regional_catalog:corsi_acqua:codice_fvg3RS02002 (3),
it:fvg:regional_catalog:corsi_acqua:natura3Torrente (3),
it:fvg:regional_catalog:corsi_acqua:nome3Verpogliano (3),
it:fvg:regional_catalog:corsi_acqua:sottobacino3Verpogliano (3),
it:lomb:ctrn:canale:eid152591 (1),
it:lombardia:ctrn:localita_significativa:COD_ISTAT115205 (1),
it:lombardia:ctrn:localita_significativa:DTIPO_CTR1Cascina (1),
it:lombardia:ctrn:localita_significativa:FID125869.0 (1),
it:lombardia:ctrn:localita_significativa:TIPO_CTR1709 (1),
iucn_level34 (2), III (1),
other | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |