name:2003-20151University of Luxembourg - Campus Walferdange (1),
name:TEC27BIF Siebenhour (2), Bascharage Bommelscheuer (1), Bascharage Bommertbesch (1), Bascharage Brasserie (1), Bascharage Prince Henri (1), Bertrange Belle Etoile (1), Hagen Carrefour an der Laach (2), Hagen Carrefour op Eeschelter (1), Hagen Eglise (1), Lamadelaine Maragole (2), Lamadelaine Wise Strooss R. Prés (2), Luxembourg Wandmillen (1), Mamer Mambra (1), Pétange Bei der Gemeng (2), Pétange Cactus (2), Pétange Cité CFL (1), Pétange Maartplaz (1), Pétange Porte Lamadelaine (2), Steinfort Route de Kleinbettingen (1), Strassen Kesseler (1),
name:UN:ar2الاتحاد الروسي (1), جمهورية كوريا الشعبية الديمقراطية (1),
name:UN:en2Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the) (1), Russian Federation (the) (1),
name:UN:es2Federación de Rusia (la) (1), República Popular Democrática de Corea (la) (1),
name:UN:fr2Fédération de Russie (la) (1), République populaire démocratique de Corée (la) (1),
name:UN:ru2Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика (1), Российская Федерация (1),
name:UN:zh2俄罗斯联邦 (1), 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (1),
name:ab7EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena (1), Алмантәыла (1), Канада (1), Мадиартәыла (1), Молдова (1), Полша (1), Урыстәыла (1),
name:ace18Bèlgia (1), Hongaria (1), Jeureuman (1), Kanada (1), Korèa Utara (1), Luksèmburg (2), Moldova (1), Oblast Chelyabinsk (1), Peurancih (2), Polandia (1), Pyeongyang (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Seupanyo (1), Uzbèkistan (1), Vènèzuèla (1),
name:ady1Белгие (1),
name:af27Arabiese Skiereiland (1), België (1), Bretagne (1), Duitsland (1), Faroëreilande (1), Frankryk (2), Hongarye (1), Kanada (1), Luxemburg (3), Moldowa (1), Noord-Korea (1), Nunavut (1), Oesbekistan (1), Pjongjang (1), Pole (1), Portugal (1), Quebec (1), Roemenië (1), Rusland (1), Spanje (1), Tsjeljabinsk-oblast (1), Venezuela (1), Wes-Pommere (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:ak7Belgium (1), Frɛnkyeman (1), Germany (1), Hangari (1), Laksembɛg (1), Poland (1), Russia (1),
name:als21Arabischi Halbinsle (1), Belgie (1), Dikrech (1), Frankreich (1), Iechternach (1), Kanada (1), Luxemburg (2), Moldawien (1), Nidderkonz (1), Nordkorea (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Rumänien (1), Russland (1), Siirk (2), Spanien (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:am25ሀንጋሪ (1), ሉክሰምበርግ (3), ሞልዶቫ (1), ሩሲያ (1), ሮማንያ (1), ስሜን ኮርያ (1), ቤልጅግ (1), ቬኔዝዌላ (1), ትሪር (1), አረቢያ (1), አርዋድ (1), ኡዝቤኪስታን (1), እስፓንያ (1), ኦርክኒ (1), ካናዳ (1), ኬበክ (1), ጀርመን (1), ፈረንሣይ (2), ፋሮ ደሴቶች (1), ፕዮንግያንግ (1), ፖላንድ (1), ፖርቱጋል (1),
name:an26Alcalá d'o Bispe (1), Alemanya (1), Belchica (1), Bretanya (1), Canadá (1), Coreya d'o Norte (1), Espanya (1), Finisterre (1), Francia (2), Hongría (1), Islas Feroe (1), Luxemburgo (2), Moldavia (1), Monflorite (1), Ortiella (1), Piracés (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Robres (1), Rumanía (1), Rusia (1), Uzbekistán (1), Venezuela (1),
name:ang20Arabea (1), Belgice (1), Canada (1), Feneswela (1), Francland (2), Letseburg (2), Moldofa (1), Norþcorēa (1), Persian Gulf (1), Polaland (1), Portugal (1), Rumǣnia (1), Russland (1), Spēonland (1), Sūþsǣ (1), Ungerland (1), Usbecastan (1), Þēodscland (1),
name:ar104ألمانيا (1), ألمانيا - فرنسا (1), ألنتيجو (1), ألنتيجو العليا (1), أوبلاست تشيليابنسك (1), أوزبكستان (1), إسبانيا (1), إقليم الباسك (1), إيفل (1), الاتحاد الأوروبي (1), البرتغال (1), البندر (1), الخليج العربي (1), الشرق العظيم (1), الطريق السريع للبلدان الأمريكية (1), الغرب (2), المجتمع الألماني (1), المجتمع الفرنسي (1), المجر (1), المنطقة الشمالية (البرتغال) (1), الوسطى (1), بروت (1), بروتاني (1), بريتاني (1), بلجيكا (1), بلجيكا (كتلة اليابسة) (1), بلجيكا - فرنسا (1), بنلوكس (1), بورتاليغري (1), بورتو (1), بولندا (1), بيونغيانغ (1), ترير (1), تشنجيانغ (1), توقيت أمريكا/تورونتو (1), جزر أوركني (1), جزر الأنتيل الكبرى (1), جزر فارو (1), جزيرة أرواد (1), جزيرة العرب (1), جياموسى (1), حلف شمال الأطلسي (1), خليج تونكين (1), راينلند بالاتينات (1), روسيا (1), رومانيا (1), سارلاند (1), سفارة لكسمبرغ (1), سكسونيا السفلى (2), شاجال, مارك (2), شارع أشعب (1), شارع الشهيد علي خليفة المسماري (1), شارع الصَّاحِب (2), شارع الطِّوَيَّة (1), شارع حَلَب (2), شارع محمد بن خليفة (1), شارع محمد بن خليفه (1), شارع محمد خلف المزروعي (1), شبه جزيرة كوريا (1), شنغن (1), طريق مرمول, ثمريت (1), غواريكو (1), غيبوثكوا (1), فارو (1), فرنسا (2), فرنسا متروبوليتان (1), فرنسا متروبوليتان (كتلة الأرض) (1), فنزويلا (1), فنستير (1), قناة المانش (1), كندا (1), كوبا (1), كوريا الشمالية (1), كيبك (1), لاجوا (1), لكسمبرغ (1), لورين (1), لوكسمبورغ (2), لولي (1), لييج (1), ممر 2089 (1), ممر 2091 (1), ممر 2096 (1), منطقة فيدرالية أورالية (1), منطقة فيدرالية جنوبية (1), منظمة الدول التركية (1), موريوكا، إيواته (1), موزل (1), مولدوفا (1), موناغاس (1), نونافوت (1), هسن (1), وات - آيود (1), والونيا (1), والونيا (المجتمع الفرنسي) (1), ولاية فرغانة (1), ولاية_أنزواتغي (1),
name:arc19ܐܘܙܒܩܣܛܐܢ (1), ܐܣܦܢܝܐ (1), ܐܪܒܝܐ (1), ܒܠܓܝܩܐ (1), ܒܢܙܘܝܠܐ (1), ܒܪܩܩܐ ܥܪܒܝܐ (1), ܓܪܡܢ (1), ܠܘܟܣܡܒܘܪܓ (2), ܡܓܪ (1), ܡܘܠܕܘܒܐ (1), ܦܘܠܢܕ (1), ܦܘܪܛܘܓܠ (1), ܦܪܢܣܐ (2), ܩܝܒܩ (1), ܩܢܕܐ (1), ܪܘܡܢܝܐ (1), ܪܘܣܝܐ (1),
name:arz20اسبانيا (1), البرتغال (1), الخليج العربى (1), المانيا (1), المجر (1), اوزبيكيستان (1), بلجيكا (1), بولاندا (1), روسيا (1), رومانيا (1), شبه الجزيره العربيه (1), فرنسا (2), فنيزويلا (1), كندا (1), كوبا (1), كوريا الشماليه (1), لوكسيمبورج (2), مولدوڤا (1),
name:as5উত্তৰ কোৰিয়া (1), কানাডা (1), ফ্ৰান্স (2), ৰুশিযা (1),
name:ast25Alemaña (1), Arabia (1), Baxa Saxonia (1), Bretaña (2), Bélxica (1), Canadá (1), Corea del Norte (1), España (1), Francia (2), Hungría (1), Liex (1), Luxemburgu (3), Moldavia (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Rumanía (1), Rusia (1), Uzbequistán (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:av6Алмания (1), Бе́льгия (1), Венесуэла (1), ГӀарабистан (1), Канада (1), Россиялъул Федерация (1),
name:ay12Alimaña (1), Bilkiya (1), Hunkariya (1), Ispaña (1), Kanada (1), Phransiya (2), Puluña (1), Purtuwal (1), Rumanya (1), Rusiya (1), Winïxwila (1),
name:az30Almaniya (1), Belçika (1), Farer adaları (1), Fars körfəzi (1), Fransa (2), Fransa metropoliyası (1), Kanada (1), Koreya Xalq Demokratik Respublikası (1), Lüksemburq (3), Macarıstan (1), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Orkney adaları (1), Polşa (1), Portuqaliya (1), Prut çayı (1), Pxenyan (1), Rumıniya (1), Rusiya (1), Türk Dövlətləri Təşkilatı (1), Venesuela (1), Volqoqrad vilayəti (1), Çelyabinsk vilayəti (1), Çjentszyan (1), Özbəkistan (1), İspaniya (1), Ərəbistan yarımadası (1),
name:az-Arab3تری‌یر (1), فرغانه ویلایت (1), قۇزئی آتلانتیک مۆقاویله‌‌سی تشکیلاتؽ (1),
name:azb8بلژیک (1), تری‌یر (1), فارس کؤرفزی (1), فرغانه ویلایت (1), قۇزئی آتلانتیک مۆقاویله‌‌سی تشکیلاتؽ (1), چلیابینسک اوبلاستی (1), کبک (1), کوبا (1),
name:ba22Бе́льгия (1), Венгрия (1), Венесуэла (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Корея Халыҡ-Демократик Республикаһы (1), Люксембург (3), Молдова (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Прут (1), Румыния (1), Рәсәй (1), Силәбе өлкәһе (1), Фарер утрауҙары (1), Франция (2), Ғәрәбстан ярымутрауы (1), Үзбәкстан (1),
name:bar18Arabische Hoibinsl (1), Bäigien (1), Deitschland (1), Frankreich (2), Kanada (1), Luxmburg (2), Moidowien (1), Nordkorea (1), Poin (1), Portugal (1), Rumänien (1), Russland (1), Spanien (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:bat-smg18Belgėjė (1), Ispanėjė (1), Kanada (1), Lioksembōrgs (2), Lėnkėjė (1), Moldavėjė (1), Ozbėkistans (1), Pchenjans (1), Prancūzėjė (2), Puortogalėjė (1), Romunėjė (1), Rosėjė (1), Venesoela (1), Vengrėjė (1), Vuokītėjė (1), Šiaurės Kuoriejė (1),
name:bcl18Alemanya (1), Arabong Peninsula (1), Belhika (1), Benesuela (1), Espanya (1), Hungriya (1), Kanada (1), Luhemburgo (2), Moldoba (1), North Korea (1), Polonya (1), Portugal (1), Pransya (2), Romanya (1), Rusya (1), Usbekistan (1),
name:be215Europese wandelroute E2 oost (1), Europese wandelroute E2 west (1), Europese wandelroute E2 west, deel België (1), Europese wandelroute E2, België (1), Moart (1), Wandelroute E3 (1), Інтэрнацыянальная вуліца (1), Іспанія (1), Аколіца (2), Аксютава (2), Акцябр (2), Аравійскі паўвостраў (1), Аркнейскія астравы (1), Аўтобус № 139. Танкавая - ДС Каліноўскага (1), Аўтобус №113а - Абласная бальніца - ДС Уручча - 4 (1), Аўтобус №113с - РНПЦ Анкалогіі - ДС Уручча - 4 (1), Аўтобус №155 - Гарбатава, 73 - ДС Уручча-4 (1), Аўтобус №27 - Сасновы Бор - ДС Ангарская-4 (1), Аўтобус №31 - ДС Уручча-2 - Каладзішчанскія могілкі (1), Аўтобус №77 - ДС Уручча-2 - Магістр (1), Аўтобус №86 - Азярышча - Копішча (1), Аўтобус №99 - Ваенная акадэмія - ДС Уручча-4 (1), Бeльгія (1), Багданова (2), Барсукова (2), Бастонь (1), Брэтань (1), Валгаградская вобласць (1), Валонія (1), Вейна (2), Венгрыя (1), Венесуэла (1), Веска (2), Ветка (2), Вострава (2), Востраў Хайнань (1), Вялікі Рожан (2), Вялічкавічы (2), Герасімаўка (2), Германія (1), Гоцк (2), Грыбаўня (2), Гіпускоа (1), Дзегцяры (2), Дзедавічы (2), Дзікірх (1), Дубава (2), Дубіца (2), Еўрапейскі Саюз (1), Жырнэлішкі (2), Забор’е (2), Зайкава (2), Залаззе (2), Залескі Бор (2), Заходнепаморскае ваяводства (2), Заходні Буг (1), Зацішша (2), Канада (1), Карэйская Народна-Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка (1), Квебек (1), Колас (2), Корнадзь (2), Краіна Баскаў (1), Крукоўшчына (2), Куклічы (2), Лапаціна (2), Латарынгія (1), Лахаўка (2), Лубянка (2), Лутавень (2), Любань (2), Люксембург (3), Мазавецкае ваяводства (1), Мазалі (2), Малдова (1), Малы Рожан (2), Манасеева (2), Марцабаліна (2), Метраполія Францыі (1), Мокрава (2), Мілашы (2), Навінкі (2), Нараў (1), Новы Луг (2), Нунавут (1), Нідэранвэн (1), Ніжняя Саксонія (1), Падазернае (2), Падарожжа (2), Палессе (2), Панамерыканская шаша (1), Папоўцы (2), Партугалія (1), Паўднёвая федэральная акруга (1), Першамайск (2), Польшча (1), Праліў Ла-Манш (1), Пузічы (2), Пхеньян (1), Пясчанка (2), Разэта (2), Рака Прут (1), Ракіні (2), Рассвет (2), Расія (1), Руднікі (2), Румынія (1), Рыдзігерава (2), Рымашы (2), Салагошч (2), Старое Сяло (1), Сінкевічы (2), Сіняк (2), Талмачава (2), Тралейбус №2 - ДС Зялёны Луг-7 - ДС Уручча-2 (1), Тралейбус №2 - ДС Уручча-2 - ДС Зялёны луг-7 (1), Тралейбус №37 - Музычны тэатр - ДС Уручча-4 (1), Тралейбус №41: "ДС Уручча-2 - ДС Малініна" (1), Тралейбус №42 - ДС Дражня - ДС Уручча-4 (1), Тралейбус №61 - ДС Уручча-2 - Акадэмічная (1), Тралейбус №62 - ДС Уручча-2 - ДС Уручча-4 (1), Узбекістан (1), Уральская федэральная акруга (1), Устронь (2), Фарэрскія астравы (1), Ферганскі вілает (1), Флярова (2), Францыя (2), Фіністэр (1), Ханявічы (2), Харава (2), Хорастава (2), ЦРБ (2), Чалябінская вобласць (1), Чарабасава (2), Шпанаўка (2), Шыбіна (2), Эхтэрнах (1), Юрыя Прыходькі вуліца (1), Ябланава (2), вуліца Будзённага (1), вуліца Піўненкі (1), завулак Шаўчэнкі (1),
name:be-tarask146Аколіца (2), Аксютава (2), Акцябр (2), Арабійскі паўвостраў (1), Барсукова (2), Брэтань (1), Бэльгія (1), Валгаградзкая вобласьць (1), Вейна (2), Веска (2), Ветка (2), Вострава (2), Вугоршчына (1), Вэнэсуэла (1), Вялікі Рожан (2), Вялічкавічы (2), Герасімаўка (2), Грыбаўня (2), Гішпанія (1), Дзегцяры (2), Дзедавічы (2), Дубава (2), Дубіца (2), Жырнэлішкі (2), Забор'е (2), Зайкава (2), Залазьзе (2), Залескі Бор (2), Заходнепаморскае ваяводзтва (1), Канада (1), Карэйская Народна-Дэмакратычная Рэспубліка (1), Квэбэк (1), Колас (2), Корнадзь (2), Крукоўшчына (2), Куклічы (2), Лапаціна (2), Лахаўка (2), Лубянка (2), Лутавень (2), Любань (2), Люксэмбург (2), Мазавецкае ваяводзтва (1), Мазалі (2), Малдова (1), Малы Рожан (2), Манасеева (2), Марцабаліна (2), Мокрава (2), Мілашы (2), Навінкі (2), Новы Луг (2), Нямеччына (1), Падазернае (2), Падарожжа (2), Палесьсе (2), Панамэрыканская шаша (1), Папоўцы (2), Партугалія (1), Польшча (1), Пузічы (2), Пхеньян (1), Разэта (2), Ракіні (2), Расея (1), Расьсьвет (2), Руднікі (2), Румынія (1), Рыдзігерава (2), Салагошч (2), Старое Сяло (1), Сінкевічы (2), Сіняк (2), Талмачава (2), Узбэкістан (1), Устронь (2), Флярова (2), Францыя (2), Фэрганская вобласьць (1), Ханявічы (2), Харава (2), Чалябінская вобласьць (1), Чарабасава (2), Шыбіна (2), Ябланава (2),
name:be-tarask:word_stress119Ако́ліца (2), Аксю́тава (2), Акця́бр (2), Барсуко́ва (2), Ве́йна (2), Ве́ска (2), Ве́тка (2), Во́страва (2), Вялі́кі Ро́жан (2), Вялі́чкавічы (2), Гера́сімаўка (2), Грыбаўня́ (2), Дзе́давічы (2), Дзегцяры́ (2), Ду́бава (2), Ду́біца (2), Жырнэ́лішкі (2), За́йкава (2), Забо́р'е (2), Зала́зьзе (2), Зале́скі Бор (2), Ко́лас (2), Ко́рнадзь (2), Круко́ўшчына (2), Ку́клічы (2), Ла́хаўка (2), Лапа́ціна (2), Лу́тавень (2), Лубя́нка (2), Лю́бань (2), Мазалі́ (2), Малы́ Ро́жан (2), Манасе́ева (2), Марцабалі́на (2), Мо́крава (2), Мілашы́ (2), Наві́нкі (2), Но́вы Луг (2), Падазе́рнае (2), Падаро́жжа (2), Пале́сьсе (2), Папо́ўцы (2), Пу́зічы (2), Разэ́та (2), Ракі́ні (2), Расьсьве́т (2), Ру́днікі (2), Рыдзіге́рава (2), Салаго́шч (2), Старо́е Сяло́ (1), Сінке́вічы (2), Сіня́к (2), Талма́чава (2), Устро́нь (2), Фляро́ва (2), Ханяві́чы (2), Харава́ (2), Чараба́сава (2), Шы́біна (2), Я́бланава (2),
name:be:word_stress133Ако́ліца (2), Аксю́тава (2), Акця́бр (2), Багдано́ва (2), Барсуко́ва (2), Ве́йна (2), Ве́ска (2), Ве́тка (2), Во́страва (2), Вялі́кі Ро́жан (2), Вялі́чкавічы (2), Гера́сімаўка (2), Гоцк (2), Грыбаўня́ (2), Дзе́давічы (2), Дзегцяры́ (2), Ду́бава (2), Ду́біца (2), Жырнэ́лішкі (2), За́йкава (2), Забо́р’е (2), Зала́ззе (2), Зале́скі Бор (2), Заці́шша (2), Ко́лас (2), Ко́рнадзь (2), Круко́ўшчына (2), Ку́клічы (2), Ла́хаўка (2), Лапа́ціна (2), Лу́тавень (2), Лубя́нка (2), Лю́бань (2), Мазалі́ (2), Малы́ Ро́жан (2), Манасе́ева (2), Марцабалі́на (2), Мо́крава (2), Мілашы́ (2), Наві́нкі (2), Но́вы Луг (2), Падазе́рнае (2), Падаро́жжа (2), Пале́ссе (2), Папо́ўцы (2), Першама́йск (2), Пу́зічы (2), Пясча́нка (2), Разэ́та (2), Ракі́ні (2), Рассве́т (2), Ру́днікі (2), Ры́машы (2), Рыдзіге́рава (2), Салаго́шч (2), Старо́е Сяло́ (1), Сінке́вічы (2), Сіня́к (2), Талма́чава (2), Устро́нь (2), Фляро́ва (2), Ханяві́чы (2), Харава́ (2), Хо́растава (2), Чараба́сава (2), Шы́біна (2), Я́бланава (2),
name:bg47Арабски полуостров (1), Бастон (1), Белгия (1), Бретан (1), Буг (1), Бург Ройланд (1), Венецуела (1), Германия (1), Джъндзян (1), Дикирх (1), Европейска сметна палата (1), Европейски пешеходен маршрут Е3 (1), Европейски съюз (1), Ехтернах (1), Западнопоморско войводство (1), Изпълнителна агенция за потребителите, здравеопазването, селското стопанство и храните (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Квебек (1), Льеж (1), Люксембург (2), Люксенбург (1), Молдова (1), Нидеранвен (1), Нунавут (1), Организация на Северноатлантическия договор (1), Оркни (1), Панамериканска магистрала (1), Полша (1), Португалия (1), Прут (1), Пхенян (1), Румъния (1), Русия (1), Северна Корея (1), Служба за публикации (1), Съд на Европейския съюз (1), Узбекистан (1), Унгария (1), Фарьорски острови (1), Ферганска област (1), Финистер (1), Франция (2), Център за преводи за органите на Европейския съюз (1), Челябинска област (1),
name:bh3उत्तर कोरिया (1), बेल्जियम (1), मेट्रोपॉलिटन फ्रांस (1),
name:bi16Beljiom (1), Faroe aelan (1), Franis (2), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Kanada (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Romania (1), Rusia (1), Spain (1), Venezuela (1),
name:bjn4Korea Utara (1), Parancis (2), Rusia (1),
name:bm9Bɛliziki (1), France (2), Hɔngri (1), Jermani (1), Kanada (1), Likisanburu (1), Risila (1), Venezuela (1),
name:bn23আরব উপদ্বীপ (1), উজবেকিস্তান (1), উত্তর কোরিয়া (1), কানাডা (1), কিউবেক (1), জার্মানি (1), পর্তুগাল (1), পার্সিয়ান উপসাগর (1), পিয়ং ইয়াং (1), পোল্যান্ড (1), ফারগানা প্রদেশ (1), ফ্রান্স (2), বেলজিয়াম (1), ভেনেজুয়েলা (1), মলদোভা (1), রাশিয়া (1), রোমানিয়া (1), লাক্সেমবার্গ (1), লুক্সেমবুর্গ (2), স্পেন (1), হাঙ্গেরি (1),
name:bo21ཀྲེན་ཅང་། (1), ཁ་ན་ཌ། (1), པེར་ཅིན། (1), པོ་ཅུ་གྷལ། (1), ཕོ་ལན། (1), ཕོང་ཡང་། (1), བྱང་ཀོ་རི་ཡ། (1), མོལ་དོ་ཝ། (1), ཝེ་ནེ་ཟུའེ་ལ། (1), ཞི་པན་ཡ། (1), འཇར་མན། (1), རོ་མ་ནི་ཡ། (1), ལཀ་ཛམ་བོརྒ། (1), ལུ་སེམ་བའུརག (2), ཧུང་གྷ་རི། (1), ཧྥ་རན་སི་ཡི་གྲོང་ཁྱེར་ཆེན་པོ། (1), ཧྥ་རན་སི། (2), ཨུ་ཟ་བྷེ་ཁི་སི་ཐན། (1), ཨུ་རུ་སུ། (1),
name:botanical18Platanus acerifolia (17), juglans regia L. (1),
name:bpy17উজবেকিস্তান (1), ঔয়াং কোরিয়া (1), কানাডা (1), জার্মানি (1), পর্তুগাল (1), পোল্যান্ড (1), ফ্রান্স (2), বেলজিয়াম (1), ভেনেজুয়েলা (1), মোলদোভা (1), রাশিয়া (1), রোমানিয়া (1), লুক্সেমবুর্গ (2), স্পেন (1), হাঙ্গেরী (1),
name:br40Alamagn (1), Antilhez (1), Arabia (1), Belgia (1), Breizh (2), Bro-C'hall (2), Euskadi (1), Faero (1), Hungaria (1), Inizi Orc'h (1), Kae Kenwerzhel Su (1), Kanada (1), Kebek (1), Loren (1), Luksembourg (3), Moldova (1), Mor Breizh (1), Nunavut (1), Ouzbekistan (1), Penn-ar-Bed (1), Pennvro Frañs (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Prout (1), Pyongyang (1), Republik Poblel ha Demokratel Korea (1), Reter-Meur (1), Roumania (1), Rusia (1), Saks-Izel (1), Siirk (1), Spagn (1), Straed Albert Briand (1), Unaniezh Europa (1), Venezuela (1), Yestael (1),
name:bs28Arapsko poluostrvo (1), Bastasi (1), Belgija (1), Eurozona (1), Farska ostrva (1), Francuska (2), Jagare (1), Kanada (1), Kontinentalna Francuska (1), Luksemburg (2), Luxembourg (1), Mađarska (1), Moldavija (1), Njemačka (1), Nunavut (1), Perzijski Zaljev (1), Pjongjang (1), Poljska (1), Portugal (1), Rumunija (1), Rusija (1), Sjeverna Koreja (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venecuela (1), Čeljabinska oblast (1), Španija (1),
name:bug9Belgia (1), Jerman (1), Korea Utara (1), Perancis (2), Portugis (1), Russia (1), Spanyol (1), Uzbekistan (1),
name:bxr17Бельги (1), Германи (1), Испани (1), Канада (1), Люксембург (2), Молдав (1), Ородой Холбооной Улас (1), Польш (1), Португал (1), Румын (1), Узбекистан (1), Унгар (1), Франци (2), Хойто Солонгос (1), Челябинскын можо (1),
name:ca90Alemanya (1), Aràbia (1), Avinguda Juan Chabàs (2), B21 Sant Adrià de Besòs (Estació Rodalies) => Barcelona (Besòs) (1), Baixa Saxònia (1), Bretanya (2), Bèlgica (1), Bèlgica (terra) (1), Camí de Ribamala a Coll de Jou (1), Canadà (1), Carrer de Fra Juníper Serra (1), Carrer de l'Avenir (1), Ciutat de Luxemburg (1), Comunitat autònoma del País Basc (1), Comunitat francesa (1), Comunitat germanòfona (1), Corea (1), Corea del Nord (1), Districte Federal del Sud (1), Districte Federal dels Urals (1), Eix Transversal (5), Espanya (1), Ferrocarril Amur-Iakutsk (1), Finisterre (1), Flixbus N710: Barcelona Nord, estació d'autobusos => Essen, estació central (1), Flixbus N710: Essen, estació central => Barcelona Nord, estació d'autobusos (1), França (2), França metropolitana (1), Golf Pèrsic (1), Gran Est (1), Guipúscoa (1), Hessen (1), Hongria (1), Illes Fèroe (1), Illes Òrcades (1), L0324: Lleida - Girona per l'Eix Transversal (1), La Sagrera - Meridiana (1), Llac de Constança (1), Lorena (1), Luxemburg (3), Línia 2 (1), Línia 2: Llíria => Torrent Avinguda (1), Línia 7: Marítim => Torrent Avinguda (1), Línia Sant Martí de Provençals - Sant Joan de les Abadesses (1), Meurthe i Mosel·la (1), Moldàvia (1), Nord (1), Nunavut (1), Oficina de Publicacions Oficials de la Unió Europea (1), Organització dels Estats Turcs (1), Polònia (1), Portugal (1), Província de Lieja (1), Província de Txeliàbinsk (1), Província de Volgograd (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), R12: L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Lleida (per Manresa) (1), R12: Lleida - L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (via Manresa) (1), R3: L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Puigcerdà (1), R3: Puigcerdà - L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (1), R4: Manresa - Sant Vicenç de Calders via Vilafranca del Penedès (1), R4: Sant Vicenç de Calders - Manresa via Vilafranca del Penedès (1), R7: Cerdanyola Universitat - Sant Andreu Arenal (1), R7: Sant Andreu Arenal - Cerdanyola Universitat (1), Radar fix C-25 (Cabrianes) (1), Regió de Sjælland (1), Renània-Palatinat (1), Romania (1), Rússia (1), Saarland (1), Tribunal de Comptes Europeu (1), Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea (1), Unió Europea (1), Uzbekistan (1), Valònia (1), Valònia (Comunitat francesa) (1), Veneçuela (1), Vístula (1), castell de Brandenburg (1),
name:cbk-zam11Alemania (1), Bélgica (1), Corea del Norte (1), España (1), Francia (2), Moldavia (1), Portugal (1), Rumanía (1), Rusia (1), Venezuela (1),
name:cdo13Bī-lé-sì (1), Dáik-guók (1), Déng-gŏng (1), Gă-nā-dâi (1), Huák-guók (2), Lò̤-mā-nà̤-ā (1), Lù-sĕng-bō̤ (2), Ngò̤-lò̤-sṳ̆ (1), Può-dò̤-ngà (1), Pŏ̤-làng (1), Să̤-băng-ngà (1),
name:ce23Бельги (1), Брета́нь (1), Венгри (1), Венесуэла (1), Волгоградан область (1), Германи (1), Испани (1), Канада (1), Корейн Халкъан-Демократин Республика (1), Люксембург (2), Молдави (1), Польша (1), Португали (1), Росси (1), Румыни (1), Узбекистан (1), Фарерийн гӀайренаш (1), Ферганан область (1), Франци (2), Челябинскан область (1), Ӏаьрбийн ахгӀайре (1),
name:ceb23Alemanya (1), Amihanang Korea (1), Belhika (1), Canada (1), Chelyabinskaya Oblast' (1), Dantu Qu (1), Espanya (1), Fergana (lalawigan) (1), Luksemburgo (2), Moldabya (1), Polonya (1), Portugal (1), Pransiya (2), Rumanya (1), Runzhou Qu (1), Rusya (1), Tanjay (1), Unggriya (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:ch2España (1), Russia (1),
name:chr14ᎠᏛᏥ (1), ᎤᏍᏇᎩᏍᏔᏂ (1), ᎦᎸᏥᏱ (1), ᎨᎾᏓ (1), ᎲᏂᎦᎵ (1), ᎶᎹᏂᏯ (1), ᎸᎧᏎᏋᎩ (1), ᎼᎵᏙᏩ (1), ᏇᎵᏥᎥᎻ (1), ᏉᎳᏂ (1), ᏉᏧᎦᎵ (1), ᏍᏆᏂᏱ (1), ᏪᏁᏑᏪᎳ (1), ᏲᏂᏱ (1),
name:chy7Canada (1), France (2), Ma'evé'ho'éno (1), Poland (1), Russia (1), Spain (1),
name:ckb26ئاڵمانیا (1), ئۆزبەکستان (1), ئیسپانیا (1), بەلجیکا (1), دورگەی ئەنتیلی گەورە (1), شەقامی دار و ئاسن (1), فەڕەنسا (2), لوکسەمبورگ (2), مۆلدۆڤا (1), مەجارستان (1), نوناڤۆت (1), نیمچە دوورگەی عەرەبی (1), نیمچەدوورگەی کۆریا (1), پورتوگال (1), پۆڵەندا (1), پیۆنگیانگ (1), ڕووسیا (1), ڕۆمانیا (1), ڤێنیزوێلا (1), کووبا (1), کۆریای باکوور (1), کیبێک (1), کەنداوی عەرەبی (1), کەنەدا (1),
name:co16Belgica (1), Canadà (1), Francia (2), Germania (1), Lussemburgu (2), Moldavia (1), Polonia (1), Portugallu (1), Quebec (1), Romania (1), Russia (1), Spagna (1), Ungheria (1), Venezuela (1),
name:cr4ᐄᔨᔨᐤ ᐊᔅᒌ (1), ᐄᔨᔨᐤ ᐊᔅᒌ ᒉᐃᒥᔅ ᐯᐃ (1), ᑯᐯᒃ (1), ᑳᓇᑖ (1),
name:crh17Almaniya (1), Belçika (1), Ferğana vilâyeti (1), Frenkistan (2), Kanada (1), Lehistan (1), Lüksemburg (2), Macaristan (1), Portugaliya (1), Romaniya (1), Rusiye (1), Venesuela (1), Özbekistan (1), İspaniya (1), Şimaliy Koreya (1),
name:crj1ᐄᓅ ᐊᔅᒌ (1),
name:crl1ᐄᔨᔨᐤ ᐊᔅᒌ (1),
name:cs83Arabský poloostrov (1), Arados (1), Baskicko (1), Belgie (1), Bodamské jezero (1), Bretaň (2), Chaj-nan (1), Cvikovská Mulda (2), Delta Mekong (1), Dolní Sasko (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - sekce Belgie (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - sekce Lucembursko (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - sekce Německo 1 (1), Eurozóna (1), Evropská dálková trasa E3 (1), Evropská dálková trasa E3, Německo (1), Evropská dálková trasa E3, Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz (1), Evropská silnice E25 (1), Evropská silnice E29 (1), Evropská unie (1), Evropský účetní dvůr (1), Faerské ostrovy (1), Francie (2), Honorární konzulát České republiky (1), Island (1), Jižní federální okruh (1), Kanada (1), Korejský poloostrov (1), Kuba (1), Lamanšský průliv (1), Lodžské ghetto (1), Lucemburk (1), Lucembursko (2), Lutych (1), Mazovské vojvodství (1), Maďarsko (1), Metropolitní Francie (1), Mezinárodní horská turistická trasa Eisenach–Budapešt (Polsko východ) (1), Moldavsko (1), Morioka (1), Mosela (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Německo (1), Okajama (1), Organizace turkických států (1), Orkneje (1), Pchjongjang (1), Perský záliv (1), Polsko (1), Portugalsko (1), Porýní-Falc (1), Prut (1), Překladatelské středisko pro instituce Evropské unie (1), Quebec (1), Rumunsko (1), Rusko (1), Severní Korea (1), Soudní dvůr Evropské unie (1), Svatojakubská cesta (1), Tonkinský záliv (1), Uralský federální okruh (1), Uzbekistán (1), Velké Antily (1), Velvyslanectví České republiky (1), Venezuela (1), Visla (1), Víceměřice (1), Výkonná agentura pro spotřebitele, zdraví, zemědělství a potraviny (1), Zadunají (1), Země Sársko (1), Západní Bug (1), Západní Zadunají (1), Západopomořanské (1), Západopomořanské vojvodství (1), Úřad pro publikace Evropské unie (1), Čeljabinská oblast (1), Čen-ťiang (1), Španělsko (1),
name:csb18Belgijskô (1), Francëjô (2), Kanada (1), Kòrejańskô Lëdowò-Demokratnô Repùblika (1), Luksembùrg (1), Luksembùrskô (1), Madżarskô (1), Miemieckô (1), Mòłdawskô (1), P'yŏngyang (1), Pòlskô (1), Pòrtugalskô (1), Rumùńskô (1), Ruskô (1), Szpańskô (1), Zôpadnopòmòrsczé (1), Ùzbekistan (1),
name:cu14Їспанїꙗ (1), Бє́лгїѥ (1), Канада (1), Люѯємбоургъ (2), Молдова (1), Нѣмьци (1), Пол҄ьска (1), Портогалїꙗ (1), Роумꙑнїꙗ (1), Рѡсїꙗ (1), Франкїꙗ (2), Ѫгри (1),
name:cv21Арави çурутравĕ (1), Бельги (1), Венгри (1), Венесуэла (1), Волгоград облаçĕ (1), Германи (1), Испани (1), Канада (1), Люксембург (2), Молдави (1), Польша (1), Португали (1), Раççей Патшалăхĕ (1), Румыни (1), Финистер (1), Франци (2), Чăваш Каран (1), Челепи облаçĕ (1), Ӳспекстан (1),
name:cy32Arabia (1), Bretagne (1), Canada (1), Dinas Lwcsembwrg (1), Ffrainc (2), Gogledd Corea (1), Gwlad Belg (1), Gwlad Pwyl (1), Hwngari (1), Lwcsembwrg (2), Moldofa (1), Môr Udd (1), Nunavut (1), Oblast Chelyabinsk (1), P'yŏngyang (1), Penn-ar-Bed (1), Portiwgal (1), Québec (1), Rwmania (1), Rwsia (1), Sbaen (1), Tafarn-sbeit (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Ynysoedd Erch (1), Ynysoedd Ffaro (1), Yr Almaen (1), Ευρωπαϊκού μονοπατιού Ε4, Κύπρος (2), Ευρωπαϊκό μονοπάτι Ε4 (1),
name:da57Arabiske Halvø (1), Belgien (1), Bodensøen (1), Bretagne (1), Canada (1), Den Europæiske Investeringsbank (1), Den Europæiske Revisionsret (1), Den Europæiske Union (1), Den Europæiske Unions Domstol (1), Den Europæiske Unions Publikationer (1), Eurozonen (1), Flixbus 032 (part Scandinavia): Gedser, færgehavn => Malmö, Centralstation (1), Flixbus 032 (part Scandinavia): Malmö, Centralstation => Gedser Færgehavn (1), Flixbus 602: Københavns Ingerslevsgade => Stockholm, Arlanda lufthavn 2-3 (1), Flixbus 602: Stockholm, Arlanda lufthavn 5 => Københavns Ingerslevsgade (1), Flixbus N32 (part Scandinavia): Gedser, Færgehavn => Stockholm, Cityterminalen (1), Flixbus N32 (part Scandinavia): Stockholm, Cityterminalen => Gedser Færgehavn (1), Flixbus N602: Københavns Ingerslevsgade => Stockholm, Arlanda lufthavn 2-3 (1), Flixbus N602: Stockholm, Arlanda lufthavn 5 => Københavns Ingerslevsgade (1), Flixbus N73: Hannover central busstation => Lund, busstation (1), Flixbus N73: Lund, busstation => Hannover central busstation (1), Forvaltningsorganet for Forbrugere, Sundhed, Landbrug og Fødevarer (1), Frankrig (2), Frankrig - Belgien (1), Færøerne (1), Garnisons Kirkegård (1), Jakobsvejen (1), Kommunales Naturschutzgebiet Driesch (1), Lejre Kommune (1), Luxembourg (2), Metropolregion Lissabon (1), Moldova (1), Nordkorea (1), Nunavut (1), Orkneyøerne (1), Oversættelsescentret for Den Europæiske Unions Organer (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Region Sjælland (1), Rumænien (1), Rusland (1), Sankt Michaels Kirke (1), Sjælland (1), Spanien (1), Tjeljabinsk oblast (1), Tyskland (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Vennbahn (1), Zhenjiang (1), ved mosell (1), Łódźghettoen (1),
name:dative1Polsce (1),
name:de268052 Deutschland (1), 52 Luxemburg;52 Belgien (1), A Guddesch (1), Abgeordnetenkammer (2), Abweiler (1), Ackerscheid (1), Adam-Roberti-Straße (1), Adler — Perm 2 (1), Adolphe-Brücke (5), Adolphstraße (1), Ahn (1), Akademie Nancy-Metz (1), Albert-Philipp-Straße (1), Albertstraße (3), Aldringer Straße (4), Alfons-München-Straße (3), Algringen (1), Allerborn (2), Allerbornerknapp (1), Almillen (1), Alois-Kayser-Straße (1), Aloyse-Kayer-Straße (1), Altbach (1), Alte Brücke (4), Alte Steingrube Tossebierg (1), Alter Eicherberg (1), Altrodeschhof (1), Alzette (20), Alzette Pfad (1), Alzette-Straße (5), Am Graben (4), Am Römerbrunnen (3), Am Schützenkreuz (1), Amalienstraße (2), Amsterdamer Straße (2), Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union (1), Amur-Jakutische Magistrale (2), An der Bahn (2), Angelsberg (1), Anglikanische Kirche (1), Ansemburg (1), Antimon-Mine Goesdorf - Hauptstollen (1), Antimonmine Goesdorf (1), Anton-Meyer-Straße (3), Arabische Halbinsel (1), Arbeits- und Mineninspektion (1), Arel (2), Areler Straße (212), Arkebusenstraße (1), Arsdorf (1), Arsdorfer Mühle (1), Arsenalstraße (6), Arthur-Herchen-Straße (1), Aruad (1), Asselborn (1), Astridstraße (3), Athener Straße (2), Attert (1), Attertlinie (19), Auf Altmünster (1), Auf Kengert (1), Auf Roth (1), Auf dem Heischterweg (1), Aufzugsanlage Saint-Esprit - Grund (1), Augenartzpraxis (1), August-Engel-Platz (2), August-Liesch-Straße (2), August-Neyen-Straße (2), Ausfahrt (1), Ausgang Recyclingcenter (1), Autobahn Struma (1), Autobahnen in Bulgarien (1), Autobahnnetz von Belgien (1), Autonome Gemeinschaft Baskenland (1), Bad Mondorf (2), Bad Sierck (2), Badanstalt (1), Bahnhof (1), Bahnhof Bartringen-Strassen (1), Bahnhof Bettemburg (2), Bahnhof-Avenue (5), Bahnhofstraße (3), Bahnhofsviertel (2), Bartringen (2), Bartringen-Strassen (1), Bastnach (1), Bastogne (1), Baudenkmalgruppe Dörriesplatz 2, 4 (1), Baudenkmalgruppe Gartenstadt Kleefeld (1), Bauschleiden (1), Bauschleidermühle (1), Beatrixstraße (1), Beaumontgasse (2), Bech (1), Beckerich (1), Beckgasse (1), Befort (2), Beggener Straße (5), Beiern (1), Beim Wasserturm (1), Belairer Kirche (1), Beles (1), Belgien (1), Belgien (Landmasse) (1), Belgien - Luxemburg (44), Benediktinerabtei St. Mauritius und St. Maurus (1), Benelux (1), Berburg (1), Berdorf (1), Bereldingen (1), Berl (1), Berliner Straße (1), Bernhard-Haal-Straße (1), Berufsfeuerwehr der Stadt Luxemburg (1), Berufsinformationszentrum (1), Besuchereingang (1), Bettemburg (9), Bettendorf (1), Bettingen-Mess (1), Betzdorf (1), Bezirksgericht Diekirch, Jugend- und Vormundschaftsgericht Diekirch, Staatsanwaltschaft Diekirch (1), Bezirksgericht Luxemburg (1), Bezirksgericht Luxemburg in Handelssachen, Ziviler Personenstand (1), Bildstock (1), Binzrath (1), Birtringen (2), Bissen (1), Bivingen (1), Biwer (1), Biwisch (1), Blascheid (1), Bleesbrück (1), Blumenuhr (1), Bochholz (1), Bodensee (1), Bofferdingen (1), Bollendorferbrück (1), Bondorf (1), Bonneweg (2), Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1), Botschaft der Niederlande (1), Botschaft der Schweiz (1), Botschaft der Tschechischen Republik (1), Botschaft des Großherzogtums Luxemburg (1), Botschaft des Vereinigten Königreichs (1), Botschaft von Belgien (1), Botschaft von Frankreich (1), Botschaft von Griechenland (1), Botschaft von Irland (1), Botschaft von Italien (1), Botschaft von Japan (1), Botschaft von Kap Verde (1), Botschaft von Polen (1), Botschaft von Portugal (1), Botschaft von Russland (1), Botschaft von Spanien (1), Bourscheid Wanderwege (1), Bous (1), Bragança (2), Bragançastraße (2), Brandenburg (1), Brasseurstraße (2), Brehm (1), Brehmhof (1), Breiter Weg (2), Brenner-Staatsstraße (1), Bretagne (1), Brill-Straße (5), Broderbour (1), Bruch (1), Brucherhof (1), Brunnengasse (3), Brunnenstraße (1), Brücherhof (1), Brüsseler Straße (1), Bubengasse (1), Buchenwald (1), Budler (1), Budlerbach (1), Bug (1), Burg Ansemburg (1), Burg Brandenbourg (1), Burg Fels (1), Burg Hollenfels (1), Burg Stolzemburg (1), Burg Useldingen (1), Burg Vianden (1), Burgfried (1), Burglinster (1), Burgplatz (1), Burgstraße (2), Burgunder Straße (1), Buringen (2), Burscheid (2), Busendorf (1), Bädergasse (5), Bäderplatz (6), Bärendallweg (1), Bögen (1), Böwen (1), Böwingen/Attert (1), Bücherhof (1), Büderscheid (1), Bürden (1), Bürgerzentrum (1), Bürmeringen (1), Büro + Ausstellung (1), CFL-60: Luxemburg => Rodingen (1), CFL-60: Rodingen => Luxemburg (1), CFL-60a: Bettemburg => Wollmeringen (1), CFL-60a: Wollmeringen => Bettemburg (1), CFL-60c: Deutsch-Oth => Esch an der Alzette (1), CFL-60c: Esch an der Alzette => Deutsch-Oth (1), CTIE / (Bürgerberatungsstelle) (1), Campingplatz Tintesmühle (1), Campus Kirchberg (1), Capellen (2), Charlottenring (6), Chinesische Botschaft (1), Chinesisches Konsulat (1), Chizu-Bahn (1), Churchillplatz (4), Clairefontaine-Platz (1), Clausener Berg (4), Clausener Brücke (1), Clerf (3), Clerf (alte Gemeinde vor 2012) (1), Colmar (1), Colmar-Berg (2), Colmar-Brücke (1), Commissariat Atert - Standort Rambrouch (1), Commissariat Atert - Standort Redingen (1), Commissariat Diekirch / Vianden - Standort Vianden (1), Commissariat des Ardennes - Standort Wiltz (1), Consdorf (1), Contern (1), Contexte historique (1), Crosslauf Strecke (1), Crécystraße (1), Dahlienstraße (1), Dalheim (2), Dantestraße (1), Dantu (1), Das Fort Niedergrünewald (1), Das Grünewäldertor (1), Das Mehlmagazin (1), Das Schloss von Mersch (1), Dasburgerbrück (1), Degtyary (1), Deichhalle (1), Dellweg (1), Demokratische Partei (1), Denkmal der Großherzogin Charlotte (1), Denkmal der Großherzoglichen Garde (1), Der Drache von Mersch (2), Der Römische Qanat von Helmsingen (1), Der römische Ziegelofen von Capellen-Hiereknapp (1), Deutsch-Oth (1), Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Clausen (1), Deutschland (1), Deutschland (Landmasse) (1), Deutschland - Belgien (1), Deutschland - Luxemburg (9), Deutschland, bundeseinheitliche gesetzliche Feiertage (1), Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft (1), Dicks-Straße (3), Diderichallee (10), Die "Gantenbeinsmillen", die "Turbelsfiels" (1), Die Ardennen zu Pferd (12) (1), Die Ardennen zu Pferd (13) (1), Die Ardennen zu Pferd (14) (1), Die Ardennen zu Pferd (7) (1), Die Hölle (1), Die Michaelskirche (1), Die Ortschaft Fentingen (1), Die Silikatfelsen der "Hockslay" (1), Die Wallburg des « Kaarlsbierg » (1), Diedenhofen (1), Diedenhofen-Ost (1), Diedenhofen-West (1), Diekirch (1), Differdingen (2), Dinselpforte (2), Dippach (1), Domhof (1), Dominique-Joseph-Hoferlin-Straße (1), Dommeldingen (2), Dondelingen (2), Donkols (1), Dreiborn (1), Dreifaltigkeitskirche (1), Dreiherrenstein (1), Dreikönigsgasse (3), Drinklingen (1), Dubliner Straße (1), Dönningen (1), Düdelingen (3), Düdelingen-Stadt (1), Düdelingen-Zentrum (1), E 29 Köln - Saargemünd (1), Echternach (1), Echternacher Brücke (1), Echternacher See (1), Echternacher Springprozession (1), Echternacher Straße (24), Ehleringen (3), Ehlingen (1), Eichen-Hainbuchenwälder (1), Eicher Berg (7), Eicher Platz (10), Eicher Straße (2), Eicherberg (3), Einfahrt LKW (1), Eisenborner Schloss (1), Elfenbeinküste (1), Ell (1), Ellingen (1), Elvingen (2), Emeringen (1), Emil-Verhaaren-Straße (1), Engelhof (1), Enscheringen (1), Ercan Kebab (1), Ernst-Koch-Straße (1), Ernztalgemeinde (1), Erpeldingen (2), Erpeldingen an der Sauer (2), Ersingen (1), Erzbistum Luxemburg (1), Erzherzogenallee (1), Esch an der Alzette (3), Esch an der Sauer (1), Esch-Sauer (1), Esch-sur-Alzette (1), Esch/Sauer (1), Escheid (1), Escher Straße (10), Estnisches Honorarkonsulat in Luxemburg (1), Ettelbrück (2), Eule Spazierwege (1), Eupen (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - Abschnitt Luxemburg (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - Teil Deutschland 1 (1), Europaparlament (3), Europäische Investitionsbank (1), Europäische Schule (2), Europäische Schule (Grundschule) (1), Europäische Schule (Kindergarten) (1), Europäische Schule (Oberschule) (1), Europäische Schule II Mamer (1), Europäische Schule Luxemburg I Kirchberg (1), Europäische Union (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E2 ost (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E2 west (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E2 west, Teil Belgien (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E2, Belgien (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E2, Frankreich (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E2, Luxemburg (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3 (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Belgien (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Deutschland (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Luxemburg (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Polen (Ost) (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E3, Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4 (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4, Zypern (1), Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4, Zypern, Hauptroute (1), Europäischer Rechnungshof (1), Europäisches Informationszentrum (1), Europäisches Museum Schengen (1), Europäisches Parlament, Konrad Adenauer Gebäude (KAD) (1), Everlingen (1), Ewringen (1), Exekutivagentur für Verbraucher, Gesundheit, Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittel (1), Fani (1), Faro (1), Federspielstraße (3), Feitweiler (1), Feldhut (1), Fels (2), Felsritzung Geburt (1), Felsspalte Kohlscheuer (1), Fenningen (1), Fentingen (1), Fentsch (1), Ferdinand-Frieden-Straße (1), Ferdinand-Nothomb-Straße (1), Feuerwehrmuseum (1), Feulen (1), Feulenerhecken (1), Feyderstraße (2), Fichtenwälder (1), Finanzministerium (1), Findel (1), Finsterthal (1), Fischbach (2), Fischbacherhof (1), Fischeiderlee (2), Flaxweiler (2), Fleischergasse (1), Fliehburg "Aalburg" (1), Flixbus 032 (part Scandinavia): Gedser, Fährhafen => Malmö, Centralstation (1), Flixbus 032 (part Scandinavia): Malmö, Centralstation => Gedser, Fährhafen (1), Flixbus 090: Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus 090: Paris, Bercy Seine => Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof (1), Flixbus 435: Lignano Sabbiadoro, Via Latisana => Mailand, Lampugnano (1), Flixbus 435: Mailand, Lampugnano => Lignano Sabbiadoro, Via Latisana (1), Flixbus 602: Kopenhagen Ingerslevsgade => Stockholm, Flughafen Arlanda Terminal 2-3 (1), Flixbus 602: Stockholm, Flughafen Arlanda Terminal 5 => Kopenhagen Ingerslevsgade (1), Flixbus 790: Saarbrücken, Busbahnhof => Tours, Parking de Peupliers (1), Flixbus 790: Tours, Parking de Peupliers => Saarbrücken, Busbahnhof (1), Flixbus N1158: Málaga, Busbahnhof => Rennes, Busbahnhof (1), Flixbus N1158: Rennes, Busbahnhof => Málaga, Busbahnhof (1), Flixbus N136: Antwerpen <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N136: Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, ZOB (1), Flixbus N136: Bratislava, ZOB => Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N1793: Madrid, Busbahnhof Süd => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N1793: Paris, Bercy Seine => Madrid, Busbahnhof Süd (1), Flixbus N236: Paris, Bercy Seine => Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB (1), Flixbus N236: Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N32 (part Scandinavia): Gedser, Fährhafen => Stockholm, Cityterminalen (1), Flixbus N32 (part Scandinavia): Stockholm, Cityterminalen => Gedser, Fährhafen (1), Flixbus N36: Antwerpen <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N36: Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, ZOB (1), Flixbus N36: Bratislava, ZOB => Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N528(Teil Sizilien): Messina, Fährhafen => Agrigent, Piazzale Rosselli (1), Flixbus N593(Teil Sizilien): Messina, Fährhafen => Ragusa, Busbhanhof (1), Flixbus N594(Teil Sizilien): Messina, Fährhafen => Licata, Piazzale Martiri delle foibe (1), Flixbus N599(Teil Sizilien): Messina, Fährhafen => Modica, Terminal bus (1), Flixbus N602: Kopenhagen Ingerslevsgade => Stockholm, Flughafen Arlanda Terminal 2-3 (1), Flixbus N602: Stockholm, Flughafen Arlanda Terminal 5 => Kopenhagen Ingerslevsgade (1), Flixbus N710: Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos => Essen, Hbf. (1), Flixbus N710: Essen, Hbf. => Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos (1), Flixbus N73: Hannover ZOB => Lund, Busbahnhof (1), Flixbus N73: Lund, Busbahnhof => Hannover ZOB (1), Flixbus N831: Amsterdam <=> Zürich (1), Flixbus N831: Amsterdam Sloterdijk => Zürich HB, Carpark Sihlquai (1), Flixbus N831: Zürich HB, Carpark Sihlquai => Amsterdam Sloterdijk (1), Flixbus N90: Darmstadt, Hbf. => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N90: Paris, Bercy Seine => Darmstadt, Hbf. (1), Flixbus N952: Luxemburg <=> Vukovar (1), Flixbus N952: Vukovar, Busbahnhof => Luxemburg, P+R Boullion (1), Flughafen Luxemburg (1), Flughafenpolizeieinheit (1), Flüchtlingsdienst Rotes Kreuz (1), Fochstraße (1), Folscheid (1), Fond-de-Gras Bahnhof (2), Fotoausstellung "Family of Man"(Edward Steichen) (1), Frankreich (1), Frankreich (Landmasse) (1), Frankreich - Belgien (1), Frankreich - Deutschland (2), Frankreich - Gemeinschaftliches deutsch-luxemburgisches Hoheitsgebiet (1), Frankreich - Luxemburg (33), Frankreich - Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitszonen (1), Frankreichplatz (3), Franziskanerstraße (1), Franziskastraße (4), Französische Gemeinschaft (1), Freibad Troisvierges (1), Friedensgericht Diekirch (1), Friedensgericht Esch/Alzette (1), Friedensgericht Luxemburg (1), Friedensstraße (1), Friedhof (1), Friedhof Hollenfels (2), Friedhof Sankt Joseph (1), Friedhof Walferdingen (1), Friedhof Wormeldingen (1), Friedhofsweg (5), Frisingen (3), Froehnerhof (1), Fuhren (1), Föderationskreis Südrussland (1), Föderationskreis Ural (1), Fünfbrunnen (1), G30: Budapest-Süd => Stuhlweißenburg (1), GR 5 Belgien, Wallonien und Großherzogtum Luxemburg (1), GR 5 Lothringen (1), GR 56 Ostbelgische Wanderpfade (1), GR 56 Ostbelgische Wanderpfade | Hauptroute: Grenzpfad (1), Gaaschtmühle (2), Galgenberg (1), Garnich (1), Garnisonsfriedhof (1), Gartenstraße (2), Geheimdruckerei (1), Geilich (1), Geisterbach (1), Gemeinde Bartringen (1), Gemeinde Oberglogau (1), Gemeindeverwaltung Helperknapp (1), Gemeinsames deutsch-luxemburgisches Hoheitsgebiet (1), Gemeinütziger Verein oani netzwerk (1), Generalinspektion der Polizei (IGP) (1), Generalsekretariat LSAP (1), Gerbereimuseum (1), Gerichtsgebäude (1), Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union (1), Gerichtsstraße (3), Geschichte der Waldnutzung - Jagd und Zeidlerei (1), Gesundheitsministerium (1), Geyershof (1), Gibt es nicht mehr! Abbruchliegenschaft (1), Girondistenstraße (1), Giselbertstraße (1), Glaciskapelle (1), Godbringen (1), Goesdorf (2), Goethestraße (1), Goldenes-Vlies-Straße (1), Gondelingen (1), Gonderingen (1), Gosseldingen (1), Gotisches Haus (1), Greimelingen (1), Greiweldingen (1), Grentzingen (1), Grenze Ulflingen - Weiswampach (1), Grenze Weiswampach-Heinerscheid (1), Grenze Wintger - Clerf (1), Grenze Wintger - Heinerscheid (1), Grenze Wintger - Weiswampach (1), Grevenmacher (2), Gringlay (1), Grommeschmühle (1), Grosbus (1), Große Antillen (1), Großer Osten (1), Großgasse (2), Großherzogin-Charlotte-Brücke (7), Großherzogliches Palais (1), Grube Rosset (1), Grundschleuse (2), Grundschule (1), Grümelscheid (1), Grüne Hauptwege Berlin (1), Grünewald (1), Gustav-Kahnt-Straße (1), Gymnase (1), Gärtnerstraße (1), Gëlle Fra (6), Göblingen (1), Gödingen (1), Götzingen (1), Haager Straße (1), Habscht (1), Hainan (1), Hallenbad des Freizeitzentrum Troisvierges (1), Handwerkerstraße (4), Harlingen (1), Hauptgebäude (1), Hauptpost (1), Hauptstrasse 3 (1), Heffingen (1), Heiderscheidergrund (1), Heiliggeistgasse (1), Heiliggeistplatz (13), Heinrich-Kirpach-Straße (1), Heisdorf (1), Hellingen (1), Helmdingen (1), Helmsingen (2), Helperknapp (1), Hemeschbach (6), Heringerburg (1), Herseringen (1), Herzroute - Etappe 9 (1), Hesperingen (2), Hessen (1), Hetzelter Weg (1), Heuhotel (1), Hirtzenhof (1), Hirtzhof (1), Historische Stätten in den Nachbargemeinden (1), Hivingen (1), Hochofen A (1), Hochofen B (1), Hochöfenstraße (3), Hoffnungsweg (1), Hohenfels (1), Hollermühle (1), Honorarkonsul der Republik Indonesien (1), Honorarkonsulat Monaco (1), Honorarkonsulat von Südkorea (1), Horas (1), Hoscheidterhof (1), Hossenberg (1), Hovelingen (1), Hubertushof (1), Huellay (1), Huldingen (1), Hussingen-Godbringen (1), Hôtel Saint-Maximin (Ministerium für auswärtige und europäische Angelegenheiten) (1), Höhlenmalerei (1), Höhlenmalerei badende Frau (1), Hüncheringen (1), Hünsdorf (2), Hüpperdingen (1), Hüttermühle (1), Hüttingen (1), IC-16 Brüssel - Luxemburg (1), IC-16 Luxemburg - Brüssel (1), Ibingen (1), Im Boujel (3), Im Bouseberg (1), Im Donner (1), Im Weiher (1), Im Winkel (5), Impfzentrum Esch-Belval (1), Impfzentrum Victor-Hugo-Halle (1), In Laambett (1), Industrie- und Eisenbahnpark Fond-de-Gras (1), Industriestraße (9), Internationale Schule Luxemburg (1), Internationale Wasserstraße E80 (1), Internationaler Bergwanderweg Eisenach–Budapest (Polen Ost) (1), Internationales Gendarmerie- und Polizeimuseum (1), Irreler Wasserfälle (1), Irrgärtchen (1), Island (1), Itzig (1), Itzigerstee (1), Jagdhaus (1), Jakobsberg (1), Jakobsturmstraße (2), Jakobsweg (1), Jakobsweg Grand Est (1), Jan-Palach-Platz (5), Jaurèsstraße (1), Jean-Mersch-Wittenauer-Straße (1), Jerrytravel (1), Jeutz (1), Johann-Baptist-Esch-Straße (1), Johann-Bertels-Straße (3), Johann-Bertholet-Straße (2), Johann-Schötter-Straße (2), Johanneskirche (1), Johannisbach (6), Johannisberg (1), Jolandenstraße (1), Josefshaus (1), Joseph-Tockert-Straße (2), Josy-Barthel-Schule (1), Josy-Barthel-Stadion (1), Joséphine-Charlotte-Ring (2), Jugend- und Vormundschaftsgericht (1), Jugendherberge Hollenfels (1), Jugendherberge Luxemburg Stadt (1), Jugendherberge Schengen/Remerschen (1), Jungferngasse (1), Junglinster (1), Kahlbacherhaff (2), Kaiser-Joseph-Ring (6), Kaiser-Karl-Straße (2), Kalborner Mühle (2), Kalchesbrück (1), Kalkweg (2), Kanada (1), Kanonenhügel (1), Kantine (2), Kanton Clerf (1), Kanton Diekirch (1), Kanton Echternach (1), Kanton Esch an der Alzette (1), Kanton Kapellen (1), Kanton Luxemburg (1), Kanton Mersch (1), Kanton Redingen (1), Kanton Remich (1), Kanton Vianden (1), Kanton Wiltz (1), Kapelle Johannes der Täufer (1), Kapelle auf Përmesknupp (1), Kapelle zur Muttergottes vum Haselnussstrauch (1), Kapellen (3), Kapellenstraße (3), Kapuzinergasse (2), Kapuzinertheater (3), Karl-Arendt-Straße (1), Karl-IV.-Straße (2), Karl-Martell-Straße (7), Karl-Marx-Straße (1), Karl-V.-Straße (1), Kasinogasse (1), Kattenhofen (1), Katzenberg (1), Kayl (2), Kehlen (1), Kehlener Weg (1), Kehrmühle (1), Kehrt (1), Keispelt (1), Keltenhöhle (1), Keltenstraße (4), Kiem (5), Kiischpelt (1), Kindergarten Merl (1), Kirche Hoscheid (1), Kirche Sankt Joseph (1), Kirche Sankt Peter und Paul (1), Kirchgasse (2), Kirchstraße (3), Kirelshof (1), Klaushof (2), Kleemühle (1), Klein-Elcherot (1), Kleinbettinger Straße (3), Kleingebiet Raab (1), Klingelscheuer (1), Kloster (1), Kloster Fünfbrunnen (1), Kloster Marienthal (1), Klosterstraße (1), Klöppelkriegerdenkmal (1), Kneiff - Höchster Punkt in Luxemburg (1), Koerich (1), Kohlengasse (2), Kohn (1), Kohnenhof (1), Komitat Győr-Moson-Sopron (1), Kommissariat Bahnhof / Hollerich (1), Kommissariat Capellen / Steinfort - Standort Capellen (1), Kommissariat Capellen / Steinfort - Standort Steinfort (1), Kommissariat Diekirch / Vianden - Standort Diekirch (1), Kommissariat Ernz - Standort Fels (1), Kommissariat Ernz - Standort Junglinster (1), Kommissariat Esch / Zentrum (1), Kommissariat Kayldall - Standort Kayl (1), Kommissariat Kayldall - Standort Rümelingen (1), Kommissariat Kirchberg / Cents - Standort Cents (1), Kommissariat Kirchberg / Cents - Standort Kirchberg (1), Kommissariat Käerjeng/Pétange - Standort Petingen (1), Kommissariat Luxemburg (1), Kommissariat Merl / Belair (1), Kommissariat Mersch (1), Kommissariat Museldall - Standort Grevenmacher (1), Kommissariat Museldall - Standort Wasserbillig (1), Kommissariat Museldall - Standort Wormeldingen (1), Kommissariat Oberstadt (1), Kommissariat Porte de l'Ouest - Standort Bartringen (1), Kommissariat Porte de l'Ouest - Standort Strassen (1), Kommissariat Remich / Mondorf - Standort Mondorf (1), Kommissariat Remich / Mondorf - Standort Remich (1), Kommissariat Réiserbann - Standort Bettemburg (1), Kommissariat Réiserbann - Standort Roeser (1), Kommissariat Syrdall - Standort Roodt / Syr (1), Kommissariat Turelbaach - Standort Heiderscheid (1), Kommissariat Walferdingen (1), Kommunales Atelier (1), Kommunales Naturschutzgebiet Mimelsratt (1), Konradstraße (1), Konservatorium der Stadt Luxemburg (1), Kopenhagener Straße (3), Kopstal (1), Koreanische Halbinsel (1), Korfu (3), Korn (20), Kosterstraße (2), Krautmarkt (4), Krebsstiftung (1), Krenfeld (1), Kreuz Bettembourg (4), Kreuz Gasperich (5), Kreuzgraben (13), Kreuzkapelle (1), Kreuzstraße (1), Kriminalpolizei (1), Krukovschina (1), Krypta (1), Krämerladen Binck (1), Kuba (1), Kulturministerium (1), Kulturzentrum Lieler (1), Kundenzufahrt (1), Kunigundenstraße (1), Kupfergrube in Stolzemburg (1), Kupfermine (2), Kupferschmiedegasse (1), Käsfurt (1), Königinnengasse (2), Königsring (7), Kötscheid (1), Küntzig (2), Labyrinth (1), Lallingen (1), Landkreis Neustadt (1), Lange Banker (1), Langicher Straße (12), Laternengasse (1), Laufwasserkraftwerk Ettelbrück (1), Laurentiuskirche (1), Lauschloch (1), Lauterborn (1), Lauterbornerbaach (3), Lavandierstraße (2), Le Joli Bois (Der schöne Wald) (1), Leerung Kanalfahrzeuge (1), Leerungsstelle (1), Lehmicht (1), Lehrhof (1), Lehrpfad Howald (3), Lemirestraße (1), Lenningen (1), Lentzpark (2), Leopold-Göbel-Weg (2), Leudelingen (2), Levelingen (1), Liebfrauendom (1), Liefringen (1), Ligurerstraße (2), Lilien (1), Linie 1: Nancy − Metz − Luxemburg (1), Linie 2 (1), Lintgen (1), Lipperscheid-Dellt (1), Lissabon (1), Lissabonner Straße (1), Litzmannstadt Ghetto (1), Livingen (3), Logengasse (1), Loibler Baba (1), Lokaler Wanderweg E1 (1), Londoner Straße (2), Longsdorf (1), Lorentzweiler (1), Lothringen (1), Lotterie (1), Louis-Pasteur-Straße (1), Louvignygasse (2), Ludwigstraße (2), Lullingen (1), Luxemburg (5), Luxemburg - Mersch (1), Luxemburg eine europäische Hauptstadt (1), Luxemburg-Stadt: Altstadt & Festungen (1), Luxemburger Autobahnnetz (1), Luxemburger Schnellstraßennetz (1), Luxemburger Straße (8), Luxemburger Zentralbank (1), Luxemburgisches CR-Straßennetz (1), Luxemburgisches Museum für Geschichte und Kunst (1), Luxemburgisches Nationalstraßennetz (1), Lyria : Nizza - Genf (1), Lüttich (1), Maas-Rhein-Weg (1), Madrider Straße (3), Main-Taunus-Kreis (1), Mamer (1), Mamer Schule (1), Mamerer Straße (1), Mamerlayen (1), Manternach (1), Marconiweg (1), Maria-Theresia-Allee (7), Marie-Adelheid-Straße (3), Marie-Curie-Straße (3), Marienthal (4), Marienthaler Hof (2), Marktplatz (1), Marscherwald (1), Martelingen (1), Martinsberg (3), Martinusweg Belgien (1), Martinusweg Deutschland (1), Martinusweg HW-39-17 Trier - Langsur (D) (1), Martinusweg HW-40-01 Mertert (Lux) - Junglinster (1), Martinusweg HW-40-02 Junglinster - Luxembourg (1), Martinusweg HW-40-03 Luxembourg - Hollenfels (1), Martinusweg HW-40-04 Hollenfels - Steinfort (1), Martinusweg HW-50-01 Steinfort (Lux) - Arlon (B) (1), Martinusweg Hauptweg (1), Martinusweg Luxemburg (1), Martinusweg Mittelroute (1), Martsebalino (1), Mathias-Görgen-Straße (4), Maulusmühle (1), Meispelt (1), Mekongdelta (1), Merler Schule (1), Merler Straße (23), Merlerpark (1), Merowinger-Gräber (1), Merowingerstraße (4), Mersch (1), Merscher Straße (5), Mertert (1), Mertzig (1), Messering (12), Metropolitanes Frankreich (1), Metropolitanes Frankreich (Land) (1), Metropolregion Lissabon (1), Michel-Rodange-Gymnasium (1), Michelbuch (1), Michels Kirche (1), Michelshof (1), Milashi (1), Ministerium für auswärtige und europäische Angelegenheiten (1), Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (1), Mitte (1), Mitte-Tausendjährige Eiche ven Hersberg (1), Mittelalterburg Beaufort (1), Moldau (1), Mompach (1), Mondorf (2), Monnerich (2), Monterey-Avenue (8), Montereyallee (8), Morioka (1), Mosel (22), Mosel-Schiffahrtskanal (3), Mutfort (1), Märtyrerstraße (6), Mörthe und Mosel (1), Möstroff (1), Mühlenbach (1), Mühlenstraße (1), Müllendorf (2), Müllerthal (1), Münsbach (1), Münstergasse (2), Münzgasse (1), N-Straßennetz von Belgien (1), Nagemerhof (1), Namener Straße (1), Napoleonring (1), Napoleonsbaum (1), Narzissenwald (1), Nassauer Straße (1), Nationalbibliothek (4), Nationales Spracheninstitut (1), Nationalmuseum der Braukunst (1), Nationalstraße 318 (1), Naturpark Hohes Venn Eifel (1), Naturreservat Sonnebierg (1), Naturschutzsyndikat SICONA (1), Nenningstraße (1), Neu-Perl (1), Neubrasilien (1), Neue Escher Straße (16), Neunhausen (2), Neurodeschhof (1), Neutor (2), Neutorgasse (4), New-York-Park (1), Nicolaus-Adams-Straße (3), Nicolaus-Simmer-Straße (1), Nicolaus-Welter-Straße (1), Nicolaus-van-Werveke-Straße (1), Nieder-Rentgen (1), Niederanwen (1), Niederbesslingen (1), Niedercolpach (1), Niederkerschen (1), Niederkontz (1), Niederkorn (1), Niedersachsen (1), Niedersachsen (Landmasse) (1), Nikolai-Kirchhof (1), Nikolaus-Mameranus-Straße (1), Noerdingen (1), Nommern (1), Nord (1), Nordisches Krankenhauszentrum Ettelbruck (1), Nordkorea (1), Nordost (1), Notarskammer (1), Novotel Luxemburg Kirchberg (1), Nunavut (1), Nörtringen (1), Nörtzingen (1), Oberbecken (2), Oberbesslingen (1), Obercolpach (1), Oberkerschen (1), Oberkontz (1), Oberkorn (1), Obermartelingen (1), Oberschlinder (2), Oberschule (1), Oberstadt (2), Oberweis Shop Flughafen (1), Oberwormeldingen (1), Oblast Tscheljabinsk (1), Oblast Wolgograd (1), Oligsmühle (1), Olmer Straße (1), Oppenheimstraße (1), Oradourstraße (2), Oranierstraße (3), Organisation der Turkstaaten (1), Organisation des Nordatlantikvertrags (1), Orkney (1), Orvaler Straße (1), Ostender Straße (9), Paläolithikum (1), Panamericana (1), Panorama-Aufzug Pfaffenthal (1), Paradeplatz (2), Pariser Straße (1), Park Hosingen (1), Parkstraße (4), Pastorengasse (3), Paul-.Eyschen-Ring (4), Paul-Wurth-Halle (1), Paulusweg (1), Peppingen (1), Perl (1), Persischer Golf (1), Personal (1), Personal Parkplatz (1), Pescatore-Stiftung (1), Peter und Paul (russ.-orth.) (1), Peter-von-Aspelt-Straße (2), Peter-von-Osburg-Haus (1), Petingen (4), Petruss (12), Pfaffenbruch (14), Pfarrkirche Saint-Sauveur (1), Philippgasse (5), Pippinstraße (1), Pissingen (1), Pjöngjang (1), Plankenhof (1), Pleitrenger Hof (1), Pletzerstraße (1), Poincaréstraße (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Portugiesischer Jakobsweg (2), Postgasse (3), Poststraße (3), Prager Straße (1), Prager Verkehrsbetriebe (1), Predigtstuhl (2), Presseamt der Regierung (1), Preußen Belgien Luxemburg Nr. 75 (1), Preußen Belgien Nr. 79 (1), Preußen Belgien Nr. 84 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 53 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 54 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 55 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 56 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 57 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 59 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 59a (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 60 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 62 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 63 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 63a (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 64 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 65 (2), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 66 (3), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 67 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 68 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 69 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 70 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 71b (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 71c (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 71d (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 72 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 73 (1), Preußen Luxemburg Nr. 74 (1), Prinz-Sebastian-Vorschule (1), Prinzenring (9), Provinz Fargʻona (1), Pruth (2), Préizerdaul (1), PwC Luxembourg - H2O Gebaüde (1), Pütscheid (2), Püttlingen (1), Quatre-Vents (2), Quebec (1), Quelle der Korn (1), Quelle der Weissen Ernz (1), Quirinsweg (3), Raab (1), Raiffeisenbank (1), Rambruch (2), Rameley (1), Rammeldingen (1), Ravelin Pastetchen (1), Reckingen (1), Reckingen/Mess (2), Redingen (3), Regenrückhaltebecken (1), Regenüberlaufbecken (2), Regenüberlaufbecken Ehlerange (1), Region Qikiqtaaluk (1), Region Seeland (1), Reichlingen (1), Reisdorf (1), Remesch-Brücke (1), Remich (1), Renaissanceschloss Beaufort (1), Residenz des japanischen Botschafters (1), Restaurant Bonifas (1), Rheinland-Pfalz (1), Rheinsheimstraße (1), Richterweg (1), Riebach (9), Riese (1), Ringmauergasse (3), Robert-Koch-Straße (1), Robert-Schuman-Haus (1), Robert-Schuman-Platz (10), Robert-Schuman-Ring (6), Rodenburg (1), Rodenhof (1), Rodingen (4), Roeser (1), Roiderbach (4), Rolling (1), Rollingen (3), Rollingergrund (3), Rombach-Martelingen (1), Rommelerhof (1), Ronnenbusch (1), Roodt-Eisch (1), Roodt/Syre (1), Rosenstraße (2), Roseta (1), Rosport (2), Rosport-Mompach (1), Rossmühle (1), Rotbach (1), Roter Weg (1), Rotes Kreuz (1), Ruderalfläche (1), Rullingen (1), Rumänien (1), Rumänische Botschaft (1), Rundwanderroute Nommern 1 (1), Rundwanderroute Nommern 2 (1), Runzhou (1), Russland (1), Räuberhöhle (2), Römerstraße (8), Römische Straße (1), Römische Villa (1), Römische Villa Schieren (1), Rümelingen (3), Rümelingen, Märtyrerstraße (1), Rümelingen, Schmelz (1), Rümlingen (1), Rüssingen (1), S10: Budapest-Süd => Totiserkolonie => Komorn (1), S10: Budapest-Süd => Totiserkolonie => Komorn => Raab (1), S12: Budapest-Süd => Totiserkolonie => Ohreslahn (1), S30: Budapest-Süd → Martinsmarkt (1), S30: Budapest-Süd → Martinsmarkt → Stuhlweißenburg (1), S30: Budapest-Süd → Martinsmarkt → Stuhlweißenburg → Fonjod (1), S34: Budapest-Süd → Kesthell (1), S35: Budapest-Süd → Großkirchen (1), S42: Budapest-Süd => Neustadt an der Donau (1), SIVEC Klärwek (1), SIVEC Recyclingcenter (1), SIVEC, Interkommunales Klärwerk (1), Saeul (1), Salmer Straße (3), Sandweiler (2), Sankt Antonius Kapelle (1), Sankt Elisabeth (1), Sankt Maximin (1), Sankt Nikolaus Kapelle (2), Sassenheim (2), Sattlerweg (1), Sauer (14), Sauergasse (1), Sauertalbrücke (1), Savelborn (1), Schaackengasse (1), Schacht Laura (1), Schefferallee (3), Scheidberg (1), Scheidheck (1), Scheidhof (1), Schelmenlay (1), Schengen (1), Scherfenhof (1), Scheuerberg (1), Schiedsgericht der Sozialversicherung (1), Schiefermuseum Haut-Martelange (1), Schieren (2), Schießstand der Zoll- und Akzisenverwaltung (1), Schifflingen (3), Schlachthausstraße (2), Schleifmühle (1), Schloss Ansemburg (1), Schloss Bettemburg (1), Schloss Birtringen (1), Schloss Burglinster (1), Schloss Erpeldange (1), Schloss Fischbach (1), Schloss Schönfels (2), Schloss Walferdingen (1), Schlüsselblumenstraße (1), Schmiede (1), Schreinerei Baden (2), Schrobilgenstraße (1), Schulgasse (2), Schulstraße (1), Schuweiler (2), Schwanenapotheke (1), Schwarze Ernz (13), Schwebsingen (1), Schwiedelbruch (1), Schwimmbad (1), Schönfels (1), Schönfelser Mühle (1), Schüttburg (1), Schüttburger Mühle (1), Schüttringen (2), Seeland (1), Seeschifffahrtsaufsichtsamt (1), Seltz (1), Sender Düdelingen (1), Sender Junglinster (1), Sernigerbach (5), Sernigerbachbrücke (1), Servaisring (4), Shell (1), Siechentor (1), Siegfriedstraße (1), Silikatrasen (1), Simmern (2), Simmerschmelz (1), Simon-Bolivar-Straße (1), Sirbach (1), Slowakisches Honorarkonsulat (1), Soclair Equipements S.A. (1), Sodalitätskapelle (1), Soller (1), Sonne (1), Spalthaus Johanna (1), Spanien (1), Spanischer Eck (1), Spazierweg Ahorn (1), Speicherkraftwerk Esch-Sauer (1), Spielplatz "Gänsewiss" (1), Spierzelt (1), Spitalgasse (3), Spittelhof (1), Sporthalle (2), Sporthalle Belair (1), Sporthalle Josy Barthel (1), Sportzentrum Holleschbierg (1), Sprinkingen (1), St. Laurentius (1), St. Mariä Himmelfahrt (1), St. Peter und Paul (1), Staatsanwaltschaft Luxemburg, Bezirksstaatsanwaltschaft Luxemburg (1), Staatsarchiv (1), Staatsministerium (1), Staatssparkasse Glockenturm (1), Stadionstraße (1), Stadt-Palais (1), Stadtbredimus (1), Stadtpark (1), Stadtpark Edouard André (1), Stadtteilzentrum Kirchberg (1), Staffelstein (1), Staint-Stephanus Kapelle (1), Standseilbahn Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg (1), Stausee (2), Stauseegemeinde (1), Steigerbüro (1), Steinbrücken (2), Steinfort (1), Steinigen Weg (1), Steinsel (1), Stellwerk Wasserbillig (1), Stolzemburg (1), Stolzemburg Kirche (2), Stoppelhof (1), Strassen (1), Strassener Straße (1), Straße des 10. September (9), Straßenbauamt (1), Straßenpolizeieinheit (UPR) (1), Suftgen (1), Syr (19), Sägerei (1), Sägmühlweg (2), TER 31: Diedenhofen − Belval − Langich (1), TGV 2800 : Luxemburg → Paris-Ost (2), TGV 2800 : Paris ↔ Luxemburg (1), TGV 2800 : Paris-Ost → Luxemburg (2), Talstraße (3), Tandel (1), Taubenbrunnen (1), Technisches Privatgymnasium Emil Metz (1), Tesla Motors (1), Tetingen (2), The Kapelle in Rameldingen (1), Theaterplatz (3), Theodor-Eberhard-Straße (2), Thermenstraße (4), Tierklinik Müllerthal (1), Tintesmühle (1), Tote Frau (1), Totenkammer (1), Transdanubien (1), Trier (1), Trierer Straße (13), Trimm-dich-Pfad (1), Trinitarierkirche (1), Trintingen (1), Trotten (1), Tumulus Bill - Römischer Grabhügel (1), Tüntingen (1), Ulflingen (3), Ulrichsgasse (6), Um Deich (6), Um Gruef (9), Umweltverwaltung (2), Unabhängigkeitsstrasse (1), Ungarn (1), Universität (3), Universität Luxemburg - Campus Kirchberg (1), Unseren Toten 1940 - 1945 (1), Unter dem Bogen (4), Untere Gasse (4), Unterfoos (1), Untergasse (2), Untersuchungskabinett Luxemburg (1), Unterwiesen (4), Usbekistan (1), Useldingen (2), VR China (1), Venezuela (1), Vennbahn (27), Verduner Ring (2), Verfassungsgerichtshof und Obergerichtshof (1), Verlorenkost (1), Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitszone Ost (1), Verwaltung (2), Verwaltung Recyclingcenter (1), Verwaltung für technische Untersuchungen (AET) (1), Verwaltungsgericht (1), Verwaltungsgerichtshof (1), Vesquenhof (1), Via Francigena - 02 Teil von Frankreich (1), Viadukt von Schengen (1), Vianden (2), Viandener Straße (2), Vichten (1), Victor-Hugo-Straße (4), Viktor-Hugo-Haus (1), Vincent-J.-Festa-Brücke (1), Vogelsmühle (1), Wagnerweg (1), Wahl (1), Waldberg (1), Waldbillig (1), Waldbredimus (1), Waldfriedhof "Laangebësch" Berdorf (1), Waldhof (1), Waldorfschule (1), Waldrand (1), Walferdingen (6), Wallendorferbrück (1), Wallonien (1), Wallonien (Französische Gemeinschaft) (1), Wallstraße (1), Walramstraße (2), Walter (1), Walzstrasse (1), Wanderweg Nord (1), Wanderweg duch das Tal der Sieben Schlösser (1), Wanderwege (1), Wanderwege Camping (1), Wanderwege Nuck-Haard (1), Wanderwegenetz Ostbelgien (1), Wartespur Recyclingcenter (1), Was uns eine Inschrift verrät – der Villenbesitzer von Mersch – „Mies” (1), Wasserbillig (1), Wassergasse (2), Wasserkraftwerk Rosport (1), Wasserturm (1), Wasserwirtschaftsamt (2), Wassluy (1), Watermal (2), Wegränder (1), Weicherdingen (1), Weichsel (1), Weiler (1), Weiler zum Turm (2), Weimerskirch (1), Weissen Ernz (1), Weiswampach (2), Weiswampach, Bei der alten Post (2), Weiswampacher See (1), Weißdornstraße (10), Weiße Ernz (14), Welfringen (1), West (1), Westpommern (1), Weststraße (4), Westtransdanubien (1), Weymerich (1), Wickringen (1), Wiesenstraße (3), Wilden (1), Wildkatze (1), Wilhelm II. (1), Wilhelm-von-Machault-Straße (1), Wilhelmplatz (Knuedler) (1), Wilhelmsallee (4), Wiltheimgasse (6), Wiltz (1), Wilwerdingen (1), Windhof (1), Winseler (1), Wintger (2), Wintringen (1), Wirten (1), Wirtschaftsschule (1), Woiwodschaft Masowien (1), Woiwodschaft Westpommern (1), Wolfsheck (2), Wolfsschlucht (1), Wollmeringen (2), Wolwelingen (1), Wormeldingen (1), Würselen (1), Xavier-Brasseur-Straße (2), Z30: Budapest-Süd => Martinsmarkt (1), Z30: Budapest-Süd => Martinsmarkt => Stuhlweißenburg (1), Zaborje (1), Zehntscheune (1), Zeitzone Amerika/Iqaluit (1), Zeitzone Amerika/Toronto (1), Zentrum der Feuerwehr und des Rettungsdienstes Sanem-Differdingen (1), Zessingen (2), Zhenjiang (1), Zoll- und Akzisenverwaltung (2), Zolwer (1), Zufahrt Klärwerk (1), Zufahrt LKW (1), Ärmelkanal (1), Ärztehaus Strassen (1), Ökobrücke Rengelbur (1), Österreichische Botschaft (1), Ötringen (1), Öttingen (1), Übersetzungszentrum für die Einrichtungen der Europäischen Union (1), Übersyren (1),
name:din2Beljiem (1), Parut Korea (1),
name:diq18Almanya (1), Belçıka (1), Fransa (2), Kanada (1), Koryaya Zımey (1), Luksemburg (2), Macarıstan (1), Moldova (1), Ozbekıstan (1), Polonya (1), Portekiz (1), Pyongyang (1), Romanya (1), Rusya (1), Venezuela (1), İspanya (1),
name:dsb19Arabiska połkupa (1), Belgiska (1), Francojska (2), Hungorska (1), Kanada (1), Luxemburgska (2), Moldawska (1), Nimska (1), Pchjongjang (1), Portugalska (1), Pódpołnocna Koreja (1), Pólska (1), Rumuńska (1), Rusojska (1), Usbekska (1), Venezuela (1), Špańska (1),
name:dty1बेल्जियम (1),
name:dv16ހަންގޭރީ (1), ރުމޭނިއާ (1), ރޫސީވިލާތް (1), ބެލްޖިއަމް (1), ކެނެޑާ (1), އިސްޕެއިން (1), އުތުރު ކޮރެއާ (1), އުޒްބެކިސްތާން (1), ވެނެޒުއޭލާ (1), މޮލްޑޯވާ (1), ފަރަންސޭސިވިލާތް (2), ފަރޮއޭ ޖަޒީރާ (1), ޕޮލެންޑު (1), ޕޯޗުގަލް (1), ޖަރުމަނުވިލާތް (1),
name:dz12ཀེ་ན་ཌ་ (1), ཇཱར་མ་ནི (1), པོར་ཅུ་གལ་ (1), ཕརཱནསི་ (2), བེལ་ཇིཡམ (1), བྱང་ཀོ་རི་ཡ་ (1), ར་ཤི་ཡཱན་ཕེ་ཌི་རེ་ཤཱན (1), ལག་ཛམ་བོརྒ (1), སིཔཱེན་ (1), ཧཱང་གྷ་རི (1), ཨུཛ་བེ་ཀིསི་ཏཱན་ (1),
name:ee19Belgium (1), Canada (1), Faroe Islands (1), France (2), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Lazembɔg nutome (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), North Korea (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Romania (1), Russia (1), Spain (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:el991 Μαΐου - Ηλέκτρας (1), 22 Δρόμος - 1 Δρόμος (1), 2η Βάσας Κελλακίου 1 (1), Έσση (1), Αγίας Ειρήνης - Απεσιά 2 (1), Αγίου Ελευθερίου - Αμμοχώστου 1 (1), Αγίων Τριών Παίδων - 2η Στάση (1), Αντώνακη Μανώλη - 9η Στάση (1), Αποστόλου Βαρνάβα - Ρηγαίνης (1), Αραβία (1), Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ - Θεοδόση Πιερίδη (1), Αυτοκινητόδρομος Στρούμα (3), Β´ Δημοτικό Σχολείο Δρομολαξιάς 1 (1), Βέλγιο (1), Βενεζουέλα (1), Βρετάνη (1), Βόρεια Κορέα (1), Γαλλία (2), Γερμανία (1), Γιωρκή Παπαδοπούλου - Πάρνηθος 2 (1), Γκιπούθκοα (1), Δήμος Ηρακλείας (1), Δήμος Κεντρικής Κέρκυρας και Διαποντίων Νήσων (1), Δημήτρη Σταύρου - Ιωνά Νικολάου (1), Δημοκρατίας - Κερύνειας (1), Δημοτικό Σχολείο Καλογερά (1), Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ορόκλινης 1 (1), Δικαστήριο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (1), Εκκλησία Αγίου Γεωργίου 1 (1), Εκτελεστικός Οργανισμός για τους Καταναλωτές, την Υγεία, τη Γεωργία και τα Τρόφιμα (1), Ελπινίκης - Τροίας 1 (1), Επαρχία Νταντού (1), Επιστροφής - Φώτη Πίττα (1), Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (1), Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων (1), Ευρωπαϊκού μονοπατιού Ε4, Κύπρος (2), Ευρωπαϊκό Ελεγκτικό Συνέδριο (1), Ευρωπαϊκό μονοπάτι Ε4 (1), Ηράκλεια (1), Ισπανία (1), Κέρκυρα (1), Καναδάς (1), Κεμπέκ (1), Κεφαλληνίας - Καβάλας (1), Κοινοτικό Πάρκο Κελλιών 1 (1), Κορεατική Χερσόνησος (1), Κορφή 2 (1), Κυκλικός Κόμβος Γερμασόγειας 1 (1), Λεωφ. Αγίου Παντελεήμονος - Αρχιεπ. Κυπριανού (1), Λεωφ. Αρχιεπ. Μακαρίου Γ´ - Φιλιου Τσιγαριδη 2 (1), Λεωφ. Κάππαρη - 2η Στάση (1), Λεωφ. Παναγίας Ελεούσης - 5η Τριμίκλινης 2 (1), Λεωφ. Πρωταρά - Κάβο Γκρέκο - 3η Στάση (1), Λεωφ. Σπύρου Κυπριανού - Παύλου Βαλδασερίδη (1), Λεωφ. Φώτη Πίττα - Πάνου Ιωάννου (1), Λεόντιου Μαχαιρά - Κερκύρας (1), Λιέγη (1), Λουξεμβούργο (3), Λύκειο Παραλιμνίου 2 (1), Μακένζυ 1 (1), Μεταφραστικό Κέντρο των Οργάνων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (1), Μητροπολιτική Γαλλία (1), Μολδαβία (1), Μπενελούξ (1), Μπόντενζεε (1), Νέας Αρτάκης - Καθενών (1), Νήσοι Φερόες (1), Νούναβουτ (1), Οργανισμός Βορειοατλαντικού Συμφώνου (1), Οργανισμός Τουρκογενών Κρατών (1), Ορθοδοξίας - Τριών Ιεραρχών (1), Ορκάδες (1), Ουγγαρία (1), Ουζμπεκιστάν (1), Παραλία Καστέλλα (1), Πειραιώς - Βουλιαγμένης (1), Περιφέρεια Τσελιάμπινσκ (1), Περσικός Κόλπος (1), Πετράκη Γιάλλουρου - Κερύνειας (1), Πιονγιάνγκ (1), Πολωνία (1), Πορτογαλία (1), Προύθος (1), Ρουμανία (1), Ρωσία (1), Σιδηρόκαστρο (1), Σμύρνης - Ατταλείας (1), Τριρ (1), Υπηρεσία Εκδόσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (1), Φώτη Πίττα - Πέτρου Πεσκέση (1), Χριστάκη Κράνου - Ηρακλειδών 2 (1), Χώρα των Βάσκων (1), επαρχία Φεργκάνα (1),
name:eml12Bélgi (1), Franza (2), Germâgna (1), Lussembûrgh (2), Pulógna (1), Rossia (1), Rumanî (1), Spaggna (1), Ungherî (1), Venesüela (1),
name:en110Ha'Hamisha (1), Levi Eshkol Avenue (2), Marc Chagall (2), Shprintzek (5),
name:en25Shprinzak (5),
name:eo59Arabio (1), Belgio (1), Bretonio (2), Eŭropa Revizora Kortumo (1), Eŭropa Unio (1), Eŭska Aŭtonoma Komunumo (1), Faro (1), Ferooj (1), Francio (1), Francio (tero) (1), Germanio (1), Grand Est (1), Hesio (1), Hispanio (1), Hungario (1), Insulo Hajnano (1), Justica Kortumo de Eŭropaj Komunumoj (1), Kanado (1), Kebekio (1), Koreio (1), Lieĝo (1), Loreno (1), Luksemburgio (1), Luksemburgo (2), Malsupra Saksio (1), Manika Markolo (1), Mazovia Provinco (1), Moldavio (1), Narevo (1), Nord-Koreio (1), Nordo (1), Nunavuto (1), Okajamo (1), Okcidentpomeria Provinco (2), Organizaĵo de Tjurkaj Ŝtatoj (1), Orkadoj (1), Persa Golfo (1), Pjongjango (1), Pollando (1), Portugalio (1), Provinco Fergano (1), Pruto (1), Regiono Sjælland (1), Rejnlando-Palatinato (1), Rumanio (1), Rusio (1), Sarlando (1), Suda federacia regiono (1), Urala federacia regiono (1), Uzbekio (1), Venezuelo (1), Vistulo (1), Vjetnama Golfo (1), Ĉeflanda Francio (1), Ĉeljabinska provinco (1), Ĉĵencjan (1),
name:es151Abalcisqueta (2), Agencia Ejecutiva de Consumidores, Salud, Agricultura y Alimentación (1), Alcalá del Obispo (1), Alemania (1), Antillas (1), Antillas Mayores (1), Arabia (1), Avinguda Meridiana (1), Baja Sajonia (1), Bastoña (1), Benelux (1), Bretaña (2), Bélgica (1), Calle Las Mercedes (1), Calle Mayor (1), Calle Tokyo-idai (1), Camino Portugués (2), Camino de Santiago (1), Canadá (1), Canal de la Mancha (1), Carretera Panamericana (1), Carretera Panamericana (ramal a Quellón) (1), Castillo de Brandenburgo (1), Catedral de Santa María de Luxemburgo (1), Centro de Traducción de los Órganos de la Unión Europea (1), Comunidad Francesa (1), Comunidad Germanófona (1), Corea del Norte (1), Corfú (1), Distrito de Dantu (1), El Barrio (1), Embajada Luxemburgo (1), Embajada de España (1), España (1), Estado Anzoátegui (1), Estado Guárico (1), Estado Monagas (1), Estados miembros de la Unión Europea (1), Eurozona (1), Finisterre (1), Flixbus N1158: Málaga, Estación de Autobuses => Rennes, Estación de Autobuses (1), Flixbus N1158: Rennes, Estación de Autobuses => Málaga, Estación de Autobuses (1), Flixbus N1793: Madrid, estación sur de autobuses => París, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N1793: París, Bercy Seine => Madrid, Estación Sur de Autobuses (1), Flixbus N710: Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos => Essen, Estación Central (1), Flixbus N710: Essen, Estación Central => Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos (1), Francia (2), Francia metropolitana (1), Golfo Pérsico (1), Gran Este (1), Gueto de Lodz (1), Guipúzcoa (1), Hesse (1), Hungría (1), Hórreo Ribera de Pena (1), Isla Ti Top (1), Islandia (1), Islas Feroe (1), L0324: Gerona - Lérida por el eje transversal (1), L0324: Lérida - Gerona por el eje Transversal (1), Lago de Constanza (1), Lieja (1), Lisboa (1), Lorena (1), Luxemburgo (5), Línea 2 (1), Línea 2: Liria => Torrente Avenida (1), Línea 7 (1), Línea 7: Marítim => Torrente Avenida (1), Meurthe y Mosela (1), Moldavia (1), Morioka (1), Mosela (22), Museo Militar Histórico (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea (1), Okayama (1), Oporto (1), Orcadas (1), Oreja (2), Organización de Estados Turcos (1), Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (1), País Vasco (1), Pionyang (1), Plaza de Armas (2), Polonia (1), Pomerania Occidental (1), Portugal (1), Provincia de Ferganá (1), Puerto Tuan Chau (1), Quebec (1), Región de Qikiqtaaluk (1), Región de Selandia (1), Renania-Palatinado (1), Rumanía (1), Rusia (1), Ruta europea caminar E3 (1), Río Narew (1), Río Prut (1), San Esteban de Pravia (1), Sarre (1), Transdanubia (1), Tribunal de Cuentas de la Unión Europea (1), Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (1), Tréveris (1), Unión Europea (1), Uzbekistán (1), Valonia (1), Valonia (Comunidad Francesa) (1), Venezuela (1), Voivodato de Mazovia (1), Voivodato de Pomerania Occidental (1), Volgogrado (1), Vístula (1), Zhenjiang (1), Zona Horaria de América/Iqaluit (1), Zona Horaria de América/Toronto (1), Área Metropolitana de Oporto (1), Óblast de Cheliábinsk (1),
name:et41Araabia (1), Belgia (1), Bretagne (1), Euroala (1), Euroopa Kontrollikoda (1), Euroopa Liidu Asutuste Tõlkekeskus (1), Euroopa Liidu Kohus (1), Euroopa Liidu Väljaannete Talitus (1), Euroopa Liit (1), Fergana vilajett (1), Fääri saared (1), Hainan (1), Hispaania (1), Kanada (1), Luksemburg (2), Luxembourg (1), Lääne-Pomorze (1), Moldova (1), Morioka (1), Nunavut (1), Orkney saared (1), Poola (1), Portugal (1), Prantsusmaa (2), Prantsusmaa emamaa (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Pärsia laht (1), Põhja-Korea (1), Rumeenia (1), Saksamaa (1), Sjællandi piirkond (1), Tarbija-, Tervise-, Põllumajandus- ja Toiduküsimuste Rakendusamet (1), Tšeljabinski oblast (1), Ungari (1), Usbekistan (1), Venemaa (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:etymology2Martin Luther King Junior (1), gold-bearing quartz reefs (1),
name:etymology:wikidata6806Q100020 (1), Q101711 (12), Q1017315 (6), Q1025986 (1), Q1026497 (26), Q1026539 (1), Q1029190 (1), Q10311460 (1), Q1035 (22), Q103949 (1), Q1047980 (9), Q104819 (20), Q105076853 (6), Q106094252 (1), Q106407134 (1), Q106476475 (1), Q106477002 (1), Q106484749 (1), Q1065 (3), Q1067 (1), Q107008 (5), Q1085 (1), Q1094552 (20), Q10950360 (2), Q11028396 (1), Q1124323 (14), Q113231069 (1), Q1133682 (5), Q1140213 (4), Q1149 (1), Q117371 (1), Q12004 (7), Q12024 (2), Q1203 (2), Q120582 (1), Q12091 (19), Q122699 (6), Q1240767 (1), Q12665 (7), Q12688 (13), Q1269936 (32), Q12725 (1), Q1277038 (10), Q127849 (17), Q1285566 (1), Q128887 (5), Q12892 (5), Q1290 (1), Q129018 (1), Q129324 (2), Q1297 (2), Q12996 (10), Q130201 (12), Q1307134 (4), Q130759 (14), Q130918 (4), Q13101444 (2), Q13101458 (1), Q13101479 (13), Q13101481 (15), Q13101502 (6), Q13101521 (4), Q13101529 (22), Q13101548 (6), Q13101555 (2), Q13101557 (1), Q13101561 (1), Q13101564 (2), Q13101622 (2), Q13101632 (1), Q13101690 (34), Q13102001 (2), Q13102090 (1), Q13102317 (7), Q13102344 (14), Q13102399 (4), Q13102404 (2), Q13102417 (4), Q13102434 (2), Q13102467 (3), Q13102509 (1), Q13102510 (7), Q13102514 (1), Q13102525 (1), Q13102526 (1), Q13102561 (1), Q13102575 (1), Q13102578 (1), Q13102620 (7), Q13102621 (4), Q13102628 (12), Q13102674 (1), Q13102708 (2), Q13102712 (1), Q13102807 (1), Q13102881 (5), Q13102884 (4), Q13102897 (6), Q13102954 (3), Q13103120 (1), Q13103143 (3), Q13103167 (1), Q13103194 (6), Q13103202 (13), Q13103204 (1), Q13103205 (1), Q13103206 (1), Q13103209 (9), Q13103210 (5), Q13103219 (1), Q13103220 (2), Q13103233 (1), Q13103239 (2), Q13103240 (2), Q13103261 (1), Q13103271 (13), Q13103274 (2), Q13103314 (5), Q13103316 (1), Q13103317 (2), Q13103360 (2), Q13103364 (2), Q13103376 (4), Q13103378 (1), Q13103385 (1), Q13103387 (5), Q13103398 (2), Q13103411 (3), Q13103489 (2), Q13103799 (7), Q13103803 (1), Q13103812 (1), Q13103820 (7), Q13103875 (1), Q13103877 (5), Q13103883 (2), Q13103888 (3), Q13103890 (2), Q13103966 (1), Q13104016 (4), Q13104023 (3), Q13104033 (6), Q13104042 (1), Q13104043 (7), Q13104045 (2), Q13104066 (1), Q13104067 (1), Q13104072 (4), Q13104085 (2), Q13104096 (1), Q13104137 (2), Q13104144 (1), Q13104154 (1), Q13104155 (5), Q13104159 (1), Q13104164 (4), Q13104312 (25), Q13104331 (17), Q13104337 (1), Q13104338 (3), Q13104344 (2), Q13104355 (1), Q13104527 (1), Q13104528 (5), Q13104538 (1), Q13104552 (1), Q13104554 (2), Q13104562 (6), Q13104571 (40), Q13104575 (1), Q13104592 (6), Q13104682 (1), Q13104735 (3), Q13104770 (1), Q13104816 (9), Q13104838 (5), Q13104859 (2), Q13104885 (1), Q13104950 (3), Q13105224 (2), Q13105225 (6), Q13105227 (2), Q13105232 (1), Q13105233 (12), Q13105234 (1), Q13105262 (6), Q13105265 (1), Q13105267 (1), Q13105297 (5), Q13105301 (1), Q13105365 (9), Q13105426 (1), Q13105502 (3), Q13105506 (1), Q13105512 (4), Q131117 (1), Q131706 (21), Q13175718 (30), Q1321804 (6), Q132557 (19), Q133232 (13), Q1345269 (3), Q1351773 (3), Q1353340 (12), Q1353731 (7), Q13582134 (1), Q13583537 (1), Q1359007 (1), Q13634857 (1), Q13636783 (17), Q13653315 (4), Q13728754 (1), Q1384198 (5), Q1384312 (3), Q1384335 (4), Q1398293 (1), Q1410 (2), Q1417564 (1), Q1420366 (1), Q142472 (2), Q1435641 (2), Q144260 (9), Q14458220 (2), Q14473458 (1), Q146281 (1), Q15055575 (3), Q150665 (1), Q15076254 (8), Q150989 (1), Q151097 (3), Q1511 (2), Q1513403 (38), Q151414 (1), Q15176517 (2), Q15196585 (10), Q151967 (2), Q151985 (9), Q152347 (1), Q152457 (8), Q15254910 (2), Q152717 (4), Q1529947 (6), Q153739 (1), Q153832 (2), Q154287 (4), Q15433985 (1), Q154545 (4), Q154748 (2), Q154996 (2), Q155167 (4), Q1553641 (1), Q155415 (3), Q155608 (92), Q155669 (2), Q156060 (8), Q156901 (4), Q156921 (8), Q157238 (16), Q157449 (10), Q157964 (3), Q158235 (7), Q158256;Q311452 (1), Q158286 (3), Q15846570 (2), Q158847 (20), Q158850 (1), Q158974 (7), Q159075 (19), Q159700 (10), Q159758 (1), Q15981 (36), Q15983 (4), Q159834 (3), Q15988 (25), Q16004 (26), Q16010 (111), Q160714 (9), Q160800 (2), Q160984 (5), Q161319 (3), Q1615 (4), Q161549 (2), Q161714 (2), Q163025 (2), Q16334119 (1), Q164294 (2), Q16438816 (1), Q16438878 (15), Q16438884 (6), Q16438890 (1), Q16438908 (1), Q16438923 (1), Q16438942 (1), Q16438948 (3), Q16438951 (7), Q16438961 (9), Q16438967 (3), Q16438972 (10), Q16438985 (2), Q16438995 (7), Q16439011 (1), Q16439013 (3), Q16439022 (10), Q16439027 (2), Q16439033 (1), Q16439047 (7), Q16439063 (1), Q16439132 (1), Q16439162 (11), Q16439197 (3), Q16439202 (3), Q16439205 (1), Q16439207 (3), Q16439247 (2), Q16439251 (1), Q16439259 (1), Q16439287 (6), Q16439296 (1), Q16439304 (6), Q16439323 (1), Q16439347 (2), Q16439351 (4), Q16439367 (2), Q16439379 (3), Q16439397 (5), Q16439401 (12), Q16439403 (5), Q16439405 (1), Q16439412 (6), Q16439426 (1), Q16439452 (1), Q16439468 (2), Q16439485 (1), Q16439515 (1), Q16439524 (3), Q16439568 (4), Q16439584 (2), Q16439585 (1), Q16439606 (3), Q16439616 (2), Q16439655 (1), Q16439660 (2), Q16439666 (1), Q16439671;Q16439483 (3), Q16439690 (1), Q16439756 (1), Q16439758 (1), Q16439765 (2), Q16439773 (1), Q16439775 (3), Q16439800 (5), Q16439814 (8), Q16439825 (1), Q16439838 (6), Q16439863 (1), Q16439869 (2), Q16439892 (1), Q16439910 (2), Q16439924 (1), Q16439952 (1), Q16439964 (3), Q16439974 (2), Q16440022 (6), Q16440051 (4), Q16440110 (2), Q16440121 (1), Q16440127 (8), Q16440132 (1), Q16440147 (5), Q16440165 (9), Q16440173 (1), Q16440228 (4), Q16440232 (2), Q16440239 (4), Q16440245 (2), Q16440248 (1), Q16440252 (4), Q16440254 (2), Q16440286 (1), Q16440325 (13), Q16440327 (1), Q16440334 (2), Q16460094 (1), Q16460096 (2), Q16463143 (1), Q1648711 (1), Q165137 (2), Q1657677 (2), Q166073 (1), Q1665989 (1), Q1667 (20), Q16736024 (5), Q16736025 (1), Q16764125 (12), Q16765013 (1), Q1677693 (2), Q168424 (1), Q1685226 (1), Q1685760 (6), Q168704 (2), Q1695794 (1), Q171730 (1), Q171892 (3), Q1719767 (1), Q1741542 (4), Q1747689 (106), Q174880 (2), Q1759935 (1), Q1770202 (5), Q17714 (2), Q17741480 (5), Q17741483 (1), Q17741487 (6), Q17741493 (1), Q17741504 (1), Q1778645 (2), Q1779028 (5), Q1794 (1), Q179680 (1), Q179718 (5), Q179888 (4), Q180278 (1), Q180871 (1), Q1813051 (1), Q1813658 (8), Q185717 (4), Q1859708 (12), Q1863909 (11), Q186492 (53), Q188559 (7), Q1886134 (4), Q188697 (1), Q189236 (1), Q189393 (1), Q191107 (1), Q191882 (1), Q191974 (3), Q1924013 (1), Q192615 (2), Q192816 (6), Q192839 (2), Q19288568 (2), Q192893 (5), Q193680 (1), Q194029 (4), Q1954674 (47), Q1956419 (7), Q196 (4), Q19720965 (1), Q1985712 (4), Q19859318 (1), Q1986657 (1), Q1986743 (1), Q1993686 (11), Q19995108 (2), Q19995124 (2), Q19995140 (1), Q19995165 (1), Q19995171 (1), Q19995185 (1), Q19995189 (6), Q19995237 (1), Q19995282 (2), Q19995284 (1), Q19995286 (3), Q19995298 (1), Q200575 (9), Q200580 (1), Q2009746 (1), Q2010019 (1), Q2019553 (10), Q2025919 (7), Q2034 (2), Q203775 (4), Q2042 (34), Q204317 (148), Q205375 (1), Q20558336 (3), Q2055913 (1), Q20559171 (5), Q2060114 (1), Q20638925 (2), Q2078592 (5), Q207955 (2), Q20851387 (1), Q208591 (2), Q20882 (1), Q2094191 (30), Q2096453 (4), Q20966341 (38), Q20969217 (2), Q20969435 (21), Q20969440 (27), Q20969453 (28), Q20969734 (14), Q20969853 (2), Q2097544 (2), Q2104959 (9), Q2126315 (1), Q213542 (4), Q216092 (2), Q2164480 (8), Q2188802 (13), Q219089 (17), Q21939 (1), Q2245766 (11), Q2246024 (4), Q2249640 (3), Q2253927 (1), Q22640 (73), Q22670 (2), Q2281221 (3), Q2284774 (2), Q230238 (3), Q230639 (2), Q230644 (5), Q2316345 (5), Q2320265 (12), Q234224 (1), Q234743 (2), Q23595 (1), Q235992 (3), Q2363383 (3), Q239 (2), Q23903049 (52), Q2390391 (1), Q239229 (1), Q23948128 (3), Q23948144 (4), Q23948178 (3), Q23948190 (2), Q23948192 (16), Q23948209 (4), Q2410296 (1), Q2412265 (2), Q24259441 (6), Q24283574 (10), Q24287732 (1), Q243526 (1), Q2453469 (1), Q2461759 (14), Q2492 (69), Q252318 (5), Q253224 (1), Q25350 (2), Q25356 (9), Q254 (2), Q25403 (5), Q255 (4), Q255315 (2), Q2557497 (2), Q25583262 (1), Q25583282 (6), Q25583723 (1), Q25583742 (1), Q25584321 (2), Q25584379 (2), Q2565891 (12), Q2584585 (24), Q2585876 (1), Q2602448 (5), Q26430 (1), Q2645321 (1), Q266160 (12), Q2670053 (1), Q2671282 (8), Q2674976 (11), Q267607 (1), Q269386 (5), Q269586 (1), Q269726 (7), Q2706190 (15), Q271713 (3), Q2718955 (1), Q272383 (1), Q273854 (10), Q274317 (2), Q27759 (1), Q277965 (1), Q2804045 (20), Q282 (122), Q2831005 (1), Q2834184 (3), Q28357207 (8), Q28357228 (3), Q28357231 (2), Q28357245 (1), Q2837058 (13), Q2837058;Q463694 (5), Q2839337 (9), Q2848984 (1), Q286417 (6), Q2871298 (12), Q289060 (4), Q2895177 (31), Q29057521 (100), Q2906167 (5), Q2908 (5), Q2917510 (5), Q293455 (5), Q2944596 (16), Q29465 (1), Q2946681 (12), Q295128 (7), Q2958550 (1), Q296 (1), Q298180 (1), Q30 (2), Q303698 (3), Q3041356 (11), Q3042 (1), Q3044 (2), Q30547 (6), Q30609184 (4), Q30609192 (6), Q3085048 (5), Q3098915 (3), Q3100398 (5), Q310201 (5), Q3109618 (32), Q3112404 (6), Q312758 (1), Q3138 (81), Q313899 (16), Q3141034 (1), Q314957 (2), Q315661 (19), Q315685 (11), Q3160044 (1), Q3166043 (6), Q3169635 (5), Q3170746 (2), Q3185057 (2), Q3185057;Q3292570 (3), Q318535 (85), Q318762 (5), Q32 (2), Q321245 (6), Q322168 (7), Q3237652 (1), Q3240959 (4), Q3246505 (3), Q3246562 (5), Q3246580 (1), Q3246792 (7), Q3247138 (4), Q3247189 (5), Q3247358 (7), Q32500 (1), Q3268070 (24), Q328862 (3), Q328907 (4), Q328936 (2), Q328942 (11), Q329888 (7), Q3301 (7), Q3310229 (3), Q333874 (7), Q3343509 (7), Q337200 (14), Q33923 (1), Q34021 (18), Q3408609 (11), Q34286 (5), Q34296 (1), Q34370 (1), Q344 (22), Q34417 (5), Q345 (8), Q34687 (6), Q349377 (5), Q34969 (2), Q35064 (1), Q350787 (12), Q3580164 (9), Q3588645 (13), Q35966 (19), Q36050 (2), Q36233 (1), Q36488 (1), Q365 (1), Q3662224 (5), Q37064 (7), Q37103 (2), Q37160 (1), Q37193 (1), Q37302 (6), Q37327 (2), Q37463;Q7186 (4), Q375184 (4), Q380360 (6), Q388974 (3), Q39057559 (14), Q3917005 (11), Q3917008 (22), Q3917087 (11), Q3917128 (75), Q39607 (1), Q3992 (1), Q41309 (2), Q41406 (1), Q41921 (1), Q42292 (4), Q42315644 (1), Q42443 (7), Q4272245 (3), Q4292957 (7), Q42992 (1), Q430203 (1), Q43399 (2), Q434012 (3), Q43499 (22), Q436947 (2), Q43718 (1), Q437708 (5), Q437983 (2), Q43922 (1), Q440 (8), Q44120 (5), Q4421 (1), Q44265 (2), Q44269 (15), Q44403 (2), Q445045 (4), Q445165 (4), Q446472 (6), Q450722 (36), Q45081 (2), Q45141 (48), Q452635 (2), Q452972 (6), Q456089 (10), Q4565064 (1), Q458 (4), Q4583 (7), Q46 (1), Q463694 (38), Q465774 (1), Q466834 (1), Q46871 (13), Q469856 (9), Q471779 (26), Q4735379 (4), Q47484 (1), Q47498386 (3), Q47515055 (8), Q47519520 (1), Q4775500 (11), Q4775516 (3), Q478073 (2), Q4821060 (10), Q484292 (2), Q4873291 (20), Q492380 (4), Q49325 (4), Q495 (1), Q5026643 (1), Q505194 (4), Q506 (26), Q5080435 (5), Q50939425 (3), Q517 (3), Q51954657 (11), Q522107 (1), Q525 (14), Q525359 (6), Q527645 (6), Q529 (36), Q5291146 (8), Q53260 (1), Q535 (39), Q5367321 (1), Q541652 (2), Q542697 (8), Q543336 (21), Q543452 (2), Q5492649 (3), Q55008046 (3), Q5511651 (1), Q551638 (1), Q551652 (1), Q55767 (2), Q5577 (2), Q5588 (1), Q5593 (2), Q5603 (2), Q56189 (3), Q5621301 (1), Q56842597 (1), Q568771 (1), Q57124 (1), Q57302 (23), Q585990 (10), Q58697 (2), Q5879 (7), Q59736 (1), Q59780066 (1), Q60444375 (16), Q61123299 (9), Q6135260 (5), Q61620 (3), Q61654319 (1), Q6169916 (3), Q6171269 (7), Q6171532 (2), Q6171617 (2), Q61961918 (2), Q62008216 (6), Q62008259 (1), Q62008309 (4), Q6230714 (4), Q62332 (4), Q6262373 (7), Q6268851 (3), Q6280565 (1), Q6281702 (3), Q6286362 (1), Q629079 (21), Q6291208 (1), Q6305965 (1), Q635181 (8), Q6353 (1), Q635969 (10), Q637010 (11), Q641102 (3), Q64140922 (25), Q6436459 (5), Q645669 (10), Q648 (2), Q6491480 (2), Q649630 (2), Q650274 (4), Q658785 (2), Q6602 (10), Q66386 (7), Q66664037 (2), Q6685586 (6), Q669155 (10), Q6695767 (2), Q6704448 (5), Q6710948 (1), Q6711164 (1), Q6756106 (6), Q675960 (298), Q6829866 (1), Q6836379 (2), Q688884 (4), Q6936856 (3), Q69856 (2), Q701165 (1), Q701932 (7), Q7029723 (5), Q705129 (26), Q705242 (1), Q706106 (21), Q70991 (4), Q7103 (1), Q711762 (2), Q7186 (15), Q7186;Q37463 (3), Q7192385 (3), Q7197 (3), Q722407 (39), Q722407;Q1094552 (5), Q7226 (1), Q725755 (2), Q7259 (1), Q72869 (1), Q72911 (1), Q7313735 (5), Q7317 (1), Q7322 (4), Q7325 (5), Q734284 (94), Q7349611 (7), Q739358 (1), Q739631 (1), Q7416 (1), Q744884 (6), Q745899 (2), Q7474 (4), Q749731 (1), Q750710 (2), Q7563926 (10), Q757856 (2), Q762 (1), Q76432 (1), Q76555 (8), Q766718 (1), Q769810 (1), Q77122 (1), Q77248379 (1), Q7742 (2), Q7749 (8), Q78525 (9), Q78718 (1), Q78923 (2), Q798747 (18), Q8007 (27), Q8016 (10), Q8023 (3), Q8027 (1), Q8043204 (8), Q8078294 (9), Q810700 (3), Q81212 (1), Q81666 (17), Q82984 (3), Q833380 (3), Q8341 (4), Q83660 (2), Q836897 (4), Q839710 (1), Q84135492 (3), Q842544 (1), Q84446911 (1), Q84498711 (4), Q84509423 (4), Q848606 (10), Q84991917 (2), Q85016606 (1), Q853342 (3), Q85547774 (3), Q85713412 (2), Q8605 (1), Q866692 (3), Q87059350 (1), Q87142078 (1), Q872186 (6), Q87263890 (6), Q87270666 (1), Q87270953 (2), Q87404278 (2), Q87408297 (2), Q87408623 (2), Q87408803 (1), Q87411831 (1), Q8743 (11), Q87605537 (1), Q87608689 (1), Q87610368 (2), Q87611472 (1), Q87612571 (6), Q87613086 (1), Q877339 (3), Q881105 (1), Q881900 (3), Q882 (1), Q88369447 (2), Q88869547 (4), Q88976032 (9), Q892805 (26), Q8958 (2), Q8962719 (2), Q8963 (4), Q89786771 (5), Q90 (8), Q90026 (1), Q9015413 (2), Q90282335 (1), Q9061 (10), Q91 (1), Q914 (3), Q928638 (1), Q93182 (2), Q93201 (5), Q935 (6), Q937 (7), Q94093 (1), Q945406 (20), Q945927 (37), Q945994 (27), Q947942 (12), Q950660 (13), Q953927 (2), Q959708 (1), Q959748 (4), Q96099821 (5), Q96100366 (1), Q96100630 (1), Q96482 (4), Q9696 (172), Q970241 (15), Q9726 (3), Q9759 (6), Q975968 (14), Q976032 (2), Q97739 (3), Q980908 (3), Q985402 (9), Q98961028 (3), Q9916 (6),
name:etymology:wikipedia9de:Kohlhasenbrück (2), de:Schloss Charlottenburg (2), de:Wald (1), en:Ghost Army (1), en:Martin Luther King Jr. (1), lb:John Grün (1), lb:Xavier Brasseur (1),
name:eu58Abaltzisketa (2), Alemania (1), Antilla Handiak (1), Antillak (1), Arabia (1), Belgika (1), Bretainia (2), Ekialde Handia (1), Errumania (1), Errusia (1), Espainia (1), Eurogunea (1), Europako Kontu Auzitegia (1), Europar Batasuna (1), Europar Batasuneko Justizia Auzitegia (1), Euskadi (1), Faroeak (1), Fergana probintzia (1), Flixbus N1158: Málaga, autobus geltokia => Rennes, autobus geltokia (1), Flixbus N1158: Rennes, autobus geltokia => Málaga, autobus geltokia (1), Flixbus N1793: Madril, Hegoaldeko autobus geltokia => Paris, Bercy Sena (1), Flixbus N1793: Paris, Bercy Seine => Madril, autobus geltokia hegoaldera (1), Frantzia (2), Gipuzkoa (1), Hungaria (1), Ipar Korea (1), Iparraldeko eskualdea (1), Kale Nagusia (1), Kanada (1), Kubako uhartea (1), Lieja (1), Lorrena (1), Luxenburgo (3), Mantxako kanala (1), Metropolitar Frantzia (1), Moldavia (1), Morioka (1), Nunavut (1), Orexa (2), Orkadak (1), Persiar golkoa (1), Piongiang (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Prut (1), Quebec (1), Seelandia eskualdea (1), Tonkingo golkoa (1), Txeliabinsk oblasta (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:ext17Alemaña (1), Bélgica (1), Canadá (1), Corea del Norti (1), España (1), Fráncia (2), Lussembulgu (2), Moldávia (1), Poloña (1), Portugal (1), Rumania (1), Russia (1), Ungria (1), Uzbequistán (1), Veneçuela (1),
name:fa102آسیا مارکت (1), آلمان (1), آلمان - فرانسه (1), آپایان (1), ازبکستان (1), استان شیلند (1), استان چلیابینسک (1), اسپانیا (1), اورکنی (1), این ویوو (1), بخش ان مینه (1), برتاین (1), برُتاین (1), بزرگراه پان-امریکن (1), بستونی (1), بلوم (1), بلژیک (1), بلژیک - فرانسه (1), بورگ-رولان (1), بیستروت (1), جامبو (1), جزایر فارو (1), جنجیانگ (1), خلیج فارس (1), دیوینو (1), دیکیرش (1), راینلاند-فالتس (1), روسیه (1), رومانی (1), زارلند (1), سازمان دولت‌های ترک (1), سایت ورزشی و گردشگری گنو (1), شاپی (1), شبه‌جزیره عربستان (1), شبه‌جزیره کره (1), فارو (1), فرانسه (2), فرانسه متروپل (1), فرودگاه لوکزامبورگ (1), فروشگاه تاندوری (1), فروشگاه مینی ورلد (1), فینیستر (1), لا گامبا (1), لاگوآ (1), لهستان (1), لورن (1), لوس آمیگوس ۲ (1), لوله (1), لوکزامبورگ (3), لیدل (12), لیژ (1), مجارستان (1), منطقه تان فوک (1), موزل (1), مولداوی (1), ناحیه‌ی آلتی اریق (1), ناحیه‌ی قوش تپه (1), نوناووت (1), نیدرآنون (1), نیدرزاکسن (2), هسن (1), والونی (1), ولایت فرغانه (1), ونزوئلا (1), پرتالگره (1), پرتغال (1), پروت (1), پروکسی (1), پیونگ‌یانگ (1), کافه ایندپندنت (1), کانادا (1), کانال مانش (1), کاکتوس (10), کبک (1), کره شمالی (1), کوبا (1), گرانت است (1), گشت (1),
name:ff8Almaanya (1), Beljik (1), Faransi (2), Hunngariya (1), Liksembuur (1), Poloonya (1), Roosiya (1),
name:fi119200 Espoon asema - Elielinaukio (1), 30 Eira - Pitäjänmäki - Myyrmäki (1), 30 Myyrmäki - Pitäjänmäki - Eira (1), 36 Oulu (linja-autoasema) – Ylikiiminki (1), 572 Martinlaakso - Mellunmäki (1), 572K Myyrmäki - Mellunmäki (1), 611 Tikkurila - Suutarila - Siltamäki - Rautatientori (1), 611B Suutarila - Siltamäki - Rautatientori (1), 616 Kivistö - Tammisto - Hakaniemi (1), Ahotaipaleentie (1), Ala-Saksi (1), Alanopontie (2), Arabian niemimaa (1), Baskimaa (1), Belgia (1), Brumaninkuja (1), Degermosantie (1), Englannin kanaali (1), Espanja (1), Euroalue (1), Euroopan tilintarkastustuomioistuin (1), Euroopan unioni (1), Euroopan unionin elinten käännöskeskus (1), Euroopan unionin julkaisutoimisto (1), Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin (1), Ferganan alue (1), Fredrikinkatu (1), Färsaaret (1), Haapavedentie (1), Hakulinahontie (1), Hanskalliontie (1), Hevossaari (1), Husaaritie (1), Jaaninoja (1), Johno (1), Jokiniityntie (1), Juholantie (1), Jännetie (1), Kanada (1), Kannistonkuja (1), Keinäsperäntie (1), Kellarisaari (1), Kivisaarijärvi (1), Kivistönpolku (1), Kivistöntie (1), Koiramäentie (1), Koivukaarre (1), Kokkokallio (2), Kuluttaja-, terveys-, maatalous- ja elintarvikeasioiden toimeenpanovirasto (1), Lakkapää (1), Luxemburg (3), Länsi-Pommerin voivodikunta (1), Marjamaantie (1), Miekkatie (1), Moldova (1), Munapirtti (1), Murrontie (1), Myllymäentie (1), Nissinahontie (1), Nunavut (1), Orivesi (1), Orkneysaaret (1), Palokaarrontie (1), Paska-avenue (1), Peltosaari (2), Persianlahti (1), Petäjäsaari (1), Piituniemi (1), Pjongjang (1), Pohjasentie (1), Pohjois-Atlantin puolustusliitto (1), Pohjois-Korea (1), Portugali (1), Prut (1), Puola (1), Puutarhatie (1), Pääskyrannantie (1), Pönniösaari (1), Quebec (1), Ranska (2), Rantuuntie (1), Rauniosaari (1), Rihno (1), Ristipellontie (1), Ristisaari (1), Romania (1), Saksa (1), Sammalniementie (2), Sjællandin alue (1), Sudenkuopantie (1), Suomi (1), Tattarsaaret (1), Teeripalontie (1), Tuominen (1), Turkkilaisten maiden neuvosto (1), Tähkätie (1), Törmäntie (1), Tšeljabinskin alue (1), Unkari (1), Upsalantie (1), Uralin federaatiopiiri (1), Uzbekistan (1), Vahvasalo (1), Vallonia (1), Veiksel (1), Venezuela (1), Venäjä (1), Viikin biokeskus (1), Vilkkusaari (1), Vähäntuvantie (1), Zhenjiang (1), Łódźin ghetto (1),
name:fiu-vro17Belgiä (1), Hispaania (1), Kanada (1), Luksõmburk (1), Luxembourg (1), Moldova (1), Poola (1), Portugal (1), Prantsusmaa (2), Põh'a-Korea (1), Rumeeniä (1), S'aksamaa (1), Ungari (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Vinnemaa (1),
name:fo22Belgia (1), Frakland (2), Føroyar (1), Kanada (1), Luksemborg (1), Luksemburg (2), Moldova (1), Norðurkorea (1), Nunavut (1), Orknoyggjar (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Pólland (1), Rumenia (1), Russland (1), Spania (1), Týskland (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venesuela (1),
name:fr171952 Allemagne (1), 52 Luxembourg;52 Belgique (1), 6 chênes des princesses (1), A Guddesch (1), A.F.P. Service Asbl (1), Abbaye Saint-Maurice-et-Saint-Maur (1), Abweiler (1), Académie de Nancy-Metz (1), Accès livraisons, visiteurs (1), Ackerscheid (1), Administration Communal Mondercange (1), Administration Communale de Garnich (1), Administration Communale de Schieren (1), Administration Communale de Stadtbredimus (1), Administration communale d'Ell (1), Administration des enquêtes techniques (AET) (1), Agence exécutive pour les consommateurs, la santé, l’agriculture et l’alimentation (1), Agence pour le developpement de l'emploi (1), Ahn (1), Aire de jeu "Gänsewiss" (1), Aire métropolitaine de Lisbonne (1), Aldi (1), Alentejo (1), Algarve (1), Algrange (1), Allemagne (1), Allemagne (terres) (1), Allemagne - Belgique (1), Allemagne - Luxembourg (9), Allerborn (2), Allée Rouge (9), Almillen (1), Alzette (20), Ambassade d'Autriche (1), Ambassade d'Espagne (1), Ambassade d'Italie (1), Ambassade de Belgique (1), Ambassade de Chine (1), Ambassade de France (2), Ambassade de Grande-Bretagne (1), Ambassade de Grèce (1), Ambassade de Pologne (1), Ambassade de Roumanie (1), Ambassade de Russie (1), Ambassade de Suisse (1), Ambassade de la République Tchèque (1), Ambassade de la République fédérale d'Allemagne (1), Ambassade des États-Unis (2), Ambassade du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1), Ambassade du Japon (1), Ambassade du Portugal (1), Ambassade du Royaume-Uni (1), Ancienne Gare de Born (1), Ancienne Gare de Rosport (1), Ancienne Gare de Steinheim (1), Ancienne carrière Tossebierg (1), Ancienne gare de Moersdorf (1), Ancienne ligne Pétange-Ettelbruck (3), Angelsberg (1), Ansembourg (1), Antilles (1), Archipel des Orcades (1), Arlon (1), Arouad (1), Arsdorf (1), Arsdorf-Moulin (1), Ascenseur panoramique Pfaffenthal - Ville-Haute (1), Ascenseur panoramique du Pfaffenthal (1), Asselborn (1), Association à but non lucratif réseau oani (1), Assomption de la Sainte Vierge-Marie (1), Auberge de Jeunesse (1), Auberge de Jeunesse Luxembourg (1), Auberge de Jeunesse Schengen/Remerschen (1), Autoroute de la Sarre (1), Avenue Gaston Diderich (2), Avenue de la Faïencerie (2), Avenue de la Liberté (14), Avenue de la Paix (2), Aérodrome d'Useldange (1), Aéroport de Luxembourg (1), Baach (5), Banque européenne d’investissement (1), Barrage de Rosport (2), Basbellain (1), Basic-Fit Strassen (1), Basse-Rentgen (1), Basse-Saxe (1), Bastogne (2), Bavigne (1), Bd Aloyse Meyer (2), Bd Hubert Clement (2), Bd Pierre Dupong (2), Beaufort (1), Bech (1), Beckerich (1), Bei Dickes (1), Beim Nuddels Kniwweler (1), Belgique (1), Belgique (terres) (1), Belgique - Luxembourg (44), Benelux (1), Berdorf (1), Bertrange (1), Bettange-sur-Mess (1), Bettembourg (9), Bettendorf (1), Betzdorf (1), Beyren-lès-Sierck (1), Bibliothèque Nationale (1), Bibliothèque municipale de Luxembourg (1), Bibliothèque nationale (3), Bigonville (1), Bigonville-Poteau (1), Binzrath (1), Birtrange (1), Bissen (1), Bisserweg (1), Bistro Parc Beaux Arts (1), Bivange (1), Biwer (1), Biwisch (1), Black Mamba (1), Bleesbruck (1), Bockholtz-Moulin (1), Boevange (1), Boevange-sur-Attert (1), Bonnevoie (2), Boulaide (2), Bour (4), Bourscheid (2), Bourscheid Sentiers touristiques (1), Bous (1), Boutique du Monde (3), Bouzonville (1), Brasserie Coin Vert (1), Bretagne (2), Broderbour (1), Bruchermuhle (2), Buderscheid (1), Burden (1), C&A (1), C'metall (1), CIS Bascharage-Petange (2), CK Fitness Jonglënster (1), CTIE / (service d'accueil) (1), Cabinet Médical (1), Cabinet de Kinésithérapie Herman-Istat-Piron-Brunet (1), Cafe Le Pirate (1), Café de la Gare (1), Caisse Nationale de Santé (2), Caisse pour l'avenir des enfants (2), Campus Kirchberg (1), Campus scolaire et sportif „am Bongert“ (1), Canada (1), Canton Capellen (1), Canton Esch-sur-Alzette (1), Canton Luxembourg (1), Capellen (3), Carrosserie NCM Sàrl (1), Casa (1), Cascades du Mullerthal (2), Casemates du Bock (1), Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Luxembourg (1), Cavavin (1), Cchâteau de Stolzembourg (1), Centrale Paysanne Luxembourgeoise (1), Centrale à accumulation d'Esch-sur-Sûre (1), Centre (1), Centre Culturel Serbe (1), Centre Ophtamologique (1), Centre Sportif Linger (1), Centre culturel Garnich (1), Centre de Conférence et de Congrès International (1), Centre de Jeunesse Marienthal (1), Centre de Quartier Kirchberg (1), Centre de relaxation aquatique "Badanstalt" (1), Centre de traduction des organes de l'Union européenne (1), Centre de vente CFL (1), Centre d‘Incendie et de secours Sanem-Differdange (1), Centre médical Kirchberg (1), Centre médical dentaire (1), Centre pour l'égalité de traitement (1), Cercle municipal (1), Chapelle Eenelter (1), Chapelle Notre Dame (1), Chapelle Notre-Dame (1), Chapelle Saint-Antoine (2), Chapelle Saint-Hubert (1), Chapelle Saint-Jean-Évangéliste (1), Chapelle Saint-Luc (1), Chapelle Saint-Maximin (1), Chapelle Saint-Michel (1), Chapelle Saint-Nicolas (1), Chapelle Sainte-Croix (1), Chapelle de l'Assomption de la Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie (1), Chapelle de la Sodalité (1), Chatêau de Brandenbourg (1), Chemin de Hagen (8), Chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (1), Chemin de la Vallée (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E2 est (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E2 ouest (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E2 ouest, section Belgique (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E2, Belgique (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E2, France (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E2, Luxembourg (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E3 (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E4 (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E4, Chypre (1), Chemin de randonnée Européen E4, Chypre, Route principale (1), Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle en Grand Est (1), Chiers (10), Château Renaissance de Beaufort (1), Château Syrdall (1), Château d'Eisenborn (1), Château d'Urspelt (1), Château de Birtrange (1), Château de Bourglinster (1), Château de Bourscheid (1), Château de Fischbach (1), Château de Hesperange (1), Château de Larochette (1), Château de Stradtbredimus (1), Château de Weymerich (1), Château médiéval de Beaufort (1), Chêne Mi-millénaire de Hersberg (1), Chêne de Bridel (1), Cimetière Allemand (1), Cimetière Saint-Joseph (1), Cimetière d'Elvange (1), Cimetière d'Eschdorf (1), Cimetière de Beckerich (1), Cimetière de Berdorf (1), Cimetière de Born (1), Cimetière de Christnach (1), Cimetière de Clemency (1), Cimetière de Consdorf (1), Cimetière de Gonderange (1), Cimetière de Hellange (1), Cimetière de Huldange (1), Cimetière de Kayl (1), Cimetière de Leudelange (1), Cimetière de Linger (1), Cimetière de Manternach (1), Cimetière de Rambrouch (1), Cimetière de Rosport (1), Cimetière de Rumelange (1), Cimetière de Rédange (1), Cimetière forestière "Laangebësch" Berdorf (1), Cinquantenaire (2), Citroën (1), Cité Beichel (1), Cité Kiämmel (1), Clausel Brauerei (1), Clervaux (3), Clervaux (ancienne commune avant 2012) (1), Clinique pour Animaux Müllerthal (1), Coffee Fellows (1), Coin d'Espagne (1), Col de Chyofrouk (1), Colmar (1), Colmar-Berg (2), Colmar-Pont (1), Colpach-Bas (1), Colpach-Haut (1), Commissariat Capellen / Steinfort - Site Capellen (1), Commissariat Ernz (1), Commissariat Luxembourg (1), Commissariat aux affaires maritimes (1), Communauté française (1), Communauté germanophone (1), Condominium germano-luxembourgeois (1), Consdorf (1), Consulat honoraire