maaamet:ETAK1648658 (1),
magic_wand46yes (46),
maintenance2Path normally evident and with good maintenance. Always inquire beforehand about the status of the path between Colle della Forcola and Monte Zeda. (1), salting (1),
maintenance:it2Percorso normalmente evidente e con buona manutenzione. Informarsi sempre preventivamente sullo stato del tratto tra il Colle della Forcola e il Monte Zeda. (1), mancanza di segnaletica regolamentare, sono presenti i segnali del km verticale fino al M.Todun (1),
male21no (5), yes (16),
man_made9459antenna (11), beehive (4), breakwater (5), bridge (271), bunker_silo (58), carpet_hanger (10), cellar_entrance (2), chimney (362), clear_cut (8), clearcut (46), crane (45), cross (30), cutline (2091), dovecote (1), dyke (1), embankment (272), flagpole (47), gantry (18), gasometer (49), geoglyph (1), goods_conveyor (1), groyne (1), heat_exchange_station (1), lighthouse (1), lock (1), manhole (10), mast (188), monitoring_station (20), nesting_site (1), obelisk (2), observatory (1), oil_gas_separator (3), petroleum_well (20), pier (476), pipeline (860), pump (1), pumping_station (32), quay (3), reservoir_covered (3), sign (1), silo (26), spoil_heap (2), spring_box (2), standpipe (12), storage_tank (727), street_cabinet (11), surveillance (113), survey_point (13), telephone_box (1), tower (532), utility_pole (52), video_wall (1), wastewater_plant (83), water_tap (535), water_tower (1774), water_well (465), water_works (57), watermill (22), works (63), yes (7), сьцежка (3),
managed2132no (1), yes (2131),
manhole7drain (6), telecom (1),
manufacturer25Acciona (1), Enercon (1), Gamesa (8), Grolleau (7), Vestas (3), Авіяцыйны комплекс імя С. В. Ільюшына (1), Вопытна-канструктарскае бюро П. В. Сухога (3), Кировский завод (1),
map_size29city (2), region (4), site (23),
map_type31scheme (18), street (9), topo (4),
mapillary411279837962480058 (1), 1401006333585042 (1), 140492248096135 (1), 153585743385602 (1), 171662291503315 (1), 2006936459445442 (1), 231099275449214 (1), 237283474835836 (1), 245378570699789 (1), 274015251107989 (1), 2900174440249121 (1), 300988768229284 (1), 305232554657772 (1), 307253081016548 (1), 308238270707488 (1), 309204104019110 (1), 314054590114717 (1), 316320989874650 (1), 374340267341090 (1), 3968437043193260 (1), 465508041223240 (1), 466257634464998 (1), 467158564510222 (1), 471385457487858 (1), 476715510112148 (1), 480734213199922 (1), 484916615958956 (1), 528115488185459 (1), 540761727298075 (1), 584179662984594 (1), 800562040572408 (1), 817534372494652 (1), 828076227800639 (1), 872667493283414 (1), 885751198669072 (1), 904500346774945 (1), 930417347783796 (1), 944606456299106 (1), 960441438035510 (1), 973359776735970 (1), 992665204809785 (1),
mapillary:image191042143573229971 (1), 1043170216483053 (1), 1150791705449874 (1), 145690384420783 (1), 1568612410138581 (1), 174932264837484 (1), 1888432597985557 (1), 193162862973220 (1), 272511951459549 (2), 382414780334556 (1), 403497054786711 (1), 420156326123433 (1), 581179803167535 (1), 594017801918786 (1), 606289243745348 (1), 650124083032057 (1), 965240441004620 (1), 995193524381091 (1),
