fixme | 1322 | * (4), 456 stops here (3), 456 stops here, in both directions (1), 49-approximate number of flats (1), = (9), Actualizar tamaño de masa de agua (1), Add intermediate stops to this route (if they exist) Add Artashat-Masis route (1), Add stops (1), Add stops. (1), Address (1), Address must be checked (2), Adjust the exact location (6), Adjust the exact location in the building (1), Align with satellite imagery when new imagery become availabe (1), Aligned to soviet maps, needs more definition (1), Are both east ends signed? (1), Assuming that some of the old track bed is still there, I am making this a walking path. Field mapping would be required to confirm (1), Bing Imagery covered by clouds (1), Bornheim Mitte: Halteposition prüfen; Bockenheimer Warte: erste Bedienung Halteposition prüfen (1), Can barely see anything on the imagery, just guessed its shape. Needs ground truthing. (1), Cannot trace its continuation (4), Check location (3), Continue ridge walk on the edge of Khosrov (1), Controllare l'esatto punto di arrivo a Pieve di Soglio (1), Crossing highway & coastline (4), Currency list (1), DG/Bing calibration mismatch (1), Der Verlauf in Stockstadt am Rhein muss vor Ort überprüft und entsprechend dem ausgeschilderten Verlauf angepasst werden. (1), Disconnect boundry from roads (1), Dit gebied is niet de "Norger petgaten" Wat het wel is is onbekend. (1), Do not change or remove. OSM reflects realities on the ground, and currently, whether Azerbaijan likes it or not, portions of its territory is controlled by the separatist entity that calls itself "Republic of Artsakh". (1), Drawn from indirect memory, feel free to perfect. (1), Exactly where is the north end? verify west end of north section (1), Faltan paradas (2), GPS survey needed (2), Haltestellen fehlen (2), Haltestellen fehlen, Gegenrichtung fehlt, Master-Route fehlt (1), Highway intersecting water piece multiple times (1), I assume there must be a culvert here, needs confirmation. (2), I'm living near by this building (1), In bing the roundabout in Belluno (Viale Europa) does not look like to be a good place for walking/crossing the streets. But first better mapping of roundabout itself is needed, before route can be improved. (1), International Hydrographic Organization states Cape Aspro as the limit here. Fix accordingly, (1), Is it publicly accessible?
Is it indoor? (1), Is this a jeep track? (1), Is this dry? (1), Kindly don't edit this highway. It is mapped based on the real gps track. (1), Landfill? Is this perhap a "tailing pond"? (2), Lauterbourg (2), Location (2), Location is approximate, based on Maxar Sat Imagery (1), Make sure there are only 3 stops (I doubt it's the case) (1), Make sure there are only 3 stops (I doubt it's the case). (1), Maybe adjust the location a bit (1), Must be checked (1), Need checking the Armenian translation (88), Need new name on ground after reroute of SR 60 (2), Need someone to double check the Armenian name (8), Need to check exact location. (1), Need to check is it Pionerakan street or Shiraz street (1), Need to check location (1), Need to confirm address (1), Needs ground truthing (1), Needs ground truthing, roughly followed the track on (4), Newly built road alignment traced from Sentinel weekly imagery. Needs GPS survey (1), No INE / Si IGM (1), No MasisNet here, I think. Pharmacy, hairdresser and that's it (1), Not 100% of the armenian name, please double check as I translitterated it myself. (1), Not sure about opening hours (1), Not sure about opening hours, and months (1), Not sure about start hour (the end hour is correct), and if it's operational on weekends. The path is just an approximation. (1), Not sure if bus 456 stops here (1), Not sure what the agreed rule should be for tags (in relations or line?) nor about usage of landuse=residential. (1), Number of Kindergarten (1), Nur grob geschätzt (1), Please double check this scrub multipolygon (1), Please merge me into a nearby highway (4), Position (1), Presence? (1), Route has to be remapped to pedestrian ways at Kirchhörder Straße. (1), Route is nog onvolledig in kaart gebracht (1), Routenverlauf Bad Münstereifler Innenstadt und Nöthen prüfen (2), Same route as D1 in Germay (id:9.890.960). Merge? (1), Same route as EV12 in Germay (id:918027). Merge? (1), Sollte in Superroute mit den TMC-Segmenten als Mitglieder umgewandelt werden (1), Some stops may be missing.
Not sure about start hour. End hour may be 22:00 actually. (1), Some stops may be missing. Also the road is not correct (it's just the reflected version of the Masis-Yerevan 456 bus).
Not sure about start hour. End hour may be 22:00 actually. (1), Start working hours are earlier than 14:00 during summer. (1), Stop used in Castle Gate? (1), Strecke vom Flughafen am4.2.2023 bis zum Ende erfasst. Aber nicht die Gegenrichtung (1), Survey. Appears on Soviet maps as a 'country road' (1), Surveyed from a distance. Check potability & seasonality (1), The Armenian name has been translitterated from Soviet maps, it was different on OSM, I left it as old_name (1), The actual number is 44, please don't change (1), The actual number is 45, please don't change (1), The area is an approximation, no official data was available. Still to be avoided, as there are plans to build this up. (1), The lines has already been simplified, but more is required. Sat imagery (Mapbox) is not clear though (4), The name Gorsh has been found on the Shirak Tourust Guide (100k maps from AnuBars); Cyclopean