k | num | v's |
sac_scale | 637 | 1 (1), alpine_hiking (7), demanding_alpine_hiking (7), demanding_mountain_hiking (55), difficult_alpine_hiking (1), hiking (308), mountain_hiking (258), |
sac_scale_ref | 1 | T1 (1), |
safety_inspection | 2 | no (1), yes (1), |
safety_rope | 3 | yes (3), |
sale | 1 | yes (1), |
salt | 322 | no (207), yes (115), |
salting:operator | 3 | Norwich City Council (3), |
salting:ref | 3 | NKE042 (3), |
sand | 3 | dune (1), dunes (2), |
sanitary_dump_station | 2 | no (2), |
sanitary_dumpstation | 11 | no (11), |
sauna | 3 | yes (3), |
scenic | 25 | : 6 t2editme: 1 jeka p: 1 Minh Nguyen: 1 Mundilfari: 1 Kovirii: 1 A Hall: 2 ')" onclick="ap(this)">yes (25), |
school | 53 | adult (1), art (1), blind (1), boarding_school (1), deaf (1), entrance (1), language (1), music (1), primary (5), professional (6), professional_education (1), secondary (13), special_education_needs (2), sport (12), vocational (1), yes (5), |
school:FR | 4 | maternelle (1), maternelle;élémentaire (1), primaire (2), |
school:enrolment | 4 | 1080 (1), 497 (1), 648 (1), 745 (1), |
school:gender | 4 | mixed (4), |
school:selective | 4 | no (4), |
school:specialty | 4 | comprehensive (4), |
school:type | 6 | boarding (1), primary (4), secondary (1), |
school:type2 | 1 | dancing (1), |
school_type | 3 | pre-school, primary, secondary (1), pre-school, primary, secundary (1), pres-school (1), |
scope | 5 | urban (5), |
scout | 1 | yes (1), |
screen | 7 | 1 (3), 10 (1), 3 (1), 5 (1), 8 (1), |
seamark:beacon_special_purpose:category | 1 | no_entry (1), |
seamark:beacon_special_purpose:colour | 1 | yellow;red;yellow (1), |
seamark:beacon_special_purpose:colour_pattern | 1 | horizontal (1), |
seamark:beacon_special_purpose:shape | 1 | pile (1), |
seamark:berth:restriction | 29 | none (2), restricted_berthing (27), |
seamark:gate:category | 1 | sluice (1), |
seamark:harbour:category | 2 | marina (2), |
seamark:information | 2 | 33 CFR 110.159: Navigation regulations are published in Chapter 2 of the U.S. Coast Pilot for this geographic area. Refer to regulation section numbers. (1), Noise limit: 75 db (A) for sport crafts and waterbikes (1), |
seamark:light:character | 4 | Fl (4), |
seamark:light:colour | 10 | green (6), red (3), yellow (1), |
seamark:light:height | 1 | 8 (1), |
seamark:light:period | 4 | 1.5 (1), 10 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), |
seamark:light:range | 2 | 3 (1), 4 (1), |
seamark:light:reference | 1 | E 4092 (1), |
seamark:light:sequence | 2 | 0.3+(1.2) (1), 3+(7) (1), |
seamark:mooring:category | 6 | bollard (2), dolphin (4), |
seamark:name | 8 | Copacabana (1), Farolete Captação da Água de Coimbra (1), Farolete Ilha Fernandes Braga (1), Hung Hom Landing Number 8 (1), Olympic Coast NMS (1), Ormos Kiparissiou (1), Puerto Busch (1), Station SNSM du Croisic (1), |
seamark:national_name | 1 | 紅磡八號梯台 (1), |
seamark:notice:1:bank | 6 | left (1), right (5), |
seamark:notice:1:category | 6 | cross_river_to_port (1), cross_river_to_starboard (1), keep_to_mid-river (2), keep_to_port_margin (1), keep_to_starboard_margin (1), |
seamark:notice:1:function | 6 | regulation (6), |
seamark:notice:1:impact | 6 | downstream (5), upstream (1), |
seamark:notice:1:system | 6 | ppwbc (6), |
seamark:notice:2:bank | 6 | left (1), right (5), |
seamark:notice:2:category | 6 | cross_river_to_port (1), cross_river_to_starboard (1), keep_to_mid-river (2), keep_to_port_margin (1), keep_to_starboard_margin (1), |
seamark:notice:2:function | 6 | regulation (6), |
seamark:notice:2:impact | 6 | downstream (1), upstream (5), |
seamark:notice:2:system | 6 | ppwbc (6), |
seamark:notice:bank | 6 | left (1), right (5), |
seamark:notice:category | 2 | entry_permitted (2), |
seamark:notice:function | 8 | information (2), regulation (6), |
seamark:notice:system | 6 | ppwbc (6), |
seamark:rescue_station:category | 1 | lifeboat (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:category | 1 | noise_limit (1), |
seamark:restricted_area:restriction | 2 | no_anchoring (1), restricted_entry (1), |
seamark:shoreline_construction:category | 19 | pier (1), rip_rap (1), sea_wall (17), |
seamark:shoreline_construction:restriction | 1 | restricted_berthing (1), |
seamark:small_craft_facility:category | 1 | boat_hoist (1), |
seamark:topmark:colour | 2 | green (1), yellow (1), |
seamark:topmark:shape | 2 | x-shape (2), |
seamark:type | 119 | anchorage (1), beacon_special_purpose (1), berth (29), bier (1), ferry_route (2), gate (31), harbour (4), light_minor (9), lock_basin (1), mooring (8), notice (8), protected_area (1), rescue_station (1), restricted_area (2), shoreline_construction (19), small_craft_facility (1), |
seasonal | 1656 | autumn-spring (1), dry_season (25), no (5), summer (1), wet_season (1418), winter (2), wt (1), yes (203), |
seats | 1208 | 10 (8), 100 (1), 120 (1), 15 (4), 2 (17), 20 (1), 25 (3), 3 (71), 30 (3), 4 (1059), 40 (1), 5 (5), 50 (1), 6 (21), 8 (11), 9 (1), |
seats:separated | 1 | no (1), |
second_day | 1 | yes (1), |
second_hand | 82 | no (21), only (22), yes (39), |
section | 23 | Austria (1), Austria (middle) (1), Azerbaijan (1), Cambodia (1), Cesko (1), England (1), Germany (2), Germany South (1), Ireland (1), Malaysia (1), Poland (2), Russia (1), Spain (south-south) (1), Sweden (2), Switzerland (1), Switzerland (east) (1), Switzerland middle (1), Uzbekistan (1), west (1), west-east (1), |
section_ref | 8 | 03 (2), 04 (1), 07 (1), 10 (1), 11 (1), 18 (1), B-VL (1), |
sector:name | 1 | Área Notables (1), |
seg_lcd | 1 | 7158 (1), |
segment | 4 | yes (4), |
segregated | 415 | no (359), yes (56), |
self_service | 214 | no (203), only (2), yes (9), |
separated | 6 | no (6), |
separation:right | 1 | no (1), |
service | 23578 | air_conditining (1), aircraft_control (1), alley (3553), battery (1), body (1), brakes;oil (2), bus (34), busway (12), car (2), city (15), commuter (18), computer (1), country (8), crossover (14), dealer (2), dealer;parts (1), dealer;repair;tyres;parts (1), drive-through (59), driveway (17579), driveway2 (8), electrical (3), emergency_access (52), express (4), ground (1), high_speed (21), international (8), irrigation (34), long_distance (94), national (31), night (42), oil (16), oil_change (5), park_access (3), park_and_ride (1), parking_aisle (911), parts (1), peak (1), private (1), regional (64), repair (5), repair;tyres (1), rest_area (1), shared_driveway (2), siding (237), spur (261), tourism;industrial (3), transportation (2), tyres;oil (3), un (1), weekend (2), weigh_station (1), weight_station (1), yard (452), |
service:bicycle:cleaning | 1 | yes (1), |
service:bicycle:parts | 10 | yes (10), |
service:bicycle:pump | 16 | no (9), yes (7), |
service:bicycle:rental | 3 | yes (3), |
service:bicycle:repair | 32 | no (3), yes (29), |
service:bicycle:retail | 10 | no (1), yes (9), |
service:bicycle:second_hand | 4 | no (3), yes (1), |
service:bicycle:tools | 2 | yes (2), |
service:computer | 40 | yes (40), |
service:copy | 20 | yes (20), |
service:depot | 37 | yes (37), |
service:fax | 1 | yes (1), |
service:gaming | 7 | yes (7), |
service:oil | 1 | yes (1), |
service:phone | 12 | yes (12), |
service:post | 37 | yes (37), |
service:prepress | 10 | yes (10), |
service:press | 16 | yes (16), |
service:print | 23 | yes (23), |
service:repair | 4 | yes (4), |
service:type | 8 | school (8), |
service:tyres | 12 | yes (12), |
service:vehicle:Car_sales | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:Reparacion_de_Autos | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:air_conditioning | 5 | yes (5), |
service:vehicle:alarm | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:alignment | 2 | yes (2), |
service:vehicle:audio | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:batteries | 4 | yes (4), |
service:vehicle:body_paint | 3 | yes (3), |
service:vehicle:body_repair | 15 | yes (15), |
service:vehicle:brakes | 11 | yes (11), |
service:vehicle:car_parts | 15 | yes (15), |
service:vehicle:car_repair | 42 | yes (42), |
service:vehicle:car_sales | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:diagnostics | 17 | yes (17), |
service:vehicle:electrical | 12 | yes (12), |
service:vehicle:engine | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:engine_optimization | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:engine_repair | 2 | yes (2), |
service:vehicle:fluid_changes | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:fuel | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:glass | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:greasing | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:inspection | 7 | yes (7), |
service:vehicle:lpg | 2 | yes (2), |
service:vehicle:modifaction | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:mot_preparation | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:motorbike | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:muffler | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:new_car_sales | 9 | yes (9), |
service:vehicle:oil | 3 | yes (3), |
service:vehicle:oil_change | 50 | yes (50), |
service:vehicle:painting | 6 | yes (6), |
service:vehicle:pumps | 4 | yes (4), |
service:vehicle:radiators | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:repairs | 9 | yes (9), |
service:vehicle:restoration | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:sale | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:security | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:steering | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:stereo | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:suspension | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:tires | 2 | yes (2), |
service:vehicle:towing | 3 | yes (3), |
service:vehicle:truck_repair | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:tyres | 69 | yes (69), |
service:vehicle:tyres_repair | 6 | yes (6), |
service:vehicle:used_car_sales | 6 | yes (6), |
service:vehicle:vulcanizer | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:wash | 1 | yes (1), |
service:vehicle:welding | 1 | yes (1), |
service_times | 42 | 05:00-20:00 (2), 08:00 (2), 08:00-14:00 (1), 09:00 (3), 10:00AM-12:00PM (1), 18:00 (1), 19:00 (1), 19:00 - 21:00 (1), 8:00 am (1), 9:00 a 11:00 Domingo (1), Domingo: 9 am, Miercoles: 7:30 pm (1), Domingos de 9:00 a 11:00 (1), Friday 7>30PM - Sunday 10AM (1), Jueves y Domingo 19:30 - 21:30 (1), Lunes a Viernes 9am a 5pm (1), Mo,We,Fr 18:00-22:30; Su 09:00-13:00; PH closed (1), Mo-Fr 17:30 (1), Mo-Sa 10:00,11:00,12:00; Su 07:30, 09:30, 11:00, 19:30 (1), Mo-Su 07:00,10:00,11:00,12:00,18:00,19:00 (1), Sa 19:00; Su 19:00 (1), Sabados (1), Sonntag: 9 AM, Mittwoch: 7:30 PM (1), Su 06:30,08:00,09:30,11:00,12:30,18:00; Mo-Sa 06:30,09:00,18:00 (1), Su 07:00,11:00 (1), Su 10:00+ (1), Su 10:00-11:00, 11:00-13:00, 19:00-21:00; We 19:30-21:00; PH off (1), Su 11:00 (1), Su 7:30-9:30, 10:00-12:00, 15:00-17:00, 19:00-21:00 (1), Su 8:30 (2), Su[1] 09:00 (1), Th 11:00-17:00; Fr 19:30-21:30; Su 10:30-12:30, 19:30-21:30 (1), Th 19:00; Su 09:00 (1), Tu,Th,Sa,Su 19:00-22:00 (1), We 19:00; Sa 11:00; Su 10:00,18:00 (1), We 19:30; Th 19:00; Fr 18:30; Sa 19:00; Su 10:00, 18:30 (1), domingo 10:30 reunion general 16:00 reunion en aymara (1), domingos 10:00 a 12:00 (1), |
settlement_type | 1 | informal (1), |
seveso | 1 | Hogedrempelinrichting (1), |
shape | 54 | rectangular (54), |
share_taxi | 8 | yes (8), |
share_taxi:phone | 2 | +49 2236-944246 (2), |
shared_taxi | 1 | yes (1), |
shelter | 1452 | no (933), roof (1), yes (518), |
shelter_type | 595 | animal_shelter (1), apron (1), basic_hut (4), bicycle_parking (3), building (3), cabana (1), gazebo (106), lean_to (4), pavilion (21), picnic_shelter (107), public_transport (134), roof (2), sun_shelter (33), weather_shelter (162), weather_shelterPuerto_Jennefer (9), wildlife_hide (4), |
ship | 49 | no (47), yes (2), |
shoes | 7 | children (1), men;women;children (2), sport (1), women (1), women;men (1), women;men;children (1), |
shooting | 3 | paintball (3), |
shop | 17609 | BARRIO (1), Importación_y_venta_de_bombas_de_agua_LINZ_originales_italianas,_tanques_de_presión_VAREM, (1), Mods,_Accesorios,_Vapor (1), Tienda (3), Tienda_de_articulos_varios (1), abarotes (1), abarrotes (4), accessories (5), agrarian (38), agricultural_machinery (1), alcohol (252), anime (3), antiques (1), apiary (1), appliance (13), art (12), auctioneer (1), baby_goods (21), bag (5), bakery (327), bar (1), barrial (1), bathroom_furnishing (6), beauty (319), bed (48), beverages (67), bicycle (86), bookmaker (5), books (199), books;clothes (1), boutique (14), building_materials (13), butcher (275), butcker (1), candles (2), car (239), car_parts (411), car_repair (1098), carpet (2), charity (1), cheese (9), chemical (1), chemist (17), chocolate (28), clothes (679), coffee (7), computer (110), confectionery (248), construction (4), convenience (3363), copyshop (206), cosmetics (21), craft (1), curtain (9), dairy (37), de_Barrio (2), de_comidas (1), deli (7), department_store (91), doityourself (17), doors (6), dry_cleaning (50), dulces_y_abarrotes (1), e-cigarette (1), electric (1), electrical (16), electronics (219), equipment (1), erotic (3), estate_agent (11), eyewear (1), fabric (9), farm (14), fashion_accessories (1), fire_extinguisher (1), fireplace (2), fishing (3), florist (101), food (5), frame (2), frozen_food (4), fuel (5), funeral_directors (79), furnace (1), furniture (199), games (1), garden_centre (12), gas (8), gemstones (1), general (53), general_store (2), gift (84), glass (1), glaziery (10), greengrocer (77), grocery (1), hairdresser (529), hairdresser_supply (1), handicraft (2), hardware (761), health (1), health_food (13), hearing_aids (2), herbalist (7), hifi (7), hobby (1), home (1), honey (1), household (1), houseware (27), hunting (1), ice_cream (11), interior_decoration (31), jewelry (61), kiosk (410), kitchen (8), lamps (1), laundry (167), lighting (4), locksmith (37), lottery (1), machi (1), mall (106), marketplace (1), massage (5), medical (1), medical_supply (43), micromarket (1), mobile_phone (137), money_lender (33), motorcycle (76), motorcycle_repair (45), music (10), musical_instrument (12), newsagent (28), no (10), no;travel_agency (1), nursery_plant (1), nutrition_supplements (7), nuts (3), office_supplies (2), optician (297), outdoor (85), paint (85), party (14), party_supply (2), pastry (80), pawnbroker (97), perfumery (15), pet (55), pet_grooming (4), photo (35), photo_studio (3), pottery (1), printer (1), printer_ink (6), printing (45), radiotechnics (16), religion (4), rental (1), repair (4), ropa_americana (1), scuba_diving (1), : 1 cesar pizarro: 1 Franz Alvaro Medrano Duran: 1 51114u9: 2 johnn9: 2 rodrigogonzalesdolz: 1 Maickol Yeison Da Silva Fernandez: 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">seafood (21), second_hand (2), security (2), sewing (4), sewing_machines (1), shoe_repair (8), shoes (138), shopping_centre (1), souvenir (1), spare_parts (1), spices (4), sports (76), stationery (262), storage_rental (2), suitcases (1), supermarket (508), tailor (76), tanning (1), tattoo (21), tea (3), telecommunication (2), ticket (90), tienda_de_barrio (2), tiles (10), tobacco (1), toys (48), trade (112), travel_agency (346), trophy (1), tyres (103), vacant (175), variety_store (227), video (25), video_games (15), vidreria (1), vidrios (1), viveres (1), watches (4), water (2), weapons (1), wedding (1), wellness (1), wholesale (7), wigs (1), wine (24), wood (3), yes (2486), |
shop1 | 1 | copyshop (1), |
shop_1 | 44 | bakery (1), copyshop (40), dry_cleaning (1), stationery (1), variety_store (1), |
short_name | 953 | 18th Ave (1), 19th Ave (1), 20th Ave (1), 21st Ave (1), 22nd Ave (1), 23rd Ave (1), 24th Ave (1), 25th Ave (1), A. Mendoza Street (1), AAPOS (1), ABC (1), ABE (1), ABHM (1), ABT (1), ABT La Paz (1), AC (1), AC-AM-RO (1), ACB (1), ACRONAL (1), ACS Calvert (1), ADAC (1), ADAT (1), ADSIB (2), AE (1), AEV (1), AF CBBA (1), AFC (1), AFFVU (1), AG (1), AGETIC (1), AGRUCO (1), AGSA (1), AIN (1), AISB (1), ALDC (1), ALP (1), ALQUIBOL (1), ALT (1), AMC (1), ANAPO (1), ANB (1), ANH (1), ANMI Aguaragüe (1), ANMI Amboró (1), ANMI Apolobamba (1), ANMI Cotapata (1), ANMI El Palmar (1), ANMI Kaa Iya del Gran Chaco (1), ANMI Madidi (1), ANMI Otuquis (1), ANMI San Matías (1), ANMI Serranía del Iñao (1), APA (1), APM IM (1), ARIT (1), ASCINALSS Cochabamba (1), ASFI (2), ASP-B (1), ASPB (2), AT 04 VA (1), ATB (1), ATM (1), ATT (1), Amaru Mayo (1), Apple (1), Aranjuez (1), Areli's (1), BCB (1), BCO (1), BCP (3), BG (27), BISA (2), BMSC (64), BNB (84), BOA (3), BOJA (1), BOLREC (1), BOLTUR (1), BSR CBBA (1), Bahuaja Sonene (1), Bank Street (1), Bendigo East (1), Bendigo West (1), Benetton (2), Berkshire Hathaway (1), Bixby Rd (1), Blake Ave (1), BoA (1), Bs. As. (1), CAC (1), CACEF (2), CADECA (1), CADEPIA (1), CAE (2), CAISY (1), CALP (1), CAPN (1), CAR (1), CAR Club Bolívar (1), CAR Villa Tunari (1), CARTONBOL (1), CASA (1), CAT (1), CATEC (1), CAUCRUZ (1), CBA (1), CBG (1), CBI (1), CBN (3), CBN Tarija (1), CC (1), CCI (1), CDC (1), CDT (1), CEA (1), CEAC - UTO (1), CEAGEACAC (1), CEB (1), CECAMISPA (1), CECB (1), CED (1), CEFED (1), CEFIS (1), CEIC (1), CEIEE (1), CEII (1), CEIME (1), CEINF (1), CEIS (1), CEM (1), CEMAT (1), CEMPA (1), CEMZOO (1), CENAROB (1), CENDI (1), CENETROP (1), CEP (1), CEPIES (1), CEPLAG (1), CEPRA (1), CEQU (1), CERECO (1), CERES (1), CESA (2), CESSA (1), CEST (1), CESU (1), CETA (2), CETWA (1), CEU (1), CHU (1), CIAC (1), CIASA (1), CIB (1), CIBA (1), CIBIOMA (1), CIDES (1), CIDI (1), CIDTN (1), CIENSA (1), CIES (1), CIFEMA SAM (1), CIMAL (2), CIMFA MAV (1), CIMFA Sur (1), CIPCA Cochabamba (1), CIS (2), CISDB (1), CITE (3), CITEMA-NM (1), CITO (1), CLAS (1), CMA Cochabamba (1), CNDC (1), CNS (1), CNS Caminos (1), COAPAT (1), COB (1), COD (1), CODELSA (1), CODMEDCBA (1), COE (1), COF Miraflores (1), COLMIL (1), COMACO (1), COMIBOL (1), COPELME (1), COSDEA (1), COTES (1), CPD (1), CPJ (1), CPR Aderán III (1), CPS (3), CRE (1), CREMPLA (1), CSC y RA (1), CTA (2), CUEMAD (1), Cala Cala (1), Casa Hacker (1), CeramiSur (1), Cobija (1), Conviasa (2), CoopSar (1), Cotecla (1), DAB (2), DDE (1), DDE Colcapirhua (1), DDE Vinto (1), DGAC (2), DGSC (1), DGSC - Villa Tunari (1), DGSIT (1), DIGEMIG (3), DIGIPI (1), DIPROVE (3), DIRCABI (1), DPA (1), DPG (1), DPPET (1), DRB (1), DSP (1), DTCC (1), DUBS (1), De Eikenzoom (1), Delmarva (1), E. Porto Street (1), E.L.A.P.A.S. (1), E.M.A.P. (1), EAAT (1), EBo.TV (1), ECEBOL (1), ECEM (1), EFSMEA (1), EJE (1), ELFEC (2), EMAVRA (1), EMBOL (1), EMC (1), EMCA (1), EMH (1), EMI (5), EMIE (1), EMK (1), EMSA (1), EMTAGAS (1), EMV (1), ENABOLCO (1), ENAUTO (1), ENTEL (1), EPI 3 (1), EPI Central (1), EPI Coña Coña (1), EPI Distrito IV (1), EPI Huayllani Grande (1), EPI I (1), EPI Lourdes (1), EPI Tiquipaya (1), EPI del Sur (1), ESAE (1), ESBAPOL (3), ESCJ (1), ESCONBOL (1), ESFM Calahumana (1), ESFM Enrique Finot (1), ESFM Ismael Montes (1), ESFM Mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz (1), ESFM Simón Bolívar (1), ESFMC (1), ESFOR (1), ESMISAR (1), ET (1), ETA (1), ETMR (1), ETSBJCA (1), ETSU (1), ETV (1), EU Member States / États membres de l'UE / EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), EX-INSCSS (1), Erbol (1), FAADU (1), FABE (1), FACSO (3), FANCESA (1), FBF (1), FCAPyF (1), FCIV (1), FCS UTO (1), FCYT (1), FDCP 2 (1), FEDECOMIN (1), FELCC (5), FELCN (3), FELCV (3), FEPC (1), FICCT (1), FJB (1), FMENT (1), FNDR (1), FNI (1), FONADIN (1), FPS (1), FPVA (1), FSTPEA (1), FSTSPC (1), FTTFC (1), FUBODE (1), FUL (2), FUNDA PRO (1), FUP (1), FUSINDO (1), FVAP 1 (1), FexpoCruz (1), GADC (1), GADP (1), GAMA (1), GAMC (2), GAMEA (2), GAMEPA (1), GAMP (2), GAMS (2), GAMSCS (1), GAMSS (2), GAMST (1), GAMT (3), GAMU (1), GAMV (2), GASBOL (1), GEOS (2), GIT SA (1), GTUMSS (1), Gen. Wood (1), Glorieta (1), H Nawi Raya (2), HAI (1), HBR (1), HCF (2), HCV (1), Harlem Rd (1), Hito Tripartito (1), I-35 Frontage Road (1), IADV (1), IBC (1), IBJG (1), IBTEN (1), ICBA (1), ICBA Sucre (1), ICIP-BIO (1), IDAI (1), IDIF (1), IEB (1), IEM (1), IER (1), IESE (1), IFARGP (1), IGBJ (1), IGM (3), IIA (1), IIFCyT (1), IIGEO (1), ILAT (1), IMBA (1), IMBOL (1), IMBOLTECO (1), IMSUR (1), INAC (1), INCCA (1), INCOS (1), INCOS FAP (1), INCOV (1), INE (2), INE Beni (1), INFOCAL (2), INIAM (1), INLASA (1), INRA (3), INTEBOL (1), ISEAT (1), ITA (1), ITB (1), ITBM (1), IURD (1), Iglesia SUD (1), JINYA (1), JJY (1), KAFB (1), KL (1), KMSD (1), Keskuspuisto (1), Kitsap (1), LAB (1), LAB INFSIS (1), LAFAR (1), LAMBOL (1), LAN (1), LBC (1), LE (1), LHUMSS (1), LI (1), LSAMI (1), Lago Titicaca (1), Lira (1), MD (1), MEJOCUY (1), MEMI (1), MINCOM (1), MINCULT (1), MINDEF (1), MINDEP (1), MINDRT (1), MINEDU (1), MINEFP (1), MINENER (1), MINGOB (1), MINMAYA (1), MINPD (1), MINPRES (1), MINRREE (1), MINSAL (1), MINTEPS (1), MMSWY (2), MN Espejillos (1), MNHN (1), MOPAR (1), MRA (1), MS (1), MSC (1), MT (1), MTPC (1), MUSERPOL (1), Mejillones B (2), Montenegro (1), Muelita (1), NATO (1), NLEX (2), NM ANG (1), NOB (2), NQN (1), NS Po stopách erbu zlatého třmene (1), Nvt. (1), OBADES (1), OCS Bolivia (1), ODE (1), ODECO (3), OEA (1), OEP (1), OOPP (1), OSC (1), Old US 31 (1), Orange (1), OÖVV (1), P. Guevarra (1), PADI (1), PAISE (1), PAU (1), PDTF (1), PERTT (1), PIL (1), PITA (1), PN Aguaragüe (1), PN Amboró (1), PN Carrasco (1), PN Cotapata (1), PN Kaa Iya del Gran Chaco (1), PN Madidi (1), PN Noel Kempff Mercado (1), PN Otuquis (1), PN Sajama (1), PN Serranía del Iñao (1), PN Toro Toro (1), PN Tunari (1), PNHyA Santa Cruz la Vieja (1), PNUD (1), PNyANMI Lomas de Arena (1), POLMILAE (1), PR (1), PREEFA (1), PROFAC (1), PTAR Achacachi (1), PTAR Albarrancho (1), PTAR El Abra (1), PTAR El Paso (1), PTAR Pucara (1), PTAR Puchukollo (1), PTAR Punata (1), PTAR Riberalta (1), PTAR San Juan (1), PTAR Toro Toro (1), PTAR Villa Sudamericana (1), PUC (1), Panera (1), PeB (1), Qc (1), Queru Queru (1), RANSABOL (1), RB Cordillera de Sama (1), RBEB del Beni (1), RBTCO Pilón Lajas (1), RNFA Eduardo Avaroa (1), RNFA Tariquía (1), RNN des Terres australes françaises (terres);RNN des TAF (terres) (1), RNVSA Manuripi-Heath (1), RO (1), RPPN El Corbalán (1), RTP (1), RVS Tucabaca (1), Red Uno 9 (1), René Barrientos (1), Rodal Semillero Tahuamanu (1), Román (1), Route 214 (1), SA (1), SAB (1), SAE (1), SC (1), SCEPSI (1), SCESI (1), SCIAME (1), SEDCAM (3), SEDCAM Cobija (1), SEDEDE (2), SEDEGES (4), SEDEGES La Paz (1), SEDES (4), SEDES Santa Cruz (1), SEDUCA (1), SEFO (1), SEGIP (13), SEM SAR Bolivia (1), SEMAPA (2), SENAC (1), SENAPE (1), SENAPI (2), SENARECOM (1), SENASAG (3), SENASBA (1), SENASIR (8), SEPSA (1), SERECI Chuquisaca (1), SERECÍ (1), SERGEOMIN (3), SERNAP (1), SES Tarija (1), SETEP (1), SG Abogados (1), SIB (1), SIB La Paz (1), SIN (7), SIREVI (1), SIRMES (1), SJM Bolivia (1), SOL (1), SSU CBBA (1), STB (1), STI Gas (1), SWP (1), San José (1), San Luis (1), Sella (1), Solterito (1), South Motorway (5), Stiletto (1), TAAF (terres) (1), TAB Cargo (1), TAM Cargo (1), TDJ Cochabamba (1), TECBA (1), TED Beni (1), TED Chuquisaca (1), TED Cochabamba (1), TED La Paz (1), TED Oruro (1), TED Potosí (1), TED Santa Cruz (1), TED Tarija (1), TER AuRA (1), TFD (1), TIPNIS (1), TOS (1), TRS (1), TSE (1), TW (1), Tambopata (1), UAB (1), UABJB (1), UAGRM (1), UAJMS (1), UATF (1), UCB (2), UCE (1), UDABOL (5), UDI (1), UEE (2), UEFAB (1), UK (1), ULAT (1), ULRA (1), UMSA (5), UMSS (1), UNICEN (1), UNIFRANZ (1), UNITEPC (4), UNIVALLE (1), UOST (1), UPAL (1), UPB (1), UPDS (1), UPEA (1), UPM (1), UPSA (1), USA (1), USFA (1), USFX (1), USIP (1), UTB (1), UTEPSA (1), UTF (1), UTI (1), UTO (2), UTOP (1), UniFranz (1), UniFraz (1), UniValle (3), Universitario (1), VINE (1), VOR (1), VRS (1), VTILCC (1), VVV (1), Va. (1), ViLux (1), W 3rd Ave (1), W.Va. (1), WACR (1), WTR (1), WVI (1), Wallasey Station (1), YPFB (4), ZAE des Bracots (1), ZOFRAPAT (1), ZOFRY (1), 京藏高速 (1), 天星碼頭 Star Ferry Pier (3), 直快 (1), 維港 (1), 西瀬戸道 (1), |
short_name:af | 1 | ZAR (1), |
short_name:ar | 2 | إيرتيش (1), الناتو (1), |
short_name:az | 1 | ABŞ (1), |
short_name:be | 2 | ЗША (1), ПАР (1), |
short_name:bg | 4 | Иберия (1), НАТО (1), РЮА (1), САЩ (1), |
short_name:cs | 3 | Jadran (1), Spojené státy (1), Yucatán (1), |
short_name:cv | 1 | КАР (1), |
short_name:de | 2 | EU-Mitgliedstaaten (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:el | 1 | ΗΒ (1), |
short_name:en | 13 | EU Member States (1), Kitsap (1), MD (1), NATO (1), Nvt. (1), Que. (1), RSA (1), Star Ferry Pier (3), TW (1), USA (1), Yucatán (1), |
short_name:es | 3 | EE.UU. (1), Estados miembros de la UE (1), OTAN (1), |
short_name:fr | 14 | Autoroute du Sud (5), Nt (1), OTAN (1), Qc (1), RNN des Terres australes françaises (terres);RNN des TAF (terres) (1), RSA (1), RU (1), TAAF (terres) (1), É.-U. (1), États membres de l'UE (1), |
short_name:fy | 1 | NAFO (1), |
short_name:hu | 1 | Ibéria (1), |
short_name:it | 1 | OTAN (1), |
short_name:kbd | 1 | ИАР (1), |
short_name:ko | 4 | 미국 (1), 스타 페리 선착장 (3), |
short_name:krc | 1 | КъАР (1), |
short_name:kv | 1 | ЛАР (1), |
short_name:ky | 1 | ТАР (1), |
short_name:lt | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:lv | 1 | NATO (1), |
short_name:mdf | 1 | ЛАР (1), |
short_name:mk | 1 | НАТО (1), |
short_name:mn | 1 | ӨАБНУ (1), |
short_name:mo | 1 | СУА (1), |
short_name:nl | 4 | EU-lidstaten (1), NAVO (1), VK (1), VS (1), |
short_name:os | 1 | ХАР (1), |
short_name:pcd | 1 | RU (1), |
short_name:pl | 4 | NATO (1), Państwa Członkowskie UE (1), RPA (1), USA (1), |
short_name:ru | 2 | США (1), ЮАР (1), |
short_name:sah | 1 | САР (1), |
short_name:sk | 1 | Jutsko (1), |
short_name:sl | 2 | Ibêrija (1), JAR (1), |
short_name:sr | 1 | САД (1), |
short_name:sr-Latn | 1 | SAD (1), |
short_name:sv | 2 | EU-länderna (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:tk | 1 | GAR (1), |
short_name:tr | 2 | ABD (1), NATO (1), |
short_name:tt | 2 | Иберия (1), КАҖ (1), |
short_name:uk | 3 | НАТО (1), ПАР (1), Список країн ЄС (1), |
short_name:uz | 1 | JAR (1), |
short_name:vi | 1 | Mỹ (1), |
short_name:vls | 1 | VK (1), |
short_name:vo | 1 | Britän (1), |
short_name:wa | 1 | RU (1), |
short_name:zh | 7 | 北約 / 北约 (1), 台 (1), 天星碼頭 (3), 維港 (1), 美国/美國 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hans | 2 | 北约 (1), 美国 (1), |
short_name:zh-Hant | 2 | 北約 (1), 美國 (1), |
short_protection_title | 35 | ANMI (10), AP (1), NSG (5), PN (12), RB (2), RBTCO (1), RNFA (2), RNVSA (1), TIPN (1), |
shortest_name | 10 | 18 Av (1), 19 Av (1), 20 Av (1), 21 Av (1), 22 Av (1), 23 Av (1), 24 Av (1), 25 Av (1), 3 Av (1), Blake (1), |
shoulder | 530 | both (40), left (8), no (314), paved (1), right (146), yes (21), |
shoulder:surface | 4 | asphalt (4), |
shoulder:width | 4 | 2 (4), |
shower | 14 | cold (1), hot (7), no (1), warm (1), yes (4), |
shower:fee | 1 | yes (1), |
shrubbery:density | 24 | dense (12), medium (9), sparse (3), |
side | 19 | both (2), right (17), |
side_road | 1 | double (1), |
sidecar | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk | 10041 | both (5696), bth (1), footway (1), left (248), no (983), none (61), right (2838), separate (183), yes (30), |
sidewalk:bicycle | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk:both | 160 | no (22), separate (137), yes (1), |
sidewalk:both:bicycle | 1 | yes (1), |
sidewalk:both:surface | 657 | asphalt (31), concrete (478), concrete:plates (9), dirt (3), ground (1), paved (3), paving_stones (126), sett (6), |
sidewalk:left | 524 | no (307), separate (172), yes (45), |
sidewalk:left:bicycle | 8 | yes (8), |
sidewalk:left:foot | 1 | designated (1), |
sidewalk:left:oneway | 2 | yes (2), |
sidewalk:left:segregated | 1 | no (1), |
sidewalk:left:smoothness | 3 | bad (1), good (2), |
sidewalk:left:surface | 62 | asphalt (19), concrete (17), ground (1), paving_stones (23), sett (2), |
sidewalk:left:traffic_sign | 1 | DE:239,1022-10 (1), |
sidewalk:right | 536 | no (49), separate (359), yes (128), |
sidewalk:right:bicycle | 2 | yes (2), |
sidewalk:right:foot | 1 | designated (1), |
sidewalk:right:segregated | 1 | no (1), |
sidewalk:right:smoothness | 1 | bad (1), |
sidewalk:right:surface | 237 | asphalt (26), compacted (7), concrete (158), concrete:plates (3), fine_gravel (2), ground (2), paving_stones (34), pebblestone (1), sett (2), unhewn_cobblestone (2), |
sidewalk:right:traffic_sign | 1 | DE:239,1022-10 (1), |
sidewalk:surface | 1 | asphalt (1), |
sidewalk:width | 1 | 2.5 m (1), |
signed | 1 | yes (1), |
signed_direction | 12 | no (2), yes (10), |
site | 13 | building (1), piste (4), school (1), services (1), stop_area (1), wind_farm (5), |
site:id | 2 | 303899 (1), 342495 (1), |
site_ownership | 75 | municipal (29), private (1), public (10), public;community (15), public;community;indigenous (12), state (4), state;municipal (3), state;municipal;private (1), |
site_status | 35 | designated (35), |
site_type | 57 | building (1), cairn (1), city (1), earthwork (1), fortification (7), megalith (2), necropolis (1), petroglyph (3), rock_painting (4), ruins (11), settlement (24), tumulus (1), |
size | 2 | 300 (2), |
ski | 12 | no (9), yes (3), |
sleeping | 3 | yes (3), |
sleeping_car | 3 | yes (3), |
sloped_curb | 1 | no (1), |
slow_moving | 1 | lane (1), |
small_electric_vehicle | 6 | permissive (4), yes (2), |
smoking | 635 | bad (4), dedicated (2), isolated (12), no (489), outside (70), separated (24), yes (34), |
smoothness | 18453 | bad (4129), excellent (956), good (2782), high_clearance (1), horrible (124), impassable (163), intermediate (9951), robust_wheels (1), very_bad (306), very_horrible (40), |
smoothness:date | 9 | 2016 (1), 2017-03-24 (2), 2017-05-06 (4), 2020-06-01 (1), 2020-10-04 (1), |
smoothness:inline_skates | 4 | good (2), intermediate (2), |
snowmobile | 25 | designated (11), no (10), permissive (3), yes (1), |
snowplowing | 10 | no (5), yes (5), |
snowshoe | 3 | yes (3), |
snr:description | 1 | Regionale Hauptradroute des SachsenNetz Rad von Zwickau nach Lugau (1), |
snr:ref | 6 | I-5 (1), I-8 (1), II-11 (1), II-12 (1), II-16 (1), II-64 (1), |
soccer | 3 | beach (2), eight_a_side (1), |
social_facility | 69 | ambulatory_care (1), assisted_living (7), childrens_centre (1), community_centre (1), food_bank (3), group_home (31), homeless (1), nursing_home (8), office (1), outreach (2), shelter (10), workshop (3), |
social_facility:for | 66 | child (12), child;juvenile (3), child;women (1), children (2), children;juvenile;women;orphan (1), disabled (4), displaced (1), homeless (6), juvenile (4), males (1), mental_health (1), migrant (1), orphan (6), senior (17), underprivileged (1), woman (3), women (2), |
socket:device:USB-A | 4 | yes (4), |
socket:device:USB-A:voltage | 4 | 5 (4), |
socket:multi | 4 | yes (4), |
socket:multi:voltage | 4 | 220 (4), |
socket:type2_cable | 5 | 2 (5), |
socket:type2_cable:current | 5 | 32 (4), 32 A (1), |
socket:type2_cable:output | 5 | 22 kW (5), |
socket:type2_cable:voltage | 5 | 380 (5), |
sort_name | 1 | UPAR (1), |
sorting_name | 1 | Po stopách erbu zlatého třmene (1), |
sorting_name:en | 1 | Sea of Japan (1), |
sorting_name:ja | 1 | 朝鮮東海 (1), |
sorting_name:ko | 1 | 조선동해 (1), |
sorting_name:ko-Hani | 1 | 朝鮮東海 (1), |
sorting_name:ru | 1 | Хонсю остров (1), |
source:2 | 4 | (JORF 2014-05-15) Décret nº 2014-481 du 13 mai 2014 portant correction d’erreurs matérielles dans le décret nº 2014-217 du 21 février 2014 portant délimitation des cantons dans le département de la Seine-Saint-Denis (1), https://ptna.openstreetmap.de/gtfs/DE/single-trip.php?feed=DE-SPNV&release_date=2022-01-07&trip_id=2.TA.90-T28-j22-1.12.H (1), https://ptna.openstreetmap.de/gtfs/DE/single-trip.php?feed=DE-SPNV&release_date=2022-01-07&trip_id=32.TA.90-T28-j22-1.7.R (1), https://ptna.openstreetmap.de/gtfs/DE/single-trip.php?feed=DE-SPNV&release_date=2022-01-07&trip_id=39.TA.90-T28-j22-1.13.R (1), |
source:HFCS | 5 | District of Columbia (DC GIS) (3), GADOT State Functional Classification 2018 (2), |
source:Texas_Trunk_System | 7 | Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan 2035 http://www.txdot.gov/txdot_library/publications/transportation_plan.htm (7), |
source:abandoned | 1 | rda (1), |
source:access | 3 | local_knowledge (3), |
source:access_control | 3 | MDSHA Highway Location Reference http://www.roads.maryland.gov/pages/hlr.aspx?PageId=832 (3), |
source:addr | 136 | ALKIS / NRW (1), FHRS Open Data (1), Geoportal (1), NCC Streetlights Open Data (7), Yanosik, zgłoszenie użytkownika (1), cuzk:ruian (9), gugik.gov.pl (8), interpolation; NCC Streetlights Open Data (30), mapa.um.warszawa.pl (1), mbialapodlaska.e-mapa.net (1), minvskaddress 2020-06 (1), minvskaddress 2023-02 (1), minvskaddress 2023-03 (29), minvskaddress 2023-04 (31), nadarzyn.e-mapa.net (1), rgis (1), ruian (10), ЕГРН (2), |
source:address | 1 | local knowledge (1), |
source:alt_name | 9 | 1920 State Board of Taxes and Assessment report: http://books.google.com/books?id=LV1LAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA147 (1), Geoinquietos SC (1), Geoinquietos_SC (1), IGM-BO (2), Saint Charles County GIS (1), Vicmap.Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (3), |
source:bridge | 2 | usgs_imagery;survey;image;CDOT (2), |
source:building | 2 | Bing (2), |
source:building:levels | 1 | Geoinquietos SC (1), |
source:busway | 1 | survey (1), |
source:carriageway_ref | 1 | NWB (1), |
source:coastline | 1 | bing (1), |
source:colour | 4 | https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/downloads/pdf/numbering_e.pdf (3), https://www.nederlandfietsland.nl/uploads/Toolkitmap/LFP_Colourguide_Waterlinieroute.pdf (1), |
source:cycleway | 2 | Bing (1), road markings (1), |