mapillary:map_feature191099409400596249 (1), 1099409420596247 (1), 1099409427262913 (1), 1099409450596244 (1), 1099409483929574 (1), 1099409493929573 (1), 1485330305199601 (1), 1485330315199600 (1), 1775872042614055 (1), 1775872049280721 (1), 210919941146057 (1), 259403696200130 (1), 259403706200129 (1), 259403749533458 (1), 280639030628937 (1), 2958145757832393 (1), 3023077271342884 (1), 3023077274676217 (1), 919944225309575 (1),
marine6N (6),
marker152aerial (2), borderpole (1), borderstone (97), boundary_stone (6), buoy (13), post (7), rock (1), stone (25),
massgis:way_id84110397 (1), 111146 (1), 111482 (1), 111964 (1), 113890 (1), 118019 (1), 119153 (2), 119856 (1), 122842 (2), 123597 (1), 126193 (1), 131034 (1), 132643 (1), 133815 (1), 134165 (1), 135243 (1), 138967 (1), 140542 (1), 140625 (1), 140970 (1), 142986 (1), 143970 (1), 145984 (1), 146100 (1), 147658 (1), 149198 (1), 149630 (1), 150193 (1), 151920 (1), 152 (1), 152796 (1), 153 (1), 153106 (1), 153829 (1), 155182 (1), 155559 (3), 158776 (1), 159307 (1), 161447 (1), 161610 (1), 163637 (1), 167438 (1), 170021 (1), 170415 (1), 170501 (2), 173031 (1), 175563 (1), 182540 (1), 182778 (1), 183039 (1), 187055 (1), 188653 (1), 188915 (1), 190332 (1), 191878 (1), 193857 (1), 195523 (1), 197307 (1), 197643 (1), 198372 (1), 199977 (1), 200598 (1), 200839 (1), 201106 (1), 202898 (1), 205500 (1), 207199 (1), 207231 (1), 209257 (1), 211222 (1), 215007 (1), 239 (1), 241 (1), 242 (1), 261 (1), 334 (1), 348 (1), 42 (1), 82 (1),
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max_age80 (1), 11 (1), 99 (6),
maxaxleload348510 (1804), 11.5 (761), 5 (1), 6 (917), 8 (2),
maxdraft12.5 (1),
maxdraught12.5 (1),
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maxspeed:advisory71 (1), 100-160 (1), 15 mph (1), 30 (2), 30 mph (1), 70 (1),
maxspeed:backward295100 (1), 20 (13), 30 (12), 40 (61), 40 mph (3), 50 (24), 60 (78), 70 (46), 80 (3), 90 (54),
maxspeed:bus310 (2), 70 (1),
maxspeed:conditional7100 @ wet (2), 110 @ wet (2), 40 @ (07:00-17:00) (1), 80 @ (weight>12) (1), 90 @ (weight<=3.5); 70 @ (weight>3.5) (1),
maxspeed:forward29020 (8), 30 (15), 35 mph (3), 40 (62), 50 (19), 60 (67), 70 (37), 90 (79),
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maxspeed:hgv:conditional290 @ (weight>3.5) (2),
maxspeed:practical92310 (1), 100 (30), 110 (40), 120 (1), 20 (47), 30 (60), 35 (1), 40 (175), 45 (1), 5 (1), 50 (76), 60 (146), 70 (339), 80 (1), 90 (4),
maxspeed:sign7105 (1), 110 (1), 130 (3), 140 (1), 150 (1),
maxspeed:source5CH:rural (1), DE:rural (1), Tabela de velocidades (2018) (2), sign (1),
maxspeed:towing155 mph (1),
maxspeed:trailer255 mph (1), 70 (1),
maxspeed:type100BO:urban (4), BY:rural (2), BY:urban (43), BY:zone20 (1), BY:zone30 (7), CH:urban (1), CH:zone30 (2), DE:rural (1), DE:urban (8), DE:zone30 (6), FR:zone30 (9), GB:nsl_single (3), RO:urban (2), UA:urban (3), default (3), sign (5),
maxstay231 hour (2), 10 minutes (1), 2 hours (3), 2 hr (3), 45 min (1), 7.00-22.00 (1), no (5), unlimited (7),