Fortress was previously mapped here. (1), The path is just an approximation. (1), The precise location of this (seasonal) waterfall is needed. (1), These tracks are hard to trace on Maxar, will need more imagery/maps (28), Unvollständig: Unklarer Verlauf im Bereich Reisberg - Blankenhain (1), Update to new route by Lifti (7), Where are the signed north and south ends? (1), Why doesn't this border match the loaction of the fence and the borderguard road? This should be checked closely so people don't get mistaken in such a sensible place (16), Why doesn't this border match the loaction of the fence? (2), Wissembourg: Zone d'activé, Place de la foire, Fortifications (2), add building (1), add missing bus stops (5), add wiki:symbol (2), aktuelle Wegeführung zwischen Unberboihingen und Oberboihingen überprüfen (Baustelle Schnellfahrstrecke) (1), alignment (16), alignment along gorge (5), approximate area based on satellite imagery, but I don't know the official boundaries of the base. Please fix this! (1), approximate location (1), assume there must be a culvert here? (5), assume there must be a ford here? (9), cannot trace its continuation (7), cette relation emprunte des routes non cyclable et passe à coté des pistes cyclables, elle est probablement en grand partie fausse (1), check (3), check connection (3), check existence (1), check hours (1), check incline (1), check lanes (1), check stair length (1), check surface (1), check this: see no this pass on the ground (1), complete (14), confirmation needed (1), connect to river (1), continue (28), continue and connect (5), continue east (1), continue mapping upstream (1), continue north (1), continue survey (1), continue to Tennessee Yard (1), continue tracing from S end of way (2), continue upstream (3), continue way from E end (4), continue way from S end (1), continues NW, needs survey (1), correct name? (1), correct position (1), correct size and geometry (1), correct track, if necessary and add missing towers! (2), could be gone in reality (2), duplicates existing river (2), elevation (1), exact point needs ground truthing (7), exact position (2), exact position? name:hy? (4), exact position? name:hy? subject:wikidata? (6), field mapping / confirmation needed (3), fixme (1), ford or culvert? (1), from survey photo it seems like the forest is opening up around the tracks, new drone imagery could help. (1), get GPS tracks in this region: bing seems mis-aligned! (2), good path, continues East, needs survey (1), ground truth this (1), guidepost da completare (1), how does it turn around at the south end? verify route downtown (1), imprecise (1), incomplete (9), is there a spring here? looks like moisture (1), is this actually a track? (1), is this now actually a pond? In the imagery it still looks at land (1), just a stub. ref to be checked (there is also a numeric ref). Almost all of the route and all of the stops missing (1), lisää Pihlajaveteen (1), location (18), looks industrial (1), looks like a pharmacy to me (1), looks like it's no more (1), looks like this one is gone. it's closer to the intersection to the south (1), looks very faint, could this be a path? animal path? (1), mostly traced from Soviet mapping (1), motorcycle_rental_motorcycle_tours_motorcycle_service = yes (1), name (5), name given by locals, needs verifying (1), name(s)? artist? start_date? (1), name, access (1), name, details? (1), name:hy? artist? start_date? (1), name:hy? boundary? operator? (1), names (1), need definition, approximated by memory (1), need to confirm the name of street (2), need to confirm the new name Nor Evdokia (1), need to double check if this has been actually built (4), needs completion (1), needs confirmation (1), needs extending (3), needs field mapping (1), needs field mapping confirmation (21), needs further survey down to gorge bottom (1), needs ground truthing (24), needs ground truthing (appears on 1974 SMM) (5), needs newer imagery to accurately draw the current (lower) water level (1), needs survey (7), needs survey, drawn from Soviet topo map (1), needs survey; how does this continue? (2), no (1), no tags (1), not circular, but octogon (1), not sure about amenity (2), not sure about amenity. it's tools and materials (1), not sure about the switchbackon the north-east end (1), not sure about this building, could be a hut? (1), not sure if this track exists, or it is a ravine (1), not sure where water goes down the riff precisely (2), or a pool? (1), phone seems invalid (1), place (9), poi type (1), pokračuje (1), position (276), position altitude (2), position, (1), position, name (1), position? (3), position? name? artist? start date? depicts? inscription? (1), possible imagery miscalibration, needs GPS trace (4), possibly a pipeline (3), presence (13), probably a hay field? (1), ref is 137 or 141 (1), resolution (6), resurvey (2), retrace (3), route is not marked with cardinal direction along some sections, needs ground truth (1), sat imagery (DG Premium) is confusing, field mapping to confirm would be required (2), sat imagery (DG and Mapbox) quite faint, field mapping to confirm would be required (1), sat imagery (DigitalGlobe Premium) shows what seems an animal path, but was once marked as jeep track. Field mapping to confirm would be required (1), sat imagery (DigitalGlobe Standard and Mapbox) is faint an somewhat unclear. Field mapping to confirm would be required (1), sat imagery (DigitalGlobe Standard) shows what seems an unused track. Field