du Kazakhstan (1), Contern (1), Corfou (1), Corridor Mer-du-Nord - Méditerrannée (1), Corée du Nord (1), Cour administrative (1), Cour de justice de l'AELE (1), Cour de justice de l'Union européenne (1), Cour des comptes européenne (1), Crypte (1), Cuba (1), Côte d'Eich (1), Dalheim (2), Dasbourg-Pont (1), Delhaize (1), Delta du Mékong (1), Dent Creuse (1), Dernier Sol (5), Diederich-Linden Edmond (1), Diekirch (1), Differdange (1), Dippach (1), District de Dantu (1), District de Runzhou (1), District fédéral de l'Oural (1), District fédéral du Sud (1), Doennange (1), Domaine Viticole Krier-Welbes (1), Doncols (1), Dondelange (2), Dr Pasteur Médecin géneraliste (1), Dragon de Chine (1), Dreiborn (1), Drosbach (1), Dudelange (2), Décharge CASA (1), Echternach (1), Ecole Européenne Luxembourg II Mamer (1), Edmond de la Fontaine & Michel Lentz (1), Eeyou Istchee (1), Eeyou Istchee Baie-James (1), Ehlange-sur-Mess (1), Ehlerange (3), Eifel-Bitburg-Prüm (1), Eischen (1), El Barrio (1), Ell (1), Elvange (1), Embassy of Ireland (1), Enscherange (1), Ernz Blanche (5), Ernz blanche (10), Ernz noire (13), Erpeldange (1), Erpeldange-sur-Sûre (2), Ersange (1), Esch-sur-Alzette (4), Esch-sur-Sûre (2), Eschbach (4), Espagne (1), Ettelbruck (1), EuroVelo 5 (1), Everlange (1), Everlange Moulin (1), Exploitation de gypse et étangs à gypse (1), Exposition « Family of Man » (Edward Steichen) (1), FM Auto (1), Fani (1), Faro (1), Fauvillers (1), Ferme Hoeser (1), Ferme Misère (1), Ferme Rouge (1), Ferme Tempels (1), Ferme Vesque (1), Ferme Weydert (1), Ferme de Hueselt (1), Ferme de Lorentzscheuer (1), Ferme de Michelshof (1), Feulen (1), Fiduciaire du Sud (1), Findel (1), Finistère (1), Fischbach (2), Fischer (2), Flaxweiler (2), Fleurus (1), Flixbus (1), Flixbus 090: Francfort (Main) Gare centrale => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus 090: Paris, Bercy Seine => Francfort (Main) Gare centrale (1), Flixbus 790: Sarrebruck, gare routière => Tours, Parking de Peupliers (1), Flixbus 790: Tours, Parking de Peupliers => Sarrebruck, gare routière (1), Flixbus N1158: Malaga, Gare routière => Rennes, Gare routière (1), Flixbus N1158: Rennes, Gare routière => Malaga, Gare routière (1), Flixbus N136: Anvers <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N136: Anvers, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, gare routière centrale (1), Flixbus N136: Bratislava, gare routière centrale => Anvers, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N1793: Madrid, gare routière sud => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N1793: Paris, Bercy Seine => Madrid, gare routière sud (1), Flixbus N236: Paris, Bercy Seine => Vienne Erdberg, gare routière VIB (1), Flixbus N236: Vienne Erdberg, gare routière VIB => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N36: Anvers <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N36: Anvers, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, gare routière centrale (1), Flixbus N36: Bratislava, gare routière centrale => Anvers, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N710: Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos => Essen, gare centrale (1), Flixbus N710: Essen, gare centrale => Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos => (1), Flixbus N831: Amsterdam <=> Zurich (1), Flixbus N831: Amsterdam Sloterdijk => Zurich HB, parking Sihlquai (1), Flixbus N831: Zurich HB, parking Sihlquai => Amsterdam Sloterdijk (1), Flixbus N90: Darmstadt, Gare centrale => Paris, Bercy Seine (1), Flixbus N90: Paris, Bercy Seine => Darmstadt, Gare centrale (1), Florenville (1), Folschette (1), Fond de Heiderscheid (1), Fontaine-l'Évêque (1), Fortifications de Echternach (1), Fortifications de Grevenmacher (1), Forêt palatine (1), France (1), France (terres) (1), France - Allemagne (2), France - Belgique (1), France - Condominium germano-luxembourgeois (1), France - Luxembourg (33), France - zones de défense et de sécurité (1), France métropolitaine (1), France, jours fériés (1), France, vacances scolaires, zone B (1), Frisange (1), Friterie Beim Francis (1), Froehnerhof (1), Fujitsu Luxembourg s.a. (1), GR 5 Belgique, Wallonie et Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1), GR 5 Lorraine (1), GR 5 Luxembourg (1), GR 56 Sentiers de l'Est de la Belgique (1), GR 56 Sentiers de l'Est de la Belgique | Parcours principal : Sentier des Frontières (1), GR 57 Sentier de l'Ourthe orientale (1), GR 570 Le Sentier des Trois Frontières (1), GR5 (ancien) (1), Gare (2), Gare routière - quai 101 (1), Gare routière - quai 102 (1), Gare routière - quai 104 (1), Garnich (1), Ghetto de Łódź (1), Goeblange (1), Goelt (1), Goesdorf (2), Goetzingen (1), Golfe Persique (1), Golfe du Tonkin (1), Gondelange (1), Grand Est (1), Grand Théâtre de la ville de Luxembourg (1), Grand-Rue (1), Grande Ancre (1), Grandes Antilles (1), Greiveldange (1), Grentzingen (1), Grevels-Brésil (1), Grevenmacher (1), Grosbous (1), Grotte Sainte-Barbe, Entrée 2 (1), Grotte Ste Barbe, Entrée 1 (1), Grotte des Celtes (1), Grummelscheid (1), Guipuscoa (1), Guirsch - Village classé (1), Gulf (2), Gulf Truck Wash (1), Géant (1), Göttingen (arrondissement) (2), Habscht (1), Hachiville (1), Hagen Église (1), Hainan (1), Hall Paul Wurth (1), Hall du Deich (1), Halte (1), Harderbach (1), Harlange (1), Harmonie Municipale de Mondercange (1), Haute-Kontz (1), Heffingen (1), Helmsange (2), Helperknapp (1), Herserange (1), Hesperange (2), Hesse (1), Hirtzenhof (1), Historischer Kontext (1), Hivange (1), Hobscheid (1), Hongrie (1), Horas (1), Horloge fleuri (1), Houffalize (1), Hovelange (1), Huldange (1), Huttange (1), Héraclée (1), Hôtel Saint-Maximin (Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes) (1), IC-16 Bruxelles - Luxembourg (1), ING (2), Immomod S.A. (1), Imprimerie clandestine (1), Infrastructures des transports jadis et aujourd'hui (1), Islande (1), Itzig (1), Jardin Napoléon (1), Jardin du Portugal (1), Jerrytravel (1), Junglinster (1), Kaesfurt (1), Kayl (2), Kehlen (1), Kehrmuhle (1), Keispelt (1), Kiischpelt (1), Kinésithérapie Rock (1), Knauf (1), Koerich (1), Kopstal (1), Käerjeng (1), L'Ardenne à cheval (12) (1), L'Ardenne à cheval (13) (1), L'Ardenne à cheval (14) (1), L'Ardenne à cheval (7) (1), L'Avenue (1), L'O'dace (1), L'église de Michel (1), La "Gantenbeinsmillen" et le "Turbelsfiels" (1), La Chiers (10), La Cronnière (1), La Grande Rivière (1), La Mamer à Kopstal (1), La Manche (1), La Morgue (1), La Moselle (21), La Moselle Canalisée (1), La Roche des Payens (1), La Sûre (1), La balade transfrontalière à Oberpallen (1), La femme morte (1), La procession dansante d'Echternach (1), Laboratoires d'analyses médicales - Ketterthill (1), Lac de Constance (1), Lac de la Haute-Sûre (2), Lallange (1), Larochette (2), Lasauvage (1), Lauterborn (1), Lavoir (1), Le Boug occidental (1), Le Joli Bois (1), Le Prout (2), Le Qanat Romain de Helmsange (1), Le four à briques romain de Capellen-Hiereknapp (1), Le roi du matelas (1), Lenningen (1), Les Trois Petits Cochons (1), Leudelange (1), Levelange (1), Liefrange (1), Ligne 47 (11), Ligne Siegfried (1), Ligne du Luxembourg (3), Lilien (1), Limpertsberg (1), Lintgen (1), Lisbonne (1), Livange (1), Liège (1), Long Banker (1), Longlaville (1), Lorentzweiler (1), Lullange (1), Luxembourg (5), Luxembourg Ville: Vieux quartiers & fortifications (1), Luxembourg une capitale européenne (1), Lyria : Nice - Genève (1), Léa Linster (1), MC beaute (1), Maison Brehm (1), Maison Pierre d'Osbourg (1), Maison Servais (1), Maison sociale Esch (1), Mamer (2), Manternach (1), Marché-aux-Poissons (1), Marienthal (1), Marscherwald (1), Martelinville (1), Maxi Toys (1), Mazovie (1), Meispelt (1), Mersch (2), Mertert (1), Mertzig (1), Michelbouch (1), Mine Rosset (1), Mine d'Antimoine Goesdorf - Galerie Principale (1), Mine de cuivre à Stolzembourg (1), Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes (1), Moestroff (1), Moldavie (1), Mompach (1), Mondercange (2), Mondorf-les-Bains (1), Montefiore sul Palco (1), Montée de Clausen (1), Montée de Saeul (1), Monument du Souvenir (1), Morioka (1), Moselle (1), Moulin Frères (1), Moulin de Bigonville (1), Moulin de Boulaide (1), Moulin de Bourscheid (1), Moulin de Consdorf (2), Moulin de Sonlez (1), Muhlenbach (1), Munsbach (1), Munschecker (1), Mure de Wenceslas (1), Musée International d'Effets de Gendarmerie et Police (1), Musée d'Histore et d'Art de Luxembourg (1), Musée européen Schengen (1), Musée littéraire Victor-Hugo (1), Musée national d'histoire naturelle (1), Neuhaeusgen (1), Neunhausen (2), Neuperlé (1), Niederanven (1), Niederkorn (1), Nizart Piazza (1), Noerdange (1), Noertrange (1), Nommern (1), Nord (1), Nouveau bâtiment (1), Nouvel hémicycle (1), Nouvelle ferme de Lorentzscheuer (1), Nunavut (1), Oberkorn (1), Oberschlinder (1), Oberweis Aéroport (1), Oblast de Tcheliabinsk (1), Oblast de Volgograd (1), Office de tourisme Berdorf (1), Office des publications de l'Union européenne (1), Op der Haart (2), Orange (1), Organisation des États turciques (1), Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord (1), Osaka (1), Ostéopathe Mosca (1), Our (2), Ouzbékistan (1), P&TLuxembourg (1), Palais Grand Ducal (1), Paléolithique (1), Parc Hosingen (1), Parc des Trois Glands (1), Parc naturel des Hautes-Fagnes–Eifel (1), Parc naturel des deux Ourthes (1), Parking clients (1), Parlement européen (3), Patinoire de Kockelscheuer (1), Pays basque autonome (1), Paysages et agriculture sur le Grès de Luxembourg (2), Peppange (1), Per Bacco (1), Perl, Gare Routière (2), Perlé (1), Petit-Nobressart (1), Pharmacie Felicia (1), Piso Bea Moroy (1), Pissange (1), Place Guillaume II (1), Place de l'Europe (1), Place de l'Indépendance (1), Place de l'Église (10), Place du Théâtre (1), Pletschette (1), Pologne (1), Poméranie Occidentale (1), Poméranie occidentale (1), Pont Adolphe (1), Pont Georges Wagner (1), Pont Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (7), Pont Remesch (1), Pont Vincent-J.-Festa (1), Pont des Barons (1), Pontpierre (2), Portail des jardins Mansfeld (1), Portalegre (1), Porto (1), Portugal (1), Poteau de Harlange (1), Première Nation de Keeseekoose (1), Première nation de Fishing Lake (1), Promenades Camping (1), Province de Ferghana (1), Prusse Belgique Luxembourg n° 75 (1), Prusse Belgique n° 79 (1), Prusse Belgique n° 84 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 53 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 54 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 55 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 56 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 57 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 59 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 59a (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 60 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 62 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 63 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 63a (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 64 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 65 (2), Prusse Luxembourg n° 66 (3), Prusse Luxembourg n° 67 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 68 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 69 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 70 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 71b (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 71c (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 71d (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 72 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 73 (1), Prusse Luxembourg n° 74 (1), Préizerdaul (1), Puits Rouge (2), Pull & Bear (1), Putscheid (1), Pyongyang (1), Pédicure (1), Péninsule de Corée (1), Pétange (1), Q8 (1), Qikiqtaaluk (1), Quartier Européen Nord (1), Quartier Européen Sud (1), Quatre-Vents (2), Québec (1), RHS Hygiène Service (1), RTS Esch-sur-Alzette (1), Raiffeisen (2), Rambrouch (2), Rameldange (1), Reckange-Barrière (1), Reckange-sur-Mess (1), Redange (2), Reichlange (1), Reisdorf (1), Remich (1), Renmans (1), Repaire des Brigands (2), Restaurant Shabu (1), Restaurant Uni (1), Reu de Reisdorf (1), Rhénanie-Palatinat (1), Ringbach (1), Rocher du Bock (1), Roeser (1), Rolling (1), Rollingergrund (1), Rombach-Martelange (1), Ronnenbusch (1), Rosport (1), Rosport-Mompach (1), Roullingen (1), Roumanie (1), Route d'Arlon (22), Route d'Olm (1), Route de Diekirch (14), Route de Koerich (1), Route de Luxembourg (7), Route de Thionville (54), Route de Wasserbillig (2), Route du Coeur - Étape 9 (1), Route du Vin (17), Route européenne E 25 (1), Route européenne E 29 (1), Route européenne E 421 (1), Route européenne E 44 (1), Route européenne E 578 (1), Route européenne E 91 (1), Route panaméricaine (1), Route principale 3 (1), Rue Abraham Lincoln (1), Rue Am Weiher (1), Rue Chimay (3), Rue Clas von Ehnen (3), Rue Dell (1), Rue Docteur Ferdinand Frieden (1), Rue Dwight D. Eisenhower (1), Rue Genistre (1), Rue Goethe (1), Rue Greweneck (2), Rue Gässel (2), Rue Hicht (1), Rue Hiel (3), Rue Isidore Comes (1), Rue Jean Mersch-Wittenauer (1), Rue Jean-Baptiste Zewen (1), Rue Johannes Enen (1), Rue John F. Kennedy (1), Rue Krëchelsbierg (1), Rue Laichent (3), Rue Large (1), Rue Leck (1), Rue Marcel Greischer (13), Rue Moenchkelterhaus (1), Rue Munster (6), Rue Nelson Mandela (2), Rue Neugarten (3), Rue Nicolas Hein (1), Rue Notre-Dame (1), Rue Pafebruch (6), Rue Pourplescht (2), Rue Principale (5), Rue Saint-Ulric (6), Rue Schaarfeneck (1), Rue Scheierhaff (4), Rue Sosthène Weis (5), Rue Wenzel Profant (1), Rue Wickringehroehl (1), Rue d'Arlon (3), Rue de Hagen (3), Rue de Longsdorf (3), Rue de Medernach (2), Rue de Prague (1), Rue de Putscheid (2), Rue de Reisdorf (6), Rue de Savelborn (1), Rue de Stavelot (6), Rue de Strasbourg (9), Rue de Strassen (4), Rue de Trèves (1), Rue de Tuntange (5), Rue de l'Alzette (1), Rue de l'Eau (3), Rue de l'Escalier (2), Rue de l'Église (1), Rue de la Boucherie (1), Rue de la Forêt (3), Rue de la Gare (7), Rue de la Monnaie (1), Rue de la Montagne (4), Rue de la Sûre (1), Rue des Carrières (3), Rue des Juifs (1), Rue des Pommiers (2), Rue des Sources (1), Rue des États-Unis (1), Rue du Château (1), Rue du Cimetière (1), Rue du Commerce (1), Rue du Curé (2), Rue du Faubourg (3), Rue du Fossé (4), Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes (5), Rue du Mullerthal (4), Rue du Pont (4), Rue du Puits (1), Rue du Puits Romain (3), Rue du Rost (2), Rue du Saint-Esprit (2), Rue du Schlewenhoff (1), Rue du Soleil (1), Rue du Vieux Marché (9), Rue um Boeschel (2), Ruisseau Kaelbach (12), Ruisseau de Volmerange (1), Ruisseau de la Côte Rouge (9), Ruisseau l'Altbach (1), Rumelange (1), Rumlange (1), Russie (1), Réseau autoroutier de Belgique (1), Réseau autoroutier luxembourgeois (1), Réseau d'oléoducs en Centre-Europe (1), Réseau routier N de Belgique (1), Réseau routier chemin repris luxembourgeois (1), Réseau routier national luxembourgeois (1), Réseau routier voie express luxembourgeois (1), Réserve naturelle communale Driesch (1), Réserve naturelle communale Mimelsratt (1), STIB 49 Gare du Midi → Simonis (1), STIB 53 Westland Shopping → Hôpital Militaire (1), STIB 88 De Brouckère → UZ-VUB (1), Saeul (1), Saint-André (2), Saint-Benoît (1), Saint-Corneille (2), Saint-Donat (3), Saint-Eloi (1), Saint-Hubert (5), Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur (1), Saint-Jean (1), Saint-Joseph (4), Saint-Joseph-l'Artisan (1), Saint-Luc (1), Saint-Marc (1), Saint-Martin (3), Saint-Michel (6), Saint-Médard (1), Saint-Nicolas (4), Saint-Thomas (1), Saint-Valentin (1), Saint-Willibrord (2), Sainte-Appoline (1), Sainte-Barbe (1), Sainte-Lucie (1), Sainte-Trinité (2), Saints-Côme-et-Damien (1), Salle Robert Krieps (1), Salle des 5 Sens (1), Sandweiler (2), Sandweiler Stuff (1), Sanem (1), Sanremo (1), Sarre (1), Savelborn (1), Schengen (1), Scheuerberg (1), Schieren (2), Schifflange (3), Schneider Creek (1), Schouweiler (2), Schuttbourg (1), Schuttbourg-Moulin (1), Schuttrange (1), Schuttrange-Village (1), Seltz (1), Sentier CV Wolfgang M Rabe (1), Sentier Jhangeli (1), Sentier Meuse Rhin (1), Sentier didactique Howald (3), Sentier local E1 (1), Sentiers autopédestres (1), Septfontaines (2), Shell (2), Shoe Discount (1), Simmerschmelz (1), Skatepark Pétrusse (1), Smuggler's Inn (1), Soclair Equipements S.A. (1), Soleuvre (1), Sommet (1), Sortie (1), Sortie clients (1), Source de l'Ernz Blanche (1), Source de la Chiers (1), Source miraculeuse Helperbur (1), Sources et approvisionnement en eau (1), Sprinkange (1), Stade de Luxembourg, Quai 2 (1), Stadtbredimus (1), Station de contrôle de Lorentzweiler (1), Steinfort (1), Steinsel (1), Strassen (2), Surbach (1), Surré (1), Sweet nails (1), Syndicat d'Initiative et du Tourisme (1), Sûre (12), Tabor Food Concept (Food Truck) (1), Tandel (1), Tarchamps (1), Tesla Motors (1), The Pepp House (1), Thionville (1), Thionville-Est (1), Thionville-Ouest (1), Théâtre Gallo-Romain (1), Tombe mérovingienne (1), Tour d'horloge BCEE (1), Train de laminage (1), Tramschapp (1), Transdanubie (1), Tribunal administratif (1), Trintange (1), Troine-Route (1), Trois Tours (1), Troisvierges (1), Tunnel René Konen (3), Tuntange (1), Tétange (2), Tête de squelette (1), Union européenne (1), Unité de la police de l'aéroport (UPA) (1), Université (4), Université du Luxembourg - Campus Limpertsberg (1), Useldange (2), Val-de-Briey (1), Vallée de l'Ernz (1), Venezuela (1), Verviers (1), Via Francigena - part France - 03 Reims - Besançon (1), Viaduc de Schengen (1), Viaduc de la Sûre (2), Vianden (1), Vichten (1), Vieille Rue (3), Vieux pont (1), Villa romaine de Schieren (1), Ville-Haute (1), Villerupt (1), Vogelsmühle (1), Wahl (1), Waldbillig (1), Waldbredimus (1), Walferdange (6), Wallonie (1), Wallonie (Communauté française) (1), Watrange (1), Weicherdange (1), Weiler-la-Tour (2), Weimerich (1), Weimerskirch (1), Weiswampach (2), Welfrange (1), Wellen, Parking (4), Wickrange (1), Wiltz (1), Wincrange (2), Winseler (1), Wolwelange (1), Wormeldange (1), Wormeldange-Haut (1), Yutz (1), Zeeman (1), Zhenjiang (1), Zone euro (1), Zoufftgen (1), Zulu (1), centre aquatique de Mersch (1), chapelle "Kahlenberg" (1), drinx (1), ketterthill (1), l' Eglise décanale St. Laurent (1), puit des colombes (1), péninsule Arabique (1), Échauguette espagnole (8), École Européenne Luxembourg I Kirchberg (1), École Privée Fieldgen (1), École Régionale Harlange (1), École Waldorf (1), École de Musique de la commune de Käerjeng (1), École de Musique du Canton de Redange (1), École fondamentale "um Fräschepillchen" (1), École fondamentale 'Um Widdem (1), École fondamentale Born (1), École fondamentale Consdorf (1), École fondamentale Gonderange (1), École fondamentale Junglinster (1), École fondamentale Rosport (1), École fondamentale Stadtbredimus (1), École fondamentale Vichten (1), École fondamentale de Berdorf (1), École fondamentale de Lenningen (1), École fondamentale de Vianden (1), École fondamentale de Waldbillig (1), École précoce et fondamentale Cessange (1), Église Néo-apostolique (1), Église Saint-Joseph (1), Église Saint-Martin (1), Église Saint-Michel (2), Église Saint-Érasme (1), Église Sainte-Élisabeth (1), Église Saints-Pierre-et-Paul (1), Église St-Roch (1), Église Trinitaire (1), Église de Hoscheid (1), Église de la Nativité de la Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie (1), Église paroissiale Saint-Sauveur (1), Émetteur de Junglinster (1), Épicerie Binck (1), Étang du "Foolgruet" (1), États membres de l'Union européenne (1), Île Cu Xu (1), Île du Cimetière (1), Îles Féroé (1),
name:fr-lor1Floravile (1),
name:fr-x-gallo2Bertègn (2),
name:frk1Siirk (1),
name:frp21Alemagne (1), Bretagne (1), Bèlg·ique (1), Canada (1), Corê du Nord (1), Finistèro (1), France (2), Hongrie (1), Luxembôrg (2), Moldavie (1), Ozbèquistan (1), Pologne (1), Portugal (1), Roumanie (1), Russie (1), TÈR Ôvèrgne-Rôno-Ârpes (1), Venezuèla (1), pèninsula arabica (1), Èspagne (1),
name:frr16Bälgien (1), Frånkrik (2), Kanada (1), Luxemborj (2), Moldaawien (1), Poolen (1), Portugal (1), Regiuun Sjælland (1), Rumänien (1), Ruslönj (1), Spaanien (1), Tjüschlönj (1), Ungarn (1), Venezuela (1),
name:fur17Belgjo (1), Canade (1), France (2), Gjermanie (1), Lussemburc (3), Ongjarie (1), Polonie (1), Portugal (1), Romanie (1), Russie (1), Spagne (1), Venezuela (1), la Tor (2),
name:fy33Arabysk Skiereilân (1), Baskelân (1), Belgje (1), Dútslân (1), Eurosône (1), Fenezuëla (1), Frankryk (2), Fêreu-eilannen (1), Hongarije (1), It Kanaal (1), Kanada (1), Kebek (1), Luik (1), Lúksemboarch (3), Moldaavje (1), Nedersaksen (1), Noard-Koreä (1), Noardatlantyske Ferdrachsorganisaasje (1), Nûnavût (1), Oezbekistan (1), Orkney-eilannen (1), Poalen (1), Portegal (1), Pyongyang (1), Ring Utert (1), Roemeenje (1), Ruslân (1), Seelân (1), Spanje (1), Walloanje (1),
name:ga38An Bhriotáin (1), An Chóiré Thuaidh (1), An Fhrainc (2), An Ghearmáin (1), An Ghníomhaireacht Feidhmiúcháin um Thomhaltóirí, Sláinte, Talmhaíocht agus Bia (1), An Mholdóiv (1), An Pholainn (1), An Phortaingéil (1), An Rómáin (1), An Rúis (1), An Spáinn (1), An Ungáir (1), An tAontas Eorpach (1), An Úisbéiceastáin (1), Ceanada (1), Cill Mhaolruanaidh (1), Cnoc an Bhracháin Thiar (1), Cnoc an Bhracháin Thoir (1), Cúige Chelyabinsk (1), Cúirt Bhreithiúnais an Aontais Eorpaigh (1), Cúirt Iniúchóirí na hEorpa (1), Inse Orc (1), Ionad Aistriúcháin Chomhlachtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh (1), Lucsamburg (3), Nunavut (1), Oifig na bhFoilseachán (1), Oileáin Fharó (1), Penn-ar-Bed (1), Pyongyang (1), Seanbhóthar Bhré (1), Tír na Réine agus an Phalaitíneacht (1), Veiniséala (1), an Araib (1), an Bheilg (1), Óstán Aisling (1),
name:gag17Belgiya (1), Franțiya (2), Germaniya (1), Kanada (1), Lüksemburg (2), Moldova (1), Polşa (1), Portugaliya (1), Poyraz Koreya (1), Romıniya (1), Rusiya (1), Venesuela (1), Vengriya (1), Özbekistan (1), İspaniya (1),
name:gan8俄羅斯 (1), 加拿大 (1), 德國 (1), 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 (1), 法國 (2), 波蘭 (1), 西班牙 (1),
name:gcf1Bénézwèl (1),
name:gd26A' Bheiniseala (1), A' Ghearmailt (1), A' Phortagail (1), A' Phòlainn (1), An Fhraing (2), An Ruis (1), An Spàinn (1), An Ungair (1), Arcaibh (1), Canada (1), Caolas Sasannach (1), Coirèa a Tuath (1), Lucsamburg (3), Moldàibhia (1), Na h-Eileanan Fàro (1), Nunavut (1), Penn-ar-Bed (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Romàinia (1), Stronsaigh (1), Usbagastàn (1), a' Bheilg (1),
name:gl35Alemaña (1), Arabia (1), Bretaña (1), Bélxica (1), Camiño Portugués de Santiago (2), Camiño de Santiago (1), Canadá (1), Corea do Norte (1), España (1), Eurozona (1), Francia (2), Francia metropolitana (1), Hungría (1), Illas Feroe (1), Liexa (1), Luxemburgo (3), Moldavia (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Orcadas (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Provincia de Fergana (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Romanía (1), Rusia (1), Río Prut (1), Tréveris (1), Uzbequistán (1), Venezuela (1),
name:glk3آلمان (1), ائسپانيا (1), خلیج فارس (1),
name:gn16Alemaña (1), Arávia (1), España (1), Hungyria (1), Hyãsia (2), Kanatã (1), Luxemburgo (2), Poloña (1), Poytuga (1), Rrumaña (1), Rrúsia (1), Venesuéla (1), Véyhika (1), Yvate Koréa (1),
name:gom1बेल्जियम (1),
name:gr1Κεβέκ (1),
name:grc2Γαλλία (1), Κεβέκ (1),
name:gsw7Bodäsee (1), Ditschland (1), Frankreich (2), Frankrich - Ditschland (2), Wullbach (1),
name:gu20ઉઝબેકિસ્તાન (1), ઉત્તર કોરિયા (1), કેનેડા (1), ક્વિબેક (1), જર્મની (1), પોર્ટુગલ (1), પોલેંડ (1), ફરો દ્વિપસમૂહ (1), ફ્રાન્સ (2), બેલ્જિયમ (1), મોલ્દોવા (1), રશિયા (1), રોમાનિયા (1), લક્ઝમબર્ગ (1), લક્ઝેમ્બર્ગ (2), વેનેઝુએલા (1), સ્પેન (1), હંગેરી (1),
name:guc1Wenesueela (1),
name:gv23Bretagne (1), Ellanyn ny Geyrragh (1), Lucsemburg (3), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Penn-ar-Bed (1), Velg (1), Yn Chanadey (1), Yn Chorea Twoaie (1), Yn Ghermaan (1), Yn Oosbeckistaan (1), Yn Orkaid (1), Yn Pholynn (1), Yn Phortiugal (1), Yn Rank (2), Yn Romaan (1), Yn Roosh (1), Yn Spaainey (1), Yn Ungaar (1), Yn Veneswaaley (1),
name:ha10Beljik (1), Faransa (2), Hungari (1), Jamus (1), Kanada (1), Koriya ta Arewa (1), Lukusambur (1), Poland (1), Rasha (1),
name:hak17Brittany (1), Chelyabinsk-chû (1), Fap-koet (2), Hiûng-ngà-li (1), Kâ-nâ-thai (1), Lò-mâ-nì-â (1), Lù-sêm-pó (2), Ngò-lò-sṳ̂ (1), Phù-thò-ngà (1), Pí-li-sṳ̀ (1), Pô-làn (1), Sî-pân-ngà (1), Tet-koet (1), Tsêu-siên Mìn-tsú Tsú-ngi Ngìn-mìn Khiung-fò-koet (1), Vû-tsṳ̂-phe̍t-khiet-sṳ̂-thán (1),
name:haw16Hunakalia (1), Kanakā (1), Kelemānia (1), Kōlea ʻĀkau (1), Lukemapuka (3), Molodowa (1), Palani (2), Pelekiuma (1), Potugala (1), Pōlani (1), Romānia (1), Rūsia (1), Sepania (1),
name:he54אוזבקיסטן (1), אורקני (1), איי פארו (1), ארווד (1), ארמון הדוכס הגדול (1), בֶּלְגְיָה (1), בית הקברות הצבאי והאנדרטה האמריקניים בלוקסמבורג (1), בנק ההשקעות האירופי (1), ברטאן (1), גטו לודז' (1), גרמניה (1), דרך סנטיאגו (1), הונגריה (1), החמישה (1), המפרץ הפרסי (1), הר גחר - חניון הזורע (1), ונצואלה (1), חניון גחר (1), חצי האי ערב (1), ימת קונסטנץ (1), לוקסמבורג (3), לייז' (1), מולדובה (1), מחלף דב הוז (1), מרק שגאל (2), נונאווט (1), ספרד (1), פולין (1), פורטוגל (1), פיונגיאנג (1), פיניסטר (1), פרגנה (מחוז) (1), פרוט (1), צ'ליאבינסק (מחוז) (1), צונדק (1), צרפת (2), צרפת המטרופוליטנית (1), קוויבק (1), קוריאה הצפונית (1), קנדה (1), רומניה (1), רוסיה (1), שביל פאולוס הקדוש (1), שדרות לוי אשכול (2), שפרינצק (5),
name:he12לוי אשכול (2),
name:hi27अरबी प्रायद्वीप (1), उज़्बेकिस्तान (1), उत्तर कोरिया (1), कनाडा (1), क्यूबेक (1), चेल्याबिन्स्क ओब्लास्त (1), जर्मनी (1), पुर्तगाल (1), पोलैंड (1), प्योंगयांग (1), फ़रग़ना प्रान्त (1), फ़रो द्वीपसमूह (1), फ़ारस की खाड़ी (1), फ़्रान्स (2), बेल्जियम (1), मॉल्डोवा (1), राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग २१९ (1), रूस (1), रोमानिया (1), लक्ज़मबर्ग (2), लक्ज़मबर्ग दूतावास (1), लक्समबर्ग (1), वेनेज़ुएला (1), स्पेन (1), हंगरी (1),
name:hif18Belgium (1), Canada (1), France (2), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), North Korea (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Romania (1), Russia (1), Spain (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:hr44Arapski poluotok (1), Baskija (1), Bastasi (1), Belgija (1), Donja Saska (1), Europska unija (1), Eurozona (1), Flixbus N952: Luxemburg <=> Vukovar (1), Flixbus N952: Vukovar, Autobusni kolodvor => Luxemburg, P+R Boullion (1), Francuska (2), Izvršna agencija za potrošace, zdravlje, poljoprivredu i hranu (1), Jagare (1), Jojz (1), Kanada (1), Kontinentalna Francuska (1), Luksemburg (3), Mazovjecko vojvodstvo (1), Mađarska (1), Moldova (1), Njemačka (1), Nunavut (1), Orkneyski otoci (1), Perzijski zaljev (1), Pjongjang (1), Podunavlje (1), Poljska (1), Portugal (1), Prevoditeljski centar za tijela Europske unije (1), Prut (1), Revizorski sud (1), Rumunjska (1), Ruska Federacija (1), Sjeverna Koreja (1), Sud Europske unije (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zapadno Podunavlje (1), Zapadnopomeransko vojvodstvo (1), Čeljabinska oblast (1), Đursko-mošonjsko-šopronska županija (1), Španjolska (1),
name:hsb29Arabska połkupa (1), Belgiska (1), Delnja Sakska (1), Europska unija (1), Francoska (2), Francoska - Němska (2), Hessenska (1), Kanada (1), Linija 103: Budyšin–Rakecy–Wojerecy (1), Luxemburgska (3), Madźarska (1), Moldawska (1), Němska (2), Oblasć Čeljabinsk (1), Portugalska (1), Porynsko-Pfalca (1), Posaarska (1), Pólska (1), Rumunska (1), Ruska federacija (1), Sewjerna Koreja (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Španiska (1),
name:ht19Almay (1), Bèljik (1), Espay (1), Frans (2), Kanada (1), Kebèk (1), Kore dinò (1), Liksanbou (2), Moldavi (1), Ongri (1), Ouzbekistan (1), Polòy (1), Pyongyang (1), Pòtigal (1), Risi (1), Venezwela (1), Woumani (1),
name:hu872. makrorégió (1), Ajnácskő (1), Alentejo (1), Algarve (1), Alsó-Szászország (2), Arab-félsziget (1), Az Európai Unió Bírósága (1), Az Európai Unió Kiadóhivatala (1), Az Európai Unió Szerveinek Fordítóközpontja (1), Barátság nevű nemzetközi turista út Eisenach–Budapest (Lengyelország kelet) (1), Baszkföld (1), Belgium (1), Borostyán Túraút (1), Bretagne (2), Bug (1), Csatorna (1), Cseljabinszki terület (1), Déli szövetségi körzet (1), E4 Európai hosszútávú vándorút (1), Európai Franciaország (1), Európai Számvevőszék (1), Európai Unió (1), Európai Walking útvonal E3 (1), Eurózóna (1), Feröer szigetek (1), Fogyasztó-, Egészség-, Élelmiszerügyi és Mezőgazdasági Végrehajtó Ügynökség (1), Francia közösség (1), Franciaország (2), Hessen (1), Jamali Nyenyecföld (1), Kanada (1), Kelet-Franciaország (1), Kissomlyó utca (2), Korfu (1), Kós Károly utca (1), Közép-Portugália (1), Kő (1), Lengyelország (1), Liège (1), Lotaringia (1), Luxembourg (2), Luxemburg (2), Magyarország (1), Mazóviai vajdaság (1), Moldova (1), Mária Út M28 (1), Mária-út (összes) (1), Mária-út, M01 (Máriacell-Budapest-Csíksomlyó) (1), Narew (1), Nunavut (1), Nyugat-pomerániai vajdaság (2), Nyulas (1), Németország (1), Németország (szárazföldi terület) (1), Orkney-szigetek (1), Oroszország (1), Perzsa-öböl (1), Phenjan (1), Portugália (1), Prut (2), Québec (1), Rajna-vidék–Pfalz (1), Románia (1), S10: Budapest-Déli => Tatabánya => Komárom => Győr (1), S12: Budapest-Déli => Tatabánya => Oroszlány (1), Saar-vidék (1), Sjælland régió (1), Spanyolország (1), Türk Államok Szervezete (1), Vallónia (1), Vallónia (francia közösség) (1), Venezuela (1), Visztula (1), Volgográdi terület (1), Észak-Korea (1), Észak-Portugália (2), Északkelet-Románia (1), Üzbegisztán (1),
name:hy38Ազատի ջրամբար (1), Արաբական թերակղզի (1), Արզական (1), Բելգիա (1), Գերմանիա (1), Զելանդիա տարածաշրջան (1), Թեղենիք (2), Թրիեր (1), Իսպանիա (1), Լեհաստան (1), Լյուքսեմբուրգ (3), Կանադա (1), Կորեական թերակղզի (1), Կորեայի Ժողովրդա-Դեմոկրատական Հանրապետություն (1), Հայաստանի Հանրապետական նշանակության ավտոմոբիլային ճանապարհներ (1), Հունգարիա (1), Մոլդովա (1), Նունավուտ (1), Ուզբեկստան (1), Չելյաբինսկի մարզ (1), Պարսից ծոց (1), Պխենյան (1), Պորտուգալիա (1), Պրուտ (1), Ռումինիա (1), Ռուսաստան (1), Վենեսուելա (1), Վոլգոգրադի մարզ (1), Քարաշամբ (1), Քվեբեկ (1), Օրկնեյան կղզիներ (1), Ֆարերյան կղզիներ (1), Ֆինիստեր (1), Ֆրանսիա (2),
name:ia26Basse Saxonia (1), Belgica (1), Canada (1), Corea del Nord (1), Espania (1), Eurozona (1), Francia (2), Germania (1), Golfo Persic (1), Hungaria (1), Insula Hainan (1), Le Manica (1), Luxemburg (3), Moldova (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Region Fargona (1), Rhenania Palatina (1), Romania (1), Russia (1), Union Europee (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:id31Belgia (1), Hongaria (1), Jazirah Arab (1), Jerman (1), Kanada (1), Kepulauan Faroe (1), Korea Utara (1), Luksemburg (3), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Oblast Chelyabinsk (1), Orkney (1), Perancis (2), Polandia (1), Portugal (1), Prancis Metropolitan (1), Provinsi Fergana (1), Provinsi Kien Giang (1), Pulau Vinh Thuc (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Spanyol (1), Sungai Prut (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:ie17Belgia (1), Canada (1), Francia (2), Germania (1), Hispania (1), Hungaria (1), Luxemburgia (2), Moldavia (1), Nord-Korea (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Rumania (1), Russia (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:ig6Belgium (1), Jémanị (1), Kánada (1), Mpaghara Russia (1), Poland (1), Spain (1),
name:ii1ꃔꇩ (1),
name:ik4Kanada (1), Nigiq Korea (1), Russia (1), Spaña (1),
name:ilo18Alemania (1), Amianan a Korea (1), Belhika (1), España (1), Hungaria (1), Kánada (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Pransia (2), Pyongyang (1), Romania (1), Rusia (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:io28Araba Peninsulo (1), Baskia (1), Belgia (1), Faero (1), Francia (2), Germania (1), Hesia (1), Hispania (1), Hungaria (1), Infra-Saxonia (1), Kanada (1), Kebekia (1), Luxemburgia (3), Moldova (1), Nord-Korea (1), Nunavut (1), Persiana gulfo (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Rhenlando-Palatenio (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:is31Arabíuskaginn (1), Baskaland (1), Belgía (1), Bretanía (2), Ermarsund (1), Frakkland (2), Færeyjar (1), Kanada (1), Lúxemborg (3), Moldóva (1), Norður-Kórea (1), Núnavút (1), Orkneyjar (1), Persaflói (1), Pjongjang (1), Portúgal (1), Pólland (1), Rínarland-Pfalz (1), Rúmenía (1), Rússland (1), Sjáland (1), Spánn (1), Ungverjaland (1), Venesúela (1), Ísland (1), Úsbekistan (1), Þýskaland (1),
name:it82Agenzia esecutiva per i consumatori, la salute, l’agricoltura e la sicurezza alimentare (1), Ambasciata Lussemburgo (1), Ambasciata d'Italia (1), Ambasciata di Svizzera (1), Assia (1), Bassa Sassonia (1), Belgio (1), Bretagna (2), Buh (1), Cammino portoghese di Santiago (2), Canada (1), Cattedrale di Notre-Dame (1), Centro di traduzione degli organismi dell'Unione europea (1), Corea del Nord (1), Corfu (2), Corfù (1), Corte dei conti europea (1), Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea (1), Distretto Federale Meridionale (1), Distretto di Dantu (1), Distretto di Runzhou (1), Dudelange (1), Ešas prie Alzeto (1), Flixbus 435: Lignano Sabbiadoro, Via Latisana => Milano, Lampugnano (1), Flixbus 435: Milano, Lampugnano => Lignano Sabbiadoro, Via Latisana (1), Flixbus N528(Parte della Sicilia): Messina, Porto dei traghetti => Agrigento, Piazzale Rosselli (1), Flixbus N593(Parte della Sicilia): Messina, Porto dei traghetti => Ragusa, Autostazione (1), Flixbus N594(Parte della Sicilia): Messina, Porto dei traghetti => Licata, Piazzale Martiri delle foibe (1), Flixbus N599(Parte della Sicilia): Messina, Porto dei traghetti => Modica, Terminal bus (1), Francia (2), Francia metropolitana (1), Fær Øer (1), Germania (1), Golfo Persico (1), Golfo del Tonchino (1), Grande Est (1), Isole Orcadi (1), La Manica (1), Lago di Costanza (1), Liegi (1), Lisbona (1), Lorena (1), Lussemburgo (3), Moldavia (1), Nord (1), Nunavut (1), Oblast' di Volgograd (1), Oblast' di Čeljabinsk (1), Organizzazione del Trattato dell'Atlantico del Nord (1), Penisola araba (1), Polonia (1), Portogallo (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Québec (1), Regione di Fergana (1), Renania-Palatinato (1), Romania (1), Russia (1), Sanremo (1), Spagna (1), Strada Statale dell'Abetone e del Brennero (1), Strada principale 3 (1), Torrente Torre (2), Transdanubio (1), Transdanubio Occidentale (1), Ufficio delle pubblicazioni dell'Unione europea (1), Ungheria (1), Unione Europea (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Via Francigena - 02 parte Francia (1), Via Francigena - parte Francia - 03 Reims - Besançon (1), Vistola (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:iu8ᐅᓛᓴ (1), ᐳᓚᓐᑦ (1), ᑯᐸᐃᒃ (1), ᑲᓇᑕ (1), ᓄᓇᕗᑦ (1), ᓯᐸᐃᓐ (1), ᔮᒪᓂ (1), ᕿᑭᖅᑖᓗᒃ (1),
name:iu-Latn1kanata (1),
name:ja105V・ドラッグ (1), あおば調剤薬局 (1), いなば (1), くに宏 (1), ここのつ (1), とろり (1), アオキ (1), アラビア半島 (1), アルワード島 (1), アンソアテギ州 (1), ウズベキスタン (1), ウッチ・ゲットー (1), ウラル連邦管区 (1), エヒタナハ (1), オークニー諸島 (1), カナダ (1), キエンザン (1), クラスノアルメイスキー地区 (1), グアリコ州 (1), グラン・テスト (1), ケベック州 (1), サランスク (1), サンエス警備保障 (1), サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラの巡礼路 (1), サンレーモ (1), シェラン地域 (1), ジャムス市 (1), スペイン (1), スーパー田中 (1), タコとハイボール (1), チェリャビンスク州 (1), チュヤ川 (1), ティエンザン (1), ドイツ (1), ヌナブト準州 (1), ノルテ (1), ノーヴイ (1), ハンガリー (1), バスク州 (1), バストーニュ (1), フィニステール県 (1), フェルガナ州 (1), フェロー諸島 (1), フランス (2), フランス・メトロポリテーヌ (1), ブルターニュ (1), プラム (1), プルト川 (1), ベネズエラ (1), ベルギー (1), ペルシア湾 (1), ポルトガル (1), ポーランド (1), マクドナルド (1), マゾフシェ県 (1), モアモア (1), モナガス州 (1), モリンズビル (1), モルドバ (1), リエージュ (1), ルクセンブルク (3), ルーマニア (1), ロシア (1), ロレーヌ (1), ワールド外語学院 (1), ヴィスワ (1), ヴォルゴグラード州 (1), 丹徒区 (1), 北海道道221号塘路厚岸線 (1), 南部連邦管区 (1), 在ルクセンブルク日本国大使館 (1), 塘路厚岸線 (1), 大アンティル諸島 (1), 岡山市 (1), 平壌市 (1), 整足院 (1), 智頭急行智頭線 (2), 朝鮮半島 (1), 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 (1), 東京医大通り (1), 東京千住不動産 (1), 柿ケ成川 (1), 欧州委員会出版局 (1), 武蔵野銀行 (1), 泉 (1), 津田の松原SA(上り) (1), 海南島 (1), 潤州区 (1), 白龍尾島 (1), 盛岡市 (1), 西ポモージェ県 (2), 豊田司法書士事務所 (1), 足立青色申告会館 (1), 野原耳鼻咽喉科 (1), 鎮江市 (1), 雲林坊 (1), 韓国/朝鮮 (1), 高松自動車道 (3),
name:ja-Hira1おかやまし (1),
name:ja-Latn1Okayama-Shi (1),
name:ja_kana5たかまつじどうしゃどう (1), つだのまつばらさーびすえりあ (1), とうきょういだいどおり (1), もりおかし (1), オカヤマシ (1),
name:ja_rm4Morioka-shi (1), Takamatsu Jidōsha-dō (1), Tsudanomatsubara SA (1), Tōkyō idai dōri (1),
name:jam1Beljiom (1),
name:jbo18Moldovas (1), beldjym (1), benesuel (1), berti zei .dcosyn (1), dotygu'e (1), fasygu'e (1), fasygu'e'Eyn (1), kadnygu'e (1), lEtsyburg (2), letsyburg (1), madjiar (1), polskas (1), potygu'e (1), romanias (1), rukygu'e (1), sangu'e (1), uzbekistan (1),
name:jv22Bèlgia (1), Hongaria (1), Jerman (1), Kali Prut (1), Kanada (1), Kapuloan Faroé (1), Koréa Lor (1), Luksemburg (2), Moldova (1), Polandia (1), Portugal (1), Prancis (2), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Semenanjung Arab (1), Spanyol (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:ka37არაბეთის ნახევარკუნძული (1), არაბეთის ყურე (1), ბელგია (1), ბრეტანი (1), გერმანია (1), დიორი (1), ესპანეთი (1), ეხტერნახი (1), ვენესუელა (1), ვოლგოგრადის ოლქი (1), ზელანდიის რეგიონი (1), თურქული სახელმწიფოების ორგანიზაცია (1), კანადა (1), კვებეკი (1), კორეის სახალხო დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკა (1), ლოპანი (1), ლუქსემბურგი (3), მოლდოვა (1), ნუნავუტი (1), პოლონეთი (1), პორტუგალია (1), პრუტი (1), რუმინეთი (1), რუსეთი (1), საფრანგეთი (2), უზბეკეთი (1), უნგრეთი (1), ფარერის კუნძულები (1), ფერღანის ოლქი (1), ფინისტერი (1), ფხენიანი (1), ჩელიაბინსკის ოლქი (1), ჩრდილოეთი რეგიონი (1), წმინდა იაკობის გზა (1),
name:kaa16Belgiya (1), Chelyabinsk wa'layatı (1), Ferg'ana wa'layatı (1), Frantsiya (2), Germaniya (1), Lyuksemburg (2), Moldaviya (1), Polsha (1), Portugaliya (1), Rossiya (1), Rumıniya (1), Vengriya (1), Ózbekstan (1), İspaniya (1),
name:kab16Biljik (1), Bretagne (1), Fransa (2), Hungri (1), Kanada (1), Kurya n Ugafa (1), Lalman (1), Luksamburg (1), Luxembourg (2), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Rrus (1), Spenyul (1), Tazunegzirt Taɛrabt (1),
name:kbd17Белгиэ (1), Венесуэлэ (1), Джэрмэн (1), Канадэ (1), КӀэрей Джылэр Демократ Республикэ (1), Лахь жылэ (1), Луксембург (2), Молдавиэ (1), Мэжарей (1), Португал (1), Румыниэ (1), Узбэчыстэн (1), Урысей (1), Фрэндж (2), Эспаниэ (1),
name:kbp1Pɛliziki (1),
name:kg14Alemanyi (1), Belezi (1), Espania (1), Fwalansa (2), Hangu ya Node (1), Hongrie (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), Mputulukesi (1), Pologne (1), Romania (1), Rusia (1),
name:ki9Canada (1), Germany (1), Lasembagi (1), Macartsa (1), North Korea (1), Russia (1), Ubaranja (1), Ubelgiji (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:kk31Türki Memleketteriniñ Uýımı (1), Арабия түбегі (1), Арцфельд (1), Бельгия (1), Венесуэла (1), Вильрю (1), Германия Федеративтік Республикасы (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Квебек (1), Корей Халық Демократиялық Республикасы (1), Льеж (1), Люксембург (2), Мажарстан (1), Молдова (1), Науаи көшесі (1), Нунавут (1), Парсы шығанағы (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Пхеньян (1), Ресей (1), Румыния (1), Саурықсай (1), Фарер аралдары (1), Финистер (1), Франция (2), Челябі облысы (1), Өзбекстан (1),
name:kk-Arab3ترىير (1), سولتۇستىك اتلانتىيكالىق كەلىسىم ۇيىمى (1), كورەي تۇبەگى (1),
name:kl19Belgia (1), Canada (1), Frankrigi (1), Franskit Nunaat (2), Korea Avannarleq (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Poleni (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Rumænia (1), Ruslandi (1), Savalimmiut (1), Spania (1), Tyskit Nunaat (1), Ungarni (1),
name:km13កាណាដា (1), កូរ៉េខាងជើង (1), ខេត្តកៀងយ៉ាង (1), បារាំង (2), បែលហ្ស៉ិក (1), ប្រទេស ព័រទុយហ្គាល់ (1), ប្រទេសប៉ូឡូញ (1), ប្រទេសហុងគ្រី (1), រុស្ស៊ី (1), លុចហ្សំបួរ (1), អាល្លឺម៉ង់ (1), អេស្ប៉ាញ (1),
name:kmr1نیڤگراڤا کۆرێیێ (1),
name:kn26ಅರೇಬಿಯ (1), ಉಜ್ಬೇಕಿಸ್ಥಾನ್ (1), ಉತ್ತರ ಕೊರಿಯಾ (1), ಕೆನಡಾ (1), ಕ್ವಿಬೆಕ್ (1), ಜರ್ಮನಿ (1), ಪೋರ್ಚುಗಲ್ (1), ಪೋಲೆಂಡ್ (1), ಪ್ಯೊನ್ಗ್ಯಾಂಗ್ (1), ಫ್ರಾನ್ಸ್ (2), ಬಿಎಂಟಿಸಿ (1), ಬೆಲ್ಜಿಯಂ (1), ಮಾಲ್ಡೋವ (1), ರಷ್ಯಾ (1), ರೊಮಾನಿಯ (1), ಲಕ್ಸಂಬರ್ಗ್ (1), ಲುಕ್ಸೆಂಬೂರ್ಗ್ (1), ವೆನೆಜುವೆಲಾ (1), ಸ್ಪೇನ್ (1), ಹಂಗೇರಿ (1), ಹಳೆ ಏರ್ಪೋರ್ಟ್ ರಸ್ತೆ (2), ೧ನೇ ಮುಖ್ಯ ರಸ್ತೆ (1), ೩೩೩ಪೀ (1), ೩೩೫ಇ (1),
name:ko147BCEE 시계탑 (1), 강남 (1), 과리코주 (1), 군산창길 (1), 깟바에서 하롱가는항구 (1), 끼엔장성 (1), 나빈키 (1), 남부연방관구 (1), 노르트 지방 (1), 노비 루크 (1), 누나부트 준주 (1), 다카마쓰자동차도 (2), 단투구 (1), 독일 (1), 동남1단지아파트 (1), 동남2단지아파트 (1), 동남아파트 (2), 동남아파트1단지 상가 (1), 동남아파트2단지 상가 (1), 동남아파트입구 (1), 두바바 (1), 두비차 (1), 떤프억현 (1), 띠엔장성 (1), 라스베트 (1), 라제타 (1), 라키니 (1), 라파치나 (1), 라하우카 (1), 러시아 (1), 루드니키 (1), 루마니아 (1), 루뱐카 (1), 루타벤 (1), 룩셈부르크 (3), 룬저우구 (1), 류반 (1), 리마시 (1), 리에주 (1), 리지헤라바 (1), 마나세예바 (1), 마르차발리나 (1), 마잘리 (1), 말리 로잔 (1), 매화아파트 (1), 모나가스주 (1), 모리오카시 (1), 모크라바 (1), 몰도바 (1), 밀라시 (1), 바르수코바 (1), 바흐다노바 (1), 박롱비섬 (1), 뱔리치카비치 (1), 뱔리키 로잔 (1), 베네수엘라 (1), 베스카 (1), 베이나 (1), 베트카 (1), 벨기에 (1), 보스트라바 (1), 볼고그라드 주 (1), 부크 (1), 브르타뉴 (1), 빈쭉섬 (1), 산티아고 가는 길 (1), 살라호시 (1), 서산 버스 130 (1), 수석5통경로당 (1), 스트림바 (1), 스페인 (1), 시냐크 (1), 시비나 (1), 신케비치 (1), 아라비아 반도 (1), 아산밸리북로 (1), 아콜리차 (1), 악슈타바 (1), 악차브르 (1), 안민현 (1), 안소아테기주 (1), 야블라나바 (1), 오크니 제도 (1), 용대로 (1), 우스트론 (1), 우즈베키스탄 (1), 자보르’예 (1), 자이카바 (1), 잘라제 (1), 잘레스키 보르 (1), 전장시 (1), 제다비치 (1), 젝차리 (1), 조선민주주의인민공화국 (1), 조선반도·한반도 (1), 지르넬리슈키 (1), 차라바사바 (1), 첼랴빈스크 주 (1), 캐나다 (1), 코르나스 (1), 콜라스 (1), 쿠클리치 (1), 퀘벡 (1), 크루코우시나 (1), 탈마차바 (1), 통킹만 (1), 파다로자 (1), 파다제르나예 (1), 파포우치 (1), 퍄스찬카 (1), 페로 제도 (1), 페르가나주 (1), 페르샤마이스크 (1), 페르시아 만 (1), 평양시 (1), 평택 시내버스 6600 (1), 포르투 (1), 포르투갈 (1), 폴란드 (1), 푸지치 (1), 프랑스 (2), 프랑스 본토 (1), 프루트 강 (1), 플랴로바 (1), 피니스테르 (1), 하냐비치 (1), 하라바 (1), 하이난 섬 (1), 한국/조선 (1), 한성지3로 (2), 헝가리 (1), 헤라시마우카 (1), 헤센 주 (1), 호라스타바 (1), 호츠크 (1), 홍안벌로 (5), 흐리바우냐 (1),
name:ko-Hani3平壤市 (1), 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 (1), 韓國/朝鮮 (1),
name:ko-Latn1P'yŏngyang (1),
name:ko-kp1조선반도 (1),
name:ko-kp-Hani1朝鮮半島 (1),
name:ko-kr1한반도 (1),
name:ko-kr-Hani1韓半島 (1),
name:koi13Белгия (1), Лецебург (2), Мадьярму (1), Молдова (1), Немечму (1), Польска (1), Португал (1), Ромыния (1), Рочму (1), Франс (2), Эспання (1),
name:krc16Бельгия (1), Венесуэла (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Корей Халкъ-Демократ Республика (1), Люксембург (2), Маджар (1), Молдавия (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Россия Федерация (1), Румыния (1), Франция (2),
name:ks8جرمٔنی (1), روٗس (1), فرٛانس (2), لَکسَمبٔرٕگ (1), کیوبک (1), ہَنٛگری (1), बेल्जियम (1),
name:ksh9Beljie (1), Dütschland (1), Frankreich (2), Luxemburg (2), Luxembursch (1), Nordkorea (1), Unjann (1),
name:ku24Almanya (1), Belçîka (1), Fransa (2), Giravên Feroe (1), Kanada (1), Kendava Besreyê (1), Korêya Bakur (1), Kîbêk (1), Lûksembûrg (3), Macaristan (1), Moldova (1), Nîvgirava Erebistanê (1), Polonya (1), Portûgal (1), Pyongyang (1), Romanya (1), Rûsya (1), Spanya (1), Venezuela (1), Ûzbêkistan (1), Şeqamî Dar û Asin (1),
name:ku-Arab1نیڤگراڤا کۆرێیێ (1),
name:kv19Бельгия (1), Волгоград обласьт (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Корея Войтыр Демократия Республика (1), Люксембург (2), Мадьяр Му (1), Молдова (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Рочму (1), Румыния (1), Узбекистан (1), Фарер діяс (1), Франция (2), Челябинск обласьт (1),
name:kw27Almayn (1), Arabi (1), Breten Vian (1), Euskadi (1), Hungari (1), Kanada (1), Kebek (1), Korea Gledh (1), Krugalyn (1), Luksembourg (1), Lushaborg (2), Moldova (1), Mor Bretannek (1), Nunavut (1), Penn-ar-Bed (1), Poloni (1), Portyngal (1), Pow Belg (1), Pow Frynk (2), Pow Ousbek (1), Roumani (1), Russi (1), Spayn (1), Veneswela (1), Ynysow Faroe (1),
name:ky23Араб жарым аралы (1), Бельгия (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Корей Эл-Демократиялык Республикасы (1), Люксембург (2), Мажарстан (1), Молдова (1), Оркни аралдары (1), Орусия (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Прут (1), Румыния (1), Түрк мамлекеттер уюму (1), Фарер аралдары (1), Фергана облусу (1), Франция (2), Хайнань (1), Өзбекстан (1),
name:la51Arabia (1), Bastonacum (1), Belgica (1), Britannia Minor (1), Buga (1), Canada (1), Civitas Sancti Remi (1), Dioecesis Nanceiensis ac Tullensis (1), Faeroae (1), Finis Terrae (1), Fons Episcopi (1), Francia (2), Germania (1), Hassia (1), Hispania (1), Hungaria (1), Insulae Antillae (1), Insulae Antillae Maiores (1), Leodium (1), Lotharingia (1), Luxemburgum (3), Magnus Oriens (1), Mare Britannicum (1), Moldavia (1), Mons Veraudunus (1), Nunavut (1), Oepi (1), Olisipo (1), Orcades insulae (1), Orolaunum (2), Persici sinus (1), Polonia (1), Portugallia (1), Pyeongyangum (1), Pyretus (2), Quebecum (1), Regio Silandiae (1), Res publica popularis democratica Coreana (1), Ricciacum (2), Romania (1), Russia (1), Saxonia Inferior (1), Uzbecia (1), Venetiola (1), Vistula (1),
