k | num | v's |
cables | 149 | 3 (118), 6 (30), 9 (1), |
cai_scale | 4 | E (4), |
camera:direction | 21 | E (5), N (6), NE (4), NW (2), S (2), SE (1), W (1), |
camera:mount | 21 | ceiling (14), wall (7), |
camera:type | 19 | fixed (18), panning (1), |
canal | 3 | qanat (3), |
canoe | 6 | no (3), yes (3), |
capacity | 65 | 0 (1), 1 (1), 10 (5), 100 (5), 100+ (1), 12 (3), 150 (2), 20 (8), 200 (1), 24 (1), 24 Personas (1), 25 (3), 27 (1), 3 (2), 34 (1), 36 (1), 38 (1), 4 (2), 40 (1), 49 (1), 5 (1), 50 (5), 5000 (1), 58 (1), 6 (1), 7 (2), 70 (1), 8 (10), 80 (1), |
capacity:disabled | 2 | 1 (1), yes (1), |
capital | 33 | 4 (32), yes (1), |
capital_city | 8 | Bluefields (1), El Tortuguero (1), Managua (2), Ottawa (1), yes (3), |
car_wash | 1 | yes (1), |
cargo | 6 | general (1), pasajeros;bicicleta (2), passengers (3), |
cash_in | 6 | no (5), yes (1), |
castle_type | 3 | fortress (3), |
category | 1 | fluvial (1), |
changing_table | 4 | no (4), |
charge | 4 | 18 NIO (1), 2.5 NIO (1), 30 C$ (1), 30.00 C$ (1), |
charge:conditional | 2 | 18 NIO @ Cofradia (1), 2.5 NIO @ Managua (1), |
check_date | 24 | 2021-02-08 (2), 2021-02-13 (1), 2021-04-16 (2), 2021-11-18 (1), 2022-03-03 (2), 2022-08-28 (2), 2022-08-30 (1), 2022-09-06 (2), 2022-09-12 (1), 2022-09-28 (1), 2022-10-18 (1), 2022-11-28 (7), 2023-03-07 (1), |
check_date:currency:XBT | 5 | 2022-11-24 (1), 2023-01-30 (2), 2023-02-04 (1), 2023-02-08 (1), |
check_date:opening_hours | 5 | 2021-06-13 (1), 2021-09-19 (1), 2023-03-06 (2), 2023-03-15 (1), |
check_date:surface | 2 | 2023-02-16 (1), 2023-03-06 (1), |
church | 1 | Iglesia Evangélica (1), |
circuits | 26 | 2 (25), 3 (1), |
circumference | 1128 | 0.05 (31), 0.08 (2), 0.09 (1), 0.1 (12), 0.10 (2), 0.13 (2), 0.15 (10), 0.16 (1), 0.18 (1), 0.19 (1), 0.2 (52), 0.20 (11), 0.24 (2), 0.25 (28), 0.28 (2), 0.29 (2), 0.3 (61), 0.30 (12), 0.32 (7), 0.33 (2), 0.34 (3), 0.35 (11), 0.36 (9), 0.37 (12), 0.38 (1), 0.39 (1), 0.4 (84), 0.40 (8), 0.42 (2), 0.43 (1), 0.45 (7), 0.46 (1), 0.47 (1), 0.48 (1), 0.5 (77), 0.50 (4), 0.51 (2), 0.52 (1), 0.53 (1), 0.55 (5), 0.56 (1), 0.6 (52), 0.60 (4), 0.62 (2), 0.65 (3), 0.66 (1), 0.67 (1), 0.68 (3), 0.69 (1), 0.7 (79), 0.70 (2), 0.73 (2), 0.74 (1), 0.75 (2), 0.76 (1), 0.77 (1), 0.78 (2), 0.8 (55), 0.80 (3), 0.82 (4), 0.84 (1), 0.85 (4), 0.86 (7), 0.87 (1), 0.88 (1), 0.9 (90), 0.91 (1), 0.93 (1), 0.95 (1), 1 (56), 1.00 (1), 1.03 (1), 1.04 (1), 1.05 (2), 1.07 (1), 1.08 (2), 1.1 (22), 1.10 (4), 1.12 (1), 1.14 (1), 1.18 (3), 1.2 (24), 1.22 (1), 1.23 (2), 1.25 (2), 1.28 (9), 1.3 (7), 1.30 (1), 1.32 (1), 1.33 (1), 1.4 (14), 1.45 (3), 1.5 (21), 1.6 (12), 1.67 (1), 1.7 (28), 1.70 (2), 1.74 (2), 1.76 (1), 1.8 (6), 1.80 (1), 1.86 (1), 1.9 (3), 1.97 (1), 2 (13), 2.1 (3), 2.21 (1), 2.33 (1), 2.4 (6), 2.5 (7), 2.6 (2), 2.60 (1), 2.7 (2), 2.8 (2), 2.9 (3), 2.95 (1), 25 (1), 3 (5), 3.3 (1), 3.30 (1), 3.35 (19), 3.5 (1), 3.6 (2), 3.7 (1), 3.8 (1), 4.2 (1), 4.22 (1), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (1), 4.5 (1), 4.7 (3), 4.9 (1), 5.1 (1), 5.2 (1), o.32 (1), o.80 (1), |
class:bicycle | 24 | -1 (16), 1 (8), |
class:bicycle:commute | 3 | -2 (2), 1 (1), |
closest_town | 2 | Bilwi (1), Waspam (1), |
clothes | 19 | children (6), children;shoes;zapatos;women;men (1), discount (1), fashion;women;children (1), fashion;women;children;underwear;suits (1), fashion;women;underwear (1), men (1), sports (1), underwear;women (1), wedding (2), women (1), women;fashion;sports (1), women;men;workwear;boots;outdoor;hats;shoes;sandals;denim;dress;children (1), |