mapping to confirm would be required (1), sat imagery (Mapbox) is faint, field mapping to confirm would be required (19), sat imagery (Mapbox) quite faint, field mapping to confirm would be required (19), set amenity according to description (1), set more specific tag (1), several plaques in pavement - a "walk of stars" - needs survey (2), stream needs to be fully mapped (3), street name (1), stub (1), survey (136), survey and complete (1), survey source (1), survey: do they really connect? is the junction hidden from the track? (1), survey: location just estimated from a photo (1), survey; seems like an open field from Maxar (2), there is a cloud, but it is likely the two tracks connect. Will need checking (1), there is no building (1), this is not traced on Soviet maps, will need field mapping (1), this route carries a number of JOSM warnings that need adddressing (1), to be continue (1), to be continued (1), to be verified (1), traced but wasn't always very visible, please check (3), tracktype (2), trail continues, needs ground truthing (1), type (6), under construction, to be detailed exactly (1), unmarked building (2), update this roads (2), verify (4), verify 6th to Seattle Boulevard (not Brougham to 4th) (1), verify MD 227 etc. (1), verify MD 7 near Belcamp (1), verify both ends (1), verify details (3), verify loop at south end (1), verify north end (1), verify route at Holyoke Mall (1), verify route at Issaquah Transit Center (1), verify route at Layton Hospital (1), verify route at P&Rs, no Suitland Parkway (4), verify route at Portsmouth P&R (1), verify route at Winchester Center, Meadow Glen Mall, TradeCenter 128 (1), verify variant via Shipyard (1), verify west end (1), where are you from? (1), where does this originate from? (1), wrong placement (3), yes (110), Чаренц? (2), геометрия примерная (1), здесь находится офис хосровского заповедника и музей (1), маршрут не соответствует названию: маршрут должен идти из Гадрут (Հադրութ) в Варденис (Վարդենիս), а этот кусок не описан ни в википедии (, ни на (1), непонятно где она сходится: проверить летом (1), неправильно нарисова переулок, перерисовать полностью (1), нужно уточнение (12), обрисовать по спутнику (1), подтвердить модель (2), похоже, вкрапление руставели здесь или неправильное или или улица фрика реально прерывается. На яндекс-картах похожий рисунок: ул. Фрика, ул. Руставели, 1-я ул. Конда и ул. Руставели на одной линии (1), проверить, что действительно есть и уточнить место (1), со спутника похоже на бывшее здание, хотя слишком большое для постройки из каменной кладки. Возможно, просто забор. (1), уточнить участок границы (1), |
from | 1842 | "Երևան" (1), "Զվարթնոց"օդանավակայան (1), 's-Heerenberg, Busstation (1), 's-Hertogenbosch Centraal Station (1), 's-Hertogenbosch, Centraal Station (2), 's-Hertogenbosch, Rompertsebaan (1), 14 Krug (1), 15 МКР (1), 16 Block (Kvartal)s (1), 17-я мехколонна (2), 19th Avenue & Holloway Avenue (1), 3rd Village (1), 4-й микрорайон Северного Бутова (1), 5 МКР (2), 50 Pence (1), 9th Masiv (1), Aalst (1), Aarlanderveen (1), Ackermannbogen (1), Adalar (1), Adanac Park (1), Aghitu (1), Aghvorik (1), Alem, Kerk (1), Alfred-Messel-Weg (1), Alixan - La Poste (1), Almkerk, Altenahove (2), Alpen Bahnhof (1), Alpen Metzekath (1), Alperton Sainsbury's (1), Altlußheim Raiffeisenbank (1), Altona railway station (1), Altrincham (1), Amelsbüren, Bahnhof (1), Amelsbüren, Süd (2), Amerongen Dorp (1), Amersfoort (1), Amersfoort Centraal Station (1), Amersfoort, Centraal Station (2), Amersfoort, Van Lodenstein College (1), Amersfoort, Van Lodensteincollege (1), Amsterdam (2), Amsterdam Sloterdijk (2), Andel, Prinsentuin College (2), Andranik's Fortress (1), Angeghakot (1), Anne-Frank-Straße (1), Annen, Zuid (1), Ansbach (1), Antarashat (1), Antwerpen, Konigin Astridplein (2), Apach (2), Apeldoorn, Jacobus Fruytierschool (1), Apeldoorn, Station (1), Apkes (1), Arajadzor (1), Arctic Center (1), Ardenis (1), Arnhem, Centraal Station (4), Arnhem, Geitenkamp (1), Arnhem, Gelredome (3), Arnhem, Rijkerswoerd (2), Arnhem, Station Arnhem Zuid (1), Arpi (1), Artavan (1), Assen Station (1), Assen, Station (1), Astoria - 2 Av (1), Astoria, Queens (1), Au, Gemeinde Dinkelscherben (3), Augsburg West P+R (2), Augsburg, Hauptbahnhof (4), Augsburg, Theater (3), Augsburg, Uniklinik/BKH (1), Augsburg, West P+R (1), Aurich, ZOB (1), Austin (1), Autogara Militari (1), Avan (Yerevan City) (1), Avinguda del Cid (1), Aéroport (1), Aéroport de Nice, Terminal 1 (1), Bad Gottleuba, Hackebeilstraße (3), Bad Harzburg Bahnhof (1), Bad Nauheim Bahnhof (2), Bad Orb (1), Bad Radkersburg Busbahnhof (4), Bad Ragaz, Bahnhof (2), Bad Soden Bahnhof (1), Bad Soden Paulinenschlößchen (1), Baden, Postautostation (4), Badendorf Gasthaus Ortner (1), Baghaburj (2), Baghdad (1), Bahnhof Wiesbaden Ost (1), Bahnhof Wiesloch-Walldorf (1), Balham Station (1), Balti jaam 6 (1), Bamberg Graf-Stauffenberg-Schulen (1), Bamberg Hans-Birkmayr-Straße (1), Bamberg Hertzstraße (1), Bamberg Kastanienstraße (1), Bamberg Klinikum (1), Bamberg Kunigundenkirche (1), Bamberg P+R Kronacher Straße (1), Bamberg Stauffenbergstraße (2), Bamberg ZOB (6), Bamberg ZOB (Gericht) (1), Bang Lamphu (1), Bannister Playing Fields (1), Barcelona Nord, Estació d'autobusos (3), Barcelona, Flughafen Terminal 2 (1), Barcelona, Aeroport Terminal 2 (1), Bardzravan (2), Barnet (1), Basel (1), Bassenberg (1), Baylis Road / Lower Marsh (1), Bekh (2), Bekh Hermitage (1), Belle Isle Conservatory (1), Bellevue (1), Bells of