name:lad17Almania (1), Beljika (1), Espanya (1), Fransia (2), Kanada (1), Korea del Nord (1), Luksemburgo (2), Madjaristan (1), Moldova (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:lb42114 Joreszätten (2), A Bowent (3), A Guddesch (1), A Lähmecht (1), A Wellëms (1), Aal Draïkantonstrooss (6), Aal Haushaltungsschoul (1), Aal Éiter Streck (8), Aalbach (1), Aale Maart (1), Aale Moart (4), Aale Suessemerwee (1), Aalen Pompjeesbau (1), Aansebuerg (1), Aarbechts- a Minneninspektioun (1), Aarmegaass (1), Aassel (1), Aasselbuer (1), Aasselscheier (1), Ackerbau Schoul (1), Administratioun fir technesch Enquêten (AET) (1), Aeschelburn (1), Aispist (2), Akescht (1), Al Avenue (3), Al Bréck (6), Al Gaass (2), Al Schmelz (1), Al-Esch (1), Aldringerstrooss (3), Ale Schoulwee (3), Alebuerg (1), Alen Eecherbierg (1), Allerbuer (2), Allënster (1), Almillen (1), Alrodeschhaff (1), Alschent (1), Alscherstrooss (8), Alstrooss (3), Altwis (1), Alzeng (1), Am Aak (1), Am Acker (1), Am Balzericht (1), Am Bocksberreg (4), Am Bousebierg (1), Am Brill (3), Am Bruch (6), Am Bureck (2), Am Bësch (5), Am Donner (1), Am Duerf (1), Am Eck (2), Am Ellerberreg (2), Am Faubourg (3), Am Fieldgen (1), Am Floss (2), Am Gank (3), Am Garewee (7), Am Gewännchen (1), Am Gruef (4), Am Gréiweneck (2), Am Kallekswee (2), Am Kiem (6), Am Krëchelsbierg (1), Am Kutschewee (1), Am Kärtchen (2), Am Lauschlach (2), Am Miezegerbierg (1), Am Milleneck (1), Am Millewee (6), Am Mouer (4), Am Neigord (3), Am Ousterbour (8), Am Pad (1), Am Pammelt (1), Am Pesch (1), Am Saadlerwee (1), Am Spass (1), Am Stee (2), Am Walebroch (1), Am Weier (1), Am Wierger (1), Am Wiirtzbierg (1), Am Wonerwee (1), Am Wénkel (14), Am Zärdebierg (1), Ambassade vum Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg (1), Ambassade vun der Belsch (1), Amber (3), Amerikaneschen Zaldotekierfecht zu Hamm (1), An Atert (3), An Eechels (10), An Held (2), An Oppert (3), An de Fusselächer (2), An de Jinken (1), An de Kasären (6), An de Moukewisen (1), An de klenge Wisecher (1), An den Rousen (1), An den Treppercher (2), An der Bouwegaass (4), An der Bunn (4), An der Béiwerei (9), An der Bëllerbuch (5), An der Domp (1), An der Fiels (2), An der Gaass (11), An der Gaessel (1), An der Goeldegaas (5), An der Goessel (1), An der Haard (1), An der Hiehl (5), An der Hiel (13), An der Hoehl (1), An der Hoh (1), An der Niddeschgaass (1), An der Päerdskoll (3), An der Riedgen (2), An der Schromenhiel (1), An der Schwämm (2), An der Stad (1), An der Wollefskaul (10), Andreaskierch (2), Angelduerf (1), Angelsbierg (1), Antoniushaff (1), Antoniuskapell (2), Antoniusstrooss (1), Appoloniakapell (2), Arabesch Hallefinsel (1), Arel (2), Areler Autobunn (1), Arelerstrooss (257), Arelerwee (1), Arsenalstrooss (6), Aterlinn (15), Atertlinn (52), Attertlinn (24), Aussen- an Europaministère (1), Axekopp (2), Baaschtnech (1), Baasknäpchen (1), Baastenduerf (1), Baastnicher Strooss (5), Bahnhof-Avenue (2), Baim Kirficht (4), Bakesgaass (2), Bambësch (1), Bamerdall (16), Bannuewen (1), Baronsbreck (1), Bartreng (2), Bartréng (2), Bartréng, Gemeng (1), Baschelt (1), Bastioun Marie (1), Bauschelbuch (1), Bauschelt (2), Bauscheltermillen (1), Beaumontsgaass (3), Bech (7), Bech-Maacher (1), Bechel (2), Beckstrooss (1), Beefort (1), Beeforter Schwemm (1), Beeler (1), Beesslek (1), Beetebuerg (3), Beetebuerger Kräiz (4), Befort (1), Beggen (2), Bei d'Schmëtt (2), Bei der "Binnchen" an deem ale "Schlass" (3), Bei der Aisch (1), Bei der Kapell (1), Bei der Kiirch (2), Beidler (1), Beim Millejhängi (2), Beim Nuddels Kniwweler (1), Beim Plateweier (4), Beim Pëtschebuer (2), Beim Schlass (1), Beim Waassertuerm (1), Beim grousse Weier (1), Belair (2), Belairer Kierch (1), Belgien - Lëtzebuerg (43), Belsch (1), Belsch - Lëtzebuerg (1), Belval (1), Benediktinerabtei hellege Moritz (1), Benediktskierch (1), Benni (2), Berlinerwee (1), Betten op der Mess (1), Bettenduerf (2), Betzder (3), Beyren (1), Bezierksgeriicht Dikrech, Jugend- a Mompeschgeriicht Dikrech, Parquet Dikrech (1), Bezierksgeriicht Lëtzebuerg (1), Bezierksgeriicht Lëtzebuerg an Handelssaachen, Zivile Persounestand (1), Bidscht (1), Bieberech (1), Biedergaass (6), Biederplaz (3), Biekerech (2), Bieles (1), Bierchem (1), Bierden (1), Biereng (1), Bierengerbierg (1), Bierg (2), Biergem (1), Biergemer wee (1), Bierghaff (1), Biergstrooss (2), Bierkelt (1), Biermereng (1), Bierschbech (1), Biertreng (1), Bigelbaach (1), Biissen (2), Biisserbréck (1), Biisserwee (3), Bildchen (1), Bildchenkuescht op der Schanz (1), Bilschdref (1), Bireler Haff (1), Birelerpad (2), Bireng (2), Birkebësch (2), Birkenburen (1), Bisserwée (1), Biwels (1), Biwer (2), Biwerbaach (1), Biwesch (1), Blaaschent (1), Bleesbréck (1), Blummendall (1), Blummestrooss (1), Bléck op Esch-Sauer (1), Bockfiels (2), Bollenduerfer-Bréck (1), Bommel (1), Botterkräiz (1), Bottermaart (1), Boufer (1), Boukels (1), Boukëlz (1), Bouneweg (2), Bour (1), Bourscheid Wandelpaden (1), Boxer (1), Brabanterstrooss (1), Brameschhaff (1), Branebuerg (1), Brattert (1), Breedelt (1), Breedewee (7), Breinert (1), Brekestroos (6), Brennerei (1), Bricherhaff (2), Brichermillen (2), Briddel (1), Briddeler Kierfecht (1), Briedemes (2), Brill (1), Brillplatz (1), Brouderbuer (1), Brout - Gaass (1), Broutgaass (2), Bruch (3), Bruechtebaach (1), Brunnestrooss (3), Bréck vu Schengen (1), Bréckestrooss (2), Bréisseler Plaz (2), Brücherhaff (1), Buchholz (1), Buckels (1), Buddeler (1), Buddelerbaach (1), Buerfelt (1), Buerg Beefort (1), Buerg Branebuerg (1), Buerg Fiels (1), Buerg Hesper (1), Buerg Stolzebuerg (1), Buergaass (1), Buerggaass (3), Buerglënster (1), Buergplaz (1), Buerschdref (1), Buerschent (2), Buerschter Plage (1), Bungeref (1), Bungerefer Millen (2), Bur (5), Burer Kierfecht (1), Burewee (1), Burgaass (1), Bus (2), Butschebuerg (1), Butzebierg (1), Buurschter Schlass (1), Buurschter-Millen (1), Buurwee (1), Buvette "Beim Fëschreiher (1), Bäckerei (3), Bäerbelekierch (1), Bäerbuerg (1), Bäerdref (2), Bärel (1), Bäreldeng (2), Béigen (1), Béiwen (1), Béiwen/Atert (1), Béiweng (1), Bétebuerg (6), Béérkes (4), Bënzelt (1), Bënzelterstrooss (3), Bënzert (1), Bëschdref (1), Bëschrued (1), Bëttel (1), Bëttelerstrooss (6), C.A. Schëffleng (1), CIS Hesper (1), CIS Wanseler (1), Calzedonia (1), Camping Tëntesmillen (1), Campplaz Theo Troes (1), Capellen (2), Caper-Strooss (4), Carrosserie NCM Sàrl (1), Centre européen Schengen (1), Cercle (1), Chareli (108), Chrëschtnech (1), Cité Kiämmel (1), Clausen (2), Clausener Bierg (11), Clausener Bréck (1), Claushaff (2), Clierf (10), Cliärrwerstrooss (1), Closdellt (1), Coffee Fellows (1), Colmer (1), Colmer Bréck (1), Colmer-Bierg (2), Commissariat Atert - Site Rammerech (1), Commissariat Atert - Site Réiden (1), Commissariat Diekirch / Vianden - Site Veianen (1), Commissariat des Ardennes - Site Wolz (1), Conter (1), Corneliuskierch (3), Cornischongsstrooss (1), Cosmas an Damianuskapell (1), Crispinusbierg (17), Créispent (1), D'Atert (1), D'Bieleschgaass (1), D'Breedegeess (1), D'Gesondheetskeess (1), Dackeltsbësch (1), Dannenbaumstrooss (2), Dauwebuer (1), De Kaaschtel (1), De Schwaarze Mann (1), Deewelt (1), Deifendeel (2), Delhaize (1), Dellen (1), Dellhéicht (1), Dellwee (1), Demokratesch Volleksrepublik Korea (1), Den Gréngen Eck (1), Deportatiounsmemorial (1), Descherwee (4), Dicks-Lentz Monument (1), Dickweiler (1), Diddeleng (3), Diddelengerbaach (1), Diddelénger Autobunn (1), Diddenuewener Strooss (54), Dierbech (1), Dikrech (2), Dikrecherstrooss (14), Dionysiuskierch (1), Dippech (2), Dippech-Gare (1), Dir-Brill (1), Direndall (1), Diänjen (1), Dol (1), Donatus-Monument zu Mäerkels (1), Donatuskapell (5), Donatuskierch (1), Dondel (2), Donkels (1), Doosber (1), Doosber-Bréck (1), Douanes- an Akziseverwaltung (2), Draufelt (1), Drett Halbzeit (1), Drosbech (34), Dräi Tierm (1), Dräibuer (1), Dräifaltegkeetskierch (2), Dräikantonstrooss (1), Dräikinneksgaass (3), Drénkelt (1), Duarrefstrooss (2), Duel (1), Duelem (3), Duerfstrooss (3), Duerscht (1), Dummeldeng (2), Dummeldenger Schlasspark (1), Däitsch-Oth (1), Däitschen Zaldotekierfecht (1), Däitschen Zaldotekierfecht zu Sandweiler (1), Däitschland (1), Däitschland - Lëtzebuerg (9), Déi dräi kleng Schéngercher (1), Déi grouss Enthalsamkeet (1), Déierbech (1), Déiereklinik Mëllerdall (1), Déifferdeng (2), Déikricher Strooss (3), Déiljen (1), Easy Tabac & Alcool (1), Eech (2), Eech vum Prënz Henri (1), Eechelbur (1), Eecher Bierg (14), Eecher Plaz (6), Eecherfeld (6), Eecherpaart (1), Eecherwee (3), Eechternacherstrooss (5), Eechwee (2), Eengaass (1), Eesbech (1), Eescheler (1), Eeschweller (1), Eesebuer (1), Eesebuerer Schlass (1), Eeselbur (1), Eewischt Hooveleck (1), Eewisht Baach (2), Ehleng (1), Einerwee (1), Eisebunnsstreck Beetebuerg - Uespelt (1), Eistrisher Buurchmauer (1), Eiterstrooss (6), Eligiuskierch (1), Ell (2), Elleng (1), Ellergronn (2), Ellerstrooss (1), Elveng (1), Elwen (5), Elz (1), Engelshaff (1), Ennescht Heed (4), Enneschtgaass (10), Enteschbaach (1), Eppelduerf (1), Erasmuskierch (1), Ernzer Streck (1), Esch-Sauer (2), Esch-Uelzecht (4), Eschbaach (2), Eschduerf (1), Eschduerfer Kierfecht (1), Escher Strooss (29), Escherstrooss (7), Espen-Heck (1), Essen (1), Ettelbréck (2), Europaparlament (3), Europaschoul (1), Europäesch Investitiounsbank (1), Europäesch Unioun (1), Europäesche Rechnungshaff (1), Eurozon (1), Exekutivagentur fir Konsumenten, Gesondheet, Landwirtschaft a Liewensmëttel (1), Fani (1), Fauschteler (1), Feelen (1), Feelenerhecken (1), Feierblummestrooss (1), Feldstrooss (2), Felser Jhangeli (1), Fenneng (1), Fenteng (1), Fettmeth (1), Fiduciaire du Sud (1), Fieldgen (2), Fischer (1), Flatzbur (1), Fleeschiergaass (1), Fligermonument op der Maulesmillen (1), Fluchhafe Lëtzebuerg (1), Fluchhafepoliceeenheet (1), Fluessweiler (2), Fluessweller (1), Fléckenhaff (1), Fléiber (2), Fléikert (1), Folkendeng (1), Folschterstrooss (7), Fond de Gras (1), Foossegaessel (1), Fossenhaff (1), Foulscht (1), Frankräich (2), Frankräich - Däitschland (2), Frankräich - Lëtzebuerg (33), Fridbësch (1), Friddensgeriicht Dikrech (1), Friddensgeriicht Esch/Uelzecht (1), Friddensgeriicht Lëtzebuerg (1), Frommbuergerhaff (1), Fräiheetsbam (1), Fréiseng (3), Fréngerhaff (1), Fuertwee (2), Furen (1), Furwee (1), Fuusslee (2), Féiz (1), Féngeg (2), Fëlschdref (1), Fënnefbur (1), Fënsterdall (1), Fëschbech (3), Fëschmaart (1), Gaalgebierg (1), Gaarde-Strooss (1), Gaardegässel (1), Gaardestrooss (2), Gaaschgronn (7), Gaaschtmillen (2), Gaasperech (2), Gaasperecher Strooss (9), Gantebeensmillen (1), Garage Subaru (1), Gardewé (1), Garer Kierch (1), Garer Quartier (2), Garewee (10), Garnech (2), Ge'erchen (1), Gebai vum Staatsrot (1), Geesselach (2), Gehaansbierg (1), Gehaanskapell (1), Gehaanskierch (2), Geieschhaff (1), Gemeen (1), Gemeinsame Lëtzebuergesch-Däitsche Souveränitéitsgebitt (1), Gemeng (1), Gemeng Betzder (1), Gemeng Buurschent (1), Gemeng Ell (1), Gemeng Elwen (1), Gemeng Hiefenech (1), Gemengenhaus Garnech (1), Gemengenhaus Groussbus (1), Generalinspektioun vun der Police (IGP) (1), Generalsekretariat LSAP (1), Genéiserbësch (1), Geriichtshaff vun der Europäescher Unioun (1), Geriichtsstrooss (3), Giecher (1), Gielemt (5), Gielemännchen (1), Giertchegässel (2), Giewel (1), Giewelsmillen (1), Giewerstrooss (1), Giischt (1), Giischterklaus (1), Gilsdref (1), Giwenech (1), Glacis Kapell (1), Glesenerstrooss (1), Glusteroacht (2), Goarestrooss (2), Gondel (1), Gonnereng (1), Gonneréng (5), Gouschteng (1), Gouschtenger Kierfecht (1), Gousseldeng (1), Graassebierg (1), Granzen (1), Grass (1), Greinskapell (1), Greiweldeng (1), Greiweldengerwee (1), Grendel (1), Grenz (1), Grenzen (1), Griefgeshiel (4), Gringlee (1), Grolënster (1), Grommeschmillen (1), Grondhaff (1), Grondschoul Lenningen (1), Grondschoul Préizerdaul (1), Grondschoul Stadbriedemes (1), Grondschoul Um Widdem (1), Grondschoul Veianen (1), Grondschoul Viichten (1), Grondschoul Waldbëlleg (1), Gronn (2), Grooljen (1), Groupe Immaculée Lampertsbierg (1), Grouss Kreizlé (5), Groussbus (2), Groussgaass (11), Groussherzogin-Charlotte-Monument (1), Groussherzogleche Palais (1), Groussstrooss (3), Grousstrooss / Ieweschtgaass (9), Gruethiel (2), Grussgaas (6), Gruussstrooss (2), Gräisch (1), Gräischegässel (1), Gréimel (1), Gréivelsbarrière (2), Gréivelserwee (1), Gréiweknapp (1), Gréiwels (1), Gréiwemaacher (2), Grénge Wee (1), Gréngewald (1), Grëmmelescht (1), Guedber (1), Guef - Wiss (1), Gäichel (1), Gänsegaass (2), Gässel (4), Géidgen (1), Géisdref (2), Géisserei Wies (2), Gëlle Fra (16), Gëlt (1), Gëtzen (1), Gëtzener Strooss (5), Haalsbaach (1), Haaptstrooss (14), Haarderbaach (1), Haassel (1), Haastert (1), Habscht (3), Haff Tempels (1), Haffaal (1), Haler (1), Halt (1), Hamm (2), Handwierkerstrooss (4), Hanner de Goarden (5), Hanner der Baach (3), Hanner der Kierch (1), Hannerhaassel (1), Hannert dem Kierfecht (2), Hannert dem Uewen (1), Harel (1), Hareler Poteau (1), Haupeschkapell (2), Haupeschkierch (6), Haus vun der Natur (1), Heedwee (4), Heeschbech (1), Heeschbrech (1), Heeschdref (2), Heeschpelt (2), Heesdref (1), Heimeschbaach (1), Heipesch (1), Heischent (2), Heischtergronn (1), Helleg Geescht Kierch (1), Helleg Maria Magdalena (1), Hellege Remigius (1), Hellege-Geescht Plateau (2), Hellege-Geescht-Tunnel (5), Helleng (1), Helperknapp (1), Helsem (2), Helzen (1), Hemstel (1), Hengescht (2), Hesper (2), Hessemillen (1), Hetzelterwee (2), Hiefenech (2), Hiel (5), Hielem (1), Hielepuert (1), Hierber (1), Hierkereng (1), Hierzenhaff (1), Hinzerter Kräiz (1), Hirtzhaff (1), Hitten (1), Hockelstuerm (1), Hoen (2), Hoeserhaff (1), Holbrichel (1), Holler (1), Hollerech (2), Hollerecher Plaz (2), Hollerecher Strooss (11), Holz (1), Holzem (1), Holztem (1), Hondhausbréck (1), Honorarkonsul vun der Republik Indonesien (1), Hooveleker Bréil (2), Hoppertskräiz (2), Horass (1), Hossebierg (1), Hossegässel (6), Houfelt (1), Hourebréck (1), Houschent (2), Houschter-Déckt (1), Houschterhaff (1), Housen (2), Houwald (1), Hoynswinkel (3), Huele Wee (3), Huelen Zant (1), Huelgaass (5), Huelheckerwee (2), Huelmes (1), Hueschtert (2), Hueselterhaff (1), Huesewiss (1), Huewel (1), Huldang (1), Hunnenhiel (1), Huschtewee (4), Hällepull (2), Härdcheslee (1), Härebierg (1), Häregaass (1), Härewee (1), Héidénger Strooss (8), Héikräiz (1), Héischdref (1), Héiweng (1), Hénkel (1), Hënchereng (1), Hënsdref (2), Hëpperdang (1), Hëttermillen (1), Hôtel Saint-Maximin (Aussen- an Europaministère) (1), Iechternach (2), Iechternacher Sprangprëssessioun (1), Iechternacher Séi (1), Ielwen (1), Ielwengerwee (1), Iermsdref (1), Iermsdrëf (1), Iernster (1), Iernzen (1), Ierpeldeng (2), Ierpeldeng op der Sauer (2), Ierseng (1), Iewerleng (1), Iewerlengermillen (1), Iewescht Gaass (1), Iewescht Heed (6), Ieweschtgaass (4), Iischpelt (1), Immomod S.A. (1), In Fielschette (1), Industrie- an Eisebunnspark Fond-de-Gras (1), Industriestrooss (3), Irrgärtchen (7), Ittchen (1), Iwwersetzungszentrum fir Kierper vun der Europäescher Unioun (1), Iwwersiren (1), Izeg (1), Izeger Stee (1), Jaengelchen (1), Jakobuskierch (2), Jangekierch (1), Jangharishaff (1), Jeekelsgaass (3), Jhangeli (9), Jockesbierg (1), Jofferegaass (1), Joffergank (1), Jongebësch (2), Jongeschoul (1), Jonglënster (2), Jousefshaus (1), Jousefskapell (1), Jousefskierch (4), Juddegaass (1), Jugend- a Mompeschgeriicht (1), Jäitz (1), Kaalber (1), Kaalmes (1), Kaaspelterhaff (1), Kaazewee (1), Kalbermillen (1), Kalchesbréck (2), Kalkesbaach (1), Kanada (1), Kanalstrooss (1), Kanech (1), Kanecherwee (2), Kanounenhiwwel (1), Kanton Lëtzebuerg (1), Kapejhangswee (1), Kapell Lauterbur (1), Kapell vun der Muttergottes vun der Hieselterheck (1), Kapell zu Rammeldang (1), Kapellen (2), Kapellewee (2), Kapenaker (1), Kapezinergaass (3), Kapuzinertheater (3), Kapwëller (1), Karblummestrooss (3), Karegaass (4), Karewee (2), Kasinosgaass (1), Kathedral Notre-Dame (1), Katreinergaass (4), Katrewang (2), Kauneref (1), Kautebaach (1), Kaweechelcherspad (1), Kazewee (1), Keel (2), Keeler Kierfecht (1), Keespelt (1), Keiwelbaach (1), Keltenhiel (1), Kielen (4), Kielen-Nouspelt (1), Kiemen (1), Kierch Duerscht (1), Kierch Houschent (1), Kierch Trënteng (1), Kierch vun der Verherrlechung vum hellege Kräiz (1), Kierchbierg (2), Kierchen (1), Kierchepad (1), Kiercheplaz (10), Kierchermillen (1), Kierchestrooss (2), Kierchewee (8), Kierfecht um Sichenhaff (1), Kierfecht zu Garnich (1), Kierfechtsstrooss (3), Kierfechtswee (3), Kiersch Mariä Heimsuchung (1), Kietscht (1), Kiirchbierg (1), Kiirchepad (2), Kiirchstroos (2), Kiirfechswee (1), Kiischegässel (1), Kiischpelt (1), Kiischtewee (5), Kimm (1), Kinneginsgaas (2), Kinneksbond (2), Kinnewee (1), Kirchberg (3), Kirelshaff (1), Kisfurt (1), Kitzbuer (1), Klappegaass (2), Klarissinerstrooss (1), Klaudjesgaass (4), Klaushaff (1), Klecklëschbierg (3), Kleng Gaass (3), Kleng Kreizlé (3), Kleng-Elchert (1), Klengbetten (1), Klenge Kueb (1), Klenge Passage (3), Klengelscheier (1), Klenghouschent (1), Klielenerstrooss (3), Klierf (3), Klimillen (1), Kléngelscheier (1), Klëppelkrich Monument (1), Knapphouschent (1), Knauf (1), Knuedeler (1), Knupp (1), Kockebierg (1), Kockelscheier (1), Koler (1), Kolonie (2), Kolwent (1), Kommissariat Capellen / Stengefort - Site Capellen (1), Kommissariat Capellen / Stengefort - Site Stengefort (1), Kommissariat Dikrech / Veianen - Site Dikrech (1), Kommissariat Esch / Zentrum (1), Kommissariat Gare / Hollerech (1), Kommissariat Iernz - Site Fiels (1), Kommissariat Iernz - Site Jonglënster (1), Kommissariat Kayldall - Site Keel (1), Kommissariat Kayldall - Site Rëmeleng (1), Kommissariat Kierchbierg / Zens - Site Kierchbierg (1), Kommissariat Kierchbierg / Zens - Site Zens (1), Kommissariat Käerjeng/Pétange - Site Péiteng (1), Kommissariat Lëtzebuerg (1), Kommissariat Miersch (1), Kommissariat Museldall - Site Gréivemaacher (1), Kommissariat Museldall - Site Waasserbëlleg (1), Kommissariat Museldall - Site Wuermer (1), Kommissariat Märel / Belair (1), Kommissariat Porte de l'Ouest - Site Bartréng (1), Kommissariat Porte de l'Ouest - Site Stroossen (1), Kommissariat Réimech / Munneref - Site Munneref (1), Kommissariat Réimech / Munneref - Site Réimech (1), Kommissariat Réiserbann - Site Beetebuerg (1), Kommissariat Réiserbann - Site Réiser (1), Kommissariat Syrdall - Site Ruedt / Syr (1), Kommissariat Turelbaach - Site Heischent (1), Kommissariat Uewerstad (1), Kommissariat Walfer (1), Kommissariat fir maritim Ugeleeënheeten (1), Konsdref (2), Konsdreffermillen (1), Konsdrëffer Kierfecht (1), Konstem (2), Konter (1), Koplescht (5), Koppesmillen (1), Korspronk (1), Kounenhaff (1), Koupanz (1), Krautem (1), Krautmaart (5), Krematorium zu Hamm (1), Kreuzkapelle (1), Kriepsgrënnchen (3), Krimergaass (4), Kriminalpolice (1), Kromm Längten (5), Kruuchten (4), Kräitzstrooss (1), Kräizenhéicht (1), Kräizgaart (1), Kräizgaass (1), Kräizgrënnchen (17), Kräizkapell (1), Kräizstrooss / "an der Guckuckshiel" (1), Kräizwee (1), Kréindel (1), Kuebebur (1), Kuelbecherhaff (2), Kuelegaas (2), Kuer (20), Kuerstrooss (2), Kuerzaacht (2), Käerch (2), Käerjeng (1), Käerjenger Musekschoul (1), Käerjéngerstrooss (1), Käler Stross (9), Kärcherwee (3), Kärjhengerwee (4), Kéiber (1), Kéibierg, Tréiererstrooss (1), Kéideng (1), Kéisfuert (1), Kënzeg (2), Laachgaas (2), Laangefuert (4), Laangeschhaus Aalt Schluechthaus (1), Laanggaass (1), Laanscht d'Bunn (4), Laaschent (1), Laaschteschwee (1), Laboratoires d'analyses médicales - Ketterthill (1), Lalleng (2), Lallénger Strooss (2), Lambertuskierch (2), Lampech (1), Lampertsbierg (2), Lankelz (1), Lannen (1), Lantergässelchen (1), Laurentiuskierch (1), Lausduer (1), Lauterbuer (1), Lauterburerbaach (3), Leedebach (1), Leemeck (1), Leemkaul (1), Leeresmillen (1), Leetem (1), Leideleng (2), Leidelenger Gare (1), Leidelenger Kierfecht (1), Leideléng (1), Lelleg (1), Lenneng (1), Lennéng (1), Lennéngerbaach (2), Lenzweiler (1), Letzeburgerstroos (1), Liewel (1), Liljen (1), Logegaass (1), Longsdref (1), Longsdreferstrooss (3), Longsduerf (1), Lonkescherstrooss (1), Loutrengen (1), Louvignysgaass (2), Luerenzscheierhaff (1), Luerenzweiler (2), Léck (1), Léierhaff (1), Léifreg (1), Léiler (1), Léisbech (1), Léiweng (1), Lénger (2), Lëllgen (2), Lëlz (1), Lëntgen (2), Lëpschent;Lëpscht (1), Lëpschter-Dellt (1), Lëssgässel (1), Lëtzebuerg (5), Lëtzebuerger Autobunnsnetz (1), Lëtzebuerger CR-Stroossennetz (1), Lëtzebuerger Nationalstroossennetz (1), Lëtzebuerger Schnellstroossennetz (1), Lëtzebuerger Strooss (4), Lëtzebuergerstrooss (11), Maacher Lycée (1), Maacher Strooss (2), Maachergaass (1), Maarnech (1), Maarnecher Kierfecht (1), Maartel (1), Maartplaz (9), Maerrjendallerhaff (1), Malakoff-Tuerm (1), Mamer (2), Mamer-Strooss (5), Mamergaass (1), Manternach (2), Manternacher Kierfecht (1), Mariendall (1), Mariendallerhaff (1), Mariä Himmelfaart (1), Markuskierch (1), Marscherwald (1), Maschtepullswee (2), Masseler (1), Maulesmillen (1), Mausebech (4), Mausoleum vun de franséischen Zaldoten (1), Maximäinkapell (1), Mechelskapell (1), Mecher (2), Meechtem (1), Meedechersschoul (1), Meesebuerg (1), Meesebuerger Schlass (1), Meespelt (1), Melickshaff (1), Menster (1), Michel Rodange Strooss (1), Miedernach (2), Mierkels (2), Miersch (3), Mierschent (1), Miesdref (1), Millebaach (1), Millebierg (4), Millewee (17), Millionäärswee (1), Milliounewee (7), Mine Thillebierg (4), Minnestrooss (1), Misärbrék (1), Misärsbunn (1), Misärshaff (2), Moart (6), Moldawien (1), Mompech (3), Monnerech (2), Montefiore sul Palco (1), Monument vun der nationaler Solidaritéit (1), Moorewee (1), Muerbels (4), Mueresgässel (1), Munneref (2), Munnereferstrooss;Ieweschtgaass (1), Munzen (2), Munzerstrooss (1), Musel (1), Musikschoul Kanton Réiden (1), Mutfert (1), Muttergotteskapell (1), Mäertert (4), Mäertesbierg (3), Mäerteskierch (5), Mäerzeg (2), Märel (2), Märjendall (2), Märjendaller Klouschter (1), Märtesgronn (3), Märtyrerstrooss (6), Méchela (1), Méchelbuch (2), Méchelshaff (1), Méchelshafferstrooss (4), Méchelskapell (1), Méchelskierch (11), Méchelsplaz (2), Méchelsstrooss (3), Méideng (1), Méischdref (1), Méischtref (1), Mëllerdall (1), Mëllerdallerstrooss (4), Mëlleref (2), Mënjecker (1), Mënsbech (3), Mënstergaass (5), Mëtscheed (1), Nacher (1), Naigaas (1), Napoleonsbeemchen (1), Napoléonsgaart (2), Narzissen-Bësch (1), Nationalbibliothéik (4), Nationalmusée fir Geschicht a Konscht (1), Naturmusée (1), Neelcheswee (4), Nei Avenue (13), Nei Bréck (6), Nei Escher Strooss (31), Neidierfchen (1), Neiduerf (2), Neiduerf-Weimeschhaff (1), Neie Wee (7), Neigaass (1), Neihaischen (1), Neiluerenzscheierhaff (1), Neimillen (2), Neipuertsgaass (6), Neipärel (1), Neirodeschhaff (1), Nelsonshaff (1), Nidder-Rentgen (1), Nidderaanwen (1), Nidderanven (1), Nidderdonwen (1), Nidderfeelen (1), Nidderglabech (1), Nidderkolpech (1), Nidderkuer (1), Nidderkäerjeng (2), Nidderpallen (1), Nidderwampech (1), Niddeschgaass (1), Niklosgaass (1), Niklosgässel (1), Nikloskapell (3), Nikloskierch (5), Nikloskierfecht (1), Nogemerhaff (1), Nojem (1), Nord (1), Nordstrooss (1), Noumer (2), Nouspelt (3), Noutem (1), Nuechtmanescht (1), Nunavut (1), Näerden (1), Näertrech (1), Näertzénger Strooss (4), Näerténger Stross (2), Näerzeng (1), Näerzengerstrooss (1), Näerzénger Strooss (7), Näerzénger Stross;Näerzénger Strooss (1), Näidsen (1), Néngsen (2), Nëssert am Konviktsgaart (1), Oachter Bréil (6), Obeler (1), Odo-Kierch (1), Ohn (1), Ollem (3), Om Bëschel (4), Onofhängegkeetsplaz (1), Op Bourmicht (4), Op Eech (1), Op Kengert (1), Op Krattert (4), Op Reetscht (2), Op Spierzelt (1), Op Wäimerecht (1), Op de Pëtzen (1), Op de Rounden Zillen (3), Op dem Juck (1), Op den Hoartbéerch (3), Op den Prënzebierg (1), Op der Dieldréisch (6), Op der Feels (2), Op der Fiels (1), Op der Fulli (1), Op der Gare (6), Op der Hicht (1), Op der Hueschtert (1), Op der Huuscht (1), Op der Héicht (3), Op der Kiercheplaz (1), Op der Kluuster (4), Op der Knupp (4), Op der Kräizgaass (1), Op der Lann (2), Op der Lëndchen (1), Op der rouden Zillen (4), Osper (1), Ouljen (1), Our (2), Ousterholz (1), P&TLuxembourg (1), Paaschenterhaff (1), Paerdswee (1), Pafendall (3), Pafendaller Bierg/Stater Bierg (2), Pafendaller Kierch (1), Pannegaass (1), Papeierbierg (5), Parc Housen (1), Park (1), Park Sënnesräich (1), Parking Däich (2), Parkstrooss (2), Parquet Lëtzebuerg, Bezierksparquet Lëtzebuerg (1), Paschtouechgaass (3), Paschtoueschgaass (4), Paschtéitchen (1), Passerell (2), Passeurs-Monument (1), Paterkierch (1), Patton-Bréck (1), Peckischgaass (2), Peiffeschbierg (3), Peppeng (1), Perlé (1), Phillipsgaass (3), Piffkaul (1), Pilatusbierg (2), Piquet (1), Pirateschëff (1), Pisseng (1), Place Auguste Engel (2), Plankenhaff (1), Platen (1), Plesdarem (2), Pletschette (1), Pletschterhaff (1), Pläitreng (1), Plättisgaass (1), Plätzerbierg (12), Polen (1), Poleschgaas (1), Policekommissariat Iechternach (1), Polvermillen (2), Pommerlach (1), Pompjeesmusee (1), Pompjeesplaz (1), Pompjeeë Leideleng (1), Portugal (1), Postegässel (3), Poststrooss (2), Potaaschbierg (2), Pretten (1), Proz (1), Präiteler (1), Préizerdaul (1), Prënzeréng (9), Päerdsbach (1), Päipelswiss (7), Päiperleksgaart (1), Pärel (1), Péiteng (3), Péitengerstrooss (7), Péitengerwee (3), Péiter Onrou (1), Péitrus-a-Paulus-Kierch (1), Péitruss (15), Péitrussbierg (1), Péiténg (1), Pënsch (1), Pëntebësch (1), Pëssen - Dall (1), Pëtscht (2), Pëtschterwee (2), Pëtten (1), Queeschhiel (3), Quirinuskierch (1), Raemerich (1), Rammeldang (1), Rammerech (2), Rammerlay (1), Rampart (5), Randschelt (3), Rannerbaach (1), Rebich (1), Recken (1), Recken op der Mess (2), Reckendall (2), Regional Musiksschoul Iechternach (1), Reiland (3), Reiler (1), Reisduerf (2), Reisermillen (1), Reitschoul (1), Remmericher Strooss (4), Remèsehgrond (1), Rentertkapell (1), Resistenzstrooss (4), Restaurant Bonifas (1), Restaurant Uni (1), Ried (1), Riedgen (1), Ries (1), Riesenhaff (1), Rillerbaach (1), Ringbaach (1), Rippeg (1), Rippweiler (1), Roam (7), Rochuskapell (1), Rochusstrooss (7), Rolleng (3), Rollengen (1), Rollenger Wee (1), Rollengergronn (2), Rollengerstrooss (1), Rombech (1), Rommelerhaff (1), Ronnebësch (1), Roud Bréck (7), Roudbaach (2), Roude Pëtz (2), Roude Wé (1), Roudebierg (2), Roudebësch (1), Roudemer (1), Rouden Wee (9), Roudenhaff (1), Rouderssen (1), Rouscht (1), Rousebierg (2), Rousegärtchen (2), Rouspert (2), Rouspert-Mompech (1), Rousperter Gare (1), Rousperter Kierfecht (1), Rousswénklerstrooss (3), Ruckeschgässel (1), Rue Hanzendall (1), Rued (2), Rued-Sir (1), Rueder (1), Ruedterstrooss (2), Rulljen (1), Rumm (1), Rummbierg (3), Rummplateau (7), Rumänien (1), Rusendaal (2), Russland (1), Ruöder Wee (10), Räichel (1), Réibaach (8), Réiden (2), Réiden op der Kor (3), Réidener Kierfecht (1), Réideng (1), Réidénger Wee (1), Réierbaach (9), Réimech (2), Réimerstrooss (2), Réimerwee (2), Réimesch Villa zu Schieren (1), Réiser (2), Réisseng (1), Réngel (1), Réngelerhaff (1), Réngmauerstrooss (3), Rëmeleng (3), Rëmelenger Kierfecht (1), Rëmeljen (1), Rëmerschen (1), Rëmmereg (1), Rëtschgrëndchen (1), Saarautobunn (1), Saassel (1), Salzhaff (1), Sandweiler (2), Sauer (14), Sauerdallbréck (1), Sauergaas (1), Schaffbaiergangk (1), Schandel (1), Schandlerstrooss (2), Schanz (op der) (1), Schanzer Buurchmauer (2), Scheedbierg (1), Scheedel (1), Scheedgen (1), Scheedhaff (1), Scheierbierg (1), Scheierhaffstrooss (3), Schelmelelay (1), Schendebierg (1), Schengen (2), Schibbreger Millen (1), Schibech (3), Schierbach (1), Schieren (2), Schiggrisgaass (3), Schillgaass (2), Schiltzbierg (1), Schlass Aansebuerg (1), Schlass Beefort (1), Schlass Bettenduerf (1), Schlass Bierg (1), Schlass Biertreng (1), Schlass Buerglënster (1), Schlass Fëschbech (1), Schlass Grondhaff (1), Schlass Lauterbur (1), Schlass Schëndels (2), Schlass Siweburen (1), Schlass Stadbriedemes (1), Schlass Weymerich (1), Schlassgoard (1), Schlassstrooss (5), Schlasswee (1), Schleef (1), Schleis Opech (1), Schleksgeeschen (1), Schläifmillen (1), Schlënnermanescht (1), Schmuel - Hiel (1), Schmuelgaas (6), Schmëtt (1), Schmëttebësch (1), Schock (6), Schorenshaff (1), Schoul "um Fräschepillchen" (1), Schoul- a Sportkomplex „Am Bongert“ (1), Schoulbierg (3), Schoulcampus Lëmbaach (1), Schouleck (1), Schoulstrooss (18), Schoulwee (2), Schous (1), Schraasseg (1), Schro (2), Schrondweiler (1), Schuller (2), Schullergaass (1), Schwaarz Bréck (1), Schwaarz Iernz (3), Schwaarze Wee (2), Schweebech (1), Schweech (1), Schwemm (1), Schwengsmaart (1), Schwiddelbruch (1), Schwoarzewee (2), Schwunnendall (1), Schwéidsbeng (1), Schäferrieder (1), Schäissgaass (1), Schéissendëmpel (2), Schéissstand vun der Douanes- an Akziseverwaltung (1), Schëffleng (3), Schëfflenger Wee (3), Schëmpech (1), Schëndels (1), Schëttbuerg (1), Schëtter (2), Scoutekapell um Neihaischen (1), Sechelgaass (1), Selschent (1), Selz (1), Sender vun Beidler (1), Sender vun Diddeleng (1), Senneng (1), Sennengerbierg (1), Sichegaass (1), Sichegronn (7), Sichengaas (1), Sichenhafferkapell (1), Sichepaart (1), Siebelchen (1), Simmer (2), Simmerschmelz (2), Sir (19), Siren (1), Siwemuergen (10), Siwwenaler (1), Skatepark Péitruss (2), Soclair Equipements S.A. (1), Sodalitéitskapell (1), Soller (1), Sommet (1), Sonnenauer (1), Spillplaz "Gänsewiss" (1), Spillschoul Nidderkuer (1), Sportshal Biekerech (1), Sportshal Lénger (1), Sprénkeng (1), Sprëtzenhaus (1), Spueneschen Eck (1), Spueneschen Tiermchen (8), Spuenien (1), Spuerkees (1), Spuerkees Auer Tuerm (1), Spuerkeess (2), Sta'wee (2), Staaterbibliotheik (1), Staatermusée (1), Stackbierg (1), Stackem (1), Stadbriedemes (1), Stade Josy-Barthel (1), Stader Park (1), Stader Park Edouard André (1), Stass (1), Stauséi (2), Stauséigemeng (1), Steebrécken (2), Steenem (1), Steesel (3), Steeën (1), Stehresplaz (1), Stengefort (3), Stengeforterwee (4), Sterpenicherwee (2), Stolzebuerg (1), Stoppelhaff (1), Stroossbuergerstrooss (9), Stroossen (2), Stroossepoliceunitéit (UPR) (1), Stuppecht (1), Stäreplaz (4), Suessem (2), Suessemerwee (1), Suewelbuer (1), Supp (1), Sweet nails (1), Synagog Stad Lëtzebuerg (1), Sëll (2), Sëllergronn (1), Tally Weijl (1), Tandel (2), Thillsmillen (1), Tilleschgaass (6), Tipp (1), Tolleschhan (2), Toodler (1), Tossebierg (2), Tratten (1), Traufelsbierg (5), Trinitarierkierch (1), Trätter Strooss (1), Tréierer Autobunn (1), Tréiererstrooss (9), Trënteng (1), Tuutesall (1), Téiteng (2), Tënten (1), Tëntenerstrooss (5), Tëntesmillen (1), Tëtelbierg (3), US-Monument op der Doosber Bréck (1), Uecht (1), Uelzecht (22), Uelzecht-Pad (1), Uerspelt (1), Ueschdref (1), Ueschdrëffer Baach (1), Ueschdrëffer Millen (1), Uespelt (1), Uesper (1), Uesweller (1), Ueweraanwen (1), Uewerdonwen (1), Uewereesbech (1), Uewerglabech (1), Uewerkolpech (1), Uewerkuer (1), Uewerkäerjeng (2), Uewermaarteleng (1), Uewerpallen (1), Uewerschlënner (1), Uewerstad (2), Uewerwampech (1), Uewerwuermeldeng (1), Um Bechel (1), Um Brichel (1), Um Bruch (1), Um Bëchel (1), Um Bëssen (6), Um Dréisch (2), Um Fockeknapp (10), Um Fronzel (1), Um Gruef (1), Um Gruew (1), Um Haff (1), Um Heischterwee (1), Um Hongerbierg (1), Um Huck (3), Um Ieker (1), Um Klapp (3), Um Knapp (5), Um Leschte Steiwer (5), Um Léinesbur (1), Um Pëtz (1), Um Rank (2), Um Rennpad (1), Um Riichterwee (7), Um Rouscht (2), Um Schass (1), Um Schënner (1), Um Stued (1), Um Willspull (1), Um Wäschbuer (1), Um ale Kërfech (1), Ungarn (1), Universitéit (1), Universitéit Lëtzebuerg - Campus Kirchbierg (1), Usbekistan (1), Useldeng (2), Veianen (2), Veianer Bildchen (1), Venezuela (1), Verfassungsgeriichtshaff an Uewergeriichtshaff (1), Verkéiersverbond (1), Verluerekascht (2), Verwaltungsgeriicht (1), Verwaltungsgeriichtshaff (1), Viaduc vu Schengen (1), Victor-Bodson-Bréck (1), Viichten (2), Villa Pauly (1), Vincent-J.-Festa-Bréck (1), Virmoart (2), Virstaad (2), Vullegaass (5), Waalsdref (1), Waarken (1), Waasserbëlleg (3), Waassergaas (1), Waassergaass (4), Waasserwirtschaftsamt (2), Wal (2), Waldbierg (2), Waldbriedemes (3), Waldbëlleg (2), Waldhiel (1), Waldstrooss (2), Walfer (6), Walfer Schlass (1), Wallounien (1), Walter (2), Walzebierg (2), Walzstrooss (1), Wandhaff (1), Wanseler (2), Wanselerstrooss (1), Wantergaass (1), Webergaass (2), Wecker (1), Wegdichen (1), Weidig (2), Weier (1), Weiergaass (2), Weiler (2), Weiler zum Tuer (2), Weilerbaach (1), Weimeschhaff (1), Weimeschkierch (2), Weingut Krier-Welbes (1), Weischburen (6), Welfreng (3), Wellesteen (1), Welschent (1), Welsdref (1), Weltbuttek (1), Wickreng (1), Wickringerhiehl (1), Wierkstrooss (2), Willbach (1), Willibrordbasilika (1), Willibrorduskierch (3), Wilwerdang (1), Wilwerdangerstrooss (1), Wirtgensmillen (1), Wisestrooss (2), Wobrecken (1), Wolfsschlucht (1), Wollefsgaas (1), Wollefsheck (4), Wolwen (1), Wolz (2), Wuelenduerfer Bréck (1), Wuelessen (1), Wuelper (1), Wuermeldeng (1), Wuppmatzgässel (1), Wäicherdang (1), Wäimerecht (1), Wäiss Iernz (19), Wäisse Wee (6), Wäisswampech (2), Wäistrooss (28), Wäiswampech (2), Wämperhaart (1), Wéngertsgaart (1), Wéngertswee (2), Wëllemsstrooss (1), Wëlleschleed (1), Wëlwerwolz (1), Wëntger (2), Wëntreng (1), Wëttelsgaass (1), Zaepert (1), Zehregässel (2), Zens (2), Zithastrooss (6), Zolverknapp-Ho (4), Zolwer (1), Zowaasch (1), Zulu (1), Zwangsrekrutéierte Monument (1), Zwangsrekrutéierteplaz (1), Zärebierg (2), Zéisseng (2), Zëtteg (1), a Bëlleg (1), am Grousseberig (1), am Hoolewee (2), am Keidel (1), am Kueselt (2), am Pafendall (4), am Weierchen (1), an der Broutgaass (1), d'Fëlschdreffer Strooss (1), d'Groussgaass (2), d'Stee (1), de Bouleschbierg (1), l' Eglise décanale St. Laurent (1), op der Baach (4), op der Huuscht (5), op der Schwëmm (1), rue de Wasserbillig (10), um Rommelshaff (3), um Weissebrill (3), Äisch (10), Äischen (2), Äischer (1), Ärenzdallgemeng (1), Éibeng (1), Éilereng (3), Éimereng (1), Éinen (1), Éiner (1), Éischent (1), Éischtrich (2), Éiter (1), Ëlwen (2), Ëmweltverwaltung (2), Ënnerschlënner (1), Ënnersichungscabinet Lëtzebuerg (1), Ënnert dem Rennpad (1), Ënnert dem Wues (5), Ënnescht Gaass (1), Ënneschte Buer (5), Ënneschtgaass (3), Ënsber (1),
name:lbe2Аьрабусттан (1), Аьрасат (1),
name:left2Rue de Rumelange (1), Via Ponte Boria (1),
name:lez16Бельгия (1), Венгрия (1), Венесуэла (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Кореядин Халкьдинни-Демократиядин Республика (1), Люксембург (2), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Пхеньян (1), Узбекистан (1), Урусат (1), Франция (2),
name:lfn3Frans (1), Luxemburg (1), Magiar (1),
name:lg7Bubirigi (1), Bufalansa (1), Bupoolo (1), Girimane (1), Hangare (1), Lukisembaaga (1), Rwasha (1),
name:li23Arabië (1), Belsj (1), Canada (1), Duutsjlandj (1), Eupe (1), Europese Unie (1), Faeröer (1), Frankriek (2), Hongarieë (1), Luuk (1), Luxemburg (1), Luxembörg (2), Moldavië (1), Noord-Korea (1), Oesbekistan (1), Pole (1), Portugal (1), Roemenië (1), Rusland (1), Spanje (1), Venezuela (1),
name:lij17Arabbia (1), Belgiò (1), Canada (1), Fransa (2), Germania (1), Luxemburgo (2), Moldavia (1), Polonia (1), Pòrtogallo (1), Romania (1), Ruscia (1), Spagna (1), Ungaja (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:lmo18Belgi (1), Canada (1), Corea del Nòrd (1), Frància (2), Germania (1), Lüssemburgh (2), Muldavia (1), Portugàl (1), Pulònia (1), Pyongyang (1), Rumania (1), Rüssia (1), Spagna (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Üngheria (1),
name:ln18Alémani (1), Bɛ́ljika (1), Espania (1), Falansia (2), Kanadá (1), Koré ya Nola (1), Kébeki (1), Likisambulu (1), Luksamburg (2), Poloni (1), Pulutugal (1), Rumania (1), Rusí (1), Ungri (1), Uzbekistáni (1), Venezwela (1),
name:lo10ປະເທດຝະລັ່ງ (2), ປະເທດເກົາຫຼີເໜືອ (1), ປະເທດເຢັຽລະມັນ (1), ປະເທດແບນຊິກ (1), ລັດເຊັຽ (1), ລຸກແຊມເບີກ (1), ສະຖານທູດ ລຸກຊຳບວກ (1), ຮັງກາຣີ (1), ແຂວງເກແບັກ (1),
name:lrc5آستوٙن چئلیابینسک (1), آلمان (1), اوزبکستان (1), بلجیک (1), کۊبا (1),
name:lt442Adolfo Tiltas (1), Alcingenas (1), Alzetas (20), Alšeidas (1), Ansemburgas (1), Arabijos pusiasalis (1), Arlonas (2), Arvadas (1), Atertas (3), Bašaražas (2), Belgija (1), Belgija (žemė) (1), Belgija - Liuksemburgas (42), Belvo (1), Bereldanžas (2), Beringenas (1), Bertranžas (3), Beržemas (1), Betanžas prie Meso (1), Betembūras (2), Bisenas (2), Biveris (2), Bodeno ežeras (1), Boferdanžas (1), Brandenburgas (1), Bretanė (1), Buga (1), Burmeranžas (1), Buršeidas (2), Comunità autonome del Paese Basco (1), Dasburgas (2), Diferdanžas (2), Diudelanžas (3), Domeldanžas (2), Dondelanžas (2), Drinklanžas (1), Dykirchas (2), Dykircho kantonas (1), Echternachas (1), Echternacho kantonas (1), Eileranžas (1), Einenas (1), Eišas (10), Eišenas (2), Elanžas (1), Elas (1), Elvanžas (2), Entešbachas (1), Epenas (1), Erpeldanžas (1), Erpeldanžas prie Zauerio (2), Ersanžas (1), Etelbriukas (3), Euro zona (1), Europos Audito Rūmai (1), Europos Sąjunga (1), Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismas (1), Europos Sąjungos leidinių biuras (1), Europos Sąjungos įstaigų vertimo centras (1), Europos investicijų bankas (1), Everlanžas (1), Evranžas (1), Ešas prie Alzeto (3), Ešas prie Zauerio (1), Ešo kantonas (1), Farerai (1), Fenanžas (1), Fentanžas (1), Ferganos vilajetas (1), Findelis (1), Finisteras (1), Flaksvaileris (2), Frisanžas (2), Gipuskoa (1), Godbranžas (1), Gondelanžas (1), Gonderanžas (1), Grasas (1), Grumelanžas (1), Grėvenmacherio kantonas (1), Grėvenmacheris (1), Helanžas (1), Helmdanžas (1), Helperknapas (1), Hesenas (1), Hesperanžas (2), Hivanžas (1), Hobšeidas (3), Hofeltas (1), Holcas (1), Holcemas (2), Hosingenas (2), Hostertas (2), Hovelanžas (1), Hošaražas (2), Huperdanžas (1), Icišas (1), Ispanija (1), Kaeržengas (1), Kanachas (1), Kanada (1), Kapelenas (3), Kapeleno kantonas (1), Kelis (2), Kleinbetingenas (1), Klervas (2), Klervo kantonas (1), Kvebekas (1), Lanenas (1), Larošetas (1), Lelingenas (1), Leningenas (2), Lenkija (1), Levelanžas (1), Lintgenas (1), Liperšaidas (1), Liuksemburgas (5), Liuksemburgo kantonas (1), Liuksemburgo oro uostas (1), Lježas (1), Longlavilis (1), Lorencveileris (2), Lotaringija (1), Lulanžas (1), Mameris (1), Martelanžas (1), Mazovijos vaivadija (1), Mercigas (2), Meršas (2), Meršeidas (1), Meršo kantonas (1), Moldavija (1), Monderkanžas (2), Mondorf le Benas (2), Morioka (1), Mozelio kanalas (5), Mozelis (5), Nachtmanderšeidas (1), Naura (1), Nomernas (2), Nunavutas (1), Nyderanvenas (2), Nyderkornas (1), Nyderpalenas (1), Obanžas (1), Oberkornas (1), Oberpalenas (1), Olmas (1), Orknio salos (1), Otanžas (1), Pchenjanas (1), Pepanžas (1), Persijos įlanka (1), Petanžas (3), Pisanžas (1), Portugalija (1), Prancūzija (2), Prancūzija - Belgija (1), Prancūzija - Liuksemburgas (33), Prancūzija - Vokietija (1), Prancūzija — Vokietija (1), Prancūzijos bendruomenė (1), Prutas (2), Putšeidas (2), Raichlanžas (1), Rambrušas (2), Rameldanžas (1), Redanžas (2), Redanžas prie Aterto (1), Redanžo kantonas (1), Reino kraštas-Pfalcas (1), Rekanžas prie Meso (2), Remeršenas (1), Riumelanžas (2), Rodanžas (1), Rosportas (1), Rumunija (1), Rusanžas (1), Rusija (1), Rėmichas (2), Rėmicho kantonas (1), Sanemas (2), Saranskas-1 (1), Saro kraštas (1), Selcas (1), Senasis Tiltas (1), Sprinkanžas (1), Stolcemburgas (1), Tetanžas (2), Tionvilis (1), Tiuntanžas (1), Trintanžas (1), Tryro-Sarburgo apskritis (1), Useldanžas (2), Uzbekija (1), Vakarų Pamario vaivadija (2), Vakarų Tionvilis (1), Valferdanžas (3), Valonija (1), Valonija (Prancūzų bendruomenė) (1), Vartotojų, sveikatos, žemės ūkio ir maisto programų vykdomoji įstaiga (1), Vaserbiligas (2), Venesuela (1), Vengrija (1), Vetka (2), Viandenas (2), Viandeno kantonas (1), Vilcas (1), Vilco kantonas (1), Vilverdanžas (1), Vintranžas (1), Virtonas (1), Vokietija (1), Vokietija (žemė) (1), Vokietija — Liuksemburgas (1), Vokietijos-Liuksemburgo kondominiumas (1), Vokiečiakalbių bendruomenė (1), Volgogrado sritis (1), Volvelanžas (1), Vormeldanžas (1), Vysla (1), Zaueris (1), Zelandijos regionas (1), Čeliabinsko sritis (1), Šengenas (2), Šiaurės (1), Šiaurės Atlanto Sutarties Organizacija (1), Šiaurės Korėja (1), Šieras (20), Šiflanžas (2), Šlindermanderšaidas (1), Šrondvaileris (1), Šteinfortas (2), Štrasenas (2), Šutranžas (2), Švaichas (1), Švebsanžas (1), Šyrenas (1), Ūras (1), Žemutinė Saksonija (1),
name:ltg15Beļgeja (1), Kanada (1), Krīveja (1), Luksemburga (2), Moldaveja (1), Portugaleja (1), Praņceja (2), Puoleja (1), Rumuneja (1), Spaneja (1), Venecuela (1), Vengreja (1), Vuoceja (1),
name:lu2Schiefermusée Uewermaartel (1), Viaduc vu Schengen (1),
name:lv39Arābijas pussala (1), Beļģija (1), Bretaņa (1), Bugas (1), Eiropas Revīzijas palāta (1), Eiropas Savienība (1), Eiropas Savienības Publikāciju birojs (1), Eiropas Savienības Tiesa (1), Eiropas Savienības iestāžu Tulkošanas centrs (1), Eirozona (1), Finistēra (1), Francija (2), Fēru Salas (1), Kanāda (1), Krievija (1), Kvebeka (1), Lejassaksija (1), Lježa (1), Luksemburga (3), Moldova (1), Nunavuta (1), Orkneju salas (1), Patērētāju, veselības, lauksaimniecības un pārtikas izpildaģentūra (1), Phenjana (1), Polija (1), Portugāle (1), Rumānija (1), Spānija (1), Ungārija (1), Uzbekistāna (1), Venecuēla (1), Visla (1), Vācija (1), Ziemeļatlantijas Līguma Organizācija (1), Ziemeļkoreja (1), Čeļabinskas apgabals (1),
name:lzh16俄羅斯 (1), 加拿大 (1), 匈牙利 (1), 委內瑞拉 (1), 平壤市 (1), 德國 (1), 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 (1), 比利時 (1), 法國 (2), 波蘭 (1), 盧森堡 (2), 羅馬尼亞 (1), 葡萄牙 (1), 西班牙 (1),
name:mai1बेल्जियम (1),
name:map-bms3Jerman (1), Polandia (1), Rusia (1),
name:md1Молдова (1),
name:mdf16Бельгие (1), Венгеронь мастор (1), Венезуела (1), Германие мастор (1), Испания (1), Канада (1), Кранцмастор (2), Люксембур (2), Молдова (1), Полень мастор (1), Португалия (1), Рузмастор (1), Румыние (1), Узбекистан (1),
name:mg16Alemaina (1), Belzika (1), Espaina (1), Frantsa (2), Hongria (1), Kanada (1), Korea Avaratra (1), Lioksamboro (1), Loksemborga (2), Polonia (1), Pôrtogaly (1), Rosia (1), Venezoela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:mhr17Бельгий (1), Венгрий (1), Венесуэле (1), Испаний (1), Канаде (1), Люксембург (2), Молдово (1), Немыч Эл (1), Польшо (1), Португалий (1), Россий (1), Румыний (1), Узбекистан (1), Франций (2), Челябе вел (1),
name:mi25Hanekeria (1), Kotahitanga o Ūropi (1), Kuipeka (1), Kānata (1), Kōrea-ki-te-raki (1), Manawapora (1), Moutere Faroe (Tenemāka) (1), Pehiamu (1), Peina (1), Potukara (1), Pyongyang (1), Pōrana (1), Rakapuō (2), Romeinia (1), Ruhia (1), Rīwhitana (1), Te Hongere Ingarihi (1), Te Whenua o Morotawa (1), Tiamani (1), Tonga (1), Tīrau (1), Wenehūera (1), Wīwī (2),
name:min10Jazirah Arab (1), Jerman (1), Korea Utaro (1), Parancih (2), Portugis (1), Rusia (1), Spanyol (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:mk41Јужен Федерален Округ (1), Арапскиот полуостров (1), Белгија (1), Валовишта (1), Венецуела (1), Германија (1), Големи Антили (1), Демократска Народна Република Кореја (1), Долна Џумаја (1), Долна Саксонија (1), Канада (1), Квебек (1), Крф (1), Ламанш (1), Луксембург (3), Молдавија (1), Моринсвил (1), Нунавут (1), Општина Долна Џумаја (1), Организација на Северноатлантски договор (1), Оркниски Острови (1), Полска (1), Португалија (1), Пјонгјанг (1), Рајнска област-Пфалц (1), Рифтон (1), Романија (1), Русија (1), Санремо (1), Сар (1), Тирау (1), Узбекистан (1), Унгарија (1), Фарски Острови (1), Франција (2), Хесен (1), Челјабинска област (1), Шпанија (1),
name:ml22അറേബ്യൻ ഉപദ്വീപ് (1), ഉത്തര കൊറിയ (1), ഉസ്ബെക്കിസ്ഥാൻ (1), കാനഡ (1), ക്യൂബെക് (1), ജർമ്മനി (1), പേർഷ്യൻ ഗൾഫ് (1), പോളണ്ട് (1), പോർച്ചുഗൽ (1), ഫറോ ദ്വീപുകൾ (1), ഫ്രാൻസ് (2), ബെൽജിയം (1), മൊൾഡോവ (1), റഷ്യ (1), റൊമാനിയ (1), ലക്സംബർഗ് (3), വെനിസ്വേല (1), സ്പെയിൻ (1), ഹംഗറി (1),
name:mn25Арабын хойг (1), Бельги (1), Бретань (1), Венесуэл (1), Герман (1), Испани (1), Канад (1), Кэбэк (1), Люксембург (3), Молдав (1), Нунавут (1), Оросын Холбооны Улс (1), Польш (1), Португал (1), Пхеньян (1), Румын (1), Узбекистан (1), Умард Солонгос (1), Унгар (1), Фарерын арлууд (1), Франц (2), Челябинск муж (1),
name:mo6Prut (1), Мoldova (1), Прут (1), Русия (1), Франца (1), Ӂермания (1),
name:moe1Uepishtikueiau (1),
name:mr29अरबी द्वीपकल्प (1), उझबेकिस्तान (1), उत्तर कोरिया (1), कॅनडा (1), क्वेबेक (1), चेलियाबिन्स्क ओब्लास्त (1), जर्मनी (1), नुनाव्हुत (1), पोर्तुगाल (1), पोलंड (1), प्याँगयांग (1), फर्गोना विलायती (1), फिनिस्तर (1), फेरो द्वीपसमूह (1), फ्रान्स (2), बेल्जियम (1), मोरीओका (1), मोल्दोव्हा (1), रशिया (1), रोमेनिया (1), लक्झेंबर्ग (3), लीज (1), व्हेनेझुएला (1), सोनई पिठाची गिरणी (1), स्पेन (1), हंगेरी (1),
name:mrj6Арави пел ошмаоты (1), Венгри (1), Венесуэла (1), Канада (1), Польша (1), Россий (1),
name:ms29Bandar Luxembourg (1), Belgium (1), Hungary (1), Jerman (1), Kanada (1), Kepulauan Faroe (1), Korea Utara (1), Luksembourg (1), Luxembourg (1), Moldova (1), Negara basque (1), Nunavut (1), Perancis (2), Perancis Metropolitan (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Romania (1), Rusia (1), Semenanjung Arab (1), Sepanyol (1), Teluk Parsi (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Wilayah Chelyabinsk (1), Wilayah Fergana (1), Wilayah Sjælland (1),
name:mt24Belġju (1), Franza (2), Gżejjer Faroe (1), Il-Qorti Ewropea tal-Awdituri (1), Il-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea (1), Iċ-Ċentru tat-Traduzzjoni għall-Korpi tal-Unjoni Ewropea (1), Kanada (1), Korea ta' Fuq (1), L-Aġenzija Eżekuttiva tal-Konsumaturi, is-Saħħa, l-Agrikoltura u l-Ikel (1), L-Uffiċċju tal-Pubblikazzjonijiet tal-Unjoni Ewropea (1), Lussemburgu (3), Moldova (1), Polonja (1), Portugall (1), Rumanija (1), Russja (1), Spanja (1), Ungerija (1), Unjoni Ewropea (1), Veneżwela (1), Ġermanja (1),
name:mwl8Almanha (1), Bélgica (1), Fráncia (2), Pertual (1), Polónia (1), Rússia (1), Spanha (1),
name:my19ကနေဒါနိုင်ငံ (1), ကိုရီးယား ဒီမိုကရက်တစ် ပြည်သူ့သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ (1), ဂျာမနီနိုင်ငံ (1), စပိန်နိုင်ငံ (1), ပိုလန်နိုင်ငံ (1), ပေါ်တူဂီနိုင်ငံ (1), ပြင်သစ်နိုင်ငံ (2), ဗင်နီဇွဲလားနိုင်ငံ (1), ဘယ်လ်ဂျီယမ်နိုင်ငံ (1), မော်လ်ဒိုဗာနိုင်ငံ (1), ရိုမေးနီးယားနိုင်ငံ (1), ရုရှားနိုင်ငံ (1), လူဇင်ဘတ် (1), လူဇင်ဘတ်နိုင်ငံ (2), ဟန်ဂေရီနိုင်ငံ (1), အာရေဗျကျွန်းဆွယ် (1), ဥဇဘက်ကစ္စတန်နိုင်ငံ (1),
name:myv8Бельгия (1), Германия Мастор (1), Мадьяронь Мастор (1), Равошонь ёнкс (1), Россия Мастор (1), Франция Мастор (2), Челябань ёнкс (1),
name:mzn19آلمان (1), ئوروسیا (1), اوزبکستون (1), ایسپانیا (1), بلژیک (1), خلیج فارس (1), عربستون ِجزیره مونا (1), فرانسه (2), لهستون (1), لوکزامبورگ (2), مجارستون (1), ونزوئلا (1), پرتغال (1), پيونگ يانگ (1), کانادا (1), کوبا (1), کوره (1),
name:na16Berdjiyum (1), Djermani (1), Kanada (1), Mordowa (1), Pain (1), Poran (1), Portsiugar (1), Prant (2), Ratsiya (1), Ripubrikit Engame Korea (1), Romania (1), Ruketemburg (2), Ungari (1), Uzbekistan (1),
name:nah18Belgica (1), Canada (1), Caxtillān (1), Corea Mictlāmpa (1), Francia (2), Hungria (1), Luxemburgo (2), Moldova (1), Pionyang (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Teutontlālpan (1), Uzbequistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:nan25Bretagne (1), Canada (1), Chelyabinskaya Chiu (1), Fergana Chiu (1), Hoat-kok (2), Hái-lâm-tó (1), Jūn-chiu-khu (1), Luxembourg (2), Lō͘-se-a (1), Magyar-kok (1), Moldova (1), Pe̍k-ní-gī (1), Phû-tô-gâ (1), Polska (1), Pyongyang (1), România (1), Se-pan-gâ (1), Tan-tô͘-khu (1), Tek-kok (1), Tiâu-sián (1), Tìn-kang-chhī (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:nan-HJ1海南岛 (1),
name:nan-POJ1Hái-lâm-tó (1),
name:nan-TL1Hái-lâm-tó (1),
name:nap14Belge (1), Canadà (1), Corea d''o Nord (1), Franza (2), Germania (1), Pulonnia (1), Purtuallo (1), Pyongyang (1), Rumania (1), Russia (1), Spagna (1), Ungaria (1), Venezuela (1),
name:nb2Belgia (1), Eurosonen (1),
name:nds21Belgien (1), Düütschland (1), Frankriek (2), Kanada (1), Luxemborg (3), Lüttich (1), Moldawien (1), Noordkorea (1), Pees'm (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Region Seeland (1), Rumänien (1), Russ'sche Föderatschoon (1), Spanien (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:nds-nl16België (1), Duutslaand (2), Frankriek (2), Hongaarnlaand (1), Kannede (1), Luuk (1), Luxemburg (2), Moldavië (1), Pooln (1), Portugal (1), Roemenië (1), Ruslaand (1), Spanje (1),
name:ne19उत्तर कोरिया (1), क्यानाडा (1), जर्मनी (1), पोर्चुगल (1), पोल्याण्ड (1), फरोइ टापु (1), फ्रान्स (2), बेल्जियम (1), भेनेजुएला (1), महाकाली राजमार्ग (1), मोल्दोवा (1), रुस (1), रोमानिया (1), लक्जेमबर्ग (1), लक्जेम्बर्ग (2), स्पेन (1), हंगेरी (1),
name:new11उज्बेकिस्तान (1), क्यानाडा (1), जर्मनी (1), बेल्जियम (1), मोल्दोवा (1), रुस (1), रोमानिया (1), लक्जेम्बर्ग (2), लोड्ज गेट्टो (1), स्पेन (1),
name:nl28952 Duitsland (1), 52 Luxemburg;52 België (1), Aarlen (2), Ambassade van België (1), Ambassade van het Groothertogdom Luxemburg (1), Antillen (1), Arabisch Schiereiland (1), Autonome Gemeenschap Baskenland (1), Autosnelwegennet van België (1), Bastenaken (2), België (1), België (land) (1), België - Luxemburg (44), Blik op Esch-sur-Sûre (1), Bodenmeer (1), Bosrand (1), Bretagne (2), Bureau voor publicaties van de Europese Unie (1), Canada (1), De silicaatrotsen van de "Hockslay" (1), Duitsland (1), Duitsland (landsmassa) (1), Duitsland - België (1), Duitsland - Luxemburg (9), Duitstalige Gemeenschap (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - deel België (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - deel Duitsland 1 (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - deel Luxemburg (1), Europese Investeringsbank (1), Europese Rekenkamer (1), Europese School II Mamer (1), Europese School Luxemburg I Kirchberg (1), Europese Unie (1), Europese route E25 (1), Europese route E29 (1), Europese route E421 (1), Europese route E44 (1), Europese route E578 (1), Europese route E91 (1), Europese wandelroute E2 oost (1), Europese wandelroute E2 west (1), Europese wandelroute E2 west, deel België (1), Europese wandelroute E2, België (1), Europese wandelroute E2, Frankrijk (1), Europese wandelroute E2, Luxemburg (1), Eurozone (1), Faeröer (1), Farg'ona (provincie) (1), Flixbus N136: Antwerpen <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N136: Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, centraal busstation => (1), Flixbus N136: Bratislava, centraal busstation => Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N36: Antwerpen <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N36: Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, centraal busstation => (1), Flixbus N36: Bratislava, centraal busstation => Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N831: Amsterdam <=> Zurich (1), Flixbus N831: Amsterdam Sloterdijk => Zurich HB, Carpark Sihlquai (1), Flixbus N831: Zurich HB, Carpark Sihlquai => Amsterdam Sloterdijk (1), Frankrijk (2), Frankrijk - België (1), Frankrijk - Duitsland (2), Frankräich - Lëtzebuerg (32), Franse Gemeenschap (1), GR 5 België, Wallonië en Groothertogdom Luxemburg (1), GR 5 Luxemburg (1), GR5 (oud) (1), Getto van Łódź (1), Golf van Tonkin (1), Gotisch huis (1), Hainan (1), Het Kanaal (1), Hockelstoren (1), Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1), Hongarije (1), IC-16 Brussel - Luxemburg (1), IJsland (1), Korfoe (1), Le Joli Bois (Het mooie bos) (1), Lidstaten van de Europese Unie (1), Lift Saint-Esprit - Grund (1), Lissabon (1), Lokale wandelroute E1 (1), Lotharingen (1), Luik (1), Luxemburg (4), Luxemburglijn (3), MIVB 49 Zuidstation → Simonis (1), MIVB 53 Westland Shopping → Militair Hospitaal (1), MIVB 88 De Brouckère → UZ-VUB (1), Metropolitaans Frankrijk (1), Middeleeuwse burcht Beaufort (1), Moezel (21), Moldavië (1), N-wegennet van België (1), Natuurpark Hoge Venen (1), Nederlandse ambassade in Luxemburg (1), Nedersaksen (1), Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie (1), Noord-Korea (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Oberstadt (1), Oblast Tsjeljabinsk (1), Oblast Wolgograd (1), Oezbekistan (1), Openluchtzwembad kinderen Camping Officiel (1), Organisatie van Turkse Staten (1), Orkney-eilanden (1), Perzische Golf (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Proet (1), Pruisen België Luxemburg nr. 75 (1), Pruisen België Nr 84 (1), Pruisen België nr. 79 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 53 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 54 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 55 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 56 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 57 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 59 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 59a (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 60 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 62 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 63 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 63a (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 64 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 65 (2), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 66 (3), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 67 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 68 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 69 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 70 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 71b (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 71c (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 71d (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 72 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 73 (1), Pruisen Luxemburg nr. 74 (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Renaissanceslot Beaufort (1), Rijnland-Palts (1), Ring Utrecht (1), Roemenië (1), Rosenberg (1), Ruderaal terrein (1), Rue de l'Église (2), Rusland (1), Saimaameer (1), Seeland (2), Silicaargraslanden (1), Sint-Luciakapel (1), Spanje (1), Sparrenbossen (1), Transdanubië (1), Uitvoerend Agentschap voor consumenten, gezondheid, landbouw en voeding (1), Venezuela (1), Vertaalbureau voor de organen van de Europese Unie (1), Via Romea Francigena (1), Wallonië (1), Wallonië (Franse Gemeenschap) (1), Wandelingen Camping (1), Wandelingen Nuck-Haard (1), Wandelroute E3 (1), Wandelroute Noord (1), Wegbermen (1), West-Pommeren (1), West-Transdanubië (1), Woiwodschap Mazovië (1), Woiwodschap West-Pommeren (1), Zhenjiang (1), Zuidelijk Federaal District (1),
name:nn28Belgia (1), Canada (1), Eurosona (1), Frankrike (2), Færøyane (1), Luxembourg (1), Luxembourg by (1), Moldova (1), Nord-Korea (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Orknøyane (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Romania (1), Russland (1), Spania (1), Tsjeljabinsk oblast (1), Tyskland (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1), arabiske halvøya (1),
name:no49Belgia (1), Bergholmvannet (1), Bretagne (1), Canada (1), Dantu (1), Fiskevatn (1), Frankrike (2), Frankrike - Belgia (1), Færøyene (1), Gardsjøen;Lille Garsjøen (1), Holmsjøen (1), Instrumentvatnet (1), Išmismyran (1), Kjelmøya (1), Korpmyran (1), Krokfjordvatnet;Semskevatnet (1), Langvatnet (1), Lille Valvatnet (1), Luxembourg (3), Madvikvatnet (1), Moldova (1), Nord-Korea (1), Nunavut (1), Orknøyene (1), Persiabukten (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Romania (1), Rostokkvatnet (1), Runzhou (1), Russland (1), Skogerøya (1), Snavlakvatnet (1), Spania (1), Tsjeljabinsk oblast (1), Tverrbergmyra (1), Tyskland (1), Ungarn (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Ytre Torvfjellvatnet (1), Zhenjiang (1), arabiske halvøy (1), Øksfjordjøkelen (1),
name:non4Lyngholm (1), Orkneyjar (1), Papey Minni (1), Strjónsey (1),
name:nov18Belgia (1), Fransia (2), Germania (1), Hungaria (1), Kanada (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldova (1), Nord Korea (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Spania (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:nrm14Allemangne (1), Belgique (1), Cannada (1), Espangne (1), France (2), Hongrie (1), Luxembourg (2), Polongne (1), Portûnga (1), Roumanie (1), Russie (1), Vénézuéla (1),