club | 16 | freemasonry (1), music (1), religion (1), sport (11), sports_centre (1), youth (1), |
code | 2 | AEA00000 (1), AEA23006 (1), |
collection | 1 | boundary (1), |
collection_times | 1 | 6:00 13:00 (1), |
colour | 331 | #009fe3 (1), #00adee (24), #3275a8 (3), #45b549 (33), #5CA412 (1), #6d2fba (21), #FFC818 (1), #a8611a (12), #f7921f (18), #fafafa (2), #ff5555 (21), #ff7f50 (9), #ffdf00 (3), black (7), blue (30), brown (10), cyan (3), darkgreen (1), gray (4), green (39), orange (7), purple (7), red (21), red, black (1), silver (1), white (29), yellow (21), yellow;blue (1), |
communication:amateur_radio | 1 | no (1), |
communication:bos | 1 | no (1), |
communication:gsm-r | 1 | no (1), |
communication:microwave | 1 | no (1), |
communication:mobile_phone | 10 | 8490 6415 (1), no (1), yes (8), |
communication:radio | 3 | yes (3), |
communication:satellite | 1 | no (1), |
communication:television | 1 | no (1), |
community_centre | 2 | community_hall (1), women_centre (1), |
company | 1 | coffee (1), |
compressed_air | 3 | yes (3), |
computer:repair | 1 | yes (1), |
condition | 2 | active (2), |
construction | 21 | canal (1), commercial (1), residential (9), service (1), unclassified (1), yes (8), |
consulate | 7 | honorary_consul (2), yes (5), |
consulting | 2 | logistics_consultant; import_export; business_management; marketing; courier (1), web;support;helpdesk;managed_it (1), |
contact:email | 15 | alquileryeventos24@gmail.com (1), casaulrich@hotmail.com (1), gerencia.monkeys@gmail.com (1), hotelgrandlago.rsj@gmail.com (1), ilmeyrat@hotmail.com (1), info@ampm.com.ni (1), info@elcaminodelsol.com (1), info@hclirihotel.com (1), info@jaakkolatours.com.ni (1), info@managua.diplo.de (1), info@morgansrock.com (1), labuenaonda.matagalpa@gmail.com (2), lamariposaspanishschool06@gmail.com ; paulette.goudge@googlemail.com (1), mailbox@he-he.org (1), |
contact:facebook | 64 | Sushi to go (1), alohanicaragua (1), ampmNicaragua (1), cafeluzyluna (1), http://www.facebook.com/Magma4x4 (1), https://facebook.com/pandevidagranada (1), https://www.facebook.com/100057033296737 (1), https://www.facebook.com/AQUAClinica (1), https://www.facebook.com/AlkeDeNicaragua (1), https://www.facebook.com/American-Collection-407120753189111/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/Bertabonifaciaisaguirre/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/ClubTerrazaManagua (1), https://www.facebook.com/Coffee-Bar-El-Centro-105066607743745/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/DENTALEYS (1), https://www.facebook.com/GranadaAnimalOutreach (1), https://www.facebook.com/Grober.Cia/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/HCLiriHotel (1), https://www.facebook.com/LAConviasa/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/LuchaLibroBooks (1), https://www.facebook.com/Mariscos-El-Rey-Estel%C3%AD-114029470459614/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/Moda-Tex-111750260358321/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/Natural.Restaurante.Vegetariano/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/PrintCenterSA (1), https://www.facebook.com/Ranchlapradera/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/RemyTransmissions.service (1), https://www.facebook.com/SOLUCIONDIGITALCREATIVA (1), https://www.facebook.com/SinsaNicaragua/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/Taekwondo.Impacto (1), https://www.facebook.com/TerneraRestauranteGranada/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/UNITEC.NICARAGUA/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/Venta-E-intalaciones-de-paneles-solares-william-diaz-172109650229257 (1), https://www.facebook.com/XalliOmetepeBeachHotel (1), https://www.facebook.com/YemaKo.YemaKo/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/ampmNicaragua (1), https://www.facebook.com/anfni (1), https://www.facebook.com/chocodeliciascrepasymas (1), https://www.facebook.com/debocaenbocagranada (1), https://www.facebook.com/donaelbacigars (1), https://www.facebook.com/elfogonRSJ/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/elmerenderocafe (1), https://www.facebook.com/epcnic (1), https://www.facebook.com/gonperlibrerias (1), https://www.facebook.com/healthandhelporg/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/hostalazulgranada/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/hotel.villamar (1), https://www.facebook.com/islapiratasgranada (1), https://www.facebook.com/izamarcloset (1), https://www.facebook.com/labicicletahostal (1), https://www.facebook.com/laprensanicaragua/?ref=page_internal (1), https://www.facebook.com/marisqueriashalomsebaco (1), https://www.facebook.com/medicinaoriental (1), https://www.facebook.com/monsterburguerscheese/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ananda/109917375747911 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/Campus-Francisco-De-Sola-Incae-Nicaragua/216819781770462 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/El-Camino-del-Sol/124410744240562 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hotel-Suyapa-Beach/289370057727 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Mariposa-Escuela-de-Espa%C3%B1ol/226752447353756 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mamma-Mia/171315089579288 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/Reparto-Quetzalia/2169892899751580?hc_ref=ARTtBeQ-4RXIrrnvf13V88zWh3dOjgL0mssfjunuBWn1FOePGu4gh-CQ5CNavAFuQM0&ref=nf_target&fref=tag&__tn__=kC-R (1), https://www.facebook.com/pages/Universidad-Tecnol%C3%B3gica-Nicarag%C3%BCense-UTN/113689908698490 (1), https://www.facebook.com/pg/TriumphNicaragua (1), https://www.facebook.com/power099/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/stefanymodanicaragua/ (1), pbxnicaragua (1), |
contact:fax | 2 | +505 23 112042 (1), +50523111003 (1), |
contact:instagram | 8 | https://www.instagram.com/LAconviasa/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/delicias.choco (1), https://www.instagram.com/epc_nic/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/gonperlibreriasoficial (1), https://www.instagram.com/laprensani/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/stefanymoda_nicaragua/ (1), https://www.instagram.com/terneragrill.granada/ (1), yogurtmkg (1), |
contact:mobile | 1 | 8881 6553 (1), |
contact:phone | 32 | +505 22203389 (1), +505 2253-0344, 2253-0340 (1), +505 22556920 (1), +505 2270 5101 (1), +505 2277-1457 (1), +505 23 114376 (1), +505 2552 2942 (2), +505 25755014 (1), +505 8408 8203 (1), +505 84318575 (1), +505 8501562 (1), +505 8854 6928 (1), +505 8999-8069 (1), +505-2568 2274 (1), +505-866 99 455 (1), +50523111293 (1), +50523113008 (1), +50525526451 (1), +50525526989 (1), +50527720619;+50587270614 (1), +50527722135 (2), +50527723732 (1), +50527725476 (1), +50581551812;+50582355379 (1), +50583330956 (1), 1800-2224 (1), 2277 0775 (1), 22778-4038, 8999-5353 (1), 505 8368 3943, 805 4265 296 (1), 8285 5290 (1), |