Goris (1), Berchem Station Perron 2 (4), Bergamo, Autostazione (3), Berlin ZOB (4), Berlin, Alexanderplatz (3), Bertrange, Belle Etoile (1), Bertrange, Gemeng (1), Best, Station (1), Beusichem, Kerk (1), Bilthoven, Station (1), Birkenhainchen (2), Bishops Bridge (1), Blake Transit Center (2), Bluewater Bus Station (4), Blyth Bus Station (1), Bochum Freiheitstraße (1), Bochum Hauptbahnhof (2), Bochum Hochschule Bochum (1), Bockenheimer Warte (1), Bodestraße, Bad Nauheim (1), Boissy-Saint-Léger (2), Bologna, Autostazione (2), Bolotana (1), Borculo, Busstation (1), Bordeaux, Terres de Borde (3), Borås (1), Borčec (1), Bosnyák tér (1), Boston South Station (1), Bourg - Collège de l'Europe (1), Brabantse Oever (1), Braga (3), Brakel, Weitjesweg (2), Braker (1), Bratislava, ZOB (3), Breckerfeld Busbahnhof (1), Breda (2), Breda, Breepark (3), Breda, Centraal Station (3), Breda, Centrum (1), Bremen, Hbf. (1), Bremgarten AG, Obertorplatz (2), Brent Cross Shopping Centre (1), Bressanone (1), Breukelen Station (1), Breukelen, Station (1), Brilon, Markt (2), Brisbane City (1), Broken Hill (1), Brugg AG, Bahnhof/Campus (1), Brussel Nord (1), Brussel, Gare Du Nord (1), Bruxelles, Aéroport (1), Buchendorf (4), Buchholz-West, Aubertstraße (1), Buckden (1), Budapest, Népliget (2), Budatétény vasútállomás (Campona) (2), Bussang Source de la Moselle (1), Bến xe Nước Ngầm (1), Bệnh viện Nội tiết Trung ương cơ sở 2 (1), Bờ Hồ (1), CATS Terminal (1), CBD East Transfer Center (1), COAF Smart Center (2), Cadieux & Mack (2), Cala d'Or (1), Campus Buch (1), Campus de Luminy (1), Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral (1), Canyamel / Cala Rajada (1), Carceri (1), Cavan (2), Central Station (2), Chadwell Heath Lane (1), Chanceaux-sur-Choisille - Les Charmes (1), Charlton Park (1), Chase Farm Hospital (1), Chavagne (Croix Blanche) (1), Chermakavan (1), Chermside (1), Chesterfield (1), Chicago Union Station (9), Choszczówka (1), Christchurch (1), Châtelet (1), Cicaheum (1), Cinkotai autóbuszgarázs (2), City (1), Ciutat de l'Artista Faller (2), Civic Center Station Gate 4 (1), Clairval Vallon du Redon (1), Clichy-la-Garenne – Berges de Seine (1), Cloppenburg, Bahnhof (1), College Station (1), Congress & St Antoine (1), Contern, Läiteschbaach (1), Cranberry Plaza (1), Crikvenica, Busbahnhof (2), Crocker & Metro Parkway (1), Culemborg (2), Culemborg, Station (1), Cuneo, Movicentro (1), Curio-Molino (1), Curva da Jurema (2), Dago (1), Dalem, Beatrixlaan (1), Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof (1), Darmstadt, Hbf. (2), David Bek Reservoir (2), Davtashen, Yeghvard Highway (1), De Hilte, Viersprong (1), De Punt, Busstation (1), De Valk, Gereformeerde Gemeente (1), Debet (1), Deinze Station (1), Delft, Station Delft (3), Den Haag, Buitenhof (1), Den Haag, Centraal Station (4), Den Haag, Leyenburg (2), Den Helder, Station (1), Deutschkreuz (1), Diedorf, Pestalozzistraße (2), Diemelstadt/Diemel (1), Dilijan (1), Dinamo Stadium (1), Dirksland, Ziekenhuis (1), Doetinchem, Station (2), Doorn, Centrum (1), Doorn/Driebergen-Zeist (1), Dordrecht (1), Dornumersiel, Oll Deep (4), Dortmund ZOB (1), Dortmund, ZOB (3), Downtown (1), Downtown Dallas (4), Downtown Garland Station (1), Downtown Transit Center (8), Dresden Hbf (Bayrische Straße) (1), Driebergen, Station Driebergen-Zeist (1), Drogenbos Shopping (3), Dsegh (3), Dubbo (1), Duffel Station (2), Duisburg Hauptbahnhof Osteingang (1), Duisburg Hbf Osteingang (2), Duisburg Rheinhausen Eisenbahnsiedlung Turmstraße (1), Duisburg Ruhrort Verteilerkreis (1), Dunedin (1), Dzorastan (1), Düesberg, Clemenshospital (4), Dülmen, Bahnhof (1), Dülmen, Schulzentrum (1), East Ham / Central Park (1), Ede, Station Ede-Wageningen (1), Eden Roc (1), Edmonton Green Bus Station (1), Eerbeek, Boerhaavelaan (3), Eerbeek, Centrum (1), Eichat Föhrenwald (2), Eisenberg, Kaufland (1), El Metro Transit Center (1), Elstra, Markt (1), Eltham (2), Emeryville (1), Emmen, Station (3), Emu Plains (1), Emännänkatu 10 (2), Endersbach Bahnhof (1), Ennepetal Busbahnhof (3), Ennepetal Polizeistation (2), Ennepetal Voerde (4), Ennepetal-Voerde Mitte (1), Enschede, Centraal Station (1), Entfelden Gasthaus Blaserwirt (1), Epsom Clock Tower (1), Erding (S) (2), Erding, Klinikum Nord (3), Erebouni Array (1), Essen Dellwig Wertstraße (2), Essen Stoppenberg Ernestinenstraße (1), Essen, Hbf. (3), Estació d'Autobusos (1), Estació del Nord - Castelló (1), EuroAirport Basel (1), Europoort (1), Everett Mall (1), Evergreen & 10 Mile (1), Eversburger Platz (2), Fairlane Town Center (1), Falcon Lane (1), Farnley (1), Fehraltorf, Bahnhof (1), Fellbach Alte Kelter (1), Fellbach Altenheim (1), Fellbach Bf (1), Fellbach Gartenstraße (1), Fellbach Max-Planck-Straße (1), Feucht (1), Financial District People Mover Station (1), Finsbury Park Interchange (1), Firnhaberau (2), Fliederhof (1), Fontaine (1), Fonteta de Sant Lluís (1), Forsthausallee (1), Fort & Outer Drive (1), Francis Grove (1), Franeker (2), Frankenfels Ortsmitte (1), Frankfurt (Main) (1), Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof (2), Frankfurt (Main) Hbf (5), Frankfurt (Main), Hbf. (1), Frankfurt Industriepark Höchst Tor Ost (1), Frankfurt Südbahnhof (2), Frankfurt am Main, Hbf. (1), Freiburg im Breisgau, Hbf./ZOB (1), Friary Bus Station (7), Friedberg Bahnhof (1), Front & Swatara (1), Fürstenried West (U) (4), Gajary (1), Galilee (Block Island Ferry) (2), Gallipoli, Parcheggio Cimitero (1), Garching, Forschungszentrum (1), Garching, Untere Straßäcker (2), Gare Routière d'Antibes (2), Gare Saint-Lazare (1), Gare du Midi - Zuidstation (2), Gare du Nord - Noordstation (3), Gargar (1), Gauting (S) (4), Gauting, J.-Dosch-Schule (2), Gauting, Rathaus (1), Gauting, Schulzentrum (3), Geertruidenberg, Strijenlaan (1), Geldermalsen, Station (1), Geldern Bahnhof (1), Gelkenes, Industrieterrein Gelkenes (1), Gerani (1), Gersfeld (1), Gersthofen, Rathausplatz (1), Gessertshausen, Bahnhof (2), Gevelsberg Rathaus (4), Gevorg Chavush (1), Gewerbegebiet/Ärztehaus (1), Gigerwald, Restaurant (1), Gilching-Argelsried (S) (1), Ginnheim (1), Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station (1), Glenroy (2), Glover Drive / Ikea (1), Gndevank (1), Gnishik (1), Gomk (1), Gonfreville-l’Orcher : Parc de l'estuaire (1), Gorayk (1), Gorinchem, Station (2), Goris (1), Gosh (1), Gouda, Station (2), Grand Blvd & Trumbull (1), Grand Candy Factory (1), Grand-Bourg (1), Gratiot & 15 Mile (2), Gratiot & Masonic (1), Graz Don Bosco Bahnhof (2), Graz Griesplatz (16), Graz Hauptbahnhof (5), Gračansko Dolje (1), Great Hermitage of Tatev (3), Great Hermitage of Tatev (Lower Junction) (1), Greenwich (1), Grenoble - Gare Routière (1), Groenlo, Busstation (1), Groningen (1), Groningen, Hoofdstation (4), Groningen, P+R Hoogkerk A7 (1), Groningen, P+R Reitdiep (1), Groningen, Station Europapark (2), Groningen, Zernike Noord (5), Groot-Bijgaarden Kapel (1), Grootegast Hoofdstraat 109 (1), Großheide, Alter Postweg (1), Grutness (1), Gräfenhain (1), Göggingen, Rathaus (1), Göhren, Rügen (1), Göstling an der Ybbs Rathaus (1), Haaksbergen, Busstation (1), Hage, Hauptstr./Kirche (1), Hagen Kabel (1), Hagen Profilstraße Schleife (1), Hagen Selbecke (1), Hagen Stadtmitte/Volme Galerie (1), Haghartsin Monastery (1), Halidzor (1), Halidzor Fortress (1), Hall in Tirol Kurhaus (2), Halle Atheneum (3), Halle Station Perron 5 (4), Hamburg ZOB (8), Hamburg, ZOB (2), Hammerschmiede (1), Hamnavoe (1), Hannover ZOB (1), Harkstede, Schout Poelmanweg (1), Harlesiel, Anleger (2), Hart bei Wildon Stermschek (1), Hartashen (2), Harzhis (1), Hatsi pur (1), Hattingen Mitte (1), Havelte (1), Havre de Grace (1), Haßlinghausen Busbahnhof (3), Heathwood (1), Hedel, Blankensteijn (1), Heelsum (1), Heerenveen Busstation (1), Heerstraße (1), Heidelberg Bunsengymnasium (1), Heidelberg Stadtwerke (1), Hellevoetsluis (1), Hellevoetsluis, Amnesty Internationallaan (1), Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Sandelingen (1), Hermeskeil Bahnhof (1), Hermsdorf, Gymnasium (1), Het Rad (2), Hilchenbach Bahnhof B508 (1), Hillerød (1), Hillsborough (2), Hiltrup, Bahnhof (2), Hiltrup, Franz-Marc-Weg (2), Hin Amaghu (1), Hingham Depot (1), Hinterglemm Mitterlengau (1), Hnevank (Bridge) (1), Hochheim Bahnhof (1), Hoek van Holland (veer Engeland) (1), Hofheim Bahnhof (1), Hofheim am Taunus Bahnhof (1), Hollenstein an der Ybbs Unterleiten (1), Holles Street (1), Holwerd (1), Hooge Zwaluwe (1), Hoogeveen, Station (1), Hoogezand, Medisch Centrum (1), Horadis (1), Horizon Academy (1), Hors (1), Hors Conservation Area (1), Hospital la Fe (1), Houss (1), Houwerzijl, Mr. S. de Jongestraat (1), Hovk/Ijevan/Haghartsin Junction (1), Hoyerswerda Bahnhof (1), Hua Lamphong (1), Hucknall (1), Huissen, Bergerden (1), Hundested (1), Hyannis Transportation Center (Htc) (1), Hörne (1), Idstein (1), Ilha das Caieiras (2), Ilkley (1), Imotski, Busbahnhof (1), Indooroopilly (1), Innbruck Hbf (1), Innsbruck Allerheiligenhöfe (1), Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof (1), Innsbruck Hbf (2), Ismaning (S) (1), Jafar Grove (1), Jamaica Center (2), Jatinangor (2), Jefferson & Shelby (2), Jefferson & St Antoine (1), Jena, Burgaupark (4), Jermuk (3), Journalism (1), Kabataş (1), Kaiser (1), Kajashen (1), Kamenz Flugplatz (1), Kamp-Lintfort Neues Rathaus (2), Kamp-Lintfort Süd (1), Kaptol (2), Kapuyt (1), Karadzi (1), Karahunj (1), Karakhach Pass (1), Karinj (2), Karlsruhe, Hbf. Südseite (1), Karmir Gyugh (1), Karmravan (1), Kasakh (2), Katnaghbyur (1), Kaub (1), Kechut Reservoir (1), Kehl, Rathaus (2), Kelenföld vasútállomás M (1), Kelsterbach (1), Kemnitz (PM), Dorf (1), Kennedy Center (1), Khot (1), Kiekrz (5), Kiel, Interims-ZOB (1), Kirchberg an der Pielach Bahnhof (1), Kirchberg, Luxexpo - Gare routière (1), Kishlak (1), Kitzbühel Im Gries (1), Kivisilla (3), Klein-Rohrheim (1), Klinikum Großhadern (U) (1), Kobayr (1), Kobylniki/Tarnowska (1), Kollbrunn, Bahnhof (2), Kootstertille Âlde Dyk (1), Kop Afsluitdijk (2), Kork (1), Krailling, Erlenweg (1), Krailling, Forst-Kasten-Straße (1), Krasar (1), Krefeld Oppum Bökendonk (1), Kreppen (1), Krugau (1), Kurtan (2), Kustakan (1), Kvartal (1), Kvaternikov trg (8), Köln, Flughafen (1), Königsbrück Turnhalle (1), Königsbrück, Bahnhof (4), Königstein (1), Königstein Stadtmitte (2), La Barraca (2), La Chapelle-Thouarault (Ville aux Archers) (1), Lake Akna (1), Lake Arpi National Park HQ (Paghakn) (1), Lake Badi (1), Lake Gosh (1), Lake June Station (1), Lake Parz (1), Lake Ray Hubbard Transit Center (1), Lakewood (1), Land's End (1), Laren, Dorpsstraat (1), Laubenbachmühle Bahnhof (2), Lauterbourg Zone portuaire (1), Lauwersoog, Veerhaven (2), Lawnview Station (1), Lchashen (1), Le Locle, Gare/Centre Ville (1), Le Peletier (1), Le Rheu (Collège Brassens) (1), Le Tronconere (quota 603 m) (1), Le Verdon, Pointe de Grave (2), Lecce, Piazzale Carmelo Bene (1), Lechhausen Schlößle (1), Leeds (2), Leeds City Square (1), Leeheim (1), Leens, Centrum (1), Leerbeek Stelplaats Kaai 7 (1), Leeuwarden (1), Leeuwarden Busstation (6), Leibchel (1), Leibnitz Postamt (2), Leiden, Leiden Centraal (2), Leimen Kurpfalz-Centrum (1), Leipziger Platz (1), Lemmer (1), Lennestadt-Altenhundem ZOB (1), Lent, Thermion Oost (1), Lerwick, Viking Bus Station (2), Leutkirch Bahnhof (1), Leuvenheim, Arnhemsestraat (1), Leverkusen (1), Lindern (2), Lindome station (1), Linnéplatsen (1), Lliri Blau - Mestre Ventura Pascual (2), Lobede (1), Loenen aan de Vecht, Dorp (1), London (1), London Bridge Station (1), Los Angeles Union Station (2), Lotnisko (1), Lycée Toulouse-Lautrec (1), Löwenzentrum (1), Lüstringen Ost (1), MACON GARE SNCF (1), MILFORD CROSSING (1), MSU Strand Union (1), Maarssen, Station (4), Maasland (1), Maassluis, Station Centrum (1), Maastricht Station, Meerssenerweg (1), Macleod (1), Madrid (Plaza de Castilla) (5), Madrid, Estación Sur de Autobuses (1), Magliaso (Lugano) (1), Mailand, Lampugnano (2), Mainz, Hbf. (1), Maisongoute (1), Malacky (2), Mall of Louisiana (1), Malmö (2), Marblehead (1), Marcelin (4), Mariendorf, Rudolf-Diesel-Straße (1), Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy (2), Marsum (1), Martiros (1), Maryland & Jefferson (3), Mashpee Commons (Stop & Shop) (1), Masis (2), Maspeth (1), Maurik, Bejaardencentrum de Valentijn (1), McNichols & Telegraph (2), Mechernich Bf (1), Meerbusch Auf der Geest (1), Meersburg, Fährhafen (1), Mellingen Heitersberg, Bahnhof (3), Mellingen, Geerig (1), Mellingen, Lindenplatz (1), Meteren, Kalenberg (1), Mets Sepasar (1), Mexikói út M (1), Miami (2), Michigan & Cass (2), Middelharnis, Gemeentehuis (3), Mihaljevac (1), Milano, Lampugnano (1), Minnertsga Mooie Paal (1), Mirror Lake (1), Mitcham Road / Tooting Station (1), Moers Bahnhof (5), Moers Königlicher Hof (2), Moggill (1), Monestir de Poblet - Centre Comercial (2), Montesilvano FS (1), Montpellier, gare routière de Sabines (1), Montsérrat (1), Monzambano (1), Mordelles (Morvan Lebesque) (1), Mordialloc Shopping Centre (1), Moretusburg (1), Moross & Mack (6), Mount Azhdahak (1), Mrdzakar (1), Muir / Montpellier (1), Mureck Busbahnhof (1), Mägenwil, Gewerbepark (2), Métro Sainte-Marguerite Dromel (3), Möhrsdorf, Bergweg (1), Mörser Winkel (1), Mühlburger Tor (Grashofstraße) (1), München ZOB (13), München, ZOB (1), Münster Eichendorffschule (1), Nantes, Haluchère (1), Nation - Place des Antilles (1), Nederhemert (1), Nederweert, Carpool (1), Neede, Busstation (1), Nettersheim Bf (1), Neuchâtel, Gare (1), Neuhof (1), Neukirchen Vluyn Vluyner Südring (1), Neuried, Ortsmitte (1), Neusäß Bahnhof (1), Neusäß, Eichenwaldschule (1), Neusäß, Schulzentrum (2), New Orleans (2), New York City (1), New York Penn Station (6), Nezbavětice (1), Neßmersiel Hafen (1), Niagara Falls, New York (2), Niagara Falls, Ontario (1), Nice, Aéroport Terminal 2 (1), Nice, Gare routière Vauban (1), Niedereschach (1), Niederweidbach/Hohenahr (1), Nienberge, Hannaschweg (1), Nienberge, Von-Schonebeck-Ring (1), Nieuw-Beijerland (1), Nieuw-Dijk, Pater Smitsstraat (1), Nieuwegein, Stadscentrum (1), Nieuwerkerk aan de IJssel (1), Nijkerk, Station (1), Nijmegen (1), Nijmegen, Aldenhof 53/14 str. (1), Nijmegen, Kannunik Mijllinckstraat (1), Nijmegen, Weezenhof (1), Ninove Centrum (2), Nor Amaghu (1), Nor Nork 9th massive (1), Noravank (1), Norden (1), Norden, Krankenhaus (1), Norden, Mittelmarkt (1), Norden, WBZ (2), Norden, ZOB/Bahnhof (3), North Woburn (1), Northgate Road (1), Northland Drive / 8 Mile (2), Northumberland Park (1), Nova Palestina (1), Novaggio, Posta (1), Nürnberg ZOB (1), Nürtingen ZOB (1), Ober-Grafendorf Bahnhof (1), Oberhausen, Bero-Zentrum (1), Oberschönenfeld (1), Ocean Wave (1), Octeville-sur-mer : Littoral (1), Odzun (1), Offenburg, Bahnhof/ZOB (1), Ogrody (11), Okhtar (1), Old Halidzor (1), Old Halidzor Footbridge (1), Old Martiros (1), Old Redford Meijer (3), Old Shinuhayr (1), Olympia Dr (1), Oosterhout, Vrachelsestraat (1), Oosterhout, Zuiderhout (1), Osijek (1), Osnabrück, ZOB (1), Oss, Centraal Station (1), Oud-Beijerland, Debussyring (1), Ouddorp, Bernhardweg (2), Outer Drive & Van Dyke (1), PERSHORE HIGH SCHOOL (1), PHSC Spring Hill (1), Paghakan (1), Palou Avenue & 3rd Street (1), Pamhagen (1), Paris Porte Maillot (1), Paris, Bercy Seine (5), Park Run Apts (1), Parramatta (1), Pascoe Vale (1), Pasing Bahnhof (1), Passeig Marítim - Hospital (1), Passo Pordoi - Jouf de Pordoi (bivio 627) (1), Patterinniemi (1), Pawłowice/Pętla (1), Peacehaven, East Sussex (1), Pembroke & Vaughan (1), Perth (1), Pescara, Terminal Bus (1), Petsamo (1), Phoenix Park (1), Piața Presei (1), Piața Romană (2), Pigalle (1), Pinedo (1), Pioussay (1), Pl. Urquinaona (1), Pl. d. dt. Einheit (2), Place de Clichy (1), Plaine des sports (1), Planegg (S) West (2), Plaza de Cibeles (1), Plaça d'Espanya (1), Plaça de l'Ajuntament - Periodista Azzati (1), Port Zélande (1), Port de Pollença (2), Port de Sóller (1), Porte d'Auteuil (1), Portelo (1), Portland Union Station (1), Porto São Bento (1), Poznań Główny (2), Praha - Masarykovo nádraží (1), Praterstern (2), Przecław/Pętla (1), Pudsey Fartown (1), Pula, Busbahnhof (2), Pulsnitz, Siegesbergstraße (1), Pushkino (1), Puttgarden, Fährhafen (1), Pôle d´Échanges d´Antibes (1), Raamsdonksveer, Van Wijngaardenstraat (1), Raastuvankatu 26 / Kaupungintalo 2 (1), Ramonville (1), Ravenswaaij (1), Reading (1), Redcliffe (1), Redford Plaza (1), Redvers Road (1), Renesse, Transferium (2), Rennes (1), Resistência (1), Reutlingen, Hbf. (1), Rheinberg Bahnhof (3), Rheinberg Ossenberg Kirche (1), Rheinberg