name:nrn1Orknøjar (1),
name:nso5Belgium (1), Fora (2), Portugal (1), Russia (1),
name:nv15Biʼééʼ Łichííʼí Bikéyah (1), Béésh Bichʼahii Bikéyah (1), Deeteel Bikéyah (1), Dibé Diníí Bikéyah (1), Dáághahii Dineʼé Bikéyah (2), Dáághahii Dinéʼiʼ Bikéyah (1), Hángewii (1), Kolíya Bikéyah Náhookǫsjí Siʼánígíí (1), Látsębooʼ (2), Póolish Dineʼé Bikéyah (1), Táłkááʼ Bighan Dineʼé Bikéyah (1), Wooméiniya (1), Ózbeʼ Bikéyah (1),
name:ny1Russia (1),
name:oc44Alemanha (1), Algarbe (1), Arabia (1), Belgica (1), Bordiguiera (2), Bretanha (2), Bus 19 : Castelana => Madraga dau Mont Redon (1), Canadà (1), Corèa del Nòrd (1), Espanha (1), Finistèrra (1), França (2), França metropolitana (1), Illas Feròe (1), Lièja (1), Lorena (1), Luxemborg (2), Lyria : Niça - Genèva (1), Moldàvia (1), Nartubi (1), Nunavut (1), Ongria (1), Orcadas (1), Ozbequistan (1), Pas de la Candèla (1), Polonha (1), Portugal (1), Pyeongyang (1), Quebèc (1), Romania (1), Russia (1), Sant Rémol (2), TER Auvernha-Ròse-Aups (1), TGV 750 : Genèva -- Lion -- Marselha -- Niça (1), TGV InOui 9877 : Lussemborg → Marselha - Sant Carles (1), TGV InOui 9896 : Marselha - Sant Carles → Lussemborg (1), TGV InOui : Lussemborg ↔ Marselha-Sant Carles (1), Veneçuèla (1), Via Agrippa (1),
name:oj3Agongosiwaki (1), Gichi-ginoozhewaaning (1), Giizhigoons Anishinaabeg (1),
name:old1European School of Luxembourg (1),
name:olo1Bel’gii (1),
name:om4Beeljiyeem (1), Canada (1), Kooriyaa Kaabaa (1), Raashiyaa (1),
name:or19ଉଜବେକିସ୍ଥାନ (1), ଋଷିଆ (1), କାନାଡ଼ା (1), ଜର୍ମାନୀ (1), ପର୍ତ୍ତୁଗାଲ (1), ପୂର୍ବ କୋରିଆ (1), ପୋଲାଣ୍ଡ (1), ଫାରୋ ଦ୍ଵୀପପୁଞ୍ଜ (1), ଫ୍ରାନ୍ସ (2), ବେଲଜିଅମ (1), ଭେନେଜୁଏଲା (1), ମାଲଡୋଭା (1), ରୋମାନିଆ (1), ଲକ୍ସମବର୍ଗ (2), ଲକ୍ସେମବର୍ଗ (1), ସ୍ପେନ (1), ହଙ୍ଗେରୀ (1),
name:os27Араббы æрдæгсакъадах (1), Бельги (1), Венгри (1), Венесуэлæ (1), Волгограды облæст (1), Герман (1), Испани (1), Канадæ (1), Квебек (1), Корейы Адæмон Демократон Республикæ (1), Лопъан (1), Люксембург (2), Молдави (1), Нунавут (1), Оркнейы сакъадæхтæ (1), Польшæ (1), Португали (1), Пхеньян (1), Румыни (1), Уæрæсе (1), Узбекистан (1), Фареры сакъадæхтæ (1), Ферганайы облæст (1), Франц (2), Челябинсчы облæст (1),
name:pa23ਅਰਬੀ ਪਰਾਇਦੀਪ (1), ਉਜ਼ਬੇਕਿਸਤਾਨ (1), ਉੱਤਰੀ ਕੋਰੀਆ (1), ਕੇਬੈੱਕ (1), ਕੈਨੇਡਾ (1), ਜਰਮਨੀ (1), ਤਖ਼ੀਆ (1), ਨੂਨਾਵੁਤ (1), ਪੋਲੈਂਡ (1), ਫ਼ਰਗਨਾ ਖੇਤਰ (1), ਫ਼ਰੋ ਟਾਪੂ (1), ਫ੍ਰਾਂਸ (2), ਬੈਲਜੀਅਮ (1), ਮਹਾਂਨਗਰੀ ਫ਼ਰਾਂਸ (1), ਮੋਲਦੋਵਾ (1), ਰੂਸ (1), ਰੋਮਾਨੀਆ (1), ਲਕਸਮਬਰਗ (2), ਵੈਨੇਜ਼ੁਏਲਾ (1), ਸਪੇਨ (1), ਹੰਗਰੀ (1),
name:pa-Arab2جرمن (1), جزیرا نما کوریا (1),
name:pag9Alemanya (1), Belhika (1), Canada (1), Espanya (1), Fransia (2), Hungary (1), Rusia (1), Venezuela (1),
name:pam19Alemania (1), Belgika (1), Beneswela (1), Bretagne (1), Canada (1), Chelyabinsk Oblast (1), Espanya (1), Hungrya (1), Luxemburgo (2), Moldabya (1), Pangulung Korea (1), Polonya (1), Portugal (1), Pransiya (2), Romania (1), Rusia (1), Uzbekistan (1),
name:pap15Alemania (1), Bélgika (1), Canada (1), Fransia (2), Hongaria (1), Luxembourg (2), Nort Korea (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Rusia (1), Spaña (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:pcd21Alemanne (1), Bergike (1), Canada (1), Espanne (1), Fleuru (1), Fontinne-l'-Eveke (1), Franche (2), Hongrie (1), Lidje (1), Lussimbourk (3), Manche (1), Moldavie (1), Polonne (1), Portugal (1), Roumanie (1), Russie (1), Union uropéyine (1), Walonnie (1),
name:pdc12Belgien (1), Deitschland (1), Frankreich (2), Kanadaa (1), Luxemburg (2), Polen (1), Rumeenie (1), Russland (1), Schpaani (1), Ungarn (1),
name:pfl9Belgje (1), Daitschlond (1), Frongraisch (2), Hesse (1), Lugsebursch (2), Pole (1), Russlond (1),
name:pi1बेल्जियम (1),
name:pih15Beljum (1), Doichland (1), France (2), Hungrii (1), Kaneda (1), Luksemborg (2), Moldoewa (1), North Koriya (1), Poeland (1), Porchugal (1), Romainya (1), Rusha (1), Spain (1),
name:pl171Agencja Wykonawcza ds. Konsumentów, Zdrowia, Rolnictwa i Żywności (1), Akciabr (2), Aksiutowo (2), Aleksandrówka Nowa (1), Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (1), Barycz (1), Belgia (1), Bohdanowo (2), Bretania (1), Bug (1), Błociec (1), Centrum Tłumaczeń dla Organów Unii Europejskiej (1), Chaniewicze (2), Chorewo (2), Dolna Saksonia (1), Droga św. Jakuba (1), Dubica (2), Dziechciary (2), Europejski Bank Inwestycyjny (1), Europejski Trybunał Obrachunkowy (1), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E2 - część Francja (1), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E2 wschód (1), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E2 zachód (1), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E3 (1), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E3 - część Niemcy (2), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E3 - część Polska (wschodnia) (1), Europejski długodystansowy szlak pieszy E4 (1), Francja (1), Francja (ląd) (1), Francja - Belgia (1), Francja metropolitalna (1), Getto łódzkie (1), Hesja (1), Hiszpania (1), Islandia (1), Jezioro Bodeńskie (1), Kalnica (1), Kanada (1), Kanał La Manche (1), Kolej junnańsko-wietnamska (1), Korea Północna (1), Kornedz (2), Kraj Basków (1), Krukowszczyzna (2), Kuba (1), Kuklicze (2), Lotaryngia (1), Luboń (1), Luksemburg (4), Marcebolino (2), Międzynarodowy Górski Szlak Przyjaźni Eisenach–Budapeszt (Polska wschód) (1), Miłasze (2), Mokrowo (1), Morioka (1), Mozela (21), Mołdawia (1), Nadrenia-Palatynat (1), Narew (1), Niemcy (1), Niemcy (ląd) (1), Nowy Most (5), Nunavut (1), Obwód czelabiński (1), Obwód wołgogradzki (1), Organizacja Państw Tureckich (1), Organizacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego (1), Orkady (1), Państwa Członkowskie Unii Europejskiej (1), Pjongjang (1), Polska (1), Port Lotniczy Luksemburg (1), Portugalia (1), Portugalska Droga św. Jakuba (2), Południowy Okręg Federalny (1), Prut (2), Półwysep Arabski (1), Quebec (1), Rosja (1), Rozeta (2), Rożan Wielki (2), Rudniki (2), Rumunia (1), Rybnica (1), Rymasze (2), Saara (1), Sienkiewicze (2), Smortawa (1), Szpanówka (2), Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej (1), Unia Europejska (1), Uralski Okręg Federalny (1), Urząd Oficjalnych Publikacji Wspólnot Europejskich (1), Ustroń (2), Uzbekistan (1), Walonia (1), Walonia (Wspólnota francuska) (1), Wenezuela (1), Wilajet fergański (1), Wisła (1), Wyspy Owcze (1), Węgry (1), Zachodni Kraj Zadunajski (1), Zaleski Bór (2), Zatoka Perska (1), Zatoka Tonkińska (1), Zelandia (1), Zhenjiang (1), powiat legionowski (1), powiat miński (1), powiat prudnicki (1), ulica Budionnego (1), ulica Gagarina (1), województwo mazowieckie (1), województwo zachodniopomorskie (2), zaułek Szewczenki (1), Łubianka (2), Śmieszka (1), Żerneliszki (2),
name:pms18Belgi (1), Canadà (1), Coréa dël Nòrd (1), Fransa (2), Gërmania (1), Lussemborgh (2), Moldavia (1), Polònia (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Romanìa (1), Russia (1), Spagna (1), Ungherìa (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venessuela (1),
name:pnb29اتلا کوریا (1), ازبکستان (1), برٹنی (1), بیلجیم (1), بینیلکس (1), جرمن (1), جزیرا نما کوریا (1), جزیرے ورگا عرب (1), خلیج فارس (1), روس (1), رومانیہ (1), سپین (1), صوبہ فرغانہ (1), ضلع فنستر (1), فرانس (2), لکسمبرگ (2), لیج (1), مولڈوا (1), ویلونیا (1), وینزویلا (1), پرتگال (1), پولینڈ (1), پیانگ یانگ (1), چیلیابنسک اوبلاست (1), کینیڈا (1), کیوبا (1), ہنگری (1),
name:pnt13Βέλγιον (1), Γαλλία (2), Γερμανία (1), Ισπανία (1), Λουξεμβούργο (2), Μολδαβία (1), Ουγγαρία (1), Πολωνία (1), Πορτογαλία (1), Ρουμανία (1), Ρουσία (1),
name:prefix160Bundesland (4), Comuna (12), Ortsteil (1), Stadt (3), Verbandsgemeinde (6), аграгарадок (23), вёска (84), пасёлак (24), село (1), хутар (2),
name:prefix:be133аграгарадок (23), вёска (84), пасёлак (24), хутар (2),
name:prefix:ru133агрогородок (23), деревня (84), посёлок (24), хутор (2),
name:ps21آلمان (1), اسپانیا (1), اورکني (1), اوزبکستان (1), بلجیم (1), د عربستان ټاپووزمه (1), د فارس خليج (1), روسیه (1), رومانیا (1), شمالي کوريا (1), فرانسه (2), لوګزامبورګ (2), هنګري (1), پرتګال (1), پولنډ (1), پيونګيانګ (1), کاناډا (1), کوریا ټاپووزمه (1), کیوبا (1),
name:pt105Agência de Execução para os Consumidores, a Saúde, a Agricultura e a Alimentação (1), Alemanha (1), Alentejo (1), Algarve (1), Arábia (1), Baixa Saxônia (1), Bretanha (1), Bélgica (1), Caminho Português de Santiago (2), Canadá (1), Canal da Mancha (1), Casa do Brill (2), Catedral de Notre-Dame de Luxemburgo (1), Centro (1), Centro de Tradução dos Organismos da União Europeia (1), Comunidade Autónoma do País Basco (1), Coreia do Norte (1), Distrito Federal do Sul (1), Embaixada de Cabo Verde (1), Embaixada de Portugal (1), Espanha (1), Faro (1), Fergana (província) (1), Fiduciaire du Sud (1), França (2), França - Bélgica (1), França - Luxemburgo (33), França metropolitana (1), Golfo Pérsico (1), Grande Leste (1), Grandes Antilhas (1), Hesse (1), Hungria (1), Ilhas Feroe (1), Lago de Constança (1), Lisboa (1), Lorena (1), Luxemburgo (3), Moldávia (1), Nunavut (1), Oblast de Cheliabinsk (1), Oblast de Volgogrado (1), Polónia (1), Pomerânia Ocidental (1), Portalegre (1), Porto (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Renânia-Palatinado (1), Rio Prut (1), Rodovia Pan-Americana (1), Roménia (1), Rússia (1), Sarre (1), Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia (1), Sweet nails (1), Tribunal de Contas Europeu (1), Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia (1), Tréveris (1), União Europeia (1), Uzbequistão (1), Valônia (1), Venezuela (1), Zelândia (1), Zhenjiang (1), Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (1), Órcades (1),
name:qu19Alimanya (1), Bilhika (1), Chusun Runakapaq Runallaqta Republika (1), Ispaña (1), Kanada (1), Luksimbur (2), Mulduwa (1), Pharuy (1), Pulunya (1), Purtugal (1), Quebec pruwinsya (1), Ransiya (2), Rumanya (1), Rusiya (1), Unriya (1), Usbiksuyu (1), Winisuyla (1),
name:right3Latimer Avenue (1), Rue des Martyrs (1), Via Randazzo (1),
name:rm17Belgia (1), Canada (1), Frantscha (2), Germania (1), Inslas Feroe (1), Lai da Constanza (1), Luxemburg (3), Pologna (1), Portugal (1), Rumenia (1), Russia (1), Spagna (1), Ungaria (1), Venezuela (1),
name:rmy14Beljiya (1), Franchiya (2), Jermaniya (1), Kanada (1), Luksemburgo (2), Polska (1), Portugaliya (1), Rumuniya (1), Rusiya (1), Spaniya (1), Ungariya (1), Venezuela (1),
name:rn12Esipanye (1), Francia (2), Hungariya (1), Kanada (1), Lukusamburu (1), Polonia (1), Portugal (1), Ububirigi (1), Ubudagi (1), Uburusiya (1), Venezuela (1),
name:ro49Agenția Executivă pentru Consumatori, Sănătate, Agricultură și Alimente (1), Ambasada României (1), Belgia (1), Bretania (2), Canada (1), Centrul de Traduceri pentru Organismele Uniunii Europene (1), Coreea de Nord (1), Curtea Europeană de Conturi (1), Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene (1), Drumul european E578 (1), Franța (2), Franța - Belgia (1), Franța metropolitană (1), Germania (1), Ghetoul Litzmannstadt (1), Insulele Feroe (1), Lisabona (1), Lorena (1), Luxemburg (3), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Oficiul pentru Publicații al Uniunii Europene (1), Orkney (1), Parohia Ortodoxă Română „Nașterea Domnului“ Luxemburg (1), Peninsula Arabică (1), Phenian (1), Polonia (1), Portugalia (1), Prut (2), Regiunea Celeabinsk (1), Regiunea Fergana (1), Regiunea Sjælland (1), Regiunea Volgograd (1), România (1), Rusia (1), Spania (1), Sport (1), Strâmba (1), Transdanubia (1), Transdanubia de Vest (1), Ungaria (1), Uniunea Europeană (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:roa-rup6Arusia (1), Belghia (1), Canada (1), Moldova (1), Romănia (1), Ungaria (1),
name:roa-tara15Bèlge (1), Canada (1), Frange (2), Germanie (1), Lussemburghe (2), Moldavie (1), Pulonie (1), Purtugalle (1), Romanie (1), Russie (1), Spagne (1), Ungherie (1), Venezuela (1),
name:rue16Іспанія (1), Белґія (1), Венеcуела (1), Канада (1), Луксембурьско (2), Мадярьско (1), Молдавія (1), Нїмецько (1), Польско (1), Портуґалія (1), Росія (1), Румуньско (1), Узбекістан (1), Франція (2),
name:rw19Esipanye (1), Hongiriya (1), Ibirwa bya Farowe (1), Ikigobe cy'Abarabu (1), Kanada (1), Koreya y’Amajyaruguru (1), Lugizamburu (2), Molidova (1), Polonye (1), Porutigali (1), Romaniya (1), Ububiligi (1), Ubudage (1), Ubufaransa (2), Uburusiya (1), Uzubekisitani (1), Venezuwela (1),
name:sa15उजबेकिस्थान (1), उत्तर कोरिया (1), केनडा (1), जर्मनी (1), पुर्तगाल (1), पोलैंड (1), फ्रांस (1), फ्रान्सदेशः (1), बेल्जियम (1), मोल्दोवा (1), लक्सम्बर्ग (2), वेनेज्वेला (1), स्पेन् (1), हंगरी (1),
name:sah19Арассыыйа (1), Бельгия (1), Венгрия (1), Венесуэла (1), Волгоград уобалаһа (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Канаада (1), Лүксембург (2), Молдова (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Румыния (1), Узбекистаан (1), Франция (2), Хоту Кэриэйэ (1), Челябинскай уобалас (1),
name:sc18Bretagna (1), Bèlgiu (1), Canada (1), Corea de su Norte (1), Frantza (2), Frantza metropolitana (1), Germània (1), Ispagna (1), Lussemburgu (2), Nunavut (1), Paisu Bascu (1), Polonia (1), Portogallo (1), Romania (1), Rùssia (1), Ìsulas Føroyar (1),
name:scn21Belgiu (1), Canadà (1), Corea dû Nord (1), Francia (2), Girmania (1), Lussimburgu (2), Moldavia (1), Paisi Baschi (1), Pulonia (1), Purtugallu (1), Pyongyang (1), Rumanìa (1), Russia (1), Sammuca (1), Santu Stèfanu Quisquina (1), Spagna (1), Unghirìa (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezzuela (1),
name:sco26Arabian Peninsula (1), Belgium (1), Breetany (1), Canadae (1), Chelyabinsk Oblast (1), Fergana Province (1), Fraunce (2), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Luxembourg (2), Moldovae (1), North Korea (1), Papa Stronsee (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Region Zealand (1), Romanie (1), Roushie (1), Spain (1), Stronsee (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:sd5اتر ڪوريا (1), ازبڪستان (1), بيلجيم (1), روس (1), ڪيوبا (1),
name:se45Akšovuonjiehkki (1), Belgia (1), Bordejávri (1), Davvi-Korea (1), Doaresoaijeaggi (1), Duiska (1), Duolbajávri (1), Dálmmat (1), Espánnja (1), Fearsullot (1), Frankriika (2), Geađgesuolojávri (1), Golmmešjávri (1), Guhkesjávri (1), Gáranasjeakkit (1), Gárddebealjávri (1), Išmmisjeakkit (1), Jerestanluoppal (1), Jurangohpijeaggi (1), Kanáda (1), Lavdnjejávri (1), Luxemburg (3), Moalkevuonjávri (1), Moldova (1), Neaskinvuonjávri (1), Polska (1), Portugal (1), Romania (1), Ruošša (1), Sjællándda regiuvdna (1), Snávlaláddu (1), Stohkkemuorjávri (1), Stuorra Suolojávri (1), Sundeláttu (1), Suohpajávri (1), Sállan (1), Tjeljabinsk oblast (1), Uhcit Suolojávri (1), Ungára (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Čoalbmejávri (1),
name:sg7Bêleze (1), Farânzi (1), Hongirùii (1), Kanadäa (1), Lugzambûru (1), Pölôni (1), Rusïi (1),
name:sh21Arapski poluotok (1), Belgija (1), Demokratska Narodna Republika Koreja (1), Francuska (2), Kanada (1), Lođski geto (1), Luksemburg (2), Mađarska (1), Moldavija (1), Nemačka (1), Pjongjang (1), Poljska (1), Portugal (1), Rumunija (1), Rusija (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Čeljabinska oblast (1), Španija (1),
name:short1NI (1),
name:si13අරාබි අර්ධද්වීපය (1), උතුරු කොරියාව (1), ජර්මනිය (1), ප්රංශය (2), පෘතුගාලය (1), පෝලන්තය (1), බෙල්ජියම් (1), රුමේනියාව (1), රුසියාව (1), ලක්ශම්බර්ග් (1), හන්ගේරියානු සමුහාණ්ඩුව (1), ෆාරෝ දිවයින් (1),
name:signed5no (5),
name:simple4France (1), Luxembourg (1), Luxembourg City (1), Venezuela (1),
name:sje1Frankrijjka (1),
name:sk77Arabský polostrov (1), Baskicko (1), Belgicko (1), Bretónsko (2), Dolné Sasko (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - sekcia Belgicko (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - sekcia Luxembursko (1), EuroVelo 5 - Via Romea Francigena - sekcia Nemecko 1 (1), Eurozóna (1), Európska cesta E 25 (1), Európska cesta E 29 (1), Európska cesta E 44 (1), Európska cesta E 91 (1), Európska investičná banka (1), Európska únia (1), Európsky dvor audítorov (1), Európsky parlament - budova BAK (1), Faerské ostrovy (1), Flixbus N136: Antverpy <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N136: Antverpy, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, centrálna autobusová stanica (1), Flixbus N136: Bratislava, centrálna autobusová stanica => Antverpy, Konigin Astridplein (1), Flixbus N36: Antverpy <=> Bratislava (1), Flixbus N36: Antverpy, Konigin Astridplein => Bratislava, centrálna autobusová stanica (1), Flixbus N36: Bratislava, centrálna autobusová stanica => Antverpy, Konigin Astridplein (1), Francúzske spoločenstvo Belgicka (1), Francúzsko (2), Hesensko (1), Južný federálny okruh (1), Kanada (1), Korfu (1), Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika (1), Lamanšský prieliv (1), Lotrínsko (1), Lutyšsko (1), Luxemburg (1), Luxembursko (2), Mazovské vojvodstvo (1), Maďarsko (1), Medzinárodná diaľková turistická trasa E3 (1), Medzinárodná horská turistická pesia trasa Eisenach–Budapešt (Poľsko východ) (1), Metropolitné Francúzsko (1), Moldavsko (1), Nemecko (1), Nemecky hovoriace spoločenstvo Belgicka (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Orkneje (1), Pchjongjang (1), Perzský záliv (1), Portugalsko (1), Porýnie-Falcko (1), Poľsko (1), Prekladateľské stredisko pre orgány Európskej únie (1), Prut (1), Quebec (1), Rumunsko (1), Rusko (1), Rábsko-mošonsko-šopronská žup (1), Svätojakubská cesta (1), Sársko (1), Súdny dvor Európskych spoločenstiev (1), Uralský federálny okruh (1), Uzbekistan (1), Valónsko (1), Valónsko (Francúzske spoločenstvo) (1), Venezuela (1), Volgogradská oblasť (1), Výkonná agentúra pre spotrebitelov, zdravie, polnohospodárstvo a potraviny (1), Západopomoranské vojvodstvo (2), Úrad pre vydávanie publikácií Európskej únie (1), Čeľabinská oblasť (1), Španielsko (1),
name:sl45Arabski polotok (1), Baskija (1), Bodensko jezero (1), Bretanja (1), Bélgija (1), Evropska Unija (1), Evropsko računsko sodišče (1), Ferski otoki (1), Flixbus N952: Luxemburg <=> Vukovar (1), Flixbus N952: Vukovar, avtobusna postaja => Luxemburg, P+R Boullion (1), Francija (2), Izvajalska agencija za potrošnike, zdravje, kmetijstvo in hrano (1), Kanada (1), Košutica (1), Luksemburg (3), Madžarska (1), Mazovijsko vojvodstvo (1), Moldavija (1), Nemčija (1), Nunavut (1), Perzijski zaliv (1), Pjongjang (1), Poljska (1), Porenje-Pfalška (1), Portugalska (1), Posarje (1), Prevajalski center za organe Evropske unije (1), Prut (1), Romunija (1), Rusija (1), Severna Koreja (1), Sodišče Evropske unije (1), Spodnja Saška (1), Ter (2), Urad za publikacije Evropske unije (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Volgograjska oblast (1), Zahodnopomorjansko vojvodstvo (1), Čeljabinska oblast (1), Španija (1),
name:sm11Farani (2), Hungary (1), Lusia (1), Peleseuma (1), Polagi (1), Portugal (1), Romania (1), Siamani (1), Spania (1), Venesuela (1),
name:smn16Belgia (1), Espanja (1), Kanada (1), Luxemburg (2), Moldova (1), Portugal (1), Puola (1), Romania (1), Ruoššâ (1), Ránská (1), Saksa (1), Tave-Korea (1), Unkari (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:sms16Belgia (1), Espanja (1), Franskkjânnam (1), Kanada (1), Luxemburgg (2), Moldova (1), Portugal (1), Puola (1), Romania (1), Ruõššjânnam (1), Saksslajânnam (1), Tâʹvv-Korea (1), Unkar (1), Uzbekistaan (1), Venezuela (1),
name:sn5Belgium (1), Canada (1), Hungary (1), North Korea (1), Russia (1),
name:so20Beljim (1), Boland (1), Bortuqaal (1), Fanansuwela (1), Faransiiska (2), Hungaria (1), Isbania (1), Jarmalka (1), Jasiirad Dhuleedka Carabta (1), Jasiiradaha Feroe (1), Kanada (1), Luksemboorg (1), Luksemburg (2), Moldofa (1), Romania (1), Ruushka (1), Usbekistan (1), Waqooyiga Kuuriya (1),
name:sq27Ambasada e Luksemburgut (1), Baskia (1), Belgjika (1), Bretanja (1), Eurozona (1), Franca (2), Gadishulli Arabik (1), Gjermania (1), Hungaria (1), Ishujt Faroe (1), Kanadaja (1), Kebeku (1), Koreja e Veriut (1), Luksemburg (1), Luksemburgu (2), Moldavia (1), Nunavut (1), Pjongian (1), Polonia (1), Portugalia (1), Rumania (1), Rusia (1), Spanja (1), Uzbekistani (1), Venezuela (1),
name:sr56Ђер (1), Јагаре (1), Џенђанг (1), Арабијско полуострво (1), Арцфелд (1), Баскија (1), Бастаси (1), Белгија (1), Бенелукс (1), Брије (1), Венецуела (1), Дикирх (1), Доња Саксонија (2), Европска унија (1), Европски финансијски суд (1), Ехтернах (1), Канада (1), Квебек (1), Крф (1), Лијеж (1), Лођски гето (1), Луксембург (3), Мађарска (1), Метрополитанска Француска (1), Молдавија (1), Мориока (1), НКД Простор око манастира Милешеве (1), Немачка (2), Нунавут (1), Општина Кнежеви Виногради (1), Оркнијска острва (1), ПнПЛ Парк шума Ивље (1), Португалија (1), Пољска (1), Прут (1), Пјонгјанг (1), Рајна-Палатинат (1), Румунија (1), Русија (1), СП Хидролошки комплекс Калипоље-Буковик (1), СРП Ивље (1), Сарланд (1), Северна Кореја (1), Узбекистан (1), Фарска Острва (1), Ферганска област (1), Финистер (1), Француска (2), Хесен (1), Чељабинска област (1), Шпанија (1),
name:sr-Latn13Bastasi (1), Evropska unija (1), Jagare (1), Krf (1), Mađarska (1), NKD Prostor oko manastira Mileševe (1), Nemačka (1), Opština Kneževi Vinogradi (1), PnPL Park šuma Ivlje (1), Portugalija (1), SP Hidrološki kompleks Kalipolje-Bukovik (1), SRP Ivlje (1), Srpski Kulturni Centar (1),
name:srn11Belgikondre (1), Doysrikondre (1), Franskondre (2), Kanadakondre (1), Luksemburgkondre (2), Portugesokondre (1), Rusland (1), Spanyorokondre (1), Venswelikondre (1),
name:ss16IFulansi (2), IHangareyi (1), IJalimane (1), IKhanada (1), IKhoriya leseNyakatfo (1), IMolidiva (1), IPholandi (1), IPhuthukezi (1), IRashiya (1), IRomaniya (1), IZubekhi (1), Lusembogu (2), Sipeyini (1), iBhelijiyamu (1),
name:st8Fora (2), Hungary (1), Moldova (1), Poland (1), Portugal (1), Russia (1), Spain (1),
name:stq14Belgien (1), Düütsklound (1), Frankriek (2), Kanada (1), Luxembuurich (2), Moldawien (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Rumänien (1), Ruslound (1), Spanien (1), Ungarn (1),
name:su20Bélgia (1), Hungaria (1), Jérman (1), Kanada (1), Kapuloan Faroe (1), Koréa Kalér (1), Luksemburg (2), Moldova (1), Perancis (2), Polandia (1), Portugal (1), Quebec (1), Romania (1), Rusia (1), Semenanjung Arab (1), Spanyol (1), Uzbékistan (1), Vénézuéla (1),
name:sv84200 Esbo station - Elielplatsen (1), 30 Eira - Sockenbacka - Myrbacka (1), 30 Myrbacka - Sockenbacka - Eira (1), 36 Uleåborg (busstation) – Överkiminge (1), 572 Mårtensdal - Mellungsbacka (1), 572K Myrbacka - Mellungsbacka (1), 611 Dickursby - Skomakarböle - Brobacka - Järnvägstorget (1), 611B Skomakarböle - Brobacka - Järnvägstorget (1), 616 Kivistö - Rosendal - Hagnäs (1), Arabiska halvön (1), Axvägen (1), Baskien (1), Belgien (1), Bodensjön (1), Bågsträngsvägen (1), Dantu (1), Degermossvägen (1), EU:s översättningscentrum (1), Europeiska revisionsrätten (1), Europeiska unionen (1), Europeiska unionens domstol (1), Europeiska unionens medlemsstater (1), Europeiska unionens publikationsbyrå (1), Fergana (provins) (1), Flixbus 032 (Skandinaviska delen): Gedser, färjehamn => Malmö, centralstation (1), Flixbus 032 (Skandinaviska delen): Malmö, Centralstation => Gedser, färjehamn (1), Flixbus 602: Köpenhamn Ingerslevsgade => Stockholm, Arlanda flygplats 2-3 (1), Flixbus 602: Stockholm, Arlanda terminal 5 => Köpenhamn Ingerslevsgade (1), Flixbus N32 (Skandinaviska delen): Gedser, färjehamn => Stockholm, Cityterminalen (1), Flixbus N32 (Skandinaviska delen): Stockholm, Cityterminalen => Gedser, färjehamnen (1), Flixbus N602: Köpenhamn Ingerslevsgade => Stockholm, Arlanda flygplats 2-3 (1), Flixbus N602: Stockholm, Arlanda terminal 5 => Köpenhamn Ingerslevsgade (1), Flixbus N73: Hannover centralbussstation => Lund, busstation (1), Flixbus N73: Lund, busstation => Hannover centralbussstation (1), Frankrike (2), Frankrike - Belgien (1), Fredriksgatan (1), Färöarna (1), Genomförandeorganet för konsument-, hälso-, jordbruks- och livsmedelsfrågor (1), Hainan Dao (1), Hanskalliovägen (1), Husarvägen (1), Jahndiket (1), Kanada (1), Kannistogränden (1), Kokkoberget (2), Korsåkersvägen (1), Lillstuvägen (1), Luxemburg (3), Metropolitan Frankrike (1), Mogenpört (1), Moldavien (1), Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen (1), Nordkorea (1), Norra (1), Nunavut (1), Orkneyöarna (1), Polen (1), Portugal (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Region Själland (1), Rumänien (1), Runzhou (1), Ryssland (1), Saimen (1), Själland (1), Spanien (1), Svärdvägen (1), Söderbyvägen (1), Södra federala distriktet (1), Tjeljabinsk oblast (1), Trädgårdsvägen (1), Tyskland (1), Ungern (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Viks biocenter (1), Volgograd oblast (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:sw25Bara Arabu (1), Chelyabinsk Oblast (1), Ghuba ya Uajemi (1), Hispania (1), Hungaria (1), Kanada (1), Korea Kaskazini (1), Lasembagi (1), Luxemburg (2), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Poland (1), Pyongyang (1), Quebec (1), Romania (1), Shirikisho la Urusi (1), Ubelgiji (1), Ufaransa (2), Ujerumani (1), Ureno (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Visiwa vya Faroe (1),
name:szl22Belgijŏ (1), Francyjo (1), Francyjŏ (1), Kanada (1), Luksymburg (3), Lŏtryngijŏ (1), Madziary (1), Moldawa (1), Niymce (1), Polska (1), Portugalijŏ (1), Pōłnocnŏ Koryjŏ (1), Rumynijŏ (1), Rusyjŏ (1), Szpanijŏ (1), Uzbekistōn (1), Wisła (1), Wynezuela (1), mazowiecke wojewōdztwo (1), zachodniopōmerańske wojewōdztwo (1),
name:ta25அங்கேரி (1), அராபியத் தீபகற்பம் (1), உசுபெக்கிசுத்தான் (1), உருசியா (1), உருமேனியா (1), எசுப்பானியா (1), கனடா (1), கியூபெக் (1), செருமனி (1), செல்யபின்ஸ்க் ஒப்லாஸ்து (1), நூனவுட் (1), பரோயே தீவுகள் (1), பியொங்யாங் (1), பிரான்சு (2), பெர்கானா பிராந்தியம் (1), பெல்ஜியம் (1), போர்த்துகல் (1), போலந்து (1), மல்தோவா (1), லக்சம்பர்க் (2), லக்ஸ்சம்பர்க் (1), வட கொரியா (1), வெனிசுவேலா (1),
name:te16అరేబియా ద్వీపకల్పం (1), ఉజ్బెకిస్తాన్ (1), ఉత్తర కొరియా (1), కెనడా (1), జర్మనీ (1), పోర్చుగల్ (1), పోలాండ్ (1), ఫ్రాన్స్ (2), బెల్జియం (1), మోల్డోవా (1), రష్యా (1), రొమేనియా (1), లక్సంబర్గ్ (1), స్పెయిన్ (1), హంగేరి (1),
name:tet14Alemaña (1), Béljika (1), España (1), Fransa (2), Kanadá (1), Luxemburgu (2), Polónia (1), Portugál (1), Roménia (1), Rúsia (1), Ungria (1), Venezuela (1),
name:tg24Белгия (1), Венесуэла (1), Вилояти Фарғона (1), Вилояти Челябинск (1), Испониё (1), Канада (1), Кореяи Шимолӣ (1), Лаҳистон (1), Люксембург (3), Маҷористон (1), Молдова (1), Ноҳияи Олтиариқ (1), Ноҳияи Қӯштеппа (1), Олмон (1), Португалия (1), Руминия (1), Русия (1), Фаронса (2), Финистер (1), Ҷазираҳои Фаро (1), Ӯзбакистон (1),
name:th34คาบสมุทรอาหรับ (1), ถนนโชติพันธ์ (1), นูนาวุต (1), ประเทศฝรั่งเศส (2), ประเทศฝรั่งเศสแผ่นดินใหญ่ (1), ประเทศมอลโดวา (1), ประเทศรัสเซีย (1), ประเทศลักเซมเบิร์ก (2), ประเทศสเปน (1), ประเทศอุซเบกิสถาน (1), ประเทศฮังการี (1), ประเทศเกาหลีเหนือ (1), ประเทศเยอรมนี (1), ประเทศเวเนซุเอลา (1), ประเทศแคนาดา (1), ประเทศโปรตุเกส (1), ประเทศโปแลนด์ (1), ประเทศโรมาเนีย (1), ฟีนิสแตร์ (1), รัฐกวารีโก (1), รัฐควิเบก (1), รัฐอันโซอาเตกี (1), รัฐโมนากัส (1), ลักเซมเบิร์ก (1), ลีแยฌ (1), หมู่เกาะแฟโร (1), ออร์กนีย์ (1), อ่าวเปอร์เซีย (1), เบลเยียม (1), เปียงยาง (1), แม่น้ำปรุต (1), โมริโอกะ (1),
name:ti6ሀንጋሪ (1), ሉክሰምበርግ (1), ራሻ (1), ቤልጄም (1), ጀርመን (1), ፈረንሳይ (1),
name:tk18Belgiýa (1), Demirgazyk Koreýa (1), Fransiýa (2), Germaniýa (1), Ispaniýa (1), Kanada (1), Lýuksemburg (2), Moldawiýa (1), Polşa (1), Portugaliýa (1), Rumyniýa (1), Russiýa (1), Türk Döwletleriniň Guramasy (1), Wenesuela (1), Wengriýa (1), Özbegistan (1),
name:tl25Alemanya (1), Bayang Basko (1), Belhika (1), Chelyabinsk Oblast (1), Espanya (1), Hilagang Korea (1), Kanada (1), Kapuluang Peroe (1), Lungsod ng Luxembourg (1), Luxembourg (1), Moldavia (1), Nunavut (1), Orkney (1), Pederasyong Ruso (1), Polonya (1), Portugal (1), Pransiya (2), Pyongyang (1), Rumanya (1), Tangway ng Arabya (1), Unggarya (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:to6Falanisē (1), Hangakalia (1), Lakisimipeki (1), Lūsia (1), Pelesiume (1), Sepeni (1),
name:tok11ma Epanja (1), ma Esuka (1), ma Kanse (1), ma Lomani (1), ma Losi (1), ma Lusepu (1), ma Mosijo (1), ma Pesije (1), ma Posuka (1), ma Potuke (1), ma Tosi (1),
name:tpi13Beljiam (1), Frens (2), Hangari (1), Kanada (1), Not Koria (1), Polan (1), Posugol (1), Pyongyang (1), Rasia (1), Romenia (1), Siamani (1), Spen (1),
name:tr41Almanya (1), Altıarık İlçesi (1), Arap Yarımadası (1), Avrupa Birliği (1), Bask Bölgesi (1), Basra Körfezi (1), Belçika (1), Bretonya (1), D.30 Anayolu (1), Demirhisar (1), Faroe Adaları (1), Fergana ili (1), Fransa (2), Kanada (1), Koştepe İlçesi (1), Kuzey Atlantik Antlaşması Örgütü (1), Kuzey Kore (1), Kızılırmak Havzası (1), Lüksemburg (3), Macaristan (1), Metropolitan Fransa (1), Moldova (1), Norte (1), Nunavut (1), Orkney Adaları (1), Ormanlı (1), Polonya (1), Portekiz (1), Prut (1), Pyongyang (1), Romanya (1), Rusya Federasyonu (1), Türk Devletleri Teşkilatı (1), Venezuela (1), Vistül (1), Çelyabinsk Oblastı (1), Özbekistan (1), İspanya (1),
name:ts7Belgium (1), Canada (1), Hungary (1), Jarimani (1), North Korea (1), Russia (1), Spaniya (1),
name:tt121Азалак (1), Алмания (1), Артамоновка (1), Бакчасарай (1), Балтай (1), Бе́льгия (1), Белопахотный (1), Боден күле (1), Боерган (1), Бретань (1), Бәхти (1), Венесуэла (1), Волгоград өлкәсе (1), Гарәбстан ярымутравы (1), Гришкино (1), Гөлек (1), Дружба (1), Дәвек (1), Зур Нөркәй (1), Игенче (1), Ильбухтино (1), Ирек Таңы (1), Иске Абдул (1), Иске Ашпала (1), Иске Байлар (1), Иске Гәрдәле (1), Иске Имән (1), Иске Маҗын (1), Иске Мунча (1), Иске Әхмәт (1), Испания (1), Исәнгол (1), Кадрәк (1), Казиле (1), Калмаш (1), Калмия (1), Канада (1), Канонерка (1), Карашай-Саклау (1), Каташ-Каран (1), Квебек (1), Кенәз (1), Кече Шилнә (1), Колыш (1), Коноваловка (1), Корея Халык Демократик Җөмһүрияте (1), Кормаш (1), Кырныш (1), Күгәш (1), Күзкәй (1), Люксембург (3), Малтабар (1), Маҗарстан (1), Мерәс (1), Мияш (1), Молдавия (1), Мортыш (1), Наратлы Кичү (1), Наратлык (1), Останкау (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Пхеньян (1), Румыния (1), Русия (1), Саклаубаш (1), Салкын Чишмә (1), Сарысаз-Тәкермән (1), Суровка (1), Сәмәкәй (1), Сөлек (1), Тамьян (1), Татарстан (1), Тауасты Байлар (1), Тауасты Тәкермән (1), Таулар (1), Тегермәнлек (1), Торнаташ (1), Тугай (1), Тугаш (1), Туер (1), Тулыбай (1), Тупач (1), Түбән Табын (1), Түбән Юшады (1), Урыс Караны (1), Усай (1), Фарер утраулары (1), Фионовка (1), Франция (2), Хуҗамәт (1), Чиләбе өлкәсе (1), Чуаш Караны (1), Чулпан (1), Чураш (1), Чыршылы (1), Шикәрле Каен (1), Шилнәбаш (1), Шәрләрәмә (1), Ырыс (1), Югары Байлар (1), Югары Табын (1), Югары Тәкермән (1), Югары Юшады (1), Юртово (1), Янурыс (1), Яңа (1), Яңа Александровка (1), Яңа Байлар (1), Яңа Маҗын (1), Яңа Саклау (1), Яңа Сарайлы (1), Яңа Тәкермән (1), Җәмәк (1), Үзбәкстан (1), Әҗмәкәй (1), Өкемән (1), Өчиле Саклау (1),
name:tum3Belgium (1), Germany (1), Russia (1),
name:tw4Belgium (1), Gyaaman (1), Kanada (1), Russia (1),
name:ty7Farāni (2), Heremani (1), Paniora (1), Pōtītī (1), Rūtia (1), Tanata (1),
name:tzl18Belxhíc (1), Canadà (1), Espain (1), Euscadì (1), França (1), Hesna (1), Letzebuerg (2), Moldova (1), Máxharphäts (1), Polognh (1), Portugal (1), Quebec (1), Romania (1), Rußía (1), Tzaratütsch (1), Valonia (1), Veneþuela (1),
name:udm17Бельгия (1), Венгрия (1), Венесуэла (1), Германия (1), Испания (1), Корея Калык-Демократи Республика (1), Люксембург (2), Молдавия (1), Польша (1), Португалия (1), Россия (1), Румыния (1), Узбекистан (1), Франция (2), Челябинск улос (1),
name:ug24Ghuba ya Arabia (1), Kwébék (1), Portugaliye (1), Pyongyang (1), Ruminiye (1), ئىسپانىيە (1), ئۆزبېكىستان (1), بېلگىيە (1), جاڭجياڭ شەھىرى (1), روسىيە (1), شىمالىي ئاتلانتىك ئەھدى تەشكىلاتى (1), شىمالىي چاۋشيەن (1), فرانسىيە (2), كانادا (1), كۇبا (1), ليۇكسېمبۇرگ (1), ليۇكسېمبۇرگ شەھىرى (1), مولدوۋا (1), پولشا (1), پەرغانە ۋىلايىتى (1), گېرمانىيە (1), ۋېنگرىيە (1), ۋېنېسۇئېلا (1),
name:uk117"Віденська кава" (1), Єврозона (1), Європейський Союз (1), Європейський інвестиційний банк (1), Іспанія (1), АТБ-маркет (1), Абсолют (2), Автошлях О-231805 (1), Автошлях О-231807 (1), Ансоатегі (1), Антильські острови (1), Араві́йський піво́стрів (1), Арвад (1), Бакбо / Тонкінська затока (1), Бастонь (1), Бельгія (1), Боденське озеро (1), Бретань (2), Бріє (1), Великі Антильські острови (1), Венесуела (1), Висла (1), Волгоградська область (1), Вільрю (1), Гагаріна вулиця (1), Гессен (1), Гуаріко (1), Дорога Святого Якова (1), Дьйор (1), Дікірх (1), Ехтернах (1), Західний Буг (1), Західнопоморське воєводство (2), Зурбауа (1), КМ "Приозерний" (1), Канада (1), Квебек (1), Колос (2), Корейська Народно-Демократична Республіка (1), Куп’янськ - Попасна (1), Куп’янськ - Сватове (1), Ла-Манш (1), Легьоновський повіт (1), Лодзьке гетто (1), Лотарингія (1), Льєж (1), Любань (1), Люксембург (3), Мазовецьке воєводство (1), Макрорегіон 2 (1), Метрополія Франції (1), Молдова (1), Монагас (1), Моріока (1), Мінський повіт (1), Нижня Саксонія (1), Нунавут (1), Німеччина (1), Оптимал (1), Організація Північноатлантичного договору (1), Оркнейські острови (1), Панамериканське шосе (1), Перська затока (1), Польща (1), Полісся (2), Португалія (1), Прудницький повіт (1), Прут (2), Пхеньян (1), Південний федеральний округ (1), Північна лінія (1), Рейнланд-Пфальц (1), Речовий ринок (2), Росія (1), Румунія (1), Саарланд (1), Собор Люксембурзької Богоматері (1), Список країн Європейського Союзу (1), Спорт (1), Стримба (1), Суд Європейського Союзу (1), Театр "Vie" (1), Трамвай №9 (М’ясокомбінат — Старомостова площа) (1), Трамвай №9 (Старомостова площа — М’ясокомбінат) (1), Траншея (1), Тунцзян (1), Угорщина (1), Узбекистан (1), Уральський федеральний округ (1), Фарерські острови (1), Ферганська область (1), Франція (2), Фуцзінь (1), Фіністер (1), Хайнань (1), Хортицька національна академія (1), Цзямуси (1), Челябінська область (1), Чженьцзян (1), Шиффланж (1), Шпанівка (2), Юнглінстер (1), Юрія Приходька вулиця (1), Юц (1), Яворів-12 (1), острів Куба (1),
name:ur53ازبکستان (1), بریتانیہ (2), بلجیئم (1), بیلجیم - فرانس (1), بینیلکس (1), ترئیر (1), تنظیم معاہدہ شمالی اوقیانوس (1), جرمن-متکلم کمیونٹی (1), جرمنی (1), جرمنی - فرانس (1), جزائرفارو (1), جزیرہ نما عرب (1), خلیج فارس (1), دانتو ضلع (1), رائنلینڈ-پالاتینات (1), رودبار انگلستان (1), روس (1), رومانیہ (1), سارلینڈ (1), شمالی کوریا (1), فارو (1), فرانس (2), فرانسیسی کمیونٹی (1), فرغانہ صوبہ (1), لاگوا (1), لورین (1), لکسمبرگ (3), مالدووا (1), مجارستان (1), موزل (1), میٹروپولیٹن فرانس (1), نناوت (1), نیدرزاکسن (2), والونیا (1), وینیزویلا (1), پرتگال (1), پورتالیگرے (1), پولینڈ (1), پیانگ یانگ (1), چیلیابنسک اوبلاست (1), ژینجیانگ (1), کوریائی جزیرہ نما (1), کینیڈا (1), کیوبا (1), کیوبک (1), گرایت است (1), ہسپانیہ (1), ہیسے (1),
name:uz27Arabiston yarim oroli (1), Belgiya (1), Bretan (1), Chelyabinsk viloyati (1), Farer orollari (1), Farg'ona Viloyati (1), Fransiya (2), Ispaniya (1), Kanada (1), Koreya Xalq Demokratik Respublikasi (1), Kvebek (1), Luksemburg (2), Mojariston (1), Moldova (1), Nunavut (1), Olmoniya (1), Oltiariq tumani (1), Oʻzbekiston (1), Polsha (1), Portugaliya (1), Qoʻshtepa tumani (1), Rossiya Federatsiyasi (1), Ruminiya (1), Venesuela (1), Volgograd viloyati (1),
name:uz-Arab2آلتی اریق تومنی (1), قۉش تپه تومنی (1),
name:uz-Cyrl2Олтиариқ тумани (1), Қўштепа тумани (1),
name:uz-Latn3Oltiariq tumani (1), Qoʻshtepa tumani (1), Turkiy Davlatlar Tashkiloti (1),
name:uz-cyr1Ўзбекистон (1),
name:ve2Rashia (1), Venezuela (1),
name:vec18Belgio (1), Canada (1), Corea del Nord (1), Fransa (2), Germania (1), Lusenburgo (2), Moldavia (1), Ongarìa (1), Paexi Baschi (1), Portogało (1), Połonia (1), Romanìa (1), Rusia (1), Spagna (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venesueła (1),
name:vep17Bel'gii (1), Francii (2), Ispanii (1), Kanad (1), Lüksemburg (2), Mad'jaranma (1), Moldov (1), Pol'šanma (1), Portugalii (1), Romanii (1), Saksanma (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venesuel (1), Venäma (1), Čeläbinskan agj (1),
name:verkeiersverbond5Banzelt, Ort (5),
name:vi44Ba Lan (1), Bán đảo Ả Rập (1), Bình Nhưỡng (1), Bắc Triều Tiên (1), Bỉ (1), Bồ Đào Nha (1), Canada (1), Chelyabinsk tỉnh (1), Chính quốc Pháp (1), Eo biển Măng-sơ (1), Farg'ona (tỉnh) (1), Hungary (1), Liên bang Nga (1), Liên minh châu Âu (1), Luxembourg (3), Moldova (1), Nhuận Châu (1), Nunavut (1), Orkney (1), Pháp (2), Prut (1), Québec (1), Quần đảo Faroe (1), Romania (1), Thung lũng Jordan (1), Trấn Giang (1), Tân Phước (1), Tây Ban Nha (1), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Volgograd (tỉnh) (1), Vùng liên bang Phía Nam (1), Vịnh Ba Tư (1), Vịnh Bắc Bộ (1), Đan Đồ (1), Đảo Bạch Long Vĩ (1), Đảo Hải Nam (1), Đảo Ti Tốp (1), Đảo Vĩnh Thực (1), Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (1), Đức (1),
name:vi-Hani3同平滝九龍 (1), 泳北部 (1), 省堅江 (1),
name:vls23Arlon (2), België (1), Canada (1), Duutsland (1), Eupn (1), Europese Unie (1), Hongareye (1), Iengels Kanoal (1), Luuk (1), Luxemburg (4), Moldavië (1), Pooln (1), Portugal (1), Roemenië (1), Rusland (1), Spanje (1), Vrankryk (2), Wallonië (1),
name:vo23Belgän (1), Deutän (1), Dona-Saxän (1), Fransän (2), Hesän (1), Kanadän (1), Lusbekän (1), Luxämburgän (2), Macarän (1), Moldovän (1), Nolüda-Koreyän (1), Nunavut (1), Polän (1), Portugän (1), Pyöngyang (1), Rinän-Palzän (1), Rumän (1), Rusän (1), Saarlän (1), Spanyän (1), Venesolän (1),
name:wa28Almagne (1), Beldjike (1), Canada (1), Doncô (1), Echternak (1), Espagne (1), Euskadeye (1), Federåcion d' Rûsseye (1), France (2), France - Beldjike (1), Kebek (1), Lussimbork (2), Lussimbork veye (1), Lîdje (1), Måtlindje (1), Nèyåw (1), Pologne (1), Portugal (1), Roumaneye (1), Union Uropeyinne (1), Venezwela (1), Vervî (1), Walonreye (1), Walonreye (Kiminålté francesse) (1), Årlon (2),
name:war22Alemanya (1), Amihanan nga Korea (1), Belhika (1), Chelyabinsk Oblast (1), Espanya (1), Fergana (lalawigan) (1), Fransya (2), Hungarya (1), Kanada (1), Luxemburgo (2), Moldavia (1), Polonya (1), Portugal (1), Pyongyang (1), Rawis han Arabya (1), Rumania (1), Rusya (1), Usbekistan (1), Venezuela (1), Zhenjiang (1),
name:win1Taaǧiri Mąą (1),
name:wo19Almaañ (1), Arabi (1), Belsik (1), Benesuwela (1), Duni Faarow (1), Faraas (2), Federaasioŋ bu Riisi (1), Ispaañ (1), Kanadaa (1), Kore gu Bëj-gànnaar (1), Luksambuur (2), Moldaawi (1), Ongiri (1), Poloñ (1), Portugaal (1), Romaani (1), Usbekistaan (1),
name:wuu19丹徒区 (1), 乌兹别克斯坦 (1), 俄罗斯 (1), 加拿大 (1), 匈牙利 (1), 卢森堡 (2), 委内瑞拉 (1), 平壤市 (1), 摩尔多瓦 (1), 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 (1), 比利时 (1), 法国 (2), 波兰 (1), 罗马尼亚 (1), 葡萄牙 (1), 西班牙 (1), 镇江市 (1),
name:xal19Аһша төгәлң (1), Бельҗмудин Нутг (1), Боливара Венесулмудин Орн (1), Канадин Орн (1), Лүксин Балһсна Нутг (2), Молдавмудин Орн (1), Ниицәтә Немшин Орн (1), Орсн Орн Нутг (1), Польшин Орн (1), Португишин Орн (1), Пранцсин Орн (2), Румудин Орн (1), Сартин Орн (1), Солңһудин Улс Орн (1), Хунһармудин Орн (1), Челябинска төгәлң (1), Эспанмудин Нутг (1),
name:xh3Coreia do Twoaie (1), IJamani (1), IRashiya (1),
name:xmf17არაბეთის ჩქონი (1), ბელგია (1), ბრეტანი (1), გერმანია (1), ესპანეთი (1), კანადა (1), ლუქსემბურგი (2), მოლდოვა (1), ოორუე კორეა (1), პოლონეთი (1), პორტუგალია (1), რუმინეთი (1), რუსეთი (1), საფრანგეთი (2), უნგრეთი (1),
name:yi21אַראַבישע האַלב-אינדזל (1), אוזבעקיסטאן (1), אונגארן (1), בעלגיע (1), דייטשלאנד (1), ווענעזועלע (1), לאדזשער געטא (1), לוקסעמבורג (2), מאלדאווע (1), פארטוגאל (1), פוילן (1), פיאנגיאנג (1), פראנקרייך (2), צפון קארעע (1), קאנאדע (1), קוויבעק (1), רומעניע (1), רוסלאנד (1), שפאניע (1),
name:yo20Bẹ́ljíọ̀m (1), Fenesuela (1), Fránsì (2), Húngárì (1), Jẹ́mánì (1), Kánádà (1), Kòréà Àríwá (1), Luxembourg (1), Lúksẹ́mbọ̀rg (1), Móldófà (1), Orílẹ́ède Lusemogi (1), Polandi (1), Pyongyang (1), Pọ́rtúgàl (1), Románíà (1), Rọ́síà (1), Spéìn (1), Àwọn Erékùṣù Fàróè (1), Ùsbẹ̀kìstán (1),
name:yue26丹徒區 (1), 俄羅斯 (1), 加拿大 (1), 匈牙利 (1), 北部湾 (1), 北韓 (1), 委內瑞拉 (1), 布禮斯大區 (1), 平壤市 (1), 德國 (1), 摩爾多瓦 (1), 月即別 (1), 比利時 (1), 法國 (2), 法國本土 (1), 波蘭 (1), 潤州區 (1), 盧森堡 (2), 羅馬尼亞 (1), 葡萄牙 (1), 西班牙 (1), 車里雅賓斯克州 (1), 鎮江 (1), 阿剌伯半島 (1),
name:yue-Latn1Bakbu Waan (1),
name:za6Cauzsenh Minzcujcujyi Yinzminz Gunghozgoz (1), Dwzgoz (1), Ezlozswh Lienzbangh (1), Fazgoz (2), Sihbanhyaz (1),
name:zea16Belhië (1), Canada (1), Duutsland (1), Europese Unie (1), Frankriek (2), Honharije (1), Luxemburg (2), Moldâvië (1), Oezbekistan (1), Portuhal (1), Poôl'n (1), Roemenië (1), Rusland (1), Spanje (1),
name:zh17519路:天烛峰景区 -> 卜蜂莲花 (1), 219国道 (1), 318国道 (1), 七號幹線 (1), 万哈线(哈业胡同方向) (1), 三橡果博物馆 (1), 上水 (1), 上海公交 (1), 上海公交浦东34路 (1), 上海公交浦东64路 (1), 下萨克森州 (1), 中国石化 (1), 中国驻卢森堡大使馆 (1), 中间沙 (1), 丹徒区 (1), 乌兹别克斯坦 / 烏茲別克 (1), 乌拉尔联邦管区 (1), 乌玛度空口岸联合检渣站 (1), 伏尔加格勒州 (1), 伯克要塞 (1), 佐敦谷 (1), 佳木斯市 (1), 俄罗斯 (1), 冈山市 (1), 冰穹A (1), 列日省 (1), 前江省 (1), 加拿大 (1), 努纳武特地区 (1), 匈牙利 (1), 北大西洋公约组织 / 北大西洋公約組織 (1), 北部大區 (1), 北部湾 (1), 南湛高速 (8), 南部联邦管区 (1), 博登湖 (1), 卢森堡 (1), 卢森堡 / 盧森堡 (2), 卢森堡国家历史艺术博物馆 (1), 卢森堡市政厅 (1), 卢森堡机场 (1), 同江市 (1), 地壇 (1), 地铁 14号线 (1), 地铁 14号线: 岗厦北 -> 沙田 (1), 堅江省 (1), 复兴中路汾阳路 (2), 复兴西路武康路 (2), 夏夫堡鐵路 (1), 大公府 (1), 大公现代艺术博物馆 (1), 大安的列斯群岛 (1), 大嶝街道 (1), 奥克尼 (1), 委內瑞拉 (1), 安明縣 (1), 富锦市 (1), 巴斯克 (1), 巴斯托涅 (1), 巴顿将军纪念碑 (1), 布列塔尼 (1), 布尔格—罗伊兰德 (1), 布里埃 (1), 平壤市 (1), 康梧路秀沿路 (3), 康梧路秀浦路 (4), 德国 (1), 憲法廣場 (1), 摩尔多瓦 / 摩爾多瓦 (1), 敦拉萨路 (1), 新福县 (1), 昆河铁路 (6), 普魯特河 (1), 朝鲜 / 北韓 (1), 朝鲜半岛 (1), 欧元区 (1), 比利时 / 比利時 (1), 永殖岛 (1), 法国/法國 (2), 法國本土/法国本土 (1), 法罗群岛 (1), 波兰 (1), 波斯湾 / 波斯灣 (1), 泰安公交19路 (1), 济南公交 (1), 浦东34路:东泰林路康桥路 -> 鹤沙航城地铁站 (1), 浦东34路:鹤沙航城地铁站 -> 东泰林路康桥路 (1), 浦东64路:康沈路关岳路 -> 鹤恒路鹤雷路 (1), 浦东64路:鹤恒路鹤雷路 -> 康沈路关岳路 (1), 海南岛 (1), 润州区 (1), 爱乐音乐厅 (1), 白龙尾岛 (1), 盛岡市 (1), 盧森堡 (1), 盧森堡基希貝格諾富特飯店 (1), 突厥國家組織 (1), 维勒吕普 (1), 维斯瓦河 (1), 罗马尼亚 / 羅馬尼亞 (1), 羅茲猶太區 (1), 航瑞路鹤沙路 (3), 艾尔瓦德岛 (1), 艾洼新村 (2), 莱茵兰-普法尔茨 (1), 萨尔 (1), 葡萄牙 (1), 蜜雪冰城 (1), 蝦皮店到店 (4), 西波美拉尼亚省 (2), 西班牙 (1), 費爾干納州 (1), 达斯堡 (1), 钢城320路:健康园 -> 高新区办公大楼 (1), 钢城320路:高新区办公大楼 -> 健康园 (1), 钢城公交320路 (1), 钢城教育局 (3), 钢城规划局 (3), 锦绣佳苑西门 (3), 镇江市 (1), 阿尔茨费尔德 (1), 阿拉伯半岛 (1), 非尼斯泰尔省 (1), 面面聚到城中分店 (1), 马尼拉轻轨1号线 (1), 魁北克 (1), 鹤永路鹤洁路 (3), 鹤永路鹤涛路 (4), 鹤沙航城地铁站 (2), 鹤洁路航秀路 (2), 鹤洁路鹤永路 (2), 黄潭岛 (1), 黑森州 (1),
name:zh-Hans42219国道 (1), 下萨克森州 (1), 丹徒区 (1), 乌兹别克斯坦 (1), 乌拉尔联邦管区 (1), 伏尔加格勒州 (1), 俄罗斯 (1), 冈山市 (1), 列日省 (1), 匈牙利 (1), 北大西洋公约组织 (1), 南部联邦管区 (1), 卢森堡 (3), 坚江省 (1), 大东部大区 (1), 委内瑞拉 (1), 安明县 (1), 巡洲码头 (1), 布列塔尼 (1), 德国 (1), 摩尔多瓦 (1), 朝鲜 (1), 朝鲜半岛 (1), 欧元区 (1), 比利时 (1), 法国 (2), 法国本土 (1), 波斯湾 (1), 海南岛 (1), 润州区 (1), 瓦隆大区 (1), 罗马尼亚 (1), 英吉利海峡 (1), 葡萄牙 (1), 西波美拉尼亚省 (1), 西班牙 (1), 车里雅宾斯克州 (1), 镇江市 (1), 韩国/朝鲜 (1),
name:zh-Hant52219國道 (1), 318國道 (1), 下薩克森州 (1), 丹徒區 (1), 伏爾加格勒州 (1), 俄羅斯 (1), 列日省 (1), 前江省 (1), 匈牙利 (1), 北大西洋公約組織 (1), 北部灣 (1), 北韓 (1), 南部聯邦管區 (1), 堅江省 (1), 大東部大區 (1), 委內瑞拉 (1), 安明縣 (1), 岡山市 (1), 巡洲碼頭 (1), 布列塔尼 (1), 德國 (1), 摩爾多瓦 (1), 朝鮮半島 (1), 歐元區 (1), 比利時 (1), 永殖島 (1), 法國 (2), 法國本土 (1), 波斯灣 (1), 海南島 (1), 潤州區 (1), 烏拉爾聯邦管區 (1), 烏茲別克 (1), 瓦隆大区 (1), 盛岡市 (1), 盧森堡 (4), 羅馬尼亞 (1), 英吉利海峽 (1), 葡萄牙 (1), 蝦皮店到店 (4), 西波美拉尼亞省 (1), 西班牙 (1), 車里雅賓斯克州 (1), 鎮江市 (1), 韓國/朝鮮 (1),
name:zh_pinyin12Běibù Wān (1), Bǐlìshí (1), Cháoxiǎn bàndǎo (1), Dāntú Qū (1), Fùjǐn Shì (1), Fǎguó (1), Jiānádà (1), Lúsenbao (1), Rùnzhōu Qū (1), Tóngjiāng Shì (1), Xiōngyálì (1), Zhènjiāng Shì (1),
name:zu12IFulansi (2), IJalimani (1), IKhanada (1), IPhothugali (1), IPolandi (1), IRashiya (1), ISpeyini (1), Venezuela (1), i-Belgium (1), i-Hungary (1), i-Luxembourg (1),
name_134CEDIES (1), County Road 109 (1), County Road 113 (1), County Road 15 (1), County Road 406 (1), County Road 8 (1), County Road 98 (1), County Road H (1), County Road X (2), Daiwelsschlucht (1), East Ocean Avenue (1), East Princeton Drive (1), Lindsey Road (1), Main Street (2), Middlefork Road (1), Niccum Road (1), Nicholas Parkway (4), North Meridian Road (1), Ridgeway Road (1), : 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">State Highway 278 (1)
, : 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">State Highway 74 (1)
, State Road 1009 (1), State Road 2024 (1), State Road S-20-93 (1), State Road S-42-936 (1), State Route 624 (1), State Route 668 (1), State Route 707 (1), West Diversey Parkway (1),
name_21East County Line Road (1),
name_old11Cité Bongert (1), Haaptstrooss (6), Rue Driecht (4),
name_orig1Ramp-rt 2 Eb To Rt 91 Nb (1),
name_with_accent:ru1Арави́йский полуо́стров (1),
naptan:AtcoCode5115000101204 (1), 15000101404 (1), 15000101405 (1), 150002001008 (1), 150006001004 (1), 15002007004 (1), 150021010004 (1), 150021010008 (1), 15003403102 (1), 150042019001 (1), 150044012004 (1), 1500CRUSADER (1), 1500IM1139 (1), 1500IM1555 (1), 1500IM187BC (1), 1500IM187BE (1), 1500IM359 (1), 1500IM981B (1), 1500STANEND (1), 2290YHA01496 (1), 2290YHA01498 (1), 340000017DR (1), 340000025MG (1), 340000025OPP (1), 390020064 (1), 390020071 (1), 390020072 (1), 390020123 (1), 390020125 (1), 390020201 (1), 390020202 (1), 390020330 (1), 390030009 (1), 390030015 (1), 390030016 (1), 390030017 (1), 390030022 (1), 390030023 (1), 390030024 (1), 390030025 (1), 390030026 (1), 390030027 (1), 390030032 (1), 390030033 (1), 390030034 (1), 390030035 (1), 390030036 (1), 390030037 (1), 390030039 (1), 390030042 (1), 910GFROSTLY (1),
naptan:Bearing50E (8), N (4), NE (8), NW (6), S (7), SE (6), SW (2), W (9),
naptan:BusStopType7CUS (7),
naptan:CommonName50A11 Crossroads (1), Alfred Road (1), Angel Lane (1), Bishops Hill Junction (2), Blake Hall Turning (1), Blunts Wall Road (1), Boars Tye Road (1), Bobbingworth Mill (1), Boyton Hall Lane (1), Buckhurst Hill Station (1), Cavendish Street (1), Cliff Lane Triangle (2), Coach Station (2), Coprolite Street (2), Council Offices (1), Crowbush House (1), Elmhurst Drive (2), Endeavour House West (1), Faraday Close (1), Hillcrest (1), John Street (1), Junction Road (1), KC Stadium (1), Kiln Lane (1), Knappers Way (1), London Road (1), Manor Grove (2), North Sea Ferry Terminal (1), Nottidge Road (1), Oulton Road (2), Rectory Corner (1), River Hill (1), Rose & Crown (1), School (2), Shopping Parade (2), Silver Street (1), St Mary's Church (2), Toller Road (2), Two Saxons (1),
naptan:Crossing15Alfred Road (1), Blunts Wall Road (1), Boyton Hall Lane (1), Broadway (1), Faraday Close (1), Fish Street (1), Hillcrest (1), King George Dock (1), Long Border Road (1), Rectory Lane (1), River Hill (1), Seven Arches Road (1), Stony Lane (1), Torquay Road (1), Walton Street (1),
naptan:Indicator31Adj (4), Bay 24 (1), Bay 26 (1), Corner (1), Downside Road Corner (1), E-bound (1), From (1), Opp (6), Opposite (1), S-bound (1), SE-bound (2), W-bound (1), adj (2), adj 43 (1), nr (1), o/s (2), opp (3), opp West Park (1),
naptan:Landmark50Alfred Road (1), Angel Lane (1), Bishops Hill Junction (2), Blake Hall Turning (1), Blunts Wall Road (1), Boars Tye Road (1), Bobbingworth Mill (1), Boyton Hall Lane (1), Buckhurst Hill Station (1), Cavendish Street (1), Cliff Lane Triangle (2), Coach Station (2), Coprolite Street (2), Council Offices (1), Crowbush House (1), Docks (1), Downside Road (1), Elmhurst Drive (2), Endeavour House West (1), Faraday Close (1), Hillcrest (1), John Street (1), Junction Road (1), Knappers Way (1), London Road (1), Manor Grove (2), Nottidge Road (1), Oulton Road (2), Rectory Corner (1), River Hill (1), Rose & Crown (1), School (2), Shelter (1), Shopping Parade (2), Silver Street (1), St Mary's Church (2), Toller Road (2), Two Saxons (1), West Park (1),
naptan:NaptanCode48esxadapm (1), esxajgmj (1), esxatjtj (1), esxatpwg (1), esxawawg (1), esxdagaw (1), esxdapmt (1), esxdtmjt (1), esxdtmjw (1), esxdtpjw (1), esxdwawa (1), esxgagwm (1), esxgatgd (1), esxgatgt (1), esxgwmdm (1), esxjapgj (1), esxjapgp (1), esxjgamw (1), esxjgawm (1), oxfamjap (1), oxfamjat (1), oxfamjdm (1), sufajapj (1), sufajatj (1), sufajatm (1), sufajdtp (1), sufajdwa (1), sufajmgw (1), sufajmja (1), sufajwaj (1), sufajwjw (1), sufajwmt (1), sufajwmw (1), sufajwpa (1), sufajwpt (1), sufajwpw (1), sufajwta (1), sufajwtd (1), sufajwtg (1), sufajwtj (1), sufamadg (1), sufamadj (1), sufamadm (1), sufamadp (1), sufamadt (1), sufamadw (1), sufamagd (1), sufamagp (1),
naptan:PlusbusZoneRef27BILERCY (1), BRTWOOD (1), CHLMSFD (1), CLACTON (1), HULL (2), IPSWICH (18), OXFD (3),
naptan:ShortCommonName2P & O Ferries (1), Walliker Street (1),
naptan:Street50Anlaby Road (1), Bishops Hill (1), Bodmin Road (1), Brandon Road (1), Burrs Road (1), Church Hill (1), Cliff Lane (4), Coopers End Road (1), Corporation Road (1), Duke Street (3), Epping Road (2), Field Road (1), Fore Street (1), Head Street (1), Holywells Road (2), Ingrave Road (1), Kiln Lane (1), Lodge Belt (2), London Road (1), Nacton Road (6), Owls Hill (1), Roding Lane (1), Rowley Drive (2), Roxwell Road (1), Silver Street (2), Spring Road (1), Station Forecourt (1), Stephenson Road West (1), Terminal Road South (2), The Avenue (2), Thetford Road (1), Tye Common Road (1), Village The (1),
naptan:verified24no (24),
narrow2yes (2),
nat_name13Communauté française de Belgique (1), Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens (1), N18 (5), N29 (1), Région Wallonne (1), Région Wallonne (Communauté française) (1), Río Segura (1), Strada Statale 263 di Val di Foro e di Bocca di Valle (1), US Highway 40 (1),
nat_name:ar3إقليم والونيا (1), الجالية الفرنسية في بلجيكا (1), مجتمع بلجيكي ناطق بالألمانية (1),
nat_name:ca3Comunitat francesa de Bèlgica (1), Regió Valona (1), Regió valona (Comunitat francesa) (1),
nat_name:de4Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens (1), Französische Gemeinschaft Belgiens (1), Wallonische Region (1), Wallonische Region (Französische Gemeinschaft) (1),
nat_name:en4French Community of Belgium (1), German-speaking Community of Belgium (1), Walloon Region (1), Walloon Region (French Community) (1),
nat_name:es4Comunidad Francesa de Bélgica (1), Comunidad Germanófona de Bélgica (1), Región Valona (1), Región Valona (Comunidad Francesa) (1),
nat_name:fr4Communauté française de Belgique (1), Communauté germanophone de Belgique (1), Région wallonne (1), Région wallonne (Communauté française) (1),
nat_name:lb1Wallounesch Regioun (1),
nat_name:nl4Duitstalige Gemeenschap van België (1), Franse Gemeenschap van België (1), Waals Gewest (1), Waals Gewest (Franse Gemeenschap) (1),
nat_name:pcd1Région walonne (1),
nat_name:ur2بیلجئیم کی جرمن-متکلم کمیونٹی (1), بیلجئیم کی فرانسیسی کمیونٹی (1),
nat_name:vls1Woals Gewest (1),
nat_name:wa2Redjon Walone (1), Redjon Walone (Kiminålté francesse) (1),
nat_ref8620.123 (1), 30.006 (2), 30.019 (1), 50.032 (5), 50.068 (3), 50.106 (3), 50.348 (5), 50.927 (3), 506 (1), 60.552 (4), 70.140 (4), 70.240 (2), 70.520 (2), 70.523 (2), 79.052 (2), 80.623 (2), 80.630 (3), 80.631 (5), A4 (3), AMT (1), ARV (1), AVS (1), AZB (1), BAO (1), CSC (1), DN12 (1), DN13E (2), FLG (1), FTR (1), GDM (1), LGA (1), LLE (1), LNH (1), LRS (1), LSD (1), MAI (1), MFR (1), NIS (1), ODV (1), PFR (1), PVZ (1), SMA (1), SNT (1), SS12 (6), TVD (1), VFX (1),