contact:skype | 1 | jaakkola.tours (1), |
contact:twitter | 3 | MammaMiaManagua (1), https://twitter.com/GonperLibrerias (1), https://twitter.com/LAConviasa (1), |
contact:website | 20 | hostelmatagalpa.com (2), http://carlitosplacelittlecorn.com/ (1), http://casaiguana.net/ (1), http://cornislandhostel.com/ (1), http://jaakkolatours.com.ni (1), http://mariposaspanishschool.com (1), http://vianica.com/hotels/346/hotel-casa-ulrich (1), http://www.ampm.com.ni/ (1), http://www.charlys-bar.com (2), http://www.divelittlecorn.net/ (1), http://www.elcaminodelsol.com/lots.html (1), http://www.hclirihotel.com (1), http://www.littlecornbb.com/ (1), http://www.losdelfineslittlecorn.com/ (1), http://www.magma4x4.com.ni (1), http://www.playaelcoco.com.ni (1), http://www.therioindiolodge.com/ (1), https://www.facebook.com/ClínicaDeMedicinaOriental (1), |
contact:youtube | 2 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsqGdOjH5-yftuxjb3lhAXw (1), https://www.youtube.com/user/Gonperlibrerias (1), |
content | 29 | fuel (1), gas (1), oil (5), silage (6), water (16), |
conveying | 5 | both (3), forward (2), |
cooking | 1 | yes (1), |
cooling:method | 2 | mechanical_draft (2), |
country | 56 | AR (1), BR (1), CA (1), CH (1), CL (1), CO (1), CR (6), CU (1), DE (1), DO (1), ES (3), EU (1), FR (1), GT (1), HN (2), IR (2), IT (1), JP (1), KR (1), LU (1), LY (1), MT (1), MX (1), NI (7), NL (1), NO (1), PA (1), PE (1), PS (2), PY (1), RU (1), SE (2), SV (1), TW (1), US (1), UY (1), VE (2), VZ (1), |
country_club | 1 | yes (1), |
country_code_fips | 2 | CA (1), NU (1), |
couplings:diameters | 1 | 2 1/2 pulgadas (1), |
couplings:type | 7 | Rosca (7), |
covered | 339 | booth (1), no (38), yes (300), |
craft | 234 | agricultural_engines (2), aluminium_casting (1), basket_maker (3), beekeeper (7), blacksmith (4), carpenter (21), caterer (3), clockmaker (3), confectionery (5), cooling_systems (1), distillery (2), dressmaker (9), electrician (8), electronics_repair (15), engraver (1), gardener (1), glaziery (11), handicraft (12), hvac (10), joiner (1), key_cutter (2), laboratory (2), locksmith (4), metal_construction (3), office_furniture_repair (1), optician (1), painter (1), photographer (17), photographic_laboratory (3), plasterer (1), plumber (3), pottery (2), print_shop (1), printer (1), saddler (2), sawmill (5), shoemaker (17), stonemason (1), tailor (10), tinsmith (2), tyres (8), upholsterer (14), watchmaker (4), welder (1), wheel_repair (1), window_construction (6), winery (1), |
crane:type | 1 | floor-mounted_crane (1), |
crop | 1159 | bananas,_papapyas,_mangos (944), bananas,papayas,mangos (1), bean (38), cerdos (1), cereal (1), coco (1), coffee (3), corn (5), granos_basicos (1), granos_básicos (4), native_pasture (2), oil_palm (1), pea (126), rice (4), sugarcane (13), tabaco (5), tea (3), vegetables (1), yes (3), yes;plantain (2), |
crossing | 686 | bridge (4), marked (57), stripes (1), traffic_signals (25), uncontrolled (57), unmarked (524), zebra (18), |
crossing:island | 3 | no (2), yes (1), |
crossing_ref | 8 | Calle colón (1), zebra (7), |