source:date | 684 | 01/07/2002 (6), 10-07-2013 (1), 13.10.2016 (1), 1965-07-12 (80), 1986-07-20 (35), 1994-07-01 (1), 1997-05-22 (7), 1997-06-21 (9), 2002-05-03 (6), 2002-05-30 (17), 2004-07-01 (1), 2005-07-05 (1), 2007-05-30 (2), 2009 (15), 2010 (13), 2011 (71), 2011-06 (7), 2012 (4), 20121221 (1), 2013 (3), 2013-01-10 (36), 2013-04-29 (1), 2014 (1), 2014-01-03 (1), 2014-02-11 (1), 2014-03-24 (2), 2014-05-07 (1), 2014-05-08 (2), 2014-05-20 (1), 2014-09-08 (2), 2014-09-17 (2), 2014..2015 (2), 2015-04-28 (4), 2016 (1), 2018 (74), 2018-02-19T10:10:00 (1), 2018-03-29T13:58:00 (1), 2018-03-29T13:59:00 (1), 2018-04-03T10:41:00 (1), 2018-05-31 (29), 2018-06-14 (2), 2018-06-19 (3), 2018-06-25 (2), 2018-07-17 (1), 2019 (1), 2019-04-21 (24), 2019-05-14 (1), 2019-07-30 (1), 2019-10-26 (1), 2020 (59), 2020-12-13 (9), 2021 (2), 2021-10-08 (1), 2022 (21), 2022-04-24 (1), 2022-12-19 (76), 2023-01-20 (2), 2023-01-26 (1), 2023-01-29 (1), 2023-02-01 (1), 2023-02-10 (18), 2023-02-16 (2), 2023-04-01 (3), 2023-04-16 (1), 29/01/2003 (1), IGM (1), ine.gob.bo;2016 (3), |
source:description | 6 | dadosabertos.cm-lisboa.pt (2), http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1459 (1), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jōban_Line#Shinagawa – Ueno – Toride, https://metroarchive.jp/content/chiyoda.html/ (1), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jōban_Line#Shinagawa_–_Ueno_–_Toride, https://metroarchive.jp/content/chiyoda.html/, https://www.city.matsudo.chiba.jp/InternationalPortal/en/GettingtoknowMatsudo/index.files/WAttention_engpdf.pdf (2), |
source:designation | 2 | hertfordshire_county_council_prow_gis_data (1), oxfordshire_county_council_prow_gis_data (1), |
source:destination | 58 | http://www.autobahn-bilder.de (1), mapillary (57), |
source:disused:route | 1 | https://www.buseireann.ie/service_updates.php?id=3826&month=Jan (1), |
source:ele | 13 | MDT5 (7), OpenCycleMap (1), Opencyclemap (1), SRTM Thunderforest (2), geonames.org (1), https://web.archive.org/web/20170908135101/http://www.igmbolivia.gob.bo/downloads/cartografia/h50psad56/pdf/6227-III.pdf (1), |
source:en | 3 | National-Land Numerical Information (Forest) 2006, MLIT Japan (2), Puerto Rico Planning Board (1), |
source:end_date | 5 | https://www.hsl.fi/liikennetiedotteet/2018/muutoksia-pasilan-tason-poikittaisliikenteessa-138-linja-551-jatkaa (1), https://www.hsl.fi/uutiset/2015/vantaan-bussilinjasto-uudistuu-108-taysin-tutustu-uusiin-linjoihin-7002 (4), |
source:euro_const | 1 | https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000037102048 (1), |
source:geometry | 96 | ACT Imagery 2018 (1), Bing (21), DCS NSW Imagery (9), DigitalGlobe Standard Imagery (9), Esri World Imagery (14), Esri World Imagery (Clarity) Beta (4), Geopoz: Ewidencja gruntow i budynkow (2), LPI Hydrography Sep 2016,DCS NSW Imagery (1), Maps4BW, LGL, www.lgl-bw.de (1), Maxar (2022) (2), Maxar (2022); OpenTopoMap (2), Maxar (2022); OpenTopoMap; SAGECAN (1994); INE (2011); IGVSB; Esri; Bing (4), Maxar (2023); OpenTopoMap; SAGECAN (1994); INE (2011); IGVSB; Esri; Bing (12), Maxar (2023); OpenTopoMap; SAGECAN (1996); INE (2011); IGVSB; Esri; Bing (1), Maxar Premium (1), Maxar Premium Imagery (1), Maxar Premium Imagery, offset to match Esri (1), Ortofotomozaika SR (1), PSMA_Admin_Boundaries (1), Strava (1), Strava Global Heatmap (1), USGS imagery (1), Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent (1), geoportal.gov.pl:ortofoto (3), nearmap (1), |
source:geometry:date | 264 | 2003-01-01 (30), 2006-03-06 (3), 2009-11-06 (1), 2010-10-11 (24), 2010-12-06 (28), 2011-02-01 (8), 2011-08-11 (2), 2012-06-15 (6), 2013-11-08 (1), 2013-11-19 (1), 2014-01-23 (1), 2014-04-15 (1), 2014-04-28 (21), 2014-08-27 (9), 2014-12-01 (1), 2015-02-27 (1), 2015-03-04 (18), 2015-07-14 (2), 2016-06-29 (6), 2016-08-17 (4), 2016-08-30 (4), 2016-09-16 (7), 2017-02-13 (3), 2017-02-27 (2), 2017-11-10 (1), 2018-04-18 (25), 2018-09-12 (32), 2019-04-30 (2), 2019-09-10 (1), 2019-10 (1), 2019-11-27 (2), 2019-12-09 (1), 2020-02-24 (1), 2020-03-06 (1), 2020-06-30 (2), 2021-03-01 (1), 2021-04-02 (1), 2021-05-19 (7), 2021-09-16 (2), |
source:geometry:ref | 263 | Gba/177647 (1), Gba/260477 (1), Gba/348623 (1), Gba/459147 (1), Gba/484756 (1), Gba/578148 (1), Gba/615398 (1), Gba/654426 (1), Gba/666007 (1), Gba/705813 (1), Gba/7171 (1), Gbg/1255548 (1), Gbg/1261696 (1), Gbg/150654 (1), Gbg/150655 (1), Gbg/150656 (1), Gbg/150657 (1), Gbg/152796 (1), Gbg/152797 (1), Gbg/152807 (1), Gbg/152810 (1), Gbg/152816 (1), Gbg/152825 (1), Gbg/152827 (1), Gbg/152829 (1), Gbg/152840 (1), Gbg/153029 (1), Gbg/153030 (1), Gbg/155445 (1), Gbg/155487 (1), Gbg/155489 (1), Gbg/155568 (1), Gbg/159374 (1), Gbg/160901 (1), Gbg/160906 (1), Gbg/164635 (1), Gbg/164636 (1), Gbg/164638 (1), Gbg/164756 (1), Gbg/164767 (1), Gbg/164768 (1), Gbg/164770 (1), Gbg/165790 (1), Gbg/168995 (1), Gbg/169001 (1), Gbg/169071 (1), Gbg/169082 (1), Gbg/169086 (1), Gbg/169095 (1), Gbg/169096 (1), Gbg/169097 (1), Gbg/169099 (1), Gbg/169100 (1), Gbg/169103 (1), Gbg/169104 (1), Gbg/169106 (1), Gbg/169127 (1), Gbg/169132 (1), Gbg/169136 (1), Gbg/169138 (1), Gbg/169142 (1), Gbg/169143 (1), Gbg/2417804 (1), Gbg/2417913 (1), Gbg/2418724 (1), Gbg/2418725 (1), Gbg/2418728 (1), Gbg/2418729 (1), Gbg/2418730 (1), Gbg/2419113 (1), Gbg/2419114 (1), Gbg/2419294 (1), Gbg/2419295 (1), Gbg/2419418 (1), Gbg/2419424 (1), Gbg/2419434 (1), Gbg/2419538 (1), Gbg/2419639 (1), Gbg/2419661 (1), Gbg/2419669 (1), Gbg/2420299 (1), Gbg/2420300 (1), Gbg/2420301 (1), Gbg/2420302 (1), Gbg/2420304 (1), Gbg/2420308 (1), Gbg/2420313 (1), Gbg/2420314 (1), Gbg/2420320 (1), Gbg/2420383 (1), Gbg/2420450 (1), Gbg/2420451 (1), Gbg/2420454 (1), Gbg/2420455 (1), Gbg/2420457 (1), Gbg/2420458 (1), Gbg/2420460 (1), Gbg/2420469 (1), Gbg/2420921 (1), Gbg/2420959 (1), Gbg/2420961 (1), Gbg/2421150 (1), Gbg/2421255 (1), Gbg/2421815 (1), Gbg/2421818 (1), Gbg/2421826 (1), Gbg/2421832 (1), Gbg/2421846 (1), Gbg/2421857 (1), Gbg/2421872 (1), Gbg/2421883 (1), Gbg/2421895 (1), Gbg/2421903 (1), Gbg/2421911 (1), Gbg/2421912 (1), Gbg/2422269 (1), Gbg/2422274 (1), Gbg/2422781 (1), Gbg/2422797 (1), Gbg/2422799 (1), Gbg/2422800 (1), Gbg/2422810 (1), Gbg/2422843 (1), Gbg/2422853 (1), Gbg/2422857 (1), Gbg/2422858 (1), Gbg/2422863 (1), Gbg/2422880 (1), Gbg/2422896 (1), Gbg/2422910 (1), Gbg/2422918 (1), Gbg/2422923 (1), Gbg/2422940 (1), Gbg/287883 (1), Gbg/287886 (1), Gbg/288385 (1), Gbg/288386 (1), Gbg/288388 (1), Gbg/297112 (1), Gbg/3352460 (1), Gbg/3362886 (1), Gbg/3496164 (1), Gbg/3496712 (1), Gbg/3497526 (1), Gbg/3497936 (1), Gbg/3498110 (1), Gbg/3498111 (1), Gbg/3498938 (1), Gbg/3499103 (1), Gbg/4430283 (1), Gbg/4430441 (1), Gbg/4430745 (1), Gbg/4545318 (1), Gbg/4550769 (1), Gbg/4657658 (1), Gbg/4657821 (1), Gbg/4657916 (1), Gbg/4658483 (1), Gbg/4658850 (1), Gbg/4658875 (1), Gbg/4659277 (1), Gbg/4659804 (1), Gbg/4660000 (1), Gbg/4660314 (1), Gbg/4660540 (1), Gbg/4660704 (1), Gbg/4661297 (1), Gbg/4661555 (1), Gbg/4662654 (1), Gbg/4662685 (1), Gbg/4663518 (1), Gbg/4663784 (1), Gbg/4663869 (1), Gbg/4664111 (1), Gbg/4664595 (1), Gbg/4664717 (1), Gbg/4664847 (1), Gbg/4665183 (1), Gbg/4681760 (1), Gbg/4880612 (1), Gbg/4880625 (1), Gbg/4880634 (1), Gbg/4880681 (1), Gbg/4880709 (1), Gbg/4880741 (1), Gbg/4880748 (1), Gbg/4880879 (1), Gbg/4926218 (1), Gbg/4926392 (1), Gbg/4926438 (1), Gbg/4926961 (1), Gbg/4927117 (1), Gbg/5102386 (1), Gbg/5102425 (1), Gbg/5102446 (1), Gbg/5102451 (1), Gbg/5103209 (1), Gbg/5103223 (1), Gbg/5103242 (1), Gbg/5617448 (1), Gbg/5617467 (1), Gbg/5617471 (1), Gbg/5617482 (1), Gbg/5617487 (1), Gbg/5617529 (1), Gbg/5617722 (1), Gbg/5617727 (1), Gbg/5617728 (1), Gbg/5666281 (1), Gbg/5666823 (1), Gbg/5684817 (1), Gbg/5684822 (1), Gbg/5684824 (1), Gbg/5686823 (1), Gbg/5686888 (1), Gbg/5686893 (1), Gbg/5686960 (1), Gbg/5830125 (1), Gbg/5855795 (1), Gbg/6291042 (1), Gbg/6291081 (1), Gbg/6291148 (1), Gbg/6291171 (1), Gbg/6291181 (1), Gbg/6291182 (1), Gbg/6291200 (1), Gbg/6291210 (1), Gbg/6291553 (1), Gbg/6291592 (1), Gbg/6291646 (1), Gbg/6291754 (1), Gbg/6291788 (1), Gbg/6291881 (1), Gbg/6458198 (1), Gbg/6458199 (1), Gbg/6458203 (1), Gbg/6458244 (1), Gbg/6458251 (1), Gbg/6458253 (1), Gbg/6458254 (1), Gbg/6458266 (1), Gbg/6458297 (1), Gbg/6458298 (1), Gbg/6458299 (1), Gbg/6458301 (1), Gbg/6458302 (1), Gbg/6458303 (1), Gbg/6458304 (1), Gbg/6458677 (1), Gbg/6458685 (1), Gbg/6458688 (1), Gbg/6458690 (1), Gbg/6458691 (1), Gbg/6558223 (1), Gbg/6662274 (1), Gbg/6752249 (1), Gbg/6817475 (1), Gbg/6943005 (1), Gbg/6943005;Gba/666007 (1), Gbg/6943245 (1), Gbg/6943247 (1), Gbg/6943248 (1), Gbg/6990267 (1), |
source:gps_trace | 1 | http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/logictheo/traces/805868;http://ia360704.us.archive.org/3/items/GpsTracesAndWaypointsForLibreMapCollaborationProjectsLogictheo/20100829_bus_route_most_of_5_oasth.gpx.7z (1), |
source:height | 4 | Instituto geográfico Nacional (LIDAR) (2), satellite image (2), |
source:heritage | 1 | data.gouv.fr, Ministère de la Culture - 2016 (1), |
source:hgv | 72 | Dallas City Code section 28-71 (19), MassGIS (52), PennDOT ftp://ftp.dot.state.pa.us/public/Bureaus/BOMO/MC/Publication411.pdf (1), |
source:hgv:national_network | 153 | CDOT "Highway Data Explorer" (1), Caltrans http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/ (8), KYTC http://transportation.ky.gov/Planning/Documents/NTN_Road_Listing.pdf (4), NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/about/rules/pdf/chapter32truckaccess.pdf (15), NYSDOT https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/oom/transportation-systems/repository/2010%20trk%20access%20bk.pdf (1), : 1 danielmoberly: 1 skorasaurus: 1 Kirbert: 1 Spencer_MHD: 1 pluton_od: 16 Nancy Devine: 2 AKLAB: 1 wolfgang8741: 6 Minh Nguyen: 2 Chris Lawrence: 14 RunTrails: 1 SD Mapman: 4 torapa: 2 Naren_PR: 1 Kovirii: 1 Jorden Lavearn: 2 Allen1975: 2 FluffyProtoNix: 3 Bored: 2 FightnFire5: 1 Njorlpinipini: 1 DoaJC_Blogger: 2 ')" onclick="ap(this)">Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: (111), Title 23: Highways Part 658 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: and document from AHTD listing the FAP routes (9), Title%2023:%20Highways%20Part%20658%20http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: (3), Title%2023:%20Highways%20Part%20658%20http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=23: (1), |
source:hgv:state_network | 24 | Caltrans http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/trucks/truckmap/ (1), NJDOT http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/about/rules/pdf/chapter32truckaccess.pdf (20), NYSDOT https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/oom/transportation-systems/repository/2010%20trk%20access%20bk.pdf (3), |
source:highway | 6 | GADOT State Functional Classification 2018 (2), gps (1), schema_br2013 (1), seen from road (1), uhul:ortofoto (1), |
source:id | 2 | 2855ii San José de Achuapa - USGS OpenTopo Map No E751X28552 (1984) (2), |
source:imagery | 3 | Bing (1), Bing & Maxar Sat Imagery as of 2022 (2), |
source:interval | 2 | https://www.jreast.co.jp/estation/result.aspx?mode=2&rosen=83=1=%e5%b8%b8%e7%a3%90%e7%b7%9a%e5%90%84%e9%a7%85%e5%81%9c%e8%bb%8a (2), |
source:ja | 7 | 国土数値情報(森林地域データ)平成18年 国土交通省 (5), 国土画像情報(オルソ化空中写真)国土計画局 (1), 国土画像情報(オルソ化空中写真)国土交通省 (1), |
source:junction:ref | 1 | Mapillary (2023-02-20) (1), |
source:lake | 1 | Review by So9q using LM Topographic Map (1), |
source:lanes | 5 | ACTmapi Imagery 2018 (1), Esri World Imagery (3), survey (1), |
source:lit | 4 | http://www.autobahn-bilder.de (4), |
source:location | 1 | SRTM;Thunderforest (1), |
source:maxaxleload | 23 | Dz.U. 2011 nr 222 poz. 1321 Art. 2 pkt. 11 (1), Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury i Budownictwa z dnia 21 kwietnia 2017 r (13), Rozporządznie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 8 czerwca 2011 r (9), |
source:maxaxleload:url | 9 | http://dziennikustaw.gov.pl/du/2011/s/124/703/D2011124070301.pdf (9), |
source:maxspeed | 889 | 35 in Lincoln County unless otherwise posted. (4), 45 in Logan County unless otherwise posted (3), 45 in Muskogee County unless otherwise posted. (1), 45 in Noble County unless otherwise posted. (1), AT:bicycle_road (1), AT:motorway (2), AT:urban (11), AT:zone (13), AT:zone30 (1), AT:zone:30 (12), Amtrak ETT 2010-01-18 (3), BE-BRU:urban (3), BE-VLG:urban (1), BE:zone30 (9), BE:zone50 (10), BO:urban (42), CA-BC:urban (1), CSX ETT 2005-01-01 (1), CZ:motorway (10), CZ:rural (3), CZ:urban (22), DE.urban (1), DE:bicycle_road (6), DE:living_street (1), DE:motorway (7), DE:rural (16), DE:urban (99), DE:zone (3), DE:zone20 (7), DE:zone30 (45), DE:zone:30 (10), DK:urban (16), Decatur, Alabama municipal code sections 22-33 through 22-38 (1), FDOT "Maximum Speed Limits" GIS data, updated August 27, 2011: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/planning/statistics/gis/roaddata.shtm (13), FR:motorway (1), FR:rural (19), FR:urban (23), FR:zone30 (45), GB:nsl_dual (1), GB:urban (3), GPS-gestützte Geschwindigkeitsmessung auf einem Richtung Leipzig ausfahrenden ICE (1), GPS-gestützte Geschwindigkeitsmessung auf einem Richtung Leipzig fahrenden ICE (1), GPS-gestützte Geschwindigkeitsmessung auf einem in nordwestlicher Richtung fahrenden Zug sowie Geschwindigkeitssignal (Lf 7 "10") am nördlichen Streckenende (1), Geschwindigkeitssignal (lf7 "12" in nördlicher Richtung) nahe des südlichen Bahnsteigbeginns am Gleis 8 des Bahnhofs Südkreuz sowie weitere Signalbeobachtung (2), Geschwindigkeitssignale (lf7 "16" in westlicher Richtung) beim Streckenkilometer ~1,9 und ~4 (1), HU:urban (2), HU:zone:30 (2), Heavener municipal code (8), IT:urban (4), Mapillary (6), NL:rural (3), NL:zone30 (7), NL:zone60 (2), NZ:urban (1), PH:rural (2), PH:urban (7), PL:living_street (2), PL:rural (2), PL:trunk (1), PL:urban (9), SI:rural (2), SK:rural (3), SK:urban (11), SK:zone30 (2), Speed limit 45 MPH in Alfalfa County unless otherwise posted. (11), Speed limit 45 unless otherwise posted in Cherokee County (2), Speed limit 45 unless otherwise posted in Muskogee County (1), Stats19 (1), Surwey (4), UK:nsl_dual (1), UK:nsl_single (2), US-CA:rural (1), US-TX:urban (2), US:urban (3), Unless otherwise posted speed limit 25 MPH in Oklahoma City;OKC code § 32-166. (1), Unless otherwise posted speed limit 45 in Le Flore County. (2), Zs 3 am Signal 53ZS3 (1), default residential speed limit in Australia (1), gps (1), http://www.mapdust.com/detail/2911319 (2), https://vtrans.vermont.gov/sites/aot/files/planning/documents/Vermont%20Rail%20Plan%205-20-2021%20Final.pdf (1), implicit (2), local sign; 45 MPH unless otherwise posted in Mayes County. (2), local sign;25 MPH unless otherwise posted in Madill. (6), local sign;45 MPH unless otherwise posted in Mayes County. (1), markings (6), massgis (46), sign (211), signals (1), state_limit (1), survey (17), survey 9 November 2013 (2), survey;image (1), urban (1), zone (2), |
source:maxspeed:backward | 6 | DE:rural (2), FR:rural (1), PL:rural (1), sign (2), |
source:maxspeed:forward | 6 | DE:rural (1), PL:rural (1), sign (4), |
source:maxspeed:hgv | 1 | survey;image (1), |
source:maxspeed:sign | 2 | mapillary (2), |
source:maxspeed:towing | 1 | survey;image (1), |
source:minspeed | 5 | sign (5), |