natural134846Sporbech (4), arete (2), bare_rock (311), bay (6), beach (19), cave_entrance (140), clearcut (4), cliff (21799), coastline (806), earth_bank (20), fell (6), forest (4), glacier (14), grass (4), grassland (1125), gully (33), heath (3260), hot_spring (1), lake (2), mixed (4), mud (11), peak (272), peninsula (6), proposed (1), reef (31), ridge (180), rock (22), s (2), : 2
Seraq: 1
Poncratis: 1
JFK73: 1
kylenz_linz: 1
rumbrummer: 1
')" onclick="ap(this)">saddle (9)
, sand (355), scree (220), scrub (17285), shingle (60), shoal (1), shrub (385), shrubbery (31), sinkhole (11), spring (220), stone (18), strait (2), tree (63264), tree_group (1), tree_row (8847), tree_stump (1), tundra (1), water (5307), wetland (4658), wood (6081),
naturbase:url1 (1),
naturbase:verneform1Naturreservat (1),
naturbase:verneplan1Skog (1),
navigationaid65als (49), papi (16),
ncat1광역시도로 (1),
ncn6PC 1 (3), PC 12 (1), proposed (1), yes (1),
ncn_ref7121 (255), 10 (1), 11 (1), 12 (1), 13 (1), 14 (1), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 18 (1), 19 (1), 2 (1), 20 (2), 21 (1), 22 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), 6 (1), 7 (2), 8 (1), 9 (1), Kayldall (1), Ko - Bett (1), PC 1 (12), PC 10 (11), PC 12 (99), PC 13 (24), PC 15 (20), PC 16 (42), PC 17 (107), PC 2 (2), PC 20 (20), PC 22 (4), PC 31b (12), PC 6 (8), PC 7 (8), PC 9 (4), PC1 (3), PC12 (19), PC15 (24), PC18 (3), PC2 (3), PC6 (6), undefined (1),
network5237500, 501, 502, 503, 575 (4), A-Welle;TVLU (5), ARR (10), AT (5), ATVO (1), AU:NSW (4), AU:NSW:T (7), AU:QLD:S (5), AU:VIC:S (3), AVL (141), AVL, RGTR (2), AVL, RGTR (1), AVL; RGTR (10), AVL;RGTR (10), AVV;NRW-Tarif;VRR;VRS;WestfalenTarif (1), Aachener Verkehrsverbund (1), Aguia Branca (1), Aircoach (1), Alimentadora (2), Amtrak (8), Amtrak Thruway Buses (1), Anadnte (1), Andante (17), Arnhem-Nijmegen (13), Arnhem-Nijmegen;Veluwe-Zuid (1), Arriva (in Herts and Essex) (42), Arriva Udine (3), Astuce (1), AtB (5), Augsburger Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (8), Autoritat del Transport Metropolità de l’àrea de Barcelona (1), BAB (2), BCT (1), BE Bike Bertrange (3), BE:A-road (1), BE:N-road (3), BMTC (9), BNP (1), BR (1), BR:PB (1), Banque Raiffeisen (2), Belgisch-Preußische Grenzsteine (2), Bilboko Aldiriak / Cercanías Bilbao (3), Bizkaibus (3), Bluestar (2), Bodensee-Oberschwaben Verkehrsverbund (3), BreizhGo (2), Brighton (2), Bundesstraßen (1), Bus Rotterdam (4), Busval d'Oise (2), Bürgerbus Willich (1), C mon bus (9), C-TRAN (2), CA:ON:York (1), CA:QC:R (1), CATS (1), CD:RING1 (1), CD:RN (1), CFL (42), CFL SEV (2), CFL;DB InterCity (3), CFS (2), CL:national (1), CL:regional (1), CN-narrow-gauge (1), CN:NM:jiuyuan (1), CN:national (2), CTA (1), Car TER Centre - Val de Loire (1), Car TER Centre − Val de Loire (1), Carloh (3), Carris Metropolitana (3), Cars Région Ardèche (4), Cars Région Isère (3), Casabus (1), Cercanías Madrid (6), Chemins de Fer Vicinaux (1), Cherriots (1), City Navette (1), City-Bus (5), City-Bus Echternach (2), City-Bus Esch-sur-Alzette (3), City-Bus Wiltz (8), Citybus (39), Citybus Echternach (1), Citybus Ettelbruck (1), Citybus;Ramassage Scolaire (1), Công ty CPVT & DV Liên Ninh (1), DART (4), DB InterCity (5), DB InterCity;EuroCity;ch-direct (1), DB InterCityExpress (8), DE:national (4), DLAn (6), DLLi (8), DLVB (25), Dalatrafik (1), Deutsche Bahn;Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund;RVV;agilis;Alex (2), Diffbus (60), Diffbus;TICE (2), DinTur (2), Drechtsteden, Molenlanden en Gorinchem (4), DÚK (3), EGO (2), EMEL (2), EW Bus (3), Eastern Sierra Transit (1), EuroCity (1), FAST (1), FR:A-road (1), FR:N-road (1), Fairfax Connector (2), First Bus (5), First in Essex (32), Flixbus (59), Florida Scenic Highways (1), Fluo Grand Est (3), Fryslân (2), Gbaka d'Abobo (3), Grenzraum Dreiländereck - 2000 Jahre Einheit und Trennung (3), Greyhound (1), Großraum-Verkehr Hannover (3), HART (1), HK (1), HSL (24), Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (27), Hamburger Verkehrsverbund;Großraum-Verkehr Hannover (2), Hamburger Verkehrsverbund;Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein (2), Hanoibus (4), Harrogate Bus Company (1), Heidenheimer Tarifverbund (3), Helsinki (1), Hop On Hop Off (1), IBXL (3), IC (6), IJssel-Vecht (4), IN:SH:AP (1), IN:SH:HR (1), IN:SH:MZ (1), IT:A-road (2), Ilévia (1), Ipswich Buses (3), JP:prefectural (1), JP:prefectural:kyoto (1), Kajaanin seudun joukkoliikenne (1), Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (27), KreisVerkehr Schwäbisch Hall (1), L (4), LE MET' (1), LEADER (1), LPT (17), LRT (3), LU:A-road (7), LU:B-road (2), LU:CR-road (14), LU:N-road (40), Landesstraßen 1. Ordnung im Saarland (1), Libero (10), Libero;Moonliner (1), Lignes d'Azur (2), Limburg (6), London Buses (39), London Underground (7), Loui Express (4), Loui Express - City-Bus Diekirch (3), Luxtram (30), Länstrafiken i Jämtlands län (7), MBTA (5), MDV (3), MHD Martin (6), MHD Trnava (2), MHD v Pardubicích (6), MX:MX (1), MZK Chojnice (23), Marne-la-Vallée (1), Metro Transit (5), Metrovalencia (4), Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (7), MtShastaNordic (2), Muni (2), Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (43), NAH.SH (4), NAH.SH;VRK (10), NIBSbuses (13), NICTD (23), NJ Transit (1), NL:N (5), NL:S:Amsterdam (1), NL:ring (1), NP:national (1), NPT (5), NRW-Tarif;VRM;VRR;VRS (1), NTF-3 (1), NTF-4 (1), NTF-5 (1), NVV (12), Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein (1), Navette Rives de Clausen (1), Navette de Remich (14), Network Rail (2), Neu-Belgisch-Luxemburgische Grenzsteine (27), Neu-Belgisch-Luxemburgische Zwischensteine (3), Nightbus (13), Noctilien (6), Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund (2), Norte (2), Nysse (17), ODIS (3), Oost-Brabant (4), OstalbMobil (1), Ostwind (6), Ostwind;ZVV (7), Oulun joukkoliikenne (1), Oxford (4), PH (4), PH:CAR:Baguio (8), PH:CAR:Benguet (1), PID (22), PT:national (1), PTV - Metropolitan Buses (3), Pace (1), Paris-Saclay (4), Planeta (3), Pražská integrovaná doprava (2), Provincie Utrecht (7), Publiek Vervoer Groningen-Drenthe (1), RATP (8), RBF (1), RCT (1), RGTR (1071), RGTR;AVL (2), RGTR;TECX (4), RMV (60), RMV;RNN (4), RNE (1), RO:DC (2), RO:DJ (1), RO:DN (2), RTM (1), RVV (1), RVV;VGN (2), Rail Rotterdam (1), Ramassage Scolaire (6), Rammassage Scolaire (1), Regensburger Verkehrsverbund (19), Regensburger Verkehrsverbund;Verkehrsgemeinschaft Landkreis Kelheim (2), Regio Utrecht (1), Regio Verkehrsverbund Lörrach (19), Regio Verkehrsverbund Lörrach;Tarifverbund Nordwestschweiz (4), Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg;Regio Verkehrsverbund Lörrach (1), Regionalbus Augsburg;Verkehrsverbund Großraum Ingolstadt (1), Regionalbus Ostbayern;Dingolfinger Regionalbusnetz;Verbundtarif DonauWald;Verkehrsgemeinschaft Osterhofen (1), Regionalbus Ostbayern;Regensburger Verkehrsverbund (3), Regionalbus Ostbayern;Verbundtarif DonauWald (3), Regionalbus Ostbayern;Verbundtarif DonauWald;Arriva Střední Čechy s.r.o. (2), Regionalverkehr Oberbayern (4), Regionalverkehr Oberbayern;Rosenheimer Verkehrsgesellschaft (1), Rent-a-bike Mullerthal (1), Rodalies de Catalunya (3), Rodalies de Catalunya (ATM Barcelona) (3), Ruter (4), S (2), S.T.P.T. (3), SE:LV (1), SE:RV (1), SEPTA (1), SI:R2 (1), SIAS (1), SIT (1), SL (12), SPT (5), STILL (3), Saint-Germain Boucles de Seine (1), Salzburger Verkehrsverbund (3), School Bus (1), Servizi Urbani Area Metropolitana Fiorentina (2), Servizio Extraurbano (3), Sibra (1), Skånetrafiken (3), Societatea de Transport București (1), Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Luxembourgeois (23), Sonndesbus (7), South San Francisco (2), Stadsvervoer Amsterdam (3), Stadtlinie Eichstätt (4), Stadtmobil Karlsruhe (1), Stagecoach in Hull (1), Stan (9), Stephensons of Essex (94), Stolpersteine (5), Sörmlandstrafiken (2), TAC (2), TAG (4), TAN (12), TCAT (2), TCL (3), TEC (47), TECB (1), TECL (43), TECL;RGTR (2), TECX (53), TER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (4), TER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (4), TER Grand Est (6), TGV (11), TGV InOui (1), TGV Lyria (1), TICE (45), TICE ligne 3 (2), TICE;Diffbus (1), TMB (3), TNW (15), TR-roads (2), TTC (1), TVS (1), TVSZ (1), TaM (12), Takst Sjælland (1), Tarifverbund Schwyz (4), Texas Trunk System (1), TfGM (10), The Bus (1), The Rapid (1), TransGironde (2), Transcol (36), Translink (1), Transperth (5), Transport for Ireland (2), Transporte urbano de Burgos (7), Trondheim Bysykkel (1), TrustyBus (9), Tursib (15), Twisto (8), US:AL (1), US:AZ (2), US:FL (5), US:FL:CR (1), US:I (6), US:ID (1), US:LA (1), US:MA (3), US:MA:Turnpike (1), US:MN:Carver (1), US:NC (3), US:NHS High Priority Corridors (1), US:NJ:Essex (1), US:OH (3), US:OR (3), US:OR:Named (4), US:TN:secondary (3), US:TX (3), US:TX:FM (1), US:US (16), US:US:Business (2), US:VT:VB:Green Mountain (1), US:WI:Marathon (1), US:WY (1), VAS;VGN (1), VBN (3), VCUB (1), VDL (7), VDL RGTR (2), VGN (4), VLN (4), VLS (1), VOR (22), VRM (3), VRM;VRT;CFL (3), VRR (77), VRS (16), VRT (73), VRT;CFL (3), VTO (2), VVO (24), VVT (4), Valley and Lake Express (1), Vantaa (1), Vel'Oh (1), Vel'oH (1), Vel'oh (1), Vel'oh! (39), Vel´Ok (2), Velóh (1), Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart (11), Verkehrsgemeinschaft Landkreis Mühldorf (1), Verkehrsgemeinschaft am Bayerischen Untermain (1), Verkehrsgemeinschaft des Landkreises Greiz;Verkehrsverbund Mittelthüringen (2), Verkehrsgesellschaft Bäderkreis Calw (2), Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (14), Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen (8), Verkehrsverbund Ems-Jade (10), Verkehrsverbund Großraum Ingolstadt (24), Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg (17), Verkehrsverbund Mainfranken (3), Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen (9), Verkehrsverbund Neckar-Alb-Donau (9), Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (5), Verkehrsverbund Region Braunschweig (9), Verkehrsverbund Region Trier (4), Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar (2), Verkehrsverbund Steiermark (47), Verkehrsverbund Vorarlberg (9), Verkéiersbond (1), Västtrafik (14), Vélizy Vallées (4), Vël'OK (5), Vël'Ok (3), Vël’Ok (1), WMATA Metrobus (1), Warrington's Own Buses (1), WeGo (3), Wehr (Mosel) (1), WestfalenTarif (76), Woro-woro de Port-Bouët (3), Wrocław (5), X-Trafik (1), Ybuss (1), York Region Transit (1), ZDMIKP Bydgoszcz (8), ZET (11), ZTM Poznań (16), ZTM Warszawa (11), ZVON (1), ZVV (14), Zarząd Transportu Metropolitalnego (9), Zarząd Transportu Zbiorowego w Rybniku (5), Zeeland (13), Zou ! (9), Zuidoost-Brabant (6), am:national (1), australia_freight (1), bg:motorway (2), bicycle (1), bus (3), ch-direct;DB EuroCityExpress (1), ch-integral (2), city (1), e-road (9), e-waterway (2), frimobil (1), hiking (1), icn (6), (1), iwn (36), lcn (243), liO (2), liO34 (2), lnc (1), local (3), lwn (329), marego (3), mtb (1), naldo (1), national (7), ncn (72), np:national (1), nwn (52), public_transport (2), : 1
Eljot8472: 1
Gregor Zaťko: 1
Digital-circle: 1
jztrailg: 1
TopiBe92: 1
whb: 1
***juggernaut***: 1
hesdrib: 3
Denis_Helfer: 1
AirforceOne: 1
bwbuz: 2
Thierry1030: 1
dvdhoven: 4
BER319: 1
kewl: 2
MacLondon: 1
jejo mo: 3
ramthelinefeed: 1
PeeWee32: 2
M_Kucha: 1
gauthier: 1
H-GT: 1
RollTideRoll_asdfjkll: 1
A67-A67: 3
Maptapper: 1
Stadtigel: 1
Axelos: 1
Digital-line: 1
steerage250: 1
Eebie: 1
Reinhard12: 1
streckenkundler: 3
noelbov: 6
juminet: 1
Vincentdesgms: 1
m sartor: 8
')" onclick="ap(this)">rcn (87)
, regional (16), rhn (4), road (7), ru:regional (1), rwn (89), saarVV (24), saarVV;VRT (6), stadtradhamburg (1), train (1), transjogja (1), ua:local (2), vel'oh (3), za:regional (1), İETT (3), İstanbul Metrosu (1), Županijske ceste (1), Διεθνής Προορισμοί / International Transfers (1), Ε.Μ.Ε.Λ. (14), ΕΜΕΛ (9), Εθνικοί Προορισμοί / National Destinations (1), ΟΣΕΑ (6), Городские автобусы Новосибирска (8), Городской общественный транспорт Екатеринбурга (8), Комитет по Транспорту Санкт-Петербурга (29), Московская область (8), Московский транспорт (35), РЖД (6), Регулярные пассажирские перевозки МО "Город Екатеринбург" (2), ירושלים (7), 上海公交 (6), 桂高速 (1), 泰安公交 (2), 深圳地铁 (2),
network:area40city (6), region (34),
network:class14Alimentadora (13), Noturno (1),
network:en47Jerusalem (7), RZD (3), Saint-Petersburg Transport Committee (29), Shanghai Bus (6), Shenzhen Metro (2),
network:es3Cercanías Bilbao (3),
network:eu3Bilboko Aldiriak (3),
network:guid238AT-VVSt (27), DE-BE-VBB (2), DE-BW-HTV (3), DE-BW-KVSH (1), DE-BW-KVV (18), DE-BW-OAM (1), DE-BW-VGC (2), DE-BW-VRN (2), DE-BW-VVS (11), DE-BY-AVV (8), DE-BY-MVV (42), DE-BY-RBO;DE-BY-DGF;DE-BY-VDW;DE-BY-VGO (1), DE-BY-RBO;DE-BY-VDW (5), DE-BY-RVO (4), DE-BY-RVO;DE-BY-RoVG (1), DE-BY-VAB (1), DE-BY-VGI (24), DE-BY-VGI;DE-BY-RBA (1), DE-NI-VEJ (9), DE-NW-WT (60), DE-SN-VVO (11), DE-TH-VGLG;DE-TH-VMT (2), FR-PAC-Zou (2),
network:he7ירושלים (7),
network:long1Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (1),
network:metro14RER-GEN (1), Rodalia de Barcelona (5), S-Bahn Wien (2), s-bahn (6),
network:name4Brabantse Kouters (1), Cycleways (1), Limburg (1), Liège (1),
network:ru3РЖД (3),
network:short469ATM (1), AVV (9), CFL (23), GVH (3), HTV (3), HVV (27), HVV;GVH (2), HVV;NAH.SH (2), KVSH (1), KVV (26), MDV (6), MVV (42), NAH.SH (1), NJT (1), NVV (2), OAM (1), RBO;DGF;VDW;VGO (1), RBO;RVV (3), RBO;VDW (3), RBO;VDW;ARRIVA (2), RVF;RVL (1), RVL (19), RVL;TNW (4), RVO (4), RVO;RoVG (1), RVV (18), RVV;VLK (2), STB (1), TVF (1), TVSZ (4), VAB (1), VBB (14), VBN (8), VEJ (10), VGC (2), VGI (24), VGI;RBA (1), VGLG;VMT (2), VGN (16), VLMÜ (1), VMS (8), VRB (9), VRN (2), VRT (3), VVM (3), VVO (6), VVS (11), VVSt (46), VVV (7), WT (67), Zou ! (2), bodo (3), naldo (9),
network:transport:type2bus;trolleybus (2),
network:type99Local (1), basic_network (4), lwn (1), node_network (90), rcn (3),
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(1), en:NIBS Buses (7), en:NJ Transit (1), en:Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority (1), en:Pace (transit) (1), en:Public Transport Victoria (3), en:Richland County Transit (1), en:Ruter (1), en:San Francisco Municipal Railway (1), en:Societatea de Transport București (1), en:South Shore Line (23), en:Stephensons of Essex (55), en:Toronto Transit Commission bus system (1), en:TransLink (Queensland) (1), en:Transperth (4), en:Warrington's Own Buses (1), en:York Region Transit (1), es:Autoridad del Transporte Metropolitano (1), es:Bizkaibus (3), es:Cercanías Madrid (6), es:Sistema Integrado de Transporte de Lima y Callao (1), es:Transporte urbano de Burgos (7), es:Transportes Metropolitanos de Barcelona (1), fi:Helsingin seudun liikenne (6), fi:Tampereen seudun joukkoliikenne (1), fr:Autobus de la ville de Luxembourg (87), fr:BreizhGo (2), fr:Ilévia (1), fr:InterCity (Belgique) (6), fr:Lignes d'Azur (2), fr:Nightbus (Luxembourg) (12), fr:Noctilien (6), fr:Opérateur de transport de Wallonie (28), fr:Régime général des transports routiers (407), fr:Réseau Astuce (1), fr:Réseau de bus Busval d'Oise (2), fr:Réseau de bus RATP (8), fr:Réseau interurbain de l'Isère (3), fr:Service de transport de l'agglomération nancéienne (9), fr:Société intercommunale des bus de la région annécienne (1), fr:Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois (18), fr:TEC Liège-Verviers (10), fr:TEC Luxembourg (1), fr:TER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (7), fr:TER Grand Est (3), fr:TGV (7), fr:TGV inOui (4), fr:Transports annemassiens collectifs (2), fr:Transports de l'agglomération de Montpellier (5), fr:Transports de l'agglomération grenobloise (4), fr:Transports en commun de Caen (8), fr:Transports en commun de l'agglomération nantaise (8), fr:Transports en commun lyonnais (3), fr:Vel'oH! (9), fr:Zou ! (7), hr:Zagrebački električni tramvaj (8), nl:Arnhemse trolleybus (4), nl:De Lijn (vervoermaatschappij) (31), pl:Zarząd Transportu Metropolitalnego (8), pl:Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Poznaniu (5), pl:Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Warszawie (6), pt:Sistema Transcol (1), pt:Viação Águia Branca (1), ro:Tursib (1), ru:Российские железные дороги (3), sv:Skånetrafiken (2), sv:Storstockholms Lokaltrafik (2), sv:Västtrafik (7), sv:X-Trafik (1), zh:深圳地铁 (2),
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nhd-shp:fdate1Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 EDT 2006 (1),
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nhd:fdate1Tue Jun 13 00:00:00 PDT 2006 (1),
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no:highway253footway (3), path (134), service (1), steps (3), track (112),
no:tourism1camp_site (1),
noexit3028destroyed by construction works (1), motor_vehicle (1), way has been opened and leads to a road (2), work in progress, do not delete (1), yes (3023),
nohousenumber13yes (13),
noise:LAeq:winter:evening_peak153 dB (1),
noname152yes (152),
noref21yes (21), topo inaccurate (7),
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not:tracktype3grade3 (1), grade4 (2),
not_via4Seitenstetten Hauptschule (1), Waidhofen an der Ybbs Gymnasium/HAK (3),
note4414 Lundi Fermé Mardi à Samedi 09:00 - 19:00 Dimanche Fermé (1), "C,2 excepte bike frei" sign only on one side, so setting bicycle=permissive (1), "Circuit Auto-Pedestre" continues on this way (2), +2 motorb (1), 1 (6), 1 lane for right turn + 1 lane for bus (1), 1 liter of milk = 1 euro (1), 17.4.2016 been there, newly made track (1), 173207 (1), 19.10.2017: path's beginning on E side is clearly destroyed with collapsed tree & landslide (careful for hazards), the W side has been "destroyed" and covered with natural elements to hide the trail, left for possible future restauration by rangers. (1), 19.10.2017: the beginning on N side is prone for subjective interpretation, the S side is overcrowded with bushes, only a little kid can pass without having to bend down. (2), 2 (2), 2 bancs (1), 2 wastebaskets, 1 for cigarettes (1), 2,10 (2), 2013 track totally cleaned, 2017 overgrown, 2020 very difficult to ride with bicycle (1), 2017 is too tilted, compare with the building on its west side (1), 2020 recent clearcut (1), 20200313: in bad shape. nearly unusable (1), 2021 Proclamation boundaries of Bears Ears National Monument (1), 2021 photos show parking crowded with works (1), 3 big steps to reach front door. It may be possible to access this with a wheelchair if a second person is helping. The second floor is wheelchair accessible via the emergency exit and ramp at the rear of the building. (1), 3 connectors with 160kW and Type 2 connector 3 connectors with 350kW and Type 2 connector (1), 3 départements n’ont aucun canton pour les élections départementales : Paris (75, élections municipales par arrondissement au conseil de la Ville), Martinique et Guyane (972 et 973 : élections par secteur régional aux élections régionales) (1), 3 lanes, not 4, the 4th is materialized by separate service way (2), 30.03.2019 this path has now redefined itself thanks to many users (1), 37133 Friedland (1), 37213 Witzenhausen (1), 4 (5), 40t sign (1), 42655 Solingen (1), 42719 Solingen (1), 45 (mostly unsigned) (1), 49°52'00.6"N 6°15'52.2"E (1), 4h max at a time (1), 5 (1), 54308 Langsur (1), 54310 Ralingen (1), 54331 Pellingen (1), 54439 Saarburg (1), 54441 Ayl, Trassem u.a. (1), 54453 Nittel (1), 54457 Wincheringen (1), 54617 Lützkampen (1), 54668 Ferschweiler (1), 54669 Bollendorf (1), 54673 Neuerburg u.a. (1), 54675 Körperich u.a. (1), 54689 Daleiden, Preischeid u.a. (1), 6 (4), 600 (unsigned) (1), 66706 Perl (1), 68-69 (1), 685 (mostly unsigned) (1), 7 (3), A Connection from an old cycle tour of Bettembourg/Roeser. Signed (only arrows) and no problem for MTB or gravel bikes. Not the best/largest paths but often better than the road with dangerous turns (1), A left turn from Rue du Puits Romain onto N34 going south-east is now possible on a dedicated lane. I don't know how to map this as long as the N34 is split in two in this area of the map. (1), A separate OSM relation exists for the territory of the European Union, which is not the same as the combined territory of the Member States. (1), A13-06_29.xml (1), A13-06_32.xml (1), A13-06_35.xml (2), A13-06_41.xml (8), Abandoned (1), Abendbetrieb (2), Acces forbidden, multiple signs! (6), Access conflict for bicycle (yes from West, no from East) (4), Access conflict for bicycles and horses (yes from West, no from East) (1), Access is not agricultural; other vehicules that have a reason to get there (e.g. water tower) are allowed (1), Access=no at wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday after 20.00 (2), According satellite imagery, Geoportail's path is not accurate for this portion, also it's rather a large track up to a certain point, plotted with GPS +/- 3m accuracy. (1), According to, it's Auguste Dutreux: born in 1873 (1), According to local residents the campsite has been closed for years. (1), Actually not in Lentzweiler (1), Address is in Esch-sur-Alzette even if physically in Mondercange (1), Address referenced at (1), Address shared between two buildings (2), After a few years, vegetation has claimed back the top part of the extremely steep path (1), After a landslide, passage is officially forbidden to any vehicle in both directions. However, the landslide is located right next to the way. Therefore, it is still usable by foot and bicycle while being careful (1), After several years, this street has been paved (1), Al as in old, not as in Allée (1), Aligned to Geoportail's 2013/2016 imageries which are clearly photo shots with lesser tilted angle, satellite photos with tilted angles on hills deform the position. (4), All barriers for vehicules have been removed to allow access to the surrounding streets since Rue de l'Église is being rebuilt. Replaced motor_vehicule=no (access). (1), Also oneway for bicyles (7), Ancien tracé de l'A13 (4), Ancien tracé de la N 7. (1), Ancien tracé de la ligne, alors en voie unique, avant doublement du viaduc, voie déposée en 2019. (1), Ancien tracé de la rue Gluck avant la création de la pénétrante sud. (2), Ancienne N4 puis CR 169, vestige d'une section en 2x2 voies. (1), Anciennement à double sens, la voie en sens inverse est conservée pour réouverture ultérieure. (1), Anciennement à double sens. (3), Animal Jump (1), Apparemment, une ancienne route dont l'asphalte a partiellement disparu avec le temps, recouverte de terre et de feuilles. (1), Approximate location based on sat imagery and USGS OpenTopo map (1), Approximative shape and position (1), Area at Centre Convict, etc is filled with office businesses, hotels, social facilities, it is not relevant to tag it as leisure=park (1), Areal photographies taken during the windmill construction works don't match the current track (1), Art chairs for 2 people integrated to the bridge (1), As can be seen in the 17/08/2017 Mapillary imagery, this pole is not connected to any overhead lines. (1), As of June 2021 this way is shared space (1), As visible on satellite images and I've seen it in reality, the farmer just crosses the track without stopping his machines (1), At splaces it's as large as a river (OSM standard), at others as a stream (5), Attached houses 3 and 3A. (1), Auffächerung zwischen Molsdorf und Ichtershausen entspricht den Markierungen beim Vorbild. Passt so! (1), Aufgrund fehlender Weichen im Stationsbereich offenbar Haltepunkt (railway=halt) statt Bahnhof (railway=station) (1), Aufzug - Zugang nur nach Klingeln (1), Aug2022 in construction (1), Backbone part (1), Berm (1), Beschr.: Auenheim Nord; Glesch Nord (1), Betrieb befristet eingestellt. (1), Bicycle access confusing: turn left arrow on rue Boch, but no sign. (1), Bicycle access is not clear: C2 sign with no bike exception on one side, and no C2 sign on the other side (1), Bicycles not allowed (1), Bikes Only. Downhill Only (5), Bing images are misaligned very much (3), Bing is misaligned here. (1), Bing not accurate, new installation (1), Bing: this is a moving crane, do not map as building (1), Biserica este situată aproximativ sub podul Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (podul roșu), care leagă centrul orașului de cartierul Kirchberg. Se poate ajunge cu autobuzul nr. 19 de la stația Centre-Hamilius până la stația Pfaffenthal-Theiwesbur (aprox.7 min.) (1), Bits of the path are visible, but it's a wall covered with trees and vegetation. Setting bicycle=no as this way is often suggested as a shortcut of PC16 by route planners (is there's a better way?) (1), Bitte nicht löschen. Könnte später noch jemandem nützen. (1), Blinklichter (2), Bodensee (Obersee-Teil1 - Österreich);Bodensee (Obersee-Teil2) (14), Bodensee (Obersee-Teil1);Bodensee (Obersee-Teil2) (1), Both 'rue' and 'route' de Wahlhausen touch each other. (2), Boulangerie-Patisserie spécialité portuguaise (1), Briddel with two 'd' in Luxembourgish (1), Bridge diversion for pedestrians and bikes (tho not suitable for road bikes) (3), Bridge has been destroyed in 2021 and is not there anymore. Not entirely clear how W6 + Mullterthal trail are diverted (1), Bridge inside the parking over the fortress (1), Broken bridge is put on the side of the river (1), Broken... (1), Building "Apollo" (1), Building "Artemis" (1), Building with multiple companies: aim, Luxequip, Invest, Natixis, Pfizer, Notre TV, Sanne group, BI-Invest, Mezzanvoe capital (1), Bureau forrestière Beaufort (1), Bus Direct à Luxembourg (1), Bus direct via E25 (2), Bus fährt weiter zurück nach Stetten (1), Bus kommt aus Stetten (1), Bus line: 233 (schoolbus) (1), Bussteig in Frankfurt (Hbf.) fehlt, nur improvisiert getaggt (1), C,2 sign bike exception conflict from both sides; assuming bicycle are OK (1), C,2 sign bike where bikes are not exempted when accessing from the roundabout, but not restricted when going there; so set bicycle=permissive (1), C2 sign bike exception conflict from both sides; assuming bicycle are OK (2), C2 sign bike status conflict from both sides (1), C2 sign on East side only... -> conflict about bicycle access (1), C2 sign on South side only... -> conflict about bicycle access, set as permissive as it's an access to PC1 (1), C2 sign on end side only... -> conflict about bicycle access (1), C2 sign on one side only... -> conflict about bicycle access (1), C2 signs on both sides contradict bicycle access (2), C2 signs on both sides of the track when coming from CR101: one allows bicycles and not the other (1), CACLR has 46 on next building, which is wrong (1), CACLR has Route but Rue is right Oneway is right, will not be removed! (2), CACLR has Schullwee, Règlement de circulation has Schoulwee (1), CACLR has addr:housenumber 2, website has 1 (1), CACLR has addr:housenumber 91, house sign has 93. 91 seems to refer to the previous barn that's now part of the house. (1), CACLR is wrong (7), CLC 2.4.2. Kompleksni uzorci kultivacije (4), CR = Chemin repris = Secondary / Survey 052022 (6), Cadastre says "rue de Chiny" but no other source (1), Cadastre shows several portions as public, the sign is LU:C2 is primarly for vehicles, the extra "Chemin privé" should logically be only for vehicles (1), Camping closed in 2011 (1), Can't be right, CACLR is wrong (1), Can't be seen in 2019 imagery, see (1), Canalisation de transport (1), Capacity 2 * 490 MVA (1), Capacity 490 MVA (1), Capacity 492 MVA (1), Capacity 732 MVA (2), Capacity is an estimate. (1), Caribbean Netherlands (BES islands) joined the Benelux per the 2012-01-01 revision of the Benelux Treaty. (1), Cars for letting down boats only. (1), Changed since this weekend (1), Chrummatt - Bergli (1), City sign has "Um Aale Besch"; this uses the spelling (1), Classé SSMN (1), Closed Toe Shoes Required;No Food Drinks Allowed (1), Closed from 25.02.2023 for 14 months (5), Closed until 2024. Transformations (1), Coastline is offset. Need good imagery. (1), Collapsed on one side -> downgraded to path (1), Collection times updated 2018-06-04. Edward VII era box (1), Combined red-light and maxspeed detection (1), Construction Immobilière Arend & Fischbach (1), Construction of 122 dwellings (1), Construction site (1), Contains two variants (with Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes or not). (1), Contradictory street name signs (1), Coordinates on the sign show to a different point (1), Corine Broad-leaved forest Deciduous nije ekvivalent listopadnoj šumi iz CLC-a (1), Corine Mixed forest (1), Correct spelling is combined, not "Brotemer Strooss" (1), Could be used as a track but traces only show path usage. (1), Currently Empty (1), Currently a construction site related to gas network. Car park is closed. (1), Currently disabled, (1), Cycleway is hard to see and not very good (1), Cycling also allowed during shopping hours (1), Cycling not allowed! Signage not very clear, signs on both ends refer to this street and not to Rue de l'Eau or Rue Large. (1), DO NOT DELETE THIS RELATION: Country border relation in conformity with all other European countries (1), DO NOT DELETE! QUALITY-ASSURANCE (1), DO NOT change name="평양시" to "평양시 (Pyongyang)". This is the 'general' name of the object. Usually this will be in Hangeul (only). See (1), Date of the fallen tree? November 2010 (1), De facto impossible turn radius for psv. Leave for routing. (1), Dec 2012: Currently empty (1), Dec 2012: New building, not yet on imagery (1), Dec 2012: New building, not yet on imagery; Multiple companies: Castel, BCS, Arthur Loyd, Foyer (1), Dec 2012: new building, not yet on Geoportail imagery (1), Dedicated bus lane (1), Dedicated line for the natural reserve to avoid the MP to trim out the inner elements which should be part also of the NR. (1), Der Kabel-Emdpunkt ist nuir vermutet. (1), Despite another track ends not far away, there is no cannaection as there is a waterway and a big altititude difference. (1), Die Dezentrale ist ein Ingenieurbüro und handelt als Inhaber von fünf Werksvertreungen regenerative Energie- und Haustechniken (1), Die Linie 427 fährt wegen Verkehrsbehinderungen seit 19.12.2022 bis auf Weiteres nicht mehr auf dem ausgewiesenen Fahrweg. Die Haltestellen Warmbreitbandstraße, Kaltbandstraße und Logistikpark Westfalenhütte entfallen (2), Die Routenführung entspricht der vor Ort vorgefundenen Wegmarkierung (1), Dit is een netwerk met een keuzepuntensysteem (wandelwissels). (1), Does not exist anymore (1), Dogs allowed, Parking, Take-away, Today's special, Methods of payment: Visa, Mastercard, CB, Ticket Restaurant, Chèque Resto, Sodexo (1), Don't change access tags or oneway tags please (needed for routing by AVL) (1), Don't copy blindly from geoportail topo, track update 2006! (1), Don't move this node! This node is placed on the exact geo coordinates as stated on the orientation sign. (18), Début Steinfort-Ettelbruck 20.04.1880 (1), E side seems still usable, W see note (2), Edge case, entrance just on corner - both streets possible. CACLR has street where mailbox and number are. (1), Ends in private garden (1), Ends on grass field (1), Enfield refer to this as "Cycleway (route 55)" but Cycleway 55 is in Hyde Park (1), Enquanto não é oficialmente uma divisão administativa este elemento está mapeado devido à sua grande utilização pelo público em geral. (1), Entrance on rue de l'École (1), Entrance on rue du Parc but house number on rue Rasquin (1), Evening service that intends to replace 60 & 60A buses; interval:conditional unnecesary (2), Exit Only (1), Experte für Photovoltaik / Solarkraftwerke. Erneuerbare Energien / Energieeinsparsysteme für Industrie und Gewerbe. (1), Extends up north (1), FIXME: farmland did increase towards south (1), Factory closed, most buildings in this area are used for other retail/commercial/stock (1), Fahrten mit Ankunft Kante C (96-240-4-j23-1.12.R) (1), Fahrten mit Ankunft Kante Q (96-188-5-j23-1.2.H) (1), Fahrtnr. 16, an Schultagen (1), Fahrtnr. 34, an Schultagen (1), Fahrtverlauf am Sonntag (1), Fence surrounding mineshaft pit and closed by large metal bars. Scrub vegetation coming out from the spaces between the metal bars. (1), Fence surrounding mineshaft pit, closed with large metal bars. Scrub vegetation coming out from the spaces between the bars. (1), Fermé (2), Fi for Findel? (1), First name lost to history. French geometrist that lived during the 19th century. (1), FitLine and BeautyLine are products sold (1), For Fitdog customers only (1), For bicycle (1), For explanations please read (2), For renting (1), For%20explanations%20please%20read%20 (2), Former E. Weydert (1), Former Tourist info office, has moved to the camping site. (1), Former pharmacy. (1), Free-running, biting, dog(s) running around. (1), Free-running, biting, dogs around Scheedhaff. (1), Fuel station torn down, car park construction. (1), Full name: Le Chemin de la Moselle de Thionville à Apach 30 kms (1), Futur contournement routier de proximité à 2 voies pour apaiser le trafic dans la localité de Hesperange-Alzingen. (3), Futur giratoire de raccordement N3 - CR 162 - Contournement (1), Futur raccordement CR 162 au contournement de Hesperange-Alzingen (1), Futur raccordement N3 au contournement de Hesperange-Alzingen (1), Future bretelle d'autoroute (1), Future bretelle d'autoroute. (1), Future entrée du P+R. (2), Future rampe du contournement de Hesperange-Alzingen (4), Future route d'accès (1), Future sortie du P+R. (2), Gap at Circuit de Spa (1), Gap between Leudelange-Sud and Lallange (1), topo not accurate (2), Topo inaccurate (2), topo & Heatmap not accurate (1), topo inaccurate (5), topo is inaccurate (1), topo not accurate (29), Geoportail topo position is not accurate (4), Geoportail topo position not accurate (1), Geoportail'lu topo not accurate (1), Geoportail's poistion is not accurate (1), Geoportail's position is not accurate (8), Geoportail's positions is not right, better source is average GPS/- traces. (4), Geoportail's topo inaccurate (1), Geoportail's topo is not precise (8), Geoportail's topo not accurate (12), Geoportail's topo not correct (12), Geoportail's version is outdated (5), 2019 Winter tilted (5), Cadastre, Esri Beta outdated (1), Topo inaccurate (21), Topo incorrect (2), Topo incorrect, it's a land marking for parcel. (1), Topo innacurate (1), Topo intermittent incorrect (3), Topo not accurate (78), Topo not accurate, nothing here (1), Topo wrong (1), does not seem right vs average GPS traces (1), does not seem right vs average GPS traces+ trees position on im. sat. (4), im. sat. seem deformed. topo, Esri & Mapbox seem concording. (1), inaccurate (1), not accurate (14), not accurate / bicycle access set to no due to technical issues (collapsed and grown trees on the way) so Komoot does not suggest this shortcut (1), not precise, see source (1), outdated, razed for farmland (1), topo inaccurate (83), topo inaccurate, no track going to the north-east (5), topo inaccurate/outdated (1), topo incorrect (2), topo is inaccurate (1), topo is incorrect (1), topo is not accurate (69), topo is not correct (1), topo no accurate (5), topo not accurate (210), topo not accurate according image sat and the path going around (3), topo not accurate on eastern side (1), topo not accurate on northern side, not a track (1), topo not accurate on western side (2), topo not accurate, not a track (1), topo not accurate, path is not joined on southern side of the creek, crrek and cliffs prevent it (3), topo not accurate, placed this and ditch at the furthest position from eachother according extremties of way to avoid overlapping of rendering (1), topo not correct, it's a ditch for perimeter of a parcel (1), topo not totally accurate (1), topo outdated (10), topo outdated (old routing pre 2000) (1), topo position is not accurate (1),'s path not precise (14),'s position topo is not correct/outdated (1),'s topo is inaccurate (2),'s topo is not accurate (21),'s topo is not right (1),'s topo not accurate (51),'s topo not accurate on west side (1),'s topo not accurate onnorthern side (1),'s way is not accurate according general Strava's heat data (1), Topo inaccurate (9), Topo incorrect (1), inaccurate (1), topo is not accurate according im sat (1), topo not accurate (24), topo not totally accurate (1), Topo not accurate (4), not accurate (1), position not correct/outdated (1), topo incorrect (4), topo is not accurate (6), topo not accurate (1),'s cadastre shows this way as not being part of a private parcel (1),'s cadastre shows this way partially as not being part of a private parcel (4),'s topo is not accurate (1),'s topo not accurate (18), topo not accurate (28), topo not accurate, part of Mullerthal Trail/Route 2 & Sentier Autopédestre Consdorf (22), Gildsdorf. Don't mix with Diekirch buildings. (1), Goes further (1), Grenspaal (1), Grenzen NSG nach präziser NATUREG-Shape-Datei Stand 2020-12-15 - Handle with care, bitte nicht verändern oder mit anderen Flächen oder Linien verbinden. (1), HVZ-Betrieb abends (Direktkurse) (1), HVZ-Betrieb morgens; verlängerte Fahrten nach Unterrengg (92-140-j23-1.6.H) (1), HVZ-Verdichtungskurse (1), Haltes Wilhelminaplein en Piazza vervallen t/m juli 2022. (1), Has to be changed when construction is finished (1), Haus MIT ANBAU (1), Heavily decayed, flagged for removal on 2023-02-24 (1), Heizung - Sanitär - Solar (1), Helipad for spray helicopters for the wineyards (1), Heliport (1), Helmsange (1), Here were trails decades ago, see old topo maps. Now there is only 1 broken staircase and some animal traces... (3), High possibility passing by Athus: stories about an important figure passing there, liked settling near "La Chiers" (rectangular near node 9968567329), legend says his chariot was buried in the tumulus (node 9319133954), finally in direction of Titelberg (1), Hiking trail CFL 22 on this way (1), Hochwasserschutzmauer (1), House stradles Bertrange and Strassen but address is correct (1), Housenumber is weird but correct! (15), Houses demolished late July 2020, new construction under way, likely completion end 2021. (1), Hueme (1), I don't think the sac-scale is correct, also it looked like a track when I passed (2), I have no ides why there is a fixme=continue here. I walked the stairs and all seems to be fine. (1), I recall being somewhat degraded, possibly grade2 (2), I think this road goes further through the forrest to the other side. (1), IDP camp (1), Identification 2022 (1), If the route is modified (due to reasons on ground (i.e. new way, abandoned highway) please inform about the change (1), Im Straßeninformationssystem u. der Mauttabelle als B 419L verzeichnet. (5), Im Zuge der Neugestaltung der Harderstraße muss der Linienverkehr ab 27. Februar 2023 für voraussichtlich zwei Jahre großräumig umgeleitet werden. (10), Improved SW tip of the island using landsat; Updated based on Yahoo WMS (2), Incline set for routers that use imprecise SRTM data, please don't remove (2), Inconsistent signalisation: coming from Rue des Peupliers or Cents, it seems that maxspeed=50 (2), Incorrectly shown on Google Maps as Rue Genistre (2), Indigoweb Werbeagentur (1), Intricate relation - do not auto-sort (2), Intricate relation - do not auto-sort. (7), Is an island, no pedestrian crossing (3), Is it wired up correctly? (1), Is this pole connected to somewhere? (1), It blocked the access to the road leading into Wiltz. Heavy combats took place in this area during the battle of the Schumann crossroads from December 27, 1944 until the liberation of Wiltz on January 21, 1945 by the 26th Infantry Division. (1), It is actually a hammock (1), It is actually a wooden bed in the forest (1), It's actually a small log at waiste height that can be removed sideways, so technically maybe a sliding gate? (1), It's actually both a bench and an artwork (1), It's only a matter of time until this track gets completely decayed (1), Itinéraire complet passant par les arrêts La Fontaine, la ZI Bigos et Marbrerie (2), Itinéraire plus rapide ne passant pas par les arrêts La Fontaine, la ZI Bigos et Marbrerie (2), Jeden dritten Sonntag im Monat von 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr (außer im August während der Schueberfouer). (1), Jules Wilhelm probably refers to /Jules_Wilhelm_(Politiker), not Jules_Wilhelm_(Historiker). The first article mentions that Jules Wilhem is a honorary mayor of Kayl. (1), Jump (4), Junction with a roundabout in 2015 (1), Kartenfehler Nr. 722430 (2), Kids pool (1), L'arrêt «Collège Les Pins» est bien présent deux foix sur l'itinéraire étant donné la boucle faite sur une partie de parcours (1), LB167 is located in the middle of a restaurant. (1), LIDAR MD outdated (1), LIDAR MD outdated, added all tags related to an elevated structure for walking over, they all are duplicates, this way everybody is happy (2), LIDAR outdated, way reshaped after landside 2020 (1), LL 61 missing here (1), LL 66 missing here (1), LL 68 missing here (1), LU-DE condominium (11), LX 02.770 label: I think it's the underground kerosene pipe (1), La Messancy is not officially a river but its flow is bigger than La Chier (considered as river) when they meet in Athus, also it is considered as a river by many local people, hence why the tag here rather as river (3), Last adjusted Point of the border-line B-L (1), Laut Auskunft Bischöfliches Ordinariat Hauptabteilung IV - Pastorale Konzeption Postfach 9, 72101 Rottenburg dürfen die Daten von nach OSM übernommen werden (1), Leads to houses 8-16 according to the signpost (1), Leave this path virtual, landlords do not want it ploted (2), Leave this track virtual, landlords do not want it ploted (2), Les dénivellés restent à confirmer. (1), Les sigles GR® GRP® PR, ainsi que les signes de balisages correspondants (blanc/rouge, jaune et jaune/rouge), sont des marques déposées par la Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre. (1), Lichtung um die Hütten (1), Lida Hillshade (2018) outdated (1), Ligt in het water (1), Limite de l'A13 (1), Line once continued beyond Ripoll to Sant Joan de les Abadesses (1), Llys Cadwyn Car Park Entrance (1), Local hiking route "B" goes there (1), Local hiking route "S" goes there (1), Local hiking routes "B" and "S" go via this way (2), Located in protected nature reserve Kéidénger Brill. According to a displayed letter on 2022-10-26, only ANF is allowed in the area (2), Looks like an abandoned track; feel free to update if it is (1), Looks like it was confused with the path next to it (1), Lot of branches on the way (1), Luxemburger: Piste-Cyclable-de-la-Basse-Sûr relation=12969 (1), M14 (Altunizade - Kâzım Karabekir) Metro Hattı (2), MTB-route Deventer (1), Main relation containing relations by countries (1), Mainly car dealers (1), Many collapsed trees on the way (1), Many thorns and fallen trees on the way (1), Marker before 2016 (1), Marker distance makes no sense with marker opposite (2), Marker is damaged, a piece of the upper part is missing. Marker is lying on the ground (1), Marnach end , access yes, dorscheid end, access no but not a oneway!?!? (1), Material zu einer archäologischen Felskunde des Luxemburger Landes von Dr Ernest Schneider, 1939 (1), Maunula (1), Maxspeed different in each direction! (8), Maxspeed inconsistent: 30 from Limpertsberg and 50 from Rollingergrund (3), Meadow according the mowed grass on 2016's sat. imagery (2), Memorial on Rue Haute, Boulaide (1), Mise Au Green (1), Missing end zone 30 sign here (1), Missing excepté (bike) frei sign, but way is part of a MTB route (1), Mo-Fr - erste Fahrt nicht: Theodor-Heuss-Straße, Schützenstraße, Ostlandring, Freibad, Richard-Brauer-Straße (1), Mo-Fr nachmittags (1), Mo-Fr vormittags, Sa (1), Mo-Fr zeitweise (1), Motrice d'une rame CFL accidentée récupérée pour les entraînements. (1), Moved for construction. (1), Multiple companies (7), Multiple companies. Silly house number: officially 90, but they thought 100 was nicer and added a 100 sign over the 90 sign. (1), Multiple companies: ACS, ACX, Cielos (1), Multiple companies: Cisco, TMF Group, Ateac, Internaxx, Accenture, TD Direct Investing, RBS, ABN Amro Bank (1), Multiple companies: Comarch, Oasis, Blockpeak (1), Multiple companies: EPG Group, Credit Suisse (1), Multiple companies: OPF, Corso, Vayton, Chart, WH Selfinvest, Altisource, Ferris, Profiler, Volkswagen (1), Multiple companies: Uncos, Foyer, Capital Immo, ... (1), Multiple companies: Vistra, Vodaphone, Regus (1), Multiple companoes (2), Multiple officies (2), Mémorial A - N° 25 / 16 avril 1987 (2), N5E on Luxembourg side, N872 on Belgian side (1), NE end is overcrowded with vegetation, someone motivated can pass but hardly, couldn't see anymore the SW end but passed swiftly (3), NSG geändert, siehe Amtsblatt: (1), Nachtbusnet van Rotterdam is tijdelijk opgeheven vanwege personeelstekort. (2), Name change in 2019, (1), Name comes from "Genetaire" and takes no accent. See (1), Name different at both ends... (4), Name from "Ici Nacquit Jean Beck 1588", house stood there until 1960 (5), Name genuinely misspelled, don't correct! (2), Name is correct with an accent (2), Name missing in CACLR (1), Named after a person also called "Adam Frans van der Meulen", but the street is spelled "Antoine-François" (1), National-Land Numerical Information (Public Facility) 2006, MLIT Japan (2), National-Land Numerical Information (Railway) 2007, MLIT Japan (1), National-Land Numerical Information (River) 2006, MLIT Japan (2), Natural area = fuzzy boundaries (1), Ne pas déplacer ce point, cf. - Do not move this node, see -ères_Géodésiques#Permanence_des_rep.C3.A8res (7), New C,2 sign installed (3), New building, not yet on INSPIRE imagery (1), New shared space (7), New! (1), Newly-defined Phase 1 northern alignment "planning relation" after Governor Newsom's SotSA February, 2019. Gilroy - San Francisco may include some wrong non-CAHSR rail elements. Delete this relation as Bay Subdivision (relation 15570754) becomes accurate. (1), No 30 sign (1), No access due to Jul21 storm damage. (1), No castle entry (1), No house number (68), No house number assigned (1), No house number, street on website completely wrong (I searched (a lot)) (1), No house number; claims house number 100 (1), No idea where the name comes from. Cadastre has "Frebsoh", PAG even has "Fresbo". Sign on mapillary is "Frebsou". (1), No more path here,'s topo is outdated (1), No need for "interval:conditional" (3), No original stone, but the iron of a railway can be considered as a border marker (1), No passage possible, 2020 ortho doesn't reflect the ground truth. (2), No pedestrians allowed from the building (sign) (1), No umlaut on the U (2), Nominatim doesn't support site-relations. Feel free to remove POI once the LuxExpo building is not a "centre pour soins avancés" anymore. (1), Nonforested Wetland (6), North part should be private, but the private land sign is gone and we can walk around the gate (see Strava heatmap to see people going) (1), North side of path has been closed with branches, sign stating area is dangerous because of crevasses (1), Not N 11D (2), Not a CR anymore : (6), Not a cycle_barrier, but close enough (1), Not a parking - was used to railway construction (1), Not a veterinary. Animal Physiotherapy and Canine Fitness (1), Not all stops are served on every trip (5), Not clear why this (new) border marker with #161 is placed here (1), Not connecting yet, as it's easier to move later on (3), Not continuous steps, but many on the way (2), Not exactly a cycle barrier (2), Not exactly a lift gate, but very close (2), Not oneway (wrongly indicated on Bing and other maps) (1), Not oneway (wrongly indicated on bing and other maps) (3), Not properly shown on street signs (1), Not sure if available 24h whole year round. (1), Not to be confused with 1 Houschterhaff further north (1), Not to be confused with 1 Houschterhaff further south (1), Not visible on 2018 imagery (2), Not: "d'Argent" (5), Nudist beach FFK Strand (1), Nur zu Spitzenverkehrszeiten (1), Nur zu Spitzenverkehrszeiten; ohne Bedienung Brombach Ortschleife (0-6-E-j21-1.20.H) (1), Números líneas de Adif ségun:és_General (1), Od 1 stycznia 2019 roku linia ma numer trzycyfrowy. (3), Od 1 stycznia 2023 roku linia zlikwidowana.; Od 1 stycznia 2019 roku linia ma numer trzycyfrowy. (2), Old Esch FB2 (1), Old PWC building (1), Old Timer car dealership (1), Old decayed track (4), Old name: Café Place Dargent (1), Old tags: network=ncn, ref=21 (and maybe should be someday). But as those are not yet proposed, they are removed. For now, this is entered as a proposed state route. In case members are an actual state route, please adjust tags. (1), Old track, does not exist anymore (1), On est plus dans la ripisylve que dans la surface en eau là... (1), Once a day morning service from Landseer Road to station (1), One house number for each appartment, see CACLR. Messy! (1), One of 3 route alignments under consideration (1), One of the two trees east of this one belongs to the same species. Not sure which one. (1), One way since 2021-01-22 : (2), Oneway is applicable since 21st December 2015 for a certain period of test. (3), Only a bush left (1), Only applies to buses and bikes (1), Only signposted ways are allowed in the nature reserve (4), Open 10/06/2022 (7), Open for public during some school holidays. (1), Opened on 28/04/2015 (1), Opening probably early summer 2023 (5), Opens again on 09/12/2019 (3), Original border marker. 