cuisine | 817 | Catering, Banquets (1), Comida_Corriente,_Pizza, Café y Repostería (1), Comida_Rápida (1), Fast Food, Fritanga (4), Fast Food, Fritanga (1), Fried Chicken (1), Mexican, Hondurenan, Fusion (1), National and french (1), Nicaraguan (1), Nicaragüense (3), Palomitas (1), Pizza, Pasra (1), Quesillos (1), Subway & Soda (1), american (7), american;asian;sushi;burger (1), american;grill;chicken (1), american;international;mexican (1), american;italian_pizza;french (1), american;regional (1), arab;mediterranean (1), asian (2), asian;japanese;chinese;thai;vietnamese;fusion (1), bakery (1), barbacue (1), barbecue (12), barbecue;fish;seafood (1), barbecue;steak_house (1), breakfast (1), breakfast;burger;chinese;grill;local;seafood (1), breakfast;burger;coffee_shop;sandwich (1), breakfast;burger;local;regional;sandwich (1), breakfast;cake;coffee_shop (1), breakfast;coffee_shop (1), breakfast;coffee_shop;local (1), breakfast;local (1), breakfast;local;sandwich;mexican;pizza (1), breakfast;sandwich;coffee_shop (1), buffet (3), burger (34), burger,_fast_food (1), burger;american;friture (1), burger;breakfast;international;spanish;curry;local (1), burger;chicken;grill;local;mexican;sandwich;seafood (1), burger;chicken;mexican (1), burger;chicken;regional (1), burger;coffee_shop;friture;tea (1), burger;fish;international;breakfast;mediterranean;american;pasta;fine_dining;pizza;chicken;italian_pizza (1), burger;friture;sandwich;steak_house (1), burger;grill;asian;steak_house;pasta;chicken;italian_pizza;mexican;fish;hotdog;argentinian;friture;chinese;american;barbecue;sandwich;ramen;international;ice_cream;pizza;fish_and_chips;breakfast;sausage;seafood;caribbean;german (1), burger;grill;local (1), burger;italian;international;grill;mediterranean;local (1), burger;local (1), burger;pastry;smoothies;regional;chicken_breasts;coffee_shop;latte (1), burger;pizza;italian (1), burger;regional (1), burger;regional;fish_and_chips;sandwich (1), burger;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), burger;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop;local (1), burger;sandwich;international;coffee_shop;asian;pasta;indian;curry (1), burger;sandwich;pizza;chicken;friture;coffee_shop (1), burrito (1), cafeteria (2), café (1), cake;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), cake_shop (1), caribbean (3), carnes_a_las_brasas (1), chicken (58), chicken;burger (1), chicken;burger;hotdog (1), chicken;burger;steak_house;sandwich;grill;seafood;international;tea;barbecue;ice_cream (1), chicken;fine_dining;international;grill (1), chicken;fish;local;seafood (1), chicken;friture;steak_house;regional;international (1), chicken;regional (3), chicken;steak_house (1), chinese (34), chinese; seafood (1), chinese;fine_dining (1), chinese;fine_dining;noodles (1), chinese;grill;international;local;mexican;seafood (1), coffee_shop (12), coffee_shop;american;burger;seafood;sandwich;chicken;regional (1), coffee_shop;local (1), coffee_shop;sandwich (1), coffee_shop;sandwich;regional (1), comida_cacera_nicaraguense_preparada_al_instante (1), crepe;grill (1), cuban (2), deli;tea;cake;sandwich;american;coffee_shop (1), dessert (1), diner (1), drinks (1), fast_food (3), fine_dining;friture;steak_house (1), fish (4), fish;barbecue;local;seafood;steak_house;pizza;chicken;pasta (1), fish;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), fish;burger;grill;seafood;asian;chinese;american;pasta;noodles;indian (1), fish;local (1), fish_and_chips (1), fish_and_chips;regional;chicken (1), french (1), fried_chicken (4), fritanga (1), friture (1), friture;steak_house (1), fusion (1), german (2), grill;arab;barbecue;mediterranean (1), grill;regional;fries (1), healthy;chocolate;smoothies;dessert (1), healthy_food (1), hot_dog (1), ice_cream (26), ice_cream;local;barbecue (1), international (14), international;coffee_shop;sandwich (1), international;regional (1), international;regional;buffet (1), italian (15), italian; pizza (2), italian; seafood (1), italian;crepe;diner;coffee_shop (1), italian;pizza (1), italian_pizza (1), italian_pizza;pizza (2), italian_pizza;pizza;mediterranean;italian (1), japanese (3), japanese; sushi (1), juice (1), korean; sushi (1), light_food;drinks (1), local (56), local;breakfast (1), local;breakfast;coffee_shop;diner (1), local;burger (1), mediterranean (3), mexican (24), mexican,italian,french (1), mexican;international (1), nicaraguan (4), pL (1), papusa (1), papusas (1), pasta;italian_pizza;italian;pizza (1), persian (1), peruvian (1), pescado (1), pizza (76), pizza;baked_goods;coffee (1), pizza;burger;sandwich (1), pizza;coffee_shop (1), pollo_y_carne_asada;enchiladas_y_tacos;papas_rellenas;maduro_con_queso (1), reginal,_mexican,_seafood (1), regioal (1), regional (146), regional;Comida_salvadoreña (1), regional;Tortillas (1), regional;barbecue;diner;international (1), regional;chicken;salad;steak_house (1), regional;fine_dining;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), regional;international;steak_house (1), salad;sandwich (1), sandwich (24), sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), sandwich;burger (1), sandwich;burger;seafood (1), sandwich;grill;sausage;friture;steak_house;chicken;tapas (1), sandwich;pasta;pancake;international;breakfast (1), sandwich;regional;breakfast;tea;coffee_shop (1), sandwich;regional;tea;american;noodles;curry (1), sausage;chicken;burger;pasta;sandwich;pizza (1), seafood (34), seafood;burger;french (1), seafood;chicken;fish (1), smoothies (3), spanish (7), spanish;local (1), spanish;pizza;pasta;local;coffee_shop;chicken;breakfast (1), steak_house (16), steak_house;american;german;barbecue;coffee_shop;caribbean (1), steak_house;barbecue (1), steak_house;breakfast;chinese;diner (1), steak_house;breakfast;diner;coffee_shop;local (1), steak_house;seafood (1), sushi (5), sushi; korean (1), taco,_vigorón (1), tacos,enchiladas,_pollo_asado,_leche_con_banano (1), tacos_mexicanos (1), tea;burger;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), tea;burger;sushi;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop;ice_cream (1), tea;fine_dining;chicken;burger;sandwich;breakfast;coffee_shop (1), tea;pancake;breakfast;coffee_shop;local (1), tea;sandwich;coffee_shop (1), thai (1), tradicional (1), traditional;nicaraguan (1), yogurt,_pan_integral,_artesanias (1), |
culvert:type | 1 | box (1), |
currency | 4 | EUR (4), |
currency:BsF | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:EUR | 1 | yes (1), |
currency:NIO | 10 | yes (10), |
currency:USD | 12 | yes (12), |
currency:XBT | 7 | yes (7), |
currency:others | 1 | yes (1), |
cutting | 30 | no (1), yes (29), |
cycleway | 19 | lane (1), no (11), shared (1), shared_lane (1), track (5), |
cycleway:both | 1 | lane (1), |
cycleway:left | 1 | shared_lane (1), |
cycleway:right | 3 | shared_lane (1), track (2), |