maxstay:conditional52 hours @ (09:00-12:00; 15:00-19:00); no @(Su,PH) (2), 2 hours @ (09:00-12:00; 15:00:19:00); no @(Su,PH) (3),
maxweight610.4 (1), 0.5 (1), 1.5 (1), 10 (16), 10000 lbs (1), 11 (1), 12 (1), 16 (1), 2.27 (1), 20t (2), 22 (1), 24 (1), 28 (2), 3 (1), 3.5 (1), 30 (1), 38 (1), 4 (1), 42 (1), 5 (8), 5.5 (1), 6 (3), 64 (1), 7.5 (6), 74 (1), 8 (4), 9 (1),
maxweight:agricultural1no (1),
maxweight:lanes13.5| (1),
maxweight:signed7no (7),
maxweightrating:conditional1none @ marked (1),
maxweightrating:hgv315 (2), 3.5 (1),
maxwidth421 (2), 1.5 (3), 1.90 (2), 2 (4), 2.9 (2), 20 (1), 3 (9), 3.2 (1), 4 (11), 5 (5), 5.0 (1), 5.2 (1),
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memorial:conflict17Napoleonic_Wars (8), WW2 (9),
memorial:conflict:wikidata8Q179250 (8),
memorial:type4bust (1), plaque (1), stela (1), tank (1),
message1commercial (1),
metre_load108 (10),
microbrewery1yes (1),
military193abandoned (2), airfield (1), barracks (2), base (1), bunker (157), checkpoint (6), danger_area (4), office (8), parade_ground (1), range (6), training_area (3), trench (1), yes (1),
military_service1navy (1),
millennium:date12009-09-14 14:49:45 (1),
millennium:ref120614 (1),
min_age100 (9), 3 (1),
min_height210.4 (3), 0.75 (2), 10 (1), 129.7 (1), 18 (2), 19.5 (1), 20 (1), 3 (4), 3.75 (2), 40 (1), 5 (1), 6.75 (2),
min_level21 (2),
minspeed550 (5),
model13AW-1500/77 (1), E-70/2.0MW (1), G 58 - 0.85 MW (8), V47 (3),
model:wikidata3Q155494 (1), Q155658 (1), Q275031 (1),
model:wikipedia2be:БМП-1 (1), be:Т-72 (1),
modifier2A (1), Business (1),
mofa20designated (1), use_sidepath (8), yes (11),
monitoring:air_quality4yes (4),
monitoring:radiation10yes (10),
monitoring:temperature3yes (3),
monitoring:water_level2yes (2),
monitoring:weather11yes (11),
monument1helicopter (1),
mooring3ferry (2), yes (1),
moped17designated (4), no (10), use_sidepath (2), yes (1),
motor_vehicle688agricultural (9), delivery (1), designated (20), destination (137), forestry (3), no (177), opening_hours=(May 20-Oct 29 sunrise-sunset) (1), permissive (8), permit (4), private (65), undefined (1), unknown (1), yes (261),
motor_vehicle:conditional7no @ (2022 Mar 25-2022 Aug 31) (2), no @ (Mo-Fr 08:30-09:30,15:15-16:15; SH off) (4), yes @ (19:00-07:00) (1),
motorboat2no (2),
motorcar329agricultural (1), designated (12), destination (139), no (74), private (2), yes (101),
motorcar:lanes:backward1no (1),
motorcar:lanes:forward1yes (1),
motorcycle118designated (12), destination (3), no (18), private (1), yes (84),
motorcycle:conditional3no @ (21:00-09:00) (3),
motorroad18no (7), yes (11),
mountain_pass7yes (7),
mp_type60x0A (6),
mphp:name18Dopływ ze Strzyżewa (18),
ms_fis_id15492 (1),
mtb1yes (1),
mtb:name1Willog (1),
mtb:scale980 (50), 1 (19), 2 (12), 3 (9), 4 (2), 5 (4), 6 (2),
mtb:scale:imba190 (16), 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1),
mtb:scale:uphill490 (43), 1 (4), 2 (2),
mtb:type1crosscountry (1),
mtb:winter81 (3), 2 (3), 3 (1), yes (1),
museum11art (2), history (5), military (1), person (3),
другие | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | y | z |