1820 refers to the year of the treaty of Kortrijk (Le Traité de Courtrai) (1), Original location Border Marker LB003. Current location №003. Depot Ponts & Chausséés te Capellen(Lu) (1), Original location Border Marker LB004. Current location: Opposite entrance to Museum Dräi Eechelen in Luxemburg-city. (1), Original location Border Marker LB005. Current location №005. Depot Ponts & Chausséés te Capellen(Lu) (1), Original location Border Marker LB006. Current location №006 unknown. (1), Original location Border Marker LB007. Current location №007 unknown.; (1), Original location Border Marker LB012. Current location №012. Depot Ponts & Chausséés te Capellen(Lu) (1), Original location Border Marker LB013. Current location №013. Depot Ponts & Chausséés te Capellen(Lu) (1), Original location Border Marker LB014. Current location №014. Depot Ponts & Chausséés te Capellen(Lu) (1), Original location Border Marker LB068. Current location №68: Museum Dräi Eechelen Luxembourg City. (1), Original location Border Marker №17. Current location LB017 Musée de la Cité, Luxembourg City. (1), Original location Border Marker №59. Current location unknown. (1), Original location Border Marker №69. Current location LB069 Muséé de Ponts et Chausséés, Luxemburg City. (1), Original location Border Marker №70. Current location LB070 unknown (1), Original location LB067. Current location unknown. (1), Original location LB172b. Current location unknown. (1), Original location LB175a. Current location unknown. (1), Original location LB175b. Current location unknown. (1), Original location LB175c. Current location unknown. (1), Original location LB175d. Current location unknown. (1), Original location LB226/№226. Current location Muséé de Ponts & Chausséés, Luxemburg City (1), Original location LB257/№257. Current location unknown (1), Original location border marker LB166. Current location №166 unknown. (1), Original location border marker LB213/№213. border marker is missing (1), Original location boundary marker №16. Current location LB016: Depot des Ponts & Chaussées, Capellen(Lu) (1), Original location of Belgian-Prussian border marker No. 61. Current location unkown. (1), Original location of Belgian-Prussian border marker No. 71. Current location unkown. (1), Original location of LB158d. Current location unknown. (1), Original location of LB160a. Current location unknown. (1), Original way #4243818 has been split because it had too many segments. (1), Ortho 2017 is bent here, don't align (2), Ostseite: Auenheim Nord; Westseite: Glesch Nord (2), Other maps get CR310 itinerary wrong (3), Other maps have "Rue" which is wrong or outdated (7), Out of service for some time. Duration unknown, probably during winter. (1), Out of use. (1), Outlet Italien (1), Outside the pedestrian zone, but still cycleway=opposite only outside shopping hours (1), Ouvert tous les mercredis jusqu'à 19h00 sur rendez-vous (1), Ouverture le 11 septembre 2020 : (3), Ovegrown vegetation and other obstacles (1), PAG and online use says Wangersbierg, street sign says Wangelsbierg (1), PAG/CACLR say beerg, sign says berg, LOD says bierg (2), PC 13 (4), PH is the keyword for the Public Holidays, see (1), Panneau "Début d'autoroute" placé avant le PK 0 réel. (1), Parallel to track about 5 metres next to it. Follows national border. (1), Parcours provisoire (2), Parking agrandi temporairement jusqu'en 2023, le petit train sera réinstallé ailleurs : (1), Parking only for customers of the supermarket (1), Part of C2 Hiking trail (6), Part of Mullerthal Trail/Route 2 and Sentier Autopédestre Consdorf (3), Part of Mullerthal Trail/Route 2, Sentier Fred Welter and Sentier du Mëllerdall (13), Part of Mullerthal Trail/Route 3 (2), Part of Mullerthal Trail/Route 3 and Sentier Autopédestre Consdorf (3), Part of Nature discovery path (6), Part of nature reserve Boufferdanger Muer: only walking on the way is allowed (1), Partiida do Shopping Vitória (1), Pas de ref sur la route_master car chaques trajets de la ligne possède une référence différente (1), Passage Sean MacBride is the name proposed by the neighbouring commune of Sanem, but Esch decides here (1), Path doesn't exist anymore (overgrown), cadastre is outdated (1), Path from Inspire data has disappeared (1), Path has been closed due to ground collapse hazard, left the element as landmark since the surroundings are a bit confusing (1), Path on Inspire data has disappeared (2), Pedestrian traffic sign on southern end missing (but not necessary, as there is a oneway sign) (4), Permanently closed, refer to for more information (2), Picnic table (6), Pist Cyclabel de la Sûre ?? (1), Plaque moved in 2016 (1), Plateau du Holleschbierg Farm Animal compound (1), Please do not delete this way otherwise Parc Laval is unreachable by bike from Côte d'Eich (1), Please don't blindly copy the official topo map. Last track update 2006! (2), Please, do not deleted this way, as it is part of a landuse relation (5), Point 9 of "Sentier cultured Steinsel" (1), Point de vente (1), Pont partiellement construit faute d'acquisition de parcelles voisines. (1), Position from lux. topographic map is outdated. (1), Prefixed with UP to disambiguate with SCRRA Valley Subdivision (Los Angeles - Palmdale) (1), Preserved building (3), Presumed original location Border Marker LB015. Current location №15: Depot des Ponts & Chausséés, Capellen (Lu) (1), Private (1), Private sign on barrier but clearly authorized by tourism, certainly another appropriation of a public way or someone who doesn't understand laws. Also not on a private parcel. <- the gate is on the way next to the hiking route (1), Probably Acer campestre (24), Probably abandoned TV tower. (1), Proszę nie dodawać koloru do tego szlaku, wbrew pozorom jest on prowadzony szlakami o różnych kolorach - zamiast tego należy stowrzyć nową relację szlaku z kolorem na właściwym odcicnku (ewentualnie przedłużyć inną istniejącą) (1), Provisoirement bidirectionnel (2), Public access closed (10-2013) but useable at own risk (1), Public access to footpath closed (10-2013) (1), Public access to path closed (10-2013) (1), Quai détruit en 2022 (1), Raccordement provisoire (1), Radweg in beide Richtungen südlich neben der Fahrbahn (2), Real sign is give way while paint on the road surface looks like a stop mark (1), Rear entrance: Rue Charles Bernhoeft (1), Redundant, but useful for geocache GC21VWY (1), Reihenfolge der Linien wie in PTNA (2), Relation, die Teile des ehemaligen Westwalls zusammenfasst (1), Removed? (1), Remplace une usine Heintz van Landewyck (1), Ressemble manifestement à une voie temporaire. (2), Rest is overgrown. (1), Retrieved from v24 (1), Road closed on 2021-01-22 : (1), Road has been closed before 2012, and access to the former road has been blocked (1), Roe deers (1), Roof only (2), Rough estimate from plans. (2), Rough estimate of dimensions. (2), Route classée comme Nationale, mais ayant un panneau "début d'autoroute" à son entrée... (1), Route in Ochsenfurt unterbrochen (1), Route not completed, continues to Denbigh/Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre in Wrexham (1), Route via Girlan (1), Rural maxspeed is different in Flanders and rest of Belgium, see specialised relations (1), SEM CHEL Burgos calle Vitoria CRUCE Santiago DIR N-I CL (1), SEM SAUL Burgos c/ Vitoria CRUCE Gta Logroño DIR Centro CL (1), SHARCRASH checked on 16/09/2020 (1), STRAHNET route: Abilene - Wichita Falls (1), Sainte-Anne (1), Salles de répétition (1), Same housenumber on both corner streets (1), Sammelnetzwerk für Jakobswege von LVR und LWL (1), Sanierung Willerzell-Viadukt (Anfahrt als Bus 553) (1), Sanierung Willerzell-Viadukt (Weiterfahrt als Bus 553) (1), Satellite part (1), Scheduled to be closed (1), Scholierenlijn, rijdt niet in de schoolvakanties. (2), Scree area split in different areas between the scrub otherwise this won't show over the scree. (3), Section cadastrale Steinsel != localité Steinsel. Bumps derived from PCN and addresses. (1), Section déclassée du réseau ferré national en 2017. (1), See: (1), Seems abandoned (1), Seems abandoned. (1), Seems hidden during summer, but full of fallen trees and rocks (1), Sells apples, fruits, vegetables, jams... (1), Selon les vues aériennes et des photos présentes sur le net, il n'y a plus d'accès depuis l'avenue Victor Hugo, uniquement depuis l'Allée Scheffer. (1), Set as path as many parts of the track are gone Note2: Moved path, as this was where we found it, but added new one with visibility very horrible on the old traces (1), Set this to abandoned as I was not able to find evidence of the path in the field. It is however visible on Lidar (1), Set to track as sign shows "Chemin Rural" (1), Shares an address with whole bus service (1), Shop has also entrance in Centre Brasseur (between Goedert and Christian Linden) (1), Should it be the whole way to Belgium that's tagged with that name? Only one address. (1), Sign motor_vehicle=delivery is not there, but presumed because of other similar roads (1), Sign on one end says Belle-vue, other end Bellevue, CACLR Belle Vue. Isn't actually a nice view. (1), Sign on the ground says Traufelsbierg; however, houses are numbered according to numbering Avenue Pasteur (1), Sign says "Aal", CACLR and say "Al" (1), Sign says below the C2 symbol "chemin privé" and "attention chien méchant" but nothing blocks the way (1), Sign says it's a playground, but leaving as a park so kids are not disappointed as it has no play playground devices (1), Signage states pedestrians have priority (1), Signage states pedestrians have priority. Shown in the Lambeth Healthy Route Plan 2019 (1), Since 08/05/2021 (1), Since this is an deprecated admin area, I removed the admin_level=9 to avoid appearing on searches. We probably should remove this area from OSM. Source: (1), Since this is an deprecated admin area, I removed the admin_level=9 to avoid appearing on searches. We probably should remove this area/relation from OSM. (1), Site fonds Belval (4), Site écologique (6), Small metal pin in the asphalt (1), Some kind of city building without an address. School technical building? (1), Some parts will only be opened in 2024-03-01. (1), Sonntagsbetrieb (2), Sortie provisoire (1), Source name: receipt (1), Source name: staff member (1), Sources disagree on whether this is the Eisch (1), Sources disagree on whether this part is the Eisch yet or still the Millebaach (1), Sous-sol (1), Specialist in Georgian Wine. (1), Species unclear, resurvey (1), Speed boundaries are dependent on direction of travel (1), Spelled with triple M (1), Spitsbus (1), Station is just for service. No passenger exchange (3), Station is just for waiting Time when Station 1 is blocked (1), Station stays here until the original one is built (1), Stop 'Braunau am Inn' (Austria) is missing. (2), Stored of wood logs, not a way (2), Street consists of two parts (2), Street is called 'Munster', *not* 'Münster' with umlaut. (6), Street sign does not contain the word "de" (2), Street sign has Buurgkapp, CACLR has Rue Burgkapp (2), Street sign is missing accent on Grén (1), Street sign is missing the accent in Cossé (2), Street sign renamed from DE to LB (1), Street sign says Aal Strooss? (1), Street sign says Léo but the man's first name was Léon (2), Street sign says bâteliers which is the wrong spelling (no circumflex) (1), Street sign with the street name lists name:lb=Quäsch Hiehl (1), Street used to park buses, no bus stop (1), Streets on both sides of the railway have the same name (3), Surface: overgrown slag (2), Teilweise nur auf Abruf ("Taxibus") (3), Temporarily closed (5), That is the actual name of the street in CACLR. Yes I know. No I don't name these streets. (3), The '1' in the number 210 is missing (1), The bordermarker has sunken in to the ground but can be found. See the following link: (1), The cliffs on lux. topo from for this area are not accurate (13), The coordinates on the sign show to a different point: lat="49.952199" lon="6.188219" (1), The former end of these paths didn't exist anymore, don't know if this part is still there (2), The link to Rue des Aubépines should be reviewed/fixed (1), The man's name was Jean Bertels or Johannes Bertels - Johan Bertels is wrong. (1), The name is usually spelled Henry but Henri is also used, like here (17), The position on the Geoportal is mistaken. (1), The rest is overgrown (1), The road is wide enough to be used by cars, but there are 2 bollards installed, so you can only pass it all the way by foot or with a bicycle. (2), The track is now totaly hidden by trees ans grass (1), There is a wheelchair ramp. The outer door has the normal width of a common door though. (1), There is no oneway sign here, but it would be logical if it there was (1), There is no oneway sign, but it would be logical if there was (1), There is no tower here, only the surface supposed holding it (1), There used to be a line to the west, it doesn't exist anymore. (1), There's a sign chemin privé but it's completely decayed (1), There's indeed an uneven number on both sides of the street (1), This FB no longer exists (1), This bridge has been relocated since the strms from 2018 (1), This chalet can be rented (1), This construction is finished, not visible on 2018 imagery though (1), This covers only the part of the Walloon Region within the French community, excluding the German community (1), This element in Lux. geoportail topo inaccurate (6), This is a pavement and not a cycleway (1), This is a site relation because a huge boundary relation would be cumbersome and error-prone, and complex w.r.t. border disputes between Member States. (1), This is from the north the last pylon with tree traverses. (1), This is nonsense, but that's the way it is. Maybe it works for cyclocross training (2), This is part of a fence which is not mapped (3), This is rather a commercial area, dominated by all sorts of businesses, no real industrial activity, see here: (1), This is the network relation, intended to contain all segments of the Stadsregionaal Fietsnetwerk. (1), This is the old village church, it's now a cultural centre (1), This line drives clockwise (1), This line drives counter-clockwise (1), This lot should be able to be split into the short stay and long stay. If memory serves one has to drive through the former to get to the latter. Additionally the ticket and toll booths should be added. (1), This monument to Jacques Chauvin was abandoned and a new monument was set up 162m east of here. (1), This one will not be torn down. (1), This part of the track is completely decayed (1), This restaurant will be closed for several months into 2020 due to a fire damage. The restaurant will reopen. (1), This route is adapted to the railway construction site in Bettembourg (1), This route is not existent. Observation 15.07.2022. Entry should be destroyed (1), This section isn't part of the normal network, motor vehicles only for destination residents, hence a street name on both sides (1), This small piece really has been left over for now (2022-06-11). (1), This street name was never sent to the government. Not found in official datasets. (1), This track is abandonned and deteriorating. topo inaccurate (2), This track was altered by some recent forestry works (1), This tree is a gift from our Grand Duke Jean was planted as a memory of the 25th anniversary of his throne jubilee (12 Nov 1989) (1), This used to be a campsite but vannished in a flood 2 years ago. (1), This way avoids bizarre routing turns if coming from parking going in direction of "Porte de France", without the way the routing would turn right, left, left (1), This way main use is agricultural, not a Cactus parking aisle; please keep it as a track otherwise it won't display on bicycle GPS devices unless zoom to the maximum level (2), Three names in use... (1), To be demolished (2), To mappers: this relation is a parent relation where child relations are gathered. Add elements such as highways, guideposts, POI, etc to their respective child relation, not here. (1), To split (3), To whoever changes this way to track: this highway is not large enough for being a track. (1), Topo 19xx ACT (1), Track exists only on FSTopo and confirm by imagery (1), Track got cleared in 2017 (Old note: track no longer exists) (1), Track stops and replaced with field of wheat (1), Track: this is mainly for agricultural, not a Cactus parking aisle! Otherwise it won't appear on cycling GPS devices and on any large scale map (6), Track: this is mainly for agricultural, not a Cactus parking aisle! otherwise it won't appear on cycling GPS devices and on any large scale map (3), Track: this is mainly for agricultural, not a Cactus parking! otherwise it won't appear on cycling GPS devices (1), Trail abandoned for a long time, heavy vegetation expected throughout this section. (1), Trail marked with a blue pointer (2), Trail marked with a yellow rectangle (8), Trail visibility should also be checked during the summer when plants grow (2), Tram line suspended. PTv2 only after reinstate (1), Tronçon D (5), Tronçon D ; en cul de sac jusqu'à construction de la 2e voie (1), Two house numbers on house but only one front door (1), Under construction until late 2025 (1), Unknown if available during winter months. (1), Unsure if this way is part of the future network or an access way for constructions (1), Unsure if this way is part of the future network or an access way to future construction (1), Used for logging (1), Used to be Bistro M (1), Used to be Brasserie Speltz/La table d'Axelle/Cathy Goedert (1), Used to be a memory path from people walking between the track and cycleway (1), Used to be bar PM (1), Used to be name=123, shop=clothes (1), Used to be name=Episode, shop=clothes (1), Uses housenumber 7 on website, but that's a residential house on the other side of the street... (1), VDL has Nicolas, ACT has Nic (1), VS ditch exemples sur discussion communauté OSM pour trouver un tag exprimant les fossés qui identifient les limites des parcelles, administratives, etc vs waterway=ditch (écoulement eaux) vs barrier=ditch (tranchée profonde avec structures artificielles) (3), Vacant shop, used to be Mexx (1), Vacant shop; used to be OrientX (1), Variante am Samstag (1), Varianten unvollständig (1), Various companies (3), Various companies: Mereso, Peinture Moderne, Coreal, Batiroyal (1), Vdl calls this a 'residential street', which is what we call living_street. See,5073,5073#msg-5073 . However, the street is closed for cars with a bollard on one side and a widened sidewalk cafe on the other side. (1), Verkürzte Fahrten bis Aesch Dorf (92-N27-A-j23-1.1.H) (1), Verkürzte Spätfahrten bis Uznach Bahnhof (92-631-j23-1.12.R) (1), Verkürzte letzte Fahrt bis Eschenbach Dorftreff (1), Verkürzter Linienverlauf an Wochenenden (1), Very damaged and steep (1), Very high level of dense nettle and trees are growing there (1), Very likely an error, see reference 3 at (5), Very old sign now 'lost' in woodland (1), Vestiges de portails. Les immeubles "Ariane" ont remplacé la majorité du site. (1), Visible on 2020 photos but in 2021 clearly overgrown except a small portion on N side. Not sure about the entrance (N)/access, surveyed end 2021 on way 45417523 but no trail, only dense vegetation. S entrance via commercial area is private (2), Vlado Maroski (1), Voie non desservie durant la Schueberfouer. (2), Voie temporaire (1), Von Echternacherbrück als "Radfahrroute ausgeschildert" (2), Warning: area full of brambles with some nettles (1), Was "Um Steen" before "Um Jennesbierg" got its name. Address could be changed in the future. (1), Was razed in 2018 (1), Was snow covered during survey, please review (1), Way has been simplified using a maximum error criterion of 3m (1), Way part of hiking route "white triangle on blue background" (1), Weather Station is location at the top of the Tower (1), Website mistakenly says "Rue de la Fonte" (1), Website says Place Auguste Laurent, CACLR disagrees (1), Wecker platforms (1), Weekday service hours will be reduced on Route 411 between Kennedy. Drive and Jack Satter House. Additional 411 service will be provided between Kennedy Drive and Malden Center. Saturday service is unchanged. (1), Wegführung im Juli 2020 (1), Welches Märchen ist das? (1), Weltacker-Partner (1), Wer ist das? Ein Mönch... (1), When satellite imagery available (4), Wikipedia article and ref number refer to the French section of the line. (1), Will be Boggi Milano (1), Will be turned to a roundabout in 2025 (1), Wingertchen (1), Winkelgegevens van website Jumbo mogen in OSM onder ODbL gebruikt worden (toestemming ontvangen op 15-6-2012) (10), Wochenendbetrieb (1), Word is "Driicht" (path for cows) but sign spells it "Driecht" (4), Wrong road number on Google Maps (1), Wurde 2022-12-11 von 'Buisdorf' in 'Rosenweg' umbenannt. (1), Yahoo aerial images. Parts of it are estimated ??? (1), Yellow construction crossing in 2022 images (1), Yes there is a light there without a stop line on the ground (1), Yes this a house, someone really built themselves a *round* house, and its electric power comes from a generator (1), Yes this is actually the street name used in addresses. I know. (7), Yes, one is spelled Belenhaff and the other Beelenhaff. (4), Yes, the spelling on the street sign is "Draïkinneksgaass". (2), Yes, they used the German spelling for his name. (1), Zufahrt Camping op de Sauer (1), Zusatz Achtung Fußgänger auf 300m (1), Zwischen Badenweiler und Heitersheim als "Markgräfler Römerweg" ausgeschildert (1), a bush has grown on the way (1), a mix decay and leftover from forestry works (1), a pile of old trees, branches and stones, but no path (1), abandoned railway was not on this way (3), abandoned track full of vegetation and fallen trees (1), abandoned track with vegetation and fallen trees (1), access blocked due iron bridge instability (2), access destination? Who live there - answer: land owners and people having a reason to go on the way may do so (1), access is not forbidden for pedestrians and cyclists (1), access is now blocked for svce purposes (2), access is open on one side (1), access is restricted in case of snow or ice conditions (1), access restricted during horseriding competitions (1), access restricted if icy or snowy (2), access to anyone from 16:30 to 22:30 (1), access very difficult (1), access=private because only residents are eligible to pass <-- not only residents: also bikes, pedestrians, and those who hold a bollard key so it's not private access=private bevcause it blocks all accesses! (1), according 2020 photos, it's blocked by construction materials (1), according cadastre this should be accessible to public (1), added access to this end highway too as way 475926492 at v6 CS 122365372 (1), added all tags related to an elevated structure for walking over, they all are duplicates, this way everybody is happy (10), added alt_name=Rue Brucherbierg because the official name of the locality is spelled so (2), added layer because i think there is a bug with highway areas (1), added layer=1 because of the awkward crossing overlapping with the entrance of the parking aisle (1), added layer=1 so that the crossing is still visible on this awkward overlapping placement with the service (1), aligned to Geoportail's im sat 2013, shots from 2017 is too mich tilted and get deformed on oblic surfaces, hills, etc. (4), aligned to im sat 2010 (least tilted) (1), aligned to im sat 2017, less tilted (1), aligned to im sat 2018 (least tilted) (2), aligned to's im sat 2013, its images has near no tilting which may deform the exact position on steep surfaces, hills, etc (2), aligned to topo & compared to im sat 2018, least tilted according build. A. de Degasperi (1), aligned to Lidar Hillshade (1), aligned to Lidar Hillshade (no tilting) (19), aligned to Lidar Hillshade, aerial photos are deformed/tilted (1), aligned to the least tilted im sat, 2013 (1), aligned with Lidar Hillshade (2), alingment-A (1), all entrances had a gate installed to avoid swin flu propgation (1), all housenumbers were reserialized on the ex Val di Foro section. (1), almost a path in some parts and mostly a swamp (1), also a pub (1), also tagged as historic=wayside_cross (1), alte Wegzeichen nicht mehr vorhanden; neues Symbol: 3 Balken auf weißem Grund, darunter grüner Balken mit schwarzem Text "Matthiasweg" (1), although in summer this way can harden, most of the year it is muddy (1), amenity first was tagged with musical_ensemble, whatever that means?? (1), approx position (2), approximate incline determined with the path length and altitude difference at both ends (1), approximate position (1), approximative; multiple offices (1), area estimated (1), area grazed by sheeps (21), area part of private residential properties (2), area seems a multipurpose leisure park, the further specific leisures were added as nodes (1), area seems alternatively used as parking & grass/meadow (1), area totally landscaped end 2020 (1), area used also for sheeps (4), as this way is a floating island, setting access to no (1), assuming access=private as parent ways are private (1), at times too narrow for vehicles (1), aufgehobener Bahnübergang, nur noch die verwitterten Schrankenbäume sind da (2), aus langsamer Vorbeifahrt erfasst (1), avoid MP, it will be too complex (1), balancing lake (5), bank damaged by July 2020 rain, cross with care (1), barrier (blocks) now removed (1), barrier hedge is usually thickened as rendering, added layer1 just in case it would hide this guard rail (1), barrier partial (1), barrier seperate (1), barrier through diff. types of lands (3), behind a fence (1), behind barbed wires (1), being taken over by vegetation (1), bench_is_broken (1), best guess (2), bicycle access is implicit only on the the Nord side of the way (2), bicycle access is legally allowed but technically not possible (1), bicycle access is not implicit on the South side but signposted on the Nord side of the way (1), bicycle access should be use_sidepath but there is no access from the North part of rue des Alouettes (2), bicycle access should be use_sideway but then there would be no access possible to Zone d'Activité Économique Wolser H with the current map (1), bicycle access: C,2 sign on one side, but no sign when coming from the forest. (1), bicycle exemption for C,2 is missing on one side of the way (1), bike access officially granted from Olm to Capellen but not the other way, so set as permissive (1), blocks were replaced with a swinggate in late 2017? (1), brambles and tress on passage (2), branches and no trail on the southern side (2), branches and tree trunks (1), bridge closed (1), bridge in bad state and barred (1), bridge is rectangluar, railway is curved (1), bridge structures still go over areas which are not suspended, suspended structures can't support themselves (1), broken (1), building got reduced (1), building is underground by taking as reference the Boulevard K. Adenauer (3), building of a demolished antenna (1), building updated after 2013 (1), by forestry works (1), by viewing the scrub bits on 2019 aerial images, these seem disused (5), bâtiment récent dont la structure (charpente) est celle d'une "halle de marché" mais son utilité ici est de recouvrir 4 tables de pique-nique. (1), cadastre shows this way not being part of a private parcel (2), camping site no longer in use wef 2017 (2), candidate for removal (1), careful with poor background photos quality such as Bing, Esri, Maxar, etc, there seems a misalignement but ways and are correctly placed, see source (1), careful, sidewalk:right is seperate (1), cars are obviously taking this way to reach house, parking... (1), changed since 21092013 (1), check also (1), checked on site, it's made of paving_stones (2), chinese restaurant closed (1), claimed back by broken trees and vegetation (1), claimed back by nettle and other vegetation (2), claimed back by vegetation (6), claimed back by vegetation and fallen trees (3), claimed by vegetation (2), clearcute was in 2004 and is since a field of grass (1), clearly new asphalted ways, service instead of track (3), closed down 2013 (1), closed due to construction works (1), closed due to landslide (2), closed for construction works (1), closed for works (1), collapsed downhole, that's why the trail btw in the gorge has been closed (1), company now trading from Dippach; demolition of buildings in progress (1), completely hidden by leaves and branches (2), completely overgrown behind the swing gate (1), completely overgrown by vegetation (1), completely taken over by collapsed trees and thorns (1), completion 2025 (3), condition moderate/bad (1), confirm that it does not exist: fixme was: resurvey Lidar OK, but localy didn't find this track during a survey (1), confirmed access=yes because all is back to normal even though there is a sign on S stating the way is closed, i guess govern. forgot to remove it (1), confirmed track location 20200906 (1), connects to residential gardens (1), construction site here (1), construction started mar2022 (1), contains multiple small stairs (1), continued from path at the top with fixme=continue (2), continues as unpaved track 3 - 4 (2), continuing from Rue des Roamins doesn't seem right as on the other side there is a cliff + no evidence on LIDAR whereas someone added way 834699109 to Via Agrippa and there is unnatural terrain form on LIDAR going down hill to the existing bridge (1), contructions going on around the roundabout (1), converted from a clearcut area (1), cordoned off due to safety risks (1), correct next path on western (1), correcting... (1), could debate about grade2 or grade3 type track (1), counted 231 instead of 232 (1), course of steps not changed, there is a trace of human foot going around the grass, better plot it according reality (1), course of steps not changed, this track/near-path is eroded by human foot going around the grass, better plot it according reality (1), covered by forestry works (4), covered in vegetation (1), covered with leftovers from forestry works (1), crosses different land types (1), crosses different types of areas (2), customs house (1), cycleway on !@# sidewalk (1), cycling prohibited around the roundabout (WTF!) (1), cycling prohibited on the bridge (WTF!) (1), damaged by July 2020 rain (3), damaged by forestry works (1), damaged by forestry works and not maintained since (1), dangerous - icy and slippery during cold winter days (1), dataset is wrong, surveyed by Stereo (1), dead (14), dead forest (2), decayed (1), decayed track (1), decayed track on the North side, but visible from the South (1), decayed: better walk anywhere out of this track than on it (1), decoration (1), definitely not a path (1), deleted the name tag here to avoid extra useless search results (3), demolished 2018 by property developer (1), demolished 2021 (1), demolished and new building in construction (1), dense hard woody vegetation (1), depending of season, photos may show lower/higher water level (1), destroyed after clearcut (2), destroyed by flooding (1), destroyed by forestry works (7), destroyed by several collapsed trees covered by thorny plants (1), deteriorating grade1 track; might need a downgrade soon (1), deteriorating rapidly (1), did not find it in winter 2019 (1), didn't find entrance on W end (1), didn't see any B0 sign on N side, also Um Hammhaff sells products directly to costumer (1), different in 23 than on ortho22 (2), disabled until survey confirmation as it links paths (1), discouraged by local authorities (9), discouraged by local authorities, do not activate (4), discouraged by local authorities, there is a board on E side, do not activate (2), disouraged by local authorities, do not plot (3), distanciated water ditch/path at limit of path so thatit is more visible along the ditch (5), disused track but still visible on ground, not anymor connected to the main highway (1), diversion path around the construction works (1), do no connect this way on a level/layer -1 to the surface area on level/layer 0, routing engines get mislead . (1), do no connect this way on a level/layer -1 to the surface area on level/layer 0, routing engines get mislead. (1), do not MP, this portion is additive, serves both, hence the sub-tag, see or (1), do not add as MP, it's intermittent (water may disappear) (3), do not add as MP, wood still goes over this water & it's intermittent (water may disappear) (4), do not add as inner to the forest, there are trees on this part too (1), do not add building to the entire area, it's not the case (1), do not align to's im sat 2017 (it is tilted, has offset) (1), do not align to aerial photos, elements are tilted relative to the camera because of the hill which deforms the features (1), do not connect this node to the level 0, this side of the convey is on the upper level 1 only (1), do not follow the sat imageries, oblique surfaces (hills, mountains, etc) get deformed depending on the angle between the satellite photos and those surfaces (2), do not get fooled on Lidar's imagery, way is covered by overgrown tall grasses, possibly other woody shrubs plants (1), do not get mislead by branches going over grass area (2), do not get mislead by latest aerial photos (1), do not inner in the MP, there are trees over the surface (1), do not make the end of this way turn to left, it misleads for people turning to the right (1), do not mix access=no (all means of mobility) with specific mobility tags, they conflict. It's either one or all others. (3), do not plot exactly asreality, it will conflict with directions and oneways (1), do not plot further as this seems the only constant portion staying in time, see different years (1), do not plot grass at quarry entrance and make inners out from MP yet, this will increase the outer ring & it's still near 2k nodes limit (1), do not put as parking aisle otherwise the way disappears on far zooms and might suggest there is no connections btw ways (2), do not register as parking aisle, this way is a main service road, no parign at all (2), do not register as parking aisle, this way is a main service road, ont only for parking (1), do not set as parking aisle, nor private, it's rather part of the avenue (1), do not shape this way with the curve going to south western, may confuse vehicles comming from east (1), do not straighten this cycleway otherwise it will conflict with sidewalk & crossing (1), do not tag as park, may mislead as there is no rendering for private access (1), do not tag as park, may mislead as there is no rendering for private access, part of this area is not a park anyway (1), do not use general access=no (all mobility) with access tags for specific mobility (exceptions), they conflict (1), does not appear on Geoportail 2019 areal photographies (2), does not exist (1), does not exist anymore (1), does not exist anymore, surveyed on SW end (1), does not follow the ditch (1), does this line continue somewhere? (1), doesn't seem connected in 2018 imagery, check 2017 imagery, there's a pole that got removed to the north (1), doesn't seem following anymore the Lidar's trail (1), don't add water tag, this is just a hole for teh roof, the real water is another ring under (1), don't delete, it's part of a relation (3), double railway (1), doubled the pedestrian, please leave this or there will be a width rendering issue btw way intersections and perimeter (2), due to Luxtram construction no more only right-turn restriction (1), duplicate of nearby cavern for survey (1), during survey the gate was closed but not locked so I could open it to go West (1), during survey the horse field was extended across the track (1), eastern end has been covered with branches in purpose (1), einige Einträge aus bezüglich Fahrräder fehlen noch, ebenso (1), einschließlich Kontrollpunkte (1), empty (1), en mémoire de Lucien Zeimes (1), en semaine: fermé le lundi et chaque jour de 12:30 à 14:00 le samedi: fermé à 12:30 (1), ends in garden (2), entrance parking (1), entrance private parking (1), espace de picnique (2), estimation du tracé / voie tram (10), estimation du tracé du tram (4), estimation voie bus (2), even though there is clearly a pitch for recreation, it is mainly part of a private propriety (1), exact position is max 20m away from Reilandermillen's parking and logically where the other side shows the continuity of a former way (see LIDAR too), not closer to the wood bridge as previously located in OSM (1), extended 2000 and 2004 (1), extended bridge over ground too as there is a structure over it too, it can't hang alone in the air (1), extremely muddy due to works being done in the area (2), fallen tree (33), fallen tree which has been here for ages (1), fallen trees and overgrown vegetation have taken over this track (2), fallen trees on the way for over a year (1), fallen trunk (19), fallen trunks, landslide partially from trail, vegetation on S (1), farmer has put an electric fence here (1), farmer may close way occasionally for cows (1), fee after 24 hours (1), fee for stays longer than 24 hours (1), fence going through different polygons (1), fence going through different types of areas (1), fence through diff. landuses (1), fields have grown to the limits, leaving no space between them (1), filled by overgrown plants (1), first chapel build in 1616 current church build in 1896 25 inhabitants in 1656 123 inhabitants in 1923 130 inhabitants in 2003 (1), fixpunkt (1), flat stones in the river (1), floating island; so theorically unreachable -> access=no (2), floods from 2021.07 removed the bridge (1), football field will become smaller, adding fields for other sports, construction will extend on the roundabout which will then no longer be a roundabout as one fourth of it will be destroyed and used for BMX trails etc. (1), for reference only (1), forbidden in Luxembourg (1), forest cemetery path (1), forest in rel. (1), forest in relation (leaves) (1), forestry totally razed paths (4), forestry works (1), forestry works being done, might damage the track (1), forlorn (1), former N4 (1), former jump, MD LIDAR outdated (1), former public way now going to a private propriety (1), formerly from way 375905592 , changeset 34728134, this might actually be the path // closer to the track i added (1), formerly part of way 296280527, partly on Lidar (1), formerly part of way 296280527, this section follows the trees (1), formerly shell garage (1), foundation only (1), from satellite image only (2), frontage (4), full of fallen trees (1), full of fallen trees and branches with vegetation growing over them (1), full of fallen trees and thorny vegetation (1), full of nettle, other vegetation and tree trunks (1), full of trunks, actively discouraged (1), full of very dense vegetation, even in winter (1), gap in route at Echternach (2), gate has been removed (10), gate with access denied access. If people go it's their responsibility (1), gelbe Fernsprechsäule (1), INSPIRE data (12), glued to highway to not suggest it is possible to park parallel to road on southern side (1), goes through private house's garden (1), gps coordinates have ruins to near path. Are the real ruins behind?? (1), gps survey do not allign (1), grain court (4), grass part is off the residential parcel, belongs to station Shell in fact (1), grazed by sheeps (1), great chance that side of cliff is wrong on Geoportail's topo map, is not logic compared to hill shades (1), ground not totally covered by bare rock (1), growing plants on the way (1), growing trees on the way (2), growing vegetation hiding the way (3), growing vegetation on the way (1), grown vegetation takeover (1), halfway overgrown (1), has been destroyed circa March 2019 (2), heavily damaged by forestry works (1), heavy GPS traces going to the cliffs (2), height of wall is approximate (1), heißt auch F (1), hgv=destination only from Western side? (6), highway degrading (1), highway is a former track, now footway, even though the signs for motor vehicles (2), highway is not a dedicated cycleway, it is shared with agricultural for access to fields, so it is more relavant to tag it as track because in terms of structural hierarchy a track is bigger than a cycleway (2), highway type is living_street during daytime (6.00-20.00) and pedestrian at night (20.00-6.00) (1), highway will open on 12/03/2023. Tags already set to open for AVL routing. In the beginning bi-directional (1), hiking routes were previously going on this way (1), housenumber at bottom says 72 (1), housenumbers 23-43 and 102-162 (4), (1), (5),ünchen/Transportation#RegionalBus_600_-_699 (4), (6), (2), (1), (9), (1), (2), (6), (3), (1), (4), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (3), replaced name, but Op der Sang still on sign and in CACLR (4), (1), i don't think it's wise to connect this way to the main road, otherwise programs might favor it whereas there is a safe tunnel few meters close for cyclists & pedestrians, road cyclists can still access it via the service (1), i placed it here according description on the website (2), if anything, this is a path. Didn't see it though (1), if ever there was a passage, it doesn't exist anymore as there is no leveling with railway (1), if i recall correctly this has been removed, please resurvey though (1), if kept, cycling routes relations should be updated (7), if the Rue de l'Eglise is a living street, i don't see why this wouldn't be as well (1), if this has been changed since 2018 aerial imagery, please recover by merging both areas (scrub + commercial) (1), if you set foot=no (better use use_sidepath), then adjust the hiking relations accordingly (2), if you're with a bicycle, you'll have to lift it 1 metre up (2), in 2021 there was a mark from a vehicle that drove in the grass, and not in 2022. (1), in progress. Drawn this in a more intuitive way how it could actually be in relation to above ground structure and elevation. Also used an arial view orthophoto 2001 from (1), inconsistent C,2 signs (2), inner ring just for the area not covered by trees (1), inscription Lautgedicht (1), interesting speed limit shown on a sign with a sticker for a cycling route named Tandel Tourist (1), interval:conditional unnecessary (1), invaded by vegetation (1), is is a notorious area for GPS spiking badly (1), it does not appear on geoportail 2019 areal photos (1), it was a path upto mid 90s (1), it's actually a mix between a path interrupted with several steps: bad GPS signal and no imagery so mapped as steps (1), it's not because a tractor went to this field juat before the areal photogrgaphy that there is a track here (1), it's only a matter of time until it's claimed back by vegetation (2), just a dense bush (2), just a hole (3), just a hole in a hedge with ivy (1), just for routing on foot (1), just goes to some forestry works area, partly overgrown, may not last long (1), juste for information (3), keep this are overlapping with forest, both are valid, Geoportail's im sat from 2016 show even more trees (1), keeping this for the future feature (1), kein Ausfahrsignal Richtung Konz (3), kein Ausfahrsignal Richtung Wincheringen (2), la clé class:bicycle:mtb n'est valable qu'en descente (1), land sometimes grazed by sheeps (11), langdurige omleiding tussen Bennekom en Ede in de richting Apeldoorn (jan 2023 - mrt 2024) (1), large branches going over field on E (1), large branches over field (1), large offset from chargy dataset (2), late May to mid-September (2), late evening survey, did not have time for the entire way (1), layer 2 for over the bridge (itself being supposed over a land) (4), layer and bridge estimated (1), layer for rendering above the primary road which is often really large (6), layer tag is to counter effect the pedestrian area hidding the rendering of the city wall (1), layer=1 added since there is a crossing over a service entrance, (1), leads to a high chair, ends quickly. (1), leave layer 1, it helps the crossing appear over the service (1), leave this area as inner in the MP otherwise it's not visible (1), leave this node disconnected (1), leave this node disconnected, the unstraightened area routing may mislead people (7), leaving razed if replanted, had to be cut down due to vandalism (1), left bank & right bank joined; inspected ok Mersch; max 2000 node error (1), left bank & right bank joined; inspected ok Mersch; split due max2000 error (1), left untouched (1), limits between wood/meadow are set where fence is (via LIDAR), the portion of wood going over on teh aerial phtoos are only the elevated branches (2), line is aligned to Lidar Hillshade, which has no tilting (2), line is build for 220 kV (4), local hiking route reference: S (3), location approximate (1), location has been changed since I´ve walked it July 2016 (1), log (1), log must have been removed; obs sept2021 (1), lokal ausgeschildertes Radwegenetz in Essen, das nicht Teil des Radverkerhsnetz ist (1), long overgrown, fence... (1), longer term construction site. Messes up routing without access restriction. (2), looks like a track on Lidar but it's narrow and has shrubs on sides, see (1), lost track of the way as forest is claiming it back (1), lots of sick needle trees (1), luxembourgish roadmarks and roadsigns. (1), made this rather an embankment, real purpose is unknown (2), main route and alternatives (1), main track is this one now (1), mainly hard gravel material but very loose, somewhat sandy at parts (1), mainly overgrown now Aug2021 (1), mainly pedestriation, specific access tag for vehicles added (8), maintenance stairs for bridge. do not lead all the way down until path. (1), many big chunks of decade old asphalt left (1), many fallen trees (1), marked bicycle=yes to allow access to PC 16 from Erpeldange (1), marked bicycle=yes to allow bike routing between PC 16 and rue de la Sûre (1), maxheight due to vegetation (1), maxwidth only applies if going up, not down. (2), may even be a path (1), may not last long (1), maybe from water, no path (1), merged all areas not yet and already with the construction tag, some were left in case the arrangements of ways will be left intact (1), merged as this one single staircase spanning 2 levels. (2), merged lanes to place road in the middle since the middle lane is a sort of access lane from one lane to the opposite side of the road to businesses, thus avoiding unnecessary blocking on teh main lane (2), mid-September to late May (4), might be grade3; it was covered with leaves during survey (1), might be temporary (1), missed the entrance S, possibly crowded by shrubs, other end still needs survey (1), missing in the 04/01/2022 dataset, exists on the ground in summer 2022 (1), mix of businesses: industrial but mainly commercial (1), mix of many walls/fences (1), mix of paved surfaces (4), more and more scrub only (1), more compacted than sand (1), more of a pitch where horses are not just kept but also trained (1), most Southerly part of GDL (1), mostly dead (4), motor_vehicle:destination since 2020 (1), motorcars visible on 2017, 2020 (1), multiple companies: ACSe Fideuro, Talentbox, fmw & partners, Thaler, Numericable, Trasys, HRM (1), my interepretation of the route in this zone (1), name according to local resident but often (google maps) called different (1), name is really like that (1), name:lb Piquet between Poste & Grand-Rue (1), nature is claiming back this path (3), need second relation for London-Swansea trains (1), needs confirmation of step count (1), needs correction as inexact (2), neither allowed nor prohibited to bikes, but riding at slow pace is safe (1), new area as of 2021 (1), new as of 2021 (1), new busstop june2022 (2), new construction, surrounding elements have been adapted to 2016 sat. imagery (1), new constructions, don't change (3), new cycleway is not open (3), new since 2019/2020, not on LIDAR MD (1), new street name "Rue Gabriel Lippmann" valid as of 01JAN2011 (4), new surface (1), new tracing, Topo & Heatmap are outdated (1), new track 2020 (1), newly extended JUL/AUG19 according wilda69 (1), no access to floating island (1), no actual bridge, probably washed away. Only some stone structure remains. (1), no agricultural vehicle allowed (1), no area tag, the 1st floor is mostly composed of passerelles (2), no barrier (6), no barrier here (concrete blocks have been removed) (1), no barriers (1), no bridge (1), no construction going on, only grass/dirt (1), no embankment when over the stream (1), no entry from track following repairs post flood (1), no fence (8), no implicit bike access on one side (C,2 with excepté vélo frei) but no such sign when coming from the other direction (2), no interval:conditional necessary. (1), no longer a carpark (1), no longer in use 2018 (1), no more a jump, MD LIDAR outdated,'s topo not accurate (1), no need to add tunnel under a bridge (1), no need to keep this way activated, it's totally inaccessible (1), no needle leaves here (1), no permanent signage (1), no private sign but there is a mailbox and it's clearly a way in direction to the residence, nothing else apparently (1), no shelter 21MAR22 (1), no sign forbidding general access (1), no sign of access restriction so should be open for the public (1), no sign; only a National Express stop seen (1), no source of water to make this way permantly muddy, hence the change back to surface=ground (1), no specific traffic restriction sign (1), no track here, only a steep slope to a creek (1), no trail (1), no trees on the other side of the road, just large branches over the road (1), noexit since 2020, please don't correct. Will not be reconnected! (1), non-stop entre Luxembourg et Wyler (1), non-stop entre Weyler et Luxembourg (1), north side of way is not larger than a 4 wheeled vehicle and according several parts it is a single trail (1), not a building (1), not a cutline, there is a lift gate (1), not a cycle_barrier, but looks like it (1), not a cycleway, cyclists have to use the other way on west, this is mainly for agriculture access (4), not a driveway (5), not a driveway if there are other crossways before reaching the dead end of a feature! (3), not a driveway, there are other ways leading to other locations (1), not a drop (sudden vertical downward cliff) (2), not a footway, there is access needed to buildings (1), not a oneway for the driveway access (2), not a path, visible from motorway (1), not a power tower (1), not a primary link like at crossway with Av. de la Paix (road clearly is not part of the main road (1), not a roundabout, it doesn't close around otherwise creates a validation error (4), not a service driveway to an end location (1), not a track, there are parking facilities for public (1), not a trail, rather a ditch for draining water on the western trail (often wet) or a parcel landmark (1), not allotments anymore, see 2016 sat. img. (2), not an official parking, just possible to park around the ways, that's why i didn't put this area as a parking (1), not anymore a parking, ways even blocked (1), not anymore a track due to surrounding shrubs (1), not anymore a track, lerger scrubs