Schulzentrum (2), Rheine, Bustreff (1), Rhenen, Ouwehands Dierenpark (1), Rhenen, Station/Tuinlaan (1), Richmond (2), Rijen, Station (1), Rijswijk (1), Risorgimento/S. Pietro (1), Robert B. Kennedy Transfer Center, Lowell (1), Rokietnica/Węzeł Przesiadkowy (1), Roma Termini (1), Roma, Aeroporto Fiumicino (2), Romans - Lycée Horticole (2), Romans - Lycée du Dauphiné (1), Ronstadt Transit Center (1), Roosendaal, Damastberg (1), Roosendaal, Sterrebos (1), Roosevelt Island, Manhattan (1), Rosa Parks Transit Center (3), Rosenburg (1), Rosenthal, Mühlsteig (1), Rosslyn (1), Rossum (1), Rossum, De Vaste Burcht (1), Rostock, Fährhafen (1), Rostock, ZOB (1), Rotterdam (2), Rotterdam Crooswijk (1), Rotterdam, Capelsebrug Hoog (1), Rotterdam, Centraal Station (6), Rotterdam, Kralingse Zoom (1), Rotterdam, Rotterdam Centraal (1), Rotterdam, Station Noord (1), Rotterdam, Zuidplein (2), Rotterdam-Centrum (1), Royal Parade (2), Royère-de-Vassivière (1), Ruckersfeld (2), Rum Sanatorium (1), Rychnov nad Kněžnou, nemocnice (3), S Adlershof (1), S Schöneweide/Sterndamm (1), SIXTH FORM COLLEGE (1), Sa Font de sa Cala (1), Saarbrücken, Fernbusbahnhof (3), Sachsenhausen Südbahnhof (1), Sacramento Valley Station (1), Sadang Serang (1), Saint-François (2), Saint-Gilles (Ile des Bois) (1), Saint-Malo, Porte de Dinan (1), Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne (1), Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse - Plan de Ville (1), Sale (1), Salem Depot (1), Salt Pond Plaza (1), Salzachsee (1), Salzburg Hauptbahnhof (1), Salzburg Süd (3), Salzburg, Mirabellplatz (1), San Antonio (1), Sanford (1), Sankt Georgen an der Stiefing Gasthaus Aulibauer (4), Sant'Anna (3), Santa Caterina di Pittinuri (1), Santo André (1), Sarajewo, ZOB (3), Scalloway, Port Arthur (1), Scalloway, Scalloway Hall (2), Scenic Dr (1), Schagen, Station (1), Scharmer, Goldbergweg (1), Scheibbs Bahnhof (3), Scheibbs Landesklinikum (1), Schoonhoven, Schoonhoven West (1), Schulzentrum West (1), Schwalbach/Limes Bahnhof (1), Schwelm Blücherstraße (1), Schwetzingen Bf. (1), Seattle King Street (1), Seckbacher Landstraße (1), Seestraße, Korb (2), Seltz Gare (1), Semyonovka (1), Sesto FS (1), Sevan (2), Shaki Waterfall (1), Shamb (1), Shatin (1), Shativank (1), Sheffield (1), Shgharshik (2), Shinuhayr (1), Shishkert (1), Shop and Save (2), Sinsheim Hbf. (1), Sint Maartensdijk, Provincialeweg (2), Sint-Kwintens-Lennik Marktplein (1), Sisian (1), Skipton (1), Sky mot (1), Slaughter (1), Slavonski Brod, Busbahnhof (1), Sochut Dendropark (1), South Garland Transit Center (1), Southgate Station (1), Spandaryan (1), Speyer Hbf. (1), Spijkenisse, Metro Centrum (1), Spijkernisse, Meubelboulevard (1), Spitakavor (1), Split, Busbahnhof (3), Sprockhövel Hiddinghausen Wendeschleife (1), St Julian's Farm Road (1), St Lucia South (1), St Minas Church (1), St. Emmeram (2), St. Feliu de Llobregat (La Salut) (1), St. Georgen am Reith Dorf (1), St. Leon-Rot See (1), St. Leonhard am Forst Hauptplatz (1), St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof Nord (2), Stadion Buschallee/Hansastraße (1), Stadskanaal, Busstation (3), Stadtbergen (2), Stand S, Wolverhampton Bus Station (3), Starzyny/Rynkowa (2), State Fair Transit Center (1), Steengroeve (1), Steenwijk, Station (3), Stellendam (1), Stepanavan (1), Steppach West (2), Steppach, West (1), Stiens (1), Stinson / Montpellier (1), Stockstadt am Rhein (1), Stop And Shop/Kohl's (1), Stop and Shop, 125 Church St, Pembroke, MA 02359 (1), Storot (Navcha) (1), Strasbourg, Place de l'Étoile (1), Straß Kaserne (1), Studentenstadt (1), Stuttgart Airport Busterminal (SAB) (1), Stuttgart, Airport Busterminal (SAB) (1), Stünz (1), Sulzbach/MTZ (1), Svetice (4), Svilajnac, Busbahnhof (1), Sydney (2), São Pedro (1), Südarle, Ort (3), Südbahnhof (4), Tacharouk (1), Taghamas (1), Tain-l'Hermitage (1), Tain-l'Hermitage - Place du Taurobole (4), Tandzatap (2), Tandzaver (3), Tarchomin (1), Tashir (1), Tatev (2), Tatev Monastery (1), Tauberbischofsheim (1), Tavrus (1), Tesoma E (1), Tewkesbury, Boots (2), The Bus Stop (Tbs) Sam's Downtown Terminal (1), Theilingen, Post (1), Tiel, Station (3), Tielt Station (1), Tohono Tadai Transit Center (1), Tori 2 (3), Totley (1), Totley Brook (1), Tottenham Hale Bus Station (1), Toulon, Gare routière (1), Toulouse, Flughafen (1), Toulouse, Gare Routière (1), Toulouse, Gare routière (1), Toulouse, gare routière (1), Tournon - Gare Routière (1), Tours Nord - Vaucanson (1), Transfer Center (1), Trenton (1), Trier, Theodor-Heuss-Allee (1), Trnava (1), Tsater (2), Tumanyan (2), Tuzla, Busbahnhof (2), Two Mile Corner (1), Tübingen (1), Tübingen, Hbf. (1), Türkismühle Bahnhof (1), U Britz-Süd (1), U Elsterwerdaer Platz (1), U Rudow (1), URI Kingston (1), UZ-VUB (1), Uithoorn, Busstation (1), Union Station (1), Union Station Transportation Center (1), Union Station Via I-91 Express (1), University of Queensland (2), Unterbrunn, Feuerwehr (6), Unterföhring, Fichtenstraße (2), Unterföhring, Siedlerstraße (2), Urasar Lake (1), Utrecht CS Jaarbeurszijde (3), Utrecht Centraal (1), Utrecht Oorsprongpark (1), Utrecht, CS Centrumzijde (2), Utrecht, CS Jaarbeurszijde (9), Utrecht, Centraal Jaarbeurszijde (1), Utrecht, Herculesplein/Stadion (1), Utrecht, IJsselsteinlaan (2), Utrecht, Oorsprongpark (3), Utrecht, P+R Science Park (1), Utrecht, Prof. Bavinckstraat (1), Utrecht, Rioolwaterzuivering (1), Utrecht, WKZ/Máxima (3), VA Clinic (1), Vaghatin (1), Vahagni (1), Vahanavank Monastery (1), Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - Gare Routière (1), Valdemanco - Av.Desvío (1), Vanek (1), Vardenis (1), Vardenyats Ridge (1), Vechta (1), Vechta, ZOB (1), Veendam, Station (1), Veenendaal Station De Klomp (1), Veenendaal, Station De Klomp (1), Veldhoven, De Run 6700 (1), Velp, Velp Zuid (2), Vence (1), Verin Khotanan (2), Verin Vachagan (1), Vernashen (1), Via Raffaele De Vico, 32 (1), Vianen, Busstation Lekbrug (1), Vianen, Van Duvenvoordestraat (1), Victoria (1), Vieille Chapelle (1), Vieugy Eglise (1), Vigo-Guixar (1), Villé (1), Vleuten, Station (1), Vorotan (1), Vorotan River (3), Vremde Don Bosco (2), Vukovar, Busbahnhof (1), Vättis, Dorf (1), Vạn Phúc (1), Waalwijk, Busstation Vredesplein (1), Wagenberg, Kruispunt (1), Wageningen Busstation (1), Wageningen, Busstation (2), Wageningen, Mansholtlaan (1), Waiblingen Bahnhof Bstg. 7 (1), Wakefield Mall (1), Walldorf Drehscheibe (1), Walldorf Schulzentrum (1), Walthamstow Bus Station (2), Wapienica Dzwonkowa (2), Wapienica Giełda (1), Wapienica Park Przemysłowy (2), Wapienica Park Przemysłowy ABB (3), Wapienica Strażacka (1), Warnemünde, Strand (2), Warren & Telegraph (1), Washington Union Station (1), Washington, D.C. (2), Wassenaar, Park Duinrell (1), Wasserbillig, Mesenich frontière (1), Waterloo Station (1), Waterloo Station / Tenison Way (1), Waterloo Station / Waterloo Road (1), Weisdale (1), Weißenburg am Saßbach Trift (1), Weißenfels Busbahnhof (1), Wendlingen (N) ZOB (1), Werder (Havel), Werderpark (1), Werkendam (1), Wesel Bahnhof (1), Weserspitze (1), Westerly Railroad Station (1), Weston (1), Wetherby (1), Weßling (S) (1), Wharfdale Road / London Canal Museum (1), Whispering Woods (1), Whitby (1), Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB (6), Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof (2), Wiesbaden Hbf (1), Wiesbaden Hochschule RheinMain (1), Wiesbaden Nordfriedhof (1), Wiesloch-Walldorf Bf. (3), Wijchen, Kraaijenberg 83e straat (1), Wijchen, Mozaiek (2), Wildervank, Westerhave (1), Wildon Abzweigung Schule (1), Wildon Hauptplatz (1), Willingen (Upland) (1), Winschoten, Station (1), Winsum (1), Winterswijk Station (3), Winterthur (1), Wissembourg Fortifications (1), Wissembourg Hôpital (1), Woerden Station (1), Woerden, Kalsbeekcollege (1), Wohlen AG, Bahnhof (1), Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal Postamt/Gasthaus Gottinger (1), Wolvega, Station (2), Worcester, County Hall (1), Wrocław, dworzec autobusowy (1), Xanten (1), Xanten Bahnhof (2), Yeghegnadzor (2), Yerevan (4), Ypsilanti Transit Center (1), ZOB / Bahnhof Norden (1), Zagreb Glavni kolodvor (1), Zagreb, Busbahnhof (6), Zaltbommel, Cambium College (1), Zaltbommel, Station (2), Zeist, Busstation (2), Zeist, Handelscentrum (1), Zeitz (Busbahnhof) (1), Zellik (1), Zierikzee, Busstation (2), Zierolshofen (1), Zingsheim (1), Zoetermeer, Centrum West (1), Zoutkamp, Marnestraat (3), Zovun Village (1), Zuid-Beijerland, Oldenbarneveltstraat (1), Zuidhorn, Station (1), Zusmarshausen Schulzentrum (1), Zusmarshausen, Schulzentrum (2), Zutphen, Station (5), Zuygaghbyur (1), Zwijndrecht, Station (1), Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) (1), Zürich HB, Carpark Sihlquai (1), da innesto SR PN 1 San Giorgio della R (1), da innesto raccordo autostradale a nord di Fiume Veneto (1), Újbuda-központ M (2), Újpalota, Szentmihályi út (6), Üsküdar (1), Čakovec, Busbahnhof (1), České Budějovice (1), Črnomerec (1), Đông Mỹ (1), Żydowo/Pętla (2), Θεσσαλονίκη (1), Автогара Юг (1), Академгородок (1), Академическая (1), Белорусский вокзал (1), Больница №119 (1), Больница №2 (1), Больничный городок (1), Головний залізничний вокзал (1), Городоцька вулиця (Приміський вокзал) (1), Гостиница "Свердловск" (1), ДМБ № 9 (1), Елизавет (2), Ж/Д Вокзал (2), Ж/Д вокзал (1), Ж/д Вокзал (1), Институт связи (1), Київ, Автостанція (1), Київ, Центральний автовокзал (1), Київ, автовокзал (4), Коллективный сад "Надежда" (1), Коммунистическая (2), Краснолесье (2), МЕГА – Ашан (1), МЦК «ЗИЛ» (1), Машприбор (1), Метро "Планерная" (1), Метро «Китай-город» (1), Метро «Марксистская» (1), Метро «Петровский парк» (1), Метро «Стахановская» (1), НЗКИ (1), Онуфриева (1), Остафьевская улица (1), Патра (1), Пехотинцев (2), Подольск (1), Поселок Совхозный (2), Станция метро "Площадь 1905 года" (3), Стекольный завод (1), Стрельбищенский переулок (1), ТРК Ярославский Вернисаж (1), Торфяна вулиця (1), Улица Дружбы (1), Улица Чкалова (1), Уралобувь (1), Уралтехгаз (2), Химмаш (1), Чусовское озеро (1), Широкая Речка (1), Ярославль АВ (1), проспект Пятилеток, Ледовый дворец (1), улица Химиков, 26 (1), Ալմաստ (1), Ավան (Գեներալ Սաֆարյանի փողոց) (1), Ավան (Մարշալ Խուդյակովի փողոց) (1), Ավտոկայարան (1), Արաքս (1), Արտաշատ-Арташат-Artashat (1), Արտաշատ/Artashat (1), Բարեկամություն (1), Գարեգին Նժդեհի հրապարակ (1), Գետազատ (1), Գյումրի (2), Գորիս (1), Դավթաշեն (2), Դավթաշեն 4-րդ թաղամաս (1), Երասխ (1), Երիտասարդական (1), Երևան (6), Զորավար Անդրանիկի փողոց (Կայզեր) (1), Էրեբունու զ/ծ (1), Թբիլիսի (1), Լեփսուսի փ․ (Զեյթուն) (1), Խարբերդ (1), Հաղթանակ թ/մ (1), Հովհաննիսյան փ․ (1), Մ/Կ «Բարեկամություն» (1), Մալխասյանց փ․ (1), Ներքին Բազմաբերդ (1), Ներքին Չարբախ (1), Նոր Նորքի 1-ին զանգված (1), Նոր Նորքի 5-րդ զանգված (1), Նոր-Նորքի 9-րդ զանգված (Վիլնյուսի փողոց) (1), Նորք Մարաշ բ/կ սրտաբանական կենտրոն (1), Շարուրի փ․ (1), Շենգավիթ (2), Շորժա (1), Չարբախ (1), Ջրաշեն (1), Ջրվեժ (2), Սևան (1), Վարդաձոր (1), حي 1204 سكن عدل (1), 山海关 (1), 常熟 (1), 康沈路关岳路 (1), 慧忠里 (1), 福建省东山县 (1), 蓝村路南泉路 (1), 跳磴 (2), 高境路恒高路 (1), |