source:name | 494 | 15 CFR §922.150 and Appendix A to Subpart O (1), 1917 Moody's Manual: http://books.google.com/books?id=Q1NNAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1389 (1), 69 OK Stat § 69-1698.104 (2014) (1), BCC Meeting July 15, 1985: http://www.occompt.com/attachments/article/1588/07-15-1985%20BCC%20Minutes.pdf (2), Cartas Topográficas do Exército Brasileiro (1), Chart 3436 Colquiri (1), Chart JOG 19-16 (1), DCN (1964) (2), DCN (1968) (8), DCN (1971) (1), DCN (1973) (1), DCN (1982) (2), DCS NSW Base Map (2), GIS Directorate of Central Informatics Organization Bahrain (www.bahrainlocator.gov.bh) (1), GNS (1), Gaceta Bolivia 652NEC Jun/2014 (1), Geoinquientos SC (3), Geoinquietos SC (81), IBGE (11), IGM (20), IGM 2016 (1), IGM BO (1), IGM Bolivia (1), IGM-BO (90), IGM-BO 2022 (1), IGM-BO 6227-II (1), IGM-BO 6227-III (4), IGM. (2), INE (2014); IGVSB (34), ITO_Analysis (1), Ing. Sebastian Carreño L. (1), Ing. Sebastián Carreño. (1), Lei 10.292/01 (1), MMAyA (2), MRWA-514 (4), Mapillary (3), NSW LPI Base Map (18), Nomenclátor Geográfico de Municipios y Entidades de Población (7), OM 279/1987 (2), OM 316/1988;1095/1992 (1), OS OpenData Locator (1), OS OpenData StreetView (3), OSM US TIGER 2012 Roads Overlay (2), OS_OpenData_Locator (12), OS_OpenData_StreetView (7), OS_OpenMap_Local (5), Orange County plat book/page 1/29: Orlando Area Executive Center Unit One (1), Orange County plat book/page 51/128: Avalon Lakes Phase 1, Villages I & J;Orange County plat book/page 55/68: Avalon Lakes Phase 2, Villages E & H;Orange County plat book/page 58/81: Avalon Lakes Phase 3, Villages A & B (1), Orange County plat book/page A/100: Ocoee (1), Orange County plat book/page L/48: Marion Park (1), Out of copyright estate map. http://onesearch.slq.qld.gov.au/primo_library/libweb/action/getItAction.do?indx=387&ct=getit&doc=slq_voyager758624&frbg=&dum=true&vl(1UI0)=contains&vid=SLQ&vl(58818275UI1)=all_items&srt=rank&indx=381&tab=default_tab&vl(D455007 (1), Personal knowledge + Wikipedia (1), Resolución 1090/19 MOPC (1), Resolución N° 1090/19 MOCP (2), Resolución N° 1090/19 MOPC (3), SAGECAN (1994) (1), SCL_Emporium (1), Scl_Emporium (1), Sign (2), Sign at W (1), Sign at each end (3), Signage via Bing StreetSide (2), State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy) 2019 (2), Texas Natural Resources Information System StratMap Transportation Layer (http://www.tnris.org/get-data?quicktabs_maps_data=1#transport) (3), Tiger 2013 Data (1), Uchwała RM Bydgoszczy nr LXI/1350/18 (1), Veloland Schweiz (3), Vicmap.Transport:services.land.vic.gov.au (14), ZBGIS (2), cuzk:km (1), cuzk:ruian (1), dictaphone (1), geo-massdot.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets (1), guess from the surrounding addresses imported in the past (4), historical (1), http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/cntry_files.html,www.statistics.sk (1), http://gpsve.szm.sk (5), http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/memorial/legal/sh51.htm (1), https://maps.lib.utexas.edu/maps/jog/latin_america/txu-oclc-224571173-se19-16.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZai1RATR5M (1), https://maps.lib.utexas.edu/maps/topo/bolivia/colquiri-bolivia-100k-1983.pdf (4), https://vgin.maps.arcgis.com (2), https://web.archive.org/web/20170908130346/http://www.igmbolivia.gob.bo/downloads/cartografia/h50psad56/pdf/6329-I.pdf (1), https://web.archive.org/web/20170908130615/http://www.igmbolivia.gob.bo/downloads/cartografia/h50psad56/pdf/6429-II.pdf (1), https://web.archive.org/web/20170908135052/http://www.igmbolivia.gob.bo/downloads/cartografia/h50psad56/pdf/6226-IV.pdf (2), https://web.archive.org/web/20170908135101/http://www.igmbolivia.gob.bo/downloads/cartografia/h50psad56/pdf/6227-III.pdf (3), local knowledge (4), maps.six.nsw.gov.au, LPI NSW Base Map (1), name=Via Carolina source:name=publikace "dálnice D5" ze stránek ŘSD (9), notes in GPX (1), os_locator (1), photo (1), photograph (5), publikace dálnice D5 ze stránek ŘSD (6), reg_name je převzat z Wikipedie příslušný článek. (1), services.land.vic.gov.au (12), sign (4), survey (19), uir_adr (1), user: "Cristian Conitzer; Changeset: 45793302" (1), vicmap (1), |
source:name:br | 28 | ofis publik ar brezhoneg (18), proper translation (10), |
source:name:date | 17 | 2015-12 (1), 2016-01 (13), 2016-03 (3), |
source:name:etymology | 1 | Topotijdreis (1), |
source:name:oc | 33 | Lo Congrès (4), ieo-bdtopoc (29), |
source:name:sv | 1 | Digiroad.fi (1), |
source:network | 1 | https://www.tokyometro.jp/support/startguide/pdf/startguide_03.pdf;https://www.tokyometro.jp/news/images_h/20150617metroNews_g18n91.pdf;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_through_trains_in_Japan (1), |
source:note | 4 | TN Application for USBR No. 23 on 9/9/2013 has the southbound route. The northbound route differs due to a few one-way streets in downtown Nashville. Thus, the TN DOT's routesheet was used when the route doesn't make sense because of one-way streets. (1), https://www.ztm.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci/zmiana-numeracji-poznanskich-linii-autobusowych-od-stycznia-2019r (2), Согласно источнику, южная граница проходит как-то очень странно и включает 2/3 Корейского пролива. В итоге южная граница проведена условно. (1), |
source:note:name | 1 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_European_Union (1), |
source:official_name | 4 | ANTT (2), NWB (2), |
source:official_ref | 5 | Official gazetteer of Hertfordshire roads (5), |
source:offset | 3 | 13.14;-1.19 (1), 17.92;-13.13 (1), 65.69;-48.96 (1), |
source:old_name | 9 | 1913 Orlando City Directory: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00094137/;Orlando Official City Map, 1936: http://dc.ocls.info/site/topics/show/149-street-map-of-orlando-circa-1932 (1), El Deber (4), OM 278/1987 (1), Orange County plat book/page E/95: Colonial Grove Estates "Arbor Villa Grove";Orlando Official City Map, 1936: http://dc.ocls.info/site/topics/show/149-street-map-of-orlando-circa-1932 (1), Orange County plat book/page M/34: Locherbie Glenn (1), Orange County plat book/page P/17: Sunningdale (1), |
source:old_name:1790-1957 | 1 | Wikipedia (1), |
source:old_ref | 4 | 1947 and 1951 maps http://mapmaker.rutgers.edu/MIDDLESEX_COUNTY/MiddlesexCounty.html (3), AHTD Minute Order 2007-096 (1), |
source:old_ref:fap | 22 | ODOT http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/Planning/TechServ/prod_services/Pages/RI06.aspx http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ContractAdmin/Contracts/Pages/NHS-FAP.aspx (22), |
source:oneway:bicycle | 1 | Arrêté municipal 21-410 (1), |
source:ons_code | 3 | OS_OpenData_CodePoint Codelist.txt (3), |
source:opening_hours | 1 | website (1), |
source:operator | 3 | https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/press/20070301/index.html (3), |
source:original | 7 | TIGER (7), |
source:outline | 37 | Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2022): DOP20c (13), Brandenburg GeoBasis-DE/LGB (2022): WebAtlasDE BE/BB (24), |
source:parking:lane:both | 1 | survey (1), |
source:pkey | 2 | 2710 (1), 4302 (1), |
source:po | 27 | ine.gob.bo;2016 (27), |
source:population | 10764 | 2020 U.S. Census (1), CBS (4), DZS 2021 (1), IGM-BO (2), INE (5), INE (2014) (35), INE 2001 (1), INE, 2012 (9), INE, 2016 (1), INSEE 2022 (4), Iine.gob.bo;2016 (1), Ine.gob,bo;2016 (1), Ine.gob.bo;2016 (7), Local Knowledge (1), Philippine Statistics Authority (2), Population Estimates Program (1), Statistics NZ via Wikipedia (1), Tahua (1), census.gov (1), http://www.statssa.gov.za/publications/P0302/P03022010.pdf 2010-08-10 (1), https://stat.uz/ (1), https://www.cso.ie/en/csolatestnews/pressreleases/2022pressreleases/pressstatementcensusofpopulation2022-preliminaryresults/ (1), https://www.insee.fr/en/statistiques/serie/000436387#Tableau (1), https://www.nomisweb.co.uk (1), in.gob.bo;2016 (2), ine,gob,bo;2016 (1), ine,gob.bo;2016 (3), ine..gob.bo;2016 (3), ine.bog,bo 2016 (1), ine.gb.bo;2016 (3), ine.go.bo;2016 (1), ine.gob,.bo;2016 (1), ine.gob,bo;2016 (7), ine.gob..bo;2016 (1), ine.gob.b;2016 (2), ine.gob.bo (30), ine.gob.bo 2016 (16), ine.gob.bo'2016 (1), ine.gob.bo,2016 (1), ine.gob.bo,2106 (1), ine.gob.bo,geo;2016 (3), ine.gob.bo/2016 (1), ine.gob.bo:2016 (26), ine.gob.bo;2012 (3), ine.gob.bo;2013 (1), ine.gob.bo;2016 (10529), ine.gob.bo;2016` (1), ine.gob.bo;2016s (1), ine.gob.bo;2017 (3), ine.gob.bo;2019 (1), ine.gob.bo;206 (1), ine.gob.bo;2106 (4), ine.gob.boñ2016 (1), ine.gob.do;2016 (1), ine.gob.go;2016 (2), ine.gob.no;2016 (2), ine.gobbo;2016 (1), ine.gobo.bo;2016 (1), ine.gog.bo;2016 (3), ine.gonb.bo;2016 (1), ine.gov.bo;2016 (4), ine.gov.bo;2106 (1), ine.gpb.bo;2016 (1), ine.hob.bo;2016 (1), inegob.bo;2016 (1), ins.gob.bo;2016 (1), wikipedia (2), Белстат (9), |
source:population:date | 1 | ine.gob.bo;2016 (1), |
source:position | 13 | Bing Imagery (3), Mapillary 2015-08-12 (1), Mapillary 2018-07-15 (1), ine.gob.bo;2016 (8), |
source:prominence | 2 | 6462-4000 (Col at the Camino RN16-Saphia) (1), 6542-4120 (Col between Rio Grande and Rio Pampas valleys) (1), |
source:prow_ref | 15 | dorset_council_prow_gis_data (9), hertfordshire_county_council_prow_gis_data (5), oxfordshire_county_council_prow_gis_data (1), |
source:railway:track_class | 1 | https://vtrans.vermont.gov/sites/aot/files/planning/documents/Vermont%20Rail%20Plan%205-20-2021%20Final.pdf (1), |
source:ref | 124 | #ŻółtaNaklejkaPLK (11), 8/36507 (2), 9/101102 (2), 9/112733 (3), 9224009 (1), 9232001 (1), 9232011 (1), 9246001 (1), 9246006 (1), Bridge sign in Clitheroe (1), HELP SERVICE - REMOTE SENSING spol. s r.o. http://www.bnhelp.cz (1), INTT (2011) (5), LTFRB MC 2020-019 (2), LTFRB MC 2022-082 (1), LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2020-019 (5), LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2022-067 (6), LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2022-074 (1), Mapillary (2023-02-20) (1), ODOT (1), OS OpenData StreetView (4), OS_OpenData_StreetView (2), Plano Nacional de Viação (2), Vialidad (26), http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Catalogue/Strassen_NRW (6), http://www.boundarycommittee.ie/reports/Local%20Electoral%20Area%20Boundary%20Committee%20No.1%20Report%20-%202018.pdf (1), https://www.ztm.poznan.pl/assets/Uploads/2019.01.02MapaBUSTRAM.pdf (7), rsd_cr (8), survey (1), www.ssc.sk (17), Публичная кадастровая карта (3), |
source:ref:2020 | 6 | LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2020-019 (5), LTFRB Memorandum Circulars 2020-019, 2021-016 (1), |
source:ref:gss | 5 | ONS_OpenData (5), |
source:shape | 1 | Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, www.lfu.bayern.de (1), |
source:short_name | 3 | Associated Press (3), |
source:smoothness | 6 | https://vse.kz/topic/490255-sostoianie-trass-kakovo-edinaia-tema-po-vsem-napr/page-167#entry34758944 (2), https://vse.kz/topic/490255-sostoianie-trass-kakovo-edinaia-tema-po-vsem-napr/page-171#entry34852728 (4), |
source:sqkm | 1 | CIA World Factbook (1), |
source:surface | 14 | Esri World Imagery (6), survey (8), |
source:surface:2020 | 1 | approximate;Bing aerial;local (1), |
source:surface:2022 | 1 | approximate;local;Indiana Statewide Imagery Program;Bing aerial (1), |
source:toll | 2 | Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 6 sierpnia 2014 r. (1), yes (1), |
source:toll:url | 1 | http://dziennikustaw.gov.pl/du/2014/1112/D2014000111201.pdf (1), |
source:tracer | 4 | scanaerial (4), |
source:traffic_sign:mapillary | 2 | 1288897928359795 (1), 778242926788017 (1), |
source:unsigned_ref | 1 | ZDP Poznań (1), |
source:url | 6 | http://www.gacetaoficialdebolivia.gob.bo/normas/verGratis/152311 (1), http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000028655937 (1), https://maps.lib.utexas.edu/maps/topo/nicaragua/ (2), https://naturstyrelsen.dk/media/nst/89768/Hanstholmen_101213_Web.pdf (1), https://www.opinion.com.bo/articulo/%EF%BB%BFcementerio-general/nueva-portada-cementerio-ano-1929/20121031202300436705.html (1), |
source:width | 73 | ARCore (44), bing (25), estimated (4), |
source:wikidata | 1 | Q97153967 (1), |
source_1 | 12 | Actualizaciones en Bolivia. Reconocimiento Cartográfico 2016 por KG. (1), Actualizaciones en Bolivia. Reconocimiento cartográfico 2016 por KG. (1), DigitalGlobe premium (1), Navajo Division of Transportation (1), bing (1), https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_de_los_ferrocarriles_en_Bolivia (6), www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/topo/bolivia_50k/5846-i-sorata.pdf (1), |
source_2 | 1 | http://www.huayna-potosi.com/imagenes/mapas/sorata.jpg (1), |
source_date | 1 | 20100407 (1), |
source_ref | 74 | AM909_DSCR9578 (1), AM909_DSCR9583 (1), AM909_DSCU4428 (1), AM909_DSCU4454 (1), AM909_DSCV3586 (1), AM909_DSCV3594 (2), GPS (4), ekonomiska kartan (1), ekonomiska kartan blad 13h5d anno 1954 (3), geonames.usgs.gov (1), http://argenwamp.com.ar/iframe.html (1), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-A13.html (5), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-N02-v1_1.html (2), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-N03.html (13), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-P02-v2_0.html (1), http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/jpgis/datalist/KsjTmplt-W05.html (28), http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/User:Han013/Bezau (3), http://www.escondido.org/Data/Sites/1/pdfs/Planning/GP/general-plan-land-use.pdf (1), http://www.sateliteferroviario.com.ar/notas/11_02_bolivia/parte2/ (2), http://www2.icnf.pt/portal/florestas/gf/regflo/resource/doc/mn-leiria (1), https://osm.org/way/22731691 (1), |
source_ref:bridge | 2 | AM909_DSCV3596 (1), AM909_DSCV3597 (1), |
source_ref:maxspeed | 1 | AM909_DSCV3560 (1), |
source_ref:maxspeed:hgv | 1 | AM909_DSCV3531 (1), |
source_ref:maxspeed:towing | 1 | AM909_DSCV3531 (1), |
source_ref:name | 1 | http://parishmaps.lands.nsw.gov.au/mrsid/image_sid.pl?client=pmap&image=PMapNA04/10341701.sid (1), |
source_ref:url | 1 | https://www.flickr.com/photos/openstreetmap-albania/ (1), |
species | 12146 | Anacardiaceae (3), Castanea sativa (11959), Ceiba speciosa (1), Citrus × limon (6), Eucalyptus camaldulensis (4), Ficus (1), Ficus elastica (1), Inga feuilleei (1), Liquidambar styraciflua (1), Phoenix canariensis (2), Phoenix dactylifera (99), Phoenix dactylifera L. (5), Polylepis tomentella (1), Populus alba (1), Populus nigra (2), Prunus domestica (3), Quercus falcata (1), Salix sp. (1), Schinus Molle (1), Schinus molle (45), Solanum tuberosum (1), palm (1), red maple, Acer rubrum, Sapindaceae (1), tectona grandis (5), |
species:es | 48 | Falso pimiento (1), Liquidámbar (1), Palmera Canaria (2), Sauce llorón (1), eucalipto (3), kiswara (15), pino (25), |
species:wikidata | 9 | Q1061964 (2), Q137641 (1), Q1518523 (2), Q152 (1), Q170598 (1), Q2102 (1), Q6667323 (1), |
species:wikipedia | 7 | en:Andean condor (1), en:Big cat (1), en:Fish (1), en:Snake (1), en:Spectacled bear (1), es:Sapajus apella (2), |
speech_output:en | 14 | yes (14), |
speech_output:es | 16 | yes (16), |
speed | 1 | 80 (1), |
spiral | 1 | yes (1), |
sport | 18839 | BASE (1), Fut-Sal (1), Racquetball (1), Racquetball;racquet (1), Track_and_Field;soccer (1), Zumba_Fitness;martial_arts (1), american_football (1), archery (3), association_football (1), athletics (125), athletics;running;soccer;shot-put (1), australian_football (1), badminton (1), baseball (10), basketball (121), basketball;futsal (1), basketball;futsal;multi (1), basketball;multi (3), basketball;soccer (132), basketball;soccer;table_tennis (1), basketball;soccer;volleyball (11), basketball;volleyball (1), basketball;volleyball;soccer;athletics;tennis;cycling;hiking;trekking (1), beachsoccer (1), beachvolleyball (23), beachvolleyball, soccer (1), bici montaña (1), billiards (17), billiards;billards (1), bmx (13), boules (2), boxing (2), cheese (2), chess (16), climbing (13), climbing;bouldering (1), climbing;climbing_adventure (1), cockfighting (1), crossfit (1), cycling (16), cycling;bmx (12), dance (1), equestrian (24), equestrian;golf;racquet;shooting;swimming;tennis (1), exercise (1), fencing (1), fitness (114), fitness;exercise (1), fitness;gymnastics (1), fitness;running;multi (3), fitness;soccer (1), fitness;soccer;basketball;tennis (1), fitness;zumba (1), fronton;raqueta (1), futsal (156), futsal;baseball;multi (1), futsal;basketball (1), futsal;basketball;volleyball (9), futsal;volleyball (1), golf (23), gym (1), gym;dance (2), gymnastics (3), gymnastics;martial_arts (1), gymnastics;weightlifting;fitness (1), handball (3), horse_racing (3), horse_riding (1), horseshoes (12), karting (16), kickboxing (1), long_jump (1), model_aerodrome (8), moto;motocross (1), motocross (68), motocross;bmx (1), motocross;car_racing (1), motocross;motor (2), motocross;supercross (1), motor (84), motor;motocross (11), multi (10119), multi;basketball (1), multi;basketball;soccer (1), multi;futsal;basketball;soccer;volleyball (1), multi;soccer (1), multi;soccer;basketball (2), multi_funcional (2), paintball (4), paleta (1), paragliding;free_flying (1), parkour (1), pelota (379), pelota;racquet (4), pelota;raquetball (1), polo (1), racket (1), racquet (113), racquet;volleyball (1), racquet;walleyball (1), racquet;wallyball (4), raquect (1), raquet (3), raquetball (1), rc_car (2), roller_skating (6), running (82), scuba_diving (1), shooting (8), shooting_range (6), shotting (2), skateboard (15), skating (2), skiing (1), soccer (5827), soccer8 (1), soccer; basketball (3), soccer; futsal (1), soccer;athletics (1), soccer;athletics;long_jump (1), soccer;athletics;volleyball (1), soccer;baseball (1), soccer;baseball;athletics (1), soccer;basketball (458), soccer;basketball;hockey (1), soccer;basketball;multi (2), soccer;basketball;volleyball (47), soccer;beachvolleyball;volleyball;climbing (1), soccer;fitness (1), soccer;football (1), soccer;futbol;estadio;cancha (1), soccer;futsal (1), soccer;multi (3), soccer;pelota (1), soccer;racquet (1), soccer;rugby (1), soccer;rugby;beachvolleyball (1), soccer;table_tennis;chess (1), soccer;tennis;fitness;gymnastics;yoga;volleyball (1), soccer;tennis;running;basketball;fitness (1), soccer;volleyball (5), soccer;volleyball;basketball (4), soccer_8 (1), squash;racquet (1), supercross;motocross (1), swimming (85), swimming;racquet;wallyball (1), swimming;tennis;futsal;karate (1), swimming;waterpolo (1), table_soccer (3), table_tennis (5), tae kuan do (1), taekwondo (3), taewondo;kickboxing (1), tennis (401), tennis;gymnastics (1), tennis;racquet (1), tennis;soccer (1), toboggan (5), track_and_field (2), track_cycling (1), volleyball (53), volleyball;basketball;futsal (1), volleyball;futsal;badminton (1), volleyball;futsal;basketball (1), volleyball;gymnastics (1), volleyball;soccer;basketball (2), volleyball;wally;racquet (1), wally (2), wally;raquet (1), wallyball (7), wallyball;racquet (1), yoga (3), zumba;fitness (2), |
sport_1 | 11 | basketball (10), voley (1), |
sport_2 | 3 | cycling (1), gym (1), volleyball (1), |
sport_3 | 1 | gymnastics (1), |
spring:type | 1 | hot (1), |
sqkm | 8 | 1098581 (1), 19011 (1), 235000 (1), 25667 (1), 59590 (1), 750000 (1), 8372 (1), 978000 (1), |
ss | 1 | Посёлок Исток (1), |
ssr:stedsnr | 423 | 1043 (1), 110099 (1), 110745 (1), 113036 (1), 113049 (1), 113520 (1), 113649 (1), 113749 (1), 114212 (1), 114478 (1), 114537 (1), 114556 (1), 114725 (1), 122748 (1), 122997 (1), 155070 (1), 170749 (1), 171410 (1), 172698 (1), 173125 (1), 173343 (1), 173706 (1), 174066 (1), 174132 (1), 174148 (1), 174490 (1), 174504 (1), 174547 (1), 174575 (1), 174587 (1), 174604 (1), 174672 (1), 174720 (1), 175714 (1), 175719 (1), 175823 (1), 181463 (1), 182144 (1), 182318 (1), 182736 (1), 183325 (1), 183855 (1), 204052 (1), 216102 (1), 216260 (1), 231459 (1), 231741 (1), 233018 (1), 233940 (1), 234145 (1), 234250 (1), 234364 (1), 234571 (1), 234628 (1), 234746 (1), 234769 (1), 234998 (1), 235015 (1), 235034 (1), 235057 (1), 235472 (1), 235493 (1), 235553 (1), 235588 (1), 235610 (1), 235748 (1), 235956 (1), 243373 (1), 244263 (1), 276174 (1), 277194 (1), 291175 (1), 292086 (1), 292734 (1), 292735 (1), 293070 (1), 293077 (1), 294001 (1), 294025 (1), 294208 (1), 294225 (1), 294302 (1), 294711 (1), 295053 (1), 295174 (1), 295352 (1), 295377 (1), 295403 (1), 295559 (1), 295586 (1), 295665 (1), 295667 (1), 295731 (1), 295734 (1), 295780 (1), 295980 (1), 296467 (1), 296671 (1), 304188 (1), 304225 (1), 304322 (1), 304349 (1), 304351 (1), 304362 (1), 304776 (1), 304790 (1), 307 (1), 309 (1), 323204 (1), 326 (1), 337031 (1), 337159 (1), 337180 (1), 34036 (1), 34067 (1), 34148 (1), 34157 (1), 34187 (1), 34250 (1), 34303 (1), 347131 (1), 352158 (1), 353054 (1), 353080 (1), 353095 (1), 353929 (1), 354204 (1), 355152 (1), 355285 (1), 355299 (1), 355338 (1), 355626 (1), 355634 (1), 355830 (1), 356287 (1), 356447 (1), 356634 (1), 356663 (1), 356671 (1), 356697 (1), 356783 (1), 365177 (1), 365283 (1), 398024 (1), 398026 (1), 398077 (1), 398130 (1), 398186 (1), 413031 (1), 413303 (1), 413941 (1), 414046 (1), 415209 (1), 416054 (1), 416498 (1), 416634 (1), 416736 (1), 416833 (1), 417122 (1), 417166 (1), 417393 (1), 417491 (1), 417511 (1), 417716 (1), 417717 (1), 425660 (1), 426176 (1), 426336 (1), 426692 (1), 459043 (1), 459093 (1), 459148 (1), 459194 (1), 474736 (1), 475932 (1), 476206 (1), 476650 (1), 476837 (1), 476885 (1), 477006 (1), 477045 (1), 477269 (1), 477279 (1), 477371 (1), 477416 (1), 477501 (1), 477577 (1), 477640 (1), 477781 (1), 477974 (1), 478704 (1), 478725 (1), 486101 (1), 486179 (1), 486786 (1), 49091 (1), 49442 (1), 49756 (1), 50041 (1), 503818 (1), 507100 (1), 51342 (1), 515337 (1), 51874 (1), 519373 (1), 52379 (1), 52510 (1), 52525 (1), 52620 (1), 52628 (1), 53118 (1), 535035 (1), 535432 (1), 535917 (1), 535923 (1), 535925 (1), 53618 (1), 537035 (1), 537365 (1), 537461 (1), 537703 (1), 53777 (1), 537825 (1), 538009 (1), 538038 (1), 538052 (1), 538221 (1), 538265 (1), 538454 (1), 538479 (1), 538595 (1), 538680 (1), 538827 (1), 539994 (1), 546318 (1), 547160 (1), 547761 (1), 580047 (1), 597233 (1), 598189 (1), 598359 (1), 598546 (1), 598551 (1), 598623 (1), 598645 (1), 598674 (1), 598677 (1), 599344 (1), 599434 (1), 599514 (1), 599619 (1), 599695 (1), 599976 (1), 607212 (1), 607333 (1), 607452 (1), 61440 (1), 62179 (1), 62245 (1), 62371 (1), 62738 (1), 62860 (1), 62871 (1), 640033 (1), 640080 (1), 640098 (1), 655214 (1), 656044 (1), 656713 (1), 656739 (1), 656769 (1), 658312 (1), 658392 (1), 658685 (1), 658869 (1), 659042 (1), 659234 (1), 659247 (1), 659412 (1), 659455 (1), 659470 (1), 659502 (1), 659598 (1), 659615 (1), 659755 (1), 667365 (1), 668135 (1), 668248 (1), 701083 (1), 701433 (1), 716225 (1), 717072 (1), 717307 (1), 717721 (1), 719242 (1), 719699 (1), 719826 (1), 719843 (1), 720068 (1), 720139 (1), 720148 (1), 720456 (1), 720545 (1), 720593 (1), 720612 (1), 721333 (1), 721669 (1), 721679 (1), 721802 (1), 762006 (1), 762132 (1), 762148 (1), 762160 (1), 762173 (1), 762308 (1), 777902 (1), 778085 (1), 780088 (1), 780172 (1), 780344 (1), 780350 (1), 780604 (1), 780737 (1), 780828 (1), 780850 (1), 781132 (1), 781181 (1), 781182 (1), 781184 (1), 781185 (1), 781510 (1), 781619 (1), 781703 (1), 781731 (1), 781732 (1), 781993 (1), 789371 (1), 789394 (1), 789700 (1), 789803 (1), 790115 (1), 790335 (1), 790798 (1), 813240 (1), 823018 (1), 823135 (1), 823245 (1), 823247 (1), 823309 (1), 838315 (1), 839054 (1), 839706 (1), 840882 (1), 841005 (1), 841056 (1), 841062 (1), 841394 (1), 841663 (1), 841846 (1), 841941 (1), 842010 (1), 842193 (1), 842194 (1), 842225 (1), 842280 (1), 842612 (1), 842627 (1), 847036 (1), 850044 (1), 850286 (1), 851332 (1), 87850 (1), 883158 (1), 883190 (1), 883272 (1), 884050 (1), 899285 (1), 899443 (1), 899935 (1), 899939 (1), 900086 (1), 900090 (1), 901064 (1), 902034 (1), 902045 (1), 902199 (1), 902273 (1), 902327 (1), 902531 (1), 902587 (1), 902885 (1), 903149 (1), 910490 (1), 910495 (1), 910685 (1), 911135 (1), 911259 (1), 911338 (1), 94017 (1), 94020 (1), 94184 (1), 94382 (1), 94385 (1), 944176 (1), 944181 (1), 959621 (1), 960104 (1), 961036 (1), 961184 (1), 961320 (1), 962073 (1), 962318 (1), 962651 (1), 962668 (1), 962782 (1), 963103 (1), 963113 (1), 963194 (1), 963234 (1), 963365 (1), 963669 (1), 963854 (1), 963952 (1), |
ssvz | 2 | 851N (2), |
stairwell | 1 | yes (1), |
standnumbr | 1 | 213 (1), |
stars | 120 | 1 (4), 2 (62), 3 (28), 4 (15), 5 (6), 6 (5), |
start_date | 3584 | 009 (2), 01-08-2014 (1), 06/12/2005 (1), 07/12/2005 (1), 08/02/2020 (1), 1210;1560;1761-06-29 (1), 1295 (1), 1306 (1), 1399 (1), 14/03/2005 (1), 1400 (1), 15/05/2015 (1), 1535-01-23 (1), 1538-09-29 (1), 1548-10-20 (1), 1560;1700-06;1893-05-30 (1), 1561-02-26 (1), 1561-11-21 (1), 1570-03-25 (1), 1571 (1), 1571-05-27 (1), 1571-08-15;1574-01-01 (1), 1571-08-18 (2), 1572-12;1574-03 (1), 1573 (1), 1574-07-04 (1), 1576 (1), 1581 (1), 1593-09-04 (1), 1601 (1), 1602;1669;1686-06-13;1769 (1), 1604 (1), 1606 (1), 1606-11-01 (1), 1612-03-30 (1), 1615-06-11 (1), 1616 (1), 1624-05-27 (1), 1632 (1), 1689-11-01 (1), 1693-10-10 (1), 1697 (1), 1701 (1), 1701-07-24 (1), 1708-07-26 (1), 1721-09-29 (1), 1745 (1), 1749 (1), 1750 (1), 1751 (1), 1758 (1), 1760 (9), 1770-12-08 (1), 1771 (1), 1780 (1), 1781-02-15 (1), 1784 (1), 1799-12-15 (1), 1816-04-03 (1), 1825 (1), 1826 (1), 1826-01-23 (1), 1826-01-25 (1), 1826-11-04 (1), 1826-11-26 (1), 1829-11-27 (1), 1832 (1), 1833 (1), 1834 (1), 1835 (1), 1838-02-12 (1), 1840 (1), 1840-09-24 (1), 1841-07-01 (3), 1844 (1), 1844-02-02;1844-11-15 (1), 1845 (1), 1849-06-04 (1), 1851 (1), 1852..1857 (1), 1853 (1), 1858 (1), 1861-06-07 (1), 1862-12-15 (1), 1864-09-16 (1), 1865 (1), 1865-02-01 (1), 1865-08-01 (1), 1873 (2), 1875-11-10 (1), 1876 (1), 1877 (1), 1878 (2), 1880-01-11 (1), 1882 (2), 1882-03-31 (1), 1883-09-16 (1), 1884 (1), 1884-07-26 (1), 1884-09-14 (1), 1886 (1), 1886-03-08 (1), 1887-07-16 (1), 1889-07-11 (1), 1890 (23), 1890-09-14 (1), 1892-01-18 (1), 1892-10-15 (1), 1893 (10), 1894-02-03 (1), 1895 (2), 1895-07-24 (1), 1896-07-16 (1), 1896-10-05 (1), 1897 (2), 1897-04-30 (1), 1897-10-24 (1), 1898 (1), 1900 (2), 1900-08-21 (1), 1900-11-21 (1), 1900-1906 (1), 1901 (2), 1902 (4), 1903-11-13 (1), 1904-08-06 (1), 1905 (1), 1905-12-27 (1), 1906 (4), 1907 (1), 1908-03-18 (1), 1908-08-08 (1), 1908-11-21 (1), 1909 (1), 1909-05-25 (1), 1910 (1), 1910-05-20 11:30 (1), 1911 (2), 1911-06 (1), 1912 (2), 1912-11-15 (1), 1913-11-13 (2), 1914-09-13 (18), 1915-10-01 (1), 1916 (1), 1916-02-18 (1), 1916-10-25 (1), 1917 (3), 1917-07-26 (1), 1918 (1), 1919 (1), 1920 (1), 1920-08-29 (1), 1921 (1), 1921-07-21 (1), 1921-09-25 (1), 1922 (1), 1922-08-24 (1), 1924 (1), 1924-04-18 (1), 1925 (3), 1925-06-16 (1), 1925-08-06 (1), 1925-08-07 (1), 1925-09-12 (1), 1926 (1), 1926-02-03 (1), 1926-05-27 (2), 1926-12-7 (1), 1927 (3), 1927-07-?? (1), 1927-09-06 (1), 1928 (1), 1929 (2), 1929-09-18 (1), 1930 (3), 1930-01-16 (1), 1930-04-20 (1), 1930-07-24 (1), 1931 (1), 1932 (2), 1932-02-02 (3), 1932-07-25 (1), 1935 (8), 1935-03-25 (1), 1935-05-27 (1), 1936-09-13 (1), 1938-08-25 (1), 1938-09-13 (1), 1938-12-08 (2), 1939 (2), 1939-08-02 (1), 1940 (2), 1940-05-01 (1), 1940-06-04 (1), 1940-08-06 (1), 1940-08-08 (1), 1940-08-09 (1), 1941-06-06 (1), 1941-07-07 (1), 1942 (5), 1942-08-03 (1), 1942-08-25 (1), 1943-04-21 (1), 1943-10-12 (1), 1944 (3), 1944-02-15 (1), 1944-08-20 (1), 1945 (127), 1945-01-09 (1), 1945-03-02 (1), 1945-06-05 (1), 1946 (2), 1946-06-06 (1), 1946-10-?? (1), 1947 (25), 1947-06-21 (1), 1948 (3), 1948-05-07 (1), 1948-06-06 (1), 1948-07-16 (1), 1948-09-12 (1), 1949 (2), 1949-01-02 (1), 1949-05-29 (1), 1949-07-09 (1), 1950 (4), 1950-02-08 (1), 1950-10-30 (1), 1951 (1), 1951-01-01 (1), 1951-07-01 (1), 1951-07-09 (1), 1952 (4), 1952-07-12 (1), 1952-09-15 (2), 1952-11-23 (1), 1953 (2), 1953-05-23 (1), 1954-03-24 (1), 1954-04-02 (1), 1955 (2), 1955-01-27 (1), 1955-07-07 (1), 1955-08-23 (1), 1956 (1), 1957 (2), 1957-06-19 (1), 1957-09-23 (1), 1957-09-26 (1), 1958 (2), 1958-10-04 (1), 1959 (1), 1959-05-17 (1), 1959-06-08 (1), 1959-11-01 (1), 1959-12-31 (1), 1960 (3), 1960-01-01 (1), 1960-10-12 (1), 1960-10-20 (1), 1961 (2), 1961-05-14 (1), 1961-07-30 (1), 1962 (5), 1962-04 (1), 1962-08-30 (1), 1962-09-02 (1), 1962-11-23 (1), 1963 (1), 1963-09-14 (1), 1963-09-26 (1), 1963-09-29 (1), 1964 (2), 1964-02-05 (1), 1964-02-12 (1), 1964-08-02 (1), 1964-08-23 (1), 1964-10-06 (1), 1965 (4), 1965-05-01 (1), 1965-06-18 (1), 1965-10-05 (1), 1965-11-03 (1), 1965-11-05 (1), 1965-11-22 (1), 1966 (4), 1966-04-27 (1), 1966-07-15 (1), 1966-08-02 (1), 1966-11-12 (1), 1967 (4), 1967-05-03 (1), 1967-06-22 (1), 1967-06-29 (1), 1967-07-12 (1), 1967-10-09 (1), 1967-11-18 (1), 1968 (5), 1968-01-06 (1), 1968-06-24 (1), 1969 (5), 1969-06-19 (1), 1969-07-20 (1), 1969-08-03 (1), 1969-11-01 (1), 1970 (3), 1970-01-01 (1), 1970-07 (1), 1971 (2), 1971-08-15 (1), 1971-08-26 (1), 1971-12-19 (1), 1972 (6), 1972-01-07 (1), 1972-04-07 (1), 1972-05-01 (1), 1972-07-16 (1), 1973 (4), 1973-07-15 (1), 1973-09-11 (1), 1973-12-13 (1), 1973-12-20 (3), 1974 (3), 1974-05-06 (1), 1974-08-16 (1), 1975 (5), 1975-01-01 (1), 1975-08-06 (1), 1975-09-17 (1), 1975-09-22 (1), 1976 (2), 1976-06-21 (1), 1976-09-24 (1), 1977 (9), 1977-12-14 (1), 1978 (12), 1978-04-20 (1), 1978-05-05 (1), 1978-05-23 (1), 1978-07-19 (1), 1979 (6), 1979-03-17 (1), 1979-06-28;2000 (1), 1979-07-28 (2), 1979-08-19 (1), 1979-09-21 (1), 1980 (2), 1980-02-28 (1), 1980-05-05 (1), 1980-10-01 (1), 1981 (12), 1981-06-01 (1), 1981-07-16 (1), 1981-09-24 (1), 1982 (5), 1982-04-23 (1), 1982-10-05 (1), 1983 (14), 1983-05-11 (1), 1983-07-24 (1), 1983-08-15 (1), 1983-10-27 (2), 1983-11-01 (1), 1984-03-21 (1), 1984-04-14 (1), 1984-10-23 (1), 1985 (3), 1985-03-06 (1), 1985-04-15 (1), 1985-07-21 (1), 1985-09-17 (1), 1986 (21), 1986-01-23 (1), 1986-02-18 (1), 1986-04-08 (1), 1986-08-26 (2), 1986-09-25 (1), 1986-10-07 (1), 1986-11-27 (1), 1986-12-10 (2), 1987 (5), 1987- 04-27 (1), 1987-02-13 (1), 1987-04-27 (1), 1987-05-26 (1), 1988 (6), 1988-02-15 (1), 1988-09-14 (2), 1988-09-26 (1), 1988-10-04 (2), 1989 (4), 1989-02-01 (1), 1989-02-22 (1), 1989-04-08 (1), 1989-06-02 (1), 1989-07 (1), 1989-07-22 (1), 1989-07-26 (1), 1989-08-02 (1), 1989-09 (1), 1990 (8), 1990-09-07 (1), 1990-10-12 (1), 1990-12-12 (1), 1991 (5), 1991-01 (1), 1991-01-04 (1), 1991-01-30 (3), 1991-07-31 (1), 1992 (6), 1992-01-03 (1), 1992-01-31 (1), 1992-02-27 (1), 1992-04-09 (1), 1992-10-10 (1), 1993 (11), 1994 (6), 1994-07-12 (1), 1994-10-10 (1), 1994-11-20 (1), 1995 (4), 1995-03-10 (1), 1995-09-21 (4), 1996 (19), 1996-02-05 (1), 1996-02-21 (1), 1996-02-22 (1), 1996-03-30 (1), 1996-07-17 (1), 1996-09-19 (1), 1996-10-14 (1), 1997 (13), 1997-01-24 (1), 1997-02-12 (1), 1997-03-18 (1), 1997-05-20 (1), 1997-07-31 (3), 1997-08-05 (1), 1997-08-10 (1), 1997-12-12 (1), 1997-20-01 (1), 1998 (17), 1998-02-28 (1), 1998-04-12 (2), 1998-09-13 (1), 1999 (28), 1999-04 (1), 1999-08 (1), 1999-09-13 (25), 1999-11-22 (1), 1st September 2019 (2), 20 de diciembre de 2018 (1), 200-09-04 (1), 2000 (9), 2000-03-22 (1), 2000-04-20 (2), 2000-08-11 (1), 2000-08-16 (1), 2001 (33), 2001-09-27 (1), 2002 (8), 2002-02 (1), 2002-03-01 (4), 2002-09-13 (1), 2002-09-14 (1), 2002-11-05 (1), 2003 (9), 2003-01-29 (1), 2003-05-14 (1), 2003-06-04 (1), 2003-07 (1), 2003-10-20 (1), 2003-11-05 (1), 2004 (28), 2004-02-24 (2), 2004-03-22 (1), 2004-04 (1), 2004-05-28 (2), 2004-06-16 (1), 2004-07-02 (1), 2004-07-16 (1), 2004-07-28 (2), 2004-08-13 (1), 2004-10-28 (91), 2004-11-16 (1), 2004-12-08 (1), 2005 (7), 2005-03-30 (1), 2005-06-24 (1), 2005-10-21 (1), 2006 (13), 2006-01-04 (1), 2006-03-08 (2), 2006-05-22 (1), 2006-09-11 (1), 2006-09-14 (2), 2006-12-01 (1), 2007 (2), 2007-03-30 (1), 2007-06 (1), 2007-07-04 (1), 2007-12-28 (1), 2008 (8), 2008-02-01 (1), 2008-03-25 (1), 2008-07-05 (1), 2008-09-19 (1), 2008-10-06 13:00 (1), 2009 (5), 2009-02-12 (1), 2009-03-15 (1), 2009-05-05 (1), 2009-10-01 (1), 2009-12-19 (2), 2010 (19), 2010-04-15 00:00:00 (1), 2010-04-28 (1), 2010-06 -05 (1), 2010-06-10 (1), 2010-08-26 (1), 2010-09-01 (1), 2010-10-13 (1), 2010-11-16 00:00:00.01 (1), 2010/01/01 (1), 2010/11/01 (1), 2011 (11), 2011-01-15 (1), 2011-03-18 (1), 2011-04-12 (1), 2011-07-11 (1), 2011-07-14 (1), 2011-11-07 (1), 2011-12-18 (1), 2012 (16), 2012-01-20 (12), 2012-04-04 (1), 2012-04-21 (1), 2012-06-24 (1), 2012-08-09 (1), 2012-08-31 (11), 2012-09-12 (1), 2012-10-31 (1), 2012-12-20 (1), 2013 (11), 2013-04-30 (1), 2013-09-03 (1), 2013-09-13 (6), 2013-10-24 (1), 2013-11-20 (1), 2013-11-27 (1), 2013-12-02 (1), 2014 (13), 2014-01-01 (3), 2014-01-14 (1), 2014-02-20 (1), 2014-03-05 (1), 2014-03-23 (1), 2014-04-01 (1), 2014-04-06 (2), 2014-05-27 (1), 2014-05-29 (1), 2014-05-30 (2), 2014-06 (2), 2014-07-26 (1), 2014-09-01 (1), 2014-09-15 (2), 2014-11 (1), 2014-12-04 (2), 2014-12-07 (3), 2015 (17), 2015-02-01 (1), 2015-02-04 (1), 2015-03 (3), 2015-03-01 (1), 2015-04-30 (1), 2015-06-12 (1), 2015-06-19 (1), 2015-07 (1), 2015-09-09 (1), 2015-10-28 (1), 2015-11-10 (1), 2016 (13), 2016-01-28 (15), 2016-02-15 (2), 2016-04 (1), 2016-04-03 (1), 2016-05-05 (1), 2016-05-15 (1), 2016-05-28 (1), 2016-06-27 (1), 2016-06-30 (17), 2016-07-11 (1), 2016-08-08 (5), 2016-08-10 (1), 2016-08-21 (1), 2016-09-09 (8), 2016-09-10 (1), 2016-09-12 (9), 2016-09-26 (7), 2016-10-14 (1), 2016-10-23 (1), 2016-10-25 (1), 2016-10-28 (2), 2016-11-28 (1), 2016-12-06 (1), 2016-12-11 (1), 2016-12-26 (1), 2017 (16), 2017-01-20 (1), 2017-02-02 (2), 2017-03-03 (2), 2017-03-14 (312), 2017-03-17 (2), 2017-03-19 (1), 2017-05-05 (1), 2017-06-18 (16), 2017-06-25 (1), 2017-07-10 (1), 2017-07-16 (2), 2017-07-26 (1), 2017-07-29 (1), 2017-08-11 (1), 2017-08-15 (1), 2017-09-01 (1), 2017-09-07 (5), 2017-09-11 (2), 2017-09-14 (1), 2017-09-24 (1), 2017-09-29 (2), 2017-12 (2), 2017-12-30 (1), 2018 (26), 2018-01-06 (1), 2018-02-07 (1), 2018-02-22 (1), 2018-03 (1), 2018-03-24 (2), 2018-03-25 (3), 2018-04-08 (1), 2018-04-12 (2), 2018-04-29 (1), 2018-05-05 (1), 2018-05-20 (15), 2018-05-23 (15), 2018-05-24 (1), 2018-05-26 (6), 2018-07-11 (1), 2018-07-22 (2), 2018-07-29 (2), 2018-09-12 (1), 2018-09-23 (1), 2018-10 (1), 2018-10-07 (1), 2018-10-26 (1), 2018-11-18 (1), 2018-12-09 (1), 2018-12-20 (4), 2019 (41), 2019-02-07 (1), 2019-03-10 (2), 2019-04-04 (1), 2019-04-30 (1), 2019-05-19 (1), 2019-05-29 (6), 2019-07-05 (1), 2019-07-09 (2), 2019-07-15 (1), 2019-08-03 (1), 2019-08-29 (1), 2019-08-31 (3), 2019-09-10 (2), 2019-09-12 (1), 2019-10-06 (1), 2019-10-13 (1), 2019-10-14 (1), 2019-12-15 (1), 2019-12-27 (1), 2020 (29), 2020-05 (1), 2020-07-11 (2), 2020-07-16 (1), 2020-08-24 (1), 2020-09 (1), 2020-09-09 (9), 2020-10-16 (2), 2020-12-13 (2), 2020-12-14 (2), 2021 (26), 2021-01-03 (4), 2021-02 (1), 2021-04-11 (2), 2021-07 (2), 2021-07-03 (1), 2021-08-07 (3), 2021-08-24 (1), 2021-09 (3), 2021-09-07 (1), 2021-09-13 (1), 2021-09-23 (1), 2021-09-26 (2), 2021-10-05 (1), 2021-10-14 (1), 2021-12-10 (1), 2021-12-12 (2), 2021-12-13 (6), 2021-12-28 (2), 2022 (81), 2022-01-14 (1), 2022-02-05 (1), 2022-02-16 (3), 2022-03-04 (4), 2022-03-05 (4), 2022-03-06 (1), 2022-03-18 (6), 2022-03-21 (25), 2022-04-14 (1), 2022-05 (1), 2022-05-02 (1), 2022-05-08 (4), 2022-05-17 (1), 2022-05-29 (7), 2022-06 (5), 2022-06-04 (1), 2022-06-27 (1), 2022-07-31 (1), 2022-08 (5), 2022-08-23 (1), 2022-08-27 (1), 2022-09 (14), 2022-09-01 (28), 2022-09-13 (1037), 2022-09-16 (1), 2022-09-26 (2), 2022-09-28 (1), 2022-09-29 (1), 2022-09-30 (2), 2022-10-04 (1), 2022-10-21 (1), 2022-10-25 (1), 2022-11-10 (1), 2022-11-15 (1), 2022-11-17 (2), 2022-11-21 (4), 2022-11-29 (2), 2022-12-11 (4), 2022-12-21 (1), 2022/01/01 (1), 2023 (57), 2023-01-20 (1), 2023-02-14 (3), 2023-02-14 00:00:00 (5), 2023-03-01 (1), 2023-03-11 (1), 2023-03-15 00:00:00 (2), 2023-03-31 (1), 23/1/2022 (1), 28/10/2018 (2), 300 CE (1), 31/08/2006 (1), March 16, 1994 (1), before 2000 (2), ~1535 (1), ~1571 (1), ~1574 (1), ~1696 (1), ~1750 (1), ~1764 AC (1), ~1810 (1), ~1906 (1), ~1915 (1), ~1920 (1), ~1929 (1), ~1940 (2), ~1943 (1), ~1945 (1), ~1948 (1), ~1950 (1), ~1957 (1), ~1960 (1), ~1963 (1), ~1972 (1), ~1973 (2), ~1985 (1), ~1990 (1), ~1994 (1), ~1996-04 (2), ~2004 (1), ~2006 (1), ~2008 (2), ~2010 (2), ~2018 (3), ~2019 (1), ~800 (1), |
starts | 6 | 2 (4), 5 (2), |
state | 106 | alternate (49), closed (1), connection (17), disused (4), inuse (1), main (5), proposed (26), recommended (3), |
state_capital | 1 | yes (1), |
state_code | 10 | B (1), C (1), L (1), N (1), NU (1), O (1), P (1), QC (1), S (1), T (1), |
state_id | 3 | OH (3), |
station | 25 | ferry (1), light_rail (22), subway (1), train (1), |
stationary | 1 | yes (1), |
stationery | 1 | yes (1), |
statistical_level | 6 | NUTS 1 (1), NUTS 2 (2), NUTS 3 (3), |
status | 31 | AC,builder:ACI Cluj,progress_estimate:75%/13.04.2023 (2), AC,builder:Aktor+Arcada+Alstom,progress:19.53%/01.04.2023 19.40%/01.03.2023 19.28%/01.12.2022 11.6%/01.01.2022 1.60%/17.05.2021 (14), abandoned (2), construction (1), inactive (1), река (7), ручей (4), |
status:rrig | 2 | Ultra-prioritaire / Prioritaire (1), Ultra-prioritaire / Prioritaire;Prioritaire (1), |
step_count | 160 | 1 (4), 10 (12), 100 (3), 11 (2), 12 (2), 13 (1), 130 (1), 134 (1), 14 (2), 15 (1), 172 (one hundred and seventy two) (2), 18 (2), 19 (2), 2 (21), 20 (2), 21 (2), 22 (1), 23 (2), 25 (1), 275 (1), 28 (1), 3 (19), 30 (2), 31 (1), 32 (3), 33 (1), 377 (1), 397 (1), 4 (9), 42 (2), 5 (11), 51 (1), 52 (1), 58 (2), 6 (15), 60 (1), 65 (2), 7 (4), 714 (1), 76 (1), 8 (9), 80 (1), 9 (3), Na (3), |
steps | 1 | path (1), |
stile | 1 | stepover (1), |
stop | 153 | all (63), minor (90), |
stopping_pattern | 1 | all_stops (1), |
store | 1 | Tienda (1), |
strassen-nrw:abs | 2 | 4119007O4119028A (1), L776_9 (1), |
strazakosm:send_date | 1 | 2023-03-24_10-54-59 (1), |
strazakosm:sender_id | 1 | 2116 (1), |
stream | 7 | dry (7), |
street_cabinet | 7 | Unnamed Road (1), power (2), telecom (2), traffic_control (1), traffic_signals (1), |
street_vendor | 20 | food_truck (7), yes (13), |
stroller | 12 | no (6), yes (6), |
structure | 168 | lattice (3), solid (2), tubular (163), |
structure_gauge | 4 | GC (4), |
sttimecoef | 2 | 0.4 @ (2018 Apr 3-2018 Dec 31) (2), |
studio | 71 | audio (6), radio (32), television (31), video (2), |
subject | 5 | Bolivia (3), England (1), Morgan’s Raid (1), |
subject:wikidata | 27 | Q1258292 (1), Q130980 (1), Q13098211 (2), Q131547 (1), Q132531 (1), Q134184 (1), Q14384 (1), Q179204 (1), Q18510948 (1), Q2310964 (1), Q263925 (1), Q271841 (1), Q292871 (1), Q309490 (1), Q312131 (1), Q373845 (1), Q40621 (1), Q5675849 (1), Q5809 (1), Q5849012 (1), Q5941989 (1), Q750 (3), Q857081 (1), Q8605 (1), |
subject:wikipedia | 11 | en:California Zephyr (1), en:European walking route E8 (1), es:Andrés Ibáñez (político) (1), es:Che Guevara (1), es:Esteban Arze (1), es:José Manuel Baca (1), es:Pterosauria (1), es:Simón Bolívar (1), es:Triceratops (1), es:Tyrannosaurus rex (1), es:Ñuflo de Chaves (1), |
substance | 338 | fuel (1), gas (75), hot_water (1), no (1), oil (8), sewage (59), wastewater (11), water (181), waterwaste (1), |
substation | 78 | CRE (1), compression (8), delapaz (2), distribution (9), generation (3), industrial (8), measurement (1), substation (1), traction (10), transmission (29), yes (6), |
subway | 20 | yes (20), |
supervised | 157 | no (87), yes (70), |
support | 353 | billboard (1), ceiling (2), ground (19), pedestal (28), pole (251), suspended (1), tower (4), tree (1), trunk (22), wall (1), wall_mounted (22), wire (1), |
support:material | 1 | stone (1), |
sur | 1 | concrete (1), |
surf | 1 | unpaved (1), |
surface | 324578 | 2 (1), Arena (1), Calle_31_de_Julio (1), Calle_Perú (1), Calle_Tocopilla (1), Cesped (1), Enlosetado (1), Rotonda_Aeropuerto (1), SALAR_DE_ROSAPATA_DE_ANADAMARCA_ORURO (1), Tierra (2), Wally_Raquet_Oasis (1), adoquin (1), artificial_turf (284), : 5 ushr_lboyd: 1 MidwestMapGeek: 23 t2editme: 4 pocapulpa: 1 voltairovicz: 1 dilshan herath: 1 GeoThak: 2 Lynke574: 2 PandaR11290: 1 Term Grecos: 1 maestro_alubia: 3 katpatuka: 44 Thomas Jensen KL: 1 harolk: 2 Echo 3-1: 6 Fl1tzi: 1 aleno150: 1 Walzpfanderer: 1 Martin248: 1 Lucas Brandt: 6 MarcoR: 1 End0fLine: 1 PStern: 1 LemonlyStuff: 1 Roshmaps: 1 finnc32: 1 Beerron: 2 masher94: 2 CodeAndDesign: 1 bruceas: 1 Kreit: 2 Zander the Mapper: 3 Fgjgdrou: 1 seudodata: 82 Heilandzack: 1 Evviva le mappe: 1 Garmin-User: 1 Corban34: 3 Marco Rimoldi: 2 hraunakr: 2 harssomi: 1 bbhavyac: 2 rchaithk: 1 akagmoha: 1 LV_Wandrer: 1 Molandfreak: 2 olimago: 10 TStruck91: 1 azharmoa: 1 MarkLammers21: 2 trailrunnert: 1 TMoney79: 5 Sc0tt C: 1 Futuremapper: 5 TenerifePeak: 1 Basti69: 6 jxpsert: 2 SvenTX: 30 RpalmerAC: 2 letihu: 1 Re Ki: 2 541074: 1 Geofreund1: 6 Alphadex: 2 Prem Das: 1 O'mirk: 1 KSENIIATSAPOVA: 1 ialokim: 1 zolikonta: 3 KaghanValley: 1 the_emigrant: 4 Mieszacz Bigosu: 1 Ivan Limachi: 4 Connor O'Shea: 3 mona_magdy: 8 Hager_M: 1 DushDj: 1 completingthestreets: 1 ayoung@nctcog: 1 GullibleMappazo: 5 MountWutai: 2 BolivarPeak: 2 Claudius Henrichs: 13 comaldo: 1 muphin: 6 Sausefix: 1 RogCollage: 1 serock: 3 black_bike: 1 jwald: 1 hrhino: 2 Svken: 3 Turfuckendude: 1 vrabcek: 1 BLiTR: 3 mktuede: 6 MrKMmapper: 1 20Jakob09: 1 MappiViewer: 10 VersusJH: 2 Zoriot: 2 xrt: 2 ParmaCanal: 2 DarthData: 1 xeepo: 2 Cipher DD: 1 poivronvertbleu: 1 Krako73: 1 Richard2023: 3 simgaymer: 3 WilliamAJohns: 1 FxsX24: 2 Stefan Brülisauer: 1 Jayden26: 2 patpend3008: 9 hannaht1122: 2 Erik_W_: 1 Jake Smarter: 2 ooLi5: 4 Bolt062: 1 Bolt065: 1 WC392309: 8 AnotherNetizen: 2 MRCento: 1 Henry Flores Fuentes: 109 GrabID_martinmbaihaqi: 1 TheNomHad: 1 Yana Lauryk: 2 Anton_Klebanovich: 2 Foxtrek_64: 1 O Fim: 16 RideAndDriveTrails: 1 goodyyyy: 2 mp747474: 5 mr_main: 1 dilara altun: 1 KatieF21: 1 Paxton T: 3 SandroJPagan: 1 MaelaBonis: 2 x4711: 1 Don Redhorse: 3 hlfan: 4 MunichWays: 11 Stgtroman: 1 Lin__O: 1 EvanE: 22 robram2004: 14 Cronauer: 3 UrgBurg93: 2 Yuliya0405: 1 EK60: 1 OSMluxie: 1 BeanieBarrow: 2 Al Vermette: 2 Ryan Rzepka: 1 Hoffmand002: 1 TheNet1996: 4 anthracite10: 2 pitcher12k: 2 Yehudah777: 2 patodiez: 747 WahibaSands: 1 Explosion335: 1 reynaldocampos: 1 AbiSys: 1 LyndseyK: 1 Toktha: 1 TownMenace: 1 david9722: 1 Pott Iron: 5 shivanandvp: 1 Seehund2208: 1 Fabiana Calvo: 1 David Justiniano: 1 Alex Azarov: 2 19fiskz: 1 ualios: 2 Eduardo José Vega: 2 doubeld: 2 tsc96: 1 AnaLuciaRojasChiara: 6 Danny chvz: 2 GladysQuispeAlegria: 7 Lvcumaptt2: 2 Edelmira Pérez: 1 Scalarik: 5 ubaldo+: 1 happilymappingrway: 2 m_agostini: 1 Griffin Rohleder: 1 Diverdog: 1 Miner The Miner: 4 Ifdsisd: 1 HugoJohansson: 2 Haddi90: 1 hugolmn: 3 maddios: 1 AcworthMapper: 3 MK0: 14 gabrielchoque: 1 Thrynir: 1 xlopyt: 3 gregseitz: 2 Sihamel: 1 david turgeon: 1 danielmoberly: 1 Takizuzufu: 2 wombatmaper: 2 Saibo7: 4 timwxx: 1 HellMap: 1 THgs: 2 Jfaulk12: 1 m1m123lala: 3 TopiBe92: 6 LunarBicycle: 1 mgatww: 1 countrymouse: 2 damned truths: 2 Wikilux: 1 jm6087: 1 norwini: 1 Kai Johnson: 1 pink droyd: 2 meister: 3 Alexandre148025: 3 Superadlen: 1 mdroads: 3 MRPockets: 1 SekeRob: 1 feuerstein: 5 daniel_solow: 21 NGL-engel: 2 whubsch: 16 paul77: 1 Shrinks99: 2 burkaman: 1 started_contributing: 1 waldhans: 1 jptolosa: 7 NFZANMNIM: 1 thomassth: 1 Jorisbo: 1 FrankOverman: 2 trailschneck: 1 BAGgeraar: 1 MichNicole: 9 Ktr101: 1 happy5214: 1 thelongrun: 2 VictorIE: 7 Locopon: 11 nickjohnston: 1 mountaincrest: 2 pt_map: 4 kauevestena: 4 skorasaurus: 1 Martin-osm: 1 Bobropiton: 31 Thartek: 2 gregcrago: 1 Zrop: 1 mikefalzon: 8 Supt_of_Printing: 9 mamanakis: 1 Elch12: 1 sebi_j: 1 Kirbert: 3 zsolt d: 1 vorpalblade: 1 agrol: 15 SpecializedRider: 1 jcwoods: 1 michel60: 1 captain_slow: 10 ted3sco: 2 Henry Taby: 1 maferikotupi: 1 Alexey: 2 ananonymousmapper: 1 AE35: 4 rza31: 2 JLL: 12 Joško Horvat: 5 bergaufsee: 10 arvelius: 2 girub: 1 GNR8: 1 robbietee: 1 Hibenny: 2 DeBukkIt: 4 Richard Whitehand: 3 StC: 4 Denis_Helfer: 11 JyriK: 1 themi97: 4 rspetti: 4 Σεραφειμ: 1 Wim L: 12 chachafish: 2 mark20611: 1 mircozorzo: 63 jgruca: 2 schnelli: 2 EricTheLinguist: 1 SpeedMcCool: 1 will2high: 1 Your Village Maps: 1 biologeek: 4 JJIglesias: 1760 Buraddo: 1 vnourdin: 15 swimdb: 3 adas: 3 Eino81: 5 pingsler: 1 globalbus: 10 uwe-s: 1 Nugman: 2 tmb926: 1 Z440: 17 Anonix35: 2 Msaynevirta: 1 ivanatora: 1 Peter van der Veeken: 1 jeka p: 1 BS97n: 1 darkblackside: 2 Jakka: 2 RrPt: 1 Mauls: 1 JorgeRuiz: 1 Ottonormalverbraucher: 4 DPflug: 2 TAYbalt: 2 skquinn: 2 Intellect: 4 avapoet: 3 Jaka Kranjc: 2 Nancy Devine: 2 hdevine825: 1 Villainous: 1 nafur: 1 ferdynad: 1 Rhoon: 4 irik: 2 Stanley Roider: 2 chelotech: 2 FERINA365: 5 philam48: 1 Horadrem: 2 FRichard44: 1 AKLAB: 1 Jobertic: 2 Geim: 2 TagaSanPedroAko: 8 Kayo_33: 8 johnny_1982: 1 Thanatica: 1 Nanoilite: 1 gort9k: 1 Martin868: 3 PaulT: 2 MhhhxX: 1 adamos: 1 snake21: 34 logomancer: 1 wirral_cyclist: 1 eneerhut: 1 TheSwavu: 1 uboot: 7 Velosoph: 6 dermontag: 1 mikkolukas: 7 Keegs: 2 JayCBR: 3 gt123451000: 1 Popolon: 1 thschick: 1 Sam888: 23 Jheald: 1 RENEMENDOZA: 2 Lu Pa: 1 fujuca510: 2 Kroo Tota: 1 Adam Franco: 1 Random Person: 1 CreCrePL: 3 Golthier: 1 bwbuz: 3 Hartmut Prochaska: 2 Reino Baptista: 1 woy_cb: 20 Nicola Simionato: 1 Владимир К: 1 mapman44: 1 questmarker: 2 Benjoes94: 1 Emilio Gomez: 1 IMHerzog: 1 Tobias1996: 1 Thibaultmol: 1 Dr Kludge: 2 putnik: 1 JC LINARES: 1 gorogoro: 1 dvdhoven: 3 AlexLabrada: 1 Mar Mar: 4 rich257: 1 eumiro: 6 vasony: 4 Godot: 1 baspng: 1 didier2020: 1 liebezeit: 1 Noé G: 1 BER319: 9 fkv: 1 neviksasha: 5 TerraTexGeo: 28 Kiekin: 1 wolfgang8741: 5 Flubuh: 1 Kaleb I T: 1 p1230: 1 BörjeS: 1 iTzMariachi: 3 Andre68: 1 Dharma-ae: 3 Obiwan10g: 1 grullab: 2 nurdafur: 15 Freek Bes: 1 n76: 2 Fivea: 2 Truck-thin: 1 Mateusz Konieczny - bot account: 1 jxeeno: 1 beddy: 5 monotar: 3 MacLondon: 6 RoadWarrier: 1 luziferius: 1 BlueSombra: 16 Jaime Paye: 1 opendcc: 4 Ruddy_rc3: 1 Andrew Matheny: 13 ivntres: 1 West Lake: 1 gustafson: 3 söm4324: 3 Petsamo: 2 OSMsiggi: 1 jannes mck: 1 Shaunb: 2 sg394: 2 AgusQui: 3 bpowell1: 14 strysg: 3 Ranger444: 16 FoxyMarcie: 12 JAAS: 28 afonit: 3 eggie: 5 Smirnoff: 2 Nostradumbass: 3 Minh Nguyen: 1 Yunkers: 6 felipeeugenio: 8 Tornado9989: 1 Γιάννης 10: 18 Chelo Chelito: 1 TorCguy: 7 SimMoonXP: 2 markbegbie: 1 crussell: 7 CRCulver: 49 5R-MFT: 6 zuzuFan: 4 penguineer: 1 UPegasus: 5 bdentremont: 1 VlIvYur: 2 Глеб: 2 Moto Andarilha: 53 HansWorschd: 2 Alexmol: 1 YoViajo: 15 JuanVerde: 4 flohoff: 1 Langlaeufer: 6 Mundilfari: 17 NKA: 42 Peter W34: 7 Daniel22Ka: 1 Belseybob: 1 Mirasolera: 7 Richard L: 1 Gantrisch: 2 Hans Wurst: 6 PeeWee32: 3 danielquisbert: 10 Velocimaptor: 12 Woazboat: 4 WTR4: 1 Firefishy: 20 bingo: 2 Toni100: 1 asphaug: 3 Team Saturo: 5 Chris Lawrence: 27 ninafanya_kazi: 4 Pablocard: 20 salisburymistake: 4 cnvery: 4 Ivandor: 2 neo-plan: 1 Nodes&Roads: 1 runejuhl: 1 Fabe56: 2 MacDony: 2 TheSebik: 1 arvdk: 1 1T-money: 41 Aleksandar1994: 78 Te-Ika: 17 Viguro: 1 rhhs: 2 CoyKoi: 1 Baconcrisp: 66 Ben Boeckel: 2 BigKev97: 7 joel56dt: 5 ezekielf: 21 sbud490: 6 Darkhorse: 2 Devicelimit: 1 StefanB: 2 arichnad: 1 Gunnaldo: 1 wislander: 3 mini-me: 2 VARVAR8: 1 cyankahly: 9 Toni Serra: 1 Michele Aquilani: 1 ONDriver: 1 xtianetkti: 164 Allroads: 12 MmichaelDr: 3 cimm: 1 Константин Гам: 1 sjodl_: 1 Kalepom: 3 rskedgell: 10 rohieb: 7 dom1 4802: 5 ubX6dtQlCK: 3 dx125: 2 BarryMyles: 3 LateNightTone: 1 pdaniel78: 1 crispenheadaches: 1 sqsqsqsq: 1 Stalker61: 1 treyf711: 2 Zartbitter: 1 Andre Engels: 1 Stereo: 1 KaiPankrath: 1 currybum: 3 andrewwiseman: 3 Marc_ch: 1 osmbiker: 1 Yury Yatsynovich: 10 OrcaDan: 2 RColombo: 1 kortgodt: 3 Max-Kritic: 2 vaibhavnz: 1 giubar: 2 Supaplex030: 7 Tyanna Eaton: 50 F5ZV: 1 George S: 2 Ropino: 23 ThelwallViaduct: 3 RFuser11: 1 lynx4: 1 davidmguest: 1 Corban8: 6 Jean-Pierre Rousseau: 1 LSRock: 1 sigie: 1 TheBobcat: 23 shaikh solaiman: 5 Quite Frankly: 16 19timber96: 2 JassKurn: 4 Pmz: 1 Caleidoscopic: 39 redweizn: 3 Voonosm: 1 VSA_: 2 mbsd: 164 chris66: 3 StephaneP: 4 kjon: 1 CrazyD: 1 Alan Bragg: 1 Himké: 3 Faller Gyula: 1 Bierphysik: 3 MrLemon: 1 bbmiller: 1 Blauwdruk: 1 Gerhard Arnsdorff: 151 kaartenliefhebber: 6 eriosw: 1 SLMapper: 10 user_4547543: 4 RichardB: 2 Ze0zohk1: 2 UWJ: 1 frutruc: 4 bibif: 1 miroslavuzice87: 24 Greg_Rose: 2 Андрей Кирилов: 3 erickdeoliveiraleal: 57 hertipau: 1 MoTaBi: 4 walloHerbrechtingen: 1 hecktor: 1 rando67: 1 Nomis38: 2 tof99: 1 Cdrik_69: 1 been: 4 Lukáš Jelínek: 1 Matthew Kinkead: 1 Federico Ce: 3 r0di: 1 kujasonh: 4 sashazykov: 1 Kazing: 1 ratrun: 1 carsten harnisch: 1 ika-chan!: 2 Luis Garcia-Lopez: 4 lorenzo23622: 4 PatDaBiker: 1 LafarM: 17 Stella Lee: 3 Lexi Johnson: 4 Kate Diaz: 1 Eva Blue: 1 Gustavo Mascheroni: 3 Hans Loderer: 3 lyctkel: 4 MonsterKlaus: 1 Mart101: 2 earthenthusiast: 1 Seat Ibiza: 1 Víctor L: 2 pd8JUHyoPJ: 2 Hinz&Kunz: 1 cjmills: 1 RollTideRoll_asdfjkll: 3 blackSock: 1 mapperue: 29 DaanLT: 7 Jorge Mauricio González Torrez: 11 Yorvik Prestigitator: 4 Muokkaaja: 1 Danalieth73: 1 pyram: 1 FlawOfAverages: 1 johnrobot: 9 JayTurnr: 1 ElBartoTony: 24 TacoBeans44: 1 chabe01: 4 LidaCity: 6 mbyte: 3 Zorglub67: 2 rcardenas: 1 ic65: 5 user_5121: 15 Geoffrey10: 4 uncbrian: 1 fjavier_gr: 1 zhik: 2 RLakhani: 1 ndrw6: 1 waldyrious: 2 echostatic: 9 Javier Alcon: 1 NetWormKido: 7 JohnHovercraft: 2 ultra_runner: 8 Wulfmorn: 77 Stretch Longfellow: 4 emvee: 24 RunTrails: 4 bches89: 1 Nathan_A_RF: 9 gOOvER: 2 thorres: 1 AlexZam: 3 hofoen: 2 Runar2: 1 GerdP: 4 user_5359: 7 jambamkin: 1 kucai: 1 Sébastien MARQUE: 1 aktivnutzer: 1 SuperUser1: 3 Adam Schneider: 6 Noktoborus: 2 SD Mapman: 6 123maps: 9 rodry5800xm: 1 Nils VZ: 3 tesp: 3 torapa: 22 uhai: 1 rafemoro: 2 calli3756: 3 mappreuss: 3 Mex: 4 ChaireMobiliteKaligrafy: 5 갱이나그네: 1 A67-A67: 37 theipu: 1 Scottku: 1 mango20: 3 mfdz: 2 user_5589: 11 willisturm: 1 Marcos Dione: 1 SvenQ: 2 elyk: 1 Guidex: 1 kristbaum: 1 milet: 2 Sebastian St: 3 Saikoleonardo: 3 evt35: 2 amurski: 1 0xFA862C16: 3 oleinap: 7 Bienson: 6 Maptapper: 2 leo_han: 2 Nielkrokodil: 2 Village90: 1 roses7: 2 copandes: 1 LeoBardonaro: 2 Bálint: 1 Nicholas Capo: 2 DP24PH: 1 Norman Huasebe: 4 BrieucP: 1 Ale Mercado Ortiz: 101 jdcarls2: 2 martin0203: 1 DannyMcD: 2 fdemmer: 1 Thibault Rommel: 3 tvbrene: 4 MikeBockserman: 1 Mippzon: 7 takana_zuke: 2 Patchi: 6 Tyler Brown Cifu Shuster: 19 lollybyte: 3 MitteloberrheinischerWaldameisenschreck: 6 Zuhlfain: 1 AlkalIn: 1 wegerje: 1 Martin_B: 1 Tomas Straupis: 1 Diegus9: 1 Circuit_Rider: 19 intschutschuna: 2 Noen: 1 schuellerf: 8 EliziR: 1 joel1972: 2 Harvesterify: 2 Aracuano: 1 Christian Perrier: 7 clemhoh: 1 mrey: 5 mangialagauthier: 1 1998alexkane: 18 Fralambert2017: 13 Cartographer1973: 1 olivattaque: 1 misht: 1 Naren_PR: 1 mueschel: 3 Gebsss: 6 Evandering: 115 geoJenn: 17 CapAhab: 408 P Kanzler: 1 Eraque22: 2 guyporter: 3 Moises Otondo: 14 FraukeLeo: 17 Kovoschiz: 5 uajmscp1: 2 SIG2017: 1 benjamintchik: 26 pan_kisiel: 1 Pihvi: 9 sola29: 42 waldschirat: 1 JadeHeart: 5 deimidis: 1 jstorgaard: 1 The_Wanderer: 1 CarstenM: 3 frosm: 8 TomJeffs: 2 BeaconOSM: 3 rehatux: 3 DagelijksGamer: 2 thefamilyguy: 2 Christopher-0118: 3 Lytter1: 4 martianfreeloader: 3 Xyberion: 3 JTS51: 7 SirCowMan: 23 Mondal: 1 JmSubelza: 46 geomaniX: 13 taxi301: 2 Martin2035: 5 HansWürstchen: 2 kseistrup: 1 Alex Б: 1 infeeeee: 3 geozeisig: 12 CurlingMan13: 3 Minimalis: 1 FennecusZerda: 2 MauricioDanielCQ: 13 Pymouss: 1 syntex: 1 Zarr: 11 Mammi71: 1 urk: 1 andrepoiy: 1 Puchheimer: 3 Sieda: 2 Kevin Escalera: 1 MaksimTo: 2 garx91: 3 Piotr_J: 1 juschu: 2 Aiman: 1 jabal2017: 1 Cristoffs: 1 Farkad5: 1 joost schouppe: 3 AntV: 1 mrpulley: 148 Sangueffusor: 4 Cameron Ford: 4 Arlo James Barnes: 2 JoniSepp: 1 Kovirii: 6 Der Bierpuncheur: 2 Pa413: 2 GUSC68: 2 Ge0rG: 1 a Dingo: 4 Eveli: 1 Avocadough!: 13 l0cKy: 4 user_7031: 1 JTE Dimandix: 1 Clarke22: 1 Gregory Williams: 2 Cebderby: 2 Kersthaas: 1 Gilles Nogues: 1 Iain I: 6 Shawn Riley: 3 Peter Newman: 6 jaap de vries: 4 yesica247: 1 Red_Ranger: 59 JochenB: 2 ALn_668: 4 Andreas_aachen: 5 YomanNH: 2 MathGon: 1 51114u9: 14508 Andy Stricker: 3 Hernan: 7 sandos: 4 marc__marc: 8 btwhite92: 2 Pauly01: 1 magrej: 139 xxoonn: 1 Dario Alejandro Tancara Sossa: 1 RaphaelPasloin: 1 fayor: 4 aleksaJov: 11 Beryl❀: 1 smithy_dll: 2 LuisAlarcos: 1 Tvkan: 1 Lauretta_J: 1 vogelfreier: 1 abcgaertner: 2 dafadllyn: 2 Benoît C MdP: 1 Stephen L Arnold: 1 koastoas: 5 puchaczowsky: 1 Maperouse: 4 tomimaki: 3 kapazao: 11 VECK777: 1 lasagna: 5 TonyS999: 1 Kirstukas: 1 MooPoo7: 9 Magick93: 3 Zandu: 1 soliMM: 10 Snusmumriken: 5 Tech Dec: 6 CS9807: 1 phodgkin: 6 nfx2851: 1 car!os: 11 kfremd: 2 OlgaOruño: 8 19daniel93: 33 LA2C: 4 johnn9: 16 danitols: 19 Gabriel Aguilar: 8 Abelito Mamani: 2 marlenesb94: 14 LLAQWA: 24 Benito Rivera y Quiroga: 23 Morneo: 2 osmenl: 1 Leonardo Gutierrez: 88 RiverBearings: 14 SurferDude1: 5 Cowboy79: 1 AlexJ: 1 OpenBrian: 9 Bojan79m: 11 JorgeGortex: 1 Sparks: 1 Mcalastair: 1 Asterix200: 1 Optativa2: 3 GOroza: 3 TS-R: 1 s_SoNick: 2 Michael-Rowe: 1 yjn3n: 3 geografer: 19 TobiasK313: 2 Fred73000: 52 Larmax: 5 bob3bob3: 27 grelus: 1 MrCruiser: 6 _jcaruso: 4 pmyteh: 1 Street_Shark: 4 santon: 1 user_8173116: 3 ovruni: 2 Ju_dith: 4 Badojo: 7 Ogmios: 18 oha: 9 Allen1975: 2 Discostu36: 1 Keygi Nufer: 1 Lodda: 1 Squirrel in the Stacks: 1 Tschaeck: 2 nipheon: 1 sue77: 1 Wuffduff: 2 UrSuS: 2 osmhonehone: 1 mtmail: 1 nahomy: 226 janvarmuza: 1 riiga: 16 NSchwarz: 1 Makake77: 1 issey sandei: 2 Petri Lintunen: 4 Kmchang28: 3 Robert Whittaker: 3 whatismoss: 5 SimonBretagne: 1 alfredynho: 20 nslxndr: 3 EstebanMP: 5 V-Li: 4 CarlitosCondori: 10 aweech: 43 thomas hermant: 5 Laine79: 1 1IvanMarquez: 4 alevidal: 4 quisperamosdayana: 41 FluffyProtoNix: 14 Aleks-Berlin: 1 TheJAwesome1: 13 Ferenc Schulcz: 1 Jivesas: 2 LonMcGregor: 1 sneaky_cactus: 3 Frutiger: 6 Jesus Vladimir: 1 CCessar: 3 Mond00: 18 OSMWeekly: 4 Andre Jirent Cuellar Avaroma: 68 Helium314: 7 strukturart: 1 Rilberth: 1 Thomas8122: 1 j0c0 69: 1 Kla_Ger: 1 arkdatta: 1 ErichJacobi: 6 Reinis Bērziņš: 1 Aleksandar Matejevic: 14 ToniE: 1 Atukatuka: 6 Spaghetti Monster: 3 Osmwithspace: 4 Noelia Martinez: 3 Misa_zumba: 394 LakatosVL: 47 @niladari: 2 Amonite1025: 10 mumblin: 24 fidoez: 48 atpl_pilot: 1 AnonymousAlligator: 5 wkdgs: 7 Harfeur: 1 tgrosinger: 1 Hoordinates: 52 Nodestrawaymus: 17 mvexel: 4 cforin: 60 AndjelaS: 181 Tema_Ded: 1 vojtechzaboril: 6 FightnFire5: 4 Ned_Stark: 87 stukulele: 1 PulisakZ: 215 Julian_sn: 2 Daneel76: 1 urbalazs: 4 brockde: 1 melbournefan: 2 Charitha CNK: 2 Kirankumar R H: 1 craigbossley: 3 Guia Cochala Team: 66 VLD111: 1 Heinz_V: 1 VLD110: 2 OrdinaryJosh: 4 PPete2: 1 Fousss: 3 adjuva: 1 JMUU: 1 Phimaguha: 3 CartoKees: 7 GPSpoker: 10 Ruben Schoenefeld: 1 Osaka78: 1 Zorae: 1 oba510: 2 Nisyz: 2 jmilot: 1 ArleneC: 37 MajaMaravic: 2 A Hall: 2 beatnickgr: 65 bordaben: 1 lromberg: 3 enemenebene: 3 dusteagle: 1 EptingR: 29 streetuser: 2 bimbo666: 11 Bertware: 1 Famlam: 8 Berlin53: 1 andygol: 1 Gorka115: 12 MathouQC: 1 Jorge Salvatierra: 2 TheConductor: 1 sofuego: 2 Hugo Bayles: 6 momabebra: 5 Njorlpinipini: 7 nona mostafa: 5 B-Rabbit: 3 GDFG32: 6 rbuffat: 3 Lepuse: 2 gthoele: 2 Vissa: 1 kevinp2: 5 Contaminated Man: 7 Lionking: 14 drynwk: 4 MijailFer06: 147 Podgor: 1 ortho_is_hot: 1 Go South Coast: 16 Vauxhall8: 3 Parque93: 36 WarpathPeacock: 7 127logs: 20 gpserror: 4 michelleunen: 1 FrancisGiac: 3 Kh3fBq29cVa21: 2 meshworx: 2 ezekielelin: 2 baprischka: 1 jcowgill: 8 padvinder: 2 rhab: 5 complete_gth: 21 expoman: 2 PlinyTheYoungest: 1 sasQuach: 2 Carto_Ferret: 1 WaWei: 1 BubbaJuice: 2 SardinasJL: 1 salma_z: 1 anarkiisto: 1 ywanght: 2 gnrc69: 1 pkoby: 16 ')" onclick="ap(this)">asphalt (31579), asphalt; paving_stones (2), asphalt;gravel (1), asphalt;paving_stones (1), brick (2), bricks (109), bridge (1), cancha_de_wally (1), cement (2), cesped_sintetico (1), chipseal (2), clay (294), cob (1), cobblestone (1291), cobblestone:flattened (5), compacted (522), con (1), concrete (26319), concrete:lanes (39), concrete:plates (4406), concrete; paving_stones (1), concrete;asphalt (1), dirt (1309), dirt/sand (23), dirt_when_present;river_bottom_(flat_with_rocks)_when_not (1), earth (195), empedrado (5), fine_gravel (183), fine_sand (1), geofabric (6), geofabrick (41), geofabrik (1), geogabrick (1), grass (1745), grass;concrete (1), grass_paver (158), grassland (1), : 1 LemonlyStuff: 1 Roshmaps: 1 hughrt: 1 Bolt056: 1 lcat: 1 agranizo: 1 KIP-53: 1 Krako73: 1 RL18101: 1 Stefan Brülisauer: 1 RideAndDriveTrails: 1 La terre: 2 patodiez: 42 batman61: 1 Diverdog: 1 Wilfredo cornejonina: 1 Kai Johnson: 1 tekim: 1 sergeydolya: 1 whubsch: 17 MichNicole: 1 Raulinho: 1 Bobropiton: 1 Spencer_MHD: 21 agrol: 3 jjyach: 1 AE35: 1 geow: 2 melissabella: 10 Your Village Maps: 2 JJIglesias: 89 Z440: 2 valhikes: 1 Jobertic: 2 ymurillo: 1 Martin868: 2 mapman44: 1 DTeelde: 1 Mar Mar: 1 Zoomie: 1 TerraTexGeo: 2 dufekin: 1 Seraq: 1 BCNorwich: 1 felipeeugenio: 4 HansS: 1 PacNWMike: 1 YoViajo: 1 flohoff: 1 Allchin: 1 WTR4: 1 Pablocard: 3 1T-money: 1 staf: 1 xtianetkti: 18 MmichaelDr: 2 Robert Kania: 3 Stalker61: 1 ohmanger: 1 rivermont: 1 OrcaDan: 1 TheBobcat: 6 miroslavuzice87: 1 Greg_Rose: 2 erickdeoliveiraleal: 1 emvee: 1 RunTrails: 1 Oscar_Sergio: 1 Adam Schneider: 1 SD Mapman: 1 123maps: 1 torapa: 1 Waldseemüller: 3 Qwave: 1 Circuit_Rider: 9 dudone: 1 Evandering: 1 geoJenn: 1 CapAhab: 9 deimidis: 1 Pezlu: 1 John Stanworth: 1 Sangueffusor: 6 Kovirii: 1 51114u9: 199 magrej: 4 cdmoomaw: 1 LA2C: 1 johnn9: 1 Abelito Mamani: 4 Fred73000: 8 bob3bob3: 1 Banspad: 1 Badojo: 3 aweech: 1 thomas hermant: 2 Spaghetti Monster: 1 fidoez: 1 Hoordinates: 1 mvexel: 1 cforin: 1 AndjelaS: 3 PulisakZ: 4 Baloo Uriza: 1 KD9ERY: 1 ArleneC: 3 127logs: 3 ')" onclick="ap(this)">gravel (681), gro (2), ground (59545), ground,_it_goes_on_the_river_basin. (1), metal (37), mud (20), oaved (1), paved (8166), paved_(old) (1), pavi (1), paving_stones (9431), paving_stones:20 (2), paving_stones:30 (2), paving_stones;asphalt (2), paving_stones;paved (2), pebblestone (36), plastic (11), r (3), rock (2), roof (1), round (1), rubber (6), salt (107), sand (409), scrub (3), sett (234), shingle (28), stone (141), synthetic (1), synthetic_field (1), tartan (42), tiles (1), totora (1), unhewn_cobblestone (678), : 4 Longhorn256: 1 katpatuka: 16 fullbermejo: 3 AWMapper: 1 irateh: 2 Pichalupa: 1 DorithEliabu_ImportAccount: 23 seudodata: 1 dkwolf: 1 Ozellius: 4 Evarist Isdory_ImportAccount: 5 Jim Bedient: 2 SomeoneElse_Revert: 57 Ukundji: 3 OFFICE01: 2 TomN1: 1 VinsonMassif: 1 TenerifePeak: 3 R0bst3r: 1 Anne Maholi_importAccount: 18 stefan-gr: 1 JhessicaTM10: 1 Pikachu25: 7 apaza cruz pastor: 2 DushDj: 1 BolivarPeak: 4 3IUQFBJ1BZ: 2 hrhino: 1 MeaganShep: 1 EdSS: 1 Richard2023: 4 Wernä: 1 Henry Flores Fuentes: 6 jpgon: 19 MashaDavilaMuñoz: 1 nickvet419: 1 robram2004: 423 jsarafan: 1 patodiez: 10371 VormaCanal: 1 dusziv: 6 jvasquez19: 16 Dianis:3: 1 m_agostini: 1 Gamr15: 7 adolfomarino: 1 vimalraj0704: 1 ClaudDadur: 21 danielmoberly: 1 HellMap: 1 speaketh: 1 Kai Johnson: 3 rimugu: 1 rudiruth: 3 meister: 24 dantef71: 2 feuerstein: 3 Frans S: 9 Awo: 1 jptolosa: 7 Jorisbo: 1 Locopon: 1 Dave Lafreniere: 3 jimcintosh: 2 olehz: 4 Christophe Garreau: 1 mapper377: 1 gregcrago: 8 Kirbert: 3 RobMacDonald: 1 Spencer_MHD: 2 agrol: 72 csch: 2 jjyach: 1 AntMadeira: 1 maferikotupi: 1 AE35: 1 Ewooks: 1 Dampee: 9 Richard Whitehand: 2 ferchosj: 12 JyriK: 3 RichRico: 1 DannyAiquipa: 1 Wim L: 1 mircozorzo: 1 JJIglesias: 129016 Buraddo: 1 moyesusa: 1 globalbus: 7 miraculixOSM: 5 Z440: 74 jeka p: 3 Daniel Specht: 4 Agile Eye: 1 trichocereus: 1 chelotech: 1 ridixcr: 1 genns1679: 1 AKLAB: 11 Jobertic: 1 AWaltrick: 2 Martin868: 1 JCRocha: 1 Bokken2: 1 Popolon: 1 sergio_thaine: 2 RENEMENDOZA: 5 funk_soul_brother: 2 Fillifera: 1 mapman44: 1 GeoFrizz: 7 topius: 1 Atikur Rahman atik: 2 Federico Explorador: 5 gorogoro: 1 Mar Mar: 25 Daniel Abia Serrano: 7 Zoomie: 6 emiigon: 1 Noé G: 9 neviksasha: 19 Tallguy: 14 RvMa: 6 Sukkoria: 1 Jeffrey Friedl: 1 Privatemajory: 2 iTzMariachi: 193 Ralpha: 10 Skippern: 3 grullab: 24 arafin: 3 Enric Falgueras Batlle: 1 javi_boss: 3 Mateusz Konieczny - bot account: 1 Pedro Rios Lobo: 5 BCNorwich: 1 BlueSombra: 4 Jaime Paye: 1 mappingbolivia: 3 KHHDOSM: 2 Petsamo: 2 bpowell1: 33 strysg: 1 Ranger444: 6 FoxyMarcie: 24 JAAS: 16 Sean R: 2 Smirnoff: 198 felipeeugenio: 67 SimMoonXP: 15 Slyan: 1 UPegasus: 163 David Rule: 2 Moto Andarilha: 46 YoViajo: 83 Mirasolera: 1 BiIbo: 1 Velocimaptor: 55 Firefishy: 3 russdeffner: 19 Shamillah: 1 maxerickson: 7 SathyaPendyala: 8 ninafanya_kazi: 1 tonybendell: 2 Pablocard: 9 mosstreet: 1 Alvaro Espejo Mamani: 1 1T-money: 19 Aleksandar1994: 298 Te-Ika: 26 Baconcrisp: 24 BigKev97: 87 Palolo: 2 xtianetkti: 7505 piligab: 1 Allroads: 34 sdvm: 1 RussNelson: 1 DressyPear4: 1 ftrebien: 1 Evan Odell: 2 Susana Ampo: 1 Buster452: 2 jaimemd: 9 ohmanger: 1 andrewwiseman: 2 rivermont: 43 Yury Yatsynovich: 21 OrcaDan: 1 ftcat: 26 fadany: 1 dankpoet: 28 Tyanna Eaton: 15 Roberto Alejandro Ramos Paz: 1 Ropino: 2 Corban8: 1 Matěj Čadek: 2 LSRock: 4 freebeer: 1 shaikh solaiman: 4 Caleidoscopic: 128 mbsd: 13 Alan Bragg: 1 Puna: 1 Himké: 2 Raven Nahid: 2 abramteichroeb: 1 Glassman: 1 ahab003: 1 bbmiller: 2 Gerhard Arnsdorff: 86 smarties: 1 phd0: 1 miroslavuzice87: 2241 Greg_Rose: 219 Rebeca Cornejo Suarez: 2 erickdeoliveiraleal: 695 RaldeKA: 2 Matthew Kinkead: 1 martindelloro: 2 ratrun: 2 JaimeSBO: 4 ika-chan!: 2 Gwilbor: 1 Stella Lee: 5 kevin Prince: 2 Shaun Austin: 9 Lexi Johnson: 8 Kate Diaz: 5 Eva Blue: 7 Gustavo Mascheroni: 5 bigalxyz123: 3 motogs: 1 no_nodes_here: 1 pm-: 2 arshakerbrown: 14 josego85: 1 Maailma: 1 iriman: 1 Jan Willem K: 2 MARIUS-FFB: 5 LidaCity: 1 Ydnaback: 2 yecko: 1 kaddo graffie: 32 Jaben: 5 JohnHovercraft: 1 piratenz: 1 BCarl: 1 ninjamask: 7 Adam Schneider: 1 SD Mapman: 1 rafemoro: 2 BladeTC: 2 ivrohi: 15 maxolasersquad: 2 ceever: 8 ZehTadzMajal: 1 afetser: 1 MrKrabs: 2 Saikoleonardo: 1 AbcNc: 1 ChernCenter: 2 Mapiphany: 5 roses7: 1 Ale Mercado Ortiz: 2 francoclaros: 8 DannyMcD: 1 Chris954: 1 Charazani2: 1 Tomas Straupis: 1 Circuit_Rider: 3 boghelo: 3 Tómas Ingi: 19 mueschel: 1 Evandering: 743 geoJenn: 3 CapAhab: 405 elmarhe: 1 waldschirat: 2 mhrana98: 18 JadeHeart: 3 happy-camper: 1 rorice: 1 BeaconOSM: 1 Sammyhawkrad: 2 maxtar: 1 Norike12: 2 AlejandroAlba: 1 2marcel2: 2 ReBoNL: 3 Aurimas Fišeras: 1 Lonneke76: 1 TeBaMa: 16 aapdesign: 3 Bert Boons: 4 OldCor: 4 Christian Heijmann: 1 JohanHoogland: 36 JmSubelza: 44 rodekruistt: 1 Pezlu: 18 mikeocool: 2 garx91: 3 mikechm: 1 Piotr_J: 2 AlpineHiker: 2 joost schouppe: 22 mrpulley: 4 Datoo: 2 herriotto: 1 FrancoisAudirac: 3 Avocadough!: 4 Boliviaeditor: 2 Iowa Kid: 1 Super-Map: 12 -Schwarz-: 6 RAS-surveyor: 1 Red_Ranger: 7 51114u9: 9321 btwhite92: 1 magrej: 881 Edsonpive: 1 DareDJ: 3 Shahed Naeem: 1 Hector Thiago: 2 RoaTracer: 2 aleksaJov: 470 PacificoV: 1 cdmoomaw: 8 Maperouse: 4 kapazao: 1 VECK777: 2 Carlos_Sánchez: 1 SE16: 3 JPabloME: 4 Mahede Hasan: 8 Juan Fossati: 4 GALLOTREKK: 3 kfremd: 4 Qitay: 1 LLAQWA: 17 Benito Rivera y Quiroga: 1334 Leonardo Gutierrez: 18 LessThan3Nodes: 3 RiverBearings: 14 Samwel Kyando: 1 josealbartorrez: 1 yjn3n: 2 geografer: 100 Fred73000: 670 Larmax: 1 bob3bob3: 13 Correcaminos604: 2 Street_Shark: 4 ovruni: 5 Maniek1900: 1 Ju_dith: 1 Eye1024: 1 raisinsfried: 1 Keygi Nufer: 1 Lamichhane: 1 nahomy: 21 DC24: 3 Deuckchung: 5 eg_ggts: 1 Josebra: 1 Robert Whittaker: 1 Lino Mario Cabrera: 2 aweech: 18 thomas hermant: 3 FluffyProtoNix: 1 TheJAwesome1: 40 Jivesas: 1 OSMWeekly: 1 Anita Ant: 3 Bithi Chowdhury: 2 CartoDog: 6 Aleksandar Matejevic: 576 Pascal Plantey: 1 Noelia Martinez: 1 Misa_zumba: 208 LakatosVL: 247 Amonite1025: 10 mumblin: 8 popnlock: 1 fidoez: 1 trigeo: 4 DMcDowall: 1 ruph: 2 Hoordinates: 6 Bravo_two_zer0: 1 Nodestrawaymus: 50 frank692000: 1 avelex_lyft: 1 mvexel: 3 cforin: 45 mcheckimport: 1 AndjelaS: 1360 Trastevere: 1 Ned_Stark: 58 VLD075: 9 PulisakZ: 294 Julian_sn: 6 Ferdinand0101: 1 WindHecht: 1 Guia Cochala Team: 2 VLD079: 1 VLD080: 3 VLD111: 1 VLD118: 1 VLD120: 2 VLD125: 1 Maarten Deen: 1 Binnette: 11 Brendahw: 1 jedimasterflint: 1 Alba María Cruz Garcia: 3 Peatona: 2 grozsa11: 1 VLD132: 1 Ewen Hill: 1 ArleneC: 433 Kevin Gaffney: 3 MajaMaravic: 1 A Hall: 10 EptingR: 9 Dorice lucas_ImportAccount: 4 NeemaAlphonce_ImportAccount: 16 Christina Reuben_ImportAccount: 6 asibwene_ImportAccount: 36 charles Frank_ImportAccount: 15 NURU ATHUMANI_ImportAccount: 2 Samwel Kyando_Import Account: 18 Abou kachongo jr_ImportAccount: 88 CatherineG_ImportAccount: 1 DaleOfAire: 2 Popolopen: 1 Gnugie: 1 SelinB: 1 YuanLF: 1 BlueRanger: 2 Jorge Salvatierra: 1 mego_map: 1 BonanzaPeak: 1 ArchesPark: 1 AyersRock: 1 ProjetoJosm: 12 daderkina: 1 3agleOne: 19 natureandchill: 17 rombik97: 8 Darac Marjal: 1 MijailFer06: 68 Skinine: 2 Barataria2: 1 ShockoeBottom: 1 Parque93: 1 127logs: 38 gpserror: 3 malta-dinger: 1 byonke: 1 padvinder: 1 henderrw: 1 oandrevieira: 1 sasQuach: 9 BubbaJuice: 1 pkoby: 1 ')" onclick="ap(this)">unpaved (176264), unpaved; ground (4), wally (1), water (2), wood (152), yes (1), 앿 (5), |
surface:2020 | 1 | new (1), |
surface:colour | 1 | grey (1), |
surface:cycleway | 1 | asphalt (1), |
surface:date | 2 | 2016 (2), |
surface:footway | 1 | concrete (1), |
surface:grade | 1 | 0 (1), |
surface:note | 5 | Es una calle larga donde hay bastante trafico en las mañanas (1), Pavimento (2), Sin pavimentar (1), tierra y pedregoso (1), |
surface_bike | 1 | milanese_paving (1), |
surface_survey | 6 | 2017NOV_ (4), 2022JAN_ (1), 2022MAY_ (1), |
surveillance | 193 | cctv (1), guard (2), indoor (60), outdoor (15), public (103), traffic (12), |
surveillance:type | 176 | ALPR (2), camera (167), guard (7), |
surveillance:zone | 130 | area (86), building (6), entrance (13), parking (1), public_transport_platform (5), street (1), town (12), traffic (6), |
survey | 35 | 2018-02-06 (1), 2018-07-12 (1), 2018-12-1 (1), 2018-12-15 (2), 2018-12-24 (3), 2018-12-29 (3), 2018-12-30 (3), 2018-12-31 (1), 2019-01-01 (2), 2019-01-05 (1), 2019-01-06 (1), 2019-01-08 (2), 2019-01-11 (1), 2019-01-17 (4), 2019-01-18 (1), 2019-01-22 (2), 2019-01-23 (4), 2019-01-24 (1), 2020-08-23 (1), |
survey:date | 10299 | 1989-11-26 (5), 2007 (1), 201-07-11 (1), 2013-09-27 (1), 2015-05-11 (1), 2015-10-02 (1), 2016-05-24 (1), 2016-05-25 (1), 2016-06-04 (1), 2016-06-22 (1), 2017-01-17 (2), 2017-01-18 (1), 2017-01-29 (1), 2017-06-12 (1), 2017-06-21 (1), 2017-07-11 (1), 2017-08-12 (1), 2017-12-30 (18), 2017-12-31 (3), 2018 (1), 2018--01-17 (1), 2018-01-01 (39), 2018-01-02 (40), 2018-01-03 (3), 2018-01-04 (6), 2018-01-05 (3), 2018-01-06 (33), 2018-01-07 (18), 2018-01-08 (7), 2018-01-09 (122), 2018-01-10 (51), 2018-01-11 (14), 2018-01-12 (9), 2018-01-13 (9), 2018-01-14 (16), 2018-01-15 (5), 2018-01-16 (1), 2018-01-17 (10), 2018-01-18 (11), 2018-01-20 (5), 2018-01-22 (1), 2018-01-23 (7), 2018-01-24 (21), 2018-01-25 (29), 2018-01-26 (12), 2018-01-27 (15), 2018-01-28 (51), 2018-01-29 (19), 2018-01-30 (29), 2018-01-31 (17), 2018-0126 (1), 2018-02-01 (4), 2018-02-02 (18), 2018-02-03 (17), 2018-02-04 (4), 2018-02-05 (17), 2018-02-06 (30), 2018-02-07 (27), 2018-02-08 (35), 2018-02-086 (1), 2018-02-09 (29), 2018-02-10 (1), 2018-02-11 (30), 2018-02-12 (56), 2018-02-123 (1), 2018-02-13 (31), 2018-02-14 (17), 2018-02-15 (23), 2018-02-16 (34), 2018-02-17 (47), 2018-02-18 (39), 2018-02-19 (7), 2018-02-21 (5), 2018-02-22 (7), 2018-02-23 (5), 2018-02-24 (5), 2018-02-25 (1), 2018-02-26 (12), 2018-02-27 (1), 2018-02-28 (41), 2018-0217 (1), 2018-03-01 (16), 2018-03-02 (10), 2018-03-03 (1), 2018-03-05 (1), 2018-03-06 (4), 2018-03-07 (12), 2018-03-08 (6), 2018-03-09 (12), 2018-03-10 (37), 2018-03-11 (9), 2018-03-12 (48), 2018-03-13 (15), 2018-03-14 (14), 2018-03-15 (6), 2018-03-17 (26), 2018-03-18 (23), 2018-03-19 (8), 2018-03-20 (8), 2018-03-21 (1), 2018-03-22 (1), 2018-04-02 (1), 2018-04-09 (4), 2018-04-13 (7), 2018-04-15 (1), 2018-04-16 (1), 2018-04-27 (1), 2018-04-28 (19), 2018-04-29 (2), 2018-05-02 (4), 2018-05-04 (1), 2018-05-06 (5), 2018-05-08 (25), 2018-05-09 (15), 2018-05-10 (23), 2018-05-11 (28), 2018-05-13 (1), 2018-05-14 (13), 2018-05-15 (10), 2018-05-16 (4), 2018-05-17 (38), 2018-05-18 (10), 2018-05-19 (12), 2018-05-20 (14), 2018-05-21 (19), 2018-05-22 (28), 2018-05-23 (4), 2018-05-24 (44), 2018-05-25 (41), 2018-05-26 (11), 2018-05-27 (14), 2018-05-28 (4), 2018-05-29 (2), 2018-05-30 (1), 2018-05-31 (147), 2018-0510 (1), 2018-06-01 (28), 2018-06-02 (16), 2018-06-03 (36), 2018-06-04 (47), 2018-06-05 (67), 2018-06-06 (34), 2018-06-07 (53), 2018-06-08 (63), 2018-06-09 (26), 2018-06-10 (29), 2018-06-11 (39), 2018-06-12 (71), 2018-06-13 (2), 2018-06-14 (16), 2018-06-15 (30), 2018-06-16 (5), 2018-06-17 (36), 2018-06-18 (14), 2018-06-19 (8), 2018-06-20 (4), 2018-06-21 (42), 2018-06-22 (20), 2018-06-23 (7), 2018-06-25 (4), 2018-06-26 (10), 2018-06-27 (3), 2018-06-28 (18), 2018-06-29 (14), 2018-06-30 (51), 2018-067-01 (1), 2018-07-01 (30), 2018-07-02 (63), 2018-07-03 (43), 2018-07-04 (22), 2018-07-05 (16), 2018-07-07 (2), 2018-07-08 (26), 2018-07-09 (9), 2018-07-10 (11), 2018-07-11 (8), 2018-07-12 (123), 2018-07-126 (1), 2018-07-13 (37), 2018-07-14 (17), 2018-07-15 (13), 2018-07-16 (3), 2018-07-17 (3), 2018-07-18 (19), 2018-07-19 (3), 2018-07-20 (12), 2018-07-21 (2), 2018-07-22 (2), 2018-07-23 (6), 2018-07-24 (2), 2018-07-25 (8), 2018-07-26 (17), 2018-07-27 (18), 2018-07-28 (8), 2018-07-29 (20), 2018-07-30 (17), 2018-07-31 (11), 2018-08-01 (1), 2018-08-013 (1), 2018-08-02 (5), 2018-08-03 (31), 2018-08-04 (2), 2018-08-05 (5), 2018-08-07 (1), 2018-08-08 (8), 2018-08-09 (1), 2018-08-10 (7), 2018-08-11 (4), 2018-08-12 (10), 2018-08-13 (20), 2018-08-14 (22), 2018-08-15 (21), 2018-08-16 (9), 2018-08-17 (22), 2018-08-18 (11), 2018-08-19 (25), 2018-08-20 (8), 2018-08-21 (38), 2018-08-22 (11), 2018-08-23 (27), 2018-08-24 (19), 2018-08-25 (1), 2018-08-26 (6), 2018-08-27 (4), 2018-08-28 (3), 2018-08-29 (18), 2018-08-30 (34), 2018-08-31 (5), 2018-089-05 (1), 2018-09-01 (2), 2018-09-02 (9), 2018-09-03 (32), 2018-09-04 (20), 2018-09-05 (31), 2018-09-06 (4), 2018-09-08 (1), 2018-09-10 (2), 2018-09-11 (2), 2018-09-12 (1), 2018-09-13 (7), 2018-09-14 (4), 2018-09-15 (10), 2018-09-16 (1), 2018-09-17 (1), 2018-09-18 (15), 2018-09-19 (1), 2018-09-20 (7), 2018-09-21 (17), 2018-09-23 (2), 2018-09-25 (25), 2018-09-26 (43), 2018-09-27 (3), 2018-09-28 (13), 2018-10-03 (8), 2018-10-04 (12), 2018-10-07 (7), 2018-10-08 (35), 2018-10-11 (7), 2018-10-12 (2), 2018-10-13 (1), 2018-10-14 (11), 2018-10-15 (21), 2018-10-16 (8), 2018-10-18 (13), 2018-10-21 (4), 2018-10-22 (3), 2018-10-23 (5), 2018-10-24 (1), 2018-10-25 (12), 2018-10-26 (4), 2018-10-27 (7), 2018-10-28 (1), 2018-10-29 (1), 2018-10-30 (2), 2018-11-01 (3), 2018-11-03 (1), 2018-11-04 (3), 2018-11-10 (12), 2018-11-101 (1), 2018-11-20 (2), 2018-11-21 (2), 2018-11-24 (2), 2018-11-28 (2), 2018-11-29 (1), 2018-12-09 (31), 2018-12-10 (13), 2018-12-11 (2), 2018-12-13 (1), 2018-12-15 (2), 2018-12-17 (1), 2018-12-24 (1), 2018-12-27 (2), 2018-12-29 (2), 2018-12-30 (5), 2018-12-31 (2), 2018-3-17 (1), 2018-5-09 (1), 2018-98-18 (1), 2019-01-01 (1), 2019-01-05 (4), 2019-01-06 (2), 2019-01-08 (4), 2019-01-09 (2), 2019-01-10 (1), 2019-01-11 (2), 2019-01-12 (1), 2019-01-13 (7), 2019-01-17 (5), 2019-01-18 (1), 2019-01-22 (3), 2019-01-23 (8), 2019-01-24 (8), 2019-01-25 (8), 2019-01-26 (2), 2019-01-27 (7), 2019-01-28 (1), 2019-01-30 (7), 2019-01-31 (1), 2019-02-01 (9), 2019-02-02 (1), 2019-02-04 (1), 2019-02-05 (10), 2019-02-07 (7), 2019-02-08 (2), 2019-02-11 (1), 2019-02-12 (1), 2019-02-13 (1), 2019-02-14 (1), 2019-02-15 (3), 2019-02-16 (1), 2019-02-18 (2), 2019-02-23 (1), 2019-02-28 (1), 2019-03-02 (2), 2019-03-04 (26), 2019-03-08 (1), 2019-03-09 (15), 2019-03-10 (5), 2019-03-11 (2), 2019-03-12 (6), 2019-03-13 (2), 2019-03-14 (26), 2019-03-15 (1), 2019-03-16 (7), 2019-03-17 (37), 2019-03-18 (69), 2019-03-19 (44), 2019-03-20 (51), 2019-03-21 (15), 2019-03-22 (45), 2019-03-23 (17), 2019-03-24 (4), 2019-03-25 (16), 2019-03-26 (4), 2019-03-27 (12), 2019-03-28 (17), 2019-03-29 (7), 2019-03-30 (21), 2019-03-31 (17), 2019-04-01 (13), 2019-04-02 (14), 2019-04-03 (7), 2019-04-06 (4), 2019-04-07 (8), 2019-04-08 (11), 2019-04-09 (2), 2019-04-11 (11), 2019-04-12 (3), 2019-04-13 (1), 2019-04-14 (6), 2019-04-15 (32), 2019-04-16 (10), 2019-04-17 (6), 2019-04-21 (2), 2019-05-03 (4), 2019-05-04 (1), 2019-05-07 (15), 2019-05-08 (7), 2019-05-09 (2), 2019-05-12 (1), 2019-05-15 (1), 2019-05-16 (11), 2019-05-17 (14), 2019-05-18 (18), 2019-05-19 (12), 2019-05-20 (7), 2019-05-21 (10), 2019-05-22 (10), 2019-05-23 (4), 2019-05-24 (2), 2019-05-25 (46), 2019-05-27 (3), 2019-05-28 (1), 2019-05-29 (2), 2019-05-30 (25), 2019-05-31 (13), 2019-0529 (1), 2019-06-08 (1), 2019-06-09 (1), 2019-06-10 (4), 2019-06-11 (26), 2019-06-12 (3), 2019-06-13 (20), 2019-06-14 (39), 2019-06-15 (26), 2019-06-16 (16), 2019-06-17 (24), 2019-06-18 (23), 2019-06-19 (23), 2019-06-20 (5), 2019-06-21 (21), 2019-06-22 (3), 2019-06-23 (2), 2019-06-25 (3), 2019-06-26 (5), 2019-06-27 (2), 2019-06-28 (5), 2019-06-29 (4), 2019-07-01 (26), 2019-07-02 (3), 2019-07-03 (2), 2019-07-04 (3), 2019-07-05 (1), 2019-07-06 (1), 2019-07-07 (36), 2019-07-08 (9), 2019-07-09 (10), 2019-07-10 (11), 2019-07-11 (1), 2019-07-12 (3), 2019-07-13 (4), 2019-07-14 (12), 2019-07-15 (11), 2019-07-16 (1), 2019-07-17 (9), 2019-07-22 (2), 2019-07-24 (4), 2019-07-25 (29), 2019-08-01 (6), 2019-08-02 (1), 2019-08-03 (22), 2019-08-04 (5), 2019-08-05 (10), 2019-08-07 (5), 2019-08-08 (14), 2019-08-09 (5), 2019-08-10 (20), 2019-08-12 (14), 2019-08-13 (1), 2019-08-14 (6), 2019-08-15 (1), 2019-08-16 (2), 2019-08-19 (4), 2019-08-20 (8), 2019-08-21 (6), 2019-08-22 (3), 2019-08-24 (5), 2019-08-25 (5), 2019-08-26 (4), 2019-08-27 (22), 2019-08-28 (27), 2019-08-29 (1), 2019-08-30 (37), 2019-08-31 (26), 2019-09--13 (1), 2019-09-02 (2), 2019-09-03 (17), 2019-09-04 (8), 2019-09-06 (13), 2019-09-07 (4), 2019-09-08 (31), 2019-09-09 (7), 2019-09-10 (5), 2019-09-11 (13), 2019-09-12 (6), 2019-09-13 (12), 2019-09-14 (10), 2019-09-15 (22), 2019-09-16 (20), 2019-09-17 (28), 2019-09-18 (16), 2019-09-19 (16), 2019-09-20 (13), 2019-09-21 (10), 2019-09-22 (20), 2019-09-23 (16), 2019-09-24 (7), 2019-09-25 (5), 2019-09-26 (1), 2019-09-27 (7), 2019-09-28 (10), 2019-09-29 (5), 2019-09-30 (2), 2019-10-01 (23), 2019-10-011 (1), 2019-10-02 (46), 2019-10-03 (11), 2019-10-04 (25), 2019-10-05 (11), 2019-10-08 (4), 2019-10-09 (5), 2019-10-10 (2), 2019-10-11 (7), 2019-10-12 (6), 2019-10-13 (3), 2019-10-14 (5), 2019-10-15 (7), 2019-10-16 (9), 2019-10-17 (4), 2019-10-18 (3), 2019-10-19 (7), 2019-10-20 (10), 2019-10-21 (10), 2019-10-22 (12), 2019-10-23 (2), 2019-10-24 (9), 2019-10-25 (10), 2019-10-26 (6), 2019-10-27 (16), 2019-10-28 (2), 2019-10-29 (6), 2019-10-30 (1), 2019-10-31 (3), 2019-11-01 (18), 2019-11-02 (17), 2019-11-03 (25), 2019-11-04 (7), 2019-11-05 (17), 2019-11-06 (12), 2019-11-07 (17), 2019-11-08 (11), 2019-11-09 (13), 2019-11-10 (9), 2019-11-11 (4), 2019-11-12 (10), 2019-11-13 (9), 2019-11-14 (1), 2019-11-15 (1), 2019-11-22 (2), 2019-11-23 (2), 2019-11-24 (5), 2019-11-25 (1), 2019-11-27 (1), 2019-11-28 (1), 2019-11-29 (2), 2019-12-02 (4), 2019-12-03 (2), 2019-12-04 (14), 2019-12-05 (7), 2019-12-06 (17), 2019-12-07 (1), 2019-12-08 (1), 2019-12-10 (2), 2019-12-13 (2), 2019-12-14 (3), 2019-12-17 (6), 2019-12-18 (6), 2019-12-19 (10), 2019-12-20 (2), 2019-12-21 (24), 2019-12-22 (17), 2019-12-23 (42), 2019-12-24 (39), 2019-12-25 (41), 2019-12-26 (41), 2019-12-27 (14), 2019-12-28 (7), 2019-12-29 (6), 2019-12-30 (5), 2019-12-31 (11), 2019-20-02 (3), 20191-10-09 (1), 2020-01-01 (3), 2020-01-02 (27), 2020-01-03 (4), 2020-01-04 (11), 2020-01-05 (6), 2020-01-06 (1), 2020-01-07 (2), 2020-01-09 (2), 2020-01-10 (14), 2020-01-11 (1), 2020-01-13 (1), 2020-01-14 (4), 2020-01-15 (5), 2020-01-16 (10), 2020-01-17 (16), 2020-01-18 (2), 2020-01-19 (3), 2020-01-20 (1), 2020-01-21 (1), 2020-01-25 (3), 2020-01-29 (5), 2020-01-30 (2), 2020-02-01 (1), 2020-02-04 (11), 2020-02-05 (9), 2020-02-06 (1), 2020-02-08 (4), 2020-02-10 (3), 2020-02-12 (1), 2020-02-13 (1), 2020-02-19 (4), 2020-02-20 (1), 2020-02-22 (5), 2020-02-28 (17), 2020-02-29 (9), 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(5), 2020-06-18 (3), 2020-06-19 (2), 2020-06-20 (3), 2020-06-21 (2), 2020-06-230 (1), 2020-06-25 (8), 2020-06-26 (1), 2020-06-27 (7), 2020-06-28 (2), 2020-06-29 (12), 2020-06-30 (6), 2020-07-01 (2), 2020-07-03 (3), 2020-07-04 (1), 2020-07-05 (2), 2020-07-06 (2), 2020-07-08 (13), 2020-07-12 (3), 2020-07-14 (1), 2020-07-15 (2), 2020-07-19 (1), 2020-07-20 (1), 2020-07-24 (1), 2020-07-25 (2), 2020-07-30 (2), 2020-08-025 (1), 2020-08-04 (1), 2020-08-06 (1), 2020-08-07 (1), 2020-08-10 (1), 2020-08-14 (7), 2020-08-15 (2), 2020-08-16 (5), 2020-08-17 (5), 2020-08-18 (7), 2020-08-19 (2), 2020-08-20 (16), 2020-08-21 (5), 2020-08-22 (11), 2020-08-23 (9), 2020-08-24 (6), 2020-08-25 (4), 2020-08-26 (1), 2020-10-01 (2), 2020-10-07 (1), 2020-11-07 (1), 2020-11-13 (70), 2020-11-15 (1), 2020-11-18 (13), 2020-11-19 (7), 2020-11-23 (5), 2020-11-26 (10), 2020-11-27 (1), 2020-12-01 (3), 2020-12-04 (2), 2020-12-12 (1), 2020-12-29 (1), 2021-01-02 (1), 2021-01-07 (1), 2021-01-09 (1), 2021-01-10 (1), 2021-01-12 (1), 2021-01-15 (4), 2021-01-16 (14), 2021-01-17 (13), 2021-01-18 (11), 2021-01-19 (8), 2021-01-21 (3), 2021-01-22 (10), 2021-01-23 (4), 2021-01-24 (2), 2021-01-25 (4), 2021-01-26 (2), 2021-01-27 (4), 2021-01-28 (1), 2021-01-29 (1), 2021-02-03 (9), 2021-02-04 (14), 2021-02-09 (7), 2021-02-10 (8), 2021-02-11 (8), 2021-02-12 (6), 2021-02-13 (9), 2021-02-14 (16), 2021-02-15 (6), 2021-02-16 (8), 2021-02-18 (1), 2021-02-19 (11), 2021-02-20 (3), 2021-02-21 (8), 2021-02-22 (14), 2021-02-23 (11), 2021-02-24 (12), 2021-02-25 (10), 2021-02-26 (6), 2021-02-27 (10), 2021-02-28 (3), 2021-03-01 (22), 2021-03-02 (17), 2021-03-03 (15), 2021-03-04 (4), 2021-03-05 (2), 2021-03-06 (7), 2021-03-07 (6), 2021-03-08 (7), 2021-03-09 (10), 2021-03-10 (13), 2021-03-11 (5), 2021-03-12 (3), 2021-03-13 (1), 2021-03-14 (3), 2021-03-15 (7), 2021-03-16 (5), 2021-03-17 (12), 2021-03-18 (8), 2021-03-19 (24), 2021-03-20 (12), 2021-03-21 (11), 2021-03-22 (11), 2021-03-23 (11), 2021-03-24 (5), 2021-03-25 (1), 2021-03-26 (10), 2021-03-27 (9), 2021-03-28 (9), 2021-03-29 (10), 2021-03-30 (9), 2021-03-31 (4), 2021-031-5 (1), 2021-034-15 (1), 2021-034-24 (1), 2021-04-01 (2), 2021-04-02 (4), 2021-04-04 (1), 2021-04-05 (10), 2021-04-06 (2), 2021-04-07 (7), 2021-04-08 (11), 2021-04-09 (18), 2021-04-10 (6), 2021-04-11 (4), 2021-04-12 (4), 2021-04-13 (3), 2021-04-14 (1), 2021-04-15 (7), 2021-04-16 (10), 2021-04-17 (4), 2021-04-18 (5), 2021-04-19 (1), 2021-04-22 (3), 2021-04-23 (9), 2021-04-24 (21), 2021-04-26 (2), 2021-04-27 (2), 2021-04-28 (2), 2021-04-30 (5), 2021-05-03 (6), 2021-05-04 (11), 2021-05-05 (9), 2021-05-06 (1), 2021-05-08 (1), 2021-05-11 (1), 2021-05-13 (1), 2021-05-14 (2), 2021-05-16 (2), 2021-05-20 (3), 2021-05-22 (1), 2021-05-23 (1), 2021-05-24 (2), 2021-05-25 (1), 2021-06-06 (1), 2021-06-09 (1), 2021-06-13 (10), 2021-06-14 (4), 2021-06-15 (12), 2021-06-16 (6), 2021-06-17 (3), 2021-06-18 (1), 2021-06-20 (6), 2021-06-21 (1), 2021-06-22 (1), 2021-06-23 (5), 2021-06-24 (3), 2021-06-25 (2), 2021-06-27 (1), 2021-06-28 (3), 2021-068-18 (1), 2021-07-06 (3), 2021-07-07 (1), 2021-07-12 (2), 2021-07-20 (1), 2021-07-23 (1), 2021-07-25 (1), 2021-07-26 (1), 2021-07-27 (1), 2021-07-28 (6), 2021-07-30 (5), 2021-07-31 (7), 2021-078-20 (1), 2021-08-01 (8), 2021-08-02 (1), 2021-08-03 (1), 2021-08-06 (1), 2021-08-10 (1), 2021-08-11 (2), 2021-08-12 (3), 2021-08-13 (2), 2021-08-17 (1), 2021-08-18 (2), 2021-08-20 (5), 2021-08-21 (7), 2021-08-26 (1), 2021-08-30 (1), 2021-09-05 (3), 2021-09-06 (2), 2021-09-07 (4), 2021-09-08 (1), 2021-09-13 (1), 2021-09-15 (5), 2021-09-16 (6), 2021-09-18 (8), 2021-09-19 (17), 2021-09-20 (4), 2021-09-21 (29), 2021-09-219 (1), 2021-09-22 (2), 2021-09-24 (1), 2021-09-26 (6), 2021-09-27 (16), 2021-09-28 (6), 2021-09-29 (11), 2021-09-30 (13), 2021-10-02 (9), 2021-10-03 (10), 2021-10-04 (5), 2021-10-05 (24), 2021-10-06 (9), 2021-10-07 (1), 2021-10-09 (1), 2021-10-11 (13), 2021-10-14 (5), 2021-10-15 (11), 2021-10-16 (9), 2021-10-17 (11), 2021-10-18 (16), 2021-10-19 (5), 2021-10-20 (14), 2021-10-21 (12), 2021-10-22 (20), 2021-11-01 (5), 2021-11-02 (13), 2021-11-03 (2), 2021-11-04 (7), 2021-11-05 (19), 2021-11-06 (8), 2021-11-08 (4), 2021-11-09 (5), 2021-11-10 (8), 2021-11-11 (7), 2021-11-12 (5), 2021-11-13 (10), 2021-11-14 (2), 2021-11-15 (6), 2021-11-16 (6), 2021-11-17 (15), 2021-11-18 (8), 2021-11-19 (5), 2021-11-20 (6), 2021-11-21 (2), 2021-11-22 (12), 2021-11-23 (14), 2021-11-24 (10), 2021-11-25 (3), 2021-11-26 (8), 2021-11-27 (5), 2021-11-28 (1), 2021-11-30 (2), 2021-1120 (1), 2021-12-02 (17), 2021-12-03 (12), 2021-12-04 (8), 2021-12-05 (7), 2021-12-06 (12), 2021-12-07 (18), 2021-12-08 (15), 2021-12-09 (9), 2021-12-11 (1), 2021-12-13 (4), 2021-12-14 (5), 2021-12-15 (14), 2021-12-16 (22), 2021-12-17 (2), 2021-12-18 (8), 2021-12-19 (2), 2021-12-20 (5), 2021-12-24 (4), 2021-12-25 (12), 2021-12-26 (10), 2021-12-27 (13), 2021-12-28 (12), 2021-12-29 (9), 2021-12-31 (26), 2022-01 (1), 2022-01-01 (1), 2022-01-02 (1), 2022-01-04 (5), 2022-01-05 (16), 2022-01-06 (7), 2022-01-07 (16), 2022-01-08 (1), 2022-01-09 (19), 2022-01-10 (9), 2022-01-11 (3), 2022-01-12 (2), 2022-01-13 (8), 2022-01-14 (2), 2022-01-15 (2), 2022-01-16 (6), 2022-01-17 (9), 2022-01-18 (3), 2022-01-19 (8), 2022-01-20 (2), 2022-01-21 (4), 2022-01-23 (4), 2022-01-24 (8), 2022-01-25 (11), 2022-01-26 (1), 2022-01-29 (1), 2022-02-02 (1), 2022-02-14 (7), 2022-02-20 (1), 2022-02-22 (3), 2022-02-23 (7), 2022-02-26 (1), 2022-02-27 (2), 2022-03-01 (4), 2022-03-02 (2), 2022-03-03 (8), 2022-03-04 (4), 2022-03-06 (1), 2022-03-07 (6), 2022-03-08 (2), 2022-03-09 (7), 2022-03-12 (1), 2022-03-15 (6), 2022-03-16 (9), 2022-03-17 (5), 2022-03-18 (7), 2022-03-19 (5), 2022-03-20 (9), 2022-03-21 (6), 2022-03-22 (2), 2022-03-23 (2), 2022-03-27 (1), 2022-03-28 (1), 2022-03-29 (1), 2022-03-31 (1), 2022-04-01 (5), 2022-04-02 (2), 2022-04-03 (13), 2022-04-04 (12), 2022-04-05 (3), 2022-04-06 (7), 2022-04-07 (9), 2022-04-08 (6), 2022-04-09 (13), 2022-04-10 (14), 2022-04-11 (2), 2022-04-12 (3), 2022-04-13 (1), 2022-04-14 (5), 2022-04-15 (3), 2022-04-16 (3), 2022-04-17 (5), 2022-04-18 (9), 2022-04-19 (10), 2022-04-20 (3), 2022-04-21 (5), 2022-04-22 (2), 2022-04-23 (8), 2022-04-24 (6), 2022-04-25 (3), 2022-04-26 (6), 2022-04-27 (10), 2022-04-28 (20), 2022-04-29 (6), 2022-04-30 (5), 2022-04-4 (1), 2022-05-01 (10), 2022-05-02 (3), 2022-05-03 (1), 2022-05-04 (3), 2022-05-05 (1), 2022-05-06 (7), 2022-05-07 (8), 2022-05-08 (3), 2022-05-15 (1), 2022-05-24 (1), 2022-05-30 (1), 2022-056-04 (1), 2022-056-09 (1), 2022-06-03 (2), 2022-06-04 (2), 2022-06-05 (2), 2022-06-08 (4), 2022-06-09 (5), 2022-06-11 (1), 2022-06-12 (1), 2022-06-17 (2), 2022-06-23 (1), 2022-06-25 (1), 2022-06-28 (10), 2022-06-29 (2), 2022-06-30 (8), 2022-07-01 (2), 2022-07-03 (1), 2022-07-04 (1), 2022-07-09 (2), 2022-07-12 (1), 2022-07-17 (1), 2022-07-18 (1), 2022-07-19 (2), 2022-07-20 (1), 2022-07-24 (1), 2022-08-02 (11), 2022-08-03 (1), 2022-08-09 (2), 2022-08-14 (2), 2022-08-19 (1), 2022-08-20 (3), 2022-08-21 (1), 2022-08-22 (5), 2022-08-27 (1), 2022-08-29 (1), 2022-089-21 (1), 2022-09-07 (10), 2022-09-08 (5), 2022-09-14 (2), 2022-09-15 (5), 2022-09-18 (1), 2022-09-20 (1), 2022-09-21 (2), 2022-09-22 (2), 2022-09-25 (2), 2022-09-26 (16), 2022-09-27 (1), 2022-09-28 (3), 2022-09-29 (6), 2022-10-02 (3), 2022-10-08 (10), 2022-10-09 (2), 2022-10-10 (4), 2022-10-20 (1), 2022-10-21 (1), 2022-10-24 (2), 2022-10-26 (3), 2022-10-31 (3), 2022-11-01 (8), 2022-11-02 (1), 2022-11-06 (3), 2022-11-08 (2), 2022-11-11 (4), 2022-11-19 (2), 2022-11-22 (2), 2022-11-24 (1), 2022-12-01 (3), 2022-12-05 (1), 2022-12-09 (1), 2022-12-12 (3), 2022-12-18 (9), 2022-12-19 (3), 2022-12-21 (4), 2022-12-28 (5), 2022-12-29 (2), 2023-01 (1), 2023-01-04 (1), 2023-01-06 (1), 2023-01-07 (13), 2023-01-08 (7), 2023-01-09 (1), 2023-01-10 (2), 2023-01-15 (10), 2023-01-16 (12), 2023-01-17 (3), 2023-01-24 (1), 2023-01-25 (2), 2023-01-27 (4), 2023-01-29 (1), 2023-01-30 (3), 2023-01-31 (5), 2023-02-01 (7), 2023-02-02 (11), 2023-02-08 (1), 2023-02-09 (1), 2023-02-10 (1), 2023-02-11 (1), 2023-02-12 (1), 2023-02-13 (2), 2023-02-14 (13), 2023-02-16 (1), 2023-02-19 (1), 2023-02-21 (8), 2023-03-01 (1), 2023-03-02 (1), 2023-03-03 (4), 2023-03-04 (2), 2023-03-05 (1), 2023-03-06 (1), 2023-03-07 (2), 2023-03-10 (1), 2023-03-14 (3), 2023-03-15 (2), 2023-03-16 (4), 2023-03-17 (7), 2023-03-18 (12), 2023-03-19 (5), 2023-03-20 (4), 2023-03-22 (2), 2023-03-25 (1), 2023-03-28 (1), 2023-034-05 (1), 2023-04 (3), 2023-04-02 (2), 2023-04-03 (2), 2023-04-04 (1), 2023-04-05 (1), 2023-04-10 (1), 2023-04-15 (4), 2023-04-16 (3), 2023-04-17 (4), 20230-03-04 (1), 2029-04-14 (1), 208-08-26 (1), 2108-06-20 (1), 2108-07-12 (1), 2109-04-16 (1), |
survey:name | 1 | 2021-03-06 (1), |
survey:source | 3 | GPX-track by Sint_E7 (3), |
survey_date | 4 | 2018-04-13 (1), 2022-06-23 (1), 2022-07-03 (1), 2022-09-25 (1), |
survey_point | 7 | 2019-01-12 (1), 2019-01-13 (2), 2019-01-18 (3), 2022-07-20 (1), |
suspended:route | 1 | tram (1), |
svg:bezier | 1 | no (1), |
swimming_pool | 47 | above (1), indoor (4), inground (7), no (10), outdoor (19), yes (6), |
swing_gate:type | 2 | double (1), single (1), |
switch | 13 | disconnector (2), mechanical (11), |
sym | 8 | Church (1), Flag, Red (1), Lodging (1), Pharmacy (1), Residence (1), Restroom (2), Scenic Area (1), |
symbol | 470 | 121 on white red flags (1), 254 on white red flags (1), 505 on white red flags (1), 521 on white red flags (1), 702 on white red flag (1), A tree and then a mirror image of a tree below it (6), Big Ben encircled in arrows (1), Big Ben in a circle of arrows (1), Blaues Diagonalkreuz auf weißem Grund (1), Blaues Dreieck mit der Spitze nach oben (1), Blauw-wit bordje met klomp (1), Blue - on white background (1), Blue Bar on white Background (1), Blue sign with white bicycle symbol and direction arrow without number (1), Coquille jaune sur fond bleu (2), E1 (1), Gelbe Jakobsmuschel auf blauem Grund (4), Gelbe Muschel auf blauen Grund (1), Grüne Raute auf gelbem Grund (1), Grüne Raute auf weißem Grund (1), Grüne Trauben auf Weiß (1), Grünes Dreieck auf weißem Grund und/oder rote "E8" auf weißem Grund (1), Grünes Eichenblatt auf weißem Grund (1), Grünes Kreuz (1), Grünes Schild mit Text, Förderturm und geschwungener Weg (Neues Schild, ältere sind noch teileweise vorhanden) (1), Grünes, aufgeschlagenes Buch mit großem, weißen G auf der linken Seite, schwarz unterschrieben mit "Gutenbergweg" auf weißem Grund (1), Halb schwarze, halb rote Raute auf weißem Grund (1), Halb weiße, halb rote Raute auf gelbem Grund (1), Halb weiße, halb schwarze Raute auf gelbem Grund (1), Hellgrüne Weintraube, Blatt und Flasche auf dunkelgrün. Dazu der Text Weinwanderweg Route 3 (1), Jakobsmuschel (2), Liegende gelbe Raute auf weißem Grund (1), Liegendes Y (Spitze > Wetzlar) (1), Links eine schwarze Drei auf weißem Grund, darunter das Schwäbische Ostalb-Logo in Grün. Rechts ein Wegesymbol. (1), Links eine schwarze Vier auf weißem Grund, darunter das Schwäbische Ostalb-Logo in Grün. Rechts ein Wegesymbol. (1), Marguerite (2), Maria mit Kind (1), Orange Alu-Tafel bzw. 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