narrowed the way (1), not anymore accessible to large vehicles because of the block (1), not as inner (1), not at exact position to avoid cutting ways for relation (1), not complete (2), not completely private, notice the multiple hiking routes (1), not drivable (1), not easily clear on Lidar (1), not easily visible on Lidar but many GPS traces (8), not enough room for a 4 wheeled vehicle (1), not in scale (1), not on bing yet (1), not only a cycleway, shared with agriculture too (1), not only a parking aisle so pelase leave as amain service for multi purpose way (1), not only a path, this way allows access to different features (buildings, landuses, cycling...) (1), not only parking aisle (2), not only parking aisle, leave as general service (1), not painted (1), not plotting too much information about private properties (1), not positioned closer to path to allow clear rendering (1), not private (1), not private at all! (2), not private, i checked and there is GPS activity (2), not really a bollard, but close enough I'd say (1), not really aligned to keep it consistant for every direction at crossway & avoid cutting primary road (2), not suitable for cycling despite legally allowed to ride on it (2), not sure how it interferes with the nearby planned highway so I mapped it as a separate way (1), not sure if that was a bollard or another barrier, but does not change the access (2), not sure if this goes anywhere (1), not sure if this power tower is linked to power line just beside this point. (1), not the usual fixme, rather fix your comprehension: after 8 years people still don't get the difference btw path/track! (1), not via Gleisdorf Friedhof (1), not via IZ NÖ-Süd Straße 6/REWE (3), not_if_snow (4), note a building, only an asphalt surface (1), nothing on Lidar Hillshaed, no Heatmap (1), nothing on Lidar, did not see localy (1), nothing prevents this way to be used by bicyles (2), nothing visible in the slightest (1), now a path because of dense vegetation, some shrubs (1), number of itinerary being updated Umbria Excursion Network (1), nur an Schultagen (1), nur das nördliche Streckengleis ist in die Relation aufgenommen worden. Da es keine anerkannte Möglichkeit gibt, die beiden Gleise per role zu unterscheiden, würde die Aufnahme beider Gleise in eine einzige Relation Informationsverlust bedeuten. (2), nur mit Sondergenehmigung (2), obligatory mixed footway and cycleway ends on this crossing, which is not for bikes; yuck! (1), old FB Boxhorn (5), old FB Boxhorn; newly planted trees (1), old FB Boxhorn; this part totally overgrown (1), old FB sign on tree (9), old asphalt pieces (1), old house number is 8 (1), old link before roundabout (2), old track full of grown trees (2), old track in swamps with fallen trees (1), old tree trunks and grown trees on what's left of the way (1), old wine fridge, maybe owned by a private person (1), on E, there is a culvert at the end of teh shrubs but there seems still water flowing over the meadow land , see aerial photos (1), on several ways route changed & the official GPX route does not match guide posts on terrain (2), on the original topographic map #9 is not situated here (1), once again the source is not up to date, some portions have been closed apparently officialy, example (1), one access to farmyard (1), oneway blue sign missing at entrance (1), only a cliff; path may have been distroyed by water treatment works (1), only a field and a fence (1), only a field of nettle and thorny plants (1), only a stack of fallen trees (1), only add tags on outer applying to the perimeter without area otherwise the rendering of the MP is broken (1), only found log during survey (1), only found many chunks of tree trunks in the area (1), only found trees and vegetation around here (1), only from satellite (1), only front left, reservoir demolished (1), only marks of a car that drove in zigzags on the field during survey -> not a track (1), only remainings of a water pump source works (1), only some stored beehives on the west side of the former track, then it's decayed (1), only the street lights are remaining in the bush (1), only trees and plants left (1), only valley from former railway left (1), opened 23052015 (1), orchard or meadow (goats sometimes on terrain) (1), outbound (1), outdated numbering (1), ouvert aux utilitaires 3,5T (1), overgrowing (2), overgrown dense and hard vegetation like shrubs, high grasses (4), overgrown plants following forestry works (1), overgrown vegetation (22), overgrown vegetation & fallen trees (1), overgrown vegetation & fallen trees on the SW side (1), overgrown vegetation and several collapsed trees (3), overgrown vegetation on what's left of the path. Way was suggested by activity tracker :-( (1), overgrown vegetation, neither walkable (1), overgrowned by vegetation (5), overtaken by collapsed trees (1), overtaken by fallen trees and grown vegetation (2), overtaken by grown forest (1), page 8, (7), paraglading start area, (1), parcel burnt in August 2020; nothing of it visible June 2021 (1), parking doesn't exist anymore (1), part of hiking routes (2), part of residential parcel, not really an agricultural area (1), part of residential plot but seems used as meadow, guessing a horse owner (1), part of the meadow field (1), part of the rabbit hiking route (4), partail fence (2), partial barrier (1), partly demolished where pass crosses (2), parts of the track are owergrown (2), passage between plots (1), path around pitch (1), path claimed back by vegetation and fallen trees (1), path continues into forest but crossing is hazardous (1), path covered with remainings of forestry works (1), path destroyed by forestry, please do not activate nor delete this is for source reference (2), path discouraged by autorities (1), path from is not accurate (1), path has been removed by the merged fields, they left a note on a sign (1), path has disappeared after fallen trees (1), path inpassable due fallen trees (1), path is closed and replaced by a track just above (1), path is discouraged by local authorities, please do not activate (2), path is discouraged by local authorities, please do not activate nor delete (19), path is full of fallen trees (1), path is gone (1), path is visible from the northern side, a retaining wall had been built along it to make it stable, access may be private according the Eastern track but cadastre shows another parcel (1), path is visible from the northern side, a retaining wall had been built along it to make it stable, access may be private according the eastern track but cadastre shows another parcel here (1), path no longer exists june 2015 (1), path no longer follows lidar (1), path not maintained, unstable with cut branshes, grown vegetation, etc (1), path now sufficiently in use for 2way traffic (1), path originally from (1), path overgrown by vegetaion, only faint erosion is visible (1), path totally overgrown (1), payment: annual_subscription (1), payment: season_subscription (1), picnic table was vandalized (1), pile of wood (1), piste de course à pieds (3), pk 248.640 côté français ; 5.163 côté luxembourgeois (1), please discuss any proposed changes with user steerage250 - thanks (1), please do not change to highway=service because I will not show on GPS devices unless we zoom in to the max level. This is not a Cactus parking or driveway to a private property (3), please do not change to highway=service because I will not show on GPS devices unless we zoom in to the max level. This is not a Cactus parking or driveway to a property (4), please do not remove bicycle access otherwise cycleway to PC2 becomes unreachable by bike (1), please leave "(Radweg)" so that there is no confusion with the railway relation (1), please leave this area in case the building has been changed and surrounds the entire cliff, it will be easier to edit, feel free to use if it is the case (1), please only use one pedestrian way, it's enough for routing, the others will be anyway hidden under the pedestrian area (18), please verify local shop Sword at the ground (1), plot this way in the middle of the real road (it is used by both directions), remove lanes on road if now there is a new dedicated cycleway (6), plotted according cadastre, cliffs & some lines on LIDAR (1), pont-route absent de l'opendata SNCF (1), portion of this way does not meet the motorway yet, hence why i deactivated (1), position inexact (1), position of this intersection be btw the river and the road,'s topo shows also this position (1), position wise after the ford, this is plotted as the source, the other erosions are possibly from other eras or attemps to climbs the hill (1), positions changed since 2018, topo not updated (1), possible redraw when sat available (1), possibly grade3 (1), possibly missaligned on aerial photos (1), possibly washed away, just rocks remain on the banks, no fording (1), postal_code: 8620 for house number 1->60 and 8261 for >60 (2), postal_code: even numbers -> 8210 and odd numbers -> 8211 (5), previous part of the going round track, now path for scrub and according Lidar (1), previously part of 832722690 (1), previously part of 900703114 (1), previously part of way 137741675 but not large road/track, possibly a faint path according Lidar (1), previously part of way (1), previously unprecisely plotted from track grade5 & straight (1), previsouly on an useless location, hence the radical change (1), priorly this was disconnected from main road otherwise programs might favor it whereas there is a safe tunnel few meters close for cyclists & pedestrians, now reconnected but with access tags discouraged (1), private way: a sign displays "access interdit à toute personne non autorisée": maybe highway=residential does not apply (1), probablement acces parking auchan (2), probably a standard gate as the field around it was occupied by horses during a nearby survey (1), probably the next PC14 extension (1), public vehicles allowed to access parking (2), quite decayed (1), railway not aligned to bridge (1), rather wall from both sides (2), razed by forestry works (3), razed in 2021 (2), reactivated for survey, previously way too much to the East (1), really a canal (mill) but too small for the tag (1), rebuilt 2019 (1), rebuilt 2021 (1), recent conversion 2021 (1), recent floods showing bare rocks (2), redeveloped winter 16-17 (1), redraw when sat becomes available (1), removable bollard (1), removed bicycle=no as it blocks access to LNS on the roundabout (2), removed fixme=yes from 2010 (1), removed oneway for this section as it broke slow mobility access to Ficellesbréck (1), reopened today (2), replaced with overgrown thorns (1), restored in 2020 (2), restored to a valid track since it still seems being used by users (see GPS traces) but retagged with details from user's comment in changeset 39318648 (1), resurfaced with sand 2014 (1), river bank is not anymore connected to the river on the southern side, the only water flow comes from the field (1), road closed to traffic due to works along the stream (1), road closed to traffic since flooding in July 2021 (1), road has been changed since last areal photographies (3), road is really too narrow to be considered as a tertiary, cars really need to slow down when crossing eachother (2), road not only used for cycling (Schwarzenhaff) (4), road shaped "recently", LIDAR 2017 outdated (1), rocks under water, no real stepping stones to avoid getting feet wet (1), roman road/track razed after quarry activities (1), route on is incorrect, there is no way passing over the wall (1), réalisé à 97 % (2023/03) (1), school lines only (1), scouts chalet ground (1), sections : Limerlé, Bovigny, Beho, Cherain, Montleban (1), see discussion on note: (1), see (1), see individual nodes with notes for a better source position (1), see node with fixme tag (3), see source (200), see source, Geoportail's topo not accurate (1), see source, not accurate (1), see source, topo is not accurate (1), see source, this crossway has been enlarged and rebuilt, Esri, Mapbox, Bing are outdated as in 2020.02 (1), seems gathering back some interest, trail clearer (1), seems large enough for a 4 wheeled quad (1), seems that track is closed and replaced by a track just above the original track (2), seems too big to be a hunting stand, local survey is needed if of any interest (1), seems too narrow for a vehicle (1), seen in reality (2), separated house from number 4 but no number (1), seperate (1), sera construite quand les problèmes de foncier seront résolus (1), service 4002 des horaires 2020/2021 (1), service 4003 des horaires 2020/2021 (1), service 4107 des horaires 2020/2021 (1), service 4108 des horaires 2020/2021 (1), service area and ways part of the crossroad plotted so that routing is clear and possible from all directions (1), service road to access the diverse public features (1), service way for the back of building (2), set as path as footway implies foot=designated (1), set bicycle=permissive to allow bicycle routing to reach the road from the shared foot/path (1), setting access=destination in case this is a temporary path to avoid routing until we figure out (1), setting access=no as one of the gates was damaged during survey and Strava heatmap is quite cold (1), setting surface as gravel as it's made of decomposed asphalt (1), several agricultural accesses to fields (2), several collapsed trees in the area (2021-03) (1), several fallen trees on the way (1), several trees fallen in the last portion (1), shape is approximative (1), shared highway with agriculture (2), shared space sign even tho car access is very hard (1), shared way (1), shared with agricultural/forestry, not dedicated only for cycles (1), should be split into 2. 20 steps on small part towards valley. 12 steps on upper part. (1), shows on maps as path instead of tunnel. why? (1), side entrance rue Joseph Hackin (1), sign D,5a says obligatory bike+foot way is not segregated; photo here: - so it's a path with designated access for bikes and pedestrians. In addition there are barriers for other vehicles. (1), sign D5b removed at beginning of street (1), sign indicated a segregated way whereas it is combined (2), sign indicates a mandatory shared foot and cycle way with other sign indicating a restricted access to vehicles (4), sign indicates that only signposted paths are allowed to access in the Laangmuer Nature Reserve (3), sign says "Abri réservé à la commune de Wahl" (1), sign says obligatory bike+foot way is not segregated, but surface shows two areas (1), sign says obligatory bike+foot way is not segregated; photo here: (2), sign says: chemin privé; circulation interdite à tout véhicule non autorisé (1), signed as NJ 7 on overhead traffic light signs only (1), signed as noexit & not as oneway (1), signed no exit. true for cars but track 3-4 goes on (3), signs (D,4 and C,2) show an obligatory and reserved way for bikes, also destination access is allowed, but no foot so it's is probably a mistake then setting foot=permissive (1), signs for bicycle access are confusing (6), signs for bicycle/horse access are confusing (4), since other surrounding ways are private i added this likewise but there seems a right of way (1), single trail but the rest is grass (1), sitting on bench (1), slowly degrading into a path (1), smoothness according this node (1), smoothness may deteriorate in the future (1), some parts of building do not touch ground (1), some parts of teh builing overlap with other elements, hence the layer 1 (1), some portions of the wall bevel thus enlarging the surface visible from above, i placed it in the middle to avoid creating an area like the rocks from a cliffs here near. (2), some portions to confirm, has "fixme=roman_road to confirm" (1), some sandy spots (1), some sort of small fence/bollard (2), some trees are bending over the field but ground is clear of trunks (1), someone deleted those tracks, but why? (2), sometimes water overflows on the track (1), somewhat loose rollable gravel (1), source geoportail, to verify (2), southern end almost invisible but the northern end vanished, so i guess that southern just has longer time to renaturalize for whatever reason (1), southern side seems having been closed unless i missed the junction (1), specialized for family photos (1), specif tags are already in the relation (1), spent 3 minutes looking for it, nothing in sight (1), spicky junction btw building and basin on LIDAR MD is a glitch (1), spitsbus (1), sports and cultural centre (1), sss (1), staircase in the retaining wall of a tower building (1), stepping seems have gone, no way to keep feet dry (1), stepping stones got washed out after 2nd flood in July 2021 (2), stepping stones only on this part (1), still closed apparently (1), still seems being used for forestry industry (1), stopped at high density of nettle during survey; may be decayed at some point (1), storage only (1), straight to the road to consider all directions instead to plot to the crossing (1), subpart (1), surface is a mix between old asphalt, a few stones and some moss; setting as compacted to deter road bikes (3), surface is a mix of asphalt and cobblestone so keeping it as paved and C,2 sign does not exempt bikes but another signs indicates a way though for pedestrians and cyclists (1), surface is a mix of broken asphalt and remaining stones (2), surface is a mix of different materials, including leftovers of asphalt, concrete, stones, gravel and mud puddles (3), surface is a mix of loose stones on a damaged track and unsustable with a road or city and can even be challenging with a trekking bike (1), surface is a mix of old gravel with grass and dirt grown over it (1), surface is really paved here (1), surface redone 2020 (2), surface suggests it's a tracktype=grade4 but it's consistantly well hard compacted (1), surface where tyres contact is structured with pavements, therefore grade1 seems the logical track type. (2), surface: the paving stones are separated by some grass (1), surveyed this way 12 May 2021 passage impossible at a certain point but now i still see many traces on GPS Heatmap, possibly people just come from both ends (1), suvey on 2020.11.28, the way seems being concealed by vegetation, yet some Heatmap GPS traces exist (1), svr_Kaart_confirmed_202211 (1), svr_Kaart_confirmed_202302 (4), swampy next to the pond (1), tag footway is manmade and this is not (2), taken over by dense vegetation (7), taken over by fallen trees and growing vegetation (1), taken over by growing vegetation (1), taken over by grown vegetation (1), taken over by huge pile of branches (1), taken over by several fallen trees (1), taken over by vegetation (18), taken over by vegetation and fallen trees (2), taken over by vegetation and halfway fallen trees (4), taken over by vegetation and tree branches (1), taken over by vegetation and tree trunks (2), taken over by vegetation and trees (2), taken over by vegetation, branches and remainings of cut trees (3), tall grass in summer (1), technically a "slide" gate (1), technically there's a picnic table, but it's only worth a picture of decay (1), technically there's an electric fence (1), teilweise ein Zugteil weiter als ICE78 nach Amsterdam (1), temporary access forbidden, for building construction (1), terrain en terre battue (7), the 2 chargy spots were created separate (1), the area on nothern side from these woods in private property so do not cover it with natural area, the most relevant rendering would be residential (1), the features of these elements do not exist anymore (see construction), eruse these elsewhere (1), the gap between the two fields has been filled (1), the northern border has no clear geographical definition, so the political definition was used (1), the precision between these 3 buildings on the plan cadastral is not correct! You can see that by comparing satellite imageries (3), the recreation area is disused, buildings left abandoned, tagged this instead as landuse=grass (1), the service way / cycleway does not contour anymore (1), the shop is in the same building of marc jacobs (1), the sign says: road will not be treated in case of ice; no responsibilties taken (1), the site had excavations around 2010 (see photos) where the road descends to the tunnel, nothing is left (1), the square is not entirely pedestrian area friendly, there is parking, service way, bicyle rent, etc (1), the surface is gravel over asphalt, it seems (1), the way wood logs have been put obviously shows that the way is closed (1), there are 2 parallel ways (3), there are 4 concrete bridges along this way (1), there are actually bicycle lanes on both sides, one has been erased after road works, see bus stop also erased (2), there are barns and access to fields (1), there are no signs saying this is private (1), there is a B0 sign but there is a parking, picnic structures & signs forbidding camping cars staying over night, so i've left track gr1 + destination (2), there is a barrier all over the flat part on which the trail runs, without a placa designated to cross the barrier (1), there is a house and administration buildings (2), there is multiple operator for this motorway (1), there is no sign that access is restricted to the gate (1), there is no traffic sign restricting normal vehicles (2), there is now an electric fence on the path (1), there used to be a passage here but now a fence blocks the way, what about the route? Office of tourism has been contacted, waiting reply... (1), there was no real trail past this path, + fallen trunks but after 18 months Heatmap still shows GPS traces (pedestrians only) (1), there were several ropes acting as a gate during survey, so considering it as private (1), there were temporarily ~10 traces on Heatmap (1), there's a fence on the way (1), there's a wall of vegetation left (1), these are no longer obstacles May2022 (3), they changed once again the oneway restriction, no oneway anymore! (2), thin small shrubs on the way, still passable for 4 w. vehicles (1), this appears not to be residential (1), this area is a park, not a forest exploitation for wood (1), this area is littered with fallen trees (2), this can't be a service, the name is a hint about what type of road a way is (2), this direction is a wall. turn way 90° to south where there is a step (1), this direction really starts as grade4 with dirt then becomes grade3 with gravel/dirt (1), this end is clearly a path (1), this gate was removed but outer structure stil exists (1), this has been removed after platform was demolished (1), this has nown grown into a wilderness (1), this highway leads to several commercial entities & private properties, rather unclassified than a service (3), this includes the full country (outer roles), i.e. the all territorial waters (1), this is 1+1/4 turns (1), this is a leftover track after fuelstation was demolished (1), this is a road sign in the middle of the way but the rest is accessible to destination for surrounding residents (1), this is dudelange! (1), this is farmland, even if kewl cycles through it (1), this is no longer used for hiking trails (2), this is not a boundary for Germany, only its land_area (see (1), this is not a gate, it's only the shadow from the lamp on the geoportal image (1), this is not a private way, several public ways with official hiking routes are networked with this road (1), this is not a roundabout, the CR226 has priority (8), this is not attached to the bigger one (1), this is now a normal highway (1), this is one continous staircase. should be merged. the crossing way in middle is private. so basically it is cut by the stairs (1), this is the full administrative area including borders in territorial waters (1), this looks more like a ditch for parcel delimitation purposes, topo is incorrect (1), this path has been totally covered by farmer with branches (1), this path is a backdoor to get to the private area with no gate and no sign (1), this path is a deadend since 2013 & left to waste (2), this path no longer maintained (1), this perimiter follows as much as possible and cadastre but in reality the areas differ, so this is some kind of blend (2), this portion is not bicycle dedicated (1), this portion is shared with agrictural/service vehicles (9), this portion of the trail was according my observations at the time, i did not complete it, hence the fixme (1), this section is for bicycles and pedestrians only (3), this stops and does not connect (1), this track is fading out (1), this track is literally FULL of collapsed trees on the way (1), this track stays dirty for several days after rainfall (1), this track was created for the rail works and vanished (1), this was stairs. but it's quite flat (1), this was visible from track gr2 (1), this way is being claimed back by nature and full of blocking trees, so setting bicycle access (1), this way is large but not accessible for 4 wheeled vehicles on both end, so footway seems more suited (1), this way is literally FULL of collapsed trees on the way (4), this way is multipurpose for cycling, pedestrians, agricultural and other service vehicles, therefore high=cycleway (only for cycling) is not suitable (10), this way is no more accessible to cars according recent changes (1), this way is no more public, area has been privatized (1), this way is vanishing (1), this way seems quite narrow for car traffic (1), this way was part of grade3 but northern side was more of a grade4 (1), this way was part of the upper track (1), this way will probably not last very long (1), this whole surface is not the Centre National de Tennis, neither used only for tennis (1), this wood was levelled 2014/2015, using heath instead of scrub because after 2 years there is still no sign of higher shrubs (1), tighter curve according GPS heatmap (1), tiny path goes on a +- 1/2 km than stops.... (1), to be completed in 2024 (25), to merge with the fields on W when constructions will be over (1), too narrow and overgrown for MTB, "ok" by foot (2), total route is still is in progress (1), totally rerouted 2019 (1), track claimed back by vegetation (1), track cleaned 2013; back to overgrown 2016, and OK 2022 (1), track crosses pylon (1), track damaged by fallen trees/forestry works (1), track destroyed by forestry works (1), track filled with fallen trees and thorns (1), track goes on as track 3 - 4 (1), track goes on unpaved (3), track is decaying (8), track is full of fallen trees, setting bicycle=no despite not being strictly prohibited (1), track is grade2 at various places (1), track is located behind a fence (1), track no longer exists (1), track resurfaced spring 2017 (1), track taken over by high vegetation and trees (2), track taken over by nettle and other high vegetation (1), track taken over by trees and vegetation (1), track taken over by vegetation; better walk anywhere in the woods than on this (1), track totally cleaned 2013 (3), track updated in 2019, LIDAR Mapper's Delight & Topo outdated (2), track was redone (1), trail has been overtaken by vegetation, fallen trees and is even dangerous (1), trail vanished (1), trail visible on northern side (1), transformation into flats? (1), tree trunk (1), tree trunks have been put on and around the track, just here (1), tree, observed apr2015, temp path around (1), trees have grown -> no view (1), trees shown on aerial photos are in fact tilting over the field (1), trees with lareg branches going over the field (1), tronc commun tram/bus (1), tronçon posé en avance pour pas avoir à recasser le carrefour. (2), trunk (1), tunnel start/stop approximate (2), two charging stations side by side with different operators (2), two planks (1), typical yellow sign "proriété privée bla bla" hanged on a tree (1), uncertain, very few remnants on LIDAR (node 9968396823), plotting mostly based on the fact that the RR passes on the country border (1), unreachable floating island, so setting access=no (1), unsure of the exact direction, between SW and S (1), unused (1), updated in 2018 (3), use the right tags, do not mislead people, these elements have been created 2 years ago whereas nothing was on terrain yet (2), used to be a track but the track part is grown by bushes and other vegetation (1), used water (1), usually overgrown (1), usually track grade1 are not really "maintained", here we are in urban area, therefore i prefered service (1), v1 contributor was totally wrong, not a grade1 at all (1), vacant (7), vanished (1), vegetation already surrounding this way allowing only small mobilities (1), vegetation is reclaiming this way (1), vegetation reclaimed this way (1), vegetation took over (1), vers Gare Maritime (1), vers Haluchère-Batignolles / Boulevard de Doulon (1), vers Mendès-France-Bellevue / Couëron - Océan (1), very approximate (1), very bad cycling infrastructure, signage unclear, shared sidewalk (1), very damaged/unsmooth track (1), very dirty with the motorway works (1), very hard to figure during a ride, according several observations it seems now right (3), very muddy when wet (1), very narrow access after fencing in 2022 (1), very possibly a former historical (roman?) road according the shaped terrain linking official archeological sites (1), very possibly a former historical (roman?) road according the shaped terrain linking official archeological sites and other nowaday ways (1), very possibly a former historical (roman?) road according the shaped terrain, a fjord in Sernigerbaach nearly straight then linking again shaped terrain (1), very uneven terrain, bad drainage (3), via Deutschfeistritz Gemeindeamt (1), via Ebenviertel Schachenbauernkreuz (1), via Gleisdorf Busbahnhof (1), via Kohlberg bei Gnas Süd (1), via Mixnitz-Bärenschützklamm Bahnhof (1), via Sankt Johann in der Haide Volksschule (1), via Wiener Neustadt Puchberger Straße/A2 (3), via Wiener Neustadt Puchberger Straße/A2 and not via IZ NÖ-Süd Straße 6/REWE (1), visible cropmark (1), visible cropmark 2011,2019 photo; believed to have been a Mansio (Hotel) (1), voies principales des lignes du réseau ferré exploitées ou neutralisées sur la France metéeropolitaine (1), voies principales des lignes exploitées et neutralisées du réseau ferré sur la région Grand Est (1), walked this track after rainy days, seemed enough hard compacted, second check maybe needed (1), was demolished in 2017 (1), was invisible during survey; might be seasonal. Setting access=no as it was the itinerary by route planner (1), was not found (1), washed away, landslide (1), water area goes beyond the "reservoir" and there is no clear limit, hence I've changed the tags and name to be more relevant. (1), water hole, overgrown (1), water tags not on the outer ring (1), water-MP (5), way behind a huge pile of log (1), way being taken over by vegetation (1), way can't have dedicated highway=cycleway + cycleway=track, that's like having one inside another (7), way claimed back by nature; associated hiking route is unmaintained (1), way forbidden to cyclists with a sign on both ends (bad road condition) (1), way from Geoportail Lux is not accurate (1), way has been closed by a pile of log on the exit (1), way has been taken over by growing vegetation (1), way has changed after 2022 areal photographies (1), way is decayed (2), way is decaying (4), way is fading away (1), way is isolated (1), way is not cycleway dedicated motorvehicles also allowed (parking), it can't have dedicated highway=cycleway + cycleway=track, that's like having one inside another (4), way is open, no sign on this portion for wilderness preservation (this way is quite close to the // track), only at pseudo entrances on E along the track done obviously by animals (2), way is quite decayed (1), way is quite decayed once in the forest (1), way is shared for multiple purposes: hostel, cycling, private residences (3), way is shared with agricultural/forestry vehicles (2), way overtaken by vegetation and fallen trees (3), way part of a public parcel, then limit of 2 parcels (1), way taken over by bushes and growing trees (1), way taken over by fallen trees (1), way taken over by growing vegetation (3), way taken over by log and vegetation (4), way taken over by overgrown vegetation (3), way taken over by overgrown vegetation and collapsed trees (1), way was not deleted in case it will still be visible after the area will be cleaned up (2), way was part of the track down and further through the field (1), ways are seriously decaying (2), ways seems appearing and disappearing between years, must be used time to time to control the grid (1), weg nr. 16 (1), western field parcel not totally closed by fence (1), western side has been reshaped in 2019 (1), wild path ploughed into obscurity (1), wood recently clearcut (1), work in prgress (3), work in progress (1), work in progress do not delete (2), work in progress leaves, do not delete/split (1), work in progress, do not delete (8), for name. (6), wyznaczone kursy (3), y (1), yes (1), yes, 2 gates (1), yes, there are two gates (1), Übergeordnete Straße, Stufe II (2), überdachter Picknickplatz (1), В соответствии со спецификацией Relation:boundary, collection_of_member Дороги (rel 1783981) не может быть ее членом. Удаляю отношение 1783981, так как нарушение спецификации ведет к невозможности получения GeoJSON для Волгоградской области. (1), Внешняя нода для согласования с картой Минска (1), Временная трасса (1), Временная трасса на время ремонта Ладожской (4), Только в летний период (2), 关系成员为中国大陆所有城市的公交网络,便于开发者依照网络进行从上到下的查找,网络顺序按照默认城市排序 (1), 本关系包含上海市域内所有的公交车和无轨电车,不分所属公司和具体县区级网络,并按照编号、首字母拼音顺序排序,同音按照笔划排序,不含有轨电车 (1),
note:22This is NOT an "administrative" boundary, but only a fraction of it. Do NOT set "boundary=administrative". (1), see relation id:62781 for the landmass only (multipolygon, not boundary) (1),
note:31For the full extent of the region, see parent relation 78967 (1),
note:DE2Route gem. Fahrplan vom 11.12.2022 (2),
note:ISO3166-11Exceptionally reserved code for any application needing to represent the European Union. (1),
note:access2do not mix access=no (all means of mobility) with specific mobility tags, they conflict. It's either one or all others. (1), do not use general access=no (all mobility) with access tags for specific mobility (exceptions), they conflict (1),
note:area2 (2),
note:caclr350+2 (2), +2; missing (1), 1-5 is used on the ground by companies registered there (1), 10 in use on the ground (1), 128 is wrong, kewl's survey says 128A and 128B (1), 12A, not 14 (1), 16 in use, see (1), 16 missing, shift 18&20 East (1), 2 Chiers on house wall; 43 Libération is other entrance same parcel (1), 2 Nicolas Wathlet used on the ground (1), 20 should be on the other side of the road (1), 214 on building (1), 24 and 26 don't exist anymore, parcels fusioned into 28 (1), 24-26 is in use but door says 24 (1), 249-251 in use on the ground. Old 249 is now 4 rue de Neuerburg (1), 2A is in use. Vanity number? (1), 3 block, not 4 block, starts with 1 (1), 3 in use on the ground, CACLR has 5? (1), 32 used on the ground, see website (1), 4 on building (1), 5 on the house wall (1), 5 used on the ground (1), 6 Gruefwee is used by maison relais on the ground (1), 60 or 62? (1), 88-94 in use (website) (1), 9A wrong (1), Address shared between a few buildings here (2), Address shared between two buildings (1), Am Kickert is also a paper street, named in 2013 (1), Bad parcel split here, 54 shows up three times (1), Both 2 Tanneurs and 4A Pont are in use (2), Both 3 route de Mersch and 3 impasse Merelbach are in use on the ground. (2), Both 48 and 32-48 in use on the ground (1), Both 6A and 6 are in use (different parts of building?) (1), Both 72 Église and 2 Athus seem to be in use... (2), Building has number 26 on both sides (convenient!) (3), CACLR accidentally has 72 twice (1), CACLR claims 1 is on town hall further up. Even/odd wrong, but 1 on building. (1), CACLR has "Rue Hiel" but street sign says "Hiel" (1), CACLR has "ZAE route de Bettel", just "route de Bettel" is used on the ground, numbers match (1), CACLR has '1-3', house has a big 3 by the door (1), CACLR has 1 and 1C swapped (2), CACLR has 1 montée du château but that's further down; 1 am Schank is correct (1), CACLR has 1 which is motel next door (1), CACLR has 10 rue des Merciers but 2 Porte Saint-Willibrord is in use (1), CACLR has 105, house has 105A-105B (1), CACLR has 11 Nord which is around the corner. 1 Champs missing in CACLR. (1), CACLR has 13 but 13-17 on house, and three entrances (1), CACLR has 14A and 14B but 14 is also in use (1), CACLR has 16 and 16A flipped (2), CACLR has 18B but door has both 18B and 18C (1), CACLR has 2 Drosbach, which is building next door on same parcel (1), CACLR has 21-23; osm has more detail (1), CACLR has 25 and 27 which are school up the street (1), CACLR has 25 but number on door says 25-27 (1), CACLR has 28 but 28-30 on letterbox (1), CACLR has 3 and 5 flipped (2), CACLR has 3 and 7 next door but 5 got dropped? New-ish buildings. (1), CACLR has 31 which is next door. 33 missing. (1), CACLR has 34,34A,36 mixed up (3), CACLR has 42 but 42-44 is on door (1), CACLR has 45 which is other building (1), CACLR has 48-52 but number on door says 48 (1), CACLR has 5 but number on door says 1-3 (1), CACLR has 5-7 but both are in use separately (2), CACLR has 54 but door says 52 (1), CACLR has 5A which was the old building (1), CACLR has 6-8 but separate numbers are in use (1), CACLR has 63 gare which is on other street! 16 Ermesinde is used on the ground. (1), CACLR has 68 Fontaine but that's pizzeria next door. 2 Montagne is used on the ground (1), CACLR has 68 but 70 is in use (1), CACLR has 7 but door has both 11 and 13 (2), CACLR has 7 but osm survey says 7-7A (1), CACLR has 7-9-11 for this building, which seems wrong (1), CACLR has 8 but number on door says 6 (1), CACLR has B and C switched (2), CACLR has Chaux de Contern, but Rue des Chaux is used on the ground (1), CACLR has Moulin but 23 moulin is 300m away and Gare is used on No 23 Gare in CACLR. No house number? (1), CACLR has addr:housenumber 3, house sign has 3B (1), CACLR has addr:housenumber 71, but 71C is in use. But where's 71/71A/71B supposed to be? (1), CACLR has both 112 and 112A here but 112 is next door (1), CACLR has both 7 and 9 on one spot; assuming red house part is 7 (2), CACLR has completely wrong location for this address (1), CACLR has no number for this building, which seems wrong (1), CACLR has number in wrong spot in park next to the house. (1), CACLR has postcode as house number... (1), CACLR has wrong building (4), CACLR has wrong house number (4), CACLR has wrong house number here, 110 is next door (1), CACLR has wrong house number, 31 in use (1), CACLR has wrong house number, 32 in use (1), CACLR has wrong house number, 3A in use (1), CACLR has wrong house number, 40A on house (1), CACLR has wrong house number, 89A twice (1), CACLR has wrong house number, off by one (3), CACLR has wrong house on wrong parcel (1), CACLR has wrong housenumber (1), CACLR has wrong location (2), CACLR has wrong number from house north. This is the correct ref:caclr. (1), CACLR has wrong street (5), CACLR has wrong street and house number; 1 Église is in use. Renumbered? (1), CACLR has wrong street and house number; 1A Pont is in use (1), CACLR has wrong street and wrong house number (1), CACLR has wrong street name (1), CACLR has wrong street, Place d'Armes used on the ground (vanity?) (1), CACLR has wrong street, Sept-Arpents used on the ground (1), CACLR has wrong street, rond-point Schuman used on the ground (vanity? Ease of use?) (1), CACLR has wrong street. (1), CACLR has wrong street. "Montée de Clausen" sign glued on the house! (1), CACLR has wrong street. Other street used on the ground. (2), CACLR has wrong street: sign says "Rue de Luxembourg" (18), CACLR has wrong street; 5, Klengreisduerf is in use and closest street (1), CACLR has wrong street; uses 'avenue', caclr has 'place'. (1), CACLR is missing "Ënnert den Héichiewen" completely (1), CACLR is missing Dellwee completely (1), CACLR is missing Mäsgewaan completely (1), CACLR is missing Rue James Bausch completely (1), CACLR is missing Rue de Cruchten completely (1), CACLR is missing Rue de l'Énergie completely (1), CACLR joins 29-31 but separate numbers in use here (2), CACLR mistakenly has 1 Poste. 2 is used on the building and online, and building is on even side of the street (1), CACLR mistakenly has 237 there but that's a duplicate with next door (1), CACLR only has 12B here (1), CACLR only has neighbours, which are misaligned (1), CACLR wrongly has 52 inside of this building (1), Caclr has 1 and 1A flipped (2), Caclr has 15-17, but 33 is on the building and 33, 35 and 39 are in use (1), Caclr has 15-17, 17 (1), Caclr has 2 but 2-4 is in use (1), Caclr has 30, but 30-34 is in use (1), Caclr has 5 but 1 is in use and 3 is up the street. (1), Caclr has wrong and impossible street (1), Caclr has wrong street (1), Cul-de-sac to be renamed Kiert when construction project done, address will change (1), Deleted from CACLR in late 2020 but still in use (1), Doesn't seem to exist on the ground (2), Even/odd wrong, but 2 on building. CACLR has wrong position. (1), Has letterbox. (1), House 9 ate house 7 and 8 (1), House number 10 implausible here (2), House number from tomolobla's survey, but can't find online (2), House number invented by real estate agent for vanity reasons (1), House number missing (1), House numbering compatible with Rue Michelshof (3), Kirchewee, net Duerfstrooss (1), claims housenumber 18 (1), claims housenumber 20 (1), Main entrance is 66 rue Mark, used online (1), Missing from caclr, but 11 in use on (2), Missing from caclr, but 20-22 in use on (1), Missing from caclr, but 20-22 in use on (1), Missing from caclr, but 46 in use on (2), New-ish building? (1), No house number (29), No house number 25A found on the ground, only 25 (1), No house number 5 found on the ground, only 3 (1), No house number. Both in Bertrange and Strassen, really. (1), No house number? (3), Particularly weird address, might actually be like this on the ground. (1), Present in Esch dataset but not Cadastre (1), Same building same house number on two streets/localities? (2), Sign has rue, CACLR has route (4), Spoke with owner: no house number, and not really a house name, but this comes closest. They use last name + street as an address. (1), Strange corner case with 5 and 7 on both sides of the corner. Survey numbers. (1), Street sign has "Rue Brill" on one side, "Rue du Brill" on other, CACLR has "Rue du Brill" which everyone probably uses (2), Street wrong in caclr (1), The person living there uses Larochette as locality in their address, but it's physically in Medernach. Name on the ground is "Rue Osterbour", CACLR has "Am Ousterbour" which is name:lb (1), Vanity house number, wrong side (1), Vanity house number? (1), Wall says 12A (1), Wrong address in CACLR. "1" is in Echternach (1), bridge rebuilt in 2021 (2), building left (1), building up (1), building west (1), caclr falsely has address on next parcel (1), caclr has 2, but 1 is used on their website (1), caclr has 245 and 247, but building has 245-247 written on the facade (1), caclr has 3, but 1-3 is in use on (1), caclr has 36-38, but 38 is next door (1), caclr has 59-61, but 59 is on the door (1), caclr has 6 on rue Hamen, but 1A is on door facing Am Happgaart (1), caclr has 6, but 2 is in use on (1), caclr has 8, but 6 is on door. 8 is next door. (1), duplicate, shed here (1), illegal? (1), missing (22), missing address (1), missing from caclr (1), missing, 2 wrong (1), missing? (1), shift 1 up (5), switch (14), switch numbers (2), switched (6), wrong (9), wrong building (10),
note:cutting1seperate cutting via embankment done (1),
note:de45Die karibischen Niederlande (BES-Inseln) sind den Benelux-Ländern gemäß der Überarbeitung des Benelux-Vertrags vom 01.01.2012 beigetreten. (1), Gebäude für Sportzwecke (1), Haltestellen nicht komplett (1), Langsamfahrspur rechts (2), Linie 704: 7555 u.a. (1), Linie 704: 7559 u.a. (1), Linie 704: 7562 u.a. (1), Linie 704: 7565 u.a. (1), Linie 705: 7553 (1), Linie 705: 7558 (1), Route gem. Fahrplan vom 11.12.2022 (14), Route gem. Fahrplan vom 12.12.2021 (6), Route gem. Fahrplan vom 13.12.2021 (2), Route gem. Fahrplan vom 15.12.2019 - Keine Änderung zum Fahrplan vom 09.12.2018 (6), Route gem. Fahrplan vom 15.12.2019 - Keine Änderung zum Fahrplan vom 24.06.2018 (4), Route ist in Zürich nicht durchgehend ausgeschildert (1), (1),
note:de:opening_hours:PH:11Jan 1: Neujahr; Easter -2d: Karfreitag; Easter +1 days: Ostermontag; May 1: 1. Mai; easter +39 days: Himmelfahrt; easter +49 days: Pfingsten; easter +50 days: Pfingstmontag (1),
note:de:opening_hours:PH:21Oct 03: Tag der deutschen Einheit; Dec 25: 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag; Dec 26: 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag (1),
note:description2A triangle of Streidegebësch? ;) (1), Separate OSM relations exist for grouping the member states, grouping the outermost regions, and grouping the overseas countries and territories. (1),
note:en3See for the syntax used. (1), While not officially an administrative division it is mapped because of its current usage by the general public. (1), including checkpoints (1),
note:es1El Caribe Neerlandés (islas BES) se unió al Benelux según la revisión del Tratado del Benelux de 2012-01-01. (1),
note:fr5Digits Solutions accompagne les entreprises, les entrepreneurs et les indépendants dans leurs projets comptables, managériaux et numériques. Digits solutions est membre de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables et un Organisme de formation professionnelle continu (1), Les Pays-Bas caribéens (Iles BES) ont rejoint le Benelux lors de la révision du 01/01/2012 du traité Benelux. (1), Suite à un éboulement, le passage est officiellement interdit à tout véhicule dans les 2 sens. Toutefois, l'éboulement est situé juste à côté du chemin. Celui-ci est donc encore praticable à pied et à vélo en faisant attention (1), voie lente à la droite (2),
note:highway2motorized vehicles are authorized privately, do not change to a light mobility only highway, this misleads & puts users in danger (2),
note:historic2The original roman road used to go straight instead of the slight curves here, to avoid micro-mapping i left it as the modern track (2),
note:important1Be careful, this relation is used for France Métropolitaine (terres) : please don't add ways in the seas ! (1),
note:it1itinerario in corso di aggiornamento numero Rete Escursionistica Umbria (1),
note:ja5国土数値情報(河川データ)平成18年国土交通省 (2), 国土数値情報(公共施設データ)平成19年 国土交通省 (2), 国土数値情報(鉄道データ)平成19年 国土交通省 (1),
note:layer2added to make sure water is not concealed, anyway water runs over land (2),
note:maxspeed2no maxspeed signs, value decided on general trafic code out agglomeration (2),
note:name2Since all 24 official languages do not fit, the name tag is in the 3 procedural languages of the union (English, French, German). (2),
note:opening_hours20From the first train or tram to the last one. (20),
note:parcenary1The territory of the parcenary is NOT part administratively of the territory of the municipality (1),
note:population11Counted as Colmar-Berg in RNPP (2), Counted as Dippach in RNPP (1), Counted with Waldbredimus in RNPP (1), Counts both Colmar and Berg in RNPP (1), Counts both Untereisenbach and Obereisenbach as Eisenbach in RNPP (1), Counts both Untereisenbach and Obereisenbach in RNPP (1), Population counted in Eischen in RNPP (1), Population counted in Rollingen in RNPP (1), Tandel might count its ~18 inhabitants in Bettendorf (1), somme des populations de tous les territoires (départements, COM, etc) (1),
note:project_page4 (1), (1), (2),
note:regulation1§ 4.2.2. Es ist verboten, die befestigten und unbefestigten öffentlichen und privaten Straßen und Wege zu verlassen. (1),
note:sharcrash1signal d,5a is obligatory for pedestrians/bicycles but does not mean only for them, the way is also for forestry, leaving this as path is misleading (1),
note:source1I'm not the original contributor, the feature was attached to the highway, the detachment created it as new node (1),
note:time48Mo-Fr 03:55 (1), Mo-Fr 04:25, 05:25 (1), Mo-Fr 04:55 (1), Mo-Fr 05:30 (S), 06:30 (F), 13:12 (1), Mo-Fr 05:32 (1), Mo-Fr 05:45 (F) (1), Mo-Fr 05:45 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 06:14 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 06:30 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 06:37 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 06:40 (1), Mo-Fr 06:44 (F) (1), Mo-Fr 06:55 (1), Mo-Fr 07:05 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 07:30 (S), 12:20 (1), Mo-Fr 07:50 (1), Mo-Fr 07:50 (S), 14:30 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 08:25 (1), Mo-Fr 09:25 (1), Mo-Fr 10:57 (1), Mo-Fr 11:40 (F) (1), Mo-Fr 11:40 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 11:40, 13:35 (1), Mo-Fr 11:55 (F+SB) (1), Mo-Fr 11:55 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 12:00 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 12:15 (Fr) (1), Mo-Fr 12:20 (S), 15:11 (S), 16:32 (S), 17:11 (F) (1), Mo-Fr 12:30, 14:30 (Mo-Th), 20:30 (Fr), Sa 09:30 (1), Mo-Fr 13:25 (1), Mo-Fr 13:40 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 13:50 (1), Mo-Fr 14:00 (F) (1), Mo-Fr 14:20 (S), 15:20 (S), 16:20, 18:20 (1), Mo-Fr 14:30 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 14:40 (F) (1), Mo-Fr 14:55 (Fr) (1), Mo-Fr 15:15 (1), Mo-Fr 15:30 (S) (1), Mo-Fr 16:15 (1), Mo-Fr 16:45 (Mo-Th) (1), Mo-Fr 17:07 (1), Mo-Fr 17:45 (1), Mo-Fr 18:15, 19:15 (Mo-Th) (1), Sa 10:50, 17:05 (1), Sa 14:30, 18:30, Su+PH 14:30 (1), Su+PH 08:20 (Jul 12-Sep 06) (1), Su+PH 15:57 (Jul 12-Sep 06) (1),
note:traffic_calming=cushion;maxspeed1cushions don't imply a maxspeed (1),
note:url2 (2),
note_22Now there are signs for this route, but mostley on different ways (1), forest in rel. (leaves) (1),
notes1track repaired summer22 (1),
nudism8customary (1), no (2), obligatory (2), permissive (1), yes (2),
number41022 (1), 12162 (1), 30100145-S (1), 42-28941 (1),
number_of_apartments21 (2),
nursery2yes (2),
nysgissam:nysaddresspointid2WEST026868 (1), WEST028000 (1),
other | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |